Tactics Ogre

Tactics Ogre

17.10.2013 08:23:46
Please read this part:

Before anything else, I think I said it before, but I HAVE to say this again:
the FAQ is not possible if none of you emailed me with many of your
contributions, your encouragement and comments. This guide is a combination
effort of many Tactics Ogre fans that Cling Together ^__~ And again, thank you
very much for letting me enjoy the world of Tactics Ogre in a different

Also, I added a Tactics Ogre gallery section in my homepage. Please take a look
(URL at the end of this guide), and if you think you can contribute to the
gallery I really hope you can email me about it!

What I have for version 2.0: I looked like a jerk after I post the sub-guide. I
really feel bad about the tricks that I said that will be posted in this update.
Many people emailed me, being a nice guy all my life(one way or the other), I
had to make a decision to refuse people...I apologize to all those who was even
a bit troubled by my last guide. I feel really sorry because I had given
Tactics Ogre players, those who are like me, a hard time. As for this guide, I
added a trick or so (Brian's), and make some of the tricks easier to comprehend,
AND I got the English name counter parts to the cities, so you won't get
confused with cities in my FAQs. Again, I have to apologize about the fact that
I didn't have the US version names earlier...

And again, I don't want to spoil the game. But since people have played it for
a while, it doesn't matter, does it?

No I didn't bother telling you many of the spells and items you can pick up in
the game...what for? BUT just one hint, if you are fighting some guys/gals that
were equipped with some neat items and spells, KILL them and you might be
rewarded with goodies!

As for the Four Element spells, their Japanese names are: Wind is Thunder Bird,
Fire is Salamander, Earth is Gnome, and Water is Feline. I heard the US names
are different...

Before anything else: I think my words were quite confusing on the section about
Kachua. If you save the game, then talk to her, even if she suicides, you can
load the game and talk to her again! There are two possibilities: 1) she dies,
a dramatic scene, but that sucks big time, or 2) you save her, another dramatic
scene. I will not go into details, but since you can save, you can try it over
and over, right? Her class, a Princess, is a great class. Besides, she is my
favorite character in the whole game. She is selfish, she is emotional, she is
strong, she is beautiful, and the list goes on. Paladin Lancelot is what I like
after her. But I really hope them made her a fighter (Holy Guardian, maybe,
hahahah) instead of a High-Priestess and then a Princess.

I am not sure if I will update this guide again, but if I found anything big I
will update it. Other than that, since Tactics Ogre players are all very smart
(since you bought the game you proved yourself to be very smart already, any
objections?), I bet you can finish the rest on your own.

And if you found anything that you want to share with other TO fans, I really
want you to tell me and contribute to yet another update!

And, again, Let Us Cling Together.

(you can skip those inside the *)

* As the emails flooded in asking more and more questions, I realized that my
FAQ is not enough to cover what Tactics Ogre fans needed. At first the FAQ was
intended for nothing but to start players playing and to get them understand
more about it.

This "Tactics Ogre Sub-Guide" is written by Henry Y. Chan. If you wanna post it
on your site, I hope you can inform me first.

Please email me regarding any questions about this guide.

Thanks to all who emailed me. Many of the questions were very constructive (to
this guide)! And I got a lot of helps from them.

BUT one thing I want to make clear: some one emailed me concerning a mistake
(which doesn't exist.)
In a description of Vice Beserg (from the first FAQ I did), I said that, Vice
was the guy where Quest got idea for making Delita of Final Fantasy Tactics.
But he/she misunderstood and he/she went on and explain that Quest made Tactics
Ogre first for the Super Famicom and all that, which I already knew too well.
This is not a complaint to him, but merely making the story clear: Tactics Ogre
(TO) came out in 1995 for the SFC, programmed, developed and published by QUEST.
TO have a lot of fans, including me; Big time fan, that is. Then when the PSX
came out, Artdink published the game to this next generation system in 1997.
Many things were kept. ONLY many sound effects were improved, while some music
were re-arranged for the worst (and making the Theme of Walstan Liberal
Organization/Army sounds really really weak and un-energized). That version
(the one I'm playing), is of course, a must have for collectors.

Then as 1998 came closer, Atlus, the company that has been famous for the Megami
Tensei series (Persona), decided to bring it here in the USA. In the US
version, many things were kept...except that Vice, who was supposed to admire
Kachua, called Kachua a BITCH in chapter one after seeing the Paladin Lancelot.
And of course, Atlus changed Lancelot's name to Lans, two of them, that is. But
since Atlus had all the right to the US version of the game, so I will stick
with the version I'm more familiar with.

Some time after Artdink published the game, Square soft, hired many of the Quest
staffs (or many of them went over to Sqaure, I'm not sure of), and together made
Final Fantasy Tactics. Many things in the FFT were copied from TO, including
the landscapes, the Chapter number (both have 4 chapters, BUT Tactics Ogre has
few distinctive chapters for 2 and 3, therefore making it has more than 4), the
betrayal of Vice/Dileeta, and the Dark Knights/Temple Knights.

And today, after years of next generation games came out, Tactics Ogre stood
fiercely on her grounds (at least in my game room).

BEFORE the sub-guide: if you want to see a walkthrough, DON'T email me because
personally I hate walkthroughs and word by word translations (unless there is no
US version, that is). And don't ask me things like "How do I defeat this or
that," because that is the point of the game: You should rely on your own
strength. But others like how to use a knight/warlock wisely is highly

I think that you can enjoy more of the game if you get stuck and finish the
battle with your own strategies. Both of my guides are only like tools
sharpening your sword, but the actual battle will be fought with your own hands
and sword.*

Updated MISC tricks:

Newly added: name counterparts. Special thanks to Louis-Daniel Blanchet who
gave me the English names.

