Star Wars - Rebellion

Star Wars - Rebellion

15.10.2013 21:35:17
Guide für die Schiffe der Rebellen
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Author: Sashanan
Date: 26 September 2005
Version: 1.1

This document is a copyright of Peter "Sashanan" Butter, 2001-2005. All
rights reserved.

You are granted permission to make copies of this FAQ (electronical or
physical) for your own, personal use. Furthermore, non-commercial, freely
accessible websites are allowed to upload a copy of this FAQ as long as it is
posted in its full, original form (including this disclaimer) and credited
to Sashanan.

You are not authorized to upload this FAQ on a commercial website and/or
charge for its viewing, or make money off it in any other imaginable way,
without my explicit written permission. Furthermore, you are not allowed to
edit this guide in any way, use it as a basis for your own guide, or post it
without giving proper credit. This is considered plagiarism.

This FAQ is protected by international copyright laws and failure to
comply with the terms in this disclaimer will result in legal prosecution.


- About this FAQ
- Rebel ships
x Ship list
x Research order
x Ship details
x Suggested names
- Revision history
- Final words


This FAQ describes every ship availble to the Rebel Alliance, using the
game's statistics and my own advice regarding each ship type. The guide
consists of a quick overview of all ships, the order in which they can be
researched, a detailed description of each of the 19 ship types, and
finally, suggested names for certain ship types.

A similar FAQ of Imperial ship types may be found at


Ship list

This is a quick overview of all Rebel ships. Refer to 'ship details'
for more accurate data.

Cost: the cost of this ship in refined materials. This also determines
how long a ship takes to build. A single shipyard needs 4 days to
construct one point of refined materials' worth. For example, a Nebulon-B
Frigate costs 34 refined materials. A single shipyard would need 132
(34 x 4) days to build one of these ships.

VS starships: my interpretation of this ship's effectiveness against
starships. From low to high, the terms I use are: Very weak, Weak,
Moderate, Strong, Very Strong and Brutal. I base this on the presence
and strength of laser turrets and ion cannons, as well as shield

VS fighters: this ship's effectiveness against starfighters, based on
the presence and strength of laser cannons, as well as shield strength.

Alliance Dreadnaught 44 strong very weak 1 2
Alliance Escort Carrier 32 very weak moderate 6 0
Assault Frigate 60 very strong weak 0 0
A-Wing 5 weak very strong 0 0
Bulk Cruiser 30 moderate very weak 0 0
Bulk Transport 24 very weak very weak 0 6
Bulwark Battlecruiser 248 brutal moderate 10 4
B-Wing 7 brutal weak 0 0
CC-7700 Frigate 42 weak moderate 0 0
CC-9600 Frigate 58 very strong weak 0 1
Corellian Corvette 14 very weak strong 0 0
Corellian Gunship 10 very weak brutal 0 0
Dauntless Cruiser 136 very strong moderate 4 2
Liberator Cruiser 66 moderate weak 6 3
Medium Transport 10 very weak weak 0 2
Mon Calamari Cruiser 92 very strong weak 3 1
Nebulon-B Frigate 34 strong moderate 2 0
X-Wing 5 strong strong 0 0
Y-Wing 5 very strong moderate 0 0

Research order

At the start of the game, the following ship types are available to the
Rebel player:

Alliance Dreadnaught
Alliance Escort Carrier
Bulk Cruiser
Bulk Transport
Corellian Corvette
Medium Transport

The following ship types must still be researched. Whenever research is
completed, the next ship in line will become available (i.e. the
Nebulon-B Frigate is always first, and the Bulwark Battlecruiser is
always last).

Nebulon-B Frigate
Mon Calamari Cruiser
Corellian Gunship
CC-7700 Frigate
Assault Frigate
Liberator Cruiser
CC-9600 Frigate
Dauntless Cruiser
Bulwark Battlecruiser

Research is automatic, but slow. The pace of your ship research may be
improved by assigning one or more characters to ship research. Eligible
characters are Ackbar and Adar Tallon (both of which must be recruited
first), as well as Wedge Antilles (who always starts the game on Yavin).

Ship details

In this section, all Rebel ships are described in detail, with all
relevant statistics. Here's what they all mean:

Cost: how many refined materials are needed to build one of these
ships. This also determines how long your shipyards will need to
build this ship.

Maintenance: how much maintenance points are needed to keep this
ship running. Remember that you must keep your maintenance pool above
0 at all times, or you will randomly lose ships, troops and facilities.

Fighter capacity: how many squadrons of fighters this ship can carry.
Although a limitless number of fighters can operate from a planet, you
can only take fighters into space battles if you have capital ships to
operate them from.

