Half-Life 2 - Episode One

Half-Life 2 - Episode One

14.10.2013 13:01:07
| Half-Life 2: Episode One |
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| (c) 2006-2007 gamefreaksl & shf3 |

Visit http://ep1.vidgg.com/ for videos of every map.


We really would like to buy a server for these videos, but we can't afford one
at the momment. Right now the amount of people visiting our site keeps
growing, which is making all the downloads slow to a crawl.

**Donate** We added a paypal donate button at the bottom of the navigation
box, so if you happen to have a couple of bucks you don't know what to do
with, we would greatly appreciate a donation. Even if it's only $1.

Thanks to everyone that has helped support us so far!

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| Version History |
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3/8/07 v1.1: Made the faq more browser friendly and updated the links.
11/21/06 v1: Submited faq.

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| Table of Contents |
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| Walkthroughs [A] |
| ---------------------------------------------------------
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| Intro [A.00] |
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| Chapter One "Undue Alarm" [A.01] |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | ep1_citadel_00 [A.01.01] | |
| | ep1_citadel_01 [A.01.02] | |
| | ep1_citadel_02 [A.01.03] | |
| | ep1_citadel_02b [A.01.04] | |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Chapter Two "Direct Intervention" [A.02] |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | ep1_citadel_03 [A.02.01] | |
| | ep1_citadel_04 [A.02.02] | |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Chapter Three "Lowlife" [A.03] |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | ep1_c17_00 [A.03.01] | |
| | ep1_c17_00a [A.03.02] | |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Chapter Four "Urban Fight" [A.04] |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | ep1_c17_01 [A.04.01] | |
| | ep1_c17_02 [A.04.02] | |
| | ep1_c17_02b [A.04.03] | |
| | ep1_c17_02a [A.04.04] | |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Chapter Five "Exit 17" [A.05] |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | ep1_c17_05 [A.05.01] | |
| | ep1_c17_06 [A.05.02] | |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Other [B] |
| ---------------------------------------------------------
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| Bloopers [B.00] |
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| Video Information [B.01] |
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| Enemies [B.02] |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| | Combine [B.02.01] | |
| | | |
| | ------------------------------------------------------- | |
| | | | | |
| | | Humanoid Combine [B.02.01.01] | | |
| | | Combine Synth [B.02.01.02] | | |
| | | Combine Technology [B.02.01.03] | | |
| | | | | |
| | ------------------------------------------------------- | |
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| | Xen Creatures [B.02.02] | |
| | | |
| | ------------------------------------------------------- | |
| | | | | |
| | | Headcrabs [B.02.02.01] | | |
| | | Zombies [B.02.02.02] | | |
| | | Other [B.02.02.03] | | |
| | | | | |
| | ------------------------------------------------------- | |
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| | Antlions [B.02.03] | |
| | | |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| Weapons [B.03] |
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| Legal & Contact [B.04] |
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| Walkthroughs [A] |
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| All Videos |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
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| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=35 |
| Size: 2554MB |
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| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=36 |
| Size: 488MB |
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| Zip |

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| Intro [A.00] |
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| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=1 |
| Size: 36.8MB |
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| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=2 |
| Size: 7.25MB |
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| Duration: 1:32 |
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| Video |

You start out just where you left off in half-life 2. Vortigaunts save you and
Alyx from the blast. They also stop the g-man from taking you. Of course he's
not very happy about this, he responds by saying "We'll see about that."

| |
| Chapter One "Undue Alarm" [A.01] |
| |
| [http://ep1.vidgg.com/chapter.php?id=1] |

| ep1_citadel_00 [A.01.01] |
| ------------------------------------------------
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| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=3 |
| Size: 216MB |
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| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=4 |
| Size: 44.8MB |
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| Duration: 8:52 |
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| Video |

You start under a pile of rubble. You'll hear Alyx talking and dog will soon
dig you out. After Alyx talks for a minute dog will hand you your gravity gun.
Dog will run off and Alyx will start talking about surviving the explosion.
Just after she says "It's all so strange... We Should..." You'll hear
Eli(Alyx's dad) say "Alyx, come in!" Alyx will climb the ledge and tell you to
come on. Since you're not able to climb like Alyx, you'll have to get up there
by removing three boards holding a gate in place on the side of the ledge.

While Alyx tries to get in contact with Eli, you can pick up the health next
to her.

After Alyx gets through, her and Eli will talk until Dr. Kleiner
interrupts. He'll ramble on about how the core is going to blow and kill
everyone in the city. Eli will get upset and stop him. Kleiner will respond
by saying "Alyx is well out of harm's way by now." Then Alyx tells him that
we're still at the citadel. Kleiner starts rambling on about how the core will
collapse unless we go back in the citadel and try to delay the reaction. So
that's what we're going to do.

Dog will clear a path for you and Alyx to take. Follow the path moving debris
blocking the path with the gravity gun. Once you get to the other side dog
will have an idea and run off again. He'll soon throw a van over, so try to
avoid it. Now get in the passenger seat and wait for Alyx. Once Alyx gets in,
Dog will pick the van up and throw you into the citadel.

Everything seems to have gone well at first, but then the floor collapses. Now
get ready for a rollercoaster ride.

Get out as soon as the van slows to a stop. Once Alyx gets out it'll fall
again. Now head left from where you got out of the van. There will be an
explosion just up the path, so try not to run right into it. Keep following
the path until you hit a loading screen.

| ep1_citadel_01 [A.01.02] |
| ------------------------------------------------
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| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=5 |
| Size: 159MB |
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| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=6 |
| Size: 30.8MB |
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| Duration: 6:37 |
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| Video |

Head straight to the end of the walkway. Alyx will talk, then a bridge of in
the distance will fall. Now look to you left and you'll see a hallway on the
lower level. Jump down and go through it.

Now you're in a room blocked off by a combine shield, which Stalkers are
holding from the other room. Alyx will suggest using rollermines to help us
get through. She'll lower the shield and you have to go get one.

You'll notice that there is an elevator just on the other side of the shield,
but it's currently not working. You want to crawl through the hole in the
wall just pass the elevator. Once you reach the lower platform you'll notice a
small balcony. Jump onto it. It'll fall as soon as you land on it causing a
small explosion which gets the elevator going up and down on its own. Follow
the path around to the suit charger, which also gives health, making sure you
jump over the hole where the elevator should be. Once you have full health
head over to the button, which releases the rollermines. You want to time this
with the elevator. Try to press it when the elevator is half way down. This
will give you time to grab a rollermine and make to the elevator before it
goes back up.

Once you get back to Alyx just hold the rollermine in front of her and she'll
do something to make it on our side. Once she does this, throw it into the
room with the stalkers. It'll take them out and Alyx will now be able to
disable the shield.

In the next room, head down the path on the right. You'll run into some debris
blocking the path, but there's a hole you can crawl through. After that just
head up the stairs and continue down the path until you reach another pile of
debris. You can just climb over this pile. Right after you climb over it,
something random happens causing everything to disintegrate.

Continue along the path until you reach some railing. There is a ledge on the
other side. Jump down onto it and walk towards your right. You should see a
bridge with some combine trying to cross, but they get sucked in by some kind
of vortex. Immediately after the vortex stops, you need to sprint across the
bridge by holding down the shift key. This will allow you to get to the other
side before it starts up again.

Keep following the path until you reach some more railing. Once you get there
jump the railing and Alyx will check the console. She'll find a recording of
Breen. A Combine Advisor will appear on the screen, then a Combine Advisor
inside a escape pod will be transported out of the citadel, causing you and
Alyx some kind of pain(doesn't really hurt you though). Once it leaves Alyx
will lower a combine shield and open a new path for you to take.

Follow this new path until you come to a Confiscation Field. This will turn
your gravity gun into the "super" gravity gun like it was at the end of
Half-Life 2. Once this is done, head down the hall for another loading screen
and the start of a new map.

| ep1_citadel_02 [A.01.03] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=7 |
| Size: 61.3MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=8 |
| Size: 11.8MB |
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| Duration: 2:32 |
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| Video |

You'll start out near a broken bridge. To fix it grab an energy orb from the
energy beam and throw it into the socket on the wall. About half way across
the bridge an explosion will happen, sending debris flying towards you.

