Indiana Jones und die Legende der Kaisergruft

Indiana Jones und die Legende der Kaisergruft

17.10.2013 12:28:47
FAQ/Walkthrough Ver. 1.62
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
Version 1.62
March 30, 2004
by Robert Parry-Cruwys (

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Version History
III. Controls
IV. Combat Strategies
V. Enemies
VI. Walkthrough
VII. Artifact Locations
VIII. Secrets
IX. Requests
X. Acknowledgements

I. Introduction

After a few years on hiatus, Indiana Jones is back in a new adventure on the
Xbox and PC. Much like The Collective's previous game, Buffy the Vampire
Slayer, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb boasts an amazing combat system,
great story, and perfectly captures the feel of our favorite whip-cracking
hero. Though The Emperor's Tomb might not be the best Xbox
game on the market, it is one of the most entertaining in recent memory.
My full enjoyment of the game made me decide that it should be honored with
its own thorough walkthrough. As this is my first attempt at writing an FAQ,
I'm sure there will be many additions to this walkthrough over time; hopefully
it'll help more than a few of you through some of Indy's stickier situations.

Checking the version history will let you know how far along with the
walkthrough I am. Though I have beaten the game, I'm trying to record the
most detailed way through the game in order to keep from creating something
vague and useless for people who get stuck. Please feel free to email me at if you have any further questions or tips
you would like to add to the walkthrough.

As always, this FAQ is only to be posted on those sites who have been given
written consent by the author (me). I've put a great deal of time on this and,
though I really want to help people playing this game, have no interest in
getting my work ripped off without being asked first. Anyway, enough about my
intro: get reading and enjoy!

II. Version History

1.62 - added PS2 controls; added tip for "Netherworld" level; added tip for
"Tomb of the Unseen Level"; added tip for Feng Twin fight

1.6 - added "God Mode" cheat; added request for PS2 controls; added combat
strategies; added whipping strategy

1.51 - added one new Von Beck tip; added quotation marks to identify artifact
names in walkthrough for ease of browsing; added reminder of new email address;
added shortcut in Peng Lai Mts. - The Infiltration level; added two more combat

1.5 - added more email suggestions: beating Von Beck, combat strategies; updated
my email address; further edited walkthrough; renamed enemies according to

1.3 - added more combat strategies; edited walkthrough

1.2 - added few tips native to PC version; added location of large canteen;
added patch information; added personal website address

1.1 - added combat strategies; added cheats; added walkthrough to Ceylon - The
Idol of Kouru Watu and Prague - The Great Hall; added controls; fixed minor

1.00 - completed walkthrough for game; clarified the solution to the second
area in Prague; added last 6 artifact locations; added URL for site with
Indy PC-version trainers; added two combat strategies; added PC controls

0.83 - added walkthrough for level 7 and 8; made some minor changes to
walkthrough with the help of emails; added more acknowledgements; added next
six artifact locations; added requests section; added controls section

0.6 - added the rest of the walkthrough for level 6; added another artifact

0.55 - added the first half of walkthrough for level 6; added another 2
artifact locations; further clarified copyright issues of FAQ; edited enemies
list; added another acknowledgement

0.5 - wrote walkthrough for level 3, 4, and 5; put next 9 artifact locations;
finished enemy descriptions; added permission to use my FAQ rules to intro;
fixed formatting and spelling errors

0.1 - Began walkthrough; wrote brief enemy descriptions; added intro,
walkthrough for Levels 1 and 2, and the first six artifact locations

III. Controls

Many people have emailed me asking for controls to this game. Though they are
mostly listed under the "Options" menu under "Controls", I figured it would be
helpful to list them here as well.

Xbox controls

Left Thumbstick - move Indy in any direction; pull up when hanging from a
ledge; swing when hanging from a rope/chain; aim gun in first-person mode

Right Thumbstick - rotate camera left/right and up/down; climb up or down or
twist left or right when hanging on a rope/chain

Left Trigger - roll when running (items rolled over will be picked up); jump out
from cover to the left

Hold left trigger - enter first-person mode

Right Trigger - hold down to block; jump out from cover to the right

Hold right trigger - focus on which enemy to attack (let go and then hold again
to alternate between targets); with the Pa Cheng, unleashes short-lived force

A button - right punch; fire/use weapon/item; throw Pa Cheng

X button - left punch; fire/use weapon/item

B button - jump

Y button - use; pull out needed item (only when icon appears in upper left of
screen); pick up weapon/item

White button - reload weapon

Black button - pull out last weapon/item

A+X - grab enemy

A+X+left thumbstick (in any direction) - shove enemy away

B+forward - forward jump (for more height than regular jump) ; hold forward while
in the air to grab onto ledges just out of Indy's reach

B then A - jump and then whip (for more height than a standard whip, but only at
locations where a regular standing whip will not work)

Y+forward - wall sneak (when pressing forward against a wall)

hold Right trigger + forward - safety drop off of a ledge

Direction pad up - pull out item from inventory

Direction pad left/right - scroll through inventory

Direction pad down - drop item; put item away; close inventory bar

Start - pause

PC controls (thanks to Cliff Chen)

Note: download the newest patch (v. 1.01 - available at this link: in order to allow Indy to turn
and climb before swinging again; otherwise, the game will be impossible to

W - Move Indy Forward
A - Move Indy Left
S - Move Indy Backward
D - Move Indy Right
C - Enter First Person Mode
Q - Roll when Running
E - Action/Pull out indicated item in Icon
T - Take out current item
R - Reload weapon
Z - Peek Left when against the wall
X - Peek Right when against the wall
Left Shift - Hold to enter fighting crouch
Left Alt - Hold to walk/Guard Mode
Space - Jump

E + W - Walk Sneak (Press E to exit)
W + Space - Forward Jump

Left Mouse - Attack 1
Right Mouse - Attack 2
Left + Right Mouse - Grab enemy
Mouse movement - move camera

Arrow Up - Bring up Inventory/Select Item in Inventory/Climb Rope
Arrow Right - Next Item to Right in Inventory/Rotate on Rope Right
Arrow Left - Next Item to Left in Inventory/Rotate on Rope Left
Arrow Down - Put away Inventory

PS2 Controls (thanks to Chris Yarbrough)

Circle - jump or swim

Triangle - action, pick up things, push boxes, and open doors
press when "action" icon appears to pull out needed object (whip,
explosives, etc.)
press when against a narrow ledge to creep along side

Square - left hand; jabs weapons

X - right hand; slashes or fires weapons, throws, and whips

Right Analog Stick - move up or down chains

Left Analog Stick - moves Indy, pivots Indy right or left, swings on chains

D-pad Up - lists inventory; arms Indy with currently selected item

D-pad Left - cycles through inventory

D-pad Right - cycles through inventory

D-pad Down - closes inventory

L1 - while standing still: pans camera
while moving: roll

L2 - draws and holsters weapon

R1 - centers camera; while moving, allows Indy to strafe left, right, and to
move back

R2 - no use


IV. Combat Strategies

Anyone with a good strategy not posted here to send them to me. Whether
general fighting or shooting tips or good plans for specific enemies, email
them! Also, these strategies contain SPOILERS so read 'em at your own risk.

--strategy submitted by Rob Parry-Cruwys
"I've found a lot of people having trouble with Indy's whip-swings so here's a
strategy that worked well for me. When you have to chain together multiple
whips, don't wait for Indy's whipping animation to complete before pressing the
whip button again. It looks a bit silly pressing a button for him to do an
action when he hasn't finished the first action but trust me. Instead, wait
until you are at the farthest point of your swing to let go of the whip button
before immediately pressing the whip button again. This should solve those
timing problems."

--strategy submitted by Jesse Donnelly
"When your close enough to enemies, grab 'em. Hit X once to slap em twice and
then push the control stick toward the nearest wall. This will shove the guy
into the wall, making him dazed. While he's dazed you could easily keep
hitting him by repeatedly pressing the A button. Keep hitting him until he's
dead. Also, when your approaching an enemy and you're by a cliff or ledge,
grab the guy and simply push the control stick in the direction of the ledge
to throw him off, killing him. They usually leave their weapons behind as an
added bonus."

--strategy submitted by Cliff Chen (paraphrased from an email)
"When using a blade, start your attack with the secondary attack button since
the primary attack will often get blocked"

--strategy from
"If you are facing an armed enemy, and aren't armed yourself, try to get as
close to them as possible (swerve left and right a little to avoid their
bullets as you run at them). That way they won't be able to shoot. Then knock
them down (I prefer using a weapon that is out of ammo because it knocks down
the enemy in one hit using the x button). They will drop their weapon, now you
can pick it up and use it on them"

--strategy submitted by Rob Parry-Cruwys
"Another way to get close to enemies with guns is to roll at them. They
usually won't be able to shoot you before you get to close. The only problem
is that it's very easy to overshoot with a roll. Still, it can work in a

--strategy submitted by SpaceApe
"When you want to shoot an enemy around a corner, do a wall hug. If you get
close enough to the edge and hold L (XBOX) Indy will pop out and you can shoot
the bad guy. Release L and you go back to the wall hug. Also, When fighting
the ninjas in Kong Tien, it is common knowledge that they will charge you.
Hold down L and jump out of the way pressing B and left thumbstick. This will
bring you just out of reach, and while they're accomplishing their powerful
punch, you can just punch them from the side."

--another strategy submitted by SpaceApe
"A tip when facing blue ghosts and Mei Ying (it might help with yellow ghosts,
but I'm not sure. When a blue ghost or Mei Ying throws a ball of electricity
at you, you can deflect it back at them by pressing L (XBOX) with the Pa Cheng
in your hand. This helps a lot since you don't have to dodge. I'm not sure
if it keeps yellow ghosts away."

--strategy submitted by the ENIAC
"There's a safe way for trapping the Albino Crocodile at the last Ceylon
level: close the gate with the lever, even if the albino croc is still
outside. Then Indy can safely jump into the water and wait 'til the croc
swims towards the gates. Pull them up again, and it will swim inside. After
that you can trap it easily by closing the gate once again."

--strategy submitted by Deda
"At the begining of the Black Dragon Fortress - The Black Dragon Fortress
level, you can use a shortcut. At the begining of the level, instead of
dropping on the bridge, equip the whip and jump from the scaffolding in the
direction of the walkway you can see down and far away in front. In mid air
whip swing on the overhanging torch, and save yourself from falling."

--strategy submitted by Vincent White
"To avoid damage from falling, enter Combat Mode just before you hit the deck,
and you won't incur any harm."

--strategy submitted by "Groin Kicker" Kathleen
"One of the best parts of the game is what you can do when your opponent
catches your fist and the both of you strain against each other. In that
event, press X to kick him where it hurts the most and the sun don't shine.
Now he's stunned and completely open for another attack. As satisfying as it
is funny."

--strategy submitted by Blue Saber
"If there is an enemy near you with a weapon, use the whip. When used at a
certain distance, it will wrap around his neck and yank him towards you
allowing you to puch him once. He will fall over as soon as you punch him (you
can then kick him if you want) and in the process drop his weapon. Grab his
weapon and use it on him. This works especially well on Nazi Firebugs when you
have no ammo. Just remember to time it right or you're toast."

--strategy submitted by Paula Neal
"While holding the PaCheng, when you first engage guard mode, a blue bubble of
protection surrounds Indy. This bubble deflects the charges of electricity sent
out by the blue ghost and, if you are close enough to the blue ghost, it
deflects back into him resulting in his death. I set the throttle lever on my
Wingman to be "guard mode on" when the throttle is up and "guard mode off" with
the throttle down. This way you can leave Indy in guard mode as long as you
like without having to hold a key."

--strategy submitted by Paula Neal
"When fighting the terra cotta soldiers, put Indy in guard mode when he can
engage in very close PaCheng combat. He makes quick mince meat of the soldier.
Throw the PaCheng at the yellow ghost, then quickly switch out of guard mode to
reposition for the next terra cotta soldier. Return to guard mode and make
mince meat of him with the PaCheng, etc. It also appears that when Indy is in
guard mode, any blows he receives does not result in a great loss of health,
comparatively speaking."

--strategy submitted by Carl Guanzon
"I realized by fighting the Terracotta warriors is very easy. All Indy has to
do is hold the Pa Cheng, get close to the TCW(s) as possible, then slash like
there's no tomorrow (continuously clicking the right-mouse button / secondary
attack mode). Believe me, the fight's just a 5-second event. After that, all I
have to do is hold on the "left shift" key (temporary force field) while
re-orienting myself to the surrounding, also finding those orphaned yellow
ghost. Discovering this technique makes this part of the level easier."

--strategy submitted by Chris (a.k.a. shiftkid)
"This is for the PC version: On tough multible whip jumps, you can jump, whip,
and hold down the right mouse key. Indy will come to a stop; recompose
yourself. Hit the forward and back key to build up momentum then quick snap
the Left Mouse key to continue. This will build up your skill, as you will
need it for Von Beck's Revenge. On multiple jumps once you hear the end of the
whip SNAP hitting it again will carry you, but on Von Beck's Revenge you have
to learn to let go of the Left Mouse key sooner so you fall a bit short."

V. Enemies (caution, some SPOILERS here)

Ivory Hunter - Both bald and with hair, these guys often fight with nothing
but their bare hands, though sometimes carry shotguns, revolvers, or machetes

Gestapo Agent - I assume these guys are secret police or something but they only
wear nice suits! These fellows often carry Lugers or machine guns and tend
to fight in small groups.

Turkish Grunt - Tough fighters who often wield swords or machine guns. Make
sure you have a sword or else you will not be able to block their weapons.

Nazi Soldiers - Don't count on these guys using anything but Lugers or Mausers,
though knock their weapons away and they'll become faster versions of the
hunters. Occasionally will attack with machine guns

SS Officer - For some reasons, these guys seem to be better fighters,
throwing multiple fast punches at Indy, though they mostly prefer to pepper
him with machine gun fire.

Ninjas - Well, not REALLY ninjas, but kung-fu fighters nevertheless. Like the
Turks, these bad boys like to use swords, though their ability to toss
acrobatics in with their punches and kicks can really make short work of Indy.
Watch out for their charging punch which is unblockable.

Waiters - Despite the fact that these guys are waiters, they'll fight Indy
just as well as the Ninjas! If they're not going hand-to-hand, these bad boys
carry Mausers or shotguns.

Nazi Diver - Keep swimming until these chowderheads have fired their
spear guns (they'll miss as long as you don't stand still), then retaliate:
two direct hits sink these guys.

Nazi Flame Thrower - These soldiers only appear on Peng Lai Island and only if
an alarm is pulled. Though easy to kill with a firearm, it's suicide to try to
fight these flamethrower armed Nazis with your fists. Best strategy: don't
let anyone pull an alarm!

Crocodiles - Only seen in Ceylon, these annoying critters of the deep will
take a bite out of Indy if he's not careful when swimming. Luckily, they'll
often give up chase if Indy swims from side to side or gets them to run into
something. Also, if Indy hacks at these critters with his machete, they will
often stop and take the damage until they die. Nifty!

Sharks - Just like crocs, sharks are nasty enemies. Found in Peng Lai Lagoon.
Just as killable as the crocs.

Palace Guard - Much like the ninjas, though often carrying either deadly
crossbows or spears, these guys will really test your fighting skills. Watch
out for their spinning spear move which is unblockable and really throws off
Indy's timing (and it hurts too!). Happily, they are stupid and, when
attacking in groups, will hit each other as often as they hit you.

Zombie Ninjas - the first time you meet these guys, you'll be dodging their
glowing charges a lot and getting flipped by their jumping grabs almost
constantly. Luckily, they're not too hard to beat, especially when you get
the Pa Cheng.

Yellow Ghosts - Once you receive the Pa Cheng, these guys will go down easily
with two quick hits. Watch out though, they're fast and can fly right through
you, as well as possess corpses and terra cotta statues.

Terra Cotta Statues - Possessed by the yellow ghosts, these soldiers require a
good five to six hits to destroy and to free the yellow ghost. Though it's
easy to get a few hits in, once they only have their legs left, their constant
kicking make finishing them off a bit tricky.

Evil Spirit (blue ghosts) - Easy to kill with the Pa Cheng. Only difficult part
is their tendency to toss out yellow ghosts. They appear on one level in the

Albino Crocodile - As Indy comments, "Somebody's been feeding the fish". This
albino croc is immense and will swallow Indy whole. Dodge like crazy or,
better yet, avoid altogether.

The Monster - The boss of Prague, this Terminator-esque creature can do some
real damage with his projectile weapons or his massive fists. A dose of acid
plus some serious beating with a stick can easily finish this lunkhead off.

Kraken - A mythical beast of the deep, the Kraken can not be defeated by Indy,
only subdued. Spears to his many eyes might help. Indy best be aware of his
jellyfish subjects who will drag our brave adventurer straight to the Kraken's
gaping maw.

Airplanes - Only encountered on the gondola ride up to the Black Dragoon
Fortress, these strafing Nazi pilots can be shot down with great ease,
provided Indy's safely behind a turret.

Feng Twins - Marshall Kai's faithful, and sexy, servants, these two girls can
gang up on Indy much like the former ninja enemies. Sadly, these two don't
die quite as easily. Watch out for their unblockable cyclone kick which,
sadly, gives very little warning. Indy's best bet is to dodge and stab with
a sword.

Mei Ying - The possessed body of Mei Ying will send energy balls, yellow
ghosts, and a beam of lighting so powerful it can crush stone at our man in
the brown fedora. Luckily, using the Pa Cheng when she lets her guard down can
quickly smash the three dragon orbs allowing the demon to control poor Mei
Ying's body.