Louis gave me the names and descriptions on where they are, so I matched them
with my Japanese Valeria map, there might be a wrong match. If you found such a
thing please tell me about it. (hate to say but, the names in the Japanese sound
more European)

(Left being US version)
(Words like "Fort" and "Castle" can be in front OR after the city names, that
I'm not sure of. Doesn't matter anyway)

Amorika Castle---Amorica Castle
Tanmas Hills---Tynemouth Hills
Krizar City---Clitheroe City
Fort Kadoriga ---Fortress Qundriga
Lakeside Bordo---Lakeside Balldoo
Zodo March---Zord Marshland
Baramus City---Barmamutha
Ashton Port Town---Port Town Ashton (no change)
Hedon---Hedon (no change)
Banhamuda Shrine---Banhamooba Palace
Damsa Fort---Fortress Damntha
Coritani Castle---Castle Cortani
Vahanna Plains---Vahanna Heights
Brigantes Castle---Castle Brigantes
Hell Gate---Death Palace
Wyubiru Mount (volcano)---Mount Weobley
Rime(old capital)---Lyme
Gruborza Plains---Gorboliza Plain
Bodo Fort---Fortress Board
Fiduc Castle---Castle Fidach
Lanbees Hills---Lambreth Hills
Banisha Castle---Castle Bernicia
Yomlahaba---Joronizah Canyon (this one is off by ten million light years)
William City---Wareham (another million light years)
Heigm Capital---Castle Heim

Eden---I think it is the Garden of the Sky, or Garden of Heaven. But in many
Asia cultures Sky means Heaven, so these two words are interchangeable. But
"Eden" carries a stronger religious theme. I heard one of the 7 wonders of the
world is something called Garden of the Sky (written in Japanese), while the
name they used in the Japanese version of TO is the name of that wonder.

Boulder Canyon---Ballder Desert (canyon and desert, off yet another few light
Fort Gerdo---Fortress Geldo
Grimby City---Grimsby City
Nimuraba Forest---Forest of Nymlahaba

I found out that the US names are not really the actual names but the
pronunciation of the Japanese names. For example, Bernicia in Japanese is read
as "Banishia," and the English is "Banisha." Banisha is closer to Ba-ni-shi-a
while not so close to "Bernicia." Another example, "Damntha" is read as "Da-mu-
sa" in Japanese, while in US it is "Damsa." "Damsa" is closer to the
pronunciation rather then the actaul name.

Phew, that's all, I hope...

Okay, first thing first, to Brian Meermans' tricks.

To reduce the level of confusion, I will just take the bodies of his emails.
Since I have not tried the tricks yet, so it is best to put it in his own words.

First I will include a trick that I think many of you found out already

From Meerman

"Here is a quick tip you can put on your faq ^_^
The warrior items in the hell gate that look like they have no
importance, equip them and each level you get with them on you gain 1
luck according to how many you have on. Have 4 warrior items equiped,
you gain 4 luck. With a 100 luck rating, you are virtually impossible to
hit from the front or the side, and it drastically reduces the damage
(most of the time 1 hit % and 1 dam) and in return you can do about 90%
critical hits. Make your whole team like this, and you are unstoppable.

-Brian Meermans"

Another one he noticed. But I am not sure if you know or not

"Found out another few tips with the equipment.
It seems that certain equipment when paired up with the other matching
equipment will greatly boost stats.
ie: all 4 ogre equipments will make you phsycal and long ranged attack
power automatically 999, but in this case you need somebody who is fast
enough to hold that kind of power, if you want give it to your hero and
even though your attack is 999 and not your defense, the enemies and
your own character can do no more than 1 damage to you in attack.

I don't know how many equipment groups there are but I have only found 1
other right now and I know there are others.
The other ones are the 4 instruments of destruction *you can tell
something about what group the equipment belongs in by looking at the
description of the item, these will say This is one of the instruments
of Destruction.*
These 4 will make your defense 999: skull helmet, grim armor, evil ring,
and dark hammer.


Okay, to the best one

"Found an even bigger tip/cheat just after this 100 luck one.
The necro spell always alluded me as something I wanted, but I finally
just saved and started turning people into undead(editor's note: if he freaks
any of your Holy people out there, excuse him!). Well, they lost half
their HPs and mana (editor: MP) but kept all their status otherwise. Then I
decided to use the dragon magic (editor: gain in Death Palace randomly)
"Retissue" on these new undead. I realized that after I did this it made the
characters level 1...with the same status.
So here we have level 1 character, who level if they even look at
another character of a higher level they will go up (editor: petrify one high
level guy/gal, let this reborn walking-dead throws rocks at him/her).

By the time they are back to the level of the rest of your party, they have
double the status + about 100-200 HPs extra. No matter what attack you try on
them with a regular enemy or one of your regular party members, it will have
1 damage for 1% since their weight is down to about 150-250. Have a few
people like this and they are completely invincible (editor: therefore reducing
the game difficulty). You can even do it more than once, even doubling their
status again. I feel this is a cheat but I liked having just Presance taking
out every mob in the hell gate with one Starion spell (999 magic power).
One thing though, before you retissue someone, save the game in the
battle, then retissue, if the person does not come back with the
alignment you want them to, load the game again.
You can even do this to characters who are not supposed to change
classes, but be warned, that they cannot go back to the special classes
like hawkman, or even dragon or whatever they were. They become human.
(Good to do on Haborym cause we all know SwordMaster blows ;) (editor: he blows
BIG time. BUT, incase you don't know, for some reason if Haborym is equipped
with the magic Petrify, the hit rate is higher then anyone else! So you can use
this sword master and stone the whole enemy force in no time. If you are not
reading this then you missed this trick and I'm not gonna repeat it ^__^).