At the other side of the bridge, Combine will attack you. Grab them with your
super gravity gun and throw their dead bodies at other combine for massive

Once the combine stop attacking, you can fix the next bridge. This time both
sides are down, so you'll have to put an energy orb in both sockets. Again
just grab an orb from the energy beam with the gravity gun and throw it into
one of the sockets.

At the other side of this bridge, the combine will attack again. Once again,
use your gravity gun to get rid of them and then fix the next bridge.

This bridge is just like the last, the only difference is the glass wall
in front of the socket on the left side. All you have to do is grab an energy
orb from the beam, then throw the orb just above the glass wall. This should
make the orb bounce off the back wall and the glass wall sending the orb into
the socket.

Cross this last bridge and make your way through the debris on the other side.
Follow the path, killing the combine that attack you, until you reach the
outside area. Head toward your left until you reach another left turn. Here
you'll see a Dropship holding a Strider fly off and end up crashing, taking
out another strider on the ground.

Continue following the path until you see a small room with a door in it on
the right. Alyx will come in and open the door for you. Follow the hallway
until you hit a loading screen.

| ep1_citadel_02b [A.01.04] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=9 |
| Size: 59.7MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=10 |
| Size: 11.4MB |
| |
| Duration: 2:27 |
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| Video |

Continue going down the hallway until you reach a room with a lone energy beam
in it. Before grabbing the orb, refill your health and suit at the suit
charger next to the bridge. Once your health is full, grab the energy orb, and
head out to the elevator.

Throw the orb into the socket on the wall, this will start the elevator. Now
look up. Debris is going to falling from the sky and it's you job to keep the
big pieces away from the elevator.

You'll need to first grab a hold of these big objects by holding mouse2, then
fire them away from the elevator. After the third object falls, the elevator
will come to a stop.

Again, you need to throw an energy orb into the socket on the wall, but this
time it's inside a room. You'll see a doorway with a console right behind it.
You want to use the super gravity gun to rip the console out, so it doesn't
block the energy orb, and the throw an orb into the room. Hopefully it'll go
into the socket on your first try.

The elevator will start moving again, and more debris will fall from the sky.
After you block the next object, the elevator will stop again.

This time there will be a wall with consoles on both sides blocking the
socket. To get pass this, just move to the right edge of the platform and you
should have a clear shot. Just after the orb enters the socket, a stalker
will destroy the orb in the socket, causing the elevator to stop again.

To kill the stalker, just throw orbs into the room with the stalker, until you
kill it. When it's dead just throw another orb into the socket.

Now the elevator starts moving fast. You don't need to worry about debris
until you reach the bottom. Once the elevator slows to a stop, you need to get
off immediately. Some debris too big to grab with the gravity gun will destroy
the elevator.

Now just follow the path until you hit a loading screen.

| |
| Chapter Two "Direct Intervention" [A.02] |
| |
| [http://ep1.vidgg.com/chapter.php?id=2] |

| ep1_citadel_03 [A.02.01] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=11 |
| Size: 259MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=12 |
| Size: 49.9MB |
| |
| Duration: 10:40 |
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| Video |

In the next room you'll have to fight about 5 combine soldiers. After you kill
them, Alyx will check the consoles and find out that the combine were trying
to deliberately blow the reactor. After talking for a minute, Alyx will open a
door to a new room.

There's a suit charger in this room, if you need it. After talking some more,
Alyx will send up an elevator for you. Go down the elevator and enter the
reactor room.

The first thing you want to do is, kill all the stalkers around the room,
using the gravity gun and some energy orbs. After you kill all the stalkers
you want to put energy orbs in all the sockets.

The first socket is on the wall just left of the elevators exit. The second is
on the wall across the room, near where one of the stalkers was. After putting
orbs in the first and second socket, the first bridge will work. Cross this
bridge and grab another orb. The third and last socket(for now anyways) is on
the other side of the room, just past the second bridge. This will make the
second bridge work. Cross this bridge and press the button on the other side.
This will move all the bridges, making it possible for you to reach the center
of the room.

Now you need to cross the bridge and go up the ladder on the left side of the
center platform. Once you get to the top turn around and follow the path
around until you reach a room filled with combine. Once you kill all the
combine, refill your health and suit at the HEV charger, then go back outside
and grab an energy orb. Throw this orb into the socket on the right side of
the room shooting some kind of big laser thing(email me if you know what this
is really called) into the core. After this is done a new door will open on
the other side of the room.

On the other side of the door, more combine will be waiting for you. After you
kill them and the few manhacks that come in, go to the end of the hall. You
should notice that there's a small hatch on the right wall. Use your gravity
gun to rip it off and go through the hole. This next room is a hallway with
energy orbs flying through it. It would be a good idea to take that hatch you
just ripped off through this hall with you. Use it to block the orbs.

Once you get past the orbs, toss aside the hatch, then follow the path around
until you reach a room with a few combine in it. Kill the combine and grab the
energy orb, which will open the door, and you'll be back in the core room

Now you need to get past the core. It's pulsating so you need to time this
right to avoid getting sucked in. Once you cross the bridge head down the path
on the left, killing all the combine that attack.

Now you should be in another room with a laser cannon in it. Grab the energy
orb next to the entrance and throw it into the socket on the left wall. Again
the cannon will shoot a laser into the core. Once it does a new door will
open. Go through this door and ride the elevator to the top.

Head down the hall, killing all the combine attacking, and heal yourself at
the HEV charger on the left. Continue down the hall until you reach the core
room again.

Now you need to jump onto one of the containment panels. Manhacks will attack,
but all you have to do is throw them into the core beam. Ride the panel around
until you reach the balcony the farthest away from the starting balcony. Jump
to this balcony and head down the hall.

Combine will attack from the left. After you kill them, head to the right.
You'll run into another hatch. Take the broken hatch with you, you'll need it
just up the path. Again you'll run into one of those energy orb halls. Use the
hatch to block the orbs.

Once you get through the hallway, go into the next room. There are some
combine in this room, so kill them before trying to do anything else. As soon
as they're dead, grab an orb from the hallway, and throw it into the socket.
The cannon will come up, but stop working. Now you need to fix it.

Head down into the room where the cannon was and you'll notice 3 spots for
energy orbs. Grab two orbs from the hole in the ceiling, and put them in
place. Before putting the last orb into place, you'll want to get onto the
platform that will take you back up. After the platform rises, grab another,
orb from the hallway and throw it into the socket. This will cause the third
and final laser to fire into the core. Now the containment panels will move
into place, causing you to lose all your suit and turning your gravity gun
back to normal. A new door will now open.

Head through the new door and you'll end up back in the room with Alyx. She'll
talk about the combine trying to send a transmission packet. While she makes a
copy, she'll show you a video of Judith being attack by a Hunter. Once the
copy is done, alarms will go off and Alyx will lead you to an exit elevator.

There will be a loading screen at the bottom of this elevator.

| ep1_citadel_04 [A.02.02] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=13 |
| Size: 85.9MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=14 |
| Size: 16.4MB |
| |
| Duration: 3:32 |
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| Video |

Combine will be coming soon, so run down the hall and enter the room. Alyx
will lock the door behind you. In this room a few rollermines will attack you.
Just hold them in front of Alyx and she'll rejigger them.

Combine will fill the next room, and the door will soon open. When it does the
rollermines will attack and kill all the combine. Once they are dead Alyx will
get us a train ready.

After you board the train, Alyx soon discovers that we're inside a stalker
car. She'll tell you a little bit about the stalkers, then she'll go check
where the train is going. Not too long after that, the train crashes and sends
you flying to the back. Stalkers will be screaming and thrashing around. Alyx
will be pinned under one at the front of the train. Make your way up to the
front of the train and use the gravity gun to pull the stalker off of her.
Once you've done this, escape the train using the door next to Alyx. Continue
through the hole for a loading screen.

| |
| Chapter Three "Lowlife" [A.03] |
| |
| [http://ep1.vidgg.com/chapter.php?id=3] |

| ep1_c17_00 [A.03.01] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=15 |
| Size: 234MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=16 |
| Size: 44.8MB |
| |
| Duration: 9:35 |
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| Video |

After Alyx catches her breath, head down the path she opens up. Now zombies
and headcrabs are going to be attacking you. The headcrabs can be killed with
two hits from the gravity gun. Either let Alyx kill all the zombies, or throw
the various things laying on the ground at them. Make your way to the end of
the road, and you'll notice a doorway on the right wall.

