

10.10.2008 18:36:09
Playstation Rockman/Megaman 1 FAQ/Walkthrough
September 12 1999
Version 1.0
Done by Ibrahim Ghouth (

Well this is my first FAQ so please forgive my inexperienced writing style. This
document is meant to be a tip/walkthrough for the present Playstation version of
Rockman 1. This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Ibrahim Ghouth and is not to be
reproduced unless in its whole form or to be sold for profit without the
author's permission.

Rockman/Megaman is a trademark of Capcom Co., Ltd. Copyright 1987-1999 by
Capcom Co.,
Ltd. All related names fall under the same applicable laws. All rights reserved.

Any comments or tips on enhancing this document, please direct your e-mail to

1. Updates
2. Prelude
3. General Tips
4. Bugs
5. Pickup Information
6. Enemy
7. Power Ups
8. Mini-Walkthrough
9. Credits


1. Updates

Version 1.0..........First version of the FAQ major parts added in


2. Prelude

As you all should know that the Playstation Rockman is a remake of the original
on the Famicom/Nintendo. It is the first in the series making it the most basic
one with almost zero storyline and bland graphics in today's technology. However
this version is still fun to play despite its flaws. Well proof of this would be
it spawned 7 more sequels, of which 5 were all on the same platform with
basically same engine/graphics, and further on a spin-off series Rockman/Megaman
X. Well that would make a total of 12 games not including other spin-offs like
Rockman/Megaman Legends, Racing, Adventure, Comic books, Animes to name a few.
For more information on the Rockman series please read

Rockman Complete Works FAQ
Written By: Crono (Justin Strauss)
Hosted on


3. General Tips

This section is mainly meant for the first timers of Rockman series especially
the older versions.
It basically tells you how the game's engine works and how to use it carefully
in order to survive.

Tip 1)
Rockman is very maneuverable in the air. Its as if you were walking but in air.
He's so maneuverable that he could jump forward then move backward to land on
the same place he started his jump. I would suggest you get used to his jumping
style in order to make the necessary sensitive jumps throughout the series as
well as to avoid enemy's attack

Tip 2)
The height of Rockman jumps can be adjusted before he makes the jump with the
use of the jump button. This depends on how long you hold the button. Tap it to
make short hops (which are totally useless to me), hold it for a short while to
make a small jump (great for avoiding attacks essential to be mastered), and
keep holding it for his maximum jumps mainly for clearing obstacles.

Tip 3)
Al though there is a button made out for shooting 3 bullets in a row, I don't
think it is useful as this prevents you from shooting anymore till one bullet
flies out of the screen. This is disastrous as if an enemy dodges the 3 bullets,
you're in for a treat. However this button is not useless as you should use it
while next to an enemy especially with those that have high Hit Points. They
will be full of holes in a few seconds.

Tip 4)
Please do not be stingy in using your power ups as there is rather sufficient
power up refills in the game. However do not overuse it as well.

Tip 5)
Can't decide which version of Rockman 1 to play? Well I recommend
Classic(1st option) if you wish to get the classic feel of the game and

Enhanced(2nd option) if you like extra information such as number of power ups
left, a much nicer power up menu as well as tips from Dr. Light if you know

Tip 6)
Rockman can be saved into a memory card on one block or on the pocketstation. To
download the mini game onto the pocketstation, choose the 4th option and to save
on the memory card, there are two ways. To save main menu options, choose the
3rd option then the option, which starts with something like a hook. The one
with the square means load and the one with the 'hangman' like bar means
overwrite. To save ingame, press triangle on the boss select screen and choose
one of the four slots (which takes up one block only). To load a game press
select on the screen with Rockman on it. The actual Rockman game not the main
menu screen.

Tips 7)
Pickup items other than health regenerate when you move to another screen then


4. Bugs

These are the known bugs from the game. Mysteriously they are kept from the
original game. To keep the classic feel I guess.

Bug 1)
A useless bug but what the heck. To climb a short ladder (meaning it is only a
bit higher than Rockman's high jump), do Rockman's high jump at the base of the
ladder then press and hold up on the D-pad to have Rockman teleport straight to
the top of the ladder even though it seemed he couldn't make the jump.

