Diablo II

Diablo 2

18.10.2013 03:08:19
Wie erstelle ich mit dem Hexeditor einen guten Charakter
Welcome to How to Hex Edit Diablo 2 Save Games For Dummies

In this Tutorial you will learn how to use the program hex workshop, and how to
make a godly character. I hope this help you to hacking more later on. This is
my first tutorial so it will have some errors, but I hope it does not ruin to
the tutorial.

(To get to a section faster, go to: search and select the find tab and put in
the desired sections number surrounded with parentheses (i.e.: (1)) to jump to
that section.)

1:Using Hex workshop
2:How to hex edit
4:Hp Mana and Stamina
5:Experience and Level
8:nightmare and hell
9:All Acts
10:All waypoints
11:Skill points and Stat points
12:Paladin Skills
13:Amazons Skills
14:Necromancer Skills
15:Barbarian Skills
16:Sorceress Skills
17:Normal Quests
18:Nightmare Quests
19:Hell Quests
21:Where this tutorial is posted

NOTES: If you have skill points or state points you have not uesd the hex
addess will move so if you want yo hex edit your guy you can one ues the points
or two find where the addess move to.
(1) Using Hex workshop.

First, you need hex workshop you can get it at
http://www.bpsoft.com/downloads/. Now that you have it we can start on the

Ok open up hex workshop go to file in the upper left corner and go to open we
are going to open up a Diablo 2 save game file to do this go to where you have
Diablo 2 install most likely
C:\program files\diablo2\ now go to the save folder, it is named save, now find
a .d2s file and open it now you will see a lot of numbers in the middle of the
screen (hex code.)

Now on the left side of the numbers you have the address we will get more in to
address in a minute on the right there are .... and stuff. We do not really
need to use this now. In the middle that, however, is the hex code and that is
what we will be editing.

Now we I will talk about address. An address is a spot in the code where the
program looks for info on how to load the file. We want to edit address so we
are like a god and shit. We can tell what address we are on by looking in the
lower right comer look for offset: 00000000 next to it you will see
{0x00000000} this is the hex address you are on now that you no address we will
move on.

Now I will talk about hex code it self-hex ok Hex is A base 16 form of
Get The Idea? Ok now that we no how hex work we can move on.

Ok now we will do some editing. I will start by showing you how to edit your
strength. To do this, find the address 0x00000235. Now that you are there I
will tell you about signed byte. This is under where you look to see what
address you are on, Now you see there a number next to it, that it what your
strength is what I want you to do is type in FF on address 0x00000235. Now you
will see that number is now 255 and now your character will have 255 strength.
OK now you know how to use a hex editor now the real fun starts.
(2)Welcome to how to hex edit.

In this tutorial I hope to show you how to hex edit about anything you want. I
mostly hex edit games but you can hex edit any program. Really. First, you
need a hex editor. I use hex workshop and you can get it at
http://www.bpsoft.com/downloads/ Great, now that you have it we can start.

Ok, first pick a game that has save game files. Now open the game and load your
save game look at what like your money life mana anything that have a number
write that number done and exit the game. Now open up your hex editor.

Now go open your save game for that game. More on this later, for I'm moving
on. I am going to talk about hex code. Hex is a base 16 form of counting;
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 20 get the idea? Ok now I am going to talk
about BITS.

There's 8 bit 16 bit 32 bit and 64 bit. Ok 8 bit signed Byte is the number that
the hex in one row equals. Say the hex was 01, the number in the signed byte
will be 1.

Say it was 10, the number in the signed byte will be 16 and so on.

Ok 32 bit signed byte is the number of two rows of hex, like 0101.

That is two rows of hex, it is the same as above does 16 bit start when 8 bit
go above 255 16 bit end at 65535. Ok, get it? Ok, now 32 bit signed byte is
tree rows it that same as above does a bigger number hex is like 0101 01. Ok
64 bit is 4 rows again it like above does a bigger number hex is like 0101

Ok now that you know all that stuff we can move on to hex editing your save
game file.

Ok remember that number you wrote down? We need to find that in the hex there
may be more then one spot in the hex that number is for, ok? Say the number
you write down was 999, in hex that is E703 go to FIND in your hex editor and
look up the number.