-Brian Meermans"

Later of the month I received yet another letter from Brian concerning the same

"that last one about necroing and retissuing, I found a side effect
that I don't know if it affects the games ending (I haven't actually
gone to beat the game yet, want to find everything first), but if you do
this stuff to the main characters *any that are under characters in
Warrern's report* they will be listed as killed in battle under warren's
report yet they are still alive and kicking in your party, and I still
have 0 death toll. *shrug* I don't know."

Editor: This is what I am afraid of. In TO, all those guys/gals who survived
the battles will mostly do something in the ending. It is like many loops. If
you have one guy he will trigger one loop to appear in the ending, or another
gal will trigger another ending. For example, (spoiler ahead) if Ovilia is not
dead, her loop will be that she went after Denim to Highland. If she is dead,
then that scene will not be shown and she is dead for good. But if you do that
"Retissue" magic to her, I am not sure if she will appear (and I can't guarantee
if her flesh and bones will remind on her skinny corpse ^__^). Use the trick at
your own risk. But an adventurous soul stops at nothing.

And we all thank Brian (the green magician ^__^) for this trick. Oh boy.

To get beyond the third level of Death Palace (Hell Gate), you have to stand in
front of an archway, which is on the right side of the door where you entered.
There are two, one on each side of the door where you entered the third level,
and there is one on the right, which has no poison ground in front of it. Step
on this one to enter Hell! (Special thanks to: Andrew who emailed me about many

And incase you missed any items for the Fire Crest, too bad! You have to replay
the whole thing.

The Fire Crest will increase you defense 30 Percent, and that is pretty much the
most you can ask of any item, right?

How to get beyond level 50: I have forgotten it, and didn't have the time to re-
try, so maybe the next update...

How to become shaman (for the Four Troublesome-Sisters): after you saved their
father, go to Cortani Castle, and choose the right answer when he asked if you
really want to use the legendary magic (the answer should obvious), and then go
back to the Banhamooba Palace with the sisters.

After they became shamans, you can go to four hidden stages (please refer to my
first FAQ for the locations of the stages). After you beat each stage, each
stage will give you an Element shield. With the shields you will be able to
open 4 more stages. Go back to where you get the shields and you will open one
magic per sister.


Play to chapter three, go and fight random battles in Balldoo River/Swamp.
Every Small unit you kill will give you one orb according to his/her Alignment.
The most important item (next to the Fire Crest) should be crowned to the ORB!
If the USA's name if the stage is different, then you should figure out the
USA's name by yourself...the place is a bit on the left and bottom side of the
center of the land. Good luck. If the trick didn't work, make sure you are on
level three (or more) and you kill a SMALL unit.

PRIESTESS requirement correction: I made a mistake (which happens all the time,
incase you don't already know ^__~). I said she has to kill at most 1. That is
wrong. As long as her killing is under 15, an L female could turn into a
Priestess...also, in the training that is NOT consider a kill. It is call
knocking-your-pal's-head-with-a-staff (as a refusal for an invitation to a
dinner together).


MP > 114, INT > 162, & MEN > 147.


How to get Pumpkin head: go to Death Palace, fight until you get an item called
Pumpkin. Go to Denev's (USA her name is Deneb) shop and you can recruit it!

(IMPORTANT: for those who didn't read it clearly from my first FAQ, classes such
as Holy Guardians and High Knights and Tarot Warriors were FICTIONAL and were
made up by me. I said clearly that sword master is too weak, so I want some
greater classes for the Law route, and I just made some up. Sorry if I confused



The growth chart was make by Duke Robert. The points were copied statically,
and the actual number should be one point more of less.

How to read this chart (which was converted lazily by me...hey, TXT is hard to
deal with!!)

First it is the CLASS name (Philosophy 201, Science 100, etc...). Then the
number directly below it is the increment in the status accordingly. You can
see that the status (HP, MP, STR, etc) after the class name. The first number,
let us take a berserker for example, is 10, that means when levels up he gets
extra 10 HP points (one point more or less), the second number (MP) means he
will get 2 (less or more) MP when leveled up.

The following is the corresponding representations of the numbers:

Class Name
HP (first number)
MP (second number)
STR (third number)
VIT (you know more than that!)

BEAST TAMER (aka. Dog Whipper)


BERSERKER (aka. Good-O-American)




GUNNER (That Postal-Guy)

KNIGHT ("For whom is the sword drawn?")

NINJA (NOT a Chinese martial artist)





Female classes









SPECIAL CLASSES (damn he is good!!)



LORD (Kill your sister to be one)

PUMPKIN HEAD (up there in MISC tricks)

Okay, done with that.


Classes in depth discussions.

