

18.10.2013 01:56:51



Chapter One
Chapter Two : PAST TENSE
Chapter Six : COMIC BOOK

Notes : This game has an unique trigger of
events. Every movie clips on this game has a special place to
trigger first. For example : in chapter 2 at the garden, you
won't be able to see the clip if you enter from the door in front
of Restoration room. Instead, take the door in front of Macy's
room. There're lots of clips that can be triggered with this way.
So be careful when you thought that there's no movie clip in one
place at one time, just try another approach.


GOAL : Freeing Mei from the Capricorn Head

Nobody is
here, hmmm ... guess you should look around. Take a peek to the
guest book on the desk to your left. Pick up a museum map on that
holder by the entrance. Meet Laurie, what an attitude !!!! Warm
yourself by the fireplace. Pick up the poker and poke the log
inside the fireplace. Hey ... what's this ?? (Starting now just
try to remember every items that has a memory book icon whenever
you touch it. You can use the memory book to record them after
Mei give you a book in Chapter 2).

Now go
check out the gift shop through the right door next to the
fireplace. Meet Lorena. Suddenly you heard a loud noise.
Something has broken. Lorena will go to check it out. Don't
follow her, 'cause you won't find her anyway. You can get the map
on the counter if you haven't pick up one yet. Read the paper.
Behind the counter you will find 4 jigsaw puzzles. Try to solve
it now. It has some clues for later puzzle.

Now it's
time to check out the new exhibition : The Capricorn Collection.
Walk through the corridor to the big red door and you'll see
Susanna come out from that room. She looks very scared. Enter the
room and investigate it. Click on the ruby on the Capricorn head
and meet Mei. "Free me ....." OK .. OK but we
need a little magic first. While inside, check out the red
sarcophagus. Open it, yikes STEVENSON'S BODY. That scare Susanna away.
Check out the note on his chest and pick up the clock. Read and remember
the insciption on the watch. Behind the sarcophagus, next to the
instrument, you'll see a black empty pedestal. There is supposed
to be Mei's chalice on it. It's gone. Click on the plate name to
learn how to use the chalice (you'll have to use 7 ounce of any
liquid in it). Now get out.

you'll see Susanna arguing with Jordan in front of Restoration
room. He said something about "two beep" and
"meet me in my place later". Sounds
suspicious. Susanna will go back to Restoration room and lock the
door behind her. If you don't know what to do next, just check
out the Capricorn head again. "Blood is live"
hmmmm...... what does it mean ??

It's time
to check out other rooms. First, the Break room. Hi Macy !!!
Collect spoon, knife, fork and the plastic foam cup on the table.
Notice that water cooler on the corner, you'll need it later.
Open the fridge and take out the ice. Next : Laurie Wood's room.
Listen to her phone messages on the desk. Next stop : Jordan
Cooper's room. Browse his desk. Listen to his phone messages.
Read the letter from Macy. Hmmm ... Stevenson has borrowed the
chalice. Check out the trash bin. What's this ? Nice article, but
you can't memorize it yet. Next : Macy's office. Listen to his
phone messages and read the contract on his desk. Browse his
bookshelf. Nice book about the Chinese traditional medicine. Last
stop : Stevenson's office. Take the chalice on the fireplace then
browse his desk. Open the left drawer and read the note about the
blood on the sword. Listen to his messages and page Susanna
(remember "two beeps"). Head to the glass cage with
sword in it. Use the spoon to take the blood on the sword.

straight to Restoration room. Susanna will come out when you
arrive. After she's gone, enter the room. Browse the workbench on
the left. Get airline bottle, wine bottle, and open the small
box. Read the poem. This is interesting : memorize the capacity
of those bottles. Go out and enter the New Artist Gallery. There
are 2 interesting machines inside that worked with set of balls.
Try them both. On the first machine you can pick up a leaf and
with the other machines you can break things (you can try it 3
times). Ooooops, better find some way to fix those broken vases.
Go back to Restoration room and meet Reg. He's drunk. Get his
wine flask on the table when he's gone.

