Tekken 2

Tekken 2

10.10.2008 14:05:30
FAQ zu Bruce
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Bruce Irvin #
Tekken 2 Character Guide #
Playstation #
Version 1.1 #
By John "CUL" Culbert #


-New URL and e-mail address added to credits.

In all the fighting games that I have played I've always been partial to the
kickboxers. For instance, Sagat is my all-time favorite fighting game
character, and needless to say, I kick arse with him.
Bruce is IMO one of the most powerful players in Tekken 2, and I have noticed
that a lot of other players like him at the arcade as well. Bruce isn't
overly fast, but still moves quite smoothly. But, he does horrid damage with
his combos and Multi-Part Throws, and he has lots of great cheesy tactics.
And besides, he has the coolest looking moves in the game!


Bruce is pretty lean and muscular, and is probably around 6 feet tall. He is
black, and has a short mohawk and gotee. If choosing him with either punch
button, Bruce will be wearing traditional Muay Thai silk wrappings around his
feet and fists, and blue boxing shorts with red trim. If you choose him with
either kick, he will be wearing blue cloth on his feet, blue boxing gloves,
and white shorts with red trim. With both costumes, Bruce has a large tatoo
on his back, possibly a dragon.


Bruce's stage appears to be the Grand Canyon, or at least a large chasm of
some sort, with desert surroundings. As well, I believe his background music
is the same as one of the tunes from Tekken 1...


D= Down (on joystick; causes character to duck when on the ground)

U= Up (on joystick; causes character to jump when on ground)

B= Back (on joystick; opposite direction character is facing; causes
character to step back; also used to block any mid-range or high attack
except Throws, Grabs, and Unblockable Moves; see A WORD ABOUT.. Blocking.)

F= Forward (on joystick; direction character is facing; causes character to
character to step forward)

QCT= Quarter Circle Toward ("roll" joystick from D to F)

QCB= Quarter Circle Back ("roll" joystick from D to B)

HCT= Half Circle Toward ("roll" joystick from B to D to F)

HCB= Half Circle Back ("roll" joystick from F to D to B)

N= Neutral: (return joystick/D-Pad to original position; right in the middle)

CH= Counterhit

1= Button 1 (Left Punch on console/Controller)

2= Button 2 (Right Punch on console/Controller)

3= Button 3 (Left Kick on console/Controller)

4= Button 4 (Right Kick on console/Controller)

+= simultainiously hit both commands

-= the command following this must be done instantly (really fast) after
the command before the hyphon. Like buffering, for all you SFers.



In addition to it being easier to recover from a knockdown, there are even
more Recovery Moves to do while getting up than in Tekken 1. They are as

-Low Sweep: 3
-Rising Roundhouse: 4
-Roll Forward: hold F (Note: after the Roll you can do the Sweep or
-Roll Away: hold B (Note: after the Roll you can do the Sweep or Roundhouse)
-Roll Aside (onto stomach): 1 (Note: You can then do any Recovery Move while
on your stomach)
-Roll Forward/Dive: hold F+1+2
-Roll Backward/Dive: hold B+1+2


These are Special Moves that cannot be blocked, only avoided. They are
usually EXTREMELY powerful but mostly slow, so they should be used sparingly
and tactfully. You can usually tell when an Unblockable has been initiated by
some form of sparks or flashes coming from the character. Bruce's Unblockable
is the Sidewinder (B+2+3).


These are unblockable moves that can do good damage and are spectacular to
see performed. They must be done fairly close. In addition, Bruce has a Back
Throw which is done behind the opponent when they are facing the other way.
These are great and do spectacular damage. Special Technique: One of the
easiest ways to pull off a Throw is to hold one of the buttons (if it
requires two) then hit the second while still holding the first when you want
to Throw. Try and choose to hold a button you don't think you'll need.


First off, to break out of a Throw, hit 1+3 or 2+4 instantly when you see
them first grab Bruce. This will cause him to wiggle around and out of their
Throw. Now, as far as I can tell, you can only break out of standard Throws
(from the front, 1+3 or 2+4). I base this conclusion on the fact that the CPU
in the later levels loves to break out of your Throws. But for some reason I
have yet to see an opponent break out of any Throw besides the two regular
ones. The only exception I have found is Kazuya's and Paul's Shoulder Tackle;
the enemy can sidestep and avoid it by pressing 2+4. There are other
exceptions as well, like some Multi-Part Throws. I have noted them as such in
each section and how to break out of them.


By now you should have noticed that when you or your enemy attempt a Throw
and miss, Bruce will grab at the air. This may seem useless, but it is
essential to fast air countering. If the enemy is in the air and you do the
missed grab, when you snatch your arms out you will knock the enemy to the
ground for a Pounce. This missed Grab will even work, if timed properly,
against jumping kick or punch attacks like Paul's Shredder!


Throws aren't the only techniques requiring two buttons; for moves like
the Slice Elbow (F+1+2) it is possible to first hold 1 or 2, then tap F and
the other button. This can prevent screw-ups and getting the wrong moves.
This can also apply to moves with three button presses (like the


To Dash forward, tap F twice. To run forward tap forward twice and hold F
(only from over a half creen distance away). To Dash Back do the same in the
opposite direction (except you can't run backwards, only quickly step back.)
Many different things can be done when dashing forward; Each character has a
specific set of Running Moves at this time: The only one you really need to
know is the Sniper Slash (see Special Moves analysis). As well, if the
opponent is on the ground, you can quickly dash over to them and step on
them. Depending on where you are, where they are and the position of your
character's feet, you will step on different parts of their body, even their
groin! If the opponent is moving as you Dash into them from a long distance,
you will do a shoulder slam for 30 pts. of damage (37 as a major counterhit).
This is the most powerful of the normal Running moves. If you dash at them
from a distance and they do nothing, you will tackle them to the ground.
Before you get up, tap 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 or 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. This will cause you to
repeatedly punch 'em in the face :) , doing a total of 30 pts. damage.


