

15.10.2013 18:18:52

*Written By: Giovanni, Giovanni@pokeschool.com
*Version Updates:

Version 1.5, 6-15-01:
For those of you who remember that notice about not being able to contact me,
you can contact me again. I did delete that notice, in case you were wondering
what happened to it. On another happy note, I have the next level up. Deep
Space: The Sea of Lost Souls. Also starting to reformat the guide, for no
reason other than I feel like it.

V-1.4 3-31-01
As for good news, I've finally got the Cathedral of Kadesh level up, although
you've probably already beaten it. Need to start working on the walkthrough...

V-1.3 3-10-01
Added specific research files, and did a little more work on the research tree.
The Research section is definitely better. Also reworked the Table of
Contents to make it easier to navigate. Lastly, http://DLH.Net has been given
permission to host my FAQ. They're a German/American site, and it's worth
checking out.

V-1.25 3-8-01
Fourth version. Just added Unit Build Times and gave thanks to MetroidMoo for
them. Also reworded a couple things. Not much of an update, is it?

V-1.2 3-8-01
Third version. Gave everything an update, reworded many things, added
sections. Take a look at my Research Trees. And a Story section is now up,
with my own version of the story. Longer, but better, than the in-game intro,

V-1.1 3-5-01
Second version. I gave permission to Neoseekers to use my FAQ, so it's OK if
they have it. Updated the Walkthrough, added a section, revised how to get the
bug in Mission 2. Updated other parts in small amounts, spellchecked the
thing, and basically did what I should do.

V-1.0 3-3-01
The first version. The FAQ's in it's beginnings... Not much else to say.

This FAQ is not to be used as a motivation for _ ANY _ crime, act, or whatever.
The creator of this FAQ, Giovanni, assumes no responsibility whatsoever for
anything some person(*cough*) may do because of reading this FAQ. They would
have done it anyway sometime, my FAQ or not.

Table of Contents:

I~Version Updates

*Section 1: Miscellaneous
Area 1-1: What you can and can't do with this FAQ
Area 1-2: Contacting Me
*Section 2: The Story of Homeworld
*Section 3: The Fleet
Area 3-1: The Instruction Book's and My look at Ship Categories
Area 3-2: Fighters
Area 3-3: Corvettes
*Section 4: Battle Tactics/Tips
Area 4-1: VS. Computers
Area 4-2: VS. Human Players
Area 4-3: Tactics
Area 4-4: Formations
*Section 5: Technologies
Area 5-1: Research Trees
Area 5-2: Technologies
*Section 6: Battle Strategy
*Section 7: Frequently Asked Questions
*Section 8: Special Thanks/Legal Info

Section 1: Miscellaneous

**Area 1-1: What you CAN and CANNOT to with this FAQ**
What you CAN do with this FAQ:
Print it out, in FULL. Print everything. And try to get the latest version.
Show it to friends, as long as it's the complete copy and you don't take
credit for it.

What you CAN'T do with this FAQ:
Charge a fee for showing it to people.
Take credit for it.
Post it on a website without my permission! As of this update, the only
places where this can appear on the net are:
GameFAQs: http://www.gamefaqs.com
Neoseekers: http://www.neoseeker.com
DLH: http://DLH.Net
And, if you have this FAQ on your website, you may not modify it in any way,
convert it from a text file to something else, wrap it with banners, etc.
Basically, just post it, not modified at all, and nothing else on the page it's
If you find this FAQ anywhere else, email me immediately! And if you want my
permission, email me at Giovanni@pokeschool.com

**Area 1-2: Contacting Me**
You may contact me, the author, IF:
You find it on another website other than one I have given permission to,
there's a list above and in the Special Thanks/Legal Info section.
You want to point out a mistake.
You want to add something I forgot or didn't already have.
You want to try to contribute something. All submissions welcome, but please,
no stage strategies until something on that stage is already up. No, that
doesn't include the previews I may occasionally have at the end.
You want to offer me items of monetary value (or pizza).
You want to praise me for the great job I've done.
You want to... uh... flame me? But why would you want to flame me?

You may NOT contact me, the author, IF:
You want to send me computer viruses.
You have threats of any kind.
Your email is blocked...
You have love letters or type in something 'personal'(Hugs, Kisses, etc.) in
your mail... Or anything like that...

Section 2: The Story of Homeworld:

There are people living on the desert world of Kharak. They all think one of
two things: Their home planet is Kharak, or their home planet is not Kharak,
that they were exiled there by the gods. After some time, a paper is presented
to the rulers of this world. It states that "Our helix proteins bear little
similarity to most of the life on Kharak." So, the faction that thought they
were exiled grew.
Over time, space flight was developed. Pilots or those flights reported
encounters with strange debris. They brought some back to Kharak, and found
they were containing isotope combinations unknown to Kharak - or the whole
stellar system. No fragments larger then a hand were found.
Then a powerful radar satellite was launched in hopes of locating more debris
rings, possibly bearing larger pieces. But a malfunction in a rocket caused it
to do an about-face and scan the surface. About 75 feet below the surface of
the harshest desert on the planet, a strong return showed where there was
supposed to be none.
After repeated radar scans, enough high-ranking people were convinced that
they pooled resources to take a team out to investigate. Through the harshest
conditions on the planet, they excavated it. It turned out to be the first
city on Kharak. It was named Khar-Toba.
While people were tracing power lines, they burrowed farther underneath and
found a power plant - much more advanced then their own at the time. And
attached to it was a complete hyperdrive module - which catapulted their
technology a thousand years ahead.
With the hyperdrive and power plant, the so-called treasures of Khar-Toba,
carted away, only a few archaeologists were left to excavate the rest. When
they opened up the doors to what was an observatory, they found a stone. It
depicted the galaxy, with a line crossing from what was Kharak's position to
the central hub. And on it was a single word, ancient and common to all
dialects: Hiigara, home.
The archaeologists brought the stone back, and a project was started to get
them back home. First the Scaffold was constructed. It would be the
construction yard needed to build the Mothership. Then the Mothership was
built. The 600,000 occupants that would travel to Hiigara would be
cryogenically frozen inside it's hull. Then, they encountered a problem.
There would be so many functions to perform, the staff grew into hundreds.
With command added, it became clear that in any sort of crisis, the Mothership
would suffer from communication paralysis. Then a neurologist stepped forward
with a plan.
She was working on biological circuits. When she heard about the program,
she demanded that her system be used on her - to transform her into Fleet
Command, capable of doing hundreds of responses per second.
They built it. Now, the testing begins. And you head to the walkthrough
from now on.

Section 3: The Fleet:

[NOTE: There's no ship data besides what there is because I could not find
reliable information in either the game stats or the instruction book. The
only reason what's there now is there is because that's the truth, at least in
my experience.]

**Area 3-1:The Instruction Book's and My look at Ship Categories**

*Strike Craft:
Excerpt: This small ship class includes both Fighters and Corvette hulls.
While highly maneuverable (Fighters are the only vessel class capable of
performing special combat flight maneuvers), Strike Craft are unable to carry
enough reactor mass to generate a self-sustaining drive torch, and so they must
be refueled. This limits their range from the Mothership, unless a Support
Frigate is provided to carry fuel for them. Strike Craft also are too small to
carry to carry the hyper drive module and cannot enter hyperspace by
My Analysis: They are good at avoiding getting hit, unless they are against
other fighters, and vice versa. However, they use fuel, which is their major
downpoint. They're good, overall, but the only one that can do serious damage
against corvettes is the Plasma Bomber, and it falls to other strike craft in a
matter of seconds.

*Capital Ships:
Excerpt: This class represents the first generation of large crew vessels and
includes the Frigate and Destroyer(book's typo, I know) classes of warships
along with the larger support vessels like the Cloak Generator, Resource
Collector, and Gravity Well Generator Capital Ships are the hard backbone of
any attack fleet, and what they lack in speed and maneuverability is made up
for in firepower and armor. Capital Ships have a limited self-repair
My Analysis: Since it includes the Support Frigate and Multi-Beam Frigate(you
capture it in the Cathedral of Kadesh stage), the class has to be good(at least
somewhat). You have the Multi-Beam for firepower, and the Assault and Support
Frigates for backup. I like it.

*Super Capital Ship:
Excerpt: These huge warships represent vast investments of resources, time, and
technology, and are as valuable as they are powerful. Second only to the
massive Mothership in size and capability, these vessels are dreadnoughts of
cutting edge technology. They carry their own hyper drive modules and some
even have onboard manufacturing arrays in order to replace ordinance or
construct smaller vessels. While extremely powerful and able to absorb large
amounts of damage, they are still vulnerable to masses of small ships and
should never be deployed without a flotilla of smaller warships.
My Analysis: "...and should never be deployed without a flotilla of smaller
warships." So true. While the Destroyers and Heavy Cruisers kill Capitals and
other Super Capitals, never leave without something that can take care of
Strike Craft, or your chances of losing your fleet more than double.

