

17.10.2013 00:21:29
Ascendancy - Charts

The Factory is a common structure on most colonized
planets. Factories
increase a colony's industry, which helps speed the
completion of
planetary projects.

The Agriplot is a high-productivity farming area.
Agriplots increase a
colony's prosperity, which causes its population to
grow more quickly.

The Laboratory is a center for research and
development. Laboratories
provide research, which allows a species to make
technological discoveries.

The Habitat is a high-density living and working
complex with a precisely
controlled internal climate. Habitats provide a colony
with prosperity,
and also allow room for additional population.

The Metroplex is an urban center with industrial,
technological, and
residential capacities.

Colony Base
You should not be able to build this.

Industrial Megafacility
The Industrial Megafacility is a huge, self-reliant
production plant.
Its industrial output is greater than that of a

Artificial Hydroponifer
The Artificial Hydroponifer is a super-efficient
nourishment production
facility. Its prosperity output is greater than that
of an Agriplot.

Research Campus
The Research Campus is a well-equipped experimentation
center. It is of more
research value than a Laboratory.

Logic Factory
The Logic Factory is a research complex that
specializes in the
entertainment and happiness of sentient beings. It
provides both research
and prosperity.

Engineering Retreat
The Engineering Retreat is an academized production
plant where engineers
devise improvements in logistics and production
methods. It provides a colony
with industry as well as research.

Surface Cloaker
The Surface Cloaker uses high-frequency diffraction
generators to make a
planet surface practically invisible to alien ships.

Hyperpower Plant
The Hyperpower Plant is a marvel of high technology.
By generating power
for all of a colony's industry structures, it
significantly increases the
colony's entire industrial output. There is no need
for more than one
Hyperpower Plant on any colony.

Fertilization Plant
The Fertilization Plant produces vast quantities of
agricultural and
hydroponics supplies. It boosts the prosperity of an
entire colony. There
is no need for more than one Fertilization Plant on any

The Internet provides a colony with a high-speed
information and data
transfer system. It greatly improves the progress made
by a colony's
research centers. There is no need to build more than
one Internet on any

Cloning Plant
The Cloning Plant organically duplicates new members of
a planet's
population. There is no need to build more than one
Cloning Plant on any

Observation Installation
The Observation Installation scans nearby alien ships.
There is no need to build more than one Observation
Installation on any

Tractor Beam Element
The Tractor Beam generates a powerful stasis field to
overcome a ship's drives
and pull it toward a planet. You can use a planet's
Tractor Beam in the System
Display by selecting the planet and then selecting the
Tractor Beam from its
item list.

Surface Shield
The Surface Shield houses defense armaments that
protect a colony against
alien invasion. Several Surface Shields may be
necessary to defend against
large invasion forces.

Surface Mega Shield
The Surface Mega Shield is a powerful defense against
alien invasion. It
uses protective ion fields to augment the endurance of
its defense armaments. It is much more valuable than
the normal Surface
Shield, but certainly not invulnerable.

The Outpost is an important structure for colonies on
small or minimally
habitable planets. It provides living facilities for

Transport Tubes
Transport Tubes allow colony structures to spread
quickly over the surface
of a planet. They are easy to produce, require no
maintenance, and can even
be constructed on black squares.

The Shipyard is an enormous orbital center for the
production of space ships.
Though expensive to construct, it is a necessary first
step toward space
exploration. A colony must have a Shipyard in order to
build ships.

Ships are the key to the exploration of space. Each
Ship can be designed
differently, and can hold various types of equipment
that allow it to do
such things as travel, engage in combat, and colonize
or invade planets.

Orbital Docks
Orbital Docks provide a maintenance platform for the
repair and refitting of
ships. Any ship orbiting a colony with Orbital Docks
can be refitted. When
a ship is refitted, its contents may be changed, and
its hull is repaired.

Orbital Cloaker
The Orbital Cloaker uses modified diffraction
generators to disguise structures
orbiting a colony, rendering them invisible to alien

Orbital Shields
Orbital Shields are a colony's primary defense against
alien invasion. As
long as a colony is protected by Orbital Shields, alien
ships may not enter

Orbital Mega Shields
Orbital Mega Shields are highly fortified planetary
defenses. Much harder to
destroy than the lower-tech Orbital Shields, they
prevent alien ships from
entering orbit around a colony.