Troop capacity: how many regiments of troops this ship can carry. You
can freely move troops between your own planets without needing a
fleet, but if you intend to assault planets, troop ships are

Shield strength: how much punishment a ship's shields can take. While
a ship's shields are up, the hull will not be hit, and the chance of
suffering damage to vital systems is greatly reduced (but not
eliminated). In addition, shields gradually recharge, something a
hull cannot do.

Hyperdrive rating: this indicates how fast a ship is in hyperspace.
Lower ratings are better. Damage may result in slower hyperspace
travel, or even prevent it outright.

Hull strength: the (remaining) hull strength of a capital ship.
Once a ship's shields are down, further hits damage the hull. If
a ship's hull strength is reduced to 0, the ship is destroyed.
Starfighters do not have a hull strength. Rather, once they lose
their shields, further hits may eliminate part of the squadron,
and repeated attacks will destroy it entirely. Squadrons may
be depleted, but individual starfighters never take on damage.

Damage control: a ship's capability of resisting damage. The
higher this is, the less likely an enemy hit is to cause damage
to vital systems.

Shield recharge rate: this indicates how quickly a ship can
recharge its shields after taking hits. If a ship takes damage,
this tends to be the first system to go. As a result, repeated
attacks may eventually breach a ship's shields even if the
recharge rate is high enough to theoretically resist the

Tractor beam: this indicates the presence and strength of tractor
beams on a ship. Tractor beams are automatically employed against
fleeing enemy ships, and will slow them down (their effective speed
will be equal to sublight engine rating - tractor beam strength).
This gives you a better chance of destroying them before they can

Sublight engine rating: how fast is this ship in battles? This
rating does not affect travel time in hyperspace, but ships with
good sublight engine ratings can get from one end of the sector to
another quickly in space battles.

Maneuverability: how quickly this ship can execute turns. For
starfighters, this greatly contributes to the ability to evade
damage. For capital ships, it is an important part of bringing
their biggest weapons to bear, since these tend to be focused on
one side of the craft.

Detection rate: this has no effect on battle. Rather, it is a
capital's ship chance of detecting enemy saboteurs and foiling
their mission. The higher a ship's detection rate, the more
difficult it is to sabotage.

Weapon recharge: this indicates how quickly a ship can fire its
weapons. The higher the weapon recharge rate, the quicker the
rate of fire. Obviously, ships with high recharge rates are
far more deadly than those that are constantly recharging.

Bombardment rate: this ship's effectiveness at planetary
bombardments. Whenever a bombardment is issued, the
bombardment rate of all starships and bombers in your fleet
are combined and the result is measured against the bombardment
defense rate of everything on the planet. Shields are targeted
first; if the fleet's bombardment rate is high enough to get
through, the next targets are laser and ion cannons, troop
regiments, shipyards and training facilities (military
bombardment) or construction yards, refineries and mines
(civilian bombardment).

Turbo lasers: these powerful cannons are intended for use
against starships, and do only little damage to starfighters.
They are typically found on big warships.

Ion cannons: these cannons have a greater chance of doing
damage to vital systems (even when the target still has
shields), but cause no actual hull damage. However, if a
ship without shields takes an ion hit, there is a chance it
becomes temporarily disabled, causing it to stop dead and
be helpless for a limited time. Powerful warships like the
Dauntless Cruiser can bring enough ion cannons to
bear to pin a ship down and destroy it once it has lost
its shields.

Laser cannons: these small, quick-firing cannons are meant
for use against starfighters. They are found both on
superiority fighters and on certain starships, like
Corvettes and Lancer Frigates. They are not very effective
against starships.

Torpedoes: X-Wings, Y-Wings, B-Wings, TIE Bombers and
TIE Defenders have torpedoes at their disposal, and use
them against capital ships for significant damage. The
drawback of torpedoes is that they cannot penetrate
shields. Fighters will not employ them until their target
has lost its shields - but once they do, a few squads of
fighters can do massive damage.

Cost: 44
Maintenance: 33
Fighter capacity: 1
Troop capacity: 2
Shield strength: 200

Hyperdrive rating: 80
Hull strength: 1200
Damage control: 10
Shield recharge: 10
Tractor beam: 0
Sublight engine rating: 3
Maneuverability: 1
Detection rate: 10
Weapon recharge: 7
Bombardment rate: 1

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 40 20 70 70
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: The Dreadnaught is an ancient heavy cruiser that dates
from the time of the Old Republic. The Alliance has refit many of these
ancient vessels with automated controls and faster sublight engines. Many
of these became what are known as Rebel Assault Frigates.

