If you're looking for a fun little RPG to play that you don't have to spend any money on this holiday, check out Eternal Fury, a free browser game running fully under HTML5. The... More
This free-to-play, 60-player-cooperative, top-down MMO shooter is out now, and boy, that's a lot of adjectives. With the first beta starting today through the 26th, the devs are going to open the... More
We wrote a bit about the newest Warhammer title last month, and showed off the video that introduced the new Wood Elf character, who happens to be a stone-cold badass (read our article here). This... More
We can only hope that the return of James Cameron will turn this beat ass franchise around after the abominations they have been cranking out in the last ten years. The trailer doesn't look too... More
We loved Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden, which was basically X-Com meets story meets mutants. This expansion not only gives players hours of new gameplay, brand new locations to visit and new... More
A brand new DLC for A Rite from the Stars just hit and there is a gang of new art, lore and music to snag for the quite reasonable (depending on your viewpoint) price of $6.99.
Developer... More
Battalion 1944 just launched out of Steam EA, and if that isn't enough to get your stick grenade up, there's also a major new update launching with it: Battalion 1944: Eastern Front,... More
Conglomerate 451 just hit Steam Early Access, and even though the game is an EA title, it's $15.99. Go test it for money!
Conglomerate 451 embraces its grid-based RPG roots, offering... More
You can roll one of two days through this purported fright-fest: alone or in multiplayer, which is a nice switch up for a horror game in general. In the Dollhouse single player story, players enter... More
Who says digital has to be king? Oh, wait. ChessFinity does, a game that is trying to spin one of the most classic games ever. Although it retains much of what makes chess the "game of... More
A new Jump Force trailer is out now, and we hope you're hungry, because it's packed full of piping hot biscuits!
Well, kind of.
First things first: Jump Force is... More
Ancestors Legacy, a history-inspired RTS title is getting a new DLC, which is no easy feat, considering that the game is influenced by historical events from the Middle Ages. Does this... More
You gotta give em credit: Bandai is consistently adding the newest, most badass planes to Ace Combat 7, plus they've got a little thing they like to call "photorealistic visuals"... More
We covered this title a little bit last week, but now we've got some new info and a brand new trailer for you multiplayer lovers out there. In Frankie's Revenge, you can define your own... More
You all love these sims, so don't worry, we'll keep reporting on em. Not that we don't love all love them too, of course.
No, actually that's inaccurate. I drove a bus once. It is... More
In this video, we get a lot more exploration than straight action, which is fitting given the apparent nature of the game. It seems that while gunplay will be a part of the title, there will be a lot... More
In addition to two new radio stations - Deep Focus and Campus Rock, and a new Content Creator Pack, University City, the free update for Cities Skylines also tosses in two new library... More
Quentin Tarantino’s ninth flick is apparently going to be one of his best, as the pre-release reviews are off the charts. The flick visits 1969 Los Angeles, where everything is changing rapidly... More
Ubisoft sure doesn't screw around with content and announcements for their series; it seems like every day something new is coming down the pipe and today is no different, as we've got the... More
Ah, remasters. When will it all stop? To be fair, if they are all gonna be remake/remasters, like the brilliant Resident Evil 2 (read our full review here), I wouldn't bitch half as much about... More
This series just gets more and more nuts as time goes by, and we are totally cool with it. In this new DLC, they are really kicking out the stops, pitting you against demonic forces from an ancient... More
Written and directed by Simon Kinberg, Dark Phoenix is the story of one of the X-Men’s most famous characters, Jean Grey, as she evolves into the Dark Phoenix, an event that changed the... More
While most RTS titles out there these days are either single-player or 1v1, the team behind Conan Unconquered went a different route, producing a game that (hopefully) works as well in... More
Canadian indie developer (and winner of the 2018 Ubisoft Indie Series Special Prize), Falling Squirrel, just announced that their audio action-adventure game, The Vale, is coming to Steam... More
Swamp Thing Is looking better and better as things progress, and this latest trailer really leans into the horror aspects of the show, which is looking creepy as all get out. With James Wan involved... More
Reventure could easily be described as a "choose your own adventure" book in the shape of a 2D platformer, which is just fine by me. I used to love those books as a kid, and this title... More
In light of the crushing disappointment that was the ending of Game Of Thrones, here is something to cheer you up; a towering, demonic looking dragon from Archeage, the MMORPG from publisher gamingo... More
Much like the Souls series, Akane wants you to know that your death is inevitable. So, before you abandon their rain-soaked world, you'll want to leave a mark, and ideally, that mark will take... More
Backed by none other than the FIA World Rally Championship the WRC series has come roaring back with some simulation-centered gameplay, a dynamic weather system, and a completely... More
Assemble Entertainment, who are best known for their work on Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry, just announced that they've snapped up the publishing rights to Pixelsplit's... More