Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny

Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny

18.10.2013 05:37:33
FAQ and Hint sheet for Realms Of Arkania Part 1 Blade of Destiny Rev 1f
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Putting together a Party
Section 3 General hints and tips
Section 4 Potions and herbs
Section 5 Weapons and Armour
Section 6 Cornucopia (Everything that won't fit elsewhere)
Section 7 Days and Months
Section 8 People and places Warning!! spoilers
Section 9 Answers to riddles Warning!! spoilers
Section 10 Outstanding Questions

List of Contributors
Uwe Hauck
Dominique Bertrand

1) Introduction
This FAQ was put together by Nigel Clarke and Sean Abrams to help
other players of the Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny game.
Despite being quite an old game this has no previously written FAQ
that we can find. The game is appearing in bargain bins and players of
Realms of Arkania - Star Trail who liked that may enjoy the precursor
to that game.

The third part in the series, Shadows over Riva, has been delayed
until the Summer of '96 and this may give players a chance to develop
a party from BoD through ST ready for when it is released.

Email comments and suggestions on this FAQ to

The Star Trail FAQ can be found at Games Domain's Web site, which we
heartly recommend . Screen shots from
Shadows over Riva can be seen at the FanPro Web site (the text is in
German but isn't necessary).

Another player is developing a walkthrough for BoD. I have no further
information on the status of his project.

"From: mark james harris
I am working on a walkthrough, let me know if you require any hints,"

2) Putting together a Party
These are some hints and tips for putting together a party. We assume
that you are using advanced mode to play.

A party is made up of six characters, although a single Non Player
Character may join you at various points. We suggest 2 fighter types
(Warrior, Thorwalian or Dwarf), a Druid, Magician, Sylvan Elf and
Hunter make up a reasonably balanced party.

When completing the generation process or when going up levels your
characters should concentrate on getting high haggle skills, healing
skills or spells, lockpick skills, perception/danger skills, nature
skills, survival skills, carouse skills, and orientation skills. When
raising combat values we do not tend to increase parry levels beyond
the initial level. Rather we rely on raising attack levels to hit the
enemy first.

At the beginning at least two or three characters should try and get
good healing skills (wounds, disease and poison). These will be very
important during the early game.

We suggest that your Fighter/Dwarf characters concentrate on the
survival and perception/danger skills. These help in leading the
party and avoiding danger. The party leader should have good charisma
for interacting with people you meet. Lockpick is another skill choice
the fighters should have.

Elves should gain skills in perception/danger, nature, survival, herb
lore and orientation. These help with hunting for food and water and
other outdoor work.

Hunters should choose perception/danger, nature, survival, and
orientation skills. These help with hunting for food and water and
other outdoor work.

Druids should choose nature, perception/danger, and herb lore skills
to allow them to gather herbs easily.

Magicians should make sure that they have good spoken, read/write
ancient tongues, ancient lore etc to allow them to read scrolls,
recipes etc. We suggest that combat spells be chosen as the preferred
Arcane Lore. In addition we strongly suggest that Magicians switch
skill increase attempts for Astral Points, give all the Life/Astral
points increase to Life Points and convert 5 skill attempts to get 5
spell attempts when going up levels.

For spells we specifically recommend the following:
All combat spells, Horriphobus, Foramen, Pure and Clear, Analyze,
Transversalis and Penetrate.
Lightning, Iron Rust and Evil Eye.
Sylvan Elves
Lightning, Fulminictus, Eagle Eye, Balm of Roond, Rest the body
and Odem Arcanum.

Generally at least one magic user should get the dispell skills
to remove petrification (Dispell Transformation) as soon as possible.

