Planets3 comes to Kickstarter
06.March 2014
Today, independent studio Cubical Drift are launching their Planets³ KickStarter campaign to help fund the development of Planets³. Planets³ is a beautifully presented, unique mix... More
Sin Manager: Managing access to eternal peace is not at all peaceful!
06.March 2014
AMA presents Sin Manager, the original time management game about the seven deadly sins! The game developed by Mando studios is available at the price of $0.99 on the App Store! Your prayers have... More
Eets Munchies - Kleis First iOS Game
06.March 2014
Greetings illustrious press! We're excited to announce that tomorrow we'll be releasing our first ever iOS game - Eets Munchies! Eets Munchies is a reimagining of the award-winning puzzle... More
Playing History: Vikings Launched - A Fun And Engaging Way To Learn About History
06.March 2014
Computer games have many purposes. They can entertain and educate; at Serious Games Interactive we develop games that can do both. 'Vikings', the newest chapter of the Playing History... More
Kill The Bad Guy has arrived on Kickstarter
05.March 2014
KTBG: Kill The Bad Guy is a puzzle game which is made original by its gameplay, "black and white" artistic direction, and "mature" content. In this singular atmosphere, the player... More
Marvel Heroes Game Update 2.31
04.March 2014
Marvel Heroes Game Update 2.31 features: ·         Moon Knight – Serving as the Egyptian Moon God Khonshu’s knight of vengeance, Moon... More
Plants vs. Zombies Pinball Coming this week to Steam and Mac App Store
04.March 2014
Plants vs. Zombies Pinball will release Thursday, March 6th as downloadable content for Pinball FX2 on Steam, and Zen Pinball 2 on the Mac App Store for $2.99. Sewn together from the meaty bits of... More
Majesco Entertainment Announces Gardening Mama 2: Forest Friends Coming This Spring To Nintendo 3DS
04.March 2014
Majesco Entertainment Company (NASDAQ: COOL), publisher of the award-winning Cooking Mama video game franchise that has sold more than 13 million copies worldwide, announced today that Gardening Mama... More
Vlambeers Luftrausers Cleared For Take Off On March 18
04.March 2014
Independent game studio Vlambeer (Ridiculous Fishing, Nuclear Throne) and patriotic publisher Devolver Digital have announced that the much-anticipated realistic aerial dogfighting simulator... More
Spotlight on Van Helsing II - Introducing the Runecrafting System
28.February 2014
In this series we are examining each of the announced features from The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II in great detail. Last time we introduced Van Helsing’s personal beast, the... More
Memoria: Demo of the complete first chapter now available
28.February 2014
As of now, everybody  may get a taste of Memoria, the acclaimed adventure by Daedalic Entertainment: today, the developer releases a demo version featuring the complete first chapter of the... More
Closed Beta for Nosgoth Begins
28.February 2014
From now, gamers can experience the blood-thirsty team-based online multiplayer action of Nosgoth as the game’s Closed Beta phase commences. Available on Steam, players take part in... More
CCP To Hold Epic Celebration Of Eve Online, Dust 514 And Eve: Valkyrie At Eve Fanfest
28.February 2014
CCP Games, the world’s leading independent developer of massively multiplayer games, today announced the first round of programming for the tenth EVE Fanfest, the massive gathering that will... More
Fallen from Asgard – Munin Bonds Nordic Mythology and Platforming
27.February 2014
Munin the raven, faithful messenger to Odin, now stands stripped of wings and transformed by Loki into a mortal girl. Flightless and determined, she will stride through the nine worlds of Yggdrasil... More
New League of Legends champion VelKoz, the Eye of the Void unleashed
26.February 2014
Vel’Koz has spilled out of the Void to study the Champions of League of Legends, and he favours brain power over brawn. Created for the sole purpose of learning he absorbs knowledge through... More
Nosgoth Closed Beta Begins February 27th
26.February 2014