It's time
to do some magic. You have to use the chalice if you want to free
Mei. For that you have to find a way to have 7 ounce of liquid
mix with blood. Go to Break room. Fill the small 2 ounce airline
bottle and 11 ounce wine flask. Put the 6 ounce wine bottle
inside the foam cup. Pour the contents of the flask into the 6
ounce wine bottle. The cup should contain 11-6 = 5 ounce of
liquid. Add the content of 2 ounce airline bottle in it. There
you are : 7 ounce of liquid. Put the liquid into the chalice then
mix it with the blood. Head into the Capricorn room and pour the
blood on the Capricorn head.


GOAL : Reveal the secret of
Laurie's past

Click on
the crystal ball to find a clue on what to do next. Visit Macy's
room and listen to his explanation. After the talking, go to
Restoration room and meet Lorena. On the way there, you should
overheard a conversation between Susanna and Jordan at the door
to Cooper's office. Visit the New Artist Gallery. Hmmm .... Mei.
She tells you to pick up the book inside the black box. Darn, the
box is locked. Go to Gift Shop. Hey, that's Mei again. This time
she gives you 2 presents : mystic camera and puzzle. Pick them
both from the counter and the bookshelf. Now head to Stevenson's

Reg, what
are you doing here ? He's trying to picklock the drawer with
screwdriver and paper clips. Take his screwdriver. Where have I
seen the paper clips before ? Yes, Jordan Cooper's desk. Take the
matches and 4 kind of paper clips from his desk. Take a
broken glass and blue rubber ball. Picklock the filling cabinet
with the combination of small paper clip and screwdriver. Read
the Cooper's files from inside the two drawers. Go straight to
the New Artist Gallery. Combine the screwdriver with the big size
paper clip. Picklock the black box on the pedestal. Yeah great,
there're 6 scorpions guarding the book. Use the broken glass with
the scorpions until they kill each other one by one. Click
outside the book when there's one scorpion remain. It will close
the book and crush it.

Now you're
ready to start filling up the memory book and picklock some more
drawers. Go back to Gift shop. Hey, someone left a videotape
here. Pick it up. Enter the Capricorn room again. Notice that
this time you get a camera cursor. Take a magic picture from the
sarchopagus. Go back to Stevenson's room. Combine the screwdriver
with the medium size paper clip. Use it to picklock the drawers. Get
some money and a casette from the middle drawer. Open the bag and
analyze the bill. This guy spend lots of money. Visit the Garden via
the door in front of Macy's room. You'll see Nick talking to himself.
Check out his paper. The answer for scrambling word puzzle :
Capricorn, Museum, Treasure, Adventure,
and Discus.

Visit Security room. Open Nick's locker. Notice
the picture of his family. Open the locker right of Nick's. Open the
medicine bottle and pick up the bug. Open the fridge and pick up a
yellow magnet with a rope. Don't forget to take 3 darts from the dart
board beside the door. Look at the monitor. Flip the small line on the
panel to vertical then insert the videotape. Watch the movie about Stevenson
and his new exhibition. Ssssttt... someone is coming, quickly hide behind
the monitor. Nick will come and take the videotape. If you want to see the tape,
you'll have to do it now because you'll lost it at the end of chapter 2.
Special Note : You can use
the magnet to pick up the key inside the left urn in the Capricorn room.
On the key there's a print out name of Dr. Ruben with his telephone number :

Go to Wood's room. Picklock her middle drawer with the
combination of screwdriver and small paper clip. Get lipstick,
scissors, and perfume bottle. Inside her left drawer you'll see a
strange clipping with many holes on it. Seems she's working on
some secret letter. Don't forget to check out the dresser. Open
the left drawer. Inside you'll see a box and a note. Read it then
open the box. Nice present but it's locked. Maybe later....Try to
picklock the lower drawer of her dresser. Darn locked. Read the
note about a key on the desk. Go to Macy's room. Picklock his
small black filling cabinet using the combination of screwdriver
and medium paper clips. Read about the museum files and the
supplies note from Susanna. That acid's note seems very
interesting. Go to Restoration room. When you enter the
Restoration room, you'll see Susanna is angry with something.

