Baldurs Gate 2

Baldurs Gate 2

14.10.2013 10:35:21
Romance FAQ
BG2 Shadows of Amn (PC game) - Romance FAQ by SlashR4 Ver 1.0

This is the result of someone's hardwork, and believe me it is very hard
work doing this FAQ with A levels coming up and all the rest of it. If
I catch anybody hosting this FAQ without my permission as I am the
author then I will make sure that you burn in hell and I will get Edwin
to burn you. So remember, if you want to post this FAQ on your site or
whatever, then please ask me. One more thing. If I catch you selling
this FAQ to other people for profit, I will get a lawyer to get you.
And on this note I am being deadly serious. I am not having somebody
taking my work to let them earn money which they didn't have any input
at all. If you do not take heed of what has just been said, then you
will suffer the consequences and I will make sure that justice is
brought down upon you. If you post this on your site, the FAQ can not
be changed in any way only if you ask my permission. Not only that but
if I find anybody changing the name of the author in anyway then I will
also find some way to get you. Now that we understand each other, let's
begin without any more unnecessary delay.

Table of Contents

1. Big me. (An introduction of the person who's literary skill
surpasses normal simians)

2. Introduction to the FAQ

3.0 How to instigate love quests.

3.1. Aerie
Difficulty rating
Step by Step walkthrough

3.2. Jaheira
Difficulty rating
Step by Step walkthrough

3.3. Viconia
Difficulty Rating
Step by Step walkthrough

4. Last words.

5. Thanks.


1.1 Big Me.

Hello y'all, and I'm SlashR4 at your service. I'm currently doing my
last year at a boarding school in England. This means that I am smack
bang in the middle of the most critical period of my A levels. (Where's
Edwin's Time Stop spell when you need it?) But nevertheless I will be
doing this FAQ at the same time. It is currently my second FAQ that I
have started doing, my last one being an abortive attempt on doing the
Japanese translation of FF9. Well, it was too big a project and the
English version came out before I had time to finish it. You can still
see it around on the FF9 FAQs and Codes page at GameFaqs. This will be
the one and only FAQ that I believe I will see it through. As you all
can see I'm a complete BG2 addict, and have played it many times ever
since I got it. I believe it to be one of the greatest AD&D games in
the gaming industry ('Of course not, I could make one MUCH better!' as
Edwin kindly points out). This is perhaps one of the only RPG games
that have made me play it over and over again without ever getting bored
of it with the exception of FF7 as well. I normally hang around at the
BG2 message board at GameFaqs so if you guys don't see any updates soon
or want to kick my butt in the right path don't hesitate to either look
for me at the message boards or send an email to
During the summer holidays I can be found at The
games that I play now are: BG2 (surprise, surprise!), Chrono Cross
(playstation), Tony Hawks 2 (playstation), The Sims (PC). Having said
that let's move on to the most fundamental part of the FAQ. Yep, you
guessed it - The Introduction of the FAQ!

2.1 Introduction to the FAQ

I have always wanted to do this FAQ ever since I saw that there wasn't
any romance FAQs on Gamefaqs. Unfortunately I couldn't actually start
it cause back then I hadn't even started playing a single romance yet,
let alone hearing that you could have it. Romances in BG2 are not vital
to the storyplot, hell, you could beat the game without doing any love
quests. However the great thing about love quests is that you gain an
insight of those characters whom you would like to have a relationship
with. You know more about their character and instead of being just
flat one sided characters, the begin to take shape and grow as you
progress through the love quest. Unfortunately, love quests takes a
very long time to complete and chances are is that you will beat the
game before you have even finished your love quest. Another important
thing about love quests is that they do not give you extra experience.
Only NPC plots do that. Therefore it can be argued that love plots are
pratically useless. However, I enjoy seeing my characters develop and
understanding more about those characters, which is why I always try to
complete a love quest. At the moment, this FAQ will only contain hints
and help to give you some insight on what options to choose during your
romance dialogues. Later on I will provide a more indepth explanation
such as giving you the best answer for each love dialogue in the Step by
Step section part of this FAQ. I have also included a difficulty rating
to rate each character's difficulty in the love plot so that you know
which one you want to do if it is hard or easy. The profiles section
are just some basic information about the character and some personal
insights in their group usefulness and things like that. Please note
that it is just my own personal experience and in your game it most
likely is wrong, so spare me the indignity of writing to me with a long
email of pure abuse. I will cry and beat my heart out!

One more VERY IMPORTANT thing to note is that this FAQ doesn't cover
everything about finishing the romance off. Instead it tells you the
necessary dialogues that you need to have gone through in order to see
the special event that happens before you enter Bodhi's Lair in Chapter

I hope you will find what you need in due time. Enough talking, let the
action begin to make your character a love master specialist!

3.0. How to instigate love quests?

'Well, how do I start the love quests then?' I hear you ask. It is
quite simple really. You must be either a human, elf, or half elf in
order for the romances to occur. The next step is to acquire the
appropriate person in your party in order to get the ball rolling, so to
speak. If you are playing a character of another race other than those
previously mentioned then you will not be able to have a romance with
the characters unless you download a patch which allows you to do so.
Each love quest is unique in its own way and have different background
music whenever the NPC's love dialogue appears. The only bad thing
about these romances is that the duration between each dialogue usually
takes a long time to occur, usually between 5-6 days or even a week.
You may be able to download a romance patch on the internet somewhere
that speeds up the process but I can't find it myself and it would help
if I could use it cause, man, writing this FAQ does take time especially
the step by step walkthrough part. ('Ay, step by step me own arse, take
yer axe and hack it up ay' as Korgan would say). Anyways, let's move on
to the main part of the FAQ, and to the characters that you will
gradually know better or more intimately as the game goes on.
3.1 Aerie
Profile: Arial elf. (She used to have wings until she got had them
chopped off cause they were grangenous since she was kept in a
cage all the time.)

She's a cleric/mage dual class making her a useful ally although
her lack of intelligence means that she cannot memorize or learn
level 9 spells.

