Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

15.10.2013 18:53:04
Story Guide Part 1
FINAL FANTASY X: Story Guide, part 1
Version 1.0 (09/01/01)

Written by Henry H. Jerng
For the latest version and additions of this guide, please go to and proceed directly to the FAQs/Guides page.

COMMENTS ON THE GUIDE: Beyond the PS2 graphical enhancements and minor tweaks
in gameplay, what makes Final Fantasy (FF) X stands out from the previous
incarnations of Final Fantasy is obviously the story. And among the more
recent FF sequels, it's safe to say that Final Fantasy X has the most
comprehensible and enjoyable story. Therefore, what's presented here is an
accurate and literal translation of the story of FFX for all the folks who
imported the game and wanted to truly understand its plot. I hope you will
enjoy the discovery as much as I have.
As noted above, this guide only covers about the first half of the game,
from the beginning to arrival at Guado Salam. The remaining second half should
be completed shortly. So, sit tight, and either check back here at or for the latest version. Again,


Final Fantasy X

Seven wary travelers rest around a campfire. A blonde male stands up, places
his reassuring hand on a female companion, and slowly strolls up a small mount.
He scans a ruined city in the distance, reflectively and in awe.

"Maybe this the end? So, I want to tell you everything." So begins the tale
of Final Fantasy X.

* * * * *

A crowd gathers outside a festive arena. A mysterious figure follows the
departing excited crowd. They have apparently come to greet our hero, the
blonde male from the beginning. He arrives at the scene and waves to the
crowd. When the young fans ask him for his autograph, we learn that he goes by
the name "Tidus". To the teenage girl fans wishing him good luck, he
indicates that a special gesture will be given for them during the game.
Before he leaves, the kids ask if he could teach them how to play Blitzball.
He obliges, but only after the game tonight. The mysterious figure tells him
that tonight is not good. Mistaking the figure as one of the children, Tidus
changes it to tomorrow.

On his way to the stadium, he stares up at a large monitor displaying a face,
as if he knows the man. Then he proceeds onwards. From the people Tidus comes
across, you learn that his father is Jecto, a very famous Blitzball player.
Tidus too has become quite a Blitzball ace himself, and the game cannot start
until he arrives at the game. In fact, it would seem that the Zanarkand Apes
wouldn't even have a chance without Tidus on the team. A crowd surrounds Tidus
when he arrives at the stadium. He eventually gets through, although pursued.

The game starts. Blitzball is soccer played in a large sphere of water.
During the game, a mysterious man in red walks through the city, while a large
body of water closes in on the city and shoots pulses of energy. Everyone is
fleeing from the stadium, but Aaron (the man in red) stands casually waiting
for Tidus to appear. The mysterious boy from earlier appears again, telling
him, "It's starting. Don't cry." then vanishes.

Tidus reunites with Aaron. Aaron tells him to look up at the ominous giant
sphere of water in the night sky. He says, "We call that Sin". When they are
faced with some monsters, Aaron hands Tidus a sword and tells him to use it.
"This is a gift from your father", says Aaron. "My father's?", Tidus replies.
"You'll learn how to use it in real battle."

Tidus and Aaron defeat a couple of groups of monsters. "You had better not be
laughing at me, dad", says Tidus as he looked at Jecto on the big monitor.
Tidus tells Aaron that they should be running away from Sin, but Aaron insists
that they should welcome it. In the following battle, Aaron realizes that they
cannot win in a fight against so many monsters and instructs Tidus to go after
some fuel tanks to their right. The road is destroyed, and they manage to

"Aaron! Aaron!" Tidus cries as Sin gets closer and closer, sucking up
surrounding objects. "Is this all right?" Aaron says to Sin, looking upwards.
He lends a hand to Tidus in getting up from the ledge. "This isn't anybody
else's. This is YOUR story." In a burst of bright light, they become
consumed by Sin.

As if in a state of hallucination, Tidus floats above the city, eventually
finding an image of himself. "I remember thinking about various things, like
what's happening and where I was. Then, all of a sudden, I fell asleep..."

* * * * *

Tidus finds himself waking up in a strange place resembling a ruin. "Is there
anybody there? Aaron!" All alone, Tidus ventures to explore the ruin. As he
walks over some stone bridge, the floor underneath him collapses and he finds
himself in the water once more and in the company of some monsters. Tidus
manages to escape from the first boos, Geosgeino, by luckily squeezing through
a crack in the wall of the ruin.

"The situation was quickly getting worse. I was out of dreams and hopes."
That was how desperate Tidus was becoming. He eventually finds himself in the
central court area of the ruin, cold and starving. After picking up stone
flints and a bouquet of dried flowers, Tidus starts a fire in the center of the
courtyard. Exhausted, he falls sleep next to the fire. When he wakes up,
Tidus discovers the fire going out and he is about to have some unpleasant

During his fight with Klick, the door busts open, and a few characters with
guns and flamethrowers show up. One of them appears to be helping him out.
After Klick is defeated, some discussion takes place between the strangers
speaking a foreign tongue, and the girl who helped Tidus punches him cold.

Tidus wakes up aboard their salvage ship. One of them gestures to Tidus, but
he tells them that he doesn't understand them at all. The girl earlier reveals
that she can converse with him after all and tells him that they need him to
help them salvage something on the ocean floor. "There's an ancient ruin on
the ocean floor. It cannot be operated right now, but there's probably still
some energy left. I think that if we work on it a little, we can probably make
it come back to life again." The power is turned back on, and the external
lights shine the ocean floor, showing the vague outlines of a ship.

Tidus boards the salvage ship, but he is prevented from entering it despite his
protest. Later, the girl re-appears and hands him some food, just when Tidus
complains about being hungry again. He swallows so fast that he nearly gagged
on the food, and the girl hands him something to wash it down. Tidus, now no
longer famished, asks for her name. "I'm Rikku", she replied. Tidus, very
excited to be able to speak to someone, asks her why she didn't just speak to
him normally. "There was no time for that. Everyone thought you were some
kind of monster", said Rikku, gesturing that indicated slashing of the throat.

"Who are you guys?" asked Tidus. "We're from the Al Bhed tribe. You should
know from our language. Hey, you probably hate the Al Bhed people", said
Rikku. "Hate you guys? I don't even know you", replied Tidus. "So where are
you from?" (Tidus) "Zanarkand. I'm the ace of the Zanarkand Apes, the city's
Blitzball team." (Rikku) "Did you hit your head too hard one time?" (Tidus)
"Nope, but I was hit struck by you guys." (Rikku) "Do you remember anything
before that? "

Tidus told Rikkus everything, from life and competition in Zanarkand, Sin's
attack during the Blitzball competition, to escaping with Aaron and being
wrapping in the light... Rikku becomes uneasy. "Did I say something odd?",
asks Tidus. "You got close to Sin. That's okay. We can fix you up. People
who get too close to Sin usually get their heads mixed up. So, you're not the
only one who has seen strange dreams.", says Rikku. (Tidus) "I'm sick?"
(Rikku) "I think you're poisoned by Sin" (Tidus) "What?" (Rikku) "Anyway,
......Zanarkand doesn't exist anymore. It was destroyed by Sin 1000 years ago.
So, you can't be a blitzball player from Zanarkand" (Tidus) "What? How can
it be? 1000 years ago? I saw Sin attack Zanarkand. That was 1000 years ago!?
I can't believe that!"

(Rikku) "Hey..." (Tidus) "What?" (Rikku) "You're a Blitzball player, right?"
(Tidus) "Yes." (Rikku) "Maybe if we go to Luca, we can figure out something.
Maybe there's someone there who knows you. Maybe it'll help you remember
something." (Tidus) "Luca?" (Rikku) "Okay! Just leave it to me! I'll take
you to Luca!" Tidus hesitates. (Rikku) "Don't you want to go~? Wait here
for a second while I speak to the others." As she walks away, Rikku remembers
to tell Tidus something. (Rikku) "Ah, from now on, remember this. It's better
to not tell people that you're from Zanarkand. I think some people will be mad
because Zanarkand is Ebon's holy place." (Tidus) "Sure..."

In his mind, Tidus thought: "Zanarkand is Ebon's holy ground......I didn't
know what to make of it. Ebon? Sin's poison? Luca? I had thought only that
I have come to a far away place, and that I will return soon. 1000 years have
passed?" "I can't believe it!" he screamed, turned around, and kicked the

The whole ship shook, knocking him off balance. Sin is once again attacking.
A wave generated by Sin washes Tidus off the ship and into the ocean...

* * * * *

Tidus again finds himself in a strange place. "Rikku!" While staring up to
see the sun, something struck Tidus. He barely makes out figures on the beach,
and before him was a blitzball. "Are you all right?", screamed one of the men
on the beach. Tidus kicks the ball back to them, wowing them with his
blitzball abilities. The blitzball team coach is so impressed that he asked
Tidus to show it to them again. Tidus senses that he may getting some real
help this time around. "Which team do you play for?" asked the coach.

"Zanarkand Apes.", replied Tidus. That raised some comments from the team
players. "Where do you come from?" the coach asks. Tidus, reminded of what
Rikku told him, recanted, "Oops. Right now, no team. I got too close to Sin,
so my head is all confused. So, where I came from, where I am....." The
coach, with his arms crossed, said, "So, you were poisoned by Sin, and you're
still alive. This is Ebon's blessing." The team gives Tidus the Ebon prayer
gesture, and the coach told the players to get back to their training.

"I'm Wakka, the coach of the Beside Oaraka." Wakka introduces himself. Some
noises come from Tidus' stomach, and Wakka invites Tidus to his village for
some food.

(Narration) "I thought Wakka was a pretty nice guy, so I tried asking..."

"Hey, Zanarkand was destroyed by Sin 1000 years ago, right? I guess it's okay
that it's all just a ruin now." Tidus says. (Wakka) "A long time ago, there
were many incredible cities in Spira. They were large cities full of
machineries noisy even at night. It was because everyone were having
interesting and strange fun with the power of machines. But now....... look.
Suddenly Sin appeared, and all the machine cities were destroyed. Of course,
that includes Zanarkand. That happened about 1000 years ago. So, what you
said was true. Well, Sin got carried away. It's some punishment for people.
Really...... it makes me so ANGRY to think that WE have to suffer because of
the faults of people so long ago. Of course, it's an important duty for people
of today to atone for their sins. That, I understand. Yes, but sometimes I

(Narration) "It's just like what Rikku said. There's no reason for Wakka or
Rikku to lie to me. "

(Wakka) "Ha, ha, ha, ha! But, I laughed when you said Zanarkand Apes!
Anyways, which team were you really a part of. " All Tidus thinks of is how he
may be able to get back to Zanarkand by meeting Sin again. He doesn't care
where or when Sin may take him.

Tidus follows Wakka and gets pushed into the river. At the end of their little
swim, Wakka comes up behind Tidus and puts him in a choke position. "Let go!"
said Tidus. (Wakka) "I have a request to make~" (Tidus) "It's probably to
join your team!" Wakka lets go. (Wakka) "Soon there is a big blitzball
tournament. All the best teams are going to gather there. Because it's the
best tournament, the folks that may know you will surely come. If so, you can
probably return to your former team and life? Well, you sure think it isn't
such a bad idea. So, how about it? Well? Well?" Tidus replies. "Okay."

(Wakka) "Thanks. I'm counting on you at the tournament."

Wakka shows Tidus his village. (Wakka) "I was born there and started playing
blitzball when I was 5 years old. At 13, I started playing with Beside
Oarraka...... and I've now been playing for 10 years. " Scratching his head,
Wakka speaks. (Wakka, continuing) "But, even after 10 years, I have not even
won once at the big tournament. (...) had to back out of last year's big
tournament at the end. Well, after withdrawing from the competition, I started
a new job. But whenever I get a little discouraged, I would think about
blitzball." (Tidus) "In 10 years, you've never won a game." (Wakka) "There
was a chance last year. But it was hard, and we couldn't concentrate in the
game." (Tidus) "It's a good reason." (Wakka) "It's tough." (Tidus) "So, you
want to get a fresh start by winning at the next grand tournament?" Wakka
nods. (Tidus)"The tournament's goal?" (Wakka) "The ranking doesn't matter.
I'll be happy if we can play a good match. I think I can stop refreshing if
there's feeling of completion, a feeling that we did it seriously." Tidus
turns around and waves his arm. (Tidus) "When you're asked 'Goal?', answer
'Victory!'" Win if you're entering a match. What is there other than that?"
(Wakka) "Victory... ...That's better?"

They come across an old ruin. Wakka says, "In an old practice, folks who leave
the island will pray at this ruin for safety. It has worked pretty well."

As they approach the village, they encounter two characters seen leaving the
beach. The man with red hair says, "Ah, Aren't you the man who came from the
sea?" His companion speaks, "You had better be on guard because there are many
monsters on the road." (red hair) "Although you were close to Sin, you were
probably helped. Don't get killed in a place like this!" Tidus asks Wakka,
"Who are they?" (Wakka) "Loots and Gatta, members of the suppression force."
(Tidus) "What? Suppression force?" (Wakka) " You have forgotten even this?"
Tidus slumped down in disappointment. (Wakka) "Oh, no. Don't worry. I'll take
care of you." (Tidus) "Um. In return for your help, I'll really help out at
the great tournment!" (Wakka) "Okay. Listen carefully. The suppression force
is supposed to be in the villages lodgings."

They arrive at the village. (Wakka) "Here's Beside Village." (Tidus, looking
awfully sad) "Is there any food?" (Wakka, pointing to a house) " You can eat
at that house later. First, go kill some free time. (putting his hands on his
waist) Oh yeah...... That is the 'suppression force lodge'. Try to ask Loots
and Gatta various things." Wakka starts to walk away but remembers something,
"Oh, yeah. Come this way." (Tidus) "What?" (Wakka) "Even you should surely
remember the prayer?" (Tidus)"I forgot." (Wakka) "Even the basic thing in
life? Well, I'll teach you anyway. Okay." Wakka shows Tidus how to pray.
(Wakka) "Now, you try it." Tidus tries the prayer moves. (Wakka) "Okay!
That's good. Now, go introduce yourself to the summoners at the temple."

(Narration) "Well, for blitzball players, everyone knows that there's nothing
better than victory."

Tidus goes to visit the suppression force's lodging and speaks with Loots and
Gatta. (Gatta) "Hey, you were attacked by Sin? Was that recent?" (Tidus)
"Probably......" (Gatta) "So, is Sin close to the island? Aren't you hiding
something from us?" (Tidus) "Of course not!" (Loots) "If Sin came close to
here, then I suppose it came here to attack the island. Still...... There's no
such indication." (Tidus) "It's bad, but I don't understand anything. The
main point is that I don't understand anything about the suppression force."
(Gatta) "Are you joking? Sin's poison..." (Loots) "Tell him, Gatta." (Gatta)
"Yes, sir. The suppression force is an organization designed to fight Sin. We
have support groups all over Spira, and anyone can join the local group as a
volunteer. The suppression force originated as the "Red Kill Group", started
by the hero Mihen 800 years ago. Years later, as the organization got bigger,
it changed its name to the Suppression Force. Since then, we have continued to
fight against Sin." (Tidus) "Continuing to fighting for 800 years...... You
can't defeat Sin?" (Gatta, embarrassed) "Ah...... " (Loots) "What has the
suppression force has been able to do is to make Sin change its
routes......Well, that is about the extent that I can say for sure. Sin
probably cannot be defeated by us. The duty of the suppression force is to
protect the temples, cities, villages, and people from Sin." (Tidus) "Well,
who will defeat Sin?" (Gatta) "......Is Sin's poison really so powerful?"
(Loots) "Yeah, this is pretty awful. (looking at Tidus) To tell you would be
pretty easy, but if you can, it would be better for you to remember it
yourself. Go to the temple and strike up a prayer. Try to remember

(Loots) "We have been expulsed from the temple. We must leave here and gamble
everything on our operation."

Tidus enters the temple. "Something, really. It was really a world I don't
know about." Tidus inspects one of the great sculptures in the temple.
(priest) "It's been 10 years since Blasta became a great summoner. The holy
image finally was realized in this temple." (Tidus) "What is the great
summoner? (That statement shocked everyone in the temple.) I have suffered
from Sin's poison! (Whenever I have explain the samething, I feel a little
strange...... It was lonely.)"
The priest continues, "The works of mystery, are people who
protect us, the believers of Ebon. These chosen summoners can manipulate the
summon beasts, holy creatures that do not have flesh and blood. These summon
beasts, appearing in response to prayers, are blessings of the great Ebon." If
Tidus tries to enter the inner sanctums, the priest would tell him that "people
who are not guards must not go near the practice rooms."

