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Version 1.3
Last changed: January 27, 1996

[-1] Copyright 'n legal stuff

Copyright (c) 1996 H.J. Hornbeck.

Every thing in this document (including the sucky ASCII art) can
be copied in part or in whole as long as credit is given to the author (me,
H.J. Hornbeck), it is not distributed at a profit, and it's content is not
modified in any way. So there.

All trademarks belong to their respective companies and are
technically recognized, Ie. "Nintendo" is a registered trademark of
Nintendo of America, Inc., so if you use the word "Nintendo" without the
proper legal mumbo jumbo, you could get sued. I think.

All rights reserved. Whatever that means.

If anyone out there is stupid enough to kill, maim, or do anything
else really nasty because they played DOOM (or read this FAQ), they are a
complete moron out of his/her own fault and not mine or the folks at id.

Finally, anyone who knows what this legal stuff means and if I left
anything out, by all means E-mail me at ""

[0] Contents:

[1] Introduction
[1.1] A little about the author
[1.2] "Uh, why?"
[1.3] What's needed
[1.4] Revision history

[2] Summary of the SNES version of DOOM
[2.1] How are the levels and their quality?
[2.2] What about the graphics and sound?
[2.3] Any nitpicks?

[3] Playing the game
[3.1] My musings on the levels
[3.2] What are good two player levels?
[3.3] Any playing tips?

[4.1] Bad news...
[4.2] Why won't a Game Genie work?

[5] Credits
[5.1] Who helped me in assembling this "FAQ"
[5.2] Where to get this "FAQ" or others pertaining to DOOM
[5.3] How to contact the author


[1] Introduction

[1.1] A little about the author

You can call me H.J. Hornbeck. My DOOM credentials are somewhat
unusual: I have managed to pass the SNES version on the Nightmare
difficulty, and yet I have never ever actually owned a copy of DOOM in any
version (Important note: Read the "Nitpick" section of this FAQ before
assuming I am a DOOM god). Most of my learning time has been spent on the
32x version that a friend of my brother owns, in total about two weeks via
trades. Some more was spent on the SNES version, a total of about three
rentals. The rest, a total of about one hour, comes from the real thing on
a friend's computer. However, I have personally seen every level in the
SNES DOOM twice, some others WAY more times than that :).

Because of this odd position of mine, any additions to this FAQ
will have to run on the "# confirmed" system. What that means is that any
additions will have a number in brackets placed before it, like this: {2}.
The number inside the brackets is the number of confirmations there has
been on that tidbit. Anything confirmed by me (during a rental) will have
a "HJH" in the brackets.

H.J. Hornbeck

[1.2] "Uh, why?"

Good question. Some people may not understand why this FAQ exists when
there are better translations of DOOM. There are two reasons. First, the
32x version was worse than the SNES version and it has a FAQ. Secondly, I
like the game. Thirdly, I was bored and had about 20 billion hours to

[1.3] What's needed

-Anyone seen the end credits? I haven't yet.
-FEEDBACK FEEDBACK FEEDBACK! If you have ANYTHING that might be of
some import, puh-LEEESE send it to me right away, ASAP, etc.!
"", remember?

[1.4] Revision history

v1.0 - I wrote a FAQ (duh!) (This one never got distributed) (12/23/95)

v1.1 - I revised the FAQ. Edited it, added more code info, changed the
version #. (1/7/96)

v1.2 - Another revision (do you see a trend here?). Added a few
details in the sound glitches, on rockets, and finally in the game genie
section. (1/13/96)

v1.3 - Revised and added tidbits and odds and ends and bits and pieces
and bric-a-brac and.... gee, I'm hungry suddenly. (1/27/96)


[2] Summary of the SNES version of DOOM

[2.1] How are the levels and their quality?