Marshall Kai - Indy's benefactor...or is he? No, he's not. He's actually a
power-mad sorcerer and Indy's final challenge. Using the power of the
elements, the Pa Cheng can penetrate his energy shield giving Indy a chance to
steal back the Heart of the Dragon. That is, if Indy can dodge his ground
pound energy attack and the invincible dragon at Kai's command.

VI. Walkthrough

(NOTE: This walkthrough covers the Xbox version of the game on "Normal" mode;
the only differences between modes is the increased or decreased damage enemies
can cause Indy.)

(ANOTHER NOTE: If you are having trouble swinging after climbing up or down a
rope, you need the latest patch. Download it from
Guaranteed to solve about 98% of swinging-related problems.)

Ceylon - Gates of the Lost City

You start your quest in India. Head forward up the small ledges, following
the "tips" to jump to the top of the hill. At the summit you should see a
waterfall to your right. Climb down into the running stream and turn right
to walk under the waterfall into a secret cave. Here is you will find your
first artifact: the "Idol of Ramba Vihara".

Go back through the waterfall and turn right to pass under a large arch.
Jump the big pit with a running jump and continue forward into a large
clearing. Turn left to find a water fountain. ALWAYS FILL UP ON WATER!!
It's the best way to replenish your energy and they come few and far between
in the later levels, so hydrate yourself now. After filling your canteen,
turn right and climb the two ledges. Turn right and climb a few more ledges
before taking a running jump across a huge break in the path.

Enter the small chamber and pick up the machete next to the skeleton.
Turn right and leave the chamber. A tip should appear on your screen
telling you how to lower yourself to the ground by holding the R trigger
while walking off a ledge. Safe drop off the ledge in front of you and land
on a toppled pillar. Walk slowly down it and turn right, moving towards the
overgrown door of the temple. Cut through the vines with the machete and turn
left. Swing across the chasm with your whip then turn left and cut open the
doorway to end the level.

Ceylon - The Hunter's Camp

Cut through the doorway in front of you and watch a short cut scene where Indy
notices some rival adventurers. Turn right and enter a large room with an
unobservant hunter. Beat him senseless. Get out your machete and cut the
rope holding up the large block. Jump down into the hole the block makes,
getting ready to fight another hunter. Walk along the corridor kicking the
middle box for some revolver ammo. Continue along to a large courtyard.
To your left, a shovel sits on a table in a small alcove. Grab it if you
want a weapon and continue towards the two hunters chatting around the
campfire. Knock these two clowns out.

When you're done, head up the nearby stairs. There's an overgrown door up a
ledge to your left with a spring in it; make sure you're at full health before
continuing on the pathway. Swing across the gap and then wall hug around the
large pillar (press Y + control stick against the wall). Swing across the
next pit and stop in front of the stack of crates. If you smash the large
box with your fist, the beam will fall, smashing a hanging crate and revealing
another artifact: the "Mahavatu Mask". Head back to the stack of crates.

Continue through the large arches slowly until you come to a hanging alligator
head above a cracked floor. Whip across the floor before it crumbles then
continue on, swinging over another pit to kick over a large stone archway.
Climb down and jump into the pool in front of you. Swim forward to a low
ledge to climb out. There's another water fountain in an alcove to your right
if you need it. From the fountain, head forward to the edge of the ledge;
jump slightly left to a ledge across the pool. Jump and climb up some blocks.
After the short cinema jump and swing across the ledge with the vine, then
cut your way inside the door. Watch out for a thug with a shotgun!

Pilfer the firearm when you're done with him and head out to the small balcony.
Jump slightly to the left to land on a lower platform before jumping and
whipping to another alligator head. Continue down the hallway until the floor
collapses, leaving you stuck in a large pool. Swim forward and then turn left
to reach a low ledge where you can climb out. Climb up a few more blocks and
turn left, jumping and climbing up two more blocks.

Head backwards and to the right to a switch. Pulling it opens a door letting
in two heavily armed hunters. Have a nice little shootout with them,
remembering to take their ammo. Go through the door they just entered to end
the level.

Ceylon - The Paths of the Ancients

Whip across the hole and head down the passage way, turning right to take out
a goon. Turn left up some stairs and left again into a small room where you
can pick up a shovel. Jump down into the grassy area to deal with another
hunter. When you're done beating up on him, there's a fountain up some stairs
to the right. Continue back to the grassy area and walk forward and then
right. After a few arches head through a small door to your right. Climb the
ladder in here and brain the unawares hunter. Take his shotgun and pull the
switch on the front wall. Head back down the ladder and back towards the
fountain. Continue back to the room with the shovel and go forward and left
to the doorway you just opened. Inside are two large crates with some
shotgun ammo and a medkit.

Leave this room and take a running jump across the pit. Keep going forward,
whipping across another pit, until you come to a dead end. Jump up and shimmy
to the left. Walk towards the cluster of temples where you'll meet another
rival adventurer. Watch out for his machete! When he's finished walk up the
stairs where Indy will tell you he needs explosives. Two guys will exit one
of the small shrines you just passed, one packing heat. Deal with these
clowns and enter the shrine to find your explosives. After picking them up,
another thug will exit out of a shrine behind you, also with a gun. When
he's finished, take the shotgun ammo in one of the crates and return to the
damaged wall. Set the explosives and run away like heck! Finish the level by
walking through the blown entrance.

Ceylon - The Palace of Forgotten Kings

Pull the switch to the right of the door to gain entrance to another large
courtyard. Two hunters wander around, one with a shotgun. After you beat
them down, a third thug with a gun will emerge and come down to kill you.
Try to return the favor. To the left of where you entered is a small
building with a water fountain. Fill up your canteen before turning around
and heading across and to the left of the courtyard. Climb a small ledge and
turn right. Continue climbing up to the top of the columns. Jump across the
two pillars and turn right, jumping to a rooftop. Whip across another ledge
and enter the door where the last goon exited. Walk left through the broken
wall and teach another hunter a lesson. Following along the pathway, you'll
come to another break in the wall. Jump down and hack through some more vines
to your left (you can also head right and pull a switch to enter the first
courtyard in case you need some water).

Turn left immediately after entering the doorway and climb up a small stone.
Jump up and across to a small room where you will find your third artifact:
the "Port Negombo Relic". Jump back down and fact the large wall. These vines
are made for climbing so head right on up. Turn right. If you head into the
small room on your right, you'll find another water fountain. Tough guys stay
hydrated! Head left down another corridor, watching for a dark shade of
flooring which will fall out from under you. Jump across these and continue
onwards. Roll under the darts (left trigger) and then roll under another set
farther down the corridor, remembering to jump over another set of loose
bricks. You'll come to a large pit where you must consecutively whip across
two alligator heads. Do it and hack through another doorway to end the level.

Ceylon - River of Fangs

Walk forward and you'll enter "adventure mode", a stupid excuse for an
"adventure". Just roll forward when the spikes recede and under the darts to
pass this section. Don't worry if you get hit a few times, it's pretty hard
to dodge spikes when even the steam they show before popping out can hurt you!
Head up the stairs to a large room where three goons, one with a pistol, will
try to stop you. Take 'em out, stopping for water on the left wall between
two columns if you need it. Pull the switch on the far wall to open a large
set of doors to your left. Head out the doors to the hunter campground. Deal
with the thug on the right first (the other probably won't notice you),
stopping in his tent to find revolver ammo. Now take out the goon on the left
(watch out, he's armed!) Grab the canteen extension in the rightmost of the
tents. Head to the bridge and make three small jumps across the boards.

After the cinema quickly swim to the left and climb out. Grab a skull from
small grassy area and toss it into the water to get the crocodile's attention
so you can swim forward to the next ledge. Repeat this process three times,
aware that at the second ledge another croc will appear (as long as the croc
isn't waiting right next to you, you should be able to outswim them both).
At the fifth ledge you can jump up to a higher rock column. Two more jumps
will get you to a stone doorway. Make sure to line up these jumps perfectly
as Indy won't always grab on when at an angle. Through the doorway is another
set of hunters chatting about how "Von Beck" wants your head. Who is that
guy? You won't find out just yet because these losers will be too unconscious
to tell you. The leftmost tent holds a medkit in one of its crates. Pull the
switches on the right and left walls and jump into the pool to finish the

Ceylon - Temple of the River Goddess

Swim along the tunnel until you can jump out on a small ledge. Same as in the
last level, toss a skull to confuse the crocs and swim forward towards the
giant head. Kick the crate for some revolver ammo then turn around and flip
the switch to lower the cages. Climb the stairs, ready to go toe to toe with
a baddie. There's a medkit in one of the crates to the left of the giant
head; get it now or save it for later. Head back down the stairs and to the
left to jump on the lowered cages. Hop across it to get to an opening in the
wall. Grab some water if Indy is thirsty.

Follow the corridor to get to another "adventure mode" screen. Dodge the
spikes and darts to get to a lever which opens the exit. Either take a
running jump towards the face to grab a vine or toss another skull in the
water and dive to safety. Either way, make your way back to the large head
to end the level.

Ceylon - Into the Sacred Caverns

Walk around the waterfall and continue into up and into the caverns. When you
reach small room, go through the door on your left. Doesn't this place look
a bit like the temple in Raiders of the Lost Ark? Similar rules apply: there's
a deadly trap here! Walk slowly up the stairs until Indy remarks "I think
someone just stepped on my grave." Notice the skeleton on the strange floor
textures? Roll past the strange floor to trigger a spiked trap to drop from
the ceiling (alternatively, step onto the floor and then quickly step
backwards). After it misses you climb onto it and let it take you up. Turn
around and hop down the hole to get past the gate.

A cinema will ensue in which Indy falls down a sloped pit. Jump over the small
break and then jump again at the edge to reach a ledge. Whip across the gap
and veer left; you'll see a ladder which you should climb up. If you fall into
the water instead, watch out for the two crocs down here as you head to a
ladder where Indy can climb out. Alternatively, you can kill the crocs and
swim down to the bottom of the murky water to find a large canteen before
climbing up to the top of the scaffolding. Two hunters, one packing a shotgun,
wait up here (you should be able to kill one without his noticing you). Walk
into the vertical shaft and climb up a stone to reach a vine wall. Turn around
at the top and climb up a single vine. Swing to the nearby ledge and run
forward to another water fountain.

Turn around until you come to a deep pit. To your left is a lever which lowers
a cage; after the cage stops at your level, pull the lever again and book it
to the cage. It will ascend with you on top. Three minions wait at the top,
thankfully unarmed. Show 'em a little one-two action before pulling the lever
on one side of the circular hall. Exit the level through the large door.

Ceylon - The Silent Guardians

Run forward into the large red cave. Note the bat statues on the ceiling.
These are the Silent Guardians who will shoot a volley of darts towards any
noise. Walk along the grassy floor to evade the first one. In the next
cavern, you'll need to shimmy along a small outcropping of wall to keep from
making any noise. Pick up a skull and toss it towards the statue; run under
it when it takes the bait. Repeat to exit this room.

Now you'll see another room with a large waterfall. Go up the stairs, prepared
to deal with a hunter packing a shotgun. Why don't you take that away from
him. Farther on another goon will test you. Finish him off, stopping to
refill your canteen on the right wall's fountain. Continue to another large
room filled with Silent Guardians. The trick here is to make sure that the
skull lands close enough to all of the Guardians in your pathway so that it
triggers them all. Lightly toss the first skull right down the center to
trick the two statues.

At the next grassy patch, lightly toss another one slightly to your right.
Next, toss a skull between the two statues in front of you. Now toss one
backwards so that you can safely head up the stairs. Once you're directly
behind the Guardian at the top of the stairs, throw another skull directly
down the middle; if your aim is good, all three should fire and you can jump
across the pit and reach the next patch without incident. Finally, throw a
skull as close as possible to set off the statues one last time so that you
can exit this annoying trap and end the level.

Ceylon - The Idol of Kouru Watu

This part gave me quite a bit of trouble my first time through, though, once
you know where to go, it's not that bad. First off, run towards the artifact.
Of course it wasn't going to be easy. Unlike the other crocs, this albino
beast can kill you in one bite so don't give it a chance to chomp. Head to
the left side of the ledge to find a skull. Try to get it in the water as far
to the right as you can; once you see the croc on the right side of the pool,
dive in and swim towards the large opening in the left. Once you've swum under
the archway, turn left and hop out of the water. Go through the archway to the
right and follow along, hopping across the break in the bridge, to a lever.
Eventually the albino croc will swim towards the gate. When this happens, hop
into the water to act as live bait; once he's fallen for it, run back to the
lever and pull it to close the gate and seal him up. Whew!

(Alternatively, grab a skull from the pathway near the lever in the alcove
where you want to trap the croc. Tossing it into the water will draw its
attention over without the hassle of using Indy as critter bait. Now trap him
and return to the regular walkthrough. Thanks to David White for the great

Here's another strategy you can use, courtesy of Vincent White:
"The secret is to wait a few seconds and let the croc swim behind the island
then jump in and swim underwater to the ISLAND. Walk around the island till
your opposite the Gate way. Jump in and swim underwater to the ledge inside
the gate. Never been caught by the Croc yet!"

Cross back to the other side of this room and head up some stairs. Pulling a
switch here lowers some cages and opens a gate in the room. From here, jump
into the water. Swim down next to the central pillar with your machete drawn
and cut through some thick vines now if you wish to save yourself time later.
Now, swim up and climb onto the lowest cage. Jump up and climb onto the roof
of the cage. Jump across onto the nearby cage (you should land on the side)
and then climb onto the cage roof. Run forward and jump onto a chain. Turn
left and swing onto the next chain. Hit jump while still swinging on Indy's
initial momentum to drop into the alcove. Pull the second switch, turn around,
and jump onto the nearest chain. Turn left and swing towards the next cage.
Pull up onto the roof and then jump to another cage (you should just barely
make it). Pull up onto the roof and then run and jump towards the rightmost
chain. This is a hard jump. You must jump at the last moment and even then
you'll just grab the chain tip.

Turn left and swing to the next chain before swinging into the alcove and pulling
the switch. Run and jump to the chain you just abandoned. Climb up about
two-thirds of the way before twisting left and swinging onto the cage roof. Run
and jump to another nearby cage (you'll land on the roof) then to another (you'll
just barely grab the ledge). Turn left and run and jump to the final chain.
Swing into the alcove to reach the final switch. Key on this level (and on any
level with hard jumps) is to keep holding forward while Indy is in the air.
He'll often grab onto ledges, just barely surviving if you hold forward. If
not, he'll fall. Also, make sure to line up your jumps precisely or Indy may

Finally, after pulling the fourth switch, the large seal covering the artifact
will release. This switch will also open another alcove to the right of where
you entered this level; there's a fountain in here but you don't really need it
at this point. Just jump into the water and swim towards the island in the
middle to claim your prize. Pull out your machete before grabbing the idol.

Be ready to either swim up to a small air patch in the ceiling or to swim down
to either one of the two openings in the island (you'll have to cut through
two layers of vines so be quick or you'll drown!). Swim back towards the
exit (either to the right or left depending on whether you exit the underwater
area through the left or right openings, respectively). Move quickly since the
albino croc will escape. Once you've almost surfaced near the exit, a cut
scene will start showing you the man who is behind some of your troubles.
Luckily, he gets his just desserts.

Prague - The Castle Gates

Run forward and take out the Nazi suit with a Luger. Note the fountain.
Keep going forward to find another Nazi. After you've dealt with him climb
up on the planter and jump across to the low column. Pull up on to the
balcony and fend off another goon. Continue along the pathway, heading up
some stairs to reach a balcony where a Nazi is practicing his 'Show me your
papers!' spiel. Huck him off the edge and climb down the chain to your left.
Grab the dead Nazi's ammo and run towards the parked truck. Break the box
inside for a medkit. Beat up the Nazi near the gate for more ammo then head to
the other side of the castle (to the right of the castle) for more. Run back
to the chain you just climbed down.

Turn left and head down some stairs. At the bottom turn around and head towards
the bridge. Jump to the horizontal pipe and shimmy along it until you reach
ground. Whip across the next ledge. Head along the cliff to your left to
pick up a Luger and some ammo then continue forward and through the small door
to end the level.

Prague - The Dungeon

Run forward until the whip icon appears. Swing across the ledge and climb
down the ladder. Run down the large stairway, stopping to snipe two
conversing Nazis (alternatively, continue down the stairs and beat them
senseless). There's a switch which opens one of the jail cells, but I don't
know what it does. Luckily, reader Michael Meldrum did and wrote this in:

"[The switch] opens the jail cell to give you access to a water fountain. This
water fountain is located just past where you swing across. You continue down
the wooden floor and you will see it turn to stone turn to the right and you
will see the water fountain. Prior to that switch being pulled there is a gate
across it and no access. Pull the switch and voila!" So there you go, folks!

Head down the narrow passage, timing your run to avoid the swinging blades.
Further along you can either run past or roll under another blade trap.
Only the penitent man will pass! Another series of traps requires you to
jump over then roll under a pair of blades. Roll under the last set to reach
another trap, a rolling spiked bar which is simple to hop over or roll under.
Finally, time your steps through a narrow passage of whirling saw blades
before reaching a switch which stops the traps.

Go right, up some stairs, to find a fountain which you may need to use. Head
back out into the main room and swing across as you did before. Now that the
gate is open, you can pull the switch, releasing two more Nazis from a large
door down the stairs. Show 'em how we Americans fight and pass through the
doorway they just exited.

