03.10.2013 00:23:36
The Ultimate GTA Players Guide - Version 7.00
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The ULTIMATE GTA Players Guide
Version 7.00 - Last Version
Now it's old, but still kicking...
Copyright (c) 1999 m0lz (Mihai Molcuti) & Beaver (Cristi Nita)

1. Copyright Info
2. Things that you should know...
3. Game Play
a) When you start the game...
b) The Cars
c) The Docks
d) The Goodies Boxes
e) Kill Frenzy
f) Police Buisness
g) Tactics
h) Respray and Bomb Shops
4. Tips & Tricks
a) Bugs
b) Tips
c) Tricks
d) Biggest Kill Frenzy
e) Bonus List
f) Cheat Codes
5. Roumors
6. Hot Sites and Utilities
7. Special Thanks
8. Final Words


Grand Theft Auto (c) 1997 ASC Games
Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 (c) 1999 Rockstar Games
Grand Theft Auto 2 (c) 2000 Rockstar Games
The ULTIMATE Grand Theft Auto Players Guide (c) 1999 - 2001 Mihai Molcuti &
Cristi Nita


You must know this little things with the F6 to F11 keys:

F6 - Pauses the Game. It also tells you the target of the chapter an how
missions have you passed.
F7 - Repeats the last Pager message.
F8 - Turns Frame Rate Limiter On or Off.
F9 - Tells you where you are. (ex. Northwest Glenn Wood).
F10 - Displays your last cellular phone message or your last conversation.
F11 - Shows Resolutin Selector


a) WHEN YOU START THE GAME. When you start the game you are in Liberty City
(New York). You work for a gangster corporation. You have a pager and a
cellular phone. Your job is to do the dirty things for the corporation.
An arrow will show you in what direction is your goal.

Super Well Hi Speed F1's:

- Penetrator (is a speedy car and it looks like a Porsche 911 Carrera)
- Beast GTS (this car is a Dodge Viper GTS, you can figure it up)
- Italy GTO (a car with a sporty look and a big engine (Ferrari F355))
- Italy GTB (like its brother it's a Ferrari F322)
- Italy (very resistant and really good speed)
- F19 (it's actually the Ferrari F50 so it speaks for it's self)
- Flamer (it's a Piece of Shit looking with WILD speed car, cool no?)
- Portsmouth (a very fast Chevrolet car)
- Polka (cool car whit excellent speed, try it)
- Cossie (it's a "smooth" car good speed etc...)
- Squad Car (well the police has to have super speedy cars don't they...)
- Roadster (very good looking, it kind of looks like a Mercedes S)
- Juggernaut (if you "gas" it, it will gain speed after 5-6 sec.
- Feroricus GTO (LONDON 1969) (It's a Ferrari Testarosa, Figure It Out)
- Jugular E (LONDON 1969) (It's a Jaguar E-Type, Very Speedy)

Good Direction Hi Quality:

- Limo (it looks like a Cadillac and it's speed is pretty good)
- Firetruck (a big car like that has got to pass though small "paths")
- Ambulance (well the ambulance must be quick and maneuverable no?)
- Regal (it's a normal family NON speed car)

Every Day Life Good Cars:

- Speeder (it's a decap, good direction, good speed, it's a teenager's
- Mamba (like a Speeder with a little less speed)
- 4x4 (well it's 4x4 but don't aspect any speed or luxury from it)
- Classic (good car but not to speedy dacap and all that stuff...)
- Impaler (it comes in 2 versions, normal and decap, both good and real)

Really Cheap Bad 'n' Old:

- TV Van (its SUPER slow looks bad, bad direction etc...)
- Repair Van (it's even worse than the TV Van)
- Love Van (it's bad but has a very "Sexy" look (it is a Love Van after
- Coach (it's a big car and it's made for transporting lots of people)
- Tanker (runs like SHIT, speed like WOW, looks like SHIT, it is almost
- Double Decker (LONDON 1969) (It sucks in very way, Don't use it)
- Bug (it sure "BUG's" me; no speed, no big engine, no impressive

Super Cars:

- Tank (big car, what a damage, sucking speed) - can be repaired but not
- Monster Bug (a BIG Bug with cool speed) - can be repaired and rigged
- The Helicopter (it doesn't fly) - can be repaired and rigged. Must have
Nice GTA
- Boat (drives on water and ground & cool speed) - can be repaired and
- Train (a little better than the tanker) - can be rigged and repaired
- ICBM (LONDON 1969) (A NASA Rocket Transporter) - can be rigged and


DESCRPTION. In every city there are four Docks. There you can sell cars
get extra points. You actually don't sell them, you put them under a
crane and after he tells you that he is picking it up, get out of the
After its condition (Excellent, Good, Not Bad, Beat Up or Piece of Shit)
gives you from $100 to $12000. The crane can't lift Limos, Tankers,
and other big cars. He also won't lift Squad Cars, Ambulances or
Firetrucks and
will not buy stolen parked cars or rigged cars.