Go through the doorway and head left down the hall until you find a power
locked door. Look to your right and you'll see a vent. Remove the vent and
crawl through the air duct. Right around the first corner you'll have two ways
to go. DO NOT go straight! You will fall down a hole and die if you do.
Instead, just use the gravity gun to grab the health and flare on the other
side, then take a left. Continue through the air duct until you reach another
vent. Remove the vent cover, kill the headcrab below, and then drop down into
this room.

In this room you'll notice a gated off area with a flare, supply box, a
pistol, and a shotgun in it. Use the gravity gun to pull these items through
the hole in the top-right corner of the cage. After you grab these items, get
the health vile and suit battery out of the lockers just right of the cage.

Now turn around and head towards the locked gate. There is a pad lock on the
other side of this gate that you need to shoot. Once you do that, the gate
will open. Now find the breaker on the left wall and press use(normally the
"e" key) This will turn the power on and open the two doors. Head out the door
on the left, moving the car that's blocking it with the gravity gun.

It's dark in this room so you'll have to shine your flashlight on zombies, so
Alyx can shoot them. Make your way through this road, until you run into
another dead end. Find a hole in the wall and go through it, picking up the
ammo. A Zombine's body will be laying at the back of train car. Alyx will make
a joke, then walk up to the glass separating the two halves of the train. A
Zombine on the other side will stand up and whip out a grenade. Just stand
back and let it blow up the glass wall. Now grab the ammo in the back of this
car and head out the doorway on right side.

Again you'll be out on a dark road, only this time you'll be fighting lots of
zombines. Remember to shine you flashlight on enemies, so Alyx can kill them.
Just up the road, you'll find another power locked door on the left wall. Take
note of its location and keep going. You'll soon find a room on the left
side, with another breaker in it. Turn the breaker on, kill the zombies that
come in, then head back to the power locked door.

Go through the door and head up the stairs, stopping just before you reach the
top. Get out your pistol and kill the poison headcrab in the doorway, then
break the supply box to you right. there are a few poison headcrab in this
next room, so be ready for them. Once they're dead grab all the health and

Head through the gate and push the car into the antlion burrow. This will keep
them from coming up. Now turn the crank by the door, until it stops. A few
poison headcrabs will come through the door, but Alyx should take care of them
for you. Now head into the next room.

Grab the supplies and kill the headcrabs. Now head through the gate on your
left. You'll notice that there's a bunch of barnacles. Don't kill any of them,
use them to you advantage.

A bunch of zombies and zombines will be coming around the corner. Let them run
into barnacles, and kill the ones that survive. After all the zombies are dead
you can go ahead and kill the barnacles.

Now head to the place where the zombies were coming from. Grab the heath and
ammo in the back, then go through the double doors. Continue up the stairs
until you hit a loading screen.

| ep1_c17_00a [A.03.02] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=17 |
| Size: 172MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=18 |
| Size: 33.2MB |
| |
| Duration: 7:08 |
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| Video |

Head to the top of the stairs, in this next room, there will be a fence
between you and some zombines. Keep following the path until you reach the end
of the fenced area and enter the parking garage. Kill the zombines, antlions
will start coming out of three burrows. You need to block these burrows using
the three cars laying around throughout the garage.

Instead of making an extremely confusing walkthrough on which car to put in
which burrow, I just made some gif's for those of you that don't want to
download the video.

The first car is right by where the Zombines were when you first entered this
area. Use this car to plug the first burrow.(see gif)


After plugging the first burrow, head up to the second floor using the ramp
next to the second hole. You should immediately see the second car. Grab the
supplies and push the car into the second burrow(see gif).


Walk up to the third floor using yet another ramp. Make your way to the other
side of the garage. You should see a room that drops back down to the second
floor, just behind a broken fence. Before jumping down, kill the zombine
laying next to the car. Once it's dead, jump down and open the gate using the
crank on the wall. Now push the car into the third and final hole.


Now head back up to the top floor. Use the crank on the wall to open the gate.
Grab the health and suit, then head down the stairs.

Go through the first doorway you find. Now you should be in a room filled with
water. Zombines will be attacking soon so be ready. Once they are all dead,
make your way through the room and head up the stairs and go into the next

In this next room, head towards the elevator. It'll be lit up so you shouldn't
miss it. After the power fails, head to the back of the room. You should see
double doors with a block of wood locking it shut. Use the gravity gun to move
it, then open the door. A zombine will whip out a grenade as soon as you do
this, so be ready to run. After it blows up, kill the headcrab, and go into
this small room. A breaker box will be on the right wall. Turn this on and
head back towards the elevator as fast as you can.

Now that the elevator is coming, lots of zombies are going to spawn. To the
right of the elevator, there's is a small room which you can barricade yourself
in(aslong as the zombines don't blow it up) Head back there and fight off the
zombies until the elevator get here. Once it does, make a run for it.

Ride the elevator to the top, and to the end of this chapter.

| |
| Chapter Four "Urban Fight" [A.04] |
| |
| [http://ep1.vidgg.com/chapter.php?id=4] |

| ep1_c17_01 [A.04.01] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=19 |
| Size: 212MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=20 |
| Size: 40.9MB |
| |
| Duration: 8:46 |
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| Video |

Exit the elevator and follow Alyx around the corner. You'll find out that the
gates are locked shut. Turn around and head back toward the elevator and open
the gate. There's a stack of boxes and supply crates inside, and there is a
crank in the corner. Bring it back to the gate and open it. Head up the
stairs, and makes a U-turn to the left.

Head towards the area that is blocked off by pieces of metal. Pull them off
with the Gravity Gun, and head through. Grab the supply crate, and destroy
the three Scanners that appear. Remove the metal sheets of the next wall,
and head up the small stair case. Three or four combine will descend from
the rooftops. After they're dead, continue along this path, and wait for the
giant wall of evil to rise.

On the other side, a single civilian will be fighting some antlions. Let Alyx
and the civilian fight the antlions while you block the burrows with the cars.
Once you get far enough down the street, Combine will start descending from
the rooftops. Kill them, and remove the boards from the door.

Inside, you will see a few Combine setting a trap. Shoot the trip mine, which
will start a large fire. Use the Gravity Gun to grab the supply box on the
ledge to the left, and follow the path. Jump onto the left side of the pipes,
and sprint from there and jump to the ledge. Turn the valve, then leave this
area. Take a right from the door this time, and head upstairs.

At the top of the stairs, break the supply crate, and throw part of it into
the trip mine, which will kill the zombie that is laying there, and blow a
hole in the floor. Near the middle of the room is a roller mine. Grab it and
let Alyx rejigger it, and let it kill the other zombies in here. Try to avoid
walking near the window, as there is a sniper outside. Head down the stairs,
and out the door.

To the right is a few supply boxes. Grab them, and then make your way down the
street using the cars as cover. There will be another rollermine around here,
so either bring it back to Alyx (she will be hiding inside while you kill the
sniper), or throw it over a building. You can use one of the rollermines to
kill the Combine operating the machine gun, or you can charge him yourself.
There are a few supply crates with grenades behind the machine gun. If your
rollermine still hasn't exploded, throw it up into the window with the sniper,
or use a grenade. Once everything is dead, Alyx will rejoin you. Alyx will
climb up into the room where the sniper was, and shoot the lock that's
holding the ladder. Climb up the ladder, and jump down into the next area.

There will be a room with some supply crates on the left. When you run in
there, a few zombies will start heading towards you, as well as zombine and
fast zombies from a door farther down the street. You can kill them yourself,
or have Alyx kill them and save ammo. Head into the door where the zombine
were coming from. A few feet inside the door, and there is a supply crate on
your right, with a poison headcrab lurking behind it. Kill it, and follow the
path up the stairs.

Once upstairs, shoot the boards off the windows to give Alyx a clear shot at
the zombies that are about to attack. Head around the corner, and a few
zombies and two zombine will start following you. Head back and let Alyx
take care of them. After they're dead, follow the path and jump down the
broken stairs. Grab the supply crates under the stairs, and head out the door.

Outside, you will see a small platform covered with metal sheets. Remove the
back one, and Alyx will kill the Combine. Push the car over the antlion burrow
farther down the street. Head towards the barricade, and wait for the doors to
open. Rush in when they do, and kill the Combine. Grab the supply crates, and
wait for Alyx to rejoin you. She'll probably have a few antlions following
her, so be ready to kill them.

