

13.10.2013 11:02:11
Crashday (PC) Guide by Grawl
grawler (@t) gmail (d0t) com
10/21/06 - Version 1.1


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Table of Contents [CD.00.00]

* Table of Contents.................................................[CD.00.00]
* History & Next Version............................................[CD.01.01]
* Introduction......................................................[CD.02.01]
* Single Event......................................................[CD.03.01]
* Wrecking Match..................................................[CD.03.02]
* Stunt Show......................................................[CD.03.03]
* Hold the Flag...................................................[CD.03.04]
* Race............................................................[CD.03.05]
* Pass the Bomb...................................................[CD.03.06]
* Bomb Run........................................................[CD.03.07]
* Test Drive......................................................[CD.03.08]
* Mini Games........................................................[CD.04.01]
* Career Mode.......................................................[CD.05.01]
* Getting Started.................................................[CD.05.02]
* Amateurs Group A................................................[CD.05.03]
* Amateurs Group B................................................[CD.05.04]
* Professionals Group A...........................................[CD.05.05]
* Professionals Group B...........................................[CD.05.06]
* Finals Group A..................................................[CD.05.07]
* Finals Group B..................................................[CD.05.08]
* The Final Fight.................................................[CD.05.09]
* Cars..............................................................[CD.06.01]
* Cars............................................................[CD.06.02]
* Parts...........................................................[CD.06.03]
* Tracks............................................................[CD.07.01]
* Hints & Tips......................................................[CD.08.01]
* FAQ...............................................................[CD.09.01]
* Conclusion........................................................[CD.10.01]

History & Next Version [CD.01.01]

Version 0.1 (02/24/06) - First version, everything is new. (42,6KB)
Version 1.0 (02/25/06) - Finished the Career Mode, added the Tracks section,
finished the Part section, finished the Cars section, finished the Mini
Games section... pretty much finished the guide ;) (60,4KB)
Version 1.1 (10/21/06) - Added some rewards I didn't mention. (60,3KB)

Introduction [CD.02.01]

Taken from the official game:

"Crashday puts you in the world of stunts, dents and adrenaline: whether you
prefer to smash your vehicle into pieces with breath-taking stunts or better
still compete with your enemies in highspeed races - maybe you also just want
to show your fellow man what a serious head-on collision can be like!?

Today there are no rules - it's crash day!"

The game can be best described as a mix of Destruction Derby, Flatout,
Trackmania and Stunts. Basically it's just a fun driving game. So why a guide?
Well I have a week off, might as well ;)

Single Event [CD.03.01]

A small note here - some of the weapons and cars can't be used before you
unlock them in the Career Mode.

Wrecking Match [CD.03.02]

"Bring down your enemies, whatever it takes! Crashes, missiles or gun blast -
today there are no rules!"

Mode: Deathmatch
Cars to Wreck: 3 Wrecks, 5 Wrecks, 10 Wrecks, 20 Wrecks, 50 Wrecks
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents, 5
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Deathmatch (Teams)
Cars to Wreck: 3 Wrecks, 5 Wrecks, 10 Wrecks, 20 Wrecks, 50 Wrecks
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Team Size: 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Last Man Standing
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents, 5
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Wrecks in Advance
Advance to Win: +3 Wrecks, +5 Wrecks, +10 Wrecks
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents, 5
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Stunt Show [CD.03.03]

"Impress your audience with insane jumps and perfect landings, amazing crashes
and extreme rollovers! The more tricks you perform in a row, the higher your
combos will be rewarded.

Each single action is scored and the player with the highest total score wins
the competition."

Mode: Timer Countdown
Play Time: 2 Minutes, 3 Minutes, 5 Minutes
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: None, 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents,
5 Opponents
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Timer Countdown (Teams)
Play Time: 2 Minutes, 3 Minutes, 5 Minutes
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Team Size: 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Reach Target Score
Target Score: 5,000 Pts, 10,000 Pts, 20,000 Pts, 50,000 Pts, 100,000 Pts,
250,000 Pts
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: None, 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents,
5 Opponents
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Reach Target Score (Team)
Target Score: 5,000 Pts, 10,000 Pts, 20,000 Pts, 50,000 Pts, 100,000 Pts,
250,000 Pts
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Team Size: 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Hold the Flag [CD.03.04]

"Pick up the flag from the course or steal it by ramming the flag holder! Once
you're in possession of it, hold it and drive through the marked checkpoints!

The player that first drives the flag through a number of checkpoints wins
the competition."

Mode: Hold the Flag
Flags to Win: 3 Flags, 5 Flags, 10 Flags, 20 Flags
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents, 5
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Hold the Flag (Teams)
Flags to Win: 3 Flags, 5 Flags, 10 Flags, 20 Flags
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Team Size: 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Race [CD.03.05]

"Pass all checkpoints on the track and be the first to finish the race!"

Mode: Lap Race
Laps: 1 Lap, 2 Laps, 3 Laps, 4 Laps, 5 Laps, 6 Laps, 7 Laps, 8 Laps, 9 Laps,
10 Laps
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: None, 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents,
5 Opponents
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Point-to-Point
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: None, 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents,
5 Opponents
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Mode: Knock Out Race
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: None, 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents,
5 Opponents
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Pass the Bomb [CD.03.06]

"A bomb on your car's roof? Get rid of it and pass it on by smashing into
another vehicle before this thing blows up! You receive 0 points if you get =
killed, 1 point if you survive and 3 points if you last had the bomb before it
blows up someone else's car!

