

18.10.2013 05:30:49
| J E T S 'N' G U N S G U I D E |
| Caddish Unfair Attack of Xoxx' Stellar Bastards! |
| |
| Version 1.0, 16 July 2006 |
| Written by Jordan "DeathByPie" Paul, |

I) Introduction and legal information [INT1]
II) Game mechanics [GAM2]
III) Missions [MIS3]
A) Mission 1: Alchemy [MISA]
B) Mission 2: Bandit [MISB]
C) Mission 3: Connection [MISC]
D) Mission 4: Delivery [MISD]
E) Mission 5: Electric [MISE]
F) Mission 6: Fandango [MISF]
G) Mission 7: Garden Warden [MISG]
H) Mission 8: Hearth [MISH]
I) Mission 9: Interceptor [MISI]
J) Mission 10: Jabberwacky [MISJ]
K) Mission 11: Kraken [MISK]
L) Mission 12: Lagoon [MISL]
M) Mission 13: Mariner [MISM]
N) Mission 14: Nocturne [MISN]
O) Mission 15: Ouroboros [MISO]
P) Mission 16: Platoon [MISP]
Q) Mission 17: Red Hell [MISQ]
R) Mission 18: Supreme [MISR]
S) Mission 19: Terminator [MISS]
T) Mission 20: Union [MIST]
U) Mission 21: Velocity [MISU]
V) The End [MISV]
IV) Weapons, upgrades and objects [WEA4]
A) How it works... [WEAA]
B) Guns [WEAB]
C) Missiles [WEAC]
D) Bombs [WEAD]
E) Special devices [WEAE]
F) Objects [WEAF]
G) Pirate Bosses [WEAG]
H) Power-ups [WEAH]
V) Other [OTH5]
A) Common enemies [OTHA]
B) Weapon stat level list [OTHB]
C) Cheats [OTHC]
D) Version history [OTHD]
E) Credits [OTHE]


Hello. This is my guide to the addictive arcade-style side-scrolling
shoot-em-up bloodbath that is Jets'n'Guns. I'd first like to point out that I
don't have too detailed level guides (unless there is something that needs
noting, of course) because of the simple fact that you don't, most of the time,
need a complete flight guide for the mission, or whatever. Just pull the
trigger and survive, right? ;) But, um, I discovered that I compulsively enjoy
collecting obscure bits of lists and such, which is why there is a lot of
tested weapons, and such. Most of this guide is based on the easy difficulty
mode, as most newer players choose the easiest mode when they start, and also
because I suck at playing hard modes.

And now for something completely different. Because what do introductions and
legal information have to do with each other? Hm...

Copyleft Jordan "DeathByPie" Paul. Permission is granted for anyone, for any
reason, to copy or modify anything in this document. Permission is granted for
anyone to sell this document in original or in modified form, and if you
actually manage to swindle someone into buying this, please do email me and
tell me all about it. Every laugh is a good laugh. You may, without my
permission, post this guide or any derivatives anywhere, but I'll only be
updating the copy at

Now, if you for any reason feel the need to contact me (,
please put "Jets'n'Guns Guide" or something similar as the subject.
Alternatively, put "hawt gheysecks xxx" as the subject. Either way, I'm likely
to read each one. Oh, hello. Didn't see you there, chap.

Here's a cookie for reading all that. Now go play in traffic.


As with other games in the genre, you fly around in your little spaceship, and
one-handedly slaughter fleets of enemy fighters. Shooting down ships and
blowing up buildings earns you money, so before every new mission in
Jets'n'Guns you may buy and sell equipment for your ship. The key to success is
investing your money in good equipment.

Because the game is a side-scroller, gravity plays a larger roll. For example,
most larger ships leave behind wrecks when defeated, which may fall down and
smash into buildings, troops or other things on the ground. Also, Rake in
Grass chose to make a side-scroller because of the visual humor they could
insert. So enjoy it, man.

You have a total of five weapon slots. Three of them are at the front, one at
the rear, one is for bombs and one is for missiles. Additionally, you may
upgrade the ship itself in different ways with a large number of internal
special devices, such as upgrading armor, the motor, installing cracker
software and other neat stuff.

Most weapons cause heat. If your ships overheat because of your weapons, there
is a short period where you cannot use your weapons, and your ship cools down.
As you upgrade your cooling system, the cool-down period gets shorter, and you
can fire for longer periods of time with your weapons.

There are three difficulty modes.
Novice - start with 100.000 Z and easy enemies. Enemy shots do less
Standard Hero - start with 80.000 Z and "normal" enemies.
Veteran - start with 60.000 Z and tough enemies. Enemy shots do more
damage. In this mode, it's vital that you evade every single
enemy shot possible, because every shot seriously counts.
Superman - Available after beating the game on Veteran.

In most levels there are checkpoints. If you pass one and die later in the
level, you will of course restart by the checkpoint, taking no penalty at all.

Of note is the excellent soundtrack, composed by the SID metal group Machinae
Supremacy. SID Metal is a cross between power metal and bitpop, so the music
definately adds a little something for this game by sounding futuristic AND
rockin'. Can't imagine another type of music to be hearing when pounding
enemies and avoiding energy bolts.

Now, just because I can, I'm going to list the default controls and the
controls that I use.

|MOVE LEFT |Left, O, 4 |A |
|MOVE RIGHT |Right, P, 6 |D |
|MOVE UP |Up, Q, 8 |W |
|MOVE DOWN |Down, A, 2 |S |
|FIRE |Ctrl, Space |Mouse Left |
|BOMBS |Alt, B |Mouse Right |
|REMCON |Shift, N |Mouse Middle |
|ROTARY CAGE + |Comma, Z |Q |
|ROTARY CAGE - |Period, X |E |

As you can see, I play the game like most play a first-person shooter, which I
like. Anyway, asdasdasd.



You start the mission with a weak ship with very limited weapon slots and
available upgrades. You've been hired to take out some polluting scum, and
you'll have to destroy 50 of their habitation cells to complete the level.
Before you start, you should do as the game tips you, spend all your cash on
weapons and weapon upgrades. The Carnage TV Transmission Set is an early and
cheap upgrade something you might like, as it increases money gained from
killing infantry men, especially if they are slaughtered en masse.

The mission itself is fairly easy. Lots of frail targets to destroy, but watch
out for the pieces of wreckage which fly when you destroy a cell, it's not a
great idea to destroy cells which are very close to you.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Fanvacoolt (Men Om Nånting)
New weapons:
La Fontaine, 15.000 Z
Scorpio PG, 25.000 Z
Daisycutter Mk. II, 35.000 Z
Pink Panther, 42.000 Z
Autotrack MG, 35.000 Z

Wanted: Zombieman, 10.000 Z
Cash raised: 100.000 Z+ and a mission record worth 30.000 Z.


Col. Troubleman, an old friend, has contacted you. It seems he needs your help.
The space villain Xoxx has showed up again, and he is planning the destruction
of the universe. Xoxx' pirates have kidnapped Professor von Hamburger who was
working on a quantum cannon. The professor's daughter, Erecta, wants you to try
and save him, as the space police are terribly inefficient.

The objective in this mission is to steal the TMIG-226 Fighter, as you'll need
lots of firepower for the upcoming missions. You'll be infiltrating the FeX
storage complex, and when you reach the ship, you must destroy three power
field generators to free the ship. Your ship will start transporting the TMIG
with a tractor beam, but be very careful when flying out, because the TMIG is
damaged by enemy fire and crashing into walls. If it is destroyed you lose.

The level tip says that you are to fly on jetpack through the mission. This,
however, is not the case. My guess is that they changed the level, but forgot
to update the level tip.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Koala in the Spider's Web
New weapons:

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 100.000 Z+


Your new ship is much more upgradable. Four ship features can be improved:
cooling, armor, speed and manoeuverability. In addition, a whole slew of other
special devices have been made available.

You are now travelling to the United Space Ship Impotence, to meet Colonel
Troubleman face-to-face. There are a lot of pirates who would rather stop you
though, as always. The level features a boss, but it is impossible for you to
defeat him at this time.

At the end of the level huge waves of pirates will appear. Luckily, the USS
Impotence is within firing range, and it makes short work of them.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Megascorcher, Machinae Supremacy - Escaping the
New weapons:
Radiator Mk. III, 52.000 Z
Tornado Railgun, 94.000 Z
Incubus, 45.000 Z

Wanted: Baracuda, 30.000 Z
Cash raised: 150.000 Z


This mission is your first ground mission. You need to buy some bombs. You must
attack a smuggling base, and annihilate the pirates.

There is a boss at the end, who is made up of three different parts, which have
different weapons. Avoid fighting the parts from the front, equip a rear weapon
and fight their backs when possible. When there is only one part left, it will
follow you around, so fly around it, shooting when you can.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Flight of the Toyota
New weapons:
Charge Generator, 500.000 Z
Pulse Gun, 70.000 Z
Flea Circus, 110.000 Z
Baker, 44.000 Z
Monkey Maniac, 65.000 Z

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 500.000 Z+


This is another ground mission, and you're going to crash a Machinae Supremacy
concert. You'll have hundreds of infantry pirates to slaughter. You'll need
some good anti-ground weapons to rake in the cash. As long as you can take care
of the ground units, this mission will be a breeze.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Hero
New weapons:
Tectonic Laser, 90.000 Z
Skywalker HG, 175.000 Z

Wanted: Casanova, 20.000 Z
Cash raised: 100.000 Z+


Space level with asteroids. Your mission is to find an agent who has gone
missing in the lawless Insomnia Starpub Commercial Sector. Try not to blow up
asteroids which are very close to you, they split up, and you may get hit

Be sure to pick up all the gold bonuses you see, as there are plenty. Also,
watch out for the dragon ship near the end of the level.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Erecta my Hamburger Baby
New weapons:
Superkiller Mk. 1, 210.000 Z
ManicMiner, 267.000 Z
Homing Missile, 90.000 Z
Cauldron, 120.000 Z

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 600.000 Z+


Pirates have taken over the planet Plop Alpha, and you need to liberate it.
It's a long ground mission, so make sure you have all the ground stuff ready.
This level's boss has lots of front weapons, but none at the back, so either
get a good rear gun or switch around weapons once you reach the boss. If you
have good bombs, drop them when you are flying over him. This is very

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Little Green Men
New weapons:
Acid Gun, 150.000 Z
J.C. Superstar 33, 270.000 Z
Mine Deployer, 90.000 Z

Wanted: The Chef, 15.000 Z
Cash raised: 600.000-700.000 Z+, Hypershopping Golden Card worth 70.000 Z, Plop
Fragmentation Gun.