Open the
fridge to the right of the entrance door. Get acid bottle and
electric crucible. Move to the window and straight to the working
bench. Click on the toolbox for a closer look. Use the acid to
melt the key. Use the bunch of paperclips inside the crucible.
Turn it on to heat the clips. Pour the melting clips to the key's
shape on the bench. Get the duplicate key. Go to Laurie's room
and head to the dresser. Use the key to unlock the lower drawer.
Open the box and read the paper. Examine the bullets also.

Here is
the list of 28 memory items that you can find in the museum. Most
of them can be found in Chapter 2. Some of the items can be found
in the following chapter. Each name has 4 items to collect before
you can see the movie clip about the character. You can take the
item with red color in the list. For the rest, you can only look
at them :

Susanna : Necklace
and note (inside the pink box in Restoration room),
restaurant bill (inside Cooper's trash bin), and compact
powder (on Cooper's desk)
Nick : Piece of
paper (inside fireplace in the Great
Hall), Walkman (Stevenson's right drawer.
Use screwdriver with medium size clip to picklock the
drawer), Comic Book (inside a suitcase in Security room),
and Letter (inside Wood's left
drawer. Use screwdriver with small paper clip to picklock
it. Note : at the first time, Wood will come in and put
it back again into the drawer. Read it again to memorize
Wood : Piece of paper (on the
photocopy machine inside the Supplies room), Letter
(inside the urn by the desk in Stevenson's room), Letter
from the hospital and bullets (inside the locked cabinet
in Laurie's dresser, see previous paragraph for gaining
Lorena : Statue
(on the counter in Gift shop), Ring (on the
table in the Restoration room), Photo (Stevenson's room,
in the middle drawer), and Note (Macy's
secret room in chapter 5).
Cooper : Work
order (inside Stevenson's room, in the left drawer),
Brochure (on Cooper's desk), Book (on the bookshelf
inside Cooper's room), and Blue print (Macy's secret room
in chapter 5).
Reg : Latex
and note (on the workbench inside Restoration Room), Scalpel (in the
toolbox on the workbench inside Restoration Room), and
Pottery (Macy's secret room in chapter 5).
Macy : Note (on the
table in Snack room), Working contract (on Macy's desk),
Museum file (within his small filling cabinet), and Casette (Macy's
secret room in chapter 5).

Enter the
Great Hall through the door next to the Gift shop. You'll see
Nick. Talk with him and .... END OF CHAPTER 2. Nick will take the
videotape away from you.


Goals : Make a cup of tea for

After talking with Nick,
go straight ahead to Macy's office. He wants you to make a cup of
tea for him. Huh !!?? You think that making a cup of tea is easy
??? Wrong, this is the most ridiculous way to make a cup of tea.
OK, go to Stevenson's office. There's a tea pot next to his desk.
Try to use it. Hmmm.... not working. Maybe you should check his
mechanical book on the desk and look for the last section (the
one with torned paper). Here is the list of the components to
make the tea pot working :

1 Tea bag (next to
the tea pot inside Stevenson's room)
8 Sugar cubes (on the
bench in Break room)
1 Tea cup (Macy gives
that to you)
1 Tea or Coffee pot
(in Stevenson's room)
1 Hot plate (under
the teapot)
1 Wind propeller (on
the top left shelf of the teapot, it is the ship
1 Baloon (inside the
New Artist Gallery)
1 Rubber ball (on
Jordan's desk)
1 Scale (on the shelf
inside Supply room)
1 Lever with shifting
center (on the working bench inside Restoration room, the
blue "thing")
30" pole or rod
(on the shelf inside Supply room)
26 toothpicks (on the
Reg's working bench inside the Restoration Room)
1 Glue (on the shelf
inside Supply room)

Note : When
you enter the Supply room, you'll overheard the conversation
between Lorena and Jordan Cooper.

