Dark Sun

Dark Sun

13.10.2013 17:07:56
By NegoitÒ Alexandru

Do not read if you don't want to spoil yourself A LOT!
You can put this text on your web page, print it, distribute it on a CD,
whatever, but only as long as you don't modify it in any way and
maintain the credits.


You start the game in the arena, where you'll have to fight some
creatures. In the E, there is a tied-up prisoner, talk to him, he will
ask for some water.(You can also yell at the announcer to send some more
beasts to fight but first I advise you to rest in the Pens)
Your primal goal is to escape from the Slave Pens.
Get in the Pens, Kurzak-leader of the guards-will lead you to your cell,
which is down the E hall-the second cell on the right; you can rest by
using the fireplace.(Search the haystacks for random things-you can
even find a needle there and gain 10 exp!:)

Talk to Kurzak, you can pay him 20 ceramic coins for an empty water
pot but don't bother because you can find one in the first cell on the
left to the E. Talk to the people around there especially to the girl
Gilal, the conversation will end because of a headache. Talk to Trustee
-find out more about Draj(He also says that Kurzak likes money so maybe
he can be bribed, I tried but it didn't work, maybe you can do it), tell
him that you want to talk to Dinos(in the S)and he will open the door
for you(200 exp), otherwise you can smash the door.
In the kitchen fill up the water jug(200 exp), broke the pots there to
find Mirlon's Gem. Talk to Dinos, find out more about the gladiators,
tell him that Gilal was screaming and agree to lead him to her cell. He
will heal her(350 exp). Talk again to Gilal for she will tell you that
in the northern-most monster pen there is a secret passage that leads to
the sewers entrance.(You also find out that Gilal's mind had been closed
by the templar because she knew something too important for the templar
to let anybody know, and although Dinos is capable to read minds he didn't
want to help me when I asked him to read Gilal's secret!)
To the W there is a room with a skeleton, when you enter it the door
will close and the zombie from the other room will attack you, kill him,
push the button on the North wall to open the secret door(200 exp), walk
into the other room and grab all the staff. Get back to your cell and
rest, Kurzak will call you to fight in the arena. There after battle the
creatures give the water jug to the tied-up prisoner-Semyon.(750 exp)
Fight in the arena then rest as many times as you can until you think
you are strong enough or until every member of your party has reached
level 4. After that you can think about breaking out.
You can escape in many different ways from here:

You can escape in many different ways(A, B, C, D, E, F) from here:

(A)Talk to Mirlon and agree to give him his gem if he leads you to his
secret patron(a damned templar), don't fallow him to the templar when
after you enter the North door take the North way(he will take the S
way), now you can go anywhere without fighting the guards. Search the
rooms on the W part, take the chests and the bags(you can carry more
things with them), don't forget to search the wardrobes, the pots(broke
them), the junk. In the room with weapons take the Bone Polearm(it's a
good weapon in the beginning). Also in the NW part there is a small room
with some grain sacks, take them all. In the most South part there is a
chamber where is Mirlon's secret patron. Accept do his quest, but when
he leave DO NOT fallow him,(if you do this he will lead you into a trap,
and if you plan to kill him he will call the guards, he posses the
Bloodwrath magic sword, but don't worry you'll get it later)take his
chest and run North; now go to the sewer entrance, rip the lock of the
grate off and escape!(8000 exp)

(B)You can train your party in the arena for some time and when you
think you are strong enough kill ALL the guards and the templar
in SW(you'll find the Bloodwrath magic sword)then escape.(5000 exp)

(C)Talk to Scar(after 4 battles held in the arena), he has a plan to
escape: to "fight" each other in the arena. When you see him and his men
coming, go to the E gate and wait for him then he will tell you to run
at the W gate. Anyway you'll end up fighting the guards. After you've
killed the guards go and slay the templar in SW then search his body
(you'll find a Bloodwrath magic sword).(5000 exp)

(D)Talk to Merzol(after 3 visits in the arena), his plan is to call
Kurzak at the door, than to kill him and all the guards. After that kill
the templar in SW and you'll find a Bloodwrath magic sword.(5000 exp)

