Pikachu Genki Dechu

Pikachu Genki Dechu

18.10.2013 07:32:06
englische FAQ für Pikachu Genki Dechu
Pikachu Genki Dechu FAQ Version .2

© Adam Einhorn - cainedna@earthlink.net This FAQ may not be reproduced
without explicit permission given by the author, and all that jazz.
I am serious about all of this, of course.

- Version -

v .2, June 24, 1999 - Second edition. A bit more in this edition. I took
out the Japanese text, as there are some inconsistencies with MS Word and
all sorts of other crap. Sorry. I added a lot and edited a lot, but any
help that can be given is very much needed!

v .1, June 23, 1999 - First Edition. Incomplete, very much so.

- Introduction -

This is my first attempt at writing any sort of FAQ, so if I fail
to provide any information about the game that one would consider
mandatory in an FAQ, e-mail me and I'll try to improve the FAQ if at
all possible.

I recently purchased Pikachu Genki Dechu for the Nintendo 64
(Genki = Healthy, energetic, dechu = corrupted version of Pikachu's
speech saying "desu", meaning is. Thus, "Pikachu is Doing Great")
while on a class trip to Japan. The main selling point for this game
is that it's one of the first console games that actually responds
when you talk to it. The game comes with a microphone unit that it
plugged into the fourth controller port, which can either be worn on
a ring that hangs on your neck (which I found uncomfortable) or on a
piece of plastic that you can wrap around the main controller (my choice).

I ran in to a lot of problems in the game, as my Japanese wasn't
quite at the level I thought it was. A lot of other people (actually,
the only people I'd heard of having the game) also seemed to be having
problems, as well. There is, as far as I can tell, no additional information
about this game anywhere on any English speaking sites.

This is not a walkthrough. This is an FAQ at the moment (this may
change), and will just cover the basics, to help people through. If enough
requests and information comes in, this may change.

- Characters -

Pikachu - A yellow mouse Pokemon. Incredibly cute, free-willed, and
stubborn. Known for his powerful electric attacks. Pre-evolution before
Raichu (doesn't happen in this game).

Dr. Oak (Ookido Hakase) - Will call you on occasion from your TV, to
help you train Pikachu. Pikachu is your friend, of course!

Mom (Mama) - Will encourage you, and play a very small part in the
game. She likes Pikachu a lot.

You - Generic boy, though Nintendo's VMS system is very adaptable,
and will work for girls as well.

- Controls -

Joystick - Movement, or look around. Sometimes you can only move around
Pikachu, or you can move much like a first person shooter... aside from the
fact that you don't shoot anything. Come on, this is a cute game...

Z or L Button - Hold this when you want to speak to Pikachu. Most used button.

A Button - Pick up item, or use item (usually throw it). This will
be the second-most used command in the game.

B Button - Find information on an item. Useful to find out what something
is called, if your Japanese vocabulary isn't quite up to par. The item or
creature's name should be in red.

START Button - Go to your toolbox. This has all of the items that you
can use outside of the house, such as your Pocket Helper or Onigiri. (yum! ^_^)

C-UP Button - Look at Pikachu. This button can be pressed to look
directly at Pikachu at all times, useful if you're having a hard time finding him.

C-LEFT and C-RIGHT Buttons - Look to the left or right.

C-DOWN Button - Look around pivoted where you are. Useful to look at things
with the pointer, attracting Pikachu's attention to it.

- Pikachu's Vocabulary -

This is going to be a very incomplete list, for the first version of this
FAQ. If anyone knows of any words in addition that Pikachu understands, please
e-mail me, so that I might add to this FAQ!

However, there is one thing that you should know before having played this
game at all, which is basic linguistics of Japanese, and if at all possible,
a knowledge of hiragana and katakana.

Japanese phonetics are simplified like this.

Every Japanese character ends with one of the 5 basic vowels.

A, as in "car".

I, as in the e in "eat".

U, pronounced like "oo"

E, as in the e in "bed".

O, as in "oh".

There are the basic 5 vowels, and 5 variants of each consonant, ending
with the verbs (i.e. a i u e o, ka ki ku ke ko, sa shi(si) su se so, etc.)

That should help with pronounce the words correctly to Pikachu.

For additional help in reading Hiragana and Katakana, I suggest looking
online for simple lessons. The game is playable without understanding the
characters, but it makes it a whole lot tougher.

Onto the words, finally.

- Vocabulary -

Kawaii! - Cute! Pikachu normally reacts by blushing, and shaking his
head, further proving the point.

Nagete - Not sure of the literal meaning, but I'm assuming it means
"throw it".

Dame da! - No good! Say this to Pikachu to get the meaning across
to him that whatever he's holding or doing is bad.

Tabete ii yo! - You can eat it! Means what it sounds like. Pikachu
will probably eat it. He lots of things.

Kore! - Means "this", hopefully calling attention to whatever your
cursor is pointing at.

Juuman Boruto - 100,000 Volt Bolt. Pikachu will use his thunder shock
on what you're pointing at.

Denki Shokku - Electric shock. Another Pikachu attack, Used in other
situations, if the other attack won't work.

Yonde ii - I'm not sure about the translation for this, but it summons
Koiru (Japanese name. US name?) to take your vegetable in the Fushigidane
(Bulbasaur) levels.

Migi - Right (direction). Used in the Fushigibana (Ivysaur) level.
Pikachu will hopefully turn 90 degrees to the right.