Well, from a male (yup, that's what I am) point of view, Aerie is
perhaps the least pretty out of the three choices. (Okay, okay,
its just my personal opinion okay? Don't send abusive emails over to
me cause at school I'll get nailed if it's rude!) Besides that
she has a sweet little voice and her personality is quite nice
(being lawful good alignment) and she's always trying to save people
from getting killed by the party (instances like Embarl the thief and
the Svirflbeln gnomes). However, she's not always a happy lass, as
you will soon find out when you play out her romance.

Diff: She's definitely not hard to get! She is easily the beginner's
choice or rather, for the love master

Party: My party consisted of Minsc, Yoshimo, big me, Aerie
(naturally) Edwin, Korgan.
I have not got any of the other potential love interests in my
party and I suggest that you do not either when you embark on the
love quest because there may be some unexpected dialogues.

Hints: As with all love quests I believe that the main character's
alignment and certainly the reputation score has some influence on
the outcome and the reaction of the NPCs. Thus when courting
Aerie I would suggest having a high reputation so that she is
happy with your party. Moreover, I believe (and this is only a
hunch by the way, so if anybody could prove otherwise I would be
grateful) is that with Aerie, there are two possible paths you can
follow. One of them will result in Aerie asking you to 'sleep'
with her in which case you must say NO!! Yes, say NO!!! It is
very important that you say no, otherwise she will break the
relationship off saying that it has advanced too quickly.

The other path is just pure talking so you just have to find the
right answers. This is where the hints come into play!(Yay hay!
Straight to the point at last). In choosing the right answers it is
imperative that you pick lines which encourage more conversations
with her. You must make her open up to you and in order to do that you
will have to ask her questions about herself. When she has problems
(she really only has one problem but makes it into such a big problem
you sometimes think that she might just commit suicide or something)
you will have to be understanding and sensitive. About halfway
through into the love dialogues, there will come a moment when she
completely loses it totally and just says that she cannot hack it
with the party anymore, or words to that effect. Do not be
tricked in doing the super sensitive thing by choosing the option that
apologizes to her for not being able to take care of her or
whatever and send her packing home. She will leave the party and
the romance will finish right there. Instead choose the other option to
teach her how to meet life with hope even though her wings are
Another very important thing with Aerie is that during the Ust
Natha quests you cannot sleep with Phaere. If you do so then you
will lose Aerie for life!!! Instead choose the option that says
'no…I can't. Then when she asks you what you mean by that then
say that, 'I can't…*I can't*' When you say this then she will ask
you if you are an eunuch. Otherwise known as impotent, then you
just say yes. Aerie will be relieved when you step out of
Phaere's chambers. I think that's about all the important aspects
of Aerie's love quest.

Steps: For the sake of making life easier for me I have simplified
love dialogues into LD. So all you have to do is follow the
sequence from LD 1 to LD whatever. This will take you through the

LD1: 'My wings have been clipped…oh, I wish you could understand how it
feels to be bound and chained to the ground, like a miserable
prisoner of earth'

Choose option 1

LD2: 'Have…have you ever heard of my people? The Avariel?

Choose option 1

'My memory is dim, but whenever the thought crosses my mind, my
eyes still blur with tears'

Choose option 1

LD3: 'He used to say that a frown would never get anything useful done.
I think everyone could use some cheering up…what about you
(character name)?

Choose option 4

LD4: I…I have been looking at the scars…on my back. The stumps that
were…that were once my wings. They do not make me truly homely do
they? Am I…am I ugly to you?

You can choose either option 1 or 3. Either will have more or
less the same effect.

I've felt like a great part of me has been missing ever since. I
am incomplete…I do not feel beautiful, (character name). Not

Either option 1 or 2 will suffice although I believe 2 to be the
better answer.

LD5: 'Have I told you how I was captured and enslaved?

Choose Option 1

'I…I…I suppose…I suppose I was glad to learn that the child
escaped after all He ran away after my fall. Hopefully he

Choose Option 1

LD6: I miss my Uncle Quayle dearly

Choose option 1

'I was happy…of a sort…while I was with him. I owe him so much.'

Choose Option 1

'Baevern brought me my faith back. He gave me peace when I needed
it most. And I shall always pay him homage in my heart. Is that
so strange (character name)?'

Either option 1 or 2, but I think 1 is better.

LD7: 'Have you traveled much? I have been over much of Amn and
Tethyr…with the circus although it was not always the most
pleasant way to voyage'

Choose option 1 or 2. I believe 2 is better though.

'And…and I am glad to be traveling with you (character name). You
have saved my life and made me feel very welcome.'

Either option 1 or 2 will do but I believe 2 is better here.


Well it is pretty straight forward. There is only one option
after all!!

'I…(gasp)…I was having a dream. A most dreadful nightmare!
Please…please sit with me but for a short while…I am shaken to the
very core…'

Choose option 1!!

(shudder) I screamed and screamed!! They…hacked off…my wings and
then used torches to seal my wounds. Oh, (char name)…! (sob!) Oh,
(char name) I…I…!

I believe option 2 is the best but 1 will also suffice.

LD9: 'I have been thinking…I shall never fly again, never taste the
freedom of my wings. I am sure of it…I…I don't know if I can face
this wretched existence on the ground.'

Choose option 1

'But it IS! It is (char name)! How could you understand when you
haven't flown in the clouds? To feel weightless and free. Ohhh
how I miss it!

There is some debate on what to choose here. 1 and 2 will work
but I really don't know which is better. I chose 2 here but in my
other games I have chosen 1. Either way, the romance will not

LD10: I…I am sorry for the way I yelled at you. I sometimes feel as if…
I have been weighted down by many stones…but I should not have
reacted so to your words.

Choose option 1

I…I suppose you are correct. But how can I? Tell me how can I
ever accept this (char name)?

Choose option 1 or 2.

LD11: 'Why must we always be fighting? All I see is bloodshed and
battle…and it drains me. Do you…do you not yearn for a life of
peace and contemplation?'

Choose Option 1
LD12: 'I need you to tell me what the worth of life on the ground is.
Is there anything to compare with the freedom of living in the

Choose option 1

'No…they can't be. Everything of beauty can be seen from the sky.
And there are so many places that you cannot go if you can only

Choose option 2

LD13: 'I've…I've had enough of this life! (sob!) P-perhaps it would be
better if I just went back to the circus.

