Garfield - Caught In The Act

Garfield - Caught In The Act

18.10.2013 04:58:50
Garfield: Caught In The Act PC FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0
by RoyalRanger -

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This FAQ is based on the Sega Genesis version of Garfield:
Caught In The Act re-released for the PC by Expert Software. Most of the
information in this FAQ can probably be used for the Genesis version of the
game, but it may be altered from the Genesis release or any other PC release of
the game. This is not certain.

Overview of Levels
Cave Cat 3,000,000 BC
Curse of Cleofatra
Count Slobula's Castle
Revenge of Orangebeard
Alien Landscape
Season Finale
Bonus Round
Commercial Break
Final Notes


Everyone's favorite fat cat, Garfield, was sitting in the living room chair
while watching television. It was then that Odie came up and barked right in
Garfield's ear, scaring the cat out of his chair and right on top of the

With the television in hundreds of pieces, Garfield panics, trying to find a
way to keep this information from reaching the ears of his owner, Jon. In a
rushed effort to repair the television, Garfield and Odie attempt to put a
banged up and broken television together. They did attempt to put something
together, but it was far from being a real television set.

Garfield realizes that he has spare parts from the television. He throws the
parts behind Jon's chair only for an electronic monster to form from and zap
Garfield into the television set, sealing the fat cat up until he can find a
way out.

Now that Garfield is inside of the television set, he must navigate his way
through several classic movies until he is finally out and back in his living
room. This effort depends on you to control Garfield and bring him to safety.
Don't let him down.


You can access the OPTIONS menu from the title screen.

Here is a brief description of the menu:

DIFFICULTY - This can be switched between KITTY(Easy) and NORMAL. The only big
difference between the two is that KITTY mode gives you arrows to help point
you in the correct direction during the game, while NORMAL doesn't have this

PASSWORD - This, of course, is an option where you can enter a password for a
quick skip to a later level. When choosing the PASSWORD option, you have to
flip through a few characters from the Garfield comic strip and arrange three
of these characters in a certain order.

MUSIC - You can listen to the several game songs here.

SFX - You can listen to the many game sound effects here.

BONUS ROUND - This is where you can practice the game's bonus round.

EXIT - This takes you back to the title screen.


The controls in this game are adjustable, so you can set the controls to the
buttons you prefer to use. I'll just list the controls you can adjust in the
game and the buttons I recommend using (Of course, you don't have to use the
default or the recommended controls. You can choose your own settings by
choosing Keyboard Setup in the Options menu at the bar at the top of the
window.) If you have a computer paddle, you can use that instead.

1) Move left (Default: LEFT ARROW | Recommended: LEFT ARROW)

2) Move right (Default: RIGHT ARROW | Recommended: RIGHT ARROW)

3) Duck | Look down (Default: DOWN ARROW | Recommended: DOWN ARROW)

4) Enter a door | Look up (Default: UP ARROW | Recommended: UP ARROW)

5) Jump (Default: A | Recommended: SPACEBAR)

5) Swing your weapon (Default: D | Recommended: ENTER)

6) Throw your ammo (Default: S | Recommended: SHIFT)

7) Pause the game (Default: PAUSE\BREAK | Recommended: P)

Bonus Round Keys:

The bonus round in this game is like the Whack-A-Mole game where you have six
holes and, with a mallet, you have to hit the characters that pop out of the
holes. I will go into more detail about this in the Bonus Round category of
this FAQ.

1) Upper-Left Hole (Default: NUMPAD 7 | Recommended: INSERT)

2) Upper-Middle Hole (Default: NUMPAD 8 | Recommended: HOME)

3) Upper-Right Hole (Default: NUMPAD 9 | Recommended: PAGE UP)

4) Lower-Left Hole (Default: NUMPAD 4 | Recommended: DELETE)

5) Lower-Middle Hole (Default: NUMPAD 5 | Recommended: END)

6) Lower-Right Hole (Default: NUMPAD 6 | Recommended: PAGE DOWN)


The following is a list of items you can collect throughout the game:

Hamburgers and Pizza - These give you more health. Your current amount of
health is displayed on a small television in the upper left corner of the
screen. Your health can reach no higher than 10.

