

16.10.2013 01:11:18

Zeliard FAQ & Walkthrough 1.0v by NeoZenogias

Disclaimer: All names and anything else mentioned in here are owned by Sierra
On-line and Gamearts. The text of this document cannot be reproduced anywhere
else or so the saying goes. Any of that other stuff that usually goes into a
disclaimer applies here.

I'm writing this at the insistance of a friend of mine, who happens to be the
president of the Zeliard fan Club. Though he personally doesn't need any help
with the game ; ) He felt that there might be some people out there that do.
This is my first and probably last FAQ so I hope it helps out a lot of people.
Oh yeah and if you do have this game lend it to a friend. Spread it around so
that everyone has a chance to play this great game.

If you have any questions or need clarification on anything, or just want to
tell me what a great FAQ this is you can email me at

The only way I could right this is to describe using terms like left and right
heavily. The best way to use this is to print it out and use it as you go. This
is a basic point "A" to point "B" walkthrough. There are many secrets to be
found. So explore the caverns as much as possible.

I. Introduction:
Zeliard is a side scrolling action adventure game that came out in the late
eighties early nineties. It features over eight different worlds with many


II. Gameplay Basics: There are a few things that will help you make your way
through the land of Zeliard without a walkthrough.

- Upon entering a new world reach the new town as soon as possible

- When in doubt while fighting a boss use one or two Sabre Oils. This will
increase the strenghth of your attack greatly.

- When you are inside a cavern and you need to heal, find a secluded area where
you won't be attacked. Change the speed(F9) to 9 and stand still. You will
quickly regain your health

- Don't bother with a shield. This item is costly and doesn't do you a whole
lot of good. Not until the end of the game can you get a cool shield.

- Gain as much experience as possible in the beginning. The bosses can be
extremely tough if you are weak.

- An easy way to figure out when you can level up is by the number of almas you
have. After you get a couple hundred, go into the town and see the Sage. After
you level up double the number of almas you need to get before going back to
the Sage.

- When in doubt lower the speed to beat a boss.Or if there is a tricky platform
you have to get on. It won't always work but it may.

- Don't exchange you almas at every town. Some give a better ratio of Almas to
Gold than others. The ideal place to exchange gold is Bosque Town

- Talk to all the citizens. They or may not have useful information

- Make sure to deposit your gold frequently. When you die you lose it all.

- Don't give up. This game can be tricky. Be patient and explore every corner.
And think, if you can't find a key or a door, fall off a platform or run into a
wall. You may be surprised.


III. Walkthrough

1. Muralla Town/ Cavern of Malicia
Boss- Cangrejo
Secrets- Two hidden potions within the wall.

After the opening sequence make your way to the castle which is incidentally
right in front of you. Talk to the king and he will give you 1000 golds. After
you leave the palace go to the shrine to see the princess. After you do this go
to the town. There you can visit each shop. Instead of upgrading you sword or
buying a shield, the best thing to buy is a Magia Stone. This little item can
be indispensible. When you are ready you may enter the cavern.

The first thing to do here is equip the Magia stone in the item screen.When you
have done this go to the left and down the rope. Kill the monsters and grab the
chest. Then jump onto the green platform and make go up until you can jump off
to the right. Watch out for rats here because they can not you off. Go right
until come to a rope. Go down the rope. Don't get the chest unless you need it.
Go down the other rope and kill the slug. Run to the right and climb down the
rope. Quickly kill all the critters (I'm not even going to call them monsters).
Go left and up the rope and grab the key. This is a good place to heal. The
only thing to watch out for is the bats.

After you get the key go back down the rope and right. Climb this other rope
and go right again. Go down the rope and to the right some more. Climb this
rope. If you need it there is a potion of full healing in the wall. Just jump
on the green platform and ride it to the top. Slash the wall and you get the
potion. Get off the rope on the first left and follow it all the way. You will
come to and unclimbable slope. But you will see two doors. Climb the rope near
the slope to the top. Grab the rope next to it and get on the path. Go right
and climb the rope. Carefully jump the pit and continue. Climb the rope and
make your way over the spikes. Soon you will come to platform go across. The
area you are now in is great for picking up almas and experience. Just keep
running back and forth and the enemies will regenerate.

