18.10.2013 00:46:47
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1. Copyright Information
2. Version History
3. Introduction
4. The units and buildings
5. Individual level strategies
<*> General Information
<1> Virgin Soldiers
<2> Psychos
<3> Death Valley
<4> Desert Islands
<5> Hot Nuts
<6> Sooty Bolts
<7> Pyro Technics
<8> Molten Kombat
<9> Slippery Jim
<10> The Wall
<11> Chilly Willy
<12> Heavy Metal
<13> Hot n Steamy
<14> Restoration
<15> Swamp Fever
<16> Light Brigade
<17> Car Park
<18> Bridge Game
<19> Mayhem
<20> Z
6. Other game-related stuff
7. Acknowledgement and Thanks
8. Other non-game stuff


Before using this FAQ in anything, please ask for my permission first.
The text is all my work, so I would appreciate some credit. This FAQ is not
to be cut up in any way, it is either used in full with my permission or not
at all.

The game is (C) 1996, The Bitmap Brothers. Portions (C) 1993-95 Scitech
Software. Published by Renegade Software. Distributed by Virgin Interactive
Entertainment (Europe)


1 - First one. Not much else.

2 - I decided to expand it halfway through the writing of the first
version, so it never really saw the light. It's difficult to say what
came from each version, but V2 is much larger than I anticipated.


I've played Z a few times, it's a refreshingly unique game. Many of my
friends have trouble winning without cheating (via trainers, not by codes),
so I wrote this to help anyone else.
The best way to describe Z, for those who are unfamiliar with it, is
that it is the lighter side of real-time strategies, while still being a
good challenge. It is presented in classic Bitmap Brothers style (compare it
to the Chaos Engine if you don't understand what I'm saying) and has some
classic humour in it. All in all, it's a great game.
I was playing the PC version that was released in Australia. It has also
been released on the Playstation, and I assume that all the levels are the
same. If there are any differences, please tell me.


This section gives the statistics for every unit and the strengths and
weaknesses. It also gives some tips for using them and fighting against
them. It also describes the function of buildings, and shows what they can
manufacture at the different levels (if appropriate).


GRUNTS - First appearance: Level 1
Intelligence: 3
Speed: 5
Armour: 1
Range: 5
Damage: 2
Fire Rate: 8
Cost: 1
Pros - Quick to build.

Cons - Everything else.
Using Grunts: Try not to. Only use them if you desperately need a quick
unit to capture a vehicle. Otherwise, avoid them like the

Fighting Grunts: Send absolutely anything (except your own Grunts) and you
will win, provided that your unit is not already damaged.

PSYCHOS - First appearance: Level 2
Intelligence: 4
Speed: 2
Armour: 2
Range: 5
Damage: 1
Fire Rate: 10
Cost: 2
Pros - Fast firing rate.
More intelligent than Grunts.

Cons - Can't take much damage compared to other robots.
Using Psychos: Use them to take out enemy Grunts and Snipers, and to bulk
out your army if you need to. You could try to get them to
take out enemy Jeeps or Cranes, but don't send them against
other vehicles.

Fighting Psychos: Send any kind of Tank, or Toughs. Pyros and Lasers
will also be able to beat them, it may take a little
longer though.

TOUGHS - First appearance: Level 5
Intelligence: 3
Speed: 3
Armour: 6
Range: 5
Damage: 4
Fire Rate: 5
Cost: 4
Pros - Can take more damage than any other infantry.
Don't require grenades.
Can attack buildings without the use of grenades.
Can fire faster than tanks.

Cons - Slow. As slow as Grunts.
Really stupid, and therefore inaccurate.
Only two robots per group.
Using Toughs: They are best in large groups, but keep them with other
Toughs or they will get left behind due to their slow speed.
Great for when you need explosive power and don't have time
to build tanks.

Fighting Toughs: Your best plan in the earlier levels is to send two or
three Light Tanks against them. Otherwise just swamp them
with Jeeps or Psychos. If you have some spare, send your
own Toughs against them.

SNIPERS - First appearance: Level 5
Intelligence: 10
Speed: 7
Armour: 2
Range: 7
Damage: 2
Fire Rate: 7
Cost: 6
Pros - Long range.
Smartest unit.
Fast on feet, good at avoiding shots.

Cons - Can't take much damage.
Weak gun.
Using Snipers: Use them to take out Gatlings and Guns. If possible,
replace robots in artillery with Snipers. Remember that if
they have grenades they can throw them as far as they can

Fighting Snipers: Send anything except Grunts, Snipers and Jeeps to kill
them. If they are attacking your artillery, and you have
no suitable reinforcements, vacate the artillery and run
a short distance away. When the Snipers run in to take
the artillery, jump back in and they should be within

PYROS - First appearance: Level 7
Intelligence: 6
Speed: 5
Armour: 5
Range: 5
Damage: 3
Fire Rate: 6
Cost: 7
Pros - Good all-round unit.
Can attack buildings without the use of grenades.
Four robots per group.
Good damage for infantry.

Cons - Slow firing rate (relative to other robots)
Using Pyros: They are best to defend against most other infantry, as well
as Jeeps and Light Tanks (if you're lucky). Against anything
else, either use a large group of Pyros or something else.

Fighting Pyros: Against a single group of Pyros, send anything stronger
than a Light Tank. Against a large group, either swamp
them with Light and Medium tanks, or attempt to lure them
within the range of a Howitzer or Missile. Toughs may also
be effective, but make sure you have two groups of Toughs
to every one of Pyros.

LASERS - First appearance: Level 11
Intelligence: 3
Speed: 7
Armour: 3
Range: 6
Damage: 3
Fire Rate: 7
Cost: 9
Pros - As fast as Snipers.
Four robots per group.
Larger range than Gatlings or Guns.
Good damage for infantry.

Cons - Low armour for a high-level infantry unit.
As dumb as Toughs.
Slow build for infantry.
Using Lasers: Use them instead of Snipers to take out Guns and Gatlings,
since they will destroy them quicker. They will also beat
most other infantry, Pyros may beat them and Toughs have a
good chance. Lasers can also beat Jeeps and occaisionally
Light Tanks.

Fighting Lasers: Send two Medium or one Heavy Tank against them. A Mo.
Missile might also be effective, but get backup in case
it doesn't kill them all in one go. Otherwise just bring
them in range of a Howitzer.


NB - Any manufactured vehicles will come with a Grunt driver. APCs will
contain a single grunt rather than an entire group. The intelligence
of a vehicle depends on the robot driving.

LIGHT TANK - First appearance: Level 2
Speed: 7
Armour: 6
Range: 5
Damage: 4
Fire Rate: 7
Cost: 6
Pros - Fast for a Tank.
Quick firing rate.
Fairly quick to build.

Cons - Can't take a lot of damage.
Standard range. Can't take out artillery without being in danger.
Using Light Tanks: In the earlier levels they will be one of the most
powerful units. In the later levels, they should be
used to defend factories while more powerful units are
being built. They can also take out Gatlings well, and
can sometimes beat Guns. Until the appearance of Pyros,
they can take out infantry easily (with the possible
exception of Toughs).

Fighting Light Tanks: If you're feeling gutsy, you could try sending a
Jeep. Medium Tanks will beat them but they will
sustain some damage. Heavy Tanks should beat them
flawlessly. Avoid sending Mo. Missiles against them,
due to their slow firing rate.

