The Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion

17.10.2013 14:10:36
Main Quest Guide
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Main Quest Guide for the PC
Version 1.00 June 3,2006
Written by: WhoGuru
Copyright 2006 Karen Hoyt


1: Hints, Tips and General Info

2: Tutorial

3: Deliver the Amulet

4: Find the Heir - part 1

5: Breaking the Seige of Kvatch
On Oblivion
On Sigil Stones

6: The Battle for Castle Kvatch

7: Find the Heir - Part 2

8: Weynon Priory

9: The Path of Dawn

10: Dagon Shrine

11: Spies

12: Blood of the Daedra

13: Bruma Gate

14: Allies for Bruma
14.1 Anvil
14.2 Bravil
14.3 Cheydinhal
14.4 Chorrol
14.5 Kvatch
14.6 Leyawiin
14.7 Skingrad

15: Blood of the Divines

16: Miscarcand

17: Defense of Bruma

18: Great Gate

19: Paradise

20: Light the Dragonfires

21: Imperial Dragon Armor






Pick up some Alchemical equipment. It's a great way to make your own potions
and ensure a X5 multiplier to your intelligence at every level if you make good
use of it. Alchemy is also a great way to make money early on.
Pick ingredients wherever you go, make potions and sell them. You'll never be
completely poor this way. A Mortar and Pestle is all you'll need to get
started. Adding the other three alchemical tools will make your potions
stronger: Alembic, Calcinator and Retort.

When Closing Oblivion Gates, ALWAYS ALWAYS keep a save from before you entered
the gate. Many people have had issues with a gate not closing after they have
taken the Sigil Stone. Reloading and trying again will keep you from getting

At each phase of a quest, check your journal. This will keep you from missing
steps and let you know of any special requirements to complete the quest. Some
things are time specific and require you to wait. Your journal will tell you
how long.

Use your map markers. An active quest will usually, not always, give you a map
marker to guide you. If you're lost, this is a good way to get back on track.


#This is going to be brief, short and sweet, as this is the tutorial after all
and the point is to teach you the basics. You don't need me to repeat them.
This will just give you general directions, where you should be going, things
you should look out for, etc... As there's really only one direction you can
go at any given time, you really can't get lost in here.

You'll begin the game, oddly enough, as a prisoner in your cell. The Emporer
and three guards will come through, escaping assassins that have already killed
his sons. Follow them into the tunnels. Once Captain Renault has been killed,
make sure to pick up her sword. The Emporer and his guards will leave through
a door to the Imperial Subterrane. You can't follow as it's locked. Turn to
your right and you'll see a hole in the wall. This is your exit and will lead
you to another entrance into the Imperial Substructure. Loot every chest,
barrel and corpse you come across. You'll find enough weapons, armor and
potions to keep you on your feet if you're careful.
Enter the substructure. Watch out for Rats and follow these tunnels to the
entrance to the Natural Caverns. You'll run into a Goblin here, use him to
work on your sneak skill. On the crate next to his fire is a nice Mortar and
Pestle. Pick this up as Alchemy is a great way to make money, raise your
intelligence and avoid having to pay for potions.
I suggest trying to sneak through here wherever possible as the place is
crawling with Goblins. Keep your eyes on the floor to spot the tripwire at the
entrance to the Goblin's cavern. Before you leave, grab the Goblin Shaman's
staff. It's not very powerful but useful for whittling down your enemies
health froma distance.

Enter the Imperial Subterrane. You'll find you've caught up with the Emporer.
At this point, you can choose which sign you were born under. Now, stay with
the Emporer and help fend off assassins on your way to the Sanctum. Of course,
you can always stand back and let the Blades handle it.

The Mythic Dawn assassins will attack one more time in here. The Emporer will
give you the Amulet of Kings and ask you to deliver it to Brother Jauffre at
Weynon Priory. He knows the location of the Emporer's last remaining son.
You can't stop it, the Emporer will be killed after handing you the Amulet.
Take out the last assassin. Baurus will give you directions to Weynon Priory,
a map marker and a key to get into the sewers. You'll also choose your class
at this point.
Either pick from the list or custom create your own. Baurus will also thank
you for returning Captain Renault's sword and take it. I know. Don't worry,
you can get another one later.

Now, head through the archway next to the Emporer's body and you'll find an
entrance to the sewers. Save when you enter. You'll have a final opportunity
to alter your Race, Class and Birthsign. If you're not sure, go play in the
ruin across the water when you exit and see if you like the way your character
is set up. If not, re-load your save from inside the sewers and change it.

Once outside, Weynon Priory is due West of your position. You can walk or open
your map, click on Weynon Priory and Fast Travel there. Before you go, you may
want to stop at the Imperial City Market District. Repair your armor, sell
off the stuff you don't need, upgrade your weaponry and maybe pick up a few
new spells. Don't bother buying repair hammers as you can always find a small
supply in the street containers, crates and boxes of any city. WHy spend the

Make your way to Weynon Priory. You'll find Jauffre upstairs at his desk on
the second floor of Weynon House. Deliver the AMulet to him and tell him of
the Emporer's last words and request.

The Emporer had an illegitimate son whom Jauffre hid many years ago. His name
is Martin and he should be serving in the Chapel of Akatosh in Kvatch. Jauffre
bids you hurry as the assassins who killed the Emporer must surely know of
Martin's existence by now. Ask Juaffre about "Assistance" before you leave and
he'll offer the contents of his chest to aid you. Ask the other monks about
Assistance as well. Brother Piner will give you a copy of "A Warp in the West"
which will raise your block skill. Prior Maborel will offer you his horse to
speed you on your journey and Eranor the Shepard will give you a repair hammer.
On to Kvatch, or rather the camp outside of it. You'll find it SW of Weynon
Priory. Either ride or fast travel there.

When you reach the refugee camp, you'll be told the city has been sacked by
forces from Oblivion. Great portals opened and flooded the city with Daedra.
You need to find Savlian Matius, a Kvatch guard, to find out about Martin.
He's up at the barricade before the city gates.
Before you go, check to see if you need any last minute supplies. At the
campfire you'll find Sigrid who sells a few restorative potions and Batul gra-
Sharob the armorer.
Now that you're outfitted, head up the hill to the gate. As you head up the
winding path, the sky darkens with an evil red glow and thunder begins to pulse
like the beating of some great heart. You have your first view of the fiery
portal of an Oblivion gate. Savlian Matius will head you off as you approach,
warning you away for your safety. As we're not worried about our safety, talk
to Savlian and ask about Martin. He last saw him leading a group of survivors
toward the Chapel. Savlian and his men can't get into the city to rescue them
because of the Oblivion Gate blocking the way. Offer your assistance and he
will ask you to close the gate.