With no place left to explore, Tidus returns to Wakka's place. (Wakka) "Sorry,
the food isn't ready yet. Why not rest for a while. Aren't you tired?"
(There really isn't much of a choice. Either starve or sleep...) A priest
comes to Wakka's residence and asks, "I wonder if it's a good idea to go and
check on her situation." (Wakka, getting up) "Um...... I think she is okay,
but......" (Priest) "However, the time is nearly up......"

In Tidus' dream, you see a ship docked at the port. A man tells a woman, "but,
the time is nearly up......" "It's nearly a day now......" "Won't you please
check on the situation for me?" (You see a woman speaking to a man...) "Um,
we are looking by diving the work among people involved." (Woman, holding
hands together) "Thank you very much." (Boy, Tidus) "Though, it's okay with me
if that man doesn't come back" (Woman, Tidus' mom) "He may have died."
(Tidus) "That's fine." (Mom, surprised) "How can...... How can you hate your
dad so much?" (Mom) "If he died, you won't be able to tell him even that you
hate him."

Tidus finally wakes up. "Wakka?" He heads to the temple. In front of the
practice room, Tidus finds Wakka speaking to a priest. "What happened?" Tidus
asks. (Wakka) "The summoner hasn't returned from her practice." (Tidus)
"Huh?" (Wakka) " No, officially, she isn't a full summoner yet." (Tidus)
"Huh?" (Wakka) "There's a practice room in the back, and the junior summoner
is praying in the the back. If the prayer passes, then she will become an
offical summoner...... Have you remembered?" (Tidus) "I understood that
someone hasn't come back out from the very back." (Wakka) "It has already been
one day." (Tidus) "Does it affect her life?" (Wakka) "In time" (Tidus) "Why
can you go and help?" (Wakka) "There are regulations that controls
guards......" (Tidus) "What should you do if something happens! It would be
it if she died!" (Priest who has approached the stairs leading to the practice
chamber) "You must not break the rules!" (Tidus) "Do you know!" Tidus pushes
open the gates.

(After going thru the puzzles... and the pedestal begins to sink into the
floor) (Wakka) "Hey! How did you become so hot-headed? All right. It is
off-limits here except to summoners, to-be summoners, and guards. It's the
rule, so remember well." (Tidus) "So you're okay?" (Wakka) "I'm a guard."
(Tidus) "Guard?" The floor begins to sink under their feet. (Wakka) "The
summoners leave on journeys to offer prayers at temples around Spira. The
guards are his/her protection. Now, the guards with her back there...... One
will be mad soon, and the other won't know what to think. Well, if you come
all the way here, should you come with me to the back? Ah, let's go. "

Wakka and Tidus proceeds to walk to the back room and sees two guards, a woman
sitting at the bottom of the stairs and a blue beast-like man standing with his
arms crossed. (Woman) "Why are you here? Were you insecure about us?"
(Wakka) "No, well, ......" The woman stands up and walks toward Wakka and
Tidus. (Wakka) "Look, she's probably mad..." Tidus blabs the first words.
(Tidus) "Is the summoner okay?" (Woman) "Who......are you?" Everyone looks in
the back room in anticipation. The door opens, and a young female summoner
steps out and falls over. The blue tiger-looking guard quickly rushes over to
hold her. (Summoner) "I did it. I have become a summoner."

The summoner , her guards, and Tidus all come out from the training room.
(Thinking) "That surprised me. I had thought that the summoner was an old
man." Everyone proceeds to exit the temple and gather around a circular
platform in the middle of the village. Wakka wrestles Tidus down to the area.
(Tidus) "Hey!? Eh!? What!?" (Wakka) "Have a good look." (Tidus, shaking off
Wakka) "I can see for myself." The summoner does a dance and summons her very
first summon beast, a flying creature called Valfarre. It swoops down and
allows her to stroke its neck. Everyone is in a joyous spirit and
congratulates the summoner.

(Thinking to himself) "So, the first time I spoke to here was after it became
dark. I did not understand it, but that was a special night. For
everyone...... for me......" At an outdoor part in the center of the
village, Wakka introduces Tidus to his team. (Wakka) "Let me introduce you to
everyone on the team. He wanted to enter the great tournament this year no
matter what and decided to join our team. Because his memory is a little
foggy, he may say some weird stuff, but don't worry. Hey, introduce yourself."
(Tidus, pushed forward by Wakka, wondering about what to say) "Nice to meet
everyone." Everybody nods. (Tidus) "What is our objective at the great
tournament?" (Team members) "Do our best to the utmost!" (Wakka) "Our
objective has changed! (raising his right hand in a fist) The objective is
victory! We will bring the crystal winner's cup back to this island! We'll
win all our matches! We'll defeat all other teams! We can win! It's that
easy!" (Team members) "......Victory? (As words of doubt become rallying
calls) Victory! Victory! Victory, victory, victory!"

Tidus walks toward the summoner and her company. (Old lady #1) "Stay back!"
(Old lady #2) "You cannot come near the summoner!" (Little girl) "You must
not-!" The summoner gets up and gets ready to face Tidus. (Old lady #1) "Miss
Yuna, you must not!" (Yuna) "But, if we speak of the cause, it was my fault."
Yuna turns and quickly walks to Tidus to introduce herself. (Yuna) "I'm Yuna.
Thank you for before." (Tidus) "Ah, that I went to help? But, didn't that
turn out badly? I did something uncalled-for. (scratching the back of his
head) " (Yuna) "That's okay. It was because I was inexperienced." (After a
short uncomfortable pause, Tidus speaks.) "Hey, I saw the summon beast. It was
incredible." (Yuna) "Really? Do you think I can become a great summoner?"
Tidus nods his head. The little approaches and tries to tell Yuna something.
"Miss Yuna, let's talk some more...... " The little girls walks away. (Yuna)
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." (Tidus) "Tomorrow?" (Yuna) "Tomorrow, we will
probably depart on the same ship." (Tidus) "Ah, is that so?" (Yuna) "Then, we
can talk." (Tidus) "Um." Yuna walks away but turns around to say. "Then I
can ask you about Zanarkand." Wakka comes and nudges on Tidus' back. "Isn't
she cute?"

(Respond: Yes.) (Wakka) "You'll get to like her." (Tidus) "I can't promise
that. On the other hand, if she likes me, what should I do?" (Wakka) "That
must not happen. Tell me if you're tired. I have a bed prepared." If you go
to Wakka and tells him you're tired, then you can go to sleep.

Tidus dreams. He is sitting at the dock. Tidus gets up and walks toward Yuna,
who is looking out to sea. (Tidus) "The ship isn't coming." (Yuna) "If it
doesn't come quickly, then we'll be discovered by everyone." (Tidus, standing
near Yuna.) "Is it okay......really?" (Yuna) "Yes. Take
Zanarkand." (Rikku, running toward Tidus) "Hey~! You said that you would
travel with ME~!" (Tidus, pretending to be jogging) "Ah!? Aah! Well......"
(Rikku) "I've heard that you've come to like Yuna." (Yuna) "Is that so......"
(Rikku) "Yep! So, you'll go with me!" (Jecto) "What are you doing? Going on
a journey with girls even if you're just a kid? You're 1000 years too early!
(Suddenly Tidus is just a kid.) Ooh, I wonder if it has started yet...? You
will cry. You will cry soon. You will definitely cry soon. Look, you're
crying!" (Tidus) "I really hate you." (Jecto) "I can't hear you." (Yuna)
"It's no good if you won't say it with a much louder voice." (A young Tidus)
"I hate you!" (Jecto) "Huh?" (Rikku) "Hey, give it your best shot!" (Yuna)
"Yeah, try your best!"

Tidus wakes up, screaming "I hate you!". In the background, you can hear the
woman guard talking. "He is already dead!" Tidus gets up from bed to check
out what's going on. (Woman) "I can swear that kid looks just like Chap. I
was surprised when I saw him the first time. (Lulu) However, while he can look
like him, he must not be a replacement for Chap. Although I don't understand
it right now, when was it right for me?" (Wakka) "But...... He is troubled."
(Lulu) "Another excuse?" (Wakka) "But......" (Lulu) "But? However?
......I'm tired of listening." Lulu turns and walks away from Wakka. Wakka
is clearly frustrated as he held his his head.

Wakka finds Tidus standing next to the entrance when he steps back in. (Tidus)
"That was scary. But, who's Chap?" (Wakka) "My little brother. He......
looks just like you." (Tidus) "Is he dead?" They sat down on opposing beds.
(Wakka) "he joined the suppression force and was killed....... while fighting
Sin last year. It was the day of the great tournament when I heard the news."
(Tidus) "Ah, so..." (Wakka) "I decided to become a guard and fight Sin."
(Tidus) "Seeking revenge?" (Wakka) "That's what I planned. Don't laugh now.
Seeking my little brother's revenge and blitzball are both very important to
me. Well, after the next great tournament, I'm going to pay close attention to
guarding. It looks like I'm using you for that purpose.... Sorry." (Tidus)
"Don't worry. I depend on you. Meeting you is really helping me. Thanks a
lot, Wakka,...... for everything." Tidus offers his hand...

(After a good night's rest...) Tidus exits the suppression force lodge and
joins Wakka and Lulu. (Wakka, turning to greet Tidus) "Hey, sleepyhead. I
want to give you something." Wakka is holding a beautiful, blue sword that
sparkles in the sun. (Tidus) "Wow...... Are you sure you want to give it to
me?" (Wakka) "Yeah, try using it." Tidus tries it out. (Lulu) "But you gave
that to Chap." (Wakka, telling Tidus) "Don't worry. He never used it, not
even once. Yuna is late." (Tidus) "Aren't we going on the same ship as Yuna?
Wouldn't it be okay for us to go on ahead?" (Wakka) "Yuna came to this village
10 years ago. It was the year that Blaska's calm season started." (Tidus)
"Calm season?" (Wakka) "Since then, Yuna has been like a little sister to me
and Lulu. Knowing that she's got her temperament, becoming a junior
summoner......And today, we're traveling with her as a summoner." (Lulu) "From
the very beginning, we wanted to travel with her. (They see Yuna coming out of
the temple with a huge luggage. Lulu turns to say) "Such a big luggage can
only be troublesome." (Yuna) "Ah, there's nothing that's mine. They're gifts
for the legendary shrines!" (Wakka) "Isn't this supposed to be Yuna's trip?"
(Yuna) "I guess. Yes." Yuna walks toward them. (Wakka) "So, we're leaving!"
Yuna turns around to say goodbye to the temple.

They arrive at the top the hill overlooking the village. Yuna stands next to
Lulu. (Lulu) "Are you getting a good look?" (Tidus) "Let's go quickly~!"
(Wakka) "We'll wait just a bit." (Tidus) "Huh?" Yuna walks between Wakka and
Tidus. (Wakka) "Have you....... had enough time?" (Yuna) "Yes." She walks
off. Lulu nods to Wakka as she walks past the two, and Wakka returns the nod.
(Tidus) "Wha, what is it?" They arrive at the ruin structure on top of the
hill. Wakka kneels down to pray. (Wakka) "That day, Chap did not offer his
prayer. It didn't match with the time of the ship. " Everyone prays. (Wakka,
getting up) "Okay, it's perfect."

They come across the blue tigerman seen earlier in the temple. He challenges
Tidus to a fight. Eventually Tidus beats him. (Wakka) "That's enough!" The
tigerman shakes his head and walks away. (Tidus) "What's the deal with him!"
(Lulu) "He's Kimari Lonzo...... a teenager of the Lonzo clan. He can use
techniques memorized from magical creatures." (Tidus) "That's not what I
meant." (Wakka) "He too is Yuna's guard." (Tidus) "What?" (Yuna, laughing)
"We don't quite understand either, but Kimari is very reticent (man of few
words). (Wakka nods in agreement.) But, since I was a little child, he has
always protected me." (Tidus) "Oh......"

Tidus follows the others passing the beach and approaching the boat. The
villagers have come to say goodbye. Yuna waves. Some folks cry. (Yuna)

Tidus does some horseplay on the ship, like stealing someone's binoculars to
have a look around. He goes to speak to Wakka. (Wakka) "Oh yeah, I haven't
explained something to you. We're going to an island called Keerika. There,
we'll change boat and head for Luca. And, before that, I have to guard Yuna
there because she will be praying at the island's shrine. Because the Beside
Oaraka will be offering prayers for the tournament at the shrine, you should
come too. " (Lulu) "Half-cooked odd plan." (Wakka) "It's not a useless plan,
don't you think? (He looks at Tidus)" (Tidus) "Don't look at me." Tidus talks
to Lulu. (Lulu) "I wonder who you really are, and where did you come

Tidus approaches the crowd that has gathered around Yuna. (Man #1) "It looks
like she's from a line of great summoners." (Man #2) "Yeah, she is that
Blaska's daughter." (Man #1) "Wow." (Tidus) "Blaska's daughter?" Tidus goes
to ask Wakka about Yuna's father. (Tidus) "Yuna's dad is famous?" (Wakka)
"She is the daughter of the great summoner Blaska. You've seen his holy statue
at the temple? The great summoner Blaska defeated Sin 10 years ago. So Yuna
has inherited the best traits for a summoner." (Tidus) "...... It seems so
sad. To have a parent who's famous." (Lulu) "It's useless even to expect
imagination from him (referring to Tidus)." The rude comment shocked Wakka a
bit. (Tidus, serious) "I'll remember that, Lulu." Lulu walks away.

Tidus walks up to Yuna at the front of the boat, and Yuna anticipates a
conversation. (Yuna) "The wind feels good." The two breaks out into laughter.
(Yuna) "You're a blitzball player from Zanarkand? (Tidus) "You heard that
from Wakka? Even though he definitely doesn't believe it." Yuna takes a few
steps back and faces Tidus. (Yuna) "I believe you. (With her arms stretched
out) In Zanarkand, the light fills the city even at night, and there's a huge
stadium......When a blitzball competition is played at the stadium, it's always
a full house." Tidus, surprised, literally leaps toward Yuna. "How do you
know?" (Yuna) "I heard it from a man named Jecto. He was one of my father's
guard." (Tidus, after turning around and leaning against the rail.) "My
father was also called Jecto." (Yuna) "Amazing! (Rushing to stand next to
Tidus) The fact that we met each other must be a gift from Ebon!" (Tidus) "It
sounds like him, but it's someone else." (Yuna) "Why?" (Tidus) "My dad......
died in the Zanarkand sea, 10 years ago." Yuna steps back. (Yuna) "Is that
so.....? (Tidus) "One day, he went to the sea for training and never came
back. Yep, he went missing." (Yuna, making the chronological connection)
"Jecto came to Spira on that day!" (Tidus) "No way!" (Yuna) "But, the day I
met Jecto was 10 years and 95 days ago! I remember it well because it was the
day my dad went on his journey. The time matches perfectly, don't you think?"
Tidus tries to shrug it off by asking "But, how did he get here?" (Yuna)
"You're here." Yuna nods.

Suddenly, a loud explosion is heard, and the boat is shaken so hard that Yuna
falls off her feet. Tidus can't hold on to Yuna , and Kimari somes to help.
Sin lunges out of the ocean. One of the sailors gets ready to fire the
harpoon. (Wakka) "That's hooked to a wire! Why do you want to hit it (Sin)
with that! It will drag the boat into the sea!" (One of the man) "Sin is
heading for Keerika! I want to get its attention!" (The other sailor) "Our
families are on Keerika! Summoner, give us your permission!" Yuna nods.
(Wakka) "Wait! Are you serious!" The wired harpoons are launched, and the
boat is quickly dragged along by Sin. Everyone aboard is rattled aboard the

Eventually the harpoon guns are literally pulled off the ship as Sin submerges.
Tidus is washed off the ship (or perhaps he was hoping that Sin would take him
back to Zanarkand), and Wakka goes after him. The unconscious Tidus is
attacked from all sides by the monsters, and Wakka manages to rescue and wake

Sin arrives at Keerika ahead of the ship and completely devastates the small
seaside village.

(Yuna) "I will defeat Sin. I must defeat Sin." "I guess I had thought how
nice it would have been......... On that day, at that time, under that burning
setting sun...... I realized. This is a world I don't know anything about, and
it won't be that easy to go back. I finally understood that this is a reality
that I cannot escape from."

The ship arrives at Port Keerika. Yuna gets off the ship and introduces
herself. (Yuna) "I am the summoner Yuna. I came from the Beside shrine." (A
couple of locals) "Ah, a summoner!" (Yuna) "If there isn't any other summoner
here, please allow me to perform the other world." (Man) "Oh, I want to thank
you!" (Woman) "I had resigned to having my relative become monsters......"
(Yuna) "Which way should I go?" Everyone follows the pair of old folks. Wakka
walks off the boat and speaks to Tidus. (Wakka) "We should go check out how
things are in the town. Maybe we can lend a hand."