Orbital Missile Base
The Orbital Missile Base is a potent short-range
planetary weapon. Though it
may only be used once per game day, it can severely
damage nearby ships.

Short Range Orbital Whopper
The Short Range Orbital Whopper is a powerful planetary
energy weapon with a
short range. It may be fired three times per day. Woe
to the ship that
runs out of power while in its range.

Long Range Orbital Whopper
The Long Range Orbital Whopper is the elite of
planetary weaponry. Its
focused energy beams achieve a long range, and its
reusability makes
it dauntingly powerful.

Alien Hospitality
Alien Hospitality is not an individual structure, but
rather an overall
planetary project. While a colony dedicates its
industry to Alien Hospitality,
it helps improve diplomatic relations with alien

Interstellar Trucking
Interstellar Trucking is a myth.

Endless Party
The Endless Party is not an individual structure, but
rather an overall
planetary project. While a colony's project is set to
Endless Party,
its prosperity increases by an amount proportional to
its industrial output.

Scientist Takeover
The Scientist Takeover is not an individual structure,
but rather an overall
planetary project. While a colony's project is set to
Scientist Takeover,
its research progress increases by an amount
proportional to its industrial output.

Automation is a process by which the personnel
maintaining a structure
are replaced by robotic equipment. When a structure has
been fully automated,
its personnel are freed for use elsewhere on the

Terraforming is an important project for colonies on
minimally habitable planets.
When a black surface square is terraformed, it becomes
a white square, and
the colony may then build structures on it.

Lush Growth Bomb
The Lush Growth Bomb combines chaos technology with
organic synthesis
equipment to make a planet surface significantly more
habitable. Only
one Lush Growth Bomb is of noticeable value on any

Xeno Archeological Dig
The Xeno Archeological Dig allows a colony to uncover
and analyze the ruinsof ancient civilizations. When
unearthed, these ruins very often providethe key to the
discovery of advanced technologies.


Mass Barrage Gun
The %s launches a spray of projectiles from its
accelerators. It is cheap to build and uses little
power_the projectiles
are low-tech spheres of solid metal that rely on
kinetic energy to do
damage. It is easy to deflect, slow to reload, and has
a short range.

Fourier Missiles
%s use image recognition to identify vulnerable areas
of a ship. They
require little power to fire, but they reload slowly
and don't do much damage.

Quantum Singularity Launcher
The %s generates and fires tiny black holes_infinitely
small but
incredibly massive objects that easily punch through an
Ion Wrap
field. The disadvantages of this weapon are its short
range and long
recharge time.

Molecular Disassociator
The %s generates a cloud that weakens the molecular
bonds in matter.
This tends to corrode the target rapidly. Its main
drawback is that
it takes a long time to form a fully charged cloud.

Electromagnetic Pulser
The %s produces electromagnetic pulses that disrupt
delicate technological
equipment. It does little structural damage but it
strobes very quickly,
producing many pulses in a short time that can overload
and destroy
the target ship.

The %s fires extremely long range bolts of super-heated
plasma. It
takes a long time to recharge.

The %s is a high-power pulse laser that cuts instantly
through an
unshielded ship hull. It uses a lot of power but does
heavy damage.

Fergnatz Lens
The %s passively collects and focuses cosmic energies
at its target.
It requires no power to operate.

Hypersphere Driver
The %s creates unstable bubbles in spacetime that
extend into higher
dimensions. When these bubbles intersect normal matter
they collapse,
pinching off the matter inside another dimension. They
have a very long
range and inflict massive damage. This weapon is
extremely expensive to
produce and gobbles power.

The %s fires bursts of highly focused nanoenergon flux.
The flux
induces a chaotic nanowave upon impact that rips
through the target,
destructively jumbling alternate realities together.
It is hugely
destructive, fires in quick bursts, and uses a lot of

Ion Wrap
The %s is a low-grade particle defense shield. Like
most shields,
it only consumes power when it is active.

Concussion Shield
The %s surrounds a ship with a flexible energy barrier
that absorbs kinetic
impulses and spreads them over its entire surface.
Like most shields,
it only consumes power when it is active.