Inside that you write down in hex, when you find it, you will be at a hex
addrees to no what hex address you are on look down in the buttom left coner
you will see somthing that say offset: there will be some numbers there but you
do not need them what you do want to look at is then numbers in the {} that is
the hex address you are on when you find the right address to edit it is a good
idea to write down that address for later ues now back to the editing, ok back
to the hex you found edit that hex to what you want.

Then load up the game and see if it worked.

If it did not, go back to your hex edit and go back to FIND and find the next
hex that is the number you wrote down.

Edit it and so on, you get the point.

Now that's all you really need.

And once you have this down, play around and see what you can do

But make sure to make BACK UP'S of all the file you hex edit have fun.

Now I show you the address of stats skills waypoints acts and all that good
shit and let you edit them to what you want. I am does telling you where to
edit the hex I will put notes in there for you to read to help you. Now we
(3) Stats

You can edit any of the stats to C0 E1 E4 00 for 15000000

Strength At address: 0x00000235 to 0x00000237
Dexterity At address: 0x0000023D to 0x0000023F
Vitality At address: 0x00000241 TO 0x0000043
Energy At address: 0x00000239 to 0x0000023B
(4) Hp Mana and Stamina


address: 0x00000246 to 0x00000249 some times it moves to 0x0000024A to

edit hex to 00 FF FF 7F 00 alot of HP or FF1F for 8191 that is the max HP the
game will let you have you do not relay need any more then 8191 but you cna
play around if you want.

address: 0X0000024A to 0x0000024D some times it moves to 0x0000024E to
0x00000251 at this hex to the same you edit the address above this one


address: 0x0000024E to 0x00000251 some times it moves to 0x00000252 to
0x00000255 edit hex FF 1F for 8191
address: 0X00000252 to 0x00000255 some times it moves to 0x00000256 to
0x00000259 do the same as above


address: 0x00000256 to 0x00000259 some times it moves to 0x0000025A to
0x0000025D edit hex to FF 1F for 8191
address: 0x0000025A to 0x0000025D some times it moves to 0x0000025E to
0x00000261 do the same as above

address: 0x00000261 to 0x00000264

Address: 0x00000024

level has to match experience or you'll find yourself a newbie.

Level Experience
0 0
1 500
2 1500
3 3750
4 7875
5 14175
6 22680
7 32886
8 44396
9 57715
10 72144
11 90180
12 112725
13 140906
14 176132
15 220165
16 275207
17 344008
18 430010
19 537513
20 671891
21 839864
22 1049830
23 1312287
24 1640359
25 2050449
26 2563061
27 3203826
28 3902260
29 4663553
30 5493363
31 6397855
32 7383752
33 8458379
34 9629723
35 10906488
36 12298162
37 13815086
38 15468534
39 17270791
40 19235252
41 21376515
42 23710491
43 26254525
44 29027522
45 32050088
46 35344686
47 38935798
48 42850109
49 47116709
50 51767302
51 56836449
52 62361819
53 68384473
54 74949165
55 82104680
56 89904191
57 98405658
58 107672256
59 117772849
60 128782495
61 140783010
62 153863570
63 168121381
64 183662396
65 200602101
66 219066380
67 239192444
68 261129853
69 285041630
70 311105466
71 339515048
72 370481492
73 404234916
74 441026148
75 481128591
76 524840254
77 572485967
78 624419793
79 681027665
80 742730244
81 809986056
82 883294891
83 963201521
84 1050299747
85 1145236814
86 1248718217
87 1361512946
88 1484459201
89 1618470619
90 1764543065
91 1923762030
92 2097310703
93 2286478756
94 2492671933
95 2717422497
96 2962400612
97 3229426756
98 3520485254
99 3837739017
(6) Money

address: 0x00000265 to 0x00000268 (money on your character)
address: 0x00000269 to 0x00000272 (money in your stash)
(7) Classes

address: 0x00000022
For Amazon edit to 00
For Sorceresses edit to 01
For Necromancer edit to 02
For Paladin edit to 03
For Barbarian edit to 04
(8) Open up nightmare and hell.

