Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale

17.10.2013 13:48:49
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by Michael Walsh
Ver 1.4
July 11, 2001

Questions? Additions?
E-mail me at:
Put "Icewind Dale" in the Subject Line

i. Why a Store Inventory?
ii. Thanks To...
1. Pomab's Emporium
2. Gerth's Equipment Store
3. Conlan's Smithy
4. Oswald's Laboratory
5. Orrick's Study
5a. Before Dragon's Eye
5b. Chapter 2 and 3
5c. Chapter 4 and Later
6. Geelo the Librarian
7. Lehland
8. Bandoth
9. Nym's Exotic Goods
10. Dirty Llew's
x. Other Works
y. Previous Updates List
z. Legal Information

Why a Store Inventory FAQ?

The answer to this can be traced to a personal frustration. It is one that
many gamers probably share with me, or have shared with me at one time. Here
it is: You have been playing Game X for 13 hours straight. You are getting
tired. Your mind is not as sharp as it was 10 hours ago. You are trying
desperately to remember where you had seen that Vorpal Sword +83 before.
Then you remember - it was in one of those stores I passed in the last 6 or 7
hours. So you head toward what you *think* is the right town. You send your
party to the counter, peruse the store's inventory, and realize that you spent
20 minutes going to the wrong store.

If this has never happened to you in a Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale game, you
must be a wonder gamer. If that is you, thank you for needlessly downloading
this FAQ. It makes me feel better.

Now for those who, like me, never seem to be able to keep store inventories
straight. Below I have compiled the items that are carried by all the
merchants in Icewind Dale. This FAQ _ONLY_ contains the shop lists for the
main game with the expansion pack installed. For the shop lists of the
expansion pack, see my Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter Store Items FAQ, also
available at In addition to the items, I have listed their price
and, on occasion, a bit of other information about them.

NOTE: The prices of items in the shops of Icewind Dale are at least
partially dependant on the Charisma score of the FIRST character
in your party. So your prices may vary to some extent from mine,
but not greatly. When I recorded these prices, I was using a
character with a Charisma of 18. Leaders with less Charisma may
find higher prices, while the reverse is true for characters with
Charisma scores above 18.

Now for the other question which you may be asking. Why didn't I just
attach these Shop Item charts to the end of the larger FAQ that I wrote for
Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter? Again, it stems from a personal frustration,
or preference, if you will. Here are four good reasons:

1. I hate scrolling through endless pages of a FAQ in order to get to the
Shop List at the end...or near the end...or somewhere.
2. I also dislike downloading huge FAQ's. I like having all the
information, but there are some FAQ's that weigh in at over 600k! Now,
many people won't find this a problem, but let's say that you live in
the middle of nowhere (like I do) and the fastest connection you can get
to the Internet is 33.6...see where I am going with this?
3. I like options! I like being able to download my Shop Items FAQ,
without a side of Walkthrough.
4. Which is more printer-friendly: This FAQ, or the 600k file I mentioned

If people ask for it and/or wish to contribute to this list, I might be
willing to expand the information on here to include partial/full item
descriptions, and/or Shopping Strategy, if indeed such a thing exists.

Or I might do the above if I get bored...

Thanks To...

Thanks to CJayC at for posting my FAQs. Yours is a
truly excellent website, CJayC, and I am grateful that you continue to accept
my work.

Also thanks to the Figlet Server at for
providing their free online Text to ASCII converter, which I used to create
the Title image.

Thanks to Scott Glanden and Francesco Valvo for informing me of the change
to Orrick's inventory in Chapter 4.

Finally, I want to thank the various producers of caffeine products, which
have kept me going LONG into the night...

And now, without further ado...the shopping lists!!!

Shop Inventories

There are a total of ten merchants with whom you can buy and sell items,
weapons, spells, etc. I will list the name of the merchant, the location of
the merchant, (using coordinates, which you can find by pressing x during a
game) all of the items that they carry, the price listed (based on my party
leader with 18 Charisma) and any other relevant information about the item in
question. (mainly weapon mastery types)

NOTE: If you do not have the Heart of Winter expansion pack installed, a
few of the items in the lists will not appear in your game. This
is because the expansion pack adds some new items to the
inventories of merchants in the main game. I have NOT denoted
which of the items are new to the lists; I just assume that you
have installed the expansion pack and are enjoying it thoroughly.