Choose option 3. Yes it looks harsh but if you choose any other
then she'll leave the party.

'But I have, I have (char name)! I just don't have the strength.
I'm so useless…'

Choose option 2

(sob!) I…I can't

Choose option 2.

LD14: 'I'm such a silly woman. Whining and crying…I must seem so
ridiculous and petty. No man will ever want me I think…I feel so

Choose option 3

'Oh, you're just flattering me (char name)! None of that is true

Choose option 2

'Oh…I see. Well thank you (char name). Ummm…do you…do you think
I'm beautiful? I mean do you feel all these things about me?'

Choose option 2

LD15: 'I've…I've been thinking about some of the things you have been
telling me. I…I wanted you to know that I've come to a decision'

Choose option 1

'And I…I hope that you will be here to teach me about it (char
name). To show how one can still…still live on the ground and
still be happy.'

Choose option 1

LD16: Aerie says that she has heard about your adventures in Sword Coast
north of here. She asks you what you did and says that it sounds

Choose the option where you say that you went to Baldur's Gate to
defeat your brother Sarevok.

A couple more dialogues, Aerie says that do you think she's
Tell her that you are pleased with her change and she will say
that she is also pleased and will look forward to battles and says
that the feeling is really exciting and she feels like she can fly

LD17: 'Have you been to many other places besides Amn?'

Choose option 1

'I…I want to go to these places (char name)! I want to voyage
there and see their beauty for myself…and want to stand there and
feel it…touch it with my hands.'

Choose option 1

By now Aerie is basically your girlfriend. Those who know how to use
the CLUAConsole or use Shadowkeeper will be able to see in the
ROMANCEACTIVE part of the global variables the number there is now
a 2 which means romance acquired.

LD18: 'I've been wondering…have you got any advice for me for combat?'

Choose option 1

LD19: 'I…I know that it is difficult to see what is to happen in the
future…but do you have any plans? I mean once this is all over, I

Choose option 1

'Well do you see your self traveling? Or settling down? Do
you…do you see yourself with me?'

'I would prefer to be with you Aerie…if the Gods are willing'

LD20: 'My love…? I…I know that you are tired from the day's travels and
that you wish to rest. I…wish to ask you something…before you
retire to your blankets...'

Choose option 1

'I…I will show you my body (char name)…and I hope it pleases you.
Would you…would you stay with me this night (char name)? Will you
show me what true love consists of?'

Choose option 2

'Stay with me for the night then (char name) and hold me to you.
I…don't want to be alone, and I so desperately need to be near

Choose option 1

LD19: 'I was so eager to experience everything new that I…I did not
think. Thank you for respecting me. I…I love you and I want our
first time to be something special.'

Choose option 1

From here on, if you continue on to Chapter six and meet Bodhi, you will
get a special event concerning your love interest, in this case Aerie.
You will have to save her from being a vampire and in order to do that
you will have to read through some books on vampirism which can be found
in Bodhi's lair at the bottom level in a trapped chest! Basically, the
Aerie romance finishes right here! Yay!


3.2 Jaheira:

Profile: Nice tough blonde elf. As you can see she's a fighter/druid
class and that means she's a pretty good party member to have
around with those useful cleric spells. Unfortunately as she's
only a druid it means that she can't use the very handy
restoration spells.

Her personality is well cloaked in her voice, as she's a very
independent woman, and has the need to be in control of her own
fate. As you play out her romance you will soon find that she may
not be as fully in control of her own destiny as she might have
hoped. It seems ironic that she is a woman of balance as she is a
member of the Harpers yet she is not in balance emotionally under
your leadership. Thus the unbalance of her emotions and what she
thinks of your role as a child of Bhaal.

Diff: This romance ain't that difficult at all. Just a little common
sense much like Aerie's romance. It'll be medium difficulty but
it is also the most fun romance to play out compared with all the

Hints: Like Aerie's romance you just need to choose the answers
that are basically suited to her style. Balance is the key thing
here and you want to maintain that you are fighting for the
balance of things. The fact that she later on comes out of the
Harper group is more emotional stress for her and so you have to
be a little bit understanding and sentimental. Remember don't use
violence all the time when you meet her Harper comrades who are
out for your blood. She will respect you more for this and it
will mean that her altitude towards you will be better. There
are several other sub-quests that you should do to make Jaheira
happy. First and foremost you must do Jaheira's Baron Ployer
quest. You can find him in the Bounty Sea tavern in the Docks.
Next do Xcar's Harper quest which will automatically take place
after you bring Renfield back to the Galverey Estate.

There are known problems with Jaheira's love quest. You MUST have
SHADOWKEEPER, otherwise you will not be able to complete the
entire story! Shadowkeeper is a trainer program and it is a
necessity. There are two main areas where Jaheira's romance may
seem to 'freeze'. The most common one is the appearance of Dermin
which should happen straight after LD23. If he does not appear,
use Shadow Keeper and under Jaheira's character portrait you
should be able to find the variable LOVETALK. Edit this value to
the one before it. This would mean that if you load up the
LOVETALK value and it is on 32 for example, set it to 31. Then
reload the game and the dialogue should appear again. After this
dialogue Dermin should appear. If he does not. Go to the area
just outside of the Copper Coronet in the Slums area and save your
game. Then do as I have mentioned above and Dermin should appear.

The other point of 'freezing is when Terminsel should appear to
give you the note that Jaheira had left behind for you.
Anyways without further ado we shall begin!


LD1: 'Where to now, fearless leader?'

Choose option 3

'I'm…I'm sorry (char name). I do not wish to cause undue strain
in our party. I am merely a bit stressed and no doubt you are as

Choose option 2

LD2: 'Hmmm…seems I cannot help but speak of the dead lately. I did not
want to cause you any distress if I have.'

Choose option 1
'They do at that. Do you…recall his tales? They could last for
days, a snippet at a time, here and there. He built a history so
it was like you were there.'

Choose option 2

'Yes, he sheltered you from those that would harm you. Khalid was
the same way, always taking the cautious path.'

Choose 'Slow and steady, lest mistakes be made. Good things come
in time.'

