Street Fighter EX 2 Plus

Street Fighter EX 2 Plus

12.10.2013 12:59:17
Blanka FAQ
Blanka Information
Ver 1.0
Updated 7th January 2000
This document is Copyright Adam Tennant 2000.
All special and super move names made up by me.

Feel free to use and distribute this FAQ for non-profit purposes, especially kicking peoples asses
at EX2+.
If you use the info in here in another document, credit where credit is due please.

Version History

Ver 1.0 The first Draft.

Normal Moves

Jab Nothing exciting.

Strong F+Strong does a double headbutt.

Fierce Crouching Fierce has excellent range. DF+Fierce does a slide. Not
useful as it has a long delay but it can go under fireballs if you
time it
really well. Standing Fierce is great anti-air defence.
Crouching Fierce is good anti-air against oppoents jumping in from a
way off.

Short OK range and priority. Jumping Short has a good downward angle.

Forward Not great range but the Blanka Ball can be comboed of this attack.

Roundhouse Crouching RH is a sweep with great range. Standing RH does a
Which is a good anti-air move. Jumping RH has excellent range and
as well as a good, downward angle making for fast jump ins.


Fierce Jumps onto opponents thighs and repeatedly bites their face! This
the move which originally started me playing SF2 back in the old
Cool throw. Not great speed compared with other throws. Not great

Special Moves

Blanka Ball , F+P
The signature Blanka move. He curls into a ball and hurls himself across the screen. Has a
reasonably long delay afterwards. Button dictates speed and distance travelled.

Upward Blanka Ball , U+P
He curls into a ball and flies upward and forwards. Has a long delay afterwards. Button
dictates speed, height and angle. Short=steep angle and low, RH=shallow angle but high.

Backflip Blanka Ball , F+K ( K cancels )
He does a rolling flip backward, then an arcing roll forward. Pressing K during the first
hop cancels the forward hop. Not a really useful move except for anticipating fireballs

He hops forwards or backwards quickly. Good move for closing for a throw or just to
throw off the opponent's distance game. Also useful for hopping PAST an opponent to attack
from behind. Computer controlled Blanka will do this in his Excell combos!

Electricity Hit P multiple times
He crouches down and becomes charged with electricity. Continues until you stop hitting P.

Super Moves
( all supers knock the opponent down )

Ground Roll , F, B, F+P ( hold P to charge )
He curls into ball covered in lightning and then rolls quickly across the screen. Holding P
will make him spin in place and charge it for more hits. Opponents jumping in will bounce
the ball taking hits while you charge. Release as they come down for about the third or
time. Can be cancelled into the Beast Rush as the last hits take him into the air.

Beast Rush QCF X2+P ( air )
He rolls into a ball and comes down doing hits until he lands and then runs along the
slapping the opponent. Can only be done in the air. Can be cancelled into the Ground Roll
he touches down.

Leaping Bite , F, B, F+K ( unblockable )
He lets out a howl then leaps quickly across the screen. If he connects with an opponent on
the ground he does an electrical version of his bite then throws them up in the air, slaps
them around then smashes them back to the ground. Can be cancelled into the Beast Rush
he hits them in the air for the third or fourth time. Timing is required for the Beast Rush
connect properly and have the whole super connect. Button determines distance but it's self

Elecrical Storm QCF X2 + KKK ( level 3 )
He dances madly on the spot while a huge electrical explosion goes off around him. Does
damage. Damage is dependant on how close the opponent is when the super goes off. Comes out
REALLY fast and has reasonable range.


Blanka only has a few useful combos but they're quick and do a lot of damage.

Jumping RH, crouching Fierce.
Good, long range combo.

Jumping Fierce/RH, crouching Forward, Blanka Ball.
The standard Blanka combo, safe against many characters.

Jumping Fierce/RH, crouching Forward, Blanka Ball, Beast Rush, Ground Roll, Beast rush.
Three super chain. The Beast Rush can be done in the air after the Blanka Ball then
into the Ground Roll which finishes in the air so it can be followed by another Beast Rush.
You have to cancel into the Ground Roll not long after he hits the ground and starts
or it won't come out.

Leaping Bite, Beast Rush, Ground Roll
VERY COOL looking three-super chain. LOTS of damage.


