

08.10.2013 21:36:35


CUTTHROATS contains two shipwrecks to explore but the beginning for each is
almost exactly the same. I have noted the differences. When the story
actually starts you have just woken up after a bizarre night to find a note
on your floor. Get up, take the note and read it. You should also wind your
watch at this time or it will stop soon. You have plenty of time to make it
to the shanty by 8:30. Opening your dresser reveals your room key and
passbook as well as the Shipwreck book from Helvin. The shipwreck book is
in your game package so you don't need to carry it around, in fact it's
best not to. The only thing you need now is your room key. Take it and head
for the Shanty. Make sure you lock the door behind you.


The Shanty is located on the east end of the Wharf Road. On your way you
will pass the Weasel. You may want to follow him to see what he's up to but
it is not necessary. When you get to the Shanty sit down with Johnny Red,
order breakfast and water, eat and drink, and wait for Johnny to let you
know what he wants. Say YES you are interested when he asks.


Get up and head back to your room. Get your passbook, you'll need it later
and it will save time to get it now. Again remember to lock your door. Then
go to the lighthouse and wait for the others. The lighthouse is at the end
of the winding road that starts SW of the Wharf Road.

***WARNING*** about the passbook: If McGinty sees you while you are
carrying it, he will follow you and spoil the adventure. AVOID him while
you have it.

Johnny Red will show you one of two items: either a dinner plate or a gold
coin. The dinner plate is from the S.S. Leviathan and the gold coin is from
the Sao Vera. Johnny will tell you to withdraw $500 and meet him at Point
Lookout. Your business here is done so head for the bank.


The bank is just north of the eastern most segment of the Shore Road. Head
there immediately but keep an eye out for McGinty. If you see him headed
towards you, get out of his way. When you get to the bank, withdraw $500.
An examination of your passbook will give you today's date (9/19) necessary
for figuring out High Tide. Once you have the money, go straight back to
your room and put away your passbook. Remember to avoid McGinty and lock
your door behind you. Then head for Point Lookout to meet Johnny.


When Johnny arrives he will ask to see the money. You'll have to show it to
him as he's not a trusting soul. He'll ask you if the wreck is more than
200'. Say NO if for the Leviathan and YES for the Sao Vera. Then follow him
to Outfitters. McGinty will be at Outfitters when you arrive, if you're not
carrying your passbook he will leave so just wait him out. If you are
carrying the passbook, you will have to restart or restore to a previous
position as the adventure is now ruined. Johnny will order most of the
supplies and then take off. He'll let you know how much you have to
contribute. Pay the salesman the proper amount (GIVE SALESMAN $xxx), and
then order your equipment.

For the Leviathan you will need:
Compressor (rental)
Shark Repellent
Electro Magnet
C Battery

For the Sao Vera you will need:
Dry cell
Shark repellent

You won't need to be on board ship till about 1:30 pm. so....


It is now time to do a little sleuthing (there is a traitor amongst you,
but you have to catch him properly). Head for the Shanty. By this time
you'll be getting thirsty so order some water or a drink while there.
Johnny Red, Pete the Rat and the Weasel will all be there. Just wait and
eventually the Weasel will take off. Follow him. He will go to the Ferry
landing, meet with McGinty and then take off on the Ferry. Don't worry
about following the Weasel...instead follow McGinty to his office. Enter
the office and examine the envelope on his desk. You can't do anything
about it here so leave and go into the back alley behind McGinty's. There
is a window there you can look through. Wait until McGinty leaves, then
open the window and enter the office. Take the envelope and leave.

You now have proof that the Weasel is a traitor, but the timing of when you
reveal this is very important. It's now time to head for the boat. If
you're dealing with the S.S. Leviathan you'll need to go to your room first
and get your scuba gear. The gear is in your closet.


The layout for both ships is the same. If you're doing the S.S. Leviathan,
board the Night Wind. If you're doing the Sao Vera, board the Mary Margaret.
Head for the Crew's Quarters and put the envelope under the bunk. You need
to hide this information till the proper time. Then go fore into the
Storage Locker and wait for the supplies to be delivered.

On the Night Wind you will find a drill. When the supplies arrive, open the
panel in the drill and put in the C battery. Remember to close the panel.
You will also need to fill your tank with the air compressor.