**Area 3-2: Fighters**

Cost: 35 RUs
Build Time: 12 seconds
Special Function: Speed Burst
Required Technology: None
Excerpt: True to it's name, the Scout is a fast, cheap ship that is useful for
scouting out enemy locations. Because of it's high maneuverability, the Scout
is excellent for
My Analysis: Besides the 7 you get at the beginning of the game, don't get any
more. 7 is sufficient for the first two stages-then they're useless after

Cost: 55 RUs
Build Time: 18 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Fighter Drive, Heavy Fighter Chassis
Excerpt: While less maneuverability than the Scout, the Interceptor easily
compensates with it's with it's much heavier weaponry. The Interceptor is a
good Fighter killer and stacks up favorably against Capital Ships when used in
greater numbers.
My Analysis: Vastly improved version of the Scout. Keep 20-30 on hand in the
beginning of the game to get rid of enemy fighters. Near the end of the game,
they grow obsolete, as the main use is to kill other enemy fighters, which the
Missile Destroyer does better.

-Attack Bomber:
Cost: 85 RUs
Build Time: 20 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Fighter Drive, Heavy Fighter Chassis, Plasma Bomb Launcher
Excerpt: A technological advance created plasma bomb technology small enough to
fir in a Fighter-sized craft. The Attack Bomber was born. While it's
slow-moving plasma bombs can be outrun by Fighters, they make short work of
Frigates and other Capital ships.
My Analysis: For some reason, these things have a tendency to die. Is it that
they just get hit more, I don't know. Anyway, that combined with a high cost
for a fighter and slow build time for a fighter make it bad. Avoid these if
you can, but don't be that afraid to use these if you have to, they're not that

Cost: 65 RUs
Build Time: 9 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Fighter Drive, Heavy Fighter Chassis, Defender Sub-Systems
Excerpt: Although it's slow speed keeps the Defender from being a primary
attack force, it's gimbaled guns and high power rotational thrusters allow it
the greatest coverage of all Fighters.
My Analysis: There are 3 rules to using these things:
1-Don't attack with them.
2-Only defend with them(preferably defend Mothership).
3-Always use in large numbers if you use them.
If you follow those 3 rules, they end up being pretty decent. Break the
rules(especially 3), and they end up being worthless.

-Cloaked Fighter:
Cost: 85 RUs
Build Time: 45 seconds
Special Function: Cloaking
Required Technology: Fighter Drive, Heavy Fighter Chassis, Cloaked Fighter
Excerpt: With cloaking sails active, the Cloaked Fighter is the stealthiest
ship around. Highly useful for simple surveillance, the Cloaked Fighter is
also a good attack craft. It must, however, de-cloak to fire, making it
vulnerable for a short period of time.
My Analysis: It beats the Scouts beautifully at their own game. While, unlike
the Cloak Generator, it doesn't need to recharge, it does use fuel, so it's
balanced. The major downfalls are that it takes a while to build and costs a

-Defense Fighter:
Cost: 85 RUs
Build Time: 20 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Fighter Drive, Heavy Fighter Chassis, Defense Fighter
Excerpt: The Defense Fighter has no attack weaponry to speak of; instead it
fires beams from it's emitter dome to shoot down oncoming enemy fire. This
makes the Defense Fighter an excellent mobile protective force, especially when
used with other Fighter craft.
My Analysis: If only they shot down all enemy weaponry... Oh well. Since they
build rather fast for an 85 RU fighter, it can actually be put to use.
However, use the Defender's 3 rules.

**Area 3-3: Corvettes**

-Light Corvette:
Cost: 135 RUs
Build Time: 22 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Corvette Drive, Corvette Chassis
Excerpt: It's heavy-duty engine, chassis, and armor make the Light Corvette
significantly slower than any of the Fighter-class ships(besides the Defender).
It's salvation comes in a powerful turreted gun which is fast enough to hit
Fighters flying at full speed.
My Analysis: Bad. By the time you can use this, one more research topic and
you get the much better Heavy Corvette, and you can do the research for the
Heavy Corvette on the same stage. Never use these.

-Heavy Corvette:
Cost: 250 RUs
Build Time: 25 seconds
Special Function: Charged Burst Attack
Required Technology: Corvette Drive, Corvette Chassis, Heavy Corvette Upgrade
Excerpt: More armored than it's light cousin, the Heavy Corvette adds a second
high powered turret to an already powerful craft. It's turrets allow the Heavy
Corvette to track two fighters at once and also make it a moderate threat to
Capital Ships.
My Analysis: First, the Charged Burst Attack is worthless. Second, it's a
decided improvement over the Light Corvette. Better firepower, better armor,
and better coverage make it one of the best corvettes.

-Repair Corvette:
Cost: 150 RUs
Build Time: 20 seconds
Special Function: Can Repair and refuel Strike Craft
Required Technology: Corvette Drive
Excerpt: The Repair Corvette is capable of repairing and refueling Fighters "in
the field." While equipped with only a small gun, the Repair Corvette has
heavy armor to protect itself and the craft it's repairing. Timely support
from a Repair Corvette can be quite useful in a long battle.
My Analysis: Never use. NEVER. By the time you'll need to repair stuff, the
Support Frigate will be in your arsenal. And it's 10 times better.

-Salvage Corvette:
Cost: 220 RUs
Build Time: 30 seconds
Special Function: Capture of enemy ships
Required Technology: None in Single Player, Corvette Drive and Corvette Chassis
in Multiplayer
Excerpt: This beefy Corvette was once used exclusively for towing junk and
salvaging derelicts. After being adapted for combat, the Salvage Corvette
gained the ability to capture enemy ships that are heavily damaged. Once
captured, these ships are towed back to a Carrier or the Mothership for
My Analysis: Don't be thinking you need to damage a ship for the Salvage
Corvette to capture it, you don't. Also, you need a certain amount of ships to
capture certain things. Right from the Readme file, here's the list:
Frigate = 2 Salvage Corvettes
Destroyer = 3 Salvage Corvettes
Heavy Cruiser = 5 Salvage Corvettes
Carrier = 5 Salvage Corvettes
And, since they can capture any Capital/Super Capital Ship, they are insanely
useful. Build 12 before stage 7 and never let their number run below that.

-Multi-Gun Corvette:
Cost: 225 RUs
Build Time: 28 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Corvette Drive, Corvette Chassis, Fast-Tracking Turrets
Excerpt: Following advances in turrets and auto-targeting, the Multi-Gun
Corvette was conceived. It sports a full six articulating turrets. This
allows it to track numerous fast-moving targets at once, making it especially
deadly against large groups of Fighters.
My Analysis: The second-best Corvette, next to the Salvage Corvette. Sure, it
does less damage to Capital Ships, but since you'll be avoiding most of their
fire, it doesn't really matter(unless up against a Multi-Beam Frigate or
Missile Destroyer). And, since it's much deadlier against Fighters than the
Heavy Corvette, it's better than the Heavy Corvette.

-Minelayer Corvette:
Cost: 295 RUs
Build Time: 40 seconds
Special Function: Creation of Minefields
Required Technology: Corvette Drive, Corvette Chassis, Minelaying Tech
Excerpt: While the Minelayer has normal attack capability(dropping mines that
float slowly towards the target), it can also perform a force mine drop, where
a wall of mines are laid at the current location. Running into a minefield
with a fleet of Capital Ships is sure to ruin anyone's day.
My Analysis: There is no place where these things can really be put to use.
Except maybe the Hiigara level, these things, if built, are probably going to
stay docked the entire game. Sure, they're not that bad, but save your money
and don't build any. Great idea, but it's just not worth it.

**Area 3-4: Frigates**

-Assault Frigate:
Cost: 575 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Capital Ship Drive, Capital Ship Chassis
Excerpt: The Assault Frigate is the most general purpose combat ship of the
capital ships. It has four large turrets, which afford it excellent coverage,
as well as two fixed plasma bomb launchers. While it's turrets are too slow to
track fast-moving fighters, they can take out the slower Corvettes with ease.
My Analysis: No, they can't 'take out Corvettes with ease'. They keep missing
when the Corvettes are on Evasive tactics. These things are bad against all
Strike Craft, as almost all Capital and Super Capital Ships are. Overall,
pretty decent, and the only thing you have to do with these is have some sort
of Strike Craft neutralizers.

-Ion Cannon Frigate:
Cost: 650 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Capital Ship Drive, Capital Ship Chassis, Ion Cannons
Excerpt: When ion power was harnessed, the scale necessary to produce a
severely damaging beam meant that an entire Frigate could only hold one cannon.
The acceleration ladder alone runs the entire length of the ship. What
results is a devastatingly powerful, focused ion beam.
My Analysis: Certain death FROM Strike Craft, not to. The Assault Frigate has
better chances against them, and it can barely kill one or two when a squadron
attacks. I'm sorry, but it's impossible NOT to die to fighters if your whole
fleet is filled up with these things. However, it's also the best against
other capitals, so it should merit some positions in you fleet. But, don't
give it more than half of those positions.

-Support Frigate:
Cost: 425 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute 5 seconds
Special Function: Can repair and refuel Strike Craft, repair Capital Ships
Required Technology:
Excerpt: Giving support to Strike Craft in combat is the Support Frigate's main
role. It has ten Fighter docking pads and four Corvette docking arms for
repairing and refueling. Although it is well armored, the Support Frigate has
only one large turret for defense and is best left alone.
My Analysis: No, it's main role is repairing Capital Ships. The Strike Craft
repairing and refueling is just a bonus. Best left alone, this thing is the
only thing that saves you in the Hiigara level. Set them to heal the
mothership in the Hiigara level, not your attack craft. No exceptions. And,
on a finishing note, it's the best Frigate in the game.