Wave Scatterer
The %s is an energy dispersion mechanism that passively
diffracts and scatters
energy waves as they make contact with a ship's hull.
The Wave Scatterer is
a weak defense, but unlike most shields it consumes no

The %s is a high-tech active defense module. When it
detects the approach
of particle or energy projectiles, it reacts by
ejecting an appropriate
countermeasure. Like most shields, it only consumes
power when it is

Hyperwave Nullifier
The %s surrounds a ship with a space-distorting
hyperwave field. The field
causes incoming projectiles to slide around the hull of
their target and miss
it completely. Like most shields, the Hyperwave
Nullifier only consumes
power when it is active.

The Nanoshell simply creates a dense barrier of
Nanoenergons around a ship.
Few weapons are able to penetrate it. Like most
shields, it only consumes
power when it is active.

Tonklin Motor
The %s is a weak engine based on an elegant quirk of
momentum theory.
It is very inexpensive to construct.

Ion Banger
The %s sucks in ions from surrounding space and smashes
them into each
other at high speeds, creating a propulsive force. It
is significantly
more powerful than the Tonklin Motor.

Graviton Projector
The %s sprays a gravity field in front of a ship,
pulling it perpetually
forward. The Graviton Projector is more powerful than
the Ion Banger.

Inertia Negator
The %s generates an anti-mass field that allows a ship
to float lightly
through space. It is about as strong as the Graviton
Projector, but it
consumes much less power.

Nanowave Space Bender
The %s projects a wide-band field of nanoenergy that
warps the space around
a ship, allowing it to slide rapidly in any direction.
It is a very powerful

Tonklin Frequency Analyzer
The %s scans energy leakages from a ship to determine
information about its
status. Its range is relatively short. It is always
active and consumes no

Subspace Phase Array
The %s detects subtle variations in the space flow
around a ship. It is able
to detect a ship's status information at short to
medium range. It is always
active and consumes no power.

Aural Cloud Constructor
The %s is a medium range scanner that projects an aural
cloud through
surrounding space, observing vibrations in the cloud to
detect the status
of other ships. It is always active and consumes no

Hyperwave Tympanum
The %s is a long range scanner that is able to detect
the minutest
variations in the hyperwave ether and analyze them to
obtain status information
about other ships. It is always active and consumes no

Murgatroyd's Knower
%s is a very long range scanner that uses a combination
of advanced
technologies to determine the status of other ships.
It is always active and
consumes no power.

Nanowave Decoupling Net
The %s harvests coupled nanowaves from surrounding
space and analyzes them
to learn the status of other ships. Its range is
practically unlimited. It
is always active and consumes no power.

Proton Shaver
The %s is a power generator that operates by extracting
small quantities
of protons from heavy atomic nuclei and converting them
to energy. It is
inexpensive but produces little power.

Subatomic Scoop
The %s sucks subatomic particles from surrounding space
and converts them
to energy. It is a stronger generator than the Proton

Quark Express
The %s uses a little-understood technology to squeeze
energy from various
sub-subatomic particles. It is a powerful generator.

Van Creeg Hypersplicer
The %s merges mixed-frequency hyperwaves and collects
the energy bleed-off.
It is a very powerful generator.

The %s puts a stream of Nanoenergons into sympathetic
resonant motion, and
channels off the energy they release from each other.
It generates even
more power than the Van Creeg Hypersplicer.

Lane Blocker
The %s is fired into a star lane opening where it sits,
elevating the
inherent gravitational turbulence of the opening to the
point where
Star Lane Drives and Star Lane Hyperdrives can no
longer overcome it.

Molecular Tie Down
When fired at a ship, the %s temporarily immobilizes it
by damping
the reactions powering its engines. This affects all
known normal
engines_even the powerful Nanowave Space Bender.

Intellect Scrambler
When fired at a ship, the %s partially wipes the minds
of that ship's
crew, eradicating their skills and memory of the recent
past. It can turn
an experienced crew into a group of bumbling rookies.

Brunswik Dissipator
When the %s is fired at a ship, it temporarily drains
the target ship's
generators, leaving it powerless. It is costly to
construct and power

The %s creates an unstable shunt through star lane
space to a ship's home
system. The ship using the Recaller moves instantly
into the shunt
and arrives immediately at its home system.

The %s was first designed as a weapon of peace_it
destroys weapons without causing other damage. It uses
visual pattern
recognition and analysis of energy output to identify a
weapon on the
target ship, then it causes that weapon to overload and

Smart Bomb
The %s uses advanced empathic biosensor technology to
determine the
relationships between the ship using it and the other
present in the star system. Once activated, it fires
in multiple directions
at every ship it has determined to be hostile, doing
heavy damage comparable
to that of an Ueberlaser. One use expends it.