A fiery ground mission on Erebus 666. There is a Robotruck in this level which
can be taken over with the RemCon. It will demolish everything in its way, if
you do activate it.

The boss, Crtex, has an unprotected back, so use a rear gun on him. After
dealing some damage he'll say "I'll be back, have fun!" and summon a robot
warrior. Fire everything you've got against the robot, including bombs, when it
first appears, then watch out when it jumps around. It'll shoot some beams from
the head at you, then jump up and shoot lots of shots forwards. When that
happens, fly low and shoot at its legs. He may also shoot homing missiles,
but hose are easy to destroy. Eventually, he'll start losing body parts, and
becomes a little easier.

Neither the professor or the Quantum Cannon was found on the planet, so the
team needs new clues...

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Lava Trouble Bubble, Machinae Supremacy - Dududub
New weapons:
Boomerang Blaster, 605.000 Z
Blackfist Mortar, 650.000 Z
ElectroBall, 900.000 Z
Rodeo, 64.000 Z
MineWeb, 140.000 Z
Plop Fragmentation Gun, 0 Z (level reward)

Wanted: Frankenstein, 50.000 Z
Cash raised: 500.000 Z+


...which may be found in the Zogrim sector. The Zogrims may be co-operating
with pirate clans. Also, the Zogrims' propaganda looks suspiciously similar to
that of Nazi Germany's. Hur hur hur.

Well, the Zogrims have detected you, and are hunting you down. But you've
located a pirate tanker docking in their starport, so you must get there and
attempt to shoot it down. Fight your way through the cityscape.

Now the pirate ship, the boss, has a few attacks. It has turrets (which can be
destroyed) and can launch homing missiles. You have a limited amount of times
until the ship can hyperjump out of your reach.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Zogrim Ate My Hamster
New weapons:
VX-MB Laser, 680.000 Z
Zombie BLues PG, 750.000 Z
Hammerhead, 720.000 Z
Discoteque 3000, 250.000 Z
Autotron AIR, 80.000 Z

Wanted: Baron Bofuru, 40.000 Z
Cash raised: 450.000 Z+


The Zogrims so fanatic in their defense that you have no choice but to escape
via the "Alien Zone", a forbidden area. Enjoy the most interesting enemies in
the game, man are they awesome looking.

Armor pick-ups are taken from ship-wrecks in this level, so blow up any of
those you spot.

The boss is an odd alien fetus which has dangerous mental wave attacks, and it
can take a lot of damage. It also releases alien eggs which should be destroyed
as soon as possible.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Insectoid, Machinae Supremacy - Archangels of
New weapons:

Cash raised: 700.000-800.000 Z+


Lord Krutor and his enormous battleship just found you. Fight your way under
the ship. As the level tip suggests, don't try to kill everything, just the
stuff that gets in your way. Don't wory, because a lot of stuff WILL get in
your way, hur hur.

The boss is quite tough, as parts of him are invulnerable. Destroy
all the guns on him, but watch out for the biggest one (you'll know which one
that is when you see it). The boss occasionally releases some strange squid
things, too, take those out or you may get hit by their shots. When all the
other guns are gone, wait until the two parts of the ship move apart and reveal
the big gun. Shoot it until it starts firing, which is when you should take
cover. As long as you keep hitting the gun it won't be able to hit you, but
keep an eye on the heat... Once the main part explodes, the screen will flash
the text "Finish him! Show no mercy!", and the smaller front part can be blown
up. Woooh.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Hyperchase, Machinae Supremacy - Knee-deep in the
New weapons:
Banzai Rammer, 1.920.000 Z
CHAOS PTG, 752.000 Z
Black Friday, 120.000 Z

Wanted: Baracuda, 30.000 Z
Cash raised: 1.000.000 Z+


Communications with the Glutosians have informed you of the presence of a
pirate base on Coldfoot Epsilon, an ice moon. Prepare yourself for a ground

This level has an interesting boss. It's a huge, flying submarine (although
technically, above water it would be called a supermarine), complete with
torpedoes and all that. Fire your weapons at the front part, avoiding the
torpedoes, and bomb the top part when you get the chance. Should be pretty

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Burghammer Hill
New weapons:
FPG-8E Cremator, 1.000.000 Z
S.T.Y.X., 960.000 Z
Phoenix, 150.000 Z
Autotron GROUND, 91.000 Z

Wanted: Go-Naghu-Ruma, 65.000 Z
Cash raised: 900.000 Z+


Seems like the reason no large buildings were observed on the surface was that
they are in fact underwater! Your ship has been equipped with a special casing
so it will function in a liquid enviroment as well as it does in a vacuum
enviroment, note that the ship is a bit slower underwater, however. However,
the casing does not allow for missiles or bombs. Sell any of those weapons and
invest in other things, at least for the time being.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Kings of the Sea
New weapons:
XETEC Moongun, 880.000 Z
Belzebub Mortar, 1.22.000 Z
General Pig, 215.000 Z

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 900.000 Z+


Pirates have invaded the Glutosians home-planet, so prepare for a ground
mission. Meanwhile, Erecta von Hamburger has grown tired of waiting for you to
rescue her father, and she is going to do something on her own.

At the end of the level you will encounter a warp gate, made for invading this
planet. If you wish, you may stay awhile and avoid shooting at the gate (if
possible), and make some extra cash by taking down the infinites waves of
enemies coming out. Anyway, destroy the gate, but there will be some dire
consequences. Like being trapped in a time warp.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Futuremachine
New weapons:

Wanted: Amadeus, 100.000 Z
Cash raised:


So here you are, trapped in a strange time warp, and you have no idea when or
where you'll be dropped off... There is no one to talk to, but strangely, you
are able to shop.

Seems like you've appeared near the FeX complex, where the adventure began, a
couple of hours before your "Bandit" mission. Fight your way through the

There is a section in this level which may very well be the game's most
annoying. You'll encounter a "Dictator Quantum Devesator" (and you may
recognize the sign, but not the weapon, from the "Bandit" mission) inside a
glass container. You must break the glass, and then you'll encounter a solid
metal wall, which you cannot penetrate (this you may also recognize, but in a
broken state...). Well, the Quantum Devesator will fire, breaking the metal,
and the best place to hide is is the space above the metal, and not below. I
learned that the hard way.

After the Quantum Devestator part, you'll encounter an area where cows are
dropped from above, and slam into the ground. That's somewhat odd.

The level ends with a warp gate. Woooh!

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Lord Krutor's Dominion
New weapons:

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 150.000 Z+


Intelligence has concocted a plan B. They have found some very powerful alien
technology on another planet, and you need that technology.

There are little green towers here and there in the level. Destroy them to
release some research data. You will need 100% data to complete the mission,
if you reach the end with incomplete data, the mission has failed. Don't worry
though, there's more than enough towers available.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - SpacePunX
New weapons:
Tsunami Generator, 2.400.000 Z
Vulcan DZN, 1.640.000 Z

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 800.000 Z+ and the Chroniton Rifle.


You've recieved a hot new piece of weaponry, the Chroniton Rifle, a very
powerful gun when fully upgraded.

Crtex has kidnapped poor Erecta. That, of course, means you are going to blow
him to hell. The entire level is just a short boss fight, so bring your best
weapons and kick his arse. Just shoot and avoid his shots and he'll be dead in
no time at all.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Dududub Dududum
New weapons:
Omnigun NT-2, 1.710.000 Z
SunTEQ Sunray, 1.800.000 Z
Banjo, 200.000 Z
Chroniton Rifle, 0 Z (level reward)

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 700.000 Z


The science team has come up with a frankly suicidal plan. You have to fly to a
distant part of the galaxy, where a ruined government project exists. It is a
supercomputer that was too smart for its own good, and is totally out of
control. Perhaps the supercomputer Oppenheimer XP knows something we need to

The boss is somewhat difficult. You must constantly move to survive, or you'll
get hit by its lasers. Destroy it all and the "Fart-chitect" will appear,
giving you a data disk with the required information. However, when you take
it, the back-up security system will activate, which seems to be a game of
Invaders. Destroy 'em all, but be wary of their powerful shots, avoid all the
shots fired when they first appear, and you'll do fine, as they shoot less
often after those.

