Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

17.10.2013 12:40:00
Rare/Boss/Rumor/Demon FAQ
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Final Version
Boss/Rare/Rumor Demon FAQ by Sasoriza


*- FAQ Format
*-Special Thanks


v-0.2 (2-15-01): Added the bosses and rumor demons for
Ellen's Sumaru T.V. quest, and added a Frequenly Asked
Questions section. I've changed my e-mail, too...

v-0.3 (2-18-01): Fixed a couple of typos, and added a
"Tips" section. Also, I've added some more info, as well as
the "Brief Overviews" after my thoughts on the
Boss/Rare/Rumor demons.

v-0.4 (2-20-01): Added a boss and a rare demon on the
lists, and changed the Rare Demons section into a "Persona
Encounters & Rare Demons" section. Blah.

v-0.5 (2-25-01): Added a boss and a rumor demon to the
lists, plus I've added a tip and a brand new boss strategy
for a certain boss, thanks to Alessar. I've also cleaned up
the FAQ a little.

v-0.6 (2-28-01): Added the boss from the Abandoned Factory.
I've also added locations to where you could find the Rumor
demons and Persona encounters.

v-0.7 (3-05-01): I've added a very nice, big update. Added
a Undersea Ruins boss, and a couple of rumor demons and 1
Persona encounter.

v-0.8 (3-12-01): Added another strategy dealing with the
Club Zodiac boss, one of the 2 Torifune bosses, and 2 more
rumor demons. I've also put some stuff in the Tips and
Frequently Asked Questions section...

v-0.9 (3-17-01): I've put the ever-so-"difficult" (:P)
Torifune boss and 1 rumor demon and Persona encounter in,
and I've put the version info to the top of the page.

v-1.0 (3-25-01): There's 1 rumor demon, 1 Persona
encounter, and 2 bosses from Sumaru Castle on this update.

v-1.1 (4-8-01): I've added 1 Persona Encounter, fixed a
couple of typos here and there, and I've accidentally messed
up a person's name in the special thanks list. >_< (For the
record, 'Steve' is Frostylantern. Sorry for the mix-up!)

v-1.2 (4-14-01): Added 2 of the Monado bosses, and one
Persona encounter which is also in Monado. Oh yeah, I know
I'm a little late for this, but... I'm going to add in the
"Comment" (I'll call them Descriptions in this FAQ) once you
analyze the Boss/Rare/Persona. Starting with the Mondado
bosses, of course.

v-1.3 (4-29-01): I've just added 2 strategies (one for each
form) for the final boss in the game. That's it. Now, to
get the bosses on Nate's route...

v-1.4 (5-28-01): Well, instead of getting the bosses for
Nate's route, I decided to concentrate on Nyarlathotep a
little bit more. Plus one more strategy for Joker Ginji,
from a contributor.

v-1.5 (6-02-01): That's it, my 2 final strategies for
dealing with Nyarlathotep. Now I can FINALLY concentrate on
the bosses on Nate's quest.

v-1.6 (6-11-01): Alright. As requested (and promised), I
have both of the bosses for Nate's quest, plus a lot of
hints and tips by a excellent contributor by the name of
Katman. He's donated a ton of hints and tips, so thank him

v-1.7 (6-29-01): I just cleaned it up a little to make it
more legible, and added some more contributor hints and tips
by Katman and Bo Kurland. I've also added a Table of
Contents, too...

v-1.9 (Final) (8-23-01): That's it, the final version of
this FAQ. I've added some more boss tips from Katman, then
that's it. BTW, I've changed my e-mail too, if you want to
contact me use the address above.

2. ((---INTRO---))

Welcome to the P2EP Boss/Rare/Rumor Demon FAQ. Of course,
this will deal mainly on those 3 aspects.


1) (The name of the Boss or Rumor/Rare demon will go here.)

Comment- (This is what the Boss or Rumor/Rare demon will say
if you attempt to contact him/her/it.

Your Level: (This is the minimal level suggested when
dealing with the Boss or Rumor/Rare demon.)

(After those 3 sections, the names of the characters and the
Personae they use will go here.)

The strategy will go after the previous section. There may
possibly be a brief summary after the strategy.

For Personae Encounters and Rumor Demons, the item they drop
after you defeat them will go here. For Personae
Encounters, I usually add a little commentary. For Rumor
Demons, I tell you who you can give the dropped item to on
the city map in exchange for an item.

Now in this FAQ, I WILL assume that your Personae are at
Rank 8. (Sans the very first boss battle.) It doesn't
exactly help to bring in incomplete Personae into boss


Whenever you see this: , It means that I had to
switch Personae with that particular person during battle.

Whenever you see *W/xxx*, then there's a spell that I had
junctioned to the Persona before I summoned it.


Before we start, I already assume that you know how to
fight, right...? I sure hope so. Don't send me any e-mails
on asking me how the system works, because I will delete it
as soon as I see it.



Q: Whenever I fight a Joker battle, there's an attack
called the Old Maid that does some serious damage against
me. What can I do to prevent this?

A: Ah, The Old Maid Spell. Used commonly by the Jokers
you'll be facing, this spell can have the Joker Persona
possess a character and have it attack your party members
with big damage, possibly killing them. Not only that, it
cancels out the act of the party member who was possessed,
causing a wasted turn.

To my knowledge, there's only one way to protect yourself
from this spell: DEFEND. Yes, that's all you have to do.
Once the Old Maid spell is cast, just have all of your
characters defend. They won't do anything, and you can have
them resume battle. You can also go to Strategy-->Battle
Mode--->Single so you can know when each character's turn is
over, to make sure that they won't keep defending once that
one turn is up.

Also, here's a helpful tip from Alessar when it comes to
dealing with Old Maid: "Press the Circle button to cancel
your actions (this works for both regular and single combat
mode) and then defend." Thanks for pointing that out!

And here's another helpful tip from johnsgs:

"One minor thing I'd like to add. When you get hit with the
"Old Maid" spell, only one party member is affected, right?
Well when you have everyone defend, the person who was
actually affected by the 'Old Maid' status will have their
command changed from "Defend" to "Attack" after they defend
- sort of like item use. Therefore, if you check the
strategy list after each character's action you'll be able
to tell when it is safe to act again without having to do a
full round of defending; you can sometimes save a couple of
character turns this way."

And an addition from Il-Dana:

"And the reverse is also true. If they have acted already
and are still defending, then you can set them up for
attacks, or a fusion while making the 'Old Maid' wait."

Thanks to both johnsgs and Il-Dana for pointing this out!

Q: I have these particular types of Personae, and I'm at
this particular level. Do_I_have_to follow your advice?

A: No, not at all. However, if this is your 10th time
getting whooped by a certain boss, then maybe this is the
place to come and try out a different strategy. :-)
Besides, you don't HAVE to use the specific Personae,
(although it will help) just the general strategy.

Q: My Maya is faster than my Baofu. Can I configure the
pattern in which different characters are carrying the
Personae you mentioned?

A: Go for it, just as long as they're compatible.

Q: Are you going to put in the Extra Dungeon boss in your

A: No. For that, I'd like to direct you to Hyral's
beautifully detailed EX Dungeon FAQ, where he tackles the
difficult boss of that dungeon with ease. On top of that,
he guides you throughout the entire dungeon! I can go on
and on about it, so it's definitely worth checking out. It
can be found at, for starters.

Q: Hey, why is it that when I try to use spells such as
Blazing Hell I only do 30 points of damage?

A: Because you're using the weak elements needed to cast the
spell. For example, you won't do 3000+ points of damage
with Blazing Hell by just using 2 Agis. The higher the rank
of the spell, the more damage you're going to do with it in
fusions. 2 Agilaos are obviously going to do more damage
than 2 Agis.

((---HELPFUL TIPS---))

-> If you have a spell called Maka Kaja, use it
consistently! It'll do increased damage when you cast
spells. Either have that, or at least carry some Beads of

-> This is common sense, but always bring a decent amount
of supplies with you, especially Gala-Gala Drinks, Chewing
Souls, Incense of Life/Ball of Returning, and status-curing

-> Always do Salam Nadeen's Mapmaking quests, as they'll
always net you some damned good cards, especially later on
in the game. A perfect is example is this: After you
complete the Nichirinmaru Mapmaking quest, when you give the
map back to Salam, one of the valuable cards you'll get is
the ever-so-valuable MEDIARAHAN CARD (When you get it, it'll
be called the 'Blessing Card'.). I equipped the card when
making MOON Artemis, and now she's one of the best Personae
in the game.

Also, a helpful tip from Katman about Mediarahan:

For your strategies, you're pretty Medirahan-intensive. Very
few Personae have that spell, so it might be worth noting in
your guide that to get it, you summon and release FORTUNE
Urd gives the Spell Card for Medirahan, and grows immensely
quickly on Ulala with Synchronize Gear (Only took me about 5
min of casting Dia against a Poltergeist on Auto... :-).
This definately beats buying them for over 600,000 Yen at
the Time Castle, or getting maps for them...
Credits to Katman for pointing this out!

-> If possible, before you fight a boss, go to the Sumaru
Genie and get the 'Light Dragon' fortune reading. When you
do fight the boss (and eventually defeat him/her/it), you'll
get 2x as much experience, and the bosses already give
enough experience as it is! You can also do the 'Black
Dragon' fortune reading to get 2x as much Yen, but I see
experience being the more important factor here. Besides,
some boss fights don't yield Yen anyway.

-> Give the Tetraja Card (When you find it) to Ulala's
ultimate Persona, Astria. Why? You'll see waaay at the end
of the game... especially if you're fighting 'him' with your
Greek Set.

-> And here's a couple of very interesting pieces of info,
from Katman:

"MOON Pariker, while weak, is one of the game's best
Personae for being void against physicals. Try taking her
against Nata, the X-series of generic robot bosses, Gozen,
and others. Try for a few 'parameters increased' mutations
and she'll be great throughout the whole game, and even into
the E.X. dungeon."
"Add in some Tetrakarn and Makarakarn cards into your
Persona cauldron when you make them - they're the best
spells in the game dont'cha know, since they allow you to
void your Personas' weaknesses. Maya is invincible with a
Tetrakarn-ed Artemis.Use Tetrakarn on Maya and Ulala, and
Makarakarn on everyone else. -- Bang, if you keep recasting
them you win...against anything. Not to mention all the
coolness you get when you're summoning these kickin' cool-
looking Personae...They don't come close to beating Ra,
Demo, Michael, Alfred, and Valzante though..."
"A tip for those of you impatent folks out there - if you
just can't wait to see those high-level Personae, take your
highest level character (early on it's Baofu, midway it's
either Maya or Nate/Ellen, at the end it's obviously
Tatsuya) and kill off everyone but them. Go to the highest-
level area of the Bomb Shelter you think they can handle
(though watch out for anything with Hama, Mudo, Hamaoon or
the like...) and kick some rear. They gain 5 times the
experience of usual, and since you can use any Persona
within a 5-level or below range of your HIGHEST-LEVEL
"You mention using Silver Manisha often. It's worth noting
that TEMPERANCE Mou Shobou gladly gives you these if you
forge a contract with her, then ask for an item. She's so
"STAR Kimnara gives you Devil's Capote, likewise - a very
cool item that increases not only your chance of encounters,
but (seemingly) increasing the chance to encounter
rare/rumor demons..."
Alright people, you're going to have repay Katman in some
kind of way. :P Thanks to Katman for pointing all of this
interesting info out!

4. ((---BOSSES---))

1) 2 Apeps and 1 Empusas


2 Apeps: "Think before you act..."

Empusas: "Don't get friendly with me!"

(***NOTE***: Since is the beginning of the game, I'll
expect that your Personae are around Rank 5-6. If you get
them to level 8, then props to you. You're getting a feel
of the system...)