MEDIUM TANK - First appearance: Level 6
Speed: 5
Armour: 8
Range: 5
Damage: 5
Fire Rate: 6
Cost: 12
Pros - Average Tank. Faster than Heavy, stronger than Light.
Can take a fair bit of damage.

Cons - Average range.
Still pretty slow.
Fairly slow to build at first appearance.
Using Medium Tanks: Send them against Light Tanks, as well as Gatlings and
Guns. They should also be able to defeat all infantry,
but they will take a fair amount of damage against
Toughs, Pyros and Lasers.

Fighting Medium Tanks: Send Heavy Tanks or Mo. Missiles. If neither of
these are available, send a few Light and Medium
tanks at them. Alternatively, bring them within
Howitzer range.

HEAVY TANK: First appearance: Level 12
Speed: 3
Armour: 10
Range: 7
Damage: 6
Fire rate: 5
Cost: 16
Pros - Larger range than average.
Excellent damage.
High armour.

Cons - Slow.
Relatively slow firing rate.
Very slow to build.
Using Heavy Tanks: If you have a greater number of territories, attempt to
produce Heavy Tanks. They will allow you to capture
more, provided that you can hold the enemy off long
enough to build one. They should be sent against all
infantry, as well as Light Tanks, Medium Tanks and any
variety of APC.

Fighting Heavy Tanks: Your best option is to bring them within the range
of several Howitzers. Otherwise, you will have to
swamp them with as many Tanks available, any kind
will do. A Mo. Missile may be able to beat a Heavy
Tank, but the odds are pretty close.

MO. MISSILE - First appearance:
Speed: 1
Armour: 10
Range: 8
Damage: 10
Fire Rate: 2
Cost: 20

NB - As far as I can tell, Mo. is short for Mobile. Makes sense.
Pros - EXTREMELY destructive.
Good range.
Good armour.
Very threatening.

Cons - Slow. Even Toughs can outrun it.
Horrible firing rate.
Extremely slow to build.
Using Mo. Missiles: They are best used in Fort assaults. Otherwise, rely
on Heavy tanks.

Fighting Mo. Missiles: The only safe way is to bring them within range of
numerous Howitzers. Otherwise, you could try
sending a couple of Tanks (even Light Tanks will
do, just keep them spread out).

JEEP - First appearance: Level 1
Speed: 10
Armour: 2
Range: 5
Damage: 1
Fire Rate: 10
Cost: 1
Pros: Fast.
Quick to build.
Great firing rate.

Cons: Very weak.
Driver can be easily shot out.
Using Jeeps: In the early levels, use them to defend against Grunts. In
groups they can defend against Psychos, other Jeeps and
occaisionally Light Tanks. Don't use them in the later levels
unless you desperately need to capture a territory and you
have nothing available.

Fighting Jeeps: In the early levels you should swamp them with your own
Jeeps or Light Tanks. As you progress, Snipers, Lasers and
all Tanks are good against them.

APC - First appearance: Level 9
Speed: 7
Armour: 8
Range: Varies
Damage: Varies
Fire Rate: Varies
Cost: 4
Pros - Versatile. Can be used to imitate other vehicles.
Increases speed of infantry.
Increases armour of infantry.
Fairly quick to build.

Cons - Single grunt (default driver) is hopeless.
Prevents infantry travelling through water.
Using APCs: Depending on the unit inside, these are the uses. Also, if you
get the infantry out of the APC a second before it is
destroyed, they will be able to fight as usual instead of
being blown up in the APC.

Grunts - Don't do this. It's kind of a crippled Jeep.
Psychos - The SuperJeep. It can take out all infantry Psychos can, and
can also usually defeat Light Tanks. It should also be able to
fight Toughs effectively, and can defeat regular Jeeps.
Toughs - An interesting kind of tank. It is much more inaccurate than a
regular tank, but it fires twice at once, with a faster firing
rate than a Tank. It can take out all infantry, as well as
Jeeps, Light Tanks and occaisionally Medium Tanks.
Snipers - Only do this if you want to make your Snipers able to
withstand more punishment. Apart from this, it won't do much
good. It can do everything Snipers can.
Pyros - An excellent all-round Flame Tank. Use it as you would regular
Lasers - The best combination in my opinion. It offsets the low armour
of the Lasers, and is good against all infantry. It can also
beat Jeeps, Light Tanks and Medium Tanks effectively. It can
take out Gatlings and Guns, and if you're lucky it will even
beat a Heavy Tank.

Fighting APCs: The computer will rarely use APCs against you. If you are
playing against another human, they are more likely to.
Your first priority is to find out which robots are inside,
and then you can counter it in whichever way is effective.
Any vehicle except a Jeep is effective against the Grunt or
Sniper APCs. Send Medium or Heavy Tanks against Psychos,
and Heavy and Mo. Missiles against the rest.

CRANE - First appearance: Level 14
Speed: 7
Armour: 10
Range: n/a
Damage: n/a
Fire Rate: n/a
Cost: 5

NB - Cranes are ungroupable.
Pros - Can repair destroyed buildings and bridges.
Fairly quick to build.
Relatively fast.
Good armour.

Cons - No guns.
Using Cranes: Keep them out of combat, obviously. The safest place is near
your Fort. When there is work for them to do, escort them
with whatever is available.

Fighting Cranes: If you need help beating them, you're not very good at
this game. A player that knows what they're doing can
stall attacking infantry by running over them. It won't
damage them in any way, but they'll be face down in the
ground for a short time, and the Crane should be able to
make a getaway. Because of this, try to send vehicles to
destroy enemy cranes.


NB - All artillery manufactured come with a Grunt gunner. The intelligence
of artillery depends on the gunner, and the accuracy depends on the
intelligence. All artillery are ungroupable.

GATLING - First appearance: Level 1
Armour: 2
Range: 5
Damage: 1
Fire Rate: 10
Cost: 1
Pros - Only artillery capable of shooting out drivers.
Fast firing rate.
Quick to build.

Cons - Can be killed by almost anything.
Low damage.
Can take very few hits.
Using Gatlings: In the first few levels they should be used if you need to
protect a territory and have nothing else to use. You
should eventually phase them out and replace them with

Fighting Gatlings: Send anything except Grunts, Psychos and Jeeps. Psychos
and possibly even Grunts can beat them if they are in
an APC. That's how crap Gatlings are.

GUN - First appearance: Level 2
Armour: 6
Range: 5
Damage: 5
Fire Rate: 5
Cost: 3
Pros - Earliest artillery capable of defeating Light Tanks.
Quick to build in later levels.
Decent damage.
Fast firing rate compared to Howitzer and Missile.

Cons - Beaten by anything better than Light Tanks.
Using Guns: They should be used in place of Gatlings at every opportunity.
They can also be used to defend while Howitzers or Missiles
are being built. Try to keep them in groups. A single gun can
beat a Light Tank, but is usually destroyed as well.

Fighting Guns: Until the appearance of Snipers, send two Light Tanks at a
Gun. When you have Snipers, they'll be able to stay out of
the range of the Gun while they attack.

HOWITZER - First appearance: Level 9
Armour: 4
Range: 10
Damage: 6
Fire Rate: 1
Cost: 8
Pros - Excellent range.
Good damage.

