Guild Wars

Guild Wars

16.10.2013 11:13:02
Quest Guide
Guild Wars - Quest Guide

Authored by: borisbelvaersi

1. Disclaimer

2. Version History

3. Contact Information

4. Setup

5. Recommendations

6. Quest List

7. Pre-Searing Quests

8. Post-searing Quests

9. FAQ

10. Contributions and Credits

1. Disclaimer

This Document is copyright 2005 of Joshua Park. All Guild wars content
contained herein is propery of Arenanet and NCSOFT. Currently, the only
websites that may host this guide are listed below. If you are a fansite and
wish to use this guide. Please email me at to receive

Currently, the following websites are allowed to host this guide:

If you have found this guide at a site other than those listed above, please
contact me at the above address.

2. Version History

Expect updates once a week, or so. I update the guide while I'm completing
the quests, or if someone emails me the information. Be forwarned though -
This game is HUGE. The amount of gameplay you get for your money makes this
game a virtual steal. It will take some time before this guide is anywhere
close to being definitive.

Version 2.00 - At this point, the guide can now be considered complete. EVERY
Mission and quest is now covered in the guide, with the notable
exception of the FoW and UW quests. While I eventually plan to
add those to the guide, as I expected, finding a group that
can actually do well down there is a bit of a challenge. At
this point, I consider this guide complete, and will only be
adding to it as Arena-net adds new quests to the original
Guild Wars game.
Version 1.50 - It's been a while since the last update. A PC problem left me
without the latest version of the guide, so I'm having to go
back and fill in parts. Added a few new quests since the GWF
preview weekend. Filled in a few more missions. Also, Since
it's incredibly hard to find a decent group for UW and FoW, It
might be a while before those quests are completed.
Version 1.25 - NEARLY-ALL Sorrow's Furnace quests have been added to the guide
with the exception of two or three quests, which I have left a
space for in the walkthrough. Please help with filling this in!
Mission walkthroughs still forthcoming.
Version 1.00 - "final" version - As of this point, the quest guide covers all
quests in the game, both class-specific and non-class-specific
quests. Missions are still incomplete, but are in the proper
order if you are playing the game through. Expect them to come
over time.
Version 0.80 - Big update - This guide should now cover all non-class-specific
quest in the game. All missions have been entered into their
(more or less) correct order in the game. Mission Walkthroughs
are still forthcoming.
- Expect to see in the next update: Mission walkthroughs,
including bonuses where I've completed them, and Ranger and
Necromancer Class-specific Quests.
Version 0.65 - Yet more stuff added. This guide should now cover ALL non-class
specific Quests up through Droknar's Forge. Still working on
the quests you can receive once you get there and, of course,
class specific quests will take quite a bit longer.
Version 0.55 - Added yet more quests - Starting to fill the gap between
Ascalon and Kryta. Added a large number of quests that you
receive once you get to Yak's Bend. Also, altered the quests
that give you class-specific skills to reflect the skills each
class would receive. Please help fill this list in!
Version 0.50 - Still updating - Quests at this point range to the Amnoon Oasis
Still the gap between Nolani Academy and Gates of Kryta, but
that gap should be filled before too much longer. Also added
indicators in the Quest List to show which quests are listed
but not yet covered in the guide.
Version 0.45 - Major update - At this point, I'm not putting dates on the
updates anymore, as I'm adding to this guide every day. Here's
a list of all the major changes that I've done to this guide.
(1) Added an FAQ section - prolly should have had one since the
beginning, but *shrugs* (2) All quests covered by this guide
are now in the quest list (3) Added a boatload of new quests,
mostly in the Ascalon areas. Quests that are listed but not
completed are ones that I'm still working on in the game.
Version 0.40 - May 15, 2005 - As of this point, the Quest guide contains a
(hopefully) definitive list and walkthroughs of ALL the
Pre-Searing quests, INCLUDING class-specific quests. Any quest
that is not in this portion of the guide, please e-mail me with
the details and I will add it to the guide.
Version 0.30 - May 13, 2005 - Added Quest List Section. The guide should
now contain nearly all of the pre-searing quests. Please check
the quest list for the complete list of quests covered in this
guide. Some class-specific quests may not be covered at this
- Guide officially uploaded to
Version 0.20 - May 12, 2005 - Added the following quests: Necromancers novice,
The Blessings of Balthazar, Unsettling Rumors, Charr in the
Catacombs, Charr at the Gate, The Wayward Wizard
- Added "Recommendations" section to guide.
Version 0.10 - May 11, 2005 - Added the following quests: Monks Test, Path
to glory, Across the Wall
- Formatted entire guide to comply with Gamefaqs 79 char rule.
Version 0.05 - May 7, 2005 - First start of this guide.

3. Contact Information

At this point, you can see this guide is woefully incomplete. To assist me in
completing this guide, I humbly request that anyone who wishes to assist me in
adding to this guide email me with information to make this guide more usable
to those playing guild wars. Anyone who contributes to this guide will be
acknowledged below in the credits (and in the quest list itself).

Please feel free to contact me with any information not contained in this
guide. When contacting me, please include [guild wars] in the subject line, or
else the email will be erased. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS! Questions
regarding quests or anything else contained in this guide will not be

If you are contacting me regarding a quest that is not in this guide, please
use the following format.
- Quest Title:
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in:
- Received from:
- Classes restrictions :
- Walkthrough:
- Reward:
- Additional quests unlocked:

Also please include your characters professions (eg w/mo) and level. Once that
has been filled out. Send it to me at the email below, and I will add the
information to this guide and add your name to the credits section of this FAQ.


I can also be found moderately often online in Guild wars as one of the
following characters: Boris Treborne, Dr. Raven, or Arvor of Oakenwood

4. Setup

All quest walkthroughs contained here will follow the same format, though, at
this point, I am not including the quest summary. All quests in this guide
have been successfully completed, so if you follow the walkthrough, you won't
need the summary, now will you? :-)

- Quest Title: What shows up in your log.

- Quest difficulty: This will be a subjective rating, but will follow a basic
scale of Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, somewhat hard, hard, very hard, and
insane. Please note that these ratings are subjective to character level
and may not always be accurate. Some quests may be easier to complete with
certain classes and some may be harder. The ratings very easy to moderate
can be completed alone, without assistance in most cases. Somewhat hard to
insane will require assistance.

- Received in: Which area you have to be in to receive the quest

- Received from: Who you have to talk to to receive the quest

- Classes restrictions : If there are any specific class restrictions on
this quest, I will list them here. If there are not any, I will list

- Walkthrough: What you have to do to complete this quest. Please note - this
is what worked for me, or whoever sent me this information, you may find
an easier or different way. In the case of mission quests, any bonus
objectives will also be detailed and how to complete them successfully.
Where applicable, I try to give directions as well.

- Reward: What you get upon successful completion of the quest. The XP
award is given and if there is a weapon or item, the stats are given as
well. Note - on several of the Post-Searing Quests, the rewards consist
of both XP and "Class-Specific" skills. In most cases, unless the quest
has a class restriction, this is one skill for each of your classes. Each
quest now has a list of the skills for each class. This may not be complete
as I update the guide as I play through the game. I do not know if these
change based on what you already have, but I do not believe so.

- Additional quests unlocked: Whether or not the completion of this quest
will unlock any additional quests. For example, after completing the class-
specific training quest in pre-searing Ascalon, Haversdan comes out and
gives you another quest. Quests that you can get from other NPC's without
completing another quest first do not count as being unlocked. An example
of this would be the "trial quests" that you can receive from the six
class trainer NPC's in Pre-searing Ascalon, as you can receive those
without talking to anyone else.

Missions are written somewhat differently. Since missions are generally longer
and will have multiple objectives, I'll be using a simpler format for the
missions. The format I'm using for the missions is as follows:

- Mission: This is the name that will appear on your quest log should you
access it during the mission.

- Difficulty: Subjective difficulty of the ENTIRE mission. This may be broken
up between just completing the mission, or completing the mission AND the

- Objectives: This will list the objectives that you have to complete in
order to successfully complete the mission. Where applicable, it will also
list the bonus objective that you can complete.

- Walkthrough: This is one way you can complete the mission. I generally do
NOT mention completing objectives in the walkthrough, except for the bonus
and rare occasions where you it is important to know. Please remember that
this is not the only way for you to complete the mission, just a way that
either myself or a contributor found to complete the mission.

- Reward: All missions have the same reward. 1,000 XP and one skill point for
completing the main mission, and 1,000 XP for completing the bonus
objective. You can complete the bonus without completing the mission. It
should be noted that you can only receive this award once, so if you finish
a mission six times, you will still only receive the 1,000 XP and one skill
point once.

Now that you understand how the guide is going to be written, it's time to
show you how to use the guide. To find information about the quest or mission
that you want information on, use the "Find" feature that is present in just
about every internet browser (such as IE, Netscape, etc) or Word processor.
Type in the EXACT name of the quest as it appears on your screen in the game.
(This is important otherwise you may not find the right quest.) Click "find
next" until you have the quest that you are looking for.

5. Recommendations

Now onto the recommendations.

- Spend time fighting randoms and gaining gold and XP. Gold helps you buy
better armor once you get to post-searing Ascalon, which in turn helps keep
your rear-end in the fight. And since the amount of XP awarded by the quest
is not subject to level adjustment (or the fact that you do not receive as
much XP for killing lower-level monsters), it works in your favor if you are a
reasonably high level when you accept the REWARD for the quest.

- Keep someone in your party. While this does split the amount of XP you
receive from killing monsters between the party members, it usually makes a
lot of these quests MUCH easier. In fact, some of these quests are impossible
to complete without having a party. Plus, the XP award is not split among your
party members, each character completing the quest will receive the same

- During Missions, always attempt to complete the bonus quest. (in this
guide, missions will have the heading "MISSION: (insert name here)" instead
of "Quest:(Insert name here)". Bonuses for missions ALWAYS award 1000 xp,
though you can only gain the award once, no matter how many times you run
through the mission. Again, that is 1000 XP for each person completing that
bonus the first time. Complete the mission, and gain another 1000 XP and one
skill point, which can be used to purchase skills from trainers around the
game world. As with quests, bonuses range from being incredibly easy to almost

- If at first you don't succeed, try again. An old adage, but true. This game
is incredibly well balanced. If you find yourself not being able to complete
a quest because of a low level, spend sometime levelling up. Getting killed
quickly because of a low armor level, buy or craft better armor. Find yourself
without the right skills set (remember, you can only equip Eight!), head back
to town and adjust. Keep on trying, I have yet to come across a quest that is

- The Game doesn't stop once your character reaches level 20. Once you reach
level 20, you stop gaining Attribute points and instead will start earning
skill points, which are used to purchase skills from trainers around the game
world. You will find yourself purchasing a lot of skills, even if you don't
plan on using. Remember, every skill you unlock or purchase in the RP portion
of the game also is unlocked for the PvP portion.

- Create a RP character and play through the game even if you plan on mainly
haunting (or terrifying) the PvP circuit. Main reason for this is the more of
the Role-playing portion of the game you have played through, the more skills,
equipment, runes, etc. (you get the idea), you unlock for a PvP character. If
start right into PvP, you will find yourself much more limited than someone
who has played through the game and has a completed character.

6. Quest List

Here is the quick guide for whether or not this guide covers a specific
quest. It is my hope that eventually, this will be a definitive guide to the
quests offered in Guild Wars, but that will be a long time coming.

This section will be in the same format as the pre and post searing sections,
where the quests are divided by the area in which you receive these quests.

** - after a Quest or Mission will indicate that the walkthrough is not yet
complete for that particular quest or mission, but the mission will indicate
where you receive it, who you receive it from, and the mission reward.

- Message from a friend
- War Preparations
- A second profession
- Poor Tenant
- Bandit Raid
- Trouble in the woods
- Charr in the Catacombs
- Charr at the gate
- The Wayward wizard
- Poison Devourer
- MISSION: Ascalon Academy
- Warriors Test
- Rangers Test
- Monks Test
- Elementalists Test
- Necromancers Test
- Mesmers Test
- Gwen's Flute
- Adventure with an Ally
- Further Adventures
- A New Warrior's Trainer
- A New Ranger's Trainer
- A New Monk's Trainer
- A New Elementalist's Trainer
- A New Mesmer's Trainer
- A New Necromancer's Trainer
- A Mesmer's Burden
- A Gift for Althea
- The Worm problem
- The Charr Threat
- Unsettling Rumors
- Little Thom's Big Cloak
- The Rogues Replacement
- The Path to Glory
- Across the Wall
- Tithe for Ashford Abbey
- Opposition to the King
- The Egg Hunter
- The Moa Bird
- The Hunter's Horn
- A Monk's Mission
- The Blessings of Balthazar
- Rites of Remembrance
- The Necromancer's Novice
- The Accursed Path
- Grawl Invasion
- Protection Prayers
- The Power of Blood
- The True King
- The Vineyard Problem
- Warrior's Challenge
- The Elementalist Experiment
- Unnatural Growths
- The Ranger's Companion
- The Orchard
- A Test of Marksmanship
- Domination Magic
- Supremacy of Air

- Kings Message
- Counting the Fallen
- Defend the Wall
- Barradin's Advance
- Cities of Ascalon
- Scavengers in Old Ascalon
- The Troublesome Artifact
- Vanguard Equipment
- Recruits for Hollis
- Fires in the East
- The Krytan Ambassador
- Helping the people of Ascalon
- The Ambassador's Quandary
- A Mission of Peace
- Rastin's Ritual
- Military Matters
- Into the Breach
- Gargoyle Trouble
- Barradin's Stand
- Supplies for the Duke
- Sowing Seeds
- Protecting Ascalon
- In Memory of Paulus
- Symon's History of Ascalon
- Endangered Species
- The Charr Patrol
- The Charr Staging Area
- Scorched Earth
- Elemental Knowledge
- Shalev's Task
- The Stolen Artifact
- Death in the Ruins
- Oberon's Rage
- Trying Times
- Mesmerizing the Enemy
- A Cure for Ralena
- Family Ties
- Mission: Great Northern Wall
- Mission: Fort Ranik
- Deliver a Message to my Wife
- Regent Valley Defense
- Ruins of Surmia
- Frontier Gate Fugitives
- Caravan in Trouble
- Replacement Healers
- Unnatural Creatures
- Experimental Elixir
- The Way of the Geomancer
- The Geomancer's Test
- Casualty Reports
- The Duke's Daughter
- Althea's Ashes
- Fires in the North
- Army Life
- The Red-Cloaked Deserter
- Siege of Piken Square
- Hammer and Anvil
- Garfazz Bloodfang
- Charr Reinforcements
- Fallen Soldiers
- Mission: Ruins of Surmia
- Mission: Nolani Academy
- The Way is Blocked
- The Road to Borlis Pass
- The Missing Artisan
- Helping the Dwarves
- Securing the Vale
- Shiverpeak Stragglers
- The Wayward Monk
- Renegade Necromancer
- A Heart of Ice
- The Stone Summit Champion
- Oswalt's Epitaph
- Minaar's Trouble
- Minaar's Worry
- Iron Horse War Machine
- Stone Summit Beastmasters
- Mission: Borlis Pass
- Mission: The Frost Gate
- Hungry Devourer
- The Deserters
- to Kryta: Refugees
- To Kryta: The Ice Cave
- To Kryta: Journey's End
- Mission: Gates of Kryta
- Report to the White Mantle
- The Villainy of Galrath
- Orrian Excavation
- Merchant's Plea
- The Weaver of Nebo
- Malaquire's Test
- Can't We Get Along (Kurzick)
- Can't We Get Along (Luxon)
- Duties of a Lionguard
- Bandit Trouble
- Blankets for the Settlers
- Reversing the Skales
- The Last Hog
- Graven Images
- The Ascalon Settlement
- Destroy the Kurzicks (Luxon)
- Mission: D'Alessio Seabord
- The Hot Springs Murders
- Crush the Luxons (Kurzick)
- The Undead Hordes
- Mission: Divinity Coast
- The False Gods
- A Brother's Fury
- Mysterious Message
- Eye For Profit
- Wisdom of the Druids
- Mission: The Wilds
- Mission: Bloodstone Fen
- White Mantle Wrath: Demagogue's Vanguard
- The Price of Steel
- White Mantle Wrath: A Helping Hand
- Urgent Warnings
- Dropping Eaves
- Blood And Smoke
- Mission: Aurora Falls
- Passage Through the Dark River
- Mission: Riverside
- Mission: Sanctum Cay
- The Lost Princess
- The Royal Papers
- Sands of Souls
- Ancient Secrets
- Ghostly Vengeance
- Into the Unknown
- "Seek out the Thirsty River"
- "Dunes of Despair"
- "Elona Reach and the Vision Crytal"
- The Belated Betrothal
- The Ranger's Path
- The Monk's Path
- The Forgotten Ones
- The Warrior's Path
- The Mesmer's Path
- The Misplaced Sword
- The Necromancer's Path
- The Elementalist's Path
- Forgotten Wisdom
- Mission: Thirsty River
- Mission: Elona Reach
- Mission: Dunes of Depair
- Mission: The Dragon's Lair
- The Hero's Journey
- The Hero's Challenge
- Seeking the Seer
- Defend Droknar's Forge
- The Last Day Dawns
- Defend Denravi
- Defend North Kryta Province
- The Titan Source
- Mission: Ice Caves of Sorrow
- Mission: Iron Mines of Molandune
- Mission: Thunderhead Keep
- Final Blow
- Mission: Ring of Fire
- Mission: Abbadon's Mouth
- Mission: Hell's Precipice
- The Underworld
= Clear the Chamber **
= Restore the Monuments of Grenth **
= Wrathful Spirits **
- The Fissure of Woe
= The Tower of Courage
= The Wailing Lord **
= A Gift of Griffons **
- To Sorrow's Furnace
- The Final Assault
- Noble Intentions
- Noble Intentions Plan B
- Unspeakable, Unknowable
- Kilroy Stonekin
- Summit Slaves
- Cold One
- Fire in the Hole
- Gathering Resources
- Unruly Slaves
- Wrenches in the Gears
- Political Ramifications
- Subversive Ideas
- Tasca's Reprise
- The Forge Heart

7. Pre-Searing Quests

All quests contained in this section will be before the searing of Ascalon, or
before you enter the academy by talking with Sir Tydus. For sake of
Convenience, I've organized these in order of where you receive them.

Also, during Pre-searing Ascalon, you do not suffer a Death Penalty when you
die. This area is sort of like a "Training ground" for new people. It is worth
your time to make sure you have done every quest, found every collector and
in general, exploited this chapters possibilities to the fullest, because once
you enter the academy, you can no longer return to this part of the game.

One last thing before I get to what you're really hear to know, in Pre-searing
ascalon there are a series of what I'm labelling TRIAL quests. These are
quests given by specific NPCS - namely the six npcs that have the ability to
give you another profession. When you accept the quest, they will give you the
option of accepting skills from that profession for a while. In nearly every
case, you MUST accept these skills or you will not be able to complete those
quests. This guide will be written assuming those skills have been accepted.
Once those quests have been completed, those NPCs will offer the chance to
take a second profession. Since you can't change your mind until you have
reached Droknar's Forge, I prefer to complete all the trial quests and then
make up my mind. If nothing else, if gives you more XP! Just don't forget to
take the second profession before you enter the academy at Ascalon or you
won't be able to take it at all. Though I have heard rumors that once you
reach a point in the game, you will be allowed to change your secondary
profession, I have not reached it yet.

Also, While you have to be at least level three to enter the academy, it is
strongly recommended that you level up as much as possible before doing so.
Most people can get between Level 7 to Level 9 before entering the academy.
Just complete as many of the quests as possible, and when you need to kill
higher level monsters, wander around Regent's Valley and Wizard's Folly. Those
areas usually have lvl 3 monsters, which still give XP (albeit a small amount)
to lvl 7-8 characters.

7.1 Ascalon City Quests

Quest: Message from a Friend
- Quest difficulty: Very Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Town Crier
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Town Cryer, Then talk to Sir Tydus
- Reward: 100 XP, 10 gold
- Additional quests unlocked: War Preparations

Quest: War Preparations
- Quest difficulty: Very Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Sir Tydus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Sir Tydus, then talk to the Trainer waiting just
outside the gates in Lakeside country (This trainer will be specific to
your primary class.) Complete the quest that they give you, then return
to Sir Tydus for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Warriors Test, Monks Test, Necromancers Test
Elementalists Test, Mesmers Test, or Rangers Test (Class Specific)

Quest: A Second Profession
- Quest difficulty: very Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Armin Saberlin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Armin to receive this quest. During your Adventures,
talk to Brother Mhenlo (monk), Necromancer Munne (Necromancer), Lady Althea
(Mesmer) Elementalist Azuire (elementalist), Master Ranger Nente (Ranger),
or Warmaster Grast (Warrior). After choosing which secondary profession you
would like (and taking it), return to Armin for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Additional Class-specific quests for your new

Quest: Poor Tenant
- Quest difficulty: Very Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Namar
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Namar to receive this quest. While in Lakeside, Talk
to Miller Upton. Pick up the Honeycomb and carry it across the bridge.
Return to Miller Upton.
- Reward: 500 XP, Protective Icon with Energy +3
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Bandit Raid
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Baron Egan
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Baron Egan to receive this quest. Head to Lakeside
County. Follow the path until you reach the collector and the merchant.
Turn right so that the farm field is on your left side. After a short
distance you will see some BANDIT BLOOD SWORN guarding a fire plus the
item of your quest. Kill the Bandit Blood Sworn, pick up the chest, and
carry it to Devona for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Protective Icon (Energy +3), Tall Shield (Armor +4)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Trouble in the Woods
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Town Cryer (By Lakeside exit)
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Town Cryer to receive this quest, then head to
Ashford and Talk to Devona. She will lead you across the bridge where you
have to kill a small group of Grawls. Do Not ENGAGE the charr. Once all
the grawl are dead, talk to Devona again for your reward
- Reward: 500 XP, War Hammer (Blunt dmg 6-9, two handed)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Charr in the Catacombs
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Prince Rurik
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Prince Rurik to receive this quest, then head to
Ashford Abbey and Talk to Brother Mhenlo. Head to the Catacombs and talk to
Necromancer Munne. She will tell you to venture into the Catacombs and seek
out Obelan the Reviled.
- Reward: 250 XP, 100 gold
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Charr at the Gate
- Quest difficulty: Easy to Moderate
- Received in: Ascalon
- Received from: Prince Rurik
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Prince Rurik in Ascalon city, then head out to
lakeside and meet him there. Follow him to the gate, and then kill all the
charr in the area (there are only five or so). Once all the charr are dead,
talk to him again to receive your reward.
- Reward:200 XP, Longsword (Slashing dmg 5-7)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Wayward Wizard
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Sandre Elek
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Sandre Elek to receive this quest. Once you get to
Foibles Fair, talk to Ralena Stormbringer before returning to Wizards
Folly. Once in Wizards Folly, head East (More or less) in the grassy, not
snowy, area until you find Orion Elek. Talk to him, and then return to
Sandre for your reward. It is important that you talk to Ralena before you
talk to Orion or else you will not be able to finish this quest.
- Reward: 250 XP, Smiting Staff (Energy +3, Light Dmg 2-4, two handed)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Poison Devourer
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ascalon city
- Received from: Baron Egan
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Baron Egan in Ascalon to receive this quest. Head to
the devourer cave in Lakeside and kill the PLAGUE DEVOURER. Pick up the
poison stinger. ONce you have the stinger, head to Ashford Abbey and
deliver it to Brother Mhenlo.
- Reward: 250 XP, Focus Item (energy +3)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Mission: Ascalon Academy
- Quest difficulty: Moderate - but you automatically receive allies anyways
- Received in: Ascalon
- Received from: Sir Tydus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Once you have completed all the quests you wish to in
Pre-searing Ascalon, talk to Sir Tydus and tell him that you want to enter
the academy. You will enjoy a brief PvP segment in which you will fight
against other players also going through that mission. After the PvP, you
will find yourself listening to a briefing by Tydus and Rurik. Listen to it
the follow the path, killing all the enemies you come across until you
find the Charr ranger. Once you kill the Charr Ranger, you will see a
cinematic Cutscene and find yourself in Post-Searing Ascalon. Enjoy it,
because unless you start a new character, you can't ever go back.
- Reward:Access to Post-Searing Ascalon
- Additional quests unlocked: None