Your Level: 5+

Maya (MOON Maia)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Helios)
Ulala (STAR Callisto)

First, use the Stone Rise Fusion Spell (Water, Earth, Fire)
on the Empusas, taking it out in no time. As for the Apeps,
use the Stone Rise for them, also. 2 hits is basically all
it takes to get rid of them. An easy battle, seeing that
these are your basic, everyday enemies...

Brief Summary-

-Learn the Stone Rise fusion spell.

-If your HP ever gets low, (you shouldn't die in this
battle, BTW) use Maia's Dia.


2) Hellhound

Comment- Ghaa!!

Your Level: 10+

Maya (MOON Maia *W/Mutated Diarama)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Helios)
Ulala (STAR Callisto)

Again, the Fusion Spell Stone Rise (Water, Earth, Fire) will
do this demon in within a few turns. Also, look out for
Hellhound's Fire Breath, Tackle, and Agilao attacks, as
those do a nice amount of damage towards your characters.
Use Maya's Media spell (Or Diarama if you have it) whenever
those 2 attacks take place. Katsuya is well protected from
Hellhound's Fire Spells with his Helios Persona, so he
should be the safest out of the 2.

Brief Summary-

-Use Media (Or Diarahan, again) whenever you fall low on

-Use Stone Rise to quickly do in the Hellhound.


3) Tatsuya Sudou, 2 Minotaur and Shax


Tatusya Sudou- You can't run from fate!

Shax- Do you have the time to be so leisurely? This is a

Minotaur- Ghaa!

Your Level: 13+

Maya (MOON Maia)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Helios)
Ulala (STAR Callisto)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Odysseus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

First, use Tatsuya's Agidyne to dispatch the Shax's in one
hit. After that, use the Tower Inferno Fusion Spell to
quickly dispatch the Minotaurs. (Make sure Tatsuya's in
that combo.) Eventually, within a matter of a handful of
turns, it'll just be you and Sudou.

Sudou can be brung down in no time with Water Elemental
Fusion Spells such as Hydro-Boost. Also, Tatsuya's SUN
Apollo Persona can use the Gigantic Fist attack, which can
deal over 200+ points of damage to Sudou.

Brief Summary-

-Have Tatsuya use Agidyne to kill the Shax's in one hit. In
the process, SUN Apollo will go up a rank, having him learn
the Gigantic Fist attack.

-Use Tower Inferno to get rid of those 2 Minotaurs. Make
sure Tatsuya is in that combo.

-Use Water-Based Fusion Spells against Sudou. Namely, Hydro
Boost would be the likely choice if you use the Personae I
used above.

-Defend when the Old Maid attack comes up.


4) Joker Ulala

Comment- You piss me off!

Your Level- 16+

Maya (STAR Kimnara)
Katsuya (STRENGTH Ryume)
Baofu (MAGICIAN Tengu DEVIL Poltergeist)

First, use Tengu's Wall of Air as soon as the fight starts.
When that's over, have Baofu switch back to Poltergeist and
continually cast the Fusion Spell "Stone Rise". When it
comes to worst, use Kimnara's Soothing Melody spell to heal
all allies (It works a lot better than Maia's Media.) It's
kind of an easy battle, just remember to DEFEND WHEN THE OLD


Also, Alessar points out a very, VERY helpful Persona when
it comes to dealing with Joker Ulala- STAR Iris. Here goes
another (and better) strategy:

Maya (STAR Iris)
Katsuya (SUN Surya)

First, use Tengu's Wall of Air as soon as the fight starts.
Once that's done, have Baofu switch to Ryume and keep
casting the "Stone Rise" Fusion Spell. If anyone HP ends up
low, use Iris's Media to put them back on their feet. And
the fact that Iris can dish out some decent damage on her
own with her Magnus and Maha Magnus spells is excellent.
(I've noticed that this strategy is a lot better that the
other one. So, why am I going to keep the old one? To show
multiple ways of dealing with bosses.)

Again, thanks to Alessar for pointing this out!

Brief Summary-

-Have Tengu cast Wall of Air if you want to be resistant
against Ulala's wind-based attacks.

-Keep casting Stone Rise.

-Use Kimnara's Soothing Melody (or Iris's Media, whichever
one you're using) spell whenever your allies are weak.

can't stress this enough...

A boss tip from Katman:
Level: 16+
Maya: MOON Maia
Katsuya: STRENGTH Otohime
Baofu: CUP Matsuo-sama
Use Tidal Wave (Water-Wind-Maha Aques) 3 times. If Maya has
a decent TEC (the best stat to up for her, since she'll be
the designated healer for much of the game) you'll beat her
without even seeing most of her moves. Very easy.


5) Joker Noriko and 2 Ryumans


Noriko- I can't... because I'm a Joker. (heart)

Ryuman- Hey you! What are you doing here?!

Believe it or not, I've used Archaeopteryx's (Mad props to
him, BTW) FAQ to help me through this battle, and believe
me, this works. So therefore, I asked him for his
permission to post this strategy, and he's given me the go-
ahead, so here goes:

Ulala (CUP Matsuo-Sama)
Maya (ROD Hotei)
Baofu (DEATH Hel)
Katsuya (STRENGTH Otohime)

First, have Ulala cast Wall of Water in the first round to
nullify Joker Noriko's water spells. (Although this won't
cover against her Absolute Zero attack, just hold on and
listen for a second.) Have Maya and Baofu continuously cast
Blazing Hell on Noriko, and have Katsuya heal. Now, Noriko

Thanks for Archaeopteryx (PDT) for this strategy! A good
strategist, indeed.

Now, for a Brief Summary-

-Cast Wall of Water when the fight begins.

-Cast Blazing Hell on Noriko.

-Have Katsuya cast Media whenever your HP gets low.

I've come up with another strategy concerning Noriko.

Your Level- 20+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom MAGICIAN Tengu)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Mars)
Ulala (CUP Matsuo-sama LOVERS Jack Frost)
Baofu (HERMIT Tenhou Gensui)

Have Ulala cast Wall of Water as soon as the fight starts to
nullify Noriko's water attacks, then have Ulala switch to
Jack Frost. After that, have Maya switch to Tengu in order
to cast the Fusion Spell "Tower Inferno" to deal 300+ points
of damage per casting towards Noriko. Whenever your allies
are low on health, use Maia Custom to cast Medirama, then
switch back to Tengu to continue casting Tower Inferno.

When Noriko begins to kneel, her spells will become more
powerful, and she gains a spell called Absolute Zero, which
is a spell that Wall of Water doesn't cover. (However, Jack
Frost is protected against this attack, so make sure you
have him equipped when Noriko goes in her 'crouching'
stance.) Not only does it do big damage, it freezes your
allies, too. Use Matsuo-sama's Refresh Ring when this
happens, and have Maia use Medirama right after Noriko casts
it. Once you finish Noriko off (I got rid of her in a
couple of turns) use Tower Inferno to get rid of those 2
Ryumans, also. An easy battle, you just need to keep your
cool on moments like these. Besides, there's going to be a
couple of boss battles like this...

Brief Summary-

-Matsuo-Sama is vital in this battle. Remember to cast Wall
of Water when the battle begins to nullify the water spells,
then remember to cast Refresh Ring if any of your party
members end up frozen.

-Cast the Fusion Spell "Tower Inferno" to quickly dispatch
of Noriko and the Ryumans.

-Use Maia's Medirama if any of your party members are low on


Katman has pointed out yet another useful spell in dealing
with Noriko and her Ryumans:

Early in the game, against Noriko and such, try Media +
Affectionate Prayer, in that order, for Mediamai, which
seems to work like Regen in that you get HP back each round
after you act.


((--Nate's Laboratory Quest--))

6a) Devil Sugimoto & 2 Red Berets


Devil Sugimoto- ""

Red Berets- "Hey you! What are you doing here?!"

Your Level- 30+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (LOVERS Jack Frost *W/Garula*)
Ulala (STAR Kenren Taishou)
Baofu (HERMIT Byakko DEATH Hel)
Nate (HIEROPHANT Shaka *W/Maha Magnus*)

Heh, you'll notice that I have 3 water-based Personae in
this battle that're immune to Ice attacks. Why? Because of
Sugimoto's Blizzard Breath. Right next to Roar and Poison
Scratch, and Tackle, this is his most threatening attack

Anyway, as soon as the battle starts, just keep casting
Tidal Wave (Aqua->Garula->Maha Aques) to take out the Red
Berets and to deal minimal damage to Sugimoto. Once the
Berets are out, have Baofu switch to Hel and keep casting
the Tower Inferno Fusion Spell. If Sugimoto's Roar or
Poison Scratch attacks affects any of your party members,
just use Shaka's Refresh Ring to cure them. Just make sure
that Maya is healing at every turn, and that you keep
pressuring Sugimoto with the Fusion Spells mentioned above.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Tidal Wave to take out the Red Berets, and once
they're gone, cast Tower Inferno to take out Sugimoto.

-Use Shaka's Refresh Ring if any of your party members
suffer from bad status ailments.

-Finally, use Maia's Medirama if your Hp begins to end up



6b) Makoto Kuwahara (Stalker) (1st Encounter)

Comment- We love each other.

Your Level- 28+

Maya (HERMIT Grinbulsti MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (HIEROPHANT Shaka)
Ulala (ROD Nankyoku Roujin)
Baofu (TOWER Kanaloa)
Ellen (JUDGMENT Nike)

He isn't too tough. Just look out for his Serenade of
Madness attack, which hits everyone and will probably end up
confusing Ellen. (in my case, anyway. Use Matsuo-Sama if
you still have him and use Refresh Ring to quickly remedy
that.) Holy and Dark spells don't work, either. If your HP
ends up low, use Maia's Medirama or Nankyoku Roujin's Pine
Bamboo Plum if that happens.

To get rid of him, just have Maya, Ulala, and Nike keep
casting the Fusion Spell Tower Inferno to do 300+ damage,
taking him out in no time. Have Katsuya cast Vile
Thunderbolt and have Baofu cast Maha Aques or Media to mend
the minor damage. It's an easy battle, just remember to
take precaution.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Tower Inferno to do him in.

-Holy and Dark spells don't work, so don't bother.

-When Ellen gets confused, use Matsuo-Sama to bring her back
to normal status.

-Use Medirama or Pine Bamboo Plum if you have to.


7) Makoto Kuwahara (Stalker) (2nd Encounter)

Comment- You got me last time... now it's my turn.

Your Level- 28+

Maya (HERMIT Grinbulsti MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (HIEROPHANT Shaka)
Ulala (ROD Nankyoku Roujin)
Baofu (TOWER Kanaloa)
Ellen (JUDGMENT Nike)

The strategy to dealing with the Stalker really hasn't
changed at all. Just keep using Tower Inferno, and be on
your way.

Brief Summary:

Nothing has changed, really. Look at the previous overview
when dealing with his 1st encounter.


8) Makoto Kuwahara (Stalker) (3rd & Final Encounter)

Comment- A guy's all humble, and you get cocky... huh?!

Your Level- 29+

Maya (HERMIT Grinbulsti MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (HIEROPHANT Shaka)
Ulala (ROD Nankyoku Roujin)
Baofu (TOWER Kanaloa)
Ellen (JUDGMENT Nike)

The strategy has changed a little, seeing that he's gained 2
new attacks: Curse, and Violent Rage. Be careful of the
Curse spell, since that'll hit everyone, and it'll do some
serious damage to Ellen. (She's using Nike...) When that
happens, Maia's Medirama or Nankyoku Roujin's Pine Bamboo
Plum spell to bring everyone back to their feet. Besides
that, he really hasn't changed at all. Use the same tactics
I've given you earlier to finally put this bastard into

Brief Summary-

-You may have to use Medirama or Pine Bamboo Plum a lot in
this battle.