My description: One of the warships you start out with. The Dreadnaught
is certainly better than the Bulk Cruiser (a lousy excuse for a warship
if ever there was one), but don't expect to take on a Star Destroyer with
it and win. With limited fighter and troop capacity, the Dreadnaught is
perfect to defend transport ships with early on, and is very capable of
fighting small Imperial fleets which do not have Star Destroyers of any
kind in them. (Even the Victory model outguns the Dreadnaught.) You may
wish to construct one or two of these ships until you have completed
research on the vastly superior Nebulon-B Frigate.

Strong against starships
Very weak against starfighters
Very limited fighter capacity
Limited troop capacity
Low cost

Cost: 32
Maintenance: 29
Fighter capacity: 6
Troop capacity: 0
Shield strength: 200

Hyperdrive rating: 80
Hull strength: 900
Damage control: 5
Shield recharge: 10
Tractor beam: 0
Sublight engine rating: 2
Maneuverability: 1
Detection rate: 4
Weapon recharge: 4
Bombardment rate: 0

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 0 0 0 0
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 30 0 60 60

Game description: Alliance Escort Carriers serve a similar purpose
to their Imperial counterparts. Escort Carriers are capable of
carrying and refueling wings of starfighters and dramatically
increase the starfighter capacity of the fleet to which they are
attached. Alliance Carriers have better shielding than the
Imperial models, but have relatively weak firepower.

My description: Only slightly inferior to the Imperial model, but also
a little bit cheaper. The main purpose of the Escort Carrier is to
bring your powerful starfighters into battle, and as such, it is a
very important ship. You'll want at least one of these in each of
your fleets, filled to capacity with X-Wings, Y-Wings, or a mix of
them. Later, as you complete research on A-Wings and B-Wings, you'll
probably want to switch to those models. The Escort Carrier remains
an important ship throughout the game, as it is your cheapest means
of bringing great numbers of starfighters into the battles where you
need them.
Contrary to what the game description states, the Alliance Escort
Carrier does not have more powerful shields than the Imperial

Very weak against starships
Moderate against starfighters
High fighter capacity
No troop capacity
Low cost

Cost: 60
Maintenance: 60
Fighter capacity: 0
Troop capacity: 0
Shield strength: 600

Hyperdrive rating: 80
Hull strength: 1400
Damage control: 30
Shield recharge: 30
Tractor beam: 0
Sublight engine rating: 5
Maneuverability: 2
Detection rate: 15
Weapon recharge: 16
Bombardment rate: 2

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 70 0 120 120
Ion Cannons 50 0 40 40
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: The Assault Frigate is one of the Rebel Alliance's main
front line warships. Built using the framework of Old Republic
Dreadnaughts, Alliance engineers created a ship with greater speed and
maneuverability while still retaining the Dreadnaught's weapon complement.

My description: A relatively cheap ship with great firepower. A few
Assault Frigates make a great and affordable addition to any fleet
expecting to do heavy combat. Sure, you could build Calamari Cruisers
instead, but their shields aren't quite as tough, and they definitely
cost more to build and maintain. It can safely be said that the Assault
Frigate, once you discover it, can turn the tables on the Empire. Do
not underestimate it.

Very strong against starships
Weak against starfighters
No fighter capacity
No troop capacity
Very good shields
Moderate cost

Cost: 5
Maintenance: 4
Laser strength: 5
Ion strength: 0
Torpedo strength: 0
Shield strength: 5
Hyperdrive: yes

Hyperdrive rating: 60
Sublight engine: 11
Maneuverability: 8
Detection rate: 15
Bombardment rate: 0

Game description: The A-Wing is a lightweight, extremely
quick and agile starfighter. The A-Wing carries twin,
wing-mounted blaster cannons, an extensive sensor package
and light combat shielding, which make it an ideal choice
for hit and fade missions. It was crafted to be the Alliance's
solution to the newer and faster TIE models.

My description: In dogfights, the A-Wing is almost unsurpassed.
Even more than the X-Wing, it is capable of dealing with TIEs
of all kinds and come out relatively unscathed. The weakness of
the A-Wing is its lack of versatility, however, since these
craft are almost worthless against capital ships, and tend to
be destroyed quickly by starfighter killers like Lancer
Frigates. Keep this in mind when you decide whether to take
X-Wings or A-Wings along. If you expect a lot of starfighter
opposition, A-Wings are the better choice - but if there will
be many capital ships to destroy, X-Wings offer more
versatility. If you decide to use A-Wings, be sure to recover
them once you've destroyed or driven off all enemy starfighters.