The player with the highest score after a number of rounds wins the

Rounds: 3 Rounds, 5 Rounds, 10 Rounds
Bomb Timer: 10 Seconds, 20 Seconds, 30 Seconds, 60 Seconds
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents, 5
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Bomb Run [CD.03.07]

"When driving at a certain speed, a car bomb will be armed! Your vehicle blows
up as you drive slower than the minimum speed. Pass the marked checkpoints and
survive as long as you can! Take care, the minimum speed rises with each

The player that passes the most checkpoints wins the competition."

Bomb Arm Velocity: Slow Speed, Medium Speed, High Speed
Difficulty Level: Easy, Normal, Hard
Number of Opponents: 1 Opponent, 2 Opponents, 3 Opponents, 4 Opponents, 5
Nitro Boost: Activated, Disabled
Weapons: Single Missiles, Minigun, Single Missiles/Minigun, Disabled
Vehicle Damage: Low, Medium, High

Test Drive [CD.03.08]

"Take your car for a ride and freely roam around."

Mini Games [CD.04.01]

Long Jump - "Jump as far as you can!"
The key here is to use the nitro boost. Time it, so you are still boosting
when you fly off the ramp.

Vehicle Blast - "Hit the ramp before your car blows up and jump as far as you
When you start, use the boost straight away to gain some speed. Keep on the
left side of the road, and make sure you're boosting when you fly off the

Checkpoint Chase - "Pass as many checkpoints as you can!"
Try to drive through as much checkpoints in a row without losing speed to
gain a high score here.

Long Jump II - "This mini game has to be unlocked in the career game!"
"Jump as far as you can!"
A bit of a longer run, but just boost and all that =p
(Unlocked by finishing the Amateurs Division)

Vehicle Blast II - "This mini game has to be unlocked in the career game!"
"Hit the ramp before your car blows up and jump as far as you can!"
This time the mini-game takes place in a tunnel. Pretty easy and all.
(Unlocked by finishing the Professional Division)

Checkpoint Chase II - "This mini game has to be unlocked in the career game!"
"Pass as many checkpoints as you can!"
See description for the other Checkpoint Chase mini-game.
(Unlocked by finishing the Final Division)

Career Mode [CD.05.01]

Getting Started [CD.05.02]

The Right One For the Job?
Event Type: Wrecking Match
Objective: Wreck 10 vehicles first!
Cash Reward: $6,000
Respect Reward: 20
Drivers: 3 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Judge
Description: "I still remember exactly how we started out back then.
Basically, it was all there: Cars, a workshop, garages, gas, ramps...
everything you needed to get into the racing business big... We just had one
problem; we needed some hot drivers. Drivers who were prepared to risk their
necks for us. So we did it the right way and organized a kind of qualifying
test. We wanted the best... and we weren't going to settle for the less."
Note: This one is just easy - very easy. Just wreck the opponents to view a
movie, and move on.

Amateurs Group A [CD.05.03]

Stunts, Dents and Adrenaline
Event Type: Stunt Show
Objective: Achieve the driver's highest stunt score in 03'00 minutes!
Cash Reward: $6,500
Respect Reward: 5
Drivers: 2 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "Tony and his crew were responsible for the organisation of the
garage and building the stunt elements. The shop was just a front. In Tony's
shop, we got the money back that we'd paid out previously to the drivers as
prize money. Some of it, anyway. Then we put all the cash back into the
construction of new stunt elements. Big ramps, small ramps, loops, you name
it... like, we built a course for your up-and-coming talents that consisted
entirely of small ramps. That's where they gained their first experience in
the league."
Note: The opponents aren't even trying hard, so just stunt and score.

Mansfield Speedway
Event Type: Lap Race
Objective: Finish 2 race laps!
Cash Reward: $7,000
Respect Reward: 5
Drivers: 3 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "At first, the idea with the DVDs didn't go down too good with
the bosses at all. Too much publicity. It took a while for them to realize
that the sales of the videos indirectly affected the income from the betting
offices. The more videos we sold, the more the dimwits shovelled their money
into the betting offices. From there on in, we were on a roll. Man, we made
so much cash, it was like the whole world belonged to us. Remember Mansfield
Speedway? Even before the track was officially opened, we organized a race
there. People loved us for having ideas like that."
Note: Don't go crazy on the nitro here, since it's easy to get off-track
here. Especially during the off-road parts, I don't suggest boosting.

The Offroad Stage
Event Type: Point-to-Point Race
Objective: Reach the final checkpoint in less than 03'50 minutes!
Cash Reward: $7,500
Respect Reward: 5
Drivers: No Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "Flat Shoals was ideal for our purposes. Remote. Lonely. Not
much more than a wide place in the road, way out in the middle of nowhere. A
good place to solve problems. If anybody caused us trouble, Flat Shoals was
the solution. You just had to know what you are doing and give the farmers a
couple of bottles of spiked booze to make sure that they slept well. Pigs
don't ask questions about what they're being fed. But farmers do. And if
farmers ask questions, you can be sure that you're gonna have to spend the
whole damn night solving even more problems. Yeah, races were held in Flat
Shoals too, of course. Like... er... the Offroad-Stage race, for example."
Note: This is mainly an off-road track, and if you're going to follow the
main road, you'll fail big time. Just leave the road and drive between the
trees, smash away fences etc. Anything to save some seconds and reach the
checkpoint as fast as possible.

You Got Something I Need
Event Type: Wrecking Match
Objective: Wreck all vehicles!
Cash Reward: $9,000
Respect Reward: 5
Drivers: 2 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "With all that money, it was clear that sooner or later someone
was going to try to take a slice of the pie. You always have small losses,
especially where cash flows. Here and there people pocket a little on the
side - hey, what the heck? We took it into account, and nobody minded much.
But when bets were manipulated by people other than us, and drivers were
obviously being bribed, it was time to fire a warning shot. Pretty soon we
had two guys in our sights that'd had their fingers in the till just a
little too often. Then it was just a matter of finding a driver who'd teach
the two a lesson. Somebody trustworthy... and expendable."
Note: It's you against two others, with no weapons. Don't drive into them,
but let them follow you and bump into things. For example, when you start
and drive straight ahead, you'll be able to take a ramp and enter a pipe. If
you stay inside, they'll keep bumping into the area below and into each
other. Find more of these areas and survive.

