Tomb Raider 2, The Dagger of Xian

Tomb Raider 2, The Dagger of Xian

10.10.2008 14:05:26

TOMB RAIDER 2 - Lara's Guide to the Dagger of Xian (c)1997 by Mark Smith
Text Version - Version 1.0 - Last Update: 11/20/97


Welcome to Lara's newest adventure. If you thought her first adventure was
exciting, wait until you see what she has planned for you this time. There are 16
massive levels and a final battle what you won't believe.

As you might expect, there are plenty of puzzles to solve and SECRET AREAS to
find during your adventure. All of them are explained in the following text. For
those of you playing the Playstation version, you will be glad to know that you
can now save your game whenever you want - a much needed improvement over
those Save Gems from the first game.

Finally; we aren't going to explain how to play the game or control Lara. That is
what your manual and the excellent tutorial back at Lara's mansion is for. By
the way; her mansion is incredible in this sequel. The obstacle course (now with
stopwatch timer) has been moved outside and there is now gardens and an
orchard to explore. Many new rooms are available to explore inside the main
house including her Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, and all the old favorites from
the first game. She's even added a diving platform to her swimming pool so you
can practice her swan dive.

Combat Tips

There are now lots more human enemies in Tomb Raider. These guys fight back and
sometimes with some pretty impressive firepower. While it is important to save your
more powerful weapons for the more powerful enemies, always use the best weapon
to take out a given enemy in the least amount of time. Watch out for those Rig Workers (the
guys with wrenches) as they can climb just like Lara and follow you almost anywhere.

Save the Big Guns (M-16's and Uzi's) for the Big Bad Guys. When firing at groups of
enemies, always make sure to release the action button after each kill so you can
acquire a new target; otherwise you will continue to pump lead into the fallen corpse.
Watch for the shadows of enemies who attack from the air.

Lara's adventure now includes many underwater areas to explore. Of course
these areas are populated with underwater enemies. While Lara has some
underwater combat ability, it is always best to fight from dry land. Use the
harpoon to slow down your enemies while you retreat to dry land, then break
out the serious hardware. It takes time for Lara to reload her harpoon gun, so if
you are being attacked by a group of enemies it is often better to retreat than
persist in a losing battle.

Hardware List

Lara has traded in her compass for a stopwatch. This allows you to check your
level completion time and find out if you've missed any secrets. It also makes
it impossible for me to use directions like N,S,E, & W in this solve.

You can't do any damage with these handy items, but they will be invaluable
as they illuminate your surrounding area, revealing traps, switches and Core's new
dynamic lighting engine.

These are Lara's trusty sidearms she brought with her from the first game. Use
them "John Woo-style" to take out your basic baddies. They will auto-aim each
time you press the fire button.

Another trusty weapon from the first game; use it on groups of enemies for
wide spread damage or when at close range to inflict serious damage on a single

More powerful than the pistols; these auto-firing weapons are great for long
range targets and groups of enemies.

Harpoon Gun
The reload time on this weapon makes it good for usually one a single shot. Use
it to stall your enemy so you can swim to the safety of dry land. Ammo is also
hard to find so conserve every harpoon you find until you absolutely need it.

Another favorite from the first game; this weapon is very powerful and should
be saved for the bigger enemies and bosses.

Grenade Launcher
This weapon provides some serious destruction. Grenades will explode only
after they are armed and they must travel about 50 feet before they arm. This
makes this weapons a range weapon which is good because you don't want to get
caught in your own blast. Do not fire then run forward until after the explosion
and resulting deaths.

The M-16 is to Tomb Raider 2 as the Uzi's were to the original Tomb Raider.
This is the most powerful weapon you can get. It is so powerful that you will be
tempted to use it early on, but DON'T! Save it for the final levels and the larger
enemies you encounter there.

So if we are finished with all the preliminary info; let's get on with the game....

The Great Wall

Our journey begins in a valley very near the Great Wall. Enter the water and go
to the left of the big rock. A Tiger should appear so get on the rock and kill the
Tiger then jump forward to continue down the path. When you reach the gap,
pull up, pivot, then jump and grab and pull up.

Kill the Tiger that is approaching then jump the gap and take the path to the
Stone Dragon which is also Secret #1. Continue the climb by climbing up twice
then pulling up to the ledge. Turn and jump to the left and grab and pull up to
get across another gap then pull up again to reach the building.

Enter the guardhouse and drop through the grate in the upper area to fall into
the water. Then run forward and jump and pull up to access the switch. Flip the
switch and proceed to the Great Wall.

A threesome of crows attack when you reach the top of the wall. Kill them with
your guns, taking evasive action if necessary. Proceed to the gap in the wall. The
guardhouse on the other side is locked so drop to the water below to obtain the
key for the guardhouse. Kill the Tiger who is arriving as you exit the pool. A
green section of the ground will get you high enough so you can jump and pull up
to the top of the wall. Continue to the guardhouse and open the door

Kill the spiders that swarm out the door then enter. A single spider remains to
guard the Rusty Key above that ladder. Kill the spider and take the key and use
it on the lock next to the door. Continue forward until you reach a room with a
skeleton. Shotgun shells and a medkit are here as well as another swarm of
spider plus a big spider coming in from behind. Take out the big one first then
finish off the swarm before collecting your items. Pull out the block and slide
down the slope to arrive at a pool of water.

Jump in and head left to the wall. Jump up and grab and shimmy to the right
avoiding the darts. Swim underwater to the exit and surface in the corner
avoiding even more darts. Climb up and exit into the hallway.

This hall has a collapsing floor with spikes beneath. Run across and through the
door which shuts behind you. Two boulders start rolling towards you from the
left. Turn and run to the right. As the passage narrows, jump the spikes and land
on the ramp. Slide down into the wall then jump to the left and get some ammo.
Run forward and pull up to the ledge to avoid the spiked walls closing in.

This next hall has more collapsing floors and sharp swinging blades. Run down
the hall and jump the blades. As you approach the final blade jump and turn to
the left in midair. You should land right next to Secret #2; the Jade Dragon.
Pick it up and move into the hall before the spiked walls close in on you. Cross
the collapsing floor while staying to the right. The left wall will stop before it
can hurt you.

At the end of the hall, stop at the top of the ramp and turn so you can slide
down backwards. Hang from the bottom and drop then jump to the right to land
on another collapsing floor which you fall through as more spikes close in above.
Enter the cavern and continue forward. Take the medkit then head to the left
and run past the blades.

There is a rope slide and lots of spiders in this next room. Kill all of the spiders
then go get Secret #3 which is located below the rope slide. To get the Gold
Dragon you need to look down into the canyon and locate the tan rock with the
moss. Stand above the tan rock and with your back to the canyon, drop off,
hang then drop. Jump and grab the ledge and shimmy right until you can pull up.
Continue along the path and collect some flares along the way. Take the ladder
down and continue until you reach the canyon floor.

Those tremors you should now be feeling are the early warning signs of an
advancing T-Rex. Return to the hall and kill the T-Rex from the safety of the
passage. When he is dead, you can cross the canyon and get the Gold Dragon.
This causes a second T-Rex to appear so kill him then make your way back to
the top of the canyon. Use the rope to slide across the canyon and land on the
ledge on the opposite side. Kill the 2 Tigers which are waiting for you, then
proceed to the exit.


Lara arrives in Venice and finds herself in a dead end alley. Exit to the
courtyard and take out the Doberman as he charges. You will need to do some
side-jumping and shooting to take out the guard on the balcony who will drop a
key after you kill him. Continue down the alley until you hear approaching
footsteps then start firing and backflipping back down the alley to take out
more dogs and henchmen.

When all is safe, exit the alley and you will be next to the canal. Dive into the
canal and swim under the large door to get inside the boathouse. Checkout your
cool new ride then flip the switch to open a door somewhere else. Return to the
dock and enter the hut. Grab the flares from the table then start climbing the

Climb each of the ladders after pressing the appropriate switch to open the
trapdoor. When you reach the roof, shoot out the windows then drop into the
hall. Climb through the second window you just shot out and jump over to the
awning. Then make another jump to the balcony and retrieve the Boathouse Key
from the dead guard you shot earlier. Return to the hall and head right to the
door you opened from the Boathouse.

Kill the attacking Doberman then continue across hall and flip the switch to open
a door high on the wall on the opposite side of the canal. Head back to the dead
Doberman and shoot out the window. Run and jump and grab the awning. Pull up
and then start jumping from awning to awning until you reach the ledge near the
door. Jump inside and flip the switch at the end to open a canal door.

Dive back into the canal and return to the Boathouse and unlock the door. Swim
back out and make your way to the ledge by the hut. Climb out and kill the
henchman. Take his Auto-Mags before you return to the Boathouse. Climb in the
boat and head for the now-open canal door. When you pass through the door,
stop the boat and light a flare to reveal a passage to the right. Secret #1 is
waiting for you at the end of this passage. Take the Stone Dragon then jump
down and kill some rats below you. Turn and face the ladder then turn and head
right. Turn right at the end and jump in the water. Continue on past the left
channel until you reach some Uzi Ammo. Grab it, then retrace your steps back to
your speedboat.

Light another flare and continue down the dark canal. At the bottom of the falls
you can dive into the pool and retrieve Secret #2; the Gold Dragon.

Continue on until you reach a large underground chamber with lots of columns.
Keep the boat over towards the left until you see a ledge. Hop out and kill the
rat nearby then shoot out the window and finally kill the henchmen who arrives
to investigate all the noise. Grab the ammo then get back in your boat and head
through the large metal doors and stop.

Jump out of the boat and swim back to the dock and go through the broken
window. Enter the room and flip the switch and take the shotgun shells. Return
to the dock and climb the ladder making a mental note of the doors which are
now closed. The water level and your boat have risen to the top so dive in and
flip the underwater switch to open the next set of doors then get in your boat
and continue.

Keep to your left to avoid the enemy gunfire and bring your boat to a stop by
the gondolas. Exit the boat and get on the dock. Climb on the box then jump and
grab to reach the awning and pull yourself up. Walk to the right edge of the
awning and jump to the walkway above. A Doberman and a henchman come
running at you so backflip off the ledge and kill them both before jumping
backup. Retrieve the medkit. Another guy is guarding another speedboat further
down the canal. You can kill him from up here then turn right and head for the

A gun crazed baddie comes running at you so kill him with your guns, taking
evasive action when necessary. Retrieve the Steel Key from his fallen corpse
and unlock the courtyard door. Go through the door and drop into a hole to flip
a switch. A gate opens somewhere else in this level and you hear approaching
footsteps. Climb out of the hole and kill the henchman and take his ammo. Return
to your speedboat and use it to ram the gondolas.

Underwater mines hinder your progress. These mines can only be triggered by a
boat. Lucky for you, you have two at your disposal. Line your current boat up
with the mines and build up some speed. Jump out of the boat at the last minute
and swim to the dock as your boat continue down the canal and sweeps the
mines for you. Grab the M-16 ammo from the fallen guard. The Iron Door is
locked so we need to find a key. Get in your new speedboat and return to the
section of the canal that raised your boat to this level.

A bad guy is waiting around the left corner, so hop out of the boat and kill him
when you get on the dock. Grab all his ammo. Get back in the boat and continue
along the canal until you reach a clothesline on the right and a smaller canal on
the left. Ram the two gondolas tied up at the dock and exit your boat. A
henchman with a bat come out of a door but you can kill him before he even gets
close. Enter the dark room and kill some rats and flip the switch to open a door
somewhere else in this level. Return to your dock.

Before getting in the boat look up. There are some windows above. Jump and
grab the ledge and pull up so you can shoot out the windows. Climb through and
take Secret #3; the Jade Dragon from the bed. Now you can get in the boat,
turn around and take the narrow canal you passed earlier. Keep to the left and
the canal will intersect with a larger canal and you will find the door you
opened a few minutes ago with that switch.

Enter the door which shuts promptly behind you. Take the Iron Key from the
pool of water and climb the ladder to go up and kill a Doberman and his master.
Take the medkit and flip the switch. A really nasty guard arrives on the scene
and is blocking your escape to the boat. You can either kill him by shooting
through the gap between the door and the wall or if you want to impress your
friends, try doing a backflip from the ledge and killing him before you splash
into the canal.