Cons - Extremely slow firing rate.
Can't take as many hits as Guns.
Fairly slow to build.
Using Howitzers: They perform optimally when placed in a straight line
of four, perpendicular to the line of the target. This
way, each Howitzer can cover the other while they are
reloading. Otherwise try to keep them in large, open
spaces so they can take advantage of their long range.

Fighting Howitzers: To beat a single Howitzer, you need to take advantage
of it's slow reloading. Send fast units (Light Tanks
or even Jeeps) from as many different directions as
possible. You should be able to get a few shots in,
which will be enough to kill it. If the Howitzer is
near a road, a Pyro APC can beat it, and occaisionally
a heavy tank. When fighting multiple Howitzers in the
above formation, your only chance is to swamp them
with as many units as possible. Otherwise, forget
about that territory.

MISSILE - First appearance:
Armour: 6
Range: 8
Damage: 8
Fire rate: 2
Cost: 13
Pros - Very powerful. More damaging than a Heavy Tank.
High armour for an artillery.
Decent range.

Cons - Very slow to build.
Fairly slow firing rate.
Using Missiles: Personally, I think a Howitzer is better. Anyway, if you
insist on using these, they can handle pretty much
anything except Mo. Missiles. Due to the equal range and
the fact that the Missile can't move, the Mo. Missile will
always destroy you. There's nothing you can do about it.
Try using them in conjunction with Howitzers.

Fighting Missiles: The only sure-fire way to beat them is with a Mo.
Missile. However, these are so slow to build that it's
often not worth it. Surprisingly, a Tough APC can
occaisionally beat a Missile, but otherwise just use
the same tactic as against Howitzers.


The single most important building. If it gets blown up, that's game over.
It can produce Robots, Vehicles and Artillery (which can be placed on the

One Star - Grunts

Two Stars - Grunts
Light Tank

Three Stars - Grunts
Light Tank
Medium Tank

Four Stars - Grunts
Light Tank
Medium Tank

Five Stars - Grunts
Light Tank
Medium Tank
Heavy Tank
Mo. Missile

Capable of producing only Robots and artillery.

One Star - Grunts

Two Stars - Grunts

Three Stars - Grunts

Four Stars - Grunts

Five Stars - Grunts

Capable of producing only Vehicles and artillery.

One Star - Jeep
Light Tank

Two Stars - Jeep
Light Tank
Medium Tank

Three Stars - Jeep
Light Tank
Medium Tank

Four Stars - Jeep
Light Tank
Medium Tank
Heavy Tank

Five Stars - Jeep
Light Tank
Medium Tank
Heavy Tank
Mo. Missile

They will show the position of enemy units and will identify them within
a certain circular range. The range depends on the number of territories
you have captured and the condition of the radar.

Capable of repairing vehicles. The repair time depends on the state of the
vehicle, the state of the Repair facility and the number of territories
you have captured. The Robots inside the vehicles will not be repaired.


<*> General Information

- This game is frequently inconsistent. For instance, sometimes Jeeps will
beat Light Tanks flawlessly. Other times, the Tank will blast the Jeep
into the next dimension with one shot. Be careful of this, and don't be
surprised and annoyed when it happens.

- In the water on the Jungle and City worlds there are beasties lurking,
ready to eat up your robots. Be careful of this, especially with your
Toughs who have a tough time crossing water ('scuse the pun). As for the
creatures, they will occaisionally be shot, either by accident or when
your robots get bored.

- On the subject of your robots getting bored, it happens if you leave them
standing still for a while. They'll shoot at the wildlife, which will fly
up into the air, and come crashing down again. That's a problem, it's
been more than once that my infantry has been killed by flying animal
carcasses. There's not much you can do about this, just be warned.

- Destroying enemy buildings is strategically important, particularly in
the earlier levels with an even number of territories. Use your own
judgement, but in the walkthroughs I've mentioned any buildings that I
think are imperative to destroy.

- Also, destroying bridges is a very good defensive strategy, especially
before the appearance of cranes and on the Volcanic world. If you're
lucky, you can even destroy a bridge when an enemy is on it to get a
double whammy (excuse the hideous term). The Volcanic world is unique,
since there is lava instead of water, and robots obviously can't cross
lava. Destroying a bridge here prevents all access.

- In single player, you can only have 50 units at any time. If you get up
to here (usually, it's when you're about to win) you should sacrifice any
damaged or superseded units to make way for new ones.

- These guides are not necessarily how to get Warlord rank, it's just the
strategy I used to win.

- Remember that there are three ways to win.
1. Destroy all of the enemy units.
2. Get a unit inside the enemy fort.
3. Shoot the enemy fort until it blows up.
I usually go for number 2 in the earlier levels, and 3 in the later
levels. (that's the way I've described in the guides).

- Now, with each walkthrough I've put two ASCII maps. The first is a rough
guide to the buildings in each territory. The second is simply so I can
refer to the different territories by number rather than saying "the one
at the top, second from the left" or something equally silly. Yes, they
probably could fit on the same map. Who cares either way? As for the
abbreviations I've used:
FT - Fort Factory
RF - Robot Factory
VF - Vehicle Factory
RA - Radar Station
VR - Vehicle Repair
These are the abbreviations from the game. On the mini-map, if you move
the cursor over a building it will show what it is, using these
abbreviations. Some other abbreviations used on the mini-map are:
R - Robot
V - Vehicle
G - Artillery
Note that these will only show up if the unit in question is within range
of a radar.

<1> Virgin Soldiers +----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RA | FT | RF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | | RF | | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | FT | RA | | 7 | 8 | 9 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+

You'll start the level with three groups of grunts in territory 8. Send
one to 7, one to 5 and one to 9. Change the fort factory to manufacturing
jeeps. The groups heading to 7 and 9 should find jeeps. After they get the
jeeps, send both grunts and jeeps to 4 and 6 respectively. Save the game as
soon as you do this.
Now, each jeep will have to fight an enemy jeep. If your jeeps lose,
reload the mission (yeah, who cares if it's like cheating). If they win,
send them in to 5 to defend there the original group of grunts. Send jeeps
after any remaining enemies, and capture 1 and 3 while you're doing this.
To take the fort, just swamp it with as many jeeps as you can. All you
will have to fight is a gatling or two (depending on how long you've taken
up to this point).

<2> Psychos +------+------+ +------+------+
| | RF | | | 2 |
| FT +------+ | 1 +------+
| RF |VF RA| | | 3 |
+---+--+--+---+ +---+--+--+---+
| | | | | | | |
| | VF | | | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+---+--+--+---+ +---+--+--+---+
|VF RA| | | 7 | |
+------+ FT | +------+ 9 |
| RF | RF | | 8 | |
+------+------+ +------+------+

This level sees you with four groups of grunts in territory 9. Two
grunts will automatically run off to occupy the two gatlings near the
bridges. Send groups of three grunts to 7 and 5, then the remaining two
groups with two robots to 8 and 6. Change your fort to producing jeeps and
leave your robot factory on producing grunts. Save your game.
The grunts going to territory 5 usually lose (I don't know why), so send
the jeep found in 6 to reinforce them. The tank found in 7 should be used to
take 4, it will have to deal with a gatling and a jeep. If you have lost any
of these battles, reload your game.
If you have gotten 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 successfully, leave the factory in
5 on jeeps, change 8 to psychos and 7 to light tanks. The computer will have
a light tank also, it may send it to 6. Send your jeep after it, and make
sure you win. Leave your tank on the intersection in 4.
Once you're feeling confident enough, take 2 and 3, the number of guys
you will have to fight depends on how long you've taken. After capturing
these, hold all exits out of 1 and amass your forces.
After reaching the maximum number of units, just throw everything you
have at the fort.

