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Street Fighter Zero 2 PC Cheats
To Fight Mid-Game Boss
Defeat first four characters in 2 rounds with Super Combos Finished or
Super Art Finish (Custom Combos), Then you will against your mid-game boss.
(you cannot lose a match)
To Fight Shin Akuma
Defeat all characters with Super Combos or Super Art Finished (Custom
Combos) and get at least 3 rounds of Perfect victory, after that, Shin Akuma
will appear before your fight against the last boss. (You can lost a match,
but don't lose a round.
(P/S : Not sure if use non-original Colour)
To Select the Original Chun Li (S.S.F.2.Turbo)
On player selection Screen, move the cursor to Chun Li, then hold the
Select button about 5 sec. and press any key.
To Select Shin Akuma
On player selection Screen, move the cursor to Akuma, then hold the
Select button and move the cursor over Adon, Chun Li, Guy, Rolento, Sakura,
Rose, Birdie, Akuma, M.Bison, Dan, Akuma and press any key.
(On Akuma, hold Select D,R,R,D,L,D,L,D,R,R,R [a BIG "Z" letter] and
press any key)
Play as Dan.
This cheat will enable the character named Dan in the game. To
enable Dan, just simple press SPACEBAR and ENTER.
Play against other characters.
Now people know how to play as secret characters, but how do u
actually get to play against them in arcade mode? U can only
play against either Akuma or Dan. Here's how:
Against Akuma : Put the difficulty level higher than 5 stars.
Next, get at least 10 super finishes in a game. U can lose
rounds, but DON'T lose a match. U will fight him in the final
match b4 the boss of that character.
Against Dan : This is not very difficult. Just choose the same
quote after every match u won. Choosing quotes are the problem.
I'm not sure but try pressing up or down, together with 3xpunch
or 3xkick right after the final round. Keep holding.
U can fight these 2 in the versus mode, but they play VERY
differently. Akuma is way way better in arcade mode, and he can
wipe the floor with anybody really fast! O, u get only one
Play as BISON:
To play as bison hold down your key for select after you go to
the player selection screen(the key you defined as the select
button), and go the the question mark box, and push down3 times,
and left 3 times, then push your start key.
Play as DAN:
Do the same as above but push left 3 times, then push down 3
RYU & Ken against BISON:
Both player 1 and 2 do the same as above, but just don't move
the selection box, player one and player two must do this at
the same time while holding the select keys down(up, up, let
go the select key, up, up, and then player one:push light
kick+heavy punch, player two:heavy punch+light kick) and then
u guys will go to china and fight with bison.