Either way, when he is dead, get back in the boat and retrace you path back to
where you got your second speedboat. You now have the key to open that door
and kill another nasty badguy. Flip the switch by the window to open the second
gate which is blocking your exit. Return to the boat and head back up the canal
going under that walkway where you snipered the guy who was guarding this
boat earlier in the game. Keep to the left until you reach an open door on the
right. Go just past this door then back the boat up to the door so that it is lined
up with the ramp to the left.

Jump out of the boat and enter the door until you can stand. Shoot the
henchman and grab his ammo when he is dead. Flip the switch to open the final
obstacle in your escape of this level. This is a timed sequence of events and the
clock starts ticking once you get back in your boat. Anything less than a perfect
performance and you will be redoing this segment so save your game.

Accelerate your boat and jump the ramp, braking immediately when you land so
you can make the sharp turn at the second left into the large canal, then make a
sharp right into the smaller canal with the open gates. Make another right at the
intersection and speed down the canal to the exit...

Bartoli's Hideout

Exit at the dock and kill some rats. Go around the building to the left, killing the
guard and his rats before flipping the switch. Another guard arrive so kill him
too, taking the medkits from both your victims. Enter the now open front door
and kill the guard on the balcony and his friend who appears on the ground
floor. Grab the shells from your second kill then shoot out the window and kill
the Dobermans who jump through when you get too close. Go to the back of the
courtyard and take the medkit, flares and ammo.

Now you need to proceed down the heavily guarded hallway. Several statues
will begin hacking at you with huge blades when you get too close. Keep to the
right and time your short running bursts so you pass by when their blades are in
the upright position. Don't overshoot and run into the next blade. When you get
to the dark end of the passage, light a flare to reveal a switch which opens a
door back out by the canal.

Run past the guards in a single continuous run this time. They will swing but they
will be too late. Back out in the big room find the sloped wooden box. Stand
with your back to the slope then jump back and then forward and grab the
ledge and pull up. Walk around to the left and pull the block then drop down to
the floor. Get below the ledge to the left of the block you just pulled and jump
and pull up. You can now turn and do a running leap to the opposite balcony
where you killed that first henchman. Take his ammo then move to the textured
wall and climb on and across to the window.

Climb out onto the ledge and turn to the right and dispatch the gunman on the
balcony across from you. Now you can turn and do a running jump off the end
of the balcony over to an awning. You'll start sliding backward so grab as you
fall then shimmy to the left and pull up and do a backflip to a ledge across the
canal. Turn left and do another running jump, grab and pull up maneuver. You
should now be standing on a rather small ledge. Turn and do an angled jump to
the awning across the canal. You can stand on this awning so turn and face that
open door and do a standing jump and press the grab while in midair so you
enter the door instead of hitting the wall above it.

A pair of Dobermans should charge you when you land so take them out before
they even get close. Make sure you don't back up or backflip out of the door
into the canal or you will be doing that last paragraph all over again. Head
upstair and take out the first of many attacking gunmen.

Enter the room where the first henchman came from and look in the left corner
for a switch hidden in the wall. Flip it to open a door in the previous room which
leads to that outside balcony where you killed that one guy. He dropped some
shells and Secret #1; the Stone Dragon when he died. After you collect all of
this, return to the room with the switch and shoot out the window.

A guard patrols the landing outside this window. You can probably kill him as he
passes or you can climb out and do the deed face-to-face. Continue down the
landing and shoot out the next window and climb in. The door opens and a guy
with a bat enters along with his dog and another guy shows up behind you on the
ledge. These guys are pretty slow so as long as you keep moving and firing you
should be okay. The dog is faster to take him out first if possible. Do a lot of
flipping and use the larger room on the other side of those doors if you need
space to maneuver. You can even retreat back to the stairs if necessary. When
everyone is dead, return to the last room and push the back of the fireplace
twice to access a concealed passage.

Kill the rat after you climb up then proceed to the slope. Blades start slicing at
you as you approach so stand back and jump out and turn to the right and drop
into the water. Climb out to the safety of the wooden ledge in the corner to
survey the next deadly trap.

You need to make a quick series of jumps and the flames are on a timer. They
will go out when you jump off the ledge you are standing on, so when ready, get
your back to the wall and start running. Jump from the edge and land on the
next platform. Do two STANDING jump for the next two ledges to arrive at the
other end of this trap. If you miss a ledge or catch on fire you will land (or can
jump) in the water and try again.

The door open as you approach and a gunman and his dogs attack. Kill them all
then jump to the slope box and jump and grab and pull up onto the lowest
chandelier. Do a running jump to the right to grab the ledge. Pull up and flip the
switch to open a door behind the fire in the fireplace. Jump back to the
chandelier then turn and jump to the next highest chandelier. Do another
running jump to the ledge on the right to flip another switch which opens a
painting on the wall which conceals the Library Key.

Return to the chandelier then turn right and jump to the next highest light and
finally to the ledge above. Kill the approaching rats then continue in their
direction and jump and grab and shimmy to the right until you can pull up. You
should now be on the highest rafter so run and jump to the wood floor by some
bricks. Kill the henchman behind the bricks and take the medkit. Be careful not
to fall off as any fall from this height is instant death.

Climb on the bricks and head left and jump to reach another switch. Flip it to
adjust the chandelier height so you can access the Library Key. Jump back to
the bricks then go down to the chandelier and jump until you reach the light
next to the Library Key. Do a running jump to grab and pull up and get the key
then repeat to get back out on the chandelier. Jump all the chandeliers until you
are on the other side then do a running jump and grab to the ledge. You won't
grab but you will land on the ledge and this saves you from having to return to
that last switch to adjust the chandelier heights.

Exit to the window sill and go right. You should see the fire below, so hang and
drop down to land in the water and not the fire. You should now be outside the
Library door. Flip the underwater switch and swim through the door that opens
as a result. Head to the right and surface. You should see a gap in the floor to
your left. It's dark down there so light a flare and head into the opening. This
turns into a maze rather quickly so follow these directions.

As you swim into the hole turn to the right and go around the corner. Swim into
the large opening then go through the smaller opening near the top of the wall.
Turn right after entering the smaller passage then find the small opening to the
lower-bottom-left of the wall. Enter and immediately turn left to find some
grenades before continuing back to the right to find Secret #2; the Gold
Dragon. Flip the nearby switch then head straight up to the newly opened door
where you can finally take a breath. Do NOT climb out here or you will burn to
death. Instead, retrace your path through the maze back to the library door.

Enter the Library and kill the gunman across the room. Go through the large
doors and climb up the bookcase on the left. You can kill a pair of rats from the
small area above before jumping over to flip the switch which opens another
guarded doorway.

After you kill this guard, go through the door and climb the books on the left.
Jump towards the window then turn left and climb up. Shoot the window then
jump to the sill. Turn and exit the window backwards so you slide down the
awning. Grab the end the pull up so you backflip to a ledge behind you. Run and
jump to the roof across from your new position, then turn left and jump to the
TOP of the brick wall.

This next sequence is extremely difficult (at least it was for me) so SAVE

While standing ON the wall, walk to the end to the top of the slope. Turn so you
are facing the building across the canal and do a running jump to grab the
lowest section of the roof. Pull yourself up and head for the smoke stack. Stand
a few steps back from the edge of the roof and jump toward the ledge. Grab on
and shimmy left until you can pull up. Go behind the wall to find a pool of water
and a pair of Uzi's.

Drop down next to the shack and kill the henchman, taking the ammo he leaves
behind. Take the Detonator Key from the table then step towards the door and
it will automatically open. Kill the gunman on the other side, taking evasive
action if necessary. Take his medkit before returning to the main room of the
Library. There is a switch on the wall so flip it to open the door. Enter and kill 2
more gunmen who approach from the left. Relieve them of their shells and Uzi
ammo before continuing.

Don't use the key in the Detonator box just yet. Instead, climb to the top of the
brick wall and go to the left end of the wall. Pull up twice so that you are now
standing on the sloped roof. Shoot out the glass and take Secret #3; the Jade
Dragon from the table. Jump into the water and swim over to the low brick wall
with the Detonator Box. Use the key to blow up the building, then kill that
gunman that is above and behind you.

Climb onto the brick wall to gain access to the demolished building. Begin the
long ascent to the top of the rubble. After much jumping, grabbing and pulling
up, you will reach the top and can take the path which leads to a dark hall and
the end of this level.

Opera House

This level starts off with a rather challenging gunfight. You can run around
taking random shots at the gunman on the platform below until he finally dies.
Then take his ammo and jump into the water from where he was standing
moments ago. Swim left around the building and climb the ladder, getting off on
the small ledge. Walk to the edge of the landing and while facing the canal,
jump and grab so you can pull up to the top. Flip the switch to open a door in the
roof then continue climbing the ladder to the ledge above. Run and jump to the
ledge across the canal then turn to the left and do a running jump to the ledge
with the swinging box. Pull up and continue along the canal performing a running
jump to the slanted rooftop. Grab onto the edge and shimmy to the left until you
reach a small ledge.

Do a running jump and a grab in midair so you arc through the opening in the
roof. Draw your guns in midair to take out the guard, then take the Ornate Key.
Start up the stairs and kill the gunman when he comes through the door. Take his
medkit and go to the top of the stairs. Make your way back to the previous ledge
with the swinging box and position yourself so you are looking at a ledge with a
small building to the left. Do NOT try to jump through the opening in the center
of that building. The floor below the opening in the roof is lined with broken
glass and you will die.

Instead, do a running jump to land on the slope next to the right wall. Grab and
shimmy to the left until you are at the flat section in the corner. Standing with
your back to the wall, jump to the slanted roof and slide down and grab. You
should be hanging in front of the window. Drop and instantly grab again to
catch the edge of the sill. Now pull up and shoot out the glass and carefully
enter the room. The glass is just like the spikes in the original Tomb Raider so
simply WALK to pass by unharmed. Cross the room and climb the ladder and use
the Ornate Key to unlock the door at the end of the hall.

Now we have a very unstable roof to deal with. Position Lara so she is at the
edge of a solid piece of roof and facing the wall on the other side of the three
collapsing pieces. Do a Standing Jump and begin running when you hit the first
panel. When you cross the 3rd panel do a running jump, and when you finally
cross the last set of collapsing panels do a running jump to grab and pull up onto
the ledge. Draw your guns and proceed to the top of the Opera House.

Shoot the guard patrolling the roof then turn and lower down. While hanging
onto the edge, quickly pull back up and draw your weapons again. Your short
dangle off the edge should have attracted the attention of another guard and a
couple of Dobermans. Kill them all, then do a running jump to the roof and
continue left to kill four more guards below. Take the medkits, shells and ammo
from the dead guards then return to your previous location to check out the
swinging box.

Do a running jump and grab and pull up to a small area to the right of the
swinging box and light a flare. Drop down and flip the switch to the left of the
box. Three rooftop doors open and two gunmen show up looking for trouble.
Climb up and kill these guys then drop through the newly opened door in the

A pair of switches awaits you below. The right switch is useless for now so flip
the left one to open a grate, then exit through that grate. Run by the hall to
trigger a boulder. Stand by the wall switch to avoid the deadly rock then flip
the switch to close the grate and climb up the ladder. Continue climbing up the
grate until you are across from an opening which would have been blocked if
you hadn't so cleverly lowered the grate before climbing up.

Drop down to the floor and kill the gunman to the left making a special effort
NOT to go underneath the sandbag. Take his medkit then head towards the
doors to the right. Making extra sure to stay out from underneath that sandbag,
kill the advancing Doberman and henchman. Turn back towards the first gunman
and continue until you reach another pair of Dobermans which you can feel free
to kill. There is a switch here which is missing a Relay Box so make a note of its
position - you will be back later.

Head around the upper walkway towards the open doors. A sandbag will smash
through the floor allowing you to look down into the hole. Take a few steps back
and do a running jump so you reach the small ledge below. Two Dobermans and a
gunman appear on the ground floor, so kill them before dropping to the floor
below. Kill the gunman hiding in the dark on the second level from the top so he
won't snipe you when you reach the floor. Make your way to the floor and climb
onto the box near the wall opposite the stage. Jump and pull up to the walkway.
Get past the broken floor until you reach the wall with the curtains.

Go to the edge and jump forward and pull up to kill another gunman and relieve
him of his ammo. Return to the ground floor and run along the back wall to
trigger two rolling boulders. Take the medkit from the gunman you killed from
above then go into the water. Another gunman comes out on stage and his
performance is less than acceptable. Kill him and take his Uzi ammo after you
kill the Doberman coming in from the left and another gunman sneaking in from
behind. Off to the side where the Doberman originated is a small alcove with a
switch. Flip the switch to open a grate at the other end of the stage.