First of all, many people have asked me about the requirements of the classes.
Even though I feel that this is the last thing you really need in this game, but
to drive away some letters, this is the information I got from a guy name SPAM.
And please thank HIM for all the status:

Male classes:

Ninja str 45 agi 46 dex 44

Beast tamer (lamer) str 45 vit 44 men 46

Wizard mp 16 int 44 men 42 (N,C)

Knight str 45 vit 44 men 42 (L,N)

Berserker str 45 vit 46 dex 44 (N,C)

Male high classes:

Exorcist vit 44 int 42 men 44 (L)

Warlock mp 84 int 124 men 112 (L,N)

Sword Master str 95 agi 102 dex 126 (L)

Dragoon/Dragon Slayer str 115 vit 106 dex 114 (N)

Gunner str 120 agi 164 dex 150 (N)

Terror knight str 117 vit 114 dex 104 (C) > 30 kills (kill more than 30

Female classes:

Witch mp 15 int 45 men 51 (N,C)

Archer vit 44 agi 44 dex 48 (N,C)

Cleric mp 16 int 42 men 41 (L,N) < 10 kills

Female high classes:

Siren mp 36 int 75 men 71 (L,N)

Dragon Tamer hp 180 str 115 men 103

Valkyrie str 44 vit 46 int 42 (L,N)

Priest mp 70 int 125 men 110 * < 15 kills


White drag hp 170 str 133 vit 90 (L,N) dex 55

Black drag hp 170 str 133 vit 90 (N,C) dex 57 > 30 kills


Lich mp 114 int 162 men 147

Angel knight mp 92 str 135 vit 122 (L) int 144,
men 119 agi 122 dex 124 luk 56

HOLY DRAGON: Its requirement is double of the White Dragon, and must be L.
Tiamat: must be C, and killed over 40, and status is double of Black dragon.
(info from "Duke" Robert, as well as the growth chart).

Okay, let us CLING to the part I want to talk about:

The Categories of Units:

Attack unit: those whose main use is to attack. One way or the other the reason
for their existence is to attack enemies and get attacked by enemies.

They are: knights, berserker, terror knight, dragon slayer.

Sub-attack unit: classes that are not that strong with attacks/defense, but
still have something to offer.

They are: sword master, ninja, dragon tamer (female), beast tamer(male),

Defense unit: Units that have great defense and little weak points.

They are: Golem, dragon, and all other Large size units.

Support unit: They are those who attack/defense with specials such as magic
and/or special attacks.

They are: Witch, warlock, clerics, wizard, siren, shaman, siren, and all other
magicians such as summoner (which you can't get).

Sniper Unit: They are good at using projectiles but not so well with taking
attacks from enemies.

They are: archer, gunner (or a ninja with a bow. The ninja's good AGI and low
WT make him a good sniper as well, not to mention the high jumps he has).

How the UNITS position in the field:

(1 is the front and 5 is back)

1)Defense Units
2)Attack units
3)Sub-attack units
4)Sniper units
5)Support units.

If you don't have any defense unit, let the attack units take its place.

The Art of Positioning:

Defense units in front of the attack units don't mean the attack units can sit
and relax. The attack units should be very close behind the defense units, or
even mixed with them for any possible chances to attack the enemies. Sub-attack
units should also be mixed with the attack units.

Since many times a sub-attack unit is weak with taking attacks, how they could
be useful is depend on how well you mix the moves of the attack units and sub-
attack units. For example, don't use a sub-unit to attack unless you are sure
that the target will die after the attack, other wise the counter attack is not
what you wanted, especially the sub-attack unit will open him/herself up for the
follow-ups when he/she charges to attack. Make sure the attack units will
inflict enough damage to the target before the sub-attack unit should make
his/her move. You don't have to worry about counter attacks if your sub-attack
unit is using long range weapons, but still be careful about the fact that they
can get attacked by the enemies' sniper units and attack units behind the front

After the attack units finished attacking, and if many of the enemies have some
very low HP, they can still inflict some BIG damage to your units before they
die. So the sub-attack units and snipers will make sure the low-HP enemies will
not do anything funny before they go to the Hell Gate/Death Palace. You don't
always have to kill off the target with the sub-attack units/sniper units. Just
make sure the lower HP targets are dead so that you won't regret from losing
100+ HP from an enemy who only had 6 HP (and that happens everyday). But since
using one attack unit to kill off an enemy of 10 or 20 HP is not worth it, so
you can use other units to take care of the dirty job.

Sniper Units are very useful. They are far more useful then the Sub-attack
units. You should keep them behind the attack units, and mixed with sub-attack
units. Since their attacks are strong, many times you don't have to send the
sub-attackers to kill those with low HP, just let an archer shoot the hell out
of the low-HPs. But since sniper units have high attack power, you might want
them to attack the big and strong enemies. You can inflict some damage on the
enemy front lines with these units, so when attack units get in, they can kill
off the enemy attack/defense units with ease. So even though sniper units are
positioned behind the attack units, they are actually the first attackers!!!
Please keep this in mind before any battle you should take!!
And sniper units are simply great. And the best of all, the higher you go, the
farther you can spread the arrows of death! Use this to your advantage!!!!

Support units should stay all the way in the back. Usually they have some long
range magic, so you don't have to worry about that. Use the magic wisely to aid
the front units and support unit as well. "A hungry man has no food to offer,"
(by Me, actually,) so you should make the support units support themselves
before they should use magic on the other units. What I mean by this is, make
sure they have enough MP, and in later part of the game, cast the Quick Move
magic on themselves before anything else!! Because the faster they move, the
faster the whole army moves!!
DON'T think that since these units are not that strong in attacking they are not
useful. These units can eliminate the whole damn enemy force with the right
magics. For example, use Quick Move to lessen the WT, then let two of them
begin using magics like Stun Looter AND Petrify to stone and stun enemies. If
you did the things right, you can totally annihilate the whole enemy forces
without any bloodshed.