-Use the same tactics as before.


9) Shiki (Black Cat)

Comment- Meow... meow...

Your Level- 30+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (HIEROPHANT Shaka)
Ulala (HERMIT Grinbulsti)
Baofu (TOWER Kanaloa)
Ellen (SWORD Kanshou)

Hmm... first, let me tell you that he reflects magic, so
don't cast any against him unless you want to lose. Also,
his Lightning Strike and Fire Breath will do some nice
damage against you, so immediately use Maia's Medirama or
Nankyoku Roujin's Pine Bamboo Plum to heal everyone

First, have Ellen cast Taru Kaja on Baofu, Maya, and Ulala
and have Baofu and Maya attack with their weapons. After
that, then have her cast the Fusion Spell "Light Smasher"
along with Katsuya to do some nice damage. (170+) (For the
record, my Baofu and Maya have done 140+ points of damage
against the Black Cat, with Taru Kaja. I sure hope you have
the latest weapons...) Have Ulala use Grinbulsti's Lighting
Strike to deal out 200+ points of damage on Black Cat.
Shiki will be down in no time...

Brief Summary-


-Cast Taru Kaja on Baofu and Maya, and have Ellen keep doing
the "Light Smasher" Fusion Spell along with Katsuya.

-Keep using Grinbulsti's Lighting Strike.

-Use Medirama or Pine Bamboo Plum if you have to.


10) Wang Long Chizuru & 4 Shikigamis


Wang Long Chizuru: I shall rid you of your Kegare!


Your Level- 30+

Maya (HERMIT Grinbulsti MOOM Maia Custom)
Katsuya (HIEROPHANT Shaka)
Ulala (ROD Nankyoku Roujin)
Baofu (TOWER Kanaloa)
Ellen (JUDGMENT Nike)

First, use the Fusion Spell "Tidal Wave" to get rid of W.L.
Chizuru, and to deal damage to the rest of the Shikigamis.
However, before you cast it again, you'll notice that
there's a Shikigami that can reflect Water magic. Have Maya
swtich to Grinbulsti and have it cast Tower Inferno on the
Water Shikigami, killing it between 1 or 2 turns. Once he's
through, have Maya switch back to Maia Custom and continue
to cast Tidal Wave until Fire Shikigami is taken out, also
dealing out 200+ points of damage on the other Shikigamis.
Once the Fire Shikigami is taken care of, have Maya switch
back to Grinbulsti and cast the Fusion Spell Wind Cutter to
get rid of the Earth Shikigami, and cast the Fusion Spell
Stone Rise to kill the Wind Shikigami, respectively.

Remember to cast Maia's Medirama and N. Roujin's Pine Bamboo
Plum if your HP ever gets low. For the record, Shaka and N.
Roujin should be the safest in this battle, due to Shaka's
Strong vs. All, and N. Roujin's Strong vs. Magic.

This is an easy battle, you just have to know which
Shikigami is which. You can tell due to the amount of
damage they take vs. their opposing element, (i.e. Tidal
Wave on the Fire Shikigami.) and also by the spells they

Brief Summary-

-Use Tidal Wave once, then use a couple of Tower Infernos to
get rid of the Shikigami that reflected the Tidal Wave.
Once your through with that step, keep using it until you
get rid of the Fire Shikigami. Use Wind Cutter to get rid
of the Earth Shikigami and Stone Rise to get rid of the Wind

-You can tell which Shikigami is which by the spells they
cast, where they move, and by the glowing emblems on their

-Use Medirama or Pine Bamboo Plum if your HP gets low.


Also, here's a strategy Katman pointed out when fighting
Chizuru and her Shikigami's:

"Against Wang Long Chizuru with her 4 Shikagamis, try the
'Honeycomb' fusion 'spell' (it's Shot - Shot - Shot, BTW),
since it's physical the Shikagamis can't resist it."
Once again, thanks to Katman for pointing this out!


13) Joker Ginji & 4 Shoggoths


Joker Ginji: Kegare... more kegare!

Shoggoths: To the beyonds of the red cosmos!

Your Level- 35+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (EMPEROR Baal :::Have him use JUDGMENT Melschedec if
Nate is in your party:::)
Ulala (STAR Heinir)
Baofu (CHARIOT Minotaur CHARIOT Saiten Taisei)
Ellen/Nate (Have Ellen use JUDGMENT Melschedec. :::Have Nate
use EMPEROR Baal if you're using him.::: )

First, have Baofu cast Wall of Earth with the Minotaur, then
have him switch back to Saiten Taisei and make sure he keeps
casting Megido, or have him cast Kotoludi whenever your
characters end up possessed by the Shoggoths. Secondly,
have Ulala, Katsuya, (If need be, you can use Baal's
Medirama spell too) and Ellen/Nate cast the Fusion Spell
"Maximum Tempest", and keep Maya on back up for healing and
recovery, using Medirama and Lucky Bags (items that cure
Possesion). With Maximum Tempest, Ginji was down in about
6-7 turns, thanks to the 490-500+ points of damage I was
dealing to him per turn. Ginji'll probably go down in a
matter of probably 3-4 turns if you have Maka Kaja... BTW,
the Shoggoths were out in about 3 turns. Chances are, Ginji
will keep summoning them back after you kill them, and this
is a good opportunity to cast Maximum Tempest or Medirama,
possibly Maka Kaja. If you're cool under intense moments
like these, you'll come out of the battle barely scratched.

Brief Summary-

-Make sure Baofu casts Wall of Earth with the Minotaur, and
have him switch back to Seiten Taisei afterwards.

-Keep pressuring Ginji and his Shoggoths with the Fusion
Spell "Maximum Tempest".

-Keep Maya on casting Medirama after every round.

BTW, this'll be your last Joker battle... you may now


And here's a strategy concerning Joker Ginji, courtesy of C.
Galliher... thank him, people!

Level- 30+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (HANGED MAN Shax)
Ellen (JUSTICE Nike)
Ulala (STAR Iris)
Baofu (DEATH Hel)

All at rank 8, of course...

You'll notice his fourth Shoggoths use Self-Destruct and
Possession rather frequently, right? And those moves harm
EVERYONE, even the enemies, right?
Well, all you have to do to easily beat Ginji is DEFEND
until the Shoggoths kill themselves (The only other things
they do is Stagnant Air, which does 1 damage to Ellen and
Ulala w/ my setup, and normally attack, doing about 15
damage) then whoop up on Ginji with the Fusion WInd Cutter
(Better than Maximum Tempest, BTW) which did, for me, 570
damage! He falls in 4 turns, assuming all the Shoggoths
die, and I only took 1 damage on Ulala, even with the crappy
Personae I was using! The only move to worry about is
Photon Cannon, which he uses when he's critical, but that
can be avoided with plenty of Medirama for everyone... You
don't even need Wall of Earth, since he'll be too busy using
Sama Recarm on his dead Shoggoths to use Maha Magnus...

And as you may have already imagined, this is a damn good
strategy. Again, thanks to C. Galliher for pointing this


14) Captain Shimazu & 4 SAT


Captain Shimazu- Thank you for your troubles, Seargeant...

SAT- I have nothing to say...

Your Level- 37+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Melschedec if Nate is in your party:::)
Ulala (STAR Heinir)
Baofu (MOON Pariker)
Ellen/Nate (:::If Ellen is in your party, use JUDGMENT
Melschedec. If Nate is in your party, use the HIEROPHANT
ShakaEMPEROR Baal tactic.:::)

Have Ellen/Katsuya, Maya and Baofu cast the Fusion Spell
"Maximum Tempest", and have Katsuya and Ulala cast the
Fusion Spell "Lightning Blast". Use Baal's or Maia's
Medirama whenever anyones HP falls low.

The SAT's can be a pain with their continued onslaught of
Hypnotic Wave and Aimed Shot, but Maia's protected against
the Hypnotic Wave, plus Heinir and Pariker are protected
against Shimazu's and SAT's attacks, so this is a somewhat
easy battle due to their immunities and prepare to help
anyone who falls victim to those attacks. (You may want to
bring a nice quantity of Awaken G's for the Hypnotic Wave.)
The SAT's are dispatched within 4-5 castings between Maximum
Tempest and Lighting Blast individually, and once they're
gone, this battle is a cakewalk. Dispose of Shimazu by
continually casting those spells and be on your way. The
key to winning this battle is persistence.

Brief Summary-

-Cast the Fusion Spells "Maximum Tempest" and "Lightning

-Use Baal's and Maia's Medirama spells if you have to.

-You may want to bring a nice quantity of Awaken G's to
combat that Hypnotic Wave. Use Shaka's Recarm or some
revival items if anyone falls to the 'Aimed Shot' attack.

-On another note, the Persona HIEROPHANT Umayado no Ouji can
reflect Shimazu's/SAT's attacks, as well. (Although his
spells aren't too useful, battle-wise.) If anyone can give
me a strategy using Umayado no Ouji, that would be greatly

Although this has nothing to do with the strategy, I'd like
to thank Enki for pointing out that Pariker is void against
all attacks, which makes her a key player in this battle.


And, here's a contribution from Katman dealing with Shimazu,
with Umayado no Ouji:

Level - 35+
Maya: MOON Maia Custom (Well, duh!)
Ulala: STAR Heinir
Katsuya: HEIROPHANT Umayado no Ouji
Baofu: MOON Pariker
Ellen/Nate: JUSTICE Nata
Have Ellen/Nate cast Tetrakarn with Nata on Maya, then on
themselves. Bang, there you go, you win. They just can't
hurt you. Keep recasting your Tetrakarn (I can't remember if
it wears off or not :-), and all the Aimed Shot and Triple
Down and such will kill the enemies easily. Simple. If you
feel like attacking, put a Poisma card into one of the
listed Personae and have them use Poisma - Scratch (with
Umayado no Ouji) to get Poisonous Scratch - possibly the
game's crappiest fusion spell :-)
Once again, thanks to Katman for pointing this out.


15) X-1

Comment: ......

Your Level: 39+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (HIEROPHANT Shaka EMPEROR Baal :::If Nate
is in your party, have Katsuya use JUSTICE Nata:::)
Ulala (STAR Heinir)
Baofu (TOWER Loki)
Ellen/Nate (PENTACLE Yebisu JUSTICE Nata :::If Nate
is in your party, use HIEROPHANT Shaka EMPEROR
Baal, along with PENTACLE Yebisu:::)

All in all, it's an easy fight. The only real attack to
look out for is his Muramasa Copy, an attack that seals up a
character's summoning power, and to top it off, it's
uncurable for a couple of rounds. I used Ulala and Baofu
to cast Lightning Blast with Maka Kaja cast upon them thanks
to Yebisu, and I've managed to deal 700+ points of damage to
the X-1. Very nice. He'll go down in a couple of rounds,
just look out for that Muramasa Copy. If any of the
characters with the Personae that I suggested get sealed up
by Muramasa Copy, switch Personae with another character to
keep the damage going.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Lightning Blast with Maka Kaja to deal 700+ points of
damage to the X-1.

-Should your HP ever get low, use Maia's or Baal's Medirama.

-Look out for the Muramasa Copy. If any of the suggested
Persona users get sealed up, switch Personae with another


16) 4 X-1's

Comment: ......

Your Level: 46+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (PENTACLE Yebisu EMPEROR Baal :::If Nate is
in your party, have him use Baal:::)
Ulala (HERMIT Genbu)
Baofu (DEATH Ankou)
Ellen/Nate (PENTACLE Peri :::If Nate is in your party, have
him do the EMPEROR Baal switch:::)

First, have Katsuya (or whoever the current possesor of
Yebisu is if Katsuya got hit by Muramasa Copy) cast Maka
Kaja on Ellen/Nate and Baofu (Or whoever the current
possesor of Peri and Ankou may be, if Ellen/Nate or Baofu
got hit by Muramasa Copy) then have them cast Lightning
Blast. I dealt 1000+ points of damage towards the 4 X-1's.
VERY, very nice. Withing 3-4 castings of that spell, it was
all over.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Maka Kaja on the possessors of Peri and Ankou to
finish this fight quickly.