gathering all the components needed, it's time to make the
incredible tea machine. Try to complain about this to Macy. Woopps,
Macy is working with some files of his. He got a little piss off
with your attitude. When you come out from Macy's office, you'll
meet Nick again. This weird dude start talking about your
guardian angel. What a strange man !!! Go back to Stevenson's
office. Put the scale on the table beside the teapot. Put the tea
cup on the left plate of the scale. Put the tea inside the cup.
Arrange the pole on the right area of the scale. Use the
toothpicks with the glue to make some small lever device. Put the
device on the right shelf on top of the pole. Arrange sugar cubes
in front of the toothpick device on the right shelf. Insert the
balloon on the mouth of the teapot. Put the blue lever on the
left of the teapot. Put the blue rubber ball next to the
propeller (the ship miniature). Finally, turn on the hot plate
under the teapot. The balloon should inflate and hit the right
shelf. The gas from the balloon will move the ship and make the
ball fall down. It will move the teapot to fill the cup. As soon
as the cup filled up, the pole will push the sugar cube into the
cup. Voila, a cup of tea is served. Go back to Macy's room and
serve him the tea. Take the empty cup on the desk. Looking into
it you'll find another puzzle piece.

Go to Restoration room.
Susanna is complaining about his tape recorder. She said that Reg
has taken her battery. Remember at the beginning of Chapter 3,
Nick has left his flashlight on the table in the Great Hall. Go
there and pick it up. Open the flashlight and take out the
batteries. Return to Restoration room. You'll meet Reg. He is
talking with someone on the phone. Use the batteries with the
tape recorder. Play the casette from Stevenson's office. Learn
that Stevenson hides the goat skin somewhere in this Restoration

Move to the Capricorn
Room. Take a magic picture at the Capricorn head. This should
trigger the movie in the Great Hall. Enter it through the door
next to Stevenson's office.


Goals : Recover the missing part
of Susanna's painting

talking to Nick, pick up the first puzzle piece on the statue in
the Great Hall. Go straight to New Artist Gallery. Meet Nick.
He'll tell you about "Cold Iron will defeat Magic".
Then go to Restoration Room and head to the working bench at the
back, near the window. Watch how Susanna discover the missing
piece on her painting. Notice the brush she held. Go to the
garden. Take the brush on the bench. On the other side of the
bench, you'll see a wall with grey brick at the center of it.
Throw 2 darts to open the brick. Behind it is Cooper's secret
place. You will see a picture of young Cooper standing beside a
headless man. Enter the Capricorn Room. Take a magic picture of
the Jebei statue (right from the head). Then use the scalpel or the scissor to cut
the hair from the Helmet Horn on the left pedestal next to the
gong (left from entrance).

Go to Restoration Room and
head back to Susanna's painting. Use the brush with the bowl of
paint and smear the missing puzzle (make sure you drag the
feather around all the surface). Darn it's not working yet. When
you walk back to the door, Mei will appear and tell you to find
stronger solution for it. If you ask her, she'll point the
Capricorn Room. Go there and click on the plate name near the
pedestal with Helmet Horn. It said that the Helmet Horn once used
in the magic ceremony to resurrect the Khan. Use the catapult.
Aim it to the small gong. When the small gong moved by the stone,
quickly use the catapult again. This time the stone will be
thrown back and hit the mannequin with Helmet Horn. It will cut a
little fragment of it. Go there and take the fragment.

Bring the fragment to the
Restoration Room. Head to Susanna's desk (the one with mortar and
pink box on it). Grind the fragment in the mortar. Go back to the
painting. Use the powder with the bowl of paint. Then dip the
brush in it. Smear the missing puzzle with the new solution. If
you've closed all the surface with it, a movie clip will appear.
It will tell you the story of the Capricorn head. After watching
the clip, take the puzzle piece on the painting. Go to the Great
Hall through the door next to Stevenson's Room. Mei will appear
and the chapter 4 will be finished.


Goals : Manipulate the security
system to gain your access to Macy's secret room

Follow Mei
to Security room. Then use the security control and do these
actions in order :

