Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode 2

Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode 2

17.10.2013 22:36:41
Game Recipe Guide FAQ
Monster Rancher Battle Card Game: Episode 2
Recipe Guide
v 3.6 (1/12/2001, Final Version!)
Written by Skoban -

Best viewed in Notepad or Wordpad with Word Wrap

Original work, copyright Skoban (2000)
Monster Rancher is copyright of Tecmo

Please inform me of any mistakes please, thank you ^_^


Recipes Wanted:
Easy Mode: None! HAHAHAHAHA!(Thanks to SparK for the
tip to get Nelson's event)(100% complete)
Medium Mode (most medium mode decks listed were
contributed by SparK): Finished! (57/57 complete or
100% complete)
Hard Mode: All Complete ^_^ (57/57 complete or 100%

1. You
Group: Free
Gender: ???
Easy Mode: Your own deck(s)
Medium Mode: Your own deck(s)
Hard Mode: Your own deck(s)

2. Cue
Group: MCA
Gender: Female
Win: Critical
Easy Mode: Teach Me
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Bolt
3 Back Roll
Mocchi- 3 Slap
3 Roll Attack
3 Head Butt
2 Press
3 Roll
Hare- 3 Sobat
3 1-2 Punch
3 Windmill
3 Rush Punch
3 Footwork
Any Monster- 2 Critical
Breeder- 2 Help
2 Mango
Medium Mode: same as above
Hard Mode: same as above

3. Colt
Group: IMa
Gender: Female
Easy Mode: Review Team
Henger- 3 Kick
3 Yoyo
3 Fist Missile
3 Final Blade
3 Hyperspeed
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Stab
3 Bolt
3 Jump
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Head Butt
3 Petal Wind
3 Motch Ray
3 Roll
Any Monster- 2 Will Power
Breeder- 3 Ensnare
Medium Mode: Rookie Team (contributed by SparK)
Henger- 3 Kick
3 Fist Missile
3 Final Blade
3 Laser
3 Hyperspeed
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Stab
3 Back Roll
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Head Butt
3 Petal Wind
3 Motch Ray
3 Roll
Any Monster- 2 Will Power
Breeder- 3 Ensnare
Hard Mode: Pro Team
KnightMocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Head Butt
3 Press
3 Petal Wind
2 Shield
3 Parry
Henger- 3 Kick
3 Fist Missle
3 Final Blade
3 Laser
3 Hyperspeed
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Charge
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll

4. Verde
Group: Free
Gender: Female
Win: Gali Skills
Easy Mode: Item Lover
Monol- 3 Knock
3 Spike Bite
3 Sound Wave
3 Wall
Gali- 2 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Thunder
3 Deflect
3 Lie Down
Naga- 3 Belly Blow
3 Stab
3 Pierce
3 Thwack
3 Counter
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Powder
3 Nuts Oil
Medium Mode: Item Lady (contributed by SparK)
Monol- 3 Knock
3 Spike Bite
3 Screech
3 Wall
Gali- 2 Scratch
3 Evil Dance
3 Thunder
3 Deflect
3 Lie Down
Naga- 3 Belly Blow
3 Pierce
3 Thwack
3 Evil Shot
3 Counter
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Powder
3 Nuts Oil
Hard Mode: Item Master
Bazula- 3 Belly Blow
3 Pierce
3 Thwack
2 Whirl Blow
3 Evil Shots
3 Glare
3 Deflect
3 Lie Down
Naga- Naga shares the same attack cards with
Bazula. It's defense cards are:
3 Counter
Gali- Gali shares the same defense cards with
Bazula. It's attack cards are:
3 Evil Dance
3 Thunder
3 Flame
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Nice Fight
3 Powder
3 Nuts Oil

5. Errow
Group: IMa
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: Knighthood
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Bite
3 Eye Beam
3 Side Roll
Plant- 3 Slap
3 Seed Gun
3 Root Attack
3 Face Drill
3 Leaf Zero
Monol- 3 Knock
3 Flattening
3 Beam
3 Formation
3 Wall
Any Monster- 2 Grit
3 Jump In
Medium Mode: Life Sand
Suezo- 3 Tounge
3 Kiss
3 Lick
3 Side Roll
Plant- 3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Life Steal
3 Power of Sun
3 Take the Hit
Monol- 3 Screech
3 Shock Breath
3 Shield
2 Wall
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Fainted
3 Arid Land
3 Fake Cry
Hard Mode: Knight Rules (contributed by SparK)
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Bite
3 Eye Beam
3 Side Roll
Plant- 3 Seed Gun
3 Root Attack
3 Face Drill
3 Power of Sun
3 Leaf Zero
Monol- 3 Knock
3 Charge
3 Flattening
3 Formation
3 Shock Breath
Any Monster- 2 Grit
3 Jump In

6. Dadge
Group: IMa
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: Mnstr Freeze
Zilla- 3 Belly Attack
3 Roll Assault
3 Never Mind
3 Bounce
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 1-2 Thrust
3 Motch Ray
3 Hide
3 Roll
Naga- 3 Stab
3 Thwack
3 Poison Gas
3 Counter
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
2 Grit
3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Excited
Medium Mode: Mnstr Sleep (contributed by SparK)
Zilla- 3 Tail Lashes
3 Roll Assault
3 Never Mind
3 Bounce
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 1-2 Thrust
3 Petal Wind
3 Motch Ray
3 Hide
3 Roll
Naga- 3 Stab
3 Evil Shots
3 Counter
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
2 Grit
3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Excited
Hard Mode: Mnstr Union (contributed by SparK)
GentleMocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Head Butt
3 Press
3 1-2 Thrust
3 Petal Wind
3 Motch Ray
3 Hide
3 Roll
Zilla- 3 Tail Lashes
3 Roll Assault
3 Never Mind
3 Bounce
Mocchi- Mocchi shares the same cards with
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
2 Grit
3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Excited

7. Rosee
Group: IMa
Gender: Female
Win: Dino Skills
Easy Mode: Hop Up
Dino- 3 Punch
3 Bite
3 Flame
3 Leap Kick
3 Jump Aside
Mew- 3 Punch
3 Diving Press
3 Zap
3 Doll
3 Scaredy Cat
Henger- 2 Yoyo
3 Fist Missile
3 Laser
3 Burst Cannon
3 True Vision
Breeder- 3 Fake Cry
3 Long Battle
Medium Mode: Step Up (contributed by SparK)
Dino- 3 Punch
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Leap Kick
3 Jump Aside
Mew- 3 Punch
3 HundredBlows
3 Zap
3 Doll
3 Scaredy Cat
Henger- 3 Fist Missile
3 Laser
3 Burst Cannon
2 DodgeProgram
3 Hyperspeed
Breeder- 3 Fake Cry
3 Long Battle
Hard Mode: Jump Up
Dino- 3 Punch
3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Throw Away
3 Knee Kick
3 Fire Dash
3 Leap Kick
3 Jump Aside
Mew- 3 Punch
3 HundredBlows
3 Zap
3 Doll
3 Scaredy Cat
Shell Dino- Shell Dino shares the same attack cards
with Dino. It's defense cards are:
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Concentrate
Breeder- 2 Long Battle

8. Chaille
Group: IMa
Gender: Female
Win: Pixie Skills
Easy Mode: Padre Lesson
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Tiger- 3 Roar
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Worm- 3 Shell
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 2 Grit
3 Retreat
3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Last Trump
3 Busy Time
3 Awe
Medium Mode: Angel Lesson (contributed by SparK)
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Tiger- 3 Roar
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Worm- 3 Shell
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
2 Grit
3 Retreat
3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Nice Fight
3 Busy Time
Hard Mode: God Lesson
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Big Blue- 3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Worm- 3 Shell
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Grit
3 Retreat
3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Nice Fight
3 Fainted
3 Busy Time
2 Fake Cry