7.2 Lakeside quests

Quest: Warriors Test
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside Country
- Received from: Van the Warrior
- Classes restrictions: Warrior Only
- Walkthrough: Head to Lakeside country, Talk to Van The Warrior, head
Southwest and clear the river of RIVER SCALE TAD's. Return to Van the
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Warrior Skills Frenzy and Healing Signet.
- Additional quests unlocked: Further Adventures

Quest: Necromancer's Test
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside Country
- Received from: Verata the Necromancer
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer only
- Walkthrough: Head to Lakeside Country, talk to Verata the Necromancer.
Head up the road and kill a River Scale. Once Verata animates the corpse
as a Bone Horror, talk to him to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Necromancer skills Vampiric Gaze and Deathly Swarm
- Additional quests unlocked: Further Adventures

Quest: A Mesmer Test
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside Country
- Received from: Sebedoh The Mesmer
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer Only
- Walkthrough: Head to Lakeside country, talk to Sebedoh the Mesmer. Head up
the road and kill a River Scale Tad. Return to Sebedoh for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Mesmer Skills Empathy and Ether Feast
- Additional quests unlocked: Further Adventures

Quest: Monk Test
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Ciglo the Monk
- Classes restrictions: Monk only
- Walkthrough: Head to Lakeside country and talk to Ciglo the monk.
Head south, and kill the River Scale Tad's surrounding Gwen. Once
all the scale are dead, lead Gwen back to Ciglo and claim your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Monk Skills Healing Breeze and Banish
- Additional quests unlocked: Further Adventures

Quest: Ranger Test
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Artemis the Ranger
- Classes restrictions: Ranger only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Artemis the Ranger to receive this quest. Head up the
road and kill at least one of the River Scale tad's. Follow them across the
river and kill the River Scale Queen. Report back to Artemis for your
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Ranger skills Power shot and Troll Unguent
- Additional quests unlocked: Further Adventures

Quest: Gwen's Flute
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Gwen (little girl near Ascalon Entrance)
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Gwen to receive this quest. Head south across the
river and find Gwen's Flute. Yes, it's broken. Return to Gwen for your
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Adventure with an Ally
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Lina the Healer
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Lina the Healer at the Resurrection point just outside
the gates of Ascalon. Return to Ascalon and convince on of the other players
to ally with you. Return to Lina for your reward.
- Reward: 100 XP, Resurrection Signet
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Further Adventures
- Quest difficulty: Very Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Class-Specific Trainer
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: After completing the class-specific quest from your trainer,
talk to Haversdan, who replaces them. Then head to Devona in Ashford to
complete this quest. Note - you may need to go back inside Ascalon and
return to Haversdan to receive this quest.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Charr Threat

Quest: A New Warriors Trainer
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Haversdan
- Classes restrictions: Warrior Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Haversdan to receive this quest. Follow the wall west
and then follow the path to Green Hills Country. Talk to Warmaster Grast to
complete this quest.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Grawl Invasion

Quest: A New Necromancer's Trainer
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Haversdan
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Haversdan to receive this quest. Follow the road
southwest to Ashford Abbey. Head through the abbey and into the Catacombs
and talk to Necromancer Munne to receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Necromancer's Novice

Quest: A New Ranger Trainer
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Haversdan
- Classes restrictions: Ranger only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Haversdan to receive this quest. Follow the road from
Ascalon southwest until you reach the patch to Ashford. Follow the path,
and when you can turn left across the bridge, do so. Follow this path into
Regent's Valley. Once in Regents Valley, follow the path that you are on
until you find Master Ranger Nente. Talk to him to complete the quest.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: A ranger's companion

Quest: A New Mesmer's Trainer
- Quest difficulty: VERY easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Haversdan
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Haversdan to receive this quest. Head Northwest to the
Actor's State. Talk to Althea to complete this quest.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: A Mesmer's Burden

Quest: A New Monk Trainer
- Quest difficulty: Very Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Haversdan
- Classes restrictions: Monk Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Haversdan to receive this quest. Head towards
Ashford Abbey. (Follow the road SW from Ascalon) Enter Ashford Abbey
and talk to Brother Mhenlo to complete this quest.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Blessings of Balthazar, A Monk's Mission

Quest: A Mesmer's Burden
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Lady Althea
- Classes restrictions: None - MESMER TRIAL QUEST
- Walkthrough: Talk to Lady Althea to receive this quest. She will unlock
Mesmer skills: Conjure Phantasm, Ether Feast, and Imagined Burden. Head
West(ish) until you reach a pond with a bull. Kill the bull (using your
unlocked mesmer skills makes it easier). Return to Althea for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Rogue's Replacement

Quest: A Gift for Althea
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Captain Osric
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Osric to receive this quest. You will need
to find three BEAUTIFUL items (The will have the word beautiful in the
title). Find the beautiful pearl near the stream (next to Miller Upton).
Find the beautiful feather in a field in Ashland, and find the beautiful
Pendant on a path just Northeast of the field outside Ashford Abbey. Once
you have all three. Return to Captain Osric and give him the beautiful
items. NOTE - I have received word that it is possible to complete this
quest without finding the items. Apparently, if you talk to Althea after
receiving this quest, she will tell you that she has no need of a gift and
talk To Rurik. You should receive the reward. (Thanks Marc!)
- Reward: 250 XP, Protective Icon (Energy +3)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The worm problem.
- Quest difficulty: easy
- Received in: Lakeside (Ashford)
- Received from: Pitney
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Pitney in Ashford to receive this quest. Once you
complete the Egg Hunter Quest, return to Pitney. Talk to him then follow
him to the field. Kill the Queen Worm that appears. Talk to Pitney again
for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Smiting Rod (Light Dmg 2-4)
- Additional quests unlocked: The Moa Bird

Quest: The Charr Threat
- Quest difficulty: Very Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Devona
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Devona to receive this quest, Head to Ashford Abbey
and talk to Brother Mhenlo. (Note: This quest may have been replaced with
the quest: Unsettling Rumors, which appears below.)
- Reward: 250 XP, Tall Shield (armor 4)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Unsettling Rumors
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Devona
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Devona in Ashford to receive this quest. Head to
Ashford abbey and talk to Meerak the Scribe Once you have talked to Meerak,
return to Ascalon City and talk to Armin Saberlin to complete this quest.
- Reward: 250 XP, Tall Shield (Armor: 4)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Little Thom's Big Cloak
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Lakeside (ashford Village)
- Received from: Alison the Tanner
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Alison the Taner to receive this quest. Head into
Wizard's Folly and find a bear. Kill bears until you receive a bear pelt.
Return to Alison. She will turn the pelt into a cloak. Head to the
Barradin estate and present Thom with his new cloak.
- Reward: 250 XP, Battle Axe with damage range 4-8, Smiting Rod with Light
damage range 2-4.
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Rogue's Replacement
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Old Mack
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: (Note - you have to let Old Mack argue with Lady Althea
before you can receive this quest.) Talk to Old Mack to receive this quest.
He will tell you that since you murdered his bull, you have to find a
replacement. Once you complete the Egg Hunter quest, return to Old Mack for
your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Path to Glory
- Quest difficulty: Very Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Ascalon Guard (Near Merchant outside of Ashford Abbey)
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the guard (I think you have to be at least level
3 to get this quest, though I am unsure of the details). Go to Ascalon
city to complete this quest. You can also receive this quest from Armin
Saberlin in Ascalon if you have not talked to the Guard first.
- Reward: 100 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Mission - Ascalon Academy

Quest: Across the Wall
- Quest difficulty: Average
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Gate Guard Torin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Gate Guard Torin to receive this quest. Head back
to Ascalon and find someone to join your party. Return to where you
found Gate Guard Torin. Above him will be a lever. One of you will need
to pull the lever to open the gate while the other runs through (it does
not stay open long enough for one person to do this). Just inside, follow
the path and find Ben Wolfson. After the patch, this quest was made harder
Talk to him and escort him back to the gate. When you leave this area,
talk to Gate Guard Torin for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Longbow (two-handed, Piercing Dmg 7-10), Smiting Rod
(Light Dmg 2-4)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Tithe for Ashford Abbey
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Devona
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Devona in Ashford to receive this quest, then head to
Green Hills Country. Talk to Grazden the Protector to receive the tithe.
Then deliver the tithe to Devona for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, one skill point
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Opposition to the King
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Devona
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Devona in Ashford to receive this quest, then head
to Green Hills Country. Talk to three people in this area (I talked to
Farrah Cappo, Grazden the protector, and Kasha Blackblood) Do not talk to
Warmaster Grast. Once you have talked to three people, return to Devona
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Egg Hunter
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lakeside country
- Received from: Duke Gaban
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Duke Gaban at the entrance of the devourer cave to
receive this quest. Enter the cave. Kill all devourers you find. Lead
Fadden to each of three devourer egg piles. Once Fadden has all three,
he'll return to the entrance of the cave. Talk to Duke Gaban again for
your reward
- Reward: 150 XP, two devourer eggs.
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Moa Bird
- Quest difficulty: Easy to Average
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Pitney
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Pitney after completing The worm problem to receive
this quest. Head into the catacombs. Head down the stairs, towards the
precipice, and take the path on the left. Head to the end of the room and
take the path on the right. Follow the path until you can turn right, (yo
will be heading south, more or less). You know that you are on the right
path when you start seeing undead instead of devourers. When you reach a
four way intersection, take the left branch (turn south.), you will see
a kind of demonic ampitheater, head into it and kill the Crypt fiends.
Report back to Pitney with the bad news and receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Smiting Staff (Energy +3, 2h ,Light dmg 2-4), Long Sword
(Slashing dmg 5-7)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Hunters Horn
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Lakeside
- Received from: Chantalle the Troubadour
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Chantalle the Troubadour in Lakeside to receive this
quest. Head into Regents Valley, and follor the path to the Shrine of
Melandru. From there, head south (more or less), following the green arrow
on the map until you reach a pool with a bunch of Scales. The far side of
the pool will be the healing spring. Click on that when you're near to dip
the horn in the spring. Head south from here into Wizard's folly. Follow
the green arrow on the map to find Aidan. Give him the horn for your
- Reward: 500 XP, Longbow (Piercing dmg 7-10, 2H)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

7.3 Ashford Abbey Quests

Quest: A Monk's Mission
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ashford Abbey
- Received from: Brother Mhenlo
- Classes restrictions: None - MONK TRIAL QUEST
- Walkthrough: Talk to Brother Mhenlo to receive this quest. He will grant
you the following monk skills - Orison of Healing and Bane Signet. Head
inside the catacombs and Talk to Paulus the Abbot. Follow him through the
catacombs until he stops and picks something up. Use your new monk skills
to keep both of you alive, as the water is poision. Once he picks it up,
follow him back out, again making sure to keep alive. Once he makes it out
of the catacombs, talk to Brother Mhenlo to receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Monk characters will receive Bane Signet and Orison of
healing skills.
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Blessings of Balthazar
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ashford Abbey
- Received from: Brother Mhenlo
- Classes restrictions: Monks only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Brother Mhenlo to receive this quest. Head out into
lakeside and kill the undead in the farm field to your left. Return to
Brother Mhenlo for your reward
- Reward: 100 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

7.4 The Catacombs Quests

Quest: Rites of Remembrance
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Catacombs
- Received from: Necromancer Munne
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Munne to receive this quest, she will give you four
Votive candles. Take them and head south to the ressurrection point, then
west down into the catacombs. Head down the stairs and when the path splits
take the left branch. You should see a pair of waterfalls ahead. Follow the
path into a big hall-like room. There will be stairs heading down on your
left, and a path at the far right end of the room. Halfway along the right
wall is a REMEMBRANCE BRAZIER (1/4). Select it to place the candle on it.
Head down the stairs, and then turn south. Be careful, the water in this
area is poisonous! Follow this path until it turns West. There will be
another REMEMBRANCE BRAZIER (2/4) at this point. Head West, and then turn
south again. You will find yourself in a long hallway with a greenish area
at the top of a set of stairs. The final two REMEMBRANCE BRAZIERS are in
this hallway, one on the west wall, and one on the east. The stairs are
a great place to rest and regain health. Once all four candles are placed
return to Necromancer Munne for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Focus Item (Energy +3)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Necromancer's Novice
- Quest difficulty: Easy to Moderate
- Received in: Catacombs
- Received from: Necromancer Munne
- Classes restrictions: None - NECROMANCER TRIAL QUEST
- Walkthrough: Follow Necromancer Munne into the catacombs. She will lead you
to a large hall with some undead and then inform you that you're on your
own. Head down the stairs and keep following the path. After a short
distance, you will see a carrior devourer walk into a flame trap and be
blow up. THIS IS A CLUE. There are a few flame traps here that you will
have to trip by using bone horrors. Once past that trap, head down the
stairs until the path turns west. You will see a glowing trap with a corpse
just past it. walk towards the trap and use the skill: ANIMATE BONE HORROR
to trigger the trap. Don't worry if you get to close and trigger the trap,
you will res back the the beginning of the catacombs, but no monsters will
reset, so just make your way back to that point. Once past the second trap,
the path will turn north, revealing a set of stairs heading down, another
trap, another corpse, and a TOMB NIGHTMARE. Summon the bone horror to set
off the trap, the re-summon him to help you kill the tomb nightmare. Once
the tomb nightmare is dead, return to Necromancer Munne for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Accursed Path
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: The Catacombs
- Received from: Oberan the Reviled
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Only
- Walkthrough: Head down into the catacombs and talk to Oberan the Reviled
to receive this quest. Once you have talked to Oberan, stay in that general
area. Creatures will come and attack you. Once you have killed between five
and six of the creatures, talk to Oberan again to receive your reward.
(Thanks to Tom vd Bogaert for this write-up)
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Necromancer Skills: Soul Barbs and Faintheartedness
- Additional quests unlocked: None

7.5 Green Hills Country Quests

Quest: Grawl Invasion
- Quest difficulty: Easy to Moderate
- Received in: Green Hills Country
- Received from: Warmaster Grast
- Classes restrictions: None - WARRIOR TRIAL QUEST
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Grast in Green Hills country to receive this
quest. He will unlock the Warrior skills: Sever Artery, Gash, and Healing
signet. He will also hand you a starter sword - but odds are you already
have one better than this. Equip the sword and Head south from this
location until you come across Grawl Invaders. Kill at least three of the
Grawl invaders and then your quest log will update. Return to Warmaster
Grast for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP.
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Protection Prayers
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Green Hills Country
- Received from: Grazden the Protector
- Classes restrictions: Monk Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Grazden to receive this quest, he will unlock Monk
skills: Reversal of Fortune and Shielding Hands. Talk to FArrah Cappo, and
then head to lakeside country. Follow Farrah around lakeside until she
kills Alain. (I just used Healing Breeze on her to keep her health Regen
high). Once Alain is dead, return to Grazden to receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Power of Blood
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Green Hills Country
- Received from: Kasha Blackblood
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Kasha Blackblood in Green Hills country to receive
this quest. Head to the Catacombs. (There is an entrance west of Kasha,
near the Barradin Estate). Head into the Catacombs and follow the arrows
east (more or less) until you find the Blood Fanatics (you will come across
one early in the catacombs, follow him to find the other two.) Kill all
three and then return to Kasha for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

7.6 Barradin Estate Quests

Quest: The True King
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Barradin Estate
- Received from: Duke Barradin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Duke Barradin in the Barradin Estate to receive this
quest. Fron the Barradin Estate, head east though Green Hills country, east
through Lakeside country, and into Regents Valley. Once there, follow the
paths and head more or less northeast to reach Fort Ranik. Talk to the
NPC there to receive your reward. (Unsure of name)
- Reward: 750 XP, Focus Item (Energy +3), War Hammer (Blunt Dmg6-9, 2H)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Vineyard Problem
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Barradin Estate
- Received from: Little Thom
- Classes restrictions: Warrior only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Little Thom in Barradin Estate to receive this quest.
He will unlock the warrior skills Executioner's strike and Cyclone Axe,
Head out to Green hills country. Head east from the estate until you find
a large group of Aloe Seeds with some LARGE ALOE SEEDS in with them. Kill
them all and report back to Little Thom for your reward.
- Reward:250 XP.
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Warrior's Challenge
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Barradin Estate
- Received from: Duke Barradin
- Classes restrictions: Warrior Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Duke Barradin in Barradin Estate to receive this
quest. He will unlock the warrior skills Frenzy and Hammer Bash. Head out
to Green Hills country. Head southeast from the estate, following the green
arrow on your map, until you reach a farm. Attack and kill Aganar the foot,
using the skill Hammer Bash to interrupt his Agnar's Rage skill, which
will refill his life bar. Once Agnar is dead, return to Duke Barradin for
your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

7.7 Wizards Folly Quests

Quest: The Elementalists Experiment
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Wizards Folly
- Received from: Elementalist Azuire
- Classes restrictions: None - ELEMENTALIST TRIAL QUEST
- Walkthrough: Head to Wizards Folly and up the snowy mountains. Talk to
Elementalist Azuire to receive this quest. She will grant you the
Elementalist skills: Fire Storm, Aura of Restoration, and Glyph of Lesser
Energy. Once you receive these skills, destroy the three waves of Ice
Elemental Shards. Once all three are destroyed, return to Elementalist
Azuire for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Unnatural Growths
- Quest difficulty: Easy to Moderate
- Received in: Wizards Folly
- Received from: Aidan
- Classes restrictions: Ranger only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Aidan in Wizards to receive this quest. He will
unlock Ranger skills Ignite Arrows and Dual Shot. Head west from here to
the river, then up the river to the Waterfalls. Kill the Large Aloe Seeds
and the Aloe Husks (if there are any) until you find an Aloe Root. Return
with the Aloe Root to Aidan for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

7.8 Regents Valley Quests

Quest: The Ranger's Companion
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Regents Valley
- Received from: Master Ranger Nente
- Classes restrictions: None - RANGER TRIAL QUEST
- Walkthrough: Talk to Master Ranger Nente to receive this quest. He's found
along the path if you enter Regents valley from Lakeside. Once he gives you
the ranger skills, head to the fence ahead and follow the path southwest
until you reach the shrine to Melandru. Charm the stalker and return to
Master Ranger Nente for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Orchard
- Quest difficulty: Easy to Moderate
- Received in: Regents Valley
- Received from: Mary Malone (near entrance to Fort Ranik)
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Mary Malone to receive this quest
- Reward: 250 XP, Battle Axe (Slashing dmg 4-8), Focus Item (Energy +3)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: A Test of Marksmanship
- Quest difficulty: Moderate (due to time restriction)
- Received in: Regents Valley
- Received from: Ivor Trueshot
- Classes restrictions: Ranger only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Ivor Trueshot in Regents Valley to receive this quest.
He will unlock Ranger skills Point Blank Shot, and Read the wind for you.
Head just down the ridge from Ivor where you will find a group of Plague
worms. Kill all the plague worms in the time limit. Return to Ivor for your
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

7.9 Foible's Fair Quests

Quest: Domination Magic
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Foible's Fair
- Received from: Vassar
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Vassar in Foible's Fair. He will unlock Mesmer Skills
Backfire and Shatter Delusions. Head into Wizards folly and go east. (Stay
in the grassy part). Head to the River and kill the RIVER SCALE BROOD.
Once the River Scale Brood is dead, return to Vassar in Foibles Fair for
your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Supremacy of Air
- Quest difficulty: Easy to Moderate
- Received in: Foibles Fair
- Received from: Ralena Stormbringer
- Classes restrictions: Elementalist Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Ralena Stormbringer in Foibles Fair to receive this
quest. She will unlock Elementalist skills Lightning Javelin and Blinding
flash. Head back into Wizards Folly and up the mountain to the tower.
Search this area until you find the TOWER GOLEM and kill it. Using the
skills Ralena unlocked will assist you. Once the GOlem is dead, talk to
Elementalist Azuire for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8. Post-Searing Quests

All quests in this section will be after the searing or after the cutscene
showing the searing of ascalon. Note - this is where the REAL game begins.
After the searing, you will start earning death penalties. This is also
where you can play in PvP arenas for fun and profit (XP)

Party Sizes - When you start in Ascalon city, your base party size has been
increased to 4. I strongly suggest that you take advantage of this. Once you
get to Yak's Bend, your party size will increase to six. Once you have access
to Droknar's Forge, your maximum party size will increase to eight, which is
the largest party you can have in the game. (Note, The temple of the Ages also
allows a party size of eight, as does the Tomb of Kings and Dragon's Lair

Henchmen - After the searing, you will start seeing a lot more npcs, including
dye traders, material traders, craftsmen, armorers, and HENCHMEN. Henchmen are
hireable npc's that will accompany you on your adventuring. They are usually
lower level than the average pc in that area, and cannot respond to commands,
but are good if you want to either complete an area "on your own", or cannot
find anyone else to join your party. Henchmen come in a wide variety of
colors and flavors and will slowly increase in level as you progress
throughout the game. They will start at level three in Ascalon, and increase
as you proceed. Henchmen aren't free however, while they cost no gold to hire
, they will take a cut wof XP, gold, and Item drops as if they were were a
regular player character. Item drops that are "reserved" for henchmen will not
appear on your screen. Initially, you will start with four possible henchmen,
a healer, a fighter, a mage, and a ranger. You add three more when you reach
Yak's Bend - a Cultist, an Enchanter, and a Brawler. Once you reach the
Dragon's Lair, you add a protector to the line-up.