Gravity Distorter
The %s creates a gravitational wave front that
emanates from the ship using the device. This pushes
small objects, such as
space vessels, away from the ship that used the

Fleet Disperser
The %s is fired at another ship. Its effect is similar
to that of the
Gravity Distorter in that it creates a gravitational
ripple that repels
other ships away from its target. It has an extremely
long range.

X Ray Megaglasses
The %s allow you to view the contents of any ship you
are able to scan.
They require no power to maintain but are fairly
expensive to build.
Used in conjunction with powerful scanners, they can be
very informative.

The vibrating crystals of the %s produce a broad
spectrum of noise and
interference that blocks all sensors from gathering
information about the
cloaked ship. The device requires no power and is
always in effect
once it is added to a ship.

Star Lane Drive
The %s is the key to interstellar exploration. This
device is activated by the
energies emanating from the opening to a star lane, and
requires no
power to operate. It allows the ship to overcome the
of gravitational turbulence at the opening and slip
into star lane
space. The more Star Lane Drives a ship contains, the
faster it will
slide through star lane space.

Star Lane Hyperdrive
The %s is a more powerful version of the Star Lane
Drive that improves
speed through star lane space. Although regular Star
Lane Drives allow
slow travel through red links, the Hyperdrive makes the
use of red links
practical. Star Lane Hyperdrives are much more costly
to produce than
Star Lane Drives.

Positron Bouncer
The accelerators inside the %s produce a high-momentum
blob of
particles. When fired at a ship, the particles impart
momentum to the ship, buffeting it away without
damaging it. The
Positron Bouncer consumes little power and is cheap to

Gravimetric Catapult
The %s causes the ship using it to experience
temporarily exaggerated
gravitational force. The ship is pulled toward the
strongest gravity well in
the vicinity_the nearest sun. The ship whips past the
sun, stopping
opposite its previous position when it has run out of

Myrmidonic Carbonizer
The %s fires a burst of energy that grows in strength
for a while
then dissipates. There is an ideal range for the
Carbonizer, at
which it is the most powerful weapon known. It is a
complex and
expensive piece of machinery.

Containment Device
The %s destroys one colonizer or invasion module, just
as the Disarmer
destroys one weapon. It is intended to be a peaceful
weapon_like the
Disarmer, it only causes harm to machinery_used to
protect planets
from invasion.

Shield Blaster
The %s temporarily shuts down the defensive systems of
the target
ship, leaving it vulnerable to attack.

The %s causes all the weapons aboard the target ship to
simultaneously unleash their destructive
uncontrolled, and chaotically. The more weapons the
target ship
carries, the more it is damaged by its own weapons.

Lane Destabilizer
When fired at a star lane or red link opening, the %s
induces gravity
waves at the resonant frequency of the star lane. This
causes the
ships inside the star lane to be thrown quickly toward
their destination
point. The Lane Destabilizer itself is destroyed in
the process.

Tractor Beam
The %s allows a ship to pull another ship toward it.
It has a very
long range and uses little power.

The %s is an emergency device that allows a ship to
convert some of the mass
of its own hull into an energy reserve. This is
destructive to the
ship, so it is usually used only in a last ditch effort
to survive.

Moving Part Exploiter
Through a combination of ultrasonic vibration,
micro-distortion, and luck destabilization
the %s causes devices to break down explosively. The
more intricate and
advanced the equipment on the target ship, the more
internal damage it
suffers from equipment malfunction. This device is
costly to
build and consumes a lot of power.

The %s creates a standing hyperwave field between a
ship and its target,
producing a massive space disturbance that causes them
to swap positions. It
operates at an extremely long range, uses little power,
and is cheap
to produce.

Gravimetric Condensor
The %s momentarily increases the gravitational field
strength of a star,
causing all the ships in the system to be pulled toward
the star with
great force.

The %s is a massive space analysis and targeting system
increases the effective range of all the weapons on a
ship. It is fairly costly
to build, but can provide a strong advantage in battle.