Tidus comes across a ceremony in progress. He quietly walks up to Lulu and
asks, "What's this 'Other World Send-off"? What is starting?" (Lulu, clearly
bothered by Tidus' questions) "I sense that you didn't forget- you really just
don't know." That got Tidus embarrassed. (Lulu, continuing) " The deceased
are wandering around. Because they're very saddened by their death, they try
not to believe their own death. While very much wishing that they want to be
alive, they become envious of people who are still alive. The dead are envious
of people who are alive. That feeling soon becomes jealousy and sadness. If
the hearts of the these deceased stay in Spira, they will become monsters
seeking life and attack people. Isn't that sad? So, by performing the "Other
World Send-off", we can make these wandering dead go to sleep." (Tidus) "Is
that one of summoner's job?" Lulu nods.

Yuna walks on water and performs the ceremony. Beneath her under the water are
the wrapped bodies of the dead. As she start to wave her wand and performs her
dance, the souls of the dead rise upwards. A waterspout raises Yuna upwards,
as the relatives of the deceased collapse under emotional stress.

After the ceremony, Yuna approaches the others nearby. (Tidus, speaking to
Lulu) "...... It's tough being a summoner." (Lulu) "Yuna chose this. She
realizes it. What we can do is to protect her. All the way to the end."
(Tidus) "......The end?" Lulu remains silent. (Tidus) "What's 'the end'?"
(Lulu, as she walks away and toward Yuna) "the time she defeats Sin."

Yuna rushes toward Lulu, as if to seek approval. (Yuna) "Did I do a good job?"
(Lulu, embracing Yuna) "You did well, for a first time. You certainly sent
everyone to the other world, but next time, try not to cry." (Tidus' thought)
"It's all right if there's a next time......Yuna sends the people...... killed
by Sin to the other world...... The people who watched over the ceremony,
something mysterious...... a little scary. I thought I would not want to see
it again."

Tidus gets up from the hotel room and comes down the stairs. He runs into
Datt, one of his team members. "You finally got up~!? Wakka is waiting for
you~!" The guy runs off. After exploring Keerika a bit, Tidus comes to
Wakka. (Wakka) "Oh, you're here. Oaraka, gather up! We're going to the
shrine. Time to offer our victory prayer for Beside Oaraka! The Keerika
shrine is where the great summoner Ohaland lives. Ohaland was a famous
blitzball player when he was young." (Tidus) "Wakka." (Wakka) "Huh?" (Tidus)
"It's okay to offer prayer for victory, but I wonder if something else...... is
okay." (Wakka) "Is it bad to be caught up in blitzball?" (Tidus) "At such a
time?" (Wakka) "It's because it is such a time. The players will fight with
the limits of their ability. The spectators will support their favorite team.
During the tournament, they're allowed to forget all the bad stuff that has
happened. That is the reason why blitzball hasn't disappeared from Spira after
all this time. That's what I think." (Tidus) "Is that so......" (Wakka)
"Strut your stuff on a good match. Okay!" (Tidus) "Yeah!" (Wakka) "The
shrine is beyond the forest. So, let's go!"

Wakka and Tidus arrive at the edge of the forest, where they find Yuna and the
others. (Waka) "What's the matter?" (Lulu) "Yuna wants you to come along
too." (Tidus) "Huh?" (Yuna) "Well......I wonder if it's a bad idea to ask you
to be my guard." (Wakka) "What are you saying? You must be joking, Yuna. He
can play blitzball, but he's an amateur at fighting monsters." (Yuna, turning
to speak to Wakka) "I don't care if he doesn't guard me, just as long as he is
around......" Wakka is surprised. Tidus asks, "What do you mean?" (Yuna)
"Well......." Lulu interrupts. "We're all going to the shrine anyway, so how
about continuing this talk later?" Yuna obliges. Yuna apologizes to Tidus,
"Sorry for the suddenness." (Tidus) "Even if you say sorry, I still don't
really know what's going on." (Yuna) "Sorry." Kimari points in the direction
where they should go.

After fighting numerous monsters, the group exits the forest and ascends a
series of stairs. Wakka stops in his tracks, with his arms crossed. (Wakka)
"He, he, he......You see these stone steps. They're the historic stone steps
of justice. Ohaland trained here during his active service period (as a
blitzball player). All the Oaraka players grimaced as their stretched for the
impending exercise. (Tidus) "I'm game. (he walks next to Wakka in front of the
stairs) Do you think you can beat me?" (Wakka) "Yuna, please." Yuna walks to
stand next to the line-up. (Yuna) "Okay!" Instead of giving the go-ahead,
Yuna starts to run up the stairs. (Wakka) "Ah!? Wow!?" Tidus is caught
completely off guard.
He eventually follows after them, after hearing Lulu complaining how they
always like little kids.

A couple of the players rush down the stone stairs. "Oh no~!" (Wakka) "Hurry!
Help! It's Sin's incrustation!" They proceeds to kill it. Tidus is really
exhausted. (Tidus) "That was hard~" (Wakka, laughing) "Ha, ha, ha...... I'm
sorry for calling for you just now." (Tidus, turning to face Wakka) "It's
tough being a guard." (Wakka) "It seems like you've got some talents for being
a guard." (Tidus, scratching his head) "Oh, stop it. Hey, what's Sin's
incrustation?" (Lulu, walking away) "Monsters that comes off of Sin's body and
gets left behind. If we let them go, Sin will return. So, we have to quickly
exterminate them."

Tidus stands there as the others walk away, thinking. "I was told by Wakka
that I have battle talents...... I feel that, in the back of my mind, I
started to consider becoming Yuna's guard at that time."

Tidus catches up with the others. Wakka leads the group in walking up the
stone stairs. (Wakka) "Oh yeah...... That's it. Are there monsters in
Zanarkand?" (Tidus) "Not very many. When they occasionally appear, it's a big
deal. You don't believe what I said about Zanarkand, anyway." (Wakka) "......
I was just thinking. (He wonders.)People killed by Sin aren't dead......I
wonder if Sin, with its magical power, can transport you to the world 1000
years ago or after. Um, so one day you can suddenly come and return by
accident." (Lulu) "I'm always impressed. (Wakka turns toward Lulu, wondering
what she meant.) I said I'm impressed by how, time after time, you think of
ways to deceive yourself. Sin did not transport Chap anywhere. Sin crushed
him and left him deserted on beaches of Joze. Your little brother......won't
be coming back. (Yuna and Tidus are left stunned by the scene.) So, don't
even bring this up. No matter how you wish, no one can replace Chap. Just
like there's no replacement for Jecto anywhere......Of course, there's no
replacement for Blaska. That sort of thinking...... can only bring sorrow."
Lulu steps away, and Yuna goes after her as if to comfort her. Wakka is left
sitting on the ground, sore from his thoughts. (Wakka) "I, I can't replace my
little brother...... Well, we've got various things to do. Don't mind that."

Tidus wonders. "The relationship between Wakka, Lulu, and Chap...... That, I
don't know anything about. It seems like a complicated situation......That
much I understood. But, it was a ugly topic of conversation."

They arrive at the Keerika shrine. Three tough-looking guys stroll out of the
shrine, heading directly toward Tidus' party. They're headed by a red-headed
man with a pony tail. (Wakka) "You guys are also offering victory prayers to
Ohaland?" (Red) "Prayer? We, the Luka Goers, always win. We don't need to
pray." (Wakka) "Then what are you doing here." (Red) "We're praying for a
much stronger team to show up. Are you guys the ones that aim to 'play your
very best', even this time? Such weak heart. This year too, it's a certainty
for defeat at the first game." (Tidus, all roused up.) "This time, it's
victory!" (Red, walking away with his buddies.) "Oh, aim high, aim high. If
it's just aiming high, anybody can do it." (Wakka) "We'll see you at the
finals!" Wakka and a couple of players walks away. (Tidus) "Only these guys
will win." (Yuna) "A team that you know?" (Tidus) "It's so stupid to look
down on people...... That attitude is just like my father's." (Yuna) "Jecto
was a gentle and happy person." (Tidus) "Oh, that's some other guy."

(Thinking) "It's been 10 years since he went missing...... Still, when I think
about my dad, my feelings get restless."

They arrive inside the shrine. (Lulu) "For Wakka and others, prayers won't be
enough." (Wakka) "Ohaland...... Please offer us your strength...... " Tidus
decides to pray alongside Wakka. A woman and her helper walks out from the
depth of the shrine. (Woman) "You're a summoner also?" They proceeds to walk
out of the shrine, but Yuna interrupts them. (Yuna) "I came from Beside
island. My name is Yuna." (Woman) "I'm Dona. You're the daughter of the
great summoner Blaska. You must be a summoner with a great blood line?
Wait...... (shaking her head) All these people are your guards? Such a swarm.
How shameful. Blaska had only two guards. The quality of guards is more
important than the amount. It's thoughtless to think that you can depend on
numbers. So, I have just one guard. Right, Baltero?" Baltermo nods his head
a couple of times. (Yuna) "The number of guards is the same as the number of
people you can trust. , It is the number of people that can feel relieved even
if you entrust your life to them. Therefore, it's fortunate for me that I have
all these guards. Yes, I think my father too would think I'm fortunate. Of
course, I think that the way you think isn't wrong either. Therefore......
Dona, please leave us be." (Dona) " Have it your own way. Let's go Baltero."
Dona and Baltero leave in a huff, and Yuna breathes a sigh of relief.

"Guards are people who can think it's a relief, even if the summoner entrusts
his/her life. I wonder if I can become such a person?" Yuna giggles. (Tidus)
"What are you smiling at?" Yuna walks off.

Everyone walks to an elevator. (Wakka) "The prayer child is below. Well,
let's go!" (Tidus) "Prayer child?" (Lulu) "Before that is the 'trial room'.
We had better get ready, Kimari, Wakka." (Yuna) "I'm depending on you."
Everyone steps on the elevator, but Kimari shoves Tidus off. (Tidus) "Why?"
(Lulu) "Because you're not a guard." (Yuna) "We'll return as soon as possible.
Wait for us." The elevator descends, without Tidus. (Tidus) "Aren't you
going to take a whole day again~?"

Dona and Baltero show up at the scene. (Dona) "Where's Yuna?" Tidus points to
the elevator. (Dona) "What are you doing?" (Tidus) "I'm not a guard. Isn't
it bad for me to enter?" (Dona) "Oh, you're not a guard?" Baltero picks up
Tidus and tosses him over his back. (Tidus) "What, what are you doing! Let me
go!" Tidus is thrown onto the elevator. (Tidus) "What do you think you're
doing!" (Dona) "Revenge." (Tidus) "Huh?" The elevator descends with Tidus.
(Tidus) "This is definitely wrong."

The elevator is down at the bottom and not returning to the top. (Tidus) "I
wonder why it isn't moving......" With no place to go, Tidus decides to enter.
(Tidus) "Anyone other than guards is forbidden from entering. If I came all
the way here, isn't that the same (as going in)?"

Tidus passes the trial room and arrives at the back room. Wakka sees him and
is a bit upset. (Wakka) "Hey, hey, hey!" (Tidus) "Dona and the muscle dude
forced me......" (Lulu) "No matter what the reason is, it's Yuna who will
receive the punishment." (Tidus) "What kind of ...... punishment?" (Wakka)
"It's possible that she will be banned from entering the shrine." Tidus tries
to talk to Wakka. (Wakka) "Keep quiet." (Tidus) "What's inside?" (Wakka)
"The prayer child." (Tidus) "Oh yeah, you mentioned that earlier." (Lulu)
"They're people who sacrificed their lives to defeat Sin. With Ebon's
blessing, even while they're alive, their spirits were drawn out from their
physical bodies....." (Tidus) "Huh?" (Lulu) "Sealed in the prayer child
image, they will live forever...... The spirit of the prayer child is beckoned
by the summoner's prayers and shows its form. That...... is the summon beast."
(Tidus) "Inside that room?" Tidus turns to ask Wakka. (Tidus) "What's Yuna
doing inside?" (Wakka) "She is desperately praying 'lend me the strength to
defeat Sin'. " (Lulu) "Beyond this point, only summoners can enter. It's a
holy place." (Tidus) "Even guards are not allowed to enter?" (Wakka) "It's
the rule."

The door finally opens, and Yuna comes out. "At that time, there was something
I was keeping quiet from everyone. The song I heard there was a song I knew
from my childhood. I thought was proof that linked Zanarkand and
Spira somewhere. I wondered if it was because I was aware of that. My
feelings of wanting to return home became quickly stronge. It seems to be
stifling my chest..... I couldn't say anything."

Yuna manages to get the summon beast Ifrit. As they left the shrine, the
locals congratulated Yuna. Tidus flashes back in time when he was praised by
blitzball fans. "What I restrained were my longings for Zanarkand. It
swelled......and bursted open. My face became warm. " As everyone begins
leaving the shrine, Tidus stops in his tracks. (Yuna) "Are you all right?"
(Tidus) "I may not be all right." (Yuna) "What's wrong?" (Tidus) "I may want
to scream." After a pause... "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"

Tidus finds everyone waiting at the dock for his arrival. (Wakka, getting off
from the ground) "Okay, next is Luca! The competition starts soon after we
arrive. We've better get some rest on the ship."

In the evening, Wakka and Lulu head toward the upper deck to have a little
conversation, while Yuna entertains some of the blitzball players from Luca.
Tidus finds himself among the Beside Oaraka players on the lower deck. When
Tidus leaves the players' room, he is approached by a old man carrying a
backpack. (Old man) "Oh! That's a rare outfit. What? It's very dirty.
Won't you sell it to me? You don't look like you have much money......Enough.
Go over there." (Tidus) "Who are you?" (Old man) "I am the 23rd generation
Ooakaya." (Tidus) "Ooakaya?" (Ooaka, now depressed) "Jeez...... Don't you
know? Well, nobody seems to know anymore. Once the name Ooakaya was known far
and wide in Spira. Yes, youngman, won't you lend me some money?" Tidus lends
Ooakaya some money. (Ooakaya) "Thanks, youngman. I won't forget this favor."

Tidus gets on the deck and finds Yuna speaking with members of the Luca team.
(Tidus) "What are you discussing?" (Vickson) "You're a familiar fellow."
(Glarb) "Ah, he's that guy. Didn't we meet him at Keerika?" (Vickson) "Huh?"
(Glarb) "Look, he's some guy from the Beside Oaraka. He was shooting his mouth
off about winning." (Vickson) "Ah......He's that foolish guy?" (Yuna) "What a
horrible thing to say." (Vickson) "That can't be helped. There's no way for
Oaraka to all of the sudden become strong." (Tidus) "It became strong after I
joined!" (Yuna) "Yea, it became strong! He is an ace from Zanarkand's team!"
(Vickson) "Ha! He came from such an unbelievable place." (Glarb) 'Yeah, I
didn't know that there is a team at the ruin." (Yuna) "It's no ruin. There's
a huge city made really neat!" (Tidus, embarrassed) "Well, I was in Sin's
poison......" (Yuna) "There is, honestly." (Vickson) "I don't know why you're
a summoner." The Luca team walks off.

(Tidus) "What's wrong? Didn't something become serious?" (Yuna) "Those people
were rude, so......I think that your Zanarkand is definitely somewhere."
(Tidus) "Why?" (Yuna) "After I heard about it from Jecto, I really longed for
it. I thought that I would want to go there someday. Hey, it would be good if
you can go back." (Tidus) "Yes."

"When I think of reasons why I didn't say 'come with me?', I became sad."

As Tidus climbs up the stairs to the upper deck, he overhears a conversation
between Wakka and Lulu. (Lulu) "Please say something. I think you have no
responsibility for him." (Wakka) "It's okay. He may have an acquaintance in
Luca." (Lulu) "And if he doesn't?" (Wakka) "Then, if he joins whichever
team...... Anyway, how is he adding to the number of people living on Beside?"
(Lulu) "In short...... Afterwards, does he go his own way?" (Wakka) "And what
am I supposed to do about it?" (Lulu) "Yuna wants him to become a guard."
(Wakka) "Ahh......It has become more complicated." (Lulu) "And who brought
this about?" (Wakka) "But it was me! Oh, it was me."

Tidus walks to the rear deck and finds a blitzball. With his right foot on the
ball, his mind flashes back...... to a time when he was little and trying to
kick a blitzball. He fails and slumps down. Jecto comes around and makes fun
of him by slumping down too. Tidus starts to walk away. (Jecto) "This way,
you could never be like me. I probably haven't shown you how to do this. This
is how you do a shoot!" Jecto shows off his skills. (Jecto) "You can't do it.
But, don't worry. You're not the only one who can't. Nobody can do it but me
because I'm special." (Depends on how you do, you get a different dialogue.)