Here's a tricky area. You must jump and then whip to swing across the chasm,
then creep along the left wall to reach a lever. Pulling it lowers a cage
which, after a few moments, falls, leaving you a chain to running jump to.
Climb up and at the top swing off towards the ledge below the open window.
Once inside, three more Nazis show up, all packing Lugers. There's a switch you
can pull on the two openings down on the right. Turn around and enter the
first cell on your left to find a medkit.

Head back down the hallway and turn right down some stairs. You'll come to a
large rat infested dungeon which for some reason has a water fountain...hmmm.
Jump up to the small ledge in the middle of the room and pull the right lever.
Turn around and jump up to the swinging chain. Swing to the next chain and
then climb up it to find another lever. Pull it and then return to the middle
platform to pull the left lever. This lowers another chain and gives you
swinging access to the large door with the portcullis. Pull the switch on the
right wall and exit the level.

Prague - The Courtyard

A big posse of Nazis is waiting for you in this courtyard. Try to sneak to
the left side of the courtyard to the truck shown in the opening cinema. Grab
the MP-40 from the crate and the demo charge from the flatbed of the truck.
Now fight off the Nazis by any means necessary. There are three wandering
around at first, but more pour out of the waiting trucks as you finish others
off. When you've killed them all, about 12 Nazis total.

Climb on top of the well sitting between the trucks the Nazis came out of and
set your demo charge. Run for cover and jump inside the well when the lid's
blown. Swim along the passageway until you can surface underneath some
waterfalls. Climb out and pull a lever to open a nearby gate. Pull a switch
to exit the level via a swiveling wall.

Prague - The Great Hall

You enter into a nicely decorated room where a friendly Nazi tour guide tries
to show you the decor. Well, not really. When he's toast, exit through the
doorway and head down some stairs to a large door flanked by two suits of
armor. Hide behind a pillar and wait for the sentry to pass by before giving
him the old one-two. Climb up the stairs from whence he came and continue
upwards and along the passageway until you come to a whip icon. If you need
health, fight the Nazi down the stairs and visit the water fountain. If not,
whip up to the overhanging ledge and then jump and whip to swing from the

A cutscene ensues where a Nazi summit meets below. Indy will notice a lever
connected to a chandelier hanging above them. Slink along the wall to the
right and walk slowly along the parapet to the lever. Pull it and watch the
Germans get theirs. Whip across from the hook in the ceiling and grab onto
the chain. Climb down to pick up a lot of ammo and a throwing knife. When
you've looted the corpses, turn around and climb up the ladder to where the
lever controlling the chandelier is. Swing onto the chain. Without moving up
or down, turn right and began to swing. Since a lot of people have some trouble
here, I'll be very specific. Get Indy to swing so that he goes back three times
then jump off while holding forward so that you can grab the ledge. Grab a
liquor bottle by the fire. You'll need it.

Open the door to your left and prepare to take on four Nazi goons. None of
them are armed, but they'll gang up on you pretty nicely. There's another
liquor bottle in here and some chairs if you want to quickly even the odds
(or just shoot them!) One of the bookcases next to the pool table holds a
throwing knife and some Luger ammo. When you've beaten the baddies, grab
the library key off of the blue table near the window and leave the way you
came from. Cross the room to the other large door and follow the carpet to
a door halfway down the stairs. Exit the level through here.

Prague - The Library

Save yourself the trouble it will cause later by dealing with sentry goons now.
On the level you enter, one patrols near the red curtained alcove. Down the
stairs and behind a door to the left is a water fountain guarded by a Nazi who
waits farther down the passageway. Before heading back up the stairs, take
out the last sentry in the bottom floor area that rests below the floor where
you entered.

Climb back up the stairs and spin around, walking around the railing to reach
a large organ-type block. Jump up and climb over it until you see a whip
icon. Whip Indy over to the 3rd floor. Take out the Nazi up here. Climb the
ladder in front of you to reach the 4th floor. To your left is another Nazi
and an alcove with a lever. Pull it to lower the chandelier. Jump and whip
across to the other side of the library. Head left towards the central
bookshelf and wall sneak around it to reach another ladder. Climb it and pull
the switch at the summit of the library.

Climb back down to the 2nd floor and fend off the two Nazis who just arrived
to crash the party. Go towards the room you just revealed to find a book on
a small table. Climb up the organ and swing onto the 3rd floor again. Run
into an alcove on the left and pull a lever to lower the chandelier. Jump
and whip across the gap to see a small room with a bookshelf. There's a gap
in the stacks and I wonder what goes there? Put the book in the shelf (press
Y) and Indy enters a secret room. Grab the map on the table near the window
and head out the way you came in.

A pair of pistol packing goons appear on the bottom floor from a secret
passageway. Head on down and deal with them, exiting the level from whence
the Nazis came. Before you leave, though, make sure to stop on the 3rd floor.
Wall sneak around the central bookshelf with the red curtains to find a
secret room has opened containing another artifact, the "Book of Libuse".

Prague - The Astrologer's Clock, part 1

Grab the crown from the pedestal and immediately run forward and roll under
the closing door. Continue forward until you see two death statues. Pull
the lever to find another statue. Give it the crown (press Y in front of it)
and another series of levers will emerge.

To solve this puzzle, select the bull as your zodiac sign and then place the
moon hand at IV and the sun hand at II. Go back and to the right to enter
the next level.

Prague - The Armory

Run forward and kick open the rightmost crate to get a medkit. Climb the two
ladders to reach the roof where a cutscene will ensue. Who's that ninja? Oh,
well, no time to guess (though it's pretty obvious!). Head forward and slink
along the wall. Hop up on the railing and turn left to climb a lattice up
the castle tower. Turn right and jump to a chain hanging from a gargoyle.
Climb down until Indy is only holding on with his hands and then swing and
jump through the stain-glassed window. Immediately get ready to fit a Nazi
with a Luger.

Open the door to your right and climb the ladder in front of you. Hop up
through the window to find another pistol-packing Nazi. Note the zip line
for later use. Climb out the window across from where you entered the tower
and drop down. There will be a skylight in front of you. Run around the
ceiling to find some ammo. Smash the skylight with your pistol and drop down
on an unsuspecting guard. Smash the display case and take the sword.
Immediately turn around and run up the stairs and out the door to your right.

A cutscene ensues where some machine gun-toting baddies appear. Ignore them
(unless you want a fight) and just turn around and jump up the ladder. At
the top, climb through the window and use the zipline to get back to the roof
from where you started the level. Climb down the two ladders, wary of another
machine gunner who enters, and exit the level the way you entered.

Prague - The Astrologer's Clock, part 2

Pull the lever next to the two Death statues and hand the sword to the demon
statue. Again a set of levers emerges. Roll the astrology symbol to the
scorpion (not the crab; the scorpion has a long tail), the sun hand to XII and
the moon hand to III. Run back and to the left to exit the level.

Prague - The Observatory

Run out the double doors, turn left, and run to an open archway with stairs.
Immediately turn around and run and climb up on a small ledge on the building
in front of you (the building you entered the level from). Wall sneak around
the building until you see a small room across a gap on a tower. It looks too
far but Indy can easily jump it if you line him up right. On a table is your
next artifact, the "Stochov Fragment". Make your way back to the wall and sneak
around it to reach the small archway.

Climb the stairs and continue past the first double door. A Nazi exits from
the second one so take care of him. Turn right to go through the square doors
to find another Nazi taking a cigarette break. Toss his rear off a cliff and
then turn right and jump and climb up a chain. Swing to a small ledge on your
right and then make your way around the castle roof. A cutscene where two
Nazis on guard duty talk about booby traps ensues. Ignore them and climb the
ladder in front of you. Turn right onto the tower roof for an MP-40 SMG.
Drop down to the grassy area to the right of the tower and run along it to
find a medkit. Drop down again and continue forward, you should see a set of
stairs with one of the sentries guarding it.

To the left of the stairs is a small ledge. Walk along it until the whip icon
appears. Swing across the gap to reach the observatory. The entrance is to
your right. Inside, a cinema will show you that a lever is missing a handle.
Run up the stairs to find it lying in plain sight on a table. Grab it and
place it where it belongs (press Y) then pull the lever. The large telescope
shifts, opening to the sky, and a secret panel is revealed. Run upstairs and
press the large angel panel (press Y) to reveal Vega's Manifesto. Nazis will
now attempt to break down the door and unless you want to deal with three, all
packing machine guns, climb up the ladder and run along the telescope to exit
to the roof.

Head down the zipline, ready to deal with a Nazi thug. When he's toasted exit
through the door from which he entered and run down the stairs to find a nice
water fountain and another Nazi. Continue down the stairs and through the
door to the left, ignoring the sentry. Walk down the ramp to find the
building from which you entered the level. Leave the same way.

Prague - The Astrologer's Clock, part 3

Same deal here: pull the lever, give the demon statue the scroll, and
manipulate the clock. You've got to use the Gemini symbol (the twin people)
and place the sun at VI and the moon at XI. Exit through the door in front
of Indy to the left.

Prague - Vega's Tower

Grab the medkit from the table to your right and exit the room. Turn right
and jump to the chain; swing across ready for combat. Climb the spiral
staircase slowly so as to sneakily hurl a Nazi from a ledge. Jump across the
gap and pull yourself up on the ledge. Aim slightly left as Indy will
sometimes miss if you get too close to the large pillar. Continue along the
ledge with a wall sneak to find some Nazis waxing philosophically about
strudels. It's easiest to shoot them as fighting them will drop the frame
rate to unplayable levels. When they're done turn right and deal with
another Nazi. They always choose the hard way!

Run up the stairs and jump across another gap to a circular ledge. Run around
it and whip across to another circular ledge. Around the corner are two
chains which you must climb to reach yet another corner. Swing and jump
carefully so as not to miss and plummet to your death! Another chain rests in
front of you. Climb it and jump through an archway to reach the clock tower.
There is an elevator to your right and a fallen bell to your left. Note the
hole in the floor. Climb down it to find a small room with your next
artifact, the "Cistergian Mask". Turn around and climb up and out the window.
Jump and climb up another chain to return to the clock tower.

Use the elevator (press Y) to reach the top floor. Pull the lever behind Indy
to open the clock face to reveal a Leonardo DaVinci flying machine. Hey, this
isn't Italy! Climb the ladder and pull the lever to send Indy on a wacky
surfing ride. That Indy. What a crazy guy.

The flying machine drops you onto a ledge. Pull up and enter the room. Grab
the Soul Crystal and immediately turn around and climb the bookshelf behind
the toppled bookshelf. Jump to the balcony on your left and whip across to
break through a window and escape the trap. You probably won't even notice
the gas if you do this quickly. Climb down the chain and continue left to
another ledge and another chain. Repeat this until you see an opening to your
left. Swing into it and head down the spiral staircase to end the level.

Prague - The Ancient's Clock, part 4

Lather, rinse, repeat, though this time with the Soul Crystal. Solve the
puzzle by using the astrological sign of the balance (the scales of justice
looking thing) and both the moon and the sun on the X. Run through the door
to your right to finish with Prague.

Prague - The Laboratory (boss fight)

For some reason the Nazis have created a Terminator/Frankenstein creature and
it's up to you to bring it down. The first stage of this fight is pretty
easy: as long as you keep moving around the monster will miss you with its
glowing projectiles. On either side of the back wall is a machine which
pours chemicals into small beakers. Grab one and wait for the beast to toss
a projectile then through the chemical at the monster. Don't stand too close
or the smoke from the beaker will hurt Indy. Repeat this five times until
the monster's skin melts off and he goes berserk, breaking a machine on the
last wall. Grab the metal pipe which breaks free from the wall and wait for
the monster to glow red and charge at you. He's easy to dodge. Hit him
three times with the pipe and then back off and wait for him to charge again.
Resist the urge to combo him as he'll just smash you down, knocking the pipe
out of your hands. Repeat this four to five times to finish him off.

Istanbul - Istanbul Breakout

After watching the introductory cinema, Indy escapes, but you better be
prepared for the two guards who rush into his cell. Unlike the Nazis in the
last level, these Arab guards can really fight; they're a bit faster block
more frequently. Try to get them up against a wall to unleash a nonstop combo
of punches. After escaping the cell, another guard appears carrying a Turkish
knife. Get it out of his hands as quickly as possible. The knife is only good
for deflecting other guards' blows; Indy's fists are a bit more effective as a
main weapon.

Head left and down the stairs to find a patrolling guard walking underneath an
archway. When he's been dealt with pass under the first arch and tilt left to
find some grenades. Toss one forward to deal with the next guard and then head
back to grab another one. Pass through the archway and turn left to face the
next guard. Wait for the throw bar to cycle twice and then toss the grenade;
it should kill the guard without leaving him enough time to toss it back at
you. Grab the MP-40 from the cot past the archways and jump up to the ledge.

Grab the MP-40 ammo from on top of the crate and head down the stairs,
preferably with grenade in hand. Wait until the patrolling guard has his back
turned to take him out. Next to the stairway is another box of grenades. Grab
one and head down the hallway, tossing the grenade after walking slightly past
the red-striped archway. If you are successful, you should kill another guard.
If not, be ready for a firefight with two more guards, both packing machine
guns. When they've both died continue down the hallway to find your satchel,
a medkit, and MP-40 ammo. Leave the hallway they way you came in.

Out on the ledge whip across the gap; don't forget to grab the ammo that the
dead guard dropped earlier. Leap down to the ground to face two knife-wielding
guards. Head forward, veering slightly left. Another guard will man a turret
in front of you. You can attempt to throw a grenade at him but may be more
successful rolling to cover and then to the wall before he gets a chance to
get a bead on you. When he's dead, two more guards run at you from the left.
Give them a taste of their own medecine with the turret. Head down the stairs,
aware of a guard in a small window ready to blow you away with a well placed
grenade. Run past him and down the stairs to the left.

Three guards will converge on Indy but Mei Ying will appear to help you out.
Though she can't hurt you, she will hit you if you get in her way. Kill the
knife-wielding guards, ready for a fourth one to appear once the initial three
are dealt with. Run through the small doorway and climb the scaffolding to a
chain; from there swing to the upper balcony. Outside, wall sneak left to the
opposite corner of the building and jump to the scaffolding across the gap.
Make your way around this area carefully, reaching a landing with a platform
with two boxes. Push the larger one off (press Y) to rise up to a zipline.

Climb down the scaffolding to the ground. Two more guards will begin pursuit;
you can ignore them or take them out. Jump to another scaffolding and climb
up to the higher building. One final guard appears on the next level. Finish
him off and stop to grab a medkit in a small crate. Up one more flight is the
end of the level. Before exiting, fall off the ledge to the left of the exit
onto a small outcropping. Follow it around to reach another building which
contains a water fountain and the "Piri Reib manuscript", an artifact. With
treasure in tow, return they way you came and exit the level.

Istanbul - The Secret of the Mosque, part 1

Run left to the room with the brown tile. Whip across a gap and turn right to
jump and whip across another. Slide down a ramp, ready to jump and swing to
safety. Turn right and run along to wall to find a medkit near a skeleton.
Walk back to the end of the ramp and go back into the large chamber. Two
soldiers await Indy and are easily pushed to their deaths. Wall sneak around
to find another Arab guard with a knife; watch your back as two soldiers, both
packing Mausers, will sneak up on you. Kill them and continue past the
columns, grabbing an MP-40 and some ammo on a cot against the right wall.

Down another ramp, two more Turks will jump out from behind some rubble. Shoot
them and run down another ramp. In the large room with broken floor pieces,
swing across a gap, triggering two more Turks. Whip across another gap. If
you are running low on health, walk along the right side of the nearest column
and make your way around the room to the water fountain opposite Indy. Be
careful of falling though; a hungry croc waits below. From the fountain, jump
off the ledge into the water to your left to reach a spot where Indy can climb
out and return to the start of this room. When you get back to the crossroads,
climb down onto lowered portion of the floor and jump-whip across the water.

Immediately, two soldiers with Mausers will take potshots at Indy from the
corridor to his right. Continuing down the hallway will reveal three more
soldiers, one with a machine gun. Use the crates to roll for cover and gun
them down. On the left side of the room is another cot with MP-40 ammo; on the
right side is a large crate with a grenade inside (which you can now put in
your satchel for later use) and another cot with a medkit and a demo charge.
Return to the fork in the hallway and turn right to set the demo charge and to
end the level.

Istanbul - The Secret of the Mosque, part 2

Directly in front of Indy is a small crack in the wall. Remember this.
A Nazi soldier with a machine gun and an Arab guard with a Turkish knife wait
to kill your intrepid adventurer. Head into the large room on the left to deal
with them before they get the chance. Now head back to the crack in the wall
and roll under it to find the next artifact, the "Ottoman seal".

Return to the large room and climb up the scaffolding on Indy's left. Make
your way around the room until Indy reaches a small door. Climb up the short
ledge to your left and shimmy along the outcropping to another door. Jump the
gap and climb up another ledge to reach a window. Jump and whip swing to a
small passageway before safety dropping into another large room. Two
patrolling soldiers, each with a machine gun prowl the grounds. Deal with them
any way you can and then run forward to the steaming fountain.

Another soldiers with a machine gun waits to your left; when he's dead two more
soldiers attack from the elevator. Gun them down before they react. Though
it appears ornamental, the steaming fountain can be used to heal Indy; when
he's at full strength pull the lever inside the elevator to ascend.

Run forward to the crane; head up the stairs to use the controls. Grab the
sculpture head with the crane and pull it back towards the right to position it
over the hole. When it is reached, two soldiers will begin climbing a ladder
behind Indy. If you're fast, you can beat up one of them while he's still
climbing down! Both pack Mausers so be careful. When finished, climb the
ladder and turn around to make your way along the arm of the crane. Jump and
whip to have Indy land on the statue head. It's a long way down...