Climb the rope and go through the door. You will come to a new cavern. You
can't do much here right now, but someday. Go left over the rope and go up the
next rope. Then go to the left of the rope and slash the wall. Buried in it is
a orb worth 100 almas. Go back to the rope and go down. To the left is another
door. Go through it and carefully cross the platform. Cimb the rope and go
right. Climb the next rope and go left. When come to the next rope climb it. To
your right is a locked door that makes noise. This is the tell-tale sign of a
boss door. When you are ready enter and fight you enemy. It is recommended that
you go to the town and save first. Fight the boss whos a giant crab. Attack him
when you can. When he jumps in the air run away from him if possble. You can
run under him but he drops acid on you. Keep slashing and eventually he will
die. Grab whatever is in the room and go through the door. After the sequence
you will come out near the Satono door. Go through it and enter Satono Town.

2. Satono Town/Cavern of Peligro
Boss- Pulpo the octopus
Secrets- Hidden potions in the wall

When you first arrive in Satono make your way to the Sages hut immediately. She
will teach you a new spell. Save your game and may be even level up. When you
are ready enter the Cavern of Peligro.

The first thing you'll want to do when you enter Peligro is to find as many of
the keys as possble. WHen you first leave the town go to the lef t and climb
the rope. climb to the top and to right. Do not follow the rope all the way
down. Get off to the right path you first see. Get on the platform and let it
take to the right some more. Climb the the rope you see after getting off the
platform and grab the key. Go back down the rope and get on the green platform.
go down until it stops. Get off and climb the rope down. Fall off the ledge to
the right. After you fall go left. Watch out for the trolls they can be tricky.
Climb the rope down and touch the blue stone. It will tell you to be careful of
the box. If you are so inclined touch the box. It will turn into a bat, a very
dangerous bat. After you kill it you get a full heal potion.

From where you are get on the rope and climb up. To the left go until yo come
to the rope. TO the left side of the rope is a healing potion in the wall.
CLimb the rope down and go to the left. On the ground is a key. grab the key
and go back the way you came. When you get to the area where the blue stone is
follow the one large rope all the way down. Kill the monsters. and climb the
ropes. Enter the door. From here go left and climb the ropes and cross the
platforms always going up. Soon you will come to a door. Enter it. From here
cross the platform and climb down the ropes quickly. Cross over on the other
platform and get on the green platform to the right. Move it up until you can
go right. Here will be another encounter door. Dont bother healing yourself
yet. When you enter you will see the pctopus in the corner, he can't move. He
won't attack you either unitl you attack him. So heal yourself now. When you
are ready attack. When he stops moving his tentacle be careful. Sporadically he
will fire spit, which will carry to the far wall. Jump over it and continue
your attack. And he will fall.

After another sequence there will be another door to your right, enter it and
you will enter the third world of Madera.

3. Bosque Town/Cavern of Madera/Cavern of Riza
Boss: Pollo
Items: Hero's Crest
Upon entering you will find yourself in Madera. Jump from the limb you are on
down. When you reach the ground you left and enter the town. Talk to the Sage
and learn a new spell and save. By this time your health bar should be at the
halfway mark. If it isn't just spend more time gaining experience.

Here go to the weapons store. When you are able buy the Sprit Sword. After you
aquire this go to the left. There will be an exit guarded. Talk to the guard.
He won't let you pass without the Hero's Crest. Your mission find this crest
and pass the guard. Go back the way you came and leave the town.

In Madera go left and cross the rope do not go down it. Go through the door.
This will take you into Riza. Here go left and move the green platform all the
way up. When you reach the top level go right and down the rope. Go through the
door.This will take you back to Madera. Climb the rope to your right and go
through the door. At this point you will be back in Riza. To your right you
will see a very thin green area. Quickly run across without stopping and go
through the door. You will be back in Madera now. To your right climb the rope.
To right on the path when you reach the right you will be stopped by a trunk.
Slash the trunk until the Hero's Crest is revealed. Go back the way you came
and through the door.

