Tomb Raider: Chronicles

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

10.10.2008 18:36:42
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| | | || | ||____\ || / | | Tomb Raider Chronicles FAQ 1.0 | |
| |_______||_______| /_____||_______| `---------___--------------------' |
| .-------------------. ______ ______ ___ __| | _______ ______ |
| | by Credo 15-11-00 | _\ __ | _\__ |(___) _\ _ | _\ ____/ _\ __ | |
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`-----------------------| | \| | || || / || | || | \---'

| #01 - FAQ Header |

Tomb Raider Chronicles Quick Walkthrough/FAQ
Game: Tomb Raider Chronicles (TR5)
Author: Credo
Version: 1.0, Date: 11-11-00 - 15-11-00
System: PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Dreamcast, PC
Genre: third person action/adventure
Developer: Core Design, Publisher: EIDOS Interactive
Player(s): 1, Number of disc(s): 1 (on PSX)
Memory card: 2 blocks for each save (on PSX)
Author's website:
Game's website:
Note: this walkthrough is about the PSX beta
This is free, accept as is, you get what you pay for

| #02 - Table Of Contents |

Table Of Contents:

#00 ........................ ASCII Logo
#01 ........................ FAQ Header
#02 ................. Table Of Contents
#03 ............. Author's Introduction
#04 ..................... Game Overview
#05 ....................... Walkthrough
#06 ........................ Characters
#07 ........................... Weapons
#08 ........................... Secrets
#09 ............................. Codes

| #03 - Author's Introduction |

Hello, my pen-name is Credo, I also use this nickname in most of my hobby
projects. I'm not living in an english speaking territory, this isn't my
language and I'm not even good in it. So don't expect shakespearian highness
of literature and real professionalism here, but do expect many spelling and
typing errors. Sorry for this. I'm writing this FAQ mostly for myself (to see
if I can do it in english well enough) and for the gamers who get stuck
somewhere. I'm sure even if the help is written with worse english they'll
find it useful. This is a totally free project so you get what you pay for.

Please don't tell me how you dislike my FAQ, how bad my english is etc. I'm
not interested in these. I'm taking critism only from my employers who pays
for me. (I'm a professional journalist, writing similiar articles about games,
but in my own mother language. I'm also taking professional game developer
jobs from time to time.) But do send corrections if I make real errors, for
example "you wrote turn right here, but you have to turn left".

When I first saw the first Tomb Raider demo, immediately that became one of my
favourite games. I always missed the spirit and gameplay from the PC games
before that one, so that was the perfect game for me. (Not just because the
nice and sexy poligon chick, but Lara is cool too ofcourse.) The game looked
good, was fast and was really-really playable. It was the 3D version of Rick
Dangerous, Core's first big success. I wrote the first published walkthrough
in my country about the game, what is still the most popular TR1 walkthrough
here, after 4 years I'm still getting positive feedback about it. Since that
time every year I wanted to write walkthroughs about the TR games, but either
somebody else got it or only reviews were needed (wrote a few, but no more
walkthroughs). Now I've got the Tomb Raider Chronicles beta quick enough, I
thought I'll make a nonprofit walkthrough about it just for fun in english.

And some words about this walkthrough itself. As I'm really busy now with
several jobs and tons of hobby projects, probably it won't be that detailed as
some better FAQs. And I'm sure many people will make better FAQs about this
game with all secrets and stuff. Anyway as I wrote above, you get what you pay
for, this is free, if you'll find only some parts a bit useful, it was worth
to write. I left out most of the secrets from the walkthrough, what I may or
may not add in the future. Also I plan a nicer ASCII logo in the future, it
was a really quick work now.

| #04 - Game Overview |

I'm sure everybody who know computer games knows Tomb Raider games just like
Quake. And not just the gamers. So everybody reading this knows the main
character, the sexy english aristocrat brunette, Lara Croft too, she doesn't
need any introduction. She's mainly the female rippoff of Indiana Jones
(hunting for old artifacts) and Batman (she's rich and living alone in a large
house with a butler). Now in this fifth story of her she will explore a few
more movie rippoff areas, one inspired by an X-Files episode and the other one
was inspired by The Matrix and the Metal Gear Solid game. And we all know the
previous games too, not just the character. These games are full 3D
arcade/adventure games, following the oldskool path with new technology. We
can wander in the 3D world, climb and jump to things, use and combine object,
interact with the world, kill enemies (or get killed by them), swim under the
water etc, etc. There are millions of well animated and useful moves what are
making the TR games more interesting and more complex. The authors are always
keeping the previous moves and adding new ones to each major episode.

We all know how Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation ended. A whole pyramid
collapsed to Lara, so everybody thought she died and even there were many
rumours about that TR4: The Last Revelation is the very last TR game. Tomb
Raider Chronicles is following this story. Lara's friends are meeting after
her funeral (her corpse wasn't found of course) and telling four small stories
about Lara's previous adventures. The stories are really small compared to the
previous games, even smaller than the Gold version games. So the whole game
has less levels than any previous game, including the first one, and isn't the
most complicated either. It is really good in my opinion, I found the third
game a bit too hard and the fourth one a bit too long (too many levels and you
had to go back and combine puzzles between many levels). This game is smaller
and easier and still well balanced. Also the gameplay is a bit different in
every story (not just Lara's outfit).

The first story is a typical TR level, we'll find ourselves in Rome again just
like in a previous game. Lara has the usual outfit and has to jump over
rooftops, wander in houses and swim a lot. The story is around a small
artifact as usual and two enemies are from the first game, Larson and Pierre.
And there are many creatures of course.

Jean-Pierre is telling the second story, the Russian Base story, where he
helped Lara on a quest. This one was heavily inspired by an old X-Files
episode. Mostly playing on a russian u-boat hired by a russian gangster Sergei
and controlled by Admiral Jerevan. They are diving for Hitler's Spear Of
Destiny, a powerful artifact what was a base of many other games too. In this
story Lara has two clothes. First she wears some winter camouflage military
suit and a cap, then a heavy diving suit too for a short time. The enemies are
mostly russian soldiers. The gameplay is mostly the usual here (out of the
diving part), in the u-boat we have to use a bit stealth technique too.

The third story, the Black Isle, is the story of Lara and Father Dustan, when
Lara was a teenager (if you loved the TR4 training levels, you'll love this
one too). Father Dustan is travelling to an abandoned (well, mostly) irish
island to fight against evil forces and Lara was hiding in his boat, so she
ends up on the island aswell. In this level we can control the young Lara and
we are unarmed, we can't use weapons, so this is more an adventure and
avoiding enemies game. A really cool part.

Finally the fourth episode, the Tower Block, is a high tech episode. Lara's
outfit was heavily inspired by The Matrix, Lara has a black catsuit and
headset. And the gameplay was heavily inspired by Metal Gear Solid. We have to
avoid enemies (on the second level we mostly will be unarmed) and hide a lot
and kill some enemies with chloroform. There are some really heavy enemies in
this story, the Mobile Refrigerators, these guys are looking like Judge Dredd
and shooting large electric shock beams (one hit takes 50% of our energy
usually), it's not easy to kill them, only an exact headshot will kill them.
In this story we have to steal the Iris artifact, what we already know from
the beginning of Tomb Raider 4, and the boss is Verner Von Croy once again, in
the time when he was evil, however he's quite passive in this story. This is
the hardest story of the game.

About the new moves. There are many smaller ones. The most interesting new
moves since the last game are the tightrope walking (only on the first and
last two levels, quite easy, sometimes randomly Lara is unbalancing to the
left or right, we have to push immediately her to the opposite direction) and
the stealth attack (we can knock out the chef on the u-boat with the crowbar
and kill some enemies with chloroform in the Tower Block). Another new move is
that, Lara can grab horizontal poles and spin around them and can somersault
from crouch position to lower areas. In the Tower Block we will have a cool HK
gun with scope, silencer and three different speed modes. Also we will have a
grappling hook gun, with this one we can shoot out hooks with rope and make
ropes for ourselves. We can interact more with the background too, for example
shoot out pipes and search out drawers, shelves and cabinets.

To sum it all, I really enjoyed this game. Everything is well balanced, the
size, the complexity, the different game modes and stealth modes too. I mostly
played Tomb Raider games on the PC, I only have one TR game on PlayStation,
TR3 (thanks to Core Design or Croft Times, I don't know where I won it). That
game was really slow, ugly and uncontrollable on the PSX compared to the PC
version (I guess became too complex for the machine as they improved the
original engine the third time and made larger levels and more complex objects
for the actual standard PCs), so this one was a surprise, Tomb Raider
Chronicles is extremely fast, nice, detailed and playable on the PlayStation.
At the moment when I'm writing this, the only version of the game is a leaked
out PlayStation beta. What has some bugs (especially on the very last level)
and missing the final music and voice from the full motion video sequences.
(That's why I don't really know the stories in details.)

Due to the beta PlayStation version I'm writing about, there could be some
differences in the final game, maybe on other platforms too, anyway I doubt in
it. I'm sure this walkthrough can be used with the final game too on every

| #05 - Walkthrough |

Some words about the walkthrough. This walkthrough is based on the PlayStation
beta, as this time nothing else is available, the game is not out in the shops
yet. As this is a really late beta, probably this walkthrough can be used
perfectly with the final and other versions of the game too. Only ignore the
parts when I warn you about the beta bugs. And maybe you can find different
extras at different places, anyway I even doubt in that things like these can
be changed in a few weeks. So you can use this with the final PlayStation,
Dreamcast and PC versions too. Also I skipped many secrets in this
walkthrough, due to that reason I worked on this in a rush and I don't think
secrets are that important. Maybe later if I'll have time, I'll find all the
secrets and update this FAQ with them (and if 100% secrets will unlock an
extra level as in the case of TR3, really expect this in the future). I mostly
wrote this walkthrough for the people stuck somewhere, if you follow a step by
step guide, even with full secrets, that's like somebody is chewing the food
for you, no fun. I advise you to play on your own and use this only if you are
getting stuck, or even if you follow it, explore the areas more deeply, get
the secrets I missed, that will be fun. I also have to add that I'm not an
english speaking person and my english is terrible, so this FAQ is probably
filled with stupid errors due to this, also it isn't a paid work and I did it
in a rush, due to these it has even more typos and spelling and other errors
as my usual paid works. Sorry for these, but as it is 100 percently free and
was done to help the people out, I hope you don't mind the errors and can at
least imagine what I wanted to write in some really stupid sentences. (I will
scan through sometimes and fix some errors I can find in the next updates.)
Finally thanks for Core Design for the great game (great job Del and Nuke of
Anarchy, hey, aren't you looking for a betatester-programmer, hehe) and CHOIR
for the beta (of course I'll buy the full game when it will be available
here). Of course greetings to all my other friends too. Now let's start!

