Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore

10.10.2008 14:05:24
Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore

Increased jubbling:
Go to the options menu, and choose the game setting that allows you to set your
age between 13 and 99. Increase your age to see more jubbling.

Extra options:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Triangle + X.

Fight as Bayman:
Successfully complete the game with all original characters. Bayman can only be
used where the two extra slots are for hidden characters; Survival, Time Attack,

Expanded credits:
Successfully complete the game with all the characters under the very hard
difficulty setting.

CG Gallery:
Win team mode with five characters.

Change winning pose view:
Press Triangle during your fighter's victory pose. Use the D-pad to change the
camera angle, press Square to zoom in, or Circle to zoom out.

Hint: Bass's Running Clothesline:
Do Bass's taunt (Down + Punch + Kick), then immediately press Punch and Kick to
him perform his running clothesline.

Hint: Helena's 12 hit combo:
Press Down/Forward + Punch, Forward + Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch, Down/Up +
Kick, Punch, Punch, Back + Punch, Punch, Punch, Punch.

Hint: Surviving survival mode:
Once you have knocked the your opponent down, press Up + Punch + Kick to jump
onto them. If done correctly, they will leave bonus points and food.

After survival mode loads, remove the game disc. Continue to beat on your
opponent. When he dies, get him flat on the floor and then do your down moves.
For every hit an item comes out of him. Do this repeatedly and you will get as
many points as needed. When you are ready to continue, replace the disc and wait
for it to load. Allow your opponent to defeat you, then add your name.

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