You are back in Riza. Go right and down the rope. Then go left off of the
ledge. Go right again across the rope and go through the door. Now you are back
in Madera. Climb down the rope to your right. Go left and down the other rope.
Go right and you will find the key. Make your way back to the town.

Do what you need to to prepare for a boss battle. Then go left and the guard
will finally let you pass. When you leave the town you will find yourself in
Riza. Go right and go off the ledge. Here will be a boss door. When you are
ready go though it. Immediately you have to fight the boss. He is very tricky.
Your best bet is a hit and run tactic. Hit him and when he flys at you run
away. Then attack again. Keep doing this all the while dodging the darts he
will fire at you. Then he will fall. And then another sequence which you should
be used to by now will take place. Go right through the door and you will find
yourself in the fourth world, Escarcha.

4. Helada Town/ Cavern of Escarcha/Cavern of Glaciar
Items: Ruzeria Shoes

The first thing you will notice in Escarcha is that you slip on the ice. This
will be a problem unless you get the Ruzeria Shoes. With these boots equiped
you will be able to walk on the ice without sliding. Also icicles will fall
from the roof periodically watch out for them.

When you enter Escarcha go left and through the door. This will take you to
Glaciar. Upon entering Glaciar you will notice that there is a platform to your
right. Crossing it you will find a locked door. You will need a key to open it.
Fall off the ledge you are on and go left. Here will be another platform.
Carefully get on it and cross. Go all the way to the left and down the rope. Go
right and get on the platform. It will take you to a ledge with the key on it.
Now you may open the door.

Make your way back to the door. and go through. This will take you into
Escarcha. Go right and follow the platforms right and then down the rope. Go
right again and down another rope. Go left and up the rope and you will be
before the door to Helada Town. Visit the Sage and save. If you think it is
worth it buy the Honor Shield. It is decent, but breaks rather quickly. When
you are done go to the left and exit the town.

You will find yourself in Glaciar once again. Go to the left and down the rope.
go right and down another rope. wait for a platform and ride it to the right
climbing off onto the rope. After you climb the rope go right and down another
rope. From here run to the right ducking at the last second. You will fall onto
a pair of boots. The Ruzeria Shoes. Equip them in the inventory screen and make
sure that you don't fall to the right side of the platform you are on. Go left
and down the rope.

When you climb down the rope go to the left. Climb the rope and go left again.
when you get to the rope on the far left climb down. When the moving platform
is under you jump on it and go through the door to the right. You will once
again be in Escharcha. Go right and get on the miving platforms continue going
right until you come to a rope. Climb the rope. This set of platforms can be
very tricky and take some practice. Byt after you cross the platforms climb the
rope. Go right and cross the platform. Climb the rope. GO right and climb the
next two ropes. Go left and cross the platforms. Climb the rope and go right,
across the platform and enter the door.

This will take back to Glaciar. Climb down the rope to your left and move to
the left of the screen. You will see another hole that you must fit through.
Unequip the shoes and drop through. Quickly put the shoes back on and you will
be in front of a boss door. Go through and you will fight a giant ice cube. The
easiest way to kill him is to back him into a corner. When you have done this
use your spell Fira and attack. This will kill him very rapidly. Go through the
door that appears and the sequence. You will find yourself in Corroer.

5. Tumba Town/Corroer/Cementar
Boss: Vista
Items: Pirika Boots, Family Crest

When you enter Corroer you have to take note of the little maroon blobs. These
can't be killed with normal weapons. Only your most powerful spells with kill
them so be careful. Go right from where you entered and climb the rope run
across to the right quickly. You will notice that the ground will drop out from
underneath you so make it snappy. Enter Tumba Town. Visit the Sage, save and
what not. When you go to the Weapons Shop there will be a sword that he refuses
to sell to you. In order to get the sword you will have to find a lost Family
Crest.When you are ready go back the way you came in.