Remote Repair Facility
The %s allows a ship to repair damage without having to
Orbital Docks. It consists of automated systems
spreading throughout the
ship, engineered so finely that the repair process
resembles organic healing.
It uses a lot of power when activated, and adding it to
a ship is an
expensive project.

Sacrificial Orb
The %s is a magitechnological device that allows a ship
to repair
damage to another ship by absorbing that damage itself.
It should be used
with caution_some inattentive captains have managed to
scuttle their own
flagships with it!

Lane Magnetron
The %s frees the ship using it from the gravitational
turbulence-induced drag
normally encountered in star lane space, allowing the
ship to slip through the
star lane almost instantly. The Lane Magnetron uses
fully as much power as a
Nanotwirler produces and can be used only once.

The %s ejects a cloud of
infinitesimal bubbles of alternate reality that cause a
chain reaction in the
target ship, spreading it atom by atom across
infinite alternate timelines. The cloud has no
substance and
cannot be blocked by normal defenses. The
Disintegrator can be used only
once, is extremely expensive to build, and uses an
immense amount of power.
It must be used at close range.

Lane Endoscope
The %s allows astronomical instruments to penetrate
star lane space and scan
the system at the other end of a star lane or red link
opening. It requires a
lot of power to use.

Torroidal Blaster
The %s gives the ship using it a huge boost in engine
but it is hard on the engines and usually damages some
of them. It
draws all the power it needs from the engines and needs
no generator

Like the Disarmer, the Specialty Blaster, and the
Containment Device,
the %s is specialized to damage equipment without
inflicting any
other harm. It performs a general purpose version of
this concept, and it will
destroy the first major device it locks onto.

The %s fully recharges all of the weapons aboard a
Its installation is involved and expensive, but it can
be a lifesaver in
an intense battle.

Specialty Blaster
The %s destroys one specialized device, just as the
Disarmer destroys one weapon.
Like the Disarmer, it recognizes a particular type of
device and
disables it with precision and a minimum of destructive

The %s allows a ship to generate power when it travels
up the
gravitational gradient of a planet. When the ship
leaves orbit, the
Gyro-Inductor creates power. It uses no power and
takes effect

Plasma Coupler
The %s allows a ship to beam some of its power to
another ship across a long

The %s sets up a temporary high-magitechnology shield
around the
ship using it. While it lasts, the shield will not
allow the
ship to come to harm. It consumes little power but it
is costly to
build and can be used only once.

Phase Bomb
The %s is launched at a planet and destroys structures
on the
planet's surface. It can be used only once and must be
launched at
short range.

The %s allows a ship to create a colony on an
unoccupied planet. It
carries a group of trained settlers and a prefabricated
Colony Base
that provides the tools necessary to grow a self-
sufficient colony.
The Colonizer is deployed from orbit and can be used
only once.

Self Destructotron
The %s is a desperation device. It destroys the ship
using it by
converting most of the ship's mass to energy, creating
a huge explosion that
greatly damages other ships nearby.

Invasion Module
The %s transports a planetary infiltration team and
their camouflaged base of
operations to a planet's surface from orbit. It can be
destroyed by
a planetary Surface Shield unless multiple Invasion
Modules are launched
to overload the Surface Shield's
tracking ability. It is expensive to assemble and can
be used only once.

Mass Condensor
The %s operates as the Gravitational Distorter, except
that it is
targeted at a ship. All ships will be attracted toward
affected ship. It works at a long range and consumes a
lot of power.

%s is a one-time-use power reserve of great capacity.
It is a cheap,
disposable source of power.

Player captured all home worlds.
Player controls over half the galaxy.
Player destroyed other races.
Galaxy under one alliance, player alive.
Player extinct.