Anyway, something, as always, seems to go wrong when they are defeated. Falling
glyphs and letters, "Matrix code", that is, starts appearing, and the text "Oh,
shit! Something's going really bad" flashes. You get out of there alive,
luckily. But barely, or something.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Escaping the Krut
New weapons:
Terrion Emitter, 2.000.000 Z

Wanted: Crocodile Debie, 85.000 Z
Cash raised: 1.600.000 Z+


With the information taken from the supercomputer, the Professors location has
been located in an asteroid. You'll need an anti-ground weapon to hit the
reactor coolant system, which will destroy the asteroid.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Death from Above
New weapons:
Kaiser Franz 650, 1.350.000 Z
Zion Generator, 2.300.000 Z

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 1.500.000 Z


Klaxxon is escaping the asteroid by train. Kill him. An interesting ground
level, with lots of things to shoot. The boss, a clown head, is pretty easy
too, just dodge its shots and fire away.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Flames of Fire
New weapons:

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 1.400.000 Z+


The Lord Chaos Mk. I is ready to fire. You have to fly in there and stop Xoxx
from destroying the universe. This is the toughest level in the game, but you
can make it with your superior firepower.

The boss is probably the oddest in the game. Shoot the arms and missiles, and
it will grow new arms. Cannon turret arms. When 50% of its health is gone, the
"censored" box vanishes, revealing a washing machine full of corpses. Hm.

When the boss is dead, a notice appears. Xoxx is fleeing in his back-up washing
machine, and it is already too late! Well, we're doomed...

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Judgement Fray, Machinae Supremacy - Machinaeguns
New weapons:

Wanted: No one
Cash raised: 2.000.000 Z+


...or are we? After the credits roll by (as well as various space debris),well
look at that! A time warp, how handy! You're taken to the start of the game,
keeping all your equipment, but on a higher difficulty level. Wheeeee.

Music: Machinae Supremacy - Endgame




Oh yes. I can already hear you asking about the system I'm using to describe
the weapons with. Calm down now, children, and I'll tell you all about it.
Note that the example below deals with a weapon, but the other gadgets
listed use the same system with minor changes to fit the nature of the object.

--[Example Weapon]--
"An example weapon. This would be the in-game description (with spelling and
grammar corrected where needed, because I am probably a grammar nazi), oh yes."

>Power: 1 +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>Power: 2 |Each > represents a level of the weapon. One > is the basic |
>>>Power: 2 |level, >> is the the first upgrade (and the second level), and |
|so on. The different weapon attributes are then listed. |
>Heat: 1 +----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 3

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 2
>>>Speed: 3

>10.000 Z +------------------------------------------------------------+
>>20.000 Z |Weapon prices for each level are listed, and the total sum |
>>>30.000 Z |for a fully upgraded weapon is displayed last. |
TOTAL: 60.000 Z +------------------------------------------------------------+

Weapon functions:
>Balls of plasma alternatingly fire upwards and downwards, flying in an odd
arc-shape forward.
>>Same as before, but with improved speed and power.
>>>Balls now fire upward and downward at the same time, with added heat and
>>>>Same as before, but with added speed.

Ammunition: Energetic shots +-------------------------------------------+
Rear gun: No |Here, some misc. stats are shown. |
Rotary cage: No |Ammunition type doesn't actually matter, |
Homing: No |but it's an intersting detail. |
Buyable: Yes, Mission 1: Alchemy +-------------------------------------------+


--[La Fontaine]--
"Cheap toy gun shoots small plasma balls made of hydrogen frozen to
absoulute zero. The gun doesn't cause any critical damage, but still can
give som extra power, when your credit card os almost dried out."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 1
>>>>Heat: 1

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 5
>>>>Speed: 6

>15.000 Z
>>15.000 Z
>>>25.000 Z
>>>>30.000 Z
TOTAL: 85.000 Z

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 1: Alchemy.

Weapon functions:
>Balls of plasma alternatingly fire upwards and downwards, flying in an odd
arc-shape forward.
>>Improved speed and power.
>>>Balls now fire upward and downward at the same time, with added heat and
>>>>Added speed.

--[Scorpio Plasma Gun]--
"Scorpio is a light plasma gun with a solid power but relatively low price,
therefore suitable for customers with temporarily limited resources."

>Power: 2
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 1
>>>Heat: 1

>Speed: 5
>>Speed: 5
>>>Speed: 6

>25.000 Z
>>50.000 Z
>>>75.000 Z
TOTAL: 150.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Weapon fires slow moving balls of plasma which, if fired when the ship is not
moving, seem to join up into lines of plasma. The shots do not last the whole
>>Added heat.
>>>Added speed.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 1: Alchemy.

--[Daisycutter Mk. II]--
"Daisycutter machinegun offers good firepower at a reasonable price,
therefore is is a good choice for any non-professional killer."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2
>>>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 1
>>>>Heat: 1
>>>>>Heat: 1

>Speed: 6
>>Speed: 6
>>>Speed: 6
>>>>Speed: 7
>>>>>Speed: 7

>35.000 Z
>>25.000 Z
>>>30.000 Z
>>>>40.000 Z
>>>>>50.000 Z
TOTAL: 180.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires a single-row line of bullets.
>>Fires a double-row line of bullets.
>>>Fires a triple-row line of bullets.
>>>>Fires five rows of bullets which spread out in three sections.
>>>>>Fires seven rows of bullets which spread out in three sections.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 1: Alchemy.

--[Pink Panther]--
"The Pink Panther is a very popular scater gun. Thanks to its sophisticated
construction, it covers an area in front of a ship with rich portions of lead.
A very valuable weapon for those who don't want to bother with aiming and
prefer to dispose of while bunches of enemies at once."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 1
>>>Heat: 1
>>>>Heat: 3

>Speed: 5
>>Speed: 6
>>>Speed: 6
>>>>Speed: 7

>42.000 Z
>>28.000 Z
>>>50.000 Z
>>>>60.000 Z
TOTAL: 180.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Two rows of slow-firing pink shots, spreading out.
>>Same as before, but faster.
>>>Four rows of fast-firing pink shots, spreading out.
>>>>Six rows of fast-firing pink shots, spreading out.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 1: Alchemy.

--[Autotrack Minigun]--
"Autotracking guns have a sophisticated aiming system that can save you a lot
of work. This particular type is light, fast and flexible. Especially
effective against troopers and light machinery."

>Power: 0
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 1
>>>>Power: 1

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 4

>35.000 Z
>>25.000 Z
>>>40.000 Z
>>>>40.000 Z
TOTAL: 180.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires weak shots at the nearest target.
>>Added power.
>>>Added speed.
>>>>Added speed.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: Yes
Buyable: Yes, Mission 1: Alchemy.

--[Radiator Mk.III]--
"This type of disperse gun gives a good chance to anyone without precise aiming
skills and for poor devils under siege. The gun is designed for spreading great
bulks of bullets in many directions simultaneously. Great choice as a
secondary weapon system."

>Power: 0
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 1
>>>>Power: 1
>>>>>Power: 1
>>>>>>Power: 1

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 1
>>>Heat: 1
>>>>Heat: 1
>>>>>Heat: 1
>>>>>>Heat: 1

>Speed: 6
>>Speed: 6
>>>Speed: 6
>>>>Speed: 6
>>>>>Speed: 7
>>>>>>Speed: 7

>52.000 Z
>>13.600 Z
>>>13.600 Z
>>>>13.600 Z
>>>>>13.600 Z
>>>>>>13.600 Z
TOTAL: 120.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Two rows of bullets fire diagonally up and down.
>>Three rows, with one firing forward.
>>>The original two rows are doubled, forward shooting removed.
>>>>Added forward shooting.
>>>>>Fires in five different direction, in a rough star shape.
>>>>>>Guns firing in the primary direction are doubled.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 3: Connection.

--[Tornado Railgun]--
"This very untraditional weapon is a result of cooperation between Freecorp and
Anarchy Ltd. Tornado fires constant stream of metal scraps. This unique weapon
uses no ammo. It conusmes parts of matter sucked out of surrounding
ships and uses it directly to load the weapon."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 3

>Speed: 7
>>Speed: 7
>>>Speed: 7
>>>>Speed: 7

>94.000 Z
>>36.000 Z
>>>50.000 Z
>>>>90.000 Z
TOTAL: 270.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires two rows of metal scraps forward.
>>Fires three rows.
>>>Fires two rows somewhat diagonally.
>>>>Fires a massive stream of shots forward.

Ammunition: Special shots (infinite)
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 3: Connection.

--[Charge Generator]--
"Charge generators are gadgets with simple construction, but outstanding
firepower. They make arcs of energy in front of the ship that burns any matter
with power from 2 to 20 megavolts."

>Power: 6
>>Power: 7
>>>Power: 7

>Heat: 4
>>Heat: 5
>>>Heat: 6

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 2
>>>Speed: 3

>500.000 Z
>>550.000 Z
>>>1.150.000 Z
TOTAL: 2.200.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Slowly fires arcs of energy at close-range.
>>Slightly longer range.
>>>Added range and speed.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 4: Delivery.

--[Pulse Gun]--
"Pulse guns are quite cheap and effective weapons. Professionals with
"temporary cash problems" often choose them as a good compromise before they
gather enough hacks for more exciting gear like VXes."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 2
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 2
>>>>Heat: 2

>Speed: 6
>>Speed: 6
>>>Speed: 6
>>>>Speed: 6

>70.000 Z
>>35.000 Z
>>>30.000 Z
>>>>40.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires a single row of shots.
>>Slightly more powerful.
>>>Fires two rows of shots.
>>>>Added firepower.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 4: Delivery.

--[Tectonic Laser]--
"This device was greated for geological research originally, but the high
energy of its beam can be used as an anti-ground weapon."

>Power: 2
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 2
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 2
>>>>Heat: 2

>Speed: 6
>>Speed: 6
>>>Speed: 7
>>>>Speed: 7

>90.000 Z
>>35.000 Z
>>>40.500 Z
>>>>60.500 Z
TOTAL: 226.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires shots diagonally downwards (or upwards if it's a rear gun).
>>Added firepower.
>>>Added speed.
>>>>Added speed.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 5: Electric.