-Again, look out for the Muramasa Copy. If any of the
suggested Persona users get sealed up, switch Personae with
another character.

-Use Maia's or Baal's Medirama spells if your HP ever gets


17a) Guido Kandori and 4 X-2's


Guido Kandori- "I grow weary of talking... Come on..."

X-2's- "......"

Your Level: 48+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (PENTACLE Yebisu)
Ulala (PENTACLE Peri)
Baofu (DEATH Ankou)
Nate (EMPEROR Baal)

Hehehe... if it isn't good 'ol Guido from Persona 1. He's
back, and tougher than ever. Anyway, let's get on with the

For starters, cast Maka Kaja on either Baofu or Ulala and
keep casting the Lighting Blast Fusion Spell. (1500+ points
of damage.) Those X-2's shouldn't last too long, and you
should be able to take them out before they do something

...However, Guido is an entirely different story. He's
Strong vs. All. When it was me and him, I used Beads of
Magic Wall to lessen the damage he was dealing out. (His
attacks are a pain in the ass, too. IF YOU HAVE
Some of his spells will be rendered useless, such as
Unperishable Black.) In any case, cast Maka Kaja on
everyone and use your Strongest Fusion Spell. I probably
dealt 200+ points of damage to him at the most with Lighting
Blast... just make sure that you KEEP HEALING and don't let
up. One mistake could probably cost you the battle.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Maka Kaja on Baofu or Ulala, and keep casting Lighting
Blast to take out the X-2's.

-Once that's done, use Beads of Magic Wall to lessen the
damage of Kandori's spells. ~IF YOU WERE SMART ENOUGH TO

-Use your strongest Fusion Spell in this battle.

-Whenever your Hp begins to get low, use Maia's Medirama.


17b) Chizuru Ishigami

Comment- I shall rid you of your Kegare!

Your Level: 47+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (PENTACLE Yebisu EMPEROR Baal)
Ulala (HERMIT Genbu)
Baofu (DEVIL Surt)
Ellen (PENTACLE Peri)

Hmm... she's no joke. However, there's many reasonable ways
of dealing with her...

For starters, she has that damned Card of Protection, in
which she summons 4 clones of herself (making you deal with
5 Chizuru's) that reflect ANY offensive attack you try to
lay on her. The only way around this is to attack (with
your hand-held weapons) the real Chizuru Ishigami, and the
other clones will die automatically. On top of that, her
Rain of Arrows spell is a pain, too.

However, out of her 5 attacks, 3 of them are worthless. One
of them, Anger of the Earth, can easily be nullified by
Genbu's Wall of the Earth spell. Curse can be nullified by
Tetraja (Or the item Silver Manisha). Now, for the

The other spell, Fiendish Card, is actually quite
beneficial. Fiendish Card is a spell that turns any of your
party members beserk. When she casted that spell on 3 of my
characters, I was basically dealing 200+ points of damage
per character turn, that was 600+ points of damage each 3
turns... if you have Suku Kaja or Taru Kaja, cast both of
those on the berserked characters, and watch the damage and
excessive turns roll in... on top of that, if she beserks
all of your characters (let's say that you haven't casted
Taru Kaja or Suku Kaja yet) You'll be dealing 1000+ points
of damage after all of the characters take their turns...
that's something to think about. Of course, I'm sure that
you have all of the latest weapons... right?

The other strategy consists of Katsuya casting Maka Kaja on
himself, Baofu, Ellen, and Ulala, and continually casting
the "Last Quake" and "Meltdown" Fusion Spells. I was
dealing 450+ points of damage with Last Quake and 400+ with
Meltdown, so that's not bad either. Keep casting those
until she falls.

Brief Summary:

-There's 2 ways of dealing with Chizuru Ishigami. If you
want, you can let her cast Fiendish Card (Or Bersac if you
have it) and cast Taru Kaja and Suku Kaja on the berserked
characters. You'll be dealing 200+ points of damage without
the TK and SK spells, and possibly 300+ with Taru Kaja cast
upon them. Suku Kaja helps them get more turns in.

-Cast Maka Kaja on the possesors of Yebisu, Surt, Genbu and
Peri and keep casting Meltdown and Last Quake on Chizuru.

-When she casts the Card of Protection spell, just have each
of your party members attack all of the clones normally
(with your hand-held weapons) unti the real Chizuru Ishigami
is hit. Once she is hit, all of the other clones will
dissapear. BTW, you only have to hit her once.

-Cast Genbu's Wall of Earth to nullify the Anger of the
Earth, and use Tetraja (Or use Silver Manishas) to nullify
her Curse spell.

-Again, use Maia Custom's or Baal's Medirama spell.


18) Metal Eikichi, Metal Jun, and Metal Lisa


Metal Eikichi- That promise... it wasn't a lie, right...?

Metal Jun- You promised we'd always be together...

Metal Lisa- That's not fair... Breaking your promise...

Your Level: 60+

Maya (WORLD Seiryu MOON Artemis (with a Mediarahan
Katsuya (PENTACLE Yebisu HERMIT Genbu)
Baofu (HERMIT Byakko CHARIOT Maha Kala)
Tatsuya (HERMIT Genbu SUN Apollo)

This battle is so damned easy it's a shame. First, have the
carriers of Maya, Ulala, Baofu, and Tatsuya cast the
"Celestial Veil" Fusion Spell. (For the record, it goes:
Wall of Air->Wall of Flame->Wall of Earth->Wall of Water)
After that, have Katsuya cast Maka Kaja on Tatsuya, then
once that's over, have Tatsuya, Katsuya (make sure that he
has Genbu once he's done casting Maka Kaja), and Ulala
continually cast the "Meltdown" Fusion Spell. I was dealing
1000+ points of damage to Lisa and Jun, and 1900+ points of
damage to Eikichi.

Now, as you may already know, Celestial Veil makes their
attack spells worthless. And as for the rest of their
spells, those can be EASILY countered:

For Metal Eikichi's Bloody Divorce and Maha Mudo spells,
have Baofu cast Tetraja. The same thing goes for Lisa's
Lovers of Darkness spell. While I had Tatsuya, Katsuya, and
Ulala cast the Meltdown Fusion Spell, Baofu was casting
Tetraja every turn.

For Metal Lisa's Taru Kaja spell, just have Apollo cast De
Kaja on the Kaja-ed enemy.

If any of your characters get hit by Metal Lisa's Throw a
Kiss attack, use Peri's Refresh Ring to cure them.

The only spell that's a nuisance is Metal Jun's Medirama
spell that only heals them for about 150+ points, (Ha ha)
so you can laugh at them all once this battle is over.

Brief Summary-

-Make sure you cast the "Celestial Veil" Fusion Spell with
Seiryu, Suzaku, Genbu, and Byakko. Also, remember to cast
Tetraja every round and keep Refresh Ring and De Kaja on
hand. The enemy's spells will be worthless.

-Use Artemis's Medirahan spell if your character's end up
low on HP.

-I'm surprised that the Brief Summary would be this short
for such a "difficult" boss battle...

Also, here's a very useful tip from Katman:

The Metal Guys From Innocent Sin: This is the one occasion
when Dragon Cross can save your butt. Make sure Tat's at a
high enough level to use the Greek Set by now - if you never
use them for the rest of the game, you'll still need them
Dragon Cross away - it should only take about 5 hits before
they're gone. If Ginko uses Aphrodite's "For My Lover", just
hurry to do something about the Charm that is tagged with
it. Jun/Chronos' Mediaran is no big deal, like you said.
Michel/Hades' "Bloody Divorce" and Maha Mudo aren't big
deals either, since instant death stuff won't work on you
with a high enough level.


19) Was Sugawara

Comment- Hahahahaha!

Your Level: 60+

Maya (FORTUNE Cerebus MOON Artemis *W/Mediarahan
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (PRIESTESS Izanami HERMIT Genbu)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo PENTACLE Peri)

Well, I don't exactly see why this guy is such a big fuss.
He's a pushover... yes, even with that "Hey, I can
regenerate 700+ Hp per turn ability!".

For starters, I used Baofu and Ulala (with Izanami) to cast
Maha Maka Kaja, then I had Ulala switch back to Genbu.
After that, Katsuya, Ulala, and Tatsuya kept casting the
"Meltdown" Fusion Spell, dealing 1900+ points of damage to
Sugawara. Baofu and Maya (with Cerebus) kept casting the
Fusion Spell "God's Hand", which dealt 800+ points of damage
to Sugawara. He was down in about... 4-5 turns.

Brief Summary-

-Use Maha Maka Kaja at the beginning of the round. (For the
record, it's Maka Kaja->Affectionate Prayer)

-After that, keep casting the Meltdown and God's Hand Fusion

-If your HP ever gets low, use Artemis's Mediarahan. Also,
PENTACLE Peri is a nice addition too, with his Refresh Ring
to keep Was Sugawara's Roar attack in check.


Katman pointed out this nice piece of info:

"If you're having trouble against Was Sugawara, try a Tower
Inferno consisting of Twinkle Nebula (or Senpu-Jin if you
don't have Astria yet) - Anger of the Earth - Deadly Burn.
This'll work, seeing how Sugawara is weak against fire.
Thanks again for pointing this out!


20) Detested Hunter


Your Level- 65+

Maya (MOON Artemis *W/Mediarahan* JUDGMENT Amutart)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (FORTUNE Skuld PRIESTESS Izanami)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

Detested Hunter can be described in one word: Wussy.

First off, I had Ulala and Baofu cast Maha Maka Kaja on
everyone, then I had Ulala switch to Skuld, and Maya to
Amutart. I continually casted the Fusion Spell "Pantheon"
(Amutart's Divine Judgment, Prometheus's Zandyne, and
Skuld's Hieros Glupaine) on Detested Hunter, dealing 500+
points of DOUBLE damage by that spell alone. (which of
course adds up to 1000+ points of damage.) I had Katsuya and
Tatsuya cast the Fusion Spell "Blazing Hell", which dealt
700+ points of damage. Very nice. Detested Hunter was out
in no time.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Maha Maka Kaja on everyone at the start of the round.

-Continually cast the Fusion Spell "Pantheon" to get rid of
him. Cast Blazing Hell to add on to the damage.

-Use Artemis's Mediarahan if your HP ever gets low.


21) Gozen (Kiyotada Sumaru)

Comment- You commit this outrage, knowing that I am Kiyotada

Your Level- 66+

Well, there's 2 ways of dealing with Gozen.

Maya (MOON Mahimie Amano)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (FOOL Junnosuke Kuroda)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Suou Tatsunoshin)

Just cast the Fusion Spell "Tenchu-Satsu" on Gozen. (For
the record, it's Junnosuke's Deadly Needle, Mahime's Dance
of Protection, and Suou's Mighty Swing.) 8000+ points of
damage. That's it. It's so easy you won't even need a
Brief Summary.

Then, there's THIS way:

Maya (MOON Artemis *W/Mediarahan*)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (FORTUNE Skuld PRIESTESS Izanami)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

After trying out many attacks from different Personae, I've
come to the conclusion that Gozen is Strong vs. All.
Underestimating him for a second would mean defeat...

