

17.10.2013 11:20:58
(o o)

The complete guide to
Sega Dreamcast's Seaman

Written by Voice Guy

Version 1.0

-------------File Contents-------------
1. Introduction
2. What is the story about?
3. A guide on raising Seaman
4. Speaking with Seaman
5. Guide on the Insect Cage
6. Fun things to do with Seaman
7. Special Thanks
8. Legal Disclaimer
|1.Introduction /

Soon I will immerse you in the scientific study
of the Seaman,and a guide on how to raise it from
an egg to it's final stage of evelution the frog.
This guide will be a step by step guide. Everything
you need to know how to play will be included in
this walkthrough.

The one thing you need to know about the game is
that you need to allow time to pass. It will take
weeks to complete the game,sometimes a month.
There is a trick that will allow you to play for
several hours a day,and make it seem like a week
past. To do thistrick,turn the power off.

Now open the lid to your Sega dreamcast.
Now go to Settings,then Date/Time. Now simply
change the day,one day ahead. After each session
playing the game,do this trick again,and again,till
you have finished the game. If done right,you can
beat the game in a few hours rather than a few weeks.

| 2.The Story /

The story of Seman is a long one,more info on
the story can be found at
Here is a brief story on Seaman.

Once long ago in Egypt's third dynasty,there was
a man,who fell in love with a priests daughter.
This man was the son of the pharo,who disapproved
of his son's relationship with the priest's daughter.
The Priest seeked help from Tahuti (Thoth),who was
the god of wisdom.

Thoth was depicted as a man with the head of an ibis
bird, and carried a pen and scrolls upon which he
recorded all things. He was shown as attendant in
almost all major scenes involving the gods,
but especially at the judgement of the deceased.

Thoth had turned the man and his lover into a fish
creature and a bird. The man became the fish,and his
lover became a bird. Both had had vanished. The priest
who at the time was in charge of the construction of the
pyrmids,asked Thoth if they were to ever return.
The pharo asked if the preist could build a landmark
tha could act as a becon,so that one day the couple
could return.

Thousands of years later Professor William Southerland
director of the Anthro-Bio Archaeological Research Institute
in France had announced to the international media that
there was a strong possibility that the creature Seaman was
very much related to the origin of Ancient Egyptian

Later a man named Jean Paul Gasse was the first scientist to
to research the Seaman creature, and is in a sense the creature's
discoverer. Gasse found himself in an expedition around the
area of the Nile River, investigating the biological ecosystem
of the river. Gasse found mutated bone fragments by the river.
All of bone fragments shared common characteristics ,they all
seemed to have mutated suddenly and over a short period of time
in order to adapt to the changing Nile Valley.

The fragements correlated with Heiroglphics found on the ruins
of pyramid walls dating back to the ancient third dynasty.
While trying to reproduce Seaman's region and environment
Gasse continued making experimental mistakes the lab-based
aquarium. Gasse realized that Seaman was no ordinary creature.
This creature's face is just like a human being's. He then
gave them a name "Sea-man",or man of the sea.

| 3.The Guide /

Seaman , Week 1

Week 1 , Day 1

Task 1. Put Air on 100%
Task 2. Put Heater on 19.9 degrees c.
Task 3. Add egg from storage matrix.

Task4. In 4 minutes,the egg should hatch.
Now wake the squid up by taping on it's shell,get
it to eat the mushroomers. It will take 10 min for
the Gillman to be born.

Task 5. Once they are born,heat the tank
back up to 19.9 c degrees,then add a food
pellet to the tank. This will become a daily

After you are greeted with an introduction by
Leonard Nimoy it is now time to care for the tank
for the first time.

The first thing you should do is turn the lights on.
After the lights are on,turn the heater to 19.9
degrees. Now turn the air to 100 percent. You are now
ready to add the Seaman Egg from the storage matrix.

Click the left trigger. Now hold X+ R trigger,while
still holding these buttons click the L trigger again.
Now release the buttons. Your egg should hatch soon.
Within a few short minutes if the tank is still at
optimal level your Seaman Egg should begin to mutate
and hatch.