Level 01 - Streets of Rome - Rome

This is the first story. Winston or Jean-Pierre is telling it. From the movie
we can learn that Lara tried to buy an artifact, the Mercury stone, but the
sellers, Larson and Pierre (Natla's goons) wanted to keep it for themselves
together with Lara's money. Lara took the stone and ran away from them. And we
get the control on the streets of Rome. Lara has the usual green top and brown
short in this whole story. I was hoping after the FMV that we can control her
in that cool blue dress a bit too. :)

First run to the corner and turn right. You get to a small fountain, you can
shoot your first enemy there, a dog. From the fountain you can do a running
jump to the top of the cafe and get the flares there. As this is a quick
walkthrough, I will not write about everything like this and like the
secrets, feel free to explore the areas in details yourself (I leave a little
bit of fun for you). Go to the path behind the cafe and put your head into the
mouth of the lion. Just kidding, press action (on the PSX the X button by
default) and you pull a handle in its mouth (anyway Lara will put her head
into the lion's mouth, hehe). From the fountain go to the path you originally
came from and turn right at the first corner. Go down and pull another handle
in another lion's mouth. Bats will attack you. Now climb up to the platform
and into the house from there. Follow the path. You'll find a window, if you
shoot it out, you can find some ammo behind it. Follow the path and you'll
find another window with a small medipack. Go down on the stairs, kill the dog
and pull the switch, now you can get back to the fountain easier. But now go
back to the last window, shoot out the opposite one and jump over the gap. Go
to the left and get the Golden key 1. Now go back to the fountain, kill the
dog and open the door. Inside you have to gunfight with Larson, after a few
shots he will run away and you can get a small medipack there. Go after him,
turn left and get the Garden key from the top of the wooden box. Follow the
other path and gunfight with Larson again, he'll run away again. Now you can
try out one of Lara's new moves. Go to the rope, press the action and then
press and hold Up. Lara will randomly lose her balance, stop and lean left or
right, when she does it, press the opposite direction, she'll get back her
balance and you can continue walking on the rope with Up. Go down to the
street with action and pull the handle, you have another open way back to the

You can skip this part if you don't need goodies and a secret, the following
is a large area filled with these but isn't needed to finish the level. Go
back to the fountain and go where you originally came from, go to the Opera
Backstage. (You can do this in different order too of course.) Climb up on the
boxes, jump and go to the other room. Jump over the gap and climb up to the
metal platform. From there you can get some goodies and after a jump, from the
middle platform even more. Now you have to reach the top of the yellow
machine, you can do it on two ways, either with a simple jump from this
platform, or you get back to the previous gap and follow the path to the next
room where you jump from platform to platform and finally get back to this
room. (And I must add you can go to that third room on ground level and climb
up there too.) When you get back to this second room, jump and grab the
platform above you, climb to the other end of the room and climb up to the
yellow machine there. Many ways to choose. Crawl into the hole, pull the
switch and go through the door. Climb up to the yellow machine and jump to and
into the pool. Follow the path by swimming under the water. And from the next
pool you can follow a small path too what you can find at the bottom of the
pool, to get some goodies. Get out of the pool and you'll find another rope.
Don't cross it, but explore the area below it. Press action at the cabinets
(sorry, I wrote cabinets everywhere to the shelves too in this walkthough and
I can't correct them without finishing it again, some cabinets are shelves) to
get goodies and push the cabinets at the corners to get even more behind them,
and a secret. Now go back to the rope, you can simply climb up at the other
end if you don't want to practice on the rope. :) More cabinets, more stuff.
Finally you'll reach another handle, pull that one too and you can go back to
the fountain.

Now go back to the last opened path and turn left. In the opening on the left
you can pick up some ammo, then follow the path and pick up the Revolver at
the top of the stairs. Go down to the closed door and press action to open it.
You can find the LaserSight there, combine it with the Revolver and shoot
the lock this way. Take the second Garden key and get out of here quickly. Go
back to the previous junction, run to the end, turn left and use the two
Garden keys to open the garden gate. Now you can go into the garden from the
street through the gate.

When you go to the snake heads, you get the cutscene with Larson and Pierre.
Continue your way behind the building. Another cutscene with a bell. Of course
you have to ring the bell with the Revolver and LaserSight. You can get
another LaserSight and a box of ammo at the upper door. Go into the opening on
the left from the upper door. Do a running jump, pull the handle in the mouth
of the lion and the upper door is open now. In the upper building, go to the
left and pull the handle, then operate with the crystal bird. Go to the right
and on the upper platform hop backwards with action, then shimmy right below
the swinging thing. Pull that handle you find there, go down and operate with
the other crystal bird too. Go out of the building and through the lower door.
Take the Saturn symbol and watch the cutscene.

Level 02 - Trajan's markets - Rome

In the cutscene Larson and Pierre are taking the Saturn symbol from Lara and
placing it into the gate. Now two symbols are there, two more are needed.

We find ourselves on the streets again. Go into the left room and shoot the
box to get the Crowbar. You can do the same on the right too, to get another
LaserSight. Open the metal door with the Crowbar and climb up. (There's a
small medikit in the box.) Take the other small medikit from the window and
walk through the rope. Jump to the other platform, go out and jump across the
two gaps. You can get the ammo from the window too. Continue your way by
climbing and jumping and finally down into the building where the gears are.
Climb up on the climbable wall on the right, at the top climb left across its
corner. Now you can jump into two directions. Jump to the right and into the
building from there. Pull the rope, the cutscene shows that the gear goes up.
Don't leave yet, pull it again and again to raise the gear to the top. Now
jump from platform to platform until you reach the other rope, pull it to
start the big machine what will move away the biggest gear from the way. You
can take the ammo from the window above the gear, then go down and enter the
door. Get the goodies inside, then continue your way to the left where the big
gear was. Get the Golden coin with the Crowbar and place it into the knight's
platform. You can leave the building now and enter a new area what was closed
before. Get the ammo and continue your way in the water.

Get the medikit and get out of the water at the other end. Get the ammo and
prepare for the metal octopus boss. It is not easy, it will fry you very
quickly with electric beam. You have to use the Revolver with LaserSight and
aim and shot its green eyes really quickly. You can jump in and out for the
two eyes. Save here, probably you have to retry it a few times (I killed it
without problem with one quick aim to the two eyes). Go down and get the Mars
symbol. Back at the red machine you can jump up to the metal platform and jump
to the top of the red machine to get a secret. Go back to the octopus room,
get the ammo and open the manhole. Climb down into the sewers, get the medikit
in the water and swim through the upper hole in the big hole on the middle.
Follow the path, get the ammo and get the Valve wheel with the Crowbar. Go
back to the red machine, use the Valve wheel on it and turn the wheel, then go
back to the sewers and dive at the big hole again. Now you can swim through
the deeper hole, you can get a large medipack in a room, then swim up where a
ventillator is pumping the water. Another red machine, turn the valve and you
can swim right at the ventillator. Follow the path to the surface. Get the
ammo and the Shotgun, then kill the knight boss. Don't let him catch you with
his sword, jump to the left or right when he is preparing his electric shock.
Get the goodies, jump out where the window was and dive down for the fourth
piece, the Venus symbol. Swim through the other new underwater door too and
you'll find yourself at the snake gate again.

Time to save. After a small cutscene you have to fight again with Larson,
after he's down, you have to shoot him some more times. The time gone out, the
snakes are coming alive. These are the next bosses to fight against. Get the
goodies in the garden and shoot the snakes with shotgun. Don't go too close to
them and always jump left and right to avoid their fire. Now all you have to
do is to place the two symbols into the gate and jump from platform to
platform in the open gate. You can't take the artifact at the end, it was a
trap and you fall down ... to the next level.

Level 03 - The Colosseum - Rome

No FMV or cutscene this time. Just follow the path and run and jump when the
stones are collapsing below your feet. From the stone you landed hop back
while you hold the action, climb a bit down (these walls are climbable), then
a lot to the left until you reach a small place with a stone button on the
wall. Push it, then go back the same way. Now the door is open, follow the
path, it is really linear. Slide down, kill the lion, push the button, kill
the lion, climb up and pick up the Gemstone piece. The simple linear part
continues. Kill the gladiator, pick up the medikit in the opening, go up, kill
the gladiator, pick up the ammo, push the stone button, go up, go up, kill the
gladiator, kill the lion, go through the door, go to the left, pick up the
large medikit and pick up the Uzi. Now go down to the previous level and go
into the big hall and save there. This is a quite heavy timed part. Probably
you have to waste a lot of time until you can make this part in time.
Explore the hall if you want to (you have to learn the places of the
platforms), then do a running jump to the right, where you can see a pulling
rope switch. Pull the rope three times, then quickly run to the right corner
of the platform (right when you are facing to the middle of the hall), jump to
the platform what is in front of the middle area, jump from that platform to
the next one, from that to the next again (you'll see the order), climb up,
run around on that large platform, finally you'll face to the middle and with
a running jump you can reach the middle again. Everywhere you have to make
running jumps at the exact points. You can't hop back for runup and you have
to push jump at the very last position. Also you can't save in a timed
sequence like this. Technically you can, but it will f*ck up the game. (As I
remember in all TR games and I had to restart many levels due to that I save
sometimes in timed sequences.) If you did it right, you'll reach the metal
cylinder before it goes down again and you can get the second Gemstone piece
from it. Combine the two pieces into the Gemstone and go into the direction of
the closed door, what will open when you reach it. You'll fall into another
trapdoor trap and a cool and funny cutscene is coming up with Pierre.

After the "busy girl gotta go", go into the next room and use the Gemstone on
that thing. The room is collapsing under your feet, turn around quickly and do
a running jump to the opposite direction (to the direction of the door). Turn
around again a do another running jump to the opposite direction again. Hop
back with action and shimmy left around the corner until you can, there you
can release action and continue your way. After you climb up to the next
level, finally you can see the outdoors again and you see the Colosseum. You
have to kill a gladiator and a lion and the gladiator will leave the Colosseum
key 1 for you. Use the key at the door and go inside, prepare for a fight with
another big knight boss. After you killed him, go into the opening, take the
Colosseum key 2 and open the next large door with it. Slide down and finally
get the red artifact with the Crowbar. This is the end of the level and the
end of the first story. You get the FMV where Lara is holding this stuff, then
her friends are watching it.