Yuna shows up. (Yuna) "You were trying to do Jecto shoot?" Tidus walks to the
rails, surprised. (Tidus) "How do you know?" (Yuna) "When I was a child,
Jecto showed it to me. The official name is...... Jecto Shoot #3, isn't it?"
(Tidus) "It's a stupid name. (climbing up on the rail) Besides, there are no
#1 and #2, really. If you say #3, then the fans will expect there to be #1 and
#2. He said that he would tell the fans that he may show them some night, and
so they would come every night. So, honestly just like that......, he makes me
really mad." Yuna seems to understand his feelings. (Tidus) "My dad. He's
alive?" (Yuna) "I don't know. But, because Jecto was my dad's guard......"
(Tidus) "He was famous here too?" (Yuna) "(with a small nod) Yep. So, I think
if he had died, the word would have gone around. (Tidus) "Oh...... (thinking)"
(Yuna) "Hey, what would you do......if you see him?" (Tidus) "Someone you
thought was dead 10 years ago? Right now...... Well (walks away), first of
all, I'd punch him. (throwing a fist) It was his fault that mom and I
experienced hardships...... Because of his fame, I was always...... Yuna, you
probably understand? Your dad too is famous? Everyone in this world knows
him. Don't you hate that?" (Yuna) "There are times when I feel my dad's name
weighs heavy on me, but......" (Tidus) "But?" (Yuna) "More importantly than
that, I wonder if I think proudly of my dad since he is applauded by everyone
in Spira." (Tidus) "Then, Yuna's dad and my dad are different." (Yuna) "Poor
Jecto." (Tidus) "What about me?" (Yuna) "Even more poor." A blitzball hits
Tidus. (Wakka) "What are you two doing~! Time to go to bed~!"

"I can't picture that my dad came to Luca. He hated seeing other people in
action. But, something is bound to happen. I was so nervous that I didn't
sleep. I'll see action in the big tournament! When I think that, I'd get all
uneasy, when I'm supposed to the best one."

Tidus hangs onto a rope while standing on the edge of the ship, looking out at
Luca. The voice of the public broadcast system can be heard. (Announcer) "The
day that all of Spira's Blitz Freaks have been waiting for is finally here!
The big tournament that will signify the start of the blitzball season! This
year, it is held with the support of the Ebon shrine. The 50th year
anniversary tournament will by attended by Yo Maika, the headpriest." The
scene changes to a close up of the dock, where everyone's ships are arriving.
(Announcer) "Well, the ships carrying the participating teams are entering the
port one after another! Here...... is port #2. The participating team from
the island of Keerika is the Keerika Beast! The team is a descendent of the
great summoner Ohaland. It's a team with tradition.

(Announcer) "Their hometown, Keerika Island, was just attacked by Sin,
but...... yes, they are seeking victory to inspire their hometown fans!"
(Announcer #2) "It seems we can expect that!" (Announcer) "Ah, look who's
continuing to arrive...... Wow! That is the legendary team, Beside Oaraka!
Clearly, clearly the weakest legendary team! A mysterious team that hasn't won
a game! Their 23-year-long, first-game losing streak is a record that can't be
imitated! It looks like the miraculous fans are sick and tired of the splendid
loses time after time! Please be careful as to injury yourselves. We want you
to return to the island safely." (Announcer #2) "I agree." (Announcer) "Well,
let's go to the next team, next! Continuing to arrive is...... They're here.
They're here, They're her~! It's our heroes, the Luca Goers! Power, speed,
technique! Teamwork and fine play! The strongest team endowed with everything
has returned to the town of Luca!" (Analyst) "Perfectly, it's the best team,
the one most likely to win the championship. It's almost certain that they
will continue from last year and add more color to their legend by also
dominating this big tournament!" (Announcer #!) "Yes, of course! Please look
at this swell! Doesn't it seem like the entire town of Luca is blessing the
Goers' glory! I know the town Luca. Luca is also the names of the heroes that
will seize victory! Yes, that name is the Luca Goers!"

Tidus is just sick of all boasting of the Luca Goers. He walks away from the
commotion and join Wakka and the other players. (Wakka) "Well, it's like this
every year. Don't get bothered by it." Tidus gets on top of a box, holding a
megaphone. (Tidus) "Don't get carried away, Goers! You guys aren't
invincible. This time, it's us! This year's champions are us, the Beside
Oaraka! Ha, ha, ha, ha!"

(Wakka) "This loud-mouthed kid should feel ashamed." (Datt) "But we stood
out!" (Letty) "I saw him on the sphere!" Everyone is discussing whether Tidus
was shown the big spherical display..... (A voice) "Maika headmaster is
arriving!" A few people are seen running to another port. (Running woman)
"Right now?" (Another man) "Hurry to port #3!" (Tidus, wondering) "What's
starting?" (Yuna) "Maika headmaster is arriving." (Tidus) "Maika headmaster?"
(Lulu) "Maika headmaster is a person who represents the best of the Ebon
people. So, this tournament is the 50th anniversary of the headpriest's reign
and observance of the games from the holy Beberu shrine." (Tidus) "50 years?
Wouldn't it be better if he nicely retired~? (Wakka) "Hey! Be careful what
you say." (Yuna) "We should also go and welcome him."

They arrive at port #3, and there is a large crowd of people. (Tidus) "I can't
see!" The town of Luca is putting on quite a spectacle. First off the ship is
a tall man with funny blue hair. (Folk) "Is he...... from the Guado tribe?"
(Unknown woman) "I wonder who he is?" (Unknown man) "If by chance, priest
Seymour?" Seymour turns around and leads a concerted welcoming of headpriest
Maika. Maika walks off the ship. (Maika) "My sincere thanks for such a
enthusiastic welcome. Rise, priest Seymour. Everyone, raise your heads. This
youngman...... is the orphan of priest Jiscal Guado, who recently became a
citizen of the other world (meaning 'passed away'). There are many who already
know him, but he just officially became a Ebon priest." (Seymour) "I was
graciously blessed with the position of priest. I am Seymour Guado. When he
was alive, my father Jiscal wanted, more than anything, the human and Guado
tribes to be friends. It's my opinion that I will realize the ideals of my
father, who died for his dreams, and I will serve my duties even by gambling my
life." (Wakka, trying to convince Tidus) "Hey, you pray too!" Seymour glances
at Yuna. (Wakka) "How inspiring......!" Tidus is wondering what Yuna is
thinking about after seeing Seymour. (Wakka, continuing) "Okay! Let's have a
pre-game meeting!"

Tidus shows up at Oaraka's locker room. (All the players) "Sigh....." (Tidus)
"Where's Wakka?" (Datt) "At the tournament drawing." (Letty) "Last year, he
got the Goers for our first round...... (Josh) "And the time before that, and
the time before that, and the time before that......" (Kippa) "Anyhow, but we
lost whoever we played......" Wakka walks in, and everyone jumped up. (Datt)
"Wakka!" Wakka raises his right fist. (Wakka) "Our rival for the first match
is the Al Bhed Psychs! After that...... the finals! Yes. We got the seed
right! After two wins..... the championship!! Don't get discouraged~! Let's
review the basic rules and get back to our original intentions!"

At the end of the review, Tidus shows obvious signs of boredom by yawning.
Yuna and Lulu walk in. (Yuna) "Listen! There was someone at the café who said
he saw Aaron." (Tidus) "Aaron?" (Yuna) "Yes, Aaron! Let's go meet him!"
Tidus joins Yuna. (Wakka) "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! The game is going to
start soon. Come back quickly, okay?" (Tidus) "You just leave it to me."
(Wakka) "Okay!" Tidus seems concerned and walks up to Wakka. (Tidus) "Wakka
Wakka? Stay tough. That's the face of fear, not of toughness. Get tough.
Relax...... Yes, yes, get hold of that feeling." Wakka calms down. Yuna and
Lulu laugh at the scene.

Outside the locker, Yuna speaks with Tidus. (Yuna) "So, we may get news about
Jecto." (Tidus) "Why?" (Yuna) "Aaron too was my dad's guard. So, I think
Aaron knows something about Jecto. Let's go quickly!"

(Narration) "The Aaron that Yuna talks about is the guy that I met in
Zanarkand. I didn't even consider the idea that ......he may be a different
person. I don't know why, but...... I just knew that it was the same guy."

Tidus runs across two players from the Al Bhed team. He tries speaking to them
but no luck. Tidus tried to tell one of them to say hi to Rikku, and that he
will see them in the first game.

Tidus finally finds Yuna and Kimari surround by some men carrying cameras.
(Yuna) "Sorry, please let him through." (Tidus) "You're very popular~" Yuna
just smiles. They walk a few steps. (Yuna) "It would be terrible if I got
lost." (Tidus) "Yuna!" (Yuna) "What?" Tidus blows a whistle. (Tidus) "In
Zanarkand, I would reinforce the players in blitzball by doing that." He
whistles again. Yuna tries to imitate. (Tidus) "Yuna, you try. Try to
imitate me by putting your fingers like so......" Yuna tries. (Yuna) "Let me
see. Like this?" (Tidus) "Not like that. Like this." Yuna positions her
fingers near her mouth. (Tidus) "Okay, try your best." Yuna just blows air
between her fingers. (Yuna) "It seems useless." (Tidus) "You just need some
practice." (Yuna) "I guess so." (Tidus) "If you get lost, give that sign.
When you do, I'll come flying. So, until you get used to blowing whistles, try
not to get lost." (Yuna) "Understood."

They arrive at a busy part of Luca. (Tidus) "It's fairly crowded, I guess.."
(Yuna) "Luca is the second largest town in Spira." (Tidus) "I thought
everywhere looked like Beside and Keerika." (Yuna) "Towns...... don't have to
be big. (Walks toward a fountain) When people gather, life comes to the
town......" (Tidus) "Sin?" Yuna nods. (Tidus) "Is it safe here?" (Yuna)
"It's the same here. But, there is a stadium, you know? So the suppression
force keeps Sin from here at the risk of their lives." (Tidus) "For the sake
of the stadium?" Yuna nods. (Yuna) "If the blitzball games can't take place,
then people can enjoy themselves. There isn't that much to enjoy in Spira."
(Tidus) "Wow~!? The players have that much responsibility." (Yuna) "Yep~
Hey, isn't it like this in Zanarkand?" (Tidus) "There's much more large
buildings than here." (Yuna) "It's definitely an incredible sight to see. My
eyes may start spinning." Tidus laughs at Yuna. (Yuna) "Let's look for

Tidus and Yuna arrive at the café. (Tidus) "It doesn't look like he's here."
(Yuna) "Let's try to ask around." Kimari steps into the café. Folks in the
café are enjoying the pre-game show, waiting for it to start. A couple of
Ronzos face off Kimari near the entrance. (Ronzo, with brown hair) "Why so
quiet, Kimari? We haven't met for 10 years. Why don't you respond to Enke?
(Enke, Ronzo with brown hair) Has Kimari forgotten Enke? Have you forgotten
your big brother Biran?" (Biran, Ronzo with yellow hair) "Don't condemn him,
Enke. Kimari is a small Ronzo. He's short, you can't see h is face, and he
doesn't understand Biran and Enke." (Enke) "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" (Enke) "You
ungrateful kid, have you forgotten your Ronzo companions! We took care of you
when your horn molted! Brother Biran trained you and nurtured you into a
strong Ronzo." (Biran) "I did it too well." Biran tries to make contact with
Kimari's face, but Kimari brushes him off. (Tidus, standing nearby and
listening) "Should I get involved?" Kimari postured a defensive stance.
(Enke) "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" Kimari makes the first move and knocks down Enke.
(Enke) "Ugh!" (In the background) "The competition is starting. If you're
having a dispute, take it outside! Take it outside!" (Tidus, looking at the
monistor) "Oh no!" Maika can be seen on the monitor. (Maika) "Today, on this
joyous day, players from all of Spira have gathered. They will compete with
each other nicely and squarely on their forged strength and techniques. "

The focus moves to the stadium. (Maika) "It's no mystery that, for the fans,
it doesn't matter who is the champion. No one knows how you're going to win or
lose. So, we shall praise your actions. Won't you be filled with the glory of
winners and the hard fight of losers? To all the players, I pray for a good

Water cannons begin to fill the sphere, and a cylindrical loop begins to spin
to contain it. The players proceed to enter the spherical arena. The ball is
launched in the game between the Beside Oaraka and Al Bhed Psychs.

We come back to the café. (Tidus) "Kimari, Yuna disappeared!" Kimari gets
punched by Biran. Tidus and Kimari run out of the café and into an open
courtyard. Lulu shows up. (Lulu) 'What were you doing!" (Tidus) "Ah?"
(Lulu) "Yuna has been kidnapped. The Al Bhed Psychs did this. If we want her
returned safely, we have to lose to them in the first round." (Tidus)
"Damn......" (Lulu) "If the offenders are mere players, I think that they
won't do anything rude, but...... the worst can also happen. I'll go to
help." (Tidus) "I'm going too!" Kimari points his finger at something, maybe
at the stadium. (Tidus) "But it's okay! They won't intentionally lose to a
team that lost 23 games. A team that says such things isn't all that serious."
(Lulu) "Wakka and the others said the same thing. They'll manage the game
somehow, and they're leaving Yuna to us. Al Bhed's ship is parked at Port #4.
Let's get on board!"

Tidus, Lulu, and Kimari catch a glimpse of the game between the Beside Oaraka
and Al Bhed Psychs on the monitor. (Announcer) "Yes, by using a desperate
defense, the Beside Oaraka is eagerly defending a tie. (Wakka gets the ball,
and three Al Bhed defenders rush after and hit him.) Ah, ah--- That looks
bad!" (Commentator) "However, the referee doesn't give a foul. Wakka must be
almost at his limit." Wakka slumps over, unconscious. (Tidus, watching this
on the monitor) "Oh! Come on!" (Lulu) "It seems Wakka always can't last very
long." (Tidus) "He's tough~" (Lulu) "Let's go!"

The Al Bhed ship begins to leave the port as the three arrive at Port #4.
(Lulu, running along side Tidus and Kimari) "Let board it!" They barely catch
the ship. A fight ensues against some machine. (Tidus sees a crane) "We may
be able to use this crane!" After repeated tries to turn on the machine, they
realize it needs some electrical power. That is provided by casting "Thunder"
on the crane.

Yuna comes out from the ship, and Lulu consoles her. (Lulu) "Were you
bullied?" (Yuna) "Just a little." Tidus inspects the ship. (Yuna) "What's
the matter?" (Tidus) "I was helped by the Al Bhed tribe soon after I came to
Spira. I was aboard a ship, and I received some food to eat. I thought this
may be that ship, but..... this one seems different. I wonder if everyone was
killed......" (Yuna) "What happened?" (Tidus) "Sin appeared near the ship. I
survived, but I don't know what happened to the ship." (Yuna) "Hey......
Wasn't there someone named Cid on that ship?" (Tidus) "I don't know...... I
couldn't even understand their language." (Yuna) "Is that so......" (Tidus,
climbing onto a rail) "Someone you know?" (Tidus) "An acquaintance of my dad,
but I never met him......" (Tidus) "Hum. Hey! So, is Yuna also a member of
the Al Bhed tribe?" (Yuna) "My mother was. Cid is my mother's brother. When
my mom got married, he cut ties with her. However, when she was troubled and
needed consultation, my mom ......" (Tidus) "She was that worried." (Lulu)
"Don't tell Wakka about Yuna's birth. He has a prejudice against the Al Bhed
tribe." (Tidus) "Ah!" Tidus gets off the railing. (Tidus, jokingly) "I've
gotta let Wakka know!" (Lulu) "Don't even secretly tell Wakka!" (Yuna) "The
competition!!" (Lulu) "Uh, ah!!" Lulu launches a signal into the air.

The signal indicating that Yuna is in good hands was received by Wakka. Wakka
regroups the team. (Announcer) "Oh! Only 30 seconds remain! Oaraka is going
for an all-player attack! It's a long pass from Letty!! (Wakka catches the
ball) It's caught---! (Wakka makes another amazing move to get around a
Psych player.) Ohh! (Wakka shoots) A shoot!! (And the ball goes into the
goal.) Goal!! (Wakka is pooped.) Beside Oaraka wins an amazing victory over
the Psychs, 3 to 2."

Tidus and the others are watching the game's finish on the monitor. (Tidus)
"They won!" (Yuna) "They did it! The championship is next!!" (Lulu) "It's
good that they won, but they didn't win firmly. If it was Chap, he would have
put the game away neatly until the end." (Tidus) "What? Do you have a good
reason for saying that?" (Lulu) "......Suddenly, what?" (Tidus) "I can't
become a replacement for Chap. It was you who said that to Wakka. Wakka then
is something of a replacement for Chap......" (Lulu) "I'll get mad if you
finish what you just said." Tidus backs off.