Unlike Tekken 1, these are scarcely used anymore, since the enemy can now
recover from a knockdown much faster. These are, however, still possible.
(Just remember, it is best to only use these after knocking the opponent down
with a highly stunning attack, which will keep them down longer.) Bruce has
two standard Pounces: U+2 and hold U+2. The first one is a quick but weak
attack where the kickboxer only hops slightly then punches. This one should
be used more often, especially after knocking them down with a simple attack,
like a punch or kick. The second Pounce is a higher jump followed by a more
damaging punch, but since the character jumps much higher, it is slower and
allows more time for the enemy to recover. In addition to these two, there
are two more standard ways to hit a fallen opponent; the first is to perform
a standard Sweep (crouching 3) up close. It's not very powerful, but is hard
to avoid. Use this OFTEN. And finally, the most complicated way to hit a
downed opponent is by using certain specific Special Moves that hit extremely
low, for example, the Cyclone Edge (hold D/F+3). Also note that the standard
Shin Kick (crouching 4) works as well.


In Tekken 2 there are two forms of blocking; high and low (or crouching).
There are three basic attack ranges; High, Mid, and Low. A High attack that
is blockable must be blocked while standing (simply by holding back), but can
also be ducked. A Mid range attack can only be blocked high PERIOD, and
cannot be ducked at all. And a Low range attack must be blocked low (by
holding D/B.) Blocking a normal attack will produce a grey flash. Each of the
moves in this FAQ are marked D, N, L, H, M, B, X, or T, standing for Down
Strike (hits the enemy on the ground), Non-applicable (it doesn't attack the
enemy or is a follow-up in a Multi-Part), Low level, High level, Mid level,
Back (Back Throws), X (unblockable) or Throw (opponent STANDING within
grabbing reach).


These are the damage points inflicted by the move. Note that this is NOT the
damage PERCENTAGE it takes off the health meter, but it is instead the number
of POINTS on the meter. The meter typically has around 170-200 points (I'm
not quite sure).


If someone attacks you and you hit them with an attack first, what results is
a counterhit. It can result in more damage and a more dramatic hit (ie:
notice Paul's Power Fist doesn't just knock you down sometimes, but sometimes
smashes you down and rolls you across the screen), a series of attacks
becoming an unblockable combo when it shouldn't be, or something of the like.
Certain moves like King's Stomach Smash (F, F, N+2) are made for this. When
the Stomach Smash connects while the opponent is attacking, he can perform a
Throw while they are stunned. Any move that is marked with "stuns on
counterhit" is one of these attacks. They can allow a free hit or Throw
during the stun. Basically, these counterhits must be used by a player to
play effectively; they increase the move's power, and they become TWICE as
powerful if you counterhit an Unblockable Move (so, technically, if you have
a move that does 50% damage, than if you use it as a counterhit on an
Unblockable, it should kill with one hit, although I have yet to see such).
The other important thing besides power is that most combinations become
completely unblockable counterhits! A definite recommendation is to read
Jefferson T. Scott's Hit Detection FAQ (jts7@acpub.duke.edu); this Jefferson
seems a very wise man, and knows all the twists, turns and acceptions to the
counterhit, as well as Attack Reversals (see below)-- this is a definite must
read. Basically there are two different types of counterhits for Bruce:

>>Major Counterhit: this is attacking the opponent when they are in the
process of attacking or pulling back an attack. Note that you can also
counter an attack after you've blocked it, but you still must connect while
they are pulling their attack back.

>>Minor Counterhit: this is attacking the opponent when they are defenseless
and performing movement, either jumping or recovering from a knockdown. (Eg.
Heihachi's and Paul's Hammer Fist (D+1) will knock the crap out of their
enemy if they hit a rising opponent with it.) Technically, according to
Jefferson T. Scott's Hit Detection FAQ, there is really no such thing as a
minor counter in Tekken 2. I decided to call this counter a minor counter
anyways simply because it produces a different result than a major counter.


A form of dizzies. Some moves cause the reciever to be momentarily stunned,
sometimes when blocked, ready for a follow-up attack. These are marked as


Floating refers to knocking the opponent into the air, where they can be
juggled with more attacks until they fall. Bruce can float the opponent with
a Right High Elbow (D/F+2), a Rising Right Uppercut (N+2 from a crouch),
the 2nd hit of Double High Elbow, or the 3rd hit of the Gatling Combo



Title: the Nightmare Impact
Nationality: American
Fighting Style: Kick Boxing
Age: 32
Height: 190 cm
Weight: 85 kg
Blood Type: A
Occupation: member of Kazuya's private corps
Hobby: Gun Collection
Favorite Pastime: collecting Gun powder


An unrivaled kickboxer, Bruce lost his entire family when he was young. Since
then he has been stricken with poverty and hunger, and his desire for wealth
was all the fuel he needed to become one of the fiercest fighters ever.
Kazuya Mishima found him in a plane crash years later and trained him to
become part of his elite guard.



