This PS4 Flash Sale Is Out Of Control!
04.September 2018
There are some straight up dynamite sales going on right now, and leading off the pack is Bloodborne. If you haven't played this Souls-like title, you should make your move, like right now, since... More
Prison Architect Wants You & Your Friends In The Clink For Co-Op Multiplayer
04.September 2018
Inspired by Dungeon Keeper, Dwarf Fortress and Theme Hospital, Prison Architect allows you to build and manage a maximum security prison. Why would you want this terrible job? Probably because you... More
Survival Epic The Long Dark Hits Retail Today
04.September 2018
Some people are, well, older than others. Yet, they enjoy gaming as much as the next 14 year old who is blasting terrible music directly into their mic and screaming at everyone for either cheating... More
The Witcher Series Has Its Geralt!
04.September 2018
We've finally got our Geralt for the upcoming Witcher series, and it's Henry Cavill. I must admit, friends and neighbors in gaming, I don't know what to think about the casting. If you... More
Embody A Simple Man Kicking A Corpse In Breathedge
04.September 2018
In Breathedge, you'll assume the role of a "simple guy with simple needs who tries to survive in the depths of deep space," and you'll need to "Explore, build, kick corpses,... More
GWENT Challenge #4 Winner Revealed!
04.September 2018
GWENT Challenger is part of the GWENT Masters, which, of course, is the official esports series of GWENT: The Witcher Card Game. CD PROJEKT RED (creators of The Witcher series) just announced... More
Tell Us What Game Youre Laboring Over On Labor Day
03.September 2018
Happy Labor Day everyone. Today is the day where we celebrate labor by not doing any, instead, kicking back and usually pounding a bunch of beer whileBBQ'ing and trying to pretend there isn't... More
Cyberpunk Horror Title, Observer Is Heading To The Switch
03.September 2018
In Observer, the year is 2084 and you are Daniel Lazarski, a member of a corporate-funded police unit that employs elite, neural detectives known as Observers. Observers use advanced technology... More
8 Circuit Studios Unveils Space Survival Title, Project Genesis
31.August 2018
8 Circuit studios just announced their upcoming title, Project Genesis, which is aiming to combine FPS gameplay and space combat, with players piloting massive space-faring machines of... More
Hellpoint Cant Decide Whether To Kill You With Demons Or Space Monsters
31.August 2018
This latest game in the vein of Dark Souls (and soon, Code Vein) is brought to us by the good folks over at cradle games, and it definitely has some variety going for it; there are demons (daemons),... More
Microsofts New Service Gives You The Entire Xbox Experience For One Monthly Price
31.August 2018
Microsoft just introduced a whole new subscription service that will get you 100% rolling in terms of picking up and playing Xbox One. Called the "Xbox All Access" deal, the bundle package... More
Spider-Man Isnt Even Out & Already Has Its DLC Planned
31.August 2018
Marvel's Spider-Man will arrive on PS4 soon, this October 23rd, and shortly after there will be three DLC's rolled out in a episodic series titled The City That Never Sleeps. We're not... More
Spawn Adds Visual Effects Artist From The Walking Dead
31.August 2018
Todd McFarlane has his hands firmly on the wheel of the upcoming Spawn movie, and it's a good thing for sure; after all, he created the character, so it makes sense he would write and direct the... More
Agent 47 Heads To Colombia In This New Hitman 2 Trailer
31.August 2018
Hitman 2 is the sequel to the highly acclaimed Hitman from 2016. You're in for more of the same, steering the bald killer, Agent 47 around as he slays various targets in hyper-detailed sandbox... More
Is The Hellboy Scribe Working On A Diablo Series On Netflix?
30.August 2018
After crushing it with Castlevania (I just rewatched it, and it is even better the second time), Netflix might be taking another swing at the animated videogame genre with a new Diablo series. If... More
Castlevanias Season 2 Poster Promises Blood
30.August 2018
Castlevania Season 2 will premiere on Netflix on Oct. 26 with eight new episodes, double the amount that they gave Warren Ellis on the first season. If you haven't watched it, go watch it;... More
This Remastered Batman The Animated Series Opening Is Awesome
30.August 2018
This show ruled my childhood. After school, I would hustle ass off the bus and run the rest of the way home, desperately trying not to miss the beginning of the show. Those opening bars still remind... More
Green Hells Launch Trailer Is A Nightmarish Trip To The Jungle
29.August 2018
Green Hell is a brutal struggle for survival in the Amazonian rainforest, after you awake, busted up and in trouble on an island that teems with not so friendly wildlife. Struggling to live, the... More
Man At Arms Created The PUBG Machete
29.August 2018
Today, the blacksmith badasses over at Man At Arms are making the tapanga machete melee weapon from PUBG! The tapanga machete is a long and sharp metal blade with a wooden handle that is used... More
 Dead By Daylights New Killer Is The Spirit!
29.August 2018
We got word that a new killer was headed to Dead By Daylight last week, and there was a lot of speculation on who it could be, with a bunch of off-kilter guesses and diligent fans doing some deep... More
Weve Got The Destiny 2 Forsaken Launch Trailer & Post Launch Roadmap
29.August 2018
In Destiny 2: Forsaken, we come back into the Destiny story after years of strife. The Reef is all jacked up and has largely fallen to lawlessness. You and the notorious Cayde-6 are sent to... More
This Guy Made A God Of War Leviathan Axe
29.August 2018
I love these fan made tributes to real game weapons, as evidenced by our videos for Men at Arms. Here, we've got a homemade Leviathan axe, courtesy of Up at noon live. They go step by step on how... More
Cave Digger Is Hoping Theres Room For A VR Minecraft
29.August 2018
In Cave Digger, you'll be mining for riches with ridiculous "mining tools" like dynamites, nukes, electric chains and even tripping balls on magic mushrooms. That's right, tripping... More
Marvels Spider-Man Game Length Revealed On PS4
28.August 2018
There has been a ton of hype surrounding the new Spider-Man (we've definitely done our share of hyping this game, and what can I say? We're stoked to play it), and we've been devouring... More
Heres What To Expect In The New COD Shadow War DLC
28.August 2018
This fourth DLC pack for everyone's favorite twitchy shooter is pretty well packed, offering up three brand new multiplayer maps, a new war mode mission called ‘Operation Arcane’ and... More
The Long Dark Gets An In-Depth Dev Diary
28.August 2018
The Long Dark is a first-person survival game developed and published by Hinterland Studio that crushed its kickstarter back in October of 2013. Players take on the role of a... More
What You Get In The Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition
27.August 2018
Rockstar Has revealed their Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition for players who are dying for a bunch of expensive stuff you will most likely unbox and then stick on a shelf somewhere until... More
Soulcalibur 6 Unleashes A New Baddie
27.August 2018
Soulcalibur 6 has been steadily adding fighters, but there have been a good amount of retreads and old opponents, which is good in a, "you couldn't have a Street Fighter without Ryu"... More
Your Gamescom 2018 Winners Are...
27.August 2018
Gamescom 2018 has reached an end and the award winners have been named. See if your picks got the big awards, and bitch about how unfair it all is in the comments. Best Action Game Sekiro:... More
New Predator Spot Shows Off Predator... Dogs.
27.August 2018
This movie is tough to call, since some trailers make it look rad and others make it look like reheated garbage. I am personally holding out hope for the movie to be rad, since Shane Black is behind... More
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
18.March 2020
18.March 2020