LD3: 'Ehh, I think I still have a stitch in my leg from lying in that
cold cell we were in. It is good to be up and moving.'

Choose option 1

'You did what you could and that is enough. I appreciate and I
also worry that you have suffered worse.'

Choose option 2

LD4: Jaheira has a bad dream. You will have to console her. Here's
how the dialogue goes:

'Nnn…No…NO!! Wh…wh…what?'

Choose option 1

'No, there is something very wrong. I…I have been having
nightmares, and when I awake, it is still there. Khalid…I thought
I was stronger than this.'

Choose option 2

LD5: 'A copper for your thoughts. You are looking rather pensive
today. Doubts about your current path perhaps?'

Choose option 1

'Is that your feeling? I was taught that we all had choice, but
then the great cycle likely did not count on divine interference.
You must feel pressure that I do not.'

Choose option 1

This next part is obvious. There's only one option!

LD6: Jaheira has another nightmare. Its another one of these things.
This is easy here we go!

Choose option 3

'He walked with us, from a distance. He smiled that I was
content. I guess…I guess I was.'

Choose option 1

LD7: 'Blast, our progress is not as it could be, I am sure. Ah,
perhaps it is just me. I grow tired of these pursuits. My life
was not always such'

Choose option 1

'It was like that for a long time, but I always felt that I should
do more. Balance needed to be…encouraged. I wouldn't let it
happen again.'

Choose option 1

LD7: 'I…This may be a bad time or not, but you asked a question of me
and I brushed it aside. I would speak of it now…if you still wish
to hear.'

Choose option 1

'I…I don't know why I didn't wish this known. Maybe I thought
such a history was unimportant by the standards of others…such
as…well…such as yourself.'

Choose option 2

LD8: 'We continue on our path and I cannot help but wonder if we walk
in balance. I have a role to follow.

Choose option 1

'Sometimes the proper course is hard to see, what is best overall
may seem barbaric at first. You will know this when…if you deal
with Harpers in the future.'

Choose option 2

LD9: '(char name), do you worry of missing friends? Or those missing
or…lost? Of course you do, I don't know what prompted me to ask'

Choose option 1

'I am becoming used to the aftermath of death, but I will not
forget what must be avenged. There must be closure. I must do
this even as I…as we…move on.'

Choose option 1

LD10: 'I do wish these scars would heal. I've a life to continue and do
not need to be picking at old wounds.'

Choose option 1

'True enough, but I think I was speaking of emotional markings.'

Choose option 1

LD11: 'This is a dangerous life we seem to lead, it does seem. I wonder
if you always think it will be so?

Choose option 1

'Have you…given any thought to this?'

Choose option 3

'Yes, I suppose your heritage adds a complicating factor. You
have a birthright, of a sort. I wonder what you intend to do with
it when age grants you wisdom.'

Choose option 2

LD12: This isn't a love dialogue or anything. Some bandits appear
and take Jaheira hostage. They will ask you for your valuables.
However, don't give them it. Instead tell them that you will be
their hostage instead. When Ertof Dand says, 'I think I got the
gist of it lassie. Well now she does not seem to think much of
your plan. What say you now valiant one?'

Choose option 1

After the fight she will say, 'Are…are you alright?'

Choose option 1

'Good, I am so glad…you IDIOT! What were you thinking? You could
have been killed! An arrow could pierce the heart or the eyes
when you stand like a pincushion!'

Choose option 1

LD13: Again, this is not a love dialogue but a woman called Meronia
appears and tells Jaheira to follow her. When Meronia tells
Jaheira to make her farewells quick and that she will not be gone
long choose option 1. Jaheira will leave your party for a while
until she finds you again.

LD14: Jaheira returns and tells you to go with her to the Harper Hold.
After she says:

'I have been asked to bring you, and we must go soon. They will
allow us to pass the wards of the door, but I must be with you,
and I must be conscious.'

Choose option 1

LD15: Once again this is not another love dialogue but a
confrontation with Galvarey. You can choose whatever option you
wish because it will lead invariably to violence. However I do
try and be civil for Jaheira's sake. It is also important to know
that when Galvarey decides to have you killed, Jaheira will ask
you if you would like her to fight alongside you against them.
Choose the option that says, 'I had hoped…I had hoped you would,
but I do not wish you to harm your friends.'

LD16: 'So, what do you think of Amn so far? It is certainly not without
its charms, or its hardships lately.'

Choose option 1

'Perhaps not. It has always been so, but there are many things of
merit here. Perhaps not in the cities, but the forests are a
great treasure.'

Choose option 2

'That is, if you have not tired of my company yet.'

Choose option 2

LD17: 'We have had many people seek our death so far. Some would have
been friends had things been different. This weighs on my mind.'

Choose option 3

The next dialogue is easy, there is only one option after all!

LD18: 'Again I must say how much I prefer the forest to artificial
structures. Everything I see simply reinforces that to no end.'

Choose option 3

'Yes, but must the gathering be done with such fervor? When
people assemble they attract those who want to lead. Why do they
not just accept their proper place?'

Choose option 1

'You are not a slave to your parentage though, and…I guess I am no

Choose option 1

LD19: 'I have been in a similar place as this before, though it was in
the company of other Harpers. I will miss those times.

Choose option 2

'I doubt that it will be that easy. Galvarey was as close to a
regional leader as the Harpers have. The events will be told in
his favour I am sure.

Choose option 1

LD20: This is another scene where Reviane spawns and tells Jaheira that
she will suffer a traitor's death. When Reviane asks Jaheira why
'this man should command so much value?' Choose option 1

When Jaheira says: 'You must do as you will Reviane. I have told
you the circumstance, there is little for me to say.'

Choose option 2

LD21: 'Skies are a bit gray no matter where we go, aren't they? Or
perhaps it is just my mood. Yes, that must be it. No wonder I
suppose. I cannot help but think of Reviane.'

Choose option 2

'I don't know. I begin to wish we had been wrong. It would be so
much simpler. I want to believe as they do, and I wish I didn't
feel like I…'

Choose option 2

'I am sorry (char name), I didn't mean to suggest anything.'

Choose option 2
LD22: 'This may be a bad time or not, but I think we should speak..'