Anyway, I used Ulala and Baofu to cast Maha Maka Kaja at the
beginning of the round, then I had Ulala switch back to
Skuld. After that, I had Katsuya, (W/Hyperion's Mutated
Mahanma) Maya, and Ulala cast the Pantheon Fusion Spell on
Gozen, dealing double damage to him, (300+ on the first
wave, then 400+ points on the second, averaging out to
around 700+ points of damage.) then I had Baofu and Tatsuya
cast their Wiseman Snap and Nova Cyther specials,
respectively, each dealing out 200+ points of damage.

Gozen can be a REAL pain in the ass. His Megaton Press and
Rotten Flesh attacks can end up doing a nice deal of damage
against everyone. (namely Maya, who's Artemis is weak
against Physical attacks.) Not to mention Megidolaonn,
which is a pain in the ass too... at least my Artemis could
reflect that and deal at least 100+ points of damage to him.
When any of those attacks take place, IMMEDIATELY use
Artemis's Mediarahan to bring everyone back to their feet.
That Perpetual Darkness spell is nerve racking as well,
since that will cancel out Fusion Spells, and everyone will
just do an individual action instead. The only attack that
doesn't pose a real threat is his Trial of Darkness spell.
Skuld, Prometheus (Speaking of which, Baofu should be the
safest member out of the 5 thanks to him) and Artemis are
all protected by that spell, and it did minimal damage to
Tatsuya and Katsuya. (And they didn't end up unconscious,
too. Weird.) Surprisingly, no one in my party died. If
you take up this strategy, yours shouldn't either...

Brief Summary-

-Use Maha Maka Kaja at the beginning of the battle.

-Keep casting Pantheon, and have Tatsuya and Baofu cast
their Nova Cyther and Wiseman Snap specials.

-Use Artemis's Mediarahan spell as soon as Gozen does a
massive attack. (Most notably Rotten Flesh, Megaton Press,
or Megidolaonn.)

And here's a decent strategy from Katman:

The way I won was using Artemis w/Diarahan (not Mediarahan
yet, I hadn't learned about Urd). Gozen killed everyone else
nearly instantly with that overpowered Rotten Flesh, but
Maya lived (with 50HP!). From there, winning was/is a simple
tactic of bouncing his Megidolaoon off yourself and healing
every turn when he uses Rotten Flesh.
Oh, and he's weak against Physical.


22) Shadow Katsuya & Shadow Ulala


Shadow Katsuya: Shadow of Katsuya's soul.
Shadow Ulala: Shadow of Ulala's soul.


Shadow Katsuya: "You must be tired of fooling yourself... I
will end it for you."

Shadow Ulala: "Isn't it tough to be alone?"

Your Level- 70+

Maya (JUDGMENT Amutart *W/Maha Magdyne* MOON
Artemis *W/Mediarahan*)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (STAR Astria)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus *Mutated/Magdyne*)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

This is an easy battle. First off, cast Maka Kaja on Maya.
Then, have Baofu, Tatsuya, and Maya cast Last Quake. I was
dealing out 1000+ to Shadow Katsuya, and 1500+ to Shadow
Ulala. They were out in 3-4 turns. I had Katsuya use
Triple Down on S. Katsuya, and Ulala was just using physical
attacks on S. Ulala. (In other words, I didn't even need
Katsuya and Ulala in this battle. That's how easy it

Brief Summary-

-First, have Baofu cast Maka Kaja on Maya. After that, make
sure Baofu, Tatsuya, and Maya are casting Last Quake.
You'll quickly finish them off.

-Use Artemis's Mediarahan if your Hp gets low.

Here's another strategy, with Katsuya and Ulala actually
doing something:

Maya (MOON Artemis *W/Mediarahan* MAGICIAN Isis)
Katsuya (TOWER Hastur)
Ulala (PRIESTESS Izanami HERMIT Tishtoriya)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus *Mutated/Magdyne*)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

Of course, my first action consisted of casting Maha Maka
Kaja. As usual, I kept casting Last Quake, but instead I
had Ulala (W/Tishtoriya) and Katsuya cast Omnious Waterfall
on Shadow Katsuya, dealing 1300+ points of damage. Of
course, both Shadow Ulala and Shadow Katsuya were out in a
couple of rounds... around 3-4.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Maha Maka Kaja at the beginning of the fight, then
have Tatsuya, Baofu, and Maya cast Last Quake.

-Have Ulala and Katsuya cast Omnious Waterfall on S.

-Use Artemis's Mediarahan or Izanami's Affectionate Prayer
if your Hp ever gets low.


23) Shadow Baofu and Shadow Maya


Shadow Baofu- Shadow of Baofu's soul.

Shadow Maya- Shadow of Maya's soul.


Shadow Baofu- "Beg for mercy! Maybe I'll let you go?"

Shadow Maya- "Let's have some fun..."

Your Level- 71+

Maya (MOON Artemis *W/Mediarahan* PRIESTESS
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (MAGICIAN Isis)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

This is a unique battle, seeing that you just can't cast
your powerful fusion spells just yet. Mainly because Shadow
Maya can reflect magic... so we'll have to deal with her

For starters, I casted Maha Maka Kaja. The I had Baofu and
Katsuya use their Wiseman Snap and Triple Down attacks
respectively (both of which did 390+ points of damage, I
might add) and Tatsuya's Gigantic Fist which did around
300+ points of damage. I had Maya and Ulala use Beads of
Power on themselves, and I had them attack Shadow Maya
normally, with Maya doing around 300+ and Ulala dealing
200+ points of damage. Eventually, Shadow Maya was down, it
was the party vs. Shadow Baofu. NOW you can eliminate
Shadow Baofu.

Ulala, Maya, and Baofu were casting Lightning Crush on
Shadow Baofu dealing out 2000+ points of damage, while
Katsuya and Tatsuya were casting Nuclear Blast, dealing out
800+ points of damage to Shadow Baofu. Of course, he didn't
last too long.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Maha Maka Kaja at the beginning of the round.
However, don't use any spells yet, since you'll have to get
rid of Shadow Maya first. Have Baofu, Katsuya, and Tatsuya
use Wiseman Snap, Triple Down, and Gigantic Fist
respectively. Have Maya and Ulala use Beads of Power on
themselves, then have them attack normally.

-Cast Lightning Crush and Nuclear Blast on Shadow Baofu to
quickly do him in.

-Use Artemis's Mediarahan or Izanami's Affectionate Prayer
if you end up low on Hp.

And here's another strategy:

Maya (MOON Artemis *W/Mediarahan* PRIESTESS
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion STRENGTH Wong Long
Ulala (STAR Fariedone)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo MAGICIAN Isis)

First off, I casted Maha Maka Kaja. Of course, I had to
take out Shadow Maya first, so I had Katsuya and Baofu doing
Triple Down and Wiseman Snap respectively, (400+ points of
damage) while Tatsuya's Gigantic Fist and Maya with Taru
Kaja on her were dealing
300+ points of damage, and I had Ulala use Fariedone's Twin
Slash, dealing out 200+ points of damage. She wasn't
difficult, and was out in a few turns.

As for Shadow Baofu, he was the usual pushover. I had Maya,
Katsuya (Wong Long) and Baofu casting Lightning Crush,
dealing out 2000+ points of damage, and Tatsuya (Isis) and
Ulala casting Lighting Blast, dealing 1000+ points of

Brief Summary-

-Cast Maha Maka Kaja on the beginning of the round. Have
everyone attack Shadow Maya first, since she can reflect
magic. (For the attacks, look at what I've written up

-Now, keep casting Lighting Crush and Lightning Blast on
Shadow Baofu.

-Use Artemis's Mediarahan or Izanami's Affectionate Prayer
if your Hp gets low.

(*NOTE* After this battle, you may want to try to get


And here's a small tidbit of information from Katman:

"More groovy little-known fusions... Against Shadow Baofu
and Shadow Maya (the only battle in the game that gave me a
lot of trouble) try 'Octapacy Fist' on S. Maya - one-hit
kill. It's Strike-Strike-Strike, so you might want to equip
a few Personae other than Apollo with Gigantic Fist. And
hope S. Baofu doesn't try Bastard Snap...Ouch..."
Once again, thanks to Katman for pointing this out!



(*NOTE*- Alright, this is the final boss of the game.
However, before you fight him, I'd like you to do a couple
of tasks.)

1a) Summon EMPEROR Indra and release him... twice. Why?
Because you get 10x Somas for doing so, and you'll get 20
when you do it twice. When you use these items, they'll
bring everyone's Hp and Sp to the max, AND it'll restore
their status if it's bad. It's not like you'll end up
losing tons of HP fighting Nyarlathotep (with my strategy,
anyway) but the reason why you'll need them... well, you'll
see in a minute.

1b) Get 10 Gem Rings. Just think Mediarahan in the form of
an item, then you'll get the idea. They can be purchased at
Mu Casino.

2) Get the following Personae, and make sure that they have
the following spells:

a) EMPEROR Lugh (Give him Mediarahan, and make sure he gets
his Hieros Glupaine mutation) If you don't have him, get
FORTUNE Skuld, and give her Mediarahan also.

b) EMPEROR Vishnu (He's fairly easy to get... you'll have
to win him in Mu Contienent. His Material Card is about
10,000 Coins... I think. Also, give Vishnu Raku Kaja.)

c) EMPRESS Gaia (She's in the final section of Monado. To
get her, look at her stats in the Persona encounter section.
Give her Sama Recarm when you find her.)

d) CHARIOT Siva (Out of all of these Personae, he's the
easiest to get. Just summon and release JUSTICE Skanda, and
you'll get Siva's Material Card. And when you do get him,
give him Maka Kaja.)

e) SUN Virocana (He's in the 7th Area of the Kasuyagama
High Cursed Bomb Shelter. To get him, look at his stats in
the Persona encounter section. Give him Sama Kaja, and make
sure he has his Hieros Glupaine mutation.)

f) LOVERS Alice (She can be found in the 8th Area of the
Bomb Shelter... and she's pretty hard to come across, but
well worth it. Give her Raku Kaja.)

g) DEVIL Lucifer and JUDGMENT Satan (Both of these guys can
be purchased for 50000 coins individually at the Mu
Contienent Casino. They're well worth it, but they take a
little long to get... anyway, give Satan Mediarahan and
Lucifer Sama Kaja.)

h) MOON Nannar (Just delete a Rank 8 Tsukuyomi Persona.
Another easy one to get, and give her Raku Kaja.)

3) Get 10 Beads of Magic Wall, Magic Power, Protection, and

Now, on to the strategies! You're almost there.

24a) Nyarlathotep (Moon Howler)

Description: Crawling Chaos, one of Nyarlathotep's

Comment: "Why did you come here? Heh... to spout

Your Level- 81+

Maya (EMPEROR Lugh *W/Mediarahan* *Mutated/Hieros Glupaine)
Katsuya (EMPEROR Vishnu *W/Raku Kaja)
Ulala (EMPRESS Gaia *W/Sama Recarm PRIESTESS
Baofu (CHARIOT Siva *W/Maka Kaja)
Tatsuya (SUN Virocana *W/Sama Kaja *Mutated/Hieros Glupaine)

At the beginning of the round, (Make sure Ulala has Izanami
equipped) cast the Kaja spells in this order: Raku Kaja,
Sama Kaja, then Maka Kaja. After that, have Ulala switch
back to Gaia, then cast Nuclear Jihad (Gaia's Freidyne-->
Vishnu's Megidolaonn-->Siva's Nuclear Missile... 2000+
points of damage.) and Pantheon (Hieros Glupaine--
>Megidolaonn-->Hieros Glupaine... 700 points of double
damage, adding up to around 1400+ points of damage.)

With the Kaja's casted on me, Nyarlathotep's Megidolaonn did
around 80+ of damage to me at most (Ha), Unperishable Black
didn't even phase me, and Shadow Kill did around 100+ points
of damage, (A lot better than the 500-600+ murderer it was
last time...) and Wheel of Time did around 100+ points of
damage also. All in all, Moon Howler was a pushover. (Just
remember to heal when you have to, of course. :P)

Brief Summary-

-Remember to have Raku Kaja, Sama Kaja, and Maka Kaja casted
on your party.