Superiority fighter
Moderate effectiveness
Low cost
Low maintenance

Cost: 30
Maintenance: 30
Fighter capacity: 0
Troop capacity: 0
Shield strength: 200

Hyperdrive rating: 80
Hull strength: 1200
Damage control: 5
Shield recharge: 5
Tractor beam: 1
Sublight engine rating: 3
Maneuverability: 1
Detection rate: 10
Weapon recharge: 6
Bombardment rate: 1

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 15 0 30 30
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: This aging bulk cruiser class of capital ships has
existed since the time of the Old Republic. Extremely reliable and rugged,
the cruiser has become one of the mainstay ships of the Alliance fleet.
Sporting a reasonable amount of firepower and shielding, the cruiser is
suited for almost any type of operation.

My description: Imperial starships have always been better than their
Rebel counterparts, and the Bulk Cruiser painfully proves this point.
It is the cheapest warship in the game, and it shows: the Bulk Cruiser
just can't seem to do anything right. You might start with one or two
of these ships and that's fine, but I recommend against building any
more. Go for Alliance Dreadnaughts instead, which have at least a little
firepower at their disposal. Bulk Cruisers are best used to discourage
the enemy from engaging Corvettes and Medium Transports with small
detachments, and for hunting Galleons and Star Galleons, I suppose. They
are hopeless against any serious Imperial warship. Three of these would
lose to a Victory class.

Moderate against starships
Very weak against starfighters
No fighter capacity
No troop capacity
Low cost

Cost: 24
Maintenance: 22
Fighter capacity: 0
Troop capacity: 6
Shield strength: 200

Hyperdrive rating: 90
Hull strength: 600
Damage control: 5
Shield recharge: 10
Tractor beam: 0
Sublight engine rating: 1
Maneuverability: 1
Detection rate: 1
Weapon recharge: 0
Bombardment rate: 0

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 0 0 0 0
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: The bulk transport is the life blood of intergalactic
trade and commerce. The extensive cargo capacity of the transport makes
it ideal for moving everything from loads of juri juice to regiments
of troops.

My description: This ship almost makes the Medium Transport redundant,
and you start with the ability to build them. They are, I must admit,
completely worthless in space battles, being unarmed, poorly shielded
and very slow. Therefore, they should never travel without the company
of at least a Corellian Corvette, preferably something bigger.
The Bulk Transport shines, however, when it comes to carrying troops.
No less than 6 troop regiments fit into this baby, which is more than
even an Imperial Star Galleon could carry. The only other vessels in
the game of carrying such a large army are the Super Star Destroyer
and the Death Star, neither of which is anywhere as cheap, or
available as early. Add one or two of these ships to an invasion
fleet, and you won't have to worry about troop capacity anymore.
And all that at a laughable price.

Very weak against starships and starfighters (unarmed)
No fighter capacity
High troop capacity
Low cost

Cost: 248
Maintenance: 175
Fighter capacity: 10
Troop capacity: 4
Shield strength: 1100

Hyperdrive rating: 60
Hull strength: 3000
Damage control: 40
Shield recharge: 60
Tractor beam: 6
Sublight engine rating: 3
Maneuverability: 2
Detection rate: 10
Weapon recharge: 80
Bombardment rate: 4

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 600 120 300 300
Ion Cannons 200 80 150 150
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: The TransGalMeg Industries Bulwark class capital
ship is a mobile fortress. It is one of the most battle-proof ships
employed by the Rebel Alliance. Though plagued by rumors of
unreliable electronics and sensors, the Bulwark's extensive arsenal,
shielding and carrying capacity make it ideal for large scale

My description: The pride of the Alliance, this ship is the last
you will discover. It can stand up against any enemy capital ship
except for the Super Star Destroyer, and even against that titan,
there's not much in it. The Bulwark actually has more firepower,
but the Super Star Destroyer has a more powerful hull and slightly
better shields. If both ships were loaded to capacity with
starfighters, the Bulwark would probably win because of the Rebel
superiority in the starfighter department.
The Bulwark has very little to fear in battle, but there are two
things you'll want to watch out for: sabotage (be sure to keep
your Bulwark filled with troops and assign both an Admiral and
a General) and Death Star attacks (nothing can survive that
superlaser). Should you face a Death Star, you can be certain
the enemy will target your Bulwark first. Even if you can't save
it, at least make sure you knock out that Death Star, which is
quite a bit more expensive. The Bulwark can carry enough fighters
to pull it off.
Although you will discover this ship only very late in the game,
you can probably start building a few immediately - you should
have enough resources by now. Put one in front of every fleet
you have, and show the Empire that having powerful capital
ships is no longer their prerogative.