Fish bones, crucifixes, skulls, bombs, tin cans, and small rockets - These are
your ammo that you can use to throw at enemies. The type of weapon you will be
using depends on the level you are on.

Garfield head - Grab this for an extra life. The number of lives you have is
displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen. You are allowed to have up
to 9 lives at one time.

Pooky the bear - You can't grab this but you can touch it to make it spin. If
you touch a Pooky, you will start from that point if you die later on in the

Mallet - Grab this to play a bonus round when the level is over.

Coffee Mug - This gives you temporary invincibility.

Remote control - Find and grab this to end the level you are on.


Every level (except Season Finale) is divided into sections. A brief
description of each is given here:

LEVEL START: In this section, you will be inside the television set and will
have to look for a doorway to transport you to the next section of the level.
You have to watch out for electronic parts that will take some of your energy
away if you touch them. These sections are so simple that I'm not even going to
give a FAQ or walkthrough for them. It would be useless.

MOVIE: This is the main section of each level. In each one, you have to travel
through the level to find a remote control that will take you to the last
section of the level. For the movie sections of this FAQ, you will see a
walkthrough to guide you through the levels and even guide you to some of the
secrets. You must follow these directions very carefully because if you don't,
you may become lost. The walkthroughs are not very specific as telling you when
to collect certain items; so, for the most part, I'm not going to list things
like collecting pizzas or killing enemies. You can do these things yourself
along the way.

BOSS: This is the last section of each level. Here, you have to defeat a main
enemy to travel to the next level. I will give instructions on how to beat each

CAVE CAT 3,000,000 BC

Cave Cat 3,000,000 BC is divided into two parts, not including the boss. The
first part will be described first and the second part will be described

Part One:

TIP - If you hit the bottom of a very large palm tree once, a coconut will fall
out. If you hit the bottom of a very large palm tree a few times, a pizza
or hamburger will fall out.

1) Kill the crab to your right to get him out of the way.

2) Go to your left and jump on the platforms until you reach the top ledge.
Don't worry too much about falling in the water because you won't lose any
energy or lives.

3) Go to the right edge of the ledge and wait for a rock to come up in the gap
to your right. Jump on the rock and wait until it starts to drop. When it
drops about halfway down, jump onto the tree to your right and jump to the
wall of rocks to your right. This will get you an extra life.

4) Repeat step 2. When the rock comes up again, jump on it and jump to the
on the other side. Continue to the right.

5) When you come to a small hill in the round, jump over it and go to the right
until you collect all of the objects. Turn around and head the other way
until you come to the hill. Jump into it to arrive underwater. There will be
a fish that will rise and fall with the water. When possible, jump on the
fish and move left and right to avoid the walls until you come of the hole
and are standing next to a ledge to your right. Jump on the ledge and
continue to the right.

6) When you come to a bridge of white objects that look like clouds, quickly go
across the bridge to the other side before you fall. If you do fall, jump on
the tree branches until you are out of the hole. Continue to the right.

7) When you come to the edge of the ledge, drop to the one below it. Jump over
the rock to the left and drop to another ledge for a hamburger. Jump back up
and heading right, jump over the rock again. Jump over the hill on the
ground. Go right until you are at the edge of the ledge. Run and jump and
swing your bone at the extra life. Once you grab the extra life, immediately
move to the left to land on another ledge where you can grab another extra
life. Go right and fall off of the ledge into the water, which will sweep
left until you arrive at another platform. Jump onto the platform and grab
the extra life above it. Jump on the platform to the right until you are
directly under the hill of the ledge above you, where you will be hidden
behind a rock pillar. Keep jumping until you are on top of the hill. If you
missed any of the extra lives, use this procedure again.