9. Wyola
Group: Free
Gender: Female
Win: Gali Skills
Easy Mode: One-Eye Team
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Tail Slap
3 Provoke
3 Yodel
Gali- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Flame
3 Tactics
3 Deflect
Henger- 3 Punch
3 Kick
3 Burst Cannon
3 Transform
3 Hyperspeed
Breeder- 2 Bad Weather
3 Pray
Medium Mode: Mono Search (contributed by SparK)
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Tail Slap
3 Yodel
3 Side Roll
Gali- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Flame
3 Tactics
3 Deflect
Henger- 3 Punch
3 Kick
3 Yoyo
3 Transform
3 Hyperspeed
Breeder- 2 Bad Weather
3 Pray
Hard Mode: One Eyes
Melon Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Tongue
3 Kiss
3 Lick
3 Eye Beam
3 Scouting
3 Provoke
3 Yodel
3 Endure
Suezo- Suezo shares the same attack cards with
Melon Suezo and Horn. It's defense cards
3 Side Roll
Horn- Horn shares the same attack cards with
Suezo and Melon Suezo. It's defense cards
3 Jump
Any Monster- 3 Retreat
Breeder- 2 Bad Weather
3 Pray

10. Pabs
Group: IMa
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: On Fight
Dino- 3 Punch
3 Tail Slap
3 Knee Kick
2 Flame
3 Leap Kick
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 head Butt
3 Motch Ray
3 Roll
Pixie- 3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Shotgun
3 Recover
3 Step
Any Monster- 3 Persistance
Breeder- 3 Hot Battle
Medium Mode: In Fight (contributed by SparK)
Dino- 3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Leap Kick
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Press
3 Motch Ray
3 Roll
Pixie- 3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Lightning
3 Recover
3 Step
Any Monster- 3 Persistence
Breeder- 2 Hot Battle
Hard Mode: Dog Fight
Dino- 3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
2 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Leap Kick
Angel- 3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Thunder
3 Bolt
3 Lightning
3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Recover
Pixie- Pixie shares the same attack cards with
Angel. It's defense cards are:
3 Step
Any Monster- 3 Concentrate
3 Persistence
Breeder- 3 Hot Battle

11. Tesca
Group: FIMBA
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: Emperor
Durahan- 3 Cut-in-Two
3 Flash Slash
3 V Slash
3 Thunderbolt
3 Parry
Ghost- 3 Toy Hammer
3 Charge
3 Energy Shot
3 Dove Bomb
3 In the Hat
Mocchi- 3 Slap
3 Roll Attack
3 Press
3 Motch Ray
3 Roll
Breeder- 3 Help
2 Cool Judge
Medium Mode: Last Emperor (contributed by SparK)
Durahan- 3 Cut-in-Two
3 Flash Slash
3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
3 Parry
Ghost- 3 Toy Hammer
3 Charge
3 Energy Shot
3 Necromancy
3 In the Hat
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Press
3 Motch Ray
3 Roll
Any Monster- 3 Concentrate
Breeder- 2 Cool Judge
Hard Mode: Big Bang
KnightMocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Head Butt
3 Press
3 1-2 Thrust
3 Petal Wind
3 Motch Ray
3 Shield
3 Parry
Durahan- Durahan shares the same defense cards
with KnightMocchi. It's attack cards are:
3 Cut-in-Two
3 Flash Slash
3 V Slash
3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
GentleMocchi- GentleMocchi shares the same attack cards
with KnightMocchi. It's defense cards
3 Round
3 Roll
Breeder- 2 Cool Judge

12. Holly
Group: FIMBA
Gender: Female
Easy Mode: Cheer Girls
Mew- 3 Head Butt
3 RushingPunch
3 Miaow
3 Zap
3 Scaredy Cat
Tiger- 3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Roar
3 Jump
Plant- 3 Jab
3 Seed Gun
3 Face Drill
2 Toxic Nectar
3 Power of Sun
Breeder- 3 Encourage
3 Support
Medium Mode: Cheerleaders (contributed by SparK)
Mew- 3 Head Butt
3 RushingPunch
3 HundredBlows
3 Miaow
3 Scaredy Cat
Tiger- 3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll
2 Jump
Plant- 3 Jab
3 Root Attack
3 Face Drill
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Power of Sun
Breeder- 3 Encourage
3 Support
Hard Mode: Cupids
Mew- 3 Head Butt
3 RushingPunch
3 HundredBlows
3 Miaow
3 Scaredy Cat
Usaba- 2 Slap
3 Jab
3 Seed Gun
3 Root Attack
3 Face Drill
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Power Of Sun
3 Side Roll
Plant- Plant shares the same attack cards with
Usaba. It's defense cards are:
3 Take The Hit
Breeder- 3 Encourage
3 Support

13. Espada
Group: BCB
Gender: Male
Win: Durahan
Easy Mode: Iron Prince
Dino- 3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Knee Kick
3 Fire Dash
3 Leap Kick
Durahan- 3 Cut-in-Two
3 Flash Slash
3 Million Stabs
3 Thunderbolt
3 Parry
Plant- 3 Seed Gun
3 Face Drill
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Power of Sun
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Cool Judge
Medium Mode: Iron King (contributed by SparK)
Dino- 3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Leap Kick
Durahan- 3 Flash Slash
3 MillionStabs
3 Aerial Shots
3 Thunderbolt
3 Parry
Plant- 3 Jab
3 Face Drill
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Power of Sun
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Cool Judge
Hard Mode: Iron Emperor (contributed by SparK)
Durahan- 3 Cut-in-Two
3 Flash Slash
3 MillionStabs
3 V Slash
1 Slash Combo
3 Death Bringer
3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
3 Meditate
3 Parry
Dino- 3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Leap Kick
Vesuvius- Vesuvius share the same attack cards with
Durahan. It's defense cards are:
3 Iron Scales
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
Breeder- 2 Cool Judge

14. Stolatos
Group: BCB
Gender: Male
Win: Monol
Easy Mode: 100 Mi. Walls
Plant- 3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Power of Sun
3 Leaf Zero
3 Take The Hit
Monol- 2 Formation
3 Shock Breath
3 Wall
Mocchi- 3 Motch Ray
3 Round
3 Roll Call
Any Monster- 3 Grit
3 Retreat
3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Confusion
3 Busy Time
Medium Mode: 1K Mi. Walls (contributed by SparK)
Plant- 3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Power of Sun
3 Leaf Zero
3 Take the Hit
Monol- 3 Shock Breath
3 Wall
Mocchi- 3 Motch Ray
3 Round
3 Roll
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Grit
3 Retreat
Breeder- 2 Mango
3 Confusion
3 Fainted
3 Busy Time
Hard Mode: 10K Mi. Wall (contributed by SparK)
Usaba- 3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Power of Sun
3 Side Roll
Monol- 2 Formation
3 Shock Breth
3 Wall
Mocchi- 3 Motch Ray
3 Round
3 Roll
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Grit
3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Confusion
3 Fainted
3 Busy Time