REMEMBER: "Strategy is NOT strategy if there was nothing but bloodshed!"---Me

How to chose units for battles:

Some point of this game you will feel that you are having too many good and fun
characters for you to use. Especially when you got the two White Knights and
the sisters. Please don't feel bad if you can't bring some units you like to
certain battles. A battle should be fought with the suitable units. If you
know that some units will be more useful in a battle while some are not, then
bring those that are useful. I understand the pain of not bring the units you
like. But, hey, this is life. You can be stubborn and bring the units you love
to any battles, and you can certainly test you skills at such clumsy situations
(which actually I do often). But again, what I am saying is, there are many
classes and units that were make to suit different situations and users, so you
don't have to blame yourself for not bring the most beautiful witch when you
have the Four Sisters to a battle.



Soldier/Amazon: (weapon: none/any) They are the basic classes of male and
female. They are the classes of your units in at the beginning of the game.
Good or bad you are stuck with them until you get enough status points to change
into something else. These two classes don't have any ideal weapons. Therefore
they can use anything. Their parameters level up in a fairly equal manner, so
there is not much you can worry/happy about these two classes.

Knight: (sword) this is a somewhat useful. But I felt that this class doesn't
live up to the names of the ancient knights. I consider this class to be the
lowest of the Attack unit. You can change into them really earlier on of the
game, and they are like the escape of basic class. Since at the beginning of
the game you have quite a few male classes, you can change, maybe half of them,
into knights, and the other half into berserkers and ninjas. Keep if you don't
feel like using this class, do not use it then, because this class will give you
no surprise. It is formidable in some battles when you fight other units like
ninja and valkyrie, but a knight is only good in places like grass plains and
concrete grounds. It has weaker attack and defense then the berserker, and the
WT is the same. Ninja will have better dexterity, and it can use double-attack,
while a berserker is unstoppable with an axe.

This unit can be mixed on with the sub-attack units. But make sure you don't
just have knights in the front line. Knights are not that great with defense.
If you equip him with a lot of things, it will move very slow, and the hit-rate
will be awful. The most important thing you can remember is: don't rely on the
knights that much.

Ninja:(claws)This unit can jump three levels higher and four lower. But that is
not so until later of the game. This class is never useful in the game. But
you can use this class wisely to max out your status.

This class has some good DEX and agility. You will soon find out that many
other male classes such as knights and berserker (and especially terror knights)
have some lousy DEX and AGI, as well as big WT. When the clumsiness of the
heavy classes become intolerable, change them into a ninja for a while. Gain a
few levels with the ninja. This way the AGI (as well as DEX) will increase for
a few levels, and when you change the class back to an attack unit, the AGI and
DEX will be better. BUT be careful you don't change everyone into a ninja. You
should change only one or two of the whole male attack-units so that as these
ninja level up (I don't use plural form for Japanese words), the battle could be
taken care of by other attack-units.

When you do change an unit into a ninja, you should tell yourself one thing
before anything else: ninja is not God, and he is certainly NOT the same ninja
they have in that Final Fantasy Tactics. When you use double-attack, the ninja
will attack once, then the enemy will counter attack once, then he will do the
second attack. BUT since the enemy already countered, so he/she will be facing
the ninja, therefore the second attack's hit-rate will NOT as high as the first
attack. These roof-jumping units like to use claws. But in the beginning you
don't have any claws, you can use daggers or short swords, or even bows.

Since this class has some really great speed, please don't equip him with heavy
armor. If you do, you will lost the agility and the defense will never be as
great as a pure attack-unit, so don't even bother doing so. The most basic form
of defense is great (gear, weapons, and no other parts such as gauntlet/helmet.)

Like I said before, mix his attacks with the attack-units. Let an attack unit
take down most of the target's HP, then use a ninja to do the final attack.
Don't do it the other way around.

Beast tamer: (whip) This class sucks. And I really want to end this class's
explanation but I have to give some reasons just incase some one might not agree
with me.

I don't know the point of making this unit when there are ONLY 2 OR 3 WHIPS in
the whole game. This unit is fairly strong, actually, but no one wants to use
him because 1) in the beginning there is NO whip, 2) and there is NO good and
strong monsters until later of the game. This class will make the beasts around
him attack stronger, and you can only take TWO monsters with you in one battle.
So these three units must stick together in order to be useful. But since the
beast tame is slow, clumsy, and can't fly, he can't keep up with some of the
monsters. And bring this sub-attack unit with the Defense units (beasts) is the
last thing any strategic player would do.

I am not saying that you can't use this class, but many times the other units
offer more of everything, so this class gets very un-useful later of the game.

He uses a whip, and the whip can't attack two units at the same time, therefore
you can't stab two enemies at the same time. You can use him as a sub-attack
unit, but then his special ability will not be able to be useful without beasts.
But if you put him too much in the front, he will get hanged with his own whip!

Berserker: (axe) personally second most favored next to the terror knight. This
class is, eventhough weak agility, but you can average it out by using the
"change into ninja then level up" trick. This class has great attack and
defense power. He can stay in between the attack units and defense units. So
if you don't have any defense units, consider this viking-helmet guy.

He uses an axe, which is only ONE POINT heavier than the sword, but inflicts
much more damage than the sword. Since the berserker has greater power than the
knight, so when he is equipped with the axe, his attack will be much more useful
then the knight's sword. This class has the same WT as the knight, and you can
equip him with a little more than the basic defense set: weapon, armor, then a
gauntlet OR a shield. But for some reason the gauntlets in this game are more
useful than the shields, I would recommend the gauntlets. You should take a
healing item with you for this class because he will get a lot of chops and cuts
from the enemies' attack units. Take two or three with you. But don't always
stick with this class. You might want to change some of them into a terror
knight or dragon slayer. I usually use two or three of them in the beginning of
the game. But later this class will not be that useful.