New car: Hunter ZR-IX
New car: Cube KS
+10 Respect

Amateurs Group B [CD.05.04]

Team Spirit
Event Type: Hold the Flag
Objective: Pick up the flag and drive it through 5 checkpoints faster than
the hostile team!
Cash Reward: $8,000
Respect Reward: 5
Drivers: 2 Teams
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "Hold the Flag was one of my favorite events. It was just a
matter of finding a big yellow Smiley face out in the field and taking it
through the checkpoints. When Tony turned up with the thing the first
time, we all wondered if he was going nuts. Just imagine it, you come to
work one morning and there's this big yellow thing standing out in the yard
and grinning at you. At the time we didn't have a lot of time to discuss it;
the bosses were breathing down our necks because of the lost betting income.
So we used it. Yeah, looking back, it was a good idea. That grin turned out
to be an unexpected gold mine, and we were back in the bosses' favor."
Note: Really easy one. Be sure to get the flag as first person, and it's hard
to lose the race.

Car Theft
Event Type: Point-to-Point Race
Objective: Reach the final checkpoint in less than 02'10 minutes!
Cash Reward: $8,300
Respect Reward: 5
Drivers: 3 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Bornbad GT90
Description: "We didn't have too much trouble with the cops. I only remember
one time I really got worried. Due to the business with the bribes, we still
had a couple of packages we needed to dispose of in Flat Shoals. Everything
was prepared and it looked like it was going to be just another routine run.
Man, you plan everything carefully, fill the tank, make a couple of
sandwiches for the journey - and then the cops tow you away because you
parked in a no-parking zone. And all because your wife forget to buy
tomatoes and you wanna be a good husband. Luckily, the cops towed the car
straight to the pound. Boy, if they'd opened the trunk, we'd have been
screwed. We had to get the car out of there as fast as possible. My face
was known all over town, so only one of the drivers really could be
considered for the job..."
Note: This car is a horror to control. To make matters worse, you need to
go off-road quite a lot. When you start, drive through the gate and go
straight off the road to cut a large part off. You'll end up in a small
town. Keep going straight, off the road again until you need to make a turn
to the right (after passing a checkpoint). You'll have to go straight ahead
and take another turn right. Boost onto the hill, and aim for the right. Get
on the right side of the highway and keep going. From there on it's all
pretty easy.

Knocked Out!
Event Type: Knock Out Race
Objective: Stay away from last position at the end of a lap or you'll be
knocked out!
Cash Reward: $9,500
Respect Reward: 5
Drivers: 5 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "So we thought we'd dealt with two of the black sheep, but
evidently we hadn't gotten the message across. There were still a couple of
no-goods out there who just didn't want to get it. The solution was a
Knock Out race. Nobody liked driving with a bomb in his car that exploded
if he was placed last in a lap. Especially if he had a skeleton in the
closet and knew that Tony's crew could rig his car or its protective
armor-player any time they liked. Drivers who hesitated made themselves
suspicious from the onset, and those who did take part could never be sure
how much we knew. We reckoned on the drivers getting nervous and making
Note: A pretty easy one again. When you (boost) of the ramp, just make sure
you're going straight and things will be fine.

Better Don't Stop Me
Event Type: Bomb Run
Objective: Keep moving and pass all checkpoints on the course!
Cash Reward: $11,000
Respect Reward: 5
Drivers: No Opponents
Race Vehicle: Ironhorze V8
Description: "Rules are rules, ok? Drivers who wanted to get into the
professional league had to complete a Bomb Run. Anyone whop was crazy
enough to take part had to drive a fully tanked IronHorze with a bomb
attacked to the roof. This bomb was equipped with a velocity fuse. If the
car fell below a minimum speed, it blew up. Easy as that. Believe me... wild
horses couldn't have got me in that car."
Note: This one is pretty nasty. Whatever you do, remember it's better to slow
down or even break, then to bump into something. Two notes here - first off,
you'll reach a checkpoint, with a small bridge you'll drive onto. Slow down
to not crash off, and let yourself bump into the bridge to make the turn.
When you reach the end, slow down again and bump into the bridge to make
the turn. There are two of these around. The second note - after you passed
the second bridge I mentioned above, you'll be on the highway again.
However, it's not finished, and it'll turn into grass. Be sure to slow down
when you touch the grass, or the car might get out of control, and you just
don't want that... When you finished the race, you'll move into the
professional league. Good job on that. And yes, sadly this means you
already passed 30% of the game.

New Car: Buster GSt
New Weapon: Minigun
?? Respect

Professionals Group A [CD.05.05]

Flying Like The Hawks
Event Type: Stunt Show
Objective: Reach 150,000 stunt points faster than the hostile team!
Cash Reward: $12,000
Respect Reward: 30
Drivers: 2 Teams
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "A single person is always easier to keep under control and put
under pressure than a motley crew of bums that can put their heads together
and get crazy ideas. That's why I'd rather have done without the teams
altogether. But on the other hand, it was the team races that tripled our
turnover. A lot of the fans began to identify with a particular team and
cheered for them at every meeting. Should I not have taken advantage of
that? You be the judge. The Hawks, for example, were a very popular stunt
Note: Follow your team, and check out the score. If it's lower than the
hostile team, just start over. A good start is half the work. You'll be the
one scoring most of the points though.

