2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on i.not connected to Facebook
2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on inot connected to Twitter
2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on inot connected to Google+
If you want to get all of the cheats, first enter the game in
Tournament mode, and go the an empty name spot. Put in RRDEBUG
as your name (hold down Z and use L to put the letters in. You
should see it in the lower left part of your screen. Then, still
holding Z, use L to push the end button. OK should pop up in the
lower left of your screen.
Using Z and L as before, type in RRTANGENTABACUS. Then start any
race, pause it at any time, and on the panel on the far left of
your controller push UP, LEFT, DOWN, then RIGHT. Cheat options
should then show up, and you will be able to use any of the cheats.
Enter the "All Codes" cheat shown above. During play press
R then Z. The pod racer will automatically navigate the coarse,
the speed is the only thing you control. But do not touch the
joystick, if you do your podracer will spin around and lose control.
To get the Podracer under your control again, press R then Z.
Start on an empty file in the tournament mode. Now, where it tells
you to put your initials press and hold Z while going through the
letters and instead of pressing a to put in a letter, press the L.
When doing this correctly, the letters that you are typing should
flash on the bottom, left of your screen. Enter "RRDEBUG". Then
while still holding Z, go to the word "end" and press L. After
doing that, type in your initials the regular way using A. During
any race press START and then press LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP on the
D-pad. Now you should have the debug menu.
Select an empty game save (to erase, press C-UP), the hold Z while
scrolling through the letters on the name entry screen. To enter
a letter, hit L. Enter the following word: RRDUAL. When you're
finished, select "End" and hit L again. Now enter your name the
usual way.
You now control the game with two analog sticks. Use controller
ports #1 and #3, press forward on both sticks to drive and pull
back to steer.
Put in the invincibility cheat. Go to the junk yard and buy parts
that are the same or better than the parts you have (ignore what
the bar tells you). The dealer will give you a wad of cash, or
make better parts cheap. These parts are beaten up, so they sell
for less. Place in an unfinished race, and go back to look at
your parts. If you had the invincibility on, they will be like
brand new! If you bought a part that was worse than your original,
you can now buy back the original, but for less than you sold it
to the dealer for!
Select an empty game save (to erase, press C-UP), the hold Z
while scrolling through the letters on the name entry screen.
To enter a letter, hit L. Enter the word: RRJABBA. When you're
finished, select "End" and hit L again. Now enter your name the
usual way.
Start a race and press START to pause it. Now press D-Pad
LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP -- and you will be invincible.
Select an empty game save (to erase, press C-UP), the hold Z
while scrolling through the letters on the name entry screen.
To enter a letter, hit L. Enter the word: RRTHEBEAST. When
you're finished, select "End" and hit L again. Now enter your
name the usual way.
Pause the race during gameplay and enter D-Pad lEFT, DOWN,
RIGHT, UP to activate mirror mode.
To play as Cy Yunga select an empty space in tournament mode and
hold Z while pressing L over the letters RRCYYUN. While still
holding Z, highlight END and press L, A.
NOTE: You must have Bullseye Navior to use this code.
Select an empty file, then press and hold Z while you scroll
through the letters. Spell out the word "RRJINNRE" by holding Z
and pressing L while over each letter. You should see the code
spell out in the bottom left corner of the screen. When you are
finished, hilight END and press L.
NOTE: This code only works AFTER you unlock Mars Guo.
To get Sebulba's Pod to race with, all you have to do is win the
last race, and he will be able to be selected! Also, it mentions
it in the manual, but double tap R to flash his vents.
This code allows players to view a photo of the team that designed
this game. Take first place in all Tournament mode races, then
activate the mirror courses in the Track Info Screen. When the
Title Screen goes into demo mode, press C-UP.
Go to tournament mode and pick a race. Before starting the race
press and hold Z. Begin the race as normal still holding Z and
your podracer pilot will taunt the other racers.
NOTE: This will not work if your podracer is the track favorite.
At the beginning of the race the announcer will say, "3... 2... 1!"
Just before he says, "1!", push the analog stick UP and press A.
If it worked your pilot will shout.
Here are the times/tracks needed to unlock the hidden characters
and their racers in the game:
The Boonta Classic
Galactic Circuit
Lap Time: 02:04:210
Race Time:06:20:012
Beedo's Wild Ride
Amateur Circuit
Lap Time: 01:02:986
Race Time:03:16:697