Dark Sun 2

Dark Sun 2

16.10.2013 07:09:00
Darksun II

Darksun 2 - Wake of the Ravager

Complete Tips.

The City of Tyr

1) Upon entering, a woman will come up to you and talk to you
about the Veiled Alliance. No matter what you say to her she
will get killed and a group of Draxans will come out to attack
you. Kill them and pick up the note which the woman left.

2) Go into the building directly north-east of the place where
you fought. It will be an inn. Go into the eastern section and
talk to the dwarf Arslan. Tell him that the woman talked to you
about the Veiled alliance and that you are not a member but
would like to join. He will quest you to discover what the
templars are up to in exchange for membership.

3) Leave the inn and enter the building south-east of the one
you exited. Go into the eastern section and open the first door
up. Talk to Fayina and say that you need her help to get into
the templar's headquarters. She will tell you to first settle
her debt with Acar. Leave.

4) Walk down the road west to the market and then go up through
the market and enter the building directly north of the market.
The guard will stop you. Tell him that you want to see Acar and
head to the north-eastern room. Talk to Acar. Tell him that you
are there to settle Fayina's debt. Since you won't have the
money, tell him that that surely the money is not all that
important. He will tell you that he can forget the debt if you
carry a message to Boric the overseer of the mines. Take the
note and leave his house.

5) Go into the house directly west of Acar's. Talk to Boric and
tell him that you are there to deliver a note. Give him the
note and he will agree to the proposal. Leave his house and
return to Acar.

6) Talk to Acar and tell him that Boric agreed to the proposal.
He will forgive Fayina's debt. Return to her and tell her that
she owes Acar nothing. She will tell you a special way to knock
and give you a key to the templar's storeroom.

7) Go to the very north-east corner of the city and enter use
Fayina's key on the easternmost door on the Templar HQ. Enter
the storeroom and advance to the west wall. You will overhear a
conversation between the head Draxan and Griphens. They will
say how they plan to deceive the Tyrian Templars. Leave the
storeroom and go to the main door of the building, to the west.

8) Use the door and knock twice, then once. Enter, go straight
north and talk to the head templar. Tell him that the Draxans
plan to kill them all. He will want proof. Tell him that the
proof is in the room to the east. He will "accidently" drop the
key. Use it on the door to the east and kill the little
monster. Enter and use the closet at the bottom of the room.
You will find a journal of the Draxan commander.

9) You can give the journal to the head templar for some
experience. Then, use the cabinet in the top of the eastern
room twice to enter it. When you appear, the Draxans will all
leave through the cabinet (you can't stop them), leaving
Kaleobuta alone. Kill her and she will leave a document saying
how she planned to ally with the Draxans. This is the proof you
needed. Open the eastern door and leave the templar HQ.

10) Return to Arslan and show him the proof. Tell him that you
are ready to go to the Veiled Alliance. Follow him to the
bathhouse in the southwest corner of the city. He will leave
you there. Open the door and walk in. You will be attacked by
3 giant skeletons. Beat them and enter the room in the north-
west corner of the building. Use the fountain to the left of
the cabinet and then use the open cabinet to enter the Veiled
Alliance HQ.

Veiled Alliance Headquarters

1) When you appear, Matthias will talk to you. He will tell you
about the Veiled Alliance and about the other members.

2) Go to the room directly east of the place where you first
meet Matthias and talk to Aleka, the woman behind the desk. She
will tell you about the other Veiled alliance members including
Tasarla, and Romila. She will give you a password to tell to
Tasarla so that she will recognize you as a Veiled Alliance

3) Go to the southeast corner of the building and you will come
to a meeting Romila is holding. Tell her that you believe
action is the way to go and she will tell you to come to her
chambers after the meeting. When the meeting ends, simply
follow her to her chambers in the southwest corner of the
compound. She will then inform you that the Draxans must be
hiding in Kalak's pyramid and tell you to speak with Tasarla
about it. Leave the Veiled Alliance.

