7th Guest

7th Guest

09.10.2013 23:23:52
The Semi-Official Run-Through For The Seventh Guest

(worked out with much rejoicing (yaaaaayyy) by D. Melanson)

Note: Yes, it's called a run-through in this case, not a
walk-through. Would you really want to WALK through this house?

1.> Watch the introduction. Or else. Not like you have any
choice if you're just starting. Note how the first guest's face
turns to a skull for just a second? Cool, huh? Okay, after
that's all over, turn left twice (or right twice) and click
where the drama mask is. Watch the scene with Dutton reading
the note. Get the feeling this Stauf guy isn't the nicest,
friendliest guy in the universe? NAAAAHHH, nothing like that!
Okay, turn around again and head to the area to the right of the
stairway. Go through the door on the right wall into the
Library. This is a fun place. There's a book on the table; a
book of hints. Try and avoid using it if you can. Try clicking
on the glass doors. Now walk over to the left corner of the
room (walk around the couch to the left), then over to the
statue mounted on the wall. Click on itand watch the scene; I'm
not quite sure what it is, but it's neat. Now for the real

2.> Click on the telescope. You'll get an image of the planet
Mars. The object is to create a semi-sentence using the letters
on the planet, and each letter must be connected to the next by
a canal. Start with the "T" at the bottom of the screen, then
left and up to the "H," straight up and slightly right to "E,"
straight down to "R," way up and a little right to "E," left and
down to "I," straight up and slightly right to "S," down and
left to "N," left and up to "O," straight up along the edge to
"P," keep following edge to "O," keep following edge to "S,"
keep following edge to second "S," keep following edge to "I,"
up and left to "B," straight down to "L," down and left to "W,"
down and left to "A," then straight right to "Y," spelling
"THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY." You'll get an animated sequence
featuring a poem by the wondrous Mr. Stauf. Happy happy, joy
joy. Exit the library, go past the staircase, and go to the
double doors into the dining room.

3.> When you walk inside, you get another little ghostly
dramatic scene. Click on the cake; this is the second puzzle.
You have to divide it into six equal portions, each touching on
a side of the cake and each having the same symbols, namely two
skulls and two stones. Okay, for this one, I've made a diagram
of the cake as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

Divide the cake as follows: Piece 1: 6,12,18,24,30. Piece 2:
25,26,27,28,29 Piece 3: 5,11,17,23,22 Piece 4:3,4,10,16,15
Piece 5: 1,2,7,8,9 Piece 6: The remaining sections. The cake
will reappear afterwards and you'll get another scene with
Martine and Edward only (changing into a skull and exploding
head, respectively). For something really neat, once that ends,
click the chattering teeth icon on the table. Okay, so exit the
dining room and take the door to your left into the kitchen.

4.> Now you get another scene, this one featuring Elinor Knox
and Stauf's voice again. Then Julia Heine shows up and starts
doing something with the cupboard, then disappears again. Guess
what. Click on the cupboard for the next puzzle. You've got to
rearrange the cans into a sentence...sort of. You have to
switch the cans around. The solution is "SHY GYPSY SLYLY SPRYLY
TRYST BY MY CRYPT" Try this method: Switch the following cans:
(using the diagram below) 0 with 25, 14 with 1, 13 with 3, 5
with 21, 27 with 6, 28 with 8, 16 with 9, 11 with 15, 12 with
28, 15 with 24, 18 with 26, 18 with 13, 19 with 14, 30 with 19,
20 with 23, 23 with 31, and 29 with 22. That should do it.

(Note: This diagram probably scrolls offscreen to the right)

0 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32

Now you'll get a brief scene with Julia Heine again. Check the
stove for another fun little scene from Stauf. Next, go to the
door to the right of the cupboard and walk through it into the
basement. Oh, joy. Now things get REALLY eerie.

5.> Now there's a grate puzzle in your way; you've got to
rearrange it so the hole is opened so you can go through it.
Here's the diagram of the grate pieces...

1 2 3

4 5 6

Click on the grate pieces in this order:
5,6,3,2,5,6,3,2,1,4,5,6,3,2,5,4,1,2,3,6,5. That'll open the
hole and you can go through. Now head through the hole and keep
going. You wind up in a maze. This was a gigantic pain in the
ass, by the way, especially when I found out later that the rug
on the floor of the Knox's Bedroom is a map to the maze! But,
since you've got this guide, here's how to get through it fairly

6.> The maze path: Go straight. Take your FIFTH right. Follow
that to the wall, turn right, go down and take your first right.
Follow this to the end, turn left, walk to the wall, turn left
again, take your first right, walk to the wall, turn left, walk
to the wall, turn right, walk straight and take your first
right, follow that to the wall, turn left and follow that to the
wall, turn left again, follow that to the wall, turn right, to
the wall, right again, to the wall, left, to the wall, left,
take your first right, go to the wall, left, to the wall, right,
to the wall, right, to the wall, left, and out! That wasn't so
bad, now was it? Except of course, that you come out...into a
crypt. Now things start getting rather complex in terms of
puzzle solving (it's been EASY so far!)