address: 0x00000019 edit hex to 04 this only open nightmare
address: 0x00000019 edit hex to 14 this will open up nightmare and hell
(9) All Acts.

address: 0x0000009A edit hex to 01 =Act 2
address: 0x000000AA edit hex to 01 =Act 3
address: 0x000000BA edit hex to 01 =Act 4

address:0x0000000FA edit hex to 01 =Act 2
address:0x00000010A edit hex to 01 =Act 3
address:0x00000011A edit hex to 01 =Act 4

address:0x00000015A edit hex to 01 =Act 2
address:0x00000016A edit hex to 01 =Act 3
address:0x00000017A edit hex to 01 =Act 4

There is a bug in this you cannot do last quest on act 3.
(10) All waypoints.

Normal all waypoints
address: 0x000001B6 edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001B7 edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001B8 edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001B9 edit hex to 3F

Nightmare all waypoints
address: 0x000001CE edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001CF edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001D0 edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001D1 edit hex to F3

Hell all waypoints
address: 0x000001E6 edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001E7 edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001E8 edit hex to FF
address: 0x000001E9 edit hex to F3

This open all the waypoints for the act you when you open up an act you all
ready have all the waypoints.
(11) Skill points and Stat points.

address:0x00000249 edit Hex From 01 to FF (Skill points)
address:0x00000245 edit Hex From 01 to FF (Stat points)
(12) Paladin Skills

All Skills can be edited from 01 to 14

Combat Skills

Address: 0X0000026F -->Sacrifice
Address: 0x00000270 -->Smite
Address: 0x00000274 -->Holy Bolt
Address: 0x00000279 -->Zeal
Address: 0x0000027A -->Charge
Address: 0x0000027E -->Vengeance
Address: 0x0000027F -->Bless Hammer
Address: 0x00000283 -->Conversion
Address: 0x00000284 -->Holy Shield
Address: 0x00000288 -->Fist of The Heavens

Offensive Auras

Address: 0x00000271 -->Might
Address: 0x00000275 -->Holy Fire
Address: 0x00000276 -->Thorns
Address: 0x0000027B -->Blessed Aim
Address: 0x00000280 -->Concentration
Address: 0x00000281 -->Holy Freeze
Address: 0x00000285 -->Holy Shock
Address: 0x00000286 -->Sanctuary
Address: 0x00000289 -->Fanaticism
Address: 0x0000028A -->A Conviction

Defensive Auras

Address: 0x00000272 -->Prayer
Address: 0x00000273 -->Resist Fire
Address: 0x00000277 -->Defiance
Address: 0x00000278 -->Resist Cold
Address: 0x0000027C -->Cleansing
Address: 0x0000027D -->Resist Lightning
Address: 0x00000282 -->Vigor
Address: 0x00000287 -->Meditation
Address: 0x0000028B -->Redemption
Address: 0x0000028C -->Salvation
(13) Amazons Skills

All Skills can be editing from 01 to 14

Skill Names

Bow and Crossbow Skills

Address: 0X0000026F -->Magic arrow
Address: 0x00000270 -->Fire Arrow
Address: 0x00000274 -->Cold Arrow
Address: 0x00000275 -->Multiple Shot
Address: 0x00000279 -->Exploding Arrow
Address: 0x0000027E -->Ice Arrow
Address: 0x0000027F -->Guided Arrow
Address: 0x00000283 -->Strafe
Address: 0x00000284 -->Strafe
Address: 0x00000288 -->Freezing Arrow

Passive and Magic Skills

Address: 0x00000271 -->inner Sight
Address: 0x00000272 -->Critical Strike
Address: 0x00000276 -->Dodge
Address: 0x0000027A -->Slow Missiles
Address: 0x0000027B -->Avoid
Address: 0x00000280 -->Penetrate
Address: 0x00000285 -->decoy
Address: 0x00000286 -->Evade
Address: 0x00000289 -->Valkyrie
Address: 0x0000028A -->Pierce