You'll find out that the Citadel's reactor is back on track to a meltdown.
Alyx will remove the shield. Head through until the next loading screen.

| ep1_c17_02 [A.04.02] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=21 |
| Size: 139MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=22 |
| Size: 26.5MB |
| |
| Duration: 5:40 |
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Video |

Grab the supplies and take a left. Some combine will be coming in from the end
of the hall, kill them and make your way into a supply room. Grab some
supplies and wait for the combine to break in.

Kill the combine once they come in, and head through the door on the left
side. Head around the corner and you'll see a small room with an explosive
barrel in it. Shoot it, killing the lone combine soldier in this room.
Continue down the path until you reach the point where you need to jump down
into another room.

In this next area, an Antlion Guard will be fighting some combine. While the
antlion guard takes care of the combine, you need to run past everything and
plug up the two antlion burrows. By the time you do this, the antlion guard
should have killed all the combine. Use the many barrels laying around to
kill the antlion guard.

Once the antlion guard is dead, combine will start coming from the rooftops.
Alyx will take care of most of them, once she does head through the barricade
and take out the few combine that attack. Now head into the next building,
using the hole in the side of the left wall.

In this room, you need to grab the hopper sitting behind the explosive
barrels to avoid a huge explosion. Toss it aside and remove the vent covering
the air duct.

Enter the duct and go around the corner. Take a right and go up the ladder,
but don't go around the corner. This duct isn't strong enough to hold your
weight, so if you go out too far it'll fall down sending you back to where you
started. Use the gravity gun to grab the suit batteries, then head back down
the ladder and take a right.

Now continue through the duct until you can see the exit. Stop immediately and
lob a grenade out the end. This will blow up all the trip mines and make it
safe to exit.

Now enter the elevator, which will fall into some water, then exit through the
hole in the top. This next room has tripmines and explosive barrels in it. If
you're very careful, you can just crouch under the lasers. If you don't want
to take a chance, just shoot one of the barrels with the pistol until it
catches fire, then dive down to the bottom of the water and stay there until
everything blows up.

Now head up the the glass window on the other side of the room. Kill the
poison headcrab and enter the duct on the left side of his room. Follow the
path around until you end up back in the elevator shaft. Now make your way
around to the ladder on the other side, avoiding the barnacles. Make your way
to the top, and kill the barnacle closest to the right wall. Once it's dead
jump into the vent and make you way to the exit.

Before you drop down into this room, use the vent cover to set off the trip
mine. Then grab the hopper on the left. Now drop down and get rid of the other
two hoppers. Once the room is clear, activate the breaker and let Alyx in.

Now head through the new door, and you'll hit another loading screen.

| ep1_c17_02b [A.04.03] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=23 |
| Size: 180MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=24 |
| Size: 34.5MB |
| |
| Duration: 7:25 |
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Video |

This next room has a few trip mines and explosive barrels in it. Shoot the
nearest barrel until it catches fire, then hide in the hallway. Stay here
until everything blows up. Now run in and grab the hopper in the back left
corner. Throw it at the last trip mine/last barrel(depending on if it blows up
or not). This should kill the half-zombie. Grab the supplies in the lockers
and head up the stairs on the right, just past the last trip mine.

This door will start beeping, just like the ones in the last map, so stand
back and wait for it to blow. A barrel that's already on fire will roll down
the stairs, so wait for it to blow before charging in and killing the combine.
Pick up the crossbow and supplies, then pull the plug in the back left corner.

Now head back down the stairs and head outside. Combine will be attacking
you, but some civilians with rocket launchers(let them die if you want the
rocket launcher) will help you out. Make your way down the road, grabbing the
supplies spread along the road. Once all the combine die, one lone one will drop
from the roof. Kill him and head over to where he was.

A civilian will soon come out and Alyx and him will start talking, then he'll
take you to a safe house. Inside this house, you'll find more civilians, and
Kleiner talking on a tv. After one of the civilians and Alyx talk, head
towards the stairs. Grab the health in the hall closet if you need if, then
head up the stairs. Keep gong up the stairs until a headcrab canister crashes
into the the building, blocking the path.

Now turn around, remove the board blocking the door. Open the door and kill
the zombines in this room. Before running into the next room, notice that the
floor is broken. The room below is filled with zombies, so you really don't
want to go down there. What I normally do is this, sprint across the floor,
grab the health and suit, then immediately jump to the other side. This should
break most of the flooring, allowing you to grab the supply boxes in that
room without falling down there with the zombies. Now a zombine is going to be
coming in from the next room, so kill it before trying to get the supplies.

After you've got all the supplies you need, head into the next room and go up
the stairs. Follow the path around, until you run into another door. Barney
will let you in and start talking. Once Alyx and him are done talking, he'll
lower a bridge and give you a crowbar.

Head across the bridge, break the board blocking your path and enter this
room. Go into the room straight ahead for some supplies, then take the path on
the left. Before heading up the stairs, head down and grab some more supplies.

Now head up the stairs, killing the headcrabs on the stairs and the poison one
just after. Before going into the next room, kill all the poison headcrabs
without actually entering the room. This will keep the zombines away for now.
Once the headcrabs are dead, enter the room and wait for the zombines to
charge. Kill them then head outside.

You'll see another bridge, just like the one Barney lowered, only this one
will be blocked by a wood board instead of a crowbar. Break the board and
charge across the bridge, killing all the combine in your way. Keep going
until you hit another loading screen.

| ep1_c17_02a [A.04.04] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=25 |
| Size: 282MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=26 |
| Size: 54.2MB |
| |
| Duration: 11:38 |
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Video |

You're now inside a hospital with a bunch of zombies and combine. A gunship
will be shooting through the windows, so avoid them if you can. Kill all the
combine and zombies then head down to the end of the hall.

Grab the supplies then head up the stairs in the room on your right. You'll
see a civilian shooting rockets at the gunship. The gunship will kill them and
you can pick up their RPG if you didn't get one earlier. Now head back to the
top of the stairs. I try to hide here as much as I can. It's harder for the
gunship to hit you, if you have some non-breakable cover over your head.

I normally use my first set of rockets to remove some of the ceiling. It makes
it easier to see and hit the gunship. Use the ammo crate near where the rebel
died to get more rockets. Then start firing rockets at the gunship.

You can't just shoot rockets at the gunship, it'll just shoot them down. So
add in some fancy rocket guiding. Do little loops and corkscrews to avoid the
gunship's fire. Once it's destroyed, get more rockets from the ammo crate,
grab some health from the supply crates if you need it, then head down to the
door by Alyx.

After she talks for a minute, the door will start beeping and combine will
rush in. Kill them and head down the path they created. Grab one of the broken
doors and throw it into the trip mine. Grab the hopper on the other side of
the wooden box, then throw it into some more trip mines on your right. Now
grab the supplies in the locker and head towards the combine shield. Alyx will
grab a shotgun and lower the shield.

Grab the hopper on the other side of the shield, throw it at the zombies, then
head into the first room on the left. Kill the zombie in the bathroom, grab
some supplies and head back out into the hallway.

Go to the end of the hall. A door will blow open with combine and zombies will
be fighting on the other side. Kill all them and head into the second room on
the right. Grab the supplies and head down the hall, killing anything that
attacks, until you see an open door on the right, and a closed door on the
left. A zombie will break through the door on the left as soon as you try to
enter the other room, so watch out for the flying door. Kill this zombie and
enter the room on the right. Kill the few zombies in here, then grab some
health and suit from the shelves.

Head out into the next hallway and you'll find some more combine and zombies
fighting. Just sit back and watch them kill each other, then kill the
survivors. Grab the supplies and the hopper from the room on the left, then go
to the end of the hall. Open the door on the right and place the hopper in the
middle of the room. The ceiling will cave in, allowing poison headcrabs into
the room. The hopper should kill most of them. Once they're dead, go into the
bathroom and grab the crossbow bolts.

Now head down the hallway on your left. Kill all the zombies, then head down
to the end of the hall. A combine soldier will be waiting for you in the room
on the right. He's going to shoot an energy orb at you as soon as you open the
door. Grab it with the gravity gun, then fire it back at him. This should kill
him and the other combine soldier in this room. Grab the supplies in this room
then head into the room across the hall. Grab the supplies and head back into
the hall again.

Now a bunch of zombies are going to break through some doors. Kill them then
head into the room they came from. You should notice a hole in the back right
corner of the room. Jump down to the next floor, which will break, then you'll
be in some water.