(E)Break the W door(from Dinos quatters)than kill the guars and the
templar and take everything.
\ /
(meaning a sadistic face =>) |\_____/|
The Tari there wants half of your money to let you pass, of course you
can give him the money but why when you can tell him you'll kill him if
he do not let you pass, that will calm him down. Ask him about Churrr
and about the sewers.(You can search the sewer drains for things but
be careful because you can end up in battle) Go N and talk to Churrr,
do not accept his quest(it's bullshit), find out more about Mikquetzl,
he also tell you that his people are very hungry(my heart is broken)so
trade the grain you have for the money.(In Churrr's chamber is a sewer
drain, if you search in it you'll find that Churrr was hiding there a
500 ceramic pieces ring!)
Go talk to the other leader in the higher warrens and accept his quest
to free his daughter.(You can rest here in the North part where the
other Tari lives) Go kill Mikquetzl and his worshippers,(search his
body after you kill him) than take the grain sacks and the bone crank
from the there. Use the bone crank on the wheel to open the door. Take
the chest and free chief's daughter(2000 exp)talk to her(here would be
nice if you could fuck her;)and lead her to her father(don't leave her
to much behind or they think she's dead). He will ask for your help one
more time-the worshippers are attacking the Skull Temple, kill the
fanatics(take care that the chief's daughter or the chief will not be
killed), than talk again to the chief and ask him about your reward-the
Helm of Contemplation(5000 exp). Go to the Skull Temple, talk to one of
the skull guardians for more info, he will also give you a bone crank
(but you already have one, don't you?) Open the door and talk to an
Elder Skull(very valuable information),ask them about Dagolar and the
Staff of Parting(is in the sewer drain). Take the Staff of Parting and
an Elder Bowl(use this to find the secret door). Go to Churrr again and
trade him the grains you posses. Go far North, here you'll met the
templar from the Pens(Mirlon's secret patron) kill him and his guards
and than take from his body the Bloodwrath Sword and the other stuff.
(To the NE there is a closed chamber with two skeletons in it, use the
wheel to open the door and search the skeleton for some random stuff)
In the second sewer drain from the NE there is a lever, pull the lever
to reveal a secret door that leads to the fields of Draj.(500 exp)
You can also leave the sewers by the two exits but you'll have to
manage the guards there.(There is also in the NW part a smaller
waterfall and more sewer drains and corpses which I'm sure that
contain valuable and useful stuff BUT it cannot be reached because you
have to climb the waterfall and you always fail to climb, maybe with a
rope you'll made it BUT in those levels there is no rope! Why?...)
From here if you want some more adventure(recommended!)go to the
waterfall in the NE and use the Staff of Parting on it.(500 exp)

As you enter some Dagolar slimes will attack you, kill them,(You can
search the drainage grates and the holes for some bonus) then talk to
the Watergate Master(who is in fact Dagolar) and let him follow you.
Go E, kill the few zombies guarding there. Don't try to open the Door
of Eyes now 'cause it will harm you, go E than N where the four guards
are, kill 'em, take their Hound Necklaces and equip your party with
them. Go back past the Bridge of Memories and open the Door of Eyes.
Prepare to fight some shadows and Dagolar slimes. Talk to Keldar( He is
a really insane person!)and kill the creatures.(Right than up from the
big room where the battle was there is the Nightmare Tapestry-Dagolar
moved the soul of the victim into this tapestry, trapping the victim in
nightmare. I've tried many things but I still don't know if the victim
can be freed) Keldar will teleport himself in the chamber from the NE,
don't try to kill him because he will teleport again and leave you with
more creatures to fight. Visit the rooms around there, kill the guards;
there are some cells with prisoners but you can't do anything for them.
(Take off your Hound Necklaces if you wish to speak to them)
Around there is a room with three zombies(don't kill them),if you read
the book there you can make Dagolar slimes! Put a slime from the basket
in the circle in the middle of the room and read the book... what do you
know, a Dagolar slime! Now you'll have to kill it!
There is another room with a zombie in it(Goburnix-Dagolar's brother),
enter but DON'T kill the zombie, talk to him and he will accept to lead
you to Dagolar.(1000 exp) If the Watergate Master(the rat) is still with
you he will transform in Dagolar, than teleport away. Do not walk
through the flame door if you don't have Gorburix with you, he will stop
the flames. Go North(watch the tragic scene...), Dagolar will kill his
own brother and(joy!)also Keldar, after that he will summon some slimes
and you'll have to kill him.(12000 exp)Take from him especially the Dag's
Dagger, the Living Cloack and Dagolar's Wand. You can rest in the room
from the N.(Also in the North there is a room with some bottles, use a
bottle on the water in the right for a warm bath...:)
Now, go back to the sewers and take the secret door or one of the two
exits to the fields of Draj.