The City of Tyr Again

1) Leave the bathhouse and go to the second merchant to the
north (in a booth with a blue symbol on the top). Talk to
Tasarla and tell her that you want to buy a jaguar cage. Then
ask for help in getting into the pyramid. She will tell you
about Kovar, a fanatical templar who should be able to help. She
will also give you citizenship papers with which you can talk to

2) Talk the alley directly east and enter the first door to the
north. Kovar's guard, Dhukkar will talk to you. Tell him that
you want to see Kovar and then show him you citizenship papers.
He will tell you that Kovar is gone. Ask him for help in
getting into the pyramid and he will tell you to read Kovar's

3) Go to the room to the north and use the bookcase. Search the
shelf and you will find the stone medallion used to get into the
pyramid. Leave the house.

4) Go to the north-east corner of the city. Use the stone
medallion (it will be just called a key) into the base of the
statue to open up the way into the pyramid. Now just enter it.

The Pyramid of Kalak

1) Upon entering the pyramid, the quickest way through it is to
go through the grate to the north of the entrance. Just use the
grate, and you will get through to the other side.

2) Head north till you come to a statue. Shoot its head. Walk
west past the statue. You will be forced to fight some Draxans

3) You will notice that in the centre there is a garden. Walk
around it, so you will end up near the staircase to the garden
on its west side. There is a grate built into the west wall
beside the staircase. Use it to go to the room beyond.

4) In this room you will find a prisoner in the cage. Don't
walk towards the cage, as you will get hurt, and you can speak
to him from a distance. He is a sick preserver and he can be
helped with some grapes or berries for bonus experience.

5) Head through to the door to the north (you shall get an
option to listen on the conversation in the room beyond the
door, but you should surprise the talkers instead. Kill the men
in the room, and use the cabinet to warp yourself into the
middle of the garden. The emissary of the Dragon will attack
you, slay her quickly and the garden will go apeshit killing
most of her minions. Get the items from her body (particularily
the Life Stealer) and return to Veiled Alliance HQ the same way
you came in.

Veiled Alliance HQ again

1) The HQ is under attack by Draxans. Help Matthias, and
Romila, and save as many other alliance members as possible.

2) With Matthias head through the secret door, and proceed to
the room with the urn of Utaci (east).

3) The Lord Warrior will steal the urn and teleport away.
Destroy his minions and go to talk to Matthias in the meeting
room after the HQ has been cleared of Draxans.

4) Matthias will quest you to find the 4 relics: Hammer of
Promere, Fire Ruby Cup of Life, and Lyre of Winds. He will also
tell you that the cup is in the hands of the local alliance
healer, Silvan.

5) Go to Silvan (west, just below the stairs) and talk to her
about the cup. Take it from her when offered.

6) Return to the room where you fought Lord Warrior's minions
(the room where Lord Warrior made his brief appearance) and take
the damaged tapestry off the northern wall (it is the blue
tapestry). At this point you could go to get the Fire Ruby, but
getting Promere's Hammer makes more sense.

7) Return to Tyr.

Under Tyr (optional)

1) This quest will yield a +4 sword, Bloodletter. Go to the inn
owned by Zambon, in the north east of town (west of the pyramid
entrance) and use the chest behind the owner. It will open
revealing a passage below Tyr.

2) Use the passage. Talk to the man you see downstairs, and
express your good desires, and ask him to let you into the
sorrows. He will move away, so go through the narrow passage.

3) You will see a big hole in the west end. You can't enter
this room yet, instead head north to a building with a man lying
in bed. This is the leader of the bandits, so talk to hhim, and
express your desire to help him.

4) Return to the hole, and tell the guards you've come to
investigate. Look into the hole, and 3 Umber Hulks will appear.
Defeat them, and return to the leader again.

5) This time Umber Hulks broke through and kidnapped his men.
Go to the west wall, and you should be able to find a narrow
passage in the pile of rubble along the west wall. This passage
will lead you into the adjoining area.

6) Once you enter the next area you will have to fight a lot of
random Umber Hulks, Feyrs and Revenants. There is a good deal
of random miscallenous treasure scattered about.

7) Go as far west as possible, and you should hear cries for
help. Turn north and follow the passage till you come to a man
covered in rubble. Defeat the nearby monsters, and use the
rubble to free the man. He will ask to be escorted back to the
exit. Do so for experience.