8.1 Ascalon City Quests

Quest: The King's Message
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Warmaster Tydus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Sir Tydus up by the fountain to receive this quest.
Head over to the exit to Old Ascalon and either recruit henchmen or
convince people to join you. Head out to Old Ascalon and talk to Ambassador
Zain to receive your reward.
- Reward: 100 XP, War Hammer (Blunt Dmg 11-17, req. 3 hammer mastery)
- Additional quests unlocked: Defend the Wall, Helping the People of Ascalon,
The Ambassador's Quandary

Quest: Counting the Fallen
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Symon the Scribe
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Symon the Scribe to receive this quest. Head out into
old Ascalon and head more or less southwest. You will come across a chest
with the Ascalon Census inside. Return the census to Symon for your
- Reward: 500 XP , Two Focus Items (Energy +6, req. 5 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: Cities of Ascalon

Quest: Defend the Wall
- Quest difficulty: very easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Warmaster Tydus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Tydus in Ascalon City to receive this quest.
head nortwest to the Great Northern Wall and talk to Zachary to receive
your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Mission - Great Northern Wall

Quest: Barradin's Advance
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Captain Arne
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: TAlk to Captain Arne in Ascalon City to receive this quest.
Head out to Old Ascalon and follow the wall all the way west until you come
to the second gate. Talk to Gate Guard Hollis to receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Cities of Ascalon
- Quest difficulty: Hard (Because of length and placement of objectives)
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Symon the Scribe
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Symon the scribe in Ascalon city to receive this
quest. He will tell you to find Three memorials for Cities that used to
exist in Ascalon: King's Watch, Surmia, and Nolani. (1) To find the King's
Watch Memorial, head to Regent's Valley. Almost due south from the entrance
from Old Ascalon is the Memorial to King's Watch. Read it to complete this
objective. To locate the second monument (Surmia), enter the Ruins of
Mission. The monument is inside the mission located on the path near the
lever to the Drawbridge that Prince Rurik needs you to open. To locate the
third and final monument, once you have access to the Nolani Academy, head
out into the Diessa Lowlands, Follow the path until you see a set of
stairs. Head all the way up the stairs and through the archway at the top.
The Memorial is on the other side of the archway. Return to Ascalon City
and talk to Symon the Scribe to receive your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Symon's History of Ascalon

Quest: Scavengers in Old Ascalon
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Warmaster Tydus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Tydus in Ascalon City to receive this quest.
Head out into Old Ascalon and follow the road down to Sardalac Sanitarium.
Turn South from the entrance until you see a guy called Thaddiel standing
around. Talk to him until he decides to leave. Return to Warmaster Tydus
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Battle Axe (dmg 5-12, req. 3 Axe Mastery)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Troublesome Artifact
- Quest difficulty: Easy - but it will take a long time to complete
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Warmaster Tydus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Tydus to receive this quest. Once you have
access to Frontier Gate, head out and south to the Pockmark Flats. Once you
get to the big open area with the "big Crystal Thing", run southwest. After
a short distance, you will find a path. Follow the path and when it forks,
take the right fork up the stairs and into Serenity Temple. Talk to
Priestess Rashenna. Once she takes the item, return to Warmaster Tydus in
Ascalon for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Focus Item (Energy +6, req. 5 healing prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Vanguard Equipment
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Captain Arne
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Arne to receive this quest. Either Walk or
use the Map travel feature to get to Fort Ranik. Head out of Fort Ranik and
talk to Gelsan the Outfitter. He will tell you that bandits have taken the
supplies and that you need to get them back. Head southwest from this
position until you find a group of Bandits. Kill them and then move onto
the group of bandits a little further south, near a bridge. Kill that group
and pick up the chest. Return the chest to Gelsan the Outfitter. He will
give you the Vanguard equipment, (which turned out to simply be misplaced
in his tent.) Return the Vanguard Equipment to Captain Arne for your
- Reward: 500 XP, Focus Item (Energy +6, Req. 5 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: Fires in the East

Quest: Recruits for Hollis
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Warmaster Tydus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Tydus in Ascalon City to receive this quest.
Head out to Old Ascalon and find a group of three army recruits. Lead them
West to Gate Guard Hollis. Once they arrive, talk to Gate Guard Hollis to
receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Focus Item (Energy +6, req. 5 Healing Prayers
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Fires in the East
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Ascalon City
- Received from: Captain Arne
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Arne in Ascalon City to receive this quest.
Once you get to Frontier Gate, head out into the Eastern Frontier. Head
north and then head east, following your little green arrow. Kill all the
Charr around the fire. (I believe that they are actually called Flame
keepers). Once they are dead, return to Captain Arne for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Smiting Staff (Energy +4, Light Dmg 3-4, Req. 4 Smiting
prayers, 2H), Long Sword (Slashing Dmg 7-10, Req. 4 Swordsmanship)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.2 Old Ascalon Quests

Quest: The Krytan Ambassador
- Quest difficulty: Very Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Captain Osric
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Osric in Old Ascalon to receive this quest.
Enter nearby Ascalon City and locate Warmaster Tydus. Talk to him to
receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: T

Quest: Helping the People of Ascalon
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Ambassador Zain
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Ambassador Zain in Old Ascalon to receive this quest.
Return to Ascalon City and find Ellie Rigby. Talk to Her, then return to
Ambassador Zain for your reward.
- Reward: 200 XP, and two class specific skills
Warrior - "For Great Justice"
Ranger - Penetrating Attack
Monk - Mending
Elementalist - Lava Font
Mesmer - Energy Tap
Necromancer - Vile Touch
- Additional quests unlocked: The Ambassador's Quandary

Quest: The Ambassador's Quandary
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Ambassador Zain
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Ambassador Zain in Old Ascalon to receive this quest.
Head over to Fort Ranik. (I recommend completing this quest AFTER you
complete the Great Northern Wall mission so that you can simply use the map
to travel there.) From Fort Ranik, walk South to the ruins of the old
Aqueduct (or whatever that is), and head West. After a short ways you will
see a group of Bandits around a small hill. Head up the hill and follow
the path to the end. At the end of the path is the bandit Torin. Kill him,
then return to Ambassador Zain for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Battle Axe (Dmg 5-12, Req. 3 Axe Mastery), Smiting Staff
(Energy +4, Light Dmg 3-4, req. 4 Smiting Prayers, 2H)
- Additional quests unlocked: A Mission of Peace

Quest: A Mission of Peace
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Ambassador Zain
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Ambassador Zain in Old Ascalon to receive this quest.
Head West until you get to the second gate to the breach (The only one that
is open.) and Talk to Gate Guard Hollis. Return to Ambassador Zain for your
- Reward: 250 XP, Focus Item (Energy +6, Req. 5 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Rastin's Ritual
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Witness Rastin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Witness Rastin in Old Ascalon to receive this quest.
Follow the path down to where the old Ashford Abbey used to be (it is now
called the Sardalac Sanitarium). On the way, you will find an NPC called
Artisan Daved. Talk to him and then return to Witness Rastin to complete
this quest.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Military Matters
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Warmaster Grast
- Classes restrictions: Warrior only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Grast in Old Ascalon to receive this quest.
Follow the road southwest to Sardalac Sanitarium, and then turn off and
follow the road to Regent Valley. Sergeant Clark will be just up the road
in Regent Valley. Talk with him and then escort him back to Warmaster Grast
to receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Unlock Warrior skills: Power attack, Sprint
- Additional quests unlocked: Into the Breach

Quest: Into the Breach
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Warmaster Grast
- Classes restrictions: Warrior only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Grast to receive this quest. Head into the
Breach and find Captain West. Repel (Translation: Kill) three groups of
Charr. Then talk to Captain West. Return to Warmaster Grast for your
- Reward: 300 XP, Warrior Skills: Penetrating Blow, Endure Pain
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Gargoyle Trouble
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Warmaster Grast
- Classes restrictions: Warrior only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Grast to receive this quest. Search the
area and kill five gargoyles (it doesn't matter which type). Once five
gargoyles are dead, return to Warmaster Grast for your reward.
- Reward: 200 XP, Warrior Skills: Wild Blow, Sever Artery, Gash, Healing
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Barradin's Stand
- Quest difficulty: Moderate - Due to Charr presence
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Gate Guard Hollis
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Gate Guard Hollis in old Ascalon to receive this
quest. Enter the Breach and make your way to Piken Square. Talk to Duke
Barradin to receeive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Tall Shield (Armor: 6, Req. 4 Tactics)
- Additional quests unlocked: Siege of Piken Square, Fires in the North

Quest: Supplies for the Duke
- Quest difficulty: Moderate to hard
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Gate Guard Hollis
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Gate Guard Hollis in old Ascalon to receive this
quest. Enter the Breach and make your way down to the river of tar. Head
East down the river of tar until you come across a small path on your left
that you can climb. Climb out of the river and when you can turn back west
do so. Follow this path until you cross a wooden bridge. Cross this bridge
and locate the lost supply Column. Escort them back east to Piken Square
and talk to Quartermaster Aada for your reward.
- Reward: 300 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - "Watch Yourself"
Ranger - Called Shot
Monk - Purge Conditions
Elementalist - Ice Spikes
Mesmer - Distortion
Necromancer - Weaken Armor
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Sowing Seeds
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Grazden the Protector
- Classes restrictions: Monk Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Grazden the Protector in Old Ascalon (near the
Sardalac Sanitarium) to receive this quest. Escort Farmer Hammet back to
Ascalon City. Once he enters the city, return to Grazden for your reward.
- Reward: 200 XP, Monk Skills: Heal Party, Bane Signet, Orison of Healing
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Protecting Ascalon
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Grazden the Protector
- Classes restrictions: Monk Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Grazden the Protector in Old Ascalon to receive this
quest. Head Southwest from his position and enter Regent Valley. Head More
or less Southeast from the entrance to this area to find the body of
Paulus. Search his body and pick up his holy symbol. Return to Grazden for
your reward.
- Reward: 300 XP, Monk Skills: Heal Area, Vital Blessing
- Additional quests unlocked: In Memory of Paulus

Quest: In Memory of Paulus
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Grazden the Protector
- Classes restrictions: Monk Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Grazden the Protector to receive this quest. Head
back to Ascalon City. Just outside the gates of the city (in old Ascalon)
you will find Melka Blanston. Talk to her to receive your reward.
- Reward: 300 XP, Monk Skills: Resurrect, Live Vicariously
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Symon's History of Ascalon
- Quest difficulty: Easy, just expensive if you don't have the items
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Witness Rastin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Witness Rastin in old Ascalon to receive this quest.
Head back to Ascalon City and talk to Symon the Scribe. He will tell you
that he will be glad to accommodate you, but he needs five rolls of
parchment first. He'll tell you to talk to Artisan Daved in Old Ascalon to
get the parchment. Just make sure you bring the items with you to craft
them. Once you have the parchment, Return to Symon. He will hand you the
history. Take the History to Witness Rastin for your reward.
- Reward: 2,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: none

Quest: Endangered Species
- Quest difficulty: Either VERY Easy or Moderate
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Master Ranger Nente
- Classes restrictions: Ranger only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Master Ranger Nente in Old Ascalon to receive this
quest. Now, if you kept the Melandru's Stalker that you charmed back in
pre-searing Ascalon, all you have to do is talk to him again to receive
your reward. If you didn't keep the Melandru's Stalker, or didn't equip
Charm Animal on your skill bar, you need to keep your eye out for a
Melandru's Stalker to charm. Once you have a Melandru's Stalker following
you as a pet, return to Master Ranger Nente for your reward.
- Reward: 200 XP, Unlock Ranger Skills: Hunter's Shot, Comfort Animal,
Troll Unguent, Charm Animal
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Charr Patrol
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Master Ranger Nente
- Classes restrictions: Ranger Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Master Ranger Nente in Old Ascalon to receive this
quest. Follow him as he travels throughout old Ascalon. (He'll be leading
you more or less south of where you first talked with him). Once he gets to
his destination, you'll have to fight a small band of Charr Stalkers. Kill
them all, then talk to Master Ranger Nente again for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Unlock Ranger Skills: Feral Lunge, Favorable Winds
- Additional quests unlocked: The Charr Staging Area

Quest: The Charr Staging Area
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Master Ranger Nente
- Classes restrictions: Ranger Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Master Ranger Nente in Old Ascalon to receive this
quest. Head west until you reach the second gate to the Breach. Enter the
breach and travel northeast until you reach the bridge. Just across the
bridge is a small group of Charr led by a boss named Gorgaan Hatemonger.
Kill him and the rest of the Charr in that group, then return to Master
Ranger Nente for your reward.
- Reward: 300 XP, Unlock Ranger Skills: Dodge, Quickening Zephyr
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Scorched Earth
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Elementalist Azuire
- Classes restrictions: Elementalist Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Elementalist Azuire in Old Ascalon to receive this
quest. As you wander around Old Ascalon, find and Kill five Hulking Stone
Elementals. Once five Hulking Stone Elementals have been destroyed, return
to Elementalist Azuire for your reward.
- Reward: 200 XP, Unlock Elementalist Skill: Ward Against Elements
- Additional quests unlocked:

Quest: Elemental Knowledge
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Elementalist Azuire
- Classes restrictions: Elementalist Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Elementalist Azuire in Old Ascalon to receive this
quest. Head northwest from this location until you see a path that turns
back southwest. Take this path and follow it until is turns south. Keep on
following the path until it turns west. At this point, your destination is
due West. Detour around the mountain now in front of you (You can go either
north or south, but I prefer north). Nearby is a cave with Shalev the
Hermit inside. Talk to Shalev to receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Unlock Elementalist Skills: Armor of Earth, Frozen Burst
- Additional quests unlocked: Shalev's Task

Quest: Shalev's Task
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Old Ascalon
- Received from: Shalev the Hermit
- Classes restrictions: Elementalist Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Shalev the Hermit in Old Ascalon after completing the
Elemental Knowledge quest. He'll tell you that he's looking for an
ingredient for a spell, a bottle of Fiery Unguent that's carried by Charr
Fire Callers. Head north from this location and enter the Breach. It's
hard to give you exact directions for where to go from here, since it seems
to change with each time you receive this quest. Anyways, Head towards the
Green Arrow and make sure to kill any Charr FIRE CALLER that crosses your
path. Eventually, one of them will drop a bottle of Fiery Unguent. Once you
have that bottle, Return to Shalev the Hermit for your reward.
- Reward: 300 XP, Unlock Elementalist Skills: Eruption, Shard Storm
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.3 Sardalac Sanitarium Quests

Quest: The Stolen Artifact
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Sardalac Sanitarium
- Received from: Necromancer Munne
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Necromancer Munne in Sardalac Sanitarium to receive
this quest. Head back out into Old Ascalon and meet back up with her. Let
her lead you north to a small group of Grawl. Kill them all. One of them
will drop a Holy Relic. Necromancer Munne will tell you to pick up the
relic and carry it back to the gates of the Sanitarium. Do so. Once she
tells you to bring it to her, drop it near her, then talk to her to receive
your reward.
- Reward: 200 XP, Unlocks Necromancer Skills: Insidious Parasite, Life Siphon
Deathly Swarm, and Animate Bone Horror
- Additional quests unlocked:

Quest: Death in the Ruins
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Sardalac Sanitarium
- Received from: Kasha Blackblood
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Kasha Blackblood in Sardalac Sanitarium to receive
this quest. Head out into old Ascalon and travel east until you run into
a group of Oberon's Minions. Kill six of them. Once six of Oberon's Minions
are dead...again, return to Kasha Blackblood in Sardalac Sanitarium for
your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Unlock Necromancer Skills: Dark Pact, Mark of Pain
- Additional quests unlocked: Oberon's Rage

Quest: Oberon's Rage
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Sardalac Sanitarium
- Received from: Kasha Blackblood
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Kasha Blackblood in Sardalac Sanitarium to receive
this quest. Head back out into Old Ascalon and travel a VERY short ways
east. You will soon encounter a group of Oberon's Minions, led by Oberon
the Reviled a short distance behind them. Kill the minions first, then when
they're all down, focus your fire on Oberon himself. He'll fall easily.
Once Oberon is dead, return to Kasha Blackblood for your reward.
- Reward: 350 XP, Unlock Necromancer Skills: Parasitic Bond, Putrid
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Trying Times
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Sardalac Sanitarium
- Received from: Vassar
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Vassar in Sardalac Sanitarium to receive this quest.
Head out into Old Ascalon and travel Southeast. You'll soon see a small
"valley" that has wandering Grawl. Kill them as necessary. Inside this
valley is a cave. Head inside the cave and pick up a mossy rock. Once you
have the mossy rock, return to Vassar for your reward.
- Reward: 300 XP, unlock Mesmer Skills: Chaos Storm, Mantra of Flame
- Additional quests unlocked: A Cure for Ralena

Quest: Mesmerizing the Enemy
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Sardalac Sanitarium
- Received from: Vassar
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Vassar in Sardalac Sanitarium to receive this quest.
Leave the Sanitarium and follow the path south until you come across the
gargoyle boss Ignis Phanaura. Kill him (using Backfire and spell
interrupters works well against him). Once he's dead, return to Vassar for
your reward.
- Reward: 200 XP, unlock Mesmer skills: Power Leak, Conjure Phantasm, Ether
Feast, and Imagined Burden
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: A Cure for Ralena
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Sardalac Sanitarium
- Received from: Vassar
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Vassar in Sardalac Sanitarium to receive this quest.
Head out into Old Ascalon and make your way towards the first gate to the
breach (the one you can't go through). For the record, this gate is almost
directly west of the entrance to Ascalon City. Head slightly west from
there until you see the Statue of Balthazar (this may be burning if your
country has the favor of the gods.) Beneath the statue is Master Ranger
Nente. Talk with him. He'll prepare the cure from the moss. Head back to
Vassar now and talk with him to claim your reward.
- Reward: 300 XP, unlock Mesmer Skills: Illusion of Haste, Energy Burn
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Family Ties
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Sardalac Sanitarium
- Received from: Avatar of Dwayna
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Avatar of Dwayna in Sardalac Sanitarium to receive
this quest. (I don't know if this quest requires your country to have the
Favor of the gods or not). At this point, you have a choice, you can leave
the Sanitarium through the gate and travel to Ascalon City, or just map
travel there. Whichever path you choose, once you near Ascalon city, turn
West and make your way towards the western gate to the Breach. Once you get
there, head south a little ways to one of the crystal formations and talk
to the ghosts of Barris and Tamra Lefey. Let them talk, then lead them back
to the "field" in front of Ascalon City and near the Krytan Ambassador.
Listen to the ghosts talk to their two living relatives, then talk to Elise
Lefey for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.4 Great Northern Wall Quests

- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Objectives:
= Scout for Bonfaaz Burntfur's Charr Forces
= Search North of the Wall to find the Charr army
= Report your findings to Captain Calhaan
= BONUS: Recover the four pieces of Kilnn Testibrie's Armor and return them
to his tomb.
= ADDED: Find a new way back. Run to the Wall.
- Walkthrough: Directions are going to be kind of screwy for this mission.
Know that there is only really one path that you can take, and the route
for the bonus is on a loop. When you begin the mission, talk to Captain
Calhaan, then run down the stairs and follow the path northwest across
the bridge. Keep on following this path around a gentle curve until you
reach a door. Open the door and keep on going until you start going back
up a hill. On the west side of the hill will be a pile of WRECKAGE with
the first piece of the armor for the bonus (Crest). Get back on the path,
and follow it until you reach a pool of tar with a bunch of Gargoyles
fighting a bunch of grawl. Head south into the little ampitheater there and
search through another pile of wreckage for the second piece of armor for
the bonus (The Cuisse). Head back to the pool and take the center path
(It's not the way you came, and it doesn't go up a hill and across the
bridge). While following this path, Talk to the ghost of Kilnn Testibrie to
trigger the bonus. Keep on following this path to the top to find the third
piece of armor for the bonus (The pauldron). Follow this path back down,
and stick to your right. After a little ways, you'll see another pile of
Wreckage on a small hill to your left. Search it to find the fourth and
final piece of armor (the Greaves). Return all four pieces to Kilnn
Testibrie to gain the reward for the bonus, and then return back to this
point and continue following the path. You'll fight a small group of Charr.
Keep on following this path, hugging the wall until the cutscene. After
the cutscene, you need to run back to the start, but you can't take the
same path you did coming here. Start by running south across the bridge,
then veering southeast towards the arch. Go through the arch and across
another bridge, then follow a path southeast to another bridge. About this
time, you should have your mission update and a door open. Keep on running
until you see the Great Northern Wall. Run up the stairs and talk to Cpt.
Calhaan to complete the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.5 Fort Ranik Quests

Mission: Fort Ranik
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Objectives:
= Push Back the invading Charr Army
= BONUS - Rescue Deeter Saberlin from his Charr Imprisonment
= ADDED - Located the RESTRAINING BOLT and return it to Seigemaster Lormar.
= ADDED - Located the ARMING CRANK and return it to Seigemaster Lormar.
= ADDED - Located the RELEASE LEVER and return it to Seigemaster Lormar.
- Walkthrough: Once you start the mission, head north and kill any charr
you come across. Once you get to the door. Master Armin will open the door
for you. Talk to him again to receive the bonus for this mission - rescue
son. Head north again through the door, once again killing all the charr.
Keep on following the path. There are a few side areas, but by and large,
there is only one way you can go. After a short ways, you will find
yourself heading under a bridge with a face on it. Keep on going until you
find yourself in a small clearing. Keep on following the path. Your map
will show some friendly npc's nearby (green dots). One of them will be
Deeter Saberlin. Talk to him to complete the bonus. Keep on following the
path, and it will lead you back to the main road. You are on the right path
if you see a charr "boss", and what look to be ruined aqueducts. (Look
for a ruined catapult). Keep on following the path. You will see several
ruined Trebuchets and Siegemaster Lormar. Talk to him. He will tell you
to find the missing pieces and he will repair it. Find the Salvaged
restraining bolt just NE of him. Find the Salvaged Release level south of
that. Keep on following the path to find the final piece. Once all three
pieces of the Trebuchet have been returned to Lormar, it will be repaired.
Pull the level once to arm it, then pull it again to watch all the charr
in the valley be blown to bits. Fight a few more charr, then make your way
to a trebuchet near the wall. Arm it, then wait for the charr to come out.
Fire the trebuchet and mop up the few charr that remain to complete the
- Reward: 1,000 xp plus 1 skill point, 1,000 xp for bonus
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Deliver a Message to my Wife
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Fort Ranik Mission
- Received from: Gurn Blanston
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Gurn Blanston while you are in the Fort Ranik Mission
to receive this quest. Once the mission is completed, travel back to
Ascalon City.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.6 Regent Valley Quests

Quest: Regent Valley Defense
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Regent Valley
- Received from: Sergeant Brannen
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Sergeant Brannen in Regent Valley to receive this
quest. Head Southwest to the center of this area and search around for
Charr. Kill any charr you come across. (You will need to travel almost due
west from the entrance of Fort Ranik to arrive at this location.) Once all
the Charr are dead, return to Lord Darrin for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Longbow (Piercing Dmg 9-13, Req. 3 Marksmanship, 2H)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.7 Frontier Gate Quests

Quest: Ruins of Surmia
- Quest difficulty: Relatively Easy
- Received in: Frontier Gate
- Received from: Warmaster Riga
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Riga in Frontier gate to receive this quest.
Head out of Frontier Gate and follow the road Northish, then head back east
to reach the Ruins of Surmia. Once inside, talk to Captain Marik to receive
your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Smiting Rod (Light Dmg 2-4)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Frontier Gate Fugitives
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Frontier Gate
- Received from: Warmaster Riga
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Warmaster Riga in Frontier Gate to receive this
quest. Leave Frontier Gate and enter the Eastern Frontier. Head Southeast,
following the path, until you reach a series of what appear to be ruined
buildings. Footman Tate will be hiding in one of them. Don't kill him, as
it appears that he's friendly. Talk to him and convince him that everything
will be alright. He'll agree to come with you. Just escort him to the gate.
Once he's back at the gate, return to the area where you found him, and
head south into the Pockmark Flats. Head south past the big crystal
formation. Take the path on the southeast side and follow it. When you get
a chance to turn southeast again, do so. Keep on moving southeast until you
find Footman Quinn. Kill him. Return to Warmaster Riga for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP, Longbow (Piercing Dmg 9-13, Req. 3 Marksmanship, 2H),
Focus Item (Energy +6, Req. 5 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.7 Eastern Frontier Quests

Quest: Caravan In Trouble
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Eastern Frontier
- Received from: Cynn
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Cynn in the Eastern Frontier near the portal for
Pockmark Flats to receive this quest. Enter Pockmark Flats and proceed a
VERY short way along the path. Cynn will comment about the Caravan still
being alive. The Caravan is being attacked by a small group of Storm
Riders. Kill them all, then talk to the Caravan Leader to receive your
- Reward: 250 XP, and two class-specific Skills
Warrior - Hamstring
Ranger - Lightning Reflexes
Monk - Smite
Elementalist - Fireball
Mesmer - Phantom Pain
Necromancer - Shadow of Fear
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.8 Serenity Temple Quests

Quest: Replacement Healers
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy - all you have to do is keep Devona alive
- Received in: Serenity Temple
- Received from: Priestess Rashenna
- Classes restrictions: Monk Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Priestess Rashenna in Serenity Temple to receive this
quest. Head out to Pockmark Flats and talk to Devona. Lead Devona to the
Eastern Frontier. Once in the Eastern Frontier, Follow Devona until she
reaches a group of Charr. Help her kill all the Charr, then return to
Priestess Rashenna for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Monk Skills: Infuse Health, Strength of Honor
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Unnatural Creatures
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Serenity Temple
- Received from: Erudine
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Erudine in Serenity Temple to receive this quest. Head
out into Pockmark Flats and make your way east to the big crystal formation
in the northeast part of the zone. Find and Kill Grenn Mindvenom. Pick up
the Storm Rider Tissue sample that he drops. Return to Erudine in Serenity
Temple and give her the tissue sample to claim your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Unlock Mesmer Skill: Diversion
- Additional quests unlocked: Experimental Elixir

Quest: Experimental Elixir
- Quest Difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Serenity Temple
- Received from: Erudine
- Class Restriction: Mesmer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Erudine in Serenity Temple to receive this quest. If
you have the Sardalac Sanitarium on your map, use it to travel there. If
not, map travel to Ascalon City and run southwest to the Sanitarium. Once
you've reached the Sanitarium, locate Fadden Hathorn. Talk to Him. He
doesn't sound quite right, does he? Give him the Experimental Elixir and he
regains his sanity. Head to the other end of the Sanitarium and talk to
Vassar for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Mesmer Skill: Shatter Hex
- Additional Quests Unlocked: None

Quest: The Way of the Geomancer
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Serenity Temple
- Received from: Kendrick Redstaff
- Classes restrictions: Elementalist Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Kendrick Redstaff in Serenity Temple to receive this
quest. Head out into Pockmark Flats. Find and kill ten Hulking Stone
Elementals. Once ten of them are destroyed, return to Kendrick Redstaff
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Geomancer's Test

Quest: The Geomancer's Test
- Quest Difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Serenity Temple
- Received from: Kendrick Redstaff
- Class Restriction: Elementalist Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Kendrick Redstaff in Serenity Temple to receive this
quest. Head out into the Pockmark Flats. Make sure that you have at least
three Scorched Lodestones. If you don't, kill the wandering stone
elementals (which come in at least three different types) until you have
three. Make your way east to the big crystal formation in the northwest
part of the zone. Once there, locate the three Earth Altar's, and place a
scorched lodestone on each of them. Once a scorched lodestone has been
placed on each of them, a level 11 Stone Golem will be summoned. Kill it
and return to Kendrick Redstaff for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Elementalist Skills: Magnetic Aura and Earth
- Additional Quests Unlocked: None