15. Totti
Group: BCB
Gender: Male
Win: Zilla
Easy Mode: Power Wave
Naga- 3 Stab
3 Thwack
3 Whirl Blow
3 Poison Gas
2 Life Steal
Zilla- 3 Belly Attack
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
3 Sneeze
3 Tidal Wave
Durahan- 3 MillionStabs
3 DeathBringer
3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
3 SilentStance
Any Monster- 3 Concentrate
Breeder- 3 Close Up
Medium Mode: Big Wave (contributed by SparK)
Naga- 3 Belly Blow
3 Thwack
3 Evil Shot
2 Life Steal
3 Evil SHots
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Tail Lashes
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
3 Tidal Wave
Durahan- 3 MillionStabs
3 DeathBringer
3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
3 Meditate
Any Monster- 3 Concentrate
Breeder- 3 Close Up
Hard Mode: Great Wave
Vesuvius- 3 Cut-in-Two
3 Flash Slash
3 MillionStabs
3 V Slash
3 Slash Combo
3 DeathBringer
3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
3 Meditate
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Tail Lashes
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
3 Tidal Wave
Durahan- Durahan shares the same attack cards with
Any Monster- 3 Concentrate
Breeder- 2 Help
3 Close Up

16. Matora
Group: BCB
Gender: Female
Win: Plant
Easy Mode: Wind Battle
Pixie- 3 Enchant
3 Step
3 Soar
Plant- 3 Toxic Nectar
2 Toxic Pollen
3 Life Steal
3 Power of Sun
3 Leaf Zero
Zilla- 3 Bubbles
3 In Your Face
3 Never Mind
3 Bounce
Any Monster- 3 Grit
3 Retreat
3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Arid Land
Medium Mode: Fire Battle (contributed by SparK)
Pixie- 3 Kiss
2 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Plant- 3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Life Steal
3 Power of Sun
3 Take The Hit
Zilla- 3 In Your Face
3 Never Mind
3 Bounce
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Arid Land
Hard Mode: Fire Hell
Pixie- 3 Kiss
2 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Usaba- 3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Life Steal
3 Power of Sun
3 Side Roll
Zilla- 3 In Your Face
3 Never Mind
3 Bounce
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Arid Land

17. Fio
Group: BCB
Gender: Female
Win: Pixie
Easy Mode: Monsoon
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Stab
3 Roar
2 Back Roll
3 Jump
Plant- 3 Slap
3 Seed Gun
3 Root Attack
3 Power of Sun
3 Take The Hit
Pixie- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Bolt
3 Soar
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
Medium Mode: Typhoon (contributed by SparK)
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Charge
3 Back Roll
2 Jump
Plant- 3 Jab
3 Root Attack
3 Face Drill
3 Power of Sun
3 Take the Hit
Pixie- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Step
3 Soar
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
Hard Mode: Hurricane
Tiger- 3 Righnt Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Charge
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll
2 Jump
Pixie- 3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Thunder
3 Bolt
3 Lightning
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Allure- Allure shares the same attack cards with
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
Breeder- 3 Hot Battle

18. Sephore
Group: BCB Star
Gender: Male
Win: Dino
Easy Mode: Fine Dino
Dino- 3 Punch
3 Knee Kick
3 Flame
3 Leap Kick
3 Jump Aside
Tiger- 3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Golem- 3 Brow Hit
3 Throw Away
3 Chop
3 Defense
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
3 Concentrate
Breeder- 2 Cool Judge
Medium Mode: Heavens Dino (contributed by SparK)
Dino- 3 Charge
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Leap Kick
3 Jump Aside
Tiger- 3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Golem- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 Defense
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
3 Concentrate
Breeder- 2 Cool Judge
Hard Mode: Hells Dino
Shell Dino- 3 Punch
3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Throw Away
3 Knee Kick
3 Fire Dash
3 Dust Kick
3 Flame
3 Leap Kick
3 Sidestep
Dino- Dino shares the same attack cards with
Anki and Shell Dino. It's defense cards
3 Jump Aside
Anki- Anki shares the same attack cards with
Dino and Shell Dino. It's defense cards
3 Defense
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
3 Concentrate
Breeder- 3 Help
2 Cool Judge

19. Schmitz
Group: BCB Star
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: Oh Grace
Plant- 3 Jab
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Life Steal
3 Power of Sun
Pixie- 3 Scratch
3 Shotgun
3 Recover
3 Soar
Naga- 3 Pierce
3 Poison Gas
3 Life Steal
3 Counter
Any monster- 3 Grit
Breeder- 2 Help
3 Mango
3 Encourage
Medium Mode: Oh Elegant (contributed by SparK)
Plant- 3 Face Drill
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Life Steal
3 Power of Sun
Pixie- 3 Lightning
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Naga- 3 Pierce
3 Poison Gas
3 Life Steal
3 Counter
Any Monster- 3 Grit
Breeder- 2 Help
3 Mango
3 Encourage
Hard Mode: Oh Shining
Plant- 3 Slap
3 Jab
3 Root Attack
3 Face Drill
3 Toxic Nectar
3 Toxic Pollen
3 Life Steal
3 Power of Sun
3 Take the Hit
Pixie- 3 Lightning
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Usaba- Usaba shares the same attack cards with
Plant. It's defense cards are:
3 Side Roll
Breeder- 2 Help
3 Mango
3 Encourage

20. Leon
Group: BCB Star
Gender: Male
Win: Tiger
Easy Mode: Dog Lover
Gali- 3 Scratch
3 Flame Wall
3 Tactics
3 Lie Down
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Breeder- 2 Help
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Brow Hit
3 Throw Away
3 Protect
Medium Mode: Dog Keeper (contributed by SparK)
Gali- 3 Kick
3 Thunder
3 Tactics
3 Lie Down
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Golem- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 Protect
Breeder- 2 Help
Hard Mode: Dog Trainer
Hare Hound- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Footwork
Suezo Mask- 3 Evil Dance
3 Thunder
3 Flame
3 Tactics
3 Side Roll
Tiger- Tiger shares the same attack cards with
Hare Hound. It's defense cards are:
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Breeder- 2 Help
3 Mango
3 Cool Judge

21. Juras
Group: BCB Star
Gender: Male
Win: Golem Skills
Easy Mode: Sweat Beads
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Belly Attack
3 Roll Assault
3 Tidal Wave
Monol- 3 Sound Wave
3 Screech
3 Beam
3 Formation
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Chop
3 Cyclone
3 Quake
3 Recharge
Any Monster- 3 Grit
3 Persistence
Breeder- 2 Help
3 Wild Rush
Medium Mode: Muscle Chest (contributed by SparK)
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
3 Tidal Wave
Monol- 3 Sound Wave
3 Screech
3 Beam
3 Formation
Golem- 3 Kick
3 Chop
3 Cyclone
3 Quake
3 Recharge
Any Monster- 3 Grit
3 Persistence
Breeder- 2 Help
3 Wild Rush
Hard Mode: Muscle King
Magna- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 W Chop
3 Shell
3 Sidestep
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Tail Lashes
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
3 Never Mind
Soboros- Soboros uses the same defense cards with
Magna. It's attack cards are:
3 Charge
3 Flattening
3 Spike Bite
3 Screech
Any Monster- 3 Grit
Breeder- 2 Hot Battle