Brutal against starships
Moderate against starfighters
Very high fighter capacity
Moderate troop capacity
Excellent shields
Very high cost

Cost: 7
Maintenance: 8
Laser strength: 8
Ion strength: 6
Torpedo strength: 12
Shield strength: 9
Hyperdrive: yes

Hyperdrive rating: 60
Sublight engine: 7
Maneuverability: 3
Detection rate: 15
Bombardment rate: 2

Game description: The unusual looking B-Wing was conceived by
Admiral Ackbar to be a new generation of heavy assault fighter.
Carrying proton torpedo launchers, blaster cannons and ion
cannons which are mounted to its gyroscopically stabilized
cockpit, the B-Wing is a formidable opponent.

My description: This heavy bomber will put the fear of the
Light Side into the Empire! It is not much in a dogfight, and
should be kept away from TIE Interceptors and Defenders, but
a few squadrons of B-Wings can spell doom for just about any
Imperial capital ship. Their high laser and ion strength will
quickly drain all but the most powerful shields, and once
they bring their torpedoes to bear on an unshielded ship, the
fun really begins. B-Wings are also very capable of delivering
planetary bombardments, each squad increasing your bombardment
rating with 2.
For the best results, mix B-Wings 50/50 with A-Wings and/or
X-Wings (forget about the Y-Wing entirely once B-Wings become
available). If you expect stiff starfighter opposition, make
it 33/67 instead, and be sure to take X-Wings rather than
A-Wings (as X-Wings can help against capital ships once
all enemy fighters have been cleaned out).

High effectiveness
Moderate cost
Moderate maintenance

Cost: 42
Maintenance: 37
Fighter capacity: 0
Troop capacity: 0
Shield strength: 300

Hyperdrive rating: 70
Hull strength: 1400
Damage control: 30
Shield recharge: 15
Tractor beam: 1
Sublight engine rating: 4
Maneuverability: 1
Detection rate: 10
Weapon recharge: 8
Bombardment rate: 1

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 10 0 20 20
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 60 90 90 90

Game description: The CC-7700 is an older sibling to the
Corellian Gunship. While lightly armed, the CC-7700 is designed
primarily as a platform for a gravity well projector. The function
of this vessel is to prevent the withdrawal of enemy vessels from
a battle zone.

My description: This is the Rebel counterpart to the infamous
Interdictor Cruiser. It costs roughly the same, but is slightly
inferior, with weaker shields, and more importantly, a lower
detection rating. In combat, try to keep this ship out of trouble,
as it cannot defend itself against large starships. Outside of
combat, make sure the CC-7700 is attached to a larger fleet which
includes an Admiral. This will reduce the Empire's chance of
knocking it out on a sabotage mission. If you'd rather be safe than
sorry, take two of these with you in larger fleets just in case you
lose one. They're not that expensive.

Weak against starships
Moderate against starfighters
No fighter capacity
No troop capacity
Low cost

Cost: 58
Maintenance: 53
Fighter capacity: 0
Troop capacity: 1
Shield strength: 600

Hyperdrive rating: 60
Hull strength: 1200
Damage control: 35
Shield recharge: 30
Tractor beam: 1
Sublight engine rating: 6
Maneuverability: 2
Detection rate: 10
Weapon recharge: 16
Bombardment rate: 1

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 60 40 120 120
Ion Cannons 40 0 40 40
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: The CC-9600 is the latest iteration of the
CC series of capital ships. It is more compact and requires
fewer crew members than the previous CC-7700. While the CC-7700
was primarily a platform for gravity well projectors, the CC-9600
is a pure combat vessel. The firepower and shieldings of the
CC-9600 are considerable, while allowing enough cargo space to
accomodate two regiments of ground troops.

My description: This one is almost exactly equal to the Assault
Frigate, only slighty weaker (but also slighty cheaper). Since
you already have the Assault Frigate at your disposal when you
complete research on the CC-9600, you probably won't find much
use for it. It might have been good if it would carry two troop
regiments as the game description claims, but you can only
squeeze in a single regiment. And why would you want to do
that anyway, when you can just add a Bulk Transport or two to
your fleet?
Don't get me wrong, the CC-9600 is an excellent warship - but
you already have one that is very much like it, making this
one redundant as far as I can tell.