8.9 Piken Square Quests

Quest: Casualty Reports
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Undertaker Cortis
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Undertaker Cortis in Piken Square to receive this
quest. Return to Ascalon City and talk to Warmaster Tydus. Head back once
more to Piken Square and talk to Undertaker Cortis again to receive your
- Reward: 150 XP, Unlock Necromancer Skill: Shadow Strike (this is for
Necromancer's Only. No other classes receive skills)

- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Duke's Daughter
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Hard
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Viggo
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Viggo in Piken Square to receive this quest. Head out
into the Breach and head east until you reach the Diessa Lowlands. Once in
the Diessa Lowlands, Head east until you reach what appears to be a ruined
temple that is loaded with Charr. I recommend skirting around the edges, as
there is far too many for an average group to deal with. What you're
looking for is actually the ghost of Althea. Talk to her Ghost and then
return to Duke Barradin for your reward.
- Reward: 2,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Althea's Ashes

Quest: Althea's Ashes
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Hard - but it depends on the group and tactics
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Duke Barradin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Duke Barradin in Piken Square to receive this quest.
Head out into the Breach and then west to the Diessa Lowlands. Once in the
Diessa Lowlands, make your way to the tar pit in the northern section of
the area and enter the gate to the Flame Temple Corridor. The urn with
Althea's Ashes is in the northeast section of the zone, but this place is
literally crawling with high-level charr (all lvl 7 and lvl 8, plus a few
bosses). I suggest making your way around one of the edges, attacking one
group at a time. The one good thing about this quest is that the groups are
outside the "aggravation" range of each other, so if you're careful, you'll
only have to fight one group at a time. Make your way to the northeast
part of the temple, and climb the stairs. Find the stand with her ashes and
fill the urn Duke Barradin gave you. Return the urn to Duke Barradin for
your reward.
- Reward: 2,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Fires in the North
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Duke Barradin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Duke Barradin in Piken Square to receive this quest.
Head out into the Breach and make your way east into the Diessa Lowlands.
Head Northeast once you get to the Diessa Lowlands until you reach a Charr
Flame Temple. Kill all the Flame Keepers. Once their dead, return to Duke
Barradin for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP, Smiting Rod (Light Dmg 2-4)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Army Life
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Armsman Pitney
- Classes restrictions: Warrior Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Armsman Pitney in Piken Square to receive this quest.
Head out into The Breach and head east until you find Old Mac and his pet
devourer, Joe. Talk to them, then escort them back to Piken Square. Return
to Piken Square and talk to Armsman Pitney for your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, unlock Warrior Skills: Mighty Blow, Dismember
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Red Cloaked Deserter
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Farrah Cappo
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Farrah Cappo in Piken Square to receive this quest.
Map travel over to Fort Ranik (Trust me, it saves a LOT of time.) Head out
into Regent Valley and head west until you reach the river of Tar. Follow
the path the river takes, but stay on the south bank. Once you pass under
the bridge, head up onto the south shore. At this point, you should start
to see the green star showing Little Thom's location. Work your way around
and examine his body. Report back to Farrah Cappo for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP, Longbow (Piercing Dmg 9-13, Req. 3 Marksmanship, 2H)
Focus Item (Energy +6, req. 5 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Seige of Piken Square
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Duke Barradin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Duke Barradin in Piken Square to receive this quest.
Head back out into the breach. Kill all the charr in the small area just
next to the portal, including the charr captain. Return to Duke Barradin
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Smiting Staff (Energy +4, Light Dmg 3-4, Req. 4 Smiting
prayers, 2H) War Hammer (Blunt dmg 11-17, Req. 3 Hammer Mastery, 2H)
- Additional quests unlocked: Hammer and Anvil

Quest: Hammer and Anvil
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Duke Barradin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Duke Barradin in Piken Square to receive this quest.
Head back out into Breach and head to the Tar River southwest of Piken
Square. Join up with a group of Ascalon Militia and lead them to the Tar
pits at the end of the river. Kill all the charr in the area, including the
boss, Grimm Sharpfang. Return to Duke Barradin for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Tall Shield (Armor 6, req. 4 Tactics)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Garfazz Bloodfang
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Viggo
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Viggo in Piken Square to receive this quest. Head out
into the Breach, and head east following the paths until you enter the
Diessa Lowlands. Head Northeast from this location, following the paths,
until you come across a path heading West. Follow this path a ways until
you come across a set of stairs heading south. Take the stairs and follow
the path until you come across Garfazz Bloodfang. Kill him, then return to
Viggo for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Smiting Rod (Light Dmg 2-4), Longsword (Slashing Dmg 7-10,
Req. 4 Swordsmanship)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Charr Reinforcements
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Ivor Trueshot
- Classes restrictions: Ranger Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Ivor Trueshot in Piken Square to receive this quest.
Head back out into the Breach and talk to Aidan, who's just outside.
Follow him a short ways and kill all the charr that you come across. After
a short distance, you'll come across a small group of Charr Stalkers. Kill
them all, and then talk to Aidan again. He'll lead you to a Charr Supply
Depot. Kill all the Charr at this location, then talk to Aidan again. He'll
tell you that the last objective is to kill the Charr Leader, Kaargoth
Bloodclaw. Follow Aidan once more to this final location and kill all the
Charr there, including the boss. Once they're all dead, return to the
Piken Square and talk to Ivor Trueshot for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Unlock Ranger SKills: Distracting Shot, Call of Haste
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Fallen Soldiers
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Piken Square
- Received from: Undertaker Cortis
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Undertaker Cortis in Piken Square to receive this
quest. Head out into the Breach and travel West. After a little ways, you
will come to a fenced area, where there's a group of Charr. Kill all the
Charr in this area before continuing. After all the charr are dead, examine
the bodies of the Ascalon Soldiers for their Family Sigils. You need to
examine all the bodies to collect the required ten sigils. Once you have
ten Family Sigils, return to Piken Square and talk to Undertaker Cortis to
receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, Unlock Necromancer Skill: Soul Feast
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.10 Ruins of Surmia Quests

- Difficulty: Moderate
- Objectives:
= Rescue the soldiers taken prisoner by the Charr
= Safeguard Prince Rurik's Life
= Free all the Ascalon Captives
= ADDED: Cross the River and open the drawbridge for Rurik and Erol
= Get to the Obelisks inside the ruined academy
= BONUS: Extinguish the Flame Temple by defeating the flame keepers
- Walkthrough: When you enter the mission, meet up with Prince Rurik and
then follow the paths northwest through some ruins. After a bit, it will
turn back southeast, so keep on following it until you get to a big
staircase. Climb the staircase and keep on following this path as it goes
around. The path doesn't split off, and after a bit, you'll fight some
Charr and eventually cross a bridge before you will climb back up a hill.
Take the path that goes up the hill and follow it down the other side.
You'll cross a river of tar, and then reach a group of prisoners. After
killing all the charr, Rurik will open the cage and free the prisoners.
After freeing those prisoners, head northwest and free two more sets of
prisoners. After freeing the third group, you'll meet up with Erol, a
captive Flaming Scepter Mage. He'll lead you up a hill to a raised
drawbridge. Rurik and Erol will wait there for you to lower the drawbridge
from the other side. After leaving them, cross the river of tar to the east
and kill the charr guarding Breena Stavinson. Once she's safe, she'll give
you the bonus and a group of Charr Ember Bearers will spawn and start
moving to a charr gate to the west of the drawbridge. Follow them, but do
not attack them until they open the gate. Once the gate is open, kill all
the Ember Bearers and Flame keepers in this area to receive the bonus.
Now return to the river of Tar and follow it around until you can climb
the shore on the north side. Incidentally, the Surmian monument from the
Cities of Ascalon quest is right here. Follow the path until you're on the
opposite side of the drawbridge and then hit the lever to open it. Rurik
and Erol will now rejoin you. Follow this path around, fighting more Charr,
until Rurik frees some Flaming Scepter mages and leads you to an area that
looks off-kilter and is slightly slanted. All you have to do here is
protect Rurik and Erol until they open the door and you complete the
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.11 Nolani Academy Quests

- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Objectives:
= Return Prince Rurik south of the Wall to Safety
= Sneak out and Ambush the Charr forces besieging the Academy
= Return to the Nolani Academy to rendezvous with the Prince
= Defend Prince Rurik on the way back to the capital city of Rin
= BONUS: Return the Tome of the Fallen
= ADDED: Save Rin
- Walkthough: From where you enter the mission, head east, and follow the
mountain path east. After a short distance, the path will turn back
southeast. This next area is pretty open, but you want to head south. Keep
an eye out for Watchman Pramas. Talk to him to enable the bonus. Once he's
done talking, have someone pick up the Tome of the Fallen and make your way
west until you head back south to a mountain path that will lead you to
the Ascalon Wall. Once you reach the wall, head west along the wall, down
the stairs, and keep on heading west. Hug the southern wall. Before long,
you'll see a stairway heading down. Take the stairs and fight the Spirits
of the Fallen. Keep on fighting the Spirits of the Fallen, working your
way west, until you reach the Tome Pedestal. Place the Tome of the Fallen
on the Pedestal and talk to the old ascalon spirit to complete the bonus.
After you've completed the bonus, return to the wall, and Follow the big
road back to the start of the zone. Kill all the Charr in this area and
they will open the gate and Prince Rurik will come out and run to the door
on the wall. A short cutscene will play, where Rurik forces the overzealous
gate guard to open the door and Rurik will tell you that Stormcaller is the
only hope for Rin now and to make your way to Horn Hill. Fight your way to
Horn Hill (There's only one path with no branches) and you'll see another
cutscene where Rurik uses Stormcaller to make it rain. The advantage to
this is that it cuts the HP of all the charr in the area in half. Follow
Prince Rurik, killing all the charr along your path. Once you kill the
Charr boss, Bonfazz Burntfur, The mission is over. After the end-mission
cutscene, you will be in Yak's Bend.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.12 Yak's Bend Quests

Quest: The Way Is Blocked
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Captain Osric
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Osric in Yak's Bend to receive this quest.
Head out into Traveler's Vale and follow the road southwest to Borlis Pass.
Kill all the stone summit dwarves and the Snow ettins along the path.
Return to Captain Osric for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Road to Borlis Pass
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Captain Osric
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Osric in Yak's Bend to receive this quest.
Head out into Traveler's Vale and head southwest to Borlis Pass. Kill all
the Stone summit surrounding the entrance. Talk to Beecum Reedly for your
- Reward: 500 XP, Focus Item (Energy +7, req. 5 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Missing Artisan
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Tabor Woolridge
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Tabor Woolridge in Yak's Bend to receive this quest.
Head out into Traveler's Vale and head south until you reach the Ascalon
Foothills. Head into the Ascalon Foothills and head south until you can
turn east. Do so, then talk to Artisan Rudger for your reward. (He's by a
ressurrection point.)
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Helping the Dwarves
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Grand Mason Stonecleaver
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Grand Mason Stonecleaver in Yak's Bend to receive this
quest. Head out into Traveler's Vale and head Northwest to the entrance
of Iron Horse Mine. Talk to Rangil Ironbow to receive your reward.
- Reward: 250 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - Protector's Strike
Ranger - Debilitating Shot
Monk - Remove Hex
Elementalist - Gale
Mesmer - Mantra of Frost
Necromancer - Suffering
- Additional quests unlocked: Minaar's Trouble

Quest: Securing the Vale
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Van the Warrior
- Classes restrictions: Warrior Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Van the Warrior in Yak's Bend to receive this quest.
Head out into Traveler's Vale. Following the road, locate each of the three
patrol points. Clear each one of enemies. Once all three are clear, report
back to Van the Warrior (I wish I could give you clearer directions, but
the best I can do is tell you to head towards the green arrows and stars.)
- Reward: 500 XP, Swift Chop, Irresistable Blow, Seeking Blade
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Shiverpeak Stragglers
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Captain Osric
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Osric in Yak's Bend to receive this quest.
Head out into Traveler's Vale. Head south following the road until you
find the group of Ascalon Refugees. Protect them from attacks and escort
them back to Yak's Bend. Once they're back to Yak's Bend, talk to Captain
Osric to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Smiting Rod (Light Dmg 4-7, Req. 5 Smiting Prayers), War
Hammer (Blunt Dmg: 13-20, req. 5 Hammer Mastery, 2H)
- Additional quests unlocked: Oswalt's Epitaph

Quest: The Wayward Monk
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Van the Warrior
- Classes restrictions: Monk Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Van the Warrior in Yak's Bend to receive this quest.
Head out into Traveller's Vale. Talk to Cynn. Head Northwest to the
entrance to Iron Horse Mine. Head into Iron Horse Mine and head North.
Find and talk to Brother Mhenlo to receive your reward.
- Reward: 350 XP, Unlock Monk Skills: Vigorous Spirit, Pacifism, Divine Boon
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Renegade Necromancer
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Necromancer Morgan
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Necromancer Morgan in Yak's Bend to receive this
quest. Head out into Traveler's Vale and follow the road southwest. When
you reach the turnoff where you would turn west and head up the hill to
Borlis pass, turn east instead, as if you were heading to the Ascalon
Foothills. After a short distance, you'll start encountering Verata's
Horrors. Kill them, and then talk to Verata himself. He'll spout off some
nonsense about you being sent to interrupt his experiments, then he'll run
off. Once he leaves, return to Yak's Bend and talk to Necromancer Morgan
for your reward.
- Reward: 350 XP, Unlock Necromancer Skills: Necrotic Transversal, Defile
Flesh, Well of Blood
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: A Heart of Ice
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Howland the Elementalist
- Classes restrictions: Elementalist Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Howland the Elementalist in Yak's Bend to receive this
quest. Head out into Traveler's Vale and follow the road until you find
a bridge, on which is Grelpak Froststaff and a group of Ice Golems. Talk to
Grelpak after completing the first group of ice golems and he'll give you
the Heart of Ice. Once you have the Heart of Ice, return to Howland for
your reward
- Reward: 350 XP, Unlock Elementalist Skills: Whirlwind, Ward against Foes,
Ice Prison
- Additional quests unlocked:

Quest: The Stone Summit Champion
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Yak's Bend
- Received from: Sebedoh the Mesmer
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Sebedoh the Mesmer in Yak's Bend to receive this
quest. Head out into Traveler's Vale and locate the Stone Summit boss,
Ulric Frostbite. Kill Ulric Frostbite and then return to Sebedoh for your
- Reward: 350 XP, Unlock Mesmer Skills: Fragility, Power Spike, Channeling
- Additional quests unlocked:

8.13 Traveler's Vale Quests

Quest: Oswalt's Epitaph
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Traveler's Vale
- Received from: Elsa Alston
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Elsa Alston in Traveler's Vale to receive this quest.
Head out south to the portal for the Ascalon Foothills. Once in the Ascalon
Foothills, head south and then head back east when you can. Engrave the
message on Oswalt's Grave, then talk to the Ghost of Oswalt Alston to
receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Focus Item (Energy +7, req. 5 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Minaar's Trouble
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Traveler's Vale
- Received from: Rangil Ironbow.
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Rangil Ironbow in Traveler's Vale to receive this
quest. Head into Iron Horse Mine and travel north. Keep on traveling north
until you come to the mines. Enter the mines (you don't change zones) and
locate Minaar Stonesledge. Talk to him, then return to Rangil for your
- Reward: 500 XP, Tall Shield (Armor:7, req. 5 Tactics), Focus Item
(Energy +7, req. 5 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: Minaar's Worry

Quest: Minaar's Worry
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Traveler's Vale
- Received from: Rangil Ironbow
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Rangil Ironbow in Traveler's Vale to receive this
quest. Head back into Iron Horse Mine and head north until you get to the
mines. Travel through the mines and then head east. (It'll look like a
typical mining setup). Locate and Kill Ore Ironwhip. He'll drop the
plans that Rangil wants. Pick them up and return to Rangil Ironbow for
your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Battle Axe (Dmg: 6-16, req. 5 axe mastery)
- Additional quests unlocked: Iron Horse War Machine

Quest: Iron Horse War Machine
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Traveler's Vale
- Received from: Rangil IronBow
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Rangil Ironbow in Traveler's Vale to receive this
quest. Head into Iron Horse Mine. Turn left at the fork and follow the path
until you can turn right again (you will be heading north at this point).
Head north until you come across a "Dwarven Powder Keg Station". Pick up a
keg and carry it back to a lever. Drop the keg and it will blow up the
lever. Repeat this procedure for each of the remaining eight levers. Once
all nine levers have been blown to smithereens, return to Rangil Ironbow
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Smiting Staff (Energy +5, Light Dmg 4-7, Req. 5 Smiting
Prayers, 2H), Longbow (Piercing Dmg 11-18, req. 5 Marsksmanship, 2H)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Stone Summit Beastmasters
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Traveler's Vale
- Received from: Artemis the Ranger
- Classes restrictions: Ranger Only
- Walkthrough: Talk to Artemis the Ranger in Traveler's Vale to receive this
quest. (She's near the entrance to Iron Horse Mine). Enter Iron Horse Mine
and travel North until you see a small group of Stone Summit Beastmasters
led by Thorgrim Beastlasher, a stone summit beastmaster boss. Kill them
all, then return to Artemis for your reward.
- Reward: 350 XP, Unlock Ranger Skills: Whirling Defense, Winter, Call of
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.14 Borlis Pass Quests

Mission: Borlis Pass
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Objectives:
= Negotiate Passage to Grooble's Gulch and shelter for the Ascalon Refugees
= Ignite all the Storm beacons to light the way through the storm
= Find out what happened to Prince Rurik's negotiations with Dwarf King
Jalis Ironhammer
= ADDED: Break through the locked gate into Maladar's Fort
= ADDED: Bring an end to the siege of Krok's Hollow. Destroy all the
Ballistae and the forces outside the gate
= ADDED: Light the Magical Signal Beacons
= BONUS: Kill the Ice Drake
- Walkthrough: Talk to the soldier in front of you. He will hand you a torch
that someone in your party will need to carry. Light the beacon in front of
you, then head down the path, lighting all the beacons as you go (There are
a total of Seven beacons). After the last beacon is lit, you will find a
soldier near a closed gate. Give him the torch and he will open the gate
for you. Follow the path (it will only go one direction, as the turnoffs
all go to the same place) Fight your way to a closed gate. Nearby will be
a Dwarven Powder Keg Station. Pick up a powder keg and blow open the gate.
Clear this area of enemies, making sure to kill the Stone Summit Engineers
who are manning the Ballistae. Head into this area (again, there is really
only one path) until you come do a Gate with a lever. You can open it, but
don't go through it yet. Continue on a bit. There will be another path
just down from this gate with two doors that can be blown open with kegs
from a nearby Powder Keg station. Blow open the second one and talk to the
dwarf inside. He will tell you that the Stone Summit have an Ice drake that
they're planning to unleash on Grooble's Gulch and asks you if you could
kill it. (This is the Bonus). Grab another Keg and place it next to the
wooden planks/pillars in his "prison". This will blow open the snowpile
behind him, revealing a cave. Follow this cave to the end. There will be
several Frostfire Driders inside. Kill them all. At the end of the cave
will be the Ice Drake (Classified as a lvl 14 Boss). Kill him to complete
the bonus. Once he's dead, return to the gate with the lever and open it
if it hasn't been already. Follow the path, killing all the Ice Golems and
Stone Summit in the area, again making sure to kill the Engineers at the
Ballistae (You get a +2 Morale Boost for each engineer you kill btw). Once
this area is clear of enemies, you will come across Prince Rurik. Talk to
him and the Dwarven king Ironhammer. After a short cinematic cutscene, the
dwarven king will hand you a magical torch. Follow the path out the other
exit and up the hill. You will be attached by Stone Summit. Kill them all
and proceed up the hill (again, there is really only one way to go). Light
all three of the small beacons to light the larger, magical one. Once the
big beacon is lit, the mission is complete. (Thanks to Tom vd Bogaert for
this write-up)
- Reward: 1,000 xp plus 1 skill point, 1,000 xp for bonus

8.15 Frost Gate Quests

- Quest difficulty:
- Objectives:
= Open the Frost Gate
= Destroy the Ballistae to secure safe passage for Rurik and the AScalon
= Retrieve the Gear lever from the Dwarven fort to open the Frost Gate
= ADDED: Use the Gear Lever on the Lever mechanism to reach the frost gate
= ADDED: Activate the three Frost Gate Lever Mechanisms before the Stone
Summit overwhelms Rurik
= BONUS: Steal the Stone Summit's Secret plans for a powerful siege
- Walkthrough: When you enter the mission, run west and up the little dogleg
of a hill there, then turn back east and continue climbing the hill. At the
top, turn south and cross the metaled bridge. Kill the Summit Engineer
manning the ballista nearby to open the doors, then kill that small group
of Stone Summit. Follow the path east until you can turn south again. Run
south, killing all the Stone summit in your way until you come across a
door to the east, and a bridge to the west. Run across the bridge and kill
the Summit Engineer firing the ballista at the end of this path to open
the door. Return to the door and follow this new path east until you have
to turn south. Follow this path into an ice cave, and then run west until
you can back southeast and locate Rornak Stonesledge. Talk to him to
activate the bonus, and he'll follow you. Run all the way to the west side
of the cave, and keep on heading west. Shortly after the cave, there will
be a small turnoff that will keep on heading west. Take it and follow this
path until you come across an ummanned ballista. Rornak will repair it, and
use it to blow open a set of doors to the east. Return to the bridge you
bypassed earlier, and take the new path east until the end. Open the chest
here to reveal the secret Siege weapon plans. Pick up the plans and return
them to Rornak to receive the reward for the bonus. Return to the area with
the pair of Ballistae, and take the southern door, run a little further down
the path, and then take the door to the east. Follow this path until you
come across the first lever mechanism. Pick up and use the gear lever on
the lever mechanism, then kill all the stone summit here. After the door
opens, run southwest and right in front of you is the first of three lever
mechanisms. Use the gear lever on this lever mechanism, and when the gear
lever is available again, repeat the process on the remaining two lever
mechanisms. After all three have been activated, just hold out until the
Frost gate opens and the final cutscene finishes the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.16 Beacon's Perch Quests

Quest: Hungry Devourer
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Beacon's Perch
- Received from: Master Saberlin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Master Saberlin in Beacon's Perch to receive this
quest. Head out the nearby exit into Deldrimor Bowl and talk to Old
Mac. He'll tell you that Joe is hungry and need 10 succulent juniper meats.
Talk to Joe to have him follow you. Head North following the path, and then
turn east until you find a group of Succulent Junipers. Kill them all and
collect the juniper meats that they drop. Odds are, you will not collect
enough to satisy Joe. Head north by northeast from here following the path
until you find another bunch of succulent Junipers. Repeat the process
and when you have ten Succulent Juniper Meats, feed them all to Joe. Return
to Old Mac. Talk to him and he'll tell you that Joe is now full and you
should talk to Master Saberlin. Return to Beacon's Perch and talk to Master
Saberlin for your reward.
- Reward: 400 XP, two Class-Specific Skills
Warrior - Flurry
Ranger - Pin Down
Monk - Divine Spirit
Elementalist - Lightning Strike
Mesmer - Shatter Enchantment
Necromancer - Rotting Flesh
- Additional quests unlocked: The Deserters

Quest: The Deserters
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Beacon's Perch
- Received from: Master Saberlin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Master Saberlin in Beacon's Perch to receive this
quest. Head out into Deldrimor Bowl and travel North. Head all the way
north, following the roads, until you reach the portal for the next zone.
(I believe that it is Anvil Rock). Head just west from this location until
you find the deserters. Kill all of them, and open the chests. Once the
grisly task is done, return to Master Saberlin for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, two Class-Specific Skills
Warrior - Bonetti's Defense
Ranger - Serpent's Quickness
Monk - Balthazar's Spirit
Elementalist - Ice Spear
Mesmer - Inspired Hex
Necromancer - Strip Enchantment
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: To Kryta: Refugees
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Beacon's Perch
- Received from: Master Saberlin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Master Saberlin in Beacon's Perch to receive this
quest. Head out into the Deldrimor Bowl and follow the path northwest
until you can turn southwest. Follow the path, killing all centaur groups
you come across. Talk to the Ranger near the entrance to the ice cave to
receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: to Kryta: Ice Cave

8.17 Griffin's Mouth Quests

Quest: To Kryta: Ice Cave
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Griffin's Mouth
- Received from: Master Seeker Nathaniel
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Master Seeker Nathaniel to receive this quest. Head
east through the ice cave following the path until it turns south. Follow
this path until you find Aidan. Talk to him to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: To Kryta: Journey's End