If you took the secret door you'll start somewhere in the SW. Talk to the
serfs there, find the one who will give you a green gem if you promise
that you'll get him out of here. In the middle-west side there is a serf
who sells fruits.(You can also sell to him what you don't need anymore)
In the SW there is an obelisk, put the green gem in the obelisk.
Talk to Old One-Eye(somewhere in the middle of the area), he will tell
you that he can help you escape here by two ways-one is to the N and the
other is to the E. If you choose the E side you'll have to fight the
guards but Old One-Eye will give a Armor scroll; if you choose the N(the
best way) he will lead you there and(if only you have escaped by the
secret door)distract the guards so you'll be able to escape unseen.

The serf you probably have rescued will be killed by a bulette, kill
the monster, read the scroll from the corpse and talk to Ergus. Go N,
talk to Larussa(the lizardman)and take the NW path for Teaquetzl.
(use the map from the bottom of the page for better orientation;)

Talk to the guard and find out more about Teaquetzl inhabitants. Go talk
to Chahl and Lieutenant Kwerin and accept to do the quest.(15000 exp)
For now on, this is your goal: to convince the leaders of the other
villages to ally with Teaquetzl against Draj's army.
Go talk to Chahl at his house; see the huge weapons? Well if you have
enough charisma you can make Chahl talk about the scar on his face for
200 experience points.
Go to your new home(the second one to the SE)and check out the chests,
you will find Swiftbite, and you can also rest in here.
Go talk to the visionary(S from your home), he'll give you a magical rod
(Llod's Rod)which can teleport you to the obelisks that are activated.
Talk to Father Garyn in the temple and accept to do his quest.
Talk to Dominy(one near the well)and climb down the well. There talk to
Tynan(the shadow)listen to his story and accept to bring him the two
heart crystals. Before you leave take the blue gem. Put the gem in the
obelisk near the town gate to activate it.
Talk to the villagers; you can buy/sell weapons and other stuff here.
(I didn't found out how to use the arrow target from the bower, he
says that I may shoot but when I do this he yell that the target is very
expensive and that I would destroy it!)
Leave Teaquetzl and go back to the desert area, from here you have many
possibilities to go anywhere. I took E because I choose to go first to

Talk to Sage the scribe, he can identify any magical item, he'll also
give you a metal detector and a gem for an obelisk. Tell him to wait
there. Go talk to Notaku(in the S), tell him that Father Garyn sent you
for the ranike pith, also agree to bring him sand howler eyes and fire
eel tongue for some good money. In SE there is a trainer, Demothi, he
will sell you the mastyrial(Alita)for a bag of salt, don't bother 'cause
after you buy her she'll run to her master. Leave and go South to...

Kill the mageras from the N and talk to a prisoner, than go and kill all
the mageras from the S before they kill the prisoners.(3000 exp) Talk to
Kalinin, take the Hornblade sword and ask him to ally with you against
Draj's army.(1000 exp) You can also rest here at the fire near the wagon.
Go to the small bridge to the N where are some shrubs, take a rope-like
plant(200 exp), go on the small bridge and use it. Climb down. Go into
the chamber where Tristram is and talk to her, take the heart crystal
(500 exp)and use it.(1000 exp) Climb up and use Llod's Rod to go to
Teaquetzl. Climb down in the well and talk to Tynan, you'll now have to
find and bring him his heart crystal.

Leave Teaquetzl, go to Redsands, from here go N to the area where the
arena announcer is, threaten to kill him if he doesn't give you the
location of the treasure, than kill the bastard and his guards.

Talk to Toonuu, Gatherer of Salt but don't buy salt because it's very
expensive and you have no use of it. Talk to Maris, follow the path 3
times to gain some enlightenment.(500 exp) I haven't try the other
paths so I don't know if they work too. Talk to Ssovan(the lizardman
with the dustdevil) for some experience.(500 exp) Dig in the dragon's
eye for the treasure the announcer told you, you'll also find here
Aposs's heart crystal-don't sell it, you'll need it later. Go N to...

Talk to the Druid of the Steaming Waters in the NE corner and agree to
help him, kill the templar and his guards(4000 exp)than go back to the
druid for the location of the treasure in the ruins.