Regular Moves:


-Jab Punch: 1
-Right Straight: 2
-Backheel Mid-Roundhouse: 3
-High Instep Kick: 4


-Low Jab: 1
-Low Straight: 2
-Roundhouse Sweep: 3 (also hits downed opponents)
-Crouching Shin Kick: 4 (also hits downed opponents)


-Hopping Straight: 1
-Ground Punch: 2
-Hopping High Kick: 3
-Hopping Snap Kick: 4

Standard Moves:

-Left High Elbow: D/F+1
-Right High Elbow: D/F+2
-Rising Left Uppercut: N+1 from a crouch
-Rising Right Uppercut: N+2 from a crouch
-Left Instep Kick: D/F+3
-Right Instep Kick: D/F+4
-Low Pounce: U+2 (on downed opponents)
-High Pounce: hold U+2 (on downed opponents)

Special Moves and Throws:

-Knee Thrust: 1+3 (close)
-Rib Crusher: 2+4 (close
-Neck Throw: 1+3 or 2+4 (close behind opponent)

-Embracing Right Knee: F, N, D, D/F+1+2+4
->Tumbleweed: 1+2, 1+2, 1+2 (during Embracing Right Knee)
->Left Knee: 3, 1+2+3 (during Embracing Right Knee)
->Left Knee: 4, 1+2+3 (during Embracing Right Knee)
->Turning Knee: 1, 3, 1+2+4 (during Left Knee)
->Jumping Knee Thrust Finish: 2, 4, 1, 1+2+3 (during Turning Knee)

-Bazooka Leg: F, F+4
-Dashing slicer: F, F+3
-Slice Elbow: F+1+2
-Sledgehammer: 1+2
-Back Handspring: B, B, N+3+4
-Back Handspring/Bazooka Leg: B, B, N+3+4, 4
-Cyclone Edge: hold D/F+3
-Cyclone Edge/Tornado Uppercut: hold D/F+3-1
-Sniper Slash: F, F, F+3 (stuns on block)
-Step-in Middle Kick: D/F+3+4
-Double High Elbow: D/F+1, 2
-Triple Kick: F+4-3-4
-Triple Knee: B+4-3-4
-Double Knee/Low Instep: B+4-3-D+4
-Quad Punch: 1-2-1-2
-Double Quick Kick: 3, 3
-Low Instep/High Instep Kicks: D+3+4-3
-Triple Elbow: F+1, 2, 1
-Double Punch: 1-2
-Double Punch/Side Kick: 1-2, N+4
-Double Punch/Low Instep: 1-2, D+4
-Double Punch/High Instep: 1-2, F+4
-Gatling Combo: 3, 2, 1, 4
-Front Kick: B+3
-Front Kick/Knee: B+3-4
-Front Kick/Straight Punch: B+3-2
-Southern Cross: 1, 4, 3
-Northern Lights: 1, 2, 3
-Unblockable; Sidewinder: B+2+3


Regular Moves Analysis:

-Jab Punch-

(Bruce throws a quick left jab to the opponent's face)

Damage: 10 pts.
CH Damage: 12 pts.
Attack Level: H

Some may think this is kinda useless, but it is an effective and quick attack
that cannot easily be countered. Its main use is to basically pester the
opponent until he leaves himself open without even realizing it. This should
be mixed up with the Low Jab (crouching 1), both High Elbows (D/F+1 or D/F+2)
or the Double High Elbow (D/F+1, 2) to keep the opponent on their toes, and
eventually they'll block at the wrong level and get nailed. For example, if
you come at them with the Jab Punch a few times, they will either block high,
or crouch. If they block high persistantly, quickly switch to a low hitting
attack (i.e. Low Jab, Roundhouse Sweep (crouching 3), etc...), and if they
crouch immediately switch to a mid level attack; your best one would be the
Double High Elbow, or you can use the Front Kick (B+3) combinations, or even
he Triple Knee (B+4-3-4), unless the opponent is fast. If the Jab Punch ends
up connecting, you can quickly continue into the Double Punch/High Instep,
Low Instep or Side Kick (1-2, F+4 or D+4 or N+4), or the Quad Punch. Note
that these tactics will only work if the opponent is persistantly on the
defensive; a good opponent may catch on, and when they do duck your Jab they
will IMMEDIATELY counter with a crouching attack or Throw before you can
manage to counter. Just remember to alternate FREQUENTLY to keep them
guessing. BTW, remember that this Jab can be EASILY reversed by Nina, Anna,
Jun, Wang and Paul.


-Right Straight-

(Bruce throws a right straight punch to the opponent's face)

Damage: 12 pts.
CH Damage: 15 pts.
Attack Level: H

Basically a slower, more powerful version of the Left Jab. This has greater
range than the Jab, but has the disadvantage that it cannot be chained into
any other attacks. It is also easier to see coming, and can be countered if
blocked or ducked with ease. In addition it can be reversed easily by Nina,
Anna, Jun, Wang and Paul, so all in all it's pretty much useless unless after
a connected Jab for the Double Punch (1-2).


-Backheel Mid-Roundhouse-

(Bruce spins around counterclockwise and brings his left heel into the
enemy's side)

Damage: 25 pts.
CH Damage: 31 pts.
Attack Level: M

The most powerful of Bruce's single kicks, this looks pretty cool when it
connects and will usually knock down as a counterhit. Its range is fairly
good, so if you like keeping it simple this is a good counterhit. Don't just
pull it out of nowhere however, because its speed coming out is slow enough
that the enemy can quickly block and counter. Basically you should just be
making sure this always connects.


-High Instep Kick-

(Bruce brings his leg up from the side, connecting against the side of the
enemy's head with the instep of his right foot)

Damage: 20 pts.
CH Damage: 25 pts.
Attack Level: H

The weaker of the two standing kicks, its advantage is that it seems to have
a longer range than the standing 3. Its recovery is slightly better than the
left kick, but it cannot be continued into a combo. Good as a juggle, or as a
counter to most high attacks, but if you have to choose between the two kicks
the Roundhouse (standing 3) is better.


-Low Jab-

(Bruce throws a quick left jab from a crouch, connecting with his foe's shin

Damage: 5 pts.
CH Damage: 6 pts.
Attack Level: L

A weak but nonetheless effective attack. This should be mixed up with the
standing 1 and various mid level attacks. If the opponent has a tendancy to
block this low, pull out a Double High Elbow after a few low punches and that
may surprise them. This also cannot be reversed by any character with a
Reversal. If blocked Bruce is pretty much safe from counterattacks, as far as
I know.