Levels that went the way of the Dodo (in computer DOOM I, but not

Central Processing (E1M6)
Containment Area (E2M2)
Command Center (E2M5)
Spawning Vats (E2M7)
Unholy Cathedral (E3M5)

Levels that hung on:

Knee Deep In The Dead: The Shores Of Hell:
Hangar (E1M1) Deimos Anomaly (E2M1)
Nuclear Plant (E1M2) Refinery (E2M3)
Toxic Refinery (E1M3) Fortress Of Mystery (E2M9)
Military Base (E1M9) Deimos Lab (E2M4)
Command Control (E1M4) Halls Of The Damned (E2M6)
Phobos Lab (E1M5) Tower Of Babel (E2M8)
Computer Station (E1M7)
Phobos Anomaly (E1M8)

Hell Keep (E3M1)
Slough Of Despair (E3M2)
Pandemonium (E3M3)
House Of Pain (E3M4)
Mt. Erebus (E3M6)
Warrens (E3M9)
Limbo (Gate To Limbo) (E3M7)
Dis (E3M8)

Note: The ninth missions in each episode are the secret levels
(Military Base, Fortress Of Mystery, Warrens), but they are listed in order
of play (giving more than a slight hint of what levels to look for secret
exits in).

Another note: Whenever a level's name is followed by something
similar to (E1M1), that is the episode and mission numbers for the
original DOOM.

As for what the levels actually look like, THEY ARE THE SAME AS THE
ORIGINAL COMPUTER VERSION!!! The secrets listed in the computer DOOM FAQ
can be used for the secrets in SNES DOOM, the locations of weapons still
apply, and so on. There are only two differences, one being that walls that
formerly took a round of ammo to open now open in the normal way. The
possible second deals with the fact that rocket explosions don't throw you
around. According to the computer DOOM FAQ, a secret in Mt. Erebus requires
you to be thrown via a rocket blast. In SNES DOOM, I'm guessing the secret
was repositioned accordingly.

All right, I lied; there is one more change. Command Center is no
longer in the game, but the secret level was supposed to be accessed from
there. That would make getting the secret level rather tricky, so it was
removed. I don't think there are many more differences that I missed. Flame
me if I did.

[2.2] What about the graphics and sound?

Naturally, since DOOM is a 32-bit game but the SNES is only 16-bit,
a little has to be lost. Fortunately, very little actually was. The
biggest hits are in the bitmap department, were the loss of detail is
evident. In addition, the floor and ceiling textures were removed. Not a
huge loss, actually, but sometimes I long for lava that is more than a
green or red tone. The frame rate is liveable. The enemies always face
you, too. It gets unnerving after a while.

The good news: The darkness is still there, so pitch-black areas
in computer DOOM still remain and gamma correction is still a way to cheat
(use the brightness and contrast controls on your TV). Far away objects
get darker, too. Your guns still light up sectors. The invisibility
sphere gives a better looking invisibility. All the monsters, items, etc.
are present and seem to be in the right spots. The action is "full
screen": the view area spans the length of the status bar, but doesn't
quite go to the edges of the screen. Better than the 32x version, I might
add :). Finally, the fading lights still fade and the blinking lights

The sound department is less of a mixed bag. The music is downright
WICKED! It probably outclasses the stuff a SoundBlaster can pump out.
Playing with the music on is now an option! The sound effects on the whole
are great too, or as great as gunshots typically get.

Sadly, I have sometimes suffered through sound problems.
Occasionally while firing, part of the music is wiped out, sometimes most
of it. Sound effects can be delayed too, sometimes by almost a second. I
think these glitches come when three or more sounds happen at once. At any
rate, those problems are rare enough to detract little. What does detract,
however, is the terrible chainsaw effects. Pathetic is an overstatement.
On the whole, though, the sound and music is one of the better aspects of
this version.

[2.3] Any nitpicks?

-Nightmare mode doesn't have respawning monsters!!!! This is a
serious blow to the long term playability of the game, especially if you
don't have an X-band for co-op or deathmatch play. It also makes my
DOOM accomplishments less dramatic, for those who just came from "A little
about the author." (Although, from what I hear Nightmare mode was too
tough for most computer players... . Another noteworthy tidbit is that the
SNES version seems to be slightly easier, from what I've heard)
-Rocket explosions don't throw you back. A sad loss of detail.
The rocket launcher's rockets don't vary their explosive power according to
distance either.
-Guns don't impact on the walls or open doors anymore.
-Teleport glare and the BFG blast are missing. The up-close
textures are missing for speed reasons, I'd imagine.
-Monsters always face you. Annoying, and spooky. It also means
they can't technically rip each other to shreds.
-No way to save games. A great option for those players who are
too impatient to play for long.
-No exit to DOS, either :) .
-No way to "dial-a-weapon." What I mean is this: in the computer
version, you could jump to any weapon by tapping the appropriate number key
at the top of your keyboard. I don't know of any equivalent in the SNES
version. The best you can do is pause the game, cycle through the weapons,
and unpause.
-Some map features are missing. In the 32x version, you could hit
a button in map mode, and scroll around the map without moving yourself.
Very useful, and not in the SNES version.
-There are no Spectres. For those of you who don't know, it is an
invisible Demon.
-The walls are made of honey. Sticking to them is a problem
sometimes, but especially when in cramped areas being fired upon.
-If you nail a former human with a rocket dead on, they don't use
the "blown to bone bits" death animation but the "ouchie I've been shot"
one. It seems the former is missing for all the enemies except big
monsters who are immune to that anyway.