Istanbul - The Sunken Palace

Indy lands safely in a pool of water. Turn around and swim towards the low
ledge. Climb out to find an O2 tank and a medkit. Continue forward towards
the sloping ceiling and dive down to pass through an archway. A shark will
appear, though if you keep swimming to the left and shifting up and down, he
won't get a bite. Continue on until Indy can climb up onto land. Make your
way towards the small shack, wary of the pistol-packing soldier. Go into the
shack to find a map of the sunken city, some MP-40 ammo, a speargun, and some
spears. Go out the back door and break some crates to reveal a crack in the
wall; roll under it to find a water fountain.

Leave the shack and jump into the pool to your left. Swim straight down to
find a skeleton with a machete. Aim towards the two divers with your L trigger
to kill them with two well-placed spears. Swim to their bodies to loot their
ammo and to find two demo charges. Swim into the small circular temple to find
a few more spears. Surface and head back left, past the shark (another one
will pop out as you swim along), and back into the large chamber you first

To Indy's left is a cracked pillar. Jump onto it and place the demo charge,
creating an impromptu bridge. Climb the toppled pillar but, instead of jumping
to the metal platform, turn left and jump to the nearby pillars. Make your
way along, double whipping across a large gap; continue on from here to another
hook. Though the whip icon doesn't appear, you can jump and whip on it to
reach a suspended box. Cut the rope with your machete to reveal the
"Delian Proclamation tablet".

Continue on into the crane cabin. Pick up the submerged sculpted head and
swing it to your right to smash open a damaged wall. Make your way around
the crane and run along the platform to reach the newly formed opening. Drop
down and run forward and up a flight of stairs. At the top continue right to
the edge of the platform and turn right to jump-whip across the gap. Make a
large jump (wait until you reach the very edge to press the B button) to find
the exit.

Istanbul - The Gates of Neptune

This is one of the longer levels in the game so try not to die to avoid severe
backtracking. Start by diving into the body of water, swimming under two
arches before surfacing. Continue forward to a ledge low enough for Indy to
climb out. Turn around and climb a pillar to let Indy whip across the water.
Wall sneak around a pillar and drop down on the other side (you should just
manage to keep from falling back into the water). Jump forward, aiming Indy
slightly left to nail the landing. Wall sneak to the right and jump the gap to
another ledge. Climb up to reach a staircase; leap across another gap to find
a patrolling Arab guard. Continue down the pathway to find yet another knife-
wielding baddie. Finish him off and pick up your prize, some spears and the
Wine Coin.

Head back to the large opening and jump into the water to Indy's right. Swim
forward, wary of shark attack, past a few columns. When you hit a wall, turn
right and swim up a set of stairs. At the summit walk out onto a platform
and continue forward, jumping and whipping as necessary. Reaching a drop into
another body of water, turn right and climb up a protruding ledge to find some
grenades. Get as many as you need before diving back into the pool. Swim
forward until you reach the far back wall; swim around to the rear of the
column, noting the large crack in it. Climb out and make your way around
towards the small campfire in the distance. Two more Arab guards appear to
halt your progress; when they're done with, grab two demo charges from the
right side of the doorway and climb back up the column. Turn right, climbing
up a small bump in the pathway and making your way towards the large raised
wall with huge crack in it. Run down the toppled pillar and set a charge to
find the Trident Coin.

Jump off into the water and head right towards the pillar from which you
climbed out (the one with the crack). Set a demo charge there to find the
Seahorse Coin. Climb back to the campfire, grabbing the last charge before
passing through the door. Past the excavation lamp, turn left and leap over
a small gap to reach another section of cracked wall. Blow it up to find
a (by now, probably much needed) water fountain. Leave the fountain area and
turn right to find a rope. Climb it and run towards the arched walkway.
Three grenades rest here if you feel like throwing them at the two patrolling
guards: one waits near the box, the other around the corner (watch out for the
second as he'll often through his own boomstick at you!).

Jump across the gap to reach another columned walkway. Get plenty of room for
a very large jump to the cave opening in front of Indy...wait to jump until the
last minute or risk climbing back up here all over again. Through the cave
rests another set of broken pillars. Dive into the water and swim straight
down to find the Kraken Coin; quickly swim back up to avoid the shark. Pull
out on a low ledge near where you first dived in. Jump across the gap and head
towards the closed gate. Here, you must place each coin in the proper column
to seal them. Though the pictures of the proper coin required rest on the
columns, I'll give you the order here:

The first column on the left requires the Wine Coin, the second, the Trident
Coin; on the right side, place the Seahorse Coin in the first column and the
Kraken coin in the second. Turn the wheels between each set of columns to
unbar the door and to end the level.

Istanbul - The Fall of the Sea King

Indy notes a crack in the floor which he could only open if the statue of
Neptune would collapse. Looks like more demo charges are needed. Dive into
the water and swim straight down to find a small archway which leads to a
torchlit stairwell. Climb the stairs to find a reservoir; turning a wheel next
to a large set of gears stops up the waterspouts blocking a whip point. As you
attempt to leave the room, two guards appear. Kill them or run back to the
main chamber.

Swim towards the statue of Neptune, speargun drawn. Two undersea soldiers will
emerge from a demolished wall and begin to fire at Indy. Again, aim at them
using the L trigger and puncture their suits with two well placed spears. Swim
into the small cave they created to find the two demo charges you will need.
Spin around and set the first on Neptune's right foot. Climb up the narrow
columns to return to the start point of the level. Run along the ledge to your
left, whipping across the gargoyle head previously covered with a waterfall.
Jump over the cracked flooring to avoid a nasty tumble and then jump-whip on
Neptune's trident to reach the other side of the walkway. Continue along until
Indy is directly behind the statue; drop to the small gray platform and place
the second charge.

Climb onto the damaged pillar shown in the brief cutscene and jump to Indy's
right to reach a higher ledge. Climb the vines to your right and continue on
to the back of the statue. Jump and whip from the lamp to kick it over and to
allow Indy passage to the Kraken's lair.

Istanbul - The Kraken's Lair

A lot of people seem to have trouble fighting the Kraken, but a quick look at
Indy's surroundings should make the trick to beating him clear. First things
first: surface and climb out of the water to Indy's left. Here you will find
four demo charges (grab two), spears, an O2 tank (if you need it) and a super
speargun! Should you want more items, there are 2 more bunches of spears in the
water on the second floor of the right side of the crumbled circular structure,
if Indy is facing the Kraken, as well as a bunch on both the first and second
floor of the left side of the crumbled circular structure. If you need extra
health, somewhere in the lower level of this same structure rests a skeleton and
a medkit.

Jump back into the water and enter targeting mode (L trigger) aim for the
Kraken's many eyes and fire away; shoot any jellyfish that approach as well.
After a few shots to the eye, the Kraken will pull back into its cave. Take
this opportunity to place two demo charges on each column. If you're fast, you
should be able to use both charges before the Kraken returns. Return to the
dry ledge to grab another pair of charges. Repeat the procedure, this time
setting the explosives on the next pair of columns. Setting these last two
charges may require another dose of spear to the Kraken.

Should any of the Kraken's jellyfish latch on to Indy, immediately begin
swimming in a circular pattern away from the Kraken's mouth; the jellyfish will
attempt to pull Indy into its maw! As long as you keep moving, the jellyfish
can't latch on and any that do will explode, leaving Indy unharmed. If Indy
runs out of spears, three sets of them rest on the second level of the
circular structure that lies behind Indy on the ledges nearest the Kraken.

If shooting the Kraken is causing too much trouble, try this tip from Blake
LaRun to get the jellyfish to do the work for you: "get 5 or 6 jellyfish on you
and they will pull you to the Kraken. Swim to the nearest pillar that you have
to blow and plant the charge. Swim down to the bottom and watch the fireworks."

After the columns topple, the Kraken returns to its underwater resting place
and the water level subsides, leaving only Indy to retrieve his prize.

Hong Kong - The Golden Lotus, part 1

Sadly, Indy's quiet dinner with Mei Ying is interrupted by Marshall Kai and his
gang of ninjas. While Mei Ying does battle behind the backdrop, Indy is left
to fend for himself. The ninja's are quite hard to hit; they are usually
tossing a flurry of punches your way or dodging (and watch out for their
unblockable charge punch). The easiest way to deal with them now is to grab
a chair or table leg and bust it over their heads!

Three ninjas attack Indy to start the level; when they're finished, another two
join the fray, followed by a final two. When the Indiana Jones theme starts
playing, you know they're finished. Grab a table leg or bottle just to be safe
in later combat. Face the stage and head through the door to the right of it;
remember this lever for later.

Run around the corner and down the stairs quickly as two waiters are raring to
attack and are very difficult to beat up on the uneven stairs. The waiters
appear just as hard as the ninjas so watch out. When they're finished,
continue forward and up the ladder. Kick the boxes at the top of the ledge to
find a medkit. Climb up another ladder and turn around and enter a door to
come face to face with a ninja. Kick the middle box for an iron skin potion
(a boost to Indy's defense). Further on, two more ninjas will strike, each
with a sword. After giving them a taste of their own medicine pull the lever
in the next room. Through the grey door and down a set of stairs is the second
floor of the club. Enter the second set of balcony seats to find a sword-
wielding ninja and the "Tai-Tsu Mask".

The next set of seats hosts another ninja that needs to see some REAL
swordsmanship. Further down the corridor, another ninja guards a doorway.
Kill him to cause two more ninjas to rush after their fallen comrade; do the
same to them as you did to their friend. Go through the door and down a flight
of stairs to reach a beautiful health-giving fountain. Just watch out for the
ninja trying to surprise Indy from the door on his right.

Exit left to return to the main floor. Pull the lever to the right of the
stage to move the backdrop. Sadly, Mei Ying is nowhere to be found, but a
pistol-packing waiter is more than happy to entertain you. Dodge his bullets
as best you can and get him off the stage. Two breakable crates rest on the
right side of the stage with Mauser ammo and a medkit inside; resting next to
a bottle on the left side of the stage is more Mauser ammo. Climb the ladder
to reach the balcony and swing across two hanging ropes to exit the level.

Hong Kong - The Golden Lotus, part 2

At the start of the level a shotgun-toting waiter hides behind the second set
of crates; beat him up before he gets a chance to fire the powerful gun at you.
Now, before you enter the next room, make sure your health is at full and drink
the iron skin potion to boost your defense. Now get your Mauser out of the
holster. Ready? Let's go!

Run through the door on the right prepared to face two waiters with Mausers
hiding one behind each crate. Jump out and surprise them with a flurry of
bullets. Continue down the stairs where two more waiters, one with a shotgun,
attempt to find cover. Another waiter with a Mauser enters from a side
passage when the first waiter gets dropped. After dealing with the second one
way in the back of the hall, a fourth one enters from a rear door. Get the
drop on him. Run back towards the small hallway with the open door (the
dressing room). Inside waits the "Longshian Idol" and a medkit. Grab them both
before heading back down the hallway and down the left corridor to the exit.

Hong Kong - The Streets of Hong Kong, part 1

Here's a nice little shooting level featuring a minor character from Indiana
Jones and the Temple of Doom. You're on your own for most of this. Here are
some tips: reload when the screen clears; spray the gun left and right
to stun each gunman; shoot the motorcycle driver as fast as possible to cause
the bike to crash; always be wary of cars or motorcycles coming from corners
and getting in a few shots before you realize that they're there.

For those of you who need your hand held, here's an exact breakdown of your
attackers as well as the direction they drive into the screen from. I'm not
sure whether this list will change depending on how fast you can destroy your
enemies but I'm pretty sure that this is the basic pattern Kai's men follow:

The level starts with a motorcycle directly behind you; a car swerves in from
your left soon after. At the next corner, a motorcycle appears from the left
followed by another motorcycle at the next turn. A car attacks from the left
two turns later with another motorcycle appearing as the carriage straightens
out. A car then pulls up from the left almost parallel to Indy with another
motorcycle following close behind. Three more motorcycle appear sequentially
during the next three turns, the first from the left, the second from the
right, and the third from the left at Indy's next turn.

Now, here's where the artifact is located: after the last motorcycle appears,
a breakable box will appear on a raised ledge on Indy's left. Shoot at it to
receive the Chinese Seal.

The next part of the level begins with a car on your tail; a motorcycle quickly
converges on Indy from the left with another car appearing on your right at the
next turn. A motorcycle appears on the left during the successive
straightaway. Both a car and a motorcycle appear during the next turn, but
don't worry too much about them as the level is almost over.
follows this last car seconds before the level ends.
the next turn

Hong Kong - The Streets of Hong Kong, part 2

Another shooting level. Sheesh!

A car quickly follows after Indy with both a motorcycle and a car appearing
just around the next turn. Another motorcycle appears at the next turn
with another hot on its tail in the successive straightaway. A car appears
from the right at the next turn with an accompanying motorcycle one turn later.
Still another car appears from the right when Indy turns next with a
motorcycle giving chase in the straightaway and a car merging from the right at
the next turn. A motorcycle and a car open fire during a straightaway after
the next turn with another motorcycle to follow the destruction of the first.

Indy will drive through a small square with a large fountain signaling the
pursuit of a motorcycle from the left side of the screen and your friend the
gangsters in cars at the next turn. Another motorcycle appears during the next
turn with a car and another motorcycle joining in soon after. Finally, when it
seems the worst is over, Indy turns to face both a car and a motorcycle
swooping in from behind him as he turns left. Luckily, those are the last two

Whew! How does Wu Han run so fast?

Peng Lai Lagoon - The Secret of Peng Lai Lagoon, part 1

Indy starts this level underwater. Immediately surface and turn right to find
a ladder leading up to the docks. Kick open the three crates to find an O2
tank, a speargun and some spears. Dive into the water and head for the sunken
U-boat wreckage, avoiding the Nazi diver and the two prowling sharks. Swim
into the hull from the left and grab the demo charge lying in the middle of the
ship's skeleton. Continue forward and, once you've cleared the wreckage, start
upwards, turning left to take aim and fire at the diver situated near the
cracked wall. Once he's dead, set the charges and surface. Take a deep breath
and head on through the whole you just made.

In the underwater cave dodge the first shark while heading down and to the
left; head upwards through the opening and veer left towards dry land, aware
that another shark swims here as well (four sharks in one lagoon!). Kick open
the box here for a medkit. Turn around and climb up the vine, making sure to
climb pretty high before swinging on the ledge; for some reason Indy won't grab
this ledge. Turn right and make a long jump to the next ledge before chain
whipping across the gap towards the two pistol-packing soldiers.

Wait for them to climb down to fight Indy as they will be able to pick you off
easily if you try to climb up to them. Once they're done for, jump up the
ledge and enter the doorway to end the level.

Peng Lai Lagoon - The Secret of Peng Lai Lagoon, part 2

Start the level by running straight forward into the small alcove; turn right
and notice a small demo charge lying in the corner. Leaving the alcove, turn
right and set the explosives on a crack in the wall. Inside is a Panzershreck
(a bazooka), some ammo, and the next artifact, the "Sancai Plate". Continue
down the hallway to a gun turret; time to shoot some Nazis! Immediately shoot
the one on the ground before he has a chance to huck a grenade your way; turn to
the upper left corner to find another soldier taking potshots at you. Anytime
you hear a Nazi scream something, turn to this corner to deal with this guy.
There are a total of ten soldiers here (Note: this number may change depending
on the speed with which you kill them) so keep alert until the Indy triumph
music begins.

When the men are dead, head down the hallway (sorry, no ammo from the corpses)
until a cutscene begins. Run to your right and down some ledges to the beach.
A soldier patrols the scaffolding with a Mauser so be careful. When he's done
with check the cabin for MP-40 ammo. Return to the scaffolding to find an
elevator. Either take out or ignore the Nazi at the top. From the elevator,
turn left and run around the structure to a ladder; climb it to find a zipline.

^>From the roof you land on, drop down to take care of another soldier; watch out
for a second exiting from the shack you originally landed on. When they're
done for, run away from the crane towards a large garage door to find a crate
with a medkit. Now, enter the crane and use the arm to lift the floating
platform into the air (remember, once you've grabbed it, to push up to lift it
as high as it will go). Swing the platform over to the right to rest next to
the cliff fortress. Climb up the crane's internal ladder and run out onto the
arm; jump-whip swing to the hanging platform. Line up your jump so that you
hit the edge of the cliff fortress perfectly straight, otherwise, you will
fall. Should you fall, a small elevator next to the crane will lift you
back up to the docks, though you'll have to climb up the crane again. Once
in the cliff fortress, pull the switch to call the elevator.

Peng Lai Lagoon - Iron Cross

The key to the next three levels is not to allow the Nazis to see you; if that
fails, make sure to kill them before they can pull one of the many alarms
situated throughout the level. Should they get out a cry for help, get ready
to shoot at Nazi Firebugs before they can get their flamethrower trained on you
or you're toast...literally (apologies abound for the pun!). And remember to
pull an alarm that's ringing to silence it ASAP to prevent more Nazis from

Start by heading down the corridor to trigger a cutscene showing you the layout
of the base. Jump into the water to your left and climb up a small ladder to
your right to find a box with MP-40 ammo. Return to your starting point and
run up the stairs, ducking into an office if you need to. Grab your pistol or
a table leg for protection and venture out, wary of two guards which may have
spotted you already. When the first two are done with, walk up some more
stairs to a stack of three boxes. Climb these and jump to a ledge behind Indy
with a crate containing a medkit.