-Keep casting Nuclear Jihad and Pantheon to subdue Moon


24b) Nyarlathotep (True Form)

Description: A mass of gods with 1000 names and faces at
the center of space.

Comment: "Are you afraid? No one can ever escape the

Comment (Near Death): "I won't accept it!"

(All the requirements are the same. Look above for the

Nyarlathotep has come back stronger, with some spells that
are a pain in the ass to deal with, but other than that,
he's still somewhat easy.

First off, all of your Kaja spells aren't effective, so
you'll have to re-cast them. Now, keep using the same
spells I mentioned above to deal the damage you need to kill
Nyarlathotep. But this time, the spells aren't as powerful
this time around. Nuclear Jihad did around 1700+ points of
damage, and Pantheon did 400+ points of double damage,
adding up to 800+ points of damage.

As usual, with the Kajas casted upon me, his Wheel of Time
spell did 100+ of damage. His Chaos Element couldn't even
phase me. Shadow Kill did about 100+ points of damage.

But this time though, he has some spells that are a pain in
the ass. The first one, Transient Ripple, is a spell that
is basically Maha De Kaja- it cancels out all of your Kaja
spells. The second, Wheel of Fortune, is usually followed
up right after Transient Ripple. This spell seals up your
Persona Change power, so you can't use Izanami to cast Maha
(Blank) Kaja. You'll have to use the Beads of Magic Wall,
Protection, and Magic Power in that order, on everyone.
Finally, Nyarlathotep's trademark spell, Crawling Chaos:
Although it did around 100+ to everyone, the character that
has been hit has a high probability of getting the MUTED (of
all things to casts, he uses this.) effect upon him/her.
Lucky for you, you have 24 Somas to counteract that. :P
(On another note, Baofu (Siva) and Katusya (Vishnu) were
never muted, so that's a plus. Mainly because those 2 are
Strong vs. All.)

All in all, it takes persistence to kill Nyarlathotep.
Remember to keep casting Nuclear Jihad and Pantheon, and
remember to keep using the tactics I used above to counter
his attacks.

Brief Summary-

-Cast the Raku/Maka/Sama Kaja spells once the fight starts.
When he casts Transient Ripple, use the Beads of Magic Wall,
Protection, and Magic Power. (In that order.)

-Use the Somas to cancel out the mute effect when he casts
Crawling Chaos.

-Keep casting Nuclear Jihad and Pantheon.

-Enjoy the ending to the game. It's pretty good.

Alright, I've started up a new strategy with some new
Personae, and it's a little easier to beat Nyarlathotep with
these Personae, too. So... here we go.

Nyarlathotep (Moon Howler)

Your Level- 91+

Maya (PRIESTESS Izanami JUDGMENT Satan *W/
Ulala (LOVERS Alice *W/Raku Kaja* EMPRESS Gaia)
Katsuya (SUN Virocana)
Baofu (CHARIOT Siva)
Tatsuya (EMPEROR Vishnu)

(NOTE: To see what I have equipped on other Personae, look

First off, have Maya with Izanami cast Sama/Raku/Maka Kaja,
in that order. Then have Ulala and Maya switch back to Gaia
and Satan, then keep casting Meteor Crush (Deadly Burn ->
Anger of the Earth -> Asteroid Bomb) for 3000+ points of
damage, Nuclear Jihad for 2000+ points of damage, and
Pantheon for 800-1000+ points of double damage.

Moon Howler's Megidolaonn did about 40+ points of damage to
everyone (Except Maya of course, who took about 100+ points
of damage) and Unperishable Black didn't even phase me.
(Well, except for Maya, who took about 300+ points of
damage... but that can be fixed by just casting Mediarahan.)
Luckily, Maya/Satan can reflect Shadow Kill, dealing about a
decent 300+ points of damage to Nyarlie. (I'm going to call
him that from now on... deal with it. :P)

All in all, this form is a pushover. Now, Nyarlie's true
form on the other hand...


Nyarlathotep (True Form)

(NOTE: I used the same Personae as the above for this

Now, cast the Kaja's that I've told you to cast earlier.

Meteor Crush did around 3000+ points of damage.
Nuclear Jihad did about 1900+ points of damage.
Pantheon did about 600+ points of double damage.

Chaos Element didn't phase me, (Well... except for Maya, who
took about 300+ points of damage.) Crawling Chaos did about
100+ points of damage to everyone, and Shadow Kill did about
90+ points of damage at most. (Luckily, Maya/Satan
reflected this, still dealing 300+ points of damage to

Basically, I kept casting Meteor Crush with Katsuya and
Baofu casting Nuclear Blast each turn (Which dealt about
800+ points of damage). If you ask me, this is the ideal
team for taking out Nyarlie.

Brief Summary-

-Use the Kaja casting technique explained earlier at the
start of both battles.

-Meteor Crush, Pantheon, and Nuclear Jihad are most likely
your best bets at taking out Nyarlie.

-Use Satan's Mediarahan whenever your HP gets low. Remember
to use Somas when Nyarlie casts Crawling Chaos.

---More Nyarlathotep strategies...---

Nyarlathotep (Moon Howler)

Your Level- 79+

Maya (MOON Nannar *W/Raku Kaja*)
Ulala (EMPRESS Gaia PRIESTESS Izanami)
Katsuya (SUN Virocana)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (EMPEROR Lugh *W/Mediarahan*)

First off, cast the Kaja's, (Remember: It's Sama->Raku->Maka
Kaja. This is the last time I'll go over this, so when I
say 'Cast the Kajas', I'll be referring to that.) then keep
casting Pantheon (800+2 points of damage) and Ryuhi Tenho,
which is Nannar's Maha Garudyne and Lugh's Maha Garudyne.
(2000+ points of damage, surprisingly.)

As usual, Unperishable Black did nothing, Megidolaonn did
80+ and Shadow Kill did 100+...

Nyarlathotep (True Form)

(It's the same setup as above.)

Cast the Kaja's, then keep casting Wind Cutter (1000+) and
Sharp Boulder (600+). These attacks are most likely the key
to getting rid of Nyarlie with this setup...

Wheel of Time did 100+ of damage at most, Shadow Kill did
180+ of damage, and Crawling Chaos did 100+ points of

Brief Summary-

-Cast the Kaja's.

-Use the attacks described above.

-Remember to use the Gem Rings, Soma's or Mediarahans
whenever your Hp gets low.

Alright, let me first say that the Greek Set IS NOT the
ideal team for beating Nyarlathotep efficiently. There are
many other Personae within their level range that can do a
better job, (Such as Skuld, Suzaku, and a ton of others I
just don't feel like mentioning right now) but since people
keep using these Personae for fighting Nyarlathotep (Mainly
those who go through their first experience with the game) I
came up with a... 'decent' strategy for dealing with

Anyway, let's start. Notice that the level of the
characters will be a little higher than expected.

Nyarlathotep (Moon Howler)

Your Level- 76+

Maya (MOON Artemis)
Ulala (STAR Astria)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

For starters, remember those 10 Beads of Magic Wall,
Protection, Magic Power and Speed that I've told you to get?
Well, this is where they come into play.

Have everyone use the beads in this order as soon as the
fight starts: MW, P, MP, and S. See? Just like 'Casting
the Kajas', except that you're using beads... You can have
Maya skip straight to the BoP since she reflects magic.

After that, keep casting Nuclear Crush (Nova Cyther-
>Zandyne->Heat Kaiser) to deal 1600+ points of damage to
Nyarlathotep. I kept Maya on Crescent Mirror and her
Mediarahan, while I had Ulala on her Twinkle Nebula spell
and backup on Gem Rings. (Their spells dealt around 300+-
400+ points of damage. Of course, I had them heal when
their Hp began to get low.)

Megidolaonn did about 80+ points of damage to everyone.
Shadow Kill dealt 100+ points of damage. That idiot
Nyarlathotep never got around to casting Unperishable Black
or Wheel of Time, so I'll have to go back and calculate the
damage later.

He'll be out in a few turns.

Nyarlathotep (True Form)

(I'm using the Greek Set in this battle.)

Okay, this form is a little more dangerous than the previous
one. Take caution.

Use the beads in the order I told you to use them earlier,
then keep casting Nuclear Crush, (1300+ points of damage)
Crescent Mirror (400+) and Twinkle Nebula (300+). Remember
to keep Maya on Mediarahan and Ulala on Gem Rings.

Chaos Element messed up Tatsuya, Katsuya and Ulala real
good, dealing 200-600+ points of damage to either of them.
(NOTE: If you had given the Tetraja card to Astria, major
props to you! That'll prevent Chaos Element from doing that
horrible amount of damage... either that, or Silver Manisha.
Besides, it'll give Ulala something else to do.) Baofu and
Maya were protected.

Wheel of Time did 100+ points of damage to all of us. And,
again, Nyarlie never did get around to casting Crawling
Chaos or even Shadow Kill, since he was busy Chaos
Elementing the hell out of us, so I'll have to go back and
get that later.

...And none of my characters died in this battle. Just stay
on the ball when it comes to healing.

Brief Summary

-Use the beads in the order described earlier.

-Cast Nuclear Crush and Maya's and Ulala's attack spells.
(If you have Tetraja on Astria, have her cast that every
turn instead...)

-Remember to use Mediarahan, Gem Rings and Somas when your
HP gets low.


Also, here's a couple of tips to dealing with Nyarlie, from
contributions by Katman:

"The easiest way to beat Nyarlie, BTW, is to cast Gry with
DEVIL Poltergeist, Agidyne with DEVIL Surt, Chaos Element
with DEVIL Beelzebub, and Another Dimension with DEVIL
Lucifer. This results in Great War of Hell - 16 hits = a
dead Nyarlie!"
"As I recall, some of the Personae you used had the Chaos
element spell. Try Mudo + Zandyne + Chaos Element (it could
just be Dark + Almighty + All-Dark) for Pandemonium, which
is like Pantheon, but Dark. It works great against Nyarlie,
which doesn't make much sense, really..."
Credits to Katman once again for pointing this out!

1) Lv. 29 HIEROPHANT Shaka

Comment- You mush apprehend!
HP- 500
Attacks- Vile Thunderbolt, Hypnotic Wave, Nirvana
Strong Vs. All

Location: 2nd Area of Cursed Bomb Shelter in Kasuyagama

Your Level: 25+

Maya (MOON Maia)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Mars)
Ulala (STAR Gandharva)
Ellen/Nate (JUDGMENT Nike/HIEROPHANT Aizen-Myoo)
Baofu (HERMIT Tenhou Gensui)

Shaka is pretty much an easy fight. Although he can be a
pain with his Hypnotic Wave, his Nirvana spell doesn't seem
to do a lot of damage (If you're using the Personae I
suggested as well as the level I suggested) at all. The
only true spell to watch out for is his Vile Thunderbolt
attack, since that can put your allies in ELEC status and
screw up your whole game. Use Mars's Media or Maia's
Medirama if this happens. Shaka is STRONG VS. ALL, so just
use your strongest Fusion Spells and use Maka Kaja if you
have it. Singular spells and attacks are pretty much
worthless in this fight, so it's going to take a joint
venture amongst everyone. Again, it's an easy fight... just
a little extended.

Shaka gives the Material Card "Yuiga Dokuson" once you
defeat him, enabling you to summon him in the Velvet Room.
(He's well worth it.)