8) Go left and jump over the rock. Push the rock onto the hill and make sure
are on the hill as well. The rock will push you up to a ledge above you.
on the ledge and continue to the right.

9) When you see the remote control, grab it to be transported to the second
of the level.

Part Two:

TIP - An Odie cloud will appear often in this part of the level and it will try
to strike you with lightning. Swing at this cloud as soon as it close
before it strikes you.

1) Push the rock next to you to the right until it covers a very tiny hole in
the ground. Jump on top of the rock and jump a little to the left to grab a
fish bone. Push the rock right until it is just to the left of another small
hole. Jump on the rock and grab another fishbone. Continue to the right.

2) When you arrive at a giant, flowing, yellow hill (I don't know what else to
call it), wait until small rocks come down the hill. It may be difficult,
you have to continuously jump on these rocks until you reach the top of the
hill. When you reach the top, you can do one of two things. You can either
jump to the left ledge to continue through the level, or you can jump to the
rock wall to the right where you can get an extra life but would have to
climb the hill again. When you are finally on the left ledge, continue to

3) When you reach the end of the ledge, make sure you do not fall into the
bubbling yellow liquid. Jump on the branch to your left. Bounce to the next
highest branch. Continue to do this until you have reached the last branch.
Jump onto the platform directly to the right of the last branch.

4) Walk to the other end of the platform and fall off. You should land on a
small platform that slightly slopes upward at the right end of it. From the
right end of the platform, jump onto another platform to the right that is
slightly higher from the one you are on. From there, jump up two platforms
and, then, onto a rock projecting from the wall.

5) Jump on the tiny platform upwards to the right. Drop off of the right side
this platform, where you slide onto a rock. There will be an upside-down
extra life near you, but there is no way to get it without falling into the
boiling yellow liquid. Jump to the yellow bar above you and climb to the
other end. Fall onto the platform right next to the liquid and jump to the
next platform to the right (In the Kitty mode, there will be a pointing hand
above this platform. Although not visible, there is a doorway on this
platform, so enter the doorway.

6) After landing on a platform, go to the right and drop off of the platform
onto a tree branch. Bounce from the tree branch onto a yellow bar at the
top of the screen. Climb across the yellow bar and drop onto the platform at
the other end.

7) Continue to the right. Make sure that you cross the upcoming bridge quickly
before it drops you. Go to the right until you find a tree branch. Bounce
from the tree branch to the very top of the screen where there will be
another yellow bar. Climb across the yellow bar, drop to the next platform,
and continue right until you find and grab the remote control.


The boss in this level is Odie as a dinosaur, hopping back and forth above
Garfield at the top of the screen.

1) Wait until shadows begin to appear on the ground. As soon as this happens,
keep away from the shadows because rocks will fall above where the shadows
appear. This doesn't last very long.

2) When the rocks temporarily stop falling, there will be one round rock that
on the ground. Push this rock onto the see-saw at the right side of the
screen. Once Odie is directly above that rock, jump on the other side of the
see-saw. The rock will fly into the air and hit Odie.

3) Odie will drop to the bottom of the screen. When this happens, throw a fish
bone at him or hit him with your attacking bone. Odie will fly back up to
top of the screen.

4) Repeat steps 1-3 two more times to beat this boss.


1) Go right until the floor falls and drops you to a lower platform.

2) Move left and Garfield will push a large, flat rock out of the way. You can
now grab the pizza and crucifix.

3) Go right until you come to this silvery figure that looks like Arlene,
Garfield's cat friend. Underneath this figure is a flat button in the
Run onto this button and quickly run back off. The two objects on the side
Arlene will come down to form a platform. This platform only lasts for a
couple of seconds, so immediately jump onto that platform and, form there,
jump onto the platform to the left.