Grand Theft Auto

Car Name Liberty City San Andreas Vice City

4x4 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000
Beast GTS $12,000 $12,000
Bike $2,000 $4,000
Bulldog $8,000 $8,000 $8,000
Bug $2,000 $1.000 $2,000
Brigham $4,000
Challenger $4,000
Classic $8,000 $8,000
Contach $12,000
Cossie $12,000 $12,000
Flamer $6,000
F40 $10,000
Hotrod $10,000
Impaler $8,000
Interceptor $8,000
Italia $8,000
Italia GTO $8,000
Italia GTB $8,000
Jugular $8,000 $8,000
Juggernaut $8,000
La Boheam $4,000
Mamba $8,000
Mundano $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
Penetrator $8,000 $12,000 $12,000
Pickup $4,000 $6,000 $4,000
Porka $8,000
Porka Turbo $8,000 $10,000
Portsmouth $4,000 $4,000 $6,000
Regal $4,000 $4,000
Repair Van $6,000 $6.000
Roadster $8,000
Speeder $10,000
Stallion $6,000
Stinger $8,000 $10,000 $8,000
Stinger Z29 $8,000 $8,000
Superbike $12,000 $10,000
Taxi $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Thunderhead $8,000 $8,000
Transit Van $6,000 $6,000
TV Van $8,000 $8,000 $8,000
Van $6,000
Vulture $4,000
29 Special $4,000

Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

Ambulance won't take
Beagle 3 300
Bike 100
Bug 200
Camper Too Big
Copper won't take
Crapi 500
Double Decker too big
Fat 200
Ferocious GTO 1200
Flatbed 800
Garden Shed 100
Harold 300
James Bomb 1200
Jugular E 900
Jug Mk II 1000
Jug Swinger 600
Locust 600
London Cab 200
Mangler 1000
McHamper 800
Mod Scooter 100
Myni 200
Ranger 500
Raver 400
Reno 17TL 400
Royal Stretch too big
S-Cart 800
Squealy 800
Sweets Van 400
Tanker too big
Tour Bus too big

Huh... That was a lot of them. Well it's worth it... Yeah right...


The Goodies Boxes are boxes whit surprises. Here is what they can give

Weapons & Ammo - A Gun, A Machine Gun, A Rocket Launcher & A
Armor - Three anti-bullet vests. You can hold up to 3 bullets.
A Key - When you get busted by the police you won't lose your
weapons, ammo or get twice less point values.
Police Bribe - It gets the cops of your back.
Multiplier - It will add 1 to your point values.
Car Speed Up - It will make the car that you are in go faster.
Extra Life - Do I need to explain?
Kill Frenzy - See Kill Frenzy below.


The Kill Frenzy is a mission that you have to do in a number of seconds.
The missions are like this: It gives you a weapon with unlimited ammo
you must do a number of points in a number of seconds. If you complete
this mission you will be reverted (a life, a car, money, etc.). For some
Kill Frenzy specials see BIGGEST KILL FRENZYS.


Here we will teach you some pretty big things. If you want to steal a
Car: Make sure the police are after you and that you have a weapon. Stop
and get out of the car. When a cop will come to get you, SHOOT HIM and
steel his car, is the fastest. To stop the police from following you go
an AUTO, after that the police won't know if it's you or get a Police
If you get busted your multiplaier points will be twice less. If the 3
or 4
are after you they will block the road and shoot at you with guns (for 3
cops) and machine-guns (for 4 cops). There is more fun with the police
the TIPS & TRICKS roubric.



1) Get a BIG car (like a Tanker or a Coach). Get the hole damn police
you. The car being a big one the police will bump into you and DIE.
2) The coppers don't shoot at you. So get out of the car (if you are in a
car) and shoot in the coppers with the flame-thrower. You will make a
3) Take note of the pager messages. They WILL come in handy...