Very strong against starships
Weak against starfighters
No fighter capacity
Very limited troop capacity
Moderate cost

Cost: 14
Maintenance: 23
Fighter capacity: 0
Troop capacity: 0
Shield strength: 200

Hyperdrive rating: 80
Hull strength: 500
Damage control: 10
Shield recharge: 16
Tractor beam: 0
Sublight engine rating: 6
Maneuverability: 3
Detection rate: 20
Weapon recharge: 8
Bombardment rate: 1

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 0 0 0 0
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 120 90 120 120

Game description: A mid-sized capital ship constructed in the
Corellian shipyards, the Corvette has had a long history of service.
At 150 meters long and carrying a reasonable complement of shielding
and armament, it can function as a cargo transport, or front line
warship. Since this vessel sees a lot of action with the Corellian
pirates and the Alliance, it has been nicknamed the Blockade Runner.

My description: This is a lovely vessel. Available right from the
start, very cheap and quick to build, and deadly against
starfighters. You'll want to build a couple of these as soon as you
get your first shipyards, until you have completed research on the
Nebulon-B Frigate. Even then, Corellian Corvettes are the perfect
ship to build if you only have a single shipyard on a planet and
you want quick results. This ship will remain useful until the
superior Corellian Gunship becomes available.
No fleet should be without some starfighter killers, so divide
all the Corvettes you build among your fleets, and have them move
in on any TIEs immediately in any battle. Do not use them against
heavy warships.

Very weak against starships
Strong against starfighters
No fighter capacity
No troop capacity
Low cost

Cost: 10
Maintenance: 23
Fighter capacity: 0
Troop capacity: 0
Shield strength: 200

Hyperdrive rating: 80
Hull strength: 300
Damage control: 20
Shield recharge: 10
Tractor beam: 0
Sublight engine rating: 10
Maneuverability: 4
Detection rate: 30
Weapon recharge: 10
Bombardment rate: 0

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 0 0 0 0
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 90 90 150 150

Game description: The Corellian Gunship was designed to be two
things, fast and deadly. Engines fill more than half of its
interior structure while the external hull mounts a large number
of turbolaser batteries, and quad laser cannons making it an ideal
anti-starfighter platform.

My description: TIE blasting has never been so much fun - or so
cheap, either! Even quicker to build than the Corvette, the Gunship
is the Alliance's best anti-starfighter platform, and adding two or
three to every fleet you have is a good idea. They are also quick,
and capable of running circles around enemy capital ships on their
way to their targets. As long as you don't try to engage Star
Destroyers with them, you'll find these ships extremely useful.
Forget about the Corvette (not a bad ship either) and field these.
You'll learn to love them.

Very weak against starships
Brutal against starfighters
No fighter capacity
No troop capacity
Very low cost

Cost: 136
Maintenance: 90
Fighter capacity: 4
Troop capacity: 2
Shield strength: 800

Hyperdrive rating: 60
Hull strength: 2200
Damage control: 45
Shield recharge: 20
Tractor beam: 2
Sublight engine rating: 4
Maneuverability: 1
Detection rate: 10
Weapon recharge: 40
Bombardment rate: 2

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 120 60 200 200
Ion Cannons 60 60 200 200
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: The Dauntless is the second largest cruiser in the
Alliance fleet. Built from the hull of a luxury liner, it carries an
excellent sensor package and countermesaure equipment. Extra shielding
and armaments wer added to make the Dauntless an effective front line

My description: This very powerful vessel combines the best aspects
of the Mon Calamari Cruiser and the Liberator Cruiser. It has more
firepower than anything that came before it, and can almost outgun
an Imperial II class. Furthermore, it carries a respectable number
of fighters and troops, though not as many as the Liberator. The
Dauntless is an excellent ship by anyone's standards, although it
is somewhat expensive. Be sure to have large shipyards available.
In fact, once you complete research on the Dauntless, get ready
to expand your shipyards even further. The Bulwark Battlecruiser
is coming soon, and it is more expensive still.

Very strong against starships
Moderate against starfighters
High fighter capacity
Limited troop capacity
Very good Shields
High cost

Cost: 66
Maintenance: 55
Fighter capacity: 6
Troop capacity: 3
Shield strength: 600

Hyperdrive rating: 80
Hull strength: 1800
Damage control: 25
Shield recharge: 30
Tractor beam: 1
Sublight engine rating: 4
Maneuverability: 2
Detection rate: 10
Weapon recharge: 16
Bombardment rate: 2

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 40 40 80 80
Ion Cannons 40 0 80 80
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: The SoroSuub Liberator's slender hull disguises the
fact that it can carry three troop reigments and six fighter squadrons.
For a capital ship, the Liberator is diminutive of size, but still
finds room to host a formidable weapons complement consisting of ion
cannons and heavy turbolaser batteries. Utilizing state-of-the-art hull
armor, the Liberator is one of the most advanced warships in the galaxy.