Blanka is one of the faster characters in the game. He is best played by constantly changing the
distance between you and your oppenent by jumping, using short rolls and hops. Keep them guessing.
You can hop backwards while charging a Blanka Ball.
If the opponent has an attack which can hit you after you bounce off him after a blocked Blanka
interrupt it into a Beast Rush if you see them do their attack. This'll make them think twice about
retaliating to a blocked Ball attack again.
The vertical Ball attack is excellent air defence when done early. It doesn't work as a wake-up
and will be hit pretty much all the time unless they stuffed up their jump in.
Blanka doesn't have an overhead and his throw isn't the best so leaping around like a mad bastard
his best plan of attack. Ball attacks can be spaced so that they stop just in front of the opponent
leaving him open for a throw. The Hop is also useful for this.
If you get the range right, after you knock them down you can do a Ball as they get up and roll past
to attack from behind. The Electricity attack is useful for this.
Try to be charging for Ball attacks etc as much as possible. You can really inflict a lot of damage
a Ball attack connects and you should follow every such hit with at least one super.
Blanka is good at all ranges so mix it up. If the opponent always uses a ground attack to hit your
ins, jump in with a late Beast Rush super in the air. A bit of a gamble but it can pay off.

Guard break
Blanka hops forward, striking downward with both hands. Reasonable range. And the opponent may not
it coming if you've been leaping around madly and you've got him in block-mode.

Avoiding Guard breaks:
There are three basic times guard breaks are used:
1) During blocked, multi-hitting supers
2) During blocked, multi-hitting specials/combos
3) Out of the blue

1) Easiest to avoid. Just be ready with a throw. You can usually tap the approriate button during
their super and you'll automatically throw them if they Guard Break.
2) Throws are often a good counter to this but some Guard Breaks have a lot of range so a crouching
Short or Forward is a better response.Obviously a super is the best response but this requires
some pretty damn fast reflexes.
3) If the opponent isn't predictable then these can be a problem depending on which character is
doing the Guard Break. As for 2, a crouching Short or Forward is generally the best response but
some characters have really long range Guard Breaks so modify this as necessary. Some characters
such as Chun Li also have Guard Breaks which may hit you if you try to jump over them.

I don't have a good Excell for him. Your average Excel combo will only do as much or less than a
one level super anyway.
Any info much appreciated.

The Excell is a very useful tool for avoiding being hit by supers, going through excellent air
defences and doing multiple hits in the air. Another use for it is avoiding Guard Breaks.
Some characters have combinations of a blocked super followed by a Guard Break which are pretty
much unaviodable except through use of an excel.

Vs Info

An annoyingly fast poking character. Players will usually just do her hop move and alternate it
poking like mad. Learn to know when to put in a crouching short to hit her. Her super where she
a double handed strike to knock you into the air is among the best in the game for range and
If she charges the pistol super, be careful not to poke too much in response to her poking attacks
the pistol super comes out very fast and does a lot of damage.
Try to keep her at range using your mobility.

Doctrine Dark
Stay fairly close. DD is probably at his best at mid range where he can use his land mines and wire
attack effectively.
Try not to be predictable with jump ins as his standing RH is excellent anti-air defence and he can
also do a nasty little combo with his wire attack and mines as you jump in.

Cracker Jack
His supers do a LOT of damage so be careful. Just a charging punch plus one super can take off
almost half your life. He can also put together a really large string of specials and multiple
which does huge damage. Try not to jump in carelessly as he has a couple of supers which can really
punish you.

If you block a Blanka Ball, you can hit him with a Blanka Ball of your own. Try not to do it too
quickly or it won't come out.
These are fun and crazy fights.

Learn to block. A LOT. If he does his air-to-ground kick you have several options:
1) Throw - if he hits you too high, walk forward a fraction and throw him. But Blanka's throw isn't
2) Jump - you can jump straight up (before or after he hits you) then hit him on the way down.
3) Crouching short - hazardous if he cancels into his ground wave super as he is likely to do often
because he can charge his super meter so quickly.

This bastard charges supers extremely fast and can do a LOT of damage if he connects. A tricky
fight against a good 'Geist.
Use your mobility to not let him set up dive attacks.

Chun Li
She's one of the fast pokers along with Nanase, Sharon and Area. If she does the forward
flip attack, jump and hit her out of it. Don't try to stay on the ground and hit it because if
you get it wrong you'll lose a LARGE portion of your life bar. Be aware of her L3 super fireball.
It's not usually a good idea to try and out hit her in ther air because you'll generally get beaten
by her priority. She has no counter to a blocked Blanka Ball so bounce them off her at every
Use the crouching Fierce in response to her Spinning Bird Kick.