Savlian has already sent men into the gate to try and close it. None returned.
He and his men will clear you a path to the gate through the Daedra. Head for
the gate. As you approach the glowing portal, you'll see a door icon appear
saying "Oblivion Gate to the Plane of Oblivion". Click and you will be

Welcome to Oblivion. Your goal is the tall tower in the distance, the one with
the yellow light at the top. Head to your left and you'll find one of the
Kvatch guards, Ilend Vonius, being attacked by Daedra. Finish them off and
Ilend will tell you what befell the other guards. They were ambushed on the
bridge. Only Ilend escaped but another guard, Menien, was taken to the tower.
You'll need to find him. At this point you can send Ilend back out to Savlian
or take him with you. I sent him back. I am my own cannon fodder.

ON OBLIVION: There are some things to watch out for: Avoid clumps of tall,
standing roots. These are Harada roots and will lash you if you pass too near.
In some palces you may find landmines on the ground. Get too close and they
pop into the air and explode. Always listen carefully for the sound of falling
rocks. Lanslides are common and can push you off into the lava. If you see
tall, yellow flowers, walk carefully around them. They spew poison that will
drain your speed. Fleshy pods contain useful potions and other items.

Follow the path around to your left. It curves around back to the right and
will lead you straight to the tower. Enter the Bloodfeast. As you enter,
you'll see two blue fountains. These will restore some of your magicka. The
red, or blood fountains, restore your health. The flowing column of fire in
the center is always how you'll know you're in the right tower.
Now enter the Rending Halls. Good rule of thumb for Oblivion towers: As long
as you're heading up, you're going in the right direction. Follow this hall
up and take one of the two doors back to the Blood Feast. Up the ramp to
either side and take the door to the Corridors of Dark Salvation. At the top
of this hall, take the door to the Plane of Oblivion. You'll need a key for
the citadel hall doors.

Cross the bridge to the other tower. You'll hear a man calling to you as you
enter. Head to the top and deal with his jailor. Be sure to take the Sigil
Keep Key off his corpse. Menien is trapped in a brood cage and tells you
you'll need to reach the top of the tower and take the Sigil Stone to close the
gate. You can't save Menien. Had back to the main tower.

Use the key to open one the citadel hall door on your left and head up.
Re-enter the Blood Feast and take the ramp to either side. At the top, on the
floor, you'll see a glowing runed portal to the Blood Feast. Click on this
and you'll be transported to the top floor. Take the ramp again and you'll
find what you're looking for, the Sigillum Sanguis.
You'll find yourself in the dome at the top of the tower. Head up the ramps
and at the top you'll see a glowing black orb at the top of the pillar of
flame. This is the Sigil Stone. Take this, the gate will close and you'll be
transported back to Kvatch.

ON SIGIL STONES: Each Sigil Stone has two enchantable effects, one offensive
and one defensive. All you need to do to use it is click on it in your
inventory and choose the item you wish to enchant, no altars required.
There are five levels of stones:
Descendant - Levels 1-4
Subjacent - Levels 5-8
Latent - Levels 9-12
Ascendant - Levels 13-16
Transcendant - level 17+
The higher the stones level, the more powerful the effects.
Example: Descendant- Turn Undead 30 pts. 20 sec OR Detect life 30 pts.
Transcendant- Turn Undead 100 pts 30 sec OR Detect Life 180 pts.
You can use one or the other of the stones effects when enchanting, not both.
Always quick-save before you take the stone then take it and check the effects.
If you don't like what you got, reload and do it again. They spawn randomly
so the grab and load method will get you what you want, if you're patient.

Now that the Gate is closed, find Savlian back at the barricade and tell him
the way into the city is cleared. You're not done yet. Savlian asks if you'd
help rescue those trapped in the Chapel. Agree and follow the charge to the
city gates.
Watch where you swing. You're not alone. Savlian and his guards are very good
at jumping in front of you as you swing your weapon. If you kill one of them,
you'll have to load your last save and try again as they'll call you murderer
and attack you. Savlian is unkillable, he'll just go unconcious. Once you've
cleared the Daedra out of the plaza, speak to Savlian again and follow him into
the chapel. You'll find the survivors in here, including Martin. Savlian
sends them to the refugee camp and asks your help in retaking the castle.
At this point, you can speak to Martin or ignore him. If you don't talk to
him, he'll follow the other refugees down to the camp and be there when you
decide to find him. You can also ask him to follow you now. We're going to
help Savlian liberate the castle and take Martin with us. Don't worry about
him. At this point, like Savlian, he is unkillable and handy with a sword.

Savlian needs to get into the Castle to try and save the Count, who holed up
inside with some men to hold off the Daedra. Agree to help and follow him
outside. Wipe out the Daedra in the plaza and speak to Savlian again. Seems
the Daedra have barred the gate from the inside and you need to find another
way. Savlian tells you to find Berich Inian. He's at the chapel, has a key
and knows a back way into the gatehouse.

Berich is just inside the door of the Chapel and will offer to lead you through
the undercroft and to a passage leading into the gatehouse. Three Imperial
Legion soldiers will also offer their help, having seen the fires from the
road. If Berich should die, you'll need to get the key from his body and
follow your map marker to the passage entrance. Follow him through the
undercroft and back outside again. Watch where you're swinging. You don't
want to hit any of your merry men. Berich will lead you to a trap door to a
Castle Kvatch Passageway, and unlock it for you before going back to wait with
Savlian at the gate.
This passage is a straight shot. Walk across to the ladder on the other side.
You and your men will come out between the castle gates. On the other side,
up a short flight of stairs, is the wheel lever that will open the gates.
Raise the gates and help Savlian defeat the Daedra in the courtyard. This is
going to get a little hectic. The mobs are out in force so check your swings.
Once you're clear, follow Savlian into the Castle.

Clear the mobs from the hall. Savlian and his men will hold their postion
while you head back to find the Count. Straight back you'll find a door to the
Great Hall. In here, at the back, are the Count's Quarters. You'll find the
Count face down in a pool of his own blood. Take the Colovian Signet Ring from
his body and return to Savlian with the bad news.
He's crushed by the Counts death and grateful you retrieved his Signet Ring.
Savlian awards you his Kvatch Cuirass. This is a great piece of Light Armor
early on as it fortifies your Endurance and Strength.

Now that Kvatch is free, you and Martin must return to Weynon priory and
Jauffre. As before, you can walk or use your map and Fast Travel. Martin will
be pulled along with you if you choose the short route.

If you opted not to take Martin with you, you'll find him down at the refugee
camp wandering around. Just make Finding the Heir your active quest and you
should recieve a map marker for him if you're having trouble finding him.