Level 04 - The base - Russian Base

The FMV is continuing and Jean-Pierre is telling the next story, the story of
the Russian Base and the russian and german submarines. The story is starting
in the WW2 probably, a german submarine is sinking (german submarines are
always sinking in every movie like Das Boot) and we will learn that the Spear
Of Destiny, a mysterious and powerful mythological artifact was on the board.
Something is moving in the boxes and then the soldiers are fighting against
something what is lighting. A little bit of Abyss, a little bit of Das Boot
and a really lot of X-Files rippoff. And then they died and the submarine
crushed. We can see Lara in a white snow camouflage suit and a small cap and
Jean-Pierre standing on a hill above a russian military base, watching russian
gangsters going into the base. I have no sound in this beta version, probably
they are talking about that the base is organizing a u-boat mission into the
german submarine, to get the Spear Of Destiny. Then Lara is leaving to get
into the base somehow.

Where we start to control her after a small sliding sequence. Follow the path
into a large hall with a lot of boxes. There is a large crane what can move
everywhere on the ceiling and its heavy head can go down to the floor quickly.
A bad guy is controlling it behind a bullet-proof glass and trying to kill
Lara with it. When we aren't in move it will reach us and kill us (we can see
its shadow too and the voice is a big help too, also when we are close to the
wall it can't reach us). First get the Silver key from the cabinet, then open
the door on the opposite wall (where you entered the hall). Go up, kill the
enemies and get the Swipe card. Get the Uzi too from the cabinet. Go back down
and use the Swipe card at the left door, then kill the dog and shoot out the
grating. Climb into the air shaft for a secret. Now open the other door with
the Swipe card and go up. You have to jump from box to box now, really quickly
without falling down or getting killed by the crane. It's not that hard and
you can see the sequence easily. Now you reached the other end, you can open
the door with the button and take a revenge on the crane controlling bad guy.
It is just a keyframe cutscene, we don't have to fight this time. After Lara
killed the guy, she's taking over the crane controller and ripping out a phat
part from the wall, opening new areas for us this way. Get the ammo and
medikit from the cabinets and open the other door with the button.

Continue the way through the ripped out wall. Kill the commies and go out on
the left. You can explore a few areas here, you can go into the water or jump
on boxes, if you want. To continue, open the door with the Swipe card, go
inside and run around that machine. You'll see that a fuse is missing. A guard
will come in and after you kill him, you'll get a Silver key. Go back to the
other door and go up on the stairs. Open the door there with the key and watch
the cutscene. Go to the right, jump to platform from platform and get the
goodies at the end. Hop to the ground and open the door with the Swipe card.
Go into the building, kill the dog and open all the cabinets. There are a lot
of goodies, including the Revolver and the Fuse. Open the door in the water,
take a big breath and dive down. Turn to the right at the first junction and
follow the path, you'll get a secret at the end. Go back to the shower, open
the other door with the button and go to the machine with the missing fuse. On
the way you can kill two snipers in the windows with the LaserSight. Use the
Fuse, kill the dog and push the button behind the newly opened door. Go out,
climb up to the large box and jump to the box you just moved, then jump to the
u-boat of course.

A keyframe cutscene is coming up, Lara is landing on the u-boat, knocking out
a big russian dock-worker and hiding between the boxes in the cargo space.

Level 05 - The submarine - Russian Base

The cutscene is continuing here. Several hours later Admiral Jerevan and his
men found Lara, took away her weapons and locked her into a cabin. We get the
control there.

We have a limited invertory, not too many things to do. In these cases we have
to work with the given things what we can find (Lara learned this from
McGyver, hehe). There is a lazy handle on the middle, hmm, looks like a
crowbar. Use the action and you'll have a Crowbar. Now what can we do with a
Crowbar? Maybe open the wall at a grating. And we have a way out of here. Now
follow the air shaft, you have to move, crawl and climb a lot there (Lara
learned this from Bruce Willis, hehe). Soon you'll reach a sparking hole,
climb down into it (it will not hurt you) and you can find a secret there.
Climb back and continue your way. After some more crawling and climbing you'll
reach another sparking area with moving phat wires. I think this is dangerous,
crawl backwards and use the action to avoid them. Climb out on the right, open
the door with action and climb down. Get the Battery (-) from the drawer and
the medikit from the cabinet. The door is closed, so you have to go back to
the wires and continue your way on the known way. After even more crawling and
climbing you'll reach a grating and get a cutscene with Admiral Jerevan and
the gangster Sergei on the bridge.

Continue your way by crawling, running and climbing down, until you reach the
end of the air shaft at a trapdoor. Open it, climb down carefully and with the
walk button walk silently behind the chef. Knock him out with the Crowbar by
pressing action behind him. Take the Bronze key, open the door with it and get
everything from the cabinets and drawer. You'll get your Pistols back finally
and the Silver key to leave the kitchen, use it at the other door. Kill the
guys in the dining hall and get the ammo one of them left behind. Go through
the open door what isn't leading to the restrooms, follow the path and open
the only door you can open there. Climb up and run a bit, you'll reach the
cargo space. Kill the guys and collect the Shotgun, the Aqualung and the large
medikit from the top of the boxes. Go back to the dining hall and open the
closed door, go through it. Go to the room on the right, kill the guy, climb
up to the box and at the right position jump and hold the action, you'll open
the trapdoor above you. (The cabinets and drawer are empty in this version.)
Climb up to the air shaft, climb up for the secret at the second bigger hole
where you can stand up, and open the trapdoor at the end of the air shaft,
climb down. Kill the guy, get the Battery (+) from the drawer and combine the
two battery parts into Suit battery. Continue your way, but don't turn left
where you can (that path is leading back to the dining hall), climb down, kill
the guy, get his ammo and get the small medikit in the sleeping room. Open the
door on the previous corridor, kill the guy at the torpedoes and climb up. On
the next corridor there are four rooms, open the first door on the right, kill
the soldier, get his Suit console and combine it with the Aqualung. Continue
your way on the corridor, in the second room on the right you can kill a guy,
but you won't get anything for doing it. Finally open the last door, go to the
upper part of the diving suit, use the Suit console and use the Suit battery.

A small cutscene is coming up. Lara is taking on the heavy diving suit and
going out from the submarine.

Level 06 - Deepsea dive - Russian Base

This isn't a real level, just a small half level in my opinion. All the
stories in this game are built up from three levels, this is the extra one in
the Russian Base story. There aren't things to combine or kill here.

You are starting in the water in the diving suit below the u-boat. Now you can
swim without losing air (at least in the first part of this level). New items
are the Chaff flares and the only enemies are the indestructable small
submarines what are trying to kill you with torpedoes. The Chaff flares are
the only help to fool the torpedoes and of course the quick move. At the first
small submarine you can find a small hole and continue your way at the back of
that area. You will reach a hole, dive into it and follow the path.

After you swim a bit, you'll reach a box. A keyframe cutscene is coming up.
Lara is taking the Spear Of Destiny out from the box, then some rusty metal
things are collapsing on her and Lara's suit starting to lose the air. So now
you have to get back to the starting point at the u-boat as quick as you can
or you will die. Fortunately you can use the other path back to the u-boat,
the flow will even speed you up a bit.

Level 07 - Sinking submarine - Russian Base

Another cutscene is coming up. Lara got back to the u-boat, Sergei, the
gangster is waiting for her with his men. After a conversation Sergei is
taking the Spear Of Destiny from Lara and ordering his men to insert Lara into
the ocean from the torpedo room. After Sergei is doing something with the
Spear, he opens its powers what are killing him with a detonation. At the same
time Lara is knocking out the other men. Probably due to the detonation of the
Spear Of Destiny, the u-boat is sinking. Fire and electric shock is
everywhere. These are the worst enemies on this level, together with the
russian soldiers. Lara is again in her previous winter camouflage suit and

Climb down on the ladder, kill the guys and get the ammos they are leaving
behind. Continue your way until you'll reach the corridor with fire. Don't go
there yet, continue your way further and kill the guy and take his ammo. Now
go back to the corridor with fire and get through it into the room on the
middle of the corridor. (Face to the wall and use side jump.) Get the Uzi from
the cabinet, then go back to the corridor and jump again, until you reach the
dining hall. You can see a small cutscene showing high voltage cables coming
down from the ceiling and reaching the water filling the dining hall's floor.

So you have to avoid touching the floor, jump from table to table. Anyway
electricity won't kill you immediately, you always have time to jump to a
table if you fall down. Leave the hall at the cables, go right, kill the guy,
get his Swipe card and get the medikit from the cabinet. Now get back to a
previous door what you can and have to open with the Swipe card (it is before
the electric dining hall and the corridor with fire). Open the door and
continue your way there. You can't cross the electric corridor yet, climb up
on the ladder, ignore the other electric room on the left too, follow the path
to the bridge. Open the door there and you'll get a cutscene. Lara will find
Admiral Jerevan there, he's a friend now, talking to Lara about the only
escape, the Escape Pod (above him, but don't climb there yet) and giving her
the Silver key. After you get the control back, go back to the bridge, climb
up to the table with the map and face to the lazy grating. Jump and shoot it
out, then jump and climb into it. In the air shaft crawl to the right and open
the trapdoor you find there. Climb down, go to the high voltage switch, face
to the wall, jump and hold the action and you finally turned off those high
voltage cables. Now go back to the high voltage room before the bridge. (You
can finish this without switching off the electricity, but now you can collect
more.) Collect all the goodies you can find in this room including the
Revolver and the Nitrogen canister, then go out and climb down to the lower
corridor. Now you can go throught the corridor with the many high voltage
cables, do it and use the Silver key at the door. In the conference room open
the cabinets, collect the goodies, including the Oxygen canister, then go back
to the bridge. On the way you have to kill a few soldiers and you get a Bronze
key from one of them. On the bridge jump up to the air shaft again and crawl
to the room with the electricity switch, now you can open the door there with
the Bronze key. Get the secret from the drawer there. Go back to Admiral
Jerevan, climb up to the Escape Pod and use the Nitrogen and Oxygen canisters
up there.

A cutscene is coming up followed by a FMV. Admiral Jerevan and Lara are
arguing, Lara wants to save the Admiral, finally they are agreeing in that the
Admiral will close the airlock and release the Escape Pod and Lara will tell
his story to the world. So this is happening, the white (X-Files type)
lightbeam is killing the Admiral and destroying the u-boat, Lara is reaching
the surface where his friend, Jean-Pierre is waiting for her. End of the
second story.