2) Lv. 38 JUSTICE Nata (1st Visit)
Comment- Feel the wrath of my Paopei!
HP- 800
Void: Mind/Nerve
Weak: Lightning

Location: 1st and 2nd visits to Aoba Park

Your Level- 23+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Mars)
Ulala (CUP Matsuo-sama)
Baofu (HERMIT Tenhou Gensui)

Nata's attacks are LETHAL. His Tackle can put characters in
critical status, or possibly even kill them in one hit. And
if he casts Taru Kaja, it's probably all over. Look out for
his Sonic Punch attack, too.

When he casts Taru Kaja, IMMEDIATELY use Matsuo-Sama to cast
De Kaja to cancel out the effects of Taru Kaja. All I can
say about this encounter is keep casting Stone Rise and keep
Maya on Medirama until Nata falls. Otherwise, you're in for
one hell of a fight.

Brief overview-

-When Nata casts Taru Kaja, use Matsuo-sama cast De Kaja to
cancel out the effects.

-Keep casting Stone Rise, and keep Maya on Medirama.


(2nd Visit)

Your Level- 35+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Ulala (STAR Heinir)
Baofu (TOWER Loki)
Ellen/Nate (:::If you're using Ellen, use EMPRESS Arianrhod.
If you're using Nate, use HIEROPHANT Shaka.:::)

Although this battle will be a lot easier since you'll be at
a higher level and have some nice Personae, his attacks will
still mess you up if you're not careful. Remember to cast
Heinir's De Kaja when Nata uses Taru Kaja, and keep doing
the Fusion Spell "Lighting Crush" along with either Loki,
Heinir, Arianrhod, and Shaka. Remember to keep Maya on
Medirama. (For the record, Arianrhod should be the safest
in the battle, due to Arianrhod's Strong vs. Attacks and
Shaka's Strong vs. All.)

Brief overview-

-Remember, when Nata casts Taru Kaja, use Heinir's De Kaja.
I can't stress this enough...

-Keep casting Lightning Crush to take him out. If you still
have Nate's starting Persona HIEROPHANT Aizen-Myouou who was
able to learn the 'Maka Kaja' spell through Mutation, you
can have him use that to power the casters in the Lightning
Crush Fusion Spell.

-Keep Maya on Medirama. (I think you all get the picture by

-BTW, B4 TND notes another strategy when dealing with Nata:

"About Nata... he is a damn strong guy, but when I fought
him I tended to nail him right of the bat with an instant-
death spell. I'm not sure what I exactly did the first time
(I think it was Hama) but in the second time through the
game I hit him with Atomic Destruction and boom! No more
Nata. Hahaahaahaa. :)"

Thanks for pointing this out!

For defeating Nata, you get the Material Card "Paopei", with
which you can summon him in the Velvet Room. (Yet another
Persona that's quite good. After all, you may have a hard
time fighting him, so that should tell you something.)


3) Lv. 51 PRIESTESS Izanami
Comment- Come here!
Hp- ??? (No, seriously... it says that on her info screen.)
Attacks- Marin Karin, Diamond Dust, Deadly Needle
Void: Holy/Dark/Water

Location: 5th Area of Cursed Bomb Shelter in Kasuyagama High

Your Level: 48+
Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (PENTACLE Yebisu)
Ulala (HERMIT Genbu)
Baofu (DEATH Ankou)
Ellen/Nate (PENTACLE Peri)

Well, I had Katsuya cast Maka Kaja on himself, Ulala, and
Ellen/Nate in order to cast the Last Quake spell on Izanami,
and I ended up dealing 800+ points of damage per casting.
She was gone in about 4-5 turns.

Be sure to look out for her spells, though. Diamond Dust
can be a pain since it ended up freezing 2 of my characters,
but her Deadly Needle and Marin Karin attacks never got me.
Still, take caution. Overall, it's an easy battle....

Brief Summary:

-Cast Maka Kaja on the possesors of Yebisu, Peri, and Genbu.
After that, keep casting Last Quake.

-Use Peri's Refresh Ring if any of your characters end up
Frozen or Charmed by Izanami's attacks.

-Use Maia Custom's Medirama if you have to.

For defeating Izanami, you get the Material Card "Path to
Hades", where you can summon her in the Velvet Room


4) Lv. 65 EMPEROR Odin
Comment- Deeeeeeeeeiii!
Hp- ???
Attacks- Mudoonn, Death Bound, Baptism by Thunder
Void: Magic
Weak: Physical

Location: 6th Area of Kasuyagama High Cursed Bomb Shelter

Your Level- 60+

Maya (MOON Artemis *W/Mediarahan*)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Nata JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (PRIESTESS Izanami)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

For starters, cast the Fusion Spell Maha Taru Kaja
(Izanami's Affectionate Prayer, Nata's Taru Kaja) to get the
battle started. Everyone in my party was dealing 290+
points of damage, until my Baofu (on his 2nd turn) dealt a
critical 1553 points of damage to Odin, therefore killing

Odin isn't really a problem... except for that damned
Mudoonn spell. But then again, (suprisingly) that spell
never, EVER hit any of my characters, out of the 3 times he
casted it. Weird stuff.

Brief Summary:

-Cast Maha Taru Kaja at the beginning of the battle, and
keep hitting him with regular attacks.

-Use Artemis's Mediarahan if anyone's HP ends up low.

For defeating Odin, you get the Material Card "Runic
Monument", allowing you to summon him at the Velvet Room.


5) Lv. 69 MAGICIAN Rangda
Comment- Uwaaaa!
Hp- ???
Attacks- Megidola, Mudoonn, Marin Karin, Scratch
Reflect: Physical
Weak: Holy

Location: 7th Floor of Sumaru Castle

Your Level- 65+

Maya (MOON Artemis)
Katsuya (JUDGMENT Amutart)
Ulala (FORTUNE Skuld)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

An easy battle. You can either use Hamaonn, Divine
Judgment, or whatever Holy spell is to your liking ot get
rid of Rangda.

Brief Summary:

-Rangda is Weak vs. Holy. That's about it...

For defeating Rangda, you get the Material Card "Dancing
Mask", allowing you to summon her at the Velvet Room.


6) Lv. 73 SUN Virocana

Description- God of the heavens who is said to be the core.

Comment- "Go train some more!"

Hp- ???
Attacks- Deadly Burn, Divine Judgment, Magic Seal, Rain of
Void: Fire/Holy/Dark

Your Level- 67+

Maya (MOON Artemis *W/Mediarahan*)
Katsuya (SUN Hyperion)
Ulala (STAR Astria PRIESTESS Izanami)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (TOWER Hastur *W/Bufudyne*)

This guy just refused to go down for some reason. No, he
wasn't too difficult, it's just that this battle seemed to
go on for a long time.. but then again, those are Persona
encounters for you.

In any case, I casted Maha Maka Kaja as soon as the battle
started, then I kept casting Ice Crush (Bufudyne, Zandyne,
Diamond Dust) on Virocana, dealing 800+ points of damage per
turn. I had Hyperion use Triple Down and Ulala on backup
with Izanami with Affectionate Prayer just in case anyone's
HP ended up low. I managed to get rid of Virocana, and it
wasn't difficult at all, it was just an abnormally long
battle for a Persona encounter.

Brief Summary-

-Cast Maha Maka Kaja at the beginning of the fight.

-Keep casting Ice Crush, and keep Katsuya on Triple Down and
Ulala on Affectionate Prayer.

-Use Izanami's Affectionate Prayer or Artemis's Mediarahan
to heal anyone just in case anyone's Hp falls low.

Then there's another time and sanity saver:

Maya (MOON Artemis)
Katsuya (CUP Dagda)
Ulala (PREISTESS Izanami)
Baofu (HERMIT Tishtoriya)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

Just cast Maelstrom. That's it. Easy enough... :P

Brief Summary-

-I don't think you'll be needing a brief summary for this
battle. Just cast Maelstrom and it's over.


7) Lv. 78 EMPRESS Gaia

Description- Greek goddess meaning "Earth." Conceived many
gods with Uranus.

Comment- "Hmph! Feel the Earth's wrath!"

Attacks- Tetrakarn, Anger of the Earth, Rain of Arrows
Void- Earth/Holy/Dark

Location: Final area of Monado, "World of Conviction"

Your Level- 74+

Maya (STAR Fariedone)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (STAR Astria)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

Easy. Just cast Storm Nightmare. (For the record, it's
Wind-->Almighty-->Twinkle Nebula.)

Brief Summary-

-Once again, I don't think you'll be needing a brief summary
for this.

6. ((---RUMOR DEMONS---))

1) RUMOR Lv. 24 Tek-Tek
Comment- Tek tek...
HP- 192
Attacks- Maha Garula, Devil's Smile, Poisonous Scratch
Void: Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve

Location: 3rd Floor of Kasuyagama High

Your Level: 23+

Maya (MOON Maia)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Mars)
Ulala (SWORD Kanshou)
Ellen/Nate (JUDGMENT Nike/HIEROPHANT Aizen/Myoo)
Baofu (HERMIT Tenhou Gensui)

Tek-Tek isn't tough at all. (Just watch out for that Maha
Garula spell. It'll do damage if you're not careful. Then
again, that can be amended with Maia's Medirama or Mars's
Media, so that's not really a big deal...) Just cast a
Fusion Spell (You'll probably have to use 2. In any case, I
used Tower Inferno.) and be on your way. His low amount of
HP is Tek-Tek's biggest weakness.

Brief Summary:

-Use a good Fusion Spell to dispatch Tek-Tek.

-If your HP ever gets low, use Maia's Media, Nike's Diarama,
or Mars's Media spells if you have to.

You can give Evt./Tek-Tek's Name Tag to Pathetic Loser (the
guy right outside of Kasuyagama High School) for a "Soma".


2a) RUMOR Lv. 32 Reiko Kashima
Comment- Ha ha ha...
Hp: 256
Attacks- Zandyne, Curse, Maha Mudo, Dark Baptism
Void: Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve

Location: Inside of the Sumaru TV Building (When Searching
for Wang Long Chizuru)

Your Level: 27+

Maya (HERMIT Grinbulsti MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (HIEROPHANT Shaka)
Ulala (ROD Nankyoku Roujin)
Baofu (TOWER Kanaloa)
Ellen (JUDGMENT Nike)

Look out for Reiko's Curse spell, which hits everyone and
will do some serious damage against anyone who's weak
against Dark. Even worser is Maha Mudo, which'll instantly
kill anyone who's weak against Dark. (In this case, both
cases can be applied to Ellen's Nike.) Otherwise it's an
easy battle, just use 1 to 2 Tower Infernos and move along.

Brief Summary:

-Use the Tower Inferno Fusion Spell to get rid of Reiko

-Use Maia Custom's or Nankyoku Roujin's Pine Bamboo Plum
spells if the party's HP ever gets low.

You can give Evt./Reiko's Umbrella to the Frightened
Security Guard in the Sumaru TV Lobby Room for a "Incense
Card Set".


Alright, everyone is going to have to give thanks to
Frostylantern for giving me these strategies to dealing with

2b) RUMOR Lv. 29 Tsuchinoko
Comment- Myu myuu...
Hp- 232
Attacks- Paralyzing Bite, Violent Rage, Bloodsuck, Retreat
Strong vs. Magic
Weak vs. Physical

Location: Narumi Sewers

Level- Maya, Ulala, Katsuya, Baofu: Lv. 34
Nate: Lv. 28

Maya (MOON Pariker)
Ulala (STAR Heinir)
Katsuya (STRENGTH Ryume)
Baofu (DEATH Hel)
Nate (EMPEROR Marduk)

There's 2 strategies to dealing with Tsuchinoko:

Have Ulala and Nate use Twin Slash, and have everyone else

Mary (HERMIT Grinbulsti)
Ulala (JUDGMENT Melschedec)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Mars)
Baofu (SWORD Kanshou)
Nate (EMPEROR Marduk)

The basic idea here is to have everyone use their most
powerful sword magic. The only 2 things you need to worry
about are time and speed. To reduce the time spent in
battle, go to configuration and set the battles to "simple".
This will forego animations and make battles in the sewer go
faster. Tsuchinoko often uses retreat, so it's most
adviseable to defeat it in the first round before it gets a
turn. With the Personae I've suggested, there should be
more than enough sword power to deal with Tsuchinoko.