When you arrive, the Priory is under attack by the same assassins who killed
the Emporer. Prior Maborel is already dead and Eranor believes Jauffre was in
the chapel praying when they attacked.
Head inside the chapel and you'll find Jauffre being attacked by three of the
assassins. Deal with them quickly. Jauffre is afraid they came for the Amulet
of Kings. Follow him to check on it's hiding place. As he suspected, the
amulet is gone. Reassure him that you have found Martin. He's relieved and
suggests a safer place to protect him, Cloud Ruler Temple, the ancient fortress
of the Blades. It's in the mountains just above Bruma. Head outside and
Martin and Jauffre will mount up on the remaining horses.

You can ride the Orange Road all the way to the Temple. It's a lovely, scenic
ride. However, Jauffre has a tendency to take off into the outback after
wolves and anything that he thinks needs killing. He can dissapear for quite a
while on these side trips of his. This is a problem as you can't get in to
Cloud Ruler Temple unless Jauffre is with you. If you opt to ride, make sure
to keep track of him.

On reaching Cloud Ruler Temple with your entourage intact, the gates open. The
Blades hail Martin Septim as the true heir. Martin gives a lackluster speech
and thanks you for saving his life. You'll get to remind him he's going to be
Emporer here.
Now, speak to Jauffre about how to retrieve the Amulet.

At this point, Jauffre will offer to make you a Knight Brother or Sister of the
Blades. Don't get excited. You can't rise in the ranks as there are no quests
to do for the Blades.
Jauffre wants you to speak to Baurus. He may have a lead on how to get the
amulet back. You'll find him at Luther Broad's Boarding House in the Elven
Gardens District of the Imperial City.

Before you leave, visit the East Wing of Cloud Ruler Temple. In the armory
you'll find a full set of Blades Heavy Armor, weapons and a couple repair
hammers. Upstairs in the library are a skill book and a set of Novice Alchemy
equipment. You can also use the beds in the west wing anytime. Outside, head
over to the practice square where two of the Blades are sparring. Watch for a
minute and you'll gain permanent +2 bonuses to both your Blade and Block

On to the Imperial City and Luther Broad's Boarding House. You'll find Baurus
having a drink at the bar. He'll tell you not to say anything and sit. Grab
the stool next to him. The man in the corner has been watching Baurus. When
he gets up and the stranger follows, you're to follow him and see what happens.
Follow them into the basement where the stanger reveals himself to be a member
of the Mythic Dawn. Waste him and search his body. You'll find an odd book
called Mythic Dawn Commenteries Volume 1. Take this and speak with Baurus. He
has learned the assassins are members of the Mythic Dawn Cult which worships
Mehrunes Dagon. He asks you to take the book to Tar-Meena, a scholar at the
Arcane University. Find out what she knows and report back.

You can find Tar-Meena in the Arch Mage's Lobby. It seems a man named Mankar
Cameron is the leader of the cult and penned the Commenteries. There are four
volumes, each containing clues to the location of the Mythic Dawn's hidden
shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. You'll need to find the other three. Tar-Meena will
give you the library's copy of Volume 2 and refer you to Phintias at the First
Edition in the Market District to find the other two. Be sure to read all four
volumes as they are skill books.

Head over to the First Edition and talk to Phintias. You'll need to work on
his disposition a bit. He does have a copy of Volume three he's holding for a
cutomer. If he likes you enough, he'll sell it to you for 100 gold.
If you're short on cash, or just don't want to buy the book, don't worry.
Phintias tells you the cutomer, Gwinas, is late to pick up his book. Go
outside and wait for Gwinas to enter the shop, follow him in, and wait until
Phintias has given him the book. Now speak to Gwinas. Inform him the Mythic
Dawn are the ones who killed the Emporer and he has a bit of a breakdown.
He'll give you his copy gladly and also tell you the only way to get a copy of
volume four is from a member of the cult. He has a meeting set up to meet a
sponsor from the cult and gives you the note detailing the location of the
meeting in the sewers below the Elven Gardens. Report back to baurus with this

Baurus knows the place in the note and will lead you through the sewers. Stay
close and try to keep him alive if possible. You'll find mudcrabs, rats and
Goblins aplenty on your way to the meeting.
When you reach the door, you'll have the option to take the meeting yourself
or go upstairs, sneak and cover Baurus's back while he meets with the sponsor.
I reccomend letting Buarus take the meet if you want him to have a better
chance of coming out alive.
Head up the stairs and through the door. The sponsor will arrive and talk to
Baurus. Meanwhile, two Mythic Dawn guards will find you and attack. Dispatch
them quickly and help Baurus finish off the sponsor. Loot his body to find
Volume 4 of the Commenteries. Baurus will now leave for Cloud Ruler Temple.
You should make your way back to Tar-Meena and see what she can discover from
the books.

Tar-Meena wants to study the first two volumes. Wait twenty-four hours and
return. She thinks she's found the secret to Mankar Camerons writings and asks
you to wait one more day while she puzzles it out. The next day, she has found
the hidden message contained in the books. "Green Emporer Way where tower
touches mid-day sun."

Head over to Green Emporer Way, the graveyard surrounding the Imperial City
Palace. On the SW side of the palace, you'll find the Tomb of Prince Camarril.
Be there at noon and you'll see a softly glowing, red outline of Cyrodiil.
Click on this and you'll recieve a map marker for Lake Arrius Caverns, home of
the Mythic Dawn.

Lake Arrius Cavern is NNW of Cheydinhal, on the shore of Lake Arrius. Follow
your map marker to the cave entrance.
When you enter, you'll see a man in Mythic Dawn robes by a door.
You can handle this place two ways: (A) Go in, swords swinging and kill all
that cross your path or (B) Play along quietly and you'll be led right to the
amulet. We're going to play along.

Speak to the doorkeeper and answer "Greet the new day." He welcomes you and
opens the door, saying Harrow will escort you to your initiation. Now, my tip
on surviving this: Just inside the door, BEFORE you talk to Harrow who is just
around the corner, drop your weapon, armor and a few restorative potions on the
floor. Now go down the hall and you'll run into Harrow, the Warden of the
Shrine. He asks for all your posessions and offers an intiate robe. Don't
worry, you'll get it all back, hand it over. When he's sone talking, go back
to the door and pick up all your stuff. At this point, he doesn't care. Now
follow him into the Shrine. No lamb to the slaughter for us.

Inside, you'll find Mankar Cameron himself giving a long winded, evil genious
monologue to the troops. He's also wearing the Amulet of Kings. Wait while he
wraps up the floor show. Don't get overzealous. You can't catch him and kill
him before he escapes. You'll get another shot at him later. When he's gone,
his daughter, Ruma Cameron, will ask you to come forward and make your offering
to Dagon. She wants you to slay the Argonian sacrifice. Agree to slay him.
If you want to kill him, grab the silver dagger from the podium and do it. If
you want to save him, click on him and choose to release the prisoner. It's
important to free him BEFORE you grab the book as when you do, the statue will
fall on the prisoner and kill him. Either way, all oblivion breaks loose and
Dagon's faithful are after you now. Re-equip your weapon and armor and send
them to meet their god. Make sure to find a kill Harrow. Sholdn't be an issue
as he's a little mad at you. Loot his corpse and you'll find everything you
gave him.
Once you've dealt with all the faithful down here, go back up the stairs and
turn right. You can't go out the way you came in as the door is now barred.
You'll have to escape through the living quarters. If you saved the Argonian
prisoner, he will lead you out. He's a not a fighter, stick close, if you lose
him he's dead. Jeelius is fast and runs back to you when confronted if you're
close enough. Once you reach the entry chamber, where you came in, Jeelius
will thank you for saving him and ask that you visit him at the Temple of the
One in the Imperial City. Now you can back and loot the living quarters.