7.> The idea here, as Stauf hints at, is to get all the coffins
closed. Which ones are open is completely random (oh, joy).
Clicking on each coffin affects that coffin and other coffins
around it. The trick is to get them all closed. Each coffin
does certain things. Rather than outline all the possibilities,
here's a neat little trick: To change each individual coffin
from open to closed, click on the coffins in this order, given
that the coffins are arranged as such:

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

Closing Coffin 1: Click on 1,2,3,4,5,7 (in that order)

Closing Coffin 2: Click on 2,4,6,7,9

Closing Coffin 3: Click on 1,2,3,5,6,9

Closing Coffin 4: Click on 2,3,4,8,9

Closing Coffin 5: Click on 2,4,5,6,8

Closing Coffin 6: Click on 1,2,6,7,8

Closing Coffin 7: Click on 1,4,5,7,8,9

Closing Coffin 8: Click on 1,3,4,6,8

Closing Coffin 9: Click on 2,5,6,7,8,9

After you beat this puzzle, you'll automatically go downstairs
and witness a scene of the truly weird, including the death of
Edward Knox at the hands of Hamilton Temple...and Martine's VERY
weird transformation. But don't be too surprised...it gets
weirder. When they disappear, examine the casket you're
standing in front of-it'll lead you to a secret passage back to
the kitchen, where you'll see an unusual scene featuring Julia
Heine and proof that soup ain't good food.

8.> Exit the kitchen and you're back in the foyer again. Walk
up to the stained glass door-it's now become a puzzle. The
object is to send one spider to each side of the star except
one. Given that, and numbering the points 1 to 8, starting at
the top with 1 and proceeding clockwise, do the following moves:
Send #5 to point #8, then #2 to #5, then #7 to #2, then #4 to
#7, then #1 to #4, then #6 to #1, and finally #3 to #6. Then
you get another ghostly scene with the boy, Tad, trying to open
the door. Nope, he's not gonna manage it. Not just YET! Head
back to the Library, wonderful place that it is, and walk over
to the fireplace. There's a secret passage here; go right on
through it, and you'll wind up in the upper hallway. Behind you
is a door, but it's locked right now. Ahead is another door,
which is also locked. Wander around until you find the stairway
and the painting across the hall from the staircase. Click the
chattering teeth icon on the painting. Okay, go ahead, tell me
you don't find what happens decidedly COOL! Keep going down the
hall in the direction you were going when you found it, and open
the door up ahead. You'll be in the Game Room now.

9.> Hamilton Temple appears and has a little scene. For a good
Stephen King joke, click on the balloon. Then go check out the
chess board; it's the "Queen's Dilemna," the object of which is
to position eight queens on the board with none able to capture
any of the others. You've got to understand chess to get this
one. I've shown the necessary placement in the diagram below
("X" indicates place a queen here)









After this is complete, you get another scene with Temple and
Tad, where Temple realizes both that Tad is the 7th guest and
what it is that has to be done...all in all, it's pretty
confusing. Time doesn't quite work correctly in this game; the
ghost scenes are far from connected in terms of time of
valves until you can get a clear
path from the heart to the other side, then click on the heart
and blood spills out onto the carpet, telling you "you win."
Okay, click on the following valves IN THIS ORDER: 1: Closest To
The Exit (bottom row, first column from right). 2: Second
column from right, second from top. 3: Second column from
right, closest to top. 4: Fourth column from right, second from
top. 5: Second column from left, topmost. 6: First column from
left, topmost. 7: Second column from left, second from top. 8:
Third column from left, second from top. 9: Fourth column from
left, third from top 10: Second column from left, third from
top 11: 1st column from left, third from top. 12: 1st column
on left, second from top. Hit the heart to make it start!
Temple and Tad appear, and shortly afterward, you witness the
death of Hamilton Temple by Julia Heine. Not happy. Leave the
room and head back towards the stairway. A figure in white
should beckon you down the hall. Click to get the dramatic
scene with Edward and Martine going into Martine's bedroom...now
things get REALLY weird. Go through the door they went through;
the room shifts for a moment...now walk over to the bed.