Quest: To Kryta: Journey's End
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Griffin's Mouth
- Received from: Aidan
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Aidan at the edge of the Ice cave in Griffin's Mouth
to receive this quest. Head out to nearby Scoundrel's Rise and talk to
Ambassador Braun. He will tell you to travel southwest unti you reach the
Gates of Kryta and talk to Witness Casori. Enter the Gates of Kryta and
talk to Witness Casori for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.18 Gates of Kryta Quests

Mission: Gates of Kryta
- Quest difficulty: Moderate to Moderately difficult
- Received in: Gates of Kryta
- Received from: No one - Enter Mission to start
- Classes restrictions: None
- Objectives:
= Secure a safe place for your people to settle
= Make contact with the local authorities in Lion's Arch
= Head south across the beach to find Justiciar Hablion
= BONUS: Retrieve the Orrian text and have it translated
- Walkthrough: Note - this mission is somewhat different from all the
previous missions as you don't talk to an NPC to receive the bonus. Don't
worry, I will tell you how to receive the bonus XP. From where you start,
head south. After a short distance, head east down the hill, and click on
the pig "oink", to get him to follow you. (This is part of the bonus.)
Continue south until the bend, which will turn around and head north, then
turn around again and head in a southernly direction for a while. After a
bit, you will pass under a gate. Go through the gate and talk to Justicar
Toriimo. He will direct you to talk to Justicar Hablion. While you're in
this area, head southeast from Toriimo and bring the pig to Cheswick. This
is the first part of the bonus. Once Cheswick recognizes his pig, talk to
the Orrian Historian next to him, and he will tell you he needs an Orrian
Historical Text, which is the second part of the bonus. Leave this area
through the other gate and hug the mountain range on your left. You will
soon come across a bridge, connecting a small island, followed by another
bridge. Head into the water on the left of this bridge and pass under it.
Head north, staying on the river until you reach a shipwreck with a chest.
Open the chest to reveal the Orrian text that the historian was talking
about. Bring it back to the historian, but watch out for the phantoms that
emerge. They are level 17 and are VERY fond of using lightning based
magics. Once the text is back in the hands of the historian, return to the
double bridges. Head east across the double bridges and talk to Justicar
Hablion. He will tell you that the Ascalon Refugees are welcome in Kryta,
as long as you help him clear the swamps of undead. so from where you are,
head north, killing all undead that you come across. Keep on heading in
north until the road forks again, and take the right fork. Follow the path
until you find a "valley" with several little "islands" in standing water.
STAY out of the water as much as possible, as it is poisonous. Kill all
undead and head north and kill the undead there to complete the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP plus 1 skill point, plus 1,000 XP for Bonus, Access to
Lion's Arch
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.19 Lion's Arch Quests

Quest: Report to the White Mantle
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Lion's Arch
- Received from: Armen the Guide
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Armen the guide in Lion's Arch to receive this quest.
Head out the north gate to North Kryta Province and follow the path on
your left until you see the gate for D'Alessio Seaboard. Enter and talk to
White Mantle Knight Karriya for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Smiting Rod (Light Dmg 5-10, reqs 6 smiting prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Villainy of Galrath
- Quest difficulty: Extremely Difficult
- Received in: Lions Arch
- Received from: Firstwatch Sergio
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: (Note: I recommend completing Hot Springs Murders, or finding
your way to the Temple of the Ages as you will find a lot more people at
the springs who are trying to complete this quest.) Talk to Firstwatch
Sergio in Lion's Arch to receive this quest. Head out to North Kryta
Province and make your way north to Nebo Terrace. Once in Nebo Terrace,
head due east (more or less), until you reach the cursed lands. Head west
through these lands until you can turn east again south of the mountain
ridge. Keep on following this path until it takes you to Kessex Peak.
Follow the path through Kessex peak southwest. After travelling through the
swamp, you will come to an open area with lots of Ancient Oakhearts and
Forest Minotaurs. Carefully make your way through this area to the other
side and climb the hill. You will now see the tower. Work your way around
back down the hill, still following the path. Now this is where the quest
gets really hard. You will have to fight your way back through that group
of bad guys. Kill them all carefully, then proceed back towards the tower
until you can see Galrath. Kill him, then return to Firstwatch Sergio for
your reward
- Reward: 4,000 XP, Smiting Staff (Energy +6, Light Dmg 5-10, req. 6
smiting prayers, two-handed), Long Sword (Slashing dmg 12-18, req.
6 swordmanship)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Orrian Excavation
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Lions Arch
- Received from: Magi Malaquire
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Magi Malaquire to receive this quest. Leave Lion's
arch and head to the northernmost part of North Kryta Province (where the
Ocean is). You will see path heading up from a small pool. Take it. (By
this point, you should be seeing the little green star). On your way up,
you will be attacked by several Enchanted Clay's. Kill them and pick up the
Magical Clay shards that they drop (you only need five). Return to Lion's
Arch and give the shards to Magi Malaquire for your reward.
- Reward: 400 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Malaquires Test

Quest: Merchant's Plea
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Lion's Arch
- Received from: Bodrus the Outfitter
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Bodrus the outfitter to receive this quest, then head
out into North Kryta Province. Follow the road north until you reach the
ocean, then head west. You will see a path heading up west from the beach.
Take the path, then head north again until you reach the Ascalon
settlement. Find Captain Greywind in the Ascalon Settlement for your
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Blankets for the Settlers, Reversing the

Quest: The Weaver of Nebo
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Lion's Arch
- Received from: Jiaju Tai
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Jiaju Tai in Lions Arch to receive this quest. Head
north into North Kryta Province and keep on going until you pass through
the Ascalon Settlement. Follow the path until you get to Nebo Terrace.
Stay on the path until it forks. Take the right fork to get to a small
village. Find and talk to Weaver Etham the Artisan to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Malaquire's Test
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Lion's Arch
- Received from: Magi Malaquire
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Magi Malaquire in Lion's Arch to receive this quest.
(This is where it get's a bit different). To complete this quest, you need
to use the signet of capture. The signet of capture follows certain rules:
1) The signet can only be used on bosses. 2) The signet can only capture
skills of your professions (E.g. An elementalist couldn't use it to capture
Distracting Shot, which is a ranger skill), and 3) The signet permanently
is replaced by that skill. To use the signet, whenever you see a boss
monster using a skill that you want to capture, kill the boss. Once the
boss is dead, activate the signet of capture. A list will pop up of all the
skills the boss knew, with the ones you already have grayed out. Choose the
skill you want to capture, and click accept. Once you have a skill captured
with the signet, return to Magi Malaquire for your reward. Note - It's
worth your while to wait until you see a boss using an elite skill of your
profession, as these are skills that can only be unlocked using the Signet
of Capture.
- Reward: 500 XP, Signet of Capture
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Can't We get Along? (Kurzick)
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lion's Arch
- Received from: Meika Ulrikar
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Note - this quest is part of the Guild Wars Factions set, and
may or may not be available once Factions is officially released (It it is
no longer available, I will note that here.) Talk to Meika Ulrikar in Lions
arch to receive this quest. Now, make your way to the Kurzick settlement in
Nebo Terrace (North of Bergen Hot springs) and talk to Baron Ulrikar. He
won't listen to reason, and basically tell you that he intends to eliminate
the Luxons. Return to Meika for your reward.
- Reward: 2,500 XP, 250 Kurzick Faction
- Additional quests unlocked: Attack the Luxons

Quest: Can't We get Along? (Luxon)
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Lion's Arch
- Received from: Dalus Ekarus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Note - this quest is part of the Guild Wars Factions set, and
may or may not be available once Factions is officially released (It it is
no longer available, I will note that here.) Talk to Dalus Ekarus in Lions
arch to receive this quest. Now, make your way to the Luxon settlement in
North Kryta Province (Near the ascalon settlement actually) and talk to
Seaguard Ekarus. He won't listen to reason, and basically tell you that he
intends to eliminate the Kurzicks. Return to Dalus for your reward.
- Reward: 2,500 XP, 250 Luxon Faction
- Additional quests unlocked: Attack the Kurzicks

8.20 North Kryta Province Quests

Quest: Duties of a Lionguard
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: North Kryta Province
- Received from: Lionguard Riddik
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Lionguard Riddik in North Kryta Province to receive
this quest (he's just outside the gates of Lion's Arch.) Head up the hills
northwest from his location. Follow the path until you reach a small farm.
Talk to Miraba to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Bandit Trouble

Quest: Bandit Trouble
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: North Kryta Province
- Received from: Miraba
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Miraba to receive this quest. Head to D'Alessio
Seaboard and talk to White Mantle Knight Karriya. He will give you
something to take back to Miraba. Return to Miraba and give her the token
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Tall Shield (Armor: 9, req. 6 Tactics.)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Blankets for the Settlers
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: North Kryta Province
- Received from: Captain Greywind
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Greywind in North Kryta Province to receive
this quest. Follow the path through the Ascalon Settlement until you see
the signs for Nebo Terrace. (It's on the north side). Enter Nebo Terrace
and follow the path until the road forks, then take the right fork. Keep
on following the path until you see a small village. Find and Talk to
Weaver Etham the Artisan and give him the Militia Weapons. He will give you
Settlement Blankets. Return to Captain Greywind for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Longbow (Piercing Dmg 12-21, req. 6 Marksmanship, 2-H)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Reversing the Skales
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: North Kryta Province
- Received from: Captain Greywind
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Greywind in the Ascalon Settlement in North
Kryta Province. Map travel over to the Gates of Kryta outpost and find a
group or recruit henchmen. (It's easier to get to the destination of this
quest from here.). Get a party together and venture out into Scoundrel's
rise. Follow the path Northeast to the beach, then head back west. You
will soon come across a fair amount of Bog Scales. Keep on heading west
until you come across Executioners and an undead BOSS - Lord Timot (lvl 21)
Kill them all, then report back to Captain Greywind in the Ascalon
Settlement in North Kryta Province for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Focus Item (Energy +8, req. 6 Healing Prayers), Smiting
Rod (Light Dmg 5-10, req. 6 Smiting Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Last Hog
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: North Kryta Province
- Received from: Farmer Dirk
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Farmer Dirk in North Kryta Province to receive this
quest. Follow the road Southwest from his location until the road splits.
Take the left fork until you find the prize-winning Hog. Now, as Farmer
Dirk mentioned, the hog is skittish and will not follow you back. The hog
will run in the direction opposite you, so you will have to herd it back to
Farmer Dirk. To make things more difficult, you will be attacked by Gypsy
Ettins on the return trip. Once the Hog is back with Farmer Dirk, talk to
him for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - Staggering Blow
Ranger - Otyugh's Cry
Monk - Life Attunement
Elementalist - Gale
Mesmer - Leech Signet
Necromancer - Blood Ritual
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Graven Images
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: North Kryta Province
- Received from: Archivist Ithilar
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Find Archivist Ithilar in North Kryta Province. Talk to him
to receive this quest. A bunch of nightmares will start attacking you.
Protect him from the Nightmares until he says he's done. Talk to him once
again to receive your reward.
- Reward: 600 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - Axe Rake
Ranger - Determined Shot
Monk - Dwayna's Kiss
Elementalist - Inferno
Mesmer - Mantra of Lightning
Necromancer - Dark Aura
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Ascalon Settlement
- Quest difficulty: Easy to Moderate
- Received in: North Kryta Province
- Received from: Devona
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Start from Lion's Arch. Head out into North Kryta Province
and talk with Devona after the little conversation among the group there.
Devona, Cynn, Mhenlo, and Aidan will all follow you to the Ascalon
Settlement in the northern section of this zone. Head there, choosing
whatever path you prefer. Be careful about enemies though, as they usually
won't participate in any fights. Once you get them to the Settlement, lead
them to Captain Greywind. Once your log updates, talk to Captain Greywind
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Two class-specific Skills
Warrior - Final Thrust
Ranger - Throw Dirt
Monk - Heal Other
Elementalist - Lightning Orb
Mesmer - Wastrel's Worry
Necromancer - Enfeeble
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Destroy the Kurzicks (Luxon)
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: North Kryta Province
- Received from: Seaguard Ekarus
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Note - this quest is part of the Guild Wars Factions set, and
may or may not be available once Factions is officially released (It it is
no longer available, I will note that here.) Talk to Seaguard Erekus in
North Kryta Province to receive this quest. What I suggest now is to map
over to Bergen Hotsprings and form a group there, as you won't have to go
as far. If not, your goal is a spot just southeast of the portal to North
Kryta Province in Nebo Terrace. (Head north from Bergen is leaving from
there.) Meet up with Seaguard Ekarus and follow him to the Kurzick
settlement. Kill every Kurzick there. Once All the Kurzicks are dead, talk
to Seaguard Ekarus to receive your reward. Alternatively, you can leave
from Beetletun and run east past the Kurzick settlement to meet up with
the Luxons. NOTE - if you complete this quest, you CANNOT take the Crush
the Luxons quests offered by Baron Ulrikar.
- Reward: 5,000 XP, 500 Luxon Faction
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.21 D'Alessio Seaboard Quests

- Quest difficulty:
- Objectives:
= Lend Aid to the White Mantle in their fight against the Undead
= Hurry to the Temple of Tolerance
= Discuss the undead menace with Confessor Dorian
= ADDED: Clear out the undead from the village of Hakewood
= ADDED: Protect Confessor Dorian ffrom the undead
= ADDED: Head to the southwest. Locate Dinas and the Scepter of Orr
= BONUS: Deliver the Village's offering intact to the Statue of Melandru
- Walkthrough: Follow the path that you're on across the bridge ahead and up
into the town of Hakewood. Hug the wall on your left, as there is an NPC
(Benji Makala) that needs to be rescued if you want a shot at the bonus.
This walkthrough will be written as if the bonus is accessible - but I will
point out where the two paths diverge and reconvene. Kill all the undead
within the village. If needed, there is a mending shrine in the middle of
the town which gives a health regen. Once all the undead have been killed,
talk to Gate guard Makala if Benji is still alive to have him open the gate
or talk to the regular gate guard (the more southern one) if Benji died.
The path for the mission only and the path for the bonus are not the same.
Anyways, After Gate guard Makala opens the gate for you, follow the path
in front of you down through a VERY small village, and into a swamp. After
you're in the swamp, keep on following the path (there's only one real
path to take) until you climb a hill and reach a gate in front of you and a
path leading to an altar off to your right. Send someone off to pick up the
offering from the altar, and to carry it for a while, I HIGHLY suggest one
of the spellcasters carry it. Rush down the path, and up into the building
that is ahead of you. BTW - here is where the path rejoins if your group
did not keep Benji alive and had to take the mission only path. Rush up the
stairs and into the Mending Shrine near Confessor Dorian. Fight off several
waves of undead until Confessor Dorian will allow you to talk to him. Once
Dorian is safe, follow the northwest path down, until you can turn right
and head northwest up the hill. When you reach the fork at the top, take
the left (westernmost) fork, and take the path that keeps on going up the
hill. Keep on following this path, as it really doesn't fork at all. You're
on the right track if you fight Ancient Oakhearts. Keep on going until you
see the Statue of Melandru and an Altar in front of it. Put the offering on
the altar to receive the reward for the bonus. (The Altar is called
Melandru's Offering). Now, run back down the hill. Once at the bottom, near
where you turned off for the bonus, follow the path southwest, up the hill,
and kill all the enemies there. Once everything is dead there, talk to
Dinas to complete the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.22 Nebo Terrace Quests

Quest: The Hot Springs Murders
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Nebo Terrace
- Received from: Inspector Caleb
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Inspector Caleb in the village in Nebo Terrace to
receive this quest. Follow the path East from the village to the turn-off
to North Kryta Province. Instead of taking that path, follow the road
south, being careful about engaging the Caromi Tengu. Keep on following
this road, and it will lead you to Bergen Hot Springs. Talk to the four
NPCs there and collect their written testimonies. Once you have all four,
return to Inspector Caleb and talk to him. He will tell you that the White
Mantle next to him, Justiciar Gilead (Unsure of name) is now handling the
case and to talk to him. Talk to him for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - Counter Blow
Ranger - Bestial Pounce
Monk - Mend Ailment
Elementalist - Grasping Earth
Mesmer - Illusion of Weakness
Necromancer - Blood of the Master
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Crush the Luxons (Kurzick)
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Nebo Terrace
- Received from: Baron Ulrikar
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Note - this quest is part of the Guild Wars Factions set, and
may or may not be available once Factions is officially released (It it is
no longer available, I will note that here.) Talk to Baron Ulrikar in Nebo
Terrace to receive this quest. If you're doing this with henchmen, I
recommend leaving from Beetletun or Bergen hotsprings and fighting your way
to the Luxon Settlement in North Kryta Province. Regardless of where you
start from, head to the northwest end of North Kryta Province, on the path
between the Luxon Settlement and the Ascalon Settlement. Meet up with Baron
Ulrikar and follow him to the Luxon Settlement. Kill all the Luxons there.
Once every Luxon is dead, talk to Baron Ulrikar again for your reward.
NOTE - If you complete this quest you CANNOT take the Destroy the Kurzick's
quest from Seaguard Ekarus.
- Reward: 5,000 XP, 500 Kurzick Faction
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.23 Beetletun Quests

Quest: The Undead Hordes
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Beetletun
- Received from: Elder Hezron
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Elder Hezron in Beetletun to receive this quest. Head
out to nearby Watchtower Coast. Once you get there, be prepared to fight
off a few large waves of undead. Most will be lower level, but a few will
be lvl 15-17. Once all the undead waves are gone, return to Elder Hezron
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - Griffon's Sweep
Ranger - Symbiosis
Monk - Holy Veil
Elementalist - Water Attunement
Mesmer - Inspired Enchantment
Necromancer - Plague Touch
- Additional quests unlocked:

8.24 Divinity Coast Quests

- Quest difficulty: Mission - Average, Bonus - Hard
- Objectives:
= Administer the Test of the Chosen
= Retrieve the Eye of Janthir from Justiciar Hablion in the upper courtyard
of Shaemoor
= Deliver the Eye to the coastal city of Loamhurst
= ADDED: Cleanse yourself in the Fountain of Truth on the hill
= BONUS: Find and escort all the chosen to Loamhurst.
- Walkthrough: When you enter the mission, follow the path all the way down
until you reach the beachhead and the gates to the village of Shaemoor.
Enter the town and talk to Justicar Hablion. He tells you to cleanse
yourself in the fountain of truth at the top of the nearby hill, and a gate
nearby opens. From Hablion, head southeast to the open gate, and fight your
way up the hill. To Cleanse yourself, simply walk into the fountain. Make
your way back to Hablion and pick up the eye. Talk to all the villagers in
the town, but only one of them is going to be a chosen. Talk to the gate
guard at the closed gate to open the way forward. Stay on the path, and
follow it around until you have to cross a rather large bridge. Cross it
quickly, as there is someone you need to save on the other side. Once he's
Safe, talk to him to get the bonus opened. Take the path to the south to
pick up the third chosen (There are five total.) Pick him up, then return
to the bridge and take the path to the southwest. When you reach the top,
take the path to the south again and follow it around to the west to pick
up the fourth chosen. Follow the path until you reach the town, and then
turn west. Move quickly, as the fifth and final chosen is right there and
gets attacked and killed easily. Once you have him, continue west along the
path down into the swamp. Keep on following the path, as it doesn't fork
until you reach the village of Loamhurst. Talk to Lionguard Minah to
deliver the chosen and get the reward for the bonus, then place the eye on
the glowing altar to finish the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.25 Temple of Ages Quests

Quest: The False Gods
- Quest difficulty: Relatively Easy
- Received in: Temple of Ages
- Received from: Brother Mizar
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Brother Mizar in the temple of the ages to receive
this quest. Head out into the Black Curtain and travel southwest until you
find Abbot Ramoth. Kill all the white mantle around, and after Abbot Ramoth
is dead, pick up the Litanies of the Unseen. Return to Brother Mizar for
your reward.
- Reward: 750 XP
Warrior - "To the Limit"
Ranger - Choking Gas
Monk - Blessed Signet
Elementalist - Deep Freeze
Mesmer - Mind Wrack
Necromancer - Demonic Flesh
- Additional quests unlocked: none

8.26 Druid's Overlook Quests

Quest: A Brother's Fury
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Druid's Overlook
- Received from: Trader Versai
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Trader Versai in Druid's Overlook to receive this
quest. Head out into the Sage Lands and talk to Justiciar Thommis. He will
tell you to speak with House Rangers Amon, Lanalt, and Rionel. Head North
from his location and speak with House Ranger Amon. From this location,
Head northwest-ish and talk with House Ranger Lanalt. From this location,
continue northwest , crossing over what appears to be a giant branch and
talk with House Ranger Rionel. Head north from his location, turning west
when able and follow this path. Ignore the turnoff that heads south and
continue west. You should fight a couple of Wind Riders. At that point,
head west and follow the path until you enter The Wilds. Talk to Witness
Giselle to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Longbow (Piercing Dmg 13-25, req. 8 Marksmanship, 2H)
Smiting Rod (Light dmg 4-7, req. 5 Smiting Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Mysterious Message
- Quest difficulty: Moderately hard
- Received in: Druid's Overlook
- Received from: Envoy Ero
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Trader Versai in Druid's Overlook to receive this
quest. Head out into the Sage Lands. Head east from here and follow the
path until you have to turn, then turn west and follow the path here to
Mamnoon Lagoon. Once you're in Mamnoon Lagoon, Head west until you come
across the Hollow Log. Drop the message in the log then head southwest to
the entrance to Silverwood. Once in Silverwood, head west until you find
Alari Doubleblade. Talk to her to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - Pure Strike
Ranger - Storm Chaser
Monk - Healing Seed
Elementalist - Stone Daggers
Mesmer - Ethereal Burden
Necromancer - Well of Suffering
- Additional questws unlocked:

Quest: Eye for Profit
- Quest difficulty: Moderately hard
- Received in: Druid's Overlook
- Received from: Trader Versai
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Trader Versai in Druid's OVerlook to receive this
quest. Head out into the Sage lands and head north. When you get to the
fork in the path, take the right fork. Follow the path around until you're
heading south, and after a short distance, the path will turn east again.
Locate and talk to Grahm. He will tell you that the beast Trader Versai is
looking for it to the north next to a waterfall. Follow the river in a
northernly direction and then follow it west. Climb out of the basin on a
huge branch, and then head west. (The arrow will be just north of you, but
you have to circle around). When you come near the path that heads into the
wilds, follow the main path back east. Find and Kill the Wind rider named
Gale Stormsend. Once it's dead, pick up the lilac eye, then return to
Trader Versai for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - Axe Rake
Ranger - Antidote Signet
Monk - Smite Hex
Elementalist - Air Attunement
Mesmer - Hex Breaker
Necromancer - Dark Bond
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Wisdom Of the Druids
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Druid's Overlook
- Received from: Avatar of Dwayna
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Avatar of Dwayna in Druid's Overlook to receive
this quest. (Note - your country must have the favor of the gods to receive
this quest.) Head out into the Sage lands. Your destination is almost due
north of the portal. Travel north until you can see the valley that you
need to reach, then turn west. When the path turns north, follow it, and
keep on following it until it turns back east. Keep on following the path
until you find yourself in that valley you were overlooking earlier. (Note
that this is the same valley as the boss for Eye for Profit is found in)
Kill spiders until the group of ghostly druids appear, then once the druids
appear, listen to them talk. Once their done, talk to the Ancient Druid
Spirit to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.27 The Wilds Quests

- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Objectives:
= Hunt down the Shining Blade kidnappers, and rescue the chosen they have
taken hostage.
= Chase the fleeing Shining Blade.
= Rescue the Chosen.
= Discover how the Shining Blade Navigate the jungle.
= BONUS: Defeat the two Centaur chieftains.
- Walkthrough: When you enter the mission, head due north until you reach a
small area with an entangling roots monster. From here head east, and you
will find yourself in an area with three paths to take. Take the southeast
path (the leftmost), and follow it for a ways. Eventually, it will turn
west. Follow it due west until you see a pair of centaurs. DON'T attack
them. Let them talk to activate the bonus, then kill them and pick up the
vine seed that drops. Follow the path that leads northeast, and keep on
following it until it turns back southeast, and you arrive back at the
area with three forks, only this time coming from the northwest fork. From
here, take the central path, and follow it until you get a cutscene. From
where you exit the cutscene, run northeast up the hill. Keep on heading
north by northeast until you come across a small path heading east (It's
a little tricky to find sometimes.) Follow this path to the end, and drop
the vine seed in the glowing circle to grow a vine bridge. Cross the bridge
and head south, down the hill, and keep on heading south. Kill the two
Centaur bosses at the top of the southern hill to get the reward for the
bonus. Kill the two in the valley below the hill just for good measure and
the morale boost. Anyways, once you have the reward for the bonus, return
to the vine bridge, cross it again, and head west. Keep on heading west,
following the path, until you cross a vine bridge. Keep on going west once
you're across the bridge, following the path west until it curves under a
log bridge. Climb up the hill, but instead of taking the log bridge across,
take the other path east (it's the southern one.) Follow this more or less
northwest until you see a path cutting back northeast (it's right where you
fight another entangling roots.) Run down this path, taking either fork as
they all lead to the same location, until you find yourself running in the
lagoon waters (they give a nice +1 health regen). When you can turn south
along the lagoon waters, do so. (You'll be passing under a canopy and
having to fight the Maguuma Spiders). Follow this river south until you
can turn right (southwest) and then take this path. Follow south by
southwest until you reach another cutscene. Run down this path and kill
all the Maguuma spiders here to finish the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.28 Bloodstone Fen Quests

- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Objectives:
= Seek the truth about the White Mantle.
= Locate Blade Scout Ryder. He'll take you to the Bloodstone.
= Use the Vine Bridges to traverse the jungle.
= ADDED: Travel to the Bloodstone on your own.
= ADDED: Avenge the Chosen by killing Justiciar Hablion and his personal
= BONUS: Awaken the Druids while preserving their guardians.
- Walkthrough: When you enter this mission, run along this path in a more
or less westerly direction until you come across Saidra. She'll give you
a vine seed. Drop it on the glowing circle to grow a vine bridge. Run
across the bridge and keep on running southwest until the path starts
turning north (you'll go down a small hill). When you can do so, turn back
south, and follow this path down into the valley. (the path kinda curves,
what you're doing is running along the southern border of the map. Run west
until you have the choice of heading east up a log bridge, or running
southwest to what looks like an altar. Head east first, and pick up a vine
seed from a nearby shrub, then run southwest to the altar, and drop the
seed on the altar to summon the a druid. The druid will activate the bonus,
and cause a vine bridge to grow. Cross it. Now this is important - do not
attack any of the jungle guardians. Everything else is fair game, but the
Jungle Guardians must stay alive. Now, once you cross the bridge, run north
along this path until you reach a group of vine seed trees. Have people
start grabbing seeds. There are three more altars in this area that need
to have seeds dropped on them. I'm not going to give you exact directions,
just know that they're in the general area of the Jungle guardians as well.
Now, Once all four of the druids are around the big central altar there,
drop a vine seed on the altar to summon the high druid. Talk to him to
receive the reward for the bonus. From here, run north, then east, and
climb down a big tree to the swamp below. From here, run back east, picking
up vine seeds and placing them on the glowing circles when necessary. It's
a windy road here, but the directions is easterly. After a ways, you'll
come to an island that you'll need a vine seed to get to, then another to
get off. From here, Keep on running east. After running east a ways, the
path will turn back south (after you've fought some white mantle). This
path has no turnoffs, so just follow it until you reach the cutscene.
Once the cutscene is over, run to one side of the bloodstone, and start
picking off the while mantle on the bloodstone (Note - it takes longer to
res if a person dies on the bloodstone.) Now, you don't want to take on
the whole bloody mob, so here's what you do. You run up one side and take
out a group of 2-3, then run to the other side and do the same thing. By
this point, you should only have a final group of 2-3, plus Justiciar
Hablion. Just go up and kill them all. Once all the White Mantle on the
Bloodstone are dead, the mission will be over.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.29 Quarrell Falls Quests

Quest: White Mantle Wrath: Demagogue's Vanguard
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Quarrell Falls
- Received from: Garath Quickblade
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Garath Quickblade in Quarrell Falls to receive this
quest. Head out into Silvermoon and head in a southwest direction. You will
come across three patrols of White Mantle knights. Kill them all, and then
continue on to the next area of Ettin's Back. At the entrance to the "town"
of Ventari's Refuge, you will find Councillor Vaylor. Talk to him to
complete the quest and receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Smiting Rod (Light 4-7, req. 6 Smiting Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: White Mantle Wrath: A Helping Hand, and Urgent

8.30 Silverwood Quests

Quest: The Price of Steel
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Silverwood
- Received from: Alari Doubleblade
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Start in Quarrell Falls and head out into Silverwood. Head
north and talk to Alari Doubleblade to receive this quest. Travel back
to Quarrell Falls and talk to Gareth Quickblade. He'll tell you to head
back out into Silverwood and contact the Shining Blade Scouts. Head back
out into Silverwood and locate the Shining Blade Scout (he's just outside)
Let the scout lead you to the Lost White Mantle Patrol. Kill all of them
and pick up the ruined armor that they drop. Make sure that you have five
of the ruined armors. Once you have all five, return to Gareth Quickblade
for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Two Class-specific Skills
Warrior - Crushing Blow
Ranger - Barbed Trap
Monk - Contemplation of Purity
Elementalist - Conjure Frost
Mesmer - Arcane Thievery
Necromancer - Rend Enchantments
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.31 Ettin's Back Quests

Quest: White Mantle Wrath: A Helping HAnd
- Quest difficulty: Easy
- Received in: Ettin's Back
- Received from: Councillor Vaylor
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Councillor Vaylor in Ettin's Back to receive this
quest. Enter the nearby town of Ventari's Refuge and talk to Ventari. He
will tell you that he can't help you. Head outside and defeat all the
White Mantle troops. Talk to Councillor Vaylor to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Focus Item (Energy +10, req. 8 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked:

Quest: Urgent Warning
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Ettin's Back
- Received from: Councillor Vaylor
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Councillor Vaylor in Ettin's Back. Head Southest from
Vantari's Refuge and locate Snakebite (Don't Ask, he says not to). Talk to
him and he will tell you to head to Aurora Glade (North of there) and Talk
to Elder Gretchen. Do so. Once you reach Aurora Glade, talk to Elder
Gretchen for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Battle Axe (Slashing Dmg: 6-21, req. 8 Axe Mastery),
Smiting Staff (Energy +8, Light Dmg: 7-13, Req. 8 Smiting Prayers, 2H)
- Additional quests unlocked:

Mission: Dropping Eaves
- Quest difficulty: Moderately East
- Received in: Ettin's Back
- Received from: Deep Root
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Deep Root in Ettin's Back to receive this quest. Head
south, then west until you get to Reed Bog. Once in Reed bog, continue east
until you come to a gathering of White Mantles. Stay outside of their
"aggravation" range and listen to what they have to say. Once their done,
return to Deep Root for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - Shield Stance
Ranger - Predatory Season
Monk - Rebirth
Elementalist - Iron Mist
Mesmer - Spirit of Failure
Necromancer - Death Nova
- Additional quests unlocked: Blood and Smoke

Quest: Blood and Smoke
- Quest difficulty: Hard
- Received in: Ettin's Back
- Received from: Deep Root
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Deep Root in Ettin's Back to receive this quest.
(He's just outside Vantari's Refuge.) Head back into Reed Bog. Talk to
Scout Melthoran. Head east through Reed Bog until you come to the portal
for The Falls. Enter the Falls. Head Southwest until you find Dark Oak.
Talk to him. He will tell you that he will help, but he needs you to kill
Drogo Greatmane. Head back out into Reed Bog, and head West. Follow the
path around until you locate Drogo. Kill him and return to Dark Oak. Once
you give him the heart, return to Deep Root for your reward.
- Reward: 2,500 XP, TWo class Specific Skills
Warrior - "I will Survive!"
Ranger - Savage Shot
Monk - Protective Spirit
Elementalist - Meteor
Mesmer - Spirit Shackles
Necromancer - Barbed Signet
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.32 Aurora Glade Quests

- Quest difficulty:
- Objectives:
= Gain access to the Henge of Denravi
= Get to the Henge portal.
= Attune the Henge Portal before the White Mantle do.
= ADDED: Attune the Thorn pedestal to Clear the Vine gate.
= ADDED: Attune Both thorn pedestals to clear the vine gate.
= ADDED: Kill the Henge Guardian.
= BONUS: Assassinate the Demagogue.
- Walkthrough: When you enter the mission, head south, and then turn east.
Keep on following this path southeast until you pass beneath the roots of
a tree. Keep on going southeast until the path turns back west on you.
Keep heading west until you see a pair of paths in front of you. You want
to take the southern one. Go down the hill here and stay on this path until
it turns back west again, under another tree, where you will see a druid
near a thorn pedestal, and an altar. Talk to the druid, pick up the crystal
that appears, and place it in the altar to open the vine gate blocking your
way. Follow this path for a ways (it's going to wind a lot), and after a
while, you'll come to a section where your going straight north. You'll
start fighting a lot of white mantle. When you reach a point where you have
to turn east or west, head west, and move quickly to save a guy called
Less Longbow. Talk to him once he's safe and you'll activate the bonus. He
will tell you to assassinate the Demagogue. Take the eastern path from this
area and keep on heading east. Once again, talk to the druid here, and put
a crystal on each of the altars to open this vine gate. Now comes the fun
part. What you need to do is attune the western altar with a crystal, and
attune the eastern altar as well. Now defend the Eastern Altar until there
are no more white mantle coming. Re-attune this altar as needed. Once
all the white mantle are dead, venture into their base (southeastern end)
and kill the demagogue to get the bonus reward. Once all the white mantle
have been killed and you've gotten the bonus, attune all three altars. Once
all three altars have been attuned, you'll see a short cutscene where you
are teleported to another area. From here, run east, killing everything in
your path. After a little ways, you'll reach a pool guarded by a pair of
behemoths and the Henge Guardian. Kill the henge guardian to complete the
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.33 Henge of Denravi Quests

Quest: Passage through the Dark River
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Henge Of Denravi
- Received from: Shadow
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Shadow in the Henge of Denravi to receive this quest.
Head out into Tangle Root. Head Southeast through Tangle Root. Talk to Old
Joness and tell him that you can leave anytime. He will take you to
riverside. Talk to Blade Master Derrik to receive you reward.
- Reward: 500 XP, Focus Item (Energy +10, Req. 8 Healing Prayers)
- Additional quests unlocked: None.

8.34 Riverside Quests

- Quest difficulty:
- Objectives:
= Steal the Scepter of Orr
= Avoid detection on your way to the temple.
= Talk to Dinas to get the scepter.
= Escape to the bridge to the northeast.
= BONUS: Take out the watchman at each tower, so Saidra can get the weapons
- Walkthrough: From where you start, head south. If you are attempting the
bonus, attack the white mantle, making sure to kill the watchtower guards.
If you're not attempting the bonus, Simply avoid the White Mantle, taking
the southwest path is the easiest to do. Regardless of whether your doing
the bonus or not, make your way south to a cave that is southeast of the
first watchtower, and you'll fight a few undead. Once you leave the cave,
hug the right wall until you get onto a small hill close to a second
watchtower, but still outside of aggro range. Slowly inch your way to the
watchtower, and pretty soon the big group of white mantle nearby will start
moving towards the watchtower. Sneak by them and turn north. Head north
along this path, killing or sneaking by the white mantle as you see fit.
Keep on following this path until you start fighting undead. You'll soon
come across a more open area. While this looks a bit confusing as to which
way to go, it's really not, as there's only one real path that leads you
further. Run northeast, killing the bosses to the northweast and northeast
as you see fit (You will not always be able to sneak by the boss to the
northeast.) Continue making your way roughly northeast, and you'll soon be
at the White Mantle Temple. For those doing the bonus, another watchtower
is in the valley below the temple. Make your way to the temple gates and
kill or avoid the white mantle there. Anyways, once you're in the temple,
make your way to Dinas in the northeast corner of the temple, and talk to
him to get the scepter of orr. After the short cutscene, you'll find
yourself in front of a gate. Click the lever to open it, and take the left
path. Avoid the white mantle there, and continue your way down the path.
You'll fight some more undead, and when you come to a more open area, turn
left and head northeast. You'll fight another small group of undead, and
after them, continue hugging the left wall to sneak by another watchtower.
Make your way north, coming VERY close to a group of hill giants. Kill
them or avoid then, and turn northeast. This, even if your doing the bonus,
can get very tricky. What you want to do is sneak between the two towers
ahead, avoiding both groups of White Mantle, and killing the boss that is
guarding the entrance to the bridge. Once he's dead and you get the
Scepter across the bridge, the mission is over.
NOTE - The bonus for this mission is different from other missions, instead
of avoiding the watchtowers, the bonus involves killing all the watchtower
guards, which means killing all the nearby white mantle as well.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.35 Sanctum Cay Quests

- Quest difficulty: Moderately Hard
- Objectives:
= Deliver the Scepter of Orr to Vizier Khilbron and rendezvous with
Evennia on the other side of the island.
= Locate the Vizier and deliver the scepter
= Make your way to the docks on the opposite side of the island.
= ADDED: You have been betrayed! Evennia has been taken. Meet the vizier
at the docks to make your escape.
= ADDED: Defend the Vizier while he casts the ritual.
= BONUS: Help the restless spirit find his final resting place.
- Walkthrough: Once you enter the mission, get off the boat and talk to
Evennia to pick up the scepter of orr. Once someone has it, head south-
east through the pass there to another beach. BTW - whoever is carrying
the scepter gets a +1 energy regen, and if it is ever dropped, everyone in
the immediate area gets +10 to their energy total. Once you get to the
southern beach, head east along the water until you reach a restless spirit
Talk to him to start the bonus. Once you have the Spirit in tow, return to
the river, and follow it north until you reach a fork, with a path heading
uphill on both sides. Take your pick, and when you reach the top, continue
heading north. Keep on following the path as it heads back down until it
turns east, and keep following it. When you reach a turn where you have to
go left or right, head right, and follow the path, turning right at the
next path and you should see some hellhounds. Follow the path, turning
right at the next junction to head into a swamp. Be careful, the swamps
waters are poisonous. Cross the swamp once it's clear, and fight Rotscale,
the bone dragon boss on the other side. Open the gate here, and head south
to the building on the top of the hill. The Vizier will appear once you
near the building. Talk to him to activate the cutscene. He will take the
scepter. Talk to the restless spirit again to get him to follow you without
the scepter. Head back north, and this time, take the gate that is more
northeast. Follow this path until it turns north, then keep following it.
You'll know you're on the right track if the Vizier pops up and says stuff
to you. When you reach a junction, take the path on the right, it's usually
guarded by a boss. Follow this path until you reach another junction, then
take either path, as they both let you out at the same point. As you near
the docks, just fight off waves of white mantle while the Vizier raises
the boat. Once the boat it up, you can try to get the ghost to the his
final resting place, but since the waves of white mantle come from off-map
and keep on coming, it's going to be tough. Once the Boat is up, just have
someone run on the boat to complete the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.36 Fisherman's Haven Quests

Quest: The Lost Princess
- Quest difficulty: Either Very Easy, or fairly difficult
- Received in: Fisherman's Haven
- Received from: Watchman Arad
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Watchman Arad in Fisherman's Haven to receive this
quest. If you have it on your map, Travel to the Temple of the Ages using
the map. (this is the easy way). If you don't have it, you'll have to walk
your way there. (The temple of the ages is roughly due north of Fisherman's
Haven, located in the Black Curtain area.). Once you get there, talk to
Salma (I located her near the statue of Dwayna). She'll tell you everything
is ok, and to return to Watchman Arad. Return and talk to him for your
- Reward: 500 XP
Warrior - Balanced Stance
Ranger - Edge of Extinction
Monk - Balthazar's Aura
Elementalist - Earthquake
Mesmer - Blackout
Necromancer - Price of Failure
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Royal Papers
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Fisherman's Haven
- Received from: Watchman Arad
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Watchman Arad in Fisherman's Haven to receive this
quest. Head out into Stingray Strand and travel northwest until you can
turn back south. Travel Southwest so that the large pool passes you by on
your left. Keep on going past the one little mountain ridge and then turn
south. (Trust me, I found fewer enemies this way). After a short distance,
you will find a group of Caromi Tengu standing guard around a chest. Kill
them and open the chest to find the Royal Scribe Papers. Pick them up and
return them to Watchman Arad for your reward. Note about this quest - It
seems that only one set of papers will appear, so it is suggested that you
use henchmen so that you don't have to redo the quest several times.
- Reward: 750 XP, and Two Class-Specific Skills
Warrior - Savage Slash
Ranger - Concussion Shot
Monk - Scourge Healing
Elementalist - Fire Attunement
Mesmer - Mantra of Earth
Necromancer - Animate Bone Minions
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.37 The Amnoon Oasis Quests

Quest: Sands of Souls
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Hard
- Received in: The Amnoon Oasis
- Received from: Ghostly Hero
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Ghostly Hero in the Amnoon Oasis to receive this
quest. Head out into Prophet's Path. Head Southwest to the teleporter. Get
every member of your party in the teleporter for it to work. Once you've
teleported, continue southwest utnil you get to Augury Rock. Locate and
talk to Great Ritual Priest Zahmut
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Ancient Secrets
- Quest difficulty: Hard
- Received in: The Amnoon Oasis
- Received from: Fangfa Tai
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Fanga Tai in the Amnoon Oasis to receive this quest.
Head out into Prophet's Path. Head Southwest to the teleporter. Get every
member of your party inside the circle. Once you teleport to the other side
Head north until you reach the entrance to the Salt Flats. In the salt
flats, head north until you can head east by northeast. Keep on heading in
this direction (You will go up and down wooden staircases) until you find
the ghost of Sennat Sen. Talk to ... it to receive your reward.
in this direction
- Reward: 1,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.38 Augury Rock Quests

Quest: Ghostly Vengeance
- Quest difficulty: Moderate to Hard
- Received in: Augury Rock
- Received from: Marchena
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Marchena in Augury Rock to receive this quest. Head
out into the Prophet's Path. Follow the green arrows and kill any minotaur
that you come across. After you have killed ten of them, your quest log
will update. Return to Marchena for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP, Two Class Specific Skills
Warrior - Shield Bash
Ranger - Dust Trap
Monk - Blessed Aura
Elementalist - Obsidian Flame
Mesmer - Mantra of Persistence
Necromancer - Malaise
- Additional quests unlocked:

Quest: Into the Unknown
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Augury Rock
- Received from: Jorn Kudebeth
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Jorn Kudebeh in Augury rock to receive this quest.
Head out the nearby gate to Skyward reach and join up with Cynn, Mhenlo,
and Devona. Follow them while they lead you to Aidan. Listen to them talk.
Once they're done, return to Jorn Kudebeh for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP, Two Class Specific Skills
Warrior - "Fear Me"
Ranger - Winnowing
Monk - Zealot's Fire
Elementalist - Swirling Aura
Mesmer - Arcane Conundrum
Necromancer - Chiblians
- Additional quests unlocked: None

The Next three quests are not really "quests" in the sense that they will not
show up on your log, but they are required to gain entrance to the mesa at
Augury Rock, and thus complete the goal of Ascension. I am giving them names
only for the purpose of separating and clarifying them. In at least one case,
these lead to missions that you must complete before you can enter the Mesa
and continue with ascension.

Quest: "Seek out the Thirsty River"
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Difficult
- Received in: Augury Rock - Mesa
- Received from: Lord Valador
- Walkthrough: The Ghost tells you to seek out the thirsty river to the east
and there you will prove your worth and be cleansed of your earthly
imperfections. Head back into the main portion of Augury Rock and head
out the nearby gate into Skyward Reach. Head southeast from here until you
reach the entrance to The Scar. Travel Southeast through the Scar until you
reach the Thirsty River. Enter the Thirsty River and Complete the mission

Quest: Dunes of Despair
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Augury Rock - Mesa
- Received from: General Mendoza
- Walkthrough: The Ghost tells you to seek out the dunes of Despair and
assist Turai Ossa in infiltrating the Temple of Ascension and Garnering
the attention of the gods. Head back into the Main part of Augury Rock and
travel southwest until you get to Vulture Drifts. Continue to the Southwest
portion of Vulture Drifts and you will soon see the portal to the Dunes of
Despair Mission area. Enter the Area and complete the mission inside.

Quest: Elona Reach & The Vision Crystal
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Augury Rock - Mesa
- Received from: Commander Joziah
- Walkthrough: The Ghost tells you to head northeast to Elona Reach and
reassemble the Vision Crystal. Head back into the main part of Augury Rock
and travel out the gate to Skyward Reach. Travel Northeast until you see
the portal for Diviner's Ascend. Enter the Diviner's ascend and travel
north until you see the portal for Elona Reach. Enter the area and complete
the mission inside.

Each of those three quests will lead you to a particular mission, which you
MUST complete before you can continue on. Once all three quests have been
completed, talk to the great ritual priest Zahmut again and he'll send you
back to the mesa. Walk forward and step on each of the three runes by the
water. The mesa will then open and you'll have to fight your mirror. He uses
the EXACT same skills you do, but I believe he has more HP and more Energy,
plus, since they're run by the computer, they're a bit faster. However, the
mirror has a pattern. They'll use defensive enchantments first. Below are
some strategies for beating your mirror with different classes. These are not
the only way to beat your mirror, but have been shown to work.

Warrior -

Ranger - Load up on Spirit summoning skills, leaving only a few damaging
skills (Distracting shot is a good one). Make sure the skills that damage your
opponent can do a fair amount of damage. Once battle starts, the mirror will
start summoning those spirits, use this time to kill them.

Monk - Take Healing Breeze (the mirror doesn't use it), and Balthazar's Aura.
Load up on spells that require them to be cast on others, or just leave the
rest of the bar blank. As soon as you get to the mesa, cast healing breeze on
yourself, and balthazar's Aura, then just attack your mirror. It won't use
healing breeze or Balthazar's aura. Keep on attacking it, using Healing
Breeze when needed and you should make short work of your mirrorwww

Elementalist - Two words ... Meteor Shower. Remove ANY anticaster spells from
your bar and as soon as the battle commences cast meteor shower on your mirror
as they really won't move. Cast other spells to hasten the process. Obviously,
this strategy works well for fire-based Elementalists, but at this point, it
won't take you long to recoup the attribute refund points, so I recommend max-
ing out fire magic for the duration of this battle.

Necromancer - Max Blood Magic and carry awaken the blood and Order of the
Vampire, and if you want, Blood Renewal (though this can backfire if you're
not careful). Don't cast any of these yourself, but just attack the
doppleganger with your weapon. He'll cast awaken the blood, which will double
all health sacrifices, and he'll keep on casting order of the vampire, which
will end up killing him.

Mesmer - Load up on Domination magic and zero everything else. Equip Backfire,
and a bunch of basically ineffective illusion and inspiration spells. (btw,
raising fast casting also helps here). Cast Backfire on the doppleganger and
let him kill himself through casting spells through backfire.