Spear and Javelin Skills

Address: 0x00000273 -->Jab
Address: 0x00000277 -->Power Strike
Address: 0x00000278 -->Poison Javelin
Address: 0x0000027C -->Impale
Address: 0x0000027D -->Lightning Bolt
Address: 0x00000281 -->Charged Strike
Address: 0x00000282 -->Plague Javelin
Address: 0x00000287 -->Fend
Address: 0x0000028B -->Lightning Strike
Address: 0x0000028C -->Lightning Strike
(14) Necromancer Skills

All Skills can be editing from 01 to 14


Address: 0x0000026B -->Amplify Damage
Address: 0x00000270 -->Dim Vision
Address: 0x00000271 -->Weaken
Address: 0x00000275 -->Iron Maiden
Address: 0x00000276 -->Terror
Address: 0x0000027A -->Confuse
Address: 0x0000027B -->Life Tap
Address: 0x0000027F -->Attract
Address: 0x00000280 -->Decertify
Address: 0x00000284 -->Lower Resist

Poison and Bone Spells

Address: 0x0000026C -->Teeth
Address: 0x0000026D -->Bone Arrow
Address: 0x00000272 -->Poison Dagger
Address: 0x00000273 -->Corpse Explosion
Address: 0x00000277 -->Bone Wall
Address: 0x0000027C -->Poison Explosion
Address: 0x0000027B -->Bone Spear
Address: 0x00000281 -->Bone Prison
Address: 0x00000285 -->Prison Nova
Address: 0x00000286 -->Bone Spirit

Summoning Spells

Address: 0x0000026F -->Raise Skeleton
Address: 0x0000026E -->Skeleton Mastery
Address: 0x00000274 -->Clay Golem
Address: 0x00000278 -->Golem Mastery
Address: 0x00000279 -->Raise Skeletal Mage
Address: 0x0000027E -->Blood Golem
Address: 0x00000282 -->Summon Resist
Address: 0x00000283 -->Iron Golem
Address: 0x00000287 -->Fire Golem
Address: 0x00000288 -->Revive

(15) Barbarian Skills

All Skills can be edited from 01 to 14

Combat Skills

Address: 0x0000026B -->Bash
Address: 0x00000271 -->Leap
Address: 0x00000272 -->Double Swing
Address: 0x00000278 -->Stun
Address: 0x00000279 -->Double Throw
Address: 0x0000027C -->Leap Attack
Address: 0x0000027D -->Concentrate
Address: 0x00000280 -->Frenzy
Address: 0x00000284 -->Whirlwind
Address: 0x00000285 -->Berserk

Combat Masteries

Address: 0x0000026C -->Sword Mastery
Address: 0x0000026D -->Axe Mastery
Address: 0x0000026E -->Mace Mastery
Address: 0x00000273 -->Pole Arm Mastery
Address: 0x00000274 -->Throwing Mastery
Address: 0x00000275 -->Spear Mastery
Address: 0x0000027A -->Increased Stamina
Address: 0x0000027E -->Iron Skin
Address: 0x00000281 -->Increased Speed
Address: 0x00000286 -->Natural resistance

War Cries

Address: 0x0000026F -->Howl
Address: 0x00000270 -->find Potion
Address: 0x00000276 -->Taunt
Address: 0x00000277 -->Shout
Address: 0x0000027B -->Find Item
Address: 0x0000027F -->Battle Cry
Address: 0x00000282 -->Battle Orders
Address: 0x00000283 -->Grim Ward
Address: 0x00000287 -->War Cry
Address: 0x00000288 -->Battle Command
(16) Sorceress Skills

All Skills can be edited from 01 to 14

Fire Spells

Address: 0x0000026B -->Fire Bold
Address: 0x0000026C -->Warmth
Address: 0x00000270 -->Inferno
Address: 0x00000275 -->Blaze
Address: 0x00000276 -->Fire Ball
Address: 0x0000027A -->Fire Wall
Address: 0x0000027B -->Enchant
Address: 0x0000027F -->Meteor
Address: 0x00000284 -->Fire Mastery
Address: 0x00000285 -->Hydra