You will now notice that after the egg hatches that
little eye ball looking things will emerge from the
egg. These are the Mushroomers,the first stage of
evelution in Seaman's life. This stage won't last
long,for now you must kill them so that the seamen
can be born.

You will notice a shell in the tank,this is the
Nautilus. As Leonard Nimoy says "It may be of help
in raising the Seaman". The Nautilus is a shellfish
squid creature that eats Seamen. Once your Mushroomers
get close enough, the Nautilus will come alive,revealing
its squid-like form,and begin chasing down and eating
your Seamen! As the game's tagline goes,"don't panic".
They are supposed to get eaten. The more Mushroomers it
eats,the more Seamen you will get.

About ten to thirteen minutes after the Mushroomer's are
eaten,the Gillmen will emerge from the Nautilus. It is
sad to say the Nautilus will soon die,this may seem cruel
but is important to raising Seman. Once the Gillmen are
born,you should soon start talking with them. First drop
a food pellet into the tank from the storage Matrix.
The Gillman's vocabulary consists mostly of gibberish.
Here are a few words that the Baby Gillmen will say.
Goh,Hoy,Floy,Quaffa,Camawoo,Darvenga,Conquinne Mar mar mar.

When speaking with the baby gillmen,they won't understand
anything you say to them until around day two. Here are
a few words that the baby gillmen might understand.
Hello,Hi,Good,baby,fish,night,goodnight,I love you,bye.
Also the word English will also trigger a response.
Eventually after saying the words often,gillman will
soon speak full sentences. Before saving your game
remember to heat the tank back up,and fix the air.

Week 1 , Day 2

Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a food pellet to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the baby Gillman.

Seman should've Learned the word "seaman".
Seman should've Learned the word "fun".
Seman should speak full scentences by now.

Week 1 , Day 3
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 degrees.
then add a food pellet to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the baby Gillman.

Now the Gillmen will have more pronounced
scales an fins. They will now talk more like
adults. Here are some things that they will

Turn the heat up,hmmm warm,whasshapining,
ooh I'm a fat boy,bad touch bad touch,stop I'll
fart,I'm dizzy quit playing,you suck,don't like you.
What's your problem?

You say: Talk
Gillman says: Don't know what to say.

You say:Talk
Gilman: Testing one two.

You say:Speak to me Seman
Gilman: Help,there I talked.

You say:I Love you
Gillman: I love you too.

You say:I love you
Gillman:Thanks pookie.

Week 1 , Day 4
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a food pellet to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Gillman.
Task 3. Name Seman by saying I shall name you.
Task 4. Answer Gillman's questions.

They are now adult Gillmen. They look more like fish now.
You should decide which Gillman you like best,and when you
are ready Say to it one of the two following phrases below.
1."I will give you a name",or 2. "I shall give you a name".
Either one of the two phrases should have work.

It should then tell you to repeat its name three times.
After doing so the named Gillman will take on a golden color.
This is so that it's more recognizable from the other Gillman.

Here are today's questions to answer.

1.Are you a Male or Female?
2. How old are you?
3.What month were you born?
4.What day were you born.

Week 1 , Day 5
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a food pellet to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Gillman.
Task 3. Answer Gillman's questions.
Task 4. Care for the insect cage.

Here are today's questions to answer.

1. Are you still in school?
2. Are you an Undergraduate?
3. What are you studing?
4. Do you work ?
5. Do you work full or part time?
6. What kind of work do you do?
7. Do you work for commission?

Week 1 , Day 6
Today you should get the insect cage.
If not you should get it tomorrow.
Don't worry you should still have enough
food pellets to last for a day or two.

Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a food pellet to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Gillman.
Task 3. Care for the insect cage.
Task 4. Answer Gillman's questions.

Here are today's questions to answer.

1. Are you Married?
2. Do you like girls/boys?
3. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
4. Do you live together?
5. Lover's birth month?
6.Lover's birthday?
7.Do you have any kids?
8.How many kids do you have?
9.Is your oldest child a boy or girl?
10. How old is your oldest child?
11. What month was your eldest born?
12. What day was your eldest born on?
13.How is your father's health?

Week 1 , Day 7
Today if you had gotten the insect cage
on your last visit,the the eggs in the insect
cage should have hatched by this time.
Keep one so that it may grow into a moth
and lay more eggs to make more Larvae for Seaman.

Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a food pellet to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Gillman.
Task 3. Answer Gillman's questions.
Task 4. Care for the insect cage.

Here are today's questions to answer.

1.Are you a Male or Female?
2. How old are you?
3.What month were you born?
4.What day were you born.


Seaman,Week Two:

Week 2 , Day 1
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a food pellet to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Gillman.
Task 3. Answer Gillman's questions.
Task 4. Care for the insect cage.

Here are today's questions to answer.

1. Are you still in school?
2. Are you an Undergraduate?
3. What are you studing?
4. Do you work ?
5. Do you work full or part time?
6. What kind of work do you do?
7. Do I work for commission?

Week 2 , Day 2
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a food pellet to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Gillman.
Task 3. Care for the insect cage.
Task 4. Answer Gillman's questions.

Here are today's questions to answer.

1. Are you Married?
2. Do you like girls/boys?
3. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
4. Do you live together?
5. Lover's birth month?
6.Lover's birthday?
7.Do you have any kids?
8.How many kids do you have?
9.Is your oldest child a boy or girl?
10. How old is your oldest child?
11. What month was your eldest born?
12. What day was your eldest born on?
13.How is your father's health?

Week 2 , Day 3
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a Larvae to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Gillman.
Task 3. Care for the insect cage.
Task 4. Answer Gillman's questions.

1.Does your father work?
2.What month is your father's birthday ?
3.What day is your father's birthday?
4.How is your mother's health?
5.Does your mother work?
6.What month was your mother born?
7.What day is your mother born?
8.Is your lover in the room right now? - say no anyone else in the room? - keep saying no
11.Do you like yourself?
12. What do you dislike about yourself?
13.Do you think you are attractive?
14.Do you think other people find you attractive?
15.Do you thnk other people like you?
16.Have you seen yourself on video.

Week 2 , Day 4
Today is an important day,if the tank
has been kept at optimal level,and if
the Seamen are happy,then by this time
Whatever remaining Seaman you have left
will have evolved into Podfish.

This is the third stage of evelution.
If you have an hour to play then you
might be able to acomplish much today.

Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a larvae to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Podman.
Task 3. Care for the insect cage.
Task4. Try to move the big rock.
Task 5. Answer Podman's questions.

1.Do you own a computer at home?
2.Do you have a Mac,or PC
3.What kind of PC do you have?
4. Do you own a laptop or desktop.
5.What do you use it for?
6.Do you think computers make life easy?
7.Do you think computers are the #1 invention?

Also after the two Podfish mate, one Podfish
dies,now try moving the big rock,after you
answer his questions he will help you move the
big rock.

Here are the questions,and answers to the questions.

1. What does a man who types for 6 days a week,8 hours
a day, over 6 months get? Answer: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

2. How many lives does a cat have? Answer: One.

3. If you're in a room with white walls, and one yellow
light bulb and one blue light bulb, what color are the
walls? Answer: White

4. If a man yells for 7 days straight and his pitch
changes an octave every three hours what does he have?
Answer: A soar throught.

5. What do you get if you drop a cat in a pool of water?
Answer: A Wet Cat

6.Is there such a thing as life after death?
Answer: Any Answer

7.How many tenticles does an octipus have?
Answer: Eight

8.What do you get if you put a cat in a fish bowl?
Answer: A fat cat.

Week 2 , Day 5
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 19.9 c degrees
then add a larvae to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Podman.
Task 3. Care for the insect cage.
Task 4. Answer Podman's questions.

1.Do you use the internet.
2.Do you surf the web?
3.What do you do on the net?
4. Do you use Email?
5.How do you keep in touch?
6.Do you think the internet should be censord?
7.Do you think the internet is a dangerous place?

Note: once the rock has been moved,the heater
must now be set at 24.9 degrees.
Week 2 , Day 6
If all went well Podman will now swim to shore
and lay six eggs,shortly after he will die.
Once the Podman lays the eggs,there is nothing
else you can do in this visit,come back later.
Week 2 , Day 7
In about five minutes the eggs should
hatch,you will now have Tadfish.

Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 24.9 degrees.
then add a larvae to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Tadman.
Task 3. Care for the insect cage.
Task 4. Answer Tadman's questions.

1.How do you feel?
2.Do you take good care of yourself?
3.Have you seen the Egyptian Pyramids?
4.What's the greatest tool ?
5.Is anyone there with you?
6.Are you cheating on your lover?

Tadman will rant on egypt and technology.
When he says do you know what the greatest invention
is say "Language". By the time he finishes you'll need
to turn the heat back up again. End of week two.

Seaman, Week Three:

Week 3 , Day 1
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 24.9 degrees.
then add a larvae to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Tadman.
Task 3. Care for the insect cage.
Task 4. Answer Tadman's questions.

1.Do you own another game system.
2.Do you enjoy playing with dreamcast?
3.What next generation system you want?
4.What kind of games you like.
5.What is your favorite Dreamcast game?
6.Have you heard of J.F.K? - say no.
7.Do you think J.F.K was real?
8.Do you think the beatles are real?
Week 3 , Day 2
Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 24.9 degrees.
then add a larvae to the tank.

Task 2. Talk to the Tadman.
Task 3. Care for the insect cage.
Task 4. Answer Tadman's questions.

1.Do you rent movies,or go to the cenima?
1b. Do you use DVD,or VCR to watch movies?
2.What type of movies do you like?
3.What movie is your all time favorite?
4.How many hours of television you watch?
5. What television shows you like?

6. What kind of music you like.?
7.Do you enjoy reading?
8. How many books you read?
9.What type of books you like?

10.What State you are in.?
11.What big city are you near?
12.Where you have traveled?
13.Are you happy with your job?
14. What your favorite part of your job is?
Week 3 , Day 3
If you now have Frogman,here is what to expect.
Frogman will remind you about the srinkler system.
Once you have aquired the sprinkler,keep it at 100 percent.

Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 24.9
degrees. Then add a larvae to the tank.

Task 2. Care for the insect cage.
Task 3. Turn the sprinkler on to 100%.
Task 4. Answer Frogman's questions.

1.What do you do with your friends?
2.Do you see a lot of your friends?
3.What do your friends talk about?
4.What do you do with your kids?
5.What do you do with your girlfriend?
6.What do you do when you're alone?
7..How much does your personality change?

8.Do you think your personality changes?
9.Are you are in good shape?
10.What do you do to keep in shape?
11.Do you go to the gym?
12.Do you eat well?
13.What do you like to eat?
14.Have been on a diet?
Week 3 , Day 4
If all goes well,and you answer all of
Frogman's questions,then you should
be able to set Frogman free today.
If not,then you might be able to do
so on another visit.

Task 1. Heat the tank back up to 24.9
degrees. Then add a larvae to the tank.

Task 2. Care for the insect cage.
Task 3. Turn the sprinkler on to 100%.
Task 4. Answer Frogman's questions.

1.What sport do you play?
2.Do you follow sports on television?
3.What sports on television do you watch?
4.Do go to the doctor's office?
5.Do you have health insurrence?
6.Have you seen a shrink?
7.Are you a registered voter?
8. Who do you want to be president?
9.Does your vote count?
11.Do you like polotics?
12.Do you like tax issues?

13.Do you think your government is good?
14.. Do you know what the electorial college is?
15. Do you know what checks and balance is?
16. Do you belive in a god?
17.What religion do you practice?
18.How often do you practice your religion.
19. Do you think that religion starts wars?
20.Do you think you're a good person?
Week 3 , Day 5
If you were not able to set frogman free
on your last visit,then you might have missed
a few questions. Here are some questions you
might have missed.

13.Do you think your government is good?
14.. Do you know what the electorial college is?
15. Do you know what checks and balance is?
16. Do you belive in a god?
17.What religion do you practice?
18.How often do you practice your religion.
19. Do you think that religion starts wars?
If you already set Frogman free,he will
still ask you questions. Here are a few
he will ask you today.

1.Do you think religion is good,or bad?
2.Do you think one religion would make
the world worse?

3.Do you still have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
4.Do you belive in true love?
5.Do you plan on getting married?
6.Do you plan on getting a prenuptual agreement?
7.Where did you meet your girlfriend/boyfriend?