As you approach the grate some more bad guys arrive for target practice. After
you have killed them and taken the medkit, jump and pull up to the ledge where
the grating was. Walk - do not run - through the glass then turn left and do a
running jump and grab onto the crevice in the wall so you can shimmy to the left
until you can pull up and flip the switch which lowers the plank.

Run and jump back to the previous walkway and stop before your momentum
takes you into the deadly glass. Continue down the walkway and do a running
jump to grab and pull up to the ledge on the left. Jump and pull up once more
then turn and run and jump and pull up again to continue your upward journey.
Kill the rat then get the timing down on the swinging sandbag. Do a standing
jump when the first sandbag is at the end of its swing. Jump past the second
one to the ledge and flip the switch to send another sandbag hurtling through
the stage floor.

Walk carefully towards the sloped ledge then turn around and slide down
backwards, grabbing on to the edge when you fall. Pull up and backflip through
the hole in the floor and light one of your flares. Follow the passage to the left
staying along the left wall. You will enter a larger room with a ledge and a
switch to your left.

To your right is a tiny underwater passage. Swim into this passage to find
Secret #1; the Stone Dragon, then return to the ledge and flip the switch to
open a door back up above the right side of the stage. No go back so you are
once again under the hole in the stage and take the large passage at the end of
the room. Swim up and keep to the right and you will find the missing Relay Box.
Climb the ladder up through the door you recently opened. Return to the top
floor of the Opera House and kill two more Dobermans as you make your way
back to the switch where you needed the Relay Box. Insert the box and flip the
switch to activate the elevator.

This is a tricky secret. Do not get in the elevator. Instead, wait for it to go
down then get ON the elevator and quickly jump to the ladder and climb up into
the hidden opening. WALK through the deadly glass and pick up Secret #2; the
Gold Dragon, then flip the switch to your left. Continue through the glass making
sure to grab that Uzi ammo in the second alcove to the left before entering the
door you just opened with the switch. Return to the elevator switch and flip it so
you can take the elevator down.

Two gunman are waiting as the elevator doors open so kill them quickly and add
their shells to your ammo collection. Flip the switch to send the elevator back up
and to also give you access to a hidden pool of water which the elevator was
concealing. Jump in and head for the grating then turn left and follow some
stairs to an underwater area. Take the Circuit Board which is lying in the corner
of this room then return to the grating you swam past a minute ago.

Go to the left and around the grate to find and flip a switch which opens a side
of the cage letting Lara surface and catch her breath. Climb out and kill some
rats then turn and jump to grab and pull up to the next level. Kill the quickly
advancing gunman then jump and pull up again to kill another rat and a
Doberman. Continue along the hall until you reach some windows. Shoot out the
glass then drop into the room below and use the switch to open the door.

Slide down the sloped passage jumping over the deadly fan at the last possible
second. You should land on a ledge with the Ornate Key. After you take the key,
pull up to the tallest block and jump to the slope and head for the duct. Jump in
and kill the rat. Continue along until you reach the edge of the duct then jump
the gap. Turn and jump back to avoid another deadly fan and repeat once more
for the final fan.

Look up at the dark area without any fan. Jump forward from the edge of the
duct you are standing on to grab and pull up to get Secret #3; the Jade Dragon.
There is a deadly fan behind the dragon so if you can either light a flare or
just carefully WALK forward until you get the statue. Return and hang and drop
to get back to the duct below.

Head down the hall until you reach a moveable box. Pull it to gain access to a
switch which you can flip to open a door. Pull the box once more then push it all
the way into the dressing room under the first windows. Get on the box and
shoot out any windows that still have glass in them then jump into the first
windows. Another box is in here so push it out the windows so it lands on top of
the previous box. Jump and grab the top box and pull up. Now you can reach the
top row of windows so jump in and kill the guard who has been waiting patiently
for your return.

Now begin the long trek back to the Control Room using the shaft next to the
elevator. Jump and pull up until you finally reach the lock. Use the key to open
the doors then continue forward. If you failed to trigger the boulders your
first time through this area, then you need to avoid them now. Stay along the
wall and head towards the switch to open the door at the top of the ladder.
Enter the Control Room and use the Circuit Board before flipping the switch to
raise the backdrop on stage.

Return to the stage and kill the 3 gunmen and the Doberman. Get the medkit and
shells from your fallen enemies then go through the hole in the wall to find many
stacked boxes. One of the smaller ones can be pulled out so find it and pull it
twice to gain access to a hidden passage. Enter and use the switch to lower the
backdrop then exit this area and kill another guard who should be just arriving.

Start climbing the boxes until you reach the white ledge above the stage. Kill
the henchman down below and try to avoid any sandbags which will kill you on
impact. When he is dead, look around and find the opening above. Jump forward
and pull up into this area to flip another switch that opens a door by a swinging

Now stand at the edge of the opening and do an angled jump to the slope on the
right. Slide down and stay along the right to do a timed dash past the swinging
sandbag. Hang and drop to get past the swinging box and arrive at the floor.
Bartoli should arrive shortly and he seems to be particularly vulnerable to
shotgun blasts. Two Dobermans will also attack your when you reach the floor
but should fall quickly to the power of the shotgun. When you finally kill
Bartoli, take all the grenades and kill off the two remaining henchmen. Take the
medkit and Uzi clips from these two fellows then go to the other side of the
room and climb on the box to make your way back to the room with the stacked
boxes next to the entrance. There should be a button next to the entry which
will open the exit. Get onboard the airplane and take off for the next level...

Offshore Rig

What a way to start a level - Stripped of all your possessions and locked up!
First we need to get Lara out of this jail cell then find her weapons. There is a
switch which opens the cell door but it's on a timer so before you go flipping it
you had better clear an escape route. When you have pushed and pulled the
crates so you have a clear path to the door, go pull the switch (which I hope you
have found by now).

Once you escape the alarm will sound and the bad guys start to show up. The
first one to worry about is coming from your left. Head off to meet him, and get
past him so you can lead him back to his starting location. Dodge his gunfire and
also the blows of his friend who is also waiting here. Try to draw his gunfire so
he blows out the nearby windows which you can promptly escape through. Head
right along the narrow ledge and press the button on the wall to open the bay
doors beneath the plane. Swim inside and go over to press another button to kill
the plane's engines then return back through the broken window and do a
running jump and pull up to the top of the engine. Drop into the trapdoor on top
of the plane to find your lost Pistols.

Go back and kill those two bullies who were giving you a hard time earlier and
take the Yellow Key Card. Go back through the broken window and head left
this time to a room with some water. Dive in the water and flip the switch
beneath the tunnel opening which grants you access to the upcoming Secret #1;
the Jade Dragon. Resurface and fill those lungs for a long dive. Enter the tunnel
and follow it left then right and then a sharp right then take the downward
passage staying near the top so you can get behind the underwater fan. Grab
the dragon statue and swim back to the surface to catch your breath before
heading back to the door with the Yellow Key Lock.

Enter the next room and press the button on the far wall to kill the alarm. Go up
the stairs to the right and spin the wheel to open the door. Kill the rig worker
and take his medkit then proceed into the next room and kill another workman
who is coming down a ramp and through a door which locks as you near it. Spin
the wheel to open the next door and kill a guard and get some ammo and your
first batch of harpoons.

Enter the bunk area and reclaim your Auto-Mags from the right top-center bunk
then go to the end and get the Harpoon Gun from the last bunk on the left. Go
back to the entrance of the bunk area and press the button above the top-left
bunk to open a door in the ceiling at the opposite end. Run to the top right bunk
and climb on and jump and grab to the opening to gain access to the passage

Continue down the hall and slide backwards down the ramp so you can grab on
and use the ladder to climb down to the floor. We need to use those boxes to
get past the 4 burners and reach the ladder on the other side. Pull the first one
to the left all the way past the other box then go push the second box towards
the burners. Now you can do a running jump and grab onto the ladder. When you
reach the top of the ladder, head to the right and kill another guard who also
happens to have the Red Key Card on him. Climb the ladder to get Secret #2; the
Stone Dragon.

Go up the stairs and return to the room with the water from earlier in the game.
Now that you know where you are; return to the room with the button that
turned off the alarm and go up the stairs to the left of the button. Kill the guard
and his dog and take the Uzi clips. The door with the Red Key Lock is at the top
of the ramp so jump out of the way of the rolling barrels to make your way to
this door.

Enter the door and head left to kill another Rig Worker as another sneaks up
behind you and another climbs in from the right. Take the shells, medkit and
flares from the resulting casualties then return to the landing near the entrance.
Push the box once then go around it and pull it once then go around and push it
once more. Now you can go to the opposite landing and do a running jump and
grab to pull up onto the box and access the opening in the wall.

Take the shells from the guard you kill in this passage and go to the door with
the Green Key Lock. There is also a switch and a trapdoor in this area. Flip the
switch to see that empty tank behind you being filled with water. Return and
drop down to the floor then swing across the water tank and head right. Go over
the pipes then head left until you find a switch on the wall which opens the trap
door back near the door with the Green Key Lock. Go all the way back and drop
into the trapdoor and slide down the ramp.

Deadly Frogmen are lurking in the water so run to the right and see if you can
catch one on the surface and blast him. If you miss him or he's not there, just
return to the other end and dive in and get ready for action. Swim toward the
pillars quickly as you are being pursued by a deadly frogman. Climb up on the
closest pillar using one of the two sides with the yellow stripes and wait for the
frogman to surface. Finish him off with your favorite weapon.

The next closest pillar has a ladder which leads to the catwalk above. Before
you climb up it, go get Secret #3; the Gold Dragon which is sitting at the base
of the pillar at the end of that catwalk where you ran to try and shoot the first
frogman. When you claim your prize, two guards will arrive. You can either fight
them here to snipe them from the catwalk above.

When you are up the ladder you need to follow the catwalk and do a running
jump when you reach the gap. Grab on and pull up and kill the gunman who just
happens to have your Shotgun. Take back your weapon then go right and when
you reach the central wall, go left and follow the catwalks. You should spot a
hole in the wall up above (the Exit) and another bad buy up ahead guards the
Green Key Card which is inside a box. Kill him, then jump into the box. You will
break through and can now take the card.

Follow the catwalk up to the hole in the wall and return to the room with the
door with the Green Key Lock, making sure to kill the guard you meet on the
way. Once the door is open you need to flip that switch on the wall to drain the
water from the one tank and pump it into the other. Now you can swim through
the opening and flip the underwater switch to open the grate. Climb up and head
down the passage to the exit...

Diving Area

Jump from the ledge over to the ladder and press the button in the hall to stop
the deadly fan. Now you can safely dive in and get the grenades beneath the
fan. Now go flip the switch near the walkway to open the sealed door and
continue down the hall. A Doberman and two guards attack from the left so
finish them off before continuing. Get the shells and Uzi's if needed then use
the pillars to get across the vat. Make sure to avoid the swinging hooks, but if
you "go for a swim" you can use the tunnel under the water to make your way
back and try again.

Kill two more guards and take their flares and the medkit. Now you should be at
the top of a long slide which dumps you right into a vat of toxic waste. About
halfway down the slope is a hole which contains Secret #1; the Stone Dragon.
You can slide forward and into the hole where you can claim your statue before
climbing out and continuing your slide towards the toxic waste. When you reach
the bottom you can jump across the waste to the other side.

Climb up the ladder and grab some ammo then check out the slope beneath the
hole. Jump in the hole and grab the ledge as you slide off backwards. There is a
guard on duty below so get ready. Drop down and grab and pull up while
drawing your guns to kill the guard. Take all that ammo he leaves behind. The
door with the Blue Key Lock is near your present location and the Blue Key Card
is in a hole on the other side of the room. Jump into the small opening from the
catwalk. You will slide down the slope and into the hole where you can take the
card then follow the tunnel back around and up the ladder and to the door with
the Blue Key Lock.

Get ready for action as you enter this next room. Four Dobermans and a guy
with a flamethrower are just waiting to take you on. Dispose of the dogs while
keeping a safe distance from the guy with the fire. Take him out QUICK with
the biggest gun you have. It's best to kill these guys before they ever get off a
shot. If they do manage to "flame-on" then just backup and wait until it is safe
to move in and finish them off.