-Low Straight-

(Bruce throws a right straight punch from a crouch, connecting with his foe's
shin area)

Damage: 8 pts.
CH Damage: 10 pts.
Attack Level: L

A more powerful and longer reaching version of the Low Jab, this should be
one of your least-used attacks. It's slow enough to see coming most of the
time, rendering it useless as a pestering attack. It cannot be chained into
anything, and it is much better to counter a ducked high attack with a Rising
Right High Elbow (N+2 from a crouch) and a juggle. Basically , it's useless.


-Roundhouse Sweep-

(Bruce spins counterclockwise on one bent leg and comes back around to sweep
the enemy's feet with his heel)

Damage: 12 pts.
CH Damage: 15 pts.
Damage on Downed Opponent: 8 pts.
Attack Level: L

One of the best moves in Bruce's arsenal, its damage isn't all that good, but
is essential to connecting with an attack on a downed enemy. Whenever the
opponent is lying down this should be your main attack (the Cyclone Edge
(hold D/F+3) will also hit, but comes out too slow most of the time), and it
can also be used if you anticipate a high attack, as you will immediately
go into a crouch to perform it. Again, don't bring this out just anywhere,
because it comes out fairly slow and if blocked it can be quickly countered
with another sweep or crouching move (eg. King's Dynamite Uppercut). It also
cannot be reversed.


-Shin Kick-

(Bruce throws an outward kick from a crouch to hit the enemy in the shins)

Damage: 10 pts.
CH Damage: 12 pts.
Damage on Downed Opponent: 6 pts. ?
Attack Level: L

Basically used in the same fashion as the Sweep, it comes out and recovers
faster, but has less range and is weaker. It can still be countered QUICKLY
if blocked low. It cannot be reversed.


-Hopping Straight-

(Bruce hops slightly and throws a left straight punch at head level)

Damage: 12 pts.
CH Damage: 15 pts.
Attack Level: H

Pretty useless, actually. Maybe more on it later...


-Ground Punch-

(Bruce hops slightly and throws his right fist down to punch the ground)

Damage: 12 pts.
CH Damage: 15 pts.
Attack Level: L

When performing this as a Low Pounce he will hop forward, but otherwise he
hops straight up (unless you direct it U/F, though). Ideal for countering
low attacks, as the hop will carry Bruce over them for a counterhit. However,
the Hopping Snap Kick (below) is MUCH better in this case. This can be easily
countered if missed, so use it appropriately.


-Hopping High Kick-

(Bruce hops slightly and kicks up high with his left foot)

Damage: 25 pts.
CH Damage: 31 pts.
Attack Level: H

Also pretty useless IMO.


-Hopping Snap Kick-

(Bruce hops and snaps his right foot straight up and forward quickly)

Damage: 25 pts.
CH Damage: 31 pts.
Attack Level: M

His best hopping attack and probably the only one you should use, albeit
occasionally. This attack will allow Bruce to avoid low attacks and
counterhit for good damage. For example, if King or A.King pulls off their
Slip Kicks (D+3+4, 4, 4) from a few steps away, quickly pull this off, best
with an U/F hop and you'll come down right on their heads (it's best to wait
for the second Slip Kick, because he can fool you by pulling off that
uppercut right out of the first Slip Kick (D+3+4-2) and nail you). This is
the only real place to use this, as its recovery is quite slow and if blocked
you're wide open to anything.

Standard Moves Analysis:

-Left High Elbow-

(Bruce stoops slightly, then quickly brings his left elbow upward into the
enemy's jaw)

Damage: 10 pts.
CH Damage: 12 pts.
Attack Level: M

Kind of useless by itself, its main purpose is to surprise a crouching enemy
after pressuring them into crouching with a Jab Punch/Low Jab tactic; if this
connects, immediately chain into a Right High Elbow for the Double High Elbow
(D/F+1, 2) and follow with a juicy juggle combo. The range of the Left High
Elbow is limited, but it comes out fast and recovers fast, so fast that as
far as I know it cannot be countered if blocked (at least easily). Another
great advantage is that it cannot be reversed by Paul, Wang, Nina, Anna or


-Right High Elbow-

(Bruce stoops slightly, then quickly brings his right elbow upward into the
enemy's jaw)

Damage: 10 pts.
CH Damage: 12 pts.
Attack Level: M

The only difference between this and the left is that this version will
float the opponent. Its range and damage are basically the same, but I would
still prefer to connect with the left, because it can then be chained into
this for more damage altogether. As with the Left High Elbow, this cannot be


-Rising Left Uppercut-

(Bruce rises from a crouch and quickly brings his left fist upward into the
opponent's jaw)

Damage: 10 pts.
CH Damage: 12 pts.
Attack Level: M

-Rising Right Uppercut-

(Bruce rises from a crouch and quickly brings his right fist upward into the
opponent's jaw)

Damage: 10 pts.
CH Damage: 12 pts.
Attack Level: M

Identical to the standing high elbows, except they're done from a crouch and
are uppercuts instead of elbows; Stick with the Rising Right Uppercut so you
can follow with a juggle.


-Left Instep Kick-

(Bruce steps forward and brings the instep of his left foot across into the
side of the enemy's calf)

Damage: 15 pts.
CH Damage: 18 pts.
Attack Level: L

-Right Instep Kick-

(Bruce steps forward and brings the instep of his right foot across into the
side of the enemy's calf)

Damage: 15 pts.
CH Damage: 18 pts.
Attack Level: L

Basically the same attacks, except with a different foot. Both have pretty
good range and can surprise standing opponents who block high a lot. If the
enemy is coming in with various high punches, you can keep them at bay with
this fairly easily. Unless the enemy hops over it, this is quite difficult to
counter because of its great recovery time.