We're back at the player's locker room. (Datt) "Wakka, are you okay?" (Letty)
"The championship will be starting soon, but this injury......" (Josh) "Our
opponent is the Goers......" Wakka tries to get up and regain composure but
fails. Luckily, Tidus steps through the door... (Tidus) "I've let you
waited!" (Datt) "Yuna!" (Letty) "Were you injured?" (Yuna) "I'm sorry to let
you worry...... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" (Wakka) "How did you get
taken away by the Al Bhed players?" (Tidus) "That's enough on that subject."
(Wakka) "Those Al Bheds are such nice folks. They've gotten us into all this
trouble." Tidus has a talk with Yuna and Kimari before returning to the locker
room. Wakka gets up. (Wakka) "The championship starts soon. There's no time
for warm-ups. Can you do it?" (Tidus) "more than ready!" (Wakka) "Okay
then!" Wakka stands up and speaks to the team. (Wakka) "I've got something to
say right now. When the championship game ends......I will be retiring. This
is my last great tournament. I decided this earlier. It doesn't matter what
the result is. I'm retiring whether we win or lose. However...... after all
this trouble, shouldn't we win~?" (All together) "Yes!" (Botts) "Will I be
benched?" Wakka is finding it hard to say something. He turns to Tidus.
(Wakka) "I'm being benched. I'm leaving the championship to him. (Wakka and
Tidus turn to face the team) Since we got all the way here, let's definitely
win the championship! Let's kick the Luca Goers' butts!" (Tidus) "Let's
go!!" (All together) "Yeah!"

Lulu walks up to Wakka after everyone leaves. (Lulu) "I saw you faint."
(Wakka) "Well......That's a tough way of looking at it." Wakka faints and
collapses on Lulu. The two appear to be in a affectionate embrace. (Lulu,
sweetly) "You're fine......just like this."

Outside the locker room, Tidus is trying to rouse up the team. (Team) "What's
Beside Oaraka's call?" (All together) "Victory!" (Botts) "For Wakka."

Wakka and Lulu listen to the game over some public broadcast system.
(Announcer) "Well! The climax at last! Soon, very soon! The championship
game will start!" This is written on the wall of the locker room: "To the
memories of youth, captain Wakka, Beside Oaraka."

(Announcer) "For all that, who the hell! Who could have imagined this
combination? The one to compete in the championship game against perennial
winner Luca Goers is..... the Beside Oaraka, a team that lost out in the first
game for eternity!!" Aaron makes an appearance at the entrance of the stadium.
(Commentator) "It's just a miraculous upset!" The two teams meet in the
sphere. The Goers' captain pretends to offer his hand for a handshake, but
instead he tries to take a swipe at Tidus. (Announcer) "Uh-oh! It's a bit
early for a skirmish! The Oarakas are completely inflamed!"

After half time, the spectators begin to rise and call for Wakka. (Announcer)
"Everyone at the stadium is calling for Wakka!" Tidus leaves the sphere.
(Announcer) "What!? What is that player doing? Is he giving up the
competition? He is leaving the sphere pool!" Tidus accompanies Wakka back
into the game. (Tidus, thinking) "I was a little depressed by that,
but......that was Wakka and the Beside Oaraka's important game."

(Announcer) "Huh? What's happening? The stadium is breaking into an uproar!
Wow!? It's Wakka!! He has returned in good health!! His teammates are warmly
welcoming him!"

(Thanks to my poor blitzball skills, the Beside Oarakas lost the championship.)
(Announcer) "Although they lost the competition, this year's Oaraka showed us
a fairly good fight!" Wakka lays back in the sphere pool, and Tidus slowly
swims toward him. Raising his thumb, Wakka signals that everything is fine.
Suddenly, monsters attack. The spectators all begin to flee from the stadium.
Aaruon strikes down a dinosaur-like monster. (Wakka and Tidus) "Aaron!"
(Tidus) "You... You know him?" (Wakka) "Yeah, he is the best guard." They
fight through the first set of monsters. (Tidus) "What is this!?" Priest
Seymour calls up a summon beast, which begins to fire laser beams at monsters
in all directions.

The Beside Oaraka team members meet up with Wakka. (Datt) "You're really
leaving?" (Letty) "It'd be better for you to get some rest." (Wakka) "Yuna's
journey needs to hurry forward. It won't allow me to rest." (Datt) "But....."
(Wakka) "Look! You guys are annoying me! The blitzball season has only
begun. What's with the glum-looking faces!" Wakka hands off a blitzball. He
turns and gets ready to walk away. (Wakka) "See you. Take care of yourselves.
" Wakka leaves. (Wakka) "Take care." (The team) "Yes......" (Wakka) "I
can't hear you!" (The team) "YES, SIR!"

Everyone meets up. (Yuna) "Is everything okay?" (Wakka) "I'm such a weakling
(for this kind of stuff). Sorry to let you wait, Yuna. I've come in a gloomy
mood. From now on, I'm devoting my life to being your guard." (Yuna) "Well,
Wakka, I'm particularly counting on you." (Wakka) "Here too. I will also be
counting on you for some things. (He turns to speak to Lulu.) Did we figure
out what those monsters were?" (Lulu) "Not at all. It's not clear where these
monsters came from. Thanks to priest Seymour's actions, headpriest Maika is
safe. That's all the information I have." (Yuna) "Priest Seymour's summon
beast was magnificent......"

(Somewhere in Luca...) (Tidus, grabbing Aaron by his collar) "Do you
understand! This is all your fault! I was swallowed up by Sin! and then spit
out to Spira! I can't get back to Zanarkand! Everything! All! Everybody!
Maybe everything is your fault!" Aaron just laughs. (Tidus) "Who are you?
You know my dad." (Aaron) "Yes." (Tidus) "You're an acquaintance of Yuna's
dad, aren't you?" (Aaron) "That's right." (Tidus) "How is that! It's
strange!" (Aaron) "There's nothing strange here. Jecto, Blaska, and I. The
three of us defeated Sin 10 years ago. Afterwards, only I made my way to
Zanarkand. I watched over your growth, so that one day I can bring you to
Spira." (Tidus) "Why me?" (Aaron) "It's Jecto's request." (Tidus) "Is my dad
alive?" (Aaron) "If you can call that condition "living"..." (Tidus) "Huh?"
(Aaron) "He is no longer in human form. But, Jecto's consciousness certainly
remains in those pieces. I expect that you too felt Jecto when you came in
contact with it." Tidus finally makes the realization. (Tidus) "Surely
no....." (Aaron) "Yes. Sin is Jecto." (Tidus) "Don't say that! What is
that! That's stupid!" (Aaron) "I will show you the truth. Whether you're
angry or crying, just take it from there. Come with me." (Tidus) "And if I
say 'no'?" (Aaron) "Then your story cannot end." (Tidus, crying and
frustrated) "Why is that!" (Aaron) "I see......There may be a way. Do
whatever you like. Come or not come, that is your choice." (Tidus, throwing a
temper tantrum) "Stop talking stupid! You say that I can do whatever I like!
You say it's my choice! But, there is nothing I can do! I can only do what
you tell me to do!" (Aaron) "I guess you're not satisfied? You're uneasy with
this? That's okay."

(Tidus) "Aaron? I wonder if I will return to Zanarkand." (Aaron) "It depends
on Jecto. (Walking away) I will become Yuna's guard. You come too."

Yuna, Wakka, and Lulu are waiting up on a hill. (Wakka) "I wonder if he will
stay here?" (Lulu) "Isn't he an acquaintance of Aaron? I'm certain that they
have met before." (Yuna) "But...... I wonder if he can return to Zanarkand."
(Wakka) "He'll be lonely no matter where he goes." (Yuna) "He's still in the
town. I wonder if I should greet him there." She is surprised to see Tidus
and Aaron. (Yuna) "Huh?" (Wakka) "Oh!" (Yuna) "Aaron too?" Yuna, Wakka, and
Lulu give Aaron the formal greeting. (Aaron) "Yuna." (Yuna) "Yes." (Aaron)
"I want to be your guard from this point on." (Yuna) "What?" (Wakka) "Are you
serious!?" (Aaron) "You don't agree?" (Yuna) "No! Hey, everyone, isn't it
okay?" (Wakka) "Naturally! I have no reason to object!" (Lulu) "But, why?"
(Aaron) "It's my promise to Blaska." (Yuna) "My father...... such a
thing...... Thank you very much. I would sincerely like for you to join us!"
(Aaron) "Then..... I will bring him along." Aaron tosses Tidus before the
others. (Tidus) "Thanks." (Aaron) "This is a promise I made to Jecto."
(Yuna) "Is Jecto all right?" (Aaron) "I don't know. We parted ways 10 years
ago." (Yuna) "Is that...... so?" (Aaron) "We'll met him before long."
(Yuna) "Yes! I'll look forward to that." (Aaron) "Explain to me what our
plans are from here. Which is the next shrine?" (Yuna) "Well, just a little
way from here."

Tidus has a conversation with Yuna. (Yuna) "Look, look." She blows a whistle
for him. (Tidus) "It's a good performance if you blow just that one." (Yuna)
"You don't look so good." (Tidus) ".... Maybe." (Yuna) "Will you scream?"
(Tidus) "It's a little different from before." (Yuna) "Hey. It's funny to say
it myself, but what they say about summoners and guards is that they are
Spira's lights of hope. Various people are observing us. So, when we fall or
when we don't feel well.....we don't want to show it. (Tidus) "Yes, I
understand......I sense it." (Yuna) "Yes, so let's practice our smiles!"
(Tidus) "Huh?" (Yuna) "Hey!" Tidus tries to put on a smile. (Tidus) "What
kind of a practice is this?" (Yuna) "Next, try to speak out!" (Tidus) "Huh??"
(Yuna) "Yes. Try it." Tidus really struggles and screams, to the surprise of
the others. (Yuna) "Don't stop there....." Yuna joins in, and they get a big
laugh out of it. (Yuna) "How funny...... " (Tidus) "It's your fault." (Yuna)
"Yes....... Thanks." (Tidus) "Huh?" (Yuna) "I want to travel...... while
laughing." (Tidus) "Ahh." (Yuna) "When things seem bad, I'll blow my whistle
and then I can just ..... fly away." (Tidus) "Well, should we go?" (Yuna)
"Okay." They turn around. (Tidus) "What are you looking at!" (Wakka) "When
you guys were acting funny, we got worried!" (Yuna) "It's okay. So! From
here, summoner Yuna is leaving for the Joze shrine! I will be seeking favors
from all you guards!"

On the road leading to the Joze shrine, they come across a statue. An old man
explains. (Old man) "This is a statue of Mihen. 800 years ago, he created the
organization that later developed into the suppression corps. Mihen's
organization expanded in Spira for a number of years, but the Ebon priests
suspected that it may be rebellious organization against the shrines. This
road was built by Mihen to justify the organization. Mihen fairly asserted his
aims to the priests. As a result, the organization became officially
recognized by the temple. Furthermore, the temple gave the name 'suppression
force' to the organization. Since then, the suppression force became
associated with Ebon. You know the rest."

They come across a ruin. The old man shows up again. (Old man) "Don't you know
what that ruin is?" (Tidus) "...... An old city?" (Old man) "Yes. It's the
remains of an ancient city. Everytime I see that, I realize the incredible
powers of Sin. If you compare us with that, humans are naturally like worms."
(Yuna) "But, I think only humans can defeat Sin." (Old man) "That's a good
answer. I was relieved, miss summoner. My apologies. Let me introduce
myself. I am Meichen. Yes. ...... Spira's history. I'm on a journey to try
to learn the truth of things. I am traveling everywhere to do my research, but
yes, it's been sad. No matter where, the smiling faces on people are such
fakes. They quickly disappear when they hear the name Sin. Turn the smiles of
the people into the real thing. I ask of you, summoner." (Yuna) "Yes."

They come across three chocobo riders. (Rider #1) "This is a summoner's
party?" (Yuna) "Yes, I'm Yuna." (Rider #1) "I'm Lucilu of the Chocobo cavalry
from the Joze suppression force." (Rider #2) "I'm Elma. We're in charge of
security on the road." (Lucilu) "Around here, a large monster has been showing
up, going after chocobos. Please take care when using chocobos." (Yuna)
"Understood. Thanks for the warning." (Lucilu) "Then, we've got jobs to do.
Later." (Elma) "I wish you a safe journey." The chocobo cavalry leaves.
(Tidus) "A large monster...... should we exterminate it?" (Aaron) "Why?"
(Tidus) "Because it's troubling everyone." (Aaron) "Is it troubling
everyone......?" Aaron snickers. (Tidus) "What is it?" (Aaron) "Jecto said
almost the exactly same thing. Thanks to him, Blaska and I were always gotten
into trouble."

They come across a woman in green outfit. (Woman) "Oh, is this a summoner's
party?" (Yuna) "You're also a summoner?" (Woman) "My name is Belugeminne.
What's yours?" (Yuna) "I'm Yuna." (Belugeminne) "Ah, I've heard rumors about
you. You're the great summoner's daughter, aren't you? However, from what I
see, you're still just an amateur." (Yuna) "Yes, well....." (Belugeminne) "If
so, should I assist you in your pursuit of knowledge? Let's have a one-on-one
trial between your summon beast and my summon beast. It's a one-on-one
contest. What? I'll take discretion. How about it?" (Yuna) "I'll try."
(Belugeminne) "All right. But, before we start...... (She cast a spell on
Yuna) Your summon beasts are healed. No need to restrain yourself......

Yuna's Valforre beats Belugeminne's Ifrit. (Belugeminne) "It's a young but
strong beast. I didn't think it would have developed that far. Please take
this. It's for your defense. (She gives you an echo ring.) You have the
aptitude. With untiring pursuit of knowledge, you may be able to defeat Sin."
(Yuna) "Yes! But, since you came before me, it would seem that you should have
defeated Sin......" (Belugemmine) "It was impossible for me." (Yuna) "Huh?"
(Belugemmine) "Yes...... I said it was impossible." (Yuna) "But......"
(Belugemmine) "Well then, Yuna, we'll meet some day soon."

They come across a woman and her child. (Woman) "A summoner!" (Child) "Are
you a summoner?" (Yuna) "Yep. I'm Yuna." (Child) "I'm Hikuri." (Yuna) "Good
day, Hikuri." (Hikuri) "Yuna, can you make the calm season?" (Yuna) "Yes.
Just you wait happily for it." (Hikuri) "All right!" (Woman) "We will happily
look forward to your calm season." (Yuna) "Yes. Please." (Woman) "Thanks for
your troubles, all you guards." The woman and girl walk away. (Tidus) "What's
the calm season?" (Lulu) "The calm season is the period when there's no Sin.
After a summoner defeats Sin, there's a period until the next Sin appears."
Tidus doesn't seem to understand. (Yuna) "Sin...... is reborn." (Tidus) "Oh
yeah! I thought it's strange. Didn't Yuna's dad defeat Sin 10 years ago? So,
why is there Sin again? But, now that I know Sin is reborn......" (Yuna)
"Still, don't say that...... it's a waste of time to defeat Sin."

(Tidus, thinking to himself) "No matter how short......the days that one can
sleep safely without suffering from Sin......, you just can't substitute
anything for the important time that you have to live...... So, don't say that
is just a waste......I remembered well what Yuna said then."

They ran into Gatta and Loots. (Gatta) "Hey, I saw the contest! I was very
moved! (Loots) "It was a pity, Wakka." The chocobo cavalry shows up. (Elma)
"Are you guys neglecting your work?" (Gatta) "Well...... Let's see. The
summoner's party......" (Lucilu) "It's very well to have to have the time, but
we're fighting every minute to prepare for our operation. Do you understand?"
(Loots) "Yes! I have no excuse!" (Lucilu) "I'll leave it up to you." The
cavalry departs. (Loots) "Well, everything goes off smoothly if you just keep
my head low." (Gatta) "Indeed......" Yuna laughs. (Loots) "Yuna. We were
banned from the shrine, but...... we will support you. That will not change."
(Yuna) "Thank you, Loots and Gatta. But, If you can, return to Beside......"
(Gatta) "Let's hurry."