--[Skywalker Hypergun]--
"Lucascorp company appears on the scene as fast as it vanishes lately. It is
not very successful, but one of its products breaks through and becomes
popular. The Skywalker Hypergun fires very destructive and, above all,
extremely fast beams, which help to track fast moving fighters even at long

>Power: 2
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2
>>>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 3
>>Heat: 3
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 3
>>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 6
>>Speed: 6
>>>Speed: 6
>>>>Speed: 7
>>>>>Speed: 7

>175.000 Z
>>40.000 Z
>>>55.000 Z
>>>>65.000 Z
>>>>>75.000 Z
TOTAL: 410.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires fast energy shots forward.
>>Added power.
>>>Added power.
>>>>Added speed, shots spread out a little.
>>>>>Added speed and power.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 5: Electric.

--[Superkiller Mk.I]--
"With Superkiller, Rotostora company presents a fine heavy rotary cannon with
wide utilization in any standard military situation. Basic limited model gives
disposible force for a very nice price. More fastidious customers can enjoy
full firepower after a few upgrades."

>Power: 2
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 3
>>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 1

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 5
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 5

>210.000 Z
>>120.000 Z
>>>160.000 Z
>>>>180.000 Z
TOTAL: 670.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>"Standard" shots.
>>Added speed.
>>>Doubled bullet output, less speed.
>>>>Added speed.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 6: Fandango.

"Mining device of Nuzzle and Co. re-arranged into a weapon. Strikes with strong
pulses originally expected to unhinge mass of asteroids but suitable for
disassembling space ships as well. Higer levels divide the pulses into many
boosted streams, but this is not a very safe modification."

>Power: 2
>>Power: 3
>>>Power: 3
>>>>Power: 4
>>>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 1
>>>Heat: 2
>>>>Heat: 2
>>>>>Heat: 2

>Speed: 6
>>Speed: 6
>>>Speed: 6
>>>>Speed: 6
>>>>>Speed: 6

>267.000 Z
>>66.000 Z
>>>68.000 Z
>>>>94.000 Z
>>>>>107.000 Z
TOTAL: 692.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires pulses directly upwards and downwards of the ship.
>>Added power.
>>>Fires two streams of pulses.
>>>>Fires three streams of pulses.
>>>>>Added power.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 6: Fandango.

--[Acid Gun]--
"Use of this weapon is not legal in many parts of the universe. This terrible
gadget was constructed especially for use against living beings. Acid gun spits
streams of very aggressive chemicals, that decomposes quickly (and painfully)
and object it falls upon."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 7
>>Speed: 7
>>>Speed: 7

>150.000 Z
>>90.000 Z
>>>110.000 Z
TOTAL: 350.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Spits falling acid forward, but not very far.
>>Firing distance increased.
>>>Firing distance increased.

Ammunition: Special shots (acid)
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 7: Garden Warden.

--[J.C. Superstar 33]--
"Weapon was constructed by lunatic DJ Handuras back in 2660. DJ created the gun
out of light effects in his disco to eradicate all dancers in oldies clubs in
the whole universe. DJ was stopped after the 156th pangalactic gathering of
Elvis doubles, who slaughtered him with their guitars."

>Power: 2
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2
>>>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 2
>>>>Heat: 2
>>>>>Heat: 3

>Speed: 2
>>Speed: 3
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 4
>>>>>Speed: 4

>270.000 Z
>>92.000 Z
>>>125.000 Z
>>>>123.000 Z
>>>>>190.000 Z
TOTAL: 800.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Slowly fires stars of energy all around the ship.
>>Incrased fire-rate.
>>>Increased fire-rate.
>>>>Increased fire-rate.
>>>>>Increased fire-rate.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 7: Garden Warden.

--[Plop Fragmentation Gun]--
"Legendary weapon of ancient buccaneers of Plop. Gun fires piles of extremely
heavy cannonballs. Speed of projectile is too low to keep it moving forward, so
it falls down and crushes everything below the gunner."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 1

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 1
>>>Heat: 1

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 5

>0 Z
>>150.000 Z
>>>180.000 Z
TOTAL: 330.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires cannonballs forward.
>>Fires one large and one small cannonball forward.
>>>Fires two large cannonballs forward.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: No, acquired after Mission 7: Garden Warden.

--[Boomerang Blaster]--
"This electromagnetic device shoots bursts of energy in a strong magnetic
field.These fields allow shots to move around and fly back to the emitter to
cover large areas or even hit enemies hidden behind a corner. Very destructive
especially on higher levels."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 4
>>>>Power: 4

>Heat: 4
>>Heat: 4
>>>Heat: 4
>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 2
>>Speed: 3
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 5

>605.000 Z
>>205.000 Z
>>>210.000 Z
>>>>240.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.260.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires rotating arcs of energy which fly around and return to ship, like
>>Fires two arcs at once.
>>>Fire-rate increased.
>>>>Fire-rate increased.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 8: Hearth.

--[Blackfist Mortar]--
"Freecorp offers a very well made, heavy instrument in this product. Powered
with a high-end projectile system, Blackfist is a great choice for both
vulnerable amateurs and fully engaged professionals."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 5

>650.000 Z
>>580.000 Z
>>>620.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires explosive balls.
>>Fires two balls at once, which spread out.
>>>Fires four balls at once, which spread out.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 8: Hearth.

"Weapon releases two generators, which discharge periodically in a pack of
lightning. Anything between the generators gets its portion of hi-voltage. The
weapon follows the ship and need no additional control. Its fully automatic."

>Power: 7

>Heat: 0

>Speed: 0

>900.000 Z
TOTAL: 900.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Releases two balls to the left and right sides of the screen, which discharge
powerful lightning. The balls stay until destroyed.

Ammunition: Special shots (ElectroBalls)
Rear gun: Only
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 8: Hearth.

--[VX-Masterblaster Laser]--
"VX is one of the finest devices available. It was developed by an undetected
pirate organisation called "Friedbrains". Whoever they are, they made a really
remarkable piece of work. VX is fast and disruptive. With this on board, you
can vaporise your enemies just by pressing the button."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 5
>>>>Power: 6

>Heat: 3
>>Heat: 3
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 5

>680.000 Z
>>180.000 Z
>>>400.000 Z
>>>>440.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.700.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires a laser which passes through everything in its way.
>>Fires two laserbeams.
>>>Fires one powerful laserbeam.
>>>>Fires two powerful laserbeams.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 9: Interceptor.

--[Zombie Blues Plasma Gun]--
"This alien gun is based on special psionic technology. A weapon generator
creates semi-intelligent entities with highly destructive power, who attack
nearby enemies. Energy emitted by the weapon creates nasty hallucinations as a
side effect."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 5
>>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 3

>Speed: 2
>>Speed: 3
>>>Speed: 2
>>>>Speed: 3

>750.000 Z
>>210.000 Z
>>>415.000 Z
>>>>510.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.885.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Releases two homing plasma balls.
>>As before, with added speed.
>>>Releases four plasma balls.
>>>>As before, with added speed.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: Yes
Buyable: Yes, Mission 9: Interceptor.

--[Hammerhead Cannon]--
"Hammerhead's advantage lies in rapid fire of accelerated projectiles. It is
equipped with bullets able to tear into the slaughtering shrapnels on impact.
HH was a favorite unstrument of the police in the past decade, used against
peaceful demonstations, until it was replaced by the Plasma Cremator."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 4
>>>>Power: 5
>>>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0
>>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 3
>>Speed: 3
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 4
>>>>>Speed: 4

>720.000 Z
>>169.000 Z
>>>241.000 Z
>>>>230.000 Z
>>>>>220.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.580.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires fast cannon shots.
>>Slightly faster fire-rate.
>>>Fires two cannon shots at once.
>>>>As before, with added power.
>>>>>As before, with a slightly faster fire-rate.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 9: Interceptor.

--[Banzai Titanium Rammer]--
"These massive metal gears are assigned for close combat with full contact,
therefore supplied primarily for space gladiators. Nevertheless, it can be very
servicable as a front shield and for clearing minefields."

>Power: 3
>>Power: 3
>>>Power: 5
>>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 0
>>Speed: 0
>>>Speed: 0
>>>>Speed: 0

>1.920.000 Z
>>270.000 Z
>>>270.000 Z
>>>>270.000 Z
TOTAL: 2.730.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Releases a flying block which rams into ships and absorbs enemy fire.
>>As before, with improved speed.
>>>Larger block.
>>>>As before, with improved speed.

Ammunition: Special shots (hammer)
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 11: Kraken.

--[CHAOS Particle Generator]--
"Felonious technology of CHAOS particles is based on the multiplying effect of
this form of energy. Particle hits the target but does not vanish. It splits in
two instead and hits again twice. With enough initial energy this process
could be theoretically endless."

>Power: 3
>>Power: 3
>>>Power: 4
>>>>Power: 4

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 3

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 2
>>>Speed: 3
>>>>Speed: 3

>752.000 Z
>>568.000 Z
>>>710.000 Z
>>>>490.000 Z
TOTAL: 2.520.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Shoots one shot of energy at a time, which travels randomly.
>>As before, with an increased fire-rate.
>>>As before, with an increased fire-rate.
>>>>As before, with an increased fire-rate.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 11: Kraken.

--[FPG-8E Plasma Cremator]--
"Plasmas are a very popular kind of weapon and Freecorp's "8-series" is one of
the top pieces. Basic model fires highly condensed plasma balls, but could
easily rebuild into the pressure napalm gun ("flamer", in other words) or
hi-energy plasma blaster."

