Final Fantasy 4

Final Fantasy 4

13.05.2008 16:52:35
Translations for the remix-version
Final Fantasy IV Remix Menu Translations
V. 0.9
By Nathan Mallory

Game Copyright: SQUARE 1991/1997

This FAQ is a translation of all the menus and inside screens of the Final Fantasy
VI Remix for the Sony PlayStation.

Feel free to distribute it.

While most any English speaking people playing this game have already played its SNES
counterpart, some may have problems navigating menus, as well as some of the re-done Save


In addition, some of the characters in the game have special moves that were removed in the US
game for the SNES. These were the following: They are found in the same place as other
characters' special moves, like Kain's Jump and Edward's Sing.
Cecil/Dark Knight - Dark Wave = Hits all enemies at the cost of some of Cecil's HP

This screen appears after the FMV intro and Title Screen
| Load |
| New Game |
| Memo File |
| Memory Card 1 |
| Memory Card 2 |
| Save Explanation|

The rest of the sections are the different sections you find in the Menu Screen, by pressing
Triangle during the game. They are in order on the right of the screen from Top to Bottom.
Where all of your items in the game are stored.

Here you can view magic spells, white and black, and calls.

Here you can put on your various equipment onto the following parts of your body (listed from
Top to Bottom):
-Right Hand
-Left Hand

Also at the bottom left it says if the person is Right-Handed or Left-Handed. If there are 4
characters, the person is Right-Handed. If there are 5 characters, they are Left-Handed.

Here you can check on the vitality of your character, their class, level, experience, and various abilities.

| Name |
| Class Level |
| Left OR Right Handed Experience Collected |
| |
| HP |
| MP Experience to Level Up|
| |
| Abilities Attack Power |
| Power Hit % |
| Speed Defense Power |
| ***** Defense % |
| ***** Magic Defense Power |
| ***** Magic Defense % |

Here you can move your characters to a different on of the 5 positions for battle.

This, new to the Remix, automatically switches the front and back parties. Normally, with 3
in front and 2 in back, suddenly there will be 2 in front and 3 in back.

Here you can customize everything in your game, from battle modes to window colors.

| Config |
------------------| |------------------
| ------------ |
| Battle Mode Wait - Active |
| Battle Speed 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
| Slow Fast |
| Battle Message 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
| |
| Sound Stereo - Monoaural|
| |
| Controller Normal - Custom |
| Single - Multi |
| |
| Cursor Return - Memory |
| |
| Window Color R|--------|--------| |
| G|--------|--------| |
| B|--------|--------| |

This area, being on CD and Memory Card, instead of cartridge, has been TOTALLY redone, so pay
close attention!

| Save |
| Memo File |
| Memory Card 1 |
| Memory Card 2 |
| Save Explanation|

The following are what is said at the bottom of the screen when each selection is highlighted.
-Memo File - You can save a memo file to the PlayStation itself for a while. When you turn
off the PlayStation's power, please do not forget to save it to a Memory Card.

-Memory Card 1 - 1 save to a regular Memory Card

-Memory Card 2 - 1 save to a regular Memory Card

-Save Explanation - Hear an explanation of the Save System

The following is a translation of what happens when you choose the 'Save Explanation' (4th
Choice). (NOTE: The *blahblah* notes are things that happen, not actually said. ;)
*Enter Chocobo*

Do you want to hear an explanation of the Save System?

*If No:*
You don't want to listen...... .
...... ...... .

*If Yes:*
There are 2 Save Systems in this game.

*Chocobo morphs into Memory Card*

The first is saving to a regular Memory Card...

*Morphs into PlayStation*

The other one is for saving adventures onto the PlayStation itself, called Memo.

*Morphs back to Chocobo*

First, you need to choose the Save Mode screen.

*Display of choosing the first option, Memo File, shown*

If you wish to continue your adventure, save it by 'Memo' quickly.

It is essential not to miss saving your game.


If you press the Reset Button or turn off the PlayStation's power, data in the 'Memo' will

*falls down, smack(!)*

Gone, and...... .

*begins bobbling back and forth with bubbles*

If you don't save, your game will be like a bubble in water...... . *i.e., GONE!*

Then there is the Soft Reset.

You will go back to the Title screen if you press Start button, Select button, L1, L2, R1, and
R2, at the same time.

That's the Soft Reset!!

If you use the Soft Reset, your data in 'Memo' will not be erased. It is the same as if you
lose a battle...

*Chocobo splits into 2*

If you save the game to a Memory Card after you Memo, the new data will be replaced with the
Memo Data automatically.

*Morphs into a PlayStation & Memory Card*

There will be no worries if you do a Memory Card Save. When you finish playing your game,
don't forget to save it to a Memory Card!!

*Morphs back to Chocobo*

Did you understand? You understood?

This is the end of the explanation for the Save System.

That's all for this translation! If you have any questions, comments, or things I could have
done better, for next time, feel free to email me.

-Nathan Mallory

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