Talk to Kasha. You can either talk to the templar an give him the metal
detector rod so he will leave the hotspring(6000 exp!)or you can kill
all those son-of-a-bitches.(4000 exp) Take from the templar's body the
Drake Shield and, if you didn't have one, take a shovel from here. Some
guards have small treasures upon them so search their bodies. Go East.

Here you'll have to kill the messenger and the creature(s) he summon.
After that read the scroll from his body.(1000 exp) Go East.

Talk to the two guards at the gate, wait for the 3rd guard to come but
do not follow him N 'cause you'll end as a slave, go a little bit S,
where is a templar arguing with an elf. Tell the elven leader to ally
with you against Draj and than kill the templar and her guards. You'll
get as a gift from the elf a 2 handed bone +1 gythka. Also tell him to
go to Teaquetzl for the alliance:(hmm...no exp for that!) Go North.

Here talk to Drisana(the caravan master)and accept one of her missions.
(I took the magera mission first)
Talk to Kell, you can buy from him the next items: Soulcrusher, Seeker,
Koeatl's Cloak, Degula's Tear, Gem, Dreaming Eye, Ring of the Serpent,
Talisman of Venom, Dapartea's Helm. The only 2 things that are useful
are the Soulcrusher and the gem for the obelisk here. Put the gem in the
obelisk. Talk to Larissa for some background story, you can also pay her
35 ceramic coins for telling your future->piece of caca. Talk to Jark-
nothing special. Talk to Tobrian but don't drink any whine because you'll
fell asleep and get robbed. In the Northern part there is a fireplace
where you can rest and also talk to Katura. Before living talk to the
gate guard again and ask about your mission for more information. Go to...

Talk to the hermit in the NW corner. You'll have to fight some lesser
fire elementals to get to the ranger in the S. The ranger tells you that
the hermit is a defiler. I think that there is a bug here because if you
killed all the fire elementals and talk to the ranger, the hermit will
appear and give you a magical Iron Necklace, than he tells you to leave,
but if you do that he'll summon more fire elementals(hmmm...?)Anyway,
kill them and go talk to the hermit again, tell him he is a coward, a
fire elemental will come and the hermit will attack you. Kill them both
(4000 exp)than go back to the ranger and talk to him, he'll give you a
psionic bracelet.(4000 exp) Go West.

Hmmmmmmmmm.... not much to do here, just kill the thri-kreens(?)
If you have found anything useful here, the e-mail is at the bottom

Talk to the rogue shaman. Agree to destroy the 'evil spirits'(shadows).
Banish the shadows and also pick up from here the El' Ring-the treasure
that the Druid of the Steaming Waters told you. When you finish, the
lizards will attack you, kill them. Somewhere in the NE there are two
crazy people-maybe 'cause of the sun-Namdi and Loweman. Loweman will show
you the 'Great Spire'-isn't that cute? BUT IS WRONG!!!(Mr. H)
In the N there are some magera. You can kill them or you can talk to them
and enter the cave without fighting.

Talk to a slave and put him to take you to his leader. Kill the leaders
and go to the E exit, you'll have to banish some shadows first.

Balkazar will contact you and try to discourage you. Kill the thri-kreen
guardian and get from him the Obsidian +1 Chatkcha. Kill the babau, go
N and don't let the babau kill the magera, kill the babaus and talk to
the magera, ask him to lead you to Balzakar.(If you enter the room where
Balzakar is, before the magera he will not be killed) When you are
fighting Balkazar, first destroy the 3 mirrors in his room(3000 exp)
because those are his source of power.(Destroy them with a strong
character because they will hurt you) Now kill Balzakar.(6000 exp) You
can also read Balzakar's diary. If you are strong enough to kill the 3
vroks you can raid Balzakar's treasurery-Belt of Might, Light of Dawn.
Go N to the teleporter and step on it, kill the styr and step on the
teleporter to the N, now, from where you appear go: E, S, N, W, E. Get
Draketooth, kill the 4 styrs and go back to Wyrm 1, from here take the
entrance to Wyrm 3.

Here is Balzakar temple; in the S there is a door to a chamber with a
button on the wall but I couldn't open the door.(know anything?->mail me)
Leave the Wyrms and go to the Caravan Merchants for your reward and you
can take the other mission, the wyverns. Go to the Dragon area than W.