1) Larger vehicles take more hits to destroy. Get yourself loaded into a
tanker or a bus.
2) Lure your hapless opponents into alleyways you've previously blocked
with cars.
3) Use the footbridges to avoid being rammed or hit by weapons.
4) If someone is crossing a footbridge to avoid you, simply explode a car
beneath them. Ha! Sucker!
5) If you're on fire from a flame-thrower or an explosion, you have a few
seconds before you die. See if you can take out your assailant with
last dying breath.
6) If you're the first to reach the target number of 'frags' you'll win
game, even if you die in the attempt.


THE RESPRAY SHOP is a shop where you change your pates or car color to
the cops off your back. The Respray shop also fixes your car. You can
it by the name Auto, Respray, or Al's Respray Shop and Garage in the
mission pack (London 1969).
THE BOMB SHOP is a shop where, for $5000, you get your a car loaded with
bomb, that activates when you press the attack button. It can be reconize
by the name Guns'n'Ammo, Bombs, Al's Lot o'guns Shop.


a) BUGS (Stupid Thigs in the game that waren't supose to be...)

1) I just saw a very stupid bug. Gently push a police car to fell
into the water. If it fells she won't ground. You will see some
waves. That is the police car driving underwater. This does not
work if you are in the car.

2) How you can shoot through walls? No I'm not kidding. If you walk
directly to the wall and try to walk through it, when you shoot
(with the gun or machine gun) and a man is right next to the
on the other side, you will kill him.

3) You know that in Liberty City are some bridges witch cross the
water to other parts of the city. Well lets get to the point
we. Under the bridges is water, right? You can't walk on water,
right? Wrong, you can. I you fell into the water go quickly
the bridge. There is nothing there. The police will find you but
they will be over you. This works for cars (Excellent condition
cars). Oh, I almost forgot, if you go under the bridge (in the
direction that you fell), you will be under the city and any
explosion there will affect the upperground One such place is
SouthEast Hackenslash and if you go under an Auto your car will
be repaired.

4) All about GHOST CARS. I don't know when do they appear I know
characteristics. You can't drive them. When you go near it she
disappears and you can't shoot it.

5) In San Andreas there are some areas where you can fall down.
listen to this: put a car (or a bike) so that half of the car is
mid air and half is on the "upper ground". Now you get down (on
part that the car would fall if you would push it a bit). Get a
distance and shoot at the car whit the Rocket Launcher. Tough
are down and the car is up it will explode. After that (when the
car is wasted) you shoot at it again. You will se lots and lots
blasts. It's kind of fun.

6) This one is also in San Andreas at the places where you can fall
down. If down there is a garden with trees, do this: 1) Get a
car. 2) Jump over and (press break) you will be on the tree.
of stupid if you think about it (What I mean is that you won't
of the tree even if there is only on pixel of the car on the

7) If you want to explode a bike or a super bike (in a cool way) do
this. Get off of it by bumping into a car. Now shoot it until it
explodes. After the fire will disappear the bike will be good as
new but you can't use it. If you explode a super bike like this,
it will change its color to green.

8) You know that if you rig a car and explode it at a quite high
the exploded car will still run for 5-6 seconds. This thing is a
bug because if you do this and the car goes in an auto (but the
game didn't show you WEASTED) your car will be back to normal
you won't die.

9) If you have a TANK do this: try to run over a car. When you are
over the car (and she didn't explode) get out of the tank. The
tank will be over the car and the car won't explode.

10) If you want to drive a wreck do this. MODE 1. Get a car that you
don't find very easy. Rig it, press fire and before it explodes,
drop it in water (with you in it). Now (at the next life) find a
car just like the one you drooped in the water and QUICKLY steal
It will explode, but you won't die. Now you'll drive a wreck.
MODE 2. Go in an Love Vagon, Kill Frenzy and explode one small
under it. You will drive the wreck for 3-5 seconds.

b) TIPS (Cool things to do in the game)

1) Have those little orange scouts and their noise ever annoyed
Well they annoyed me! You could just kill them whit the rocket
launcher (and make a GOURANGA) or you could have fun whit them.
Here's how: you could either kill their leader and they will
you and try to beat you up or, you could go in front of them and
try to walk away easy until they follow you. After that, do what
you want with them (ex. when you enter the train there won't but
they will get electrified).