22. Gustav
Group: Blue Wolves
Gender: Male
Win: Ghost
Easy Mode: Twinkle
Mocchi- 3 Slap
3 Thrust
3 Head Butt
3 Press
3 Roll
Ghost- 3 Toy Hammer
3 Uppercut
3 Energy Shot
2 Surprise
3 In the Hat
Mew- 3 Punch
3 Head Butt
3 Rushing Punch
3 Miaow
3 Scaredy Cat
Any Monster- 3 Grit
Breeder- 3 Lock Tight
Medium Mode: Blink Moment (contributed by SparK)
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Head Butt
3 Press
2 Round
3 Roll
Ghost- 3 Toy Hammer
3 Energy Shot
3 Necromancy
3 In the Hat
Mew- 3 Punch
3 Head Butt
3 HundredBlows
3 Miaow
3 Scaredy Cat
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
Breeder- 3 Lock Tight
Hard Mode: Instant Kill (contributed by SparK)
Pixie- 3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Thunder
3 Bolt
3 Step
3 Soar
Ghost- 3 Toy Hammer
3 Energy Shot
3 Necromancy
2 Dove Bomb
3 In the Hat
Mum Mew- Mum Mew shares the same defense cards
with Pixie. It's attack cards are:
3 Punch
3 Head Butt
3 HundredBlows
3 Miaow
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
Breeder- 3 Lock Tight

23. Vijadela
Group: Blue Wolves
Gender: Male
Win: Golem
Easy Mode: Giant C
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Throw Away
3 Roller
3 Defense
Suezo- 3 Tail Slap
3 Eye Beam
3 Scouting
3 Yodel
3 Side Roll
Gali- 3 Kick
3 Holy Ray
3 Thunder
3 Evil Blow
Any Monster- 3 PO
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Ensnare
2 Refresh
Medium Mode: Giant B (contributed by SparK)
Golem- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 Defense
Suezo- 3 Bite
3 Tounge
3 Eye Beam
3 Scouting
3 Side Roll
Gali- 3 Spin Cut
3 Evil Dance
3 Evil Blow
3 Flame
Any Monster- 3 PO
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Ensnare
2 Refresh
Hard Mode: Giant A
Big Blue- 3 Clutch
3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Throw Away
3 Chop
3 W Chop
3 Roller
3 Cyclone
3 Recharge
3 Back Roll
2 Jump
Golem- Golem shares the same attack cards with
Big Blue and Magna. It's defense cards
3 Defense
Magna- Magna shares the same attack cards with
Big Blue and Golem. It's defense cards
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 PO
3 Concentrate
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Ensnare

24. Zevla
Group: Blue Wolves
Gender: Male
Win: Naga
Easy Mode: Zero Counter
Naga- 3 Belly Blow
3 Stab
3 Evil Shot
3 Counter
Mew- 3 Punch
2 RushingPunch
3 Zap
3 Doll
3 Scaredy Cat
Mocchi- 3 Thrust
3 1-2 Thrust
3 Motch Ray
3 Hide
3 Roll
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Nice Fight
Medium Mode: Crs Counter (contributed by SparK)
Naga- 3 Thwack
3 Evil Shot
3 Evil Shots
3 Counter
Mew- 2 Punch
3 Head Butt
3 HundredBlows
3 Doll
3 Scaredy Cat
Mocchi- 3 Thrust
3 1-2 Thrust
3 Motch Ray
3 Hide
3 Roll
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Nice Fight
Hard Mode: Dbl Counter
Allure- 3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Lightning
3 Counter
Mew- 2 Punch
3 Head Butt
3 HundredBlows
3 Doll
3 Scaredy Cat
Mocchi- 3 Thrust
3 1-2 Thrust
3 Motch Ray
3 Hide
3 Roll
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Nice Fight

25. Nelson
Group: Blue Wolves
Gender: Male
Win: Henger
Easy Mode: Prompter
Mocchi- 3 Round
2 Hide
3 Roll
Henger- 3 Transform
3 DodgeProgram
3 True Vision
3 Hyperspeed
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Any Monster- 3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Cool Judge
3 Confusion
3 Complicated
3 Fake Cry
Medium Mode: Mastermind (contributed by SparK)
Mocchi- 3 Round
3 Roll
Henger- 3 DodgeProgram
3 True Vision
3 Hyperspeed
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
2 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Cool Judge
3 Confusion
3 Fainted
3 Busy Time
3 Fake Cry
Hard Mode: Dark Lord (contributed by SparK)
Mocchi- 3 Round
3 Roll
Henger- 3 DodgeProgram
2 True Vision
3 Hyperspeed
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Grit
3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Cool Judge
3 Confusion
3 Fainted
3 Busy Time

26. Isabella
Group: Blue Wolves
Gender: Female
Win: Mew
Easy Mode: Invitation
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Step
3 Soar
Mew- 3 Miaow
3 Doll
3 Tolerant Cat
3 Scaredy Cat
Suezo- 3 Tail Slap
3 Kiss
3 Lick
3 Side Roll
Any Monster- 3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Last Trump
2 Busy Time
3 Fake Cry
3 Close Up
Medium Mode: Sweetness (contributed by SparK)
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Step
2 Soar
Mew- 3 Miaow
3 Doll
3 Tolerant Cat
3 Scaredy Cat
Suezo- 3 Tounge
3 Kiss
3 Lick
3 Side Roll
Any Monster- 3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Fainted
3 Busy Time
3 Fake Cry
3 Close Up
Hard Mode: Melting
Pixie- 3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Mum Mew- Mum Mew shares the same defense cards
with Pixie. It's attack cards are:
3 HundredBlows
3 Miaow
3 Doll
Horn- 3 Tongue
3 Kiss
3 Lick
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Breeder- 3 Fainted
3 Busy Time
2 Fake Cry
3 Close Up

27. Oswald
Group: Retro Group
Gender: Male
Win: Gali
Easy Mode: Climax
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Tail Slap
3 Tongue
3 Kiss
3 Side Roll
Gali- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Evil Dance
3 Evil Blow
3 Deflect
Mew- 3 Punch
3 RushingPunch
3 Twiddling
3 Zap
2 Tolerant Cat
3 Scaredy Cat
Any Monster- 3 Retreat
Medium Mode: Dramatic (contributed by SparK)
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Tounge
3 Kiss
3 Side Roll
Gali- 3 Evil Dance
3 Thunder
3 Evil Blow
3 Flame
3 Deflect
Mew- 3 Punch
3 Head Butt
3 Twiddling
3 HundredBlows
2 Tolerant Cat
3 Scaredy Cat
Any Monster- 3 Retreat
Hard Mode: Suspenseful
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Tounge
3 Kiss
3 Side Roll
Gali- 3 Kick
3 Spin Cut
3 Evil Dance
3 Holy Ray
3 Thunder
3 Evil Blow
3 Flame
3 Deflect
3 Lie Down
Suezo Mask- Suezo Mask shares the same attack cards
with Gali
Suezo Mask shares the same defense cards
with Suezo
Any Monster- 2 Grit
3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango

28. Elizabeth
Group: Retro Group
Gender: Female
Easy Mode: Rush
Mew- 3 Punch
3 Head Butt
3 RushingPunch
3 Scaredy Cat
Hare- 3 Sobat
3 Super Head
3 Charge
2 Computing
3 Footwork
Ghost- 3 Toy Hammer
3 Charge
3 Energy Shot
3 Surprise
3 In The Hat
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
3 PO
Breeder- 3 Awe
Medium Mode: Sonic Rush (contributed by SparK)
Mew- 3 Punch
3 Head Butt
3 HundredBlows
3 Scaredy Cat
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Super Head
3 Charge
3 Gas
3 Footwork
Ghost- 3 Toy Hammer
3 Charge
3 Energy Shot
2 Dove Bomb
3 In The Heat
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
3 PO
Breeder- 3 Awe
Hard Mode: Light Rush
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Sobat
3 Super Head
3 Charge
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Ghost- 3 Toy Hammer
3 Charge
3 Necromancy
3 Dove Bomb
3 In The Hat
Fairy Hare- Fairy Hare shares the same attack cards
with Hare. It's defense cards are:
3 Step
3 Soar
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
2 Retreat
3 PO
Breeder- 3 Awe