4) Go all the way to the left, making sure you don't fall onto the lower
platform by walking on the cracked part of the floor. Swing your weapon at
the "candle" sticking out from the wall; this will make the candle light up.
Go to the right until you come to the last statue on the platform you are
Jump on the statue to be sprung upward. Land on the small ledge to your

5) Jump from the left ledge and on top of the Odie statue. From there, jump
the very tiny ledge next to the Odie statue and drop to the platform beneath
you to your left.

6) Swing at the candle to the right to light it. Jump on the statue to your
where you will bounce up and down.

7) This step may be a bit hard, but it's safe. Wait until you bounce up to the
first of the four "sand shooters" above you. Keep moving to the right to
on this one. Jump to the left and keep moving left to stay on the second
Jump right and keep moving right to stay on the third one up. Once again,
jump left and keep moving left to stay on the last one. Jump onto the
platform to the left.

8) Jump to your right and swing at the candle. Keep moving right because you
will land on the third "sand shooter" again. Jump left and keep moving left
to stay on the last "sand shooter". Jump to the left platform. Jump on the
hand of the Odie statue.

9) If you want to grab the hamburger to your left, jump onto the head of the
Odie statue and walk over onto the head of the other Odie statue to your
left. From directly on top of Odie's ears, jump to the left ledge. Grab the
burger and light the candle on the wall. Return to the hand of the rightmost
Odie statue.

10) Jump onto the upper platform of your left. You have to be on the very edge
of Odie's hand to do this. Go left to push the flat rock. Walk to the right
end of the platform, right before the small, stone platform.

11) This part is tough. Walk onto the small stone platform. This platform will
start to swing. As soon as this platform it reaches the bottom of its
jump onto the tiny platform above you. When the stone reaches the top of
swing, jump on it again. It will continue to swing. When it reaches the
bottom, jump on the platform above you. When it reaches the top, jump back
onto it. Do this one more time. The platform to your right will no longer
blocked by a stone, so jump onto the platform and touch Pooky.

12) Ahead of you will be a button in the ground, exactly like the one you see
under an Arlene statue. Try to avoid this button and jump to the higher
platform to your right. If you do step on the button, you'll have to avoid
the attacking spears when you jump to the next platform.

13) Walk to the end of your platform and walk off of it. You now have two
choices from here. If you want to grab the mallet to play the bonus round
the end of the level, go to step 14. If you would rather just finish the
level, skip ahead to step 18.

14) Go left until and walk off the edge of the platform until you land on the
platform all the way at the bottom. Light the candle to the left. Bounce on
the leftmost statue and try to land on a small ledge to the left, where
there is an Odie statue. Jump onto the tiny ledge where Odie's paw is and
walk to the left to land on another platform.

15) Go left until you drop to another platform where there will be a statue in
the center and two Odie statues on the sides. Light the candle at the
rightmost side of the platform. Two little flying bugs will appear, so kill
them to get them out of the way. Light the next candle to the left. Then
light the next one to the left and then the last one. Jump on the center
statue to land on the next highest platform.

16) Walk to the left until you stop moving. You'll be behind a wall now, so you
won't be able to see Garfield. Here's where you have to be careful. Jump
tap Garfield to the right; you want to be careful because if you move too
far to the right, you'll be transported out of there. If you see a small
piece of Garfield's head through a hole in the wall, you're okay. Jump to
the left to grab the mallet. Walk all the way to the right to be
to the right side of the wall.

17) Jump to the first statue to your right. Bounce to the next. Bounce to the
high platform to your right. If you fall, bounce on the statues below until
you return to the higher statues.

18) Go right until you come to another button in the floor. Step and stay on
this button, wait until a stone drops, run underneath it when it rises, and
stay on the next button. When the next stone drops, jump on top of it; this
way, you can grab the cup of coffee above. Go to the right and drop
down to the button below.

19) When the rock drops in front of you, run under it to the next button. Then,
run to the next button. If you want to grab the items above, jump on this
next stone, collect the items, go to the left, fall straight down the
hole to one of the buttons, and return to where you were. Go to the end of
the platform and fall to the sloping platform below you.

