Well, the man ain't wrong, and I have been looking for a reason to get back into school...
In a recent interview with io9, award-winning poet Steven Leyva talked a bit about why he... More
First broken by Windows Central (then reported by almost everyone else) the new Xbox One Elite Controller 2 is attempting to improve on an already pretty customizable controller, with some new... More
Indie game developer Tydecon Games wants to drive you nuts, and they're kind of arrogantly proud of it. Bragging that you can feel free to underestimate their new "mind-bending puzzle... More
Hand of Fate 2, the upcoming action RPG from Defiant Development, is hitting the Switch on July 17, 2018, and some of you should be pumped; like, 2.5 million of you. That's how many... More
I am a huge Denzel Washington fan, and I mean it. I was down with Man On Fire, don't get me started on how much I like Fallen, and even early flicks like Ricochet were a lot of fun watch. I like... More
Sure. Things didn't go great after Terminator 2, ok? We all know this. Terminator 3 was fun, and I actually enjoyed it, but it was a surprisingly light affair, and the movies that came after were... More
Castlevania season one was a lot of fun, and it brought new life to a series that hasn't had a lot of luck in the recent past, gaming-wise. The show came out on Netflix on July 7, 2017 and was... More
This is a game I was dying to play, only to have it be released to a barrage of bad reviews. The reviews are pretty unforgiving, rocking the game on everything from the stealth, the combat, the level... More
We've been covering some Dark Souls mods lately, and they just keep getting better and better. We covered the darkened mod and this amazing lego mod in the last couple weeks, both of which... More
When Mushroom Wars 2 dropped last year, we liked it quite a bit, giving it an 82%. Our reviewers liked the cartoony style and calming visuals and music, and they appreciated the easy to pick up... More
This trailer is a trippy, weirded out mess and I am loving the style. The trailer starts out looking like some kind of a freak hybrid between Limbo and Super Meat Boy, but things take a hard left... More
Personally, I was pretty pissed off when Netflix hiked the price last year, in the tail end of 2017, when it kicked prices up from $10 to $11 bucks for the medium tier plan, and the premium plan went... More
As per a Gamingbolt sit-down interview with Mike Lunn, Brand Manager for Capcom, the upcoming remake of Resident Evil 2 isn't going to be a remake. I don't know what to make of that, and... More
Happy Birthday America! Today is obviously a day that most spend outside, grilling, swimming and drinking until you can't feel feelings, unless that feeling is patriotism.
While America... More
After a three year development period, The Path of Motus will finally debut on PS4, Xbox One and Steam on July 17th. The game explores the psychology surrounding bullying, and features a verbal... More
This is the police was a fun but flawed title from THQ Nordic, that we enjoyed overall (check out our review here).
Much like the first game, This Is the Police 2 is a blend of... More
I love watching these guys do their thing, especially when they're making swords. Watching how they created Stormbreaker a couple weeks back was sweet, but it's time for a more traditional... More
Man... this is rough.
Maybe it was all the beer I drank last night, but there are some parts of this footage that made my stomach churn. This is going to be an absolutely hardcore... More
Aksys Games just announced the release of Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk, a new interactive fiction title for the PS Vita. Touted as a "visually stunning, mystical romance" the game is... More
Capcom just listed the the specs for the upcoming Resident Evil 2 remake on Steam, so you got some time to upgrade your stuff if your rig isn't up to par. Check out the stats... More
Paramount just hired a writer to reboot its Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, which is great friggin news as far as I'm concerned. I do not like Michael Bay, I thought the voice actors... More
The Witcher has a lot of potential, and it could easily be amazing. I'm thinking Game Of Thrones combat meets Dungeons and Dragons style magic and monsters and if Netflix puts some cash into... More
Dragon Quest 11 is coming in hot with a new trailer, and the devs were even nice enough to give us a release date for the long awaited JRPG on PS4. This standalone title in the long running... More
Now, regardless of whether you're a democrat or a republican, you gotta admit his trailer is pretty rad. The new boxed DLC for Shaq-Fu comes free with every physical copy of the game, titled... More
Killing these characters off has long been played out, but they just keep on doing it. The eventual death of Wolverine concerned a virus that burned out his healing factor, then an attack by a ton of... More
I've been waiting for this for a long time, and so have a lot of other (older) comic book fans. If you've never seen Unbreakable, it holds up very well, which is no easy task, given that it... More
I'm looking forward to this series mainly due to the fact that I don't like Futurama but I love the Simpsons. I'm interested to see where this is going to fall in terms of how much I... More
Jared Leto just played the Joker in the so-bad-you-want-to-forget-it Suicide Squad, and now he is going to play C-list villain and sometimes Spider-Man ally Morbius the Vampire in a standalone film.... More
Free games... how I love you. I love how I don't need to shop for you. I love how little you cost. I like how, if I check my wallet, then click "download" and check my wallet again, the... More
I am loving these videos, all told from the Marvel team medic's point of view. This isn't the best of the batch, but it's still a good one.
Four new Marvel heroes are joining Nick... More