Lightning Spells

Address: 0x0000026D -->Charged Bolt
Address: 0x00000271 -->Static Field
Address: 0x00000272 -->Telekinesis
Address: 0x00000277 -->Nova
Address: 0x00000278 -->Lightning
Address: 0x0000027C -->Chain Lightning
Address: 0x0000027D -->Teleport
Address: 0x00000280 -->Thunder Storm
Address: 0x00000281 -->Energy Shield
Address: 0x00000286 -->Lightning Mastery

Cold Spells

Address: 0x0000026E -->Ice Bolt
Address: 0x0000026F -->Frozen Armor
Address: 0x00000273 -->Frost Nova
Address: 0x00000274 -->Ice Blast
Address: 0x00000279 -->Shiver Armor
Address: 0x0000027E -->Glacial Spike
Address: 0x00000282 -->Blizzard
Address: 0x00000283 -->Chilling Armor
Address: 0x00000287 -->Frozen Orb
Address: 0x00000288 -->Cold Mastery
(17) Normal Skills level Quests

Act 1 Quests

Den of Evil

address:0x0000008E edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x0000008E edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x0000008E edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000008F 10 --> quest done

Sister's Burial Grounds

address:0x00000090 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000090 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000090 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000091 10 --> quest done

The search for Cain

address:0x00000094 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000094 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000094 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000095 10 --> quest done

The Forgotten Tower

address:0x00000096 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000096 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000096 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000097 10 --> quest done

Tools of the trade

address:0x00000092 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000092 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000092 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000093 10 --> quest done

Sister to the Slaughter

address:0x00000098 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000098 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000098 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000099 10 --> quest done

Act 2 Quests

Radament's Lair

address:0x0000009E edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x0000009E edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x0000009E edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000009F 10 --> quest done

The Horadric Staff

address:0x000000A0 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000A0 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000A0 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000A1 10 --> quest done

Tainted Sun

address:0x000000A2 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000A2 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000A2 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000A3 10 --> quest done

Arcane Sanctuary

address:0x000000A4 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000A4 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000A4 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000A5 10 --> quest done

The Summoner

address:0x000000A6 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000A6 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000A6 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000A7 10 --> quest done

The Seven Tombs

address:0x000000A8 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000A8 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000A8 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000A9 10 --> quest done

Act 3 Quests

Lam Esen's Tomb

address:0x000000AE edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000AE edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000AE edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000AF 10 --> quest done

Blade of the Old Religion

address:0x000000B0 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000B0 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000B0 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000B1 10 --> quest done

Khalim's Will

address:0x000000B2 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000B2 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000B2 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000B3 10 --> quest done

The Golden Bird

address:0x000000B4 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000B4 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000B4 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000B5 10 --> quest done

The Blackened Temple

address:0x000000B6 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000B6 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000B6 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000B7 10 --> quest done

The Guardian

address:0x000000B8 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000B8 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000B8 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000B9 10 --> quest done

Act 4 Quests

The Fallen Angel

address:0x000000BE edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000BE edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000BE edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000BF 10 --> quest done

Hell's Forge

address:0x000000C2 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000C2 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000C2 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000C3 10 --> quest done

Terror's End

address:0x000000C0 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000C0 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000C0 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000C1 10 --> quest done
(18) Nightmare Skill Level Quests

Act 1 Quests

Den of Evil

address:0x000000EE edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000EE edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000EE edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000EF 10 --> quest done

Sister's Burial Grounds

address:0x000000F0 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000F0 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000F0 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000F1 10 --> quest done

The search for Cain

address:0x000000F4 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000F4 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000F4 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000F5 10 --> quest done

The Forgotten Tower

address:0x000000F6 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000F6 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000F6 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000F7 10 --> quest done

Tools of the trade

address:0x000000F2 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000F2 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000F2 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000F3 10 --> quest done

Sister to the Slaughter

address:0x000000F8 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000F8 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000F8 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000F9 10 --> quest done

Act 2 Quests

Radament's Lair

address:0x000000FE edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x000000FE edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x000000FE edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000FF 10 --> quest done

The Horadric Staff

address:0x00000100 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000100 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000100 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000101 10 --> quest done