-Drone Frigate:
Cost: 800 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute 15 seconds
Special Function: Drone Launching/Retraction
Required Technology: Capital Ship Drive, Capital Ship Chassis, Drone Technology
Excerpt: The Drone Frigate is essentially a holding and control system for the
24 drones it houses. These highly maneuverable drones each contain a powerful
gun and, when launched, form a protective sphere around the Drone Frigate,
giving it superb protection against Fighters.
My Analysis: Never used these, so I can't say anything, but I hear that the
drones can be used to destroy mines, as they project far enough ahead to
attract them. Once the mines are destroyed, scrap the Frigate itself.

-Defense Field Frigate:
Cost: 800 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute 15 seconds
Special Function: Defense Field(always active)
Required Technology: Capital Ship Drive, Capital Ship Chassis, Defense Field
Excerpt: Like the Defense Fighter, the Defense Field Frigate has no attack
capability. It can, however, deflect almost 100% of all oncoming enemy fire,
with the exception of ion beams, mines, and missiles.
My Analysis: First, it costs too much for something with that small of an
effect area. Second, it can't deflect ion beams, the most devastating weapon
in the game. Yes, I know, I said the Defense Fighter was OK, but that was
because it'll take more time to kill a whole flotilla centered around the
Mothership than a slow, obnoxious, easy bait Capital Ship that can easily be
taken down with ion cannons. You can't exactly hit something that moves with
an ion beam that easily.

-Ion Array Frigate:
No data available
Build Time: N/A
My Analysis: You capture these from the Turanic Raiders with two Salvage
Corvettes in the Great Wastelands Part 1 stage. They are just Ion Cannon
Frigates with a new appearance, and I think they're a bit slower, too. But,
since you get them for free, what did you expect?

-Multi-Beam Corvette:
No data available
Build Time: N/A
My Analysis: This awesome Frigate is a small, cramped ship with four ion
cannons. You capture it in the Cathedral of Kadesh stage from the Kadesh.
And, the best thing about it is that it's inaccurate. What? You heard me
right. Since it's inaccurate, it can sort of 'sweep' the battlefield and
destroy Fighters and Corvettes. And, since Frigates and Super Capital Ships
are big, the inaccuracy doesn't really matter that much. So, I say in
conclusion: Capture as many as you can!

-Fuel Pod:
No data available
Build Time: N/A
My Analysis: Another ship you capture from the Kadesh, only this time you can
capture it in both of the Kadesh stages. It does have a small gun, but it's
like all other support vehicles-small and only there because it needs one. No
use for it really, except to retire for a couple hundred RUs and be that much

**Area 3-5: Super Capital Ships**

Cost: 1,350 RUs
Build Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Super Capital Ship Drive, Ion Cannons
Excerpt: When it comes to taking down other Capital Ships, the Destroyer is a
first choice. It has twin ion cannons and two modified large turrets. With
maneuverability almost equal to a Frigate, the Destroyer is able to move around
well in combat and react quickly to changes in battle.
My Analysis: Pretty good. You should build these over Heavy Cruisers, as you
can capture the latter and they dish out more if you build 2 than 1 Heavy
Cruiser. They're also faster than one.

-Missile Destroyers:
Cost: 1,500 RUs
Build Time: 2 minutes
Special Function: Missile Volley Attack
Required Technology: Super Capital Ship Drive, Guided Missiles
Excerpt: Although it's total firepower is significantly less than that of a
regular Destroyer, the guided missiles it launches make the Missile Destroyer a
formidable foe to Strike Craft and Capital Ship alike. For supply, the Missile
Destroyer has a full missile manufacturing center in it's belly.
My Analysis: Only take one or two of these along to destroy Fighters,
otherwise, the Destroyer is a better choice. Not bad for it's purpose,
however, which is to destroy Fighters.

-Heavy Cruiser:
Cost: 3,700 RUs
Build Time: 7 minutes
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Super Capital Ship Drive, Super Heavy Chassis, Heavy Guns,
Ion Cannons
Excerpt: The goliath of Capital Ships, this bruiser carries four twin-mounted
ion cannons and six heavy turrets, each almost half the size of an entire
Frigate. When a Heavy Cruiser shows up on the scene, things get really quiet
really fast.
My Analysis: Two Destroyers more equal this thing in combined firepower, and
they cost less. Sure, they can be useful, but you can capture them in later
levels of the game, so why not?

Cost: 2,000
Build Time: 4 minutes 41 seconds
Special Function: Can repair and refuel Strike Craft
Required Technology: Super Capital Ship Drive, Super Heavy Chassis
Excerpt: A veritable feat of engineering, the Carrier incorporates an entire
construction center, capable of building up to Frigate-class ships. In
addition, a huge docking array provides space for up to 50 Fighters and 25
Corvettes. It's rapid-fire deck guns give it adequate defense.
My Analysis: Mothership 2. These are extremely helpful for organizing your
Strike Craft fleet. You only need like one through the whole game, though, so
capture the one in Great Wastelands Part 2 and keep it.

**Area 3-6: Motherships**

Cost: N/A
Build Time: 25 years
Special Function: None
Required Technology: N/A
Excerpt: The massive mothership contains three main sections: navigation, the
fleet foundry, and cryogenics. Navigation analyzes local sensor data, the
foundry provides complete construction capability, and cryogenics maintains the
600,000 colonists aboard.
My Analysis: Don't rely on it's guns to do anything except explode a couple
fighters or Corvettes. They are the worst guns in the game, believe it or not.
Well, maybe they're a little better than a Scout's, but not by that much.
Just keep this thing alive, you lose the game if it's destroyed.

**Area 3-7: Non-Combat Ships**

-Research Ship:
Cost: 700 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute
Special Function: None
Required Technology: None
Excerpt: Each Research Ship is a fully-functioning science facility that
develops new technologies for the fleet. Newly-built research ships will link
up with existing ones, increasing the aggregate armor of the facility.
My Analysis: Really, one of the objectives you have to complete on the first
mission is building one. Building another later on is useful, but not

-Resource Collector:
Cost: 650 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute
Special Function: Can refuel Strike Craft
Required Technology: None
Excerpt: Using a modified Phased Disassembler Array, the Resource Collector
extracts at a molecular level the base elements in any resource. It then
converts these elements into Resource Units, the generic term for base levels
of material necessary for construction.
My Analysis: You MUST have more than two by the end of the fifth level. These
are necessary for you to make it through the game, like the Harvesters in C&C.
Resource Units(RUs) give you every other ship, so... Also, it gets 650 RUs per
load, so it pays for itself in one load.

-Resource Controller:
Cost: 680 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute 5 seconds
Special Function: Can refuel Strike Craft
Required Technology: Capital Ship Drive
Excerpt: The Resource Controller provides remote drop-off capability to the
Resource Collector, minimizing the time spent in transit. Additionally, it
supports refueling of six Fighters and two Corvettes at once via it's docking
My Analysis: Also VERY helpful. You can get by without these, but it's not
easy at all. Try to have one guarding each Resource Collector you have for
maximum usage.

Cost: 30 RUs
Build Time: 6 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: None
Excerpt: The Probe is outfitted with a one-time use engine which provides a
huge power output for a short period of time. This results in very fast
travel, but once in place the Probe can't be moved again.
My Analysis: Not wholly useful in the single player game at all, but I do have
some tactics for use against computer skirmishes in the Battle Tactics section.

-Proximity Sensor:
Cost: 50 RUs
Build Time: 6 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Proximity Detector
Excerpt: A remote sensor pack with an engine strapped onto it pretty much sums
up the Proximity Sensor. Beyond normal watch-dogging, it's ability to detect
cloaked vessels can make the lowly Proximity Sensor a handy ship to have
My Analysis: It's handy for detecting cloaked enemy vessels, yes. And for
scouting. You should build a few, and have a couple guard the Mothership while
you do something else with the rest. Have the leftover ships guard the
Mothership if they don't have something better to do.

-Sensors Array:
Cost: 800 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute 20 seconds
Special Function: None
Required Technology: Proximity Detector, Sensor Array
Excerpt: Expanding the sensor ability of the Mothership with it's larger-scale
design, the Sensors Array provides full data on the local environment, letting
you see the position and number of all enemy ships, as well as resource
My Analysis: Actually, you don't need this ship to see resource pockets. To
me, it's quite handy to see what enemies are flinging at you, but to other
people, it's trash. I don't think it can detect cloaked vessels, so it's not a
total replacement for the Proximity Sensor. I guess you decide how good it is
to you.

-Cloak Generator:
Cost: 500 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute
Special Function: Cloaking
Required Technology: Capital Ship Drive, Cloak Generator
Excerpt: The Cloak Generator creates a cloaking field large enough to contain
up to two Frigates. Any ship inside the field is completely invisible except
when firing. The generator can operate only for a fixed amount of time before
recharging must occur.
My Analysis: Cool, but pretty useless. However, since I've never tried it in
Multiplayer or single player, I may be wrong (Note: feedback wanted).