29. Ryan
Group: Retro Group
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: Ryan Plan A
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Stab
3 Back Roll
Henger- 3 Punch
3 Kick
3 Laser Sword
3 Laser
3 True Vision
Gali- 3 Kick
3 Thunder
3 Flame Wall
3 Evil Blow
3 Deflect
Breeder- 3 Help
2 Mango
Medium Mode: Ryan Plan B (contributed by SparK)
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll
Henger- 3 Punch
3 Kick
3 Laser Sword
3 Laser
3 Hyperspeed
Gali- 3 Kick
3 Thunder
3 Evil Blow
3 Flame
3 Deflect
Breeder- 2 Mango
Hard Mode: Ryan Plan C (contributed by SparK)
Tiger- 3 Right Claw
3 Left Claw
3 Horn
3 Charge
3 Stab
3 Sonic Move
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Henger- 3 Punch
3 Kick
3 Laser Sword
3 Laser
3 Hyperspeed
Hare Hound- Hare Houns shares the same attack cards
with Tiger. It's defense cards are:
3 Footwork
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
3 Concentrate
Breeder- 2 Mango

30. Alfonse
Group: Fire Dragons
Gender: Male
Win: Dragon
Easy Mode: Legend Start
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Fist
3 Beam Gun
3 Sponge
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Brow Hit
2 Throw Away
3 Protect
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Bite
3 Combination
3 Trample
3 Iron Scales
3 Fly Away
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Cool Judge
Medium Mode: Legend Again (contributed by SparK)
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Beam Gun
3 Riddler
3 Sponge
Golem- 2 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 Protect
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Bite
3 Combination
3 Fire Breath
3 Iron Scales
3 Fly Away
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Cool Judge
Hard Mode: Legend Dragn (contributed by SparK)
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Bite
3 Combination
3 Dragon Punch
2 Trample
3 Dragon Combo
3 Fire Breath
3 Iron Scales
3 Fly Away
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Jell Copter
3 Riddler
3 Sponge
Stone Dragon- Stone Drago shares the same attack moves
with Dragon. It's defense cards are:
3 Defense
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Cool Judge

31. Rascal
Group: Fire Dragons
Gender: Male
Win: Jell
Easy Mode: Funky Punch
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Brow Hit
3 Throw Away
3 W Chop
3 Roller
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Fist
3 Riddler
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Bite
3 Dragon Punch
2 Trample
3 Dragon Combo
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Excited
Medium Mode: Funky Dance (contributed by SparK)
Golem- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 W Chop
3 Roller
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Fist
3 Riddler
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Bite
3 Dragon Punch
2 Trample
3 Dragon Combo
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
3 Concentrate
Breeder- 3 Excited
Hard Mode: Funky Kick (contributed by SparK)
Golem- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 W Chop
2 Roller
3 Defense
Purple Jell- 3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Fist
3 Riddler
Stone Dragon- Stone Dragon shares the same defense
cards with Golem. It's attack cards are:
3 Tail Attack
3 Bite
3 Dragon Punch
3 Dragon Combo
Any Monster- 3 Will power
3 Concentrate
Breeder- 3 Excited

32. Penny
Group: Fire Dragons
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: Night Spring
Gali- 3 Kick
2 Holy Ray
3 Flame Wall
3 Flame
3 Deflect
Worm- 3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Shell
Dino- 3 Punch
3 Tail Slap
3 Throw Away
3 Dust Kick
3 Endure
Breeder- 3 Wild Rush
3 Support
3 Long Battle
Medium Mode: Night Fall (contributed by SparK)
Gali- 2 Holy Ray
3 Thunder
3 Flame Wall
3 Flame
3 Deflect
Worm- 3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Shell
Dino- 3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Leap Kick
3 Endure
Breeder- 3 Wild Rush
3 Support
3 Long Battle
Hard Mode: Night Winter
Shell Dino- 3 Charge
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
2 Fire Dash
3 Leap Kick
3 Shell
2 Sidestep
Worm- Worm shares the same defense cards with
Shell Dino. It's attack cards are:
3 Tusk Slash
3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Pinch-Throw
3 Roll Assault
Dino- Dino shares the same attack cards with
Shell Dino. It's defense cards are:
3 Endure
1 Jump Aside
Breeder- 3 Wild Rush
3 Support
3 Long Battle

33. Cocochino
Group: Fire Dragons
Gender: Female
Win: Hare
Easy Mode: Hot Glance
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 1-2 Punch
3 Spin Fist
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Bite
3 Yodel
3 Side Roll
Mocchi- 3 Head Butt
3 Thrust
3 Motch Ray
3 Round
Any Monster- 2 Grit
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Mango
Medium Mode: Hot Passion (contributed by SparK)
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Sobat
3 Super Head
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Tounge
3 Scouting
3 Side Roll
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Head Butt
3 Motch Ray
3 Round
Breeder- 3 Help
2 Mango
Hard Mode: Hot Spirit
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Sobat
3 1-2 Punch
3 Super Head
3 Charge
2 Gas
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Mocchi- 3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Head Butt
3 Motch Ray
3 Round
Fairy Hare- Fairy Hare shares the same attack cards
with Hare. It's defense cards are:
3 Step
3 Soar
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Help

34. Zita
Group: Junior FD
Gender: Male
Win: Worm
Easy Mode: Space Clown
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Dragon Punch
3 Trample
3 Fire Beam
3 Iron Scales
Worm- 3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Worm Hole
3 Sidestep
Dino- 3 Punch
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
2 Leap Kick
3 Endure
Any Monster- 3 Persistence
Medium Mode: Space Magic (contributed by SparK)
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Dragon Punch
3 Dragon Combo
3 Fire Breath
3 Iron Scales
Worm- 3 Tusk Slash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Roll Assault
3 Sidestep
Dino- 3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Leap Kick
2 Endure
Any Monster- 3 Persistence
Hard Mode: Space Tech
Corone- 3 Tusk Slash
3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Roll Assault
3 Worm Hole
3 Footwork
Worm- Worm shares the same attack cards with
Corone. It's defense cards are:
3 Sidestep
Shell Dino- Shell Dino shares the same defense cards
with Worm. It's attack cards are:
3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
2 Fire Dash
3 Leap Kick
Any Monster- 3 Persistence
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Mango

35. Daniel
Group: Junior FD
Gender: Male
Win: Suezo
Easy Mode: 300x Zoom
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Tail Slap
3 Eye Beam
3 Scouting
3 Side Roll
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Throw Away
3 Quake
3 Recharge
3 Protect
Worm- 3 Tail Lash
3 Pinch Throw
3 Roll Assault
2 Wormhole
Breeder- 3 Wild Rush
3 Refresh
3 Pray
Medium Mode: Dan Scouter (contributed by SparK)
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Scouting
3 Side Roll
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Brow Hit
3 Throw Away
3 Recharge
3 Protect
Worm- 3 Pierce
3 Pinch-Throw
3 Roll Assault
2 Worm Hole
Breeder- 3 Wild Rush
3 Refresh
3 Pray
Hard Mode: Microscope
Corone- 3 Tusk Slash
3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Roll Assault
3 Footwork
Horn- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Bite
3 Tongue
3 Lick
3 Scouting
3 Back Roll
2 Jump
Big Blue- Big Blue shares the same defense cards
with Horn. It's attack cards are:
3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 W Chop

