Call of Duty - Black Ops

Call of Duty - Black Ops

18.10.2013 07:02:20


Im Hauptmenü von Call of Duty: Black Ops müsst ihr die [Space]-Taste gedrückt halten - solange, bis
ihr von dem Stuhl aufsteht. Geht zum Computer hinter euch und gebt hier die folgenden Cheats ein:

DOA Dead Ops Arcade freischalten
3ARC INTEL Alle Dokumente freischalten
3ARC UNLOCK Dead Ops Arcade & Presidental Zombie
ZORK Text Adventure freischalten
HELP Hilfsliste anzeigen
DIR Liste der Audiofiles
WHO Login Liste
CAT Liste von Audiofiles & Bildern
login Login mit Nutzername und Passwort (s. unten)
decode Dekodierung
encode Enkodierung
mail Nachrichtenordner öffnen
foobar Nachricht anzeigen
alicia Virtuelle Therapeutin

Hier die ListeAC der Namen, mit denen man sich mit LOGIN einloggen kann

Alex Mason User: amason - Password: PASSWORD
Bruce Harris User: bharris - Password: GOSKINS
D. King User: dking - Password: MFK
Dr. Adrienne Smith User: asmith - Password: ROXY
Dr. Vannevar Bush User: vbush - Password: MANHATTAN
Frank Woods User: fwoods - Password: PHILLY
Grigori "Greg" Weaver User: gweaver - Password: GEDEON
J. Turner User: jturner - Password CONDOR75
Jason Hudson User: jhudson - Password: BRYANT1950
Joseph Bowman User: jbowman - Password: UWD
Richard Kain User: rkain - Password: SUNWU
Ryan Jackson User: rjackson - . Password: SAINTBRIDGET
T. Walker User: twalker - Password: RADI0
Terrance Brooks User: tbrooks - Password: LAUREN

Die Promis (CIA-Chefs)

John McCone, Director des Central Intelligence 1961-1965 User: jmccone - Password: BERKLEY22
William Raborn, Director des Central Intelligence 1965-1966 User: wraborn - Password: BROMLOW
Richard Helms, Director des the CIA 1966 to 1973 User: rhelms - Password: LEROSEY

Die Promis (US-Präsidenten)

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy User: jfkennedy - Password: LANCER
President Lyndon Baines Johnson User: lbjohnson - Password: LADYBIRD
President Richard Nixon User: rnixon - password CHECKERS


Öffne die Datei config.cfg im Verzeichnis des Spiels mit einem Texteditor. Suche die Zeile

seta monkeytoy

und ändert den Wert hier in 0 ab und speichere.

Im Spiel kannst du dann mit [~] die Konsole öffnen und eingeben:

/give all - Alle Waffen erhalten
/noclip - Durch Wände gehen / No Clipping
cg_drawfps 1 - FPS anzeigen
/god - Unverwundbarkeit


Login zu Dreamland-Servern

Gib in den Computer im Hauptmenü

rlogin dreamland

ein und nutze dann folgende Namen / Passwörter:

Robert Oppen User: roppen Password: trinity
Vannevar Bush User: vbush password: majestic1


On the Main Menu, and press the Aim and Shoot buttons repeatedly. After two times for each button,
you'll break free of your interrogation chair. When you get up, walk around behind you to a
computer. When you access it, enter the following using the on-screen keyboard.

DOA Activates Dead Ops Arcade
3ARC UNLOCK Unlocks Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode
INTEL Unlocks all Intel in the game for viewing 3ARC
ZORK Unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Adventure (a text adventure game from 1980)
Alicia Virtual Therapist Software
HELP Displays a list of system commands in the terminal and Pentagon user e-mail access.
login Login as user (see below)
FOOBAR Show messages
DIR Gives a list of audio files and pictures which you can open with the CAT command
WHO Gives a list of login names for use with the RLOGIN function (requires a password)
hello Hello Brother, Hello Nurse, Hello Sailor
CAT It will list all of your audio files and pictures
mail Shows List of CIA E-mail
LS To LIst a directory (same as DIR but for LINUX)

TYPE "NAMEOFFILE.EXTENSION" To View a file in a directory using the TYPE command

Type in

cd .. [Enter] cd .. [Enter] cd bin [Enter] ls [Enter] to get to root of directory and see all codes.


When using the computer to access the CIA Data system, you can use the following login IDs and
passwords. After logging into an account, you may then browse each user's unique files using the DIR
command or read messages with the MAIL command.

Here are the logins:

Alex Mason, already logged in when you first use the terminal. User: amason - Password: PASSWORD

Bruce Harris User: bharris - Password: GOSKINS
D. King. User: dking - Password: MFK
Dr. Adrienne Smith. User: asmith - Password: ROXY
Dr. Vannevar Bush. User: vbush - Password: MANHATTAN
Frank Woods. User: fwoods - Password: PHILLY
Grigori "Greg" Weaver. User: gweaver - Password: GEDEON
J. Turner. User: jturner - Password CONDOR75
Jason Hudson. User: jhudson - Password: BRYANT1950
Joseph Bowman. User: jbowman - Password: UWD
Richard Kain. User: rkain - Password: SUNWU
Ryan Jackson User: rjackson - . Password: SAINTBRIDGET
T. Walker. User: twalker - Password: RADI0
Terrance Brooks. User: tbrooks - Password: LAUREN

John McCone, Director of Central Intelligence 1961-1965. User: jmccone - Password: BERKLEY22
William Raborn, Director of Central Intelligence from 1965-1966 User: wraborn - Password: BROMLOW
Richard Helms, Director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973. User: rhelms - Password: LEROSEY

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. User: jfkennedy - Password: LANCER
President Lyndon Baines Johnson. User: lbjohnson - Password: LADYBIRD
President Richard Nixon User: rnixon - password CHECKERS
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Megatrainer (für Update 5,6)

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Megatrainer (für v1.15.2)

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Megatrainer (für v1.12.1)

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Megatrainer (für v1.11)

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Megatrainer (für v1.10)

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Dt. Megatrainer (für alle Versionen)

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Megatrainer (für Update 6)

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Megatrainer (für Zombiemodus)

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Munitionstrainer (für Update 2 und 3)

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Megatrainer (für Zombie-Modus)

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15.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für Zombie-Modus)

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.4)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.0 und Update 1 Retail sowie Update 2 Steam)

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Megatrainer (für Updates 2 und 3)

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Megatrainer (für v1.1)

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18.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für Update 1)

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Megatrainer (für Update 1)

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Megatrainer (für Update 1)

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Megatrainer (für Update 1)

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Uncut-Patch (für v1.01)

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16.Oktober 2013

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Alle Missionen im Kampagnen- und Zombiemodus freischalten

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