You will notice that in some areas there is a blue substance that appears to be
water. It isn't this slime will hurt you similiar to the effect of the spikes
from the previous levels. When you leave the town go down the rope to the
right. Once you are down the rope go left down the rope and left again. When
you get to the wall you can walk through it. Go down the rope to the left and
go right. From here get on the green platform. Move it up and down until you
find a sopt where you can jump through the wall. From there climb the rope
cross the platforms and go through the door. When you go through the door you
will come out in Cementar.

Go left and up the rope go left again and climb the rope. Go left and get on
the platform. Then go left again and down until you get to a door. Go through
the door and you will end up back in Corroer. Go right climb up the rope go
right and climb the rope immediately there. Go left and you will happen upon
the Pirika Shoes. Equip them. Then go down the slope. Go up the rope and go
left until you see the town. GO up the rope and enter the town.

When you are done here exit the left of the screen. When you arrive in Corroer
go left and up the rope. Then go right, through the wall and into the door.
This will take you into Cementar. Go right, down the rope, left down the rope
all the way to the bottom. Go left and be careflu not to fall down the hole.
Get on the platfomr and climb the rope. Go left and you will find a key. Grab
it. Get on the platform and move it down. Go up the rope left and get on the
platform. Go right and through the door. This will take you back to Corroer.

Go left and down the rope. Enter the town. Go off the screen to the left. When
you enter Corroer again go right and then down the rope. Follow the path left
and then right until you get to the six ropes. Carefully make your way across
them until you get to the door. Unlock it and go through. This will take you
to Cementar. Go right all the way and then down the rope. WHen you get down the
rope grab the key and the crest. After you get these return to the town. It
shouldn't be to difficult for you to find your way back there so give it s shot
on your own.

When you get back to the town visit the Weapons Shop and but the Knights sword.
You will need it in order to beat the boss. When you are ready leave town
through the right and make yourway to the six ropes that are close together. Go
through that door. When you come out in Cementar go right and this time go up
the rope. Then go left . Becareful about climbing the rope after you have gone
left. The ground will fall away so make sure that there are no monsters to get
in your way. Make your way across and go up and left again.Climb the rope and
grab the healing potion to the right. Then go through the door and fight the
boss. This guy can be difficult . Just make sure that he doesn't come down on
you. WHen you can slash him good. Sabre Oil comes in real handy here. After you
beat him go through the door and you will find yourself in the sixth world of

6. Dorado Town/Cavern of Tesoro/Cavern of Plata
Boss: Tarso
Items: Slikarn Shoes

Before you can even enter the town you will need to find a key. Also you will
notice that there is another locked door to your right that you won't be able
to open until much later on in the game. So don't waste your time with it. From
the door you came through to get to tesoro go down the rope to your right.
Cross the platforms and grab the key.

Head back the way you came and near the door from Corroer go up the rope and
left. Go up another rope and enter the town. Visit the Sage, save by now you
should have your health bar almost 3/4 of the way complete. If not you know
what to do. For this level you may want to invest in an Illumination sword if
you have the money. It will come in handy in the next world as well. When you
are ready go back the way you came in and enter Tesoro.

The first thing you'll want to do is find the Silkarn Shoes. These will allow
you to climb the slopes. Go down the rope to you right and then go left and
down the ropes. Keep going down until you are on top of the ledge that is
extremely long and looks like gold. Wait for the moving platform to come and
get on it. Ride it until you come to the second thick rope. Climb the rope all
the way to the top. Go left and get on the moving platform. Climb the ropes and
go right. Here you will see another moving platform. Do not get on it. Drop
down and go through the door. This will take you into Plata.

Climb the rope to your left and continue going left. Climb the rope just enough
so that you can get onto the platform. ride the platform and make your way to
the door to your right. Go through it and you will be back in Tesoro. Ride the
green platform to your right all up. Continue to go up and to your right will
be a chest with the shoes in it. Take the shoes and equip them. Get back on the
green platform and move it down all the way. Make your way back to the area
where you first arrived into Tesoro. From there go down the rope to your right
and then down the rope to your right again. After goi all the way down the rope
you will come to a moving platform. Get on it and go through the door to your
left. This will take you into Plata.