Now that you've escaped with the Mysterium Xarxes, return to Cloud Ruler Temple
and speak with Martin. Stop off at the Temple of the One on your way. Again,
if you saved Jeelius, he will raise your Restoration, Mysticism and Alchemy
skills a point each. #Watch your back in cities now. You've earned the anger
of the Mythic Dawn and their hidden agents in the cities will jump you in the

Back at Cloud Ruler, you'll most likely find Martin in the great hall, pouring
over musty books. Martin, worried at the loss of the amulet, is hopeful now
that you have found the Mysterium Xarxes. He thinks he may be able to find a
way into Mankar Cameron's Paradise with it. He'll need some time to study it.
In the meantime, Jauffre has a job for you.
Speak to Baurus before you leave Cloud Ruler. In gratitude for helping him, he
will raise your Blade, Block and Heavy Armor skills a point each.

Jauffre has had reports of Spies in the hills around Bruma. He needs you to
identify and eliminate them. He'll refer you to Captain Steffen, here in Cloud
Ruler and Captain Byrd in Bruma for more information.
Find Captain Steffen and ask about Spies. He's seen them on the road to the
Temple, just north of Bruma by the Runestone at dusk.
Make your way to the runestone and wait until 5pm. You'll find a woman, Jearl,
waiting at the runestone. Kill her and loot her house keys from her corpse.

Now head into Bruma and you'll find Captain Byrd in the Castle Bruma Barracks
in the evening. Upon hearing that Jearl was a spy, he authorizes you to search
her house and take care of anything you find, any way you see fit. Head over
to Jearl's house after 7am and you'll find the second spy, Saveri Faram, asleep
in Jearl's bed. Deal with her and then head into the basement through the trap
door by the table. You'll find a couple sopies of the commenteries and Jearl's
orders, detailing an all out attack on Bruma, as well as a mention of finding
out who helped Martin escape Kvatch.

Return to jauffre with the orders. He is pleased with your work and pledges
to warn the countess of the impending attack. You should speak to Martin again
as he's made some progress with the Xarxes.

Martin has decipherd part of the ritual needed to reach Cameron's Paradise. He
needs the blood of a daedra, specifically a daedric artifact and you get to
find one for him. You'll find a copy of Modern Heretics on his table. Read it
and you'll recieve a map marker for the Shrine of Azura. I don't reccomend you
give him Azura's Star as it's a re-usable soul gem, the only one in the game.
Whatever artifact you give him will be destroyed. There are 15 Shrines to
choose from. As my character is currently level 2, we're going to do the
Shrine of Sheogorath. If you want to use a different artifact, check out my
Daedric Shrine Guide for details on all the Shrines and their rewards to find
one you don't mind parting with permanently.

LOCATION: Leave Leyawiin by the West Gate and follow the road North. Stay on
this side of the river. You'll pass "White Stallion Lodge". Keep heading
North and you'll come to "Waters Edge", turn due NNW. You'll pass "Rockmilk
Cave" and should run into the Shrine a little ways later. It's slightly
further from Waters Edge as that is to White Stallion Lodge

OFFERING: A lesser soul gem, a head of lettuce and yarn.


REWARD: Wabbajack Staff - Wabbajack on target Charge 3000 / 10 uses

QUEST: Let the wierdness begin. There are several faithful around the Shrine,
they're all in their undies and all mad as hatters. Ravel is the one you
want, he'll give you the absurd list of offerings you need. Buy or borrow
what you need. The imperial city market has everything on your list, either
in a shop or stashed in the street crates.

Now that you have all your goodies, approach the Shrine. Sheogorath is a real
fruit bat with too much time on his hands. He asks you to visit the settlement
of "Borderwatch", where they are "dull, dull, dull". He wants you to bring one
of their darker prophecies to life, simulating the events, and providing him
with amusement. You are to find the Shaman and ask him about the K'Sharra
prophecies. You should have a map marker for the village now.

The Shaman's name is Ri'Bassa, he's probably hanging out by the cookfire. If
he likes you enough, he'll tell you about the prophecy. It has three plagues:
a vermin infestation, all of the sheep mysteriously dying and the third, which
he wont talk about. He'll tell how thier cooking fire can be smelled across
the countryside and suggest you go to the Inn and ask the barmaid about her
cheese collection. Helpful, isn't he.

The barmaid is a stinky cheese collector. In fact, she has, in a locked case
by the bar, the stinkiest cheese ever made, the Olroy cheese. She'll tell you
if it was ever left out, it would bring rats from miles around. Show off your
sneaking skills, unlock the case, steal the cheese and go back outside. As a
point of interest, there's a "Nirnroot" in a pot on the shelf behind her.
Outside, the cooking fire is to the left of the Inn, drop in your cheese. Be
patient, if you cook it, they will come. A swarm of rats will shortly make
their way into the village. Chaos ensues and your journal will update. Your
buddy, Ri'Bassa is dropping rat poison around the square to kill them.

Now for the second plague. Grab one of the rat poison piles and head over to
the sheep pen. It's just to the left of the Inn. Drop the rat poison into the
feed trough. The sheep will gravitate to their deaths like...well...lambs to
the slaughter. Heh.
Once the last sheep drops dead, Sheogorath will speak to you again,
congratulating your victory and ask you to go to the center of town for the
final plague. You know, the one Ri'Bassa wouldn't talk about.

The center of town is the area between the two main stairs. Get comfy and look
up. Sheogorath outdoes himself and I'm not going to spoil it. Once the fun
is over, return to the Shrine for your reward.

Now that you have the Daedric Artifact of your choice, return to Cloud Ruler
Temple and hand it over to Martin. Martin needs a few more days to figure out
the next part of the ritual.

Find Jauffre, he has another job for you. An Oblivion Gate has opened outside
Bruma. The Countess wants you to lead Captain Burd into the gate and show him
how to close it.
Head to Bruma and find Captain Burd outside the East gate with a small force of
guards. After a short speech to his men, Burd will charge into the Gate. Once
inside, you'll need to speak to Burd before he'll follow you. Don't worry too
much about the Captain, he's unkillable. Watch your swings and feel free to
let him draw some of the fire.
If you follow the path as it curves around to your left, it will take you right
to the tower. Watch out for pillars lobbing fireballs at you.