Choose option 2

'Yes, well, I wished to apologize for our argument before. I
wanted…I wanted you to know why I cannot speak about the Harpers.
There is much harm I could do.'

Choose option 1

'If I am in the right, why must I tell you their secrets? If I am
in the right, why must I hide? I do not have answers for these
questions and they worry me.'

Choose option 1

'Yes, but can I? There is no middle ground. I am heading for an
extreme of either end. With you at least the choice is mine. It
is, isn't it?'

Choose option 2

LD23: 'There is an ill wind in the air. Do you feel it? I feel a storm
inside, in the distance.'

Choose option 3

'I don't know what I meant. They say you shiver when someone
walks over your grave. I feel as though something were marching
back and forth across mine.'

Choose option 2

LD24: 'Blast, my armour needs some cleaning.'

Choose option 2

'No, no, it wouldn't. I am sorry but this will take some time

Choose option 1

'Somewhat, I am far from my old self however. I thank you for
putting up with me.'

Choose option 1

'Yes…yes, I suppose I have. How much did I do for you however,
and how much was for me alone?'

Choose option 1

LD25: 'Your old injuries feeling alright? I thought I saw you wince a
moment ago.'

Choose option 1

'I…I am flattered, I suppose.'

Choose option 1

LD26: 'So…could I…have a few moments of your time?'

Choose option 2

'Thank you, I wished to speak of the future a bit. I know we have
discussed this in brief before, but I need to clarify a few

Choose option 1

'Do you still find my company beneficial? Do you still think of
our missing friends as often as you did? What of your fight for

Choose option 1

LD27: 'I…I need to speak with you a moment.'

Choose option 1

'I wished to apologize for my questions earlier. I was too
forward. I needed to know you remain the same man that I began
traveling with so long ago.'

Choose option 2

'That does not ease my mind. I must know what is truth or I
cannot trust myself. My decisions have affected many and I do not
wish to endanger anyone else.'

Choose option 1

'No? The Harper in your midst?'

Choose option 1

LD28: 'How…how did that battle make you feel? Did you enjoy it?

Choose option 2

'No, but what were your motivations? You can be violent like any
other person, but there is more at stake at with you. What were
you thinking?'

Choose option 1

For the next dialogue choose option 1

LD29: This is not a love dialogue but instead Dermin comes again
and this time warns Jaheira that the Harper court has decided her
fate. Death. He tells her that the main character can be avoided
from suffering the same fate as long as she return to the Harper
Hold. Jaheira will say that she will 'think on this'

LD30: Again it is not a love dialogue but a guy called 'Terminsel' will
show up. This happens exactly after you have successfully rested
without the guards bothering you. When you wake up you will find
that Jaheira is no longer in your party and Terminsel gives you a
note from Jaheira. In the note she says that she has returned to
the Harper Hold for her judgment. She tells you not to go after
her, You must therefore return to the Harper Hold in the Docks
District and you will find Jaheira on the top floor (the one where
the Spectral Harpers used to be) She will rejoin and this ends
the scene.

LD31: 'Ah, the dawning of our day, though it is very rarely that we
match our sleep to the cycle of day or night.'

Choose: 'We don't see the sunlight often. Sorry about that.'

'Besides, do I strike you as a person that would adjust well with
a strict timeline?'

Choose: 'No need to. No sunrise would ever compare with your
beauty in the moonlight.'

'Such talk! Have you found some poor apprentice bard to draft you
lines, or are you practicing on the maidens we meet?'

Choose: 'Oh, you sting my heart when you say such things. Hehe.
How cruel you are.'

LD32: This one is a scene where Dermin tries to kill Jaheira. Him
and his goons are not hard to defeat and you will know that Dermin
and Gavalrey were both traitors to the Harper cause. After the
battle Jaheira will say, 'I did not wish to do this. I did not.
We are in the right, (char name), but why does it still hurt?'

Choose option 1

'Heh, you and your jokes make me smile far too often, even when I
do not want to. People will think I am getting soft.'

Choose option 1

LD33: This dialogue occurs before you go to sleep. Jaheira says:

'It is about time we rested. I have seen enough waking hours
thank you very much.'

Choose option that says, 'I was not aware that morale was so low,
what can I do to make you happy?'
'I do not want to be happy. I want to be angry and feel bad about

Choose option, 'If I knew what was wrong I could help.'

'Stop being so damned reasonable. Get mad and say you won't stand
for it. Act like you should!'

Choose option 1

'None of this would happen if you accepted your evil heritage. I
would not have sided with you. I would not have fought for you.
I would not have…'

Choose option 2

'If I was wrong, the dead would have died for just reasons. So
many…that are dead and we are the cause. How can all those people
have been wrong?'

Choose option 2

'I should be happy, but I am not. Even with all we have done to
make things right, I am still troubled.'

Choose option 1

LD34: 'What? What is it you want?'

Choose option 1


Choose option 1

'Isn't that ridiculous? The bastard was putting people in danger
for nothing and I feel guilty for ending it!'

Choose option 2

LD35: 'You needn't keep a distance between us. I am in less of a mood

Choose option 1

'I do not blame you. Such trouble I have been. Simple feelings
made more difficult by the strangest things. I hope I have not
harmed your view of me.'

Choose option 1

'Know that I care for you, even if I do not show it well. If this
meant nothing it would have been easy to deal with. Small
consolation I know.'

Choose option 2

LD35: This dialogue comes after you sleep. Jaheira says:

'I have…had a realization. I had been walking with my eyes
downcast for so long I had forgotten the beauty of the land.'
After all we have seen, I had thought never to feel the warmth of
nature again..'

Choose option 1

'Forests, grasslands, they have been in harmony for untold years,
complimenting not competing. I have walked by many but had
forgotten. They stir my soul.'

Choose option 1

'I forgot that balance does not mean conformity, equilibrium does
not need to sacrifice variety. Dermin forgot that too.
Difference does not have to be chaos.'

Choose option 1

'(char name), I care for you. I have not always shown as such,
and my words may seem harsh on occasion, but my feelings are true
just the same.'

Choose option 1

'Perhaps this changes nothing, perhaps everything. I don't care
anymore. My heart cannot have nature within and be ashamed as

Choose option 1

LD35: 'We have to be nearing our goal. It has been a long journey and
we have been through so much. I hope this does not end up all
being for naught.'