Bug 2)
This bug is a little bit like a cheat. Its best used on bosses. When you attack
the boss with either Scissors Boomerang or Electric Net, immediately press
select when it connects. After the information from Dr. Light (Enhanced Mode),
when you return to the game again, wait momentarily before pressing select
again. You'll see that another hit would had registered onto the enemy although
its not supposed to.

This gives you extra damage and can make a light-hitting weapon like Scissors
Boomerang into a hard-hitting one. It is better to use Scissors Boomerang rather
than Electric Net as the animation of the scissors stay on the enemy longer than
the net.


5. Pickup Information

Health Ball (the white one which resembles garlic to me)
This comes in two sizes small and large, which refill a bit and a lot of your HP
respectively. Do not bother to keep them for later as they regenerate (see Tip 7

Coloured tubes/rectangles (the one that changes colour when you change power
As you can guess these restore power ups. The same size rule applies as in the
Health ball section a well as with Tip 7.

Life Up (the Rockman head)
This gives you one more life (duh..). However Tip 7 does not apply to this.
These pickups are rather rare and when it appears seldom are given as giveaways.

Coloured Balls (the small balls that appear when you defeat an enemy)
Gives you points. Rather useless if you ask me.

Platform Power Up (the hook like pickup hidden in Electric Man's stage)
This is the only Power Up you could pickup. Getting it after you gotten the
Power Up would result in the Power Up refilling itself to maximum. This power up
is essential to the completion of this game.

Mega Pickup (the ball with a shuriken printed on it)
This is found on the 3rd area of the final stage and refills EVERYTHING when
obtained. It does regenerate though.


6. Enemy

This section provides you with the knowledge of the enemies you meet in the

Hopping Robot
Found in Bombman, Cutman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 1 hit
Keep shooting to win

Exploding Balls
Found in Bombman, Wily stages
Explodes in mid-air avoid then rush to escape

Flying Bombs
Found in Bombman, Fireman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 1 hit
Shoot regularly to win but beware of it splash explosion when hit
Robotic mines
Found in Bombman, Electricman, Iceman, Wily stages
Destroyed only by power ups
Destroy it with a power up or shoot it with regular bullets to pause it for a

Wall Guns
Found in Bombman, Cutman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 1 hit
Shoot when it opens its covers and exposes its guns

Flying UFOs
Found in Bombman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 1 hit
Avoid its 8 directional blast then shoot it when it opens its shell

Shielded Android
Found in Bombman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 10-20 hits
Mid-jump over its bullets and shoot it when it tries to shoot you or jumps Fight
in close quarters

Ground Turrets
Found in Bombman, Fireman, Cutman, Iceman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 3 hits
Avoid its 5 directional bullets and shoot it when it raises above ground level

Eye Ball Suckers
Found in Bombman, Cutman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 5-15 hits
Keep shooting at it and jump over it when it moves

Shelled Workers
Found in Gutsman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 1 hit
Shoot furiously on its shell until it exposes itself and gets blown sky high

Shielded Workers
Found in Gutsman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 10-20 hits
Start from afar, shoot a few bullets move closer to avoid axe and repeat process

Jumping Giant Robot
Found in Gutsman, Cutman, Electricman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 30 hits?
Best to be frozen with ice power up before attempting to shoot it or to go
beneath it when it does its high jump but beware of its low jump. It damages
close to half your HP when touched.

Found in Cutman stage
Destroyed in 1 hit
Destroyed easily but should run from it as it is given out infinitely
Flying Aliens?
Found in Electricman, Wily stages
Destroyed in 1 hit
Usually arrives when climbing ladders 3 from the top and 3 from the bottom.
Shoot while two thirds up the ladder and advance when top three are destroyed.