-Low Pounce-

(Bruce hops slightly and punches a downed opponent)

Damage: 9 pts.
Attack Level: D

A decent alternative to the Roundhouse Sweep, this can cover a greater
distance and will do slightly more damage. You can, however be knocked out of
it in mid flight by most rising attacks, so make fairly sure the opponent is
down long enough for this to hit. An ideal place to use it is RIGHT after a
Knee Thrust (1+3) for a quick 34 pts. of damage. This doesn't seem to connect
as easily after the Rib Crusher (2+4) however.


-High Pounce-

(Bruce jumps high into the air and lands on the enemy with a hard punch)

Damage: 35 pts.
Attack Level: D

This does GREAT damage if it connects, and is the most powerful thing you can
do to a fallen opponent. But, it is MUCH easier in Tekken 2 to get up from a
knockdown than it was in the first. For this reason the High Pounce is almost
never used, because it can usually be avoided, and its recovery isn't too
hot. It can usually connect after:

-Cyclone Edge/Tornado Uppercut (hold D/F+3-1)
-Sidewinder Unblockable (B+2+3)
-Triple Elbow (as a major Counterhit)

Special Moves Analysis:

-Knee Thrust-

(Bruce grabs the enemy by the neck and hops forward, bringing his knee into
the enemy's face)

Damage: 25 pts.
Attack Level: T

A cool looking Throw, and for some STUPID reason it is pitifully weak,
despite being a knee attack...anyways, go for it if you want, it doesn't
really matter, but the thing to remember is that it can be broken out of if
the opponent is half-good and sees it coming. They will not see it coming if
you duck a high attack and then grab them, however. This can be followed with
a Low Pounce all of the time for a total of 34 pts. of damage.


-Rib Crusher-

(Bruce grabs the enemy's shoulders, leans them to his left, then brutally
knees them in the rib cage)

Damage: 30 pts.
Attack Level: T

Looks AWESOME and painful, and does 5 pts. more damage than the Knee Thrust.
Still, it can rarely be followed up with the Low Pounce, and it throws the
opponent far enough away that the Roundhouse Sweep will miss unless you dash
(which by then the enemy will have gotten up). Use it if you want, but the
Knee Thrust+Low Pounce does more damage.


-Neck Throw-

(Bruce wraps his arm around the opponent's neck from behind, swivels around
and tosses them over his shoulder)

Damage: 40 pts.
Attack Level: B

The most powerful of his single Throws, this looks pretty cool and you should
go for it anytime the opponent is close with their back turned (especially
when fighting Lei!). It can ALWAYS be followed up with a crouching 3, so go
for it for a total of 48 pts. of damage.


-Embracing Right Knee-

(Bruce grabs the enemy in a shoulder lock and wrestles them around, then
brutally knees them in the side)

Damage: 20 pts.
Attack Level: T
| |
| |
| |
| -> Tumbleweed-
| (After kneeing the opponent, Bruce flings them stumbling away)
| Damage: 20 pts.
| Attack Level: N
-> Left Knee-

(Bruce knees the enemy in the stomach with his left knee)

Damage: 15 pts.
Attack Level: N
-> Turning Knee-

(Bruce swivels about and knees the enemy again)

Damage: 25 pts.
Attack Level: N
-> Jumping Knee Thrust Finish-

(Bruce brings his knee up into the enemy's face)

Damage: 40 pts.
Attack Level: N

Bruce's Multi-Throw is IMO one of his most useful techniques. Not only does
it do awesome damage and look REALLY cool, but it also involves what is known
throughout Virtua Fighter and Tekken as the "Crouch dash". You will notice
while inputting the F, N, D, D/F motion that Bruce will crouch slightly (With
the D tap) then move forward slightly (with the D/F tap). The key thing here
as that Bruce is technically CROUCHING during that D tap, therefore all high
attacks will miss him! The D/F then brings him a few steps forward as he
stands to grab. So, this makes Bruce's Multi-Throw his best counter to high
attacks from a few steps away. As well, just doing it to a standing, blocking
or non-blocking opponent can catch them off guard the first few times because
of the surprising range. Note that the opponent CAN break out of this Throw,
just like all the other Multi-Throws (King's, Nina's and Anna's). They can
break out of the Turning Knee by hitting 3+4 or 2+4 during its THIRD frame
of animation, basically just as he begins to bring the knee up. The only
problem is that you basically have to anticipate the high move, otherwise
Bruce will crouch dash in and come right up either into the attack, or after
the opponent has recovered and can attack again. And you cannot first duck a
high attack then perform it (at least not in time, because you have to stand
to start the motion), so it is not good in this case either. It is best used
after anticipating a high move, as a surprise from a few steps, OR to step
under a REALLY slow high move (eg. Yoshimitsu/Kunimitsu's Triple High Kick
(4, 4, 4) combo) or Unblockables that hit high (eg. another Bruce's
To follow up the Embracing Right Knee/Tumbleweed chain, it is best to dash in
and Sniper Slash, because it may be difficult to counter unless the enemy is
quick, and if blocked it'll stun and you can follow it up. To follow up the
full 4-hit Multi-Throw the only really safe hit would be to dash in and
crouch with 3.
BTW, I find it is easiest to pull this off holding 1+4 and then
hitting 2 after the motion (in the arcade), or hold the R2 button and after
the motion hit 4 (on the Playstation).


-Bazooka Leg-

(Bruce lunges forward and thrusts his foot forward)

Damage: 35 pts.
CH Damage: 43 pts.
Attack Level: M

This move does pretty good damage and has excellent range. It is ideal for
counterhitting from mid-distance where most other attacks will miss and the
Sniper Slash (F, F, F+3) will take too long to come out. On the other hand,
it is slow coming out and SLOW in recovery, so don't use it when the enemy
can block or easily counterhit. BTW, because it is slow coming out it is
useless as a juggle. Also note that this can be reversed by Paul, Jun, Nina,
Anna or Wang. If the Bazooka Leg connects, you can follow with a Roundhouse
Sweep, or usually a Low Pounce.