8.39 Seeker's Passage Quests

Quest: The Belated Betrothal
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Seeker's Passage
- Received from: Tirzah
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Tirzah in Seeker's Passage to receive this quest. HEad
back out into the Salt Flats and travel Southeast. until you come to a set
of stairs heading back northeast in a little ravine. Travel northeast along
the ravine until you see a set of stairs heading up the hill. Use the
stairs and when you're at the top you'll see the ghost of Chebar at the
top. Talk to it and then return to Seeker's Passage and show the ring to
Tirzah for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP
Warrior - Bull's Strike
Ranger - Tiger's Fury
Monk - Mend Condition
Elementalist - Windborne Speed
Mesmer - Ether Lord
Necromancer - Signet of Agony
- Additional quests unlocked:

Quest: The Ranger's Path
- Quest difficulty: Extremely hard
- Received in: Seeker's Passage
- Received from: Telius
- Classes restrictions: Ranger Prohibited
- Walkthrough: Note - this is one of the quests in which you must have
reached Droknar's Forge. Talk to Telius in Seeker's Passage to receive
this quest. Head out into the Salt Flats and make your way towards the
entrance to Diviner's Ascent (It's east from Seekers, Turn north, and then
turn back east at that big gate-thing.) Pick off EVERY enemy on the way, as
you will probably need a lot of running room if things go sour. Once you
get to your destination, you will see a huge mob of Rider Kin. I recommend
getting the outlying groups first, then picking them off in groups of 2 or
3. If you accidentally aggro a group of 5 or 6, run away until they return
to patrol, or they're the only ones in aggro range. Keep up this strategy
and eventually, all the other rider kin will be taken care of. Now just
kill the boss, and map travel back to Seeker's Passage and talk to Telius
for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Ranger Only quests throughout the game, if you
change your secondary profession to Ranger

Quest: The Monk's Path
- Quest difficulty: Moderate - Take your time and this one's not too bad
- Received in: Seeker's Passage
- Received from: Nausuan
- Classes restrictions: Monk Prohibited
- Walkthrough: Note - this is one of the quests in which you must have
reached Droknar's Forge. This quest is easier if you leave from Elona
reach. Talk to Nausuan in Seeker's Passage to receive this quest. Head out
into the Salt Flats and make your way to Diviner's Ascent. Head all the way
east until you come across the green arrow marking your destination. Be
careful, as a lot of Jade Scarab's. After killing scarab's for a while (I
suggest taking on a group at a time, then retreating to regenerate, then
returning to take out another group of Scarab's), the boss, Eater of Souls
will appear. Kill him, then return to Nausuan for your reward and the
chance to take Monk as your new secondary profession.
- Reward: 1,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Monk Only quests throughout the game, if you
change your secondary profession to Monk

8.40 Destiny's Gorge Quests

Quest: The Forgotton Ones
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Hard
- Received in: Destiny's Gorge
- Received from: Annelle Fipps
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Annelle Fipps in Destiny Gorge to receive this quest.
Head out into nearby Skyward Reach and travel roughly southwest. (You're
heading in the general direction of the Mesa). Make your way around to the
southeast side of the Mesa and talk to Sariss Yassith for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP
Warrior - Defensive Stance
Ranger - Precision Shot
Monk - Vengeance
Elementalist - Incendiary Bonds
Mesmer - Elemental Resistance
Necromancer - Animate Bone Fiend
- Additional quests unlocked: Forgotten Wisdom

Quest: The Warrior's Path
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Destiny's Gorge
- Received from: Agastos the Brave
- Classes restrictions: Warrior Prohibited
- Walkthrough: Note - this is one of the quests in which you must have
reached Droknar's Forge. Talk to Agastos the Brave in Destiny's Gorge to
receive this quest. Head out into the Scar and head south to the nearby
teleporter. Travel through the teleporter and continue south by southwest
along the river. After a way, you will come across a large open area, like
an Oasis with a bunch of Losaru Centaurs and the Orshad Chieftan. Kill the
Chieftan, then return to Agastos the Brave for your reward and the chance
to take Warrior as your second profession.
- Reward: 1,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Warrior Only quests throughout the game, if you
change your secondary profession to Warrior

Quest: The Mesmer's Path
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Destiny's Gorge
- Received from: Eulenias
- Classes restrictions: Mesmer Prohibited
- Walkthrough: Note - this is one of the quests in which you must have
reached Droknar's Forge. Talk to Eulenias in Destiny's Gorge to receive
this quest. Head out into Skyward Reach and make your way east to the
entrance to Diviner's Ascent. Enter Diviner's Ascent. (You have to do it
this way, it's part of the quest.) Travel Northeast from here until you
locate the three Tempest Drakes (all lvl 25). Kill them all then report
back to Eulenias for your reward and the ability to choose Mesmer as your
secondary profession.
- Reward: 1,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Mesmer Only quests throughout the game, if you
change your secondary profession to Mesmer

8.41 Hero's Audience Quests

Quest: The Misplaced Sword
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Hard
- Received in: Hero's Audience
- Received from: Yort the Bronze
- Classes restrictions: Elementalist or Mesmer only
- Walkthrough: Note - this is one of the quests in which you must have
reached Droknar's Forge. Talk to Yort the Bronze in Hero's Audience to
receive this quest. Head out into Prophet's Path and travel north. Almost
due north of the entrance to Hero's Audience is the southern entrance to
the oasis. (Note - you can also complete this quest leaving from Augury
Rock. Travel Northeast until you come across the other entrance to the
Oasis). Follow the oasis (there won't be any turnoffs) until you find the
Ancient Remains. Pick up the sword from the ancient remains and return to
Yort the Bronze to deliver the sword and receive your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP
Warrior - "shields Up"
Ranger - Flame Trap
Monk - Healing Touch
Elementalist - Flame Burst
Mesmer - Guilt
Necromancer - Well of the Profane
- Additional quests unlocked:

Quest: The Necromancer's Path
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Hero's Audience
- Received from: Zratha Kor
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Prohibited
- Walkthrough: Note - this is one of the quests in which you must have
reached Droknar's Forge. The goal of this quest is to slay the Sacred
Griffin of Amnoon. This Griffin is located roughly due south of the
entrance of Augury Rock. Make your way east from the Entrance of Hero's
Audience, and locate and kill the Sacred Griffin of Amnoon. Once the
Griffin is dead, return to Zratha Kor for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP, and the ability to change your secondary profession to
- Additional quests unlocked: Necromancer Only quests throughout the game,
if you change your secondary profession to Necromancer

Quest: The Elementalist's Path
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Hero's Audience
- Received from: Cembrien
- Classes restrictions: Necromancer Prohibited
- Walkthrough: Note - this is one of the quests in which you must have
reached Droknar's Forge. Talk to Cembrien in Hero's Audience to receive
this quest. Head out into Prophet's path and make your way northeast.
Find and kill the Kree Minotaur. Once your done, report back to Cembrien
for your reward.
- Reward: 1,000 XP, and the ability to change your secondary profession to
- Additional quests unlocked: Elementalist Only quests throughout the game,
if you change your secondary profession to Elementalist

8.42 Skyward Reach Quests

Quest: Forgotten Wisdom
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Skyward Reach
- Received from: Sariss Yassith
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Sariss Yassith in Skyward Reach to receive this quest.
Head south from his location to the entrance to the Arid Sea. (I also
managed traveling northeast from the Dunes of Despair). Regardless of which
way you get to the Arid Sea, once you're there, you want to make your way
to the southeast end of the area. I'm not going to give very specific
directions for this one, since I prefer to avoid a lot of the enemies in
these zones. Once you get close, however, you'll be travelling between a
lot of rocky formations. You want to head to one that is a little more east
than the others, it will look as if a large statue arm has fallen and made
a bridge between the mountain that you want, and the one you can climb.
It takes a little bit of wiggling, but you can cross over that arm. Locate
and talk to Siliss Yassith for you reward
- Reward: 1,500 XP, 15 Attribute Points
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.43 Thirsty River Quests

- Quest difficulty:
- Objectives:
= Annihilate the Opposing enemy teams.
= Defeat Goss Aleesh's Team.
= Defeat Issah Sshay's Team.
= Defeat Hessper Sassos's Team.
= Defeat Josso Essher's Team.
= Defeat Lyssha Suss's Team.
= Defeat Kesskah Shissh's Team.
= BONUS - Cleanse the area before King Khimaar's spirit is driven away.
- Walkthrough: This mission is actually very straightfoward. There are NO
turnoffs of any significance, and there's only one path to take. When you
enter the mission, head south. Kill the giants off to the west if you
choose, but I usually don't. You get enough of a morale boost off of the
giants on the path and fighting the bosses to max your morale. Anyways,
whenever your done killing giants, take the path that heads south, and
follow it around until you reach a small oasis. I suggest killing the
Giants here. Whenever your ready, take the path heading up into what looks
to be a ruined ship, and have someone talk to the ghostly hero. I suggest
having a monk talk to the hero. Have the hero open the door, and then take
the north path, then pick off the small patrolling groups. At or around
1:30, have someone take out the enemy priest, because the groups res at
2 minutes intervals (2, 4, 6, and so on). I'll leave the strategy here to
you. After the first group is annihilated, lead the ghostly hero to the
closed door, and he'll open it for you. Follow this path to another door.
This time, you have to fight two groups. It doesn't matter which one is
first, but you don't want to have to fight both at the same time. I
suggest taking out the southern group first, so stay against the southeast
(left) wall. as long as you hug the wall, you'll be ok. Once this group is
dead, repeat the process for the other. Again, about 30 seconds before the
group is supposed to res, kill the priest. This time, wait til the timer
reaches 15 seconds before the res time and engage the second group. After
both groups are dead, the ghost will open the closed door, and follow this
path to the final door. This time, you'll be facing three groups. I suggest
going right this time, as you'll come out on a relativetly unprotected
priest. Kill this priest, then the boss, and then all the random monsters
in the area. Once again, wait for 3:45 to attack the next group, and
repeat the process. Now, I left Josso's group last for a reason. Josso is
the monk boss on this mission. You'll want plenty of room since most groups
have to pull back a bit and pick off the enchanteds and forgottens first.
Once enough of the goons are killed, EVERYONE goes on the priest OR josso.
Alternatively, you can put one person on the priest and five people on the
boss to mix things up. Anyways, once all three groups have been killed, the
Mission is complete. If you manage to kill all three groups before 10 min
have elapsed (in each fight, not cumulative), you'll receive the bonus as
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.44 Elona Reach Quests

- Quest difficulty:
- Objectives:
= Help the Ghostly Hero complete the ritual that will combine the three
pieces of the Vision Crystal.
= Return Crystal Shard 1 to the Ghostly Hero.
= Return Crystal Shard 2 to the Ghostly Hero.
= Return Crystal Shard 3 to the Ghostly Hero.
= ADDED: Kill the Sand Giants to get a morale boost.
= BONUS: Use the Crystal Shards to awaken the three Ritual Priests of Elona.
- Walkthrough: Once you enter the mission, talk to the ghost in front of
you to pick up the first vision crystal. Look to the east to see a pair
of dune Burrowers, guarding a set of bones. Carry the vision crystal there
to activate the bonus. Once the ghost has been resurrected, make your way
east to the ghostly hero, where you'll get a cutscene. Once the cutscene's
over, climb the stairs and head out the southern gate of this little area.
You'll see a bridge to the southeast and a pass to the south. Head for the
pass and turn back east. The second vision crystal is just south of this
area. Take out small groups of three at a time until you have the crystal.
once you have the crystal, return to the fork in the pass. This time, go
west, and carry the crystal to Priest Hehmnut's Bones to resurrect this
ghost. Go to the end of the path, and pull small groups to clear the area.
Turn west again and work your way to a small grotto where a boss and the
third crystal reside. Kill everyone here, and pick up the third crystal.
Once you have the third crystal, make your way north, hugging the west
walls until you come across another grotto with the bones of the third
and final priest. Get the crystal close enough to res him, then return the
remaining two crystals back to the ghostly hero to complete the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.45 Dunes of Despair Quests

- Quest difficulty:
- Objectives:
= Help the Ghostly Hero reclaim his throne.
= Escort the Ghostly Hero to the Temple of Ascension.
= Defeat the Ghostly Hero.
= Hold out while the Ghostly Hero performs his ritual.
= BONUS: Gain more glory by defeating the three generals in their fort.
- Walkthrough: Once you enter the mission, have someone talk to the ghostly
hero to get him to follow you. He'll lower the bridge, and once it's down,
run west, turning south when you can. Follow this path around, killing
theg Losaru as necessary, until you reach a raised bridge, guarded by a
Siege Wurm on the other side. Lead the Ghostly hero to the bridge, and
he'll lower this one. (Note - occasionally it glitches, so you'll have to
run a little further west and cross the rope bridge and double-back to kill
the worm.) Anyways, once the bridge is down, kill the wurm if you want,
then run south to the nearby fort. You'll have to kill a forgotten boss.
Once the boss is dead, lead the ghost to the bridge and have him lower this
one. It helps to have the spellcasters and people with ranged attacks kill
the enchanted bows on the two hills to either side first. Once you lower
the bridge, have a warrior stand in the doorway while the enemies come and
attack you. Once they're all dead, kill the enemy ghostly hero, and lead
your ghostly hero to the altar. Once the ghostly hero reaches the altar,
a ten minute timer begins. You have to keep the ghostly hero alive for ten
minutes, and the enemies will come from three sides. Now, if you want to
try for the bonus, head out the south exit from the fort. There are three
groups of enemies, each with a boss. You'll fight one immediately out of
the fort, then two more (one to the left, and one to the right) inside of
another small fort. I recommend leaving someone capable of healing the
ghost behind, and sending five people ahead to clear out the bonus. Be
careful, as the bonus here is relatively difficult. You'll have a very
short time to kill three groups of bosses, and the jade scarabs make it
harder. Anyways, if you manage to kill all three groups before the time
runs out, you'll earn the bonus reward. As long as the ghostly hero and at
least one member of your party is alive at the end of the ten minutes timer
the mission will be completed.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.46 The Dragon's Lair Quests

- Quest difficulty:
- Objectives:
= Gain audience with the prophet Glint.
= Defeat the Facet of Light.
= Defeat the Facet of Nature.
= Defeat the Facet of Chaos.
= Defeat the Facet of Darkness.
= Defeat the Facet of Elements.
= Defeat the Facet of Strength.
= BONUS - Defeat Glint.
- Walkthrough: Note - This mission really doesn't need a walkthrough, but I'm
writing one for completeness anyways. This mission can be divided into 7
"boards" if you will, each with a different disadvantage. Start by talking
to the forgotten gatekeeper in front of you. He'll open the gate to the
first domain - the domain of light. This domain features a constant -3
health degeneration. There are no turnoffs in this domain. When you get to
the end, you'll fight the facet of light, a monk boss from which you can
use a capture signet to get the Shield of Regeneration elite skill. Once
the facet is dead, go throught the portal to find yourself in the Domain of
Nature, where everyone is slowed. This zone has a small turnoff, but here's
what you do. Follow the wall on your left until it turns away from the path
you're on, and then follow it. Continue to Work your way to the end and
kill the Facet of Nature, a ranger boss from which you can capture the
elite skill Melandru's Resilience. Head through the portal that appears to
find yourself in the domain of Chaos which, for a change, has no negatives.
This domain has a few turnoffs. Go straight ahead (southeast) and keep on
going this direction until you the path your on curves to the north, and
keep on following it until it drops you out on a big open area that looks
kind of maze-like. Work your way around until you reach the Facet of Chaos
which is a mesmer boss from which you can capture the Mantra of Recall
elite skill. Enter the portal (once the facet is dead), to find yourself in
the domain of darkness, which features a -1 energy drain and a permanent
Death nova on every creature (which does 26 AoE damage and poisoning for
15 seconds.) This domain does not have any turnoffs, so work your way to
the end and defeat the Facet of Darkness, a Necromancer boss from which you
can capture the Grenth's Balance Elite skill. Run through the portal to
enter the domain of Elements, which doesn't have any global disadvantages.
Rather, this domain has circles which will cast AoE spells on anyone caught
inside them. The trick is to run through them as quickly as possible, or
time them so that you run through as one spell is ending. This domain has
a few turnoffs, so when you're able, run west along the path there. When
you reach a turn, take the right fork and follow this path, taking the
right fork again when it splits off. Once you're on this path, follow it
until you reach the big open area that you're familiar with by now. Work
your way to the end and kill the Facet of Elements, an Elementalist Boss
from which you can capture the Elite spell Lightning Surge. Run through
this portal to find yourself in the domain of strength, which knocks you
down every thirty seconds or so. Pick a path, because in this domain,
there are no real turnoffs. Work your way to the end and kill the Facet
of Strength, a warrior boss from which you can capture the elite skill
Gladiators Defense. Once the portal appears, run through it to find
yourselves in Glint's Chambers. Listen to her ramble through the cutscene
and then you have to make a choice. Bonus or No bonus. If you're not going
to do the bonus, simply run through the portal that appears to finish the
mission. If you're going to do the bonus, grab a dragon egg. Glint will
start attacking you. If you manage to kill her, you'll get the bonus. If
not, don't worry, she'll resurrect your entire party, lecture you, and
send you on your way, completing the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.47 Droknar's Forge Quests

Note - once you get to Droknar's forge, Certain quests in Hero's Audience,
Seeker's Passage, and Destiny's Gorge become available for you to change your
secondary profession. I have noted this restriction in the walkthrough for
these quests. Please remember that you will only receive four of the six
quests as you will not receive a quest for your primary or secondary classes.
However, you can switch your secondary class at any time after completing the
quest. Simply go to one of the ghosts that gave you the quest and tell them
what you want to become. The downside to this is that you will not receive
any of the skills for the new secondary profession that you have not already
unlocked with that character. They would have to be bought using valuable
skill points. On the other hand, the ability to switch classes is a fairly
useful ability to have.

Quest: The Hero's Journey
- Quest difficulty: Either Very Easy, or Fairly Hard
- Received in: Droknar's Forge
- Received from: Vanyi
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Vanyi in Droknar's Forge to receive this quest. By
this point, you should have Hero's Audience, Destiny's Gorge, and Seeker's
Passage on your map. If not, here's where they are. Seeker's Passage has
an entrance from the northwestern Salt Flats. Destiny's Gorge is at the
east end of Skyward Reach. Hero's Audience is at the southwestern end of
Prophet's Path. Travel to each of those places. Once you have visited each
of them, return to Vanyi for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Hero's Challenge (Only once you have
completed one of the quests in either Hero's Audience, Seeker's Passage, or
Destiny's Gorge)

Quest: The Hero's Challenge
- Quest difficulty: Extremely Hard
- Received in: Droknar's Forge
- Received from: Vanyi
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Vanyi in Droknar's forge to receive this quest. Once
you have gained access to the Iron Mines of Moladune, Head east into the
Frozen forest and make your way east to the entrance of Copperhammer mines.
(I recommend heading inside first). Once you make it there, talk to Sanyi.
She will lead you back west into a little area. On the way you will be
attacked by pinesouls, Avicara, Stone Summits, and Mraggi spawn. Don't
worry about keeping up with Sanyi, as she'll stop and wait for you. Once
you get to where she stops, let her talk. She'll transform into Mraggi.
Kill all the Spawn first, then focus your fire on Mraggi itself. Once it's
dead, return to Vanyi for your reward.
- Reward: 5,000 XP, 15 Attribute Points
- Additional quests unlocked:

Quest: Seeking the Seer
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Hard
- Received in: Droknar's Forge
- Received from: Captain Hugo Bronzebeard
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Captain Hugo Bronzebeard in Droknar's Forge to receive
this quest. Head out into Talus Chute and travel North (more or less).
Locate and talk to Korg the Scout. From this location, continue east until
you see a bridge. Cross the bridge, and follow the path up until you see
Onar Ironblood. Talk to him, then enter the Ice Caves of Sorrow. Talk to
Blade Scout Shelby for your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Defend Droknar's Forge
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Droknar's Forge
- Received from: Vision of Glint
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: (NOTE - This quest REQUIRES that you have beaten the mission
at Hell's Precipice. If you haven't beaten the mission at Hell's Precipice,
the vision of Glint will simply tell you that your task is not complete.)
Kneel at the altar in Droknar's forge near the entrance to the group PvP
Arena. Talk to the Vision of Glint that appears to receive this quest. The
simplest option is to map travel to Granite Citadel, if you have it on the
map and leave from there, but if you don't, here's the order of the zones
you will have to travel to to get there - Head to Iron Mines of Moladune
and head out into the Frozen forest. Travel west through the Frozen Forest
until you reach Copperhammer mines. Once there, head north through
Spearhead Peak until you reach the Granite Citadel. Head through Tasca's
Demise (The zone at the north exit of Granite Citadel), and make your way
NE to Mineral Springs. At this point, the phrase of the day is "Take it
Nice and slow". Take the east path in Mineral Springs and follow it until
you reach very east end of the zone. You're looking for the titan boss,
Evirso Sectus. Find him, Kill him, then return to the vision of Glint for
your reward and the next quest.
- Reward: 20,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Last Day Dawns, Defend Denravi, Defend
North Kryta Province

Quest: The Last Day Dawns
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Droknar's Forge
- Received from: Vision of Glint
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Vision of Glint after receiving the reward for
Defend Droknar's Forge to receive this quest. Map travel back to Ascalon
and head to the Frontier gate. Talk to Warmaster Riga. Get a party together
remembering that you can only have a party of four here, and head out into
the Eastern frontier. Head north and east through the wall, you'll soon
encounter a group of charr that have been eating their wheaties. Kill them
all, and continue east, where you will soon find King Adelbern, two guards
and a priest. You have to keep King Adelbern alive for this quest. He'll
engage groups of Armageddon lords (Titans). What you have to do is kill
five groups (The Armageddon Lords, the Charr lords, and the sparks of the
Titans). Once five groups are dead, you can leave King Adelbern and return
to the Vision of Glint for your reward.
- Reward: 20,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Titan Source (After all three are done)

Quest: Defend Denravi
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Droknar's Forge
- Received from: Vision of Glint
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Vision of Glint to receive this quest. From here,
Map travel back to the Henge of Denravi and get a group together. Head out
into Tangle Root and meet up with Evennia and the Shining Blade. The goal
for this quest is to withstand a brief, but intense, Titan attack. I
recommend attacking the titans in this order: "xxxx-born" titans, followed
by the Wild growths (which spawn three "xxx-born" titans), then the rotting
Titans. After a short while, a titan boss will appear. Kill him to trigger
the quest update, then kill any remaining titans that are left standing.
Once all the titans are dead, report back to the Vision of Glint for your
- Reward: 20,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Titan Source (After all three are done)

Quest: Defend North Kryta Province
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Droknar's Forge
- Received from: Vision of Glint
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Vision of Glint to receive this quest. From here,
map travel back to Lion's Arch and talk to Firstwatch Sergio. He'll tell
you to talk to someone outside in North Kryta Province, then meet up with
Captain Greywind near the Ascalon Settlement. Ignore him. Map travel over
to the Temple of Ages and get a group of eight REAL PEOPLE together. (This
strategy will only work with real players, not henchmen.) Head out of the
temple into the black curtain and make your way to the Cursed lands. Keep
on heading east until you get to Nebo Terrace and make your way to Bergen
Hot springs (to clear any DP). If you don't have DP or don't need to reset
any skills, keep on heading east until you get to the portal for North
Kryta Province. Make your way through the ascalon settlement, and once
through it, make your way back SW until you reach Captain Greywind. Talk
with him, then fight off a few small groups of Titans and Wild Growths. I
recommend fighting titans in this order: "xxxx-born titans", then growths,
then finally any remaining titans. After a little time, that area will be
safe, and you have to run back to the settlement and defend it. You'll be
fighting several small groups of titans that don't give you a lot of time
in between to recharge. After a while of fairly intense combat, your quest
will update, and you can return to talk to the Vision of Glint for your
- Reward: 20,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Titan Source (After all three are done)

Quest: The Titan Source
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Droknar's Forge
- Received from: Vision of Glint
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Vision of Glint to receive this quest. Map travel
back to Grendich Courthouse in the Ascalon area. Talk to Warmaster Labofski
once you get here. From here you can do one of two things, get a party
together here (where it's a max of four people) or Travel to Yak's Bend and
make your way through the Ascalon foothills with a party of six. Whatever
you choose to do, once you have your party, make your way out into the
Diessa Lowlands and up to the Flame Temple Corridor. Make your way through
the Flame Temple Corridor (killing the souped-up charr that get in your
way) until you reach the Dragon's Gullet. Once in the Dragon's gullet, make
your way west, until you can run north through the small tar lake. Do so,
and turn east once you're on the other side. Make your way towards the
green arrow and you'll soon see three very large titan bosses. The good
news is that these titans are easier than regular titans, as they don't
spawn any risen hulks or hands/fists of the titans once they die. The BAD
news is that they have a lot of things protecting them. I recommend making
a large sweep of the tar lake, killing off the patrollers as you go. Once
you're clear enough to take out the titan's, do so. Once all three titans
are dead, return to Droknar's Forge and talk to the Vision of Glint for
your reward.
- Reward: 50,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.48 Ice Caves of Sorrow Quests