Flying Penguins
Found in Iceman stage
Destroyed in 1 hit
Easy to kill but usually acts as a nuisance as it ends up you falling to your

Flying Platforms
Found in Iceman, Wily stages
Can be stepped on but beware of bullets from adjacent platforms they'll knock
you right off

Flying Flame monsters
Found in Fireman Stage
Destroyed in 1 hit
Easy to kill but easier avoided since it is slow

The bosses will be mentioned in the Walkthrough section


7. Power Ups

This section elaborates on the Boss Power Ups

Get from Bombman
High damage
It bounces on floor once before detonating after 3 seconds
Rather useless except on Gutsman

Get from Gutsman
Extreme damage
Use it to pick up blocks (you'll know it when you see it) and thrown. It
separates into 4 on first impact
Essential to get Platform Power Up but useless otherwise because of lack of
blocks and high power consumption

Scissors Boomerang
Get from Cutman
Light damage
It goes in an arc and returns to Rockman. It can't be destroyed on impact
Great since it can hit multiple enemies but loses out in its range

Electric Net
Get from Electricman
High damage
It flies in3 directions out of Rockman majority in the front
Great but its rather slow

Ice Splinter
Get from Iceman
It freezes the enemy for a few seconds
Useless except on the Giant Jumping Robot

Get from Fireman
Moderate damage
A fireball flies out and a shield of 3 fireballs appear to protect you
The shield is good for mini protection

Get in Electric man's stage
Creates a platform for you to step on. The length of the platform depends on how
long the button is held
The best. Great for those risky jumps. Too bad you only have 14 of them at a
full bar


8. Mini-walkthrough

This is basically a mini-walkthrough focusing more on how to destroy the Boss.
If you're having problems in the stages, e-mail me and I'll add them to my FAQ.
The order I'm following is the recommended order you fight the Bosses and this
Walkthrough will be based on it.


Stage: The stage is pretty straightforward making it great to master the game's
engine. Just beware of the drops caused by the flying UFOs. Also since
you would be introduced to a lot of new enemies, try to learn their movements
and weaknesses.

Boss: Okay Bombman has a 2 patterns.
Normal Bullets: When he makes mid jumps above you to your sides, just hold your
ground and fire away. When he makes a high jump to the corners of the room, stay
on the opposite side and move in closer while firing and avoiding the 3 bombs he
throws one at a time. Piece of cake.
Fireball Power Up: Same strategy as above but you give out even more damage and
you could use your shield to attack when he mid jumps.


Stage: The only problem in the stage lies at the start where you have to jump
from platform to platform. Just look out for the missing tracks as it is at this
point, the platform closes. 3 platforms to clear and the rest of the stage is a

Boss: He's strong but not invincible
Normal Bullets: There are 3 columns of blocks on the left side on the screen.
Stand on the left side of the second column of blocks and shoot when he jumps
then jump to avoid the earthquake and high jump to avoid his blocks.
Bombs: Stand at the 2nd column of blocks, jump and shoot out the bomb. When you
land, you'll most probably get hit by the earthquake but no worries as you'll
recover quickly enough to dodge the block Gutsman throws. Repeat sequence.


Stage: A relatively easy stage thus no tips are needed.

Boss: Tricky but can be beaten without losing a life.
Normal bullets: Keep shooting at him and when he throws the Scissors Boomerang
at you, jump over it and continue walking towards him. When close to him, DO NOT
attempt to jump over him as he will attempt to jump over you and you'll both
collide, just continue waling and he'll jump over you. Repeat process.
Strength: Pick up the blocks, aim carefully and fire 2 blocks is all you have
and need. Use them carefully as they don't regenerate.


Stage: Not much of a problem but try to memorize the sequence of the reappearing
blocks as well as electric lines. Also do not forget to pickup the Platform
Power Up using Strength to clear the way.

Boss: A nightmare with Normal Bullets, a cakewalk with Scissors Boomerang
Normal Bullets: Just try your best to jump over his Electric Net while shooting
him with the bullets. Not a recommended fighting style.
Scissors Boomerang: Just hold your ground and shoot. You may take some damage
but all you need is 3-4 hits on him to destroy him. Also if he approaches you,
don't worry as he will jump backwards at the last moment.


Stage: Dangerous stage mainly because of its deadly drops but with the Platform
Power Up it shouldn't be such a problem. Another problem area would be the
disappearing blocks but again with the Platform Power Up it should be easy.