Level 08 - Gallows tree - Black Isle

The previous full motion video is following here too. After Jean-Pierre
finished his story, Father Dustan is starting his and Lara's story when Lara
was young. The story is starting in Ireland (I still don't have voice and the
right music in this beta, so this may be wrong) where Father Dustan is meeting
with Winston, then leaving the town on a boat, travelling to a small irish
island to hunt down demons. Lara heard when those two talked about the
priest's quest, found it interesting, so she was hiding on that boat too and
ended on the island. She is the same young Lara from the previous Tomb Raider
game, wearing the same clothes (must be cold in that bad rainy weather). We
start to control her on the island. In this story we don't have weapons and
can't fight, so it is more an adventure part.

You can hop back to the hole and follow that path to the roots of the trees,
but there's nothing down there, at least I wasn't able to find anything in
this beta. Follow the path from the starting point until you reach a big
chasm. Do a running jump to the other side of the chasm where you can see the
platform. Grab the ledge and shimmy to the left until the end. You can see a
steep platform where you have to continue your way. Jump to it and when you
slide down, grab the ledge and shimmy to the right. Release the ledge and
immediately grab it again (the ledge below), then crawl through the hole.
Slide down at the other end and climb up to that small platform. You can see
plants above you on the rocks, jump and grab them, move this way to the other
side of the chasm again. (Of course if you accidentally fall down from
anywhere, you can go back to the starting position, see above.) Follow the
path, on the right you can get a large medikit. Slide down on the left and
watch the keyframe cutscene, a hanged demon on the Gallows tree orders Lara to
get back his heart for him.

After you get back the control, imps (the small white creatures) will follow
you and stab you whenever they can. You can't do anything but run away from
them, luckily they are slow and first there is only one on this area. First go
to the wall where you came from. Jump to the steep wall in the corner, climb
up and hold the jump button, so instead sliding down, you will jump backwards
to a platform, where you can get a secret. Go to the opening near the well.
You can crawl throught the hole, but there's nothing interesting over there,
this is only an exit path what you will need later. At the hole jump and grab
the ceiling and climb until its end. (You can't do anything against the bats.)
From here you can standing jump into the well (you can't jump into it from the
ground due to it is surrounded with high walls). Swim until you reach the
surface at the house. There are a few dead ends under the water, but even if
some of them will fool you, you can easily reach your destination. Climb out
from the water, and don't jump to the other pool, but from the platfrom in
front of the closed door do a running jump to that long steep platform and
jump backwards from that to the corner of the house. Crawl into the house and
take the large medikit and the Rubber tube from the drawer. Unfortunately you
can't ride that cool rusty bicycle, or anything in this game. :( Jump into the
hole and swim through it. You'll end at the same place where you reached the
house. Now you can't do anything else, climb out, jump to the other pool,
climb out and go back to the well through the hole and crawling hole.

Now go to the tower and crawl through the crawling hole. Follow the path, at
the end get the Pitchfork and combine it with the Rubber tube to get the
Catapult. Climb up there (in front of the place where you found the Pitchfork)
and use the Catapult at the planks. A small cutscene is coming, Lara is
shooting a heavy stone attached to the heavy bells with chains. The bells
are falling down and the wall is collapsing too, so the way is open now. Take
the Iron clapper and hop into the hole. Climb out at the other end, go into
the first crypt and get the torch. The next two crypts are empty, light the
torch in the third crypt by pressing action at the flaming torch. The last
crypt is empty too and you can't do anything at the top of the hill yet, so go
into the hole next to the last crypt. Drop the torch into it with the drop
button, hop backwards and climb down. There is a trap inside, collapsing
platform with spiked trap, so be careful. At the first junction go right, at
the next one right again. You'll reach the roots of the spiked trap. You can't
go into the spikes with the torch, so drop it down at a safe area temporary
and with the walk button go into the spiked area. At the end crawl into the
hole and get the large medikit and the secret. Now go back carefully by
crawling and walking again, take your torch and continue your way at the
last junction. Another junction, to the left is this spiked trap and the
starting point, so go to the right. And soon you'll reach the roots of the
Gallows tree. Step to the platform below the roots and light the roots and the
tree with the torch (action button). You get the demon's Heart, to get it you
have to drop the torch temporary, so do this.

A cutscene is coming up. The door is opening and Lara finds Father Dustan
while he is destroying the demon in the hole. They are talking a bit and
Father Dustan is leaving, while telling Lara to go to the chapel. We get back
the control here. You can get the torch again (isn't needed from here) and
follow Father Dustan. After a few sliding you get back to the well. Crawl
through the hole again at the tower (you can't climb or crawl with the torch,
so you have to leave that cool torch), jump up again at the bells and go
through the hole to the area with the crypts. Go up to the hill at the end
of the path and use the Heart at the hole on the wall. Now from every coffin
in every crypt an imp is coming out (a really small cutscene is showing this)
and going up to the hill to kill Lara. So you have to act quickly when you get
the control back, but all you have to do is to run through the newly opened
door. Another cutscene is coming up, Lara is opening a hole on the floor of
that crypt and tossing the Iron clapper (be sure you have it here) into the
imps. The Iron clapper is killing the imps as those are unholy creatures and
iron is a good weapon against them (also it is from a bell of a church or
something). Follow the new path by crawling, running and climbing (on the
bridge get the large medikit) and finally you'll reach the chapel and the next

Level 09 - Labyrinth - Black Isle

No cutscene this time, you immediately find yourself inside the chapel. Go
around a bit and you will get a cutscene. A monk ghost is flying through the
walls and in the other room turning around a golden thing at the corner of a
seat. Now go to the other end of this room and push the stones. First the one
on the middle, then the left and finally the right one (maybe there is an even
better combination to open the door in the next room and get some secret,
maybe not). The camera is showing that the door is now open to the room where
that monk operated with that thing. Now there are big skeletons with big
swords everywhere (and are really dangerous), try to avoid them, fortunately
they aren't moving. Go to the other room and use action on that golden thing,
a small cutscene is following with a really stupid church music and you get
the Bone dust. Get the small medikit too and go back to the previous room to
the stone buttons. Use the Bone dust in the corner, now the camera is showing
us that the skeltons are burning and flying away, so they won't hurt Lara
anymore. Another door is opened now at the beginning position, go that way,
slide down and fall into the hole. Swim up and climb out from the water.

Another small cutscene is coming up, showing that monk ghost and the whole
building. Now this is a big, but not that heavy puzzle. First start to go up
and go out at the first hole in the wall. Go through the bridge, into the
rotating wooden tower in the middle of the whole building. You have to play
with that like with that old Rubik Tower toy. Pull the switch and the tower is
rotating two times. Go out and start climbing again. This isn't the same place
as the previous one, the figures on the stones on the wall are helping you to
find out where you are. Go one level up, out to the tower again, but now don't
pull the switch, but leave the tower on the other path. In that place go up
until the top and there you can crawl for a small medikit. Go back to the
upper exit and go out to the tower again from there. Now in the tower you will
find a book titled Bestiary, take it and the exit will open from here. Now do
a running jump to the door, climb up and leave this area. You can play more
with this rotating tower if you want to get more goodies and secrets, but this
is the easiest and fastest way to solve it.

Outside you will find a lighting spirit (you can hear it too what is also a
help to find it if you get lost), what is a good spirit probably, showing you
the right way out of here. So all you have to do is to follow it always. And
if you are slow and getting lost, it will wait for you after some corners, so
you can find it again easily. First get the large medikit, jump up, grab the
ledge and climb up. From the top of this platform do a running jump and grab
the ledge of that thin wooden platform. Then do a running jump from this to
the other thin wooden platform (you won't slide down from it even if it looks
steep). Follow the path, go up, slide down, go up, get out and keep following
the spirit. Outside there are a few monsters, try to avoid them, and a few
pits, try not to fall down into them. After a few corners, monsters and pits
the spirit will lead you out to a path. Slide down, take the large medipack
and leave the level through the opened coffin door.

In the following cutscene Lara is sliding down a bit more and meeting with
Father Dustan again. The Father's hair turned white, probably he saw too many
creepy things around here. He is leading Lara out from the labyrinth finally.

Level 10 - Old mill - Black Isle

The previous cutscene is continuing here. Father Dustan and Lara are talking
while walking about leaving the island, the Bestiary book and things and soon
we get back the control here. If you follow the path here, a few steps after
that grey stone you'll get another cutscene. You can't go there, but it is
worth watching once why you can't go there. A living dead Cossack horseman,
Vladimir Kaleta is chasing Lara and knocking her out two times. And this is
happening every time you cross the grey stone, so you have to go on the other
path to the left.

After running a bit in the cave you get to a hole, you can do running jump and
climb up at the other ledge or simply climb down and climb up if you wish. At
the next junction go to the right. You get to the rope and the camera is
giving a hint what to do. You can see two imps on a lower platform and
something on an upper platform. This won't be easy if you aren't good with the
ropes in Tomb Raider and the imps are really dangerous now as they are
throwing stones at you nonstop. So jump and grab the rope, move down to its
bottom, rotate around it and face to the upper platform where you saw that
thing. Then start to swing with the dash button. Finally when you are
swinging, at the right position jump to the platform from the rope with the
jump button. Take the unlit torch and slide down to the starting position. Go
back into the cave and follow the third path. After the next junction on the
right take the small medikit (bats are attacking you there and of course you
have to drop down the torch temporary to pick the medikit up), then on the
left light the torch. Go back to the rope and it is recommended to save now.
You have to drop the burning torch to the platform where the imps are.
Unfortunately the torch is bouncing down to the pit often. Try to aim to the
longest opposite corner. If the burning torch is landing there well, the imps
won't hurt you anymore, they are running in circles from now without throwing
stones or stabbing you. Jump to the rope again, slide to its bottom, now your
destination is that door with metal bars, turn into that destination. Start to
swing and jump into that platform. You can see that it is not a real door and
there's nothing really interesting there, only the metal bars. And that is
what you need, use the action button and you will get the Crowbar. Hop back,
grab the ledge and fall down to the staring position again. And now you have
to swing with the rope again. Now this will be easy, you simply have to reach
the opposite area, jump into that direction from the rope and you are there.
Get into the small cave, pick up the stuff, then check out the white-grey
stones with steep upper areas. You saw things like these before in the
previous TR games. You have to jump in a sequence from stone to stone, without
falling or sliding down. This one is hard, fortunately not dangerous. Start at
the lower entrance of the small cave, face to the stone what is in the
direction of the pit and rope from you. You have to jump up somewhere on the
middle, grab the ledge, climb up and immediately press the jump to jump
backwards. Slide a little bit down on the next steep stone and jump again,
when you reach the next one, jump immediately and press and hold the action.
If you are lucky, you grab the ledge of the next stone. Even I have to restart
this sequence many times every time I'm here, there's no receipt I think,
depends on exactly where you start and exactly where you jump off from the
second stone, and usually this combination is wrong and you don't reach the
fourth one. When you are hanging on the fourth one, you can continue the
sequence. Shimmy to the right edge, climb up, you start to slide immediately,
press jump and press jump on the next stone too. Finally press and hold the
action and you grab another ledge if you are lucky. Of course the result of
this sequence is also depends on that exactly when you press the jump when you
are sliding on these stones. Finally climb up to the small crawling space and
crawl around. At the end climb out, but don't release the ledge, shimmy to the
left and at the end climb up again and crawl into the hole. Climb down, take
the large medikit and use the Crowbar at the stone to get the Chalk. Now climb
out to the imps and crawl into the hole below the platform there to get the
secret. Crawl out again and now get back to the starting position. (Standing
jump to the platfrom below the starting position platform and jump and climb
to that platform.)