Wizard: (staff) again, another useless junk. The problems with this class is
like those of beast tamer: there is no good magic at the beginning, and the
Siren (female) class is more useful then this one. This is a slow, weak, and
unimpressive unit. A wizard can't use those support magic such as Quick Move,
and he is hard to level up with his MP/INT due to the fact that you don't want
to use him until later where you get great magic. But since many of the good
male classes are great with physical attacks, you don't have many with great
MP/INT. So you can leave most of the magic-casting jobs to the ladies.

Female classes:

Witch: (staff) this witch is one of the most useful class in the game. She can
equip a lot of support magic such as Stun looter, quick move, charge spell, etc.
She has some great speed (better than cleric and warlock). Like any other
magicians, her defense is really weak, so don't expect anything from that.

Preferred magic: Stun Looter, Charge Spell, Quick Move.

(All magicians use staff. If you want to know how you should equip staffs,
please refer to my other FAQ. There is one big paragraph about the staffs.)

Archer: (bow) this is the heart of sniper units. Her bow is strong and there
are a lot of greater bows to be discovered later on! As you already know, the
higher you go, the farther you shoot. And the advantage of going high doesn't
stop there: If you get higher then enemy archers, you can kill them without them
doing a thing because if they are pretty low on the battle field, their arrows
can't shoot high to where you are standing. I can't tell you how important this
is until you try it yourself. Just keep in mind, this unit, even though fast,
should not go too deep into the front line.

Keep three of this class. You don't have to use all of them for a battle, but
sometimes you will regret Big time if you don't have enough archers. Such as
the battle where you are to save the blind Sword Master on Chapter Three (opps!
No more spoiler).

Keep her mixed with the sub-attack units. But if she can go high, that mixing
is no longer important. Just give her some great area to stand on! She could
go to water but I would not do that if I'm you. Also, unless it is an octopus,
don't send ANYTHING else into water in a sticky situation, otherwise that would
be the last move possible!

Cleric: (staff) this is the heart of the support unit; you can go to battle with
no other support unit but not this. Keep at least two or three in order to
advance in some really trouble some battles. Her healing is great. She later
can use Healing Plus, a magic that covers a big area. Very useful if you have
many attack (or sub attack) units. She could use up to three magic books.

Preferred magic: Healing, Healing Plus, Clear Lance.

Male High Class:

Dragon Slayer: (sword...BIG sword, that is) this is highest N class in the game.
Characters like Farcus will be a dragon slayer (DS): DS has great STR to slayer
dragons within two or three hits. He has great defense to with stand the
dragon's claws. Don't misunderstood his name: he is also great with any other
big big big beasts!! Even though the description says that he is not so great
with the other units, but since this class levels up a lot on the STR and VIT
departments, you can use back-stab and kill a magician with one blow! Use Quick
Move on him to make him more useful. But if you don't use Quick Move he is very
very slow, and is very very vulnerable to attacks. And since he has low hit
rate, so if he got ganged up you will expect some really not-so-impressive
countering attacks.

But since NO class in this game is god, keep one is good for any situation!
Give him the sword Dragon Slayer and other dragon killing swords so he can be a
real dragon slayer!

Terror Knight: (Axe!)this bastard, or son of a gun if you want to call him that,
is the meanest class ever invented by any human being/character designer. He is
like a monster truck; you just feel GREAT when you use him! With a axe, a pair
of warp shoes, he is unstoppable. As you can see, you need to have over 30
kills in order to change in this bastard, and since he is not really that fast,
so I usually make the main character a terror knight. What I'm saying is, he is
great to have, but quite slow in many areas.

A terror knight has great attack power, GREAT GREAT defense because the enemies
in front of, and next of a terror knight, will have less attack power because a
TK has cursed souls which he slew to haunt his enemies, therefore you can just
send him to the front line and smash heads. Since his defense is great, and his
attack is great as well, so he is the only class that I consider the combination
of a defense-unit and an attack-unit.

To use him wisely, sometimes you don't have to worry too much with him because
when enemies counter attack, he/she will be facing you, so his/her attack will
be degraded. But be careful don't get trapped by tons of magicians and archers!
He can be combined with other types of units to maximize the function of a
terror knight. But again, don't ever rely everything on one unit/class. Since
this is a pure attack unit, there aren't much die-hard strategy to use him (like
you don't need much skill driving a monster truck, period), but use one trick
wisely: send him to the front line (of course Quick Move him first), then do
some massive damages to different enemy units, then let the attack and sub-
attack units take care of the rest!

Exorcist: (staff) this is not really any "high" class. He is useful to kill
undead (one magic and BOMMMB!) Other than that special skill he is good for
nothing. A Cleric can do better healing, a witch or a warlock can use better
magic then him. But when you do get to stages that have a lot of undead,
REMEMBER to bring him other wise you will regret. You can change the exorcist
you get earlier on to a warlock, then change back to a exorcist when you need to
use one. But ONE is more than enough in many cases!

Gunner: (gun) like an archer, he use projectile attacks...but not as great. The
gun can shoot to the end of the map, but they are not at all that strong. Even
an archer will inflict more damage. And a gunner is quite slow, not only that,
bullets travel linearly, therefore whoever gets in the way will get hurt!
Therefore he is not at all that great to stick with the sub-attack units. You
can give him a wrap shoe/ring and send him to the highest possible platform and
begin hunting, or send him to the side of the battle-field so that he will hurt
no friendly units that happen to stand in the bullet's way. Again, he is slow
so you have to Quick Move him. Keep one is enough, because gunners are NOT that
fun to have. And for some reason I really hate people who use a gun to hurt
people...especially in the battle field...a Brave One uses a
sword/axe/hammer/spear, not some .45 caliber.