There should be four doors; two of which have wheels you can spin to open
them with. One door leads to stairs going up and the other has stairs going down.
Go down these stairs and eliminate the workman then push the box out of the
way to reveal a control panel with a missing Chip. Make a note of the circular
saw as you will be coming back shortly.

Before you jump into the water make sure you have found the only place that
you can get back out. Now dive in and tease the frogman so he follows you to
the surface. Climb out and fill him with lead then dive back in and explore the
tunnel he was guarding. You should find two switches inside the tunnel - flip
them both and continue along this passage making a series of right turns. A door
should open as your get near, so go through and turn left to arrive back at the
large pool. Go up the stairs and take care of the two guards and the workman
who are guarding a helicopter. Grab the medkit, ammo and shells when the
shootout is over.

Cross the large room and enter the smaller room with some burners in the floor,
a trapdoor, a switch and a button. Flip the switch on the right and head forward
and drop through the trapdoor to collect the M-16 and some clips. Quickly climb
out and return to the button before the burner turns back on. Flip the switch
again then jump to the left and push the button then make a dash across the
room, jumping OVER the trap door and grab the Chip. Quickly do a reverse roll
and head back out of this room and to the control panel where you can use the

After you insert the Chip, the door open. Run down the ramp and shoot the
workman across the pool from the safety of the hallway, then run across to the
medkit he dropped. A flamethrower is to your left and he opens fire as you run
past. Take care of him from the opposite side of the pool then go to the right of
the orange tank to open a secret panel. Go inside and press the button, then
return and dive into the pool to obtain Secret #2; the Jade Dragon from the
now-opened grate at the bottom.

Exit the pool and grab the Harpoon Gun which is next to the scuba gear then
dive back in and head down the underwater tunnel. When you hear the
breathing of approaching frogmen, retreat back to dry land and kill both of
them from the safety of the shore. Now jump back in and swim through the
passage to emerge in another room. Exit on the low ledge on the right and take
care of those two workmen. Now you can jump up to the top of the wall and flip
the switch to open a door back in the previous room.

Return to the previous room where a frogman and two workers are waiting for
you. Kill them all and take the medkit and Uzi clips as your reward. Go through
the door you just opened and use the switch the crane will move allowing you to
climb up and over to the other side of the pool.

Head for the corner and jump over the boxes and press the button to get a view
of the room with the door you "unsealed" earlier. Head for that room now killing
the two guards and their dogs. When you arrive, drop down and enter the tunnel
and arrive at the central chamber. A guard tries to distract you from his friend
with the Flamethrower who is sneaking around the corner so take out the
flamethrower guy first then finish off his friend. Grab the second Chip which
we need for that circular saw we passed by earlier. Return there now.

Insert the Chip and the blade disengages and you can now take the Red Key
Card before returning to the central chamber. Use your new key card and drop
down to take care of the Rig Boss. Continue into the room with the water and
take care of the remaining Rig Workers. Take the medkit and also the harpoons
which are over by the scuba tanks. Continue through the door until you enter a
large room.

Kill the Rig Boss and the guard from above then enter the open door to the small
room to obtain Secret #3; the Gold Dragon. If for some reason this door is
shut, you will need to return to the room where you used the Red Key Card and
flip the switch. The switch toggles this door open and closed, but the door
should be already open assuming you didn't go flipping switches earlier without
me telling you to. Once you have the statue you can approach the body in the
middle of the room to take a submarine ride and exit this level...

40 Fathoms

Not only do you need to find some air - you also need to out-swim a Great White
Shark who has selected you as its next meal. Spin around and start swimming
behind you, following all the junk on the ocean floor. When you arrive at the
ship, swim into the hole where the anchor is protruding and find the air-pocket
so you can breath. The shark is still coming so when your lungs are filled dive
down and swim into the hole below and angle off to the right.

Head up and into the large room then enter the opening on the left and continue
on into a smaller area and take the next opening on the left. You should now be
in a room with a patterned floor so head left and swim down towards the metal
girder and flip the switch to open a door in the floor behind you. Swim through
this door and go left and follow the passage until you see a hole above. Surface
to finally catch your breath and climb on the box that is floating here.

Head for the pile of boxes on the right and swim into the small opening in the
middle. Climb out and head to your right. At the end of the dark hall is a switch
so flip it then return to the stack of boxes and climb them to enter the next
room. Drop down to the floor and kill the workman who tries a sneak-attack
from behind one of the boxes. Grab the shells from your enemy being extra
careful not to step on the dark area of the floor which is a giant trapdoor.

Secret #1; the Stone Dragon is just sitting there for the taking, so go get it
while avoiding that trapdoor. Once you have the statue you can jump over the
door which will cause it to open. Now you can kill off all the bad guys from up
here before dropping down to the closest box to pick up your spoils; a medkit
and harpoons. Now climb on the box in the middle of the room and jump to the
higher box along the wall so you can climb into the opening and enter the next

When you enter this next room flip the switch to your immediate left to open a
timed door near the windows. Run and jump and enter the door (the timer will
stop when you are in). Dive down to get Secret #2; the Jade Dragon while
avoiding those pesky underwater creatures who would try and stop you.

Lara now needs to get past a long row of timed burners which line the hall. Here
are explicit directions for getting past the hardest puzzle encountered so far.
Start down the hall and turn into the dark passage and climb up into the hole in
the ceiling. Flip the switch to open the door next to the hall with the burners.
Enter that door and get ready for the race of your life. Saving wouldn't be
such a bad idea.

HINT: When racing through this puzzle make sure you jump over the beams and
even the short walls which lead to the rooms with the switches. If you try to
climb or even stumble, you will lose precious seconds that you don't have.

Flip the switch to turn off the first set of burners which lets you run as far as
the next switch. Flip that to open the other door then run and enter that room to
flip another switch. All burners are off for the moment so run all the way back
to the first switch to turn off the first set of burners. You should now have
plenty of time (or about 10 seconds) to run the entire gauntlet of burners and
arrive at your next puzzle.

Go into the water and kill the Barracuda. Now get ready for a puzzle almost as
challenging as the last - only this time it's UNDERWATER! To sum it up; you
need to swim through several underwater rooms, flip a switch in the third room
then swim to the bottom to flip another switch which opens the hatch up above.
Secret #3; the Gold Dragon is also at the bottom in a tunnel by the switch. And
if your running out of air wasn't enough - let's throw in a mess of Barracudas
with an attitude which swarm in when you touch that statue. Sound like fun?
Good - Go for it!

HINT: Always slow down when making underwater turns, and always do the
Reverse Roll to back away from switches after using them. You can also skip the
mini-movies by pressing Lara's "look" button to save valuable seconds. And if
you just can't manage to get that statue, you can always surface and fill-up on
air before diving back down to get it.

Drop down into the next area and survey all the rocks and junk in this room.
Find and drop through the hole in the floor then find and pull the box so it is
under the opening. Now you can climb up and use the switch which will dump all
the rocks from above down to this level. You can now reach two new opening
and a door opposite the switch. Make your way to the opening on the right and
climb up to reach the previous level. You can only grab the ledge that faces
center of the room below to do this.

Staying along the left wall and go into the opening above. Use the switch to
open a door somewhere else in this level then drop all the way down to the lower
level and this time climb up into the left opening. Keep along the right wall until
you can climb up to a flat ledge. Do a running jump to land on another ledge on
the left. Climb up into the opening above to find and flip another switch to flood
an upcoming room.

Once again, return to the lower level and this time enter the door and follow the
passage to the room you just flooded. There is a door below and a frogman in
the water so dive in and kill him with the harpoon gun. After you eliminate this
obstacle, continue through the passage and get out of the water fast. A
workman and a Rig Boss are moving in for the kill. When they are dead you can
take their medkit, shells and 2 packs of harpoons over in the corner. Use the
switch on the wall to open the door and exit this level...

Wreck of the Maria Doria

Kill the frogman before attempt to get those harpoons. Then you can proceed
down the underwater tunnel until you can climb out onto a ledge and take the
medkit. Slide down the slope then hang and drop to the floor which breaks away
dropping you even further.

Kill the workman and guard in this next area and claim their medkits and Uzi
clips. Pull out the moveable box in this area to uncover a few more moveable
boxes. Continue to move the first box until it is in the hallway. Now you can push
and pull the remaining two boxes until you reveal two concealed passages.

Look for a hole in the ceiling on the other side of the room. Climb up and kill a
patrolling guard up ahead and the other who sneaks in from the rear. Take
Secret #1; the Stone Dragon from the hole then return to the two passages.

The left passage goes to a locked bathroom so take the right passage to the
Ballroom and kill the workman and the guard on your way. Feel free to take
their medkit and flares before entering the Ballroom. Watch out for the deadly
glass as you take out the guard on the second level. Move around to the side of
the hole where there is no glass then step back and run into the hole letting your
momentum carry you to the ledge below.

You should easily find the Bathroom Key nearby before making a return jump to
the side of the hole without the glass where you can pull back up to the
Ballroom. Return to the left passage which leads to the bathroom and use your
key on the lock behind the chair. Push the button to open the double doors and
kill the workman who comes charging out. Go through these doors to find and
push another button to open the door on the second level of the Ballroom. Go
back and press the other button to shut these doors before leaving.

Back in the Ballroom, drop off and shimmy to the left to reach the open door.
Now you can take the ramp to the right of the door up to the second level. Take
the ammo from the guard you shot earlier then continue on until you can do a
running jump to grab a ledge which has Circuit Breaker #1. Take it then return
to the door.

You should now be in a hall with several doors. The first door on the left leads
to an empty room but open it anyway. The only other door you can open (right
now) is the door on the right with the wheel. Spin it to open the door then enter
and drop to the floor. Move the box until you can reach the switch then use it to
open the door above. Move the box up there so you can reach the door. Continue
through the next room and up the ramp to deal with another guard, then head
for the next room which has a box in it.

Move this box so you can reach the switch above and take the Rusty Key that
was under the box. You can now return to the hall and use the key in the door
opposite the open door to the empty room. Enter and drop to the floor and move
the box so you can pull out the box above. After you pull the first box and push
the second one, you should find a passage to the right. The floor will break
away here and there are also barrels which will roll over you if you try to
simply dart across the collapsing floor. Instead, run a sweeping arc to collapse
all the panels while avoiding the barrels. You should end up where you started.

Heavy breathing should tip you off that another bad guy is lurking in the
vicinity. Head around the left corner and take care of the guard then return to
the tiles where the barrels came from and go get Secret #2; the Jade Dragon.
This is tricky as a lone barrel is waiting to crush you. Jump up to the sloping
passage and as you pull up you should hear the approaching barrel. Jump back
then to the left to sidestep the barrel then you can proceed up the passage to
claim your statue.

When you arrive at the room with the grate floor and a boat below you need to
drop down to the boat and flip the underwater switch over by the ladder. This
opens a timed door up above so get back on the boat and pull up to the floor
above and run through the door. Flip the switch you find in here to permanently
keep the door open, then begin a series of jumps between the two sloped areas.
Keeping jumping until the pit below closes then you can stand and pull yourself
up into the opening. Flip the switch to open up a section of the wall back past
the area with the boat.

Return to the newly exposed area and kill the workman and the guard then push
the button on the left to open a timed trapdoor. Run around the pool and dash
through the trapdoor before it shuts. Go get Circuit Breaker #2 which is down
to your right. Taking this item opens the exit which is also on a timer. Grab the
medkit then go and press the button on the wall to drain the water where the
boat is. Trip the exit open again and return back to the area with the boat. Jump
down onto the boat then spin the wheel to open the door.

The passage leads off to the left where there is a trapdoor to the Bathroom.
The double doors should form a bridge for you to cross over and get Circuit
Breaker #3. If the doors are open you will need to go past the trapdoor to find
the button which shuts them. Now with all three Circuit Breakers, drop down
into the Bathroom and kill the guard and workman and take their ammo and

Return to the pool room from the beginning of this level and get the medkit from
the corner of the room. Take a deep breath and swim through the passage and
flip the switch at the bottom of the tall shaft which will open the door up top.
Now swim up and out through that door and kill the worker, guard and boss. Use
your M-16 to kill them quickly then take their medkit, shells, and Uzi clips. Plug
in those breakers into their slots then move the box under the opening above and
climb up. Take care of another workman then flip the switch to flood the room
up ahead. Jump across the overhead ducts to reach this area.