Inside the fury spike, enter the Rending Halls. On the upper floor, go through
the Citadel Hall Door to the next floor up and re-enter the Fury Spike. Head
up the ramp and enter the Corridors of Dark Salvation. Follow the passage all
the way up and back into the Fury Spike.
You're now on the top floor and will run into the Sigil Keeper. Kill him and
loot the Sigil Key from his corpse. Enter the Sigillum Sanguis and head up
the ramps to the Sigil Stone. Quicksave before taking the stone, just in case.
Grab the Sigil stone and you and Captain Burd will be transported back to
Bruma. Speak to him and he'll thank you, updating your journal. He and his
men can now close any other gates that open at Bruma.
Head back to Jauffre at Cloud Ruler Temple and report your success.

##This portion of the Main Quest line is optional. If you choose not to do it,
Bruma will defend herself. However, You'll miss out on a substantial boost to
your fame rating, about 20 points worth.

Jauffre worries the Bruma guard isn't up to an all out attack. He wants you to
visit each city in Cyrodiil and convince them to send reinforcements to protect
Bruma and Martin.

Out first step is the Imperial City and Chancelor Ocato. I found him at the
Elder Council Chambers between 3pm and 4pm. He is sorry, but he can provide
no aid. The Imperial Legions are already committed to fighting the Daedra
invasion throughout Cyrodiil.

If there's a way to get aid from the Mages Guilds, I was unable to find it.
Noone I spoke to had the option to ask about Aid for Bruma.

On to the cities where you're going to do the same thing, six times in a row
and probably get real sick, real fast of Oblivion Gates. We'll go city by city
in alphebetical order.

14.1 ANVIL - The Flesh Spire

At the castle, speak to Countess Millona Umbranox. She wants to send help but
can't while an Oblivion gate is open outside the city. Head outside Anvil's
Main Gate and the Oblivion Gate is off to the west, close enough that you have
an icon in your compass.

Enter the gate. The tower is above you, you'll have to navigate Nethertunnels
to reach it. Head up the path and follow it to your left as it curves around
the base of the mountain. You'll find the entrance to the Nethertunnels just
past one of those spinning pillars. The door is hard to spot and on you're
right. Use your area map to help you locate it.

Enter and find yourself in the Hate Tunnels. Follow these to the lowest level
and enter the door marked Oblivion Cave. You'll find yourself in the Molten
Halls. Follow this tunnel to a dead end room and jump through the hole in the
floor. There are two holes to jump down in here, either one is fine and will
lead you to another door to an Oblivion Cave, the Scratch Paths.
In here, you'll start heading up again. Enter another Oblivion cave door at
the top of the ramps, back out to the Oblivion Realm. You're higher up on the
mountain now. Follow the path around to your left and enter the Oblivion Cave
to the Red Gnash Tunnels. Just keep heading up in here and you'll find a door
back to the wastes of Oblivion.
As you exit, quickly run to your right as a rockfall will drop right on your
head. Follow this path and it will switch back and take you right to the tower

Enter the Tower Portal. You'll find Magicka Essence and Blood Fountains in
here. Enter either door to the Rending Halls. Watch out for the trap on the
first landing. You can trigger it with the claw lever on your left in the
archway. Head up the second ramp and re-enter the Flesh Spire, go up the ramp
and enter the Dead Halls. Up again and back to the Flesh Spire. Take the ramp
to either side and enter the Corridors of Dark Salvation.
Head up, past the shooting pillars and through the Citadel Hall Door to the
next floor. You'll find another pillar. Run past and re-enter the Flesh
Spire. From here you can reach the Sigillum Sanguis.
Head up the ramps, quicksave and take the Sigil Stone. When you're returned
to Anvil, go to the Countess and she will gratefully send aid to Bruma.

14.2 BRAVIL - The Dreaded Refuge

At the castle, Count Regulus Terentius is unable to send aid to Bruma with an
Oblivion Gate outside the city. Time to close another gate. It's just North
of the city, you can't miss it.

When you arrive, you can see the Sigil tower in front of you but the entrance
is blocked by a gate. Take the path on your left. Follow this and cross the
bridge on your right. This path will curve back to the right and lead you to
the entrance to the Caverns of the Abused. Head down until you find a hole in
the floor. Drop down to the floor below and look for the door to the
Bloodwell. This takes you into a smaller tower. Use the lift to get to the
next level and head to the top where you'll find a gate control. Now head back
down the tower and take the door out to the Wastes of Oblivion. The Sigil
Tower is just across the bridge.

Enter the Tower Portal, then the Rending Halls. As always, keep heading up.
At the top, you'll enter the Dreaded Refuge. This ramp will take you all the
way up to the Sigillum Sanguis. At the top, take the stone, be returned to
Bravil and the Count will agree to send his Guard Captain to Bruma.

14.3 CHEYDINHAL - The Chaos Stronghold

The Count of Cheydinhal, like the others, is besieged by an Oblivion Gate and
can send no aid while his city is under threat. As an added complication, his
fop of a son, Farwil, has gone into the gate with the Knights of the Thorn to
try and close it and not returned.
Head out for the gate. As you approach, find a guard, Amminus Gregori, keeping
watch outside the gate. He'll give you the journal update and quest for Farwil
and tell you the Count has offered a reward for his sons safe return or proof
of his demise. You really want to invest in a Heal Other spell before going
after the idiot son, Convalescance is a good choice as it's not expensive to
cast and is an apprentice level spell.

Step through the gate into Oblivion. If "The Wayward Knight" is your active
quest, you'll have a map marker to head you in the right direction. You'll
find a fallen Knight of Thorn just inside the gate. He had a messy end you'll
be wishing on Farwil later. Head past him, down the path to your right.
Listen for rockfalls in here. The path will turn back on itself and lead to a
door to The Bowels.
Enter the Bowels and you'll see a hole in the floor. Drop down to the floor
below then jump through the next hole beside you. You'll find another fallen
knight and a door back out to the Oblivion Realm. Make your way down the path
to your right.
You'll find yet another fallen knight at the bottom of this path, next to a
door back into the Bowels. Head inside and follow this passage down and drop
through yet another hole. This passage will lead you down and back out to
the realm of Oblivion.