For defeating Tsuchinoko, you get Evt./"Dead Tsuchinoko".

Here's some more Tsuchinoko information, from our guy Bo

"When fighting the Tsuchinoko in the sewers, I wanted to
kill it quickly and I didn't know about it's weakness
against swords. So, just for the heck of it, I used the Maia
persona's (I hadn't switched Maya's persona yet) 'Multi
Dimension' spell against it to try to kill it instantly.
Surprisingly, it worked! Also, you can take the Dead
Tsuchinoko to one of the people walking in the Narumi area
(maybe I spelled it wrong, but it's where the sewers/Science
Lab are located) and you'll get an Item Breeder that
duplicates a usable item."

Thanks to Frostylantern and Bo Kurland for providing the
information on Tsuchinoko!


3) RUMOR Lv. 47 100km/h Hag
Comment- I'm the fastest runner around!
Hp: 296
Attacks- Fata Morgana, Lightning Strike, Retreat
Void: Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve

Location: 3rd Floor of the Seedy CD

Your Level- 37+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (EMPEROR Baal)
Ulala (STAR Heinir)
Baofu (CHARIOT Saiten Taisei)
Ellen/Nate (JUDGMENT Melschedec/HIEROPHANT Shaka)

Seeing that you can't use your Personae or spells on the
upper floors of the Seedy CD building, I sure hope you have
some Awaken G's to combat the Old Hag's Fata Morgana spell.
This WILL screw up your entire strategy, and she'll
eventually run off if you don't defeat her fast enough. To
make things short, you can only harm her with your

Basically, I ate Shiraishi Lady's "Combo Plate" which can
boost up your STR stat by 15+ points (!!) and coupled along
with the latest weapons bought at Parabellum, I casted
Estoma before I went into the Seedy CD and went straight to
the 3rd Floor where I encountered her, and defeated her.
Also, if you have any accessories that can increase your STR
and AGI (EX: Falcon Choker) those will help out A LOT in
this battle.

Brief Summary:

-Have a nice supply of Awaken G's to combat the Fata Morgana

-Make sure you have the latest weapons.

-If you can, eat the Shirashi Lady's Combo Plate and equip
some nice STR and AGI enhancing accessories on hand.

You can defeat her for her Evt./"High Speed Title", then you
can trade it in to Ixquic who's in the 1st Floor of the
Seedy CD for an "Incense Set".


4a) RUMOR Lv. 45 Blue Cape
Comment: Is Blue Goood?!
Hp- 360
Attacks- Maka Kaja, Fear Torrent, Heat Wave, Level Trap
Absorb: Water/Ice
Weak: Fire/Nuclear

Location: Cruise Ship Nichirinmaru (Ellen's Quest)

Your Level- 43+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (PENTACLE Yebisu)
Ulala (HERMIT Genbu)
Baofu (DEVIL Surt)
Ellen (PENTACLE Peri)

I defeated this demon so fast it was a joke. Just cast
Meltdown and be on your way.

Brief Summary:

-I don't think you really need a brief summary. That's how
easy this guy is. :P

After you defeat him, you can trade his Evt./"Blue Cape" in
to the Tourist in Narumi for a dress called "Woman Powered",
one of the best armors for women in the game.


And here's a piece of very important info, from Katman:

"You say that the Blue Cape is easy - it is, but both it and
another boss (as I remember it was some form of Nyarlie or
another...) use a nasty, nasty spell called Level Trap.
People have said stuff about it having some strange
algorithm for damage - as far as I can tell, it's a LOT of
damage, calculated to EVERYONE. Not to mention the instant
death that's also tagged along with it...It's a good idea to
kill the Blue Cape FAST."
Thanks to Katman for pointing this out. I'm surprised I
missed this. o_0


4b) RUMOR Lv. 46 Red Cape
Comment- Red is cool!
Hp- 368
Attacks- Taru Kaja, Inferno, Heat Wave, Level Trap
Absorb: Fire/Nuclear
Weak: Water/Ice

Location: Cruise Ship Nichirinmaru (Nate's Quest)

Your Level- 43+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Nata)
Ulala (LOVERS Vivian)
Baofu (DEVIL Surt)
Nate (PENTACLE Peri)

Cast Vain Splash. End of story.

Brief Summary:

-Ditto for the Red Cape.

After defeating him, you can trade in his Evt./"Red Cape" to
the Tourist in Narumi for the "Soshu Masamune", one of the
best swords for Nate/Tatsuya in the game.


5) RUMOR Lv. 50 200km/h Fogey
Comment: I'm the fastest runner in the world!
Hp- 400
Attacks- Magdyne, Curse, Lightning Strike
Void: Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve

Location: 5th Floor of Seedy CD

Your Level- 48+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (PENTACLE Yebisu)
Ulala (HERMIT Genbu)
Baofu (DEVIL Surt)
Ellen/Nate (PENTACLE Peri)

The strategy is almost similar to the 100km/h Hag, but a
little different. His attacks don't really pose too much of
a threat. The only thing different from this and the Old
Hag is tha the Fogey doesn't have Fata Morgana, so that's
good... look at the Old Hag's strategy to get the overall

Brief Summary:

-Look at the 100km/h Hag's strategy to get the overall idea.

After defeating him, you can trade in his Evt./"High Speed
Title" to Ixquic who's in the 1st Floor of the Seedy CD for
a "Legenbright".


6) RUMOR Lv. 41 Mussie
Comment: Ghaa!
Hp- 328
Attacks- Blizzard Breath, Photon Cannon, Petrifying Glare
Void: Mind/Nerve
Weak: Lightning

Location: Mu Continent's Contest Area

Your Level- 50+

Maya (MOON Maia Custom)
Katsuya (EMPEROR Indra)
Ulala (PENTACLE Peri)
Baofu (ROD Nodens)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

Just have Katsuya and Ulala cast the "Lightning Blast"
Fusion Spell, then it's all over. Mussie didn't even have a
chance to attack...

Brief Summary:

-Cast the Fusion Spell "Lightning Blast" to finish Mussie.

Once you defeat it, you can trade in the item Evt./"Mussie's
Fang" to the Security Guard in the Mu Continent lobby for an
Agility Source.


7) RUMOR Lv. 63 Kudan
Comment- More...More, tell MORE rumors! Give me more life!"
Attacks- Diarama, High Pressure, Circular Reasoning,
Strong: Magic
Weak: Physical

Location: 6th Area of Kasuyagama High Cursed Bomb Shelter

Your Level: 60+

Maya (MOON Artemis)
Ulala (PRIESTESS Izanami)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Nata)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

Although Kudan is basically a pushover, there's this one
attack that he has that'll have you scream and throw your
controller against the wall- Prophecy. No, it's not an
attack that takes away your HP, it's something a little
worser than that: You know all of the Personae you
currently have equipped on you? Well, their rank goes right
back 1.

The main strategy here is to get rid of him ASAP. As you
may already know, he's weak against attacks. So, I had
Ulala and Katsuya cast the Fusion Spell "Maha Taru Kaja",
then I had everyone attack normally. Maya, Baofu, and
Tatsuya each dealt 200+ points of damage to Kudan. Seeing
that he only has 504 Hp, he was dead after Tatsuya took his
turn. Kudan was only able to cast the High Pressure spell
on me.

Brief Summary:

-Cast the Fusion Spell "Maha Taru Kaja" (For the record,
it's Taru Kaja->Affectionate Prayer) to cast Taru Kaja on
everyone. (Duh)

-Have everyone attack normally, with their weapons. The 3
members who didn't participate in the Fusion Spell should
deal 200+ points of damage to Kudan, and after the 3 person
takes his/her turn, Kudan should be down.

For winning the battle, you get Evt./Kudan's Head. Give to
Yasuo on the 4th Floor of Kasu High to get 3 of a few of the
best accessories in the game: The Mutation Gear, Syncronize
Gear, and Adjustment Gear.

And here's a strategy for dealing with Kudan, from Katman:

"To beat Kudan, go summon some wussy Personae, and when you
find the rotter do a quick P.Change to them - he'll use
Prophecy the first turn, die, and you've lost nothing. I
devised this strategy after losing Rank-8 Apollo before
seeing Nova Cyther for the first time..."
Thanks to Katman for pointing this out! This is a helluva
lot better, in terms of saving sanity and repelling


8) RUMOR Lv. 52 Haunted Taxi
Comment: (Unable to Contact)
Hp- 416
Attacks- Tackle, Radical Powerslide
Void: Holy/Dark/Mind/Nerve
Weak: Lightning

Location: Mu Continent's Contest Area

Your Level- 64+

I've come up with 2 strategies when it comes to the Haunted

Maya (MOON Artemis)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (STAR Astria)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatsuya (SUN Apollo)

Now that you've seen the Personae, you can probably guess
what I'm going to recommend: Dragon Cross. (Wiseman Snap,
Twinkle Nebula, Crescent Mirror, Justice Shot, and Nova
Cyther) Just use that to deal 1000+ points of damage to

Maya (MOON Artemis)
Katsuya (JUSTICE Hyperion)
Ulala (PENTACLE Peri)
Baofu (HANGED MAN Prometheus)
Tatusya (EMPEROR Indra)

Use either Lightning Crush or Lightning Blast to get rid of
him. Overall, the Haunted Taxi is easy. If you want, you
can sit there and wait for him to do a funny attack called
'Radical Powerslide', and... well, you just have to see it
for yourself. Let's just say you get kicked out of the
battle. BTW, I don't think you'll be needing a Brief
Summary for this.

For defeating the Haunted Taxi, you get Evt./"Haunted Taxi
Hat". Trade it in to Fuyuko in the Lobby for an Akashic


That's it!

7. ((---OTHER STUFF---))


Archaeopteryx- For giving me the go ahead on using his
strategy (which was better than mine, anyway) and for
creating a kick ass FAQ.

Frostylantern- For reminding me to put in the items you
receive when you defeat rumor demons, as well as the items
you get when you trade them in. Not only that, but he's
given me the Tsuchinoko data, too. Thank him, people! (My
apologies for the name mix-up, I could've sworn that your
name was Steve. >_<)

Enki- For pointing out that the MOON Pariker Persona are
void to all attacks, and is helpful during certain boss

Alessar- For giving me a couple of very nice points, for the
Old Maid and Joker Ulala.

Jesse James- Well, for giving me the idea to write this FAQ.

Christian- For suggesting that I add the locations of the
Rumor demons and the Persona encounters.

Johnsgs and Il-Dana- For providing me with some more info
on the Old Maid attack.

B4 TND- For giving me some nice info when it comes to
dealing with the JUSTICE Nata demon.

Katman- For being a very generous and excellent contributor
for this FAQ. Major props.

Bo Kurland- For some more Tsuchinoko tactics, and where to
turn in Evt./Dead Tsuchinoko for a Item Breeder.

Cozy Okada, Kazuma Kaneko, and Atlus R&D 1 for creating
another kick ass Megami Tensei game.

And finally, to anyone and everyone who read and benefited
from this FAQ.

8. ((---COPYRIGHTS---))

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment is property of Atlus, 2000.

(c) 2001, by Sasoriza. All rights reserved. All versions
of this FAQ will be given to the sites that I say can use
them. Don't sell this FAQ, as it is free to the public. If
I do give you permission to have this FAQ on your site,
don't edit this FAQ in any way.

"Life is like a painting... you paint over a blank canvas
called the future by living."

-Demon Artist

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