3) General Hints and Tips
These are in no particular order.

a) Make a map. The bargain bin CD-ROM doesn't have a map. Having a map
makes it much easy to work out where you need to go, especially when
you are at a harbour which doesn't show the map screen. Do this by
standing at a town exit and clicking on the map for information and
place names.

b) Visit every building in each town or village. Talk to every Inn and
Tavern keeper and their patrons for information. If necessary split
the party and use just the character with the highest carouse skill to
avoid getting drunk. The game will almost certainly lock up and crash
when this happens.

c) Make a donation and pray at every temple as this may help with
certain, minor, side quests.

d) Use tarnele on any wounded character prior to sleeping as it helps
recover Life Point's.

e) An alchemy set is a waste of time and carrying capacity. Buying
magic potions to recover Astral Points or using meditate is easier.

f) Magicians should meditate to turn Life Points into Astral Points
and then eat whirlweed to recover Life Points. Whirlweed is cheaper
than healing potions and can be stacked on a space. Use healing
potions as soon as you lose Life Points to reduce weight carried.

g) Use the 'analyze' spell to check if items found are magical and to
find out the properties of the magic item. If your magician is short
of AP's then cast Odem Arcanum first to see if it is magical.

h) Save game often, 50 points is easily recovered in a fight against
just about anything.

i) Always cure wounds after combat when low level. Failure to do so
will cause the party members to frequently die of tetanus from
infected wounds.

j) Secret doors can be found by characters with high perception
skills. Make sure that the character at the front (in the left most
slot) has this skill. You can sometimes see them when bumping into a
wall as the game will not say "You cannot go any further" when there
is a secret door, these doors you have to go through backwards. You
may also find them by attempting to go through the wall at every
likely point. Another thing to remember is that the caves, dungeons
etc are all laid out as a square so if you don't see the complete
square then generally you will have missed something.

k) When characters are about to go up a level remove any MR enhancing
devices from them before you get the experience to reach the new
level. A bug in the game fails to increase the character's MR
correctly when you are using one of these devices.

4) Potions and Herbs
Some potions and herbs are useful and others are just for background
and local colour. The healing herbs are most useful as they can be
stacked in a characters pack unlike potions. Poisons should be used on
arrows and extra strength healing potions can be useful in combat.
However whirlweed is generally the best source of Life Points.

Whirlweed gives back up to 10 LP's.
Four leaf Loneberry gives back up to 4 LP's.
Tarneles will aid in recovering AP's and LP's while sleeping.
Healing potion gives back 10 LP's.
Potent healing potion gives back up to 30 LP's.
Miracle cure gives back all lost LP's.
Antidote cures diseases

Making money
Most herbs that you find should be sold to herbalists in towns and
villages. Sell excess healing potions and buy whirlweeds instead.

5) Weapons and Armour
Weapon Damage Attack Parry Weight
Cutlass 4-9 0 -1 70
Sabre 4-9 0 0 60
Mace 5-10 0 -2 110
Kunchomer 5-10 0 -1 70
Knife 1-6 -3 -4 10
Obsidian D 1-6 -2 -3 30
Mengilbar 2-7 -3 -4 20
Dagger 2-7 -2 -3 20
H Dagger 3-8 -1 -3 30
Foil 4-9 0 1 30
Rapier 4-9 0 1 35
Epee 4-9 0 1 35
Short Sword 3-8 0 -1 40
Sword 5-10 0 0 80
Skraja 4-9 0 -2 90
Hatchet 5-10 0 -3 120
Orc Hook 6-11 -1 -3 120
Wand 2-7 0 0 70
Quarterstaff 2-7 0 -1 70
Catchogre 3-8 -2 -3 30
2H Swords
2H Sword 6-16 -2 -3 160
War Axe 6-16 -1 -4 150
Short Bow 4-9 0 0 20
Long Bow 5-10 0 0 30
Crossbow 7-12 0 0 200
H Crossbow 8-13 0 0 220
Knife 1-6 -3 -4 10
Francesca 4-9 -1 -3 60
Axe 4-9 -1 -4 120

Armour AR Att Parry Weight
Body armour
Quilt 2 1 1 120
Leather 3 1 2 180
Toadskin 3 1 2 150
Chainshirt 4 2 2 320
Scale 5 2 2 480
Shield 1 0 0 140
Iron Shield 2 0 -1 200
Head armour
Cap 1 0 0 90
Pot helm 2 0 1 100
Iron Helm 3 1 1 180
Leg armour
Leather greaves 1 0 0 70
Chain greaves 2 1 1 80
Scale greaves 2 0 1 100
6) Cornucopia

a) Crystal balls are often found in the posession of enemies. You will
find that casting 'analyze' on them reveals that they generally have a
spell to warn of danger. Doesn't seemed to have helped the bad guys,
but you may find it warns of ambush or pitfalls if the character
holding it in a hand leads the party by increasing the danger sense by

b) The coronet found in the Temple of the Nameless God adds 2 to MR of
anyone wearing it.

c) Star design amulets add 5 to MR of anyone carrying them. The blue,
flower design, amulet protects against the Ignifaxus spell.

d) There are several rings to be found in the game.