E-mail me if I missed anything.


[3] Playing the game

[3.1] My musings on the levels

Musing about the levels is all I'll do. The list of secrets in the
computer DOOM FAQ takes care of the secrets, (all right, lets give the
computer DOOM FAQ's author a name: Hank Leukart) and if anybody gets stuck
they could simply post to the DOOM newsgroups. I suppose a playthrough of
the levels would have been nice, but I never got all the secrets. Plus,
you'll never get to experience the thrill of discovery, would you? So
here goes:

Knee Deep In The Dead:


What is there to muse? Three levels for beginners, designed to get your
training wheels off. Boring.


The first level that provides a challenge. Everywhere you go there are
a load of guys waiting for you (hint hint). This level will make you wish
you had better weapons handy. It is also an annoying maze.


Again, not much here. A semi-dark maze is as spooky as it gets. As a
tip, I like going in the right entrance at the start.


Finally, something approaching a half decent level! Plenty of enemies,
a few traps, and some sticky parts. Not bad, but easy. My tip here is to
leave the invisibility sphere for later.


This level always seems to bug me. At least part of it, anyway. My
hint to prevent you other players from suffering: when you go through one
of the yellow doors, and you find yourself under fire but no one is in
sight, try looking along the ceiling for the source (and don't be confused
by the frequent grunts).

Anyway, this is one of the few levels where remembering where
everything is (or getting the computer map) helps. The comments about
Phobos Lab apply here as well.


This is probably the easiest of all the end-of-episode levels in the
game. Interestingly, all the ending levels are much easier than the levels
that proceeded them. Odd.

I've discovered a tactic that makes this level very easy. Once you get
to the chamber where the Barons of Hell are hiding out, clear out any
Demons that you see WITHOUT MOVING OFF THE LIFT. If the way is clear, you
have three choices: run up the middle, or run up either side. If you ran
any of those three ways, none of the Barons will come after you, allowing
you to peg them off at leisure.

The Shores Of Hell:


Nothing too horrible here. You had better have VERY good nerves if you
go after the plasma gun, however.


One thing that I've noticed about the first two levels in the last two
episodes: They seem to be the hardest in their respective episodes. I
suppose this is due to the lack of ammo, armor, etc. at the beginning of
every episode. And yet, there are spots in both episodes where ammo is
hidden in tough spots, eg. Hell Keep (E3M1).


This is a cool level. Want to know why?

way you will only have FEW Barons of Hell after you :) .


This level gave me some trouble when it came to finding secrets. I got
the Deimos Lab (E2M4) "red pillar" problem solved, thanks to Paul Falstad
and Lewis Berrie . The "red pillar
with a skull on [top of] it in the NE corner" is now a green pillar, but it
is still where it always was; to the right when entering the room. Keep
walking near it to trigger the pillars. Also thanks to the hordes of
E-mail messages I got that re-explained it.

One other secret I'll clear up; to open the secret to the north of the
toxic "O", walk around the south part of the "O".


These halls truly are damned. Plenty of pitch black halls complete with
surprise attacks. A true joy. This is one level that really tests your
skills of both DOOM playing and patience.

P.S. You already passed the bonus level.


Nifty music here. Another neat thing about the last level of each
episode is that you can goof off since your death just restarts the level
with all your stuff.

I have two tips here. One, only go into the one of the four rooms at
the beginning that has the best powerups for you. Two, the boss can't see
you from a distance.



You remember when I said that the first two levels in each episode are
the toughest? Here is living proof. Conservation of ammo and good
avoidance of enemies are critical to making it past.

Other than that, there is little in this level to talk about.