1. Pomab's Emporium - Easthaven: (x 790 y 504 AR 1007)

Weapons Type Other
---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------
Long Sword 19 L. Sword Bottle of Wine 2
Bastard Sword 31 G. Sword Gem Bag 6
Short Sword 12 S. Sword Scroll Case 12
2-Handed Sword 63 G. Sword Potion Bag 12
Battle Axe 6 Axe
Throwing Axe 6 Axe
2-Handed Axe 12 Axe
Scimitar 19 L. Sword
Halberd 12 Halberd
Dagger 2 Dagger
Throwing Dagger 6 Dagger
Dart 1 Missile
Heavy Crossbow 63 Crossbow
Light Crossbow 44 Crossbow
Composite Long Bow 127 Bow
Long Bow 95 Bow
Short Bow 38 Bow
Sling 1 Missile
Arrow 1 Ammo
Bolt 1 Ammo
Bullet 1 Ammo
War Hammer 2 Hammer
Spear 1 Spear
Club 1 Club
Mace 10 Mace
Morning Star 12 M. Star
Flail 19 Flail
Quarterstaff 1 Staff

Armor Type
----------------------------------- --------
Chainmail Armor 95 Armor
Splint Mail 101 Armor
Studded Leather 25 Armor
Leather 6 Armor
Helmet 1 Helmet
Helmet 6 Helmet
Helmet 6 Helmet
Small Shield 3 Shield
Medium Shield 8 Shield
Buckler 1 Shield
Buckler 1 Shield
Large Shield 12 Shield

2. Gerth's Equipment Store - Kuldahar: (x 1010 y 1825 AR 2100)

Weapons Type Other
---------------------------- -------- --------------------------------
Battle Axe 6 Axe Bottle of Wine 2
Throwing Axe 6 Axe Girdle 3
Dagger 2 Dagger Bracers 2
Arrow 1 Ammo History of the North I 63
Bolt 1 Ammo History of the North II 63
Bullet 1 Ammo History of the North III 63
Club 1 Club Lyre of Progression 11,684
Quarterstaff 1 Staff Bardic Horn of Valhala 10,106
Gem Bag 6

Necklace 2
Silver Necklace 12
Lynx Eye Gem 19
Skydrop Gem 50
Moonstone Gem 63
Ring 12
Silver Ring 6

3. Conlan's Smithy - Kuldahar: (x 1485 y 385 AR 2100)

Weapons Type Other
---------------------------- -------- -------------------------------
Long Sword 19 L. Sword Gem Bag 6
The Sword of
Murloch Vale 40,640 L. Sword
The Blade of Bael 35,560 L. Sword
Bastard Sword 31 G. Sword
Bastard Sword +1 3,175 G. Sword
Trollslayer 32,385 G. Sword
Short Sword 12 S. Sword
Short Sword +1 1,016 S. Sword
Pig's Eye 28,067 S. Sword
2-Handed Sword 63 G. Sword
Pikeman's End 34,290 G. Sword
Battle Axe 6 Axe
Faith Killer 14,605 Axe
Lonesome Road 44,450 Axe
Throwing Axe 6 Axe
2-Handed Axe 12 Axe
Scimitar 19 L. Sword
The Lucky Scimitar 4,953 L. Sword
Halberd 12 Halberd
Fayr's Halberd 32,776 Halberd
Dagger 2 Dagger
Reliance 30,480 Dagger
Throwing Dagger 6 Dagger
Dart 1 Missile
Heavy Crossbow 63 Crossbow
Daisy 46,863 Crossbow
Light Crossbow 44 Crossbow
Composite Long Bow 127 Bow
Composite Long Bow 127 Bow
The Black Bow 39,928 Bow
Long Bow 95 Bow
Short Bow 38 Bow
Short Bow +1 1,905 Bow
Sling 1 Missile
Giant Killer 9,207 Missile
Arrow 1 Ammo
Bolt 1 Ammo
Bullet 1 Ammo
War Hammer 2 Hammer
Hellpick 30,162 Hammer
Spear 1 Spear
Spear of White Ash 12,382 Spear
Club 1 Club
Evil Spider Crusher
of Doom 11,176 Club
Mace 10 Mace
The Giving Star 18,034 Mace
Love of Black Bess 6,447 Mace
Morning Star 12 M. Star
Flail 19 Flail
Tombsweeper 33,655 Flail
Quarterstaff 1 Staff
The Staff of Eron 28,194 Staff

Armor Type
----------------------------------- --------
Plate Mail 762 Armor
Plate Mail +1 6,350 Armor
Chainmail 95 Armor
Splint Mail 101 Armor
Studded Leather 25 Armor
Leather 6 Armor
Helmet 1 Helmet
Helmet 6 Helmet
Helm of the Trusted
Defender 9,931 Helmet
Small Shield 3 Shield
Medium Shield 8 Shield
Buckler 1 Shield
Buckler 1 Shield
Large Shield 12 Shield
Bracers of Defense A.C. 8 3,810 Gauntlet