Warlock: (staff) he can use some really neat magic, such as the Petrify. He is
slower than the witch, but he could use some magic that no witch (EXCEPT Denev)
could use. Keep one is great, two is optional.

Preferred magic: Quick Move, Charge Spell, Petrify, Slow Move (if you want).

Sword master: (two swords) think of him like an advanced ninja...But with out
all those speed. This class is my least favored. I just feel that making the
main character a Sword master after all those discouraging encounters in the Law
route is doubling the discouragement.

This unit is a sub-attack unit, so don't rely on his double attack that much.
If you attack with him most of the time enemy will do a counter before he/she
dies, and the damage is not so worth. So a Smaster is best to kill off enemies
that have little HP left. And this really decreases the fun of an attack unit.
In the Japanese class description, a Sword Master is the one who "Encountered
over a 100 battles, knows the way of battle way too well, and is the master of
all swords." I guess that he survived all 100 battles because he was doing
nothing but picking those who were about to die, and let other attack units do
the dirty jobs before he get the experience...

Anyway, one of this class is way more than enough.

Preferred magic: Quick Move so that he could at least help out a little bit...

Female High Classes:

Valkyrie: (spear) this is an impressive class. She can use one magic, but that
is not very useful because after all, she is on the physical attack side, but
since she can attack with a distance with her spear, so she could stay with the
attack-units. She can attack enemies without them counter attacking (unless
enemy also using spear/whip), so she could inflict some damages to an enemy
before the attack units crush that enemy. But don't over use her. After all,
she is just a sub-attack unit. Keep one is more than enough. If you really
want a female attack unit, get her to be a dragon tamer. Dragon tamer is great
with dealing with dragons, and is a bit faster than the dragon slayer (Male) as

She could go into water but that is not at all a good idea if there is better
grounds to stand.

Priestess: (staff) she is like another form of Cleric, but she could use Heal
All (heal one unit max. HP), and she could use the revival magic Resurrection,
which is very important! But get one is good enough because she can't use Heal
Plus. Get one or two Cleric(s) and one Priestess in the later part of the game
will get you through almost any situation!

Preferred magic: Heal All, Resurrection, Clear Lance.

Siren: (staff) she is like a female wizard but stronger and more charming. She
could use a lot of magic. Keep one if you want...more than that is not really
useful. Use her like any other support units.

Preferred magic: the Summon Magic of HER Element (very important because Summon
Magic is very strong).

Dragon Tamer: (sword) this is like the combination of a Dragon Slayer and a
valkyrie, but the status is even out. Her attacks are not as strong as a DS,
but has better speed. Like the valkyrie she could use one magic, but please
don't depend on that. Her special power is to increase the attack power of the
dragons in front and next to her, but I feel that she is a sub-attack unit, so
again, combining her with the defense units is not so wise.

Preferred magic: Up to you. Use attack magic of her Element.

What I had above me is nothing but my standard set up of the classes and
strategy. That without considering some of the many cases where quick strategy
and wits are needed. Players like you have to react according to the
situation...NO strategy is good unless they are ALIVE, that means changeable,
manageable, and shall not lock the planner to a set of rules which you must
follow. What I'm saying is, DON'T blame me for loosing your own battles.

Some of the possibilities with the formations.

You don't always have to stick with the same formation and members for every
battle. Some times if you bring just one type of units, the result could be
better than anything else. Here are some of the possibilities.

The Elegant Rose of Red: Only the main character is male, other members in the
battle field are females. Among them 7 are archers, and one cleric, one witch.
The main force of archers attack with arrows in sneaky places. The main attack
form should be keep away and attack with nothing but arrows around the main
character's side. Concentrate on a few enemies and don't spread your targets.
This formation is not that useful in open plains. Best in towns, swamps (not
elegant any more), mountains, and other tricky landscapes.

The Emeriti Mahou (Magic)-Troopers: Main character (best if strong in defense)
and nine other magicians. One warlock, one witch, two healers of any type.
Three Sirens, one lich, and one terror knight/dragon slayer. The sirens should
be equipped with the Summon Magic according to their Elements, therefore the
three sirens must have different elements. The lich should equip the last
Summon Magic of his Element. The main form of attack is to send the main
character and the other attack unit to the front line, while the two healers
will do nothing but heal the two. The other magicians such as witch and warlock
will use Quick Move (make other magicians faster) and Petrify and Stun
Looter...among others. The sirens and lich will have enough magic recovery
items to summon enough Beasts to kill whoever touches the main character. The
main form of attack is the keep enemies away from the Mahou (magic) units while
aiding the main character's move. This combination takes a while to get use to.
But devastating once you get used to it.

The Sunset Warriors: Main character should be an attack unit. You need two
healers, best if one cleric and one priest. And all others are terror knights,
dragon slayers, and those White Knights. The strategy is easy: send those
bastards to the front line and do nothing but chopping and slashing. The
healers will concentrate on healing, while the attackers are careless of their
life because a priest will bring them back to life. The BEST kind of terrain to
use this really mind-less formation is in open plains and grasslands and towns.
Have fun.