Those who have not spent several tries on this level will get stuck
very fast. For all you beginners in the audience, here is my favorite

The map of this level looks like a glove. The best way to begin is to
work your way up the thumb and index finger, and the side of the hand and
pinkie, alternating between the two. Save actually going into the pinkie
for last. This should be enough to get you past the tough part.

This is a level where good eyesight and paranoia about your back pay

PANDEMONIUM (E3M3) (My second favorite level)

Rest and relaxation time! This level never really lives up to it's
name. But it is cool since it is one of the few levels that actually
presents more than one path. It also presents some good fights.

HOUSE OF PAIN (E3M4) (Third favorite)

This level DOES live up to it's name, however. Expect plenty of pain,
hopefully on the monsters.

The door in here that was giving me trouble was elegantly described by
Paul Falstad. I will add this to the FAQ if I get enough requests.

MT. EREBUS (E3M6) (Numero uno)

This is a black sheep amongst the rest of the DOOM levels. If the
others are mazes, this one is a playground. Plenty of wide open space, and
play areas that you can reach innumerable ways. The only bad part is that
enemies seem to come in swarms, not trickles. Of course, that can give you
a nice adrenaline rush sometimes :) .

No hints here. You've had too many anyway.


You may get a serious sense of deja vu when playing this level. Don't
worry, it will pass when you get about a third of the way through....

Later in the level, you may spot an area or two which looks like it
could be made easier via the BFG. I've tried it, and it doesn't work.


This one causes aggravation for some people (including me). It has a
bunch of teleports you have to go through to get to the level's end, and
opening the doors blocking the teleports requires searching through a lava
maze. Oh joy.

Two pieces of sound advice here:

2. When going in the lava maze's entrance, the way to get to the
proper switch is to work your way to the left.

1. Keep track of where those now opened teleports take you. If you
don't, expect to take ages to finish this level.

DIS (E3M8)

Congrats! You made it to the final level! Time to goof off and see
what a Spiderdemon looks like up close!

As a note, there are three ways I've found to pass the level:

Really easy: inch around the edge, blasting the enemies before they
see you.
Tougher: Dive off the edge and confront the nearest enemy one on
Very Tricky: attract the attention of all the enemies and then try
a four or three against one situation. I tried this once and ended up
with only 3 health points left!

[3.2] What are good two player levels?

Those of you with an X-band for your SNES are lucky. From what I can
tell, DOOM does work with it. The effect is similar to deathmatch play,
from what I hear, and apparently there is a stage select(!). You certainly
can't gloat over a kill; the SNES doesn't come with a keyboard. Anyone who
actually does own an X-band might want to fill me in on how it works with

If you don't own an X-band, feel free to skip the next part. In it I
suggest a few good levels for two players wanting to hurl ammo at each
other. Basically, I'd imagine the best levels to be either wide open,
offer more than one path, or both. Chasing someone would be no fun if they
didn't have very many choices on where to go, wouldn't it? Fitting these
criteria are:

MT. EREBUS (E3M6) - The level IS one open area! It also contains
buildings to hide in.
SLOUGH OF DESPAIR (E3M2) - More than one path, plus tons of spots to
hide in.
PANDEMONIUM (E3M3) - More than one path, and a few open areas.
HALLS OF THE DAMNED (E2M6) - Open areas and a few mazes. Might be too
COMPUTER STATION (E1M7) - A tricky maze, but not too many open areas.
MILITARY BASE (E1M9) - Small, but not too many places to hide.

(An aside: apparently, Hangar (E1M1) is a classic deathmatch level
and was a site of many battles at id.)

Again, if you hate my picks, E-mail me at:


[3.3] Any playing tips?

-Watch your back.

-Conserve your ammo.

-Make good use of your strafing abilities.

^^^^^ Top three corny tips that actually help!

-Have patience! My little brother can't make it far in the game for
the simple reason that he gets bored and goes wild while playing, usually
killing himself in the process.

-Don't worry too heavily about dying. Since the game simply restarts
you at the beginning of the level, your greater worry should be passing the
level with as much health and ammo as necessary to pass the next level, if
not more. Otherwise, you'll have to start the episode again.