Just Keepin' Cool
Event Type: Wrecking Match
Objective: Wreck 20 vehicles of the hostile team first!
Cash Reward: $13,000
Respect Reward: 30
Drivers: 2 Teams
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "They couldn't wait to throw their hard-earned money at us.
Crashday became the highlight of the week in these guys' humdrum everyday
life. But when we introduced the "Team Wrecking" event, everyone totally
flipped out. In Team Wrecking there was nothing, but nothing that couldn't
be turned into cash... Fan articles, videos, remote control Firespitters for
the kids... Even a dented fender could be sold for a couple of grand. It was
Note: The thing is, when you're not around, no scores will be earned for
anyone. It's pretty pathetic, but true. Just get some armor for you car and
hope for the best. For some fun, drive away from the main area and note how
all the opponents are following you!

Event Type: Bomb Run
Objective: Keep moving and pass all checkpoints on the course!
Cash Reward: $14,000
Respect Reward: 30
Drivers: 4 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "The enthusiasm of the people knew no bounds. Do you remember
the tunnel races? Barely room to manoeuvre, and five or six vehicles
simultaneously on a Bomb Run. Sheer suicide, if you ask me. In any case, for
every smashed tile in the tunnel walls, there was a story circulating on the
Internet. After a while, I used to drive down there myself for the hell of
it and smash a couple of tiles, just to add a little grist to the rumor
Note: Pretty easy, actually. You don't have to brake much, and you can get
ahead without a problem. The only problem you'll probably have is getting to
the last checkpoint. By then, you need to have a high speed, but you really
need to slow down in order to take the two final turns. Use nitro when you
are desperate.

Offroad Madness
Event Type: Stunt Show
Objective: Be the first driver to reach 120,000 stunt points!
Cash Reward: $20,000
Respect Reward: 30
Drivers: 4 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "The favorite event for a lot of drivers was Offroad Madness -
a stunt show in which the drivers could give everything and have a load of
fun. Yeah true, wrecking matches were more lucrative, but we had to keep
our boys happy. Who wants to sit in a car the whole time that's being shot
to pieces from all sides? Let's face it, only someone who has fun and enjoys
his job delivers top performance. And I believe if our drivers didn't have
any fun in the thing, we'd never have been able to make the Crashday league
as big it got..."
Note: Once again, a good start if half the work (literally). When taking the
first jump, aim on the left side. If you got enough speed, you can hit two
hills, which keep your combo going. Then you're able to hit another ramp
and when you are doing flying around, you can have a combo of 47,000+.
That's only 13,000 short of half of the score you need! However, try to keep
your score high, because the opponents won't hesitate to take the lead.

New Car: Firespitter RS
New Car: Pick'Em'Up V8
New Weapon: Single Missiles
50 Respect

Professionals Group B [CD.05.06]

Welcome to the Underground
Event Type: Point-to-Point Race
Objective: Reach the final checkpoint first!
Cash Reward: $19,000
Respect Reward: 30
Drivers: 5 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "We even had street races where drivers could use weapons.
However, a kind of code of honor had spread in the drivers' camp that
prohibited the use of weaponry in a race. But of course, there was always
someone who had nothing against firing a missile up the exhaust pipe of the
driver in front of him. That held a certain appeal to me personally too,
because races like that sold better."
Note: This time you can shoot, which is pretty nice. When you shoot another
driver, he'll spin to the left or right, which is always helpful, right?
An easy race, but make sure you're entering the tunnel at the beginning.

What the Hell... the Police
Event Type: Wrecking Match
Objective: Wreck 20 vehicles to the hostile team first!
Cash Reward: $21,000
Respect Reward: 30
Drivers: 2 Teams
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "It started with a fight over a woman, and the bosses are
allergic to that kind of thing. They just did not like women getting between
the drivers. It was bad for business, period. I collared the two hotheads
and told them to settle the matter between themselves over at the old press
shop. Up until that point it was just a typical drivers' camp brawl, but
then out of the blue the cops turned up. It was just clear to me straight
away that we were heading for a heap of trouble if the bosses ever found out
about it."
Note: It's you versus three other cars. The two police cars are easy to get
rid off, but watch out for the 4x4 - it can wreck you pretty fast. My
strategy was to head up those paths that go up, into the building and shoot
them when they come up.

The Bomberman
Event Type: Pass the Bomb
Objective: Grab the bomb and pass it on just before it blows up!
Cash Reward: $24,000
Respect Reward: 30
Drivers: 5 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "Every now and then we'd do small favors for certain people.
Nothing too fancy. A couple of parties, women... Little things, just to make
sure they owed you one. There was this one guy, a big shot from the weapons
lobby who desperately wanted to do a couple of laps in an Incubator. The
deal with him was extremely important for us. We had no more explosives for
bomb construction and we needed supplies urgently for the opening of a new
arena. And what does this idiot do? Crashes in the first curve because he
couldn't handle the car. I thought: "Hell, what now?", but the guy climbed
out of the wreck grinning from ear to ear and signed the contract - he'd had
the time of his life. Now with that, nothing more stood in the way of the
"Pass the Bomb" event."
Note: Now this is great fun. When you start, already drive forward, and
then try to get the bomb. If you got the bomb, drive away from the crowd and
wait until the driver got to 10 seconds or less. Find an opponent and give
them the bomb. BOOM! 3 point. There are 8 rounds, so go for the 21 points ;)

Annoying Competitors
Event Type: Wrecking Match
Objective: Wreck 20 vehicles to the hostile team first!
Cash Reward: $27,000
Respect Reward: 30
Drivers: 2 Teams
Race Vehicle: Bornbad GT90
Description: "We had a real challenge on our hands to offer something special
for the qualification of the Finals, and I was determined to get the disused
container lot for it. I'd had an eye on the place for a long time because it
offered optimum conditions for a Wrecking Match. Unfortunately, I was not
the only one. There was an open tender, and a bunch of architects offices
were competing to be the ones to build a gigantic shopping mall on the lot.
But the guy who had the last word in the awarding of the contract was none
other than our respected mayor. That tub of lard was up to his neck in it
because he'd blown his whole fortune on horses and roulette. He didn't even
have the cash to pay the taxi fare to my office. In this akward situation,
I, of course, had a sympathetic ear for his problems..."
Note: This one isn't really hard. You got a minigun and missiles, so go
crazy. The best thing is to go left at the start, and stay around this area.
The opponents will have to come from the grassy area, or from behind some of
the storage boxes. If you won, you're going to enter the finals. Great job!