On the Mary Margaret you will find a machine that is a location box/metal
detector. The closer it comes to metal the faster it clicks. When the
supplies arrive, open the compartment and put the dry cell in the
compartment and close it.

Now return to the Crew's Quarters and wait. Johnny Red will come and ask
you for the longitude and latitude. Don't tell him about the Weasel yet.

The S.S. Leviathan is at Latitude 25, Longitude 25 and the Sao Vera is at
Latitude 40, Longitude 45.

Now sit down on the bunk and relax. Eventually you will fall asleep and be
woken by Johnny Red when you arrive. Now is the time to reveal the traitor.
Take the envelope and go find Johnny in the Captain's Cabin. Show the
envelope to Johnny and he'll take care of the rest. Go to the Galley and
eat some stew (it's good and tasty) and drink some water. You are now ready
to prepare for the dive.


Head for the Storage Locker and get your gear. This will include:
Wet Suit
Electro Magnet
Tank (make sure it's filled)
Shark Repellent

Head for the aft deck. Put on the wet suit, flippers, tank, and mask. Turn
on your flashlight and dive. Head down. When you see a shark coming towards
you open the repellent. Continue down to the wreck. You'll land on the top
deck. Go straight down to below decks. Head aft. Open the aft door (make
sure the magnet is OFF first) and go aft. You'll be in a room with mines.
The only one you need to worry about is the loose one. Put the magnet on
the mine. Turn on the magnet. Put the magnet on the deck. This will get the
mine out of your way and you can go up.

There is a tight squeeze aft, so take off your tank and then go aft and aft
again. This will bring you to a room with a safe. To open the safe, turn on
the drill and drill the lock then immediately turn off the drill. You'll
need it later and it doesn't last long.

Inside the safe you'll find a case with stamps. The case is cracked and
water is getting in but don't try to fix it now. Take the case and go back
to the room above the mine room. Put your tank back on and go down. Then
head fore and then up. This will put you in an airlock room and you can fix
the case. "Turn on the drill" and "drill the crack with the drill." (NOTE:
Put both these commands on the same line as the drill will run out almost
immediately. You have no fudge time on this!) The new hole will let the
water drain out. Then put putty in the crack and the case will be air tight.
You can now head back to the ship and success!


Head for the Storage Locker and get your gear. This will include:
Deep Diving Suit
Shark Repellent

Go to the aft deck. Put on the suit. Connect the air hose (from the
compressor) to the suit. Turn on the compressor. Turn on the flashlight and
Dive. Start descending. When you see the shark, open the repellent.

Keep descending to the wreck. Go down to the next deck from the spot you
land on. Turn on the machine and observe the clicking. Head aft. Take a
pike from this room and head aft. Ignore the cask for now and head aft
again. There are bunks blocking the doorway aft and you'll need to move and
secure them. Move the bunk with the pike, then put the pike under the bunk.
This will hold it up out of your way and keep it there. Head aft again and
then down.

You are now below decks. Head fore into the room with the squid. The squid
will not bother you as long as you leave it alone and don't stay in this
room for more than one turn. Head fore again.

This room contains an oak chest. Your box should be clicking wildly now.
Head fore again into the room with skeletons. An examination of the
skeletons will reveal a scabbord. The scabbord contains a sword take it.
Head fore again. This time you'll find a maple chest and the box will be
clicking slowly. Push the maple chest aft to the room with the oak chest.
Push the oak chest port to the ocean floor, and wait for the orange line.
When it swings in, tie it to the oak chest and give it a tug. The chest
will begin to be hauled up.

(NOTE: If by some bizarre chance the box clicks rapidly when next to the
maple chest instead of the oak, then push the maple chest out to be hauled

You've got the treasure you have to get yourself out. Push the
remaining chest aft and aft again past the squid. Stand on the chest and
you'll be able to go up to the middle deck. Go fore to the room with the
cask. Push the cask fore to the foremost room. There is a rope tied around
the mast. Stand on the cask and cut the rope with the sword. You'll have to
drop the sword and possibly the box to be able to climb up the rope.

Go up and ascend to the ship...a very rich diver!

CUTTHROATS is published and distributed by Infocom, Inc.

This walkthru is copyright (c) 1986 by Lucinda Danner

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