Follow the passage and kill the Barracuda when you wade into the water. Grab
those harpoons over to your right then head through the exit to the dark passage
on the left where you can kill another worker. Make a note of the Cabin Door
then continue left to find some ammo. In the room with the windows you need to
spin the wheel to open the door. Enter and flip the switch then run to the other
side of the room through the timed door to get some flares. Push the box and
use the switch to open the trapdoor at the end of the hall.

Go to the trapdoor and jump into the ocean. Climb out and wait for all of those
dangerous underwater obstacles to start swimming towards you. Wait for most
of them to appear below you - which means they aren't guarding the key - then
jump in and begin the race for the key. The fish are fast swimmers so try not to
make and drastic course changes. Swim through the opening up ahead and turn
right. The windows should now be on your right and the Cabin Key lies behind
the rocks on the left.

Dodge the shark while getting the key then make a sweeping circle back around
toward the opening you swam through a minute ago. The pack of fish should still
be pursuing so head for the opening. As you exit through the opening look for a
cave opening across from where you exit. Swim into the cave and stay along the
right wall until you can see a small opening above you. Swim to the surface and
breath and take Secret #3; the Gold Dragon while you rest for the final race
back to the ship. When you are ready, dive down and exit the cave and return to
the trap door dodging the fish as needed.

Climb up through the trap door and turn left and return to the Cabin Door and
use that key. Enter and flip the switch to open a trapdoor outside. Now go push
the box to flip another switch before returning to the cabin where an opening in
the ceiling should be waiting. Climb up and proceed down the passage until you
drop into the next room. Make your way around to the right to the hole in the
floor. Turn and run into the pool room and stop before you go in the water. Kill
the guard and the boss and take the M-16 ammo. Dodge the shots of the frogmen
from below and if you need it, go get the M-16 from the dark passage.

Kill the frogmen then jump into the water. If they refuse to make good targets
then jump in and tease them then climb out and shoot them when they eventually
surface. When both are gone dive in and move the barrel to reveal the passage
which leads to the exit....

Living Quarters

Hang a left as you being this next underwater level and pull the lever to open
the trapdoors ahead. Enter and cross the next room taking care of the crewman
on the way. Jump to the flat area to find a switch up above. Go to the other side
of the room and out through the opening. Continue down the passage and
eliminate the workman and the guard and take the harpoons for your efforts.

As you exit the passage you will need to backflip to avoid some barrels then kill
the crewman who arrives on the scene. At the top of the ramp, grab onto the
ledge and shimmy over to the switch and use it to turn off those burners. Head
to the left and enter the next passage to find and use another switch. Drop
through the hole to arrive back at the piston room.

Jump and grab to reach the first piston then begin to cross over the rest of
them. Kill the guard up ahead then turn right to do a running jump to get to the
ledge with Secret #1; the Stone Dragon. Once you have your prize, do another
running jump and grab and pull up to continue.

Follow the winding hall until you reach a box which you can push to open the
way to a second box. Push the first box two more times then you can move in to
push the second box. Drop down through the hole to flip the switch then jump
back up and grab and pull back up to the box area. Return to the pistons and
climb back across to the other side. With the pistons in their new position you
can now reach the ledge to the right. A running jump with a grab should let you
pull up and flip the switch to flood the room with the burners.

Return to that room and pull the lever which opens the door. Swim through the
door and kill the frogman on the other side from the safety of the room to the
left. When he is dead and your lungs are filled you need to open that trapdoor
in the ceiling of the large room. Swim into the cave and head left. Try to keep to
the left side of the cave and the Giant Moray Eel may just not kill you. Flip the
switch then head for the trapdoor. Stay out of the moss or you will get tangled
and drown.

Kill the guard up above as you exit the trapdoor. Use the switch to open the
door on the opposite side of the catwalk then enter that door to find two
switches. Flip the switch on the right then immediately flip the left switch to
raise some metal devices behind you. Flip the first switch and jump right then
left then throw the left switch. Reverse roll, then run and jump forward and
grab to shimmy to the right until you reach the ledge with the switch to open the

Head for the corner where the trapdoor is. Facing the lower slope, do a series
of jumps between the slopes to grab and pull up to the top ledge. Cross over on
the ducts and move the box out of the way. Shimmy past it and continue along to
the large metal beam in the center of the room. Continue along the ducts until
you can jump into the opening in the wall on the other side. A workman is to your
right so take care of him before proceeding.

At the end of the hall go to the area where the workman came from. Below is
Secret #2; the Gold Dragon which is protected by deadly glass, so jump over
and pull up into the upper area and fall through the floor. Take the statue and
walk through the deadly glass until you can pull yourself back up to the hall.

Continue on and slide down the ramp and shoot the Barracuda which waits in the
pool below. In the corner is a collapsing panel which leads to Secret #3; the
Jade Dragon. Stand on it just long enough to have it start to break then pull up
and kill another pesky fish before swimming through the opening to collect this
level's final secret.

Use the pillars to make your way to the top of the slope. Watch out for the
collapsing floor between the two pillars by the window. Immediately jump to the
taller pillar before you fall through. Shimmy across to the right and pull up.
Continue up the slope and drop into the hall and kill the guard up ahead on the
right. Proceed down the walkway and kill another guard to your left. Pull the
box at the end of the room to open the way to the Theater. Head back and jump
over the balcony.

Kill the crewman and the guard who appear below the balcony. Drop into the pit
where these bad guys used to be and move the box to reveal the Theater Key.
Push the box back to climb out and kill the boss who has just arrived. Head for
the Theater and kill the crewman who is to the right of the theater door. Enter
the theater and kill another crewman to the right unless he was already waiting
behind the door in which case; kill him where he stands.

A boss and crewman are on the right balcony so kill them and flip the switch
nearby. Then go pull the curtain on the stage and kill the workman. You may
want to light a flare to find the button across the pit of glass. Press it to flood
the pit back in the previous room where you found the Theater Key. Return to
that area, killing another boss on the way. With the pit full of water, you can
now make it across and enter the passage and exit this level...

The Deck

You start this level under immediate attack from a Flamethrower and a workmen
to the right. Take care of them quickly then continue around to the right and
add the Grenade Launcher to your arsenal. Now head back to where you started
and dive in the water to the right. Exit on the left landing to avoid the circling
barracuda and kill them from their. Then proceed across the ledges to your left
to obtain the Stern Key.

Jump back in and facing the hull, turn left and head down to the opening in the
rocks. Enter then head right and finally left before going up to the hole. Exit
the water firing at the approaching workman. The giant propeller is blocking
your exit so keep going until you find and kill another Flamethrower standing by
a trapdoor. There is a dead end below so head for that stack of crates. Push the
first one then climb on top and push the top box. Drop down and pull the first
box then go behind it and push it over to the ledge where the Flamethrower was.
Now you can go and move a third box to reveal a door. Use the Stern Key.

Enter then swim down and head for the switch on the right wall. Use it to open
the dead end from the previous paragraph Return to the trapdoor and flip the
switch to drain the room behind the Stern Key door. You will need to kill
another boss along the way. Now you can move the box to find the passage
leading past the propeller.

You should arrive at the raft so jump in the water and head left and exit quickly
to dispatch another workman on shore before dealing with two more frogmen in
the water. Facing the raft, you can jump in and swim down and to the left to
find Secret #1; the Stone Dragon hidden in the plants by the rocks.

Take the statue then turn around and head left around the rocks to the tunnel.
Watch out for the approaching Barracuda and kill him from the safety of dry
land. Continue down the tunnel, ignoring the left fork, and get the medkit by the
hole in the floor and use it to totally heal yourself. Hang from the lowest end of
the ledge to reduce your damage before dropping into the hole and land on the
box. Take the Cabin Key and go on a shark hunt.

Kill the first two sharks then kill a third shark who is lurking over by where you
got the dragon statue. Now return to the tunnel and this time take the left fork.
Continue up the winding passage until you reach the upper deck. Explore the
area a bit before dropping down to the deck by the pool and kill the
Flamethrower and a few friends before approaching the strange looking panel
on the wall of the pool. A frogman swims out as you approach so kill him then
take Secret #2; the Gold Dragon that he was guarding.

Some Uzi and M-16 ammo is partially hidden by those boxes near the pool.
Scarf it all up then head over to where you can see the area where you found
the Grenade Launcher earlier. Do a running jump to the flat ledge then do
another running jump to grab and pull up to the walkway. Continue forward and
do another running jump to the orange sloped surface. Head right until you can
see the stacked boxes below you. Hang here and drop then grab immediately so
you can shimmy left and pull up. Now do a running jump in the crack in the wall.

Continue down the tunnel jumping across the platforms. Take care of the
workmen who would try and stop you. Exit the cave and do a running jump to
grab and pull up to the roof. Head across the roof and to the left and jump over
the alley to find and enter the trapdoor. Kill the workman and load up on ammo.
Head for the door which will open automatically and pull the box to reveal a
switch. Flip it to open a door on the upper deck. Go out and up and to the right
to the door you just opened to find M-16 ammo and the lock which happens to
match your Cabin Key.

Fall through the collapsing floor and press the button you find there to open the
final door on the upper deck. Follow the cave to the hole in the floor and
retrieve the Storage Shed Key. Now you can go to the Storage Shed which is by
the propeller. As you head back along the walkway by the orange sloped surface
Secret #3; the Jade Dragon waits for you in a small cave. Jump to the left of
the cave entrance then shimmy right until you can pull up and take your prize.
Watch for the glass when you leave. Jump over the glass and get ready for a big
fight when you land.

Two Flamethrower guys are guarding the Storage Shed. Take care of these
deadly enemies quickly (I recommend the M-16) then open the shed with your
key to claim the first Artifact of the game - the Seraph.

Tibetan Foothills

Follow the trail at the start of this level. Take care of the Eagle as you proceed
down the trail and down the slope to a large area with even larger snow
boulders ready to crush you. Jump past the first ones then run to the left
passage to avoid the rest. Jump through the ice then as you hit the icy slope,
jump again to land on the path to the right. Follow the path to a large canyon
with a hut and a snowmobile. Kill the attacking eagle before proceeding.

Turn and hang down and drop to start sliding down a slope. Grab again so you
hang from the bottom edge then drop again to the cave entrance. If you miss the
ledge you can always try again by climbing the ladder then jumping back to the
slope to slide and repeat the grab and drop. Follow the cave until you can jump
in the pool and cross over. As you exit the water all those sharp icicles will fall
on you. Drop back into the water to avoid them before climbing out onto the
textured surface and up to a hole in the wall.

Take the left passage from here until you arrive back outside where you can do
a running jump to the next ledge followed by another running jump to the ledge
by the hut. Nab the medkit then climb up the cliff to the hut. Kill the two
mercenaries who are guarding the snowmobile then go get Secret #1; the Stone
Dragon from the ledge to the right of the cave entrance.

Now you can proceed down the passage and kill any enemies you encounter.
When you arrive in the open area with the ramps you need to perform a series
of jump until you are ready to enter the cave with the large stone blocking the
way. Jump over the wall on the first ramp. When you reach the long ramp
leading towards the wall, you will want to kill the leopards lurking to the left.
Jump the gap and hop on the snowmobile and jump it across staying to the left.
Another jump should take you to a fork in the trail where you can park and
proceed on foot.

Head to the right and grab the grenades before climbing the ladder to flip a
switch which opens the gate up ahead. Kill some more mercenaries before
getting back on the snowmobile and heading through the gate you just opened
killing another mercenary along the way. Leave the snowmobile behind in the
large cave, and kill two more advancing mercenaries.

Head out onto the ledge and do a running jump over to the ledge on the right to
obtain Secret #2; the Jade Dragon, then return to the snowmobile. Two
leopards will be milling around the area so kill them before making the big jump.
Continue left while avoiding more of those giant snowballs until you reach a
cave. Dismount and enter the cave.

A short exploration of the caves reveals a passage to the left as well as a switch
by a gate and a ladder. The ladder is what's important now, so return outside
and head for the ladder. Jump over it then grab the ledge as you slide back
down. Now climb down to the cave and get the Drawbridge Key and continue on
until you reach the ice walls. Kill the mercenary behind the ice then head for the
hole to get some grenades and kill three leopards. Return to the ladder area by
doing a running jump then a grab and pull up to get back to the snowmobile.