You finished here now, go back to the starting position of the whole level and
go to the grey stone before the Cossack. Use the Chalk on it to draw a
pentagram. A really cool keyframe cutscene is coming, Lara is drawing the
pentagram, the Cossack is attacking and Father Dustan is saving Lara. Finally
the Cossack is knocking out Father Dustan, kidnapping him and riding away with
him. After you get back the control, you can go behind the grey stone now.
Slide down into the cave and follow the path until you get another really cool
cutscene with Lara, the Cossack and Father Dustan. From this we will learn
that the Cossack's name is Vladimir Kaleta, he is 700 years old and imprisoned
into that valley, because he is a demon and demons can't cross the running
water what is running around that valley. Finally the Cossack is taking away
Father Dustan again and we get back the control.

This is a really cool area. Go between the two houses and jump over the
running water there and you'll reach another great area, a windmill after the
previous watermill. On the left you can find two small caves, crawl into the
second one, take the large medikit, get through the flames without burning
yourself, take the secret and leave the cave through the two waterpools (so
the two caves are one cave). Jump into the big water and swim around. You can
see a lot of interesting things, but you can't do too many things at the
moment. There is a deeper area of the water, you can see a red creature there,
Swampy, it is swimming around its gold and silver collection. You have to swim
to the gold and silver really quickly when you can't see Swampy and steal its
Silver coin. No problem if your timing is wrong, you get a cutscene where Lara
is fighting with Swampy and you can try again until you make it. After this
Swampy is chasing you and its Silver coin. Swim to the cage and use the Silver
coin there. Another cutscene is coming, Lara is putting the Silver coin into
the cage, the creature, Swampy goes after the coin and getting trapped. The
imps are lifting up the cage with a crane, then killing and probably eating

Now swim back to the area what the red creature, Swampy patrolled and now the
path is open, swim into the windmill from there. Inside the windmill go up,
until you reach that large gear switch. This is a timed one, but not really
hard. Pull it three times, then do a running jump on its left to that small
horizontal pole. Grab it with action and you can see a great move, Lara is
spinning around that pole like a striptease chick. The only difference is that
Lara isn't naked (maybe Scorpion will make a nude code for this game too,
hehe) and the pole is horizontal, not vertical. Lara could spin around
forever, but you are in a timed sequence, so jump off that pole and jump to
the platform on the middle. Quickly crawl below that closing door. Behind the
door don't slide yet down, but jump up and grab the ledge, then climb up to
that platform. From that platform jump off into the direction of the switch,
hold the action and you pull that switch. A small cutscene is showing the
whole area, you stopped the windmill now and the water became slower, also you
opened the windmill's underwater door. Now you can slide down and you will end
in the water at the bottom of the windmill. Swim out from the windmill through
the new door or where you came from and go back to the watermill.

Jump over the water again and go back to the house of the Cossack. Now go to
the other side of the house and jump into the water. Swim around and somewhere
behind the house you can swim to the left, now you can do it, the water is
slow. Get the third secret there and swim and go back to the Cossack's house.
Go to the left area again, into the water again, but don't swim a lot, get out
from the water on the left before the water runs below the rocks. Jump up
there and crawl into the hole, climb down, run and crawl again, finally climb
up to the platform and you will have a good view to the Cossack's valley.
Slide a little bit down to the platform below and from its ledge do a running
jump to the other white-grey stone platform. You can see easily what you have
to do, another running jump to the roof of the Cossack's house (where the roof
isn't that steep), then a standing jump to the roof above the entrance, then
another running jump to the platform similiar to the previous one. Now it is
recommended to save now. The next destination is the watermill's roof, but it
is a harder jump. Even if you do a running jump from the very-very corner it
usually won't work. If you fall down, reload it and try again, finally you
will reach it, grab the ledge and climb up. Now this is another interesting
part where some people stuck. If you try to crawl into the watermill, Lara
won't do it. The reason is that the ground is lower inside. You can get into
it two ways. You crawl to the opening and push the jump button, in this case
Lara will somersault into the watermill control room (a new move), or you
crawl backwards and climb down with action. There is a wheel switch inside,
turn it around to finish the level and the story.

Another cool keyframe cutscene is coming up. Lara switched off the watermill
too, the water stopped flowing. The Cossack is coming out from his house with
Father Dustan. Now he is free, the water isn't flowing around him anymore and
he isn't imprisoned into his valley. He is fighting with Father Dustan again.
The Father is telling Lara to use the Bestiary book, to read out the names
from it. Lara is reading, but the Cossack is getting closer to her to kill
her. Father Dustan is saving Lara once again and fighting with the Cossack and
finally Lara is reading out the right demon name and naming the demon what the
Cossack is. With this move she is saving her and Father Dustan's life, then
she is sending back the demon to the hell. Finally we get a FMV where Lara and
Father Dustan are leaving the island on a boat. End of the third story.

Level 11 - The 13th floor - Tower Block

The previous FMV is continuing here. After Father Dustan finished his story,
Winston, Lara's irish butler is showing Lara's secret room to the others,
where Lara is keeping her artifacts. Winston is starting the new story about
the Iris artifact. At the same time we can see Verner Von Croy in Egypt.
Everybody who finished Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation knows the Iris
artifact and Verner Von Croy. Verner was Lara's mentor, they found the Iris
artifact together, what was Lara's first and Von Croy's last adventure in the
past. Von Croy was an enemy in the middle of the game (an evil egyptian god
was in him) and at the end he was Lara's friend again. He wasn't able to save
Lara's life and now wandering in Egypt and feeling guilt about it. Back to
Winston's tale (what was a few years back when Verner Von Croy was evil), we
can see Lara in a large urban city at a rooftop. She is flying to another
rooftop with a hang-glider like in the old Pink Panther movie with Peter
Sellers. She hired a partner for this quest, Zip, who is an african-american
hacker and/or communication specialist or something (as I can see it is an
unwritten rule in the american movies that hackers and communication
specialists are almost always african-american people), helping Lara from a
van through Lara's headset. Lara has a cool shiny catsuit here and a cool
headset and shades, inspired by the movie The Matrix. Lara is jumping down
with a rope from the rooftop and while swinging, she is shooting out a grating
and jumping into the air shaft.

We get the control when Lara is sliding down in the air shaft. This story is
also different a bit from the usual Tomb Raider gameplay, just like the
previous one. The gameplay here was heavily inspired by Hideo Kojima's
masterpiece game, Metal Gear Solid. We don't have to make noise, we have to
use stealth techniques and in a part we won't have any weapons out of the
Chloroform to disable really silently and carefully the guards. We start with
new Binoculars with infrared mode and a cool HK Gun with built in LaserSight,
three different modes (different speeds) and the possibility to combine it
with silencer to kill the guards without a noise. Another similiarity with MGS
is that Zip is talking a lot to Lara, telling stupid jokes and stuff, and
sometimes a few useful infos.

So from the starting position after Zip stopped talking go to the right and
climb up. You can see the Iris artifact in a room on the right and after a few
steps Zip is starting to talk again in a small cutscene. Take the ammo and
after another few steps, another cutscene and another stupid joke from Zip.
Now you have to be very quick, shoot the lock on the grating, slide down and
kill REALLY quickly that Judge Dredd like guy. Zip is calling these Mobile
Refrigerators and these are the most dangerous enemies in this story. These
are similiar to the electric octopus in the first story, are shooting electric
shock beams (one hit is usually taking 50% energy from Lara) and are really
fast and unvulnerable in most parts. They can only be killed with an aimed
headshot, so aim really-really quickly with the HK Gun's LaserSight or you'll
get killed. After you killed him, climb up to the air shaft from the broken
air shaft parts and make a few steps. You'll fall down into another air shaft
and a detonation sequence is starting. It won't stop until you are there (move
or heat detector against intruders), you have to run through it with the dash
button. Get the secret at the end and climb up on the ladder.

You can find an interesting ladder here and a moving robot with dangerous
laserbeams (just like in MGS). Climb up on the ladder, avoid the laserbeams.
The door is closed, shoot out the white wall and continue that way. Take the
ammo in that air shaft and crawl out at its end. Be quick and careful, there
is an automatic machine gun in this air shaft and a guard patrolling the
corridor outside. On the corridor go to the right, at the drink automat Zip
will start to talk again. Kill the other guards too on the corridor and go
behind the glass, take the High level access card from there. There is another
automatic machine gun so be careful. If you crawl, these won't notice you, but
once it noticed you it will shoot you even if you crawl, you have to go back
later when it "forgot" you. Use the High level access card there at the door,
take the ammo and medikit from the cabinets, then go back to the corridor.