They come across an argument between a man and a woman. (Man) "I won't
complain if Sin is defeated!" (Woman with green hat) "But, in Ebon's
teachings......" (Man) "You're persistent!" (Woman, depressed) "Is that
persistent?" (Yuna) "What's wrong?" (Woman) "Are you a summoner?" (Yuna)
"Yes, I'm Yuna." (Woman) "It's my honor to meet you. I'm Shelinda. I'm
serving as a patrol." (Wakka) "You're having a dispute over the suppression
force's operation?" (Tidus) "Is it the big operation that Loots and Gatta
mentioned?" (Shelinda) "I heard that they're using machines, so I somehow
thought that I want to stopped it......" (Tidus) "Huh? Why?' (Lulu) "It
seems that they are trying to use machines prohibited by the shrines." (Wakka)
"Is that so bad?" (Aaron) "As for what they can use, they can use whatever
they want. But I don't think they can defeat Sin." (Shelinda) "This isn't a
question of whether Sin can or cannot be defeated by the machines. The problem
is that it's against the teachings." (Wakka) "I guess that's right."
(Shelinda) "But, everyone from the suppression force don't want to hear what I
have to say. It's because I'm an inexperienced priest......" (Yuna) "Do your
best! I too am pretty inexperienced as a summoner just starting out. But, if
you say that you're inexperienced...... don't you think that a good reason to
say something?" (Shelinda) "That's right! I'll try even harder! Thank you
very much, Yuna. I felt that things are going to improve for me."

They come across a building. (Aaron) "Let's rest here." (Wakka) "But, this is
a shop belonging to an Al Bhed." (Aaron) "Is there a problem?" (Wakka) "The
Al Bhed people don't follow the teaching, and so, look here, they kidnapped
Yuna in Luca......" (Aaron) "That's because the guarding were sloppy." Aaron
has sure got one on Wakka. (Yuna) "Aaron, please take into account Wakka's
physical shape......" (Wakka) "I am just fine~!" (Aaron) "I'm tired." And so
they rest in the Al Bhed shop.

Tidus comes out from the shop and see the setting sun. (Tidus) "Wow......"
(Narration: "It was completely different from what I saw at Keerika. It was a
gentle, peaceful setting sun.") Tidus walks toward Yuna, who is sitting on the
ground. (Tidus) "What are you doing?" (Yuna, completely mesmerized by the
beauty.) "It's pretty." (Tidus) "Yep." (Yuna) "It would be great to live
everyday with a smile, in a calm world like this....." (Tidus) "If you defeat
Sin, I guess that's how it'll be?" (Yuna) "But a new Sin will once again be
born." (Tidus) "If that happened, we had better defeat it again." (Yuna) "It
would be good if we can do that." (Tidus) "If you can do it, then you can
leave it to other summoners." (Tidus) "But, why does Sin resurrect?" (Yuna)
"It's because Sin is a punishment given to people. Until our sins are
forgiven, Sin will not disappear." (Tidus) "Can the sins be forgiven?"
(Yuna) "Yes......" (Tidus) "What are sins? Ah, is it happily using machines?
But, that is so bad?" (Yuna) "It's funny......" (Tidus) "Huh?" (Yuna) "Since
I was little, I thought that's reasonable, but......I really don't understand
how it's bad just because it's bad. There are many things I don't know."
(Tidus) "So, stick with me. (making fun and pretending) A summoner must not do
such things. Pretty good imitation?" (Yuna, laughing) "It's terrible. That's
rude." Tidus stretches a bit. (Tidus) "Hey." Yuna looks at Tidus. (Tidus)
"During the games, if I don't concentrate on just the game, I cannot move."
(Yuna) "Okay......" (Tidus) "The fifth girl from the very first row on the
right is really cute!! and if I date her, where should we go? and I can lose
just from thinking about these things. So, Yuna will think leisurely about
what we talked about before after all this. If you want to think about
trouble, it's better to do that after you've defeated Sin." (Yuna) "I guess

(Tidus, performing funny gestures) "But, how are you doing to defeat that
terrible Sin?" (Yuna) "The ultimate summon. The ultimate summon is the only
force that can defeat Sin. To possess that force is the objective of the
summoners' journeys. The prayer child for the ultimate summon awaits summoners
at the north part. The most northern land, Zanarkand." (Tidus) "Zanarkand?"
(Aaron, interrupting) "Don't misunderstand. It's the ruin of the city
destroyed 1000 years ago." (Tidus) "Is there really a ruin?" (Yuna) "That's
what I've heard." (Aaron) "If you don't believe me, you can verify that with
your own eyes. Yuna, it's time to go inside." Aaron walks back to the shop.
(Yuna) "I wonder if we can go to Zanarkand together." (Tidus) "Um...... I'll
go. I'll go to Zanarkand to see it with my own eyes." They slowly walk back
to the shop.

(Tidus' Narration) "I did verify that it was not my Zanarkand."

The party moves on after a good night's rest. Tidus appears out of the shop's
entrance. (Lulu) "We'll go to the Chocobo station." All of a sudden, three
chocobos rush by the party. It's the chocobo eater! Well, the group kills the
monster. Afterwards, they can see happy chocobos jumping around. (Lin, a man
they met in the shop) "After all your efforts, won't you all ride the chocobos?
In return for defeating the monster, I can allow you to the first ride for
free. When you're ready to get your ride, place call out to this man right
here." (Yuna) "Thank you very much. It's will help."

While riding chocobos, they come across Shelinda and Meichen. (Shelinda)
"Rumors about me seems to have spread......The folks from the suppression force
are ignoring me......" (Meichen) "Huh? Do you want to hear about this road?"
The party says yes. (Meichen) "The one that we are traveling on is the portion
that we call the new road to Mihen. Of course, since this is call the new
road, there is an old road. To travel on the road below this new road, you
have to begin at the Mihen trail. And the one that Mihen walked on is not
here, but on the old road."

They finally arrive at a gate. Many members of the suppression force are
gathering their for the coming operation. (Clasko) "Although we're supposed to
gather here, captain Lucilu hasn't come yet......" Near a couple of cages, we
find Dona and her muscle man speaking to a member of the suppression force.
(Dona) "Please don't let me say this over and over again. I'm a summoner!"
(Suppression force member) "I don't have a good explanation! Please understand
somehow!" (Dona) "What are you thinking when you interfere with a summoner's
journey?" (Member) "I don't have a good explanation! I have nothing else to
say." (Dona) "I don't need to talk to you!"

The group tries to speak to the suppression force member who has been giving
Dona trouble. (Member) "Beyond is the road popularly known as Kinoko rock
road! An operation by the suppression force is starting!" (Dona) "Oh, It's
you guys......The passage that you see is blocked off even to summoners. After
all, they don't understand at all that it's all up to the summoners. Anyway,
I'm taking this good opportunity to go back and get some rest. Let's go,
Baltero." They leave.

They arrive at the wagon waiting at the gate and find Gatta and Loots. (Gatta)
"We're Gatta and Loots from Beside." (Loots) "This is the last lure."
(Gatekeeper) "Thanks for your trouble in bringing it from such a far place.
Okay, you may pass." (Gatta, speaking to the party) "This time, teach me about
blitzball!" (Loots) "We're going soon to defeat Sin. Wait for us." They go
and speak to the inner gatekeeper. (Gatekeeper) "You guys are summoner and
guards? Sorry about the annoyance." They ask about the operation.
(Gatekeeper) "What? You didn't know......? Sin's incrustations captured
everywhere are shipped here one after another. Doesn't Sin appear where Sin's
incrustation shows up? Using its habit, we will lure out Sin. The biggest
strong point in this operation 'Mihen Session' is its association with the Al
Bhed tribe. We, the suppression force, will lure out Sin, and the Al Bhed
tribe will stab it with a finishing stroke. The feeling to want to defeat Sin
won't change neither us the suppression force nor the Al Bhed people. They
(the Al Bhed tribe) have resurrected an ancient machine. I hear that this
machine generates a force that cannot be defeated by the summon beasts. The
use of their machine is of course against the teachings of Ebon, but yeah.....
all I can say is it's better to not know that it's against the teachings (that
will try to stop it). The suppression forces involved in this operation have
been banned from all shrines. My family has stopped talking to me. We will
defeat Sin with this operation. If we don't, our residences everywhere will be
torn down."

After listening to all his babbling, the guard still won't let our group
through. (Gatekeeper) "Sorry, but it's off-limits!" And the gate's other
guard repeatedly asks for donations. (Gatekeeper #2) "Please assist the
action committee for operation 'Mihen Session' with a donation." They first
donate 1000 gils, and in return they received an ice lance. (Gatekeeper #2)
"Thank you. Please use this." With a 100 gil donation, they receive a
researcher equipment.

As they begin to walk away from the gate, they see Seymour the priest
approaching with a couple of his helpers. Yuna and Seymour greet each other.
(Seymour) "We meet again, Yuna." (Yuna, surprised) "Yes." (Seymour) "What's
the matter? You seem troubled." (Yuna) "The truth is...... (She looks at the
gate.)" (Seymour) "Indeed......" Seymour walks up to the gate, and quickly
one of the gatekeepers greets him. (Gatekeeper) "We have been waiting. The
operational command office has issued an announcement!" (Seymour) "Before you
go on, I have a request." (Gatekeeper) "Yes! Anything!" (Seymour) "I want
you to let summoner Yuna and her guards to pass." (Gatekeeper, hesitating)
"What you're asking, Seymour......" (Seymour) "It won't be of any trouble to
you. I will take all the responsibility." (Gatekeeper, saluting) "Certainly,
I will allow their passage." The gatekeeper steps back and waves them to go
through. (Seymour) "Okay, please." (Yuna) "Ah...... Thank you." As Yuna bows
repeatedly, Seymour and his party proceed beyond the gate. (Lulu) "Yuna, let's
go." (Yuna) "Yes!" Yuna and Lulu walks off, leaving Wakka and Tidus behind.
(Tidus, sarcastically) "(Shaking his right fist in apparently jealousy) He
looks like such a great guy. " (Wakka, trying to comfort Tidus) "He doesn't
just looks great, he is really great." (Tidus) "Humph!" The party passes
through the gate.

A suppression force guard makes an announcement. (Guard) "Priest Seymour is
here!" You see Seymour walking up to a bunch of people in salute. He begins
to address the group. (Seymour) "You, members of the suppression force, have
shown your heroism by gathering Sin's incrustations from all over Spira.
Believe in the road that you've chosen, and our fight will go on freely. I,
Seymour, a priest of Ebon, will testify to your bravery." (The entire squad)

(Wakka) "What is that? Why is priest Seymour cheering on the suppression
force? Isn't this operation using Al Bhed's machines? Isn't this operation
against the teachings?" (Yuna) "He is turning his back to the teachings, but I
think what everyone feelings are real. Seymour too, I'm sure, thinks so."
(Wakka) "Hey! Lulu!" (Lulu) "...... Isn't he just inspecting?" (Aaron)
"We'll ask the man himself." Seymour approaches. (Seymour) "Aren't you Aaron?
It's my honor to meet you. Please be certain to tell me your stories, such as
those from 10 years ago......" (Aaron) "I'm Yuna's guard. I don't have that
kind of time." Aaron walks off. (Seymour) "Well, well, well...... (looking
at Yuna) It must be reassuring to have Aaron as your guard?" (Yuna, giving a
quick nod) "Yes!" (Seymour) "What's wrong? No need to be so nervous."
(Wakka, looking apologetic) "Excuse me, Seymour......why are you here?"
(Seymour) "Please speak normally." (Wakka, relieved) "Well, if you don't stop
an operation that going against Ebon's teachings, would it be bad?" (Seymour)
"Certainly...... yes. However, both the suppression force and the Al Bhed
tribe are earnestly looking for peace in Spira. To turn their pure wish into
one, they designed the Mihen Session. You can say that they are against Ebon's
teachings, but their hopes are pure. Not as a Ebon priest, but as a person
living in Spira like everyone else...... and as myself, Seymour Guado, I do not
regret my support." (Wakka) "But, Al Bhed's machines are bad news." (Seymour)
"You probably haven't seen it." (Wakka, shocked) "If a priest say such a
thing, wouldn't that be a signal to everyone!" (Seymour) "Then, you just
haven't heard." (Wakka) "That's bad!" Seymour walks away.

(Narration) "I didn't like Seymour the first time I saw him. But, at this
time, I thought that I would say Seymour's a good guy."

They walk closer to the operational command camp. They are approached by
Clasko. (Clasko) "Are you Yuna and her guards?" (Yuna) "Yes." (Clasko) "This
way to the operational command office. Seymour wanted to be sure you'll be
there." (Yuna, hesitant) "...... Yes." She looks back to make sure it's all
right with everyone. (Clasko) "Please take that road because the command
office is that way. This way is quite a mess because of the preparations for
the operation."

The party finally arrives at the command center and comes across Gatta and
Loots. (Gatta) "Why is it just you!? Please let me go fight on the
frontline!" (Loots) "It's the superior's order." (Gatta) "I've never been a
newcomer! If you let me go to the frontline, I will prove myself! (Loots,
trying to comfort Gatta) "To guard the command office is an important job."
(Gatta) "I came all the way from Beside so that I can fight Sin!" (Loots) "I
understand, but it's the order. Make the arrangements quickly." (Gatta) "But,
sir!" Gatta leaves in a huff.

They have a small chat with Loots after Gatta left. (Loots) "Did they issue an
order to let you pass?" (Tidus) "Poor Gatta." (Wakka) "Isn't it fortunate
that he doesn't have to fight? Why fight anyway? The Al Bhed's machine is the
star of the show." (Loots) "If I say it plainly, it's our fight. Yes, we have
to earn time until the machine's preparations are complete." (Wakka) "Humph!"
Wakka is clearly upset. (Loots) "Wakka, we may not have another opportunity
to speak....... There is something I want to tell you." (Lulu) "No, Loots!!"
(Wakka) "What?" (Loots) "I was the one who asked your little brother to join
the suppression force. (Wakks looks at both Loots and Lulu.) Sorry." Wakka
punches Loots, and Tidus tries to keep Wakka back. (Tidus) "Wakka! Calm down,
Wakka!" Wakka looks down at the fallen Loots. (Wakka, almost crying) "I told
him to play blitzball with me...... and how happy it would be if we won even
once at the great tournament.... and if we won then he can marry Lulu. Then
one day, all of sudden he joins the suppression force." (Loots, getting up)
"He wanted it even more than being with the woman he loved...... He fought to
keep Sin safely away from her. He said that would just be great." (Wakka)
"Lulu, did you know this?" (Lulu) "I heard...... right before we left on this
journey." (Loots) "Ha, ha...... Lulu also punched me."

The captain of the chocobo cavalry shows up. (Lucilu) "Members who have been
assigned to the frontline need to promptly assemble at the beach!" (Loots)
"Sorry, but it's time." Loots begins to walk away. (Wakka) "Loots, you have
better not die." (Loots, turning his head to face Wakka) "Do you want to
fight?" (Wakka) "I won't fight you." Yuna steps in his way. (Yuna) "Loots,
no. Don't go." (Loots) "Thank you, Yuna." (Aaron) "Let him go. The
realization that you have chosen your summoner's the same as his
realization. Don't interfere."

(Narration) "Why Yuna stepped aside......was something that I came to
understand much, much later."

They get on an elevator and ascend to an upper level. There are a large number
of cannons positioned on an ledge, all facing out to sea. Wakka walks up to
one of them and curses. (Wakka) "This piece of shit!" He kicks it and manages
to injure himself. (Wakka, crying in pain) "Ouch......!?" (Tidus) "Boy, he
really hates them......" (Lulu) "Chap...... Chap left the sword that Wakka
gave him on the island. And he got a mechanical weapon made by the Al Bhed
tribe." (Wakka) "This has nothing to do with that! I just hate machines that
go against the teachings!"

Further up, they see the gathering of suppression forces and the Sin
incrustations which they have collected. (Wakka, inspecting) "Jeez.......
They're going to lose." (Yuna) "Stop it already. It may be a useless
operation. It may be against the teachings. But, the suppression force and
the Al Bhed people..... are extremely serious about this. Everyone wishes from
the bottom of his/her heart to defeat Sin. That feeling is not all different
from our own. Don't you think so?" (Wakka) "Heh- I got it. Still, I cannot
accept the machines. I cannot accept their turning against the teachings."
Yuna, Wakka, and Lulu turn to face the voice. (Lucilu) "Summoner, so you've
made it. The command office is that way. Priest Kinokku was asking for you."
(Yuna) "Kinokku is here too?" (Lucilu) "Yes. Yuna, please hurry."

The party hears about a few things before entering the command camp. (Chocobo
rider) "What do you want to hear about?" First, they ask about the battery of
cannons. "These cannons were offered for free by the Al Bhed tribe. We hated
them, but this led to a slightly better opinion of them. With these cannons,
we can attack from far away. We can rain the shells down on Sin." Second,
they ask about the chocobo cavalry. "To become a chocobo knight, you have to
be a part of the volunteers. They will only allow people who have excellent
riding techniques or demonstrated their merits on the battlefield. Right now,
the best chocobo rider is Lucilu, of course. But...... Clasko is also highly
praised, he has probably also become a chocobo rider..... In fact, he has
gotten very comfortable with all our chocobos......." Third, they asked about
the operation. "This operation was planned by researching the past habits of
Sin. Sin has a habit of showing up in places where you find Sin's
incrustations. So, we have taken a lot of trouble in collecting Sin's
incrustations from everywhere to lure out Sin......Then we'll strike with a
final blow! This operation is called Mihen Session!! The aim of the
suppression force is to lure out Sin and confine it. It's somewhat regretful
that we're leaving the final blow to the Al Bhed folks, but...... if they can
defeat Sin, we're fine with that minor detail."