8) Now, take the passage south from the fork where the cries for
help were heard. Follow it, until you come to the big room,
which was once a temple. In the chest at the northern end, rests
the Bloodletter. Retrieving it will cause the Golem guardians
to come alive.

9) Once you get the Bloodletter, return to Tyr.

The Jungle Quests (optional)

There might be a better way of doing this, but if there isn't use

1) Upon entering the forest, walk to the hole in the bush, which
is just north west of the lake. Therein you can find a boots of
speed if you move one of the barrels away.

2) For 3000 exp you can go to the pillar in the centre of the
ruined buildings and find some serpent tracks on the ground
(must be wearing the boots!).

3) Next, you should proceed north, through the jungle into the
next area. There you will find a mercenary band. Agree to help
them, they will give you a conch to blow when you are ready for
them to attack the yuan-ti and 1000 exp. Return to the previous

4) Go to a hole in the bush in the south very south of the
area...in the west side. There you will find a druidess, Dayria
who will tell you that she is being held prisoner by the wards
of the evil yuan-ti sorcerer Soltriss. Agree to help her. She
will send you to her garden to get her some roots. The garden
is in another bush hole, barely north west of Daryia. After
defeating a small encounter you can pluck the roots from their
places. Upon return, she will quest you to bring her some
berries, which are in a hole on the west wall of the area.
Enter it, kill zombies, pick berries, return. Finally Daryia
will ask you to help her defeat the yuan-ti sorcerer. Agree to

5) Proceed towards the mine entrance, which is in the very north
west of the area. You will be contacted by a group of
halflings inviting you to their village. Their leader Snaggle
lives in the first tree, and that's where he will lead you if
you follow him. If you talk to him in his tree, he will inform
you that he is being attacked relentlessly by yuan-ti, and some
halflings are missing. He is also searching for the lost pool
of Heroism. Take the flask which lies on the floor behind him.
Agree to help. There are a couple of things you can do with
halflings from the other trees: go hunting, or pick berries,
but both actions appearuseless.

6) Go to a hole in the ground, south of the mine entrance.
Enter it, and you will have to fight a squad of yuan-ti. Defeat
them, and proceed north. Duck into the alcove in the west wall,
when you "hear great many warriors". Wait in the alcove, and you
will receive 1000 exp for dodging some fighters. Continue north,
and you will have to fight another small group of yuan-ti. Now,
head west to the big fountain. Use it to rest, or fill up your
flask (from Snaggle's tree) to have some portable rest! Return
to where you fought the second yuan-ti squad, and exit the
tunnel to the north. Now, head north and east to the office of
Jestris. Talk to him, and offer to negotiate with Tantris the
mad warrior through the means of a note. Talk to Jentris's
scribe and get him to write you a note to "Dear Tantris, don't
let Soltriss summon El, or your a wimp". Now, take this note,
and use it on a rock. Move towards the centre (but not too
close) and use the rock to throw it at Tantris.

7) Tantris will read the note, but won't act upon it, so move
up, and when you're within the temple, blow the conch to signal
the mercenaries.

8) As the mercs attack, kill Tantris, and Jestris will attempt
to sieze power. He will be unsuccesful, and El will appear
inevitably killing him, and the mercenary leader. Kill El, and
all the remaining yuan-ti. You will get mega exp bonus. Take
El's Drinker from El's dead body. Return to the hole in the
ground, and enter it. Now move towards the centre of the area,
and you will bump into Soltriss. Tell him El is dead, and kill
him, thus breaking the curse on Dariya.

9) After you kill Soltriss, attack the branches blocking the
entrance up from El's tomb. Go through the entrance (a
half-giant still won't fit) and use the big rock to open the
entrance to the missing halfling group. Talk to Halla, in the
south west corner of the room, disregarding anything Leaftop
might say. Ask Halla about rocksap, tell her to form a plan,
and suggest she warn you when Runner is coming, and to block
entrance with rocksap. She will act upon your suggestion, so
use the rock again, to close the entrance when she say she's

10) When Runner comes, attack him, and kill him. Take the map
from his body, and give to Halla when she asks for it.