Now you can use the key to lower the bridge so you can ride over to the warning
sign. Dislodge all those giant snowballs before attempting to ride across this
area. At the bottom of the avalanche is the Hut Key which is guarded by a
mercenary riding a snowmobile equipped with machine guns - not a factory
option! Kill him from relative safety of the area to the left of the key. You can
take his snowmobile when he is dead but it won't make the jump you need to
make on your way back so you may as well leave it behind. Take the Hut Key and
begin the long trek back to the hut.

Back at the hut, enter to find the M-16, ammo for the Uzi and some medkits. Flip
the switch then dash for the door to kill the advancing enemy. Keep above the
enemy and pick them off one at a time. When the battle is over you should have
a new snowmobile complete with machine guns. A nearby ladder leads down to
Secret #3; the Gold Dragon. Avoid the rolling snowball by jumping left before
claiming your prize. Climb back up and get on your new snowmobile.

Two more guys on snowmobiles are waiting up ahead. Let them come to you and
take them on one at a time. When they are dead, continue to the other end of the
valley and push the stone to continue. At the edge of the abyss you can shoot the
guy below to your right. Now ride your snowmobile right off the cliff and
watch as Lara leaps to safety as the snowmobile is consumed in a fireball below.
Pull up onto the ledge and take the trail to exit this level...

Barkhang Monastery

A gang of mercenaries greets you as you arrive at the Monastery. Start fighting
them best you can until a Priest and two Monks arrive. Monks hate mercenaries
and will fight them whenever they see each other. Monks will not attack Lara
unless she attacks them first, so watch out for "friendly fire". When all the
"enemies" are dead you can climb the ladder across from the double doors.
Watch out for the birds who attack while you climb then jump to the ledge to
the right and finally jump to a slope to slide down to grab the crank.

Drop and hang then drop and grab the ledge below to shimmy left and enter the
Monastery through the window. A Monk should pass by to your left so follow
him until you reach the locked door to the Strongroom. A mercenary should
break through a nearby window so grab the grenades from the ledge outside
then return to the hall and head for the door on the left.

If you haven't already kill the mercenary then he should be following you, so
lead him past the Monk and let him do your dirty work. Now you can climb the
ladder to the walkway above the Monastery's main room where you will find the
Main Hall Key being guarded by a Monk. Walk around the walkway then follow
the path past the rolling boulders.

Find the box where the second boulder came to rest and push it. Then go to the
pool and jump in. The current is strong and you will be pulled to the bottom so
find the underwater tunnel to escape the current. Follow the tunnel until you
take a tremendous plunge into a pool and darkness. Use a flare to light the
passage and begin the dangerous journey past the deadly doors. These doors
are similar to the swordsmen guards back in Bartoli's Hideout. Inch up as close
as you can get then run past them.

When you reach the ladder you can climb to the room above and team up with a
Monk to kick some butt. Move the boxes to reveal the exit then take Prayer
Wheel #1 from the dark area. Taking the wheel trips the burners so hug the
right wall and jump from the where you tool the wheel to the edge closest to the
first burners. One more jump should take you over the second row then you can
return back to the Main Hall and use that key.

Past the door is a Priest and two more Monks. They will assist you in combat if
you lead them over to the railing. Enter the door on the right and continue
through the room to the passage on the other side to the left. Do a running jump
over some blades then head down a long hall and enter the left door to acquire
the Strongroom Key from a Monk.

Return to the Strongroom and obtain the Rooftop Key. Now return to the hall
where you first saw the Monk after coming in through the window. This time
take the door on the right to enter a room with a locked door which just happens
to fit your new key exactly. Hug the left wall to get safely past the rolling
blades and continue to the next passage.

Behind the gold statue is a switch to turn off the burners in the upcoming hall.
Flip the switch and make a run for the door on the left about halfway down the
hall. Enter the room, running past two Monks and climb up the ladder. The Monks
will take care of the mercenaries but feel free to help if you want. Head for
the courtyard to find and flip another switch which opens a pair of trapdoors.
Break the glass to obtain the Gemstones needed to open some upcoming doors.

Around the corner is a switch so use it and then use a Gemstone between the
gold statues to open a door. Enter and pull the box two times to get Prayer
Wheel #2. Now return to the area where you got the Strongroom Key and climb
the ladder. Do a running jump to pull up onto the hand of the statue then you can
climb to the higher hand and finally do a running jump to the statue's head. Go
across the head to reach the next hand so you can use a Gemstone in the socket
up above to open a trapdoor below.

Before you jump into the trapdoor, head for the hall by the base of the statue
and circle around and jump to the ramp and pull up to get Secret #1; the Gold
Dragon which is waiting behind the statue. Back in the hall you should pass
another Monk on your way to the room on the right. Pull the box to the left out
and put in between the barrels. Now you can move the next box to get the ammo
out from under it. Now you can push the next box so you can get behind it and
push it next to the door.

Now move the boxes so that one is in front of the door and the other is next to
the stack of boxes. This should allow you to pull the top box out to reveal some
harpoons. Return to the hall and head right to pass by three Monks on your way
to the room on your left. The room is filled with water which needs to be
drained before proceeding.

Before you drain the room you will want to get Secret #2; the Stone Dragon.
Swim to the far side of the room and into the small opening past the ladder to
obtain the statue. Now you can return to the previous room with the trapdoor
you opened earlier. Drop down and follow the passage until you find a switch.
Flip it to open a door then enter that room and push the box to drain the room
you just got the dragon from. With the water drained you are unable to reach
the opening which previously housed the dragon, but you can push the box on
the ledge to obtain Prayer Wheel #3.

Now you can head for the passage leading from the room at the end of the large
hall. Take care of the mercenaries then get ready for a truly evil puzzle. Head
for the burner which extinguishes as you approach. Jump and dive over the
burner and into the tunnel beyond avoiding the deadly spikes swinging back and
forth. Turn and climb up to the ledge and wait for the blades to roll past to the
left then jump over the hole. The next burner should turn off and you can run to
the next passage. Climb up to the right ledge to spot the door with the rolling
blades between it and you.

Do a timed run into the door and obtain the Trapdoor Key then return to the hall
with the rolling blades. Dodge the blades as you make your way to a small
passage on your left and trigger a blade trap. Make your way past both of the
deadly blade traps to obtain Secret #3; the Jade Dragon before returning to
the room where you obtained the last key.

You should now be back in the room you drained earlier so use the Trapdoor
Key to open and enter. Climb up to find a switch which opens the double doors
back near the statue and lets in some mercenaries. Outside, you need to follow
the trail until you find the ladder behind the rocks to the left. Climb up and
head for the bridge shooting the eagle coming in from behind and the mercenary
up ahead. Kill some crows after you go across the bridge then make your way to
the top of the building by using the well spaced ledges. Enter to obtain Prayer
Wheel #4.

Now Lara needs to get back to the room where you obtained all the ammo by
moving the boxes. You will pass by those double doors you opening a few minute
ago so watch out for the mercenaries you let in. You may get some assistance
from the nearby Monks during this fight. Enter the room with the boxes and
take the passage. Grab when you start to fall in the trapdoor and you will catch
onto a ladder. Climb up and continue down the passage taking a right then a left
then head up the stairs towards the window.

Mercenaries swarm in behind you so leap out of the window. Another Priest and
two more Monks are down below so flip the switch on the wall to open the door.
The Priest and Monks will go fight the mercenaries. Go help them out as they are
seriously outnumbered. When everyone is dead you can then climb the ladders
up to Prayer Wheel #5.

Now that you have all five of the Prayer Wheels you can return to the statue
room and go to the room on the left. Use the Prayer Wheels on the sides of the
large double door to open a small door to a ramp which leads to the area where
you can use the Seraph to open the final door and exit this level.

Catacombs of the Talion

Head to the side of the stairs and grab the crack in the left wall and shimmy
right until you can pull up to obtain Secret #1; the Stone Dragon and some
flares. Climb down the ladder and kill your first Yeti then flip the switch to
open the door above. Climb back up the ladder and slide then backflip to the
ledge and kill the leopard.

Kill a pair of mercenaries as you head down the stairs and more leopards attack
as you explore the area. Grab the medkit after you go through the open door.
Your next quest is sitting in that cage up above so run up the slope to trigger the
snowballs. Dodge them as you make your way to the ledge on the right then run
across the floor which crumbles beneath you and climb the ladder above the
deadly spikes. Climb to the top and backflip over to the switch which raises the
cage and lets you take the Mask. The pool will now drain and the floor opens up.

Go back down and jump the pit with the spikes and use the Mask next to the
gate. As soon as you arrive on the next slope, more snowballs start rolling
towards you. Climb onto the left wall to avoid the snowballs. Four leopards will
now arrive to add to your excitement. There are more snowballs waiting to
crush you should you decide to return to the slope. Find the ladder which is to
the right of the snowballs starting position and climb it to reach a ledge with
some grenades. You will need another Mask to continue up here so instead
return to the crack in the wall.

Four leopards surround you when you venture into the area past the crack.
Continue towards the glacier where more leopards challenge you. Climb the
rocks to the left to discover a pool in which the second Mask lies. Mercenaries
will be waiting for you as you make your way back to the ledge where you
obtained the grenades. Use the Mask and enter.

Four yeti are locked up in this room - that is until you flip the switch on the wall
which turns on the lights and opens the cages. These guys take a lot of ammo so
just keep plugging them with everything you've got. Use the stairs to your
strategic advantage. When they are all dead you can use the block to keep the
bars open over by the switch. Flip the switch and grab the grenades from the
hall before returning to the crack in the wall. More mercenaries are waiting.

Head through the open door as more snowballs roll toward you. Make your way
to the safe zone over to the left of the rope bridge and the snowballs will roll
past. Now you can continue up and do a running jump to grab onto the ladder
and climb to the top of the glacier. Dive into the pool below and exit to the
shore to avoid the barracuda and frostbite. Continue into the next room and
head left.

When you are standing on a ledge and getting ready to jump to the next turn
and find the ladder. Climb up and go right to drop onto a sliding ledge. Do a
double jump to land on a flat ledge where you can obtain Secret #2; the Jade
Dragon. Jump to grab the ladder to return to the mission at hand. Continue
across the pool and climb up the block near the door. Do a running jump to grab
the bottom of the ladder and climb to the top where you can jump back to land
on a ledge with a switch. Flip it to open the door below then return to the
ground and enter the door.

Dodge and attack the leopard which pounces from the left. When he is dead you
can flip the switch to open the doors back where you used the first Mask. Now
you need to go all the way back to those doors and enter. After you enter, do a
running jump over the pit and kill the leopards before you drop down to their
former location. Flip the switch you find here to open the doors and kill the last
leopard when he arrives. Grab the items from the corner before you head back

More snowballs lie ahead. Jump forward to send them rolling your way. Jump
back then forward again to land on the other side of this minor trap. Another
slope and more snowballs, but this time after you trigger them they will break
through the door at the bottom allowing you to enter. Stand on the left floor
panel to open a door and carefully enter this room.

This room is full of spikes so WALK when you enter. Right after you enter turn
to the left and climb the textured wall surface to reach the ledge above which
has Secret #3; the Gold Dragon. Return to the floor and walk towards the door
leading to the previous room. When it opens you need to jump through and land
on the ramp. Jump forward over the snowballs to trigger a floor panel which
opens the door to the exit. Immediately jump back and do a reverse roll and
jump back into the room with the spikes. Make your way to the exit door then do
a running jump to reach the ladder which you can them climb down and enter the
tunnel which leaves this level...

Ice Palace

Shoot the bell to open the door which leads to several Yeti in cages. The floor
has several springboards which will catapult Lara towards the ceiling. The small
springboard over to the right will launch Lara up to a ledge where you can
obtain a medkit. Return to the floor and line up with the springboard and the
bell opening in the ceiling. Start shooting as you leave the ground and hit the
bell in midair top open one of the nearby gates. When you land, you can grab
the ledge to stop your slide.

Now run towards the open gate and hit the larger springboard. Grab in midair to
hang onto the ledge where you can pull up and grab the Uzi ammo before
flipping the switch. This frees the Yeti which you can dispose of before
continuing. A hole should be accessible now that the cages are down. Inside you
can get a medkit and kill another Yeti before flipping the nearby switch. In the
narrow cage, find and pull the moveable block out then push it to once side.
Secret #1; the Gold Dragon sits on a pillar if you have the nerve to take it.
Don't bother trying to jump over to it - a handy invisible bridge is already there.
All you have to do is walk over and take it.