New Car: Bornbad GT90
New Car: Ironhorze V8
New Weapon: Double Missiles
100 Respect

Finals Group A [CD.05.07]

Mountain Circuit
Event Type: Lap Race
Objective: Finish 2 race laps!
Cash Reward: $30,000
Respect Reward: 150
Drivers: 3 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "We owe the creation of the Mountain Circuit to a couple of
crazy fans. Somehow those freaks managed to find out my number, and they
called me incessantly. They had this fantastic idea, blah, blah, blah,
blah... Anyway, they got on my nerves so much, in the end I sent Tony over
to deal with them. But instead of putting them through the mill, Tony came
back with some blueprints under his arm. They'd planned out the Mountain
Circuit down to the last details. Racing meets Crashday... That was the
basic concept. All that was left for us to do was to build the track."
Note: For this race, you probably want to buy a new car. Buy the most
expensive car, and use this for the race.

A Big Pile of Scrap
Event Type: Stunt Show
Objective: Achieve the driver's highest stun score in 03'00 minutes!
Cash Reward: $32,000
Respect Reward: 150
Drivers: 3 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "Big Pile of Scrap was a demonstration of our biggest and best
stunts. The track was just bombastic. We needed huge amounts of steel and
concrete for the construction of that arena. But meanwhile the elements had
gotten too big to build them in Tony's workshop exclusively. We had to get
several enterprises to build it all for us and to put it up. And that's
where I saw big problems. Using outside labour involved the risk of getting
busted. We had to make the transition from an illegal to a legal operation.
From that point on, it was essential for the Crashday league to become
reputable. On paper at least."
Note: This is the arena that they used in the demo, just in case you happen
to have played that. Getting high scores is quite easy. As you start, don't
follow the others. Instead, look for the big ramps that go a long way up.
They are standing two at a side. Boost when you drive onto it and you'll
fly high up in the sky. Spin your car by holding left or right, and see
the points come in. Then drive to the other side of the arena and repeat it
all until the time runs out.

Get Ready to Rumble
Event Type: Knock Out Race
Objective: Stay away from last position at the end of a lap or you'll be
knocked out!
Cash Reward: $36,000
Respect Reward: 150
Drivers: 4 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "The collaboration with the weapons and the construction lobbies
enabled us to build gigantic arenas. From then on, we were no longer
dependent on the hicks from the amateur league for knockout races. Problem
was, the whole operation was shaky because it was still being financed with
money from manipulated bets and what we managed to slip past the IRS. The
bosses would only agree to play along on something of that magnitude if
there was someone who'd serve as a scapegoat in a worst case scenario. None
of them wanted to spent his last years behind bars. We needed to find a
straw man, someone dumb enough to take the rap, just in case we were
Note: Nothing hard once again. The opponents somehow think it's needed to
stay on the track. You can easily cut corners to shave off seconds.

Beating - Anyone?
Event Type: Wrecking Match
Objective: Wreck 25 vehicles to the hostile team first!
Cash Reward: $40,000
Respect Reward: 150
Drivers: 2 Teams
Race Vehicle: The Wrecker
Description: "The Wrecker was three tons of steal which crushed everything
that came in its path. Four 18 inc off-road tires just waiting to tear up
the asphalt and mud. 413 HP lurked under the humpbacked hood, just waiting
to be let loose. Damn, the thing was ugly as sin, but if you wanted to leave
a wake of devastation behind you, the Wrecker was the first and best
Note: Just go crazy on the missiles.

New Car: Apachee 200X
New Car: The Wrecker
300 Respect

Finals Group B [CD.05.08]

Mine Battlefield
Event Type: Hold the Flag
Objective: Pick up the flag and drive it through 10 checkpoints faster than
the hostile team!
Cash Reward: $38,000
Respect Reward: 150
Drivers: 2 Teams
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "Frank Meyer. A classic example of the upwardly mobile career
man. He really believed he got his manager job because he thought he was
good. The real reason he got it was because we had him sign his name on
everything. A shipment of mines for the "Mine Battlefield"? No problem. He
signed. Missiles from Russia? He signed. Before, we'd had to cover ourselves
against all eventualities, now we had a guy who was officially responsible.
He was perfect. He didn't ask any dumb questions, and he took care of the
PR. What more could we have asked for?"
Note: Try to get the flag as first player and from that moment it's pretty

The Super Combo
Event Type: Stunt Show
Objective: Show off a single super stunt combo of 70,000 points!
Cash Reward: $40,000
Respect Reward: 150
Drivers: No Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "We knew that, if we gave Meyer the position of manager, there
was the danger that he might realize his real purpose as a scapegoat. So, we
had to keep him busy, you know, distract him. We sent him to presentations,
press conferences, let him open race circuits, make speeches, and we stuffed
him full of money, and you know? It worked. The more he saw his face in the
press and on TV, the happier he became. He was actually quite creative. The
"Super combo" was his baby."
Note: This may look hard, but it's not that hard, really. When you start,
take the left road, and head left again (so you don't go over the bridge).
Then boost onto the first hill and try to keep making jumps. You'll hit a
70,000+ combo in no-time. Just in case you can't pull it off, watch my
reply to get an idea of how I did it - (put it in your replays dir, where
you installed the game - be sure to unpack it first using WinRAR. Don't mail
me for help)