-Dashing Slicer-

(Bruce lunges forward, spins on his axis, and comes back around with a
devastating mid-level Backheel Mid-Roundhouse)

Damage: 45 pts.
CH Damage: 56 pts.
Attack Level: M

One of Bruce's most powerful single attacks, this totally smashes the
opponent, and as a major counterhit it will send the opponent spinning
through the air! However, if blocked this will leave Bruce open for an
eternity, allowing a perfect counterhit for the opponent. Like the Bazooka
Leg it is too slow to juggle with as well. The only place you should be using
it is as a counterhit from mid-distance, and DAMN, does it hurt! Note that it
does have a shorter range than the Bazooka Leg. This can also be reversed,
adding another reason not to use it when the enemy can do anything. If this
connects, you can always follow up with a Roundhouse Sweep, and usually a
Low Pounce (U+2).


-Slice Elbow-

(Bruce slides forward, spins around and brings his elbow across at head

Damage: 25 pts.
CH Damage: 31 pts.
Attack Level: H

Pretty useless, IMO. I don't know exactly, but when Bruce spins he appears to
change his axis, which MAY avoid some attacks, but all in all this is pretty
useless because it can be ducked, easily blocked and countered, and isn't
really fast. Use if you want as a counterhit from mid distance (but the
Dashing Slicer (F, F+3) is better, by far). This will only knock down as a
counterhit, and it can usually be followed with a crouching 3. One good thing
about it is that it's unreversable.



(Bruce hops forward slightly and swings his fist downward)

Damage: 40 pts.
CH Damage: 50 pts.
Attack Level: M

This is a rather slow move, but this adds some good manueverability to
Bruce's repetiore; it is best used as a counterhit to low attacks as it hops
over them--two fine places to use it would be against King's Slip Kicks (make
sure two wait until the second Slip Kick, otherwise he could surprise you
with that uppercut after one), or against the FIRST HITS of Lee's Razor's
Edge combo (hold D+4, 4, 4, 4). Be sure to use it up close however; this is
also a great follow-up to the Sniper Slash (F, F, F+3) if it stuns, because
if they try to duck after the stun it'll hit 'em.


-Back Handspring-

(Bruce performs a back handpsring)

Damage: 0 pts.
CH Damage: 0 pts.
Attack Level: N

-Back Handspring/Bazooka Leg-

(Bruce performs a back handpsring, and as it recovers he performs the Bazooka

Damage: 0+35 pts.
CH Damage: 0+43 pts.
Attack Level: NM

The Back Handspring techniques look cool, but I find it slow and the enemy
can hit you out of it as you are flipping away from them. Use the flip from a
significant distance to get farther away, or if you see a REALLY slow move
coming out, like most Unblockables, that way you can escape most of them and
counter with the Bazooka Leg for awesome damage.


-Cyclone Edge-

(Bruce stoops low and spins around with foot extended)

Damage: 12 pts.
CH Damage: 15 pts.
Damage to Downed Opponents: 9 pts.
Attack Level: L

-Cyclone Edge/Tornado Uppercut-

(Bruce stoops low and spins around with foot extended, then rises into the
air with a spinning uppercut)

Damage: 12+50 pts.
CH Damage: 15+50 pts.
Attack Level: NM

One of the coolest moves in Tekken 2, IMO and can do HORRID damage as
acounterhit. In addition they can be used as juggles! The big disadvantage
is speed and recovery; the sweep comes out REAL slow, and the enemy can see
it coming a mile away, and the uppercut comes out slow enough afterwards that
if they block the sweep they have enough time to stand and block it. Your
best bet therefore is counterhitting; you can counterhit a LOT of Unblockable
attacks as they start, and if you anticipate other high attacks or if they
come in with a string of high attacks (eg. Ganryu starts pestering you from a
few steps away with those repeated palm strike (F+1-2-1-2 etc...) ), you'll
usually get under them. BTW, the Cyclone Uppercut cannot be reversed, but the
Tornado Uppercut CAN! If both hits connect, counterhit or not, you can
actually follow with a HIGH Pounce!! By then the opponent should be just
about dead. :) BTW, the Cyclone Edge WILL hit downed opponents for 9 pts. of
damage. It has better range than the regular sweep, but remember it's slow,
so make sure the enemy's down for long enough.


-Sniper Slash-

(Bruce dashes forward and performs a jump kick)

Damage: 30 pts.
CH Damage: 37 pts.
Attack Level: M

Despite its appearance, this is a great pestering and setup technique. Try to
use it from a distance constantly, especially after the Tumbleweed. This is
because if it connects it does good damage, and the opponent will find it
difficult to hit it before it reaches them, and if it is blocked it'll stun,
where you can follow up with the Sledgehammer to suprise them if they try to
crouch as they come out of the stun. You can also go right into the Embracing
Right Knee, etc... most of the time. If this connects you can usually follow
with a Low Pounce. It can be reversed, BTW.


-Step-in Middle Kick-

(Bruce steps forward and performs a side kick)

Damage: 15 pts.
CH Damage: 18 pts.
Attack Level: M

At first I thought it was useless, but I realize now that it is quite a good
pecking move. It cannot be chained into anything and does pitiful damage, but
its advantage is speed. It comes out quite fast, and recovers REAL fast. For
this reason you can use it to quickly surprise turtling opponents, because it
also has great range. This is one of the best moves to start into a Jab/Low
Jab cheese pattern. It can be reversed.


-Double High Elbow-

(Bruce stoops low, then brings his left elbow up, followed immediately by the

Damage: 10+10 pts.
CH Damage: 12+10 pts.
Attack Level: MM

VERY important move. This is probably the best way for Bruce to do any real
damage, because counterhit or not it will float easily, and you can follow up
with AWESOME juggles. Its recovery is also EXCEPTIONAL, making it quite a
safe move to pester the enemy with. Mix it up with the Jab/Low Jab pestering
to catch them off guard. It also has the advantage of being UNREVERSABLE, so
you can go totally offensive with it!