Species Abilities
Minions The Minions are masters of invasion. Your
planetary invasions will always succeed.
Snovemdoma The Snovemdomas are mighty and tough. Your
s ships all have double-strength hulls.
Orfa The Orfa are unfazed by hostile environments.
You can build on black planet squares.
Kambuchka The Kambuchka can sense life forms from far
away. You can see all alien home stars.
Hanshaks The Hanshaks are telepathic communicators.
You can talk to all other races from the
start of the game.
Fludentri The Fludentri are resilient. You can repair
all damage to your ships.
Baliflids The Baliflids are disarming diplomats. You
can force all aliens to make peace with you.
Swaparaman The Swaparamans produce extra power. You can
s double the power of all your ships.
Frutmaka The Frutmaka are able to repel. You can warp
alien ships out of your colonies' stars.
Shevar The Shevar are power-sappers. You can wipe
out the power of all alien ships in systems
you occupy.
Govorom The Govorom are nature-goddesses. You can
turn your least populated colony into a rich
Ungooma The Ungooma are mischievous. You can bump
all ships in star lanes backward to their
stars of origin.
Dubtaks The Dubtaks are unsportsmanlike scientists.
You can steal any technology known by at
least two other races.
Capelons The Capelons are self-preserving. You can
make all your colonies invincible for one
Mebes The Mebes are good at populating. You can
increase the maximum population of all your
Oculons The Oculons are ancient astronomers. You can
see all star lanes.
Arbryls The Arbryls can disrupt the flow of space.
You can block all star lanes entering your
colonized systems.
Marmosians The Marmosians can create hatred. You can
cause alien species to strongly dislike any
species at war with you.
Chronomyst The Chronomyst can change the rate of time
passage. You can move quickly through star
Chamachies The Chamachies are brilliant scientists. You
can immediately achieve any discovery you are
Nimbuloids The Nimbuloids are extremely productive. You
can boost the progress on all your colonies'

Planetary Items Stat
Factory 1 0 0 0 1 30 255
Agriplot 0 0 2 0 1 30 255
Laboratory 0 1 0 0 1 50 255
Habitat 0 0 2 3 1 160 26
Metroplex 1 1 1 2 1 200 31
Colony Base 1 0 1 2 1 120 5 0
Industrial 3 0 0 0 1 110 22
Artificial 0 0 3 0 1 100 10
Research 0 3 0 0 1 160 14
Logic 0 1 1 0 1 80 41
Engineering 1 1 0 0 1 80 45
Surface 0 0 0 0 1 40 15
Hyperpower 0 0 0 0 1 200 25
Fertilizatio 0 0 0 0 1 200 52
n Plant
Internet 0 0 0 0 1 250 59
Cloning 0 0 0 0 1 250 38
Observation 0 0 0 0 1 40 20
Tractor Beam 0 0 0 0 1 50 34 2
Surface 0 0 0 0 1 100 4 3
Surface Mega 0 0 0 0 1 180 61 3
Outpost 0 0 0 1 1 120 255 6
Transport 0 0 0 0 1 10 255 0 6
Shipyard 1 0 0 0 1 240 0
Ship 0 0 0 0 1 20 1
Orbital 1 0 0 0 1 170 16
Orbital 0 0 0 0 1 40 15
Orbital 0 0 0 0 1 60 0 3
Orbital Mega 0 0 0 0 1 120 43 3
Orbital 0 0 0 0 1 60 9 2
Missile Base
Short Range 0 0 0 0 1 90 37 2
Long Range 0 0 0 0 1 180 61 2
Alien 0 0 0 0 0 1 20 1 5
Interstellar 0 0 0 0 0 1 254 1 5
Endless 0 0 0 0 0 1 41 1 5
Scientist 0 0 0 0 0 1 32 1 5
Automation 0 0 0 0 1 1 51 0
Terraforming 0 0 0 0 1 50 26 0
Lush Growth 0 0 0 0 1 200 62 1
Xeno 0 0 0 0 1 50 6 0
l Dig

Name Powe Rang Leve # Indust ResRe Flag
r e l Uses ry q s
Mass Barrage 1 25 1 1 15 4 0 1
Gun 2
Fourier 1 40 2 1 25 7 0 1
Missiles 2
Quantum 2 25 4 1 40 12 0 1
Singularity 2
Molecular 2 50 4 1 50 17 0 1
Disassociato 2
Electromagne 1 50 1 5 60 24 0 1
tic Pulser 2
Plasmatron 2 100 4 1 70 29 0 1
2 3
Ueberlaser 3 50 6 2 70 35 0 1
2 3
Fergnatz 0 35 4 2 70 44 0 1
Lens 2 3
Hypersphere 6 75 10 2 100 48 0 1
Driver 2 3
Nanomanipula 6 50 13 3 100 56 0 1
tor 2 3

Name Powe Rang Leve # Indust ResRe Flag
r e l Uses ry q s
Ion Wrap 1 0 1 0 10 5 5
Concussion 2 0 2 0 30 11 5
Wave 0 0 1 0 50 18 5
Deactotron 2 0 3 0 60 30 5
Hyperwave 4 0 4 0 100 43 5
Nanoshell 3 0 5 0 200 55 5