Three Hills
Event Type: Pass the Bomb
Objective: Grab the bomb and pass it on just before it blows up!
Cash Reward: $42,000
Respect Reward: 150
Drivers: 5 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "The purchase of the old dump was the result of a privatization
agreement. The place hadn't paid its way and devoured enormous amounts of
taxpayers' money. The state was desperate to get rid of the dump, and the
bosses had two very influential building speculators on their payroll who
where in the lobby. They had instructions to procure money from guilds and
cooperatives which would then be donated through Meyer to the Crashday
league in a large-scale deal. And then, we used the money to buy the dump.
Of course, the garbage was a serious problem, so the first thing we did was
pour concrete over it, which formed its characteristic three hills. But
don't forget: The construction of this track gave the local economy a big
boost. We raised twelve million in investment capital. Who was going to make
things difficult for us?"
Note: Ah, great fun again. Try to get the bomb, and drive around till you
have about 15 seconds on the timer left. Then pass it on, and get away. An
easy way to get away is to boost when you go up, and you'll land outside the
arena. Who'll get you when you're there? Nobody.

Air Time
Event Type: Stunt Show
Objective: You've got 04'00 minutes to show off some extreme jumps. Jump for
at least 01'00 minutes in total!
Cash Reward: $50,000
Respect Reward: 150
Drivers: 3 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "Air Time was the last challenge before the Final Battle. Here,
only the best of the best survived. It was always a magnificent sight when
the cars flew through the air like birds. There always seemed to be a moment
of silence when a car reached the highest point... then it was dead quiet...
and then... slow at first and then faster... and faster and faster, the car
plunged down and ploughed into the ground..."
Note: Now this is great fun. Drive straight ahead and make jumps and jumps
and jumps and jumps and jumps. You can easily get a combo of over 100,000
here. Just keep jumping and you'll reach the objective (be in the air for
a minute) easily.

600 Respect

The Final Fight [CD.05.09]

The Final Fight
Event Type: Wrecking Match
Objective: Wreck 5 more vehicles than any opponent in less than 10'00
Cash Reward: $600,000
Respect Reward: 0
Drivers: 1 Opponents
Race Vehicle: Free Choice
Description: "After all the troubles and tribulations, everything was ready
for the big finale. The champagne for the party was on ice, the invites had
gone out, the hottest women organized, and the little briefcase for the
bosses were just waiting to be filled with cash and delivered. Now all that
was left was the final battle. Two drivers in a one on once race, to decide
who was the best of the best."
Note: You're probably expecting something hard here, but it'll be easy as
pie (assuming pie is easy). Boost forward until you get the opponent on your
screen, shoot missiles his way, and turn around. He'll only have around 40%
of his health left. Finish it off with some more missiles, bullets or by
just hitting him. Get 5 wrecks more than the opponent, and you finished the
game. Good job! Watch the final movie and... replay some matches or just
play another game that lasts longer than 2 or 3 hours ;)

New Car: The Incubator V12
4000 Respect

Cars [CD.06.01]

Cars [CD.06.02]

These are the cars you can use in the game. This list is mainly aimed at the
Career mode (name, respect needed to unlock, price).

01. Apachee Super Turbo 220X, 1370, 152,000
02. Bornbad GT90, 475, 90,700
03. Buster GSt, 85, 16,200
04. Firespitter Evolution '80, 260, 55,100
05. Hunter XT-5, 45, 8,000
06. Incubator V12, 6000, 0
07. Ironhorze Motors V8, 475, 83,750
08. The Judge 5000 SV, 475, 119,000
09. 4x4 Power Pick'Em'Up V8, 260, 51,750
10. Spectran TI, 0, You start with this one
11. Cube RS, 45, 10,500
12. The Wrecker, 1350, 86,050

Parts [CD.06.03]

Not all cars can have all parts (especially the wheels). Keep that in mind.