11) Wait till all halflings leave before you do, to collect
maximum experience bonus. Then exit the area through the same
exit you came through.

12) If you need giant snake eggs, you will have to go south, of
the main area to where there is a bucn of coiled snakes.
Taraxis will talk to you and try to get you to drink poison.
Don't, move south towards his treasure pile, and fall into the
pit. Take eggs, walk around till Taraxis offers you up, and
accept to drink the poison. Now, kill him when topside, and
hurry to get yourself healed.

13) Return topside. Last important thing is to free the chained
up girl at the centre of the jungle by breaking the lock or
paying off Ptar the giant. Either way will do.

The Mines

1) To enter the mines, you will need to buy a key from the mine
director, in the building west of Acar. The mine director will
sell it to you for 1000 golds.

2) Go to the mine entrance in the north west of the Jungle. Use
the door to open the mines.

3) You will talk to Melody, the chief of the mines, pretend to
be the team from Urik, and you will be quickly ushered in.

4) Go to the main staging area (where there is 4 tunnel
entrances) and take the middle one on the west wall. Go west
again, and from the digsite, recover a wheel lying there in the
north east corner.

5) With the wheel, return east back the way you came, and go
north. Use the wheel on the over turned ore car. Use the
orecar to place it back on the tracks.

6) Return to the main staging area, and go north, north, and
north again. Then, go to the east. In this room there is fresh
airflow. Set the fan to the west, go west. Set fan south, go
south, set the two northern fans west, go west. Go west again
(on your way you will be ambushed by Umber Hulks, kill them, and
you will remain blocked in by rubble, wait a while and dwarf
Winchester will release you, giving you a whistle to call him in
similar circumstance).

7) Set fan west, go west. Set fan north, go north, set fan
west, go west, set fan north, go north, set fan to the west to
disspate the poison gas, and talk to the guy in the south west
corner of the room. Get him to give you the "key" for the
elevator. Use it, to memorize the elevator controls. 8) Return
to the staging area, and use the console panel by the southern
most exit on the west wall. Go into the cart, and you will
appear by the elevator. Use the panel, to descend.

The Lower Levels

1) Talk to the miners about the deaths and disappearances. Take
the orecar around the place and Eventually, you should end up at
Hedro's Acre.

Enter the doorway in the middle of the plot, and talk to the
master switchman (actually, talk to the tube). Ask him for
directions to Luckout Tunnels. Go there, and look at the empty
dig site.. At this point, the killers will become active.

2) Walk around until you meet up with a group of gray-cloaked
miners. If you try talking to them, they will be described as
"tired looking". They also carry axes +3 instead of picks.
Attack them. After killing them, make your way to the Old Dig.
There should be several mindflayers there. Kill them, and
follow the escaping flayer through the secret doorway.

3) Upon entering the doorway, the flayers will collapse the
passage, and attack you. Kill them, then talk to the slave in
the upper-right of the area. He is a decoy, but follow his
instructions none-the less.

4) Move to the area north, and you shall appear in the kitchen.
Open up the crates in the corner of the room. In one you should
find some poison, so dump all the vials into the soup. This
will kill off the flayers in the main dining room.

5) Move to the south west of this area, and kill the master
cook, and his slaves. This should yield an important key piece.

6) Move to the junction north, and follow the slave's
instructions: move west, and then south between the pillars.
Even though you just walked into a trap, its easier that way.
You have been trapped in the game master's arena. He will send
some wimpy monsters against you, so use this opportunity to grab
the grappling hook, and use it on the balcony on which the game
master is standing.. Kill him to get another key piece.

7) Return to the main junction, and this time head east. You
will appear in the lab. Search the bookcase in the room
immediately south east of your entrance to get some chemicals,
in particular compund E4.

8) Move now to the very south east of the lab, to a room with a
lot of vials and laboratory apparatus. You will hear the flayer
scientist discussing his experiments. While his assistant is
out of the storage area, use the vial of E4 on one of the test
tube racks in the storage area (it will only go into the right

9) The mindflayers will pick it up, and blow themselves up,
making your fight a lot easier. Pick up a key from the dead
flayer, and use it to open a safe in a room slightly north of
the main lab area. In the safe you will find the third key
piece and a potion.