As you exit, you'll find Farwil and the last surviving Knight of the Thorn.
Farwil gives you a story about single handedly cutting down two score of
Daedra. Bremman will give the accurate version. You have no choice, Farwil
and Bremman are going to follow you to reach the Sigil Stone and you can't
tell them to wait.
Now for the fun. Save now, you may need to re-load a few times to keep Farwil
alive. The irritating little ponce is danger happy and will dive into the
lava to chase down a falling daedra. If he does die, and you just don't want
to bother trying to save him, be sure to take the Indarys Signet Ring from his
body to give to the Count later.
The best way to get them across the bridge before they boil themselves is this:
Ignore the daedra. Sheathe your weapon, you'll run faster that way, and charge
across the bridge and into the Chaos Stronghold. If alive, Farwil and Bremman
will be pulled along with you.
The fun's not over. They'll now charge recklessly through the tower after the
daedra. Stay with them and try to keep Farwil from being overwhelmed. You are
going to need to heal Farwil as he wont heal himself. This tower is very
straight forward. Just keep heading up and follow the passages to the top.
In the Sigillum Sanguis, take the stone and you, and your jeapordy freindly
buddy, will be transported back to Cheydinhal.

Speak with Farwil. In gratitude, he will make you a member of the Knights of
the Thorn and bestow a Knights of the Thorn Medallion on you. It fortifies
your speechcraft.
Return to the Count and he will agree to send troops to Bruma.
If you managed to keep Farwil alive, the Count will reward you one of two
Thornblade - Disintegrate Armor (Leveled)
Staff of Indarys - Damage Strength/Shock Damage (Leveled)
If Farwil died, you'll recieve a knights of the thorn medallion and a leveled
amount of gold, but only if you return his signet ring.

14.4 CHORROL - The Portals of Natural Disaster

Speak with Countess Arriana Valga in the Castle to be given the journal update
about the Oblivion Gate. Leave by the South Gate and you can't miss the
Oblivion Gate.
Enter the gate to the Wastes of Oblivion. You'll see seven towers. The Sigil
Tower is in the center and you can't reach it yet. You can go left or right

We're going to go right and enter the Tower Door to Tsunami. Hop on the Corpse
Masher and make your way to the top of the tower. Once there, pull the Tornado
Gate Control. Now exit through the door across from you and cross the bridge
to the central tower, the Portals of Natural Disaster.
Inside, turn right and exit through the next door, back out to Oblivion and
cross the bridge.

In the Tornado Tower, pull the Tsunami Gate Control and go back to the central
tower. Turn right, exit through the next door and cross the bridge.

In the Landslide Tower, pull the Eruption Gate Control. Back to the central
tower, turn right, exit through the last door, cross the bridge.

In the Eruption Tower, pull the landslide Gate Control. Stay in this tower and
head down to the bottom. Exit the lower door to the wastes of Oblivion.
Head left and you'll see the gates are open. Bear left again and enter the
Earthquake tower. Use the Corpse Masher to get to the next floor. Halfway up
the tower, you'll find a dor to Oblivion. Exit and cross the bridge back to
the central tower.

Now you can reach the Rending Halls. In here, use the Citadel Hall Doors
directly across from you and head up. Be careful in this passage dodging the
blades. At the top, you'll re-enter the Portals of Natural Disaster. Up the
ramp and into the Corridors of Dark Salvation. Follow the ramps all the way
to the top, back out to the center of the tower and up the ramp. Enter the
Sigillum Sanguis. Take the stone and be returned to Chorrol.

The Countess will now gladly send reinforcements.


If you already completed the Battle for Castle Kvatch, Savlian Matius will
quickly agree to send troops to Bruma, in gratitude for your help. You'll find
him in the Great Hall of what's left of the castle.

If you haven't done that quest yet, you'll have to complete it before he will

14.6 LEYAWIIN - The Lust Keep

Speak to the Count who, of course, is unwilling to help until you close the
Gate outside his city.
^>From Leyawiin's North East Gate, turn right and cross the river to reach the
correct Oblivion Gate.

Once in Oblivion, turn left as you can't cross the lava, and enter the Nether
Tunnels. Drop down the hole and follow the passages to an Oblion Cave door.
Enter and the passage will lead you to a door back out to the wastes. You're
now on the other side of the lava.
There is a switchback path to your left that winds steeply up this minor
mountain. At the top, enter the Bloodwell Tower. Head to the top and pull the
Gate Control. Now head back outside and you can enter the Tower Portal to the
Lust Keep.

Enter the Rending Halls. Follow the ramps up and back into the Lust Keep.
Take this ramp and enter the Corridors of Dark Salvation. At the first landing
go through the Citadel Hall Door on your right and up to the next landing. The
door is to your, back into the keep. Use the ramp on your right to head up and
use the Runed Portal at the top to reach the Sigillum Sanguis.

Take the stone, return to Leyawiin and recieve the Count's promise to send aid.

14.7 SKINGRAD - The Brooding Fotress, The Sorrow Keep, The Anguish Keep

At the Castle, speak to Mercator Hosidus and he'll get the Count for you. Like
the rest, you must close the Oblivion Gate threatening the city to secure his
aid. The Gate is ENE of the Castle.

Once in Oblivion, head to your right and enter the Anguish Keep. In the Halls
of Eternal Twilight, head up to the first landing and take the Citadel Hall
door on your left. This takes you back into the keep. Up the ramp and through
the second door on your right to the Halls of Shame. Up to the landing, past
the pillars and through the Citadel Hall Door on your left. Head all the way
up, back out to the keep and up the ramp to the Anguish Shrine.
On the second level, pull the Geared Batten lever and release the first of two
locks. Now, use the door below to the wastes of Oblivion and cross the
extending bridge to the Sorrow Shrine.

In the Sorrow Shrine, go to the second level and pull the Geared Batten,
releasing the second lock. Now use the doors on wither side to enter the
Sorrow Keep. Head down the ramp and into the Halls of Shame. Use the Citadel
Hall doors to head down and back into the keep. Down the ramp and take the
door out to the wastes. Cross the extending bridge and enter the Brooding

^>From here, head up the ramp and into the Corridors of Dark Salvation. Follow
these passages up, back into the keep. Head up the ramp and enter the
Sigillum Sanguis.
Take the stone and be returned to Skingrad. The Count will happily send men
to defend Bruma.


Speak with Martin and he's deciphered the next item he needs, the Blood of the
Divines. You'll need the blood of Tiber Septim, who was once mortal but
ascended to godhood. Find Jauffre as he knows where you can get it.
Jauffre believes the Armor of Tiber Septim will give Martin what he needs, it's
said to be splashed with his blood. The armor is entombed in the catacombs of
Sancre Tor. They have become an evil place and none who have entered have
returned. He warns you to be careful and gives you a map marker for the fort.
Sancre Tor is West of Bruma and NNE of Chorrol, in the middle of nowhere.
Make your way there.

Inside Sancre Tor, watch out for the occasional dart trap. It's extensive but
difficult to get lost. The first floor is a big circle, follow this and you'll
find an Undead Blade. Kill him and his spirit will appear. The UnderKing
sealed Tiber Septim's Shrine and cursed him and his three companions to guard
it forever. He promises to try and lift the curse if you'll find and free the
other Undead Blades.