Here you'll encounter some villagers running from wyverns. Of course that
you know that now you must kill the wyverns. Talk to Chaya but talk very
nice an she'll tell you about the hidden chest under her bed(where she
holds her vibrator;)(500 exp)You can also rest here. Get the gem from
Chaya's chest and put it in the obelisk there. Talk to Azami(village
carpenter), to Mehtar(village cleric) and to Lukyan(village lore master)
for some info. Talk to Uskuye, you can go to a hunt with him. In the S
there is the well, climb down to the underground temple. Talk to Zeefram
than go N, take the diary from near the bed and read it. Somewhere in
the W part there is a room where you find a sword blank(?)Talk to Krikor
the dwarf and ask him to lead you to the cave entrance. There look at
the rook on the N in the mountain and use it.(500 exp)

Talk to the first folk; you can choose to kill the spiders but don't do
it, the game is more beautiful this way.(You can rest here)Talk to the
undermountain folk, again don't choose to kill the spiders. Go in the
SW area, where the outcast is, and talk to him, agree to remove the
curse.(You can also rest here)Follow him and use the silk rope to climb
the cliff. Talk to Churr-te-tunk!, avoid the symbol in the ground and
destroy the wall(some red slaads will appear-kill 'em), take the four
Nagi's Talismans and ware them for protection against the entity. Also
take the Golden Pendant and read Nagi's journal. Go N, talk to spiders.
Talk to Cheee-smak-tunk! and accept to get rid of the entity. Don't
touch anything in her chamber, yet. Talk to prince Clikk-tunk! and agree
to help him.(200 exp) Go E and kill the dark spiders who are guarding
the hole. To destroy the evil entity put the Golden Pendant into the
hole(3000 exp) Go back to where the queen is, on the way you'll be
attacked, prince Clikk-tunk! will contact you, he'll now come with you
to kill the queen.(Make sure he's always near you) Take care because he
might die in the battle and that's not good. After you have killed the
queen you can search in her chamber. Now lead the prince to the
undermountain folks and convince them to live in peace with the spiders.
(5000 exp) Go to the outcast for your reward-the silk armor. Go to the
undermountain folks and ask them to lead you to the castle. Go to the
castle gate in the N area and enter.(The undermountain folk will help
you and open the gate without alerting the guards)

You can do some favors to the zombies there. Somewhere in the NW part
there is a guard sleeping-interrogate him, you can leave him alive but
later he'll attack you so kill the coward. Talk to Chaero but do not
accept his plan-it's a trap, instead kill him. Also kill the guards with
the wyverns from the E part than go N, don't let the guard open the
wyvern cages and kill the other guards. Go upstairs.

Go in the NW part and kill the earth elemental, than talk to the Druid of
the Howling Wind; take his quest.(500 exp) Take the key near the druid's
bed(you can rest here)and go S. Open the big doors with the key, talk to
the wyvern master(don't join him-it's a trick)than kill him; take the
Wyvern Hook and the Wind Ring, also take the green key hidden under his
bed and open the treasury door. Go E, kill the guards, than go back to
the druid, give him the Wyvern Hook and he'll give you the Wind Potion
to destroy Tara.(1000 exp) Also ask him to heal your wounds. Go to Tara's
chamber, kill the zombies and Tara, than use the Wind Potion.(3000 exp)
Get the Silver Necklage and Tynan's Heart. Go back to the druid and ask
about the treasure.

THE CASTLE(1)-again
Talk to the zombie than use the Wind Potion to destroy the sigils and
free the zombies.(1000 exp) He'll tell you about the Serpent Boots in his
jar, take them. Go in the SE area and kill the vroks, than with the
character who's wearing the Serpent Boots approach the N wall and look
at it.(500 exp) Take from the treasury the Dark Flame. Use Llod's rod to
go back to Cedrilte, talk to Chaya, she'll ally with you against Draj.
(5000 exp)Use Llod's rod to go to Teaquetzl.

Talk to the council members than go to your house and collect the reward
(Helm of Might-you'll gain strength +1 if you ware the helm on each of
your characters), also talk to Katura. Climb down the well, talk to Tynan
than use Tynan's heart(1000 exp), enter the circle and use Tynan's heart
again, you'll be teleported at the altar, put the crystal hearts on the
altar and use them(1000+6000 exp) Maybe you can free A'Poss but I didn't

Go to the big house in the N part and talk to the Mayor, Wyrmias will
talk to you, accept his quest to bring him the 2 statue pieces. In the
NE part there is the healer of the village-Linara, talk to her, she will
tell you about her sister and also give her the extract from Father
Garyn. In the house where the Mayor is there is a green tapestry on the
wall, remove it, enter Wyrmias' chamber, look at the red carpet on the
floor, remove it too, take El's Drinker, Life Draining bracelet and the
green gem for the obelisk in the NE part. Climb down in the well, if you
didn't save Tynan and Tristram yet, you can talk to A'Poss and(maybe)
save him. But if you did save Tynan and Tristram than you can now go to
the N and E regions where are some treasures guarded by creatures. Go N.

