In a move that will surely bum out the few people playing it, Disney is canning their Diablo style, super-hero based MMO, Marvel Heroes on the last day of the year. For those of you that... More
Raw Fury's latest published game, Uurnog Uurnlimited is out today on Steam and arrives on the Switch November 21st. A puzzle platformer inspired by games like Super Mario Bros 2 and Metroid,... More
The Surge has been compared quite a bit to Dark Souls, with a lot of precision striking and punishing difficulty. The difference here is that instead of a suit of armor, you have a mech-like... More
Rampage is coming!
This movie has been in development for days, and I'm hoping this isn't a train wreck. The King Kong movies have killed it, and Godzilla was good too.
If they... More
I laughed out loud three times watching this and that's real.
I liked Deadpool quite a bit, although I wonder how it will stand the test of time, because like 50% of the jokes were based on... More
Although still in Early Access, Dead Cells is getting a big update.
This game is pretty great already, and it's not even out yet. Motion Twins describes the game as a... More
Geez, EA. You just can't stop screwing the people who buy your games, can you?
Someone crunched the numbers to see just how expensive it would be to unlock all the characters and goodies in... More
You got one weekend folks; one weekend to get your tactical on. November 16th to 19th, you can jump on in if you got a PS4, Xbox One or PC.
The powers that be are also tossing in a fat 60%... More
Life Is Feudal the "large-scale group-focused RPG MMO" got a new trailer today in anticipation of the launch of the open beta, and it's looking even better than when we reviewed... More
Cities: Skylines released a new expansion called "Snowfall" today, and the trailer is looking great. The DLC allows players to build in new, snowy maps, and features rain and fog as a... More
I am a Northern California kid so this hits home for me. Fires have been destroying my state and it's a damn shame. I know people who have lost ranches, houses, animals and loved ones. These... More
This is either a horrible, horrible tragedy, or mana from heaven, depending on whether you fall on the DC or Marvel side of comics.
Personally, I read em all; Marvel, DC, Image, Boom, Top... More
Final Fantasy fans, prepare to be pumped.
Noctis, pretty boy of Final Fantasy XV fame is coming to whip your ass.
In addition to Noctis, you're also getting Geese from SNK's Fatal Fury... More
Star Wars: The Last Jedi isn't even out yet, but it looks like Disney is so stoked on it they are giving writer/director Rian Johnson free range to make a brand new trilogy.
Not... More
Bladebound, the popular hack and slash RPG went free to play this week, and there's a pretty amazing new trailer to go along with it. The trailer is gorgeous and the game isn't a slouch... More
November 17th is less than a week away and if you're starting to get anxiety attacks as the release date gets closer, check out the video below.
I usually hate these things ("My fellow... More
I didn't even know I wanted this until I saw the announcement. Now, I am angry that this has been missing from my life thus far.
The heroes in a half-shell are coming to Injustice 2 in the... More
We reviewed this surprisingly good, Dark Souls-esque title a couple weeks ago and had a blast (see our full review here). A story-driven dungeon crawler, Fall Of... More
You are in luck!
Just in time for the Closed Beta Weekend for the Sci-Fi Action MMORPG, Wild Buster: Heroes of Titan, we have 5,000 Steam Alpha Keys up for grabs. That's right, you... More
First DOOM, now this? Make it rain!
Official Announcement:
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., November 9, 2017 -- Award-winning publisher and developer Telltale Games, in partnership with DC... More
If you have a Switch, you are about to be stoked.
Official Announcement:
November 10, 2017 (Rockville, MD) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax® Media company, today... More
How has no one thought to pit what is basically a werewolf packing machine guns against a horde of hell-demons?
Come on, everyone. This stuff writes itself.
This rouge-like dungeon... More
The resets are coming! Take a look at the list below so you don't get left out in the cold.
Bungie explained the reasoning behind the change: "Throughout Destiny 1’s... More
This high powered gaming machine just hit the shelves, and to be honest, you really only need to pay attention unless you A) are balling and have a ton of money to toss around, or B) you don't... More
I mean, who could possibly get tired of the Lord Of The Rings after the extended, extended, recut, director's, final, ultimate edition?
Not you.
This thing is coming. Know it.
Just block... More
Puh-leeeeeze don't screw this up! They are off to a good start, getting the guy that revamped the Jurassic Park series that crushed it at the box office, but this is a different beast (no pun... More
HeroCraft released their first DLC for Tempest Jade Sea in the Apple App Store and I think you should check it out. This bad boy is an open-world, pirate-themed RPG.
Actually not really sure... More
Battlerite is kind of like DOTA without the maps, but don't let that put you off. This game is no joke. The combat is incredibly in-depth, and if you are thinking this is some kind of DOTA light,... More
WARNING: Before we dive in, the link below (linked to "assassinated") discusses the murder, along with more pictures of the dead body. Nothing gory, but the murder was real, so if you... More
I love comics, I love Superman and I want Justice League to be good, but this is SO heavy handed.
Hey everyone, you think Superman will be in the friggin JUSTICE LEAGUE movie? Take a... More