Choose option 2

'There can be no mercy for this creature. What he has done is

Choose option 2

'Remarkably, we wouldn't be this close without him. We might have
parted company once we left Baldur's Gate and I would still…well
things would be different.

Choose option 1

LD36: This scene is when Jaheira asks you to have sex with her. Decline
in a nice manner otherwise the romance will be all for naught.
Don't worry I am still here to guide you! Jaheira will say this
when the sex scene is about to start:

'(char name) as we learn of our situation I want to say…that there
is much to come, and I find I need your company more and more.
You are a great comfort at this time.'

Choose option 1

'I know. We are great friends…and more. Your words ease my
thoughts, and many is the time we have saved one another in
battle. We have grown quite close.'

Choose option 2

'Stay with me tonight, (char name). If…if you wish.

Choose option 1. After all there is only one option!

'No, but I am less sure of many things these days. I worry less
about it though. I will set aside my hesitation if you will.'

Choose option 2

LD37: 'We are ready to move on? I think it's best that we get an
early start.'

Choose option 1

LD38: This is the last act for Jaheira's romance!! You don't have to
choose anything but the guy 'Terminsel' comes back and asks
Jaheira some questions. After this you have got Jaheira!! Yay!
I didn't have to use the CLUAconsole for this. I was in Athkala
for this, in the docks districts actually. The other time I met
'Telminsel' who's really Elminster by the way, was in the Druid
Grove in my old game. Don't worry I will keep on testing
different things out for you guys so I hope to keep you guys
posted!! By the way you must also have a reputation of at least
14 otherwise Jaheira will not get her Harper Pin.
3.3 Viconia

Profile: Elven Drow. Perhaps the fittest bird in the entire game out
of Jaheira and Aerie, although I reckon Jaheira and Viconia are
equally as pretty. She's a bit dominant and enjoys nothing more
but to antagonize you and lead you on. She is also very
aggressive and being Drow that also means she is very ruthless as
you will discover as the love dialogues go on. If perchance you
side with Bodhi in Chapter 3, she will urge you to do the more
evil of the tasks when Bodhi asks you to choose between the two.
Arguably one of the hardest to get you will most likely be
frustrated at her changes in her mood towards you. She's a cleric
and a pretty good one at that, and if you get the Crom Faeyr for
her she will use it quite well as a mid line attacker/defender,
somebody that would go well putting her between the frontline
fighters and the mages at the back, to finish off those beasts
that may have managed to evade your fighters.

Diff: She's the most difficult out of the three.

Hints: You will have to find a neat balance between making fun of
her, getting angry and being sensitive. One usual tactic I have
is to be relatively harsh to her at the beginning of the romance
and then when she talks of her experience in the Underdark and on
the surface show some caring and consideration.

For starters you must not seem weak in Viconia's eyes otherwise
she will despise you. Thus, always choose options that seem to
make you a more courageous and daring man that you are. She will
think that if you are too nice to her she will be disgusted
claiming this to be your weakness. However once she starts
talking about her brother who saved her from Lloth, you must be
understanding and sensitive. At this point you must always get
her to continue on her story and show some real consideration for
her brother and for her. Other than that there are really nothing
much to say about this romance. The only fighting action that
ever comes out of this romance is the appearance of a Handmaiden
who will appear to kill Viconia, after you have defeated her, you
are on your way to victory – the ending of the romance and the
fact that she does not want to go out with you because she is
afraid that she will endanger you. Whatever she says at the last
dialogue of the romance, the break up is inevitable but you must
not let her go from the party. Keeping her in the party means
that the romance will have finished successfully even if she
claims that you and her will never be able to go out again because
of your differences.

LD1: 'So…what draws you to this part of Faerun? Amn? Athkalata? I
seem to recall you mentioning some mission or some other bother.'

Choose option 2

'How are you going to hunt down these culprits who ambushed you?
Vermin rarely leave scent or footstep.'

Choose option 1

LD2: 'It's a strange time along this Sword Coast. The brink of war was
averted, but the countryside remains hazardous to the citizenry.'

Choose option 1

'The war your half brother nearly started. What do you think I
was speaking of?

Choose option 1

'Perhaps 'his' war died. That does not mean that other conflicts
won't arise. Perhaps I ramble on, if you wish I'll stop bothering

Choose option 1

'It has been trying past endurance (char name) (sigh).'

Choose option 1

'My neighbour was Roran Midfallow, a stout sun burnt farmer. We
spoke often and allowed the male to bring me supplies that I
needed but could not acquire.'

Choose option 1

'I had grown weak in my trust. They chortled as I lost
consciousness saying how easy it had been and congratulating each
other on a fine…fine catch.'

Choose option 1

'I split the coffin lid and let the earth in. I clawed to the
surface, pain did not slow me…I would not let weakness deter me
from vengeance.'

Choose option 1

'He dropped to his knees in shock, which afforded me height
advantage as I caved his head with a miner's mallet.'

Choose option 1

LD3: 'I wish to…apologize…for unburdening myself upon you before. I
was so foolish to be weak in Beregost, and worse yet to speak to
you about it.'

Choose option 2
'My entire existence has been thus since I left the Underdark.
Surfacers hate the Drow without relent, and I erred in thinking
otherwise even for a moment.'

Choose option 2

LD4: 'I have been watching you for a time as we travel. You have a
pleasing look about you, I think. The sort of musculature that
would make a woman swoon with desire.'

Choose option 1

'Perhaps. And what do you think of Viconia hmmm? Does her ebony
glow spur lustful thoughts? Does her sharp beauty give you
singular twinges of desire?'

Choose option 2

LD5: 'I have been thinking a little. I have been thinking of the time
I spent with the rivvil…the humans…and I have found nothing
redeeming or worthwhile in them.

Choose option 2

'Name one surface dweller who has treated me with ANY civility!'

Choose option 2

LD6: 'So…it must take a very driven man to lead his life always on the

Choose option 3

'Yes, I have noticed the type of man that you are. Intense,
determined, strong…all the qualities I have grown to like most
colnbluth exist in you.'