Light performance kit, 90,00
Medium performance kit, 13,500
Heavy performance kit, 33,500
Ultra performance kit, 40,225
Crashpower Kits
Light wrecking kit, 8,000
Heavy wrecking kit, 9,000
Armor Kits
Light armour kit, 5,500 (note how they use 'armour' instead of 'armor' here)
Heavy armor kit, 7,250
Sport Wheels
Sport Style 1
13" Sports Style 1, 1,600
14" Sports Style 1, 1,700
15" Sports Style 1, 1,800
16" Sports Style 1, 2,000
17" Sports Style 1, 2,300
18" Sports Style 1, 2,750
Sport Style 2
13" Sports Style 2, 1,600
14" Sports Style 2, 1,700
15" Sports Style 2, 1,800
16" Sports Style 2, 2,000
17" Sports Style 2, 2,300
18" Sports Style 2, 2,750
Sport Style 3
13" Sports Style 3, 1,600
14" Sports Style 3, 1,700
15" Sports Style 3, 1,800
16" Sports Style 3, 2,000
17" Sports Style 3, 2,300
18" Sports Style 3, 2,750
Super Sport Wheels
Super Sport Style 1
15" Super Sport Style 1, 2,400
16" Super Sport Style 1, 2,500
17" Super Sport Style 1, 2,600
18" Super Sport Style 1, 2,900
19" Super Sport Style 1, 3,100
20" Super Sport Style 1, 3,500
22" Super Sport Style 1, 4,000
Super Sport Style 2
15" Super Sport Style 2, 2,400
16" Super Sport Style 2, 2,500
17" Super Sport Style 2, 2,600
18" Super Sport Style 2, 2,900
19" Super Sport Style 2, 3,100
20" Super Sport Style 2, 3,500
22" Super Sport Style 2, 4,000
Super Sport Style 3
15" Super Sport Style 3, 2,400
16" Super Sport Style 3, 2,500
17" Super Sport Style 3, 2,600
18" Super Sport Style 3, 2,900
19" Super Sport Style 3, 3,100
20" Super Sport Style 3, 3,500
22" Super Sport Style 3, 4,000
Super Sport Style 4
15" Super Sport Style 4, 2,400
16" Super Sport Style 4, 2,500
17" Super Sport Style 4, 2,600
18" Super Sport Style 4, 2,900
19" Super Sport Style 4, 3,100
20" Super Sport Style 4, 3,500
22" Super Sport Style 4, 4,000
Offroad Wheels
Offroad Style 1
13" Offroad Style 1, 1,900
14" Offroad Style 1, 2,000
15" Offroad Style 1, 2,200
16" Offroad Style 1, 2,450
17" Offroad Style 1, 2,850
18" Offroad Style 1, 3,125
Offroad Style 2
12" Offroad Style 2, 12,000
13" Offroad Style 2, 12,000
14" Offroad Style 2, 12,000
15" Offroad Style 2, 2,600
16" Offroad Style 2, 2,450
17" Offroad Style 2, 2,850
18" Offroad Style 2, 3,125
Offroad Style 3
12" Offroad Style 3, 2,000
13" Offroad Style 3, 2,000
14" Offroad Style 3, 2,000
15" Offroad Style 3, 2,600
16" Offroad Style 3, 3,000
17" Offroad Style 3, 3,500
18" Offroad Style 3, 4,000
Sports suspensions, 6,000
Extreme sports suspensions, 8,000
Offroad suspensions, 4,500
Front Bumpers
"Cubepack", 300
"Warlord", 700
"Claws", 1,200
"Cubeking", 2,000
Rear Bumpers
"Cubepack", 300
"Warlord", 700
"Claws", 1,200
"Cubeking", 2,000
Car Sidekits
"Cubepack", 150
"Warlord", 350
"Claws", 600
"Cubeking", 1,000
"Evil Attack", 560
"Sleeping kitten", 960 (these guys need to get a course on capital letters)
"Amok Race R", 1,600
Rear Wings
"Inferno", 560
"Le Mans", 960
"F1 Racing", 1,600
"Curved Stripes", 300
"Crashtest Car", 2,600
"Minigun", 4,500
"Single Missiles", 20,000
"Double Missiles", 40,000

Tracks [CD.07.01]

This is a list of all the tracks that come with the game. Note you can't play
some until you finished them in Career mode.

File: amateurs1
Type: Career Track
Name: Stunts, Dents and Adrenaline
Dimensions: 700mx400m (35x20)
Checkpoints: 1

File: amateurs2
Type: Career Track
Name: Mansfield Speedway
Dimensions: 960mx640m (48x32)
Checkpoints: 24

File: amateurs3
Type: Career Track
Name: The Offroad Stage
Dimensions: 2560mx300m (128x15)
Checkpoints: 29

File: amateurs4
Type: Career Track
Name: You Got Something I Need
Dimensions: 800mx640m (48x32)
Checkpoints: 3

File: amateurs5
Type: Career Track
Name: Team Spirit
Dimensions: 1000mx440m (50x77)
Checkpoints: 11

File: amateurs6
Type: Career Track
Name: Car Theft
Dimensions: 2000mx400m (100x20)
Checkpoints: 12

File: amateurs7
Type: Career Track
Name: Knocked Out
Dimensions: 600mx480m (30x24)
Checkpoints: 5

File: amateurs8
Type: Career Track
Name: Better Don't Stop Me
Dimensions: 2200mx300m (110x15)
Checkpoints: 15

File: bumpy
Type: Custom Track
Name: bumpy
Dimensions: 400mx400m (20x20)
Checkpoints: 3

File: cartest
Type: Custom Track
Name: cartest
Dimensions: 200mx600m (18x30)
Checkpoints: 9

File: endmission
Type: Career Track
Name: The Final Battle
Dimensions: 36400mx1920m (18x96)
Checkpoints: 2

File: finals1
Type: Career Track
Name: Mountain Circuit
Dimensions: 1200mx660m (60x33)
Checkpoints: 15

File: finals2
Type: Career Track
Name: A Big Pile of Scrap
Dimensions: 580mx640m (79x32)
Checkpoints: 1

File: finals3
Type: Career Track
Name: Get Ready to Rumble
Dimensions: 780mx610m (39x31)
Checkpoints: 12

File: finals4
Type: Career Track
Name: Beating - Anyone?
Dimensions: 960mx560m (48x28)
Checkpoints: 4

File: finals5
Type: Career Track
Name: Mine Battlefield
Dimensions: 1000mx800m (50x40)
Checkpoints: 6

File: finals6
Type: Career Track
Name: The Super Combo
Dimensions: 1480mx340m (74x17)
Checkpoints: 1

File: finals7
Type: Career Track
Name: Three Hills
Dimensions: 580mx540m (29x27)
Checkpoints: 4

File: finals8
Type: Career Track
Name: Air Time
Dimensions: 2000mx400m (100x20)
Checkpoints: 3

File: intro
Type: Career Track
Name: The Right One For the Job?
Dimensions: 560mx560m (28x28)
Checkpoints: 4

File: mini_blast_1
Type: Custom Track
Name: mini_blast_1
Dimensions: 3100mx340m (105x17)
Checkpoints: 1