<3> Death Valley +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
| | | | | | | |
| VF| FT| RA| | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+---+-+-+---+ +---+-+-+---+
| | | | | |
| RF | VF | | 4 | 5 |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
| | | | | |
| VF | RA | | 6 | 7 |
+---+-+-+---+ +---+-+-+---+
| | | | | | | |
| RA| FT| VF| | 8 | 9 | 10|
+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+

You begin this level in territory 9 with two groups of grunts, one of
psychos and a light tank. Send the psychos to pick up the grenades across
the river in territory 6, and groups of grunts to 7 and 8. Send the light
tank to 10. Change the fort to jeeps and save your game.
Once the tank has taken 10, send it up to destroy the vehicle factory in
5. After the psychos in 6 have their grenades, get them to capture that
territory. The grunts in 7 can bludge, and the ones in 8 should have gotten
a jeep. Send the jeep to capture 4, it will have to deal with a light tank
so you should save your game before doing this.
After the jeep has beaten the light tank and successfully taken 4, and
the tank has destroyed the factory in 5, you won't have much of a problem.
Your tank should now take 3, which has little or no defences. You may want
to attempt to take 1, but you should be able to just bulk up your forces and
defeat the two units the computer will throw at you every now and then. Get
the vehicle factories in 6 and 10 to produce light tanks, and the robot
factories in 4 and 7 to produce psychos.
Once you've gotten enough units, throw them all at the fort.

<4> Desert Islands +----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| | FT | RF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | | | | | | |
| RA| VF | | | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | | | | | | |
| VF | RF | VF | | 7 | 8 | 9 |
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | | | | | | |
| |RF RA| | | 10| 11 | 12|
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | | | | | | |
| VF | FT | | | 13 | 14 | 15 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+

You will have 3 groups of grunts and 1 of psychos in territory 14. Send
grunts to 13 and 15, and the psychos and remaining grunts to 8 (they should
get 11 on their way). Change the fort to manufacturing jeeps, and the robot
factory in 11 (when you get it) to psychos. Save your game.
The grunts going to 15 will find a jeep. Send this and the grunts up to
12, then along to 9 (just sit on the road, don't go for the flag yet). The
grunts going to 8 may have died, this doesn't matter as long as you have a
full group of psychos left. Change the factory in 8 to producing gatlings,
and send the psychos up slightly so they can intercept a group of enemy
psychos going for 9. The grunts in 13 will have found a tank. Send the tank
to 7 and the remaining grunts to 10. By the way, all three of the above
parts must be done simultaneously, don't wait to finish the first part
before starting the second. Save again.
The light tank in 7 will have to fight a jeep, make sure you win. Get
the territory, and let it produce one jeep before changing it to gatlings.
After the psychos in 8 have beaten the enemy psychos (try to take them while
they're in the water, so they will have lower accuracy) send your grunt in 9
to get the flag. Change the factory to producing gatlings. The jeep in 9
will probably have to fight a light tank, it is IMPERATIVE that you win. If
you don't, the tank will run rampant and take most of the lower territories.
Again, all of that must be done simultaneously. If you have successfully
done that, save again.
Build up a small force in 9 (one light tank and three jeeps will be
plenty) then send it up to 6 and then on to 3. Send any spare units that you
have up to three from now on. Once you have a nice army there, send them all
across to the fort and destroy it.

<5> Hot Nuts +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
| | | | | | | |
| VF| VF| RF| | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| | | | | | | |
+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
| | | | | | | |
| FT| | FT| | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| | | | | | | |
+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
| RF| |RA | | | | |
| | RF| | | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| RA| |VF | | | | |
+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+

You begin with 2 groups of grunts and 2 of psychos in territory 6. Send
grunts to 8 and 9, and psychos to 8 and the intersection between 2, 3, 5 and
6. These latter psychos should get a tank, which should be used to destroy
the factory in 2, then be sent along with the remaining robot (one got into
a gatling) to 3. A tank will be found by the groups going to 8, it should be
send to territory 7 (not just yet, though). Change the fort to manufacturing
light tanks and save your game.
The grunts at 9 should then be sent to capture the jeep in the lower
right corner, then both grunts and jeeps sent to 8. There will be an enemy
tank that captures 5, and then usually comes down to 8, so dispose of it
with all of the units there, then send your light tank along to 7. Change
the factory in 8 to producing guns, and send all of your remaining robots in
territory 8 up to 5 (the jeep should remain in 8 until a gun is finished).
The factory in 9 should be producing light tanks. As for 3, you may be
attacked by an enemy tank (otherwise it will head to your fort, but don't
worry). The factory should produce gatlings.
If you've done all I have successfully, you should hold territories 3,
5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, and the factory in 2 should be destroyed. Hold these
territories until you have 4-5 light tanks spare, then send them at the
enemy fort.

<6> Sooty Bolts +----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | FT | VF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| |RA | | | | | |
| VF | RF| | | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | RF | VF | | 7 | 8 | 9 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RA | FT | VF | | 10 | 11 | 12 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+

You will start with a light tank, 2 groups of psychos and 1 of grunts in
territory 11. Send psychos to 10 and 12, and the remaining units to 8.
Change the fort to manufacturing light tanks. Once your light tank and
grunts have crossed the bridge, get the tank to destroy it. Save your game.
The psychos in 10 will have found a light tank, which should be sent up
to 7 along with the remaining robots. The psychos in 12 should be sent to 9,
and the factory should be left on jeeps for now. There will be an enemy tank
in 5 that usually goes down to 7, get your two tanks to attack it from both
sides. Get one tank to destroy the factory in 4, and the other to take 5.
Change the factory in 7 to producing psychos, and the one in 5 to producing
guns. Let the factory in 9 produce one jeep, then put it on medium tanks.
There will be another enemy light tank to deal with, in my game it went
for 9. Wherever it goes, make sure you dispose of it, preferably keeping
your light tanks intact.
Now, if you've successfully done what I've said, you should have taken
territory 5, as well as having 7-12. Once you have a jeep (preferably from
9, but 12 will do) send it to 6. You may have to attack an enemy jeep. Make
sure you win, and continue up to 3.
The computer won't have much attacking power if you've followed what
I've said, so you should be able to defend until you've got a sizeable army
for a fort assault.

<7> Pyro Technics +----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | FT | VF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| | | | | | | |
+---++--+--++---+ +---++--+--++---+
| | | | | | | | | |
|VF |VF | RA| RF| | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| | | | | | | | | |
+---++--+--++---+ +---++--+--++---+
| | | | | | | |
| VF | FT | RF | | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| | | | | | | |
+----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+

You will begin with 2 groups of psychos, 1 of toughs and a light tank in
territory 9. Send psychos to 8 and 10, toughs to 7 and the tank to 6. Change
the fort to manufacturing light tanks. The psychos at 10 will get a medium
tank, which should be sent up to 6. The remaining psychos should reinforce
the toughs at 7. The psychos at 8 should capture the light tank in 4, and
then capture the territory. Once 5 is defenseless, get your light and medium
tanks to capture it, then wait in the intersection on the 5-6 boundary.
It is important to hold a majority of the territories, don't settle for
an even number of them. 4, 5 and 7 should produce guns, and the remaining
factories should produce the strongest units available. Continue defending
and reinforcing your defences until you have 50 units.
Get as many tanks as possible (light or medium) and send them through to
the fort via territories 5 and 6. There shouldn't be much of a problem, if
you have managed to hold all 7 territories specified.