From here go up the rope to your right. Go right and you will find a moving
platform. Get on it and go right. Be sure to destroy the block in your way
using one of your spells. Go down the rope to your right. THe go down the rope
directly under that. Here you will find slopes to either side of you. Go left
and up the slop. Drop down the hole and move the green platform down until it
is in place with all the other green platforms. Get off and go right. Get onto
the moving platform and climb the rope up. Get on the green platform to your
right and move it up. When you get to the blocks all in a row run across them
quickly. and go through the door to your right. When you go through you will
remain in Plata. To your left you wll find a miving platform. Once again ignore
it and drop down. Go through the door. This will take you in Tesoro.

From here climb the rope to your right and you will find the key. Go back down
and down the green platform. From here make your way back to the town. Once you
are done in town exit the left of the screen. This area can be tough and may
take some practice. You will now be in Plata. Go left and get on the platform.
Carefull make your way to the rope to the left. climb it and go right. You
will find another moving platform. Ride it across. and go down the slope.
Climb the rope to your right and get on the platform. Grab the rope when you
come under it and climb to the top. Go left and climb the rope. Get on the
platform. Time your fall from the platform carefully so you land on the top of
the block below you not the slope. Once you do that get on the platform and go
left. Once you get off the platform climb down the rope and drop onto the
platform. Climb the ropes until you reach a ledge where you can't see the
moving platform. Try to time your jump on to the platform. It may take a couple
tries but it isn't too difficult. Once you get across the platform go through
the door. This will take you back into Tesoro.

Go left and down until you come to the boss door. Enter and you will find
yourself fighting a statue with no arms. Lowering the speed here works very
good. Slash his legs and dodge the stuff that pops out of him at you. Overall
he is not a difficult boss. After you beat him go through the door climb the
slope and go through that door. You will then find yourself in the seventh
world of fire, Caliente. *Before entering Caliente make sure you have at least
3600 almas. You'll find out why in a minute.

7. Llama Town/Cavern of Caliente/Cavern of Reaccion/Cavern of Correr
Boss: Dragon
Items: Asbestos Cape, Elf Crest

As soon as you enter Caliente go right across the rope and into the town. If
you hang around you will notice that you will be hurt by the heat of the level.
When you enter the town you will notice that no one will talk to you. This is
because you need something called the Elf Crest. Go to the Sage and make sure
you save your game. After you will find a house with a woman yelling that there
is a monster in her house. Enter and you will fight a Giant green ice cube. The
best way to beat him is to use the new spell that the Sage taught you. After
you beat the monster the woman will give you the elf crest. Now the people will
talk to you. Go to the right of the screen and talk to the man. He will offer
you sell you his Asbestos Cape for around 3500 almas. You don't really have a
choice here. You must buy it. Go out through the exit to the right.

You will still be in Caliente at this point. Go right and down the green
platform. WHen you reach the first ledge get of. Equipr your silkarn shoes and
quickly climb the slope. Put or Asbestos Cape back on and climb the rope. There
should be a key here so grab it.fall. Down and move the green platform down. GO
right and you will be swept up in an air current. This will take you back to
where you came in. Go right and down the rope. Go right and down the rope
again. Here you will see a key on the left side of a gaping hole. Fall down the
hole and unlock the door with the key you already have. This will take you into

From here go left and jump into the flames. Be sure to equip your Pirika boots
before you so don't get hurt. Once you pass the flames put the cape back on.
Fall down the hole and go through the door. This will take you back in
Caliente. Go right and fall down to the small ledge that is there. Then jump
over the small pit. Go right and grab the key. Then fall down the large pit and
go through the door that is the left of the two. You will be back in Reaccion.
Cross the flames as before and jump over the pit. Get on the platform and climb
the rope. To your right oyu will see two maroon platforms. They will fall as
soon as you touch them. So jump quickly. After you cross the platforms climb
the ropes and cross the other falling platforms to your left. Go left and climb
the rope. Ignore the door and go up the slope. Once again quickly equiping your
Silkarn Shoes. Do the same for the next slop. Cross the moving platforms and
you will see a door to your far right. Do not go in it instead stand under the
hole tou the left side of the large block in the middle and jump. There will be
an air current there that will take you to a new door. Go through it. This will
take you to Caliente.