-The BFG is a powerful weapon. It can't backfire like a rocket, and is
quicker than the chaingun or plasma gun. The sole disadvantage is that it
is tricky to use, and you have to have enough time to charge it up.
Finally, one of it's most important abilities is crowd control. Thanks to
the BFG FAQ (by Tony Fabris), I can enlighten you on how this weapon
actually works:

1. The first component of the BFG is that green plasma ball you
fire. That behaves similar to the plasma of the plasma gun, except it
doesn't auto-aim. It takes a huge amount of energy off. When it hits a
wall or enemies, the second (and toughest to understand) part of the BFG
kicks in.

2. After the green plasma is gone, a fan of 20 or so "pulses" fan
out in a cone in the direction you fired the shot in, roughly according to
the angle shown on-screen. The pulses expand out from wherever you are
when the green plasma hit, but always in the same direction as you shot in.
Examples are in order here. In Pandemonium (E3M3), the area at the
beginning looks similar to this:

Guy hiding behind pillar Long corridor
++ | |
++ | |
Bunch of | |
Guys | |
---+----+--- | |
|----| | |
|----| +------+ +-----+ +--+
Another part -+--+----+--+---+--+ +--+ |+
o' the level B A ||
+-+ +-+ +-+ +----+ +--+ |+
| | | | | | +------+ +------------+
| | +------+

^^You start here

Let's imagine you go from the start to point A and you have the BFG.
Let's say you fired a shot down the corridor. Say you now go to point B
and face towards the other part of the level. When the plasma ball has hit
something, the pulses fan out from your current position in the direction
you fired in. That means all the enemies in the bunch of guys die! The
guy behind the pillar doesn't, however, because the only guys effected are
those you could see if you were facing in the direction the pulses are
travelling. Clear as mud? (P.S. You could even change weapons, face in
their direction and nail 'em two ways!)

Those pulses make it very easy to level a crowd of minor enemies, but
it only is worth the ammo when there is a medium or larger crowd. That is
the mark of a crowd-control weapon. It is the sole weapon of that type in

-Be careful when using rockets. I have had a few instances when I
thought I was far enough not to be effected, only to have 100+ hits taken
off. From some playing experience, I'd guess the blast area is an all or
nothing affair; If you're in the blast area, kiss 200 hit points good-bye,
if not, live life freely. Save rockets for far away enemies.

As a note about the discussion above dealing with crowd control, I do
not regard the rocket as a crowd control weapon. This is due to the blast
area, which is limited to a spot and does not expand out a far distance.
It almost fits, however, since it does effect an area and not an enemy.

-You will be surprised how easy it is to kill some of the larger
enemies with smaller weapons. I routinely go after Barons with a chaingun,
and in rare cases I use the shotgun.

-The computer DOOM FAQ mentions that enemy projectiles (fireballs,
rockets, etc. ) affect not only you, but other enemies that don't use
that projectile as well. Use this to your advantage.



[4.1] Bad news...

...My E-mails to id have finally been answered. Ordinarily, that isn't
considered bad news, but it is when part of the response is:

"#1 the codes DO NOT EXIST! They just aren't there! They couldn't be
put in! We wanted them in, but they just could not be put in!"

Considering id should have a good knowledge of their games, this pretty
much rules out any codes at all. Your only hope to passing the game is
skill now.

{1} Those who own the aforementioned X-band modem will be pleased,
however. Apparently you can do a stage select with the help of it! Edwin
Ming Wong at "" wrote on Usenet:

"I have found that if you connect an Xband to Doom and choose challenge
and practice you will be given a stage select menu. Just be sure that
you choose wait long and have no cord attached. It is not foolproof and I
my assumptions are that Xband has created a menu or that they are
accessing a pre-existing code waiting to be released. Happy blasting..."

[4.2] Why won't a Game Genie work?

For those of you who have tried to use a Game Genie while playing DOOM,
this section is dedicated to you. Skip if you know this already.

So, then, how come whenever you use the Game Genie, all you get is a
(usually) black screen, slightly screwed up sound effects, and generally
just a weird experience? The answer is very simple. When the Game Genie
was created, there was no talk of special chips, such as the FX2 chip in
DOOM. As a result, whoever designed the thing left out a crucial set of
pins on the interface between the game and the control deck. You can spot
them by either comparing the pin-out on the DOOM cartridge to another,
non-special-chip-using game; conversely, look at the interface on the top
of the Game Genie and notice the pins that don't have contacts for them.