They come across Gatta at the entrance to the camp. (Gatta) "The fighting will
start soon. Please don't forget to make various preparations." (Wakka) "Hey,
that seems half-hearted~" (Gatta) "Naturally! I came all the way here to
fight Sin! Despite that... Ah, damn it!" (Aaron) "If you want to be
accepted......" (Gatta) "Huh?" (Aaron) "First, try stop complaining about the
job you've been given."

They enter the camp and are then happily greeted by someone. (Man) "Oh! I
heard from Seymour, but I don't think I can really get to meet you. It's been
a long time, Aaron! 10 years? Ha, ha, ha......" Lulu fills Tidus in about
the man. (Lulu) "He's priest Wen Kinokku, one of the four Ebon priests. He's
in charge of directing Ebon's soldiers and supervising the suppression force."
Gatta rushes in and salutes. (Gatta) "I have been reported that perational
preparations are all complete." (Kinokku) "Understood. Return to your
station." (Gatta) "Yes, sir!" (Kinokku) "Well, Aaron, What have you been
doing for the past 10 years?" (Aaron) "The operation is starting. We should
be talking about that." (Kinokku) "It's an operation sure to fail. No matter
how little, it will allow the people see their long dream." (Tidus) "That's
terrible!" (Seymour) "Priest Kinokku." (Kinokku) "Ah, start it for me."

Later...... (Aaron) "He's a priest......" (Kinokku) "You've heard, Aaron.
Lots have happened these 10 years. Where have you been and what have you been
doing?" (Aaron) "I was fulfilling promises to friends, and hasn't
ended yet." (Kinokku) "Tell me one thing. Did you see Zanarkand?" Aaron just
steps away.

(Yuna) "What's going on? ...... I feel very uncomfortable here." Kinokku
continues. (Kinokku) "Is it okay now? I must give the order to start
operations to the Al Bhed tribe waiting outside. I can't say that it's safe
even here. The monsters may come here. Please answer my question when your
battle preparations are set." Kinokku walks away with Seymour close behind.

Kinokku stands on a platform at the edge of a ledge. (Guard) "Please, priest
Kinokku." Kinokku walks forward. Yuna and Tidus are nearby. (Yuna) "I wonder
if Sin will come." (Guard) "Sin will definitely come to retrieve Sin's
incrustations. We have taken special care to make sure; we have even make the
incrustations shriek." (Aaron) "Even if you don't do that, Sin will come....."

(Narration) "Sin is my dad. I remembered Aaron telling me......"

Suddenly, a monster shows up. It's one of Sin's incrustations, Gee. After
defeating Gee, Sin appears out of the sea. The chocobo cavalry goes into
action, and the cannons are fired. Sin begins to deploy its incrustations.
(Aaron) "It's coming!" Everyone flees. Sin begins to generate some sort of
field around itself. It destroys whatever it comes in contract with.

Seymour faces off another incrustation. Yuna and Aaron join him and
successfully defeat the second Gee. (Yuna) "Where is everyone!?" She walks
toward the edge and sees a ship preparing to launch an attack on Sin. The
energy pulse fired on Sin just bounces right off of Sin's. In the end, the Al
Bhed ship is destroyed. Just as expected, Mihen Session is a failed operation.

Tidus wakes up and finds total devastation on the beach. Tidus locates Gatta,
who is safe but kneeling on the beach. (Tidus) "What are you!!" Back on the
upper ledge, Yuna calls out to the people below. (Yuna) "Get down everyone!
I'm going to summon!" (Seymour) "It's useless. That (to defeat Sin) is
impossible for you right now." (Yuna) "But, I want to do something!" Seymour
shakes his head. Yuna begins to rotate her rod as if she's going to cast
summon. (Seymour) "Yuna!"

Tidus jumps into the water and tries to find Sin. (Narration) "I don't know
myself why I was chasing after Sin. When I regained consciousness, even with
my head a little confused, I went after him. Maybe I was mad at Sin or maybe I
just wanted to go back...... Maybe it was about Zanarkand...... Maybe it was
about my dad......"

Tidus goes through some sort of dream state. First, it was a place with many
walking ghosts. Then, we find a young Tidus looking out at the city. Jecto
calls out to him. (Jecto) "What is it?" (Young Tidus) "Because you don't like
to practice, you'll be retiring soon." (Jecto) "Say whatever you want. I'm
special." (Young Tidus) "Because you drink too much, you're not good anymore."
(Jecto) "I can stop my drinking anytime." (Young Tidus) "Well, then stop
drinking now." (Jecto) "What?" (Young Tidus) "Can't you stop?" (Jecto)
"Humph, how about tomorrow?" (Young Tidus) "Why not today?" (Jecto) "If I can
do it tomorrow, then it's fine if I do it tomorrow! Why are you crying? You
miserable little......"

(Narration) "I sensed that I felt my dad. Really, is this Sin's poison? Ha,
ha...... (Tidus gets up.) I wonder how many people died. Every time people
die Yuna dances. How many times does Yuna have to do that depressing dance? I
guess as long as Sin exists, Yuna will continue to dance..... I thought about
such things."

Tidus regains consciousness and sits on the beach, pondering. (Aaron) "You
couldn't go back?" (Tidus) "Ah." (Aaron) "Many stories ended, but it seems
your story continues." (Tidus) "Ah......"

(Narration) "I couldn't go back home."

Tidus gets up and looks for everyone. Soon, he meets up with Lulu, Aaron, and
Kinokku. (Aaron) "It's a swift dispersion. Are you satisfied?" (Kinokku)
"What do you mean?" (Aaron) "The soldiers who rebelled against the teachings
died. Only the obedient priest soldiers remained." (Kinokku) "Humph.... I
can't help but say how it's the same as the old days." Seymour comes toward
Yuna. (Seymour) "You look pale. However, Yuna, you must conduct yourself
stoutheartedly at this time." Yuna is surprised. (Seymour, continues) "For
the average people, it's all right to overwhelmed by sadness at this time.
But, you're a summoner. You hold the hopes and dreams of the people. Until
you defeat Sin, you cannot allow your voice to weaken. You must be well aware
of that." (Yuna) "Yes,...... I'll do my best." (Seymour) "Are you anxious?
If so, let me be your support. Just like how Zeion supported Yunareska. We'll
continue this when we meet again sooner or later. Take care."

(Aaron) "Sin is Jecto." (Tidus) "Actually, I did think that it may be true.
Even with what I just said, it doesn't mean that I believe it." (Aaron) "Sin
is Jecto. He came here to meet you." (Tidus) "He killed so many people just
to meet me?" (Aaron) "That is Sin. He probably came here to show you his
form. Do you know why?" (Tidus) "I don't know anything." (Aaron) "So that he
can be killed by you. As Sin, Jecto will continue to attack and kill. He is
hoping that you can stop that." (Tidus) "Don't joke with me. Why do you
understand these things?" (Aaron, laughing) "Hum...... " Aaron walks away.
(Tidus) "Hey, we're still talking! Don't run away!" (Aaron) "You too."

Yuna's summoner party is once again together. Tidus and Kimari remained a step
behind as the others move ahead. (Yuna) "You two, hurry!" (Tidus) "She's in
high spirits......" Kimari walks a few steps ahead, turns around, and speaks
for the first time to Tidus. (Kimari) "Hmmm......She tries to cheer up so she
can work through the tough times. (Tidus is shocked to find Kimari talking.)
It's the same now. She is overworked." (Tidus) "Is it good that she is so
devoted?" (Kimari) "If guards are worried, then Yuna has to overwork even
more. You should be careful, also." Kimari walks ahead. (Tidus) "Should I
laugh instead of worry?" (Kimari) "Kimari is also practicing." (Tidus) "Show
it to me." Kimari tries his smile on Tidus.

They finally reach a fork dividing the Joze road. (Tidus) "Hey, how far is it
to Zanarkand?" (Wakka) "It's still a long way off." (Lulu) "Down the
visionary river of light and pass the Guado tribe's Guado Salam. Then, cross
the lightening field, and the Makararnia shrine......" (Tidus) "Oh boy......"
Yuna stands in front of everyone. (Yuna) "But before all that, I'm praying at
the Joze shrine." (Tidus) "Let's go to Zanarkand in just one breath! What's
wrong with that?" (Yuna) "If possible, we need to greet the prayer child in
many shrines." (Wakka) "That is the training of a summoner. To be able to
endure the ultimate summon, she has to train her heart and body." (Tidus)
"That's terrible, Yuna." (Yuna) "I'll be okay since I have you guys."

As Tidus tries to keep up with the others, Aaron calls out to him. (Aaron)
"Hey, freshman." (Tidus) "Me?" (Aaron) "Who else is there?" (Tidus) "What is
it, sir?" (Aaron) "Don't tell Yuna about the connection between Jecto and
Sin." (Tidus) "Huh?" (Aaron) "She's that personality. If she knows, then
some reservation toward you and Jecto will develop. That will cause problems."
(Tidus) "Yeah...... I guess so. But, even if I told, no one will believe me
anyway." (Aaron) "Yuna will believe." (Tidus) "Ah...... That may be right.
Then, it wasn't a good idea to tell me in the first place? How about my
feelings?" (Aaron) "Because I was annoyed by how you were crying in the hard
times and wanted to help you." (Tidus) "I did not cry!" (Aaron) "I heard it
from a crybaby."

(Narration) "When I was little...... that's what I was. Even now..... it may
still be true."

(Tidus, trying to finish off the last conversation) "Hey, it was because I just
couldn't believe it!"

Tidus arrives at the Joze shrine. He meets up with Yuna and members of the
chocobo cavalry. (Lucilu) "It's great to see Yuna and others safe." (Yuna)
"It's good that you guys are safe...... It's a gift from Ebon." (Lucilu) "We
were reckless. As a fighting force, it's natural that we're completely
destroyed." (Elma) "The only chocobo left alive is this young chocobo."
(Clasko) "So, we can't introduce ourselves as the chocobo cavalry
anymore......" (Lucilu) "This is what happens when we joined in a battle and
went against the teachings. We can't face the solders who died."

They reach the entrance to Joze shrine. (Tidus) "Is this the Joze shrine?"
Yuna repeatedly offers her prayers, and eventually lightening struck and
destroyed the stone that encased the shrine. (Tidus) "Wow....." The shatter
stones continue to drift around the shrine. (Lulu) "This 'Lightening Kinoko
Rock' will open only when a summoner is read to meet the prayer child."
(Wakka) "Some other summoner must have been here before." Yuna runs toward the
entrance, but turns around again. (Yuna) "But who?" (Tidus) "Probably Dona."
(Yuna) "I can't lose out to her." (Tidus) "Okay! Let's go!"

After entering the shrine, they are greeted by some unknown individuals. (Man
in blue) "Excuse me, but won't you tell me your name?" (Yuna) "We came from
Beside. My name is Yuna." (Man) "Oh yes...... You're Blaska's daughter. I
have memories of your father." (Yuna) "Are you...... an acquaintance of my
father?" (Man) "No, I have not met him personally. Ah, my apologies. I'm
Isarru. I'm just like you, a summoner." (A little boy standing to the right
of Isarru) "I'm Passe. Nice to meet you." (A dark-skinned strong man to
Isarru's left) "I'm Maroda. You probably understand by looking, but I'm my
older brother's guard." (Isarru) "Since I was little, I always looked up to
Blaska. I said that I want to become a great summoner like Blaska someday.
You must have received some wonderful powers from your father. It is expected
that you must be able to defeat Sin." (Yuna) "No...... Well...... I have only
just become a summoner." (Isarru) "Of course, I don't expect you to lose to
me. I guess we'll be competing to see which one of us can defeat Sin." (Yuna)
"It'll be me. I won't lose." The voice of Maroda is heard calling out to his
older brother. (Isarru) "So, Yuna, I have to go. Good luck to both of us."
(Yuna) "Yes." Everyone splits up.

Tidus is approached by Isarru when he tries to climb the stairs toward the back
room. (Isarru) "You!" (Tidus) "What is it?" (Isarru) "You're one of Yuna's
guards? Maroda heard some strange news. I thought it would be good for you
guys to know too." (Maroda) "I heard this from a party of suppression force
members. Through all the ages, there are too many summoners who become missing
during their journeys." (Isarru) "It's possible they were killed by monsters;
however, for all that, the number just seems to be too many." (Maroda) "I
don't know the details, but anyway you guys should take care. If a summoner
disappears, won't the guards be taken as jokes?" (Passe, jumping up and down)
"What, what~! What are you talking about?" (Maroda) "We're talking just about
the job of guarding." (Passe) "I can do it nicely~! What do you think,
brother!" Isarru turns and nods his head. (Isarru) "Take good care of
yourself." (Tidus) "Yes!" Isarru and Maroda walk toward the door, leaving
Passe behind. (Isarru) "Passe!" (Passe) "What, brother?" (Isarru) "We're
leaving." (Passe) "Ah, understood. See you!"

They enter the back room. (Wakka) "Okay, all the guards are here." (Yuna)
"I'm leaving it up to you." (Wakka) "Should we go?" After overcoming the
puzzle trials, Tidus meets up with the others. (Aaron) "Don't stagger around.
Settle down and wait." (Wakka) "Wait quietly." (Lulu) "You need to settle
down. Remember it's Yuna who will be disgraced by your actions." Someone is
coming to the room. (Dona) "Look, you guys again? As usual, look at how many
people she has." Dona's guard, Baltero, confronts Aaron. (Dona) "What's the
matter, Baltero? What are you doing with that old man?" (Baltero) "You......
You're Aaron." (Aaron) "So what if I am." (Baltero) "Won't you shake my hand?
Aaron...... No, Aaron, sir! I became a guard because I longed for you." They
shake hand. Aaron strikes a small smile. (Baltero) "Thank you very much!
Wow, I'm so inspired!!" Baltero is practically in tears. (Wakka) "That 'old
man' your guard just touched is the guard who protected the great summoner
Blaska." (Lulu) "It shows that what you don't know exceeds what you do know."
A bright light shines on the group. (Tidus) "Wow......" Baltero runs toward
it. (Dona) "Baltero, that's enough! Come back here!" (Tidus) "He's in

While everyone awaits for Yuna to finish her session with the prayer child,
Tidus walks around and checks what's going on. (Baltero) "Hey, Dona, I won't
ever wash my hand." (Dona) "Stop it already. What if he touched you with
dirty hands? She's late. I wonder how long she is going to make us wait."
Yuna finally comes out and collapses from exhaustion. Kimari rushes to hold
her up. (Dona) "What a great father you have. You have excessively many
guards, and add Aaron to your party. And now, aren't you also interest in
Seymour too? I guess it's different when your title is 'Blaska's daughter."
(Yuna) "This...... has nothing to do with my father. I'm just traveling as a
summoner." (Dona) "Look here, it's fine with me. But, before you say that,
how about first standing firmly on your own two feet? (Dona approaches the
praying child's room.) If you just rely on guards, you'll see a painful time
when you're creeping on your knees."

After a night's rest, Tidus steps out to join the others. Lulu is standing
beside Waka. (Lulu) "No matter what time it is, when the night clears and the
morning comes, we start our journey once again." (Wakka) "When Yuna shows,
we'll depart." (Kimari) "Dona left. Isarru also left." (Aaron) "The newcomer
should make preparations for our journey." Tidus enters the Joze shrine to
check on Yuna. He happens to come across Gatta. (Gatta) "I...... will return
to Beside. Loots..... is gone." (Tidus) "Really......It's hard to fight on
your own." (Gatta) "The suppression force has pretty much dispersed. I too
will be leaving soon." Tidus enters one of the preparation rooms to find Yuna
still asleep. He first speaks to an aid. (Aid) "We have worked until the
daybreak, helping the wounded people and sending them to the other world......"
(Tidus) "Oh, is that so...... Well then, please let her sleep a little more."
Yuna begins to wake up. (Yuna) "Um...... " (Tidus) "Ah...... Good Morning."
(Yuna) "Is it...... morning?" (Tidus) "It's okay." (Yuna) "But, isn't it
still morning!? Oh, I'm so sorry!! Just wait a little more for me. I'll be
ready soon." Yuna runs about the room, trying to get herself together.
(Tidus) "There's no need to be in such a hurry." Tidus steps out.