11.> Now on the bed, there's another puzzle. You've got to get
it to spell out another semi-comprehensible sentence. The trick
here is to move forward and back either three or five spaces on
the path, and end each word with a star! In case this confuses
you, try this. +3, select T, +5 to H, -3 to E, -3 to *, +5 to
S, -3 to K, +5 to Y, +3 to *, +3 to I, +3 to S, -5 to *, +3 to
R, -5 to U, +3 to D, +3 to D, +3 to Y, +3 to *, +5 to Y, -3 to
O, -3 to U, -3 to R, +5 to *, +3 to F, +3 to A, +5 to T, +3 to
E, -5 to *, +3 to I, -5 to S, -5 to *, +3 to B, +3 to L, +5 to
O, -3 to O, +5 to D, +3 to Y, +3 to ! In other words, "The sky
is ruddy, your fate is bloody!" Great. Makes you feel really
secure, doesn't it? Now a...REAAAALYY interesting scene occurs.
WOOF. That Martine is pretty hot after all! Exit the room
after this and go into the door across the hall; this is the
Knox's bedroom.

12.> Elinor appears and points out the map on the floor-a map of
that maze. What a surprise. Check out the floor with the
checkered section; it's yet another puzzle (getting to be less
of a surprise every time, isn't it?) Well, the object of this
one is to switch the positions of the black and white bishops,
and just as in real chess, they can only move diagonally. Well,
given that the board is arranged as follows:

A4 B4 C4 D4 E4

A3 B3 C3 D3 E3

A2 B2 C2 D2 E2

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1

Execute the following moves: E2 to D3, A2 to B3, D3 to B1, B3
to C4, A4 to D1, D1 to E2, B1 to C2, C2 to A4, E4 to C2, C4 to
A2, E2 to C4, C2 to D1, A2 to B1, B1 to E4, C4 to D3, D1 to B3,
B3 to A2, D3 to E2, E3 to D2, A3 to B2, D2 to B4, B2 to C1, A1
to D4, D4 to E3, B4 to C3, C3 to A1, E1 to C3, C1 to A3, E3 to
C1, C3 to D4, A3 to B4, B4 to E1, C1 to D2, D4 to B2, B2 to A3,
D2 to E3. That's that one solved. Now take a look at the
painting over the fireplace. Once again, we find a
really...friendly...picture. Really friendly indeed, mmm-hmmm.
Before you leave the room, check the mirror. Then go.

13.> Now that that's over with, head back to the Library, where
a scene with all six occurs...note the growing bloodstain on
Dutton's chest? Hmmmm....well, we'll see that again soon
enough. Now go through that secret passage again, and head for
the door straight ahead; this time you can go in; it's Dutton's
bedroom. Check out the champagne bottle. Now check the
briefcase on the bed to find the next puzzle. The idea of this
one is this: once a coin is turned over, only the coins along
the column above and below or on the row to the right or left of
it can be flipped. It's a two-part puzzle, and here's how to do
each part:

Part 1: Flip the coins in the order shown:


2 3

15 4 5

14 13 6 7

12 11 8

10 9

Part II: Flip the coins in the order shown:

20 19

1 2 3

13 14

9 8 21 12 16 4 15

10 11

7 6 5

18 17

After this one finishes, you get another scene with Dutton,
including a section in which Dutton walks through the closet
door, revealing it as a secret room. Well, guess where you're
going...through the closet door. You wind up in a medium-sized
chapel...hmmm, considering what else has happened in this house,
what can you expect from a chapel? Especially one with a black
altar and blood-red cloth? HMMMMMM....

14.> Well now, you'll see another scene with Dutton and a
gargoyle. Now when you try to go to the altar, you'll note
there's another puzzle in the floor...a pit. When you step on a
stone, it drops partway into the pit, and when you step off it,
it goes all the way in; in other words, you can't go back...so
don't screw this up. The only other rule is that every third
stone you step on must be purple! So here's how you go... From
the starting step, go diagonal right & up (the only one
available), diagonal right & up again, diagonal left & up,
straight up, straight up, diagonal left & up, diagonal right
and up, diagonal right and up, diagonal left & up, diagonal
right and up, diagonal right & down, diagonal right & down,
straight up, diagonal right & down, diagonal right and up. Now
you've got another scene with Dutton and Stauf and the
almost-sacrifice of a baby. After that's over, check out the
organ...nice musician, eh? Now you know where the cover of CD
#1's illustration comes from. Okay, now head over to the
confessional and go through into the laboratory.