Dive down and under the building. Swim to the other side until you reach some
stairs. Kill the poison headcrab at the top of these stairs, then jump through
the window, kill the poison headcrab here, grab the supplies then inside the

Now you want to swim to the small platform, grab the blue barrel and place it
under the long, broken walkway. Here's a gif if you need it:


Once you do this, head across the walkway and flip the power switch. Now head
to the edge of the walkway, making sure not to fall into the water, and kill
the barnacle on the left. Jump to the next platform and look to your right.
You should see a broken pillar with some pipes around it. Jump to it, kill the
barnacles, then jump back into the building where the second poison headcrab
was. Jump through the windows and follow the path around to the new door.

Make your way up the stairs and get back to the floor that you were suppose to
jump down too. Now Alyx will kill some zombies then join you. Head down the
hall until you reach a room with a poison zombie in it. Kill it and drop down
into this room.

Kill the few fast headcrabs in here, then place hoppers around the room. Soon
all sorts of zombies are going to break in. Kill them all then head down the
hall. You'll end up in a room with a charred body being shocked by a fallen
power line. Grab the supplies on the selves then exit the room.

In this next area, you'll need to zig-zag your way through the hall. Turrets
will be at the end shooting at you, and lots zombies will be charging. Hoppers
will be laying around, so use them to your advantage. Use the wall pillars for
cover, kill all the zombies that charge from the first room, charge into this
room, grab the supplies, then repeat with the next.

Now you should be right next to the combine shield. Pull the plug on the left
side, this will lower the shield, and disable the turrets. Get rid of the
hoppers then follow the path until you hit a loading screen.

| |
| Chapter Five "Exit 17" [A.05] |
| |
| [http://ep1.vidgg.com/chapter.php?id=5] |

| ep1_c17_05 [A.05.01] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=27 |
| Size: 252MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=28 |
| Size: 48.5MB |
| |
| Duration: 10:25 |
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Video |

When you head through the door, the TV will change from Kleiner talking to a
Combine Advisor, and the camera will focus on you for a moment. Open the
lockers on the left for some supplies, then break the boards on the door and
head outside.

You'll meet Barney outside next to the wrecked truck. He'll tell you about his
plan to send civilians to the train station in groups, and you'll have to
escort them. Follow him for your first group. Lead them around to the other
side of this area, and enter the door. If you need supplies, there's plenty
in the lockers in this small room. Exit the other side, a run to the other
side of this large room, and through the door there. Follow the path through
here, and the civilians will leave. There's a supply crate with a Magnum in
this room.

On your way back to Barney, Alyx will leave you to guard the civilians using
the machine gun. There will be a few manhacks in the large room. Just run
past them and let Alyx kill them, or kill them with the Gravity Gun. In the
parking lot, there will be scanners dropping hoppers along the path. You can
run past them, or move them somewhere else along the path for Combine to set

Once you get the second group, Combine will start descending from the
buildings along the street. Kill them if you want, and continue into the
train room. Combine will break-in through the upstairs windows. Kill them
and escort the citizens the rest of the way. On the way back, there will be a
Combine sniper watching the parking lot, and there will be a few more hoppers.
Take out the sniper with your rocket launcher (there's an ammo box with
rockets near the dumpster), and grab your third group.

On the way back through the parking lot, destroy or move the hoppers out of
your way. In the train room, a Combine elite will shoot the support out from
one of the train cars, so you'll have to find another way around. Head up the
ramp on the left side of the room, and kill the Combine that drop down onto
the other train car. Jump down to the floor, and head toward the door.

Once the civilians are gone, more Combine will enter the train room through
the windows. Head back toward the parking lot, using the stairs to get over
the fallen train car. Now there will be Combine soldiers in the parking lot.
Kill them, and while you're heading through the parking lot, an APC will roll
down the road, along with more soldiers. Use the dumpster or one of the rooms
as cover, and hit it with rockets until it's dead. Kill any remaining Combine,
and grab your fourth group.

On the way back through the parking lot, the only thing that appears is a few
Combine soldiers in the road. Ignore them or kill them, and then head to the
train room. In here, the door that was closed on the other side of the room
will blow open and a few Combine will come through. Kill them, then head up
the ramp. Follow the walkway, and jump down and wait for the civilians to
enter the door.

Head back toward the parking lot, killing any Combine you see. This time,
there will be a few Metropolice, and they will be deploying manhacks. Kill
them, and pick up your final group.

The only thing in the parking lot is a few Combine descending from the
buildings. Kill them, and head to the train room. In here, there will be two
Combine on one of the trains, and more will be entering through the windows.
Kill them, and follow the civilians to the last room. Alyx will close and seal
the door, and there will be a loading screen.

| ep1_c17_06 [A.05.02] |
| ------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=29 |
| Size: 134MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=30 |
| Size: 26MB |
| |
| Duration: 5:39 |
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Video |

**Note** This part is very confusing, so I suggest just watching the video.

Barney will ask if you and Alyx are coming on the train with them, but Alyx
tells him to go on. It's our job to draw the combine's attention while the
others escape. After Barney and Alyx stop talking, Alyx will open up the door
to the track. Once Barney and the others board the train, Alyx will lower the
combine shield blocking the next path.

Now head to the back, then take a right. In the back corner you'll see a cage
with a crank in it. Turn this crank and allow Alyx to get into the next room.

Once see gets in, take cover behind the wall and wait for the strider to shoot
the crank, then the container on the left. The strider opened up a new path
when it shot the container. Head down this new path.

Follow this path until you reach a doorway with some wood pallets blocking it.
A few combine will drop in, but will be killed when the strider shoots a
container causing it to smash into them. Now do a u turn from this doorway and
you'll see a container with a door open. Head through it, grabbing the
supplies inside then head out the other side. Go around the right side of this
next container and you'll see a slanted container leading up to the next

Head up to the top, and go into the open container just around the corner.
Stand on top of the headcrab canisters and wait for the strider to create a
big dent in the side of the container. Now a few poison headcrabs will come
out of the canisters. Kill them then head out the other side.

Walk along the next two containers, then make another U turn. Jump to the top
of the slanted container. Make your way around to the platform on the far left

Immediately shoot one of the barrels up a head. Grab the first hopper and
throw it at the combine on the roof, just above you. Head around the path
tossing the hoppers aside. Jump off the end of the platform and you'll land
behind a container with some supply boxes. The strider will be pushing this
container back, so don't stay back here too long. Jump down to the path on the
left side, killing the two combine that drop down. Immediately shoot the
explosive barrels before the strider does. Then toss the hopper aside.
Continue down this path until you reach two hoppers side by side. Move them
then go through the gap between two train cars on the left.

Head up the ladder and grab some rocket if you need them. Hide behind the
metal piece between rocket shots. Try to time your shot so that the strider is
shooting while you're reloading, giving you a clear shot when it pauses. Once
it's dead, head down the ladder at the end of the walkway, and meet up with

Get on the train and watch the citadel blow.

| Credits |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------
| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=31 |
| Size: 2.65MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=32 |
| Size: 2.21MB |
| |
| Duration: 1:08 |
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Video |

Once the credits finish, the game should exit, then start playing the episode
two trailer. If it doesn't, you can find the video on your computer in the
following location.

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\\half-life 2 episode one\episodic\media


C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\\half-life 2 episode one\episodic

| |
| Other [B] |
| |

| |
| Bloopers [B.00] |
| |

| |
| High Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=33 |
| Size: 79.2MB |
| |
| Low Quality: http://ep1.vidgg.com/dl.php?id=34 |
| Size: 15.2MB |
| |
| YouTube Version: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Hq5DcMncWaU |
| |
| Duration: 3:16 |
| |
---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Video |

Just some of the outakes that piled up. There was quite a few... ;_;

| |
| Video Informaton [B.01] |
| |

Notice: All videos were encoding using the Divx codec and you will need to
have it installed for the videos to play. You can download it from the
following link.


These videos are widescreen(16:10).

These videos were not made to show off our skills or make us look good in any
way.(they do a pretty good job of making us look bad :( ) They were made to
help people out.

All videos were recorded @ 1680x1050(hq = 50%, lq = 25%) with everything on
high, AA 4x, AF 8x, hdr on full. Subtitles were turned on to help the people
know what npcs are saying.