She's VERY fast ( at least as fast as Chun Li ) and very annoying. DON'T jump if she does the
super staff throw because she can stop it at any time. Her jumping short comes out at a downward
angle and has priority from Hell as does her jumping knee attack.
Watch out for her overhead elbow attack because she can chain supers off it.

This is a REALLY hard fight. Hokuto has answers for most things you do. Be aware that she can tag
you with her L3 super after a blocked Blanka Ball and she can also hit you with a slide whether
she blocks it or it hits her. Her air defence is among the best in the game and her throws are
faster than yours. Don't do predictable Ball attacks from range or you'll eat her Reversal move.
Not good. Choose another character or walk away.

You can't duck his Skullotchakov throw, so hit it instead ( jumping RH is good ). If he does his
DP with the horizontal move afterwards, use the Blanka Ball, but try not to be predictable or you
may eat his force bubble super.
If he does his slide, be careful of him interrupting it into a super.

Still as nasty as ever. Watch for the green-energy super after his headbut-dive move.
Try not to jump carelessly because his DP is the best in the game and he'll super you after it.
One of the fastest characters at charging supers due to having a bunch of moves which hit
muliple times, just like Shadowgeist.
If he does the spinning super as he comes down in the air, be careful not to get sucked into
it while attacking him. Again, like against Shadowgeist, you have to get used to blocking a lot.

One of the most dangerous ( and boring ) Guiles is the one who never jumps, seldom throws
Sonic Booms and just sits there poking occasionally. REALLY BORING to fight against but tricky
to beat.
Use your crouching Fierce to go over his crouching Forward pokes. Your crouching forward beats
his crouching forward. Use the jumping short to hit him out of Flash Kicks as he stands up after
you sweep him.
Tricky fight against a good guile.

A particularly annoying new character. She's an annoying tippy-tap character with some other
bullshit tricks built in. Her jumping Forward is like Nanase's in that it is a downward kick
which has amazing priority.
Watch for her attack which makes her float in the air briefly as it may sucker an attack out of
you, plus it hits many attacks you might try to hit her with. Crouching Fierce is probably best.
Mobility is the key. Move around to negate the usefulness of her Rocket attack. This is one case
the Backflip Ball attack may be useful to go over her stupid rocket.
If she does get to fire it and you can't get out of the way, you have to block it. If you
jump over it she'll probably super you. If you block it, watch for the overhead while you're
Her standing Fierce is an excellent anti-air move so attack early or try not to jump in on her
too much.

Shouldn't be a problem now that Zangief's SPD range has been drastically reduced and they took
away the banishing hand. He basically sucks now. He can still punish you severely if you screw
up. Jump in with early RH after you knock him down which will hit any lariat attempt but try
not to hit too high or a good 'gief will SPD you as you hit the ground. Good Zangief players will
play mind games with you to keep you guessing so be very careful and mix that range up. Range is
very important to Zangief so don't stay still. He has no counter to a blocked Ball attack so let
rip. His only option is to do crouching jabs but a few sweeps should convince him not to do that
too much.

Darun Meister
Much the same as Zangief but he has his lariat type attack to poke with. If he uses the strong or
fierce versions which do two hits, there is a small gap inbetween the two hits which you can hit
in. He has a particularly nasty tick into a special throw after a close, blocked jab-lariat. Crouch
block to avoid the jumping DDT throw. Remember he has a reversal like Hokuto but it's nowhere near
as good as many attacks hit him out of it. If he connects with the level 3 super, quickly hammer
on the jab and short buttons to reverse out of it.

Ryu and Ken can both put huge amounts of damage on you if you make one mistake so be careful.
Mix up the range. Use the Leaping Bite if they get careless about throwing fireballs.

Volcano Rosso
Watch his double hitting kick when he jumps. Be aware of his very effective reversal move and try
not to be predictable with poking or jump-ins. He's very fast on the the ground. Watch for the
overhead hop as he can connect with one or more supers after it. Watch for the Raging Demon
style L3 Super. An interesting fight between two mobile characters. He can use his teleport like
your hop so be alert and leap around to not give him the right range. You basically have to block
his sonic-boom style attack if he fires it as you stand up.

Other Stuff
Any comments/suggestions/requests, please EMail me.
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12.October 2013
Patch for the US NTSC Version.

17.October 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version.

17.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and +5 Trainer for the Japanese NTSC Version.

04.October 2013
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