Drop back down and run forward; turn right at an alarm. Head slowly up a
flight of stairs to find a Nazi standing patiently next to an alarm. DON'T
TOSS HIM OUT THE WINDOW. This will undoubtedly tip off one of the guards still
patrolling below and you'll have flamethrowers on you very quickly. Silently
kill him, remembering to grab the "Sima Qian Shiji scroll". Get back to the
alarm you passed and continue forward down some stairs to another office,
complete with a machine gun resting on a filing cabinet. Fill this under M...

Leave the office and head down the opposite set of stairs, ready to deal with
with last surviving patrolman. Turn left to open a set of double doors.
Quickly climb the stairs in front and shoot the guard at the top of the
landing; try to shoot the soldier that comes to his aid quickly as well. At a
certain point, another guard enters and pulls the alarm. Kill whoever is left
on the landing and then turn around to turn off the alarm. Finish off the last
survivor and head down the stairs. Jump into the water to find Mauser ammo
under the docked speedboat. Exit the level through the double doors next
to the alarm.

Peng Lai Lagoon - The U-Boat Base, part 1

After the cinema in which Kai and Von Beck prove to be in cahoots, Indy must
prepare for another stealthy level in his quest to reach the mountains. Turn
right and open the door, slowly climbing up a set of stairs to avoid tipping
off a soldier of your presence. Kill him quietly. Head into the left corner
of the building to find a doorway behind which wait two unawares guards; plug
'em full of holes and remember to snatch the MP-40 and ammo off the table.
Exit the room and continue through the large double doors.

Another set of stairs with a machine-gun packing fool at the top. Finish him
before he gets a shot off and enter the door on your right. Prepare for
another gunnery stage. Sadly, an officer pulls an alarm; shoot him with the
turret to the right of your entrance point then quickly pull the alarm to shut
it off. Now run back to the turret and wait. Most guards will now attempt to
pull the alarm again, leaving themselves wide open for Indy. Soldiers will
enter the screen from the doorway to the right and from the roof to your left.
Shoot them before they shoot you. After about ten men are killed, an eleventh
will enter from some gates in front of Indy. Kill him before abandoning the

Enter the bunker (the door on the right) to find a grenade in a crate in the
back right corner. Return to the main area and run through the gate that the
last solider exited. Head around the truck to the left hand corner to find
another crate with ammo then climb into the truck to find a crate with a
medkit. Head towards the ladder on the wall and jump onto the truck and
then through the skylight into the small control room. Pull the switch to
open the ventilation system. Leave the control room ready to deal with a
pistol-toting Nazi hiding behind the truck. When he's finished climb the
ladder to enter the air vent and to end the level.

Peng Lai Lagoon - The U-Boat Base, part 2

Run down the vent, past the ladder and turn right to find a medkit, ammo, and
a liquor bottle. Backtrack to the ladder and climb up it to start a cutscene
depicting the entire dock. Jump down from the vent and follow the guard to
the right into the control room. Kill him before he can set off the alarm then
pass through the room and along the catwalk to reach a lever. Pull it to
reposition the overhanging girder. Run to the other side of the catwalk,
stopping to deal with an officer peeking his head through a door to your left.

When you've reached the new position of the girder, safe drop down from the
part of the catwalk which juts slightly out. You'll land safely near an open
garage. Break open the two crates to your left to reveal two clips of ammo.
Now, run into the garage to find two more crates behind the metal ones: these
contain a medkit and the "Tablet of Longjian", your new artifact. Leave the
garage and jump into the water, swimming left to find a ladder which leads to
a platform below the catwalk. Break the two crates in front of Indy to reveal
another medkit. Climb the stairs, taking the branch to the right, to reach
the overhang. Chain whip across to the other side of the pen.

^>From here go into the door on your left prepared to shoot a soldier appearing
from the stairs to Indy's left. Head right from the entrance to find a
security pass lying on the floor. Go back down the stairs to enter a locker
room where Indy will be able to change into a Nazi soldier disguise. Continue
down the hallway; a cutscene begins showing you the exit. Either kill all
three guards or, better yet, use your disguise to walk calmly by them. The
only way they'll catch on to your ruse is if you attack them; don't do that
unless you can take them out fast. Leave the sub pens and Peng Lai Lagoon.

Peng Lai Mountains - The High Road to Peng Lai

Indy arrives at the base of Peng Lai Mountain still wearing his officer
disguise. Sadly, his sneakiness won't last much longer. Wait for the soldier
in front of you to get close to the truck, then smash his head into the door
and pummel him quickly, remembering to take his grenade. If you're fast you'll
get rid of him before the other two Nazis leave their office. Shoot them both
to save some health and then head into the office to pull a switch, opening the
middle garage door. Before entering, grab the medkit in the crate in the rear
of the truck. For some reason, in the PC version of the game, the Nazi Soldiers
won't recognize or attack Indy, though later on, when you must whip it, they may
notice you and take action. Now, climb up the crates in the middle garage bay
then turn right to enter a crack in the wall.

Climb up another row of crates to reach the top floor of the facility. Run
to the right towards the upper office. Before heading in, drop down into
an opening to enter the last garage bay (the one on the far left from the
vantage point of the level's beginning). Break open a crate to find an
artifact, the "Zhao Mo Rhyton". Also in this bay in the corner, rests some
Mauser ammo. Grab it and climb back up to the roof and enter the office.

Open the first door on Indy's right to find a switch which turns off the fan
in the air vent. Be careful of a Nazi officer entering from the opposite door;
he packs a mean jab making a counterattack very difficult. Exit from the front
to find a lever; pull it to move the overhead hanging. Now climb up a short
stack of crates and chain swing across to the ventilation system. Roll under
the stopped fan and continue along the vent.

Roll under the slowly moving fans, ready to slide down a ramp after the second:
jump at the last minute to grab onto a ledge and to save Indy from certain
death. Pull up and turn left then roll right the pit. You'll find a skeleton
with a medkit and MP-40 ammo. How he died in the ventilations system of a Nazi
base is beyond me. Get back to the large pit and jump across. Farther down
the passage you'll notice a strong air current blowing from your left (Indy
will remark that he has a bad feeling about it). Run straight forward and
continue pushing forward against the wall; the air flow will knock Indy into
the proper passage. Safety drop down at the next pit. Continue left until
Indy can safety drop out of the ventilation system. Grab a medkit in a crate
in the room's corner then exit through the farthest set of double doors to end
the level.

Peng Lai Mountains - The Infiltration

I absolutely hate this level but, once you've figured it out, it's not quite
as bad as I remembered. Hopefully it won't bother you much with this guide as

Head through the double doors in front of Indy ready to do battle with both a
soldier and an officer. Shoot them to avoid chancing one of them reaching an
alarm. Yep, the alarms calling Nazi Firebugs are back! When the first two
goons are finished, climb down the ladder to Indy's left. Watch out for a
patrolling soldier down below as well as any other Firebugs or machine gunners
summoned by the alarm. Underneath the first room of the level is a small bay
filled with crates: the small light brownish one holds a medkit. Continue past
the crate room and around the side of the building to find another breakable
crate in a corner. Resting inside, the "Gui Jian scroll".

Run to the other side of the cavern, through the gondola, and into the
building. Another breakable crate with a medkit lies to your left. Head up
the stairs, through the upper level door, and turn left to pull a lever.
Climb up another flight of stairs to a catwalk. At the end of the line, climb
up a crate and jump to a swinging chain to reach a hanging platform. Turn
right and whip across to another ventilation duct. Pass through here to reach
another catwalk; whip across to reach it. Run down the catwalk, wary of a
machine gunner patrolling. You should be able to throw him off without his
getting off a shot. At the end of the catwalk, chain whip to the other side of
the room.

Run along this next catwalk and down a ramp to reach the generator floor. A
patrolling machine gunner should be walking with his back to you...easy
pickin's. Walk through the door and continue on to enter the control room.
Pull the lever here to turn on the plant's electricity. Turn around and run
forward to find a stairway leading back to the generator floor, ready to deal
with a Nazi officer while still running down. In the next room break a crate
on the right wall for a medkit. Now, get your best gun ready and make sure
your health is at full before exiting this room. This next part can be tricky
so I've listed my own strategy as well as an alternative strategy after it.
Pick the one you like best!

Once back on the generator floor, make sure to stay clear of the beams of
electricity which can make short work of our hero. Continue down the middle
of the rows of transformers to remain clear of a shocking death. Two soldiers
will be taking pot shots at Indy a few transformers down. Unfortunately, the
large objects do not protect Indy from gunfire so don't bother trying to peek
out from behind them to keep Indy safe: just shoot them before they shoot you.
When the first two soldiers are dead, another pair appear farther down the
line. Repeat the above method and run forward down the middle until you reach
a lever. It's easy to miss so keep looking at Indy's left to find it; pulling
it opens a pathway through the electricity. Run backwards and the opening
will be on Indy's right.

Pass through here and make your way along the other side of the transformers.
Once clear, the door back to the main chamber will be to the right. Keep going
to return to the first control room. Indy will now be able to pull the lever
in here to release the gondola's break. As you leave the room, prepare to
fight another soldier. When he's dead a final enemy appears from the ladder.
Whew! Everything's taken care of here so get on the gondola to end this level.

Now, thanks to Ryan Surface, we have a great shortcut alternative starting right
after Indy turns on the generator power: "Here is the short cut.

"Turn around and run forward to find a stairway leading back to the generator
floor, ready to deal with a Nazi officer while still running down. In the next
room break a crate on the right wall for a medkit. When you go through the
double doors take an immediate left and do a running jump onto the ledge under
the catwalk and then climb onto the catwalk you used to get to the control room.
^>From here just make your way back up to the upper catwalk and the ventilation shaft with no
worries about guards or getting fried by electricity.

"After you're back into the Gondola chamber be careful when you chain swing from
the hanging platform to the catwalk with the crate. If you swing too low you
will bounce off the crate and fall to your death but if you swing it right you
will land on the platform briefly before tumbling to the floor. This will do
damage but not kill Indy (took me a few tries to get this right) and with all
the medkits laying around it's easy to get your health back. From there it's
release the lever kill some goons and hop on the Gondola."

Peng Lai Mountains - Terror at 2000 Feet

Finally, Indy changes back to his tried and true duds; too bad it's just in
time to be shot at. Stay on the gondola roof until it converges with the
gondola to your right. Jump onto the second gondola, prepared to deal with
two Nazis who will be trying to pop you in midair. Don't get shot off! After
killing them, man the turret on the rear of the gondola and get ready for a
firefight! Planes will swoop in to strafe you so try to shoot them down before
they can. A few well-placed shots should deter them from firing but they will
oftentimes turn back to try again. Kill them ASAP. The gondola ride is pretty
long and it is often hard to hear or see where the planes are strafing from.
Just keep an eye on the large brown mountain (your destination) and the green
mountain chain (your starting point). The gondola will probably take a lot of
damage, but, if you keep checking for enemies, you'll make it with some energy
to spare.

Peng Lai Mountains - The Airbase

Ugh! I totally hate this level as well, though it's more due to some annoying
bugs than anything else. Just two more levels and Indy will finally reach the
Black Dragon Fortress. Keep in mind that pausing the game when the music
begins stuttering (it's probably already been happening by now) can reset it.
Also, some of the more intense firefights will cause some MASSIVE slowdown
complete with frame drops. I'll point them out so you can decide whether you'd
rather shoot the enemies to save time and your eyes from the sloppy

Start the level by exiting the gondola to the right; head into the small arched
alcove and kick open some boxes to pick up an MP-40 and ammo. As you leave
here, keep in mind that one soldier waits on each side of the room. If you
can, shoot them quickly with your Mauser to keep them from pulling an alarm
and making a bad situation worse. When they're dead, climb up the large red
block on the right side of the room to find a platform with a medkit and some
ammo. Heal up and head towards the large door. Two more Nazis, both carrying
machine guns, will emerge and require your attention. Go into the left arched
alcove for cover. Walking around the corner reveals a breakable crate with a
grenade, useful for evening up the odds should the machine gunners hide behind
any of the crate blockades in the room.

Two more Nazis wait behind the large doors, hiding behind a long line of
crates. Take cover and deal with them one at a time (or huck a grenade in
their hidey-holes). A green switch at the other end of the room will light up;
before pulling it, open a small door in the middle of the hallway to the left
to pick up another medkit. Now, pull the switch to enter the next chamber.

You'll pass next to a large stairway with Nazis barging down to plug a few
holes into you. Here's where the frame rate really begins to stutter. They've
only got Mausers and shouldn't be too much trouble. From where you entered,
breakable crates with a medkit and MP-40 ammo rest on the left and right sides
of the room, respectively. Grab them and charge up the stairs with your
machine gun ready: a Nazi gunner plays hide-and-seek among the columns on the
landing. Some MP-40 ammo in a crate makes an appearance forward and to the
left of the top of the stairs. Another machine gunner will appear to take his
buddy's place. Give him the same medicine and continue forward. A small
stairway of crates leads to the roof of a storage room. Another guard will
enter now, but ignore him and drop through the skylight.

Pull out a grenade and open the door. Continue down the hallway to a room
filled with three angry Nazis (one may start in the hallway but will join his
friends in the next room). Leave them an explosive present to quickly
clear the office. Open the door on the left side of the next room to emerge
on a catwalk. Turn left immediately to find your next artifact, the "Changan
Stone". A lone guard sits between you and the exit at the other end of the

Peng Lai Mountains - Ascent to Adventure

Open the door and turn left onto a catwalk. Immediately pull out the SMG and
take care of the two Nazis. Through the archway turn left for a crate with
revolver ammo. Head through the next door to witness the launching of the Peng
Lai airforce. Time for some payback! Run quickly to the turret at the end of
the landing to shoot down the planes before they can take off. It's a lot like
shooting fish in a barrel, though be quick or the first one will get away and
can easily throw off your timing. There will be four planes; now head back the
way you came, ready to battle with two new gun-wielding Nazis.

Before heading back inside, turn left and climb to a small ledge. Jump and
chain whip to the other side of the base and turn left to run to another
turret. A soldier and a Firebug will enter from the door behind Indy so turn
the turret around and mow them down. Enter the base, paying mind to grab the
MP-40 ammo in a crate in the corner, and continue to an elevator. Descend and
immediately exit to face a Firebug and two soldier, one with a Mauser and the
other with a machine gun. If you don't leave the safety of the elevator, a
Nazi will toss a grenade in with you to coax you out! Kick the crates on the
right side of the room (if Indy is facing the open air) to find a medkit. On
the left side of the room, another crate holds a grenade.

Run to the edge of the platform in the center of the room and pull the lever to
call the gondola. As soon as the cutscene ends, three Nazis will surprise Indy
from behind. Toss the grenade to deal with them quickly and then wait a moment
while the gondola parks before embarking on the rest of your journey. Another
cutscene finds Indy on top of the gondola; man the turret and prepare for four
more airplanes making strafing runs. It's a bit easier here to discern their
position from the propeller noises so you should be able to take them out
without their firing a shot.'ve reached the summit of Peng Lai Mountain!

Black Dragon Fortress - The Black Dragon Fortress

Looks like Indy will have to "sneak" into Marshall Kai's fortress. And by
"sneak", I mean kill every guard you come upon. This ain't no Metal Gear!
Start by heading forward, climbing onto the roof. When you reach the red
pagoda-looking area, climb down a scaffolding to your right (you can just jump
down, but it'll hurt a bit). Be ready to deal with a staff-wielding guard.
Try to back away from guards in case they use their deadly twirl attack,
hitting you four or five times! Wait to knock them down; grabbing and pummeling
them with their own spears works wonders, especially later when you must fight
two or three guards at a time. Continue along the bridge to the far double

Inside, climb the bamboo ladder and turn around to push the heavy crate (Y
button). Climb back down the ladder and safety drop into the hole you just
made. Safety drop again to face the underside of the Fortress bridge. Whip
swing three times in a row to reach the other side. Be quick with your whips
or you'll fall. Head through the opening to the right to whip swing on the
overhanging torch. Note the ivy slightly out of Indy's grasp; you'll be back.
Continue along the pathway, coming to dead end. Climb the vines to a higher
level of walkway. Farther along, you'll notice a wall that looks breakable;
whip swing to kick it away and to enter the fortress. Be ready to fight two
guards, remembering the wide arc of the spear.

After killing the guards, turn to face outside through the hole you just
created. Notice the ivy to your left? Angle Indy so he's jumping diagonally
into the wall; twist his body to the left in midair and you should grab on to
the side of the fortress. Climb up and follow the pathway to reach a bright
room; run to the opposite side of the display case to find the "Mask of
Cambaluc", an artifact. Sadly, you'll have to backtrack outside, dropping down
from the ivy and then making your way back to the room where the two guards
were. To your left is a low scaffolding ledge. Climb it and make your way up
and around to reach another door. Though it's locked, turning Indy around
reveals another lantern to swing from to exit back outside.

To Indy's left is more ivy. Climb it to reach the Fortresses' top floor.
Get rid of the guard with a spear as quickly as possible as another guard with
a crossbow will soon join the fray. Beat them both and head towards the large
torch-lit alcove. Enter the door on the left to find a wonderful water
fountain! Kick the crates in this room open to find a canteen (which increases
your life), a throwing knife, a tiger strength potion (boosts your attack
power), and crossbow ammo. Opening the next door allows two more spear-
wielding guards access to Indy. You should be well trained in killing these
guys by now. Remember to fill up on water if they do you any damage.