Go to the elevator and use it, you will get to the 16th floor. A small
cutscene is showing the two guards, kill them (really easy with LaserSight)
and there's a third one too if you wait a bit. Now go to the left and open the
door with the High security access card. This room also has an automatic
machine gun, so be careful. You don't have to kill the scientists in the
orange suits, push the only button in the room, then go back to the elevator
and follow the corridor into the other direction. You will reach a place above
the Iris, only one of the other doors can be opened, on the opposite side, go
there. This is the orange suit room, you don't have to wear this stuff and you
don't have to kill the scientist here either. Push the green button on the
side of the scientist and you'll get the Access code disc. Go back to the
elevator and with the elevator to the 13th floor (I think the texture with the
number is a bit washed out, doesn't seem to be 13, but probably this is the
13th floor anyway). Use the Access code disc at the other end of the corridor
with the console and climb up to the newly opened air shaft. Another
explosion sequence is starting here, run to the pole and slide down on it. At
halfway jump backwards and you can find a secret there. From there you can hop
down to the floor and continue your way by crawling. You'll reach a hall where
Zip is starting to talk again and where you have to kill two of those electric
Judge Dredd Mobile Refrigerators. You have to be quick and aim precisely. In
the upper level get the medikit and the Cloth from the cabinets, then go
downstairs. There are a few doors, but you can open only two. First open the
smaller door with the High level access card and go inside. Take everything
from the cabinets (small and large medikits, Chloroform etc) and leave the
room quickly, the quick and dangerous bugs will attack you. In the hall open
the other, large door with the High security card and go through it. Kill the
Judge Dredd guy with a headshot, take his Iris lab access disc and use it at
the console. Continue your way, there is an automatic machine gun and a guard.
The guard is patrolling the area and if he is noticing you, the gun will
notice you too. After you killed the guard, you will reach a lab. Zip is
calling you and telling you to not to kill the scientist in the orange suit,
so don't do it, but get your gun into your hand and you can see a small
cutscene. Lara is aiming her gun to the scientist and forcing him to help to
open the door (two keycards have to be inserted at the very same time) then
knocking him out. After the door go upstairs first, you will reach the control
room above the Iris. You can find a timed switch there, switch it over (it is
disabling the force field around the Iris for a short time), then run
downstairs quickly to the Iris, take it, then leave the hall through the other

Level 12 - Escape with the iris - Tower Block

No cutscene this time, you'll find yourself in the office area of the
building. After a few steps Zip is calling you and telling you to put your gun
into that tray. Do it by going to it. That grey corridor is a weapon detector
x-ray area, killing you if you go there with your gun (also the automatic
machine guns are starting to shoot you from the two ends of that corridor and
the end will be closed with deadly laserbeams, so it is a deadtrap with your
gun). Before going through that corridor, you can see a small cracking on the
ceiling, you can jump and grab that block and open a trapdoor. Unfortunately
you can't go that way yet, there is a closed door behind it. You can see
Lara's skeleton when you go into the x-ray corridor, open the second box and
get the small medikit, don't touch the first one, that's a bomb. But remember
later how bombs are looking through the x-ray, two bombs and two panels on the
top. On the next corridor Zip is starting to talk again, also you can find
three closed doors, some ammo and a monitor where you can see the stairs
outside. Go through the door and into the room through the opposite door. Take
the Chloroform from the cabinet, then go out to the small corridor, follow it
and go into the next door (the other one is closed). Before going inside you
can see a small cutscene showing the guard at the end of the corridor. Take
the Cloth from the drawer and combine it with the Chloroform to get the
Chloroform soaked cloth. Now go behind the guard carefully with the walk
button and kill him with the Chloroform soaked cloth by pressing the action
button. Unfortunately you can't take his gun, it is disappearing with him. Go
into the last room on the previous corridor and get the small medikit from the
drawer. Now on the next corridor go into every room and search through them.
In the second room you will find a Chloroform in the cabinet and in the last
one the Restroom access card in the drawer. Now go back to the end of the
previous corridoor, to the restroom. Strange, it is a high security restroom,
you can get into it only with a code, they are guarding the sh*t well, so you
have to continue that way. You can see the number "8526" on the Restroom
access card, this number is what you have to type into the console at the
restroom. To the left you will find the women's area, even if Lara is a chick,
ignore that area, you can't do anything interesting there. :) Go into the
men's area and kick in the first door. Inside above Lara you can see another
cracked ceiling, jump, grab it and open that trapdoor.

Climb up and crawl. Be careful, there's a deep pit at the end. Hop backwards,
grab the ledge, release it and grab the ledge below it too. Then release it
and when you are landing you are losing only a little bit of energy. Crawl at
the end of this air shaft, crawl backwards and climb out to the climbable wall
of the elevator shaft. Climb down on the wall to the very bottom until you
can. Lara is hanging there, if you keep pushing the down button too together
with the action, Lara is swinging a bit to the left and right and forth. When
she is swinging out to the forth, into that hole, release the action and go
into the hole for the secret. Now face back to the elevator shaft, exactly to
the pole, jump to the pole, grab it and climb up to its top. A bit below its
top push the jump button and you'll jump backwards and land on a platform at
the elevators. You can see a horizontal pole between the elevator and the
wall, you have to do a running jump to it, spin around and jump to the
platform on the other side where the grating is. This is a heavy jump, if you
fall down, keep on trying, you will do it. From the opposite platform do a
diagonal standing jump to the top of the elevator and grab the ledge and climb
up. Open the trapdoor on the top of the elevator, climb down and push the
button. Go to the door, it will open for you. On the corridor you can see a
guard looking elsewhere. Probably in the final version you can kill him if you
make another Chloroform soaked cloth, walk behind him and use it. In this beta
PSX version you can't kill him, so walk to the other elevator silently, open
it by pushing the button on the panel and inside start the elevator by pusing
the button on its panel. The elevator is moving up and you find yourself
looking at three heavily armed guards, one of them is in that Judge Dredd
suit, they are starting to fire you immediately and Zip is telling you to
close the elevator door immediately. As you can't kill them without your gun
the best thing what you can do is to run to the control panel inside the
elevator and push it again quickly before the guards kill you. (If you are
really-really good, you can run to the end of the guarded corridor and get the
two large medikits and run back, but your surviving chances are really low on
this area.) After you push the button you get a cutscene, the elevator door is
closed and the elevator (probably due to the gunfire) is heavily damaged and
starting to fall down rapidly. When you get the control back, you have to run
to the control panel and use the action button again, you are turning on the
elevator breaks and with this move you can survive the crash of the elevator
to the ground level.

Lara is in one piece, Zip is calling her again. Climb up on the grating to the
top of the elevator, do a standing jump to the horizontal pole, spin around
and jump off to the platform, grab the ledge and climb up. From there climb up
on the climbable wall and around the half position jump backwards to another
platform behind your back. From there do a running jump to the other
horizontal pole, grab it, spin around it and jump off to the platform on the
other side. From there climb up and crawl into the hole in the wall and stop
at the end. It is recommended to save now (however this isn't that hard part).
Slide down and start to slide on the next area too, then jump and grab the
pole. Spin around it until the fire goes out for a short time (as it seems the
first fire can't reach you so I'm not sure you have to wait here), then jump
to the next pole and spin around it too until the fire goes out at the end
(this is really needed). When this happens, jump off the pole and immediately
start hopping back before the fire starting again, at the end grab the ledge
of the platform, shimmy right and climb up to that safe place. Do a running
jump to the hole on the wall, grab the ledge, climb up and now you have to
walk across that horizontal pole as you learned on the first level with ropes.
Slide down a lot and crawl out to the corridor, then run to the right end of
the corridor. The guard will notice you, chase you and shoot you whatever you
do. If you need the secret, stand in front of the green aquarium and the guard
will shoot out the glass for you. Go into it, crouch at the hole and
somersault into it with the jump button. Take the secret and get out of there
quickly. Go around the corridor, no matter if you go to the left or right, you
will end up at the same place. Go up to the upper area where you can see the
lasers. A sniper will shoot you on this area, always move quickly to avoid it.
On the upper area go around to the opposite door and climb up to the next
level on the grating to the left from that door. Go around to the other side
again and push the button you find there, this will disable the lasers. Run
around that red fire-extinguisher, the sniper will shoot it accidentally, it
will blow up and you can get into that hole for the third secret. Now climb
down and go through the newly opened door where the lasers were. Don't step to
the lower floor in the room you find there, the laser will kill you. Wait a
bit at the end before the lasered floor, a guard will come out from a closed
door behind you and start shooting at you. He will accidentally shoot out the
green aquarium if you are standing at the right place and the water is
disabling the lasers. Run to the switch on the other side, use the action
button and immediately run through the opening door, from the opposite door a
Judge Dredd guy is coming out, so now these two guys are chasing you and
shooting at you. Run to the left into a room and watch the small cutscene what
is a conversation with Zip. The chasers are opening the door behind you, so
run through the room quickly, left on the corridor and through the righ door
at its end. This is the teleport room, the chasers will not follow you here.
Behind the only other door you can find a room filled with boxes. Jump and
grab the cracked ceiling part and climb and crawl behind that opened door.
Climb down and use the switch. Now you turned on the x-ray in the room, you
can see that all boxes are bombs (if you opened up one you sure know this
already) except one. Go back to the room and take out the Teleporter disc from
that box. As I can see the disc is always in the same box. Crawl out from this
room and use the Teleporter disc with the console at the entrance of the
teleporter room. Now go to the teleporter (marked with X) and use the Iris
artifact there to teleport.

After a small cutscene you'll find yourself in a similiar teleporter room. You
can leave it through a hole on the floor, in the air shaft Zip will call you
again and tell you what to do. You have to use your Binoculars at the
grating with maximum zoom to the console on the wall and watch the numbers the
guard is typing in. Crawl out from the air shaft and quickly enter the number
to the console, what is "1672". You can't avoid the guard in my opinion, he
will notice you and chase and shoot at you. You will reach the control room
behind the first x-ray area at the beginning of this level. You can find a
switch, push it quickly to disable the x-ray, then leave the room, crawl
through the red hole. Climb up on the grating and somersault down at the
other end, you will find yourself at the beginning of the level, you just came
through the door what you found on the ceiling before. Finally get back your
HK Gun and run through the disabled x-ray area. All the hassle was for this.
On the next corridor aim and shoot to the fire-extinguisher at the closed
smaller door (where the monitor showed the stairs outside). It blew away the
door, you can go out to the stairs and to the next level.

Level 13 - Red alert! - Tower Block

This is the last level of the game. It is starting with two keyframe
cutscenes. On the first one a guard is reporting to his bosses that the
intruder (Lara) evaded his men. They are watching on a big screen what the
cameras recorded and the big boss in the wheelchair (who is nobody else than
Verner Von Croy when he was evil) is identifying the intruder as Lara Croft
from his past. The other cutscene is showing that a helicopter is firing a
rocket to the stairs where Lara is, so when we get back the control, we have
to climb up on the almost totally destroyed, burning stairs.