20) Jump to the next sloping platform to your left. Walk off of the ledge you
are on, you will touch Pooky this way. When you land, there will be another
swinging stone like before. Repeat the procedure as you did earlier in the
level. This time, go to the left ledge when there is no longer a stone in
the way.

21) Drop to the lower platform to your left. There will be a stone that is
slowly rising from the floor. Stand on this stone and, when it is high
enough, jump on top of the Odie statue to the left. Walk to the left to
to a lower platform.

22) Move to the right to push a stone out of the way. When the stone falls,
off of the platform to fall with the stone. The remote control will be on
your left for you to grab.


This is one of the toughest bosses in the whole game. This boss is a large
statue with the face of Garfield's owner, Jon.

TIPS - Try not to grab any pizza or burgers unless it is absolutely necessary.
If you grab all of the food before you need it, you will probably not
beat this boss.

There will be tiny flying bugs appearing through most of this part.
Attack these bugs whenever they get close.

1) Go all the way to the left of the platform and light the candle at the end.
Jump onto the slowly rising paw to your right. When the paw is high enough,
Jump onto the platform to your left.

2) Light the candle to your left and jump onto the next paw. When the paw is
high enough, jump and light the high candle to your left. When the paw rises
again, Jump onto the tongue of the dog statue above you.

3) There will be another candle to your left, even though it is partially
hidden. Light this candle. Go to the edge of the statue's tongue and jump
onto it's nose. Repeatedly hit the statue's eye until it becomes cracked.
can drop to the bottom platform now.

4) Repeat the previous three steps, but do it at the right side of the screen
this time.

5) When both dog statues are finished and you are back at the bottom of the
screen, keep hitting the eyes of the large statue in the center of the
screen. As soon as the eyes crack, immediately run all the way to either
of the screen.

6) This part can be very tough. Repeatedly hit the snake at the top of the
statue while dodging its constant fire. Notice that the snake's fire always
follows the same pattern, so this step can become easy once you are
accustomed to the snake's pattern of fire. Once you defeat the snake, grab
the remote control that appears to finish level 2.


TIPS - If you jump on a casket, something will come out of it. Most likely, it
will be a ghost or a skeleton; but sometimes, it will be a pizza.

Don't jump on any fences in this level. You'll lose energy if you do.

Almost every hole you fall into will have two Odie faces at each side of
it. To leave the hole, grab the tongue of one of the Odie faces. Drop to
the ground and search the hole to see if you find a small platform
from the ground. If so, jump on the platform and it will push you out of
the hole. If not, use this same procedure with the other Odie tongue.
You'll have to do this many times in the level; so, for this FAQ, I'll
call it the "hole procedure."

1) Go right until you come to the first hole, right before a tree. Go into this
hole and use the hole procedure to leave it.

2) Repeat step 1 two more times.

3) Go right. Don't fall into the first hole you come across. If you do, use the
hole procedure to leave the hole. Don't fall into the second hole, either.
you do, go all the way to the left, use the hole procedure to leave the
and repeat this step.

4) At the end of this part of the level, there will be two holes. Fall into
either one. Grab the remote control when you see it.


This boss is Odie as a vampire.

1) Odie will fly out of the first of the three caskets. When he releases three
bats, try to kill the bats to get them out of the way. For now, don't try to
hit Odie because nothing will happen.

2) When you see Odie fly to one corner for a second. As soon as he does this,
immediately run and stop right next to the casket in the opposite corner.
Odie will swoop down; jump over him when he does this. Then, Odie will land
above the casket right next to you. As fast as possible, hit Odie once with
your weapon or ammo.

3) If you successfully hit Odie before he flies up to the top of the screen
again, he will fly into one of the three caskets. You only have a few
seconds to do this, so immediately jump on top of the casket Odie flew into
and jump to the window blind above that casket. As soon as Garfield is flung
into the air by the window blind, move left or right to avoid landing on top
of Odie.

4) Repeat the previous steps two more times for the remote control to appear
you to grab.