Hidari - Left (direction). Used in the Fushigibana (Ivysaur) level.
Pikachu will hopefully turn 90 degrees to the right.

Hantai - Opposite (direction). Also used in the Fushigibana level.
Not hentai, you perv. ^_^ Pikachu will turn around.

Soko da! - There! Use that to tell Pikachu where the watermelon is at,
in the Fushigibana level. When he's positioned right, tell him this, and
he'll strike out, hopefully smashing the watermelon.

Ganbatte! - Do your best! Use this when fishing, and Pikachu needs
encouragement. I also used this to smash the really big watermelon, but
I don't know if this helped or not.

Narashite mite! - Play it for me! Use this to make him play the
harmonica. It's sooooo cute!

- Items -

This section is a listing of items and their Japanese names, to help
you if Pikachu is doing something wrong to them, like eating them, or whatever.

Ball (Booru) - Toy ball. You can use it yourself to throw with A, and
it should be in your toolbox.

Onigiri - Rice ball/triangle thing. Fairly traditional food in Japan.
Eaten as commonly as say a sandwich in the US. They're rice, usually with
some seaweed to hold it together. They can have umeboshi (an odd pickled
plum type-food, tasting kind of like sour blood?) inside, which Pikachu
does *not* like. I don't like umeboshi, either.

Shinai - You get this for beating the Fushigibana level enough times.
Pikachu doesn't seem too interested in it, though.

Light bulb (denkyuu) - Pikachu touches it an it lights up. It drains
his electricity, and I'm assuming you use it in some cave section, or
something. I don't know of any.

Fishing tools (tsuribari) - You have this in your inventory, and use
it automatically when you go to fishing levels.

Megaphone (megahon) - If Pikachu is far away, you can use this to call
him closer. Use it if Pikachu runs away to call for him.

Harmonica (haamonika) - A cute little harmonica. It's really adorable
to watch him play it!

Balloon (fuusen) - A balloon. You can get a red and blue one, and when
you give either to Pikachu, it blows up in his face. No use known.

Water can (jooro) - Give this to Pikachu so that he will water the
Nozonokusa (US name unknown) or VilePlumes (Japanese name unknown), after
he's checked out that they're Pokemon, not just plants that resemble it.

Big Water Can (deka jooro) - Just like the other water can, except that
it holds a lot more water.

Vegetables (yasai) - I'm just going to list a number of them here.
(If anyone has any more to add, email me)

Carrot = Ninjin
Apple (not a vegetable, I know) = Ringo
Potato = Imo
Mushroom = Kinoko

Pocket Helper - An item that helps you with different things.
Here's the menu.

Menu - Has the list of things the Pocket Helper can do.

Jootai - Lists things like where Pikachu is, how many P points you
have (don't know what they are for), and I think how many times Pikachu
has heard you.

Nissuu - How many days you've spent with Pikachu. (game days)

Settei - Settings, such as Mono/Stereo, volume levels and joystick

There's a lot more, but none comes to mind. If anyone has anything
to add, again, email me at cainedna@earthlink.net.

- FAQ -

Not really an "FAQ" per se, as no one has asked anything yet.

Q. Pikachu just won't listen to me!

A. There are a number of things going wrong. Number one, make sure all
of your connections are in right. Second, make sure that you're holding the
Z or L button, and that the icon at the bottom left of the screen is highlighted
when you do so. Also, make sure Pikachu is in range. If the bubble comes out
to Pikachu, and there is still no response, it could simply be that your
linguistics are still off. Practice, that's all I can say. ^_^

Q. Pikachu turns on my N64, and plays some game. What is that?

A. It's a Pokemon naming game. However, since this is a Japanese game,
you'll have to name the Japanese names of the Pokemon. There is a FAQ at
GameFAQs.com for Pokemon Stadium 2 by Paul Springer. I didn't ask for
permission to link to his FAQ, but I assume that he won't have any problem
with it.

Q. Fushigidane (Bulbasaur) says something to Pikachu, and vegetables
appear above his head! What am I supposed to do?

A. This is a level I'm not sure about, totally. I think you're supposed
to go to the forest and collect the items that appear above his head, and
have Koiru take them. However, when I do this right, Fushigidane gives
Pikachu something to eat, which his stomach reacts badly to. I may be wrong
about this.

Q. Pikachu is baby-sitting Catterpies, and one became sick! What should I do?

A. Pikachu has an idea what to do, but he needs your help! Follow him to
a tree, and point at an apple in it. Tell Pikachu to use a shocking attack,
and he'll knock it down and feed it to the sick Catterpie. You can also choose
to use the ball to knock it down, but it's much more difficult. Eventually,
your Catterpies will grow until the evolve into Metapods, then into Butterfrees.
(as far as I know, these Pokemon names carried over to the US).

Q. I'm at XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX, and don't know what to do next!

A. Try re-visiting areas you've been to, collecting different items, or
giving different tools to Pikachu. Past that, I don't know how to beat the
game yet, so it could just be (as far as I know) that there is no end to the
game. If anyone has any information, once again, please email me, and I'll add
to the FAQ! Thank you, in advance!

FAQ submitted by: Tino (tino@ctv.es)
With permission of Adam Einhorn (cainedna@earthlink.net)

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englische FAQ für Pikachu Genki Dechu
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