Going through the door in the next room leads Indy back outside to the top
floor. Head forward and to the left to descend a ramp; continue down to find
another pair of guards. When they've met their match, keep following the ramp
to the next landing where Indy can open the double doors to enter a small room
with another guard. On the right wall of this room is a lever which opens the
exit to this level as well as opening a locked room at the bottom of the ramp

Go to the room you just unlocked; ignore the guards below and kick the crates
to reveal two quivers of crossbow ammo, two throwing knifes, and a tiger skin
potion (boosts your defense). Run down the wooden stairs to fight the bad
guys or else lure them up to your level; just try not to fight on the stairs.
When they're no longer a problem, pull the lone lever in the room to stop the
flowing water. Don't forget a crate under the balcony with crossbow bolts.
Head back to the fountain if you're running low on energy. When you're ready
to leave this level, head to the left from the last room, past the ramp, and
swing across a gap on a lantern to reach the sewer entrance, a perfect means
into the main courtyard.

Black Dragon Fortress - Call to Battle

Trudge your way through the water heading either left or right (they both go
to the same place). Once you've climbed out of the water, a short cutscene
ensues. When it's over pull out your crossbow and kill the patrolling guard.
Keep an eye out for another guard walking around the large stairs; shoot him
with the crossbow as well. The trick to this level is dealing with these two
goons ASAP before they have a chance to bang the gong to summon reinforcements.
Should the guards sound the alarm, enemies will continue to appear
intermittently as long as you remain in the main courtyard, making life a bit
more difficult (and infinitely more annoying).

Whether or not you keep the guards from calling an alarm, run to the gong.
Now, turn around and walk down the stairs; directly in front of you will be an
easily missed pedestal. Smash the glass to snatch up your next artifact, the
"Qi Marble Stela". From here, run up the stairs to the right to find a small
room with a guard and a demo charge. Grab the explosives, as well as a health
potion, four quivers of crossbow ammo, and a throwing knife. Run to the other
set of stairs across the courtyard. In the small room to your left is a
probably much needed water fountain.

Exit the room with the fountain and face left to find a scaffolding Indy can
climb to reach the Fortress roof. Running along the roof, be wary of a
crossbow sniper; jump onto his perch quickly, keeping in mind that knocking him
down to the courtyard may alert the guards, if they're not already aware of
your presence. Whip chain twice across the gap to another scaffolding. Climb
down to face another crossbow guard. Climb onto the small ledge and jump up to
another piece of scaffolding. Line up the jump well and wait to jump until
the last moment to reach this very high ledge. From here, corner the Fortress
and set the charges. Run VERY far away, possibly around the corner, as the
resulting explosion has killed me a few times from what I assumed was a safe
distance away. Enter the new hole to end the level.

Black Dragon Fortress - The Tower of Storms

Kick the crates to grab another tiger strength potion and quiver of arrow. Now
head outside where you'll need to double chain whip across a gap. For some
reason, the whip icon won't appear unless Indy stands facing the beams while
standing near the wall. Wall sneak around the corner to reach another double
chain whip gap swinging Indy to a dangling rope. Climb the rope and swing onto
the landing, reading to pull out your crossbow. Jump to a higher ledge and
snipe the two guards patrolling around the corner. Prepare to deal with a
third as your approach their bodies. If he doesn't appear, just continue along
the walkway to find him.

Around the corner is a small scaffolding ledge. Jump up to it and push of the
stones (Y button). The weight decrease allows the ledge to lift up. Turn
around and you'll notice a small indentation in the shaft up. Push forward
to fall off the lift onto another ledge. Kick the crates to reveal the "Yuan
Xiang" artifact and a canteen (if you picked up the other canteen power-up in
first level of the Black Dragon Fortress, this new one won't do anything).
Jump across the shaft to reach a narrow outcropping. Climb up to the next
outcropping and up again to reach the next floor of the Fortress. Be wary of
the three guards, one packing a crossbow, who will try to climb down to fight
you. Often they'll just plummet down the shaft to their deaths; be ready to
get rough if they don't.

One direction is blocked so head around the corner in the other direction to
reach a large gap. Jump to the small platform and wait for it to descend.
Since it is on a pulley, the platform in front of Indy will rise; jump to it
when the two are level. Whip swing to reach safety. Around the next corner
wait two guards diligently standing...well, guard. Relieve them of duty,
remembering to fill your canteen at the fountain on the right wall, before
entering the double doors to end the level.

Black Dragon Fortress - The Rescue

Indy's rescue turns sour as the deadly Feng twins wait in ambush. Though my
first time through, this pair gave me quite a rumble, the second time I
realized how easy they were to defeat.

The trick: used both the tiger strength and iron skin potions that you've been
saving up. Now their attacks will do little damage to you while yours will
knock them flat. The potions take a second to kick in (keep the A button held
down until you see the gauge appear in the lower left-hand corner of the
screen) so run around the room, staying clear of the twins' deadly fans, until
they do. Between the columns of this small room are four weapons racks where
Indy can grab a sword; though the swords have a large windup which leaves Indy
open to attacks for longer, I found a sharp object made me feel more confident,
so you might as well go and grab one.

With the iron skin potion coursing through your veins, the intense combos of
the Feng twins will barely faze you. This is a good thing as both can throw
long chains of kicks which are very hard to block as well as attack with a
spinning uppercut which knocks Indy flat. After waiting for an opening, swing
away, focusing on one twin at a time. I killed Mei Mei (in the red dress) in
seven hits with the sword so two quick sword combos and one final stab should
leave this boss fight mano-e-mano.

Your sword will probably have broken by now and your tiger strength potion run
out so grab and drink another if you like. Alone, the final Feng twin is more
susceptible to your fists. Just keep pounding away at her--luckily your iron
skin potion should still be working, making her attacks ineffectual--and she'll
die in no time.

Tom Heyboer sent this alternate strategy to beating the nasty twins: "When
fighting the Feng Twins, just use your whip and click and hold the X button on
Xbox (the double strike move). Keep clicking it when one or both of the twins
approach. The twins won’t even be able to touch you. It may take a little bit
longer, but I didn’t lose any life at all and didn’t need to use any potions. I
beat them on my first try. It was easy this way."

Howerver you beat them, just when you think you'll finally save Mei Ying...well, just
watch the cutscene.

Temple of Kong Tien - Descent into Darkness

Yay! It's a super-fun happy slide...of death! This entire level consists of
Indy sliding down a ramp dodging between dark brown-ringed tiles to avoid
nasty dart traps. Though you can survive quite a few hits, you'll need to
dodge more than half of these if you want to survive the trip down. I won't go
into detail of which ways to push Indy as there are often multiple solutions,
including jumping over them. The tiles are easy to spot as rigged so just
watch out for them as you head down.

However, there are a few tricky spots in this level that I'll point out here.
First off, get your whip out and jump whip to safety before the end of the
first ramp. In an alcove to your left is a water fountain if you need it.
Continue forward, jumping over the breaks in the floor and whipping across the
final gap. Pull your whip out then head down another part of the slide.
Try to fall from one slide portion to the other so that Indy lands at the
highest portion of the new slide, otherwise, you'll take some extra fall
damage. Just slide off the ramp at either the far right or left, depending on
which way the next slide goes, and you'll be fine.

After transferring twice (so you'll be on the third slide down, not counting
the first slide at the beginning of the level), get ready to jump and whip
on a lamp at the bottom of the slide to crash into a hidden room. Surprise!
One of the crates has a "Yuyao Pan"! Safety drop back down to the slides
prepared to jump whip on another lantern after the next slide transfer. You'll
be in another alcove with a water fountain; get your health back up before
safety dropping to the slide again. You'll have to avoid some new fire stream
traps by pushing Indy to the far right or left side of the slide (or just plow
through them as they don't hurt much) as well as dodging the arrow traps. Just
hang on for a few more slide sections before the level ends.

Temple of Kong Tien - The Catacombs

Run forward through the large break in the wall, ignoring the yellow ghost who
you can't fight yet. Inside the wall crack is a spear; pick it up and get
back into the open area quickly. By now, the ghost will have possessed the
corpse of Kai's ninja warriors creating a very freaky zombie ninja. Though
these things crawl on the ceilings, use strange red aura attacks, and can flip
Indy with their feet, they get killed REALLY easily. Must be the decomposed
flesh or something. Beat the first one with your spear from a distance; give
the next one the same treatment.

Jump and climb out of the large pit to face another zombie ninja. By now your
spear will have broken. If you want a sword, one lies in each broken
sarcophagus. I find the swords too slow against these zombies so often ignore
them in favor of Indy's fists. Send another zombie ninja back to his grave
before continuing down the hallway. Stop in the second broken grave on your
left to find a tiger strength potion. At the end of the hallway, replenish
your health before pulling the switch to your left and entering the next room.

Don't let the zombie on the ceiling scare you; he's easy to kill, as are the
three other ninjas who rise from their grave as you pass through the hallway.
Grab more swords in each of the broken graves if you need them. Pull the
switch at the end of the hallway and enter the door to face three more zombies
to your right. After the gruesome battle, head to your left to find a water
fountain, a statue with a spear you can take, and an unlit lantern. Weird!

Heading down the stairs into the main chamber, you should notice a gong to your
right and the exit to your left. Farther along, down the opposite hallway is
an unresponsive door, another unlit lantern, and two more statues with spears.
Go to the gong and pick up the mallet resting on the ground to the right of it.
Use the mallet to ring the gong (A button); a trap will open up under Indy so
be ready to jump to safety at the last minute. After leaping the fiery pit,
grab the blue torch hanging on the left wall and light the torch on the right
wall (Y button). Enter the now open door.

In this chamber rests the I Ching puzzle. Despite many complaints, it's
really not too hard to solve, especially if you're reading this. Basically, to
get the puzzle underway, Indy must light eight torches to illuminate eight
Chinese symbols which reveal the key to receiving the Pa Cheng. Got it? Let's
start by pulling the switch to the door in front of Indy as shown in the
cutscene and entering the hallway. Pull the next switch to reach another
ninja burial area. Two zombies burst out to party, not reckoning on dealing
with such a major-league asskicker as yourself. When they're dust, climb into
the rightmost broken grave to find an artifact, the "Liaoning Mianjin", and into
the leftmost broken grave to find a health potion.

Now is probably a good time to mention that the blue torch, besides being
useful for illuminating traps, can also make a great weapon. Just equip the
torch, go into guard mode, and watch attacking zombie ninjas get lit up. While
they writhe around in undead anguish, beat them down. Thanks of Zack Woods for
the tip!

Heading up the ramp leads Indy to a water fountain. Farther up is the second
floor of the burial chamber. Light the two lanterns at either side of the room
to open the large stone doors. Head through the opening, keeping the torch
handy. Using the magical light of the blue torch, avoid the red, glowing tiles
or face a nasty electrical trap that quickly saps Indy's health (you can barely
make out these tiles without the torch as they are a darker shade of brown but
use the torch for ease of traversal).

Pull the switch to enter the large hallway with the gong again. Fight off the
new zombie menace before lighting the two lanterns at each end of the hall.
After lighting both lanterns, another zombie pair will appear to slow your
progress. Refill your canteen if you're getting low on health. Return to the
door you just exited from and make your way back down the booby-trapped ramp.
Jumping over the tiles seems easier than walking around them on the way down.
Once in the square grave area, another quartet of zombies will emerge, two on
the second floor and two on the bottom. Since the only language these things
understand is pain, give them a "lecture" they won't soon forget. Fill up on
water again if you're hurt before continuing down the ramp to the exit. I know
this is just the door that leads back to the I Ching puzzle so don't worry.
You're supposed to backtrack.

Temple of Kong Tien - The Dragon's Claw

Back in the I Ching room, a door to Indy's left slides open. Follow it to
reach a narrow bridge. Cross the bridge and pull out your torch to light two
more lanterns. Once this is done, the bridge will revolve to reveal its
underside. Using the torch to light your way, each square of the bridge will
glow either a safe blue or a deadly red. Cross the bridge, only stepping on
blue circles and jumping over red ones. In detail, Indy must walk over the
first square, jump over the second, jump over the fourth, and jump over the
sixth. After a quick cutscene, Indy's way forward will be blocked. Only one
way to go now: backwards.

Walk back towards the lanterns, leaping over any red circles you find, until
you reach another blue circle. Step on it to produce another short cutscene.
Now, continue away from the lanterns, leaping over a red circle, and stepping
on a blue one about halfway along the bridge. Another cutscene ensues in which
the red circle you just jumped over flips. Walk back to this flipped square to
find another blue circle. Step on it an continue forward, leaping over a red
circle to reach a final blue circle near the exit. Now, for a trick!
Backtrack towards the lanterns, jumping over a red circle, to find another
blue circle. Step on it to smash open a grave near the end of the levell.
You'll be glad you did later. That done, cross the bridge and exit back to the
I Ching room.

Sorry if the description of solving the bridge puzzle is a bit confusing. Just
keep walking back and forth on the bridge, stepping on any blue circles you
come across until you can both cross the bridge safely and you break open the
grave. Simple, right? Well, if you need it written out a bit more simply,
thank my pal "Groin Kicker" Kathleen for this step-by-step list of the moves
Indy must make.

1. Walk onto the 1st tile.
2. Jump from the 1st tile to land the 3rd tile.
3. Jump from the 3rd tile to land on the 5th tile.
4. Jump from the 5th tile to land on the 7th tile.
5. Jump from the 7th tile to land on the 5th tile.
6. Jump from the 5th tile to land on the 3rd tile.
7. Walk onto the 2nd tile.
8. Jump from the 3rd tile to the 5th tile.
9. Walk onto the 6th tile.
10. Walk onto the 4th tile.
11. Jump from the 7th tile to the 9th tile.
12. Walk onto the 8th tile.
13. Walk to the lever, pull the lever, and leave.

There, happy now?

Another door to Indy's left now magically slides open. Might as well enter it.
Ripping off a scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, you must use your
blue torch to light the winding pathway across the seemingly uncrossable pit.
Walk slowly so that you keep the glowing red walkway illuminated; the path
twists a few times as well so keep your wits about you. After crossing, have
Indy light the last two lanterns. Sadly, as you try to make your way back,
you'll notice that the platforms have started to move up and down. Walk back
just as you entered, though be wary of timing as you hop from bridge section to
bridge section. Some of the sections can move pretty quickly, but if Indy runs
forward as soon as they touch, you'll usually cross safely (I'd take my time if
I were you though).

Now, with the characters glowing, it's time to solve the puzzle. Press the Y
button near the I Ching to get it started. The key here is to use the X
button to switch views; using this bird's eye view, you should see the grey
outlines on the floor next to the altar. Indy must rotate the three rings of
the altar to match these patterns. To save you some trouble, I'll list the
proper order here, though don't blame me if the order changes from game to game
(which I doubt it does). "Broken" here refers to blocks with a line in the
middle of them; solid is solid.

Outer ring, starting from the left (9 o'clock) - solid, broken, solid, solid,
broken, solid, broken, broken.
Middle ring, starting from the left (9 o'clock) - broken, solid, solid, solid,
solid, broken, broken, broken.
Inner ring, starting from the left (9 o'clock) - solid, solid, solid, broken,
broken, broken, broken, solid.

Voila! Puzzle solved, exit open and the Pa Cheng is yours! Turn to Indy's right
and exit the chamber, running down the hallway back to the square grave where
two zombies wait for you. Now, when you kill the corpses, the yellow ghosts
possessing them will appear. If you kill them quickly enough, they won't be
able to possess more bodies. Sadly here, you must fight at four zombies and
the two ghosts before the large stone doors from above will open. Keep in mind
that Indy can hurl the Pa Cheng with the A button, useful for nailing those hard
to reach ghosts.

Continue up the ramp (get some water if you want it), through the stone doors,
up the booby-trapped ramp (blue torch, anyone?), and through the door back into
the main hallway. Two more zombie ninjas are all that stands between you and
the boss so hurry it up! Before heading through the large doors between the
Chinese dog statues, look to your left at the now open grave (remember the
extra running around the bridge? I told you it was worth it). Pick up the
"Henan Bei" and head into another large cavern lined with graves. A huge battle
now commences with five zombie ninjas and the ghosts that possess them flying
out of the woodwork. You should have no problem with your handy, dandy Pa Cheng
though. Kill 'em all and exit through the last open grave on your right.

Temple of Kong Tien - The Shadow of Kong Tien

The good news: you've finally saved Mei Ying and retrieved the Mirror. The bad
news: Mei Ying is possessed by a demon set on killing you in a very very
painful manner. The key to exorcising Kong Tien is to destroy the three
glowing orbs held aloft by the dragon statues. To do this, you must first
defeat the four yellow ghosts Mei Ying sends at you while dodging the electric
balls right on your ass. When they're dealt with, a cutscene begins where Mei
Ying shoots a beam of electricity at you, destroying a pillar. After using
so much energy, she is susceptible to a strike from the Pa Cheng. Toss it at
her with the A button to confuse her; now, toss the Pa Cheng again to smash one
of the three orbs.

Repeat this process twice more, remembering that after dealing with the ghosts
and electric balls, you must move Indy behind the shelter of a pillar (each
pillar takes two hits to be completely destroyed so you can screw up a few
times before you're completely toast). Rest behind a pillar to take a health
potion or to drink some water if necessary. Once the orbs are smashed, Kong
Tien is banished back to the Netherworld and Indy and Mei Ying can FINALLY
escape Peng Lai Island. "See, that wasn't so bad!" says our hero. Yeah,
whatever, Indy!