Go through the wooden door to Sancre Tor's Entry Hall. Don't bother with the
Tomb of the Reman Emporers yet. You can't do anything until you've found the
other Blades. Head to the Hall of Judgement.
In the Hall of Judgement, turn right at the fork. Follow the passages down to
the large chamber where you'll find the next Blade. Now, head back to where
you came in, pass the door to the Entry Hall and enter the Catacombs. You'll
find the third Blade as you enter. Free him and make your way back to the
Entry Hall. The last Blade is in the Prison.
In here, kill the skeleton of Warden Kastav and take his key. It will open
the door behind him. You'll find the last Blade at the very back of the Prison
Complex. Once you've released him, return to the Entry Hall.

Enter the Tomb of the Reman Emporers. The four Blades will kneel and break the
Underking's curse. You'll find the Armor of Tiber Septim inside on a small
Take it and return to Martin at Cloud Ruler Temple.


Martin now knows the third item needed for the ritual is a Great Welkind Stone.
The only Ayleid Ruin to still contain one is Miscarcand and it's said to be
guarded by the Last King of the Aylieds.
Rest up, repair your armor and head out. You'll find Miscarcand between Kvatch
and Skingrad.

In Miscarcand, you'll find Goblins and the Undead duking it out. Follow the
passage past the first large room until you come to a corner with a Gate on
your left and a passage on your right. Enter the Gate. Down the stairs and
you'll see a walkway across the chamber. You'll need to drop to the floor
below as you can't open the gate at the other end from here.
Drop down and take the door on your right. At the top of the stairs, next to
the door across the room, is a blue switch. Press this. Up the stairs and
step on the pressure plate to drop the gate. Turn right and head back down the
stairs and across the bridge to find the gate has dropped.

Enter the Miscarcand, Sel Vanua. At the bottom of the stairs, turn left in
this chamber and press the blue switch to raise the Varla Stone Cage.. Grab
the stone and go through the gate across the room and down. Cross the bridge
in the large chamber and make your way down, around and back in. Hit the Blue
Switch on the wall on your left before entering the chamber. Straight across
to the other side and you'll find a door to the Miscarcand, Morimath.

In the Morimath, cross the bridge and at the bottom of the stairs, turn left.
Follow this passage and it will lead you straight to the Great Welkynd Stone.
be prepared here and quicksave. When you take the stone, the Last King of
Miscarcand and his Zombie Guardians will jump you. Deal with them and use the
passage the King opened as a short cut back to the first floor.
Once outside, return to Martin with the Stone.

##If you found Miscarcand early, took the Great Welkynd stone not knowing what
it was, and are now unable to give it to Martin, Don't worry. Use these codes
to remove the stone from your inventory, talk to Martin, then add the stone
back in to your inventory. He should accept it then.
player.removeitem 000345af 1
player.additem 000345af 1


When you return to Cloud Ruler, Martin and Jauffre are having a bit of an
argument. When Jauffre gives up, speak to Martin, return the Armor of Tiber
Septim and you'll find out why.
Martin has discovered the final item needed to reach Mankar Cameron's Paradise,
a Great Sigil Stone. The only way to get one is to allow a Great Gate to be
opened outside Bruma, as it did at Kvatch, and you to close it. Martin intends
to lead the defense of Bruma himself and wont be dissuaded. He's tired of
watching everyone fight for him.
Your job is to go to Bruma's Countess and convince her to approve this plan and
meet Martin in the Chapel of Talos for a war council. Head down to Castle
Bruma and speak with the Countess.
She will agree and meet Martin at the Temple. When you're ready for battle,
go to the Temple and speak to the Countess, she'll tell her men to stop closing
the gates. Martin will ask you to follow him to the battlefield.

Follow Martin down to the Battlefield. Make sure you stay with him, instead of
running on ahead, or you'll be waiting by yourself for a long time. The people
of Bruma will cheer Martin as the Emporer as you leave the city. Outside the
gates, Martin and the soldiers will break into a run, making the trip quick.
At the field, Martin will give a rousing speech to the troops and the fight is
Things are going to get a little hairy here. You must keep Martin alive until
the Great Gate has opened. Before that happens, three smaller gates will open.
Until then, try to keep Martin from being overwhelmed by daedra. He's good in
a fight, but even he can get outmatched. Stay close and pick off the
stragglers. Once the Great Gate opens, and you can't miss it, if Martin is
still alive, run into the gate fast as you can. Once you're inside, Martin is


It's a hell of a sight in here. The walls in front of you will part, revealing
a great, bug like machine inching it's way toward the gate. You have thirteen
minutes to reach the Great Sigil Stone before the machine reaches Bruma. It's
plenty of time. Don't bother killing the daedra unless you have to. It just
wastes your precious time.

In front of you you'll see a tower to either side. Enter the tower on your
left, World Breaker Guard. Head to the top and use the north door to the
Plane of Oblivion. Cross the bridge. If you cross over the machine, go back,
you're going the wrong way. You should be running alongside, up above.
Enter the next tower. Make your way down and take the first door back outside.
You're on level with the machine again. Cross this bridge, you'll have to jump
a small gap. Run up the hill and you'll see the Sigil Tower flanked by to
gates and two smaller towers. Enter the left tower. At the top, pull the Gate
Control and head back out the way you came in. The gate is now open.

Enter the Tower Portal to World Breaker. Enter the Vaults of End Times, head
up and take the Citadel Hall Door to your left. Reenter the World Breaker.
Follow this ramp all the way to the top. Kill the Sigil Keeper and loot the
Sigil Key from his corpse. Enter the Sigillum Sanguis.
Take the Great Sigil Stone and be returned to the battlefield to applause.

Find and speak with Martin. He will take the Great Sigil Stone and leave for
Cloud Ruler to prepare the portal to Paradise. Go to him when you're ready.
Before you leave the battlefield, check the ground in front of the siege
machine for your standard sigil stone. It dropped out of the mouth of the
machine when it died.


Before you speak to Martin, make sure you have everything you need to survive.
There are no shops and no armorer's in Paradise.
Once you're ready, speak to Martin. He will open the portal, telling you to
retrieve the Amulet and that you're only way back is to kill Mankar Cameron.
Time to take back the Amulet of Kings.

When the portal opens, use it like an Oblivion gate and be transported to
Mankar Cameron's Paradise. When you arrive, Cameron will speak to you as you
travel his realm. An entertaining reminder of Dagoth Ur in Morrowind.
Ascended Immortals wander the Savage Garden, those who died in Cameron's
service. Speak to them to learn the only way to reach him is through the
Forbidden Grotto and that you must be wearing the Bands of the Chosen to enter.
Daedra also abound here, tormenting the Immortals.

Follow the stone path. When it forks, take the downward path. At the next
fork, turn to your right and you'll see a Dremora named Kathutet. Don't kill
him yet, talk to him. It seems you've earned the respect of the Dremora. He
will offer you two choices; Battle or Service.
If you choose battle, kill him, take the Bands of the Chosen from his corpse
and continue on to the Flooded Grotto.