Choose option 1

'Our long lives are static, we feel no urgency. Despite
appearance, we become complacent. If the Drow had your drive…it
would be a Second Age of conquest!'

Choose option 1

'It is unfortunate that most of the good traits of the colnbluth
are held in pale little lives no longer than a firefly's. Here
and there they flicker, then sad death.'

Choose option 1

LD7: 'I have been thinking, and I think that I may have been
exceedingly harsh in my treatment of you once again.'

Choose option 1

'I have toyed with your feelings unfairly, placing you down with
the other males I have known…and you have not been like them. It
was…wrong of me.'

Choose option 2

LD8: 'Have I ever told you about how I survived when I first fled to
the surface?'
Choose option 1

'There I was hunted by the dirthiir…surface elves…and their honed
hatred drove me even further. I was sure I would perish, never to
see the Underdark again.'

Choose option 1

'Does it amuse you that I had to run my dark hands through his
sweaty folds and tickle him artfully with my tongue, that he
exerted himself wildly as I passionately bit his shoulder?'

Choose option 3

'Oh do not look at me in such a manner. Does your manhood wilt
from talk of using Drow knowledge of the erotic to survive in your
world? Is it so terrible?'

Choose option 1

LD9: 'Tell me…has there been anyone special to you? A thief of your

Choose option 2

'Never a special one who has waited for her hero's return? The
idea has value. I myself, hope to retire to a home that doesn't
change by the day.'

Choose option 3

'You think so? I cannot wait for the final act of this play,
then…I am sure it will be worth waiting for.'

Choose option 1

'Your heart is heavy with lust and burning desire, and beats
proudly and strongly…but shall it be mine or another's?

Choose option 2

LD10: 'What was your life like before you were an adventurer? Didn't it
seem simpler? Less complicated?

Choose option 1

'Didn't it seem simpler, easier in flavour? There were less
entanglements, far less chaos. We weren't always exploring some
dank, ruined place.'

Choose option 3

'Do you? And do you think that such excitement will grip your
sense forever? Is there no longing for peace within you (char

Choose option 3

'It would be nice, wouldn't it (char name)? To leave the
insidious schemes and psychopathic for madmen for others to
battle and prevail over?'

Choose option 2

'That is an offer worth bearing witness to. It merits serious
consideration (char name).

Choose option 2

'I will definitely consider its value and place in my life (char
name). I appreciate your words of friendship as well…it is not
words I am familiar with.'

Choose option 1

LD11: 'Hmmm…I am wondering this: do you ever entertain the notion of

Choose option 2

'To commit to one person in all matter? It seems a bizarre
internment to me, tantamount to slavery.'

Choose option 1

'Variety is the spice of life. The drudgery of having the same
partner…it would have to be a unique and special person indeed.'

Choose option 3

'From what I have seen. Surface custom is not so different from
ours. Of course, Drow culture allows for 'husbands' to be
disposed and replaced.'

Choose option 2

'Perhaps. I haven't devoted much thought to it, though I have
noticed that the role of male and female are reversed on the

Choose option 1

LD12: 'I have been thinking about the Divinity that flows through your

'Does it fire your ambitions (char name)? Is there a lust within
you superceding mere passion, a desire to lord over others as a
conqueror and superior?'

Choose option 1

LD13: 'Please disregard the things I said to you earlier. They were ill
conceived. You…you are not drow and not worthy of such insults.'

Choose option 2

LD14: 'I have been told little about this 'Bhaal' of yours, but I am
unfamiliar with him. Among the drow, we are taught nothing of
other gods, and little enough about our own gods beyond Lloth.'

Choose option 2

'Yes, gods like Ghaundaur, and Vhaeraun hold some power, but Lloth
is the strongest by far and forbids even their mention.'

Choose option 1

'Nightsinger is a mistress of darkness and loss. I was born of
darkness and have lost much: my faith, my home…Shar has returned
much. I am greatful to Her.'

Choose option 1

'It is difficult to describe. The Underdark is a place of great
evil and danger, but also of beauty and wonder. Would you like me
to tell you of it?

Choose option 1

'But these images pale before memories of the Spider Queen, and
the worship I began so young. Beauty is difficult to find in the
blood that I let flow in her name.'

Choose option 1

'He screamed as the blade entered, and split blood when I
punctured his lungs. To the delight of the matron mothers I
pulled out his heart still beating.'

Choose option 1

LD15: 'Have I told you how it is that I came to flee from the

Choose option 1

'One of the lesser priestesses noticed my hesitation and she took
the babe's life, herself, eager to usurp my place in Lloth's

Choose option 2

'But I refused. I was disgusted with my Queen, so I cursed my
mother and endangered my House. In my naivete I thought that I
would survive after my actions.'

Choose option 1

LD16: 'I am ready to continue my tale if you are willing to hear it.'

Choose option 2

'I would have died, in fact, were it not for…if it were not for my
brother. My poor, foolish brother. Valas…

Choose option 2

LD17: 'Tell me something do you have much of a family?'

Choose option 2

'I cannot understand the relationships…the closeness that the
families of the surface retain with each other. In the Underdark,
things are very different…'
Choose option 2

'There are normally no…'brothers,' although some males are
favoured than others. Most simply exist to serve the Queen and
House but this is not always the case.'

Choose option 3

'In the end…he saved my life. He…he prevented my sacrifice and
killed our mother giving me the opportunity to flee.

Choose option 1

LD18: 'My… brother…is finally what made me break my faith fully from the
Spider Queen. His actions, I mean…saving me from sacrifice.'

Choose option 2

'I had begun to question Lloth's appetite for power and absolute
devotion with the child, but I did not cast her out of my heart
fully until Valas saved my life.'

Choose option 1

'I was forced to flee the Underdark, making my way quickly to the
surface before the other drow could stop me, cursing and crying
the entire way.'

Choose option 1

LD19: 'If you would…if you would please sit with me for a moment, I
would be thankful. I find myself uncharacteristically overcome
with anxiety and am not…eager…to be alone for the evening.'

Choose option 1

'I have been…thinking of Lloth. She is cruel, not known for
forgiveness…and always takes revenge…collecting the lapsed and
fallen. I know she will come for me.'