-Triple Kick-

(Bruce throws a high instep kick followed by a backheel mid-roundhouse and a
high backheel roundhouse)

Damage: 18+10+25 pts.
CH Damage: 22+10+25 pts.
Attack Level: HMH

Great damage and looks cool, but because the first and last hits are high, it
is dangerous to use. If the enemy sees the kicks coming, they can block and
counter, and if they crouch, the second kick is slow enough that they can
usually block it high. The recovery on the kicks isn't too good either, so
they can be countered if blocked, and they can also be reversed! So, to put
it basically, don't use this unless you're sure they'll connect as a
counterhit, or as a juggle. If they connect you should be able to follow with
a Low Pounce.


-Triple Knee: B+4-3-4

(Bruce lunges forward with three knees)

Damage: 20+15+25 pts.
CH Damage: 25+10+25 pts.
Attack Level: MMM

As far as I know all three will connect if the first hits, but either way the
only place to use these are either as counterhits after blocking slow
recovering attacks, as an Unblockable starts, or as juggles. The recovery
time on the Triple Knee is REAL bad and they'll have an eternity to counter.
The good thing about this is that if you screw up and they end up blocking,
you can quickly switch the last hit to a low kick, which I have yet to see
anyone be fast enough to crouch block after standing to block the knees. In
addition, the Triple Knee is UNREVERSABLE, so unless you go into the last
knee, you're all right if they block, because it can't be reversed, and you
can divert to the low kick at the end if they block. If all three knees
connect you can follow up with a Low Pounce, or dash in and sweep.


-Double Knee/Low Instep-

(Bruce lunges forward with two knees, then throws a right instep kick)

Damage: 20+15+15 pts.
CH Damage: 25+10+15 pts.
Attack Level: MML

Only real reason to use this is if you find the opponent blocking the first
knee, because I have yet to see an opponent crouch to block the low kick
after blocking the knees standing. The last hit may be weak, but it is pretty
much guarenteed to connect, and although it won't knock down it will allow
you to get out of a potentially dangerous situation.


-Quad Punch: 1-2-1-2

(Bruce throws a Left Jab then a right straight followed by a cross punch and
roundhouse punch)

Damage: 10+12+12+15 pts.
CH Damage: 12+12+12+15 pts.
Attack Level: HHMM

Because of the last two hits, this can be used to surprise crouching
opponents who try and avoid the first two punches. In addition, if the
opponent blocks the first two punches standing you can quickly divert to a
low kick to tag 'em in a similiar fashion to the Double Knee/Low Instep
combo. As a counterhit all four hits should connect. As far as I know, ALL
the punches can be reversed, so be careful.


-Double Kick-

(Bruce throws a backheel mid-roundhouse followed by a high backheel
roundhouse in quick succession)

Damage: 25+25 pts.
CH Damage: 31+25 pts.
Attack Level: MH

Their recovery isn't too good ifblocked, so these should be used mainly as
counterhits. Because of their initiation speed however, they are ideal for
countering just about any high attack because of their priority. Also great
as juggles. You can follow this up with a Low Pounce every time, and both
kicks can be reversed. A decent surprise on ducking opponents, too.


-Low Instep/High Instep Kicks-

(Bruce throws a low instep kick followed by a high instep)

Damage: 15+10 pts.
CH Damage: 18+10 pts.
Attack Level: LH

Used as a pestering attack, if the first hit connects against a standing foe
the second will always connect. Damage is weak, but the range of the first
kick is pretty good, so pester the opponent with a lot of high attacks to
force them to block high, then throw this out. The recovery on the second hit
is pretty good, so I wouldn't be too worried if the second hit is blocked.
The second kick can be reversed.


-Triple Elbow-

(Bruce dashes forward with a high left cross elbow, then a right cross elbow
and finishes with a left cross elbow, knocking them away)

Damage: 15+10+25 pts.
CH Damage: 18+10+25 pts.
Attack Level: HHM

It does great damage and looks awesome! The main advantage this has over the
Triple Knee is that it comes out much faster, so it's better for fast
counterhitting of high attacks. If blocked it is fairly easy to counter, but
if the enemy ducks it they must counter Bruce FAST before the 3rd Elbow comes
out, because it will hit mid. In addition, this technique cannot be reversed!
If it connects and knocks down, it can always be followed with a Low Pounce,
and if it's a counterhit you can follow with the High Pounce!


-Double Punch-

(Bruce throws a left jab followed by a right straight)

Damage: 10+12 pts.
CH Damage: 12+12 pts.
Attack Level: HH

-Double Punch/Side Kick-

(Bruce throws a left jab followed by a right straight and a side kick)

Damage: 10+12+20 pts.
CH Damage: 12+12+20 pts.
Attack Level: HHM

-Double Punch/Low Instep-

(Bruce throws a left jab followed by a right straight and a low instep kick)

Damage: 10+12+10 pts.
CH Damage: 12+12+10 pts.
Attack Level: HHL

-Double Punch/High Instep-

(Bruce throws a left jab followed by a right straight and a high instep kick)

Damage: 10+12+30 pts.
CH Damage: 12+12+30 pts.
Attack Level: HHH

Despite its meager appearance and weak damage, the Double Punch is
nonetheless a VERY important move. This is because the recovery is
exceptional if blocked, making it a very safe technique for pestering. It can
be chained into three different kicks, or two more mid level punches if the
opponent ducks the punches but is slow to counter. If both hits connect it
is best to chain into the Quad Punch for good damage, or a simple high kick.
Mixing the Double Punch techniques up with crouching jabs, Double High Elbows
and Step-in Middle Kicks makes up Bruce's offensive strategy. Basically, if
the opponent lets the Double Punch hit, chain into something big; if they
block, chain into a low kick; if they duck it, chain into a Side Kick or the
Quad Punch. Mix the Low jab in with the Double Punch and if they let it
connect, that's that, repeat the strategy; if they duck and block it, quickly
stand and do the Double High Elbow; if they're slow to react they'll get
nailed and you can do a float combo, and if they manage to stand and block,
you should be all right.
Note that the Double Punch can be reversed.