15.> Now THIS is sick! Hamilton Temple shows up with a little
scene. Also check out the bucket on the floor, which just
happens to have a human brain in it, and another wonderful scene
occurs. If you want, check out the microscope. I would
actually suggest you skip this puzzle, as there is no consistent
way to defeat it; it's actually a game. You control the blue
microbes, and Stauf controls the green ones. Whenever you move
in any direction one square, the cell splits in two. You can
also jump over a space, but the cell doesn't split when you do
so. When a blue cell hits a green one, it changes the color,
and vice versa. The only suggestion I have is that there's a
secret passage in the iron gate on the side that leads to the
library. If you can't stand it anymore, visit the book in the
library three times and it'll be solved. However, since you
don't NEED to solve this puzzle, and nothing more happens if you
do, you might as well forget about it. Whenever you decide to
leave, exit through the gate to the Library and then turn right
to go into the music room.

16.> Look at the piano; neat little scene occurs here. Look at
it again; now it's a puzzle (with a bad pun..."STAUFWAY?")
Here, you're supposed to play "Simon," basically, and eventually
repeat 18 notes. Hope you're a musician. If you are, here's
the solution in musical form, low B (the octave Stauf plays it
on), then upper B, down to F#, up to G, down to E, down to D#,
up to E, up to F#, back down to E, down to low B, up to high B,
up to C, down to high B, down to A, down to G, down to F#, down
to E, and back up to F#. That's it for that one. Then you get
a wonderful scene with Dutton, Tad, Martine, Edward...oh, boy.
As a matter of fact, here's where Dutton gets killed...by
Edward. Things get really weird now. Go over to the potted
plant and click on it; you'll wind up "climbing" it, back into
Dutton's room. So now, leave and go into the doorway across the
hall to the right. You're in the bathroom. Amazing! Just like
in Dark Seed, there's no toilet in the bathroom! Oh well.

17.> Well, look at the tiled floor. Guess what; another chess
puzzle! ARRRGH! Okay, here's the idea: switch the places of
the black and white knights. Note there's only ONE free square
at any time. This is NOT easy. Well, here we go again.
Assuming the board is layed out as follows:

A5 B5 C5 D5 E5

A4 B4 C4 D4 E4

A3 B3 C3 D3 E3

A2 B2 C2 D2 E2

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1

Click on the following knights in the following order and
you'll reverse the pattern, as you're supposed to:

,C3. That should do it. EEK! Oh fun. Now the shower curtain
disappears and we see Martine in the bubble bath; I like this
girl! Of course, she does die now, sucked under the water. So
much for another guest. Check out the sink; this scene is
AWESOME! You wind up back in the Library again. Well then, I
ask you, what's next? Whose room haven't we visited yet? Head
out of the library, up the steps, turn right, walk to the end of
the hall and enter Hamilton Temple's bedroom.

18.> Examine the cards on the table next to the bed; it's yet
another puzzle. Flip over the cards in order, from Ace to Joker
in each case, and you can ONLY select a card that is either in
the same row or column as the last selected card. Like the coin
puzzle, there are two parts to this one...here they are.

Part I:


3rd 2nd 1st

12th 4th 13th 8th 9th

5th 6th 7th

11th 10th

Part II:

1st 8th 7th 6th

9th 10th

13th 14th

12th 11th

2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Once that finishes, you'll witness a scene with Hamilton Temple
and Dutton and some true...evil, but true...magic. Now,
speaking of magic, you'll note there's three doors leading out
again...the left one leads to the kitchen, the center leads to
the hallway, and the right leads to the Library. I suggest you
go to the Library, as you'll now be heading back out into the

19.> Okay, now that you're in the foyer, go to the stained glass
window and turn to face the Staircase. Move the pointer around
on the floor between the stairs and the window, and when you get
the beckoning hand cursor, click on it to go to the Detached
room, also known as the Portrait Gallery. You'll get another
scene with Martine and Edward. Examine a few of the paintings;
they do some pretty weird things, including a talking little boy
with vampire fangs. Eventually, you'll find a painting of
Stauf's face. It's another puzzle. It'll randomly shift itself
into a puzzle, much like the one with the coffins, except each
section has THREE sections-red, green, and normal. Your job is
to turn Stauf's face back to normal completely. Well, much like
the coffins, I suggest you do each section individually, except
that the change process below must be repeated if you want to
turn each piece from red to normal. Assuming the portrait is
arranged like so:

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

You can do the following to change from red to green or green to
normal for each part:

To change 1: Click on 7,8,3,9,6,5,8,1,9,6 (in that order)

To change 2: Click on 3,2,5,8,6,4,8,1

To change 3: Click on 1,4,9,7,8,5,4,3,7,8

To change 4: Click on 1,4,5,6,2,8,6,7

To change 5: Click on 5 until it's normal.