Name Powe Rang Leve # Indust ResRe Flag
r e l Uses ry q s
Tonklin 1 0 2 0 10 2 7
Ion Banger 1 0 4 0 30 10 7
Graviton 3 0 6 0 40 23 7
Inertia 1 0 6 0 20 46 7
Nanowave 5 0 10 0 80 54 7
Space Bender

Name Power Rang Leve # Indust ResRe Flag
e l Uses ry q s
Tonklin 0 25 1 0 20 2 7
Subspace 0 50 1 0 40 8 7
Phase Array
Aural Cloud 0 75 2 0 60 24 7
Hyperwave 0 100 3 0 80 28 7
Murgatroyd's 0 200 4 0 100 37 7
Nanowave 0 1000 5 0 200 47 7

Name Power Rang Leve # Indust ResRe Flag
e l Uses ry q s
Proton 2 0 1 0 20 1 7
Subatomic 4 0 2 0 35 9 7
Quark 6 0 3 0 60 25 7
Van Creeg 8 0 4 0 80 28 7
Nanotwirler 10 0 5 0 100 47 7

Name Power Rang Leve # Indust ResRe Flag
e l Uses ry q s
Lane 3 40 0 1 30 33 1
Molecular 7 50 0 1 20 16 0
Tie Down
Intellect 7 50 0 1 20 14 0
Brunswik 15 50 0 1 100 34 0
Recaller 7 0 0 0 40 30 6
Disarmer 5 60 0 1 30 38 0
Smart Bomb 7 0 7 0 30 40 6
Gravity 4 0 0 1 20 27 6
Fleet 5 120 0 1 30 42 0
X Ray 3 120 0 0 30 14 7
Cloaker 3 0 0 0 30 15 7
Star Lane 0 0 1 0 25 3 7
Star Lane 0 0 2 0 50 19 7
Positron 2 60 0 1 10 22 0
Gravimetric 3 0 0 1 15 21 6
Myrmidonic 4 40 20 1 70 39 0 1
Carbonizer 2 3
Containment 5 50 0 1 50 40 0
Shield 7 50 0 1 30 49 0
Backfirer 10 50 0 1 60 53 0
Lane 7 40 0 1 40 33 1
Tractor 3 120 0 1 30 34 0
Cannibalize 0 0 0 1 20 35 6
Moving Part 10 50 0 1 60 64 0
Hyperswappe 3 120 0 1 20 48 0
Gravimetric 5 0 0 1 30 63 6
Accutron 7 0 0 1 60 39 6
Remote 30 0 0 0 70 60 6
Sacrificial 3 70 0 0 20 30 0
Lane 10 50 0 1 50 50 1
Disintegrat 25 25 0 1 150 57 0
Lane 10 50 0 0 20 58 1
Toroidal 0 0 0 1 20 23 6
Gizmogrifie 4 60 0 1 30 44 0
Replenisher 8 0 0 1 60 18 6
Specialty 5 60 0 1 30 49 0
Gyro 0 0 0 1 20 37 7
Plasma 4 70 0 1 20 29 0
Invulnerabl 20 0 0 1 60 65 6
Phase Bomb 4 25 0 1 40 13 3
Colonizer 5 0 0 0 35 5 7
Self 0 40 20 0 50 57 6
Invasion 10 0 0 0 70 8 7
Mass 8 120 0 1 50 13 0
Hyperfuel 0 0 0 0 20 36 6

For weapons, shields, drives, scanners, and most
specials, power is
the cost of operating the device. For generators power
is the power
supplied by the generator.

For weapons and scanners, the maximum range.

For weapons, damage. For shields, strength. For
scanners, range per
turn. For drives, the maximum distance that can be
travelled, in
sugar cube units.

# Uses
This number is the number of uses per turn. If there is
no limit,
this number should be 0.

The cost in industry points added to the cost of
building a ship.

The research node which allows this item, or 255 if no
research required.

Name bitpo

P. Michael Haffley

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Alien Race FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Planetary Building FAQ
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Ship Building FAQ/Item List
Engl. FAQ

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Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
Bitte readme.txt lesen

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

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Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Ideen und Schiff-Design
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16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
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