

17.10.2013 08:19:12
James Burkes CONNECTION - Some FAQ

Q: Where do I find the combination to the safe?

A: In the center drawer of the desk you will find a
piece of paper. Drag it to the right and you will
find a "web liscense" hidden beneath. The liscense
number is the combination to the safe: 1-22-12.

Q: How do I get to the safe?

A: Turn the globe so you are facing Africa (the view
that matches the map on the wall behind the desk). Go
to the map on the wall and click on it to reveal the

Q: Once I have the combination, how do I open the

A: Open the lock as you would a real combination
lock: Turn the dial clockwise, passing 1 once, and
then stopping on 1. Turn counter clockwise past 1 and
stop on 22. Turn clockwise straight to 12.

Q: How do I get the oscilloscope from Bob's Fix-It

A: Go to the study and call the number that is
written on the piece of paper on the desk. As soon as
Bob answers, press play on the answering machine. Bob
will then leave his shop, and you can go back and get
the oscilloscope.

Q: How do I get the phosphorus into the oscilloscope?

A: Once you have the oscilloscope in the drawbridge
box, turn it on and place the phosphorus on the
screen. If you are getting a "not yet" message, you
may not have the phosphorus. Try going back to the
apothocary and trading in your yellow bottle for a
bottle of phosphorus, which will have been marked

Q: What is the solution to the card puzzle?

A: Q-K-Q-Q-K-K-K

Q: How do I get the dynamite?

A: Morse Code for dynamite is: __ .. __ . __ __ __ ..
__ __ __ .. __ .
Tap your dashes long and your dots short. When you
tap this out on the telegraph correctly, Dandy Don
from KCOW will deliver your dynamite.

Q: I used the dynamite before I got the shawl, and
now I need to use it again to blow up the entrance to
the mine, how do I get it back?

A: Unfortunately, you can't. You must start the level
over again, and wait until you have the shawl before
you use the dynamite.

Q: What do I do with the sextant?

A: Once the sextant is on the window, and the mirror
has been placed in it, align the reflection of the
star with the horizon. This will place the sextant at
50 miles. Set the meter on your right at 50 as well.

Q: What am I supposed to play on the organ's

A: Play the notes the demon played when you entered
the room: A flat; G; E; F. The pulpit will rise when
you play them correctly.

Q: What do I do with the apple tapestry?

A: You must dither the apples into peaches. Change
the pattern of red squares to an alternating pattern
of red and yellow.

Q: How do I decode the slip of paper that comes out
of the fax machine?

A: Put the paper onto the wooden pole holding up the
tent and you will see the code you need to enter the

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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engl. FAQ

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