If you choose Service, Kathutet will give you the Bands of the Chosen if you
free his Xivilai, Anaxes. The Immortals have trapped Anaxes in a cave up the
left side of the path. Follow your map marker and the door to the Lair of
Anaxes is on the other side of the rock. At the back of the cave, click on the
two logs holding the boulder in place and Anaxes will be free.
Now, return to the entrance to the Flooded Grotto and enter. Follow the Tunnel
and you'll find Kathutet waiting for you by the door to the Forbidden Grotto.
Once he gives you the Bands, Cameron will give you a long winded monologue,
revealing some fascinating theories about Tamriel and her gods. Put on the
Bands of the Chosen and enter the Forbidden Grotto.

The first thing you'll notice is you can't remove the Bands. The second is the
Immortals are not having a good time in Paradise, unless you consider lava
baths refreshing? Make your way into the tunnels and try not to kill anyone
who doesn't attack you first. You have an ally in here, it would be a shame to
kill him during a killing spree.
In the next chamber, you'll meet Eldamil. Tell him you're here to kill Mankar
Cameron and he'll offer to help, anything to free the fools who followed
Mankar. Noone wearing the Bands of the Chosen can leave the Grotto. Eldamil
will remove them for you but you must play along when the overseer, Orthe,
shows up. Agree and follow Eldamil. When Orther shows up, Eldamil will order
you into the brood cage. Don't worry, you aren't getting a lava facial. Enter
the brood cage and you'll be lowered to the lava, but not into it. When Orthe
leaves, Eldamil raises the cage and tells you to meet him further on while he
distracts the Daedra. Exit the other side of the cage and take the path on
your right. Turn right again and you'll find a door to another level of the
Forbidden Grotto. Go through.
On the other side, you'll find Eldamil at the end of the passage. He will
remove the Bands of the Chosen and ask to come with you. He's not too shabby
in a fight. At this point, Cameron will monologue again. There's only one
path in here. Follow ti and it will lead you back out to Paradise.

Follow the path up and to the right to Cameron's palace. On the way, you'll
see large blue and purple Mana Blooms. They'll restore your magicka and health
and you should pick as many as you can. Once paradise is gone, this rare
ingredient is gone.
Climb the steps. At the entrance, you'll meet the children of Cameron, Raven
and Ruma. You might remember Ruma from the Dagon Shrine. Follow them into the
palace for your long awaited audience with Mankar Cameron. Once you speak to
him he will attack.
Your best strategy here is to ignore his kids, they'll just distract you.
Elmadil can keep them busy while you knock off Daddy. Don't get fancy here.
His robe absorbs spells and reflects damage. The higher your level, the more
powerful his robe will be. Hit him hard and fast to do more damage than he can
absorb or reflect. When he's dead, his children will drop dead on the spot.
Loot the Amulet of Kings from his body and Paradise will fall apart. You'll
be transported back to Cloud Ruler Temple. The Blades drop to their knees on
your return and pay homage to Martin's Champion.


Once Martin has donned the Amulet, he'll ask you to escort him to the Imperial
City Palace to meet with Ocato. He needs to formally present his claim as the
Emporer before he lights the dragonfires.

If you still want to collect Sigil Stones, now is the time to do it. Once you
finish this, the Oblivion Gates will be closed forever.

Tell Martin to follow you and fast travel to the Imperial City Palace. Meet
with Ocato in the Council Chambers and he'll inform you the council has already
voted to accept Martin. As Ocato kneels and proclaims Martin Emporer, a guard
rushes in. Oblivion Gates have opened all over the city, pouring Daedra into
the streets. You must now get Martin safely to the Temple of the One. Don't
fast travel here, you'll leave Martin behind. Lead the charge and he should
stay right behind you.

When you reach the Temple District, run around the right side of the Temple.
Ignore the Daedra, they're inexhaustible and Martin's health is not.
As you round the right side of the building, Mehrunes Dagon himself appears.
Find Martin at once, he should be close behind you, and speak with him. Now
that Mehrunes has crossed into Tamriel, lighting the dragonfires wont be
enough. Martin has a drastic idea though. Tell him to follow you.
Run around Dagon's legs on the left and get into the Temple fast. Martin will
be pulled safely with you. Talk to Martin again and get a comfy seat.
Mehrunes Dagon rips the roof off the building and Martin uses the Amulet to
summon Akatosh. The Amulet is destroyed in the process and Mehrune's is sent
back to Oblivion forever. The Oblivion Gates are likewise gone forever.
Tamriel is safe again and a Statue of Akatosh now resides in the Temple of the
One. Once you leave the Temple, you'll be able to come back and click on the
statue to recieve Akatosh's blessing. A couple nice bonuses that last for
about a week.

Congratulations. You have completed the Main Quest and saved the world.
Now...go do something useful, maybe join the Dark brotherhood? =)


Speak with Chancelor Ocato after the battle. He proclaims you Champion of
Cyrodiil, a title bestowed on few others and has ordered a suit of Imperial
Dragon Armor to be made for you. This armor is normally only worn by the
Emporers but he feels you deserve no less for your service.
You can pick it up in two weeks at the Armory in the Imperial Legion Compound
of the Imperial City. You're journal will update and tell you when it's

As a further point of interest: After you destroyed the Great Gate at Bruma,
saving the city, a statue was commissioned for you. It should be complete by
now. You'll find it inside the city, next to Bruma's North Gate. Click on the
base to get a cliff's notes version of your victory.


Coming soon


Many thanks to my husband for testing all my directions and instructions. He
keeps me from sending anyone off a cliff, and often finds solutions I miss.

Many, many thanks to the Avid Alchemist's Alcove, who's wonderful Obliv-O-Map
keeps me from wandering the countryside for days.

Thanks to the ElderScrolls forums. A great bunch of ES addicts that can answer
just about any question, no matter how stupid.


Please contact me at with any questions, corrections,
suggestions, additions, etc... When you send an email, please put "Main Quest"
in the heading so I'll know it's not spam.


This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.2.0416)

30.Oktober 2013
DLH.Net Hinweisesammlung

18.Oktober 2013
Engl Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.2)

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.1.511)

18.Oktober 2013
Eine Auflistung sämtlicher Siegelsteine (150 Stück) des Spiels und ihre Rüstungs- und Waffen-Boni im pdf-Format

14.Oktober 2013
Eine Auflistung sämtlcher Lehrbücher des Spiels, ihre Fundorte und Boni im pdf-Format

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Misc. Quest Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Detailed Stats and Leveling Guide
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17.Oktober 2013
Daedric Shrine Quest Guide
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Ayleid Statue Guide
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Engl. FAQ

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Engl. FAQ

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