Red - +2 magic resistance
Green - Fire resistance
Blue - non-magical

e) Scrolls of 'praises' and membership scrolls for cults are found. We
haven't found a use for them so far.

f) After finding 7 map pieces the game allows you to start searching
for the location of Hasgar's Grave.

g) Death's Head belts reduce your Necrophobia by 4 points when worn.
When fighting a zombie or skeleton the belt loses its effectiveness
and disappears.

h) A Girdle of Might can be found and increases the strength of the
character weaing it by 5.

i0 To read a document you need to select it and use object rather than
drop it on the eye icon. You may need several tries depending upon who
is trying to read it.

7) Days and Months
The days of the week are:
Marketday, Praiosday, Rohalday, Fireday, Waterday, Windday,

The months are each 30 days in length:
Praios, Rondra, Efferd
Travia, Boron, Hesinde
Firun, Tsa, Phex
Peraine, Ingerimm, Rahja
Days without a name (5)

During Winter you will find it impossible to travel across the Hjaldor
Mountains. You may have to defer visiting some locations or travel by



8) Places and People
Location Person Information
Hetman Innkeeper Problem at Old Ungalf
Oremo Inn Hetman's looking for heroes
Thorwal proclamation (possibly any
inn in Thorwal). This is the
place to go after searching
around in
Thorwal so you get the message
the Old Ungalf and hear the
proclamation from the Hetman.

Hetmans House Hetman Gives Letter of Introduction to

Thorwal gain entrance to armoury and to
get people's help. You must have
LoI to get at least one and
more map pieces. Visit here
Hetman Oremo Inn to get LoI for
armoury so that you can get
equipped. Gives you a name to
Map library?

???????? Jondra Gives letter? to allow you to
Thorwal into the armoury.

Armoury Allows you to get up to 30
Thorwal worth of weapons if you have the
from the Hetman.

Old Ungalf Master Dramosch Gain experience by defeating
Thorwal 4 floors. Visit here after the
armoury to gain some experience
get some potions, loot etc.

Healer Noro Mystico Good healer

Chandler Stoerrebrandt Best selection of goods
Thorwal Grossberg

Amourer Grollo Best weapons
Thorwal Gumbladsson

Magicians Can remove curses and identify
Academy magic items.

Felstyn Isleif Olgardsson Descendant of Hyggelik
Gives map piece
Gives names

Angbodirtal Bjorn Hjallasson Gt, Gt Grandson of Hyggelik
Map piece ? Names ?

Varnhome Eliane Windenbeck Will give map piece after the
party destroys the Temple
of the Nameless God.

Ottarje Hjore Ahrensson Map piece (false)
Names ?

Skjal Jurge Thorfinsson LoI from Hetman required for
piece. Names ?

Hjalsingor Algrid Trondesdottir Sold map piece to a merchant
(Kolborn). Names ?

Orvil Umbrik Sevenstones A druid who asks the party to

destroy another druid ravaging
area. Will give a Letter of
Introduction to Tiomar in
and names ?

Brendhil Tiomar Swafnildsson Needs letter from Umbrick
Sevenstones to give you the
map piece. Names ?

Pride of Hjalland Swafnid Egilsdottir Will give you a ride and will
give a Boat map piece to you in Aryn
and names ?

Phexcaer Alrik Derondon False lead?
Gerbold ????????? haven't found him

Vidsend Ragna Firundjasdottir Needs careful choice of words
to gain map piece from her.
Names ?

Thoss Yasma Thinmarsdottir Moved from Clanegh
Map piece stolen by man with 2
'brutes'. He is in the ruins on
road to Rybon.

Breida Asgrim Thurboldsson Descendant of one of Hyggelik's
map piece ? names ?

Road from Merchant Kolberg Has map bought from Algrid
Varnhome to Trondesdottir in Hjalsingor.
Daspota Charges 50/60D but allows you to

trade with him to get the funds.