36. Toy
Group: Junior FD
Gender: Male
Win: Hare Skills
Easy Mode: Iron Chain
Dino- 3 Throw Away
3 Fire Dash
3 Dust Kick
3 Jump Aside
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Throw Away
3 Roller
3 Recharge
3 Defense
Hare- 3 Windmill
3 Spin Fist
2 Rush Punch
3 Computing
3 Footwork
Any Monster- 3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Hot Battle
3 Complicated
Medium Mode: Silvr Chain (contributed by SparK)
Dino- 3 Throw Away
3 Fire Dash
3 Dust Kick
3 Jump Aside
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Throw Away
3 Roller
3 Recharge
3 Defense
Hare- 3 1-2 Punch
3 Windmill
3 Spin Fist
2 Rush Punch
3 Footwork
Any Monster- 3 Blow Away
Breeder- 3 Hot Battle
3 Complicated
Hard Mode: Gold Chain
Dino- 3 Punch
3 Charge
3 Tail Slap
3 Bite
3 Throw Away
3 Knee Kick
3 Fire Dash
3 Leap Kick
3 Endure
Anki- Anki shares the same attack cards with
Dino. It's defense cards are:
3 Defense
Golem- Golem shares the same defense cards with
Anki. It's attack cards are:
3 Clutch
3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
Any Monster- 2 Willpower
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Close Up

37. Alice
Group: Junior FD
Gender: Female
Win: Mocchi
Easy Mode: Girl Logic
Mocchi- 3 Slap
3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
2 Licking
3 Round
Gali- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Flame Wall
3 Lie Down
Jell- 3 Pierce
3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Fly Swatter
3 Slip Away
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Mango
3 Last Trump
Medium Mode: Girl Worry (contributed by SparK)
Mocchi- 3 Slap
3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
2 Licking
3 Round
Gali- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Flame Wall
3 Lie Down
Jell- 3 Pierce
3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Fly Swatter
3 Slip Away
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Mango
3 Hot Battle
Hard Mode: Girl Serious
Mocchi- 3 Slap
3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Head Butt
2 Licking
3 Petal Wind
3 Motch Ray
3 Round
Jell- 3 Perce
3 Stab
3 Whip
3 Fly Swatter
3 Slip Away
KnightMocchi- KnightMocchi shares the same attack
skills with Mocchi. It's defense cards
3 Parry
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Mango
3 Lock Tight

38. Claire
Group: Free
Gender: Female
Win: Jell Skills
Easy Mode: Card Cutter
Jell- 3 Whip
3 Fly Swatter
3 Cannon
3 Riddler
3 Sponge
Hare- 3 Sobat
3 1-2 Punch
3 Windmill
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Belly Attack
3 Sneeze
3 Tidal Wave
3 Never Mind
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
3 Concentrate
Medium Mode: Card Breaker (contributed by SparK)
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Fist
3 Cannon
3 Riddler
3 Sponge
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 1-2 Punch
3 Super Head
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Belly Attack
3 Tail Lashes
3 Body Press
3 Never Mind
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
3 Concentrate
Hard Mode: Card Burning
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Fist
3 Cannon
3 Riddler
3 Sponge
Fairy Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 1-2 Punch
3 Super Head
3 Loud Voice
3 Step
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Belly Attack
3 Tail Lashes
3 Body Press
3 Never Mind
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
3 Concentrate

39. Yilis
Group: Free
Gender: Female
Win: Hare Skills
Easy Mode: All Cover
Jell- 3 Fist
3 Beam Gun
3 Jell Copter
3 Sponge
3 Slip Away
Hare- 3 Rush Punch
3 Gas
3 Computing
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Zilla- 3 Roll Assault
3 Bubbles
3 Tidal Wave
3 Never Mind
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
Breeder- 2 Fake Cry
3 Spark
Medium Mode: All Over (contributed by SparK)
Jell- 3 Cannon
3 Beam Gun
3 Jell Copter
3 Sponge
3 Slip Away
Hare- 3 Spin Fist
3 Gas
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Zilla- 3 Tail Lashes
3 Sneeze
3 Bubbles
3 Tidal Wave
3 Never Mind
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
Breeder- 2 Fake Cry
3 Spark
Hard Mode: All Field
Purple Jell- 3 Stab
3 Cannon
3 Beam Gun
3 Jell Copter
3 Counter
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Charge
3 Gas
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Zilla- 3 Body Press
3 Sneeze
3 Tidal Wave
3 Never Mind
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
Breeder- 2 Fake Cry
3 Spark

40. Frederika
Group: Free
Gender: Female
Win: Zilla Skills
Easy Mode: Rock Lady
Jell- 3 Pierce
3 Whip
3 Fist
3 Sponge
3 Slip Away
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Super Head
3 Charge
3 Footwork
Zilla- 3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
3 In Your Face
3 Bounce
Any Monster- 3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Wild Rush
2 Complicated
Medium Mode: Rock Princess (contributed by SparK)
Jell- 3 Pierce
3 Whip
3 Fist
3 Sponge
3 Slip Away
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Super Head
3 Charge
3 Footwork
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
3 Bounce
3 In Your Face
Any Monster- 3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Mango
2 Complicated
Hard Mode: Rock Queen
Fairy Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Sobat
3 1-2 Punch
3 Super Head
3 Windmill
3 Spin Fist
3 Charge
3 Soar
Hare- Hare shares the same attack cards with
Fairy Hare. It's defense cards are:
3 Footwork
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
3 In Your Face
3 Bounce
Any Monster- 3 Jump In
Breeder- 3 Mango
2 Complicated

41. Davis
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: Roll Block
Dino- 3 Knee Kick
3 Fire Dash
3 Endure
3 Jump Aside
Golem- 3 Throw Away
3 W Chop
3 Defense
Worm- 3 Pinch-Throw
3 Worm Hole
3 Shell
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Grit
3 Retreat
3 Persistence
Breeder- 3 Excited
3 Last Trump
2 Busy Time
Medium Mode: Wall Block (contributed by SparK)
Dino- 3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Endure
3 Jump Aside
Golem- 3 Kick
3 Chop
3 Defense
Worm- 3 Roll Assault
3 Worm Hole
3 Shell
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Grit
3 Retreat
3 Persistence
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Excite
2 Busy Time
Hard Mode: Miracle Block
Dino- 3 Bite
3 Knee Kick
3 Fire Dash
3 Leap Kick
3 Endure
3 Jump Aside
Corone- 3 Pinch-Throw
3 Roll Assault
3 Worm Hole
3 Footwork
Worm- Worm shares the same attack cards with
Corone. It's defense cards are:
3 Shell
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Grit
3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Excited
2 Busy Time

42. Butcher
Group: IMa
Gender: Male
Win: Durahan Skills
Easy Mode: Breathe
Golem- 3 Chop
3 W Chop
3 Cyclone
3 Recharge
3 Defense
Plant- 3 Jab
3 Seed Gun
3 Root Attack
3 Rootone
3 Take the Hit
Durahan- 3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
3 Meditate
3 Shield
3 Parry
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
3 PO
Medium Mode: Ult. Breathe
Golem- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Cyclone
3 Recharge
3 Defense
Plant- 3 Jab
3 Seed Gun
3 Face Drill
3 Rootone
3 Take the Hit
Durahan- 3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
3 Meditate
3 Shield
3 Parry
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
3 PO
Hard Mode: True-Breathe
Durahan- 3 Cut-in-Two
3 Flash Slash
3 MillionStabs
3 V Slash
3 DeathBringer
3 Aerial Shot
3 Thunderbolt
3 Shield
3 Parry
Big Blue- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 Back Roll
3 Jump
Vesuvius- Vesuvius shares the same attack cards
with Durahan. It's defense cards are:
3 Fly Away
Any Monster- 3 Concentrate
Breeder- 2 Cool Judge