High Quality
Video Codex Used: Divx
Video Bit Rate: 3250kbps
Audio Codex Used: Lame MP3
Audio Bit Rate: 128kbps (CBR)
Width: 840px
Height: 524px

Comments: I'm actually not pleased with the quality of these videos. I should
have used a higher bit rate, but by the time I realised this, I had already
deleted some of the source videos.

Low Quality
Video Codex Used: Divx
Video Bit Rate: 512kbps
Audio Codex Used: Lame MP3
Audio Bit Rate: 128kbps (CBR)
Width: 420px
Height: 262px

| |
| Enemies [B.02] |
| |

| |
| Combine [B.02.01] |
| |

| |
| Humanoid Combine [B.02.01.01] |
| |

Humanoid Combine refers to humans that are now a part of the Combine forces on
Earth (The Overwatch).

Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=combine.jpg
Left to right: Civil Protection(Metropolice), Combine Soldier

Elite: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=elite.jpg
Sniper: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=sniper.jpg
Stalker: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=stalker.jpg

| Civil Protection(Metropolice) |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_metropolice

Description: The Civil Protection unit is made up of humans that willingly
join the Combine. Unlike Combine soldiers, they are not biologically altered.
Civil Protection police City 17 and keep citizens in-line. They will typically
carry stunsticks while on duty, but can be armed with H&K USP Match pistols or
H&K MP7 PDW sub-machine guns should the situation require them to. They are
considerably weak.

| Combine Soldier |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_combine_s

Description: Combine soldiers are humans that have been altered and enhanced
by having mechanical implants surgically attached to them. They are the
primary infantry force of the Combine, and can be found anywhere the Combine
needs them. They work in squads, and can carry H&K MP7 PDW sub-machine guns,
SPAS12 shotguns, pulse rifles, and will usually carry grenades as well.

| Combine Elite |

Spawn Command: If you know a working command, please email me at

Description: The Combine Elite is a more powerful version of the standard
Combine soldier. They wear white uniforms, have more health, better accuracy,
and inflict more damage. They always carry pulse rifles and are armed with
energy orbs.

| Combine Sniper |

Spawn Command: If you know a working command, please email me at

Description: While not actually seen, snipers hide themselves in buildings and
use a powerful Combine sniper rifle to kill anything they consider to be
hostile. The only evidence of a sniper's presence is the blue sighting-beam
projected from their rifle. The only way to kill a sniper is to throw an
explosive into his hideout, or to shoot an RPG into the window. In Episode
One, however, an allied rollermine is propelled into the window, achieving
the same effect.

| Stalker |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_stalker

Description: Stalkers are humans that have been brutally butchered and altered
by the Combine. They do slave labour in the Citadel, such as operating panels
or repairing damaged technology. They are never encountered in a combat
situation during Half Life 2, though they are occasionally fought in Half-Life
2 Episode One. They are equipped with a weak laser, projected from the
apparatus on their heads, which they use as a makeshift weapon.

| |
| Combine Synth [B.02.01.02] |
| |

Synths were organic, robot-like creatures that The Combine previously enslaved
and altered. The Combine has brought some of them to Earth.

| Gunship |

Spawn Command: give npc_combinegunship
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=gunship.jpg

Description: Gunships are flying Synth units equipped with highly accurate
pulse turrets. They can only be damaged by explosives or energy orbs.

| Dropship |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_combinegunship
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=dropship.jpg

Description: Dropships are used to transport Combine soldiers (in troop
carriers - which come with mounted turrets), APCs or Striders. The Synth
itself has no weapons and is not hostile. It can be destroyed with repeated
blasts from a rocket launcher.

| Strider |

Spawn Command: give npc_strider
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=strider.jpg

Description: A large tripod Synth equipped with a powerful, highly accurate
pulse turret and a destructive singularity cannon. Striders can only be
damaged by explosives.

| Hunter |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_ministrider
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=hunter.jpg

Description: Unlike the standard Striders, which walk about one step at a
time, Hunters can gallop with a powerful gait similar to a gorilla's. They
also have visible eyes or eye-like devices and are more agile than their
enormous cousins. They are clearly well-suited to the forest environment of
Episode Two. When spawned in Episode One, they attack with a minigun-like
weapon simillar to the one used by the larger Striders. In the second Episode
Two trailer, it is revealed that the Hunters fire a weapon similar to the
Combine Turret or Overwatch Pulse Rifle from both of their "eyes". From what
is seen in gameplay videos, they seem to only use this weapon when the target
is unreachable or a considerable distance away, preferring to charge and
violently kick their enemies most of the time. Animations also suggest that
the Hunter mounts its legs to the ground before firing, (something suspected
to also occur in Episode Two's trailer). This "mounting" animation may also
suggest a more powerful weapon in the future, similar to the Strider's
singularity cannon. When spawned in Episode One, the Hunter may activate a
cannon that fires a pulse shot similar to those shot from the suppression
device atop the Overwatch Nexus.

| Shield Scanner |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_clawscanner
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=scanner2.jpg

Description: The shield scanner, unlike the city scanner, has minor combat
roles. A shield scanner uses its pincer arm to efficiently pick up and deploy
hopper mines, giving it the additional combat support roles of a miniature
equipment transport and minelayer. Shield scanners are also used as
target-spotters for striders, alerting them to the presence of enemies hiding
inside structures, or in other areas that might be used for concealment. The
official Prima game guide says that this type of scanner is equipped with a
light machine gun. However, this feature was most likely cut from Half-Life 2,
as the shield scanner never uses such a weapon in-game.

| |
| Combine Technology [B.02.01.03] |
| |

The Combine has manufactured a large variety of technology, most of which is
designed for combat. A large amount of The Combine's technology present on
Earth is actually human technology re-interpreted and re-made by The Combine,
using its own materials.

Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=tech.jpg
Left to right: Rollermine, Sentry Turret, Manhack, Hopper,
Top: City Scanner

| City Scanner |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_cscanner

Description: City Scanners are floating cameras that are deployed from The
Citadel for monitoring purposes. They may drop a battery if destroyed.

| Manhack |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_manhack

Description: Manhacks are weapons used by the Combine with the specific
purpose of flushing out any targets that may be hiding in tight, confined
areas. Manhacks have spinning blades with which they attempt to dissect

| Rollermine |

Spawn Command: give npc_rollermine

Description: Rollermines bury themselves and become activated when a hostile
target passes near them. They can jump onto and attach themselves to vehicles
and cause damage. They can also inflict damage to living beings by emitting a
powerful electrical charge into them upon contact. Rollermines are destroyed
when submerged in water. They can be grabbed with the gravity gun. In Episode
1, Alyx Vance has the ability to reprogram them, creating a more powerful, but
un-stable version that is allied to the player.

| Hopper Mine |

Spawn Command: give combine_mine

Description: Hopper mines are anti-personnel mines placed by shield scanners.
When they detect the presence of something they consider to be hostile, the
mine will launch itself into air, and detonate upon impact with the ground. If
picked up with the gravity gun, the mine can be reprogrammed to work against
Combine forces.

| Sentry Turret |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_turret_floor

Description: Sentrie Turrets are placed in important areas which the Combine
have no personnel patrolling in. They have a 180-degree firing arc, and have
to be toppled over in order to be disabled. Alyx can reprogram certain
sentries to fire upon Combine forces.

| Armored Personnel Carrier(APC) |

Description: The Combine Armored Personnel Carrier is equipped with an
integrated rocket launcher and a pulse turret. It is used to transport and
deploy Combine units, or as an extra support unit.

Spawn Command: If you know a working command, please email me at

| Headcrab Canister |

Spawn Command: If you know a working command, please email me at

Description: Large shells launched by The Combine into areas containing large
amounts of city escapees or resistance members. Once the shell impacts, fins
will open at its rear and headcrabs will jump out. Shells can be filled with
any type of headcrab.

| |
| Xen Creatures [B.02.02] |
| |

| |
| Headcrabs [B.02.02.01] |
| |

Headcrabs attempt to gain control of a human's nervous system by infiltrating
their brain, thus turning the "host" into a zombie. Two new types of headcrabs
(and thus zombies) have appeared since Half-Life.

Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=headcrabs.jpg
Left to right: Headcrab, Fast Headcrab, Poison Headcrab,Black Headcrab(same as

| Headcrab |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_headcrab

Description: The standard headcrab. They move relatively slowly and will
pounce when given the opportunity. They are best dodged then killed with the

| Fast Headcrab |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_headcrab_fast

Description: Slightly smaller but much faster than regular headcrabs due to
their long legs, fast headcrabs can be difficult to hit with projectiles due
to their speed, and are best dodged and then killed with the crowbar.

| Poison Headcrab |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_headcrab_poison
Spawn Command #2: npc_create npc_headcrab_black

Description: Larger, and slightly faster-moving than regular headcrabs, a bite
from a poison headcrabs will inject the player with neurotoxin, which will
bring their health instantly down to 1, making the player highly vulnerable.
Gordon's suit will then inject an anti-toxin - over several seconds, this will
neutralize the poison and return the player's health to what it was when the
player was bitten. Like other types of headcrabs, poison headcrabs are best
dodged, and then attacked with the crowbar.

| |
| Zombies [B.02.02.02] |
| |

Headcrabs attempt to gain control of a human's nervous system by infiltrating
their brain, thus turning the "host" into a zombie. Two new types of headcrabs
(and thus zombies) have appeared since Half-Life.

Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=zombies.jpg
Left to right: Zombie, Fast Zombie, Poison Zombie, Zombine

| Zombie |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_zombie

Description: The Zombie is slow moving, and will strike at anything that gets
close to it that it doesn't like using razor-sharp claws. They can also hurl
objects. Zombies are easily outsmarted, and can be taken care of with nothing
more than the crowbar or shotgun blast to the head.

| Fast Headcrab |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_fastzombie

Description: The result of a fast headcrab taking control of a human's nervous
system. The fast zombie runs on all fours like an animal, can move at high
speeds, and jump long distances. They can cause a lot of damage. They will
occasionally back off to growl, making this the best time to attack them with
a high-powered weapon such as the shotgun or the revolver. They can also
easily scale pipes and walls, meaning that height does not ensure safety from
them. Fast zombies produce wolf-like howling both afar and upon close contact.

| Poison Zombie |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_poisonzombie

Description: A very large, and slow-moving zombie. It contains one poison
headcrab controlling the nervous system, plus additional poison headcrabs
riding on the host's shoulders and back. The poison zombie can throw poison
headcrabs at the player. The poison zombie can sustain a lot of damage, and so
firearms are a relatively inefficient weapon to employ against it -- the best
way to handle a poison zombie is to set it on fire, and then retreat.

| Combine Zombie(Zombine) |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_zombine

Description: Dubbed "Zombine" by Alyx, the Combine Zombie is one of the new
enemies from Episode One. It has the appearance of a regular Combine
Transhuman Soldier, with a Headcrab attached to its head. In terms of speed,
it is halfway between a normal Zombie and a Fast Zombie. It dashes towards
its target, limping, and will scratch with its elongated claws or pull out a
grenade and attempt to use it as a club, with no knowledge that it will

| |
| Other [B.02.02.03] |
| |

| Barnacle |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_barnacle

Description: Barnacles are stationary alien creatures that attach themselves
to ceilings and feed by catching prey with their sticky tongues. The player
can put non-organic objects, such as crates or cinder blocks in the way of a
barnacle's tongue. The barnacle will draw the objects up, and then spit it
back towards the ground. This tactic can be used to get a barnacle's tongue
out of the way. If the player gets caught by a barnacle, they can simply whack
at it with the crowbar once it gets within reach. Perhaps the best tactic
against barnacles is to attach an explosive barrel to its tongue and then
shoot the barrel once it has been raised to a reasonable height. This can be
also used to destroy large groups of barnacles with minimal use of ammunition.

| |
| Antlions [B.02.03] |
| |

Antlions are a species of alien that has infested Earth since Half-Life took
place. It was originally thought that Antlions were a new species of their
own, but Marc Laidlaw has confirmed that Antlions have come to Earth from Xen.

Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=antlions.jpg
Left to right: Antlion, Antlion Guard

| Antlion |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_antlion

Description: Insect-like aliens who live underground on the coasts. They
attack in swarms, and come to the surface if the sand is disturbed. They can
be controlled with pheropods extracted from antlion guards.

| Antlion Guard |

Spawn Command: npc_create npc_antlionguard

Description: Larger and much more powerful than regular antlions, antlion
guards control regular antlions, and are very hard to kill. They can charge or
hurl objects at the player. There are various ways to deal with antlion
guards, but throwing large objects and explosives at them with the gravity gun
is the most convenient way.

Descriptions taking from the Half-Life 2 wiki.


| |
| Weapons [B.03] |
| |

The weapons listed below are available in the single-player mode.

| Crowbar |

Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=crowbar.jpg
Range: Melee, hand-to-hand
Damage: 10
Alt-Fire: No
Total Capacity: N/A
Spawn Command: give weapon_crowbar

Description: The crowbar is the mêlée weapon of Half-Life, and also the first
weapon available to the player. Used primarily for smashing boxes and other
breakable obstacles, it can also be used to attack enemies, though most
enemies larger than a headcrab will prove difficult to kill.

First Found: Chapter 4: Urban Flight. After yanking it out of the drawbridge
crank mechanism, where it was holding it in raised position, Barney Calhoun
gives the player another crowbar.

| Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator(Gravity Gun) |

Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=gravgun.jpg
Range: Close to Medium
Damage: Varied
Alt-Fire: Yes
Total Capacity: N/A
Spawn Command: give weapon_physcannon

Description: Officially called the "Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator", the
Gravity Gun is a tractor beam-like weapon that does not use any ammunition or
power. The primary fire can repel most inanimate objects, allowing these
objects to be moved to clear a path, or to be hurled at enemies. The gun
cannot pick up organic objects such as Combine Troops, though the primary fire
itself can repel and harm some weaker enemies, such as headcrabs, and can be
used to flip an Antlion (this is probably due to certain non-organic compounds
found inside the chitin-like hides of both headcrabs and antlions). The
alternate fire can attract most inanimate objects up to a limit (cars and
heavier objects cannot be "pulled"). Held objects can then be launched at high
velocity by using the primary fire, be used as shields, or simply dropped.

First Found: Chapter 1: Undue Alarm.

| Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator with Organic Management Capabilities |
| (Super Gravity Gun) |

Range: Close to Medium
Damage: Kills Instantly
Alt-Fire: Yes
Total Capacity: N/A
Spawn Command: give weapon_physcannon(replaces the normal gravity gun in the
chapters that use it)
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=superggun.jpg

Description: Near the begining game, the player enters a Combine "confiscation
field", which removes all weapons and disintegrates them. The Gravity Gun,
however, is not dematerialized along with the others. Instead, the Combine
technology alters the weapon's flux capacitors. From that point on, it can
also grasp or repel living creatures (killing instantly), and pull heavier
inanimate objects such as large monitor screens. It is also able to manipulate
the large orbs of dark energy (similar to those fired as grenades by the Pulse
Rifle, also known as the AR2) that power many of the force fields. These can
then be used as projectile weapons.

First Found: Chapter 1: Undue Alarm. When Gordon once again comes through a
confiscation field and the gravity gun is enhanced for the second time. When
the Citadel's Power Core is stabilized it drains the extra energy from the
Gravity Gun and causes it to revert back to its normal state (as well as any
suit energy the player has from Combine chargers).

| 9mm Pistol |

Range: Medium to Long
Damage: 5
Alt-Fire: No
Magazine/Reserve Capacity: 18/150
Spawn Command: give weapon_pistol
Spawn Ammo: give item_box_srounds
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=9mm.jpg

Description: The first gun available, the 9mm Pistol fires relatively weak
single shots but is very accurate with a sizeable magazine of 18 rounds. It
also has the advantage of being one of few weapons which has the ability to be
fired underwater. The weapon is modeled after the H&K USP Match. Though
initially useful during the early parts of the game, it is soon eclipsed by
other, more powerful weapons. Therefore, the weapon is best used to eliminate
weaker and less dangerous enemies in the later parts of the game. Ammunition
for this weapon is plentiful, making it a good backup weapon when the player
is out of ammo or when trying to conserve it.