New Artist Gallery. Try to reset the system. He wants to
override the security system using the box in Supply
room. Unlock New Artist Gallery's door.
Macy's room (Macy will go out)
Break room. Macy will come in (forget to bring the key).
Unlock it again (Macy will go out)
Macy's room (Nick come in and take the key) then unlock
it again to free Nick
Break room (Nick come in and unlock the door to Supply
room, need screwdriver to open the power box) then unlock
it again (Nick will go out)
Break room (Macy will come in and try to unlock the power
box) then unlock it again (Macy will go out)
Studio (Macy will take the screwdriver) then unlock it
again to release him
room (Macy will open the power box, but he doesn't know
what to do next). Unlock it to release him
Great Hall (free Lorena) then Break room (Lorena will try
to jumper the wire). Unlock the New Artist Gallery
(Lorena will try to get the wire but she couldn't reach
Jordan's room twice to release Cooper and Susanna
Stevenson's office to release Laurie Wood
Wood's room (Laurie will enter and clean the gun)
(Susanna will come in and clean the statue)
Wood's room (Laurie will go out and bring the gun) then
Capricorn room (Wood will give the gun to Reg). Unlock it
again to release Wood
Wood's room (Cooper will get the step ladder)
New Artist Gallery twice (Cooper will put the step ladder
then Lorena will take the wire)
Break room over and over again until all the action
finish (Lorena, Laurie, and Nick will fix the power box)
the puzzle piece on the screen

doing some security thing, head to Macy's office. Open the
bookshelf then pull the hanging lamp on the wall just left of the
bookcase. The bookshelf will move and a secret room will be
revealed. Inside this room you'll see shelf on the left and
pedestal on the right. Get the casette, note, and the dagger on
the left shelf (clicking on casette, note, and chinnese pottery
will reveal some more memory fragments). Click on the blue print
on the pedestal to get the final memory fragments. Take a magic
picture at the right far end part of the wall (just at the
corner). Hmm .......... Nick's body. What does it mean ? When you
walk out from there, you'll overheard the conversation between
Macy and Lorena. Sounds suspicious.


Goals : Discover the secret in Capricorn room

Go to the
Security room. Take the final puzzle piece on the table.
Re-arrange the puzzle pieces and enter the Comic Book puzzle.
Read the book and just choose any question mark on the pages.
Every path always end up the same, no matter which path you take.
Re-arrange another 2 puzzles that shows up. It will tell you the
exact story in Capricorn Room.

Go to
Restoration room and use the cassette player. Listen to the
cassette you found in Macy's secret room. Go to Macy's secret
room. Check out Nick's body. Take the key and another bugging
device from it (this is the good one). When you turn around,
you'll see Mei again.


Goals : Destroy the evil force
inside the museum

Go to
Stevenson's room. Go to the large painting on top of the small
cabinet. Move the picture. It will reveal a safe. Turn on the
walkman and use the good bugging device on the safe. Now you must
open the safe and see what is kept inside it : a videotape. The
combination number is generated randomly, so it will never the same
everytime you play this game. If you has choosen the right number in
the right place you'll hear a "click" sound on the walkman.
You must do "try and error methode" to guess all of the
six number. The easiest way to do this is by guessing the right
number first, then their position. You can play the videotape again
in Security Room to see what inside it.

Go to
Capricorn room and take the last magic picture on the Capricorn
head. Watch the video clip and see that the head is a secret
lever to open a door behind the blue tapestry. Click on the head
to reveal the secret door. Move the blue tapestry. Use the dagger
to open the door. Enter the secret passage. Turn right. You'll
see Stevenson's body. Read the note on his hand. That's the
formula to defeat the "guard". Turn around and move
forward. The "guard" will appear. Go upstair again.
Turn right and click on the burner.

Put the
leaf, perfume, hair, and the match on the burner. Watch the movie
clip. This will dissolve the "guard" downstair. Go back
to the secret passage. The guard should be disappeared. Move
closer to the door. Use the poker on the red myst. Go in and
watch the movie clip. As soon as you can move, turn around and
take the half amulets on the left and right of door. Put them in
their place on the door. Take the amulet. Put it in watch window.
Use the chalice to re-join them. Then use the amulet when the
witch point out at you. Watch the ending movie.

..... you are STEVENSON.

There are
few things that still remain a mystery for me :

is the function of the camera in Stevenson's room ?
a locked door inside Stevenson's room. How can I open it
is the use of the bugspray (from Supply room), the lipstick
(from Wood's drawer), Dr. Ruben's key, the plastic knife and
fork ?

comments and addition can be sent to : myman@cbn.net.id. I will notify
your comments and addition with your name on the next update.

Copyright @ 1997,
Thanx goes to Zachary Kantola
for additional info about the yellow magnet and Dr. Ruben's key.
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