Return to the main cage room to find a new ledge which the last switch created.
A small springboard below will shoot you to the ledge so you can grab on and
pull up. Another bell is up here and you need to jump and shoot it to open the
remaining gate. Return to the main floor by sliding down the ledge and hanging
before you drop to avoid taking damage. Go through the two open gates and spot
the next springboard and the ledge above.

Head to the left so you can line up your approach to the springboard with the
ledge. When you launch you can grab the ledge and pull up and backflip over to
a sliding ledge. Continue to jump as Lara jumps back and forth between the two
sloped ledges. Now make Lara jump to the right and continue jumping until you
see another bell. Shoot the bell then start jumping to the left to return back to
the flat area to the left.

to the locked door to find it is now open. Head up the ladder and get off on
your left to do a running jump over to the walkway. Kill the Yeti that attacks
from the left then take the flares and continue until you reach some tigers. Kill
them then light a flare to locate Secret #2; the Stone Dragon, which is hiding in
the darkness. You can jump over the ramp to get it. Follow the ramp to the
locked door on the right and head down the cave. Take the medkit on the left
and follow the tunnel killing some more tigers before you finally obtain the
Mask. Return back to the previously locked door to find it is now open. Continue
along the path and kill the Yeti when you drop down. Another Yeti waits for you
below and you must shoot him through one of the holes.

Spikes line the floor over in the dark area so head over to the opposite end of
the room and grab the medkit. Now you need to examine the beams for one with
a different texture. When you find it, you need to hang and drop down into the
center of that hole. Light a flare to reveal a medkit and some ammo and there's
even a place for your Mask over by the window, outside on the ledge. With the
Mask in place, head off to the right to find the door that just opened in the
dark area.

Head across the bridge and take the flares on your way up to the ledge with the
switch. Flip the switch to melt the ice and uncover the Gong Hammer. As you
head towards the pool, two tigers attack. Kill them then go get the shells by the
glacier and the Uzi clips from the pool. Taking the hammer will release the
barracuda so swim past it and into the next room where you can kill another
Yeti then return to take the Gong Hammer.

Return to the area where you previously killed the three Yeti and kill a forth
one approaching from the left. You can disarm the icicle by the door by pulling
up and dropping down from the side of the ramp. Kill another Yeti beyond that
door and take the Grenade Launcher if needed. Now you can head down the
right passage to the Ice Palace.

There are some more snowballs beyond the opening ahead. The first two waves
will roll past as you near the opening but you will need to jump back to avoid the
third set after you trigger it. Go through the opening and head off to the left as
more snowballs coming rolling toward you. Over to the right is a block which you
can jump to and avoid the snowballs.

Continue to a steep slope then slide down backwards so you can grab the edge
and shimmy to the left until you are lined up with a ledge behind you. Pull up and
jump back to land on the ledge then proceed to the next obstacle. The wall of
ice can be climbed so get a running start and jump and grab on then climb up to
the cave above. Slide down the steep slope which leads to the Palace. Make sure
to hang before you drop to reduce the damage from the fall. The Gong awaits so
get out your Gong Hammer and give it your best shot.

The Palace doors should now be open, but before you enter, go get Secret #3;
the Jade Dragon. Head to the left of the Ice Palace and find the ladder. Climb
down and head left. You'll want to light a flare to see where you are going.
Continue down to the second ledge and flip the switch to open the hut which is
just outside the Ice Palace. Climb back up the ladder and return to the hut to
get the final secret for this level.

You can now enter the Ice Palace and claim the big prize for this level - the
Talion. Of course every big prize has equally dangerous consequences and this
one comes in the form of the Guardian of the Talion; a giant wingless Eagle
creature who appears after you have claimed the Talion and try to leave the

This guy is pretty hard to kill. A dozen grenades should do the job nicely if you
have that many and can aim them well. You can also use the hut for shelter if
you need to heal yourself or something. If you are feeling "lucky" there are Uzi
clips and a medkit inside the Guardian's cave. Once the Guardian is dead your
adventure continues....

Temple of Xian

After you jump over the swinging blade you will find yourself sliding down a
slope towards a waterfall. As you slide you need to jump and turn so you land
and continue to slide backwards. Grab the ledge as you fall then shimmy to the
left and pull up to claim Secret #1; the Gold Dragon. Don't ask me how you
would have figured that out on your own.

Now you can jump, dive or drop into the pool below. Eliminate the fish before
you begin your exploration of the area. A medkit waits for you in a short
underwater passage - everything else must wait. Exit the water over by the
Temple Doors and claim the shells on the left then go on a Tiger hunt as two of
them are waiting to jump you over by the stairs.

Head up the stairs and use the springboard to launch yourself to the room of
the temple. Go flip the switch on the other side of the roof to open a trapdoor
above the ladder and summon an Eagle. Kill the Eagle as you head for the
trapdoor. Make sure to hang and drop when leaving the roof to avoid
unnecessary damage. Now you can climb the ladder and kill that Spider before
he gets too close.

Enter the large room and take the ladder down. At the bottom, drop and grab to
cling to the ledge. Pull up and look down to see Secret #2; the Stone Dragon.
Find and use the crack in the wall to shimmy right to get the dragon, then
shimmy back to continue the adventure. Kill another spider as you near the red
liquid then jump to the ladder and climb up. You should soon arrive in a room
with a pit full of spikes.

Go to the wall opposite the pit and climb up and over to the right. When you are
against the right wall do a backflip to land on a ramp then jump immediately to
land on top of the wall. Continue along the top of the wall until you can see the
plank on the other side. It's going to break away when you hit it so make sure to
be standing on the portion furthest from the wall when it does. Grab some shells
from the block below then do a running jump from the left of that block to land
on a sliding slope. Jump again before you hit the spikes to land on another ramp
then jump again and turn to the right to land on another slope which you can
slide down to safety. Grab those grenades while your here then climb up the
large block and then onto the second before grabbing the ledge above. Now
shimmy along that ledge to the left until you can pull up and flip the switch to
open the main Temple Doors. The nearby path should lead you back to the
waterfall and the doors you just opened.

Only four of the eight statues in this room will attack and those are on
proximity triggers so if you keep your distance you won't have to mess with
them. Grab the M-16 ammo and head for the open door. You should now be on a
ledge overlooking the room below with the red liquid. Do a running jump and
land on the first ledge and slide forward, jumping when you reach the bottom to
land on the next ramp. Slide and jump again then two more jumps to grab onto
the ledge and pull up. Now you can climb the blocks and continue around the top
of the room doing one last running jump to grab and pull up to reach the exit.

Continue down the short hall towards the switch. A trapdoor will open and you
will fall in. After you get back up, immediately start running toward the switch
as the walls start to close in. Flip the switch to open the door behind you then
do a reverse roll and head for the door before the spiked wall gets you.

Continue down the passage until the first red rock comes rolling towards you. A
quick jump back then to the left will send it rolling harmlessly past you. The
second rock is triggered when you near the top left corner of the ramp. The
third blocks your way to the ladder so you need to trigger it then avoid it
before continuing up the ladder. At the top of the ladder is a very dark room so
light a flare to check it out.

Flip the switch to the right of the exit then reverse roll to kill the tiger which is
pounces from behind. Climb up into the open passage and head towards the
blades. Face away from the blades and go to the far left then drop and grab
then drop again to land out of striking range of the blades. More rolling blades
block your way to the exit in the opposite corner so wait for them to leave you a
gap then make a run for door.

You should now be up in some rafters and two Eagles aren't happy about that.
Kill them then head for the button on the left wall. Pushing the button opens the
doors at the opposite end - but only for a short time so you need to push the
button then do a reverse roll then do a flawless series of running jumps across
the rafters to get inside before the door slams shut.

This next trap isn't too bad if you take your time. Simply follow the passage
while staying on one side and watch the shadows of the swinging spikes. Get the
timing down and it's pretty easy. When you reach the other side you will be in a
new hall with buttons on either side. Press the right button which raises the
floor then jump left and push that button which opens the door. Start running to
the right into the hall and keep on running as the floor collapses. When you
enter the next area a red metal ball drops down behind you so keep on running
to the end of the walkway and jump to grab and pull up to the ledge. On the
platform beneath the statue is the Dragon Seal which opens the door back in
the first room of this temple.

Now you can jump to the ledge to the right and climb the blocks to get some
ammo and kill another spider hiding in the dark room. You should find some more
ammo and a switch, which creates a bridge across that red liquid. Exit this area
by going to the other side of the statue's head. Jump across the series of ledges
above the red liquid then do a running jump to the sloped ledge in the center of
the room. Jump and grab to hang from the block then pull up and slide down the
other side and jump to the flat pillar. From here you can do another running
jump to grab the ledge to the right near the wall. Pull up then do a running jump
to the ledge next to the springboard.

Move to the center of the platform you are standing on and jump to the
springboard to launch yourself to the high platform on the side of the tall
structure. A boulder starts heading your way as you land so jump back and grab
the edge of the platform so the boulder rolls harmlessly overhead. Now you can
make the climb to the top of the structure by going from platform to platform.
When another boulder comes headed your way just run to the white bricks and
wait for it to pass.

From the white bricks, slide down and land on the springboard to launch up to
the ledge in the rafters. Do a running jump to grab and pull up to the next ledge
which has Secret #3; the Jade Dragon. Simply jump back to the structure from
this ledge to resume the mission at hand.

Climb up to the platform where an Eagle attacks. Kill it, then jump and pull up to
the next level then do a running jump to put yourself just one standing jump
from the door. Pull the box out two times and continue to the next room where
you can flip the switch to open the trapdoor and drop down to a long slope. The
red metal ball from earlier is now chasing you so head down and turn left until
you reach the slide. The ball stops but you don't as you slide down to the
rafters above that first temple room. Below are some tigers, so kill them all
before you drop down to use your Dragon Seal.

Follow the passage past this door avoiding the rolling blade until you arrive at a
slide which deposits you in a room with some switches. Only the green switches
matter and all three need to be flipped to open the door before the spiked
ceiling impales you. Continue on across the platforms until you reach the ledge
above the pool with the fish. Kill them from up here before you dive in.

Flip the underwater switch to raise the water level then head to the surface and
enter the tunnel which was previously out or reach. Leave the lever on the left
alone and continue down the right passage. You can take the medkit if you want,
but unless you are an expert at swimming you will have to return to the surface
and catch your breath before coming back. Since you probably already have
several medkits, leave this one alone and continue down the tunnel until you can
pull the lever. Swim back out and fill your lungs before swimming back to the
tunnel and go through the open door to find and pull another level which opens a
door back out in the main pool. Refill those lungs once more then dive down and
go through the door you just opened and pull that lever. This opens the door
above, behind which are M-16 clips and two boxes of shells.

Wade into the next room and flip the switch. Keep ahead of the moving spiked
wall and fall through the trapdoor. The current should take you right to the
Gold Key and the gate should open as you near it. You should end up back in the
starting room at the base of the falls. The key you just obtained fits the lock at
the top of the ladder in this room and opens the underwater gate also in this

Once the gate is open, continue down this passage heading right then take the
right branch of the fork. Swim through the grating and head for the left wall.
The lever you seek is behind the second pillar so pull it to open the exit to this
area and clear the path to the Silver Key. A Fighting Fish should be attacking
now (or very soon). Kill him but don't waste too much air as you can always
out-swim him. Continue around the pillar to find the exit and head that way.
When you reach the fork, take the other passage this time and swim up into the
door you just opened and into the cave. Climb onto the ledge and if you haven't
done so already - kill that fish!

This area is infested with spiders so eliminate all you encounter. Some Uzi clips
are near that giant spider web, as are more spiders. When you reach the large
cave there are even more giant spiders to deal with. Kill them all then start
making your way up the ledges until you can do a running jump to the pillar in
the center of the cave. Now you can do another running jump to grab and pull up
to the pillar by the door. Jump and grab and pull up to the passage and follow it
to the next area. From that end of the passage, do a running jump and grab and
pull up to the pillar in the center of the rocks. The Silver Key rests on the tallest
rock. Get the key then return to the water and swim back to the main Temple
doors. You key opens the only remaining door in this area.

