Creature Shock

Creature Shock

17.10.2013 05:53:32
Creature Shock

Walkthrough for the first two levels.

Some tips:

Don't keep shooting or shielding all the time: watch your
energy, and only shoot or shield when necessary. All the monsters
have pre-defined movement patterns. Learn them and you'll know when
to shoot and when to shield.

If you can't find the monster's hit spot, then either use a smart
bomb, which will highlight the hit spot if it is visible, or try
moving the cursor over the monster until you see it's targeting
arrows appear. Whenever these appear the cursor is over the monster's
hit spot.

N.B. I've deliberately not given any tips for the last level, as some
things should be left as surprises!

Level 1 - The Easy Route

* After the first shooting gallery take the right door, kill the
guard, go through the next door and proceed to the next junction
(past a cupboard containing a gun power-up and a frightened

* Killing any bats you encounter take the right passage to the next

* Go right again, kill the wall-hugging monster to the next

* Take the left passage - kill the Washy monster and proceed to the
next junction.

* Go right to the next room - kill the maggot within and go straight
on through to the next junction.

* Go right again to the Y-Junction room - take the left exit
where another maggot will attack you - kill him and head toward
the next junction.

* So many junctions ! Take the left passage to the next one.

* And the last passage - take the right turning which leads you to
the final room - defeat the demon/babe and proceed to level 2.

Level 1 - The Shooting Gallery Tour (Hard Route #1)

* After the first shooting gallery, take the left door - proceed
through the guard and the next door to the first junction.

* Go left to the Pool Room - defeat the monster there and continue
through to the next junction.

* Go left again to the second shooting gallery - once you have
vanquished those within proceed through to the next junction.

* Go right to the next junction.

* Go left to the third shooting gallery - kill everything and then
go through, down the corridor to a big hole. Jump in, slide down
and don't forget to turn. . .

* LEFT! Enter the Y-Junction room and take the left exit, go down
the corridor to the next junction and. . .

* Turn right which leads you to the fourth, and last, shooting
gallery - where you will die. If by some miracle or devious means
of cheating you survive - leave the room to the next junction.

* Take the left exit to the final room - admire the way she walks,
enjoy her smile and then blow her away - after she's turned big,
bad and ugly that is. Then sing a happy song.

Level 1 - The Everything Else Tour (Hard Route # 2)

* After the first shooting gallery, take the left door - proceed
through the guard and the next door to the first junction.

* Go left to the Pool Room - defeat the monster there and go through
the grate in the far corner. Go down the corridor - defeating the
little git monster - continue to the far room to turn around and
pick-up the gun power-up in the cupboard there. Come back
through the grate to the Pool Room. Take the nearest (left) exit
and proceed to the next junction.

* Take the right turning and proceed to the next junction.

* Turn right again and go on to the room beyond, kill the tentacle
monster and take the third exit from the right (third of four).

* At the next junction go left, killing the wall hugging monster.
Go on to the next junction.

* Go left again and defeat the Washy monster, who lies in wait
further down the corridor, past him lies another junction.

* Turn right and enter the maggot room beyond, kill the maggot and
take the left exit. Kill the monster you discover and return to
the maggot room. Take what is now your left exit and proceed
down the corridor.

* Take your next right which leads you to the Y-Junction room, take
the left exit here - after defeating the maggot there - and
continue toward the last junction.

* Take the right turn - where upon a maggot will attack you - defeat
it and go on toward the final room. Kill the demony/womany/morphy
thing and take the womany bit back with you.

Level 2 - The Easy Route

* After the first shooting gallery, use the northern most entrance
(to the left of the immediate entrance ). This gives
direct access to the vent system. Proceed down the vents, through
the small room toward a T-junction .

* Take the right turning and proceed through the vents straight
through one small junction room to the next small junction

* Go up through the grate to the Second Floor corridor above.

* Head west, follow the corridor and take the next right turning.

* Head north toward the LINK Control Room. Defeat the Guardian
robot and head on toward the Control Room.

* Once there, shoot the data link, climb up the catwalk back into
the corridor and head out the way you came.

* Follow the corridor south till it ends.

* Take the left fork to the first grating.

* Go down into the Vent System (Red 2).

* Head west from the junction room through the next junction room
to the T-junction. Do not hang around in junction room
or you will be dropped into the Loader room.

* Turn left and continue through to the outside.

Beware of Vent Cleaners (Horrible worm things).

Level 2 - The Long Route A - Around the Houses

* Take the immediate entrance and proceed through the Eye
Monster room. Kill the monster and follow the corridor to the
next cupboard.
Use the health power-up and follow the corridor until it ends.

