Hardcore 4x4

Hardcore 4x4

10.10.2008 14:05:34


Hardcore 4x4

Als Spielart Time-Trial-Version wählen.

Als Namen DUTCHMAN eingeben.

Ein lachendes Gesicht erscheint oben rechts.

Kehrt jetzt zum Start/Optionen-Screen zurück und geht in Optionen und dann auf
Credits - Dies führt euch direkt zu einem versteckten Spiel


Hardcore 4x4

Mother Truck:
Set the race mode to Time Trial, and select the key to start the race. At this
screen, select Edit Names. Enter the name Mainline. You will see a face in the
upper-right corner of the screen with a bandage on his head. Go back to the
start menu, and select the truck. Scroll to the right until you see a black
truck, called Mother. This is a truck with full speed, full traction, and full
suspension. It's also indestructible. This code stays in memory until you change
your name or turn off the machine.

Set the race mode to Time Trial, and select the key to start the race. At this
screen, select Edit Names. Enter the name Rainfrog. You will see a face in the
upper-right corner of the screen looking left. Go back to the start menu, and
select the weather condition. Change it to "Daytime Severe". Begin a race, and
you will notice that it's raining frogs! This code stays in memory until you
change your name or turn off the machine.

Set the race mode to Time Trial, and select the key to start the race. At this
screen, select Edit Names. Enter the name Dutchman. You will see a face in the
upper-right corner of the screen looking right at you. Go all the way back to
the title screen. Select Options, and then select Credits. Now you can play a
game of Roids, a variation of Asteroids. Instead of shooting asteroids, you
shoot the programmers' faces. You can play this game as many times as you like,
and the code stays in memory until you change your name or turn off the machine.

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