He says that he can be found
in Clanegh if you don't wish to
at this point.
This may be a random encounter.

Daspota Pirate town with plenty of
and lots of loot that you can
Old man wants writ ?

Pirate Treasure Cave Lots of pirates, 2 floors.
Road from Rybon
to Thoss.

Leaping Salmon Innkeeper Yasma Thinmarsdottir now lives
Thoss in Hasgar's house

Ruins on Sorceror Has map piece from Yasma. The
Thoss to are maze like, have teleports,
Rybon road secret doors. Use bag from orcs
in NE
corner of room to gain entry to
of ruins. 3 floors.

Road from Olvir Gunridsson Tells tales and sings songs.
Ala to Orvil

Old Inn Lots of secret doors,
on road from Zombies. Death's Head belts.
Daspota to

Ljasdahl Alwine Terhaas Good chandler

Ljasdahl Temple of Nameless God
Ruined shack 2 floors.

Spider Cave Priests have weapon breaking
on road from Use crystals from spiders on
Ottarje to Skjal Heptagram with SNATCAM ? 2/3?

Prem One Leg Best herbalist

Sperm Whale Innkeeper Old mine rumour and NPC
Prem Garsvik (Thorwalian)

Old Mine The mine is on near the river
(on the
Prem east side) and at the north of
town. There is a weapon shop
There is no fighting involved
but you gain a lot of
This is not easy to find as it
occupies a plain green square
there is no indication of it
you actually try to enter the

Runin Lighthouse Faenwulf Excellent healer

Runin Island Pirate cave. Lots of pirates.
Cave on road Dragon sends the party on a
to Lighthouse

Tjanset Morvan Excellent chirugeon(healer)

Pirate cave Dangerous trap at end. 2 floors?

Road from Treasure of 100 D and gold
Manrin to This is a good place to use that

Brendhil Fire's Bane spell.

Upper Orcam Morka Good armourer

Upper Orcam Veteran Dwarves, good for
Dwarven dungeon? Treasure of 400D at end. Use the

statue with the movable arm to
in crossing the pit.

Road from Robbers Lots of experience and an
Felstyn to

Beetle Cave Lots of stagga beetles, good for

Road from experience.
Orkhanger to

Snapper Inn Harika NPC She Rogue who will join the
Phexcaer for 20D?.

Road from Griffons Answer riddle to avoid being
Phexcaer to hostage. This encounter is with
Hermit Lake a Dragon (Drachen) in the German

version of BoD).

Unicorn Promises map piece, you may have
return in a week's time to get
(also sometimes found on road
Felstyn to Hermit Lake).

Hermit Lake Hermit Hermit's stew recovers lost
Going round Hermit lake and
the pillar can give clues to the
date of the Orc attack and also
information on the location of
of the map pieces. You can get
useless information. We don't
the trigger for the correct

Orc Cave Need name from statue for answer
on road from riddle. Make sure that you get
Skelellen to Orc document, it is required to
Phexcaer the Orc camp for the end game.

Hasgar's Grave You need to have at least 7? map

Road from pieces for the game to allow you
Phexcaer to find this location.
Skelellen There are lots of zombies here
and we
strongly suggest that you save
game before entering.

9) Answers to Riddles


Riddle - When it is whole it symbolizes movement, when in half
symbolizes one's end.

Answer - Wheel (Boron's symbol, used as a grave marker)

Orc Cave

Riddle - Who is the Lord of Death, Master of Blood and of Revenge.

Answer - Found on one of the statues earlier in cave.

Spider Cave

Riddle - What is hard as iron and transparent as glass.

Answer - ??????????????????????

10) Oustanding Questions

Temple of Nameless God
What use are the black statue and the praises and membership scrolls?

Where is the free fighters academy on top of the hill by the town? It
is mentioned in the glossary/index in the PDF file on the bargain bin

What is the writ needed by the old man and where can I find it?

Hasgar's Grave
How do you open the door with two mirrors on the second floor?

Orc Cave
What use is the Red moon disk?

Various locations
What use are the (iron, bronze, red, gold etc.)keys that you find?
With the exception of one found in the cave on Runin, none seem to be
specifically needed to open any doors.

Nigel J. Clarke
NASA Tracking Station BDA
Ph: (441) 293-1142 Fax: (441) 293-6955

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