The Snipers of the Silver Knight: Main character could be whatever. You need
one or two healer. If you have one healer then get a warlock or witch to use
Quick Move. Then you need two gunners. If you want you can kill your sister
and get the last gun to make it three gunners. The other members will be all
archers. You really need items like Wing Rings/Shoes and Warp Rings/Shoes to
support this formation. With those items send the snipers to sneaky and
unreachable places and spread the rains of death. Quick Move them to send
enemies to hell earlier then anything else.

The Gathering of Heroes: Main character is an attack or sub-attack unit. Two
or one White Knight. One or two healers, one or two witches/warlocks. Other
members including dragon slayers, dragon tamers, valkyries (not that important),
terror knights, and archers...a combination that can handle any situation. Use
the terrain to your advantage and help each other out to maintain a decent
defense as well as offense.

The March of the True-Ogres: One healer, one warlock/witch, and ALL others are
Terror Knights. Send the T knights to the front line and kill, while the
support units look at the battle field and count the heads chopped off. Getting
the T knights are not easy ( Over 30 kills for each), so have fun when you are
insane enough to try this one out.

PS. Just to annoy your guys again, the Japanese version could put Kanji (Chinese
characters). So all those names (Elegant Rose and Gathering of Heroes, etc)
could be entered into the name for your troop when Ronway asked, while the
English version is limited to the few characters you can use. If you have the
Japanese version, do try around with the names and have fun!!!

My group's name: The Skeletor Trooper of the Silver-Paladin.

Other Classes:

Lizard: (Hammer) he is great for in stormy and swamps. He could go into water
but again, that is the last thing I would do. He is like a knight, but has
stronger defense and attack. Keep one is good. Keep this unit strong and use
him wisely: when there is a battle to be fought in any of the swamps, take him
with you and he could be the best attack unit for that battle. His power is
good but not very impressive on dry land. Use him like any other attack units.
He could not change class, therefore don't expect too much from this reptile.

Hawk man: (hammer) this barbaric being could fly, and is strong with hammers.
But like a lizard, he could not change class or uses any of Canopus's special
attacks (Canopus is a "Vultan"). Therefore he might be strong at the beginning,
but gets fairly unimpressive later on. One is good to have fun with.

Dragons: any dragon will use great special Breath attacks and has great, thick
scale, so you can use them for both attack and defense units. They can change
classes as well so it is a good idea to keep two or three. You can use them in
any battles. Just Quick Move them to make them more useful. They are fairly
great, but there aren't much strategy using them so I don't like them.

Other LARGE monster units: they are all quite strong, and many times their
special attacks are quite devastating, so use as you please. But again, I don't
like using them. You don't have to keep one of every single monster due to the
fact that you can only use two in one battle.

Fairy: (weapon: none) she is fun to have, and will have some cool skills later,
but don't expect anything from this little mascot. Give her a good name and
just leave her there to rust...

It seems that I forgot to mention HOW TO RECRUIT MONSTERS on my last FAQ:

To recruit the UNITs other than human, you need to go to a certain city on a
particular time period.

(the numbers indicate the day of the month to be at that town in order to
recruit that unit)

Towns 1 ~ 8 8~16 17~24

Fairy Ashton Lyme Wareham
Hawkman Brigantes Fidach Armorica
Lizardman Clitheroe Cortani Armorica
Golme Armorica Bernicia No where
Octopus Heim Goliath Ashton
Griffon Lyme Brigantes Goliath
Dragon Barmamutha Heim Clitheroe
Cockatrice Grimsby Barmamutha Cortani

Black Dragon Wareham No where No where
White Dragon No where Grimsby No where

Before you go, I want to say something:

It happens that I'm lazy and is not willing to learn how to make the formats of
the charts for the first FAQ look nicer. And since many times the Webmasters
will not make an html page for the FAQs sent to them, so many times the charts
came out like junks.

So if you have any hard time looking at my charts, please go to my homepage or
contact me. But I strongly advice you going to my home page before email me
about the questions:


(and, yes, you can say it is a promotion ^__~)

I will make a special link on the front page to the FAQs. The charts are
closer-to-perfectly aligned. And if there is any future updates, which I don't
think is enough yet to sent out to any one else, I would usually put it on my
page, so incase you have any questions, check that out first...and the questions
still bother you, email me at


Special thanks:

(Names not in any particular order)

Joe Anastasi, who gave a lot of supports!

Brian Meermans for many of his concerns on the guide and his tricks!

Louis Daniel with his contribution for English names.

Robert Duke ("Duke Robert," haha) and Andrew with MANY MANY helps!

Spam, for such great work on the job requirements! As well as many other helps!

Findi Zhao with his many "tiny and little" questions that made me aware of the
inadequate of my first FAQ!

Teh Tze Fong who provided me with the two great TO sites. Please refer to my
first FAQ. (Didn't mention him in the first site, so).

And MANY who emailed me asking for any questions and corrections, which make me
do this Sub-Guide. You know who you are, but I can not list everyone. And
since I'm a guy, you know what a guy means when he says "thanks!"

(And finally, "the Holy Silver-Knight of the Blade Riders"...which is me,
actually. "Boo Boo Boo~~~!!!!" "Charisma down...!!" Remember that? Haha... Oh
yeah? "FIGHT IT OUT!")


Let Us Cling Together...

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Ending FAQs

17.Oktober 2013
Character FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

10.Oktober 2013
Hell Gate

15.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

17.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Cheats

16.Oktober 2013
FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ für/for Tactics Ogre
engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
11.Februari 2016
13.December 2013
30.December 2013
30.Januari 2018
01.December 2014
04.Maart 2019
24.Februari 2018