This movie is divided into two parts. Both parts in this movie have their own

Part One:

TIPS - If you see a shaking stalactite at the top of the screen, be careful. It
will try to fall on you when you are under it.

When you see a hand reaching down from a vine, remember this - you
touch the hand, but you can touch the vine. To get around the hand, you
can either run under it if it is up high or jump over it if it is down

When playing this part of the movie, just keep going to the right. Either stay
on the boat, which will take you to the right or, when you're not on the boat,
jump across rocks; but try to stay out of the water. You will lose energy if
you fall in.

Part Two:

TIPS - A bird will appear often and will try to bite you. Hit the bird when he
is close.

Be careful when jumping across the branches of a tree. The monkeys throw
bananas, the skeletons throw skulls, and the bird shows up often. If
hit you while you're trying to jump, you'll fall to the ground or to a
lower branch.

1) If you want the bonus round mallet, go all the way to the right until you
come to a stop at a tree stem. Just jump and move right to pass this stem.
the same thing to the next tree stem. Grab the mallet and go left until you
come to the second potted plant. Hit the plant, jump on its head, and bounce
onto a tree branch.

2) If you do not want the mallet, hit the first potted plant you come to, jump
on its head, and bounce to a tree branch.

3) Go right by jumping across branches and climbing along vines until there are
no more branches to your right to jump on.

4) There should be a low branch above you. Jump onto this branch and jump onto
the branch above that. This time, keep going left until you see a Pooky

5) Jump on a branch to your right. Keep going right until you see another Pooky
doll to touch. Jump on a branch to your left and jump onto a vine above you.
Do not try to jump on the branch above you to your right; you will only

6) Go left. You will come to a vine where, at the end, there will be a platform
below it and the beginning of another vine above it. Jump to the vine above
you. Do not try to climb the vine through the tree stem, you will fall.
Instead, jump from the vine on the right side of the stem to the vine at the
left side of the stem.

7) Continue left until you see an extra life to the left of a tree branch. From
the tree branch, jump at the extra life. You will fall underground.

8) Go right until you come to the water. Small platforms will be slowly rising
from and dropping into the water. Use these platforms to jump across until
you come to a small strip of land. Go right and you'll have to repeat this
process again until you come to another strip of land.

9) On this other strip of land will be a rock. Push the rock to the right and
into the water. Use the rock to get to the other strip of land across the

10) Go right until you come to a platform above you. Hit the plant that is on
the other side of the stem beneath the platform. Use the plant's head to
bounce onto this upper platform. Jump to the next platform to the right.
remote will be below you to the right.


The boss in this level is a skeleton that can throw skulls at you.

1) Stay out of the water by jumping on the platforms as you throw your ammo at
the skeleton.

2) When you hit the skeleton, a parrot will fly from its shoulder. You can jump
on this parrot to help get a good aim at the skeleton, but this is optional.
I actually prefer not to use the parrot.

3) Once you hit the skeleton enough times, he will disappear. Get to the
treasure chest that was behind the skeleton. Once you touch the chest, it
will open up and the remote will pop out of it.


1) Drop into the sewer to your right.

2) Enter the door to your left.

3) Enter the door to your right.

4) Go as far as you can to the left, jumping over any sewers along the way.
Enter the door behind you.

5) Jump on the windowsill to either side of you. Jump to the windowsill below
Odie. Jump up and grab Odie's tongue to be flung to the top of the building.

6) Jump on the platform to your left. Go to the left and drop to the lower
platform. Drop onto the awning to the left and bounce to the top of the
building to your left. Repeat this step again.

7) Go left until you come to the edge of the building. Wait for a wrecking ball
to come your way. When it is close enough, jump onto it. When on this
wrecking ball, always tap move Garfield in the direction of the ball's
or else you will fall off. When you are close enough, jump to the remote to
your left.


This boss is a bomb-throwing dog.

1) When the dog walks across the screen under you, make sure you jump over the
bombs he tosses into the air.