<8> Molten Kombat +----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| VF | FT | RF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | | | | | | |
| RA| | RF| | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | | | | | | |
| | VF | | | 7 | 8 | 9 |
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | RA | | | | | |
| | RF | | | 10| 11 | 12|
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | | | | | | |
| VF | FT | RF | | 13 | 14 | 15 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+

You will have 3 groups of psychos and 1 of toughs in territory 14. Send
psychos to 11, 13 and 15, and toughs to 11 also. Change the fort to making
light tanks.
Once your robots reach 11, send them further up to 8. They should pick
up a jeep along the way, which should also be sent to 8. These units will
have to fight an enemy light tank, make sure you win. The psychos in 13
should be sent to 10 (make sure you get the medium tank) and then to 8. With
your new medium tank, capture 7 and destroy the bridge connecting it to 4.
Send your medium tank to 8 after doing this. The psychos in 15 should be
sent to 12 (where they will get a light tank) and then up to capture the
light tank in 9 (you probably won't get there in time, but it's worth a
try). The light tank you picked up should head to 9. Save your game before
doing this, because it will have to fight numerous enemies including a light
tank and a medium tank. Just keep reloading until you win.
Manufacture whatever you want, just continue to reinforce your defenses
in 8 and 9. When you think you're strong enough, send units up to 5 and 6 to
capture them. Get 3 while you're there, to cripple the computer even more,
and hold these territories for a while.
To assault the fort, use as many medium tanks as you have. They should
easily defeat the guns.

<9> Slippery Jim +-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+
| | | | | | | |
| VF | FT | RF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+-----+--+--+-----+ +-----+--+--+-----+
| RF | | | | | | | | |
| RA |RF|VF| VF | | 4 | 5| 6| 7 |
+-----+--+--+-----+ +-----+--+--+-----+
| | FT | | | | | |
| RF | RA | VF | | 8 | 9 | 10 |
+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+

You will begin with a medium tank, 3 groups of psychos and 2 of toughs
in territory 9. Send psychos to 8 and 10, toughs to 5 and 6 and your tank
to 7. Change the fort to manufacturing medium tanks, and save your game.
The tank going to 7 will have the most opposition, but will also be the
most important. It will (commonly) have to defeat an enemy medium tank and
a jeep, make sure you win. Once you have secured the territory, build a
howitzer or two, then churn out medium tanks. The factories in 5 and 6
should build as many guns as possible, then make toughs or snipers. The
factory in 10 should produce light tanks for now, then medium once you have
secured all territories. The robot factory in 8 should make as many psychos
as possible.
Once you have plenty of psychos in 8, send them up to take 4. Build guns
in 4, then make pyros. Once you have a suitable army in 7, take them up to
3. Bulk up your forces, and launch an assault on the fort through 3. You may
want to try through 5 and 6, but the bridge makes it slightly more

<10> The Wall +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+
| | | | | | | | | |
| VF| RF| FT| VF| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
+---++--+--++---+ +---++--+--++---+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | | RF | | 5 | 6 | 7 |
+---++--+--++---+ +---++--+--++---+
| | |RA | | | | | | |
| VF| FT| RF| VF| | 8 | 9 | 10| 11|
+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+

You will have a medium tank, 3 groups of psychos and 2 groups of toughs
in territory 9. Send psychos to 8, 10 and to capture the light tank in the
lower right corner of the map (territory 10 or 11, can't remember). Send the
remaining psychos that capture the tank to 11, and the tank itself to 5.
Both groups of toughs should go to territory 6, and your medium tank should
go to territory 7. Change the fort to manufacturing medium tanks, and save
your game.
Your medium tank will have to fight an enemy medium tank, and your light
tank will have to fight an enemy light tank. Be sure to win these battles.
There will be a lot of robots sent to 6, so continually reinforce it.
The factories in 5, 7 and 10 should produce guns. 8 and 11 should
produce medium tanks. When you have built as many guns as possible, set all
of the robot factories to producing snipers. The medium tanks should be used
to reinforce 5, 6 and 7, and all of the completed snipers should gather in
Once you have plenty of snipers (6-10 groups) send them all into the
enemy fort, and they should take out any artillery in their way. I prefer
attacking the fort this way, but you could just as easily send medium tanks
at it. Either way, you should win.

<11> Chilly Willy +----+-----+------+ +----+-----+------+
| | FT | RA | | | | |
| VF | RF | RF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+----+---+-+------+ +----+---+-+------+
| | | | | |
| RF | VF | | 4 | 5 |
+--------+--------+ +--------+--------+
| | | | | |
| VF | FT RF | | 6 | 7 |
+----+---+-+------+ +----+---+-+------+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | RA | VF | | 8 | 9 | 10 |
+----+-----+------+ +----+-----+------+

This level will begin with a medium tank, 2 groups of toughs, and one
each of psychos and snipers in 7. Both toughs should be sent to destroy the
factory in 5. The medium tank should be sent to 6, but make sure it goes in
a straight line through the rocks rather than going way down through 8 and
9. Send your psychos to 10 (get the APC) then over to 6. The snipers should
go down to capture the light tank in 9 (they should get the territory
automatically on their way past) and then 8. The tank should be sent to 6.
The fort should manufacture medium tanks, and the robot factory next to the
fort should make guns then toughs.
Your toughs in 5 may have to fight a few enemy robots, but you shouldn't
have too many problems. After they have destroyed the factory, they should
destroy the bridge linking 5 to 7, then return to defend the fort. Change
the factory in 10 to producing medium tanks, and the factory in 8 to toughs.
You will face a lot of competition in 6. Your two tanks and APC must
fight multiple enemy units, usually a light tank, medium tank and jeep. It
is vital that you defeat all enemies here and keep all vehicles intact. Make
some guns to secure the territory, then produce medium tanks.
Your APC and light tank should then proceed up to 4. The APC should hold
the territory while the tank destroys the bridge linking it to 2. Don't
worry about guns here, just start producing toughs.
If you've been quick enough, there will be no defenses in 1. Otherwise
there may be a gatling or a gun. If you've been really slow they will have
multiple artillery there. Whatever is there, you should defeat in any way
possible and take the territory.
You should then take 3 and 5 in whatever way possible. If you've been
slow, the computer may have built a howitzer in 3, which will really annoy
you. Use all the medium tanks you've been building to overwhelm it. If
you're lucky, they won't have done this, and you will only have to beat a
couple of guns. Once you have the territory, build a howitzer and place it
as far to the left of the territory as possible, then start making toughs.
This howitzer should be used to destroy the vehicle factory in the enemy
fort territory.
All of these toughs you have been making should congregate at the corner
of 1, 2 and 4. Once you've reached the maximum unit number, send your toughs
to the fort. They should be able to attack the lower left corner of it while
staying out of the range of the howitzer there.