4. Oswald's Laboratory - Kuldahar: (x 3080 y 450 AR 2100)

Potions Other
--------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Potion of Healing 76 Potion Bag 10
Elixir of Health 255
Antidote 102
Potion of Fire Resistance 408
Potion of Frost Giant Strength 765
Potion of Heroism 816
Potion of Invisibility 255
Potion of Invulnerability 1,224
Oil of Fiery Burning 510
Oil of Speed 510
Potion of Agility 306
Potion of Infravision 102
Potion of Mind Focusing 510
Potion of Mirrored Eyes 408
Potion of Freedom 255
Mummy's Tea 561
Flaming Oil 306

5a. Orrick's Study - Kuldahar: Before Dragon's Eye (x 355 y 802 AR 2100)

Scrolls Other
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Cat's Grace 204 Clasp of Bron's Cloak 3,590
Charm Person 102 Girdle of Gond 4,202
Agannazar's Scorcher 204 Robe of Enfusing 9,180
Web 204 Scarab of Goodwill 6,018
Mirror Image 204 Scroll Case 10
Melf's Acid Arrow 204
Detect Invisibility 204
Chromatic Orb 102
Sleep 102
Shield 102
Magic Missile 102
Friends 102
Color Spray 102
Identity 102

5b. Orrick's Study - Kuldahar: Chapter 2 (x 355 y 802 AR 2100)

Scrolls Other
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Lance of Disruption 612 Wand of Freezing Death 27,174
Mordenkainen's Pemby's Wand of
Force Missiles 408 Many Missiles 14,325
Shout 1,224 Jasper's Ring of
Vitriolic Sphere 1,632 Shocking Grasp 19,890
Contact Other Plane 510 Rogue's Cowl 12,393
Emotion: Fear 408 Shimmering Sash 14,382
Spirit Armor 408 Scroll Case 10
Monster Summoning II 1,224
Dire Charm 306
Slow 306
Lightning Bolt 918
Hold Person 306
Decastave 306
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm 918
Charm Person 102
Agannazar's Scorcher 204
Web 204
Mirror Image 204
Melf's Acid Arrow 204
Detect Invisibility 204
Chromatic Orb 102
Sleep 102
Shield 102
Magic Missile 102
Friends 102
Color Spray 102
Dispel Magic 306

5c. Orrick's Study - Kuldahar: Chapter 4 and Later (x 355 y 802 AR 2100)

Scrolls Other
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Ice Storm 1,224 Mantle of Hell's Furnace 11,526
Emotion: Fear 408 Scroll Case 10
Spirit Armor 408
Monster Summoning II 1,224
Dire Charm 306
Slow 306
Lightning Bolt 918
Hold Person 306
Decastave 306
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm 918
Charm Person 102
Agannazar's Scorcher 204
Web 204
Mirror Image 204
Melf's Acid Arrow 204
Detect Invisibility 204
Chromatic Orb 102
Sleep 102
Shield 102
Magic Missile 102
Friends 102
Color Spray 102

| - Thanks to the following people for informing me of the inventory change |
| in Chapter 4: |
| |
| Scott Glanden |
| Francesco Valvo |

6. Geelo the Librarian - Dragon's Eye: (x 897 y 1177 AR 4004)

Blur 204
Flame Arrow 306
Monster Summoning I 306
Lightning Bolt 918
Ice Storm 1,224

7. Lehland - Severed Hand Tower: (x 633 y 778 AR 5004)

Weapons Type Other
---------------------------- -------- ------------------------------
Arrows 1 Ammo Elven Healing Wine 576
Arrows of Fire 360 Ammo Rotted Honey Leather 7
Acid Arrows 1,440 Ammo Moth Ridden Thistledown 7
Bolt 1 Ammo Gem Bag 7
Bolt of Lightning 432 Ammo Scroll Case 14
Bolt +2 432 Ammo Potion Bag 14
Bullet 1 Ammo
Bullet +2 432 Ammo
Bullet of Fire +2 720 Ammo
Dart 1 Ammo
Hammer Dart 288 Ammo
Blinding Darts +2 720 Ammo