10) Return to the main 3-way junction. Head north, defeat the
guards, and insert the 3 keys into the door in the north wall.
Go through the door, beat the fight, and destroy the Elder
Brain. Now, search the body of the dead flayer leader, and use
his key to open the locked door to the east. Open the chest, and
get the key for the locked door to the north east. Go through
the door, and take the exit east. You will appear in Promere's

11) As you enter, your way will be blocked again. Defeat the
Earth Drake's and walk up to the throne, and use it. This will
activate the two guardian golems. Defeat them, and take the
hammer. If you have El's Drinker, cast it into the lava pool.
Also, you may open the chest for the best armor in the game, and
a fan necessary for Lyre of the Winds.

12) To get back out, wield the hammer with your lead character,
and attack the rubble blocking your way. Upon your return you
will be mind-scanned (a harmless procedure). Return to Melody,
and get your reward.

13) Go to the south gate of Tyr, and talk to the caravan master.
Then go to the gate again.

The Jaann

The Jann are necessary to repair the damaged tapestry.

1) Go to the south of Tyr, and talk to the caravan master at the
exit, in the eastern building. Ask him about leaving caravans,
and exit Tyr to the south. Before you leave, make sure you have
some dye, if not you can buy it from the Elf in the Shadow

2) Make your way towards the Jaann camp in the middle of the
oasis. Talk to the girl you freed, Magnolia, for she is in the
eastern tent. Then go back up, and talk to the Sultan (he is in
the tent with the guards in front of it) and pick your reward.
Return to Magnolia.

3) Magnolia will request your help in trapping a deceiful member
of the Jaann. Agree to help, then find the templar camping in
the desert south of the camp. Threaten to kill him, and he will
leave. Take his coat, and use it to get a thread. Take the
thread, but now wear the coat with your lead character. Wait a
while, and the traitor will come. He will hand you a note.

4) Return to Magnolia and tell her you got the note. Now go to
the Sultan and tell him about it. You will get experience and
treasure trove access.

5) Now you should be able to visit the weaver in the north-east
hut with the purpose of fixing the damaged tapestry from the
Veiled Alliance HQ. Ask her to fix it, and she will, demanding
the thread from the templar's robe and the dye as ingredients.

Veiled Alliance HQ again

1) Talk to Matthias to obtain your reward for recovering the hammer.

2) Go to the room where the urn was stolen from, and where you got
the damaged, now fixed by Jaans tapestry.

3) Hang the tapestry on its proper resting place.

4) In the bottom left corner of the room, there is a brazier,
search it to get a coal, and use the coal on the tapestry
depicting the volcano. 5) Use the tapestry to enter it.

The Volcano

When you appear here, there will be sevaral things to do:

1) There are some drakes to the east. Their hides may be sold
at Tyr's marketplace.

2) Further south, by a rock, there is a Draxan ambush. No
choice but to defeat them.

3) Further yet, you may see another group of Draxans. This is a
camp, and it must be raided before you will gain access to the
temple entrance.

4) Towards the south end, you will see a yellow creature (Verni)
surrounded by a band of fire elementals. You must rescue this
creature, as it (Soriss) is necessary for further plot
development. After you rescue it, it will run off to the

5) In the very south-west corner, there is a bunch of red and
green verni, these are farmers of no real importance.

6) Once you explore the cave, and want to progress (make sure
you rescue Sorris) go to the west, where a group of brown verni
is. Then, ask to enter the temple. You will be refused access,
but at the same time Draxans will attack. If you kill the
Draxan's and clear out the camp mentioned in 3) then you will be
allowed inside, with Rhona's (guard captain's) permission.

Inside The Temple

1) You will witness a meeting. Don't disturb it.