My description: This vessel more or less replaces the Mon Calamari
Cruiser, being superior in all aspects except firepower. It has a very
good capacity for both starfighters and troops, closing that gap between
your fleet and Imperial Star Destroyers. Furthermore, the Liberator is
cheap - cheaper than the Mon Cal - and allows you to attain numerical
superiority. Imperial starships of this quality tend to come at a higher
cost. In performance, the Liberator is roughly equal to the Empire's
Victory II class - less firepower, but far better carrying capacity.
And if you fill up those starfighter bays with B-Wings, nothing short
of a Super Star Destroyer can hope to stand against this vessel.

Moderate against starships
Weak against starfighters
Very high fighter capacity
Moderate troop capacity
Very good shields
Moderate cost

Cost: 10
Maintenance: 12
Fighter capacity: 0
Troop capacity: 2
Shield strength: 100

Hyperdrive rating: 100
Hull strength: 360
Damage control: 5
Shield recharge: 5
Tractor beam: 0
Sublight engine rating: 2
Maneuverability: 2
Detection rate: 5
Weapon recharge: 2
Bombardment rate: 0

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 0 0 0 0
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 0 0 30 30

Game description: These vessels can haul an immense amount of
equipment considering that they are only 90 meters long. The medium
transport's outer hull is little more than a thick shell; the interior
is mainly open space. These transports are useful in transporting
medicine, food, fuel, spare parts, weapons, raw materials, and troops.

My description: The cheap but inferior alternative to the Bulk Transport.
It cannot carry quite as many troops and is a little slower in hyperspace,
but at least it can defend itself a little in combat, at least against
starfighters. You'll likely start out with a few of these, and I wouldn't
throw them away - but unless you are short of time or shipyards, don't
build any new ones. Build Bulk Transports instead.

Very weak against starships
weak against starfighters
No fighter capacity
Limited troop capacity
Very low cost

Cost: 92
Maintenance: 70
Fighter capacity: 3
Troop capacity: 1
Shield strength: 300

Hyperdrive rating: 60
Hull strength: 2400
Damage control: 50
Shield recharge: 15
Tractor beam: 2
Sublight engine rating: 4
Maneuverability: 2
Detection rate: 10
Weapon recharge: 18
Bombardment rate: 2

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 60 60 120 120
Ion Cannons 40 40 60 60
Laser Cannons 0 0 0 0

Game description: The Mon Calamari cruisers were originally spaceliners
which were converted for military use. This 1200-meter long cylindrical
ship looks more organic than technological, but they are considered to
be among the finest vessels travelling space. Built with many redundant
systems, the Mon Cal cruiser is difficult to repair and service but
extremely reliable in combat situations.

My description: The well-known mainstay of the Rebel fleet becomes
available to you fairly soon after you begin serious ship research.
Although not as powerful as its Imperial counterpart, the Imperial
class Star Destroyer, this ship can still deliver a lot of firepower
in battle, and has some capacity for starfighters and troops. The
Mon Cal is an excellent flagship for your fleets, although having
two or even three in one fleet is certainly not a bad idea,
provided you have the shipyards available. These ships will be your
main warships for a long time, until you discover the Liberator and
Dauntless classes.
As the game description implies, Mon Calamari Cruisers have a very
high damage control rating. They are not so good, however, at
detecting sabotage. Protect them with an Admiral and possibly a
General with troops, or keep them on the move to foil enemy sabotage

Very strong against starships
Weak against starfighters
Moderate fighter capacity
Very limited troop capacity
Good shields
Moderate cost

Cost: 34
Maintenance: 35
Fighter capacity: 2
Troop capacity: 0
Shield strength: 300

Hyperdrive rating: 80
Hull strength: 600
Damage control: 20
Shield recharge: 15
Tractor beam: 1
Sublight engine rating: 3
Maneuverability: 2
Detection rate: 30
Weapon recharge: 12
Bombardment rate: 1

Fore Aft Port Starboard
Turbo Lasers 80 0 40 40
Ion Cannons 0 0 0 0
Laser Cannons 60 60 30 30

Game description: The Nebulon-B Frigate is 300 meters long and was
originally designed for use against starfighters. This vessel has more
weaponry than most ships of its class, and its capacity to carry two
squadrons of fighters makes it a superior vessel.

My description: Easily the most versatile ship in the game, and quite
possibly one of the best in terms of cost effectiveness. The Nebulon-B
is effective both against starships and starfighters, can carry a few
fighters of its own, and is difficult to sabotage. What more do you
want at such a low cost? You should start building these as soon as
you complete your research on them - and since they are first in line,
that can be as early as day 100 if you are quick. Just make sure you
have adequate shipyards to build them at a reasonable pace, and keep
an eye on your maintenance pool. I've found that it is easy to go
overboard with these babies.