2) If you ever have a Super-Bike or a Bike Just try this: ride it a
little with maximum speed and after that don't touch anything
just get your finger off the acceleration button and try to get
it (of the Bike). When the speed will be pretty low you will get
it and it will continue going on whiteout you. It will stop only
it hits something in its way.

3) If you have a bike or a super-bike you can clime the stairs to
bridge that gets you to the other side of the street. There are
some stairs that go on buildings. There you may find some really
useful Goodie Boxes there.

4) Some times when you enter a parked car you see your pager
"DETONATION IN 2,1,0" That car is going to blow ya "sky hi" if
know what I mean. To prevent that is simple: every time you
enter a
parked car just look if your pager appears on the screen. If it
does don't stop to read it just run away from the car as fast as
you can.

5) If you steal a Firetruck, an Ambulance or a Police car, when you
step on somebody it will give you twice the normal bonus.

6) Do you want to die and you are in Vice City at Rasta Blasta?
is how. You can die by staying next to a building and lunching a
bazooka to the wall or you can go to Northeast Vice Beach get
buy some assholes that want to kill a bitch.

7) If you think you are block (I mean that a car is blocking your
and there is no other way to go), do this, it is very simple.
break and the direction you want to go. If it is a big car (like
tanker) you will go under it. If not, you will jump over it.

8) If you accidentally fell into water, he knows how to swim for
3 sec. So if you fell, go back quickly. You won't be wasted.
dose not work for cars. This works if you are on fire (after your
wash you won't be on fire any more).

9) You know the rails and you know that if you go over them you
But not always. You see if you run quickly over them you won't
This DOSEN'T work for cars (they will go KABOOM).

10) If the police are after you, and a cop gets out of his car, if
blow up his car (without killing him), he will not try to bust
He'll live you alone.

11) Don't try to hide a police car. Where ever you may hide it you
will not find it after you die or leave the area (I mean that if
the car in Estoria and your are in Kings the car will

12) If you are in Vice City, Bent Cop Blues, there's a Police Car
waiting for you in North Vice Beach.

13) GTA usually rewards you for repeating an action over and over
again, as fast as possible. For example, keep pushing cars into
a river and you'll get big bonuses.

14) If you're on a motorbike, select no weapons and hold down the
attack key. If you get knocked off your bike, you'll be stunned.
Saves valuable seconds when on the run...

15) LONDON 1969 ONLY. When a kill frenzy with a Royal Pain (Tank)
you can still shoot with the tank... Cool Hum!!!

16) In Vice City, In SouthWest Felicity there is crane but next to
there is a Bomb Shop and a Respray Shop. It's a place we like to
call PSP (Profesional Shop Place)

c) TRICKS (Nice things for lots of points)

1) Here's another one: a) get a really good car b) get a car (with
driver inside) off the road on one side of a block. c) get in
back of it, push it and kill some people (he will kill them, if
push, but the points will come to you) d) after a wile the
will come after HIM.

2) Are you a tax payer? Are you mad of your taxes? Here is how you
repair your car for half a price (for a Maximum Damaged Car).
your car through a Guns'n'Ammo. Then get it through a normal
Shop and then kill 2 men and go through the auto again. It will
cost you 5000 (to rig a car) + 88 to 330 (for the repair of the

3) By going into an Guns'n'Ammo you also repair the cars motor.

4) A small trick is how you can kill a doctor. Kill somebody so
the Ambulance will come. After the doctor finishes to rebuild
guy and tries to get in the car, you quickly steal the
Ambulance. I
don't know why but he will dye.

5) I know a way how to get 50.000 credits for a jump. Get a
go to place at marina (the last west port) there should be a
half a
screen (320*200*15) and jump over. It will give you INSANE STUNT
BONUS. The place from where you jump is Northwest Sunview.
to Jens Krapohl.

6) HIJACKING THE TRAIN!: Go to a station and wait for it. When it
comes, enter it like a car and press fire. This will fuck up the
trains electric circuits. Now you can ride it like a car but the
breaks are very bad. It's cool. There are 2 trains per line and
if you go to fast you'll bump into the other one and a you'll
a big explosion.

7) In Tequila Slammer, in NorthEast Richman there is a Penetrator.
in it and if you can do a jump over the water there it will give
you INSANE STUNT BONUS that is 50k.

8) LONDON 1969 ONLY. If you typed a code that gives you wall the
weapones that you can shoot them from in the car.