Square Enix and Psyonix are pleased to announce that closed beta access to Nosgoth will begin on February 27th. Nosgoth is a free-to-play team based, third person online multiplayer game, offering... More
Deus Ex: The Fall Comes To Pc On March 25
26.February 2014
After the success of Deus Ex: The Fall on mobile, Square Enix is excited to announce the award-winning* action-RPG will be released on PC, and is coming to Steam on March 25 for $9.99. With 28 Steam... More
Artillery Strike: War is declared
26.February 2014
The AMA studio is proud to present its first 100% multiplayer game, Artillery Strike, on Android. Available on the Google Play from 25 February, this Free to Play blows all other battle games out of... More
Pantheon: Rise Of The Fallen - Kickstarter Ended, Team Now Moves Into Development
25.February 2014
40-day Kickstarter campaign for the upcoming MMO game, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, ended Saturday, February 22nd. Although the $800,000 USD goal was not met, large numbers in backers and pledges... More
Lunagames to launch 20 titles for Nokia X
25.February 2014
Today at Nokia Developer Day, held in conjunction with Mobile World Congress, Lunagames, a leading developer and publisher of mobile entertainment, announced it will launch more than 20 games and... More
Herokon Online - New High-Level Areas and a Cursed Cave
24.February 2014
It’s been a month since players began surging north to explore the region of Thorwal in the Dark Eye MMORPG Herokon Online. Players who have already mastered those new challenges can now test... More
Divinity: Original Sin Launching Spring 2014
24.February 2014
Larian Studios announces a new launch timeframe for Divinity: Original Sin. The extra time will be used to implement feedback received from Steam Early Access players and Kickstarter backers.... More
Caveman Wars, and your foes become ancient (pre)history!
21.February 2014
AMA goes back in time with Caveman Wars: this prehistoric strategic tower defense game with cards. No need to blow the dust off your Nokia 3310 or GameBoy; the game is now available for free on... More
Jane Jensens Moebius: Empire Rising Will Release April 15 For PC & MAC
21.February 2014
Jane Jensen has entered into an agreement with Phoenix Online Publishing, the new independent publishing division of Phoenix Online Studios, to release her upcoming adventure game Moebius: Empire... More
Geek Resort lands on the App Store! w00t!
20.February 2014
Geeks of all species and planets, brush up on your binary and your Klingon! AMA and Shinypix are thrilled to present Geek Resort for iOS! The first game entirely based on geek culture has arrived in... More
Stake Your Claim in 1849, A Gold Rush City Management Sim Coming to PC, Mac, and Tablets in May
20.February 2014
"There's gold in them thar hills!" In 1849, hundreds of prospectors flocked into California with dreams of striking it rich in the Gold Rush. In May 2014, indie developer SomaSim plans... More
Gamers Start Your Consoles, NASCAR 14 is Here!
19.February 2014
As the "Great American Race" approaches, NASCAR is hitting the gas on the racetrack and into gamers' homes with the release of NASCAR '14. Deep Silver announced today that the... More
Gameforge and Sproing developing MOBA-RPG for tablets
19.February 2014
Online games publisher Gameforge and Austria’s leading game developer, Sproing, present Sigils: Battle for Raios, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) for tablet devices. Featuring a... More
Puzzle in Versus-Mode:  ‘Deponia -The Puzzle and ‘Edna & Harvey – The Puzzle will be released in March for Android tablets and iPad
19.February 2014
Deponia and the world of Edna & Harvey are about to get jumbled up: in early March, Daedalic Entertainment and Chromatrix  will release the puzzle games ‘Deponia- The Puzzle’ and... More
Blackguards - DLC and major update announced for March 4th
18.February 2014
The Blackguards story continues! On March 4th Daedalic will release additional content for its critically acclaimed turn-based RPG - Blackguards. The new DLC, “Untold Legends”, will offer... More
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
18.March 2020
18.March 2020