-Grav Well Generator:
Cost: 800 RUs
Build Time: 1 minute
Special Function: Captures Strike Craft in it's field
Required Technology: Capital Ship Drive, Gravity Generator
Excerpt: The Grav Well Generator creates a strong field around it which stops
all Strike Craft in place. Gravity Well technology is less understood than
cloaking and, as a result, the Grav Well's unstable field must be shut down
after a certain time and never restarted.
My Analysis: Not that good. Why not bring a Missile Destroyer instead - it's
actually reusable! Really, it'd be much better if it could actually recharged
so it could be used again.

Also, give Special Thanks to MetroidMoo for letting me use the Unit Build Times
from his Homeworld Units FAQ! He supplied the build times for Fighters through
Super Capital Ships. I suggest you go check it out! (Note: I supplied the
Mothership's Build Time.)

Section 4: Battle Tactics/Tips:

**Area 4-1: VS. Computer**
One of the reasons I like this game so much is because of the Skirmish mode.
Here are some tips for beating the computer.

*Enemy Resource Collectors:
If anybody who reads this has played Command And Conquer, you have good
practice with managing harvesters. And, it's a LOT easier do destroy the
enemy's Resource Collectors here, since the AI doesn't do anything about it. At
least on Easy... But, instead of destroying them, capture them instead.
Still, make sure you can fend off an attack if you go after them, because the
computer does sometimes attack when you do that.

*Scouting the Enemy:
The Computer AI attacks anything besides itself within a set distance of it, I
believe. And there is a flaw, or the set distance should at least be bigger.
You see, you can position a ship far enough above the enemy mothership so that
you can Alt focus in on the mothership and see all the ships they're building,
etc., and have the enemy not attack you. Also, this could work in real-life
multiplayer if the human opponent is stupid, but don't count on it. I only
tested it on the Easy setting, so the radius may vary from difficulty to
difficulty. It's worth a shot, though.

*Easy Computer Kills:
There's a really easy way to kill the enemies Capital Ships, and in theory,
Strike Craft, also. Send a Probe or something and take a look at the
computer's forces. Do they have a lot of capital ships just sitting there, say
over 10? You can take out some without getting a shot fired back in return.
OK, Hyperspace a small fleet of capital ships (say, 5 Assault Frigates and 3-5
Ion Cannons) to the end of that line of capitals, away from the Mothership.
Now, attack the last one. Sure, it'll be knocked backward, but you should
still be able to kill it. Now, keep doing this until they start firing at you.
It's OK if the computer builds more ships, it's just wasted resources on their
part and more bounty on yours if you have that option on. Even after they
start firing back, you can kill a few. Hyperspace back away when your fleet
ends up in bad condition. Also, I've only done this once, and on the Easy
difficulty, too. It may not work on hard.

**Area 4-2: VS. Human Players**
As almost everybody who has the game and a brain knows, Homeworld has an
multiplayer Internet battle option which is hosted by WON (World Opponent
Network). Here are some tips for it, and the computer may never use these
themselves, but you can use these for all they're worth. Look above for VS.
Computer specifically tips.

-The Probe Screen:
I saw one player (FinalKnight on WON, I believe) do this when I was playing
him. He/She sent out several dozen probes all around his Mothership. The
point is to gather information on what is coming at you so you have a better
chance of dealing with it. Proximity Sensors should also work well, as you
could detect a cloak attack, although they're untested and more expensive.
VS. Probe Screen:
You have two options: Either Hyperspace past them or so close to your target it
won't matter if you're detected, or take a few ships and blast them for money
if you have Bounties on. Now that I think about it, I should have done that

-Sit and Wait:
Actually, the computer does this, too. If you're playing more than one
opponent, instead of deciding which to attack, you should sit and wait until
you A: Have enough strength to take all out at the same time, or B: One gets
killed by the other. If there's still multiple players left after one gets
killed, continue to wait if you can't take both out. Also, you'll be able to
defend if you are caught by an attack from them, too.
VS. Sit and Wait:
Actually, there isn't much you can do about it. Maybe do the same thing and
take all your opponents out at the same time.

-Minelayer Corvettes:
Just since I saw some other player (I think it was ILoveWar on WON) circle her
Mothership/Carrier with Mines, I decided to try it too, since people never do
stupid things on purpose... Most of the time. OK, the results: 7 Minelayer
Corvettes annihilated a dozen frigates with their minefield in mere moments.
The best places to station mines are a little ways away (NOT right beside) the
thing/place you're trying to mine, and from all sides and the top/bottom.
VS. Minelayer Corvettes:
Not really much you can do besides Hyperspace past them, and if they're close
enough to your target, it won't matter if you Hyperspace or not. Try to send
squadrons of Fighters to blast the Minelayers before anything serious gets put
up, since Fighters are too fast to get hit by many mines, then have some
armored decoy with several Support Frigates set to heal it. Decoy the mines to
the scapegoat ship, which eliminates them. Your ship won't be eliminated
because of the Support Frigates. Then Hyperspace out so you don't get a
immediate retaliation unless that's part of an attack in the first place and
you needed to get through.

**Area 4-3: Tactics**

Excerpt: Evasive Tactics are best used when resources are tight and each ship
is vital. Your ships won't hit as hard, but they are more likely to come home.
Ships set to Evasive will boost power to engines in order to increase speed
and maneuverability. This will come at the cost of lowered power to weapons
and a slight increase in fuel consumption for Strike Craft (Fighters and
Corvettes). When attacking, Fighter groups also will break up into flight
pairs, where one ship will take point and the other will serve as wingman and
take measures to remove threats that lock onto the lead vessel.
My Analysis: Never useful for Capital Ships unless they're in Diamond Shoals
and Chapel Perilous, so they can avoid the asteroids and other ships. Wait a
minute, if you're capturing a ship and don't want anything to fire on it, set
them to evasive so they won't.

Excerpt: This is the neutral stance for ships. Strike Craft set to neutral
will perform evasive removals while attacking enemy ships. If no orders are
issued and enemies are nearby, ships in neutral will fire from their current
position, but will not engage in full combat.
My Analysis: The most worthless stance you can take. And what's worse, all
ships come in this tactic. Evasive or Aggressive will do the job better, pick
one of them depending on what the job is.

Excerpt: Ships in Aggressive mode are out for blood and will attempt to destroy
the enemy even at the cost of their own lives. Use this tactical stance if
resources are not a factor or if you need to hurt the your opponent as hard and
as quickly as possible. Strike Craft in this mode shunt power from the engines
into the weapons grid, so speed and agility are reduced but firepower is
increased. Ships in Aggressive tactics will not perform any kind of evasive
maneuvers and also will attack nearby enemies without being issued orders.
Resource Collectors in Aggressive tactics will continue to harvest even if
under attack.
My Analysis: Most useful for Capital Ships, as Strike Craft get hit much
faster, which doesn't make up for the increased firepower. Just be sure not to
have anything on Aggressive when you're capturing a ship, or they might try to
destroy it even if your Salvage Corvettes are bringing it in.

**Area 4-4: Formations**

Excerpt: The standard flat triangle formation is an excellent way of organizing
groups of Strike Craft into effective squadrons, but it lacks the flexibility
and firepower concentration available to the more three-dimensional formations.
My Analysis: Worthless, worthless, and even more worthless. You NEVER use
this, got that?

Excerpt: This flattened line is not effective for Strike Craft as it disperses
their firepower. It is more useful for squadrons of Capital Ships, where unit
quick identification and selection are as important as firepower. It is a
useful formation to approach in if you are planning to break ships off to
strike at specific targets once the battle is joined.
My Analysis: Same as Delta. Never use it.

Excerpt: The flying X formation is an excellent Strike Craft formation,
concentrating a large number of vessels into a relatively small
three-dimensional space. It's only drawback is that the dense formation makes
individual ships vulnerable to slow turret fire they might otherwise have
avoided if they were dispersed.
My Analysis: Not a bad formation in and of itself, but the Claw is better, IMO.
Still, some people like this better, so if you do, you can use it and survive.

Excerpt: Like it's natural namesake, this formation is deadly when striking out
at an individual target. The Claw is a superb formation for Strike Craft when
they are targeting a Capital Ship. The four curving lines of Fighters make
concentrating firepower and envelopment deadly efficient. The only drawback is
identifying and selecting single ships inside this complex formation:
My Analysis: The best formation for Strike Craft, IMO. Unlike the X, you can
concentrate your firepower better. Personally, I just set all of my Strike
Craft into this formation and go rampaging.

Excerpt: Most effective for Capital Ships, the Wall formation allows larger
vessels to concentrate firepower without dangerously crowding each other. The
Wall is not a subtle formation but does give large groups of big ships an
effective attack mode.
My Analysis: The best formation for Capital Ships, IMO. It's too compact and
inflexible for Strike Craft, so don't use them in this formation.