>Power: 3
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 4
>>>>Power: 5
>>>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 1
>>>Heat: 1
>>>>Heat: 2
>>>>>Heat: 2

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 5
>>>>Speed: 5
>>>>>Speed: 5

>1.000.000 Z
>>200.000 Z
>>>250.000 Z
>>>>300.000 Z
>>>>>350.000 Z
TOTAL: 2.100.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires balls of slow-travelling plasma.
>>As before, with added power.
>>>As before, with added speed.
>>>>As before, with added power.
>>>>>Weapon becomes a flamethrower.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 12: Lagoon.

"This gun fires a stream of extremely hot and toxic gas. The gun was developed
for disinfestation of space stations and ports overrun by cosmic glow-worms.
The bugs became immune after a few weeks of the cleaning campaign, but
humanoids are still pretty sensitive. Just try and see."

>Power: 5
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 3
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 5

>960.000 Z
>>245.000 Z
>>>245.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.450.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Shoots a cloud of toxic gas.
>>Increased fire-rate.
>>>Increased fire-rate.

Ammunition: Special shots (gas)
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 12: Lagoon.

--[XETEC Moongun]--
"XETEC Corporation came last year with this fine medium blaser. This gun offers
astonishing firepower, amazing speed and low heating for a reasonable price.
The only disadvantage is that it has a little bit shorter range compared to the
market competitors, but the power and ease to maintain it makes it a very
popular choice."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 4
>>>>Power: 5
>>>>>Power: 6

>Heat: 2
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 3
>>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 5
>>Speed: 5
>>>Speed: 6
>>>>Speed: 6
>>>>>Speed: 7

>880.000 Z
>>155.000 Z
>>>155.000 Z
>>>>155.000 Z
>>>>>155.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.500.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires little discs of energy.
>>Larger discs.
>>>Increased fire-rate.
>>>>Fires discs which decrease in size as they travel, they do not last the
entire screen. Increased power.
>>>>>Increased heat and fire-rate.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 13: Mariner.

--[Belzebub Mortar]--
"This is a big hit of Anarchy Ltd. The name of this mortar is a synonym for
ultimate destruction. Even the basic model of this terminator overwhelms
anything in its way. The weapon is provided with useful upgrades, which allows
it to carry cluster ammunition."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 5
>>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 3

>Speed: 3
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 5

>1.220.000 Z
>>210.000 Z
>>>210.000 Z
>>>>210.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.850.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires a mortar shot which splits into two on impact. One part flies upwards,
the other down.
>>Increased heat and speed.
>>>Increased heat and power.
>>>>Fires discs which decrease in size as they travel, they do not last the
entire screen. Increased power.
>>>>>Shots split into four on impact, each piece flying diagonally. Increased

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 13: Mariner.

--[Tsunami Generator]--
"Tsunami casts extra destructive waves around the ship. It is widespread in the
police forces in the Hoover-MickeyMouse binary star system, where they use it
mostly against rowdy crowds during the Dumball Superleague play-off."

>Power: 6
>>Power: 6
>>>Power: 7
>>>>Power: 7
>>>>>Power: 7
>>>>>>Power: 7

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 3
>>>>>Heat: 4
>>>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 3
>>Speed: 3
>>>Speed: 3
>>>>Speed: 2
>>>>>Speed: 2
>>>>>>Speed: 2

>2.400.000 Z
>>480.000 Z
>>>480.000 Z
>>>>480.000 Z
>>>>>480.000 Z
>>>>>>480.000 Z
TOTAL: 4.800.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Twin waves of energy lash upwards and downwards.
>>Increased heat. The waves reach a little further.
>>>Increased heat, speed and power. Waves lash out further.
>>>>Decreased speed. Waves lash out even further down.
>>>>>Increased heat. Waves lash out a little forward.
>>>>>>Waves lash out up, down and forward.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 16: Platoon.

--[Vulcan Disintegrator]--
"The Vulcan Disintegrator is one of the heaviest weapons in the galaxy. Vulcan
raises the energy of the exposed area on the subatomic level. Excited particles
decompose and the matter of the object blows up from the inside - regardless of
its hardness. It could be cheese or diamond panzer, no worries!"

>Power: 4
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 5
>>>>Power: 6
>>>>>Power: 6

>Heat: 3
>>Heat: 3
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 4
>>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 5
>>Speed: 5
>>>Speed: 5
>>>>Speed: 5
>>>>>Speed: 5

>1.680.000 Z
>>215.000 Z
>>>215.000 Z
>>>>415.000 Z
>>>>>515.000 Z
TOTAL: 3.000.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Invisible shots heat the subatomic particles of the target, damaging it and
generating some smoke.
>>Increased power. Weapon affects a larger area.
>>>Weapon affects a larger area.
>>>>Increased power and heat. Weapon affects a larger area.
>>>>>Weapon an area spanning from the top of the screen to the bottom.

Ammunition: Special shots (subatomic heating)
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 16: Platoon.

--[Chroniton Rifle]--
"According to the data you brought from the alien coloy, F-eX experts created
this ultimate annihilation device. However operational it looks, it's still in
a state of testing. Don't be surprised at space holes and time paradoxes
generated during shooting near your actual position."

>Power: 5
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 5
>>>>Power: 6

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 3
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 5
>>>Speed: 5
>>>>Speed: 5

>0 Z
>>2.500.000 Z
>>>3.500.000 Z
>>>>5.000.000 Z
TOTAL: 11.000.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires a beam of lightning, passing through targets.
>>Fires a beam of lightning and two small waves of energy diagonally upwards
and down.
>>>Icreased power and speed. Fires a beam of lightning and an energy explosion
to the sides of the beam.
>>>>As before, but adding the waves of diagonal energy.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: No, recieved after Mission 16: Platoon.

--[Omnigun NT-2]--
"Glutosian technology of inertial bubble spaces is used here. The weapon
contains a magnetic chamber with several blockholes, which generates a stream
of a very unstable universe. They decompose before they can expand, but
meanwhile they rotate around the chamber destroting everything in their way."

>Power: 5

>Heat: 1

>Speed: 4

>1.710.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.710.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Releases four bubbles forward, which then start to spin around.

Ammunition: Special shots (unstable universe)
Rear gun: No
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 17: Red Hell.

--[SunTEQ Sunray Bozotron]--
"Extremely heavy (and expensive) killer. SunTEQ was originally the contractor
for artificial suns, but they use their technology in the weapon industry, too.
The gun is equipped with an accelerator able to hold helium fusion inside,
which generates gargantuan amounts of energy."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 6
>>>>Power: 6

>Heat: 3
>>Heat: 3
>>>Heat: 4
>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 5
>>Speed: 5
>>>Speed: 5
>>>>Speed: 5

>1.800.000 Z
>>560.000 Z
>>>920.000 Z
>>>>120.000 Z
TOTAL: 3.400.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Shoots waves of solar energy.
>>Shoots two waves of solar energy, increased power.
>>>Increased power and heat.
>>>>Waves of energy shoot diagonally upwards and downwards.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 16: Platoon.

--[Terrion Emittor]--
"Terrion technology was originally developed by F-eX Labs for hyperdrives.
However, the extreme power of terrion elements could not stay unnoticed by
weapon engineers. There are a few disadvantages. Weapon is steadily endangered
by overheating and the emitted waves are very unstable, this with limited

>Power: 4
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 5
>>>>Power: 6

>Heat: 5
>>Heat: 5
>>>Heat: 5
>>>>Heat: 6

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 4

>2.000.000 Z
>>400.000 Z
>>>600.000 Z
>>>>800.000 Z
TOTAL: 3.400.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Shoots a wave of energy. Does not last the entire screen.
>>Increased power. Shoots one larger wave and two smaller ones.
>>>Shoots one large wave.
>>>>Increased power and heat. Shoots one large wave, two smaller ones, and a
circle of energy pulsates from the ship.

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: No
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 18: Supreme.

--[Kaiser Franz 650]--
"Kaiser Franz is not really a gun for a fighter but some pilots obsessed with
maximum power istall these. The gun is designed for large invasion battleships.
Impact of its projectiles is comparable to the most powerful energy blasters.
Kaisers are not as fast as some blasters, but the cause much less heating."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 5
>>>>Power: 5
>>>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 2
>>>>Heat: 2
>>>>>Heat: 2

>Speed: 2
>>Speed: 3
>>>Speed: 3
>>>>Speed: 4
>>>>>Speed: 4
>>>>>>Speed: 5

>1.350.000 Z
>>360.000 Z
>>>460.000 Z
>>>>560.000 Z
>>>>>650.000 Z
TOTAL: 4.120.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires a huge shell.
>>Increased heat and speed.
>>>Increased power.
>>>>Increased speed.
>>>>>Increased speed.
>>>>>>Increased speed.

Ammunition: Cartridge ammunition
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 19: Terminator.

--[Zion Generator]--
"There is only one kind of energy in the known universe able to compete with
the famous terrion waves - it is a zion particle stream. At maximum level, this
hell this device brings total armageddon to any life and matter standing in
front of its barrels."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 4
>>>>Power: 5
>>>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 1
>>Heat: 2
>>>Heat: 3
>>>>Heat: 4
>>>>>Heat: 4

>Speed: 6
>>Speed: 6
>>>Speed: 6
>>>>Speed: 7
>>>>>Speed: 7

>2.300.000 Z
>>450.000 Z
>>>550.000 Z
>>>>650.000 Z
>>>>>750.000 Z
TOTAL: 4.700.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Shoots thin zion beams.
>>Increased heat. Double beams.
>>>Increased heat. Shoots blobs of zion energy.
>>>>Increased heat, power and speed. Shoots thick beams of zion energy.
>>>>>Shoots double beams..

