Crazy Taxi 2

Crazy Taxi 2

17.10.2013 12:43:55
Cheats for Crazy Taxi 2
No arrows:
Hold Start and press A as the character
selection screen appears. The phrase "No Arrows" will
appear to confirm correct code entry.

No destination mark:
Hold Y and press A as the character selection
screen appears. The phrase "No Destination Mark" will
appear to confirm correct code entry.

No arrows or destination marks:
Hold Y + Start and press A as
the character selection screen appears. The word "Expert"
will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Alternate view:
Press B on controller C during game play for
a first person view. Press Y on controller C during game
play for an alternate angle. Press X on controller C during
game play to display the speedometer. Press A on controller
C during game play to return to the default view.
Crazy Taxi drivers:Successfully complete Crazy Pyramid mini-games S-S
(row 6) to unlock Axel, Gena, B.D. Joe, and Gus from the original
Crazy Taxi.

Baby stroller:
Successfully complete Crazy Pyramid mini-games 2-1
and 2-2 (row 4), then press L + R at the character
selection screen.

Push bike:
Successfully complete Crazy Pyramid mini-games 3-1
through 3-3 (row 3), then press L + R at the character
selection screen.

Small Apple level:
Successfully complete Crazy Pyramid mini-games 4-1
through 4-4 (row 2).

Around Apple level:
Successfully complete Crazy Pyramid mini-games 5-1
through 5-5 (row 1).

Change arrow color:
Press L on controller C. When you change the
color of the arrow, it stops directing you to the location by
turning when you get to a turn. It always points directly to the
target location, thus making it harder to know how to get there.
This makes it much easier to find shortcuts, because the arrow
will not only be pointing down streets.

Hint: Underwater passengers:
In Small Apple, there are underwater passengers in
the lake near the boathouse and in the river near the heliport
and boat dock.

All the underwater people have snorkels. If you go to the boathouse
and fall in the water there will be four disco guys.

Hint: Jump longer:
Hold Y to jump slightly farther.
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Cheats for Crazy Taxi 2

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