The Emperor's Tomb - Tomb of the First Emperor

Finally, the tomb in the title! Run straight forward down a long hallway to
reach a large scrollwork cylinder. Spin it to open one of the tomb's circular
doors. Sadly, this also drops you into a pit with spikes jutting out from
the walls. A small spike block comes out from the lower left corner so be
ready to dodge it and then immediately climb onto it. Wait here until a large
spike block appears in the center of the wall; quickly jump and pull up when
it has passed. After the adjacent spikes shoot out, run either to the left or
right wall and wait. Another spike row will come out in the middle at the
level of Indy's head. Jump and grab onto this row fast before Indy gets
impaled. From here, jump and pull out of the pit.

Quick note submitted by "Groin Kicker" Kathleen: if at any time you get tired
of dodging all of these deadly traps, go up and press the "use" button on Mei
Ying for some sassy talk. That Indy! What a ladies man!

Run back down the hallway towards the entrance, stopping to enter the door to
your left that you just went to all that trouble to open. It appears that
Indy must make his way through this room past spurting fire jets. Great.
Wait until the first pair of jets turns off and then immediately jump and whip
across the chasm; you should vault over the flame jet on the other side.
Immediately turn left and jump and double chain-whip across another pit.
You'll swing through a vertical flame spurt, but it won't hurt too much. Turn
left and wait for the next jet to cease before jumping and swinging across the
last gap. Pull the switch to your right and stop to drink some water to your
left. Watch out for the double vertical flame jets as you exit the room.

Run back towards the entrance again, this time going right through the circular
door. Remember how much you hated those Silent Guardians way back in Ceylon?
Well, this part is a tad worse. You must use skulls or the thrown Pa Cheng to
distract the glowing orbs electrical attack; if they hit you, you'll be dead
before you can react. Start by tossing a skull down the hallway; right after
the orbs stop discharging, run forward to the pit. There's a health potion on
the ground that you can grab without getting shocked. Pick up and toss another
skull over the pit. Once the orbs stop jump diagonally to your left across the
pit and around the corner (make sure to leave yourself enough room by starting
the jump near the left end of the screen or else you'll hit the orb and fall
into the pit).

Almost there now! Safety drop into the pit in front of Indy to find a small
room lodged inside the drop. Pick up the next artifact, the "Shang Statuette",
and jump across the pit to a narrow ledge. Climb out from here. Across
another pit and around another corner lies the hardest test in the level. Indy
must climb into a small alcove to the left of the pit to pull a switch which
opens the exit. Start by tossing a skull over the pit towards the ledge to
your left (try to get it to land there). Jump diagonally left to follow the
skull. If you move slowly here, the orbs won't kill you. Climb up into the
alcove to reach the switch.

Now, the hard part. Toss another skull before dropping back down out of the
alcove. Slowly work your way to the skull you tossed here. Facing the pit,
wall sneak towards the right side of the ledge. Staying flush against the wall
through the skull. Immediately after the orbs stop, jump diagonally left to
reach safety (this is a tricky jump that takes a little time to set up; don't
worry if the orbs start up again while you're in mid air as they probably won't
kill you). Alternatively, you could toss the skull and then jump straight
across the pit to reach another alcove, this one with a water fountain. To get
out of here, simply reverse the above directions. Toss another skull over
another pit, follow it, and head through the exit to your left.

The Emperor's Tomb - The Path of the Unseen Peril

Get either the Pa Cheng or your fists ready for a brawl. Run forward and around
the wall in front of you to find three Black Dragon ninjas. Mei Ying will
probably deal with one of them leaving you with the other two. A good strategy
here is to try to knock them into the pits on either side of the platform.
Otherwise, just beat them up as you would any other enemy, though beware the
strength of these guys. After you've mopped them up, two yellow ghosts
appear to possess their bodies. Hit the ghosts with the Pa Cheng before they
animate the corpses if you can. If not, just take out the zombies and their
hosts as you normally would. There's a water fountain between the Chinese dog
statues if you need it.

When you're ready to continue, pull out the Mirror of Dreams (as if Indy's
flashback to Kai's speech didn't tip you off). Much like the blue torch, the
Mirror will reveal secret areas. The first such "secret" are the huge sliding
blocks trying to crush you. Push against them when they're closed and Indy
should safely rush past when they open. Stop quickly though for a bed of
spikes. These won't kill you but why take the damage? Watch the spikes until
you have their timing then step onto the first row when they descend. When
you think you're ready (about 3 seconds) jump forward to the now clear third
row. Jump again (another 3 seconds) to clear the trap. Now, you'll be faced
with two smooshing slab traps. Push against the first set when they're closed
and you'll rush through to the second; push against it and you'll pass through
unscathed when it released.

Oh no! A giant pit, or is it? Using the Mirror, notice the platform on the left
edge of the pit. Climb onto it and then jump across to another platform on
the other side. From here, make your way down (remember to safety drop) and
wall sneak along the sides of the pit to reach another safe platform. Indy
notices an invisible beam sticking out of the wall. Pull out the whip--it's a
bit nerve wracking to see Indy floating in mid air; if I didn't know any better
I'd say it was another Xbox bug--and swing across. Climb down to a slightly
lower platform before jumping across a small gap to reach a staircase. Ascend
very slowly as there are no guardrails here. At the top, pull up between two
columns to find a switch that deactivates the traps and seals up the pit.

Kate Hart sends a tip she discovered after having a hard time with the invisible
ledges: "All that wall-hugging and whipping just isn't necessary. I jumped to
the far wall with the two little ledges, thhen I just climbed up onto the solid
ground. From there, you can actually walk on the thin little wall to the right
facing the exit. Once you're out there, the computer doesn't want to let you go
back, or even to the left half of the wall. It obviously isn't the way it is
supposed to be done. Once you are on the wall, don't get yourself turned away
from the exit. It is very hard to turn around. Keep guard mode up at all times
and you're safe. When you feel that you are safely centered and lined up, let
go of guard mode and jump. Don't worry about overshooting; there are steps over
on the other side of that thin wall. Don't worry about undershooting either; a
regular jump will take you well past that wall. Landing on the steps you may
take some damage but you can always go back for water after you deactivate the
traps. From there, just climb up the steps and you're home free! This is MUCH,
MUCH easier than the traditional way."

Once Mei Ying joins you, head through the circular door ready to deal with two
sword carrying Black Dragons. When they're toast, a short cutscene ensues in
which reinforcements arrive. Two come in from the right while one drops down
from the left with a sword. Once they're dead, three yellow ghosts join in to
possess the bodies. Remember to kill the ghosts once the host dies or else
they'll just possess another corpse. Leave once zombie remaining if you want
to find the artifact in this level. Facing the exit door (as featured in the
last cutscene), head to the right wall in the large chamber. You should see
two arches on each side of the room from where the second wave of enemies
emerged. Stand under the closest one to the exit door. Pull up to reach a
small ledge. Jump up again to pull into a secret area where you'll find a
tiger strength potion and the "Qin Lawbook". Kill the last ghost and the level
ends. You can actually get the artifact at any time, but it's better to leave
less enemies for Mei Ying to have to fight alone.

The Emperor's Tomb - The Bells of the Dead

Even after all that fighting you've still got to start the level faced with
two zombie ninjas! Once they're dead, the exit door opens. Pass through it
and head down a steep ramp to reach another door. In the next room Indy must
cross a large bridge; sadly, on the other side are two Terra Cotta Soldiers,
one of whom will become animated when possessed by a ghost. The best way to
kill these guys is to hit them quickly three times with the Pa Cheng to
dismember them. Their sword is unblockable so once they lose their arms,
you'll only have to worry about their feet. Remember to kill the ghost which
escapes from the wreckage as quickly as possible or it'll possess another

Pull out the Mirror of Dreams and run through the large wooden doors
IMMEDIATELY turning left. Against the column next to the door will be an
invisible ladder made visible by the Mirror. Climb up to find the "Jade Liubo
Board". Climb back down and go through the circular door to reach the Puzzle
of the Bells.

Once in the room, the bells atop the centerpiece will ring in a precise order.
It's up to you to copy this tune using the sets of bells in each corner of the
room. Run forward, Mirror still in Indy's hand, under the primary bells until
you see a pathway to your right. Follow it slowly to reach the first set of
bells. You can always pull the switch next to the bells if you wish to repeat
the melody you must copy. Press the Y button in front of the bells to play
them. The first tune is: small bell, middle bell, large bell. Walk back
along the path and head back under the primary bells to find another path
to the right (diagonal from the last set of bells). The second tune is:
second smallest bell, second largest bell, largest bell, smallest bell.

Cross the invisible path and keep going over the solid walkway to the third set
of bells. The third tune is: second smallest bell, second largest bell, middle
bell, largest bell, smallest bell. Now make your way to the set of bells
diagonally from you (left of the exit) for the final tune. Fourth tune: middle
bell, second smallest bell, smallest bell, largest bell, second largest bell.
For simplicity's sake, here's a nice cheat sheet to help with this puzzle
submitted by wunder-woman "Groin Kicker" Kathleen. Counting from 1 to 5 from
left to right, the bells needed for the first tune are 1,2,3; for the second
are 2,3,4,1; for the third are 2,4,3,5,1; and for the fourth are 3,2,1,5,4.

Go through the circular door to end the level.

The Emperor's Tomb - Von Beck's Revenge

Get your whip ready and prepare to keep Von Beck from getting his revenge (to
be fair, he was the one who tried to kill you first). Jump and whip across
the pit to trigger a cutscene where Von Beck appears with a giant drill tank.
Now, before beginning, let me warn you that this level is very very hard. Even
knowing what to expect, I still die on it occasionally. Even though this
walkthrough will map out where to jump and give you some tips on timing, even
the slightest misstep will spell doom for our hero. Keep at it, memorize the
order of what occurs in this level, and I'm sure you can get through. If
utter frustration sets in, take Gregory Edwards advice and set the difficulty to
"easy" which makes things a tad simpler; also, if playing with the PC version,
lower the game's resolution and bit level to avoid any possible frame skips that
can seriously ruin your timing...which needs to be perfect!

First thing's first: start running forward. Jump over two small gaps and then
whip-jump across a large pit. Now, another gap then another whip-jump. Two
more gaps then whip-jump. Finally another gap and another whip-jump. After
landing here, the pathway begins to curve. Run hugging the left wall to dodge
a few small holes that are just as deadly as the other pits. Once the pathway
straightens again, immediately jump a gap and jump-whip a pit. Another gap
followed by two pits which require jump-whipping.

Here's where the tricky part begins. Right after two small gaps and before
what appears to be another jump-whip, the floor collapses. The floor becomes
pretty unstable from here on out. Remember to keep an eye out for collapsing
floors; sometimes they'll fall far away but your reaction will be to jump
immediately, sending Indy right into the pit. Other times, it'll fall so fast
you won't think it possible to jump in time. Keep your cool and follow these

Now, after the small gap, the first tiles collapse. Run to the edge and jump-
whip the pit; you must let go of the whip slightly early and then immediately
jump and whip again. If you let Indy get the maximum distance from his jump,
he'll land on tiles that will have already started falling and you won't have
time to jump again. The path will curve again; hug the right wall to stay
out of harm's way. After another small gap, the tiles in front of Indy crumble
but are so far away you have a moment more to run before jump-whipping the pit.
Let go of the whip early again so you're ready to jump-whip again right as you
land. Another two small gaps (one suddenly appears but you can just jump it)
and one jump-whip. After the next small gap, the tiles in front of Indy
collapse; keep running as you have another moment before you reach the edge.
Cut this next jump-whip short to prepare for another immediate jump-whip.

You're done with the hard part. Now just run forward until Indy begins sliding
down a ramp. Jump and swing to safety before he slides right off into a large
pit. You'll barely make it; pull up and turn around to see that the same
can't be said for Von Beck. Go through the circular door and make your way
left through another room. Move carefully as there are a lot of breaks in the
floor which can sneak up on Indy. Nothing's more annoying than dying after all
that fancy footwork! If you're running low on health, 2. there's a water
fountain in the middle of the right wall. Walk Indy through the swirling portal
to enter the Netherworld.

To make this walkthrough even longer, but hopefully to be more helpful as well,
here's another strategy for getting through this level sent in by Michael

"Since the level is frantic and depends on Indy constantly moving forward, I
came to the realization that I was pushing the left thumbstick forward all
the time while playing that level and that it was impossible - at least for
me - to finish it while doing so. So here's the strategy that I used. When
Indy has to jump-whip over the 3 tricky double-gaps where the tiles are
collapsing, I released the left thumbstick from the forward position in mid-
air over the first gap. This allows Indy to land right in front of the
collapsing tiles of the second gap. I immediately started moving forward
and whip-jumped to clear the second gap. Admittedly, there is a chance that
Von Beck may catch up with you after you land but the odds aren't that bad.
I tried the walkthrough's strategy of letting go of the whip early but I
just couldn't get the timing right. I believe that the strategy of letting
go of the left thumbstick may help other players who get stuck on this

Well, I was sure glad to see Von Beck fall to his doom at the end of the
level. I finished the level a second time just to see it again."

And since I get more emails about people despising this level than anything
else, here's another tip sent in to me by ShiftKid:

"On Von Becks Revenge and the Temple of Kong Tien, I found that if I
reprogrammed the 'Q' key to strafe LEFT and the 'R' key to strafe RIGHT, it was
easier to complete these levels than revert back. These levels have a weird flow
which pushes you off your direction."

And for anyone who beats Von Beck, take Mike's advice and try it again,
just to watch that annoying Nazi bite the big one!


The Netherworld - The Pillars of the Underworld

I really really hate this level. It consists of two things: annoying battles
against ghosts and difficult jumping. Follow the walkthrough for tips on the
annoying jumping and check the combat strategies section for some help with the
annoying battles. Start off with your Pa Cheng out and make sure to get Indy as
close to full health as you can. Follow along the pathway until a blue ghost
appears. Blue ghosts make your life difficult by sending out yellow ghosts, who
proceed to possess the terra cotta soldiers, and by shooting balls of
electricity at you. Try to toss the Pa Cheng to hit it quickly and to possibly
kill one of the yellow ghosts. Whatever the case, you must smash the terra
cotta soldiers if they are possessed and must kill the blue ghost by throwing
the Pa Cheng at it twice.

If you're running low on life and already detest beating back the terra cotta
soldiers, try Tim Hofer's useful suggestions of using their lack of brain to
your advantage: dive and roll back and forth away from the soldiers in order
to line them up so that, when they charge at Indy, they'll run off the ledge.
Though it may take more time than straight combat, Tim managed to keep his
health nice and high.

Another tip for surviving this often trying level comes from Stephen the
Toreador. He writes:

"A trick I figured out that works in the first level of the Netherworld in the
game, "The Pillars of the Underworld", is this: Have the Pacheng armed and ready
right before you are to encounter the blue ghosts. After it appears, throw the
Pacheng, and then charge him. The Pacheng will return to you quicker, and allow
you to possibly pick him off before he can let the yellow ghosts out. The first
one is pretty easy, but the next one is tricky. As you land, the first instinct
is to run forward. Don't. Stop, arm the Pacheng, and run to the right,
triggering the ghost. Throw immediately, and then throw again. Sometimes you
can knock him out without the yellows showing up; other times you can get him
and one of the yellows. If that happens, then knock the statue down to it's
legs. After that, take apart the other statues, and then knock out the legs, and
the ghost right after. The last one is difficult, but you can possibly get the
first yellow and a shot at blue before having to fight. Same strategy: knock out
blue, knock the statue down to it's legs, and then smash the rest. Then bust up
the legs and ghost."

Once all paranormal activity ceases, you can turn to the three pillars at the
edge of the walkway. The trick throughout this level is that when Indy sets
each column spinning, a ledge rises up to create a bridge. Once the column
stops spinning (the red sparkles making a ring around it reach the bottom of
it), the ground falls away to leave you screwed. Indy must spin the columns
in the correct order so that the chunk of walkway farthest away has the
longest amount of time left before it collapses. I'll tell you the right
order to spin the columns in, but getting across them quickly enough is up to
you. Final tip: always get your whip out before spinning the columns because
there's nothing worse than having to fish it out of your pouch while the path
falls out from under you.

For the first columns, spin them in order from right to left. You've got to
make a whip-jump between the second and third chunks, then jump left to reach
the walkway. A blue ghost immediately materializes and, unless you kill them
fast, another pair of terra cotta statues will join in the attack. Keep in
mind that even if only one ghost remains, he will continue to animate the
statues until there are no more left. You can smash inanimate statues to keep
them from coming alive, though it's just as easy to kill the ghosts before they
can act. At the next set of columns, spin them in this order: second pillar
from the left, the pillar on the far right, the pillar on the far left, and the
second pillar from the right. Remember to whip swing between the first and
second then third and fourth platforms. For this and the rest of the pillars,
a handy cheat sheet rests at the end of the walkthrough for this section.

Once you reach the walkway again, another blue ghost appears. Dodging his
projectiles, kill him quickly with two hits from the Pa Cheng. Chances are
he'll get at least a ghost out and you'll have to deal with the terra cotta
soldiers. There are four standing guard so you might have to kill all of them.
At the next set of pillars, spin the right, then the left ones. Jump and pull
up at each platform; you might worry that you won't have time to get past, but
you should. Another blue ghost will appear surrounded by three terra cotta
soldiers. Again, try to keep as few of them as possible from coming to life.