2) After the meeting is over, go talk to Forni, she's in the
north passage, first eastern branch. Forni will ask you to
investigate the murder of Sorval. To successfuly complete your

a) Go to the main hall (by the Seal Room) and talk to Nostermus
to get permission to access all of the relevant areas (tell him
you're investigating Sorval's death).

b) Head to to the north wing. In the centre, there are three
rooms with closed doors. Open the east door, and take and read
the book in the room. This will tell you to search the beast
statue at the scene of death. Go back, and head to to the south
wing this time.

c) In the south wing, go to the statues standing over a lake of
magma. Search the toppled statue to get some glassy powder, and
search the beast to find the note Sorval has hidden within
(NOTE: you will not find the note unless you read Sorval's book

d) Head back, and tell Nostramus about the note. He will call
another meeting and proclain a murder is loose.

e) Head to the north wing, and ask the glass blower, and Zydeko
(in the north western corner) about the glass powder.

f) Head to the south wing, and talk to the kid you rescued from
the Fire Elementals, and talk to him (very north western
corner). On the way there you may be stopped by some rebellious
verni, but tell them that you're investigating Sorval's death,
and will remain neutral. Ask the kid about Sorval, and his
books. Tell the kid its okay to give back the book he swiped.
Read the book, particularily make sure you read the chapter
about where Sorval kept his journal.

g) Go to the archives in the central part, right next to the
seal room, and search through the bookcase till you find
Sorval's journal. (NOTE: this will only work if you have read
his book on statues). With the journal you should find a small

h) Go to the northern wing, and ask the weapon smith in the
north western corner about the key. He will tell you its from a
locket which was buried with Sorval. Return to the central
part, and go to the tombs of dead verni (first passage on the
left coming back from north wing).

g) You will be informed by the tomb's guard that a looting took
place and jewelery was stolen out of Sorval's tomb. Walk out,
and you will bump into Nostramus who will inform you that Ulbin,
one of the visiting humans has been caught with all the stolen

h) Find Rhona (in fact, she will be looking for you, too) and
ask her to see Ulbin. j) Go to the jail, in the northern wing,
and talk to the blue verni at the desk, then use the door, to
knock on it, and get the guard (Silvani) to open it.

h) Next talk to Ulbin who is held in the northern cell. He will
be rude to you, and won't give you the locket. Talk to Silvani,
and ask him to help you scare Ulbin. Make sure you stress that
you won't hurt Ulbin. Next follow Silvani to Ulbin's cell, and
walk towards Ulbin (he will be screaming for you to get back)
until he divulges the location of the locket.

i) Go back to the central part. Go to the resting area (first
passage west in the passageway to south wing) and use the rock
in the back of the northern room. You will find the locket.
Use your key on it, and read the note.

j) Immediately, you will hear a thump, and you will find dead
Nostramus, Galnix the murderer and other prominent verni at the
seal room. Tell them that Galnix is the murderer. They will
try to hold the seal closed, but won't be able to and shall fall
into the opened staircase. You will be asked to descend and to
retrieve the fire ruby. Go down the stairs.

Inside the Volcano

1) Head straight east along the southern edge of the lava lake.
You will be ambushed by Draxans. Kill them, proceed until a
rock with children on it falls down from above. Use your
grappling hook on a pillar on the west side of the rock to
rescue the children. Escort the kids back to the exit.
Continue on east, and then north.

2) You will have to fight more Draxans, and then they will blow
up a bridge. Use your grappling hook from pillar to pillar to
shimmy across the broken parts of the bridge. You will also
have to fight some Draxans on the bridge.

3) Once you get off the demolished bridge, proceed to east along
the southern shore until you find a place where you will be
asked if you want to jump across the magma. Say yes.

4) Now you will be on a rock puzzle. This puzzle has a time
limit. The fourth explosion will kill you, so hurry. Some
bricks make others appear and disappear. Experiment, there is
more than one way to solve the puzzle. In the north edge of the
puzzle there is a pair of Drake claws that the verni smith can
make into +3 gloves. Getting them, however will slow you down.

5) Once you get to the other edge of the lava puzzle, you will
have to fight some Draxans again, then follow the escaping

6) Once you catch up to him, he will summon some skeletons, and
toss the ruby onto a rock. You must defeat him and the
skeletons before the ruby sinks into the lava.