Here, you will find where are the Tanks & Monster Bugs in GTA. When
are in the Tank and if you press Special + an arrow, it will move the
tanks turret that waty.

IMPORTANT: To go through fences or walls (what a stupid game):
1) get a Repair Van, a Coach or a Tankers. Put it "glued" to the wall
fence). Now go under the car in the direction that will get you at
2) Get a BIG car "glued" with the left door to the fence. Now try to
out of the car.

1) Grand Theft Auto

LIBERTY CITY - Heist Almighty

a) TANKS. Go to Northwest Estoria. On the island.
b) TANK. Northeast Forth Law. See IMPORTANT for how to get it.

SAN ANDREAS - Mandarin Mayhem

a) MONSTER BUG. In Central Richman. Just Outside a house.
b) TANK. Go to Southwest Woodside. On the right of the big red
You will get to it through a building.
c) TANK. In West Sailors Wharf. You will go through a

SAN ANDERAS - Tequila Slammer

a) MONSTER BUG. Go to a small garden in the middle of to buildings in
Atlantic Heights.
b) TANK. In Southwest Richman, under a garden. There is a
passage way in the garden on the right. You must do
(that I don't know) to get inside.
c) TANK. In Southeast Marina in a place you can't enter. See
to see how to get it.

VICE CITY - Bent Cop Blues

a) TANK. In Northwest Miramar. It is surrounded by a fence.
You will
have to jump using a bike.
b) TANK. Go to Northeast Banana Grove. You must walk on some
stairs to
go to an island.

VICE CITY - Rasta Blasta

a) TANK. In Northwest Miramar. It is surrounded by a fence.
You will
have to jump using a bike.
b) TANK. In Northeast Banana Grove. You must walk on some
stairs to go
on an island.

2) Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

Mods and Sods - Royal Pain (Tank) - In NorthWest SouthWark
Chelsea Smile - Royal Pain (Tank) - In NorthWest Hyde Park
Dead Certainty - Royal Pain (Tank) - In SouthEast Bow


This place of the guide will tell you witch are the bonuses in GTA...
These are single player and multiplayer bonuses.

Name Prize


I know this is the most wanted part of the guide. These aren't all the
codes, there are others that do the same thing. OK, To activate the
codes, when you choose a character to play with press DEL and, enter
codes and press ENTER:

IMPORTANT: The codes must be typed just how I typed them here:

1) Cheats For Grand Theft Auto

Cheat Effect:
itsgallus All Levels All Cities
nineinarow All Levels All Cities
super well All Levels All Cities
iamthelaw No Police
stevesmates No Police
itcouldbeyou Gives You 999.999.999 Points
suckmyrocket Start With All Weapons & Powerups
itstantrum Unlimited Lives
6031769 Unlimited Lives
hate machine Multiplier Raised to 10
buckfast Press * and get all the weapons
callmenigel Press * and get all the weapons
iamgarypenn Enable Extra Offensive Language Mode
iamnotgarypenn Disable Extra Offensive Language Mode
Heart of Gold View All Cutscenes
porkcharsui Diagnostic Mode (More Info Below)

porkcharsui options:

Key Effect
K Zoom Out
L Zoom In
] Zoom Out
[ Zoom In
NUMPAD 8 Move Camera Up
NUMPAD 2 Move Camera Down
NUMPAD 6 Move Camera Right
NUMPAD 4 Move Camera Left
NUMPAD + Advance Frame By Frame
NUMPAD * All Weapons With 99 Ammo
HOME Center The View
ALT Quick Frame Advance
R Refresh The Screen
D Take Screenshot
C Current Status
F12 Restart The Level

2) Cheats for Grand Theft Auto: London 1969

6661970 - Infinite lives
iamfilth - No Police
tithead - Infinite lives
tourettes - Infinite lives and hit [*] key for all weapons
ohmatron - Infinite lives and hit [*] key for all weapons
pieandmash - Infinite lives and hit [*] key for all weapons
asawindow - Infinite lives and hit [*] key for all weapons
notourettes - Infinite lives and hit [*] key for all weapons
deathtotall - Infinite lives and hit [*] key for all weapons
flashmotor - All levels
super well - All levels
travelcard - All levels and Inf. lives
iamgod - 10x Multiplyer, Unlimited Lives, Press [*] for all
averyrichman - 999999999 points
uaintnuffin - 999999999 pnts, all items, press [*] for all weapons,
all cut-scenes
psychadelic - 999999999 pnts, all items, press [*] for all weapons,
all cut-scenes
silence - 999999999 pnts, all items, press [*] for all weapons,
all cut-scenes
driveby - 999999999 pnts, all items, press [*] for all weapons,
all cut-scenes
herc - 999999999 pnts, all items, press [*] for all weapons,
all cut-scenes
driveby - Now you can shoot from the car.
rommel - Diagnostic Mode (More Info Below)

rommel options:

Key Effect
K Zoom Out
L Zoom In
] Zoom Out
[ Zoom In
NUMPAD 8 Move Camera Up
NUMPAD 2 Move Camera Down
NUMPAD 6 Move Camera Right
NUMPAD 4 Move Camera Left
NUMPAD + Advance Frame By Frame
NUMPAD * All Weapons With 99 Ammo
HOME Center The View
ALT Quick Frame Advance
R Refresh The Screen
D Take Screenshot
C Current Status
F12 Restart The Level


a) I found in the english.fxt and special.fxt file these lines:
that were at the pager message group...???...!!!

b) The police have their codes of comunicating....


a) GTAed2 (c) Gain Software. It's a MISSION.INI editor that alows you to
place kill frenzy's, parked cars, goodie boxes and others. A shareware
version is avalible at:
NOT compatible with London 1969.
b) FXT2TXT (c) Michael Mendelshon ( It's
DOS Freeware program that converts the FXT to TXT files and back. This
program was used to create Nice GTA... A freeware version is avalible
at Compatible with London 1969.
c) M1Win (c) Sam Jessup ( This is a very good fast map
editor. It comes with car and object placer. The leatest version is
avalible at: Compatible with London 1969
d) GTA FX (c) Paul Ashton ( GTA FX is a DOS program
witch lets you view an partialy edit the graphics in GTA. It's not very
cool but gets updated by the day! The leatest version can be found at Compatible with London 1969
e) FXTEdit (c) Olivier Mangue. Also an FXT file editor. Today it's very slow
but will be improved. It features nice way to edit the FXT files. At this
moment it can ONLY read files (v0.1). Leatest version can be found at: NOT compatible with London 1969
f) MisEdit (c) Volker Settgast ( MisEdit is a
easy-to-use mission editor. His primal feature is SPEED and then the MAP.
a shareware version can be found at: This
program is compatible with London 1969
g) GTA Cars (c) Jeffrey P. Mathews from FIF Engineering. This one of a kind
gta car editor was used to create the cars in London 1969. The leates
version can be found at Compatible with
London 1969
h) - Gouranga - The Official GTA Site- The place
you can find every thing you wanna know about Grand Theft Auto.


... Jens Krapohl ( for the 7th trick.
... Trekman ( for the London 1969 Car Price List.
... Benjamin Jurke ( for some London 1969 Cheats.
... Daniel Busse ( for some other London 1969 Cheats.
... Andy ( for some tricks in DLH.
... ByteCracker ( for the GTA Maps in DLH.
... MULA (ISA94022@ALUMNOS.UPCO.ES) for the coolest GTA Trainer
... DMA Design and BMG Interactive (for creating GTA).
... Paradigm (thank you for couriering GTA for us).


Shameless self promotions...

I have also made other things for GTA:
GTA Captures v1.2 - Pictures to show you the Tanks & Monster Bugs
from GTA
GTA London Captures v1.1 - Pictures to show you the Tanks from London 1969
Nice GTA - Files that rename the cars to their real names
enables uncensored cut-scene text...
GTA MISSION.INI Guide - Figure It Out

Read This...

If you found: anything new, mistakes in the guide, or you want to
insult me (better not) mail me at:
The leatest version of this guide is avalible in DLH and in DLH.NET
Best viewed in 800x600.
GTA 3D - Comming For Playstation

This Document is Copyright (c) 2001 m0lz & Beaver

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The Ultimate GTA Players Guide - Version 7.00

03.October 2013
New cars as the Mini or KITT"

30.September 2013
Mission.ini Editing Guide

01.October 2013
Please readme.txt for more infos

04.October 2013
M1Win for Windows - Car Editor

04.October 2013
Please read readme.txt for more information

03.October 2013
View with any JPG viewer

04.October 2013
True Cars 0.9

04.October 2013
Unlimted ammo and police bribe

04.October 2013
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