43. Bosh
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Win: Suezo Skills
Easy Mode: Smash
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Bite
2 Provoke
3 Side Roll
Henger- 3 Punch
3 Kick
3 Fist Missile
3 Final Blade
3 True Vision
Worm- 3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Poison Gas
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Powder
Medium Mode: Mega Smash (contributed by SparK)
Suezo- 3 Spit
3 Teleport
3 Scouting
2 Provoke
3 Side Roll
Henger- 3 Punch
3 Kick
3 Laser Sword
3 Final Blade
3 Hyperspeed
Worm- 3 Tusk Slash
3 Tail Lash
3 Poison Gas
3 Side Step
Any Monster- 3 Will Power
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Powder
Hard Mode: Giga Smash
Henger- 3 Punch
3 Kick
3 Yoyo
3 Fist Missile
3 Laser Sword
3 Final Blade
3 Laser
3 Burst Cannon
3 Transform
Worm- 3 Tusk Slash
3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Roll Assault
Black Henger- Black Henger shares the same attack cards
with Henger.
Any Monster- 3 Willpower
Breeder- 3 Mango
2 Cool Judge
3 Powder

44. Zanishi
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Win: Monol Skills
Easy Mode: Sky Diver
Mew- 3 Punch
3 RushingPunch
3 Twiddling
3 Tolerant Cat
3 Scaredy Cat
Jell- 3 Beam Gun
3 Jell Copter
3 Riddler
3 Sponge
3 Slip Away
Dragon- 3 Wing Cutter
3 Dragon Combo
3 Iron Scales
3 Fly Away
ANy Monster- 2 Retreat
3 PO
Breeder- 3 Warp
Medium Mode: Space Diver (contributed by SparK)
Mew- 3 Head Butt
3 RushingPunch
3 Twiddling
3 Tolerant Cat
3 Scaredy Cat
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Jell Copter
3 Riddler
3 Sponge
3 Slip Away
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Wing Cutter
3 Iron Scales
3 Fly Away
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
3 PO
Breeder- 3 Warp
Hard Mode: Heaven Diver
Mum Mew- 3 Head Butt
3 RushingPunch
3 Twiddling
3 Step
3 Soar
Jell- 3 Stab
3 Jell Copter
3 Riddler
3 Sponge
3 Slip Away
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Wing Cutter
3 Iron Scales
3 Fly Away
Any Monster- 2 Retreat
3 PO
Breeder- 3 Warp

45. Jodi
Group: Free
Gender: Female
Win: Henger Skills
Easy Mode: In Dream
Henger- 2 Burst Cannon
3 Transform
3 DodgeProgram
3 True Vision
Mew- 3 Head Butt
3 Singing Cat
3 Doll
3 Scaredy Cat
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Computing
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Breeder- 3 Mango
3 Wild Rush
3 Last Trump
3 Complicated
3 Fake Cry
Medium Mode: Cont. Dream
Henger- 2 Burst Cannon
3 Transform
3 DodgeProgram
3 Hyperspeed
Mew- 3 Head Butt
3 Singing Cat
3 Doll
3 Scaredy Cat
Hare- 3 Head Butt
3 Computing
3 Loud Voice
3 Footwork
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Mango
3 Last Trump
3 Complicated
Hard Mode: Mid Dream
Pixie- 3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Thunder
3 Bolt
3 Lightning
3 Kiss
3 Recover
3 Step
Black Henger- 3 Kick
3 Laser Sword
3 Final Blade
3 Burst Cannon
3 Shock Breath
Night Flyer- Night Flyer shares the same attack cards
with Pixie. It's defense cards are:
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
Breeder- 3 Mango
2 Complicated

46. Bursy
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Win: Golem Skills
Easy Mode: Tough Man
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Throw Away
3 Chop
3 W Chop
3 Roller
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Belly Attack
3 Tail Lashes
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
2 In Your Face
Dragon- 3 Bite
3 Spinning Claw
3 Dragon Punch
3 Trample
3 Fire Breath
Breeder- 3 Awe
Medium Mode: Toughness (contributed by SparK)
Golem- 3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
3 W Chop
3 Roller
Zilla- 3 Scrath
3 Belly Attack
3 Tail Lashes
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
2 In Your Face
Dragon- 3 Bite
3 Dragon Punch
3 Trample
3 Dragon Combo
3 Fire Breath
Breeder- 3 Awe
Hard Mode: Tough Guy
Golem- 3 Clutch
3 Brow hit
3 Kick
3 Chop
2 W Chop
2 Roller
Zilla- 3 Scratch
3 Belly Attack
3 Tail Lashes
3 Body Press
3 Roll Assault
Dragon- 3 Tail Attack
3 Bite
3 Dragon Punch
2 Trample
2 Dragon Combo
3 Fire Breath
Breeder- 3 Nice Fight

47. Guntz
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Win: Naga Skills
Easy Mode: Crush
Worm- 3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Roll Assault
3 Worm Hole
Gali- 3 Spin Cut
3 Thunder
3 Evil Blow
3 Flame
Naga- 3 Belly Blow
3 Thwack
3 Whirl Blow
3 Evil Shot
3 Glare
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Wild Rush
2 Nice Fight
Medium Mode: Pwr Crush (contributed by SparK)
Worm- 3 Tusk Slash
3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Roll Assault
Gali- 3 Spin Cut
3 Evil Dance
3 Evil Blow
3 Flame
Naga- 3 Pierce
3 Thwack
3 Evil Shot
3 Evil Shots
3 Glare
Breeder- 3 Help
3 Wild Rush
2 Nice Fight
Hard Mode: Gantz Smash
Worm- 3 Tusk Slash
3 Tail Lash
3 Bite
3 Pierce
3 Roll Assault
3 Sidestep
Gali- 3 Spin Cut
3 Evil Dance
3 Thunder
3 Evil Blow
3 Flame
Magna- Magna shares the same defense cards with
Worm. It's attacks are:
3 Brow Hit
3 Kick
2 Throw Away
3 Chop
3 W Chop
Breeder- 3 Nice Fight

48. Miller
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Easy Mode: Miller's
Miller uses the exact same deck as you.
Medium Mode: Miller's
Miller uses the exact same deck as you.
Hard Mode: Miller's
Miller uses the exact same deck as you.

49. April
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Win: Pixie Skills
Easy Mode: Yay Pixie
Golem- 3 Chop
2 W Chop
3 Defense
3 Protect
Pixie- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Thunder
3 Bolt
3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Monol- 3 Screech
3 Beam
3 Formation
Breeder- 3 Spark
Medium Mode: Yes Pixie (contributed by SparK)
Golem- 3 Chop
2 W Chop
3 Defense
3 Protect
Pixie- 3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Thunder
3 Bolt
3 Lightning
3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Monol- 3 Screech
3 Formation
Breeder- 3 Spark
Hard Mode: Pixie Heaven
Pixie- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Thunder
3 Bolt
3 Lightning
3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Step
3 Soar
Angel- Angel shares the same attack cards with
Pixie and Allure. It's defense cards are:
3 Deflect
Allure- Allure shares the same attack cards with
Pixie and Angel. It's defense cards are:
3 Counter
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Mango
2 Spark

50. Ellie
Group: Free
Gender: Female
Easy Mode: Ellie's
Ellie, like Miller, uses the same deck as you.
Medium Mode: Ellie's
Ellie, like Miller, uses the same deck as you.
Hard Mode: Ellie's
Ellie, like Miller, uses the same deck as you.