Strong against starships
Moderate against starfighters
Limited fighter capacity
No troop capacity
Low cost

Cost: 5
Maintenance: 4
Laser strength: 8
Ion strength: 0
Torpedo strength: 4
Shield strength: 5
Hyperdrive: yes

Hyperdrive rating: 60
Sublight engine: 8
Maneuverability: 5
Detection rate: 15
Bombardment rate: 1

Game description: Designed by the Incom Corporation, the T-65 X-Wing
is a small, single-pilot starfighter with exception maneuverability.
Mounting laser cannons on the tips of its four S-foils, the X-Wing
can bring an impressive amount of firepower to bear against a single
target. The X-Wing also mounts an effective hyperdrive and shield

My description: The symbol of the Alliance fleet, and for good
cause. X-Wings are very versatile, deadly against starfighters and
capable of supporting or initiating starfighter attacks on capital
ships. Although they come without ion cannons, X-Wings have
considerable laser power and they even have torpedoes. They can also
support planetary bombardments, each squad adding a point to your
bombardment rate.
If you are not sure about what kind of starfighters to take with
you, you can never go wrong with X-Wings. Just fill up all your
starfighter bays with them and you are prepared for any kind of
combat situation. This makes X-Wings the perfect choice for a fleet
with an undecided purpose, and also makes them suitable for
planetary garrisons. You'll start the game building these fighters
and you'll end it building them. That alone gives you a significant
edge over the Empire, which is constantly switching to newer models.

Multirole fighter
High effectiveness
Low cost
Low maintenance

Cost: 5
Maintenance: 4
Laser strength: 5
Ion strength: 3
Torpedo strength: 8
Shield strength: 5
Hyperdrive: yes

Hyperdrive rating: 60
Sublight engine: 8
Maneuverability: 4
Detection rate: 12
Bombardment rate: 2

Game description: The older, twin-engine Y-Wing still sees lots
of action in the Alliance fleet. Mounting a turreted laser
cannon and ion cannon, in addition to heavier armor, the Y-Wing is
a good choice for heavy assault missions.

My description: The Y-Wing is your primary bomber, and will remain
so until the B-Wing becomes available. Unlike TIE Bombers and
B-Wings, Y-Wings can actually be of some use in dogfights as well.
Don't expect to defeat Interceptors and Defenders with them, but
they can be effective against Fighters and Bombers.
Their main purpose, however, is engaging capital ships, for which
they bring laser cannons, ion cannons, and powerful torpedoes to
bear. Having a few Y-Wing squads in your fleet also significantly
boosts your capability to deliver planetary bombardments.
Y-Wings should never travel without X-Wings or A-Wings for backup,
but once the area has been cleared of enemy fighters (something
they can actually help with), they can begin their deadly work.

Moderate effectiveness
Low cost
Low maintenance

Suggested names

By default, the computer numbers your capital ships as you build them,
but assigns no names to them. (Enemy ships do get names drawn from
a random stock.) It is, of course, far more fun to give them names, and
it helps you distinguish them from each other as well. In multiplayer
games, your enemy can see the names you assign to your ships and fleets.

Imperial names typically refer to oppression, aggressiveness and courage.
Rebel names typically refer to justice, freedom and rebellion.

Here are some suggested names for Rebel ship types. They have been
taken from the movies, the novels and the games.

Corellian Corvette: Korolev, Python, Ram's Head, Ranger

Mon Calamari Cruiser (or other cruiser types): Cathleen, Defiance,
Excelsior, Home One, Independence, Liberty, Maximus, Olympus

Nebulon-B Frigate (or other frigate types): Fugazi, Justice, Liberator,
Redemption, Salvation


NOTE: The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at GameFAQs
( If you found this guide somewhere else and you are
looking for an update, I recommend you check GameFAQs to see if a newer
version exists than the one you have.

v1.0: (20 March '01) First release of the FAQ, with information on all
Rebel ships. Barring any corrections, no updates are planned.

v1.1: (26 September '05) Updated contact info.


For questions, comments, suggestions, praise and criticism, please contact the
author, Sashanan, at This e-mail address is for FAQ
feedback only. Whatever you wish to share about this document or StarWars
Rebellion, chances are I'll want to hear it. Any serious mail will be answered.

If you wish to do anything with this FAQ except for just reading it, check
the Disclaimer section at the top of the FAQ to find out what you can and
can't do. When in doubt, you can always mail me.

This document is a copyright of Peter "Sashanan" Butter, 2001-2005. All
rights reserved. Disclaimer at top of document.

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