* At the fork take the left turning and follow it up to the ATT Eye
Monster room. Kill the monster within and take the other door on
your right.

* Follow the corridor and take the next left turning and follow this
route until you reach the Pipe Crawler Shooting Gallery. Move
toward the pipes and kill all the crawlers, come back to the
catwalk and take the door opposite the one you came in (i.e.:
head east).

* Continue straight down the corridor to the Lift room. Take the
lift up to the Second Floor. Continue straight down the corridor
to the Crumbling Ledge Room.

* Kill the Hover Loader within and then leave by the other door.

* Follow the corridor to the next grate and go down into the
Vent System, head east toward the Throwing Loader Shooting

* Once there, turn toward the crates and kill both Loaders. Then
take northern exit behind you and proceed straight through the
next junction room toward the Cowardly Cat room.

* Once inside approach the vent exit to your right and turn toward
the middle of the room. With you back turned to it the Cowardly
Cat monster will attack you. Defeat it and it will escape down
the vent to your right. Follow it down toward the Ground Floor.

* You will now find yourself trapped between the Cat monster and a
Vent Cleaner. Kill the Cat, escape from the tunnel, turn and kill
the Cleaner.

* Then take the southern exit - the one to your right once you have
killed the worm, passed the next turning to the PRO room, pass
through here and take the next left turning.

* Go into Small Room, open the cupboard, take the gun power-up and
enter the vent.

* This will lead you through a small room and once again to the
Throwing Loader Shooting Gallery, pass straight through to the
next junction room.

* Go up through the grate and head west down the corridor. Follow
it round and take the second right.

* Follow this until, you are attacked by the Guardian robot. Kill
it and proceed into the Control Room

* Once the data link has been destroyed, escape back down the
corridor and take the first right.

* When the corridor has turned to the left take the next grate down.
Follow the vent system to the next junction room.

* There, admire but do not shoot, the armadillo-like Hopper. Let it
get out of your way and then follow it toward the slide.

* Take the slide down to the Ground Floor and follow the corridor to
the Eye Monster Shooting Gallery. Walk toward the wall and kill
all the Eye Monsters before taking the eastern exit, to your
right as you entered.

* Follow the corridor, passed the right turning, back through the
Prowling Cat room. Kill the Cat and carry on through.

* Take the next left turning, through the Ghost room and carry on
till the corridor ends.

* Take a left again and then the next right and follow the corridor,
through the next room and finally out of the dome.

Level 2 - The Long Route B - A Short Cut

* Take the vent entrance to the left of the immediate entrance and
follow the Vent System to the T-junction room.

* Take the right turning and follow it to the Green 2 junction take
the grate down to the Hover Loader room, manoeuvre toward the
door for a clear shot and then kill the Hover Loader.

* Then take the door, follow the corridor north and take the first
right turning which should lead you to the Ghost room.

* Kill the Ghost and carry on through the room until the next T-

* Take the right turning through the Prowling Cat room, down the
corridor to the next left turning.

* Take that and go on to the next Small Room . Use the gun power-up
in the cupboard and take the vent entrance through a small room
to the Throwing Loader Shooting Gallery. Turn toward the barrels
and kill both Loaders.

* Carry on straight through the room and follow the vents through
the next two junction rooms to the T-junction room.

* Take right turning through to the Two Cat Room. Kill both cats
and carry on through the vents, through another small room, back
to the Eye Monster room.

* Take the door to your left and proceed through the corridor,
passed the left turning to the Cowardly Cat room, take the
vent to your left and follow it up to Cowardly Cat room. Take
the vent to your right (the southern most exit).

* Follow the Vent System to the next junction room. Take the
grate up to the Second Floor and head north toward the Control

* Destroy the data link and escape back the way you came. Head
south, following the corridor to the next T-junction.

* Turn left and follow the corridor to the Crumbling Ledge Room.
Kill the Hover Loader inside and then walk down the catwalk to the
vent access door. Jump over the chasm and slide down the chute to
the Small Room , killing the Vent Cleaner there en route.
In the Small Room , open the cupboard and use the health power-
up within before leaving the room and following the corridor to
the next T-junction.

* Take the right turning, through Pipe Crawler Shooting Gallery,
killing all the Pipe Crawlers first if you so wish down the
corridor, taking another right at its end.

* Follow the corridor into the next room and take the exit to your

* Follow the corridor passed the right turning to the first left
turning and take that.

* Head straight through the Eye Monster room and out of the dome.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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