8.Do you get along with your family?
9. Do you like your friends or family more?
10.Do you think you think you were raised well?
11.Do you think you could be friends with your parents?
12. Do you like being a parent.
13. Do your children think you're a friend?
14.Do you know yourself?
Week 3 , Day 6
Seaman no longer asks questions.
Week 3 , Day 7
Seaman no longer asks questions.
|4. Seaman talks /

Throughout the game seaman will talk to
you,ponder many things,but most of all
it will ask you questions,many of which
have multiple responces depending on what
answer you give. Here are a few responses.

Podfish:what do you do with the internet?
You: pornography
podfish: At least your an honest pervert.

podfish:Do you think the inetrnet should
be censored? You:No
podfish: you would say that,after all you
download naked pictures.

podfish:Do you think the inetrnet should
be censored? You:No
podfish: Well we can always count on the perv vote.

You:Are you hungry?
podfish: I'm still full,what are you
trying to do fatten me up for slaughter?

You:Blah Blah Blah
Tadfish:I'm too polite to use that word
so bite me,you baboon face ass-scratcher !

You: hello?
Tadfish: coming your magesty !

Tadfish:Okay why don't I stick you in
a bowl and stare at you all day.
Doesn't that sound like fun?

You: Talk to me
Tadfish:Fine you're a pain in the ass,how's that?

Tadfish:Tell me do you like you're sega dreamcast?
Tadfish:Good because I have been authorized to
award you a check for 10,000 dollars... my ass.

Tadfish:What next generation system do you want?
You:Playstation 2.
Tadfish:Yes that's what everyone is talking about,
be original and by another dreamcast,you don't know
when you will need another one.

You:When is your birthday?
Tadfish:July 29th 2000.

Tadfish:so what is your favorite game on
the sega dreamcast so far?
Me: Seaman
Tadfish: no need to butter me up,I'm not
your rich uncle you know.

Tadfish:My My what the fu**,who is sucking on me.
(needless to say he died a second later.)

Tadfish:Oh I can't feel my face.
(needless to say he also died a second later)

Me:Sega Dreamcast
frogman:Yes this is a sega dreamcast.

Frogman:yeah good people over there,but
their office smells funny.

Frogman:Let us never utter those words again.

Me:Sega Dreamcast
Frogman: All hail sega,there where's my $50.

Frogman: yes sega they want me to be their
masscot for their basketball team.

Frogman: Yes sega,now can you say dreamcast?

Frogman: Do you want me to open a can of seaman
whupass Do you? Huh do you?
| 5. Insect Cage /

Once you have adult Gillmen, they will tell you
that Dr. Gassee had an Insect Cage. Gillman will
tel you to feed him a Larvae when it hatches.
The Insect Cage is equiped with a sprinkler system.
You must keep this at 100% to keep the moisture up.

When you first visit the Insect Cage,you will have
4 larvae eggs and 2 plant seeds. With in a day the
eggs should hatch. Put two in your storage matrix
,keep one in the insect cage,and the last one will
be given to the Gillmen if there are no more pellets
left. If you still have pellets,then put the larvae
in your storage matrix.

The one Larvae that was left in the cage will eventually
spin a cocoon. The next day it will hatch and a Kimoth
will soon emerge from the cocoon. Your Kimoth will soon
lay two eggs of it's own. The next day the eggs hatch.
Most likely one of the two eggs will contain a spider,
don't worry it's no threat if you leave it alone.
Put the larvae in the storage matrix for later use.

If you do feed a spider to your Seaman, it will become sick.
If this does happen,you must make Seaman feel happy,say things
to it like "I like you" "you're cute",and tickle it as well.
Other than that just keep doing the things above over again
and you'll have plenty of food for Seaman to eat. Remember
to keep the sprinkler at 100%,and to keep a few Larvae in
storage. Also toss a seed into the tank every now and then.
| 6.Secrets of Seman /

There are many secrets locked away in Vivarium's
Seaman,some are easy to find yet others have yet
to be found. People want to discover Seaman's secrets
also known as Easter Eggs. I have found a few and you
can read about them below.

A.Fun with Sega.