Excerpt: This is the deadliest of all formations in terms of continuous
firepower. Ships in this formation lose their ability to perform complex
flight maneuvers but gain the ability to constantly fire at targets from every
angle. This is also an effective guarding formation as it puts the vessel to
be protected in the center of the sphere.
My Analysis: Great for guarding, but don't use it for much else. It's too

Section 5: Technologies:

**Area 5-1: Kushan/Taiidan Research Trees**

*Kushan Research Trees:
^=Ship Produced Plasma Bomb Launcher
/ ^Attack Bomber^
Defender Sub-Systems /
/ ^Defender^ /
/ / Cloaked Fighter
Fighter Drive - / - Fighter Chassis - - - - - - / ^Cloaked Fighter
Fast Tracking Turrets
/ ^Multi-Gun Corvette^
/ - Heavy Corvette Upgrade
/ ^Heavy Corvette
Corvette Drive - - - - - Corvette Chassis - / - \
^Light Corvette^ ^*Salvage Corvette^ - Minelaying Tech
^Minelayer Corvette^
/ - Gravity Generator - Ion Cannons
/ ^Grav Well Generator^ /^Ion Cannon Frigate^
/ /
/ - Cloak Generator / - Drone Tech
/ ^Cloak Generator^ / ^Drone Frigate^
Capital Ship Drive / - \ /
^Support Frigate^ Capital Ship Chassis -/
^Resource Controller^
- Super Capital Ship Drive - Guided Missiles
/ ^**Destroyer^ ^Missile Destroyer^
Capital Ship Chassis / - \
- Super Capital Ship Chassis - Heavy Guns
^****Carrier^ ^***Heavy Cruiser^

Proximity Detector - Sensors Array
^Proximity Sensor^ ^Sensors Array^

*=In single player, you can build it right off the bat. In Multiplayer, you
need to research to build it.
**=Also needs Ion Cannons.
***=Also needs Ion Cannons and Super Capital Ship Drive.
****=Also needs Super Capital Ship Drive.
*Taiidan Research Trees:
^=Ship Produced
Plasma Bomb Launcher
/ ^Attack Bomber^
Defender Sub-Systems /
/ ^Defender^ /
/ / - Defense Fighter
Fighter Drive - / - Fighter Chassis - - - - - - / ^Defense Fighter^
Fast Tracking Turrets
/ ^Multi-Gun Corvette^
/ - Heavy Corvette Upgrade
/ ^Heavy Corvette
Corvette Drive - - - - - Corvette Chassis - / - \
^Light Corvette^ ^*Salvage Corvette^ - Minelaying Tech
^Minelayer Corvette^
/ - Gravity Generator - Ion Cannons
/ ^Grav Well Generator^ /^Ion Cannon Frigate^
/ /
/ - Cloak Generator / - Drone Tech
/ ^Cloak Generator^ / ^Drone Frigate^
Capital Ship Drive / - \ /
^Support Frigate^ Capital Ship Chassis -/
^Resource Controller^
- Super Capital Ship Drive - Guided Missiles
/ ^**Destroyer^ ^Missile Destroyer^
Capital Ship Chassis / - \
- Super Capital Ship Chassis - Heavy Guns
^****Carrier^ ^***Heavy Cruiser^

Proximity Detector - Sensors Array
^Proximity Sensor^ ^Sensors Array^

*=In single player, you can build it right off the bat. In Multiplayer, you
need to research to build it.
**=Also needs Ion Cannons.
***=Also needs Ion Cannons and Super Capital Ship Drive.
****=Also needs Super Capital Ship Drive.
**Area 5-2: Technologies**

-Fighter Drive:
Required Tech: Nothing
Leads to: Fighter Chassis
Needed for: Interceptor, Defender, Cloaked Fighter, Defense Fighter, Attack
The first requirement for more powerful Strike Craft is a better engine.
Fighter Drive Technology allows us to modify the plasma ducting and reaction
efficiency of our smallest reactors and create a whole new generation of
high-performance Strike Craft that can carry heavier armor and payloads.

-Fighter Chassis:
Required Tech: Fighter Drive
Leads to: Defender Sub-Systems, Plasma Bomb Launcher, Cloaked Fighter, Defense
Needed for: Interceptor, *Defender, Cloaked Fighter, Defense Fighter, Attack
Once the full capabilities of the new Fighter drives are documented, scientists
quickly will begin designing new frames that translate this power into better
armor, longer range and heavier payloads. The Fighter Chassis is the blueprint
for a new generation of heavy Fighters and Interceptors.
*=In single-player, yes. In Multi-player, you can build it right after
researching the Fighter Drives, no Fighter Chassis is needed.

-Plasma Bomb Launcher:
Required Tech: Fighter Chassis
Leads to: Nothing
Needed for: Attack Bomber
One of the benefits of a larger Fighter frame is the ability to modify a Strike
Craft to carry powerful directed energy payloads. The plasma bomb system draws
high-energy plasma from the Fighter's fusion torch drive and vents it into a
small magnetic containment sphere mounted aboard a direct fire missile. The
plasma venting occurs in the split second between the pilot firing the bomb and
the bomb actually leaving it's cradle. Upon impact with the target, the bomb's
containment sphere ruptures and releases the neat-fusion plasma in a single
massive burst. While the missile is unable to accurately target fast-moving
Strike Craft, it can be devastating to slower-moving Capital Ships. This
ornate and powerful weapon system leaves a Strike Craft without any room to
mount other weapons.

-Defender Sub-Systems:
Required Tech: Fighter Chassis (single-player only)
Leads to: Nothing
Needed for: Defender
With the need for better space superiority systems, engineers have developed a
whole new generation of targeting computer and sensor suites and combined them
into specialized Fire Control systems. These new control systems can be
adhered to gimbals mounted weapons to enable them to track and fire upon small,
fast Strike Craft.

-Cloaked Fighter(Kushan Only):
Required Tech: Fighter Chassis
Leads to: Nothing
Needed for: Cloaked Fighter(Kushan Only)
While researching electromagnetic ram-scoops, a Kushan scientist stumbled
across a process by which intense fields could wrap photons around an object
and render it invisible. Because the ration between the size of the field and
the mass of the generator kept the effect minimal, it was considered nothing
more than a scientific curiosity. This was until a research team discovered
that a generator large enough to emit electromagnetic fields just strong enough
to render a Fighter invisible could be mounted on a Fighter chassis.

-Defense Fighter(Taiidan Only):
Required Tech: Fighter Chassis
Leads to: Nothing
Needed for: Defense Fighter
Exploiting the Fighter frame even further, Taiidan scientists were able to
produce a design capable of supporting the large dome Array mounting which
makes the Defense Laser possible.

-Corvette Drive:
Required Tech: Nothing
Leads to: Corvette Chassis
Needed for: Light Corvette, Salvage Corvette, Multi-Gun Corvette, Heavy
Corvette, Minelayer Corvette
This improvement to the Fighter Drive trades mass for power. While far to big
to wrap a Fighter around, this new drive is perfect for the Corvette class of
ships. The higher power output allows for heavier weapon systems and powered
turrets. Unfortunately, despite a higher degree of fusion efficiency, these
drives still require reaction mass to be injected into the fusion torch and
must be refueled regularly.

-Corvette Chassis:
Required Tech: Corvette Drive
Leads to: Heavy Corvette Upgrade, Fast Tracking Turrets, Minelaying Tech
Needed for: Light Corvette, Salvage Corvette, Heavy Corvette, Multi-Gun
Corvette, Minelayer Corvette
With an improved engine, engineers were quickly able to expand their initial
large utility hulls into a full-fledged combat chassis. This new generation of
Strike Craft had large crew areas with multiple control stations which would
open the door for heavy, multi-role Strike Craft with full turret capabilities
and superior composite armor plating.

-Heavy Corvette Upgrade:
Required Tech: Corvette Chassis
Leads to: Nothing
Needed for: Heavy Corvette
This breakthrough represents the pinnacle of corvette class design and
technology. The achievement here is beefing up the structural strength of the
Corvette hull with advanced components and EM field couplers so it can handle
the stress of carrying a second heavy turret. Advancements in ablative armor
techniques are the final part of an upgrade package that creates the most
powerful Strike Craft in existence.

-Fast-Tracking Turrets:
Required Tech: Corvette Chassis
Leads to: Nothing
Needed for: Multi-Gun Corvette
IN an attempt to further increase fleet defense against high speed Fighter
attacks, breakthroughs were made in both computerized and high-speed magnetic
couplings. Engineers combined these into a new series of fast-tracking turrets
that can be mounted in multiple configurations on hulls as small as Corvettes.
This ability to track multiple targets and engage them with separate turrets
has allowed the creation of small gunships that can serve effectively in the
anti-Fighter role.

-Minelaying Tech:
Required Tech: Corvette Chassis
Leads to: Nothing
Needed for: Minelayer Corvette
When scientists tried applying plasma bomb launcher technology to the larger
Corvette hulls, they accessed a more powerful fusion drive that allowed them to
experiment with the size of the plasma bomb containment field and new
deployment methods. The development of super-dense plasma injectors made it
possible to create a mine dispenser that would fir inside a Corvette hull and
still be able to produce dozens of small plasma warheads designed to detonate
on or near contact with enemy hulls. With this technology, it's possible to
create minefields around the Mothership at a moment's notice.

