WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth

WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth

17.10.2013 18:04:07
Jeff Hardy
Character FAQ : Jeff Hardy
Brief Biography and Full Movelist
WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth for the PlayStation 2 console


Author: Veinz
E-mail: VeinzFAQ@yahoo.com

Created On: December 12, 2002
Last Updated: December 25, 2002

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| Table of Contents |

1. Version History
2. Biography
3. Movelist
4. Thank You's / Credits

| Version History |

December 12, 2002
Version 1.0 - Wrote the base of this FAQ

December 25, 2002
Finalized. Note the new e-mail address.

| Brief Biography |

Name: Jeffrey Nero Hardy
Height: 6'2
Weight 212 lbs
Age: 25
Hometown: Cameron, North Carolina
Highlights: WWF Intercontinental Champion, WWF Hardcore Champion (2), WWF Light
Heavyweight Champion, WWF Tag Team Champion (5), WCW Tag Team Champion

| Movelist |


L2: Taunt Jeff Hardy 2
L2+Down or Up: Taunt Jeff Hardy 2
L2+Right or Left: Taunt Jeff Hardy 1


Down+X: Jump Spin Back Kick 2
X+Diagonal Down: Toe Kick 1
X+Left: Snap Jab
X+Diagonal Up: Front Dropkick 2
X+Up: Spinning Wheel Kick 3
X+Right: Back Elbow Smash


O: Irish Whip
O+Down: Falling Powerslam 2
O+Left: Arm Drag 1
O+Up: Hurracanrana 1
O+Right: Snap Suplex

While Opponent is Groggy
O: Irish Whip
O+Down: Jeff Jawbreaker
O+Left: Leg to Groin
O+Up: Jumping Tornado DDT
O+Right: Shoulder Thrusts

While Opponent is in 2nd Stage of Grogginess
O+Down: Jeff Small Package
O+Left: Front Dropkick 5
O+Up: Hurracanrana and Punches
O+Right: Backslide Pin 1

|Back Grapple|

O: Irish Whip
O+Down: Naked Choke Drop
O+Left: Facecrusher 5
O+Up: Elbow to Back of Head 2
O+Right: Forearm Smash

While Opponent is Groggy
O+Down: Jeff Leg Drop Pin
O+Left: Wrist Lock Backdrop
O+Up: Diving Reverse DDT
O+Right: School Boy Pin 2

|Ground Striking|

X: Angry Stomp
X+Up or Down: Flip Leg Drop
X+Left or Right: Double Knee Drop

|Ground Grapple|

Upper Body
O: Raise
O+Down: Pin
O+Left: Sleeper Hold 5
O+Up: Fury Punch 3
O+Right: Reverse Chin Lock

Lower Body
O+Down: Pin
O+Left: Pin with Bridge
O+Up: Leg Lock 4
O+Right: Leg to Groin 2

|Turnbuckle Strike|

Upper Body
X: Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

Lower Body
X: Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

|Turnbuckle Grapple|

Upper Body
O: Irish Whip
O+Down: Frankensteiner
O+Left: Whisper in the Wind 2
O+Up: Frankensteiner
O+Right: Jeff Tornado DDT

Lower Body
O: Raise the Opponent Up
O+Direction: Foot Choke 2

|Turnbuckle Back Grapple|

O: Irish Whip
O+Down: Dropkick and School Boy Pin
O+Left: Hanging in Reverse
O+Up: Dropkick and School Boy Pin
O+Right: Turnbuckle Toe Kick

|Special Moves|

L1 (turnbuckle): Swanton Bomb
L1 (facing standing opponent): Jeff Twist of Fate

|Special Weapon Attack|

|Running Attack|

X: Flying Forearm Smash 2
X+Direction: Front Dropkick 3

O: Irish Whip
O+Direction: Turn Behind
O (while opponent's groggy): Headscissor Takedown 2
O+Direction (while opponent's groggy): Jeff Neckbreaker Drop

Back Grapple
O: Hurricane Neckbreaker
O (groggy): Spinning Hurracanrana 1

Squatting Striking
Square+X: Running Flip Splash
Square+X+Direction: Dropkick to Knee 4

O: Powerslam Pin
O+Up or Down: Arm Drag 6
O+Left or Right: Neckbreaker

Rebound Attack
T+X (opponent standing): Flying Forearm Smash 2
T+X (opponent on ground): Running Flip Splash
T+X (opponent outside ring): Jeff Body Press

Attack Through Ropes
Triangle+X (opponent outside ring): Rope Flip 1

|Aerial Attack|

Opponent Standing
X+Left: Missile Dropkick
X+Right: Headscissor Takedown 1

Opponent on Ground
X: Senton Bomb
X+Down: The 450 Pin
X+Up: Whisper in the Wind 1

|Edge of Ceiling|

O: It Thrusts Down

|Double Team|

O: Double Suplex 2
O+Down: Dropkick and Rolling Clutch
O+Left: Hardy Boyz Leg Drop 2
O+Up: Double Clothesline
O+Right: Double Suplex 2

Turnbuckle Grapple
O: Irish Whip
O+Down: Whip and Lay Down
O+Left: Mudhole Stomping 1
O+Up: Hardy Boyz Leg Drop 1
O+Right: Body Splash and Whip

x (3 times): Back Chop 1, Snap Jab, Jump Spin Back Kick 2

| Thank You's / Credits |


WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth
JaVe 5.0
Death From Above - (http://www.geocities.com/al_hardy_swanton/index2.html)

Thank You's:

CJayC - For posting this FAQ, and running this great site
Yukes, THQ, Jakks Pacific - For the great game
JaVe 5.0 - For the text boxes and ASCII name art
Death From Above - For biography, title history

This FAQ may not be displayed on any website without the author's permission.
Contact me at 'VeinzFAQ@yahoo.com'.

For other works by me, visit my Contributor Page


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