Ammunition: Energetic shots
Rear gun: Yes
Rotary cage: Yes
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 19: Terminator.


"Fast non-guided missiles fired with top rapidity. These stingers are not very
powerful, but they can be fired in large amounts especially on higher levels."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2
>>>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0
>>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 5
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 6
>>>>>Speed: 5

>45.000 Z
>>75.000 Z
>>>75.000 Z
>>>>75.000 Z
>>>>>75.000 Z
TOTAL: 345.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires one fast missile.
>>Increased firing rate.
>>>Fires two missiles quickly.
>>>>Increased firing rate.
>>>>>Fires bunches of three missiles.

Ammunition: Missile class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 3: Connection.

--[Flea Circus]--
"Classic rocket device with delayed ignition. This feature allows you to get
rockets farther from your ship and to cover a wider area of a battlefield."

>Power: 3
>>Power: 3
>>>Power: 3
>>>>Power: 3
>>>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0
>>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 3
>>Speed: 3
>>>Speed: 4
>>>>Speed: 4
>>>>>Speed: 5

>110.000 Z
>>102.500 Z
>>>102.500 Z
>>>>102.500 Z
>>>>>102.500 Z
TOTAL: 520.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Alternatingly throws missiles upwards and downwards, which kick in after a
moment and speed to the other side.
>>Launches two missiles at once, one upwards and one downwards.
>>>Alternatingly throws two missiles close to the ship, and two further away.
>>>>Launches four missiles at once.
>>>>>Increased speed.

Ammunition: Missile class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 4: Delivery.

--[Homing Missile]--
"Laser guided missiles is good and reliable hardware, that can support you
effectively in the battle. The weapon offers reasonable firespeed and power
like many others but the homing feature makes it the choice that no one will

>Power: 3
>>Power: 3
>>>Power: 3
>>>>Power: 3
>>>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0
>>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 0
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 2
>>>>Speed: 3
>>>>>Speed: 4

>90.000 Z
>>30.000 Z
>>>30.000 Z
>>>>30.000 Z
>>>>>40.000 Z
TOTAL: 520.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires a small missile which homes in on a nearby target.
>>Firing rate increased.
>>>Firing rate increased.
>>>>Firing rate increased.
>>>>>Firing rate increased.

Ammunition: Missile class
Homing: Yes
Buyable: Yes, Mission 6: Fandango.

"Rodeo rockets boost defense of your ship. They fly very fast around its
initial position killing any enemy fighter stupid enough to get close to you."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2
>>>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0
>>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 0
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 2
>>>>Speed: 3
>>>>>Speed: 4

>64.000 Z
>>46.500 Z
>>>46.500 Z
>>>>46.500 Z
>>>>>46.500 Z
TOTAL: 250.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Fires two missiles which fly in circles around the launch position.
>>Firing rate increased.
>>>Firing rate and power increased.
>>>>Firing rate increased.
>>>>>Firing rate increased.

Ammunition: Missile class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 8: Hearth.

"The computer guided Phoenix missile can follow the surface. It falls down,
ntil the contact, then flies forward. Very effective against ground enemies and

>Power: 5
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 2

>150.000 Z
>>215.500 Z
>>>215.500 Z
TOTAL: 580.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Drops a missile which flies forward once it touches ground. 1 missile/second
>>As before.
>>>As before, with a faster drop-rate.

Ammunition: Missile class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 8: Hearth.

"Big Banjo rockets are designed to carry extremely destructive submunition.
Rocket explodes automatically after a second or two and spreads its killing
content on the heads of your enemies."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 0
>>Speed: 0
>>>Speed: 1

>200.000 Z
>>200.000 Z
>>>400.000 Z
TOTAL: 800.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Rocket explodes after a second or two, splitting into four pieces which fly
upwards and downwards.
>>Rocket splits into six pieces.
>>>Increased power and speed. Rocket splits into eight pieces.

Ammunition: Missile class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 17: Red Hell.


"These short fat things carry liquid chemicals, which are mixed especially to
adhere to surfaces, where it creates and unremovable layer. The liquid enflames
immidietely outside the tank and generates extreme temperatures and highly
toxic gases."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 4
>>>>Power: 4

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 2
>>>>Speed: 2

>44.000 Z
>>30.000 Z
>>>40.000 Z
>>>>40.000 Z
>>>>>50.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Drops a bomb with a small explosion. Fire from the explosion flies and covers
a larger area. Maximum payload 2 bombs.
>>Max payload 3 bombs.
>>>Max payload 4 bombs, improved dropping rate.
>>>>Max payload 5 bombs.
>>>>>Max payload 6 bombs, imrpoved dropping rate.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 4: Delivery.

--[Monkey Maniac]--
"These are bombs of a new generation with a higher destructive power. Monkeys
contain an advanced explosion control system, which focuses the enormous power
of the explosion in one direction. The explosion throws energy up in a column
of fire melting down anything in its way."

>Power: 2
>>Power: 3
>>>Power: 4

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 2
>>>Speed: 3

>65.000 Z
>>20.000 Z
>>>30.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Explodes with a column of fire, damaging any ships above. Maximum payload 2
>>Max payload 3 bombs, increased dropping rate.
>>>Max payload 4 bombs, increased dropping rate.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 4: Delivery.

"Special initial mechanism of Cauldron bombs unchains massive explosions with a
strong, destructive shock wave that follows the surface. Thanks to that,
Cauldrons are highly efficient against infantry and moving targets like trucks,
tanks and walking vehicles."

>Power: 5
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 2

>120.000 Z
>>140.000 Z
>>>180.000 Z
TOTAL: 440.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Explodes in a massive explosion which quickly spreads sideways. Maximum
payload 5 bombs.
>>Max payload 10 bombs.
>>>Dropping rate increased, max payload 15 bombs.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 6: Fandango.

--[Mine Deployer]--
"The mine deployer is a useful system for combat in open space. While a class
bomb gives no advantage in the cosmos, mines can significantly support your
actions. This weapon drops mines periodically behind the ship, leaving a
deadly presence for any incoming enemy."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 1

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 5

>90.000 Z
>>80.000 Z
>>>80.000 Z
TOTAL: 250.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Drops a mine behind the ship, exploding if an enemy touches it. Slow drop-
rate, unlimited payload.
>>Slightly faster drop-rate, unlimited payload.
>>>Slightly faster drop-rate, unlimited payload.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 7: Garden Warden.

"This advanced version of the Mine Deployer spreads several mines in a row to
covera a wide area behind the ship."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 1

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 5

>140.000 Z
>>110.000 Z
>>>110.000 Z
TOTAL: 360.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Drops three mines behind the ship, which spread out up and down. Slow drop-
rate, unlimited payload.
>>Spreads out five mines behind the ship, upwards and downwards. Slow drop-
rate, unlimited payload.
>>>Spreads out seven mines behind the ship, upwards and downwards. Slow drop-
rate, unlimited payload.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 8: Hearth.

--[Discotheque 3000]--
"Small and numerous bombs can be used for constant and destructive lashing of
ground targets. D3000 is perfect for mass bombing without precise targeting."

>Power: 3
>>Power: 3
>>>Power: 3

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 4
>>Speed: 4
>>>Speed: 4

>250.000 Z
>>140.000 Z
>>>210.000 Z
TOTAL: 600.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Drops bombs very fast. Maximum payload 16 bombs, regenerates 1 bomb/second.
>>Faster drop-rate, drops two bombs at once. Maximum payload 16 bombs,
regenerates 2 bombs/second.
>>>Faster drop-rate, drops three bombs at once. Maximum payload 20 bombs,
regerates 3 bombs/second.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 9: Interceptor.

--[Autotron AIR]--
"Autotrons are small automatic robots, which can be deployed on the
battlefield. Air autotrons fly into position and shoot forward. They can be
used to attack remotely on spots where your ship is in danger or when you want
to cover more areas on the battlefield."

>Power: 1
>>Power: 1
>>>Power: 1
>>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 1
>>>>Speed: 1

>60.000 Z
>>143.500 Z
>>>188.500 Z
>>>>211.000 Z
TOTAL: 623.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Deploys an autotron which attacks with two streams of bullets. Maximum
payload 2 autotrons.
>>Deplys an autotron which attacks with three stream of bullets. Maximum
payload 3 autotrons.
>>>Deploys an autotron which attacks with a minigun. Maximum payload 4
>>>>Deploys an autotron which attacks with laser. Maximum payload 5 autotrons.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 9: Interceptor.

--[Black Friday]--
"Fridays have an altered throwing system, which provides enough energy for the
penetration of buildings. The head of the bomb splits during impact, breaking
the stability of the struck object. Bombs are ineffective against against
troops and machinery, but watch its power to strike buildings."

>Power: 5
>>Power: 5
>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 2

>120.000 Z
>>50.500 Z
>>>50.500 Z
TOTAL: 220.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Drops a bomb which cannot hurt normal enemies, only buildings. Maximum payload
>>Maximum payload 3.
>>>Drop-rate increased, maximum payload 4.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 11: Kraken.

--[Autotron GROUND]--
"Autotrons are small automatic robots, which can be deployed on the
battlefield. Ground autotrons fall on the ground, where they start to attack
targets in front on them. Very useful especially against infantry."