Choose option 2

'It will mean…it will mean nothing. Lloth's reach is far…and I
fear there is no escaping it…

Choose option 1

'(char name), I am frightened to my very core! Do not leave me
alone! Stay with me this night. I…I need to feel your flesh next
to mine, to embrace your strength…'

Choose option 3

LD20: 'Well I see that you are finally awake. I hope that your pathetic
exertions last night brought at least one of us some measure of

Choose option 2

'It was not. I have seen limp and blind fish with more virility
than you. I would have preferred the crude pawings of a goblin
than suffered your rough hands.'

Choose option 2

'Do not deny your salivating male desires, fool. I found the
thought of your touch pleasing, but now I know better…you are
nothing more than a boy in a man's clothing!'

Choose option 3

LD21: 'You have no impetus to carve an empire, and you are certainly no
Lord of Murder. I have decided you are weak and cowardly, not fit
for the godsblood flowing within you.'

Choose option 2

'You nauseate me (char name)…is it not reason enough? I look upon
you and I see something that I would rather squish under my boot.'

Choose option 2

LD22: 'Do not stand so close to me. It is bad enough that I have to
smell your stench on the occasional breeze…must I also bask in
your rancid aura?

Choose option 1

LD23: 'I have a confession to make to you. Give me your ears for a
moment and listen, if you possess the sense.'

Choose option 2

'So then. What do you think of that (char name)? What do you
think of me now?'

Choose option 4

'I am a creature of dark lusts you fool! Why are you not
disgusted by this?! Turn away from me, spit on me and curse my
name I command you!'

Choose option 3 or 2. I have chosen 2 and the dialogue ends.

LD24: *this is triggered by sleeping*

'(sigh)I…I cast my white flag before you. I can struggle no more.
You have…you have defeated me.'

Choose option 1

'If you will have me, I shall not push you away again…stay with me
tonight, (char name), let us be together in earnest. Let me savor
the unfamiliar fear that goes with this trust.'

Choose option 4

LD25: 'A good morning to you. Or at least, as close to morning as we
come with these strange hours that we keep. I trust your
exertions were worthwhile?

Choose option 3

'You are not so terrible, (char name), for a male.'

Choose option 2

LD26: 'Tell me…did Gorion tell you many tales of the Underdark? Did he
perchance mention some of the races that lived below?'

'That and the delight they seem to get from cracking open your
skull like a hen's egg and drinking everything swimming inside
your head.'

Choose option 2

'The first sign of Kuo Toa are the reek of dead fish. Head away
from the water they need to survive. Risking a fight is to
flirt with the Cold Maiden'

Choose option 1

LD27: 'Do your people have any kind of rite of passage into adulthood?
I am curious.'

Choose option 2

'He thought me a beggar seeking guidance. He was surprised when
he learned I was Drow, but not as much when I used his holy mace
to cave his forehead.'

Choose option 1

'And the act pleased Lloth. Pleasing the Spider Queen was our
ethos and our mantra…girding ourselves to conquer the other

Choose option 1

LD28: 'What about the time before the Life? Before the endless travels,
days in the dark with death on your heels? Who was your closes
ally then?'

Choose option 2 (what I did anyway but I don't think it really

'Why do you consider him such a good teacher and close friend?'

Choose option 2

LD29: 'Have you devoted any thought to what you will do once this whole
business is over with?'

Choose option 2

'I have thought on the future myself. With a little ambition I
see us carving an empire, ruling a small kingdom, and living in
the hedonistic luxury that we are meant to!'

Choose option 2

LD30: 'We are to stop now and rest are we? I suppose that is good and
well, as I am exhausted nearly to the point of dropping. Come,
then, my mrann d'ssiniss, and let us get our coupling over with

Choose option 2

'I may be tired, but I look forward to showing the arts I learned
as a Drow. I hold a degree…of…affection for you (char name). How
else am I supposed to show this?'

Choose option 2 (Please note, because I am extremely drained today
I can only be doing with the quick but effective measure. You can
choose option 1 which is better and then you just have to play it
by common sense really!)

LD31: 'You are awake I see. That is good. I have been watching you for
some time…thinking. I wish to share my thoughts with you.'

Choose option 1

In the next dialogue Viconia basically explains that she wants to
break up with you. This is inevitable and so don't worry about

Choose option 2

LD32: 'I have an odd feeling. I do not…think…I have ever felt it like
this before…'

Choose option 2

'It is almost as if a dark whisper is traveling Faerun, searching,
seeking out…something…I…fear it is searching for me.'

Choose option 1

'It…no…there it goes. The feeling…has vanished. But that does
not mean it will not return. I…I am suddenly quite cold inside…'

Choose option 1

LD33: *The fight with the demon thing and the handmaiden! Whooo hoooo!
Showdown time!

After the battle Choose option 2

Then Choose option 1

LD34: 'Back away from me, you pathetic fool! Do not cast your eyes upon
me! I told you to let me be ilbilith!! Are you so insipid and
moronic that you cannot understand such simple instructions?!

Choose option 1

'You…you are an affront to me…I wish this had never come to be!'

Choose option 1

LD35: 'This…is not working…between us. It will never work, and I think
you know this. There can only be one outcome. This can only end

Choose option 2

'We must poison our hearts, my ssinssrigg…we must do what is
necessary and cleave us apart before it is too late.'

Choose option 2

'There is no way, (char name) you know that.'

Choose option 2



Try using the cheat codes to speed up the romance really fast. These


You might need shadow keeper for Jaheria's romance. Like when Jaheria
stops talking after even you sleep or complete the special events, fix
the lovetalk value under the effects value to 59. When Elminster doesn't
show up, type:


That will make elminster appear and conclude the romance.

Contributed by iweird from Gamefaqs message board.

Thanks goes to:

iweird. – he's the guy that contributed to the codes section. This
stuff is very useful and my thanks to him are impossible to

Gamefaqs – for being a very cool site, and a very cool dude CjayC if he
posts this in his site.

Me – I'm sorry but I think I do deserve a slap on the back. You don't
believe how trying it is with A levels on and everything. I got
another exam in two days! You guys better wish me luck so I can
get my three Bs to go to Bristol University!

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19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020