-Capital Ship Drive Drive:
Required Tech: Nothing
Leads to: Capital Ship Chassis
Needed for: Assault Frigate, Ion Cannon Frigate, Drone Frigate, Defense Field
Frigate, Support Frigate, Gravwell Generator, Cloak Generator, Resource
The advances in Strike Craft drives soon made it obvious that the next step in
ship engineering should be drives large enough to achieve self-sustaining
fusion torches while accelerating high mass vessels to combat speeds. The
capital ship drive finally allows for vessels that do not require refueling.

-Capital Ship Chassis:
Required Tech: Capital Ship Drive
Leads to: Ion Cannons, Super capital Ship Drive, Super Heavy Chassis, Gravity
Generator, Cloak Generator
Needed for: Ion Cannon Frigate, Drone Frigate, Defense Field Frigate
The new heavy drives require a whole new hull technology based on heavily
reinforced alloy skeleton that can bear the stress of multi-level decking and
heavy weapon mounts. The groundwork had been laid to design the ship's spine
to incorporate theoretically very heavy beam weapons. This breakthrough can be
adapted to several special purpose designs as well as the creation of Frigate
class warships. Scientists believe that this chassis could lead to even more
massive ship designs.

Section 6: Battle Strategy:

[Some of the data contained here contradicts what I said above. This data
takes precedence, but only for where it's mentioned.]


=Mission Objectives:
-Construct Research Ship
-Harvest Asteroids
-Destroy Target Drones using a formation
-Destroy Target Drones using tactics
-Capture the Target Drone using a Salvage Corvette

=Secondary Objectives:
-Research Fighter Chassis

This stage is basically training mode in the single player. First, it gives
you a cut scene showing basically what's talked about in the first few pages of
the manual. Then it goes through the Mothership disembarking from the
Scaffold. After that, you finally get control of the game.
Start by commanding the Resource Collector to Harvest the asteroids. While
it's doing that, build a Research Ship, and get your Scouts in a formation.
When Fleet Intelligence pops up again and tells you to destroy the Target
Drones using a formation, go out there and get them.
By now, your Research Ship should be done building. Research the Fighter
Chassis, then when it's finished, research the Corvette Drive. Sometime in
there, Fleet Intelligence will order you to use tactics to destroy Target
Drones using tactics. Give them Evasive so they don't run into the Drones
(it's happened to me before) and destroy the Drones. While the Scouts are out
making scrap metal, build a Salvage Corvette.
Now, hopefully you've at least finished researching the Fighter Chassis.
Research the Corvette Drive now to save time later, then use the Salvage
Corvette you built to capture the last Target Drone. After that, you'll be
allowed to Hyperspace to the next level. Make sure the Corvette Drive Research
is complete, then click the button.

02-Outskirts of Kharak System:

=Mission Objectives:
-Send probe to the Khar-Selim
-Protect the Mothership
-Salvage the Khar-Selim
-Defend salvage team
-Defend the Mothership
-Destroy the attacking force

=Secondary Objectives:
-Investigate large power signature

Your first real fight. Tell your Resource Collector to Harvest. Retire all
your Scouts, and build 15 Interceptors. Group the Interceptors, put them in
Sphere formation, and give them the Aggressive tactics. Research the Corvette
Chassis. Now, wait for the Resource Collector to get to the Khar-Selim as your
probe. It'll trigger a cut scene, which leaves you with an alien force
attacking the Mothership. Order your Interceptors to attack them, and the
attackers will get crushed easily.
When the enemies retreat, dock all your fighters and wait for the Resource
Collector to return(Note: there is an unharvestable asteroid near the
Khar-Selim. Don't worry about not getting it (the attackers totally forgot
about the collector, so it shouldn't be damaged)). By now, the Corvette
Chassis research should be complete or close to it, so research the Heavy
Corvette Upgrade when it's done.
Launch your Fighters and your Salvage Corvette. Make sure the Interceptors
have been ordered to guard the Salvage Corvette in Sphere formation, then put
the Interceptors in Aggressive. Fly the Salvage Corvette over to the
Khar-Selim, and have it Salvage the biggest piece of wreckage.
Now, some more enemy Fighters and Corvettes will attack your Salvage
Corvette. When it's done Salvaging the Khar-Selim, tell the Salvage Corvette
to dock with the Mothership. While it's going there, the Interceptors will
fire on the enemy attackers, destroying them before they can attack the Salvage
Once your Salvage Corvette begins to dock with the Mothership, have your
Interceptors abandon the Salvage Corvette and attack the pursuing fighters and
corvettes. When the Salvage Corvette docks, another cut scene will play,
showing the sound of the destruction of the Khar-Selim. The video will just be
the wreckage you've already seen.
Continue whacking the Fighters around close to the Mothership. After a
while, Fleet Intelligence will enter the scene with his obnoxious attitude,
informing you that he has detected a large power signature nearby. You don't
need to do much to investigate it. Just whack the enemies as fast as you can
the second you see them, and you'll end up fighting further away from the
Mothership... And further...
You'll see a Carrier, the source of the large power signature, if you've been
whacking enemies fast enough and headed straight for them the second you saw
them. Don't even try to attack it, it'll cut you to pieces. It's got two ion
cannons and a few accurate turrets. Stay a fair distance away, and keep
destroying Fighters.
Anyway, after a while, they'll get tired of being killed and they'll retreat.
Dock your Fighters to repair and refuel, and build Salvage Corvettes until you
have 8 total. You'll use them.
Make sure all the research is completed, and make sure your launch bays
AREN'T set to 'Stay Docked'. You need the Fighters to scramble as soon as they
can. When you're ready, click the Hyperspace button to Return to Kharak.

Bug: Yes, there is a bug on this level, but it's rather useless. You can
finish off the Investigate Large Power Signature objective without it ever
appearing. To do it, when your Salvage Corvette docks with the Mothership with
the mission data recorder and returns it, hit the space bar to go into the
Sensors Manager in the middle of the scene which follows. Hit it again to
return the view to the Khar-Selim, but now you can use all your usual functions
of camera zooms. Anyway, look up, and try to Alt focus on a enemy ship. Look
around, and you'll see the carrier. Fleet Intelligence will blurt out the
obvious, and you'll never have a Secondary Objectives list for the rest of the
mission. I doubt that's even a bug, now that I think of it.

03-Return to Kharak:

=Mission Objectives:
-Defend cyro trays
-Capture enemy ship using 2 Salvage Corvettes
-Salvage cryo trays

Hopefully, your Fighters will exit the Mothership as soon as it's finished
exiting Hyperspace. You'll immediately notice Kharak is a cinder. Only this
time, Fleet Command blurts out the obvious. As soon as the cut scene starts,
exit it by pressing the space bar, then get back out of the sensors manager and
Alt focus on a cryo tray. Now, some enemy ships will start firing on a cryo
tray. Move your 8 Salvage Corvettes halfway between the enemies and the
Mothership. Order your Interceptors to attack all the enemy Assault Frigates
as a group, and let the fun begin (Note: The number of ships you face is based
on your fleet size. If you have a small fleet, you face 3. If you have a
large fleet for that point in the game, you face 4. If you only have 1 Scout,
15 Interceptors, and 8 Salvage Corvettes, you should only face 3).
If your Interceptors are attacking all of the Assault Frigates, they should
spread out trying to hit your Fighters. When they are all trying to get your
Fighters, group select all of your Salvage Corvettes and tell them to Salvage
all of the enemy Assault Frigates. A couple may get destroyed, but you should
capture all of the enemy Assault Frigates.
Then you have all the time in the world. Harvest, research the Capital Ship
Chassis, get the cryo trays loaded. Repair your fleet. Hyperspace.

04-Great Wastelands Part 1:

=Mission Objectives:
-Begin Collection of resources
-Protect the fleet
-Destroy retreating Turanic Raider Carrier