8. Bandoth - Dorn's Deep: (x 495 y 500 AR 6014)

Scrolls Potions
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
Feeblemind 510 Potion of Healing 76
Conjure Fire Elemental 1,530 Elixir of Health 255
Conjure Earth Elemental 1,530 Oil of Fiery Burning 510
Conjure Water Elemental 1,530 Oil of Speed 510
Summon Shadow 1,530 Potion of Hill
Giant Strength 306
Potion of Stone
Giant Strength 510
Potion of Absorption 612
Potion of Agility 306
Potion of Clarity 714
Potion of Cold Resistance 255
Potion of Defense 714
Potion of Infravision 102
Potion of Mind Focusing 510
Potion of Mirrored Eyes 408
Potion of Explosions 459
Potion of Genius 306
Potion of Insulation 173
Potion of Magic Shielding 408
Potion of Magic Shielding 1,275
Potion of Master Thievery 408
Potion of Regeneration 510
Potion of Stone Form 510
Potion of Strength 357

9. Nym's Exotic Goods - Hidden City of Gnomes: (x 377 y 1240 AR 8004)

Weapons Type Scrolls
---------------------------- -------- -------------------------------
Staff of 61,659 Staff Invisible Stalker 2,754
Moradin's Breath Lich Touch 2,754
Arrows +2 1,101 Ammo Stone to Flesh 918
Acid Arrows 3,060 Ammo Prismatic Spray 1,071
Bolt +2 918 Ammo Monster Summoning VI 3,672
Bolt of Biting 2,295 Ammo Mind Blank 1,224
Bullet +2 459 Ammo Acid Storm 3,213
Dart +1 244 Ammo Monster Summoning IV 2,754
Dart of Wounding 765 Ammo

Armor Type Potions
---------------------------- -------- -------------------------------
Mystery of the Dead 15,300 Shield Potion of Agility 459
Oil of Speed 765
Potion of Fire
Giant Strength 1,530

Viol of the Hollow Men 20,119
A Cage of Exotic Birds 153
A Cage of Squirrels 15
Gem Bag 7
Scroll Case 15
Potion Bag 15

10. Dirty Llew's - Hidden City of Gnomes: (x 1630 y 1339 AR 8004)

Armor Type Potions
---------------------------- -------- -------------------------------
Umber Hulk Plate 13,363 Armor Potion of Fortitude 805
Elixir of Health 402
Spirit Essence 8,050
Potion of Fire
Giant Strength 1,610
Potion of Magic
Blocking 2,415
Potion of Fire
Resistance 644

Other Works

This is a list of FAQ's written by me. The latest versions of all of
these FAQ's can be found at:

Unless otherwise noted, other sites might also carry this FAQ, but I will
always send new updates to first.

| Works to Date |
| |
| Icewind Dale - Store Items |
| |
| Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Store Items |
| Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter - Walkthrough |
| |
| Icewind Dale: Trials of the Luremaster - Walkthrough |
| (included in Heart of Winter Walkthrough) |
| |
| Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus - Walkthrough |
| |
| Revenant - Walkthrough |
| |
| *Sea Dogs - Walkthrough |
| |

* Available ONLY at -

Version Updates

Version 1.4 Updated the Other Works section. Corrected some
July 11, 2001 minor grammatical and spelling errors. Added new
30.9k inventory list for Orrick's Laboratory in
Chapter 4 (thanks again to Scott Glanden and
Francesco Valvo).

Version 1.3 Updated the Other Works section. Corrected some
July 2, 2001 minor grammatical and spelling errors.

Version 1.2 Added ASCII text to the top of the document.
June 4, 2001 Corrected minor grammar and spelling errors.

Version 1.1 Added the Elven Merchant Lehland in the Severed
April 30, 2001 Hand Tower. (Thanks to Urban Fleischman for
26.0k informing me that it was missing)

Version 1.0 This FAQ is first published. Created complete
April 17, 2001 item inventories with prices and item types for
24.7k all merchants in the main game with the expansion
pack installed.

Legal Information

I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with Black Isle and/or Interplay
Entertainment Corp. I had nothing to do with the creation of this game, nor
did I have anything to do with the people who made it.

This FAQ may be posted on any site provided an email is sent to me FIRST
stating where the FAQ is to be posted, and an existing URL is provided within
may not be translated into any other language or dialect. Nothing may be
added, removed, or rearranged in any way, shape or form and then republished.
This FAQ MUST remain in its original form. (iwd_shop.txt) The author of this
FAQ reserves the right to recall this FAQ from any site, at any time, and for
any reason as he sees fit. This document may NOT be sold for profit, nor may
it be included in any package or promotion receiving a profit. By possessing
this document, you accept all the terms and conditions which accompany it,
both expressed and implied. Violation of the United States Copyright Laws is
a crime. Plagiarism is also a crime.

This document is Copyright 2001 by Michael Walsh.
Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter (c) 2000-2001 Interplay Entertainment Corp.


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Character Creation Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Engl. FAQ

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Die komplette Item-Liste - ziemlich ausführlich
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Dt. Lösung im Word-Format (Achtung: 1.7 MB)

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