7) Once you get the ruby, hurry back out (timed once again) and
use the ruby on the seal to close it. You will get MEGA
experience bonus. You may wish to get the claws made into +3
gloves, but it will take the smith almost 5 days. Also, to get
back, you have to use the fire ruby on the tapestry with
pyramids on it, which hangs in the room in just north of the
temple entrance.

Back at Veiled Alliance

1) Talk to Matthias on your return to get a 25 000 exp bonus for
finding the Fire Ruby. Return to the room with the Volcano
tapestry, and use the now fixed tapestry on the empty spot in
the wall where it used to hang, if you haven't done so already.

2) Now, use a fan on it (you can buy a fan from the Elf at the
Shadow Square) and enter the tapestry.

The Mountains

1) You will appear besides a cracked dead tree, which
constitutes your way back to the veiled alliance. You are in
the middle of a giant's village. The giant's have been befallen
with several cataclysms, as you can find out by talking to any
of them.

2) From the hut north east of the dead tree retrieve the white
object on the floor, the canvass.

3) From the smithy's hut retrieve the tall wooden beam, which
stands in the north west corner of the hut.

4) Head to the east side of the village. You now have a choice
to enter two tunnels: northern and southern one.

5) The southern tunnel will put you on a field where a Giant
farmer is vainly trying to vanquish a plague of bugs. You may
get a 5000 exp bonus by picking up the plant sprayer, and using
it on all the weeds in the area. This, however is purely

6) Go into the northern tunnel, and go straight through to exit
at its eastern end. Talk to the Giant there (not important) but
be sure to pick up the rudder which is lying in the bushes just
north of the Giant.

7) Return back to the tunnel you came through, but this time
enter the opening in its northern wall.

8) You will appear at a campsite of Beasthead giants. Talk to
one of them, and he will tell you he wishes a renegade group of
giants, Wolfpack to be destroyed (agree to help). Now, walk to
the boat that's besides the entrance and use it. Place mast,
canvass and rudder on the boat, and sail to the nearby island.

9) At this island, pick up the axe, and use it on the vine
covered tree which is right besides the axe. Pick up the vines.
You will be asked by the Beasthead guard to go see his leader,
Kaign. Do so, talk to Kaign. Go to the vine bridge you see,
and use your cut down vines on it, to mend it. Walk across thhe
bridge, and talk to the girl in the cage. Agree to free her.
Return to Kaign, and just try to exit this area through the exit
to the north west. Kaign will attack you. Kill him, take the
key off his body, and free thhe girl (by using the cage, and
selecting apprioriate option from the dialog presented).

10) This time do exit the area in the north west, and you shall
appear in front of a hut. Just to the left of the hut, is a
crowbar (its hard to see as its partly obstructed by fog) pick
it up, and use it on the plank to theh right of the hut's
entrance. The plank will come off. Inside the hut is a place to
rest, and an old hag who gives you a sap story about the flute,
and why she should have it. Don't ever give it to her since she
just runs off with it. Now, use the plank on the gap to the west
of the hut...i.e. walk to where you are the closest to the other
side. The plank will form a bridge, so cross it. Fight the
snake encounter, then follow the northern edge of this area till
you come across a "rod" lying on the ground. Pick it up, and
use it in the empty hole in the very north of the area. Using
it there will create another lever. Use the lever to disable
the trap which guards a small blue object in a niche south east
of the newly inserted lever. Take that object, its 1/2 of the
flute you need.

11) Return across the plank. Now, enter the tunnel other than
the one you just came through from the Beastheads. You will
appear in a place with an old man in his hut, a path up a
mountain side (close to where you first appear from the eastern
hole) and another hole to the west. Through the hole in the
west, you may use a pick on a tombstone in the tunnel to dig up
some experience bonus. Talking to the old man is virtually
fruitless. While this is optional, you must go up the mountain
path. Once you do, you will have to fight a tough air elemental
encounter. Once you defeat it, walk west to the cave entrance
blocked by a giant boulder. Use the boulder to move it aside,
and enter. Follow the tunnel south till you come to an altar
with the other flute piece on it. Pick it up combining the two
chunks and go through the hole in the tunnel's wall (on a short
edge of the northern wall) to return to the hut.