2) When the dog walks all the way to one corner, he will start to throw bombs
you like crazy. Dodge these bombs.

3) If a bomb lands on the fence without exploding, grab it.

4) Once the dog is finished throwing his bombs, throw your collected bombs at
the wall at either side of the screen.

5) Repeat all of the previous steps until the boss is defeated and the remote


TIPS - Try not to fall into any holes in the ground. If you fall in one that is
glowing, it will fling you into the air and take some of your energy. If
you fall into one that is not glowing, you will end up underground; jump
back into the hole to return above ground (this will take away a point
your energy).

Most of the non-glowing holes will have an enemy in them. If you
one of these holes, the enemy will fly out and start shooting at you.

You will periodically see rotating, green circles. Usually, you can jump
on these to take you to a higher platform, where you can collect items.
To stay on one of these circle, use the same method you used to stay on
the wrecking ball in Catsablanca - tap Garfield in the direction the
circle is moving.

Try to save your ammo as much as possible because the boss in this level
will be very difficult to defeat without a good amount of ammo.

1) Collect the rockets(ammo) to your left. You can collect the food, too.

2) Go right. When you approach a glowing hole, pass it by jumping on the
branches of the space plants. Jump over the next hole. Use the branches of
the space plants to pass the next hole. Jump over the next two holes after

3) Continue right. Jump up the next space plant you see to collect the items
beside it.

4) You will soon approach a glowing hole. To pass this hole, jump across the
bubbles of the space plant.

5) Keep moving right. Jump over the next non-glowing hole you approach. Use the
bubbles of the space plants to pass the next glowing hole.

6) Once you have passed this glowing hole, there will be an alien dog in front
of you. This dog cannot be defeated, so don't bother with it. Just pass it.

7) You will approach another glowing hole. Once, again use the bubbles to cross
it. The last plant above the hole will be taller than the others. Jump and
stay on the bubbles of this plant. The boss of this level is above.


The boss in this level is a spaceship flying back and forth.

1) Stay on the bubbles you are now on. Do not move left or right while fighting
this boss.

2) When the spaceship approaches you, jump to avoid it.

3) When the spaceship is all the way at the left side of the screen, throw ammo
at it.

4) Repeat the above steps until the spaceship disappears.

5) Once the spaceship is gone, Jump onto the platform to your right to grab the

There is no movie in this level.

There is no password to this boss. To get to it, you have to defeat Alien
Landscape first.

TIP - Garfield has no ammo or weapons in this level. Do not try to use them.

1) The monster will be at the top of the screen an will toss electric pulses at
you. Try as much as possible to avoid this electricity.

2) Push every mirror in. When you do this, the monster's own electric pulses
will bounce off of the mirrors and hit the monster.

3) The monster will rise higher up the level.

4) Continue avoiding the monster's electronic pulses and pushing mirrors in
until the monster dies and the remote appears at the top of the level.

5) Grab the remote and you have beaten the game!


If you find and grab a bonus round mallet in a level, you can play the bonus
round afterwards.

There will be six adjustable buttons to play the bonus round with (this was
discussed in the control category).

At the beginning of the bonus round, one character will come up from the holes
and you will see the words "Don't Hit Me". You cannot hit this character during
the round.

When characters start appearing from the holes, whack every one of them except
the one you are not supposed to hit. Also hit the letters that come up from the
holes. If you hit every character and letter without once hitting the character
you are not supposed to hit, the letters will spell Garfield and you will get
an extra continue.


This will happen after every level.

Before this round begins, you will be indicated of how many Pookys you need to
collect for an extra life and how many you need to collect for an extra

When Garfield starts flying through the level, collect as many Pookys as
possible to try to gain an extra life or an extra continue.


You may use this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use ONLY. Do not alter this
document or post it on any other website without permission. Do not sell or
take credit for this document.

If you have any comments or suggestions, e-mail me at

This document Copyright 2000 RoyalRanger

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18.Oktober 2013
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