Fallout 3

Fallout 3

18.10.2013 06:33:02


To open the console press [~] in the game. Now you can type in and confirm with [Enter]:

tgm God Mode
tcl No Clipping Mode
tmm 1 All Mapmarkers
tfc Toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots)
addperk Add a perk
advlevel Advance to Next Level
getXPfornextlevel Advance to Next Level
showracemenu Modify Appearance
kill Kill Selected NPC
tfow Toggle Fog of War
movetoqt Teleport to Quest Target
resurrect Resurrect Targeted NPC
coc testqaitems Warp to Room with All Items
coc megatoncommonhouse Warp Back
unlock Unlock Selected Item (Doors, etc)
addspecialpoints # add # special points
CompleteAllObjectives Selfexplanatory
CompleteQuest Complete quest objectives
DisableAllMines Disables mines
EnablePlayerControls Move around during "locked" cinematics
GetQuestComplete Complete all quest items
GetQC Complete all quest items
GetQuestCompleted Complete current quest
Kill Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode
MoveToQuestTarget Warp to your quest's target location
movetoqt Warp to your quest's target location

player.ForceAV Directly set your skill values.
player.modav actionpoints # Permanently modifies players max action points.
player.modav carryweight # Permanently modifies players max weight.
player.modav skill # Modifies player's desired skill. (player.modav luck 10)
player.modScale <1 or -1> Become a giant! 1 = giant ; -1 =normal
player.PlaceAtMe I'm working on finding and making an ObjectID list, but
for now, just use the ones we know: 000000A(Pins) & 000000F(money)
player.setav # Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)
player.setav # Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but
those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
player.setlevel # Changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.
ResetQuest Resets a quest... assuming you would want to do such a thing?
rewardKarma # Reward # karma points to player
RewardXP Use this to reward yourself some xp
rewardxp xxx Replace xxx with the number of experience points to receive
set timescale to # Alters the speed in which the in-game time passes.
SetPCYoung Everyone wants to be a kid again!
setspecialpoints # Set the number of special points to #
Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100 Restore Weapon to 100%

Add Items/Spells

Use the code player.additem [itemnr] [nr]. This adds amount [nr] of item [itemnr] to
inventory. Use player.addspell [itemnr] to add spells or aid.

Example: player.additem 0000000f 5 to add 5 bottle caps.

see seperate list on DLH.Net


Öffne die Konsole durch das Drücken von [^] oder [~] und dann tippe den Befehl ein und
bestätige diesen mit [Enter].

tgm God-Modus
tcl No Clipping Mode - Durch Wände gehen
tmm 1 Alle Mapmarkers
tfc Free Camera-Mous AN/AUS
addperk Ein Perk hinzufügen
advlevel Zum nächsten Level
getXPfornextlevel Zum nächsten Level
kill Ausgewählten NPC töten
tfow Fog of War AN/AUS
movetoqt Teleport zum Quest-Ziel
resurrect Ausgewählten NPC wiederbeleben
coc testqaitems In eine Raum mit allen Items kommen
coc megatoncommonhouse Und wieder zurück
unlock Ausgewählten Gegenstand öffnen (z. B. Türen)
addspecialpoints # Anzahl # Special Points hinzufügen
CompleteAllObjectives Alle Aufgaben erfüllt
CompleteQuest Alle Aufgaben erfüllt
DisableAllMines Minen deaktivieren
EnablePlayerControls Während der Filmchen rumlaufen
GetQuestComplete Alle Quest-Gegenstände
GetQC Alle Quest-Gegenstände
GetQuestCompleted Aktuelle Quest erfüllen
Kill Automatisch das ausgewählte Ziel zerstören
MoveToQuestTarget Teleport zum Questziel
movetoqt Teleport zum Questziel

Für die anderen ersprt mit bitte die Übersezung:

player.ForceAV Directly set your skill values.
player.modav actionpoints # Permanently modifies players max action points.
player.modav carryweight # Permanently modifies players max weight.
player.modav skill # Modifies player's desired skill. (player.modav luck 10)
player.modScale <1 or -1> Become a giant! 1 = giant ; -1 =normal
player.PlaceAtMe I'm working on finding and making an ObjectID list, but
for now, just use the ones we know: 000000A(Pins) & 000000F(money)
player.setav # Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)
player.setav # Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but
those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
player.setlevel # Changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.
ResetQuest Resets a quest... assuming you would want to do such a thing?
rewardKarma # Reward # karma points to player
RewardXP Use this to reward yourself some xp
rewardxp xxx Replace xxx with the number of experience points to receive
set timescale to # Alters the speed in which the in-game time passes.
SetPCYoung Everyone wants to be a kid again!
setspecialpoints # Set the number of special points to #
Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100 Restore Weapon to 100%

Add Items/Spells

Use the code player.additem [itemnr] [nr]. This adds amount [nr] of item [itemnr] to
inventory. Use player.addspell [itemnr] to add spells or aid.

Example: player.additem 0000000f 5 to add 5 bottle caps.

Für die Itemcodes siehe separate Liste auf DLH.Net.

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Megatrainer (für v1.3.0.452)

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Die Spell- und Itemcode-Liste

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