51. Mocchi
Group: ???
Gender: -
Easy Mode: MocchiMocchi
GentleMocchi- 3 Slap
3 Roll Attack
3 Thrust
3 Head Butt
3 Press
3 1-2 Thrust
3 Licking
3 Petal Wind
3 Motch Ray
3 Round
3 Roll
Mocchi- Mocchi shares the same cards with
GentleMocchi and KnightMocchi.
KnightMocchi- KnightMocchi shares the same attack cards
with Mocchi and GentleMocchi. It's
defense cards are:
3 Shield
3 Parry
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Critical
Breeder- 2 Mango
3 Hot Battle
Medium Mode: same as above (confirmed by SparK)
Hard Mode: same as above (confirmed by SparK)

52. Pixie
Group: ???
Gender: Female
Easy Mode: Pixie Pixie
Angel- 3 Scratch
3 Kick
3 Charge
3 Thunder
3 Bolt
3 Shotgun
3 Lightning
3 Kiss
3 Enchant
3 Recover
3 Deflect
Pixie- Pixie shares the same attack cards as
Night Flyer and Angel. It's defense cards
2 Soar
3 Step
Night Flyer- Night Flyer shares the same attack cards
as Pixie and Angel. It's defense cards
3 Sidestep
Any Monster- 3 Dodge
3 Retreat
Breeder- 3 Spark
Medium Mode: same as above (confirmed by SparK)
Hard Mode: same as above (confirmed by SparK)

53. Matthew
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Matthew is not a Battle Card player.

54. Waldorf
Group: MCA
Gender: Male
Waldorf is not a Battle Card player.

55. Benelett
Group: MCA
Gender: Female
Benelett is not a Battle Card player.

56. Celulia
Group: MCA
Gender: Female
Celulia is not a Battle Card player.

57. Fujita
Group: Free
Gender: Male
Fujita is not a Battle Card player.

Update History
v0.4 (3/9/2000) First version, 20% completion

v0.9 (4/9/2000) Added Fio's, Leon's, Juras',
Vijadela's, Zevla's, Oswald's, Penny's, Zita's,
Daniel's, Toy's, Alice's, Claire's, Yilis',
Frederika's, and Davis' recipes, rearranged spacing,
34 % completion

v1.4 (5/9/2000) Added Medium and Hard Mode entries.
Fixed Cue - Teach Me, Leon - Dog Lover and Mocchi -
MocchiMocchi decks. Added Totti's, Matora's, April's,
Jodi's, Ryan's, Schmitz', Cocochino's, Wyola's,
Buthcher's, Bosh's, Zanishi's, Elizabeth's and Holly's
Easy Mode Decks, Cue's Medium Mode Deck and Toy's,
Pabs', Schmitz' and Cue's Hard Mode Deck. Added gender
and group info. Added some win info. Corrected Fio -
Monsoon and Zita - Space Clown deck.
47% completion.

v1.7 (22/9/2000) Added Isabella's, Daniel's, Penny's,
Cocochino's and Alice's Hard Mode Decks. Added SparK's
contribution - Penny's, Pabs', Leon's, Frederika's,
Cocochino's, Juras', Bosh's, Matora's, Schmitz',
Sephore's, Isabella's, Yilis', Claire's and Vijadela's
Medium Mode Decks. Completed Penny's, Isabella's,
Pabs', Schmitz', Cocochino's and Matora's recipe
entries. Added misc. info.
56% completion.

v2.3 (17/10/2000) Added Frederika's, April's, Fio's,
Sephore's, Totti's, Bosh's, Rosee's, Verde's, Bursy's,
Chaille's, Zevla's, Guntz', Davis', Vijadela's,
Zanishi's, Butcher's, Leon's, Jodi's, Claire's, Yilis',
Juras', Zita's, Wyola's and Matora's Hard Mode Deck.
Added SparK's contribution - Verde's, April's, Guntz',
Zanishi's, Butcher's, Davis', Toy's, Zevla's, Daniel's,
Alice's, Ryan's, Elizabeth's, Zita's, Stolatos', Fio's,
Totti's, Chaille's, Wyola's, Jodi's, Bursy's, and
Rosee's Medium Mode Decks. Completed Butcher's,
Chaille's, Zanishi's, Davis', Totti's, Toy's, Alice's,
Zevla's, Daniel's, Zita's, Guntz' Juras', Claire's,
Frederika's, Vijadela's, Yilis', April's, Leon's,
Sephore's, Bosh's, Rosee's, Matora's, Fio's, Verde's
and Wyola's recipe entries. Added recipes wanted.

v2.6 (23/10/2000) Corrections of mistakes. Added
SparK's contribution - Gustav's, Alfonse's, Colt's,
Errow's, Nelson's, Pixie's, Espada's, Mocchi's,
Oswald's, and Rascal's normal mode deck and Espada's,
Stolatos' Mocchi's, Pixie's, Oswald's, Rascal's and
Gustav's Hard Mode deck. Added Nelson's easy mode deck,
completing all easy mode recipe entries. Completed
Espada's, Stolatos', Rascal's, Pixie's, Mocchi's,
Gustav's and Oswald's recipe entries.

v3.0 (31/10/2000, Halloween) Added SparK's
contributions: Dadge's, Holly's and Tesca's Medium Mode
Decks, completing all Medium Mode Recipes; and
Nelson's, Alfonse's, Ryan's, Dadge's and Errow's Hard
Mode Decks. Completed Errow's, Alfonse's, Ryan's,
Nelson's and Dadge's recipe entries.

v3.4 (22/4/2001) Added Colt's, Tesca's, Elizabeth's and
Holly's Hard Mode decks, completing all Hard Mode
recipes. Finished this guide ^_^.

v3.6 (1/12/2001) Clean up and corrections. Simplified
Mocchi and Pixie's recipe entries. Corrected Bursy's,
Alfonse's and Elizabeth's Hard Mode Decks. Corrected
Chaille's Easy Mode Deck. Corrected Frederika's,
Totti's, Zevla's, Elizabeth's, Davis', and April's
Medium Mode Decks.

Other info
The most up to date version of this FAQ can be found at:
GameFAQs -

Other places where this FAQ is available (not necessarily
updated) are:
Game Advice -
Absolute Playstation -
Monster Rancher Center -

CJayC - For putting this guide up.

NeoY2J - For being the first person to write a MRBCG FAQ.

Kao Megura - For being an inspiration and writing the ultimate

My friend, Faiz - For lending me Monster Rancher Battle Card
Game: Episode 2. (At the time of writing (22/4), it's his 15th
Birthday! ^_^)

TECMO - For creating the Monster Rancher series.

Me - For contrubuting once after receiving so much from GameFAQs.

My mother - For buying me a computer and letting me use the net.

You - For taking the time to even read the credits.

SparK - For being the first person to contribute to this FAQ.
Three cheers for him!!!

Spiffy - The third contributer for MRBCG on GameFAQs (First being
NeoY2J, second being me), with a Deck Creation FAQ.

Original work, copyright Skoban (2000-2001)
Monster Rancher is copyright of Tecmo
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