File: mini_blast_2
Type: Custom Track
Name: mini_blast_2
Dimensions: 1600mx400m (80x20)
Checkpoints: 1

File: mini_chase_1
Type: Custom Track
Name: mini_chase_1
Dimensions: 600mx400m (30x20)
Checkpoints: 38

File: mini_chase_2
Type: Custom Track
Name: mini_chase_2
Dimensions: 280mx1000m (14x50)
Checkpoints: 21

File: mini_jump_1
Type: Custom Track
Name: mini_jump_1
Dimensions: 800mx420m (40x21)
Checkpoints: 1

File: mini_jump_2
Type: Custom Track
Name: mini_jump_2
Dimensions: 1860mx260m (93x13)
Checkpoints: 1

File: mini_mass_1
Type: Custom Track
Name: mini_mass_1
Dimensions: 600mx440m (30x22)
Checkpoints: 1

File: mini_mass_2
Type: Custom Track
Name: mini_mass_2
Dimensions: 600mx400m (30x20)
Checkpoints: 1

File: professionals1
Type: Career Track
Name: Flying Like the Hawks
Dimensions: 500mx440m (25x22)
Checkpoints: 2

File: professionals2
Type: Career Track
Name: Just Keepin' Cool
Dimensions: 400mx440m (20x22)
Checkpoints: 4

File: professionals3
Type: Career Track
Name: Suicide
Dimensions: 940mx540m (47x27)
Checkpoints: 11

File: professionals4
Type: Career Track
Name: Offroad Madness
Dimensions: 760mx560m (38x28)
Checkpoints: 2

File: professionals5
Type: Career Track
Name: Welcome to the Underground
Dimensions: 1280mx500m (64x25)
Checkpoints: 21

File: professionals6
Type: Career Track
Name: What the Hell... the Police
Dimensions: 600mx600m (30x30)
Checkpoints: 3

File: professionals7
Type: Career Track
Name: The Bomberman
Dimensions: 340mx340m (17x17)
Checkpoints: 5

File: professionals8
Type: Career Track
Name: Annoying Competitors
Dimensions: 860mx280m (43x14)
Checkpoints: 4

Hints & Tips [CD.08.01]

When you're loading the game, various hints and tips appear on the screen.
Here they are, listed just for you.

* Finished the career's amateur division to unlock the second Long Jump mini
game! (shown when loading the Long Jump mini-game)
* Freeze spectacular moments using the Freeze Mode! (default key Del)
* Don't waste any time to reach the ramp as fast as possible! (shown when
loading the Vehicle Blast mini-game)
* Use the nitro boost to gain extra speed!
* Use the external camera to get an outside view onto your car (default key
Page Down)
* Use the recovery function if your car gets stuck (default key R)!
* Use the handbrake and nitro boost to quickly get to checkpoints! (shown
when loading the Checkpoint Chase mini-game)
* Press F1 to play the next music track.
* Once your car is respawned after being wrecked, ammunition is fully
reloaded! (shown when loading the Wrecking Match event)
* Use the steering keys to control your car's rotation during a jump! (shown
when loading the Stunt Show event)
* Purchase weapons or cars in the career game to unlock them for single events
and multiplayer!
* The driver holding the flag is slightly slower than his opponents! (shown
when loading the Hold the Flag event)
* Find the next checkpoint using the HUD arrow and the radar! (shown when
loading the Race event)
* Press F5 to take a screenshot!
* Use the nitro boost to speed up quickly if you just fell below the minimum
speed! (shown when loading the Bomb Run event)
* Watch your back using the look back command (default key Tab)!
* Press 0-9 to send customisable quick chat messages for multiplayer!
* Check the upcoming events to find out which tuning items might be suitable
to purchase! (shown when loading anything related to the Career Mode)
* Earn Respect Points by winning races to unlock new vehicles and tuning items
in the shop! (shown when loading anything related to the Career Mode)
* Once you hold the flag, get to the checkpoint indicated by the HUD arrow and
the radar! (shown when loading the Hold the Flag event)
* Avoid any collisions with other vehicles! (shown when loading the Bomb Run
* Use the handbrake to chase agile opponents! (shown when loading the Wrecking
Match event)
* The speed bar indicates how fast you are driving above the minimum speed!
(shown when loading the Bomb Run event)
* The longer your combo is, the higher the score multiplier goes up! (shown
when loading the Stunt Show event)
* Take the risk of grabbing the bomb from someone else if you don't receive it
initially. (shown when loading the Pass the Bomb event)
* Hit your opponent's car's side to cause maximum damage! (shown when loading
the Wrecking Match event)
* Control your car's pitch to jump off at a 45 degree angle! (shown when
loading the Long Jump mini-game)
* The driver with the bomb is slightly faster than his opponents (shown when
loading the Pass the Bomb event)

FAQ [CD.09.01]

Q: Did you ever, in real life, crash?
A: Not with a car, no. I once bumped into someone though!

Q: My game crashes on me!
A: So did it on me. However, one thing that seemed to work is to tune the
settings down. Just go for lower details and all that, and see if it works.
It might just do the trick.

Conclusion [CD.10.01]

I hope you enjoyed my guide, since I put a lot of work in it. If you encounter
problems, feel free to mail me. Also suggestions, feedback, comment etc. are
accepted, the mail addy is on top of this file.

Thanks-list: Alex Whocares

And especially you, for reading this.

For other guides, you can check this link:

Copyright (c) 2006 by Grawl. All rights reserved.
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Megatrainer (für v1.1)

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Raketen und Munition sowie Einfrieren des Bomben-Timers und des Wrecked-Cars-Counters

12.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Geld und Ansehen

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020