12) Proceed down the path north from the hut (survive the few
fireballs and lightning blasts) and where the mouth of the
passage opens up into the Drake's eyire, use the flute. The
Drakes will run away. Enter the eyire, and step on the hexagon
in its north west. You will be teleported to a small room. This
room has the hexagon, and a pressure pad diagonal to it. Step
off the hexagon, and step on the square diagonal to you. This
will destroy the rocks blocking you from the Drake's nest. Step
back onto the hexagon, and walk across the rocks to the Drake's
nest. Defeat the Drake's and use the southern edge of the nest
to free the Giantess within. She will give you her cloak as a
reward, and you can also take the Lyre of the Winds from the
nest. Don't forget to pick up a Drake's hide for your reward.

13) Return to the village through the passage south west of the

14) As a reward, the smith will make you an excellent armor out
of the Drake's hide.

15) Return to the Veiled Alliance through the tree.

Back at Veiled Alliance

1) Talk to Matthias on any of the topics, to obtain the
experience bonus for retrieving the Lyre. Also familiarize
yourself with what's about to happen. If you want to get a
magical ring, talk to Romillia as well, and then search the
northern drain in her room.

Lord Warrior's Crypt

1) Exit the HQ, and proceed to the north end of Tyr. Beside the
building with the spy master, you will notice a building with
two Golems inside it. Enter it, kill the Golems and their
master, and use the tapestry on the north wall of the room with
the Golems. Now use each one of your four relics (order not
important) on the exposed door.

2) Enter the door to the Crypt.

3) A templar will threaten you, so talk to him, and threaten him
yourself. Find out all the info you may find necessary. Now,
go to the chained up Templar Korvas. Talk to him, and agree to
free him in exchange for his help in defeating the Lord Warrior.
Be sure to ask him about the other Templars, so that he gives
you a piece of Lord Warrior's diary with his treachery clearly
spelled out. Now, look at the niche just south west (its on the
north wall) of the place where Korvas was chained up, it will
lead you to the lower level. Go down.

4) Talk to the lone templar in the middle room. He is the
leader, and through the dialogue, you should tell him that Lord
Warrior intends to betray all. Give him the journal page when
prompted for it, and he will give you a key to the Hall of
Heroes beyond which is the Lord Warrior, as well as the
directions to the lightining rod, allowing access to the actual
King's Crypt where Lord Warrior resides.

5) To get the lighting rod, go east from the Lord Warrior, and
look at the niche in the south east of the corridor. Use it to
go down to the next level below, and search the niches there for
treasure and the lightning rod. Go back up the way you came to
the top again. Make your way to the giant locked door, and use
the key from the Templar leader on it for it to open.

6) Defeat the warrior guards, and use the lightning rod on the
giant iron door to open it. (NOTE: Its immaterial if Korvas is
alive or not, he was only needed for that journal page).

7) Go through the iron door, and defeat the minions Lord Warrior
will summon against you. He will escape through the portal.
Search the sarcophagus in the western section of this room, to
find the elemental sceptre. Go to the west section and use the
sceptre in turn on the fireplace, rock, font, and bellows. Take
the runes so produced, and insert each one into its proper place
on the arch/portal. Once all are inserted, go through.

Cosmic Temple

1) Defeat the fight, and a pyreene will approach you. She will
tell you her sap story, but the gist is that she can heal you.
Get her to do so. Then, proceed to the east, and then north
west at the instersection, to battle the group of giant
skeletons and other undead. After the fight, search all the
corpses of the dead skeletal warriors to get the cosmic sceptre.
Now, go to one of the entrances to the giant ring in the centre
of the area, and use the sceptre on it (the symbol on the top of
the entrance is a good place to use the sceptre), you may have
to fight some elementals. The doorway will become unblocked, so
enter the ring.

2) You will get a "cinematic", and Lord Warrior, some
elementals, the tarresque, and a horde of skeletal warriors will
attack. Defeat the fight, and quickly place the 4 relics in the
appriopriate statues (hammer: north east; ruby: north west;
lyre: south west; cup: south east) to seal the urn before the
pieces of the terrasque reform.

Do this and you have completed the game!

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