>Power: 2
>>Power: 2
>>>Power: 2
>>>>Power: 2
>>>>>Power: 2

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0
>>>>Heat: 0
>>>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 2
>>>>Speed: 2
>>>>>Speed: 2

>91.000 Z
>>40.500 Z
>>>111.500 Z
>>>>81.000 Z
>>>>>188.300 Z
TOTAL: 512.300 Z

Weapon functions:
>Deploys an autotron which attacks with a stream of bullets forward. Maximum
payload 1 autotron.
>>Maximum payload 2 autotrons.
>>>Maximum payload 3 autotrons.
>>>>Maximum payload 4 autotrons.
>>>>>Maximum payload 5 autotrons.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 12: Lagoon.

--[General Pig]--
" "The P.I.G." project was started because of the need for quality submunition
devices usable in massice attacks against ground units that greatly outnumber
their attackers. "Pigs" strike the ground with a serie of explosions, that
leaves a wide area completely cleaned of any living or automatic unit."

>Power: 4
>>Power: 4
>>>Power: 5

>Heat: 0
>>Heat: 0
>>>Heat: 0

>Speed: 1
>>Speed: 1
>>>Speed: 1

>215.000 Z
>>100.000 Z
>>>100.000 Z
TOTAL: 415.000 Z

Weapon functions:
>Five bombs at once are dropped in a wide spread. Maximum payload two shots.
>>Seven bombs at once. Maximum payload three shots.
>>>Nine bombs at once. Maximum payload four shots.

Ammunition: Bomb class
Homing: No
Buyable: Yes, Mission 13: Mariner.


--[Federal Hero License]--
You Hero License contains the following information:

Hero status (difficulty level)
Number of game completions
Ships destroyed
Infantry units killed
Number of times killed

Buyable: Not for sale, given when you start

--[Hull Integrity]--
"Hull Integrity is derived from the quality of alloys and construction of your
ship. Better HI allow you to survive more damage." Armor can be upgraded nine

>Ship resistance: 100% (basic panzer)
>>Ship resistance: 125%
>>>Ship resistance: 150%
>>>>Ship resistance: 175% (3 inch panzer)
>>>>>Ship resistance: 200%
>>>>>>Ship resistance: 225%
>>>>>>>Ship resistance: 250% (6 inch panzer)
>>>>>>>>Ship resistance: 275%
>>>>>>>>>Ship resistance: 300% (12 inch panzer)
>>>>>>>>>>Ship resistance: 325%

>0 Z
>>50.000 Z
>>>100.000 Z
>>>>120.000 Z
>>>>>140.000 Z
>>>>>>170.000 Z
>>>>>>>210.000 Z
>>>>>>>>300.000 Z
>>>>>>>>>350.000 Z
>>>>>>>>>>460.000 Z
TOTAL: 1.900.000 Z

Buyable: Not for sale, given when you start

--[General Cooling System]--
"The nose is the nest of the General Cooling System. Level of GCS indicates the
maximum rate of heating your ship can tolerate." Cooling can be upgraded nine

Maximum heat | Cooling speed
> 100% | 100%
>> 166% | 375%
>>> 233% | 650%
>>>> 300% | 925%
>>>>> 366% | 1200%
>>>>>> 433% | 1475%
>>>>>>> 500% | 1750%
>>>>>>>> 566% | 2025%
>>>>>>>>> 633% | 2300%
>>>>>>>>>> 700% | 2575%

>0 Z
>>50.000 Z
>>>70.000 Z
>>>>80.000 Z
>>>>>100.000 Z
>>>>>>150.000 Z
>>>>>>>230.000 Z
>>>>>>>>320.000 Z
>>>>>>>>>400.000 Z
>>>>>>>>>>600.000 Z
TOTAL: 2.000.000

Buyable: Not for sale, given when you start

"An engine is essential for any ship. The power of your engine decides the
speed of your vessel." Engines can be upgraded five times.

>Speed: 100%
>>Speed: 140%
>>>Speed: 170%
>>>>Speed: 210%
>>>>>Speed: 240%
>>>>>>Speed: 280%

>0 Z
>>60.000 Z
>>>100.000 Z
>>>>100.000 Z
>>>>>100.000 Z
>>>>>>100.000 Z
TOTAL:460.000 Z

Buyable: Not for sale, given when you start

--[Wing Geometry]--
"In air combat you won't survive a second without quick changes in in your
direction, therefore wing geometry and additional manoeuvering jets are the
base of your success." The geometry of your wings can be upgraded three times.

>Manoeuverability: 100%
>>Manoeuverability: 233%
>>>Manoeuverability: 366%
>>>>Manoeuverability: 500%

>0 Z
>>40.000 Z
>>>120.000 Z
>>>>140.000 Z
TOTAL: 300.000 Z

Buyable: Not for sale, given when you start

--[Power Shield]--
"It is impossible to avoid all bullets in a hard fire. Shields can help to
absorb part of the damage taken. But the energy of the bullet is transformed
and released as serious inner heating. Be sure that your coolant system is good
enough." Power shields can be upgraded twice.

>Low efficiency
>>Medium efficiency
>>>High efficiency

>225.000 Z
>>205.000 Z
>>>205.000 Z
TOTAL: 635.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

"Nanomachines is a genial technology for people who maintain fighting and
killing machines. They are a unique self-repairing system, working directly
during battle. Nanos are very sensitive to inner temperature. Hence the heating
of your weapons must be kept at zero in order to make your nanos work."
Nanomachines can be upgraded twice.

>Low efficiency
>>Medium efficiency
>>>High efficiency

>120.000 Z
>>130.000 Z
>>>150.000 Z
TOTAL: 400.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

"Circulus holds a large tromium ball in a magnetic field around the ship.
Tromium is a very hard and dense metal so the object could be a quite effective
shield against bullets and even as a weapon when you dare to attack enemies at
a very short distance." Circulus can be upgraded twice.

>One ball.
>>Two balls.
>>>Three balls.

>300.000 Z
>>150.000 Z
>>>250.000 Z
TOTAL: 700.000

Buyable: Yes

--[Magneto Gravi-Pad]--
"Magneto sensors monitors the distance to the ground and generates a strong
power field when you get too close. The field compensates a part of the energy
of the collision and substantially lowers the damage taken."

>Removes collision damage with walls and ground.

>180.000 Z
TOTAL: 180.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

--[Jet-Pack Rescue System]--
"The JRS device allows the pilot to survuve complete vessel destruction. System
reads hull integrity status from the ship's computer and ejects the pilot just
a millisecond before the ship tears to pieces. The pilot can continue
his/her mission flying on jetpack seat armed with a strong front machine gun."

>75.000 Z
>>15.000 Z
>>>40.000 Z
>>>>50.000 Z
>>>>>70.000 Z
TOTAL: 250.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

--[Weapon Sets Controller]--
"This upgrade creates significantly more storage space in your ship, so you can
load it with multiple weapon sets. You can switch these sets in the menus or
directly during the flight. You can make several different sets optimal to
different conditions on the battlefield. You can switch weapon sets by pressing
its number."

>Allows two sets.
>>Allows three sets.
>>>Allows four sets.
>>>>Allows five sets.

>60.000 Z
>>10.000 Z
>>>20.000 Z
>>>>20.000 Z
TOTAL: 110.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

--[Rotary Cage]--
"This upgrade of front weapon gondolas allows the pilot to change the angle of
the weapons installed in them. First mode aims straight forward, second mode
raises the angle of outer gondolas so you can hit a greater area. Angle of side
weapons can be changed n this menu by clicking the slider in the device
picture or directly during the mission by pressing Z and X keys." The Rotary
Cage cannot be upgraded, but the upgrade slider is instead used to determine
the angle of cagable weapons.

>280.000 Z
TOTAL: 280.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

"REM-CON or Remote Controller is a special hacking tool. It is used to break
security devices and take them under control of the hacker. Target can be
anything like robots, auto-weapons, gates, etc. Level influences the speed at
which your computer is able to break the codes."

>35.000 Z
>>15.000 Z
>>>25.000 Z
>>>>25.000 Z
>>>>>30.000 Z
TOTAL: 130.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

--[Boss Detector]--
"A boss detector was developed by the Galactic Union of Heroes and Arcade Game
Players on the demand of its members. This gadget provides info about actual
damage of the enemies of great size (boss class) and so it makes the world-
saving business more comfortable."

>20.000 Z
TOTAL: 20.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

--[Mission Meter]--
"Displays percentage of completed mission."

>12.000 Z
TOTAL: 12.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

--[Carnage TV Transmission Set]--
"You can buy a license and a set of gadgets for joining the pangalactic TV show
on the Carnage Channel. From that moment on, 7 trillion people will watch your
actions on TV every day. Viewers vote for their favorite slayer, so you can
earn extra money for every bloodbath you cause. Watch the indicator in the
upper left corner of the screen." This enables cash bonuses for killing
infantry units.

Multi Kill - 500 Z
Carnage - 1000 Z
Blood Bath - 2000 Z

>5.000 Z
TOTAL: 5.000 Z

Buyable: Yes

--[Bounty Hunter License]--
"It gives access to the Federal Police Registry and allows you to use its data
to recognize wanted pirates among the ships you meet. Crash them to get an
extra high score. Destry wanted pirate bosses and hand them to the nearest
official authority to recieve the set reward." This enables level mini-bosses
and random enemies that give 5x higher point amounts if destroyed.

>200.000 Z
TOTAL: 200.000 Z

Atarix is a small but handy computer able to unlock secured cargo containers.
Valuable goods are often hidden in well locked boxes. This device can open it
without the risk of damaging the content."

A trick I always use is to only buy the Atarix when I need some containers
cracked. That means I always have an extra 150.000 Z to spend when I'm not
opening anything, oooh.