First Found: Chapter 3: Lowlife. In a darkened room acessed by crawling
through a vent system, the Pistol is found inside a caged-off space, where it
must be yanked out of a hole with the gravity gun.

| .357 Magnum Revolver |

Range: Medium to Long
Damage: 40
Alt-Fire: No
Magazine/Reserve Capacity: 6/12
Spawn Command: give weapon_357
Spawn Ammo: give item_ammo_357
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=357.jpg

Description: The second handgun available, the revolver is essentially a hand
cannon, with it being more powerful and accurate than most other weapons, but
ammunition is scarce, due in part to the fact that enemies do not carry this
weapon. Due to its excellent stopping power, it is effective against Combine
soldiers and headcrab zombies. A headshot with this gun will almost guarantee
a one-shot kill even on the most heavily armoured enemies. This weapon appears
to be based on the Colt Python Elite .357 Magnum, which is confirmed by the
designation on the weapon's barrel in-game.

First Found: Chapter 5: Exit 17. Found on the floor in the train station foyer
after ferrying citizens across.

| Submachine Gun |

Range: Medium, accuracy suffers at long ranges
Damage: 3
Alt-Fire: Yes
Magazine/Reserve Capacity: 45/225 + 3 HE-DP Grenades
Spawn Command: give weapon_smg1
Spawn Ammo: give item_box_mrounds
Secondary Fire Ammo: give item_ar2_grenade
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=smg.jpg

Description: The first rapid-firing, fully automatic weapon received, the
submachine gun is the weapon of choice for close to mid-range combat. It has a
45 round magazine with 225 rounds in reserve, and its secondary fire launches
a grenade that detonates on impact. Ammo for this weapon is quite plentiful,
making it one of the most frequently used weapons in the game. However, its
accuracy is lacking due to its high rate of fire. It is modeled after the
Heckler & Koch MP7, but with an additional grenade launcher above the main
barrel (which is fictional, but feasible in theory). The gun ejects regular
pistol casings, despite the MP7 using bottlenecked cartridges and the weapon's
ammo pickup icon showing the correct bullet.

First Found: Chapter 4: Urban Flight. Dropped by rappelling Combine Soldiers.

| Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle |

Range: Medium to Long
Damage: 8
Alt-Fire: Yes
Magazine/Reserve Capacity: 30/60 + 3 Energy Orbs
Spawn Command: give weapon_ar2
Spawn Ammo: give item_ammo_ar2
Secondary Fire Ammo: give item_ammo_ar2_altfire
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=ar2.jpg

Description: A powerful directed-energy weapon used by the Combine Overwatch
soldiers and Overwatch Elites, this rifle is the weapon that most resembles an
assault rifle in the entire game. It is very accurate at short and medium
ranges, with average results at long and extreme. It has two fire modes -
primary fires directed dark energy pulses, while the secondary launches a
Combine dark energy orb.

First Found: Chapter 4: Urban Flight. Two OSIPRs are found on a shelf in a
Combine Garrison, not too long after finding the SMG.

| Shotgun |

Range: Close, accuracy suffers greatly at increased range
Damage: 48 (8 x 6 pellets per shot)
Alt-Fire: Yes
Alt-Fire Damage: 84 - 100 (12 x 7 pellets per shot)
Magazine/Reserve Capacity: 6/30
Spawn Command: give weapon_shotgun
Spawn Ammo: give item_box_buckshot
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=shotgun.jpg

Description: The shotgun inflicts large amounts of damage at close range, but
its broad shot spread makes it weak for long-distance fighting. Despite
appearing to be a single barrel weapon (the tube below the barrel contains the
ammunition) its secondary fire discharges two shells at once, effectively
doubling the damage dealt in one shot (It has been speculated, though not
confirmed, that this is actually two shells fired in rapid succession). The
weapon is extremely effective against zombies, especially Fast Zombie
variants, or when engaging in close quarters combat in tight hallways. This
weapon is modeled after the Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun, but carries two fewer
cartridges in the magazine tube. In the original game however; the
true-to-life eight cartridge magazine is portrayed, as both games have
shotguns modelled after the SPAS-12.

First Found: Chapter 3: Lowlife. Located on a shelf in the same small
fenced-in area as the Pistol, and must be yanked out of a hole in the fencing
with the Gravity Gun OR found by the body of a dead resistance citizen in the
tunnel beyond the darkened room OR on top of an ammo crate in the crashed
Combine troop train.

| Crossbow |

Range: Long to Extreme
Damage: 120
Alt-Fire: Yes (activates and deactivates the scope)
Magazine/Reserve Capacity: 1/10
Spawn Command: give weapon_crossbow
Spawn Ammo: give item_ammo_crossbow
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=crossbow.jpg

Description: The Crossbow is a long-range weapon with high damage and
accuracy, but with a slow reload time as ammo has to be fired one at a time.
It appears to have been constructed by Resistance members from scrap materials
and to fire rebars which are superheated by electrical current from a large
battery on the underside of the weapon. These projectiles kill on contact and
can nail enemies to nearby walls. The bolts also travel relatively slowly,
dropping slightly over long distances, as, unlike most of the other
projectiles, they are modelled by the game's physics engine. For these
reasons, the Crossbow can be a difficult weapon to use against moving targets.
As a result, many players prefer to use the .357 for hitting targets at long
range. The rebar will ricochet off of most hard surfaces when the angle of
impact is low enough. Secondary fire activates a zoom mode to assist in
sniping. The crossbow is also one of the few weapons that can be fired
underwater, though there is not much opportunity to use that ability in-game.
Use against Antlion Guards show that the bolts simply bounce off.

First Found: Chapter 4: Urban Flight. On the floor in a Combine supply depot.

| Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher (RPG) |

Range: Medium to Long, splash damage to player at close range
Damage: 150
Alt-Fire: No
Total Capacity: 3
Spawn Command: give weapon_rpg
Spawn Ammo: give item_rpg_round OR item_ml_grenade
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=rpg.jpg

Description: This weapon fires rocket propelled grenades which must be guided
in flight using a laser painter sight which "paints" a red light on a target
which the rocket will then follow. The RPG is primarily an anti-vehicle
weapon, used to shoot down Combine gunships and striders. Throughout the game
ammunition for this weapon can usually be found strewn about areas containing
gunships, and later in battlezones involving striders as well. Up to three
rockets can be stored in reserve. Unlike in Half-Life, the guidance laser
cannot be turned off to dumb-fire a rocket. If a rocket is fired it will home
in on whatever the designator hits until it explodes.

It is interesting to note, that due to the rocket's maneuverability, it may be
possible to trigger an 'orbit' movement for it, when the rocket's trying to
hit the painted target, but can't, due to it's speed, resulting in it circling
the target endlessly.

First Found: Chapter 4: Urban Flight. Dropped by a Resistance citizen after he
gets killed by a Gunship in the ruined hospital, or much more rarely; earlier
in the chapter while fighting Combine Soldiers in a ruined street, if the
Resistance citizen with the weapon in that map is killed.

| M83 Fragmentation Grenade |

Range: Medium, limited by Gordon's throwing strength
Damage: 125
Alt-Fire: Yes
Total Capacity: 5
Spawn Command: give weapon_frag
Picture: http://ep1.vidgg.com/picture.php?id=nade.jpg

Description: The fragmentation grenade is a military-issue weapon with a
four-second fuse. Grenades are necessary for taking out Combine snipers and
turrets, and are also effective against large hordes of enemies (especially
zombies, as they do not attempt to avoid the blast). A unique feature of the
weapon is a red LED on the top that turns on when the grenade is thrown,
leaving a temporary trail of red to mark the grenade's path through the air.

Primary fire throws the grenade a variable distance depending on the elevation
angle the grenade is thrown. Secondary fire is an underhand toss/roll which
significantly changes the delivery of the grenade. If secondary fire is used
while standing, the grenade has much shorter range, and will bounce somewhat
randomly upon hitting the ground; if crouching, the grenade is rolled along
the ground in a fairly straight line, often curving to one side near the end
of its roll, and if running, the grenade usually drops straight to the ground.
Ordinarily, there is a significant delay between secondary fire and the actual
grenade launch; this delay can be effectively eliminated in certain situations
by holding secondary fire until the grenade is needed.

First Found: Chapter 3: Lowlife. While attempting to find cars to block
Antlion burrows in a large dilapidated parking garage, the player can find a
single grenade near shotgun ammunition and crabless Zombines near a car in one
section of the garage.

| |
| Legal & Contact [B.04] |
| |

Email: gamefreaksl@gmail.com

Everything in this faq(pictures, videos, ect) are (C) 2006 gamefreaksl &
shf3. If you would like to use anything in this faq for public use, you will
have to contact me. (I will almost always say yes)

Now if you come across an error, have something you would like me to add, or
just have a question. Email me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
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