During the intermission cut scene, Fleet Intelligence actually tells you
something you don't already know. "However, we have determined that, in our
current state, they can still easily defeat us." Or something like that. He's
talking about the fleet that burned Kharak to a cinder. He proposes to hide
out in an asteroid field and build a bigger and better fleet-and of course, you
have to go there. And, then the mission starts.
First, build a Resource Controller if you haven't already. Assign it to
guard your Resource Collector. Now, go harvest the asteroids in the middle of
the map. After one or so loads of RUs, the Bentusi Mothership comes and
decides to take control of the ambassador's ship that was sent out to meet it.
Alas, all the control freaks in the game... Anyway, using some sort of
technology I know next to nothing about besides the fact that it's there and
works, they guide you into their ship. Now, they start talking.
"We are the Bentusi. We welcome you to the space-faring cultures. The
Unbound. The Outer Limb Trade Routes were established in the First Time by our
The resources you collect are of value to the Bentusi Exchange. They will
serve as an acceptable medium for trade.
It has been our custom to equip trading partners with an exchange unit. It
has therefore been provided to your ambassador as a gesture of good will." I
think that's how it goes. Anyway, you get taken to the exchange screen next.
If you click ACCEPT OFFER, you have traded. If you click done, you exit the
screen. WITHOUT clicking Accept Offer, click done. Now, you have a lot of
time to harvest before they leave and the Turanic Raiders appear. When they
start talking again, THEN you click the ship to get back to the Exchange
screen, and quickly trade. You should be able to harvest most of the asteroids
before they leave if you have a Resource Controller guarding the Collector
you're using.
Right after you trade, retreat your Resource Collector back to the
Mothership, and the Controller will follow. Unload your Fighters. You see, a
Turanic Raider patrol will go through the area you were just harvesting and
your Resource ships would have gotten caught, and more will attack the
Mothership, where your Fighters are needed most. Splitting them up and sending
half to the Collector while leaving half at the Mothership is a bad idea.
When the attack comes, set your Fighters to Evasive and your Mothership to
Aggressive. The attack comes in what seem like downgraded Interceptors (or
Scouts without the speed) and Corvettes which have a capability I want-to carry
missiles. Anyway, go after the missile Corvettes first, then quash the
Fighters. After a few squadrons attack, a few Ion Array Frigates will
Hyperspace in and start attacking the Mothership. First, kill all Strike Craft
in the area, then unload your Salvage Corvettes and capture all of them. They
don't even try to resist, so there's no excuse. Now, quickly dock your Salvage
Corvettes and Interceptors.
After you capture or destroy all the enemy forces, something new hyperspaces
in. Remember that Carrier from Mission 2 (Outskirts of Kharak System)? It's
back, and now you can deal with it. First, let the two Ion Array Frigates
escorting it start firing on the Mothership so they ignore the Salvage
Corvettes when you unload them. Unload them once they start firing, then
capture the 2 escorts. In the meanwhile, set everything besides the Mothership
to Evasive so the Carrier has less of a chance of ramming them and killing
them. Now, bring in your captured Ion Array Frigates, and the Assault Frigates
you captured one mission earlier, and start firing on the Carrier.
When you decrease it to about half health, it'll realize the futility of
killing your Mothership. It'll start to retreat. You have to kill it. If you
have 6-7 Ion Array Frigates and a couple of Assault Frigates, you should be
able to take care of it.
We're not done yet. Remember when I said a Turanic Raider patrol was
patrolling the area where you harvested? It's time to take them out. There's
two squadrons of those inferior Fighters, so 15 Interceptors set on Evasive
should be able to take them out with minimal losses. Now, go in and finish
harvesting whatever's left. Repair your fleet, then go on through Hyperspace.

05-Great Wastelands Part 2:

=Mission Objectives:
-Investigate the asteroid belt
-Eradicate all enemy ships

=Secondary Objectives:
-Destroy enemy Resource Collectors
-Research Defender Sub-Systems

You will take a long time with this mission. First, take your Resource
Collector and Controller and Harvest at the resources to the Mothership's left
and up. Get about 3 loads there, then head them back to the Mothership. Set
the Launch Controls back to 'Stay Docked.' Build your squadron of Interceptors
up to 20 if it isn't there already, and set them to Evasive. Move 5-6 Salvage
Corvettes to the end of the other resource trail-to the Mothership's right and
a little down. Move your 20 Interceptors there also, but put them about a
screen ahead of the Salvage Corvettes. Research Plasma Bomb Technology, wait
until it becomes available if you can't yet. Shouldn't be that long if you did
everything above first. Now, build a Probe and send it like Fleet Intelligence
wants you to.
6 or 7 patrols will start patrolling. Let the Interceptors engage the first
patrols they see. They should go after the Fighters first if there are any.
Hopefully, the Salvage Corvettes are far enough back they are out of sight.
Enemy Resource Collectors will come through that area. Let them pass. When
they're almost out of your view while battling the squadrons of Fighters and
the Frigates that will have by now entered the scene. Trigger the Salvage
Corvettes when the Collectors are far enough away (out of sight). Two free
Resource Collectors, and if you did it right, no enemy will notice until they
realize the Collectors haven't come back.
Now, it's time to get rid of the Assault Frigates. Let your Interceptor
squadron keep fighting until they die. Have them concentrate on one Assault
Frigate. It should at least be smoking from the engines by the time the
squadron goes down. Build another 15 to take over for the originals. They'll
serve mainly as bait.
OK, the Assault Frigates on this level are very headstrong... Or they're set
on Aggressive. They can and will follow a squadron of Interceptors one-third
of the way across the map. Go to where the original squadron of Interceptors
died. Wait there for the Assault Frigates to come back. Now fire on them so
that they all at least turn towards the squadron. That means they're locked
onto them.
Once all of the Frigates there are locked onto the Interceptors, have the
Interceptors dock with the Mothership. The Frigates will follow... Right into
a trap.
Before the Frigates get to your Mothership, set the warships you have (Ion
Array Frigates, Assault Frigates) into a wall formation, and on Aggressive.
Also, position them a little ways in front of it. Now wait for the Frigates to
show up.
Fire on the damaged Frigate first (the one you damaged with the original
squadron), so it's killed faster and there's less shooting at you. Now,
annihilate all the Frigates except one... Set your Frigates to Evasive, and
have them run from it. At the same time, unload your Salvage Corvettes.
Immediately move the first two over so you can capture it without having some
Salvage Corvettes destroyed.
Now, deal with the other Assault Frigates that are left over. Be warned, the
technique above may not work if it's too far from the Mothership. Just don't
go to where the Carrier is, there are none there, and Destroyers are dangerous.
Oh, and spare the Ion Frigates at the bottom of the map. You can capture
those later. Now, try to build 16 (!) Salvage Corvettes.
After a while, even with no Resource Collectors (cheaters!), the Carrier
seems to crank out Defenders. Fight enough, and you can research for a similar
ship. Anyway, after you've destroyed or captured all of the Assault Frigates,
take your Interceptor squadron and knock out all the Defenders surrounding the
Ion Frigates. Now, just distract them, and capture the Ion Frigates.
At this point, if there are no patrols left on the map, the Carrier, two
Destroyers, and Support Frigate will go kamikaze-like and attack your
Mothership. Dock all Strike Craft, then move anything left over besides the
Mothership herself about 30 kilometers behind the Mothership so the Carrier
doesn't ram it and destroy it.
Also, this faq is copyright Giovanni 2000. No stealing my faqs. More often
than not, someone who steals and alters this faq so it looks like it's his will
miss this. Faq continued:
When the attack force arrives, launch all your Interceptors to combat their
Fighters, and try to kill the Fighters before they Kamikaze into your
Mothership. Once you've killed most of them that were launched, launch your
Salvage Corvettes, and try to capture the Carrier and Destroyers and Support
Frigate. Some will get destroyed, that's why I had you build 16. Have your
Interceptors finish off the remaining Fighters, and capture all that you can.
Especially the two Destroyers.
When every enemy is either destroyed or captured, build the number of
Resource Controllers equal to the number of Collectors you have, and then
assign them to guard the Collectors. Now, harvest everything left. Research
everything you can, rebuild your fleet, heal with the Support Frigate you
hopefully captured (or just build one yourself), and Hyperspace.

06-Diamond Shoals:

=Mission Objectives:
-Protect the Mothership

"Protect the Mothership..." OK, some enemy's going to attack, same as last
level. Uhhh.. No, it isn't. You see, you've just jumped into an asteroid
field, and you're heading through it, into asteroids... And they do much more
than any enemy weapon in this game, you see (Besides the occasional ramming by
a carrier) So, you have to make sure you don't get hit by them. And you can't
get hit by them if they don't exist anymore... Any questions?
OK, blow up any asteroids that look like they're headed into the Mothership,
which is tough to determine from the 3D pictures that you have. Any thing that
has a weapon (Besides a Support Frigate or Carrier you may have captured),
scramble it and have them attack the asteroids. It helps if you've captured a
Destroyer. Park everything else behind the Mothership. Have the Support
Frigate set to Heal the Mothership when it takes damage, and have your
Collectors Harvest; when you blast an asteroid and it breaks apart, the
Collectors can harvest those pieces that fly around.
MASH THEM INTO TINY PULP!!! Sorry about the caps, but that's the biggest
mistake people make on this level, and they'd be wise to listen to that. I
admit, it won't save every one of your ships, but it'll save a lot.
OK, when you're finished with getting through the asteroid field, the Bentusi
will decide to show up. Accept their offer for the Super Heavy Chassis. Fleet
Command will then ask about the nebula they (you) plan to venture through, and
you'll get a basic "You'll die if you enter," answer. They'll Hyperspace out.
Now, harvest everything you can. And, make sure you have at least 20
Interceptors and 20 Attack Bombers by the end of this mission, with more
Interceptors recommended. Now, make sure everything you can research has been
researched, and click on the Hyperspace button.
That's all I can give you on this level.