An efficient tactic I use for cracking the code easily is to first enter
"0123", check if any of the numbers are correct, then enter "4567" to check if
any of those are correct. After that, one has enough information to arrange the
numbers in the right order, there is a 50% chance of getting 8 or 9 right if
they are in the code, anyway.

>150.000 Z
TOTAL: 150.000 Z

"Your camouflage does not fit your hair color or this morning's mood? We can
help you out."

>Tan base color with a flaming fist logo, and flames coming from the nose and
under the wings.
>>Green base color with flowers and rainbows, and the anarchy logo.
>>>Light blue base color with a lightning logo.
>>>>Silver base color, and the ship resembles a shark. Shark logo.
>>>>>Red base color, with a pentagram logo and devil skulls.
>>>>>>Ship painted so it resembles the American flag.
>>>>>>>Black base color, the ship resembling an evil beast, with a skull logo.

Buyable: The paint is free.


--[Cargo container]--
Found: Found after blowing up cargo ships found in most missions.
Worth: 1.000 Z
Notes: It is always better to crack the container code with Atarix, rather than
selling it. Also, cargo containers come in four colors, green, yellow, red and
blue. Unknown if color affects contents.

"Cargo container is safely locked. You can sell it as it is, or you can try to
break the electronic lock if you have the Atarix - a special hacking tool."

--['ALCHEMY' mission record]--
Found: Recieved after mission 1, Alchemy.
Worth: 30.000 Z
Notes: -

"Disk contains a record of your mission, code name: ALCHEMY. It proves you
achieved your mission goal and can be exchanged for your fee of 30.000 Z."

--[Secret Data]--
Found: Randomly in cargo containers.
Worth: 35.000 Z
Notes: -

"Some secret data stolen during your mission. This data does not concern your
quest. You can sell it."

--[Hypershopping Golden Card]--
Found: Recieved after completing Planet Plop Alpha mission.
Worth: 70.000 Z
Notes: -

"Credit card for Inter-galactic business system given to you by the people of
Plop to show their gratitude for saving them from pirate occupation. You can
exchange it for 70.000 Z."

--[Game Pack]--
Found: Randomly in cargo containers, bundled with some weapons.
Worth: 2.000 Z
Notes: If recieved bundled with a purchased weapon, worth 0 Z.

"THIS SUCKS! IV game pack by Digital Idiots. This is compilation of the one
hundred worst games of the last year. TS packs are produced every year in
massive amounts, but never last more than 12 hours on the shelves."

--[Teddy Bear]--
Found: Randomly in cargo containers, bundled with some weapons.
Worth: 500 Z
Notes: If recieved bundled with a purchased weapon, worth 0 Z.

"Sweet little teddy bear. It bleats "blast those bloody bastards!" when you
press it."

--[Discount Coupons]--
Found: Randomly in cargo containers.
Worth: 10.000 Z
Notes: -

"Hypershopping discount coupons can be exchanged for money."

Found: Randomly in cargo containers, bundled with some weapons.
Worth: 5.000 Z
Notes: If recieved bundled with a purchased weapon, worth 0 Z.

"Disgusting weak brew tasting liquified fish excretions. After the fall of the
Eichhoff beer empire the only beer available on the global alcohol market,
therefore widely spread. These are sad times."


"You have captured a dangerous pirate, serial killer and wanted criminal. You
can extradite him or take the bribe he is offering you. But there's a risk. You
have a 50/50 chance you will get more or less money from a pirate than from the
official authorities."

Subject: Monty Buffon
Alias: Zombieman
Origin: Katarax Alpha
Crimes: Smuggling, piracy, murder, illegal arming.
Bounty: 10.000 Z

--[The Chef]--
Subject: Sonny Igiwachi
Alias: The Chef
Origin: Cabanos 5
Crimes: Defalcation, hacking, drug dealing, piracy, illegal arming, murder,
Bounty: 15.000 Z

Subject: Eugene Bambus
Alias: Casanova
Origin: Pneumonia II
Crimes: Murder, genocide, dog-eating, illegal arming with nuclear weapon.
Bounty: 20.000 Z

Subject: Emily Beta Jones
Alias: Baracuda
Origin: Amnesia VII
Crimes: Piracy, murder, rape, genocide, slave-trade, illegal arming with
nuclear weapon.
Bounty: 30.000 Z

--[Baron Bofuru]--
Subject: Kabil Bofuru
Alias: Baron Bofuru
Origin: Smell Refinery AT-985236
Crimes: Drug dealing, piracy, illegal arming with nuclear weapons, genocide,
Bonty: 40.000 Z

Subject: Robert Pampalini
Alias: Frankenstein
Origin: Starport Albion
Crimes: Piracy, genocide, treason, illegal arming with nuclear weapon, planet
Bounty: 50.000 Z

Alias: Go-Noghu-Ruma
Crimes: Slave-trade, genocide, cannibalism, cloning of oozoids and
beta-oozoids, planet annihilation.
Bounty: 65.000 Z

--[Crocodile Debie]--
Subject: Debie Kowalski
Alias: Crocodile Debie
Origin: Outer stellar field 6728
Crimes: Piracy, genocide, illegal cloning of oozoids, star system annihilation.
Bounty: 85.000 Z

Subject: Hubert Coffee
Alias: Amadeus
Origin: Colony of the Prophet Zu
Crimes: Piracy, genocide, counterfeiting, slave-trade, trason, star system
Bounty: 100.000 Z


Gold may be found hovering in the air, and is dropped by some ships. Fly into
it to collect the money.

5.000 Z
10.000 Z
20.000 Z

--[Hull Integrity]--
Hull Integrity power-ups are found by blowing up specific buildings or ships.
Obviously, they restore hull integrity.

+25% restoration
+50% restoration
+100% restoration

--[No Heating]--
The No Heating power-up blocks all heating for 20 seconds. The heat meter goes
blue when it is cooled down by the power-up, and will start blinking when it is
about to end. No Heating is found by destroying certain enemies.

--[Super Power]--
The Super Power upgrade makes your firepower four times as powerful for twenty
seconds. Watch in amazement as those tough ships go down like flies! This
power-up is found after destroying certain enemies. You ship starts pulsating
red when you have it.

According to the game instruction manual, there are two more power-ups,
invulnerability and nuke (which kills everything on the screen). I have never
encountered them, so I guess they were removed.



This is by no means a list of all the enemies in the game, but instead a short
summary of some standard enemy types.

Infantry units appear very often the game. Troopers are extremely easily
killed, one shot from any weapon takes a trooper out. They are always present
during ground missions, and sometimes appear in space missions. Buying the
Carnage TV Transmission Set enables point bonuses for killing large amounts of
troopers. There are a few different types of infantry:
* Ground - the usual type, in green uniforms. They wield machineguns and
rocket launchers. Sometimes use jetpacks.
* Space - Troopers in spacesuits wielding blasters. They usually have
* Divers - Troopers in diving gear. They have harpoon guns.

--[Ground-based turrets]--
Immobile cannons of different sorts which may be destroyed. They may be
machineguns, rocket launchers, energy cannons, among other things.

--[Small ships]--
There are numerous ships which fit the description "small ship". Most of them
have low health and are killed easily with any up-to-date weapon. Small ships
usually leave behind small wrecks. Beware, however, that there are some small
ships that go down easily but deceptively have very strong weapons.

--[Medium ships]--
Medium ships are ships that are larger than small ships, and can take a little
more damage. They leave behind wrecks that crash into the ground.

--[Large ships]--
Huge behemoths that may not be boss-class, but are usually pretty strong. They
always crash into the ground when downed. These ships may have superior
weapons, and some drop parachuting troopers. Some large ships are inserted in
places where the player does not have good weapons, as a sort of teaser for
what's to come.

--[Pirate boss ships]--
When the Bounty Hunter License is purchased for 200.000 Z, pirate boss ships
are made available in some levels. These enemies are essentially mini-bosses,
and when defeated you capture a pirate boss. Their attacks vary greatly.

--[Boss-class ships]--
The biggest of big bad boys. Bosses are usually at the end of the level, and
must be defeated to progress. The exceptions are the bosses in the early
levels, which cannot be defeated by the normal player, and are there only to


--[Power ratings]--
0 - Light damage
1 - Light damage
2 - Medium damage
3 - Serious damage
4 - Mass destruction
5 - Extreme devestation
6 - Brutal genocide
7 - Total annihilation

--[Heat ratings]--
0 - No heat
1 - Dead body heating
2 - Light heating
3 - Medium heating
4 - Serious heating
5 - Iron melting
6 - Magma boiling

--[Speed ratings]--
0 - Speed of an iceberg
1 - Speed of a snail
2 - Speed of a living dead
3 - Low rapidity
4 - Normal rapidity
5 - High rapidity
6 - Speed of a falcon
7 - Speed of lightning


Press ~ to bring down the console, then enter any code you wish. All codes
except the money code reset upon level completion.

arnold_for_president 1 - Invincibility.
keep_cool 1 - No heat.
richman x - Gain x money.
veni_vidi_vici - Win the level.
power_to_the_people 1 - Permanent Super Power.


I have no idea when I did the different sections. So no version dates for you!

0.25 - Guide started. Started writing down weapon stats.
0.5 - Mission overwiews started. Minor bits of information added throughout
the guide.
1.0 - Essential stuff completed. First publishable version.


I'd like to thank Rake In Grass for this awesome game. Also, I'd like to thank
myself. Really? Me? Why, what an honor! Yes, that's right, you. Thank you.

9760, 15160, AND 15425 KILOHERTZ.
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Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Weapons and Shopping Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Schild, Munition, Bomben und Gewehrüberhitzung (für v1.032)

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020