<12> Heavy Metal +----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| VF | FT | RF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| RF | | | | | | |
| | RA | VF | | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| VR | | | | | | |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | VR | | | | |
| VF | RA | | | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| | | RF | | | | |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | FT | VF | | 10 | 11 | 12 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+

You will begin with 3 groups of psychos, 2 of toughs and 1 of pyros in
territory 11. Both groups of toughs should be sent to destroy the factory in
4. Psychos should be sent to 10, and to capture the medium and light tanks
in 7 and 9 respectively. The pyros should be sent to 12, then on to 8.
Change the fort to manufacturing medium tanks and save your game.
With your two new tanks, the medium one should be sent to 8, and the
light to 9. The remaining psychos are expendable, send them wherever you
want. Start manufacturing a heavy tank in 12, make pyros in 10 and howitzers
in 7 and 9. Once the light tank has captured 9, destroy the factory in 6.
You will have an equal number of territories as the computer, but if the
two factories mentioned were successfully destroyed the computer will be
crippled. It is important to hold all the lower 6 territories, so make sure
you do so. You will have to fight at least 1 medium and 1 light tank, as
well as countless robots. They are usually sent to 8, but don't concentrate
all of your defense there or the computer will adapt.
When you get your first heavy tank, send it to capture 5 and wait there.
Wait for another heavy tank, which should be used to capture 6. The tank at
6 can then go on to take 3.
Amass your forces, and prepare for a fort assault. There will be
howitzers on both lower corners of the fort, but the trick used in the
previous battle will still work (barely). It will work even better if you
use heavy tanks instead (due to their longer range). Get a couple to attack
the lower parts of the fort, you may want to send in some toughs as well,
just be very careful with them.

<13> Hot n Steamy +----+----+----+ +----+----+----+
| | | FT | | | | |
| VF | RF | RA | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| | | | | | | |
| RF| RF | VF| | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+---+------+---+ +---+------+---+
| | VR | | | | | |
| VF| RF | RF| | 7 | 8 | 9 |
+---++----++---+ +---++----++---+
| RF | | | | | | |
| RA | VF | FT | | 10 | 11 | 12 |
+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+

Here's something you may find interesting. One time I got up to this
level, and didn't feel like playing properly anymore. I decided to send up
all my units at the enemy fort, just to see how far they'd go. You can
probably guess that the reason I'm saying this is that I won. Who knows, you
may get lucky...
Anyway, for those of you who want a real guide for this level, you will
start in territory 12 with a medium tank, 2 groups of psychos and 1 group
each of lasers, toughs and snipers. Send your medium tank to 9, your lasers
to 8, your psychos to 10 and 11, your toughs to 7 and your snipers to
capture the light tank (near the top-right of 10, I think). Change the fort
to manufacturing medium tanks and save your game.
Your lasers will find a medium tank on their way, this should be sent to
5. Build howitzers in 5, 7 and 8, and light tanks in 11. Once some howitzers
have been completed, change 11 to manufacturing heavy tanks. 10 should make
pyros and 9 should make toughs.
With luck, you will be able to hold these 7 territories. Since you have
the upper hand, the computer will not be able to manufacture at your speed
and you will be able to overpower them. The light tank in 7 was the key unit
in my game, don't let it be killed.
Once you have a heavy tank, you should be able to take 1, 2 and 4 with
little trouble. 6 will be slightly more difficult, but sending all the
medium tanks that the fort has been building will beat the howitzer.
Use the same strategy with the heavy tanks and toughs to beat the fort.
Heavy tanks will do more damage per shot, and toughs (when used in large
numbers) will cover a larger blast radius (it's only 'cause they couldn't
hit a white elephant on a black background but anyway...).

<14> Restoration +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+
| | | | | | | | | |
| RF| RF| FT| VF| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
+---++--+--++---+ +---++--+--++---+
| RA | | VR | | | | |
| | | | | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| VF | | RF | | | | |
+----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+
| RF | | | | | | |
| VR | VF | | | 8 | 9 | 10 |
+---++--+--++---+ +---++--+--++---+
| | |RF | | | | | | |
| VF| FT| RA| RF| | 11| 12| 13| 14|
+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+

You will begin with 2 groups of psychos, 2 of toughs and one of snipers,
as well as a light tank and a heavy tank in territory 12. The crane that one
of your snipers captures should be used to repair the bridge directly above
your fort. Send snipers, psychos and toughs to 14 (they should get 13 on the
way) and your remaining robots to 11. Send your heavy tank to 9 and your
light tank to 8. Change the fort to manufacturing medium tanks and save your
Once your robots have arrived in 11, send them up to 8. The robots in 14
should be sent up to 10. After your light tank has captured 8, send it to
destroy the factory in 5. It may face some opposition, but nothing that a
little reloading can't fix. Once the factory is destroyed, the computer will
send it's crane down to repair it. Destroy the crane, then send your light
tank back to 8 (repair if necessary).
After you have managed to destroy the factory, it is important to hold
your 7 territories until you get a couple of medium tanks. Build howitzers
wherever possible (except the fort) and guns in 8. Once the territories have
been fortified satisfactorily (is that a word?) build the strongest unit
available to you.
Once you have some medium tanks, they can be used to capture 5. Repair
the factory, and build some howitzers. Snipers and lasers should be used to
capture 6 and 7. Hold these for a while until you get some heavy tanks. Use
heavy tanks to capture 1, 2 and 4.
The fort will be defeatable using the same method as before, honestly I
think it was just an oversight that allowed this strategy to work.

<15> Swamp Fever +---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+
| | | |RF | | | | | | | |
| VF| | | | VF| | 1 | 2 | | 4 | 5 |
| | | FT| RA| | | | | 3 | | |
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
| |RA | | | | | | | | | |
| RF| +---+ RF| RF| | 6 | 7 +---+ 8 | 9 |
| | RF| | | | | | | | | |
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
| |RF | FT| | | | | | 12| | |
| VF| | | RA| VF| | 10| 11| | 13| 14|
| | VR| | | | | | | | | |
+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+

Before I begin, I must say that I hate this level with a passion. There
were times when I was playing that I was sure I was going to lose, then
I suddenly captured about 6 territories which completely turned the game
around. Some advice: never give up on this level until all you have left is
your fort territory.
You will start in territory 12 with 3 groups of psychos, 1 heavy tank,
1 medium tank and 1 jeep. Send some psychos to capture the medium tank in 7,
and another group to capture the crane and light tank in 10. The last group
of psychos should get territory 8. Your heavy tank should go to 6, and your
medium tank should go to 11. Send your jeep to 14. Change the fort to
manufacturing light tanks and save your game.
It is imperative that you keep the bridge linking the two fort
territories destroyed. You will have a gun near it, and use the light tank
that is coming to help. Now, in 7 and 8 you should build guns. In 11 build
snipers, in 14 build 1 jeep then change to medium tanks. The light tank
captured from 10 should be used to take territory 10 then head up to 6. Your
medium tank should also head to 6. When 6 is captured, build toughs and
ensure that all opposition coming is stopped.
If you were lucky enough to avoid getting your psychos eaten by crocs,
you should still have one remaining under the medium tank in 7. If so, send
him up to capture 2. Your first group of snipers from 11 should be used to
capture 13. Once you have safely secured 6, send your heavy tank up to get
territory 1.
If all has gone according to plan, you should occupy territories 1, 2,
6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Hold these and bulk up your forces until you
have plenty of heavy tanks or toughs to destroy the fort.