Those pins, more than likely, are the pins any special chip uses to
confer with your SNES control deck. As a result, the parts of the game that
use the special chip go missing, and you get the weird side-effects. This
applies to any game that uses special chips, by the way.

Or, at least, it was that simple when I wrote that. When I tried the
Game Genie on DOOM recently, it worked! I tried messing with it more, and
it still worked! I tried Starfox next (an FX game), and got the typical
screwed experience. Worried now, I tried Yoshi's Island (an FX2 game). It

Does the FX2 chip shun those two side connectors? Did the Game Genie
actually have some weird unknown connectors there? Why didn't DOOM and the
Game Genie work together before? I have not the slightest clue, and I have
a headache now.

{HJH} While cruising Usenet on this very same day, I saw an
interesting message from Paul Starfire dealing on just
such a topic. To quote the Game Genie codes he shared to someone else:

BDEA-B053 + 62EA-B953 Start with MEGA health and MEGA armor!
E3EA-B153 Start with more ammo
CBD3-B17F Heat vision/color blind mode
D7CF-F953 Select "The Shores of Hell" or "Inferno" in any skill level"

Neat flash of insight: If the Game Genie can work, who needs
invulnerability codes? :)


[5] Credits

[5.1] Who helped me in assembling this "FAQ"


FAQ authors (not including me):

Hank Leukart
Author of the very interesting "official" computer DOOM
FAQ, handy for the SNES conversion.

Tony Fabris
Author of the BFG9000 FAQ, contains some enlightening info.

(For info on how to get either of these FAQs, see below)

Some folks at id (Warning: If you have the gall to ask id about Quake,
they will hunt you down and give you a wedgie via a construction crane):

Shawn Green
If you want to get a non-automated reply from id, try here.

The handy person who happened to put info on DOOM sites on his DOOMweb
web page:

T.J. Kelly
The handy person who happened to put info on DOOM sites on
his DOOMweb web page.

People who contributed rumored codes that are useless now (whether they
knew it or not):

Dennis E. Finley {1}
The most useless code known to man (or woman)!

Edwin Ming Wong {1}
The X-band stuff.

A fellow with Game Genie codes:

Paul Starfire
Mmmmmm.... codes.

Computer DOOMers which explained some secrets to me:

Paul Falstad
Deimos Lab (E2M4) pillar problem and House of Pain (E3M4)
door description.

Lewis Berrie
Illustrated tour of the Deimos Lab (E2M4) pillar problem.

Andy McFadden
Useful info and a LONG critique.

A special thanks to all the folks who E-mailed me! (it helps me revise
this thing)

Finally, the author:

The person with way too much time on his hands.

[5.2] Where to get this "FAQ" or others pertaining to DOOM

As regards to locating this FAQ, usually the latest version is posted
to whenever it is done, and also to the proper
DOOM newsgroup. I'll try and get it on Andy Eddy's video game FAQ site; /pub/vi/vidgames/faqs . In addition, I was thinking of
getting it onto actual DOOM ftp archives, such as:


OFFICIAL DOOM FTP MIRRORS: (/pub/gaming/DOOM) (/pub/pc/msdos/games/ID/DOOM-stuff) (/infant2) (/doom) (/pub/msdos/doom) (/pub/doom), iD software's own FTP/FSP site!

(Thanks to T.J. Kelly for having this info on his DOOMweb pages!)

The other FAQs I used (Hank Leukart's computer DOOM FAQ and Tony
Fabris' BFG9000 FAQ) can be found in the above FTP sites under
.../docs/faqs .

[5.3] How to contact the author

E-mail "", and in the subject put
"NOT TO MAILER", then on the first line type the average length of a video
tape's tape, then on the second line type the cartoon writer's name who was
the inspiration for Pepe Le Pew, and on the third line answer the following
skill testing question: Compute pi to the 10,000th decimal place, then
print them all out.

Of course, a normal E-mail will probably have the same effect, but
would inspire MUCH less admiration.

H.J. (thank goodness this FAQ is done!) Hornbeck

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Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

24.September 2013

11.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Version 1.1

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

14.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ für/for Doom
engl. FAQ

30.September 2013
Cheats for Doom

15.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats
13.Mei 2008
engl. Paßwörter
13.Mei 2008

16.Oktober 2013
Modul für Spiele-Editor Gamewizard

07.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
19.Februari 2014