Now, instead of heading towards the next set of pillars, face away from them.
You'll notice another lone platform off in the distance. Indy must jump and
then triple whip-swing across a chasm to reach it. Remember to press the A
button to whip again right after letting it go; Indy looks like he doesn't have
enough time to make the motion but he does. Once on the solitary island
pillar, prepare to deal with a blue ghost and possibly two terra cotta
soldiers. The path here is very narrow so make sure you don't get knocked off.
Pick up the "Gao Burial Mask" from the skeleton lying here and then (carefully)
make your way back across the chasm. Once Indy lands, walk slowly toward
the edge of the walkway on your left. Climb over the the railing and safety
drop to land on a hidden ledge where you'll find the "Halberd Plate".

Now, walk to the pillars and spin them in the following order: middle pillar,
far right pillar, second from right pillar, far left pillar, and the second
pillar from the left. You have to jump-whip between almost every platform
(except for between the third and fourth) before reaching the Black Pagoda.

And now, the aforementioned cheat sheet from my friend, and yours, "Groin
Kicker" Kathleen. Counting from left to right, the correct order to spin the
pillars is, for the first set 3,2,1; for the second 2,4,1,3; for the third 2,1;
and for the fourth 3,5,4,1,2. Now there's no excuse for botching it!

The Netherworld - The Heart of the Dragon

Run forward until you come to a narrow bridge flanked by dragon statues. Once
you jump on the first ornately decorated block, the trap begins. Indy must
watch for the block that is a different color than the rest and jump to that
one quickly. If he reaches the block, when the floor fades away, he'll be
left standing; if not, he falls. Don't worry too much about the dragons
shooting electricity. If you keep moving forward as quickly as the blocks
allow, you'll be fine. This puzzle is really easy and I'm sure you can all
get through it by now. Only the last set really tries to fool you by forcing
Indy to backtrack a few times before a solid block appears that he can cross
the chasm with.

Once you've reached the end, walk up the stairs past the red columns. If you
head right, you'll find the game's final artifact, the "Shi Huangdi Cong",
resting on a small end table. If you head left, you'll find a water fountain.
Make sure you've filled your canteen and health meters for the boss fight
coming up. Now, just walk towards the throne and a cutscene ensues in which
Indy finally gets his prize. Sadly, he doesn't keep it for long. When the
scene ends, get ready to tangle with four terra cotta soldiers. Mei Ying will
help you, but don't count on much. When all four are rubble, the level will

The Netherworld - Rise of the Black Emperor

Ah, finally. You get to beat up Marshall Kai for all the trouble he's given
you. Sadly, he's got a friendly dragon to help him out. Luckily, this fight
is very very easy. You'll only need to hit Kai six times to win! Kai's major
attacks are a flamethrower burst, which you can roll under, and a ground quake,
which you can jump over. The dragon is a bit tougher to dodge, with his
fireballs and charging attacks, but if you work fast, you won't have to worry
about him.

The trick to beating Kai lies in the four corners of the level. From the
central hub are five branching paths. At the end of each one is a glowing
symbol (I think it's supposed to represent the elements or something). When
you reach it, you'll be transported back to the center with you Pa Cheng charged
with magical energy. Throw it at Kai to hurt him. Repeat, dodging either one
of his attacks (usually the ground quake). After three hits, Mei Ying will be
free and get attacked by Kai. At this point, you've only got one more element
to reach. Get to it and hit Kai. Now, Kai lands and allows you to hit him
once more with the Pa Cheng forcing him to drop the Heart of the Dragon. You
can pick it up if you're quick enough, but I don't think it does anything.

An easy tip to beating Kai is to start at either the leftmost or rightmost
paths and then to work your way across. This way, you won't forget where you
need to go. Also, keep in mind that you will need to whip jump across a few
of the paths. Just be wary of Kai or the dragon sneaking up and hitting you
as you make your way to the elements. Don't worry, you'll be fine.

Enjoy the ending!

VI. Artifact Locations

If you followed my walkthrough, you should have found all 30 artifacts, 3
for each level. If you only need a quick reference as to where a select few
are located, just check down here!

By viewing Indy's artifact shelves, you can discover which items you are
missing. The order listed here is the order the artifacts are displayed on
the shelf from left to right (Level 1's artifacts are in the top left corner
while level 2's are in the top right corner, and so on). Each page in the
level select screen will cue you in onto what type of artifact is found there
whether a mask, an idol, or a plate (though if there is a key item to be found
in the level such as the Astrologer's Clock items, they also will be pictured

1) Idol of Ramba Vihara - this is located on the very first level of Ceylon.
At the level's start you'll come upon a waterfall. Simply walk under it to
find a cave with your first artifact.

2) Mahavatu Mask - after you defeat the two hunters chatting by the campfire
near the beginning of the second level, you should notice a hanging box above
you. Make your way to the high ledge where the level continues and you'll see
a stack of boxes. Punch the largest one and the hanging crate will fall,
revealing your treasure.

3) Port Negombo Relic - this is found on Ceylon, the Palace of Forgotten Kings.
Once you've cleared the courtyard and reached the wall with vines you must
climb, stop. Turn around and notice a rock you can climb. Jump up to another
and you'll find a doorway leading to a new addition to your artifact

4) Book of Libuse - this is found in Prague, the Great Library. After you've
found the map and dealt with the Nazis who open the level's exit, return to
the 3rd floor and wall sneak along the central bookshelf (the one with red
curtains). A secret room will have opened with your prize in plain sight.

5) Stochov Fragment - this is found in Prague, the Observatory. At the start
of the level, run out the double doors and turn left. Walk around the
building until you see a small ledge. Climb up and wall sneak along it until
you can see a glowing door on a tower opposite the level's entrance. Jump
across to find your new artifact.

6) Cistergian Mask - this is found in Prague, Vega's Tower. When you reach
the clock tower with the elevator, note the crashed bell on your left. There
is a small crack in the floor which Indy can climb down. In this small room
is yet another shiny trinket.

7) Piri Reib manuscript - before exiting the first level of Istanbul, drop off
the platform to a narrow ledge to the left of the open door. Run around it to
reach another building containing the artifact.

8) Ottoman seal - at the start of Istanbul, the Secret of the Mosque, part 2,
run and roll forward under a crack in the wall to find this artifact (Note:
the select level screen incorrectly lists the Ottoman seal as located on the
previous level).

9) Delian Proclamation - in Istanbul, the Sunken Palace, turn left at the top
of the toppled pillar and make your way around the room by jumping and
whipping across the columns. At the end of the road there will be a hook,
though no whip icon appears. Swing across it to reach a box; if you picked up
the machete underwater near the circular temple where the demo charges were
located, you can cut the rope to reveal your prize.

10) Tai-Tsu Mask - during the first level of Hong Kong, Indy will reach the
balcony level of the nightclub. Enter the second booth on his right to find a
sword-wielding ninja and the mask resting on a pedestal.

11) Longshian Idol - after killing the four waiters in the second part of the
Lotus Club level, run into the dressing room to your left (before the corridor
ending the level) to find a medkit and the artifact.

12) Chinese Seal - during the first Streets of Hong Kong level, after the
three motorcycles sequentially attack Indy, a crate will appear on a small
ledge to Indy's left. Shoot at it to get the next item (a "tip" will appear
telling you that you've found an artifact). The artifact appears right before
the screen fades to black; if you miss it the first time through, just try
again later, aware of where it will be.

13) Sancai Plate - at the beginning of the Secret of Peng Lai Lagoon, part 2,
run forward into a small alcove to find a demo charge to your right, tucked
away in the corner. Use the charge on the cracked wall to the right of this
alcove as you leave it to uncover a Panzershreck and the artifact.

14) Sima Qian Shiji scroll - in the Iron Cross level of Peng Lai Lagoon, enter
a door to the right of the alarm in the first area you enter. Climb a flight
of stairs to reach a room with a relaxing Nazi. The scroll lies on the table
in this room.

15) Tablet of Longjian - in the final level of Peng Lai Lagoon, the U-boat pen,
from the catwalk where you can chain-swing across the pen to the opposite
ledge, safety drop down and head into the small garage. Behind a trio of
metal crates are two breakable crates with a medkit and an artifact.

16) Zhao Mo Rhyton - in the first level of Peng Lai Mountain, after Indy has
reached the roof opposite the ventilation shaft, climb through the skylight
near the upstairs office. In this garage bay, (the only one Indy hasn't yet
entered) you'll find your prize.

17) Gui Jian scroll - during the Peng Lai Mountains Infiltration level, run past
the large doorway underneath the control room at the start of the stage and
around the walkway to a crate in the corner. Break it for another artifact.

18) Changan Stone - at the start of the last room in the Airbase level in Peng
Lai Mountains (the large catwalk with the patrolling guard), turn left to
find a breakable crate. Why are so many ancient artifacts just lying around
this Nazi base?

19) Mask of Cambaluc - during the first level of the Black Dragon Fortress,
after Indy swings through the stone wall to enter a room with two guards with
spears, face outwards through the hole. You should see some ivy to his left.
Jump diagonally towards the ivy, twisting left in mid air to catch on. Follow
the ivy to reach a chamber with your prize.

20) Qi Marble Stela - at the start of the second Black Dragon Fortress level,
walk so that Indy is standing directly in front of the gong in the center of
the courtyard. Turn around to see a small glass display case; smash it to
find another artifact.

21) Yuan Xiang statue - in the third level of the Black Dragon Fortress, when
Indy pushes the stones off of the ladder to allow his makeshift elevator to
ascend, immediately turn around to find a small alcove. Walk off the lifting
platform to reach the crate with your treasure. Alternatively, when you reach
the second floor of the level, climb down into the shaft and then jump across
to reach the secret.

22) Yuyao Pan - while sliding down Kai's trap, be ready to jump and whip swing
from a lantern on the third ramp down (ignoring the first ramp of the level)
to smash into a secret room holding...a secret. Surprising.

23) Liaoning Mianjin - in the second level of the Temple of Kong Tien, after
Indy receives the blue torch and passes through the I Ching room, he'll
enter a square catacomb. Kill the zombies here and enter the rightmost open
grave to find this large jade plate.

24) Henan Bei - after crossing the stone bridge to light two lanterns in the I,
Ching puzzle, Indy must make his way back across with the blue lantern out to
illuminate the safe stones to walk on (the blue ones). Continue walking back
and forth on the bridge, stepping on blue circles and jumping over red ones
until you set off a cutscene where one of the graves near the Chinese dog
statues across from the gong breaks open. When you return to this area, enter
the grave for another artifact.

25) Shang Statuette - after jumping diagonally across the small pit flanked by
the electric orbs, safety drop into the pit in front of Indy (away from the
orbs) to land next to the artifact.

26) Qin Lawbook - in the Paths of the Unseen level, after completing the Trial
of the Unseen, you'll enter a large chamber with a chariot in the center and
with two Black Dragon ninjas patrolling. Go forward toward the circular exit
door and left to rest against the wall. Note the two large arches higher up.
Facing the arch closest to the door on the lefthand side of the room, pull up
onto a small ledge and then jump up to enter a secret area with an artifact.

27) Jade Liubo Board - after defeating the terra cotta soldiers in the Bells of
the Dead level, pull out the Mirror of Dreams and pass through the large
wooden doors, immediately turning left to face the column nearest the door.
The Mirror will reveal a hidden ladder you can climb to find another artifact.

28) Gao Burial Mask - from the last set of pillars you must spin to reach the
Black Pagoda, turn around and run back towards the edge. Jump and triple
chain-whip across a chasm to reach an island column. After dealing with the
enemies here, pick the artifact up from the skeleton resting here.

29) Halberd Plate - from the last set of pillars you must spin before reaching
the Black Pagoda, run back, towards the location of the last blue ghost.
When you reach the edge where three lanterns hang, leading to the 28th,
artifact, turn right and climb onto and over the railing to land on a hidden

30) Shi Huangdi Cong - after passing the chasm trap in the Black Pagoda, turn
right and run forward to find an end table upon which the final artifact

VII. Secrets and Codes

Currently, the only known secret is that a picture gallery appears once you've
collected all 30 artifacts. Whoopee!

The best cheat avilable is a "God Mode" cheat, submitted by Michael McMillion
which works for both the Xbox version of the game (though it may work with the
PC version by substituting the PC controls for the Xbox ones). Just enter the
following at the title screen:

"Hold L and R the press the d-pad in this order: up, up, down, up, A, X,
A, B, up, down, Y, start."

You should hear a tone and now have infinite health and ammo. If the tone does
not sound, release the triggers and start again. This is a great help, but if
Indy falls into a pit you'll have to quit and reload so stay frosty on those

For those stuck on certain parts of the game, two Indy trainers are available
for the PC version of the game. Download both at

--trick submitted by Carl Guanzon
"I found two "easter eggs" (some kind of Indy trainer programs) in my
installed directory: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Indiana Jones and the
Emperors Tomb\GameData\indy\levels\

"The filenames are whipGym.sls and RopeTest.sls. I think Lucasarts'
game designers assumed that many gamers might complain about the whip-
swinging and rope-dangling that's why they put these trainers in the
installed directory as insurance, without us knowing it. I think it
only exists in the PC version.

"To get those files to run, just right click, then choose "open with",
then choose the "Slayer" program application. You won't miss it. It's
got Indy's face as the icon. The icon just meddled in when I'm on my
way to run it with the EmperorsTomb.exe executable file. I think all
the files (level parts) in that directory can be run with the slayer

With these trainers, Carl mentioned he had no trouble with whip-swinging,
especially if you also follow the "whip-swing strategy" in the combat section of
this FAQ.

--trick submitted by Dan W.
"I do have a "cheat" for the pc version. It involves modifying the
default.cfg file located under \(indy)\gamedata\indy. Open the file up
using notepad, and add the word Cheats: 1. Make sure to save a backup
copy of your original so you can replace it after making through the
harder levels. A complete look at the modified file is given below


This gives you GOD mode, and unlimited weapons. There are still places
where you can fall, and have Indy crumple into a heap. The only way to
end these levels is to quit and load the game again."

--trick submitted by Austin Chapman by way of sth128 on the GameFAQs message
"Tired of running from the tank over and over again? Fed-up with Indy's
screaming? Here's how you can skip the tank level: Under the game's dir,
go to \GameData\Indy\Levels\ backup the file "M09_Tomb_04.SLS" (change
the filename) Now copy any one of the other files (except m00shell and
the two bonus levels) and rename it to "M09_Tomb_04.SLS". Start the game
and play; now the tank level is replaced by whichever level you chose.

"Second way of skipping the level: Go to the game's dir, under
\GameData\Indy\GameInfo\ Open the file "MissionList.txt". Find the line
(near bottom) EXEC 0 1 "Von Beck's Revenge" ...... Put a "#" sign in
front (without the quotation marks) and save. Now the game skips the
level when you play it. (Not fully tested yet so use at your own risk)"

VIII. Requests

Though walkthroughs are never fully complete, I'd like for this FAQ to serve as
the ultimate guide to this game. Therefore, I'll use this space to list
information that I need and that any helpful readers may submit for full

Currently, my walkthrough needs the following:

PS2 Game Controls
Combat Strategies
Codes for any version of the game
Any typos or grammatical errors / any confusing text

IX. Acknowledgements

Thanks to: GameFAQs ( for hosting this walkthrough
Any of the other walkthrough sites who've asked to host this
The Collective and Lucasarts for creating such a great
game for a great character
'hardheart' on the GameFAQs message boards for letting me know how
to find the second artifact in Prague
'mbg98' on the GameFAQs message boards for letting me know how to
find the artifact in the Bells of the Dead level
'the tross' on the GameFAQs message boards for letting me know how
to find the first artifact in Istanbul
Bret Lenmark for pointing out a typo in Prague
Matt Fardig and Kathleen Tatham for telling me that the crocs and
sharks were killable
Orçun Kara for pointing out the correct name for the "Arabs" as
Hunter Boyd for correctly naming the artifact in the Streets of Hong
Kong level as the Chinese Seal
David White for donating another strategy for caging the large
croc in Ceylon
Blake LaRue for his alternate Kraken-killing strategy
Austin Chapman for pointing out the Indy PC trainers currently
Cliff Chen for sending me the controls for the PC version of the
"Groin Kicker" Kathleen for her level specific tips, puzzle
"cheat sheets", and proper enemy names
Jesse, SpaceApe, Blue Saber, Tim Hofer, Paula Neal, Carl Guanzon,
Chris (shiftkid), and Cliff Chen for their combat strategies
Austin Chapman and sth128 at the GameFAQs message boards for their
PC Von Beck level skip cheat for his nice bullet dodging combat strategy
the ENIAC, Deda, and Ryan Surface for their level specific tips
Dan W. for his "God mode" hack for the PC version
Vincent White and Margaret for their helpful comments on unclear
portions of the walkthrough
Alexandra Skorik for pointing out the large canteen in the Ceylon -
Into the Sacred Caverns
Tracy for telling me about extra items to be found during the Kraken
Dietmar Suoch for pointing out a bug in the first level of Peng Lai
Kate Hart for her invisible pit tip for "Tomb of the Unseen"
Tom Heyboer for his Feng Twing fight tip
Zach Woods for his tip on using the blue torch as a weapon
Michael Tzoanos, Chris (shiftkid), and Gregory Edwards for their
personal tips for getting past Von Beck
Michael McMillion for his "God Mode" cheat
Carl Guanzon (again) for his pointing out of the game's trainers
Michael Meldrum for letting me know what the switch in Prague does
Chris Yarbrough for his PS2 controls
Stephen the Toreador for his Netherworld ghost-huntin' tips
Don for his EXTENSIVE editing (there's no one else I'd trust to edit
any future works of mine!)

and finally to:
America's soldiers for defending worldwide freedom in Iraq; we're
glad you're home
and my mother for picking this game up for me for my b-day.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display without said written permission
is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

Copyright 2003-2004 Robert Parry-Cruwys
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