<16> Light Brigade +----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | FT | VF | | 1 | 2 | 3 |
+----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+
| VF | | RF | | | | |
| RA | RF | VR | | 4 | 5 | 6 |
+----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+
| | | VF | | | | |
| VF | | RA | | 7 | 8 | 9 |
+----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| RF | RF | VF | | 10 | 11 | 12 |
+----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+
| VF | | | | | | |
| VR | FT | RF | | 13 | 14 | 15 |
+----+-----+----+ +----+-----+----+

You will start in territory 14 with a heavy tank, a medium tank, 1 group
of toughs, 1 of snipers and 2 of psychos. Send your heavy tank to 11 then 8,
and your medium tank to 9. Send toughs and snipers to 7 (go through 13 then
10, capturing them on your way). Both groups of psychos should be sent to
15. Change the fort to making light tanks and save your game.
Once your psychos arrive at 15, send them up to 12 and then on to 9.
Your heavy tank will have to fight an enemy tank, try to keep yours on the
road to allow greater mobility. If you lose, reload and try again, since the
entire strategy hinges on this heavy tank. Your toughs and snipers will have
a few enemy robots and a gatling to deal with, but they should be able to
handle it. With the snipers, the safest way to deal with the gatling is to
send them down after heading around the factory. This will make them
encounter the gatling before the flag, so they won't rush in and get killed.
Manufacture 1 jeep in 7, then switch to howitzers. 9 should build
howitzers from the start. Build pyros in 10, snipers in 11, heavy tanks in
12, mo. missiles in 13 and lasers in 15. Once your fort has made a couple of
light tanks, change it to medium tanks.
Guard the roads in each territory, since the enemy will use these in an
attempt to break through. Continually reinforce your defenses, you will be
manufacturing at a greater speed than the computer.
Once you think you have enough forces, you will need to capture 4, 5 and
6. Go for 4 and 6 first, and take out the howitzers on either side of 5. Get
your heavy tank to take 5 once this is completed. Attack the fort by using
the same strategy, sending your units straight up the middle.

<17> Car Park +-----+----+----+----+ +-----+----+----+----+
|VF VR| | | VF | | | | | |
| FT | VF | VF | VR | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
+-----+----+----+----+ +-----+----+----+----+
| VF | | | FT | | | | | |
| RA | | | RF | | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
+-----+----+----+----+ +-----+----+----+----+
| | | | | | | | | |
| RF | RA | RA | RF | | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
+-----+----+----+----+ +-----+----+----+----+
| | | | | | | | | |
| RF | RF | RF | RF | | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
| | | | | | | | | |
+-----+----+----+----+ +-----+----+----+----+

This level is arguably the hardest in the game, so make sure you are
prepared to be repeatedly annoyed. As with Level 15, this battle can be
turned around in an instant, so don't give up until you are, to put it
bluntly, totally screwed.
You start with 2 medium tanks, 2 light tanks, a jeep and a group of
snipers in territory 8. Immediately get your snipers to run to 12, they need
to capture these territories quickly. Your jeep should be sent to 15, but if
you just select the jeep and click on the flag in 15 it will take the long
route via 3 and 4. To prevent this happening, move it in segments. Send
light tanks to 4 and 11, and medium tanks to 3 and the road intersection in
7. Leave the light tank in 11, but get the one in 4 to reinforce the medium
tank in 3. Your fort should be producing heavy tanks, and the robot factory
in the fort territory should make howitzers (place them on the fort corners)
then lasers).
Build howitzers in 3, light tanks in 4 and pyros in 12. Once your
snipers have taken 12, get them to go to 16, making sure they go in a
straight line through the water. One or two of them may be eaten by a sewer
monster, but as I said it is important to capture these territories. Build
grunts in both 15 and 16 until you have captured all the vehicles (remember,
the APCs won't be captured automatically). There are two road intersections
in territory 15, sit a heavy tank on one and a mo. missile on the other.
Now comes the most difficult part of all. You must defend what you have,
and if you have kept the bridges that link 14 to 15 destroyed, the only
paths the computer will have will be through 3 and 7. Clump as many units as
possible there, and reinforce them with whatever you have. There will be
HEAPS of enemies, since the computer will send all the vehicles it has
captured as well as any units it has manufactured. They may break through
once or twice, but the attack will be sufficiently blunted to allow you to
recapture the territories with ease.
Once you have some snipers, send them to capture 13 and 14. Continue
building snipers in all four of the lower robot factories. Repeatedly
assault the territories with everything you have until the computer only
holds territory 1.
By now, you will probably have heaps of tanks. Use them all in the fort
assault, keep to attacking the lower extremities.

<18> Bridge Game +----+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+----+
| VF | RF | RA | RF | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
+----+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+----+
| RF | FT | | | | | |
| VR | RF | VF | | 5 | 6 | 7 |
+----+---------+----+ +----+---------+----+
| | RF | VR | | | | |
| VF | FT | RF | | 8 | 9 | 10 |
+----+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+----+
| RF | RA | RF | VF | | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
+----+----+----+----+ +----+----+----+----+

This is a FUN level, provided that you know how to play the bridge game.
I don't know if this is the bridge game they had in mind when they made and
named the level, but this is MY bridge game. You will notice the three
bridges linking territory 6 with 9. The computer will rapidly repair these
with it's cranes, make sure you have something with an explosive gun. Shoot
the bridges a couple of times, to damage them a bit, then stop. Wait until
an enemy unit is crossing the bridge and finish the job. Kerblam! No more
unit, and the computer will faithfully repair the bridge again, all ready
for another trap. Fun fun fun. I will not refer to this repeatedly, so
remember to keep on the lookout.
Ok, you will start with one of each kind of tank, as well as 1 group
each of psychos, snipers, pyros and lasers. Send your snipers and lasers to
8, and your medium tank and pyros to 10. The psychos should take the crane
in territory 12, then use it to repair the bridge leading to 11. Your light
tank should head to 11, then up to 8. Keep your heavy tank in 9 to play the
bridge game. Manufacture medium tanks in your fort and howitzers in the
robot factory nearby. Save your game.
The psychos remaining from capturing the crane should head along the
bottom of the map, capturing 12, 13 and 14. Commonly, the computer will send
a light and heavy tank to 8 and a medium tank to 10. The medium tank should
pose no problems, get your tank repaired afterwards. In 8, it is an entirely
different story, since you will have two groups of robots and one light tank
which will have to beat the enemy heavy tank. This is winnable, it's just
difficult. Keep your tank on the road, and tell it to move when it gets shot
at. Get in your own shot while the heavy tank is reloading, and repeat. Yes,
it is very difficult, but it is possible, and, more importantly, vital to
your strategy.
Build howitzers in 8 and guns in 10. Build toughs in 11, 13 and in the
robot factory in 9. Build heavy tanks in 14, and switch your fort to mo.
missiles once you have a few medium tanks. Do everything in your power to
hold the lower 7 territories.
Keep this up until you have plenty of units spare. If it needs doing,
repair the middle bridge. Send your units along it, being careful not to get
caught in your own trap. Follow the usual strategy, a mo. missile will help
a lot due to it's extreme power.