A few words to the players of the PSX beta version what I am playing now. The
game is almost totally complete and bugfree out of the wellknown missing
voice (and temporary previous music) under the FMVs. But this last level is
really buggy. Whenever I reached it, I started this level with an already
messed up invertory. I have an empty slot in the invertory with the Restroom
access card description. (What we don't need here and probably we don't have
it here in the normal game.) Also the invertory will be messed up even more
later, after a save the Iris artifact will grow larger (its rotating point
moved) and will be renamed to load etc, etc. There are many-many more problems
I will mention in the game what even can lock the game totally or make it
impossible to finish. It is wise to save a lot to several slots. Of course the
owners of the final game can ignore these, these will be fixed probably in the
final game.

So you start on the stairs. From the starting point you can see a Mobile
Refrigerator or Judge Dredd standing higher on the stairs. He didn't notice
you yet, with the LaserSight with zooming you can shoot him out easily
(remember, aim to his head). Continue your way up. From the top of the first
part of the broken stairs do a running jump to the other part. Go up on the
next stairs to the door, then run up on the next stairs and do a running jump
from the middle, the stairs will fall down below your feet. Wait until the
helicopter is leaving, then go up on the stairs and from the top do a standing
jump to the next platform. From there do yet another standing jump to the
opposite area and run up on the next stairs, but jump off from the middle,
this part will go down too with an explosion.

Kick in the cracked wall and crawl through the crawlingspace. In the next room
you have to jump up, grab the trapdoor and open it with action, then climb up
and kill the guard. Zip is giving a useful information here, you can see to
the right with the Binoculars (you have to use the action button to turn the
infrared mode on it) the area is heavily protected with infrared lasers.
Take the ammo from the bigger box, but don't take the stuff from the other one
yet if you are playing with the PSX beta, otherwise you can't finish the
level, only by cheating. Now you have to cross the infrared lasers the first
time. Aim the valve wheel on the pipe where the steam is coming out, shoot it
down and the steam will show you the lasers from this time. Now you can cross
the lasers. Some more hints: they are at the white lines and always
disappearing twice, first for a short time, then for a longer time, use this
timing. Take the large medikit from the box and continue your way, kill the
guard, use the elevator, kill the guard. This is the training area, first you
can only go into the left door at the elevator. Inside pick up the ammo, push
the button and shoot all the targets as quick as you can. You have only one
try, if the upper lamp will be red, you were good and opened two other rooms
on this level. If you were slow you can access only one room, still you can
finish the game. So if you were good, you can go to the next room too and
continue the shooting practice. This is a harder one, you have only one chance
here too, but now your life depends on it. Pick up the ammo, push the button
again and shoot the targets. This time the targets are showing up in a
sequence (sometimes two at the same time and once three), you have to be
really quick, when a target is leaving the middle area, gas will kill you and
the door closed after you entered the room, it is a deadtrap. If you were
good, now you can access both the weapon rooms. You are getting gas in this
case too, so quickly run out from the room, to the end of the corridor.

Here you can go to the righ in every case and to the left only if you finished
and survived the second gun practice too. First go to the right and pick up
the Grappling Gun at the green laser. Now this is an interesting stuff. Not a
real weapon, but you can shoot out ropes to gratings on the ceiling at some
places and you can make rope this way yourself. Also this is a problematic
weapon in this PSX beta (probably no problem in the final and other versions).
When you pick up its ammo first (behind the infrared lasers), the ammo is
disappearing when you pick up the gun. And you need all the ammo you can find
on this level. Also sometimes when you are trying to use it at the wrong place
it can even destroy Lara's object and kill the game, so be careful with this
stuff, but only in this beta. After you picked it up, a soldier is coming in
and after you kill him, the door is closing, you can't leave the weapon room
that way. Pick up the other things here, the ammo and the Grappling Gun Ammo,
then leave to the other practice area. A soldier is hiding behind the boxes,
you can kill him easily, then climb up to the highest box. Pick up the ammo
and aim the grating on the middle of the ceiling with your new Grappling Gun
and shoot. You have your own rope now, jump into it from a box and swing into
the direction of the hole on the wall. Well, not exactly into that direction,
you can't jump into the hole, but you can jump to the upper cracked walls and
climb into the hole from there, so do this. Slide down and you will end on the
previous corridor in front of two Mobile Refrigerators. If you survived the
second shooting practice, two headshots for these will be a piece of cake for

Now if you survived the second shooting practice, go into the second weapon
room. If not, skip this part, you can finish the game without this. So go into
the room if you can, pick up the secret, the large medikit and the ammo, then

Now go back to the elevator and use it. You get back to the infrared lasers,
kill the guard, cross the lasers again and now pick up the Grappling Gun Ammo
you left behind. (But maybe you won't have my problem with the PSX beta either
and of course with the full version you can take this one before.) Now go
outside to the stairs again on the way you came inside.

Use the Grappling Gun again at the stairs, aim upside and when the target is
green, shoot to get another rope and a way to continue. From the stairs do a
running jump to the rope, swing out and jump off on the other side to the
hole. You start to slide down, jump to the ledge before you slide into the
fire. Crawl into the air shaft, follow it and at the other end somersault into
the next box diagonal way with the jump button. From there shoot precisely and
quickly the guard with LaserSight, before he is activizing the automatic
machine gun. Now jump and climb down on the boxes and use the switch at the
door to open it and leave the room. From the corridor use the lift and quickly
kill the two soldiers coming down from the ceiling with ropes. There is
another beta bug here in the PSX beta. If you go back to the elevator where
you came from and try to use it again, the game will freeze totally. You don't
have to go back anymore, so this is not a big problem, but don't do this
accidentally in the PSX beta. (Others ignore this.) Go to the switch and do a
running jump to the rope. Swing out with the rope and jump to the high box.
Jump up with action and open the door above you, then kill the guard behind it
and kill the other guard on the ground. Climb up and follow the air shaft.
Before you can push the button you find, a door is opening under your feet and
you slide down.

Follow the path and you'll reach a junction with four doors, two of them are
closed with lasers, so you can go only into one direction. Another junction
and another laser, crawl into the crawlingspace and follow the air shaft.
Climb up on the grating and you'll reach a hall and a bald android boss. Fall
to the box, take the ammo and start shooting the guy. When you can see that
his half metal leg starting to spark too, go to the corner of the box what is
the closest to the valve wheel on the pipe. Aim the valve wheel and shoot it,
the water is killing the enemy because he is an electric robot. But now the
room is filled with water and there is high voltage coming from the dead boss.
So don't fall down to the ground level, you will die. (And if you aren't at
the right corner, Lara is falling down automatically, maybe just a beta bug
and only exists in the PSX beta, maybe she's falling down due to the weapon's
recoil.) Another beta bug exists here in the PSX beta, if you climb back to
the air shaft and go back a bit on this level, when you come back, the water
will disappear and from then when you save and try to load back your saved
game, the game will always lock up, probably it is causing other problems too,
so even if you don't want to save and load, probably you can't finish the game
if you go back now. So it is important, don't leave this area yet in the PSX
beta. Now do a running jump to that steep platform, you don't have to do
anything, just keep pushing the jump button, you jump to the other steep
platform and the other one and then you'll end up on a normal platform above
the pipe. Hop to the grating exactly above the running water and pick up the
Grappling Gun Ammo from there. Climb up to the grey platform (the top of the
air shaft where you came from), aim the grating on the middle of the ceiling
with the Grappling Gun and shoot a rope. Hop back from the end of the platform
and do a standing jump from there, grab the rope, slide to its bottom, swing
out, jump to the opposite area, grab the ledge and climb up. Switch over the
switch, then do a running jump back to the rope, slide down, jump off to the
previous platform and go down from there. On the ground collect the large
medikit and the Key bit (left), then on the previous way go back to the switch
and switch it over again. (When the water disappeared, the exit also closed,
so you have to switch these back to the previous state.) After you finished
with it, go down again, of course not into the ground level, only to the top
of the air shaft. From there fall into the box and from there jump and climb
up into the air shaft and leave the area back to where the previous laser was.

There's no laser now at the moment. Maybe this is the worst bug in the PSX
beta. If you go around, especially to the area from where you originally came
here (but only a few steps is enough), the lasers will show up again here and
you can't finish the game. So don't go anywhere else from here, just into the
direction of those yellow cans (even if you go there the laser will reappear,
fortunately it always disappeared for me when I finished here). Run like mad
in a straight line, because a helicopter will chase you and shoot rockets into
your direction. Jump when you reach the yellow cans, those will blow up too.
You will reach a room, go to the next one where the helicopter will shoot you
again, you have to run behind the bar counter to the opposite corner (crawl
where you can and the gunfire will not reach you). You will find a switch
there, push it. It is operating the door in the bar, but seems to be broken,
the door is always opening and closing, so that isn't the way to escape. Run
back to the previous room, at least that switch did something, you find
yourself face to face with another bald android boss shooting heavily at you.
And in the worst moment Zip is starting to talk a lot again. Now run back
where the yellow cans were and jump across the gaps. If you are brave and
really good you can explore every pit while the helicopter and the boss is
shooting you nonstop. In the first one you can take a large medikit and in the
second one you can take another large medikit in the crawlingspace. So run
back to where the laser was/is, the boss will follow you. Maybe it is good to
shoot him until he will be half metal and sparking everywhere, maybe this is
slowing him down, but I'm not sure and this isn't needed. Run into that
corridor where you weren't before, even use dash there, turn at the first
corner, turn again and again at the junction and stop at the switch. Now watch
the corridor above you through the grating, when the boss is going into the
corner above you, turn the switch immediately to trap him to that corner
between two doors. You can repeat this if he already left the trap and
shooting at you or if he missed the trap at the other end. After you trapped
him, go to the previous junction and to the four way junction. (Now the other
two doors are closed with laser.) Go through the open door. This area is
filled with gas so be careful. When you are poisoned with the gas your lifebar
will turn yellow sometimes and the screen will stretch in X and Y direction
with a sinetable, looks cool. (If you were poisoned in the second shooting
practice area you already saw this effect.) You can usually crouch down to get
fresh air. Run straight to the opposite door, then into the next room through
the door. There pull the switch above the small platform and crawl into the
crawlingspace to get the secret. Now run back to the previous room, kill the
soldiers, then go another room back and leave that room through the other door
(what was closed before). You can see the boss through a glass window, running
around in his trap. Use the switch on the wall, the gas will be pumped from
your room into his room and slowly will kill him. After he died and
disappeared, he left something for you. Switch this switch back, go back to
the trap switch and switch that back too, than in the trap pick up the Key
bit (right) and combine it with the Key bit (left) to get the Helipad access
key. Now run back to the place where the lasers were (hopefully you won't find
them there now), run to the right from there and in the junction to the left.
Climb up at the two closed doors and you will see the steep floor where you
reached this area. You can't run up on it, but turn around, jump to the
climbable wall and climb up on it. The top of this shaft was closed before,
but now you can climb out at the top. Climb down to the box and from the box
to the floor. Now all you have to do is to use the Helipad access key at the
door and run though it.