Continue through this last door an jump and pull up to continue up the slope.
Dodge the red balls as they roll down the slope. When you reach the top, get the
ammo then head left and cross the bridge killing a Tiger and an Eagle along the
way. A second Tiger waits on the other side of the bridge so kill him before
climbing up onto the sloped pillar. Jump back onto the next taller ledge and a
fork in the path. Take the path with the rolling blade by doing a double jump as
the blade starts heading for the opposite end of the platform above. Then go
left and slide down the slope backwards so you can grab on as you fall off. Get
on the ladder and climb down to the next ledge and hang and drop down to the
next one to get some Uzi clips before dropping through the nearby hole to
return to the front of the Temple.

Return to the fork and get past the rolling blade once more and head for the
room with a bridge and another rolling blade. Get some Uzi clips and the medkit
then run across the bridge with the blade in hot pursuit. Head towards the
button on the left once you get across to avoid the blade. Press the button to
open a door at the end of the passage you haven't been to yet leading from the
fork. Now get the timing down on the rolling blade and make another run across
the bridge, through the room and back to the fork and take the other direction.

This passage has a some springboards which must be done in a certain sequence.
Stand with your back to the first and do a backflip onto it to launch up to the
rest of the springboards. When the ride is over you need to kill another Eagle
before jumping and pulling up to the ledge in front of you. The doors should be
open so enter.

Continue until you can jump to the square ledge near the lock. Jump to the left
box then quickly climb up the ladder as the spiked wall closes in. Drop down to
the ledge on the right then start running and jump from the ledge over to the
ladder and climb up to avoid another spiked wall. Continue until you find a
switch which opens one of the gratings you walked past only moments ago.
Return to the opening to see the Main Chamber Key resting on top of a pillar. Get
the key then begin a somewhat fun slide down the curving slope around this
pillar to the floor.

Continue on to end up on a pillar near the door you opened with the button
earlier. Jump over to the lock and use the key which will raise a metal grating
next to a pillar. Turn and do a running jump and grab and pull up to go in that
direction. Climb the ladder and exit towards the spikes on the right. Jump over
the spikes and keep climbing the ladder and ignore the switch on the right. You
should now be back in the area where you found the Main Chamber Key. A
second grating is now open and there is a second and taller pillar you need to
reach, so go through the open grate and head left to do a running jump and grab
and pull up to get on the ledge. You'll reach a slope that sends you sliding
toward the pillar with the serpent so jump as you begin to slide to reach the
pillar. After a short slide down the serpent you will reach a flat area next to a

Climb the ladder until you reach the blade then do a jump back to the sloped
surface then forward again to regain another ladder above the blade. Climb this
until you reach another blade. A ladder is behind you this time so you need to
jump back and twist in midair and grab onto the new ladder. Continue the climb
and make a short sideways jog to the right to finish the trip to the top where
you can finally exit this level...

Floating Islands

This is it - the final level of the game. The enemies get tougher so load your
weapons and let's get started. You are greeted by a Warrior who is flying in
from the right. Warriors are very dangerous when they get close enough to fight
you, but the catch is they are super-slow in getting close to you. Use this to your
advantage and kill them before they ever get close enough to fight. In fact, you
can usually use your pistols to kill these slow moving targets and save your bigger
and better ammo for those who deserve it.

Kill the Warrior then get the medkit over to the left then head for the other end
of the island. The first of two Mystic Plaques you need to advance is below you
on another small island. Step back and do a running jump to the slope on the
next island. When you land you will slide forward so go about halfway down the
slope then jump again to reach the next slope and follow up with another jump to
the next island. Grab onto the edge of the opening by the large gold structure
and pull up to find a switch which opens a trapdoor on another island.

Continue along the hall and slide down the ramp, jumping from the bottom to
land on another slope on the next island with that trapdoor you just opened.
Three Xian Guards are on duty. The first attacks when you arrive. It's best to
only have to fight these guys one at a time so try not to wake up the next one
until the first is dead. These guys are fast and deadly so kill them quick and
dodge their attacks. The second guard wake up when you advance towards the
front of the island.

Jump and pull up through the trapdoor to wake the third guard below when you
step on the raised platform inside. You can try to kill him through the trap door
but it may take awhile. Get the first Mystic Plaque, some flares, Uzi clips and a
medkit before dropping back down to finish off the last guard (if you already
didn't). Now look for a flat rock over by the tree. Jump and pull up to the roof
to get Secret #1; the Jade Dragon. Head for the other side of the island
opposite where you arrived and do a hang, drop and grab to reach the ledge
below which has a switch that opens the exit.

Do a running jump to the exit then another running jump to the next island. Head
to the other end of that island and jump to the left to reach the rocks above.
You should be able to see an island that resembles some stairs so head off in
that direction and do a running jump to grab and pull up. Pull up two more times
to reach the first step then climb all the steps to the top. Head right and do
another running jump to another stairway. Turn and go up the stairs killing the
Warrior you meet about halfway up. His friend comes to life when you reach
the top of the steps so kill him too.

When the steps end head to the left above the door and jump to the first slope
you landed on when you jumped from the first island. This time do a running
jump and slide and grab to hang from the bottom of the slope. Drop to the ledge
below then do a running jump to reach the island with the second Mystic Plaque.
Another running jump should having you grabbing on to the right of the crest on
the nearby island where you can do another jump to the large island where you
obtained the other Plaque. Continue back to the foot of the green stairs by the
door where you use the two Plaques.

You need to jump to the platform in front of the doors you open with the
Plaques. You start this jump from a sloped ledge with a tricky "take off" point.
As you do the running jump and grab manuever you've done hundreds of times
before, make sure you are angled to the left otherwise you will run right off
the ledge and into oblivion. When you do land in front of the doors, grab the
Uzi ammo and use the Plaques and enter the door.

A Warrior approaches from below and to the left. Take evasive action as
necessary and pelt this guy with pistol fire until he dies. You should be able to
spot Secret #2; the Stone Dragon from the bridge. It is on the left in a small
opening behind the tree on the other side of the bridge. If you stand with your
back to that opening then step to the left as far as you can then step back as
far as you can then jump backwards you will land in the tunnel that takes you to
your prize. Getting back out of here is just as tough. Stand on the flat surface
to the right of the opening and with your back to the wall and jump to land just
above the sloped surface. One last jump should take you out of the tunnel and
back to the tree by the bridge.

Stand one step away from the green boulder and face away. Backflip onto the
rock and do another backflip to end up sliding so grab on and hang from the
edge as the boulder goes rolling by. Drop down and get the medkit and kill
another Warrior. Enter the building and climb onto the sloped green block then
jump from the high part of the slope to grab and pull up to the roof. Keep going
until you can pull up into a passage in the sandy rock and follow it to return to
the bridge. Now return to the slope where you triggered the green boulder and
slide down again - this time forward so you can jump to the slope across the gap.
Continue up that ramp until you can see some bricks. Head right and do a
running jump and grab to pull up onto the next island. The rope slide begins here
so begin the ride but make sure to drop off as you pass over the lower bridge.

Another Xian Guard comes to life when you enter the building on the lower
level. Two more guard the switch which opens the door at the end of the rope
slide. Kill all three then flip the switch then enter the next room and take the
rope slide to the other wall. Make sure you grab as you leave the slide or you
will be up to your ponytail in hot lava. Climb up then across the gold structure
and continue to the right. Grab onto the green ledge and shimmy left and drop
down. Now your path should be clear, so follow it back to the top of the first
rope slide which has conveniently reset itself. Grab and don't let go until the
entire ride is over.

You are now in a hall with two rooms leading off. Both rooms are death traps so
stick to the hall. From one side of the hall, jump to the area to the right of the
room where you can see a block. Touching the block summons a Warrior who
appears near the open door you just slid through. Kill him then move the block so
you can jump up then climb up to the ledge. A switch which creates a bridge
over the lava is waiting to be flipped on that pillar, then you can pull up to the
stone wall by the lava and get some M-16 clips.

To avoid those blades, hang and drop down the two steps in the right corner
then jump to the bridge and flip the switch to open the trapdoor. Return to the
wall and get ready for a tricky jump. Do a running jump towards the trapdoor
and grab while in midair. Grabbing will change the arc of your jump so you can
sail right into the trapdoor. Stock up on shotgun shells when you land then
continue to the end of the room and flip the switch to open a trapdoor back in
the main room.

Return to the pool and dive down to find a tunnel leading off to the left. Follow
it into the larger room and surface to one side to avoid the blades overhead.
There is a switch above the passage here which turns off the swinging blades
allowing your to get back to the large lava room and go through that door you
just opened. Push the box over to the pillar by that door then climb up and jump
into the door. You will have to alter your arc again as the ceiling is quite low

In this hall is a door and the switch is above the room with the spikes in the
floor. Jump forward and grab to catch the crack and shimmy left to pull up.
When you are done a running jump towards the left edge of the opening will
bring you back to the hall. Now you can enter the room to find two more sealed
doors and another Xian Guard who doesn't even wake up. Drop into the hole in
the floor and grab on at the bottom to slow yourself.

Things turn nasty when you drop into a cage with four Xian Guards and four
Ninja. Flip the switch then reverse roll and head back to the ledge and pull up
on either side of the pillar. Behind the pillar go either right or left until you can
see the cage then start taking shots at the Ninja below. When they return your
fire, use the pillar for cover and attack from the opposite side. All four will
eventually die leaving you with only Xian Guards to deal with. Since they only
wake up when you get too close, you can fight these guys one at a time. After
you wake each guard, return to the top of the wall and take care of them from
there. They can't reach you so they can't hurt you. Repeat until all guards are
dead then drop down to collect your booty; shells, Uzi clips, and medkits of
various sizes. Finally, flip the two switches which open the exit out of here and
unseals one of the doors above.

When you enter that opened door above, you are attacked by a Ninja hiding in
the dark stairway. When he is no longer a problem, continue up the stairs to a
closed door and a switch. The switch opens the door and awakens two more
Xian Guards. When all is clear, head through the door and climb to the top of
the latticework. Jump off and twist in midair to grab the latticework behind
you. Climb up and then pull up to the slope and jump backwards. Continue to
jump as you bounce back from side to side. Start moving to the left as you jump
to end up on a flat area with a Ninja. Kill him then find the moveable box.

Pull out the box and climb on and jump over to the rocks on the left. Head over
to the ledge on the right and jump across the lava into the square depression.
Turn and do a running jump into the tunnel under the ledge to claim Secret #3;
the Gold Dragon and final secret of Tomb Raider 2. Another running jump will
take you out of this tunnel and leave you grabbing the edge next to that square
depression. Pull up and jump back to the ledge then return to the box and push it
so you can reach the rope slide. Grab on and ride to the final battle...

The Dragon's Lair

When you land, snatch up the medkit and Uzi clips before advancing past a
non-active Xian to take on the first of several active Xian Guards. When he is
dead you may proceed to the next room where two more Xian Guards stand in
complete stillness. There are two switches by the first inactive guard. The one
next to him opens the door and activate the two guards in that room while the
one opposite his position is a trap and does nothing other than wake him up. Flip
the exit switch and take care of the two guards on your way out.

In the next room is a small army of Ninja hiding behind the pillars. Tease them
so they follow your out into the previous room where you can dispose of them at
your discretion. The Ninja in the rear of this room are not as easily fooled and
you will have to fight them on their turf. When all are dead you should find a
Mystic Plaque that one of them was carrying. Use it to open the large sealed
door and enter to meet the Dragon.

This Dragon is pretty hard to kill but if you take your time and plug away at him
and take plenty of evasive action it shouldn't be anymore challenging that some
other parts of this game. Here are some strategic tips which may prove useful:

- Use your most powerful weapons first and work your way down - duh.
- If he "lights you up" use the water to extinguish the flames.
- Lots of ammo and medkits are underwater. Use as needed.
- Use the pillars to slow down the dragon and provide cover.
- Make reversing strafing runs on the dragon. He can't turn very fast.

Once the Dragon is down you need to run up to him and take the Dagger from his
belly. With the dagger in your possession, the Dragon is defeated and in the
grand tradition of all big endings, his lair begins to self-destruct. Run through
the open gate and out the tunnel to the end of the level. The adventure is over
and it's time to head for home...


Well, you thought the adventure was over. Seems some bad buys have come to
pay you a visit - or maybe they just wanted to use your obstacle course. Either
way, they're trespassing so use the Gun Cabinet Key on the lock by your bed to
arm yourself then go start eliminating the bad guys. When you've cleaned up the
house head outside and clean up the yard. Find anyone lurking in the shadows
by eliminating the shadows with some flares. You'll eventually kill the boss then
return to your house for a nice hot shower.

The Spoiler Centre

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