When you have Frogman,say the name ''Sega''.
Frogman will have at least 4 responses to the
word Sega.

They include ....
1. ''All Hail Sega,now where's my $50?''
2. ''Yes this is a Sega Dremacast''
3. ''Yes Sega,they wanted me to be their masscot.''
4. ''Yes Sega,now can you say Dreamcast?''

Also you can try to say ''Nintendo'' and ''Playstation''.
Nintendo will get you ''Yes I have heard of that company.''
Playstaion will get you three responses.

1.''Let us never utter that name ever again.''
2.''Good people over there,but their office smells.''
3.''That name sounds fimiliar.''


B. Fun with dates.

If you reset the dreamcast's internal clock to a date
then depending on the date you set it to frogman will
talk about that date.

12/24/2000 - Christmas Eve

Frogman:Hey it's Christmas Eve. C'mon
let's go to bed right now. Santa won't
come if we're awake. Turn out the lights.
Put out the cookies,let's go,let's go,
move it,move it !

Frogman: What's with fat guy in the red suite?
He's always playing with elves and raindeer.
There should be laws against that sort of thing.

12/25/2000 -Christmas Day

Frogman:Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas,so what
did you get me?

12/31/2000 - New years eve.

Frogman: Happy New years eve.
You know I think the last time
I got excited over a ball dropping
was during puberty.

1/01/20001 - New Year
First day of a new year huh?
Feel free to mark the occasion with
clean underwear. Happy New Year !

1/17/2001- Ben Franklin's Birthday

Frogman:So it's Ben Franklin's birthday today.
How are we celebrating?

2/12/2001 - Lincoln's Birthday.

Frogman: It's Lincoln's birthday every time this year
I get a splitting headache.

2/14/2001 - Valentine's Day

Frogman: Hey it's Valentine's day,give me a kiss.
C'mon , hey it's lonely in here.

2/22/2001 - Washington's Birthday

Frogman: Hey there,washington's birthday is today.
Celebrate by chopping down a tree.

3/17/2001 - St. Patrick's Day

Frogman: Hey it's St. Patrick's day,beware the green beer.

Frogman: Hey it's St. Patrick's day,don't pour green beer into
my tank,or any other colored beer for that matter.

4/01/2001 - April Fools

Frogman: Okay I have something to tell you.
See I've been lying to you all this time.
I'm actually Regis Philbin,and if you kiss
me I'll become human again,and give you
a million dollars. April Fools. You belived
me didn't you.

Frogman: Quick ! Help ! There is a shark in here,help !
Gotcha ,April Fools.

Frogman:Hey did you hear? Sega is recalling all
Seaman games. Quick send me back ! They are
refunding everybody twice what they paid.
April Fools ! Sucker !

4/23/2001 - E3 Show

Frogman: Say I just realized E3 s only a few weeks away.
You know the Electronic,Entertainment,Expo.
I think you should go to see how they improved
on me.

9/04/2001 - Labor day

Frogman: Okay I am saying this right now
I don't care if it's labor day I am not
giving birth.

11/22/2085 - JFK's Assaination

Frogman: Hi there today is the anniversary of JfK's
assasination. Wow,I remember where I was when I heard..
Swiming I was swimming.
| 7. Special Thanks /

Thanks to Chip for allowing me to borrow
his American Dreamcast,and a copy of Seaman.
Also for giving me his old Jpanese import
Dreamcast. :)

Thanks to Yoot Saito ,and Vivarium for
creating one of the most unique games
ever created for any system.

Thanks to,for countless hours of
entertainment and information.

Thanks to,and all the faq
writers,for which I could never have
gotten past a few games I've play in
the past.

Most of all Thank you to everyone that is reading this
walkthrough,I hope that I was of some help.
|8. Legal Disclaimer /

This FAQ is ©2000 by Tim Tilley. Seaman is ©2000 Vivarium Inc.
Sega Dreamcast is ©1999 SEGA Enterprises, Ltd.
This F.A.Q was written by Tim "Voice Guy" Tilley /
Feel free to use this Walkthrough on your website.

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Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
07.Juli 2015
25.September 2015
30.Dezember 2013
24.Juli 2014
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24.März 2020