Boss: Rather average standard but much easier using Electric Net
Normal Bullets: He shoots his Ice Splinter in two ways either 3 at a time on 3
heights with the top one approaching first or the other way around. In order to
dodge the first type, jump after the middle splinter goes over your head. As for
the other, jump over the lower and middle ones and landing below the top one
(this is rather tricky though). By the way blast him all the way.
Electric Net: Keep blasting at Iceman from the start of the battle and he should
die after unleashing 3 splinters. JUMP!!


Stage: Quite average just beware of lava as they act just like spikes meaning
instant death. Also it is possible to freeze the firewalls using the Ice

Boss: He's very tough and I've yet able to find a weakness
Normal Bullets: Keep Blasting and try to jump over his head to the other side
and immediately jump back again. Repeat process (Good Luck)
Ice Splinter: Even with this power up, he's rather tough but either you use the
same method above or if you have more than 3/4 of your life bar, hold ground and
blast away. You'll survive.

Wily 1

Stage: The Wily stage is divided into 4 parts. Since this is the first part,
it's rather an easy stage so I guess don't need to elaborate further.

Boss: A boss you wouldn't see for the last time. He can break himself into parts
to fly over to the other side of the screen.
Normal Bullets: The key is avoiding its attacks. He splits into 5-6 heights of
flying glob, but you only have to worry about the lower 2 rows. If I am not
wrong the order these two levels appear are high, low, high, [low, high], low,
high, low. The bracket part is the most dangerous as the two blocks come right
after the other. First to a small mid-jump over the first before doing a
backward jump and maneuvering yourself to the front in mid air. After it forms,
run away from it until it shoots its bullet and then jump and shoot its eye. Get
ready for a long fight.
Electric Net: Same strategy as above but you give out more damage making the
battle a bit easier.

Wily 2

Stage: Easy but be careful of some jumps. They're tricky.

Mid-Boss 1: Cutman (use Normal Bullets strategy in Cutman's section)
Mid-Boss 2: Electricman (use Scissors Boomerang and the strategy in
Electricman's section)

Boss: A Rockman clone follows your exact power up you're presently using
Normal Bullets: Very tough. Shoot continuously and jump over his bullets but
never ever jump when he's jumping.
Electric Net: Very easy. Just hold your ground with at least 1/3 of HP left and
keep firing.

Wily 3

Stage: Very easy as its practically guided except for the spikey area where you
should use the Platform Power Up.

Boss: A machine protected by a bubble moving along the perimeter of the room.
Normal Bullets: Using this by itself is rather tough because of the obstructions
so I suggest using a mixture of Strength and Normal bullets.
Strength/Normal Bullets: Use Strength to pick the bottom 3 blocks and use them
to hit the Boss. After that switch to Normal bullets and wait to see where the
Boss emerges from. If from the top, shoot the boss while running to the left
side of the room. If from the left, do the same thing. If from the right, run to
the right side of the room. Try to shoot it down with about 30 bullets before it
actually touches you. At the last pint of his life and when he is running as
fast as a powered maniac, use strength and the remaining block to deal him the
finishing blow.

Wily 4

Stage: This stage is difficult because of the bottomless pits, which can be
remedied with the Platform Power Up, and the Mid-Bosses, which can be remedied
with great skill.
Special Tip: Do not attempt to start this stage without 2 lives minimum. Use a
continue on this stage so you'll have 2 lives

Mid-Bosses: In order which you meet them: Bombman, Fireman, Iceman and Gutsman
see their respective strategies

Boss: Wily
Normal Bullets: Don't waste your time, use your power ups
Power Ups: Use the Fireball to hit its cannon till the front cover bursts open
then use the Electric Net to shoot Wily himself. Since there is really nothing
much I can do since his moves are not according to pattern, just endure and
you'll win.

Boss Time Attack

News: This option is the last one on the main menu and appears when you complete
the game once. Finish it as well as the main game to get new pictures.

Stage: There is no stage here. It goes straight to the Boss.

Bosses: See their respective strategies but do it faster.


9. Credits

This is the end of this FAQ/Walkthrough and it comes to the part where I credit
people who made this FAQ possible.

Here they are in no specific order:

Me.............I started this FAQ so I think I deserve some

That's all for now. If you want to be included here, e-mail me with some useful
information on this game and for all you know, your name will appear here.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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