Yuna comes out of the shrine. (Wakka) "Hey, sleepyhead!" (Yuna) "Sorry!" She
apologizes to Aaron. (Yuna) "Sorry." (Lulu) "It's okay for us to not be in a
hurry. Look, sleepy face." (Wakka) "A summoner with sleepy face will
disappoint everybody." (Yuna) "But it's better that I got up." (Lulu) "We
called you. But, you just slept with your mouth open." Yuna feels
embarrassed. (Yuna) "What is it about today? Everyone is being so mean to
me." Everyone laughs, including Aaron. (Yuna) "Ah, Aaron too." (Aaron)
"Well...... When the summoner can get rid of her sleepy face, we'll depart."
Everybody laughs again.

(Narration) "It's been a long time since everyone laughed like that. Now, I
understand. Other than myself...... they weren't laughing seriously.

Yuna and Tidus hurry to get back on the Joze road. They come across Lucilu and
the others. (Lucilu) "Departing so early? Yuna, you have worked so hard and
late last night...... Will you be okay?" (Yuna) "Thank you for your
considerations, but I have rested nicely. Are you also departing?" (Lucilu)
"Yes! We're going up north over the visionary river of light. We plan on
finding new chocobos." (Elma) "If we find chocobos, we'll rebuild the
cavalry!" (Tidus) "Huh? Aren't you short of one person?" (Clasko, screaming
from a distance) "Captain! Please wait!" (Elma) "What are you doing! We're
leaving it behind." (Clasko) "But, it's unreasonable to leave the
chocobo....." Lucilu shakes her head. (Lucilu) "Well, Yuna, good luck. Elma
and Clasko, let's go!" (Elma) "Okay." (Clasko) "Huh!? Let me rest a
little......" (Elma) "Don't be sentimental!"

Everyone gathers at the fork seen earlier. (Tidus) "Where's next?" (Lulu)
"We'll cross the visionary river of light." (Tidus) "Okay! We'll head for the
visionary river of light!"

They come across Shelinda. (Shelinda) "Good day, everyone. That operation
became a very important lesson for us. As expected, we cannot defeat Sin by
going against Ebon's teachings." Then, further down the road, they encounter
Biran and Enke, Kimari's Ronzo brothers. A person quickly fleets the scene.
(Biran, looking at the person fleeing) "Look, he looks very much like Kimari's
companion." Tidus shows up. (Tidus) "Where?" (Biran) "The little, horn-less
guy that follows a summoner everywhere!" (Enke) "Horn-less! Horn-less!" They
laugh at Kimari. (Kimari) "Have you come to laugh scornfully at me?" (Biran)
"Nope. We came to warn little Kimari." (Enke) "Summoner disappears and can't
return." (Biran) "Your summoner's turn is next." (Enke) "Poor Kimari! No
horn, and then no summoner!" (Biran) "Miserable Kimari! Screaming in tears by
himself!" They laugh and then run away. (Tidus, to Kimari) "These guys have
some kind of grudge against you?" Kimari shakes his head. (Tidus) "Well,
don't they annoy you?" (Kimari) "I will settle this at some point." (Tidus)
"I will help you anytime!" (Kimari) "I'll take care of it myself." (Tidus)
"Hey......" (Wakka) "It's Kimari's problem. The right manner for us is to
keep quiet and watch." (Lulu) "I can't get over it." (Wakka) "Problems of the
Ronzo tribe should be resolved by Ronzos. Isn't that the custom from old
days?" (Lulu) "That's true...... but, about summoners disappearing..."
(Aaron) "There is a reason for their sudden disappearance." (Tidus) "Well, if
we guard Yuna carefully, it should be okay." (Wakka) "Oh!" (Lulu) "Well
said." (Tidus) "Yeah!"

Down the road to the visionary river of light, they come across Belgeminne
again. (Belgeminne) "We meet again. It seems you took part in Mihen Session.
Do you understand the powerlessness of machines? As expected, only a summoner
can defeat Sin." (Yuna) "That's right. If I don't train more......"
(Belgeminne) "If you want, I shall lend you a hand in your training. It's an
actual battle practice for your summon beasts. How about it? Try fighting
against me?" (Yuna) "I'm in your debt." (Belgeminne) "All right, but before
we start......(She casts a spell) your summon beasts were healed. Okay......
Shall we start?" Yuna again successfully defeated Belgeminne. (Belgeminne)
"It's great. I was overwhelmed. Here's a blessing from me. Take this."
Belgeminne gives Yuna two dragon scales and one heart of summoner.
(Belgeminne) "I'll look forward to the next time we meet. Until then, Yuna."
Belgeminne walks away.

They finally arrive at the visionary river of light. (Tidus) "Wow......"
Before them is a river full of lily pads and drifting bursts of light. (Lulu)
"This is the visionary river of light." (Tidus) "Heh......" (Yuna) "These are
called visionary light flowers. When it gets dark, many of these visionary
light bugs gather and light up the river. It'll seem like a sea of stars."
(Tidus) "Heh...... Ah! Oh, yeah!" (Aaron) "I waited until it got dark."
(Tidus) "Yeah, if we defeat Sin, I'll come to see them at leisure!" Everyone
gets a little time to enjoy the scenery. Aaron steps away, and Wakka comes to
tell Tidus something. (Wakka) "If we don't hurry, the Shiparf will be full."
(Tidus) "Shiparf? Is it a boat?" Wakka points at something in the distance,
and Tidus tries to look.

(Tidus) "Wow! Incredible!" A huge, dinosaur-sized creature strolls right past
Tidus. (Wakka) "That's a Shiparf." (Tidus) "I want to ride! I want to ride
this!" (Wakka) "Okay! We'll ride it after we've made preparations~!"

Tidus speaks to Yuna. (Yuna) "It's been a long time since I've seen a
Shiparf." (Tidus) "Ah, you've been on one before?" (Yuna) "Yes, just once.
It was 10 years ago, and I was with Kimari. Do you remember?" (Kimari)
"Shiparf shook, and Yuna fell into the river. The Shiparf, with its long nose,
helped Yuna. She was having so much fun that she intentionally jumped into the
river three times." (Yuna) "Ah......" (Kimari) "I was worried." (Yuna)
"Sorry." (Kimari) "Yuna was so happy, so it was okay." Tidus tries to carry a
conversation with Kimari. (Kimari) "Biran is a rascal. But, because he's a
Ronso, he does not lie. So, all that talk about summoners disappearing isn't a
lie." (Tidus) "Okay, I'll be on guard."

Tidus chats with Aaron. (Aaron) "Ten years ago....." (Tidus) "Ah, some old
story?" (Aaron) "Jecto saw a Shiparf for the first time here. Surprised,
Jecto suddenly attacked a Shiparf." (Tidus) "Why?" (Aaron) "He was drunk. It
looked like he thought it was a monster." (Tidus) "Oh my......" (Aaron) "I
gave them an apology and gave them all the money we had. And Jecto stopped
drinking alcohol after that. The Shiparf at that time is just like the ones

Tidus comes across some exchanges between the ex-chocobo cavalry members and
the Shiparf user. (Shiparf User) "No. No. It's impossible~?" (Lucilu) "I
want to somehow request that of you!" (Shiparf User) "It's no good. Just no
good." (Tidus) "What's wrong?" (Elma) "They say that this child (the chocobo)
cannot ride on the Shiparf!" (Tidus) "Just a big thing......" (Elma) "I can't
stand this guy!" (Clasko) "No matter how you look at it, I think it is
impossible, but......" (Elma) "That is that? Are you saying that we should
leave this kid behind?" (Clasko) "No, that's not what I was......" (Lucilu)
"Stop it already. We'll give up on the Shiparf. We'll search for some
shallows where we can cross on foot." (Elma) "Understood, captain." (Clasko)
"But, won't that be a terrible roundabout way!" (Lucilu) "It's better to cut
through it if there is a way." (Grasko) "So unreasonable......" (Elma) "I
sympathize with you, Captain Lucilu!" Lucilu jumps onto the young chocobo and
rides away, followed by Elma on foot. Clasko looks distressed and saddened by
the need to find to longer way to cross the river.

(Narration) "'It's better to cut through if there is a way'. Those words left
an impression on me. Captain Lucilu is full of vigor."

Tidus finds Lulu and Wakka waiting at the Shiparf stop. (Lulu) "Are you that
happy to be riding on a Shiparf?" (Wakka) "Don't you understand...... A great
beast, that is what boys always longed for!" (Tidus) "Yeah.....!"

After a great deal of battle preparation, Tidus and the others board the
Shiparf. After they have been loaded onto the carriage, the Shiparf user says,
"Shiparf, depart!" Under the evening sun, the Shiparf begins to carry them
from the southern bank of the visionary river of light to its northern bank.
Everyone sits quietly in the carriage atop the Shiparf. (Wakka, looking at
Tidus) "Hey!" (Tidus) "Huh?" (Wakka, tilting his head to his left to look
out) "Look!" (Tidus, getting up) "What?" Tidus leans over the side and see
something unsual. (Tidus) "Ah? A sunken city?" (Wakka) "It's a city of
machines from more than 1000 years ago. It looks like they put many bridges on
top of the river and built the city over it. The bridges collapsed under the
city's weight, and so it sank to the bottom of the river." (Wakka) "Well, it's
a good lesson." (Tidus) "Lesson?" (Wakka) "Yeah! Do you know the meaning of
building a city on top of a river?" (Tidus) "Let's see...... It means that
it's convenient because there's lots of water." (Wakka) "Um, no. That's
wrong. They were probably just testing their technology." (Tidus) "I guess
so." (Wakka) "It's Ebon's teaching. When people have the power, they need not
use it. It's because if we don't stop it, then there's no limit to that

(Tidus) "However, don't we use machines nicely? For example, like the
stadium.... Don't you think so?" (Lulu) "The shrines decide that this machine
is okay, and that machine is not okay." (Tidus, laughing) "So, which machines
are bad?" (Wakka) "You saw them at the Mihen Session? Those are the
machines." (Lulu) "Because war will start again." (Tidus) "War?" (Yuna) "It
was more than 1000 years ago. There was a war using many machine weapons."
(Wakka) "During the war, the weapons became more and more powerful." (Lulu)
"Weapons were created that has the power to not just destroy the cities, but
also the world, Spira." (Yuna) "With the way things were, Spira may be
destroyed." (Wakka) "Even then, the war did not end." (Tidus) "So, what
happened!" (Yuna) "Suddenly, Sin appeared and destroyed the cities and the
weapons......" (Lulu) "The war ended. But, as a compensation, Sin remained."
(Wakka) "So? Sin is punishing people for getting too carried away." (Tidus)
"That's a bitter story." (Wakka) "Well, it's bitter." (Tidus) "But, there is
no reason that machines have to be bad?" (Lulu) "Yes, it's a question of how
they're used." (Wakka) "It's terrible that we have people like the Al Bheds
around." Suddenly, there's an explosion, and the entire carriage shakes. The
Shiparf driver takes notice, "Something strange?" Another shockwave hits the
carriage. (Aaron) "Sit down!" (Yuna, just when an Al Bhed jumps aboard and
tries to grab her) "Ye, Yes!" (Wakka) "It's an Al Bhed!!" Yuna is pulled off
the carriage and into the river. Tidus and Wakka jump in after here her. They
swim toward some strange mechanical contraption. (Wakka) "We have to help her
now!" Yuna has been encased in a energy field on top of the machine.

After the machine was destroyed, they managed to rescue Yuna and bring her back
aboard. Lulu inspects Yuna. (Lulu) "You're not injured?" (Yuna) "Um, I'm
fine." (Tidus) "Humph......" (Wakka) "Really....... Those Al Bheds!"
(Shiparf driver) "Is you okay?" (Yuna, leaping up and waving her hand) "Sorry!
I'm okay!" It seems like a scene when Yuna was little and had to be rescued
from the river. (Aaron) "Yuna! (meaning- stop it)" (Yuna) "Ah, yes!"
(Shiparf) "We're departing!" (Wakka, contemplating) "Jeez, those Al Bheds.
What do they want? Does this have anything to do with what happened in Luca?
Why are they attacking Yuna! Ah! Are they paying us back for beating them in
the contest! Ah!? Are they paying us back for them losing Mihen Session!?"
(Lulu) "I wonder why. Kimari's acquaintances did say. Recently, summoners are
disappearing." (Wakka) "AAh! That is Al Bhed's doing! Damn..... What are
the Al Bheds thinking?" Everyone is in deep, deep thought. (Tidus) "Whatever.
It's useless to talk about the Al Bheds here. No matter who our enemies are,
we will protect Yuna. I'm doing my job just think about that." (Wakka)
"Well.....I guess so, but......" (Lulu) "Yep." Just moving her lips, Yuna
quietly says 'thank you' to Tidus.

They arrive at the northern banks of the visionary river of light. Tidus
strolls around to speak to others in the party. (Kimari) "Kimari was negligent
on the Shiparf. I will not be negligent again." Tidus enters an covered area
where Yuna has attracted quite a bit of attention from people. (People) "With
such a wonderful daughter, Blaska must be so proud in the other world! How are
about meeting Blaska at the Guado Salam? I heard she was attacked by the Al
Bheds, but isn't she injured? I want to pray to Yuna's calm season while I'm
still alive." (Wakka, standing nearby to protect Yuna) "The Al Bheds may still
be around. Be on guard." (Lulu) "She hasn't tried to move for a while now."

Tidus moves on to find Aaron. (Aaron) "Don't take your eyes off of Yuna."
Further along, Tidus runs into someone from Guado Salam; they're the green,
plant-like characters. (Man from Guado) "Guado Salam is not far from here. On
the road there, monsters have been appearing and disappearing." Instead of
guarding Yuna, Tidus ventures down the road toward Guado and finds a girl
laying on the ground. He closes in for a better look. (Tidus) "Is she dead?"
Tidus steps back as the girl gets up and takes off her wet, outer clothes.
It's Rikku. (Rikku) "I thought I was going to die......" (Tidus) "Ah, Rikku!?
You're Rikku!" Rikku is on her knees, trying to recover from something.
(Tidus) "You survived! Are you okay?" She shakes her head. (Rikku) "Not at
all." (Tidus) "You don't look so good. What happened?" (Rikku) "I was beaten
by you!" (Tidus) "Ah! The machine earlier! Were you inside it?" Rikku nods.
(Rikku) "It still really hurts. It's terrible....." (Tidus) "But! But you
were attacking us." (Rikku) "No! It's a profound matter." Wakka catches up
with Tidus and shows up. (Wakka) "Hey!" The group shows up. (Wakka)
"Somebody you know?" (Tidus) "Well, let's see...... How do I explain......"
(Rikku, beating Tidus to her introduction) "Nice to meet you. I'm Rikku."
(Tidus) "Look, I have told Yuna and Lulu about her in Luca. Before I drifted
ashore at Beside, (mumbling) she helped me....." (Yuna) "Ah, ah......" (Lulu)
"Ah, ah......" (Wakka) "So, she is your benefactor. It's great to meet her.
It's certainly Ebon's blessing. So, Rikku? It looks like your were beaten.
Were you hurt?" (Lulu) "Wakka, wait for a second." (Wakka) "Huh? What?"
(Yuna) "I just wanted to talk to her for a second." (Wakka) "Oh, go right
ahead." Rikku briskly walks to Yuna. (Rikku, trying to wave Wakka away) "This
is a conversation for girls only! You boys, please wait over there!" (Lulu)
"Yes. Let's." (Wakka) "Huh? Ah?" Rikku has a brief talk with Lulu and Yuna,
then the three returns to the group. (Yuna) "Aaron. I want Rikku to be my
guard, but......" (Aaron) "Face up." (Rikku) "Huh? Ah, okay." She looks up
with her eyes closed. (Aaron) "Open your eyes." Rikku hesitates and then
opens just her left eye. (Aaron) "Just as I thought." (Rikku) "Is..... Is
that bad?" (Aaron) "Are you resolved?" (Rikku) "Of course!" Rikku addresses
the group. (Rikku) "In that case, is it okay?" (Aaron) "If Yuna wishes."
(Yuna) "I definitely." (Wakka, uncertain) "Um......" (Tidus) "Rikku is a good
kid. She helped me." Rikku nods in agreement. (Wakka) "That's true. I guess
it's good that it's going to be more lively!" (Rikku) "Yeah, I'm in charge of

(Narration) "It was wonderful. Although Wakka hates the Al Bhed tribe so
much......" (Rikku) "I hope you will all look after me!" (Narration) "He
wasn't aware that Rikku is a member of the Al Bhed tribe......"

After a short journey, they arrive at a huge cave entrance. It leads them to
Guado Salam......

(To be continued......)

CREDITS: Final Fantasy X is copyrighted by Square. All rights reserved. This
guide is copyrighted 2001 by Henry H. Jerng. Reproduction and distribution of
this material without my consent is strictly prohibited. Thanks go out to
CJayC for creating and maintaining as the premier website for
videogame FAQs and infomations.

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