To change 6: Click on 9,6,5,4,8,2,4,3

To change 7: Click on 9,6,1,3,2,5,6,7,3,2

To change 8: Click on 7,8,5,2,4,6,2,9

To change 9: Click on 3,2,7,1,4,5,2,9,1,4

Actually, there's an easier way. Click on #5 till it's normal,
then on 2 till it's normal, then on 4, then on 6, then on 8, and
then use the above sequences to fix squares 1,3,7, and 9. Well,
after that, this oh-so-wonderful event happens with the picture.
om. There's only one way I've
found to beat this, and that is to reset the puzzle (move the
cursor to the low part of the screen and click) until two
columns are the same. Then use the top or bottom buttons on the
remaining column until all three are the same. Now use the side
controls to flip two rows until all nine images are the same.
Now change column 2 to the picture before that on column 3, then
change column 1 to the picture before column 1 (using the top
and bottom controls on each column, of course). Now flip the
bottom row using the side controls until the proper sequence is
shown, then do the same with the second, and finally with the
top row until the picture is completed. That should do it; now
you'll find another sequence from Temple and Elinor...and you'll
find out something really...fascinating about this room. After
the scene, click on the marionette stage and somehow you get
through the small door and wind up in the nursery. This, of
course, is a truly happy place. Yeah, right.

21.> Touch the toy chest first...well, maybe not. Then touch
the dresser on the right and you'll find a puzzle with nine
blocks. Here's what happens: Clicking on the top of a column
slides the lower two blocks up, and puts the top one on the
bottom. The opposite is true by clicking on the bottom of a
column. Clicking on the right edge of a row slides the row to
the right, clicking on the left slides the row to the left.
Given that the puzzle always initializes to this configuration
with these edges:

1 2 3

12 D A T 4

11 Y O B 5

10 T E G 6

9 8 7

All you have to do to solve it is to click on:
2,7,4,10,2,7,11,6. That's it! Now you get another scene with
Stauf, an infant, and Julia Heine. Now go click on the
Jack-In-The-Box for a little laugh...yeah, right. Click on the
toy chest again, and this time, you wind up in the Library.
Head up the secret passage and take the last door you haven't
been to. Now you're in the attic...and of course, another

22.> Click on the door knocker to activate it! Hey, it's one
of those IQ testers! Except with KNIVES! JOY! Okay, here we
go again; assuming the pattern is in THIS formation:


2 3 4 5

6 9 7

8 10

You have to leave only one peg left. Here's what you do: Since
1 is initially open, jump from 6 to 1, from 5 to 3, from 2 to 4,
from 9 to 5, from 1 to 7, from 5 to 9, from 8 to 7, and finally
from 10 to 4. DUCK! Go ahead through the door and up the
attic stairs. At the top, click on the tower; this is the LAST
puzzle. Here, you have to get the windows to light up and climb
the tower. This is actually pretty tricky. Furthermore, I'm
not even going to say much about it, save that if you make a
mistake, the whole thing goes out. Start on the bottom row,
right side, third from the right, then move up to the one
directly above it. You've got to light both sides that are
visible of each section; in the first section, you have to
light the ones on the right side to the top of the first
section, then a single window click will light those in the left
section. Write down the pattern as you go, because I forgot to.
All I remember is that the second section is fairly simple once
you've got the first section down, and the third section (and
top) can be lit by clicking on one window in the top section
(there's only six; it can't be THAT bad!) Draw it on the back
of this page when you figure it out. (Hey, I can't do
EVERYTHING for you!)

23.> After this, you get a scene with Elinor attached to the
mannequin, Tad, and Julia Heine. You can try going back through
the door you came through, but that won't help you...especially
not with Cerebus guarding the door. Now look in the mirror. Hey!
YOU'RE TAD! Head through the other door in the attic
to the final room to view the death of Elaine and the final
conflict between you (Tad) and Stauf, and Stauf's final
destruction. Game over, man! (it's about time!)

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18.Oktober 2013

07.Oktober 2013
Troubleshooting Guide
engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
engl. Lösung

12.Oktober 2013
weitere engl. Lösung

09.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
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24.März 2020