Talk to one of the guards than talk to Arant, pay him 8000 or give him
a magic sword(or just kill everyone)for the gladiators. Go N, where the
gladiators are and talk to their leader Karas. Tell him that you freed
them and to wait there for your return. Go E.

Proceed N and kill the mageras(it is not necessarily to kill the drummers)
Where the tents are(in the N part) find the grappling hook and take it.
Go S to the broken bridge and use the grappling hook on it, cross the
bridge and go N, enter the serpent mouth and go to Jasmine(well, it was
very cool if you could fuck her while she was chained;), free her, kill
the silt horrors than kill Daraken.(5000 exp) Take the statue piece and
the armor. Talk to Jasmine again, she'll give you a book and 2 scrolls.
Talk to Linara, in Gedron and give her Jasmine's book. Give the statue
piece to Wyrmias.

Here you'll encounter a renegade running from 2 mastyrials, kill them. In
the NW part there are some nests in which you can search for some goodies.
You can also climb down to the nests near the sand by the 2 big rocks.
Go S to the ssurrans and talk to them, tell them you want to buy the
statue piece for 18000 ceramic coins(The statue piece is somewhere in the
sand around you), or you can simply kill them and discover that they
were holding 2 statue pieces. Use Llod's rod to go back to Gedron.

Give the statue piece to Wyrmias(4000 exp), he'll ask to strike him down,
so do it, after you killed him, his soul will transfer into the
serpent statue, destroy the statue. Now go talk to the Mayor, than go N
to the gladiators and talk to Karas, tell him to ally against Draj. Go
back to Gedron and talk to the mayor again for the alliance against Draj.
(4000 exp) Use Llod's rod to go to...

TEAQUETZL-yet again
Go talk to the council members, than go to your house and grab Phrain's
Bow. Try to leave the village, the visionary will show up and send you
to the ruins.

Talk to the psurlon than kill him, talk to the shadow in front of the
skeleton, follow the blood path and go talk to King Dwyer. The shadow
guards may attack you. Talk to prince Jahard. There is a chamber(Llod's
chamber)with a scroll, read it than proceed to the next chamber where is
the Orb of Knowledge on a platform, use it and you'll be assaulted with
the memories and emotions of Llod. Go N to Cragg(there are many traps
so save often and try to avoid them)and talk to him, tell him that you
need the genie to defeat an evil army, he'll send you for his body. Go
in the NW(on the way are many traps and many creatures will appear), and
discover that this is a fake body, a teleporter will appear instead of
the body, step on it(it is a little bit to the N), you'll be teleported
in the E area, kill all the psurlons and the mastyrials.(a hard fight)
From the most NE chamber take Cragg's body and step on the teleporter
there. Go to Cragg and place his body in the open casket from the
mausoleum and in return he'll hive you the genie bottle and also the
executioner's axe.(4000 exp) Use the genie bottle to summon the genie,
you can have three wishes. I choose to heal me, to duplicate a weapon
and to to help me defeat an evil army. For the last wish he'll also give
you Quicksilver Gloves. When you are ready the genie will teleport you to
the battlefield. First you'll have to fight some templar troops, try to
kill first the templars and the psionicists because they can cast spells
so they are more dangerous than the guards. Immediately after the first
battle ends press [Tab] key and save because the now the Final Battle
begins... do your best!
- -- ---<<<(((THE END)))>>>--- -- -
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Nnamdi: "Spire, spire
Funeral pyre
Twisting smoke
Rising higher"

That's pretty good for my first 'solution', isn't it?
I would like to thank the following people:
> To God(or whatever it is)
> To SSI for that great game
> To my friend The Avatar for some stuff that I missed on my first play
> To DLH for posting this solve
> To you for reading this
If you know something I didn't write here,please e-mail to antonm@flex.ro
Farewell and may Fate always smile upon you and keep you on the path of
| "DOCENDO DISCITUR" (=learn by teaching others) |

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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