07-The Gardens of Kadesh:

=Mission Objectives
-Harvest Nebula
-Defend fleet
-Destroy Hyperspace Inhibitor

=Secondary Objectives
-Protect Resourcers

When you jump in, group your Cap Ships into the Wall formation and have them
guard your Collectors. Make sure you have at least 20 Interceptors and 20
Attack Bombers, each in different Control Groups, make sure they're on Evasive,
also guarding the Collectors. Have it harvest... On a side note, your Sensors
Manager is gone for the mission. It keeps showing red dots where there aren't
any due to 'Large amounts of radiation'... Fleet Intelligence said he'd try to
recalibrate the sensors, but the guy never gets it done.
Once you've started Harvesting, some weird radar-dish shaped alien
Mothership-thingy will approach. The Ambassador's stripped-down ship flies out
of your bay. They also dispatch one. The two come together in between the two
The small defender-like craft circles yours, giving you a choice. Join us or
die. If only we actually got to decide on what to do here... Well, Fleet
Command picks choice B, 'Don't join', and the craft speeds back to it's
Mothership. One thing, why didn't they cream the Ambassador before they left?
OK, small Fighters will exit their Mothership and head for yours. They'll
also concentrate on your Collectors. Leave your Frigates guarding the
Resourcers, have your Interceptors intercept Fighters, preferably those who are
trying to blast your Resourcers, and have your Attack Bombers bomb the small
Fuel Pod things that will appear. Those refuel their Fighters and they'll be
slowed down if destroyed, although more will always come...
OK, after 8 minutes of defending, you'll be able to Hyperspace. Try to, use
Auto-Docking so you actually have ships left when you Hyperspace, and blast
Guess what? They have some sort of Hyperspace Inhibitor technology, and
they're stopping you from Hyperspacing so they can blast you to bits before
leaving. Their Mothership is using it, so guess what you do? That's right.
Leave your Interceptors guarding the Resourcers, and take all your
battle-worthy Frigates and Attack Bombers and crunch the poor thing. Once
they're _ finally _ gone, you are free from attack, so Harvest anything left,
rebuild your fleet and launch out.
On a side note, there's no way you can try to kill the Nebula's Mothership
before you try to Hyperspace and bypass being stopped from Hyperspacing, a new
one will just Hyperspace in and you've probably lost ships to it. Wonder how
many they have... If there's a limit, it's probably so high you'd spend a
couple days trying to blast them all.

08-The Cathedral of Kadesh:

=Mission Objectives
-Destroy Hyperspace Inhibitors
-Destroy attackers

I hope you've rebuilt your fleet... You'll need to. Basically the same thing
as last mission. Defend. Only this time they've got 3 Hyperspace Inhibitors.
Don't go after them, just keep using your Attack Bombers to blast the Fuel Pods
and Interceptors to blast the Swarmers themselves.
Eventually, they'll start sending Multi-Beam Frigates, small frigates with 4
ion cannons. Do NOT destroy these, grab them yourself by capturing them.
They'll send about 9 against you, grab as many as you can.
Once you have at least 6 Multi-Beam Frigates, you can go take out a
Hyperspace Inhibitor. Send them in Evasive tactics and have them fire on it.
Evasive makes it so it's a lot harder for them to be rammed. Three-four
volleys should kill one. But keep supervising your Mothership. You don't want
to miss any frigates for capture. Repeat the procedure on another.
Once you've destroyed 2 Hyperspace Inhibitors, the last one will retreat to a
set point. Fleet Intelligence will inform you of a thing in space which has a
'friendly signature but it's not one of ours.' By now, you should have 9
Multi-Beam Frigates, but don't worry if you don't. Finish off the last of the
attackers. Put your Multi-Beams in wall, set on Evasive and guarding your
Carrier. Load your Salvage Corvettes into your Carrier, and set that to
Evasive, also. Move the Carrier about halfway there.
If you don't encounter Multi-Beam Frigates (theirs) when you get halfway
there, move closer by about half of the remaining distance. You should find
them by now. They've got about 7 Multi-Beam Frigates in Broad formation. And
make sure they find the Carrier first.
When they start circling the Carrier, launch your Salvage Corvettes and tell
them to capture the frigates. While they try, the Multi-Beam Frigates will
probably get off a volley against your Carrier, sending it down into low
yellow-high red. Your Salvagers should capture them before they get another
one off, if you set them on the frigates early enough. If they do get off
another volley... watch the fireworks, I guess.
Once all those are captured, group all of your Multi-Beam Frigates into a
Wall formation, and Evasive. Set them to take out the last Hyperspace
Inhibitor. Wait, there's Fleet Intel...
"Look! It's the exact same ships as the wreckage from Khar-Toba! Our
origins are the same." (or something to that extent)
Don't let that stop you from blasting them. Wipe out the Inhibitor and the
two groups of two Fuel Pods nearby, and start harvesting. Now go do something
else for a few hours.
When you're done Harvesting, build two Destroyers while you have the chance.
Up your Interceptors to 40. Save your remaining Attack Bombers for Kamikaze
tactics. Hyperspace.

09-Deep Space: Sea of Lost Souls:

=Mission Objectives
-Investigate anomaly
-Destroy alien vessel
-Salvage the unknown vessel

Let me ask a question: Why do the Kushan/Taiidan drop out of hyperspace when
they detect an anomaly??? Don't they know that the Taiidan are after them?
Don't they know they could be destroyed if they drop out? Well, they do
exactly that here...
You drop out of hyperspace at what looks a good deal away from the vessel,
but really isn't. You're supposed to send a Probe toward it. First, start
harvesting. Now, send the Probe. Send the Probe under the vessel.
Well, the ships floating around it are operational... what'd you expect?
They neutralize the Probe, and you're supposed to blast the alien vessel. Move
your acquired Multi-Beam Frigates far enough away that you can't see the
vessel, but are close on the Sensors Manager. Move Support Frigates there
Leave your Support Frigates there, and move your Multi-beams toward the
vessel, close, but not on top of it, and a little ways above. When you spot
the ships guarding it, blast the two Multi-Beam Frigates of theirs. I wish you
could capture them, but it'd be a lot more trouble than it's worth. AND MAKE
Once you've blasted the 2 Multi-Beam Frigates, move your Multi-Beams back to
your Support Frigates to heal for the next skirmish. If any of your ships got
captured, you'll have to blast them too. And you may have gotten one
destroyed. It's not that big of a deal, but it won't happen again unless some
got captured as well.
Head down under your position for this skirmish. Come at the enemy Missile
Destroyer from below. Hopefully you'll get it. Now blast any ships of yours
that were captured, and then head back to heal.
Now here's where your Strike Craft come in. Since you eliminated all ships
that can destroy them and that the alien vessel can't control them, they are in
the perfect position to end it. Send 20 Attack Bombers and whatever
Interceptors you have left at it, in Evasive so they last longer(for some
reason, they keep crashing into the ship on Aggressive). And refuel when their
fuel gets in the red, or they'll be sitting ducks a few minutes later.
Once you get the control field down, all of it's vessels are yours now. Send
in a Salvage Corvette to it. And, when the Corvette leaves, try blasting the
thing until it blows up. Which it doesn't, it'll flame, get down to 0% health,
then suddenly go back to full health again.... No fair!
When your Salvage Corvette docks, the Bentusi will show up. They'll blabber
something about not being able to get close to it and wanting the info. Well,
trade the information for the Super-Heavy Chassis tech. Then Fleet Command
will ask for their help in defeating the enemy. The Bentusi say something
about combat not being their way (and with those Ion Cannons it has? Yeah
right), and they'll bring your case to the Galactic Council. Then they go try
to do just that. You research Gravity Well tech and anything else you haven't
Your harvesters should be close to finished, or done, by now. Wait for them
to finish, then Hyperspace.

7-Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: When will you next update?
A: Whenever I feel like it, or whenever I need to get some information out to
the public.

Q: Is there any way I can help?
A: Depends on what you want to help with. Basically, everything that I've put
in. Levels (NOT ones I haven't covered yet), Multiplayer strategies, etc.
I'll cut and paste the thing directly from the email. But make it legible, as
I do cut and paste it and I want this to be legible. And no curse words.

8: Special Thanks/Legal Info:

*Copyright Info
This FAQ is Copyright 2001 Giovanni. I am in no way affiliated with Sierra or
Relic Entertainment.

HOMEWORLD Copyright 1997-1999
Sierra ON-LINE Inc. Copyright 1997-1999
Relic Entertainment Inc. MMCXVII

*This FAQ may appear only on the following websites:
GameFAQs: http://www.gamefaqs.com
Neoseekers: http://www.neoseeker.com
DLH: http://DLH.Net
If you want my permission to post it on my site, email me with your site
address and I will check out your site and consider it.

*Special Thanks to:
*GameFAQs, for posting this on their website.
*Neoseekers, for posting this on their website.
*DLH, for posting this on their website.
*MetroidMoo, for letting me use his Unit Build Times from his Homeworld Units
FAQ. I suggest you go check it out!
*Sierra, for making this game.
*Relic Entertainment, for making this game.
*And finally, me, for writing this up in the first place.



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Megatrainer (für v1.05 DirectX11)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

09.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

09.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013
Ship Script Editing FAQ
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Gameplay Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Trainer für RU sowie sofortiges Forschen und Bauen

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Engl. Lösung

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Creditstrainer (für v1.5)

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Creditstrainer (für v1.3)

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15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Komplettlösung im Word-Format

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16.Oktober 2013
Geld-Trainer für die dt. Version 1.05

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Geld-Trainer für Version 1.05

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Geld einfrieren

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Starten und lesen

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Ein Savegame mit 90.000 Credits

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Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020