Lean back and enjoy the endsequence. It is a full motion video with three
parts. First Lara is reaching the top of the building with her hang-glider and
escaping with it while the enemies are shooting at her. In the next cut we can
see Lara's friends, Jean-Pierre, Winston and Father Dustan, while they are
drinking, probably to Lara (I don't have voice in this beta version). And
finally we can see Verner Von Croy in the egyptian desert. An egyptian kid is
leading him into the pyramid where some people found someting. One of the
things is Lara's backpack. Von Croy is taking it and we can see in his eyes
that there is a chance, maybe Lara is living and we can play Tomb Raider 6. Of
course only after the usual 5 Gold. :) After these we can see the credits in
front of a few keyframe action sequences what we can also see on the main
menu. That's all folks.

| #06 - Characters |

Lara Croft: She is the main character we have to control in the Tomb Raider
games. She is one of the most wellknown computer game characters, like Mario
and Sonic. A rich young english aristocrat brunette chick with long hair,
sporty body, really big boobs and great hunger for gold and other rare
historical and mythological artifacts. She's the female Indiana Jones (and
Rick Dangerous) and she's always in trouble. We controlled her in 4 previous
major episodes, 3 Gold episodes, one small extra game and one 2D GameBoy Color

Winston: He is Lara's butler and old irish friend, a little bit father figure
for her too. We can usually see him in the TR games since the first one.
Originally the fans called him Jeeves as he had no official name before. He is
really similiar to Alfred, Bruce "Batman" Wayne's butler, both in outfit,
position and workingplace. (Or we can say he's an Alfred rippoff.)

Jean-Pierre: We saw him in Tomb Raider 4 first. A good old french friend of
Lara, probably archeologist and secret agent in one. He's a bit fat and always
ready to risk his life for Lara (just like Lara for him).

Father Dustan: He is a new character in Tomb Raider Chronicles. Also irish. As
it seems from the movies (but I have no voice in the beta) he is an old friend
of Winston. We can see in this game when he first met Lara and they saved
each-other's life. He is a priest and demon hunter. Probably he was in touch
with Lara since they first met. His speciality is that he can turn his hair
quickly to white and back to black or dark hazel again. (Or was it just a
communication problem between the authors and the FMV team, hehe. I doubt
they'll fix this small glitch in the final version.)

Zip: Also a new character in Tomb Raider Chronicles. He is an african-american
hacker and/or communication specialist. (As I can see it is an unwritten rule
in the american movies that hackers are usually african-americans.) He has
terrible Jar Jar Binks like voice and terrible jokes. He is keeping the touch
with Lara through a headset and helping her out from the distance, that's what
Lara hired him for.

Verner Von Croy: A really interesting character. We saw him first in Tomb
Raider 4: The Last Revelation. At the beginning in the past he was Lara's
mentor, introduced her into the world of adventures. He was lost in a failed
quest for the Iris where he and Lara were partners and Lara wasn't able to
save him. An evil god used him since that time and he was an enemy, until the
end of the game when the evil god left him. At the end of TR4 we saw the same
what we saw at the beginning, but Lara was lost below the collapsing pyramid
and Von Croy was who wasn't able to save her. Since that time he is wandering
around the pyramids in Egypt and feeling guilt for Lara's death. He is the big
boss enemy too in the last story of TR5 (before the TR4's present time) when
he was evil.

Larson: He was an enemy in the first Tomb Raider game, one of Natla's men. A
mad texan man, one of the enemies in the first story of this game too.

Pierre: Another enemy from the original Tomb Raider, was Natla's goon and
Larson's mentor and partner. He is french of course with heavy french accent.

Admiral Jerevan: (I hope I heard the name right.) He is a new important
character in the second story of this game and he's dying there, so we won't
see him again. He is an old russian admiral, commander of the u-boat. He
served Russia for many years and he doesn't like that what the big bear
(Russia) is now, falling apart, under the control of the russian mafia. First
he is more or less an enemy (doing his job), at the end Lara's friend and
helping her out.

Sergei: He is a big typical russian gangster, probably one of the leaders of
the russian mafia. He want to get the Spear Of Destiny to take over the world
with it. A typical stupid and greedy boss. Also a new character in TR5 and
dying here too in the second story, the Spear Of Destiny is killing him.

Vladimir Kaleta: (I hope I heard the name right.) He is a 700 years old living
dead Cossack horseman demon. Somehow stuck on an irish island in a valley
surrounded by running water. He is the main enemy in the third story of this
game. Introducing and dying (goin back to hell) in this game.

| #07 - Weapons |

Pistols: These are the basic pistols we can see since the first TR game. I
don't know this pistol type (maybe weapon maniacs know this), but this is
probably a reincarnation of the spaghetti western Colts as it is never running
out of the ammo. :) This is the best part of it, it is OK if you don't have
anything else or you don't have a lot of ammo for your other weapons. It has a
low firepower, but it is always there.

Revolver: This one has a far better firepower, of course it has limited ammo.
It can be combined with the LaserSight and with that can be used in sniper
mode too to shot down target from long distance precisely. We saw this one
first in Tomb Raider 4.

Shotgun: Another old friend since the first TR game. But since TR4 it can be
used with two different ammo packs, normal and wide range ones. It is
extremely powerful. A bit slow, but the best one against bosses (when you
don't have to shoot out eyes or make a headshot).

Uzi: And yet another old friend since the first TR. It is good and fast,
unfortunately less powerful than the Revolver and Shotgun, and wasting the
ammo quickly, especially at bosses.

HK Gun: An extremely great automatic gun we will get in the fourth story in
this game the first time. Its speed can be set between three speeds, has a
built in LaserSight and can be combined with Silencer. (However I'm not sure
this item is available in the game, I was able to get it only with the cheat.)
It is a bit similiar to the Uzi, but more customizable, can be slowed down
even to the speed of a sniper gun and the LaserSight is really cool on it.

Grappling Gun: This isn't a real weapon, but works like one. This thing can
shoot out hooked ropes, so we can shoot it to a grating on the ceiling and we
can make a classical rope for ourselves. This one is making its debut in this
game too, exactly on the very last level, and can be (and have to be) used
only three times.

Chloroform soaked cloth: Well, this is a weapon even if not a dangerous
looking one with high firepower. This one is also making its debut in this
game, a classical spy stuff we already saw in many other games. The Cloth can
be combined with the Chloroform and we get the Chloroform soaked cloth. What
can be used only once with one bottle of Chloroform. Lara has to move silently
behind the enemy and kill him with it. I was able to use it only once in this
PSX beta. I have to mention that the Crowbar is acting this way too once in
this game, but its main function isn't a weapon in the TR games, so I better
don't list it as a weapon.

And here's an alphabetical list of the items I saw in the game. Without any
reason, I just took notes about these too when I finished it last time and
thought maybe somebody will find this list useful. I can't guarantee that this
is complete, maybe I missed a few things in the game and maybe even I forgot
to take notes about a few ones (surely I missed most of the ammo types what I
may add later). Most of the names, including the capital letters are correct.

A Fuse, Access code disc, Aqualung, Battery (+), Battery (-), Bestiary,
Binoculars, Bone dust, Bronze key, Catapult (Pitchfork + Rubber tube), Chaff
flares, Chalk, Chloroform, Chloroform soaked cloth (Chloroform + Cloth),
Cloth, Colosseum key 1, Colosseum key 2, Crowbar, Flares, Garden key,
Gemstone (Gemstone piece + Gemstone piece), Gemstone piece, Golden coin,
Golden key 1, Grappling Gun, Grappling Gun Ammo, HK Gun, Heart, Helipad access
key (Key bit (left) + Key bit (right)), High level access card, Iris lab
access, Iron clapper, Key bit (left), Key bit (right), Large Medipack,
LaserSight, Mars symbol, Mercury stone, Nitrogen canister, Oxygen canister,
Pistols, Pitchfork, Restroom access card, Revolver, Rubber tube, Saturn
symbol, Secrets, Shotgun, Silencer, Silver coin, Silver key, Small Medipack,
Spear Of Destiny, Suit battery (Battery (+) + Battery (-)), Suit console (Suit
battery + Aqualung), Swipe card, Teleporter disc, Timex-TMX, Uzi, Valve wheel,
Venus symbol

| #08 - Secrets |

Secrets may or may not come later. I'm too busy now and I don't find them
really important. Following a step by step guide with 100% secrets isn't fun
in my opinion (like someone is chewing the food for you), so I left the rest
of the secrets for you now. Explore the areas more deeply and find the secrets
I missed. Anyway if I'll have some time later, maybe I'll add all the secrets,
and if 100% secrets will unlock an extra level or something, it is more sure I
will update with the secrets later.

| #09 - Codes |

At the moment the game isn't released, so there are no cheats for the full
game yet. The demo isn't out either. The only available version is a leaked
out beta for PlayStation. Probably these codes will work in the final game
too, but it's not sure of course. And I don't make Action Replay, Game Shark
and Xplorer codes yet as those won't work with the final game and the
following cheats are enough for the beta.

The following cheats are from , thanks for the
people found them (or the Core people leaked out them). Some descriptions were
wrong there (I fixed them up), one cheat was wrong (it is not here) and I also
found one what you can find here.

PlayStation beta version cheats:

Cut-scenes: At the main menu press Select+R2 to bring up the cut-scene
selection menu.

Unlimited medikits, ammo, flares etc: In the game open the invertory and move
to the small medikit. Press L1+L2+R1+R2+Up to get the unlimited large and
small medikits, unlimited ammo, flares etc (make most limited things

Unlimited ammo for other weapons and extra, level specific items: In the game
open the invertory and move to the small medikit. Press L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+X to
get the unlimited ammo for other weapons and extra, level specific items.

Start at other stories: On the title screen move to the "New Game" option and
press and hold L1 and press X to start the second story (Russian Base), press
and hold L2 and press X to start the third story (Black Isle) or press and
hold R1 and press X to start the fourth story (Tower Block).

| #EOF - End Of File - Copyright (C) Credo 2000 |


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