From here go left and you will see a whole bunch of green platforms. TO cross
you must line up the platforms so that you can jump across. When you see the
first two get on the one to the left. Move it down a little bit so it is
slightly above the one to the left of it. Lightly jump and land on the next
one. If you do fall just make your way back there. From the platform you just
landed on move it up and all the way but so high that it looks like he may hit
the roof when he jumps. If you do it right he won't and you'll land on the next
platform. Move this one so that it is even with the one next to it and lightly
jump. Move the platform up climb the rope and go through the door. This will
take you into Reaccion.

Go right and down the slope. Go right and jump. An air current will sweep you
away and you will land on the ground. From where you landed go left and cross
the two platforms. Get on the green platform to your left and go all the way
down. Be careful not to be knocked back by any catss because there is an
invisible wall directly behing you. Go left and get on the moving platform.
Jump to the platform directly above you and climb the rope. Go left and jump
off the ledge an air current will bring you up to another ledge. From here get
on the lower of the two platforms being careful not to get knocked off. When
you reach the right side jump onto the platform above you and then to your
right. Here there will be another platform get on it and grab the rope. Climb
it and go through the door this will take you into Correr.

Correre is in my opinion the toughest part of the game. It has invisible walls
and those damn cats love to push you through it so be careful. When you first
enter go down the rope to your right. Go right after that nd jump over the pit.
Watch out for those cats. Use lanzar to kill them quickly. Go up the rope. Then
go left and up the rope to your immediate left. Climb that rope and go left
again. After you have gone left again climb the rope and go left. Go down the
rope, left, and then down another rope. Go right down the rope then left down
the rope. If you did this correctly this will take you to a door. Go through
it. This will take you back to Caliente.

Go right and blimb the ropes make your way across the falling platforms and
across the ropes. You will now be at the boss door. Enter and fight the Dragon.
There is no quick why to kill him. Just try to anticipate where he is going to
shoot his fire. Slash him and kill him. Following the sequence you will enter
the eighth and final world Absor.

8. Peruga Town/Cavern of Absor/Cavern of Milagro/Cavern of Desleal/Cavern of
Boss: Alguien, Jashiin
Items: Fairy Enchantment Sword, Feruza Shoes

Your first order of business is to find the Lions Head key and get the
Enchantment sword and boots. First go to the town which is to your right and
down then right again. Enter the town, save and buy whatever you need. Do not
go into the house where the woman pleads for your help not yet anyway. When you
are ready exit the town. Go left and climb the rope. Go right and get onto the
platform. After crossing go down the rope and up the other. On a platform in
the center you can see a key that looks like no other. Anyway climb the rope
and get on the green platform. Go up and grab the rope then go left. You may
need to clear a path using your sword. TO your left you'll see a platform. You
must get on it and then ride it over the platform which you saw from below with
the key on it. Only this time you can't see it. It may take a couple tries but
you'll get it. After you get the key backtrack to the town.

Now go through the door where the woman needs you help. This will transport you
back to Dorado Town, just where you want to be. Exit the town and go to the
locked door. Enter it and you will find thr Fairy Enchantment Sword and the
Fureza boots which will allow you to do a high jump. This part is easy so I
won't write how to get through it. But once you do you will be back in Absor.
Here you will need to find three keys and beat the boss and fight Jashiin. Try
doing this one on your own. One thing though in Desleal there is an air current
you must find to get to a door. Also there are some doors that if you go
through them it will take you to a new place. Then when you go through the door
again you will be somewhere completely new. Remember this also. There are some
walls you can go through like in Corroer.

If after all this you have tried but still can't seem to make it through, email
me and I'll write an walkthrough for this area as soon as possible. (
Braekdown3@aol.com )

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