-Gatling Combo-

(Bruce does a Backheel Mid-Roundhouse into a low cross elbow followed by an
uppercut and low instep kick)

Damage: 25+12+15+12 pts.
CH Damage: 31+12+15+12 pts.
Attack Level: HHML

This is THE move for Bruce. It acts in the same fashion as Lei's Running
Punches/Trip technique, as the CPU will consistantly fall for the last low
kick. After it has connected, dash and Sweep, then back off and perform the
Sniper Slash (F, F, F+3) from a distance to catch them as the get up. They
will rarely block in this case. Repeatedly use this, as it can also be good
against unwary human opponents.
Also note that the first THREE hits of the Gatler will float the enemy for a
combo; and provided they don't block the last hit, the Gatler is a fast
recovering offensive tool. The first hit is his standing 3, and has decent
range. So, the Gatler is quite good as a counterhit, and can set up
devastating combos. As far as I know, the first three hits can be reversed.


-Front Kick-

(Bruce kicks his foot out straight at neck level)

Damage: 20 pts.
CH Damage: 25 pts.
Attack Level: M

-Front Kick/Knee-

(Bruce kicks his foot out straight at neck level, followed immediately by a

Damage: 20+20 pts.
CH Damage: 25+20 pts.
Attack Level: MM

-Front Kick/Straight Punch-

(Bruce kicks his foot out straight at neck level, followed immediately by a
right straight punch)

Damage: 20+12 pts.
CH Damage: 25+12 pts.
Attack Level: MH

You can use these three techniques to mix the opponent up between standing
and crouching. If the opponent is crouching, the Front Kick WILL go over
their heads, but the knee can catchthem REAL fast. The only reason to follow
with the Straight Punch is if they block the Front Kick from standing; if you
stop with the kick, they can easily counter, but if you finish off with the
punch, you'll have a better chance of avoiding a counter because its recovery
is faster than the kick. The Straight Punch is the only reversable attack out
of these techniques.


-Southern Cross-

(Bruce throws a left Jab followed by a high right instep and a backheel

Damage: 10+20+25 pts.
CH Damage: 12+20+25 pts.
Attack Level: HHM

-Northern Lights-

(Bruce throws a Double Punch followed by a backheel mid-roundhouse)

Damage: 10+12+20 pts.
CH Damage: 12+12+20 pts.
Attack Level: HHM

Frankly, I see no reason to use these. All hit high except for the last hit,
but the enemy has enough time to counter quickly before they come out, so if
ducked you're in trouble. The recovery on the last hits bite, so if blocked
you're also in trouble. The damage is also less than a lot of other combos
you could use as a counterhit. For this reason it is even pretty pointless to
use the Northern Lights and Southern Cross as counterhits. All hits can be


-Unblockable; Sidewinder-

(Bruce pauses for a moment, then dashes forward with a brief flash of light
and a grunt, connecting with a devastating roundhouse elbow)

Damage: 60 pts.
CH Damage: 75 pts.
Attack Level: X

The Sidewinder has great range and isn't too slow; use it to counter a slow
attack from a distance. Warning: the enemy can duck it; also don't try to
catch rising opponents with it if they now anything about recovery moves; a
BIG chunk of heath can come off of you if they counter with a rising attack
when you go sailing over them with your elbow.



Note: first number in brackets is damage, 2nd is counterhit damage)

1. D/F+1 -> B+4-3-4, U+2 (56, 61)
2. D/F+1, 2 -> B+4-3-4, U+2 (66, 71)
3. D/F+1, 2 -> D/F+3-1, hold U+2 (94, 96)
4. D/F+1, 2 -> B+4-3-D+4 (49, 51)
5. D/F+1, 2 -> 3, 3, U+2 (64, 66)
6. 3, 2, 1 -> 3, 3, U+2 (96, 103)
7. 3, 2, 1 -> B+3-4, U+2 (89, 95)
8. 3, 2, 1 -> hold U+2 (75, 81)
9. 3, 2, 1 -> hold D/F+3-1, hold U+2 (126, 132) !!!!
10. 3, 2, 1 -> B+4-3-4, U+2 (101, 107)
11. 3, 2, 1 -> F+1-2-1, U+2 (88, 94) Note: 2nd elbow misses
12. 3, 2, 1 -> F+4-3-4, U+2 (96, 103)
13. 3, 2, 1 -> 4, U+2 (77, 83)
14. 3, 2, 1 -> D/F+1, 2, U+2 (75, 81)
15. 3, 2, 1 -> D+3+4-3, U+2 (79, 85)
16. 3, 2, 1 -> B+3-2, U+2 (84, 90)


Vs. CPU:

Quite easy, actually. Two things to remember:

1. The computer RARELY blocks the last hit of the Gatling Combo. Go offensive
with the combo constantly, and even if the last hit is blocked they
usually can't counter in time.

2. At the beginning of each round it's safe to say the CPU usually lets you
get a free Throw in. So as the round begins, perform the Embracing Right
Knee multi-Throw, either finishing with the Tumbleweed, or the full chain
if you've mastered it.


Special thanks to Namco foremost for an AWESOME fighting game (up yours,
VF2!). Also thanks to all the guys down at Happy Man arcade for hours of
playing fun. And of course, a great thanks to Eric and Luke, who got me in to
Tekken 2 with their orginal FAQ.

You can access this FAQ and many others at my homepage:


You can also e-mail me at:


"I said it before and I'll say it again--democracy simply doesn't work!"

-Kent Brockman, the Simpsons

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