Tainted Sun

address:0x00000102 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000102 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000102 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000103 10 --> quest done

Arcane Sanctuary

address:0x00000104 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000104 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000104 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000105 10 --> quest done

The Summoner

address:0x00000106 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000106 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000106 edit hex to 07 and address:0x000000A7 10 --> quest done

The Seven Tombs

address:0x00000108 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000108 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000108 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000109 10 --> quest done

Act 3 Quests

Lam Esen's Tomb

address:0x0000010E edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x0000010E edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x0000010E edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000010F 10 --> quest done

Blade of the Old Religion

address:0x00000110 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000110 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000110 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000111 10 --> quest done

Khalim's Will

address:0x00000112 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000112 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000112 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000113 10 --> quest done

The Golden Bird

address:0x00000114 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000114 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000114 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000115 10 --> quest done

The Blackened Temple

address:0x00000116 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000116 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000116 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000117 10 --> quest done

The Guardian

address:0x00000118 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000118 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000118 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000119 10 --> quest done

Act 4 Quests

The Fallen Angel

address:0x0000011E edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x0000011E edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x0000011E edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000011F 10 --> quest done

Hell's Forge

address:0x00000122 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000122 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000122 edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000123 10 --> quest done

Terror's End

address:0x00000120 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000120 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000120 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000121 10 --> quest done
(19) Hell Skill Level Quests

Act 1 Quests

Den of Evil

address:0x0000014E edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x0000014E edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x0000014E edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000014F 10 --> quest done

Sister's Burial Grounds

address:0x00000150 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000150 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000150 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000151 10 --> quest done

The search for Cain

address:0x00000154 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000154 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000154 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000155 10 --> quest done

The Forgotten Tower

address:0x00000156 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000156 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000156 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000157 10 --> quest done

Tools of the trade

address:0x00000152 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000152 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000152 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000153 10 --> quest done

Sister to the Slaughter

address:0x00000158 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000158 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000158 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000159 10 --> quest done

Act 2 Quests

Radament's Lair

address:0x0000015E edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x0000015E edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x0000015E edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000015F 10 --> quest done

The Horadric Staff

address:0x00000160 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000160 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000160 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000161 10 --> quest done

Tainted Sun

address:0x00000162 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000162 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000162 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000163 10 --> quest done

Arcane Sanctuary

address:0x00000164 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000164 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000164 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000165 10 --> quest done

The Summoner

address:0x00000166 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000166 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000166 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000167 10 --> quest done

The Seven Tombs

address:0x00000168 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000168 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000168 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000169 10 --> quest done

Act 3 Quests

Lam Esen's Tomb

address:0x0000016E edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x0000016E edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x0000016E edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000016F 10 --> quest done

Blade of the Old Religion

address:0x00000170 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000170 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000170 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000171 10 --> quest done

Khalim's Will

address:0x00000172 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000172 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000172 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000173 10 --> quest done

The Golden Bird

address:0x00000174 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000174 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000174 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000175 10 --> quest done

The Blackened Temple

address:0x00000176 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000176 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000176 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000177 10 --> quest done

The Guardian

address:0x00000178 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000178 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000178 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000179 10 --> quest done

Act 4 Quests

The Fallen Angel

address:0x0000017E edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x0000017E edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x0000017E edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000017F 10 --> quest done

Hell's Forge

address:0x00000182 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000182 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000182 edit hex to 07 and address:0x0000183 10 --> quest done

Terror's End

address:0x00000180 edit hex to 04 -->start of quest
address:0x00000180 edit hex to 06 -->get quest reward
address:0x00000180 edit hex to 07 and address:0x00000181 10 --> quest done

(20) Credits

Tutorial By: Matthew Cooper or Nick: B5

Any questions, feel free to send them to b5@xmail.com

Thanks to:
BYO~BodyBag for spelling corrections.

VirtualChaos for grammar corrections.
(21) Where this tutorial is posted

This tutorial is post on http://www.cheatlist.com that where it was posted

any one is free to post this tutorial on there site i realy do not care so post

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Engl. Leitfaden

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