<19> Mayhem +---+-----+----+---+ +---+-----+----+---+
| | RA | VR | | | | | | |
| RF| RF | VF | FT| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
+---+-----+----+---+ +---+-----+----+---+
| | | VR | | | | | | |
| | VF | | | | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| | | RF | | | | | | |
+---+-----+----+---+ +---+-----+----+---+
| | RF | | | | | | | |
| VF| | VF | VF| | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12|
| | VR | | | | | | | |
+---+-----+----+---+ +---+-----+----+---+
| | VR | RF | | | | | | |
| FT| VF | RA | RF| | 13| 14 | 15 | 16|
+---+-----+----+---+ +---+-----+----+---+

You will begin with 1 group each of lasers, snipers and toughs, as well
as one of each kind of tank. Your snipers should go to territory 1, your
heavy tank to 6, your light tank to 9, your toughs to 10, your medium tank
to 11 and your lasers to 16. Change the fort to manufacturing heavy tanks.
Once 9 has been captured, get your light tank to continue up to 6. The
snipers will find a medium tank in 5, which should be used to capture the
territory and then reinforce the snipers. You will want to capture the light
tank in 10 with your toughs. The lasers should capture 14 and 15 on their
way to 16, as well as finding a light tank, which should be sent to 11. Save
your game.
Now, the conflict begins. There will be numerous enemy tanks in 6,
including one heavy tank. Your heavy and light tank should be able to deal
with them though. The lasers will have to fight a group of snipers (one will
occupy a gun). They shouldn't have too much trouble, though. The real
challenge is in 11. Over the next few minutes, numerous enemy units will
converge here, including two light tanks, two medium tanks, a jeep and a
couple of robots. Your light and medium tank will have to take them all on,
fortunately they don't attack all at once.
You should manufacture as follows: snipers in 1, howitzers in 6, heavy
tanks in 9, howitzers in 10 and 11, heavy tanks in your fort and 14, and
pyros in 15 and 16. Once you have some snipers in 1, they should easily be
able to capture territory 2.
The easiest way to the enemy fort is through 7. Don't bother capturing
the territory, just go through the rock and over the bridge leading to 8.
Since the start of the level, there will have been a howitzer near the
bottom of 4. The key weakness of this howitzer is that it's near a road.
Even your heavy tanks should be able to go fast enough to avoid the shot,
provided that you keep them moving forwards.
With a few heavy tanks, attack the lowest parts of the fort. The
computer may send some units to attempt to fight back, but at this stage
it's a lost cause.

<20> Z +-----+----+----+-----+ +-----+----+----+-----+
| | RF | | FT | | | | | |
| VF | | VF | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | VR | | RA | | | | | |
+-----+----+----+-----+ +-----+----+----+-----+
| | | | | | | | | |
| RF | VR | RF | VF | | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
+-----+----+----+-----+ +-----+----+----+-----+
| | | | | | | | | |
| VF | RF | | RF | | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
+-----+----+----+-----+ +-----+----+----+-----+
| RA | | VR | | | | | | |
| | VR | | VR | | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
| FT | | RF | | | | | | |
+-----+----+----+-----+ +-----+----+----+-----+

So here we are at the last level. It's difficult in many ways, but with
a little perseverance you'll be able to win. You will start in territory 13
with 2 medium tanks, 2 light tanks, 2 groups of psychos and one group each
of toughs and snipers. Send your snipers to capture the mo. missile in 5.
All remaining robots should go to 14 then on to 15. All tanks should go to
10, making sure that you get 9 on the way. Change the fort to manufacturing
heavy tanks and save your game.
When the robots were in 14 they should have picked up a crane and a
medium tank. Use the crane to repair the bridge leading to 15. Once your
snipers have captured the mo. missile, send them left along the rocks then
up to capture the heavy tank. The mo. missile should go and capture 1, it
may have to fight a light tank. The newly-captured heavy tank should go to
capture 6.
Now is one of the key turning points in the level. The medium tank found
in 14 should head over to the bridge linking 15 to 16. Destroy this bridge,
but make sure that the enemy heavy tank is on it as it gets destroyed, this
will let you breathe a little easier. After destroying this bridge and the
heavy tank, send your medium tank up to the bridge connecting 15 to 11. Keep
this destroyed, and get rid of the enemy crane while you're at it.
Your four tanks in 10 will have great opposition, they will have to
overcome all if you want to win this level. They will have to fight a number
of tanks (at least two light and two medium) as well as countless robots.
Keep hold of territory 10 until your heavy tank has occupied 6.
As for manufacturing, 1 and 5 should make howitzers, 9 should make
medium tanks, 10 should make pyros and 15 should make toughs. Once the enemy
cranes have been destroyed, send toughs to 11, and keep all four bridges
demolished. Continually reinforce these robots, but don't bother repairing
the bridges.
At some time during the level, you will have to fight an enemy mo.
missile. By sheer force of willpower (or so I'd like to believe) I managed
to destroy a bridge that it was on, and that was the end of it. Most people
won't be so lucky (in fact, the only reason it was ON the bridge was because
I was losing, but don't tell anybody) so they'll have to fight it on equal
grounds. An effective strategy is to send two light tanks at it from
different directions, obviously it can only shoot one at a time, and the
tank it's shooting at may even be able to avoid dying. However you tackle
it, make sure you've still got enough defence to hold your territories.
Once your fort has manufactured a heavy tank, use it to capture 7. There
will be no howitzers there, allowing an easy capture. Get another tank to
capture 8, but be careful of the howitzer in the enemy fort territory. It
can reach the flag, but you should be able to capture the territory and get
away in time.
This howitzer will, more or less, be all that stands between you and
total domination. It's near a road, so get any kind of tank to barrel along
and blast it when it gets in range. It's easy from here, just use the
strategy of attacking the lower parts of the fort to win.


Congratulations, you have now won. I'll let you decide if it was worth it.
Apparently (according to the end movie) there's a sequel coming. Hasn't come
yet, perhaps we'll have another case of the Lost Vikings syndrome. For those
of you unfamiliar with the game, at the end of the credits a sequel was
promised. It didn't come for about 6 years. Oh well...


- Occaisionally, you will see two robots in deck chairs. Moving the cursor
over them will identify them as Brad and Allan, those two guys from all
the cut-scenes. They don't do anything while they're there, and clicking
on them will make them go away. In other words, they're completely
useless, just don't be surprised if you see them.

- With the PC version, if you play a modem, serial or network game, all of
the levels are automatically enabled in the "Replay Level" menu item. It
can help sometimes, if you don't feel like doing all the hard work.

- You will notice that if you move the cursor over a unit, next to it's
name there will be a star. At first, I thought it was an indicator to how
many kills the unit had made, but then I got a crane with a green star,
and it obviously didn't kill anything. It is apparently how many battles
the unit has been involved in. White is none, Green is one and Yellow is
two or more. Destroying buildings and bridges does not count.


Just me. If you send me something I add, your name will pop up here.


My e-mail is . Send anything you want to tell me
there. is where you should
go for the most recent versions of any of my FAQs. Apart from my Tekken 2
move list (which is in WP6 for DOS format), I've submitted them all to
. It won't necessarily be the most recent version
there, though.

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