- Quest difficulty: VERY difficult
- Objectives:
= Rescue Evennia
= Find a way into the holding area.
= Break Evennia out of her cell.
= Escape with Evennia to the awaiting ice ship.
= BONUS: Return news of Rornak Stonesledge to Hamdor Greataxe.
- Walkthrough: Note - unless you are infused, avoid the mursaat on this
mission (for what infusion is, see the next walkthrough.) Anyways, once you
enter the mission, run north, avoiding the mursaat. When you can safely do
so, run east to a little path up a hill, where there's a stone summit boss.
Kill him and continue following the path down. Follow the northern path
west for a bit until you have the choice of crossing a bridge or going
down to a frozen river. Run down onto the frozen river and start taking out
the roving groups of Stone Summit. Leave the summit engineers until last,
as they're not attacking. Once this area is clear, follow the river north
to another Ballista. Kill the Stone Summit here, then fire the ballista to
start the cutscene (and eliminate the white mantle Ballistae). Once the
cutscene is over, run back to the metal bridge and cross it, running north.
Head all the way north until you come across a locked gate to the east, and
a dwarven powder keg station to the west. (There is another gate a little
further south, but unless you're infused this is going to be tough to get
through.) Run west, pick up a powder keg, and use it to blow open the door
to the east. Run into the cave, turning south when you can. After a little
ways, you'll see some Mursaat Elementalists guarding a path off to the
right. Avoid them. Continue moving southwest until you see an exit for the
ice cave you're in and a turnoff back to the right. Turn off to the right,
but be prepared for a nasty fight if you're not infused. Kill off any Jades
and mursaat on this path, and you'll come to another locked door. Run back
to the Powder keg station and grab a keg (grab two if you another person in
your party and not henchmen.) Use one keg to blow open the door, and run up
this path, again, like so many times before, there are no turnoffs. Before
long, you'll come across a cell, with a captive Rornak Stonesledge. Use the
second keg (or go back and get one) to free him. Once he's free, talk with
him, then return to the fork that you took to come this way and this time,
take the exit. When you exit the cave, keep your eye out for another
short cave off to your left. Take it, and when you leave this one, run
southwest to Evennia's cell. There's another dwarven powder keg station a
little further down. Grab a keg, and use it to blow open the locked door
near the cell first. Trust me on this, it'll save time later. Anyways, once
the door is blown open, Get another keg, and use it to blow open the cell,
busting Evennia and Saidra out of jail. You'll also get another cutscene.
Now, for why we busted open the door, as soon as the cutscene is over, run
into the ice cave revealed behind the door, just don't exit the other side.
You'll soon see a whole mess of Mursaat Elementalists start to move. These
guys are a pain even if you are infused. Just let them patrol ahead. They
will even do you the favor of killing the stone summit in the way. Now,
once you're clear, leave the cave, and turn south. Where you'll find Hamdor
Greataxe. Talk to him to access the bonus. It turns out that Rornak
Stonesledge got himself caught again. But, if you followed this walkthrough
you already know that.Now to finish the mission. Follow this path north,
killing off the remaining white mantle, and if you're lucky, you'll see
all the Mursaat elementalists get blown up by the ballista fire. If not, at
least most of them get blown up, making your job a lot easier. Continue
along this path, killing all the stone summit, until you see the ice ship
at the end. Kill all the stone summit here and board the ice ship to finish
the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.49 Iron Mines of Molandune Quests

- Quest difficulty: Difficult
- Objectives:
= Kill Markis and his Jade Armor Guards
= Find the Seer
= ADDED: Kill the Eidolon
= ADDED: Deliver the Spectral Essence to the Seer to infuse your armor.
= BONUS: Defeat the inquisitor before he leaves with the information
about the Shining Blade.
- Walkthrough: When you enter the mission, run past the group of White
Mantle and Stone summit that are fighting each other to the frozen river
below. Once you're on the frozen river, run north, and keep on running
northwest until you can run up a small path to the west path the giants.
Keep on running west, following the wall on your right, killing the Giants
as needed, then turn north. Keep on running north, down this hill, until
you are running on a frozen lake. Run to the north end of the lake, then
take the path that leads up the mountains. Keep on following this path
until you're going to cross a bridge. The bridge has forks to the north
and to the east. Take the north fork and follow this path until you
cross another bridge, and see a cave to the north. You'll have to run
through or kill a fair amount of Azure Shadows. One you reach the seer,
you'll be rewarded with a cutscene, where the Seer tells you that it is
able to use the spectral essence of a nearby creature to infuse magical
protection into your armor which will help you against the mursaat. (In
game mechanics, infused armor reduces the degen from spectral agony to -3
and reduces damage taken per second to 9. These figures may be dependent on
your armor type as well.) From where you leave the Seer, follow the cave
east, ignoring the turnoff to the north. After a short distance, you'll see
the Eidolon. Kill it and return it's essence to the seer to get your armor
infused. From here, take the north path out of the cave, and follow this
path around, going through a cave, until you see Markis in a little fort-
like area to the north. Keep on running east until the path turns south
and keep on following it. After a little ways, you'll come across a bridge.
Cross it, and keep on heading south until the path turns back west. Follow
this until you see Blade Scout Ryder. Talk to him to activate the bonus.
He'll tell you that he's been interrogated by a mursaat known as the
Inquisitor, and that you have to kill him before he leaves the map. Now, if
you were good and cleared the path down already, this won't be too hard.
The Inquisitor will spawn a short distance away and run up the path you
just came down. Kill him and his guards to receive the reward for the
bonus. Now, run back to where you saw Markis at the north end of the map.
Kill off the White Mantle and Mursaat guarding both sides of the entrance,
then go in slowly. Two Jade Armors will pop out of the statues on either
side of Markis. Kill them, then kill Markis. Once Markis is dead, kill the
two Jade armors that spawn on his death to finish the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.50 Thunderhead Keep Quests

- Quest difficulty: VERY difficult
- Objectives:
= Retake Thunderhead Keep.
= Clear the city
= Clear the fort.
= Kill Dagnar Stonepate
= BONUS: Light both of the torches in the fort to protect the dwarves
outside (Not entirely sure about the wording here).
- Walkthrough: When you start the mission, have someone talk to King Jalis
Ironhammer. I suggest that a monk be the one to do this, since generally
the king will stay near whoever talked to him. Once the gates open, run out
and head for that bridge ahead to the northeast. Rush across the bridge,
up the hill, and down the other side to the entrance to the city. To start
clearing out the city, kill the group right by the entrance, then hit the
group just west of the entrance. Run west along this path, following it
around as it turns back east. Kill the stone summit in this area, one group
at a time. Kill the patrolling group before going southeast to clear that
area. Once this area is clear, kill off the final group in front of the
battlements (It's the area with the two giant torches.) Once this last
group is dead, I strongly suggest using spells to take out the two groups
at the top of the fortress before using the king to open the gate. Once
you're ready to continue, lead the king to the door, and he'll open it.
Continue along this path (There are no turnoffs). Pick whatever path you
want for clearing the fort, but I recommend running across the east wall,
then clearing the north part. Once the north area of the fortress is clear,
run down the west wall, and use the ballistae to kill the group off to the
west. Then come back and take out Dagnar Stonepate and the stone summit
guarding the center. After they're all dead, you'll see a short cutscene,
and the siege will begin. Here's where the fun begins. There are a few
strategies that work for defending the fortress here, and which one you
use depends on who you have in your team. The strategy that I'm going to
outline here is "Defend the King". Basically, you have one person on each
side of the fort (east and west), firing the Ballistae, and when they're
attacked, they run back to the king, where the remaining six party members
are waiting. The benefit of this strategy is that it's very simple to
implement. You'll start with a wave of Stone summit and frost giants, which
will be followed by waves of White mantle and Mursaat. You'll see 2-3
bosses throughout the siege. When the King mentions that the left hand of
Grenth is coming for you, it's a sign that the siege is almost over and
that you're on the final set of waves. Keep on defending the fortress, and
eventually you'll see Confessor Dorian. Once it's safe to do so, kill him.
Once he's dead, return to King Jalis and talk to him to complete the
mission. NOTE - For the bonus, you have to light both of the torches on
either side of the fortress within a certain time frame, however, this
causes you to have to fight extra mursaat during the waves, which makes
the mission harder.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.51 Ember Light Camp Quests

Quest: Final Blow
- Quest difficulty:
- Received in: Ember Light camp
- Received from: Shadow
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Shadow in Ember Light Camp to receive this quest. HEad
out into Perdition Rock and travel roughly northeast. Be careful about the
hydra, as they are a meaner nastier version of what you've seen so far.
When you reach the Ether tower, I suggest running past it, staying as close
to the tower itself. Keep on following this path until it hits the "beach"
then turn east until you see the three Inner Council Members - Argyle,
Bolivar, and Cuthbert. Kill them all. Talk to Captain Grumby, and he'll
agree to take you to the Ring of Fire Island chain. Once there, talk to
Fogard Axemighty to receive your reward.
- Reward: 500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.52 Ring of Fire Quests

- Quest difficulty: VERY difficult
- Objectives:
= Establish a foothold on the Ring of Fire Island Chain.
= Gain access to the Citadel Guardhouse.
= Open the main gate to the Citadel Guardhouse.
= Clear the Guardhouse of Mursaat.
= BONUS: Defeat the Eidolon
- Walkthrough: When you enter the mission, wait until Brechnar Ironhammer
lures the mursaat away from the start point, then run northeast to a little
area. Wait here and slowly pick off the Mursaat and Jade armors until the
area is clear. Once it's safe to move on, take the path to the north, kill
the Ether Seal and Jade Bows on the path, and keep on moving north. Right
after the Ether seal, there is a fork. Take the left fork and keep on going
north until you have the choice of turning west and going up the hill, or
heading north and following the path back around. Take the path to the
north, and follow it around until you come to the ancient seer. Talk to him
to activate the bonus. Turns out that another eidolon is in this area. Go
back to the fork, and this time, take the path that runs east up the hill.
Head to the top, and QUICKLY cross the lava field. Here you have an option
to either fight this group and continue, or to just run past to the
cutscene. Whichever you do, once the cutscene is over, run northwest down
the hill. Here's another choice - Head east, and bust down the gate, or run
north into the hills there and take the back way. This walkthrough is going
to be written as if you are following the mission as intended and taking
the back way. Run to the north, killing the Flame spitters along the way.
Follow this path until it turns west, and keep on following it, as there
are no real turnoffs for a while. Now, once you emerge from a cave with a
lava pool, you'll see a group of Lava imps. Turn west here, but be careful
about the imps. What you want to do is run west, hopping from safe spot to
safe spot when going through the lava fields, and always fighting from the
safe spots if possible. Keep on following the path back around until you
come to a mursaat boss, a gate, and a pair of ether seals. Now, kill all
the bad guys in this area, and then head east, throught the gate, into the
back end of the mursaat stronghold. Slowly make your way, killing the
mursaat and jades in this area. Now, once the area is secure, move onto the
area that was enclosed by a ether seal and a gate. Press the lever there to
open the main gate to the south. Now, if you've destroyed enough of the
ether seals in the area, the Eidolon will appear. Kill him, then run the
essence back to the Seer to receive the bonus, and an infusion if any part
of your armor is not infused. Whenever you're ready, run across the bridge
to the south, and go through the now open gate. Kill all the mursaat here
in the guardhouse to complete the mission. (NOTE - if you bust down the
gate instead of taking the back way, you'll come out near the bridge. it's
shorter, but not as forgiving of mistakes.)
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.53 Abbadon's Mouth Quests

- Quest difficulty: VERY difficult
- Objectives:
= Open the Door of Komalie.
= Disable the seals to power down the Onyx Gate.
= Climb the path into Abbadon's Mouth.
= Break the magical seals holding closed the Door of Komalie.
= BONUS: Escort the spirit of Leah Stone to its final resting place.
- Walkthrough: From where you enter the mission, run southwest to
the wall of the mursaat fortress. Have the spellcasters clear the
patrollers on the walls before you take on the ether seal holding the
door closes. Once you're in the fort, work your way southwest to an area
guarded by a pair of ether seals with two mursaat bosses. Kill the bosses
and destroy the seals to open the way forward. Run through the now open
doorway and move forward until you see another ether seal and a gate to the
south, and a path leading north. Now, if you're going to do the bonus for
this mission, head north, and cross the lava and start working your way
southwest. Incidentally, there are a few bosses that spawn out here that
are worth killing for elite skill captures. Anywho, clear a path southwest
until you see a green area amidst the lava, and a tree growing on the top
of a hill. Now run back to the Fortress and kill your way to the docks.
Now, isn't it strange that there is an ether seal all the way out here?
Kill the seal to reveal the ghost of Leah Stone, and then talk to her to
activate the bonus. Now, the reason you killed a path to the tree is
because that's where she needs to go, and she moves really slow. Basically,
just follow her until she gets to where she needs to go, collect the
reward for the bonus, then go back to the ether seal that leads back into
the mursaat fortress. (Where you would have turned south instead of north).
Go back and kill the ether seal. In front of you will be another two
mursaat bosses. Kill them, all the mursaat around them, and take out the
ether seal to the southeast. From here, you'll be in a fairly open area.
Kill off the jade bows on either side first, then take out the ether seal.
Cross the bridge that looks like it's made of souls and take out the two
mursaat bosses guarding the ether seal. Take out the ether seal and run
down the path it was guarding. You are not at the Door of Komalie. What you
should be seeing is a bloodstone guarded by six ether seals. The actual
strategy you use here can vary, but here's one that works: Kill one seal at
a time, then kill off all the Seal guards that spawn. While you are doing
this, Mursaat guardians will spawn. Kill off all of them BEFORE taking out
another seal. Repeat this process until all six seals are destroyed. Once
the last seal is destroyed, instead of fighting seal guards, you'll be
rewarded with a cutscene. The Vizier reveals himself as the Lich, and
summons a titan to deal with you. Kill the Titan to finish the mission.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.54 Hell's Precipice Quests

- Quest difficulty: VERY difficult
- Objectives:
= Stop the Lich from destroying the world.
= Disable the Titan Portals.
= Destroy the Lich.
= ADDED: Defeat Undead Rurik.
= BONUS: Destroy the Three Armageddon lords.
- Walkthrough: Note - it is HIGHLY recommended that on this mission you have
either a ranger, or a character with a ranger secondary. Have them carry
the wilderness survival spirit of Winter. Most of the monsters on this
mission are susceptible to cold damage, and winter makes all elemental
damage cold damage. I'm not going to tell you when and where to cast
winter, just recast it whenever it's ready. From where you start, run south
and keep on following this path south, even when it turns off. When the
path turns east, follow it until you can turn back south again. You will
soon reach a point where you have to turn left (Southeast) or right (west).
Turn left and make your way to the seer. Talk to him to activate the bonus,
and then return and take the west path. Follow this around to the portal
area, which has a lava pool on the east side. What you do here is pick off
the titans that spawn from the lava pool a few at a time. DO NOT attempt to
take on the entire group by yourself. Keep on picking off the titans until
they stop spawning from the lava pool. This will take a few minutes. The
Armageddon lords are also right here. Once the titans stop spawning from
the pool, pull the armageddon lords one at a time and kill them. Once all
three Armageddon lords are dead, you'll receive the reward for the bonus.
Now clear out the areas around the portals. Pull small groups, kill them,
and then pull another group. Repeat this process until every think in this
area is dead. The portals will drop when the portal wraiths are killed.
Once all three portals are down, you'll get a cutscene, and the Lich will
taunt you for a bit, and leave you with some titans and an...old friend to
play with. Kill Undead Rurik and the titans around him to receive another
cutscene. Run along this path, and you'll start to see some familiar
territory. You're back at the Door of Komalie that you opened last mission.
Well, follow what Prince Rurik says and kill the lich. Now, this is very
important, you have to kill the lich while he is standing on the
bloodstone. If you don't, he'll simply resurrect at full health. Now, the
Lich has only two real "attacks" of any relevance. One - he'll teleport
himself into the lava, and two, he'll teleport others into the lava. Now,
Once he dies on the bloodstone, the Door of Komalie will be closed and the
mission will be over. Note - you may have to kill the lich 2-3 times
because some times he resurrects even if you kill him on the bloodstone.
- Reward: 1,000 XP and one Skill Point, plus 1,000 XP if bonus complete
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.55 The Underworld Quests
Note - The quests I have come across so far in the Underworld and Fissure of
Woe are more like missions, in that if your party dies, you will not resurrect
inside the area you are in, but rather back inside the Temple of the Ages.
Also, please note that both the Underworld and the Fissure of Woe are
considered extremely high-level maps.

Both the Fissure have an entry fee of one Platinum piece (or 1,000 gold) that
is paid by the leader of the party. Most groups simply split the cost and have
each member pay their portion of the fee to the person who's "leading" the
party. To enter the Underworld, have the party leader kneel (by using the
emote /kneel) in front of the statue of Grenth and then having him talk to the
voice of Grenth. You will then be teleported into the Underworld.

Also, please remember that these areas are sort of "Bonus" areas. You can only
enter the Underworld or the Fissure of Woe if your country has the favor of
the gods. You'll be able to tell when you enter the Temple of Ages if your
country has favor or not in one of two ways - you will receive a message when
you enter about which country has favor (America, Europe, or Korea), and the
statues of the gods will appear different as to whether or not your country
has the favor (Balthazar's statue will burn when your country has favor for
example). Also, since an update, it is now impossible to enter EITHER the
Underworld or the Fissure of Woe unless you have beaten the three desert
missions and ascended by fighting your mirror.

Quest: Clear The Chamber
- Quest difficulty: Moderately hard
- Received in: Underworld
- Received from: Lost Soul
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough:
- Reward: 5,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Restore the Monuments of Grenth, Others

Quest: Restore the Monuments of Grenth
- Quest difficulty: Moderately hard
- Received in: Underworld
- Received from:
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough:
- Reward:
- Additional quests unlocked: Wrathful Spirits, Others

Quest: Wrathful Spirits
- Quest difficulty: Moderately hard
- Received in:
- Received from: Reaper of the Forgotten Vale
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough:
- Reward: 10,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

8.56 The Fissure of Woe Quests
Note - The quests I have come across so far in the Underworld and Fissure of
Woe are more like missions, in that if your party dies, you will not resurrect
inside the area you are in, but rather back inside the Temple of the Ages.
Also, please note that both the Underworld and the Fissure of Woe are
considered extremely high-level maps.

Both the Fissure have an entry fee of one Platinum piece (or 1,000 gold) that
is paid by the leader of the party. Most groups simply split the cost and have
each member pay their portion of the fee to the person who's "leading" the
party. To enter the Fissure of Woe, have the party leader kneel (by using the
Emote /kneel) in front of the statue of Balthazar, and having him talk to the
Avatar of Balthazar (Unsure of exact name). Your party will then be teleported
to the Fissure of Woe.

Also, please remember that these areas are sort of "Bonus" areas. You can only
enter the Underworld or the Fissure of Woe if your country has the favor of
the gods. You'll be able to tell when you enter the Temple of Ages if your
country has favor or not in one of two ways - you will receive a message when
you enter about which country has favor (America, Europe, or Korea), and the
statues of the gods will appear different as to whether or not your country
has the favor (Balthazar's statue will burn when your country has favor for
example). Also, since an update, it is now impossible to enter EITHER the
Underworld or the Fissure of Woe unless you have beaten the three desert
missions and ascended by fighting your mirror.

Quest: The Tower of Courage
- Quest difficulty: VERY Difficult
- Received in: Fissure of Woe
- Received from: Rastigan the Eternal
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Enter the fissure of Woe and talk to Rastigan the Eternal to
receive this quest. Clear all the enemies around the little circular
ampitheater nearby, then lead Rastigan there. (easier said than done). Once
he's there, kill the two Abyssal's and the lord there. Talk to Rastigan
again to receive your reward.
- Reward: 5,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Wailing Lord

Quest: The Wailing Lord
- Quest difficulty: VERY Difficult
- Received in: Fissure of Woe
- Received from: Rastigan the Eternal
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough:
- Reward: 10,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: A Gift of Griffons.

Quest: A Gift of Griffons
- Quest difficulty: VERY Difficult
- Received in: Fissure of Woe
- Received from: The Wailing Lord
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough:
- Reward: 10,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked:

8.57 Grenth's Footprint Quests

Quest: To Sorrow's Furnace
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Grenth's Footprint
- Received from: Dwarven Prospector
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: This quest is different from any quests that you have under-
taken before. First off, it is split into four parts. For each part of the
quest, you have to find one of the four npc's in Grenth's Footprint:
Kilroy Stonekin, Galen Trask, High Priest Alkar, and Orozar Highstone. Once
you find one, talk to them and lead them to the entrance to Sorrow's
Furnace. Once there, wait for everyone to load, then talk to them again to
receive their quest (Check below in the Sorrow's Furnace section for the
appropriate walkthrough). Finish the quest that they give you. Repeat this
process until all four quests have been completed. Once all four have
been completed, talk to the Prospector again for your reward.
- Reward: 10,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Noble Intentions, Kilroy Stonekin, Summit
Slaves, Unspeakable Unknowable, The Final Assault

Quest: The Final Assault
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Grenth's Footprint
- Received from: Dwarven Prospector
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to the Dwarven Prospector after completing To Sorrow's
Furnace. Locate and talk to Ennis Graniteheart. Escort him to Sorrow's
Furnace, and once there, complete the quest: A Forge Heart. After that
quest is complete, return to the prospector for your reward.
- Reward: 10,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: The Forge Heart

8.58 Sorrow's Furnace Quests
Note: Sorrow's Furnace is slightly different from other explorable zones that
you may be used to. If you come here while not on a quest, you can treat this
zone just like any other, meaning that if your party dies, you'll res at a
resurrection point with a death penalty like every other time.

HOWEVER, if you are working on one of the "To Sorrow's Furnace" quests, you
have to be careful to keep the NPC alive. If they die, your entire party will
be killed and transported back to Deldrimor War Camp, as if you were inside of
a mission.

Quest: Noble Intentions
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Orozar Highstone
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Meet up with Orozar Highstone in Sorrow's Furnace after
talking with him in Grenth's Footprint. He'll lead you a short distance
into Sorrow's Furnace. He'll mention something about the stone summit
staying bribed...well, they won't stay bribed for long. After a little ways
you'll have to fight some stone summit, then Orozar will lead you to
a res point, where there will be a short conversation. You will then have
to fight several small groups of Stone Summit. Always target the priest of
sorrows in a group first, as they will resurrect dead summit. Once you
have cleared all the stone summit, talk to Orozar for your reward and the
next quest.
- Reward: 4,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Noble Intentions Plan B

Quest: Noble Intentions Plan B
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Orozar Highstone
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Meet up with Orozar Highstone in Sorrow's Furnace after
completing the quest "Noble Intentions". Follow him until he leads you to
Ural Highstone. They will have a short conversation, then a cinematic will
play where Ural will be bound. After the cinematic, follow Orozar until he
leads you back to the entrance to Sorrow's Furnace. This will take quite a
while, and you will be attacked by several groups of Stone Summit along the
way. Once back at the entrance, he'll tell you to drop Ural on the ground
and he will free him later. Talk to him again to receive your reward.
- Reward: 4,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Unspeakable, Unknowable
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Orozar Highstone
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Meet up with Orozar Highstone in Sorrow's Furnace after
talking with him in Grenth's Footprint. Follow him through the furnace a
short ways.
- Reward: 8,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Kilroy Stonekin
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Kilroy Stonekin
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Meet up with Kilroy Stonekin in Sorrow's Furnace after
talking with him in Grenth's Footprint. He'll tell you that he wants to
kill someone called Irontoe. (Can't remember the first name). After a
short cinematic, you'll have to fight a small group of Stone Summit. This
quest/mission is really straightfoward. Basically, you follow Kilroy
Stonekin and kelp him kill all the stone summit that crosses his path until
you reach the boss at the end, and help him kill him too. Talk to Kilroy
Stonekin again when he stops to receive your reward. Note: Kilroy often
casts buffs on your party which, among other things, cause a significant
increase in movement speed. You'll want a monk to stay on Kilroy at all
times, because he won't heal himself (I suggest using healing seed or Mark
or Protection elite to keep his health up). Also, when he runs, follow him!
It is very easy for him to get out of range of the party and die before
you can help him. Keep close to him and this quest is actually fairly easy.
- Reward: 3,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Summit Slaves
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Galen Trask
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Meet up with Galen Trask in Sorrow's Furnace after
talking with him in Grenth's Footprint. He'll "sell" you to a stone
summit slaver. All this really means is that you can't attack the Stone
Summit and they won't attack you (at least not until MUCH later). Galen
will tell you to scout out five areas in Sorrow's Furnace: The Stone
Basilica, Darkhaven, Sorrow's Belly, the Gap, and the Iron Arch. The quests
that you receive from Krak Flamewhip a little further down in the Furnace
will take you to each of these areas. Once all five have been scouted,
return to Galen Trask for your reward. (NOTE - While you are working on
this quest, you basically have the run of most of Sorrow's Furnace. Use
this time to explore Sorrow's Furnace to your heart's content and learn how
to navigate it, as a map doesn't appear in this zone. (very similar to the
Underworld and Fissure of Woe in that regard))
- Reward: 2,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: Cold One, Fire in the Hole, Gathering Resources
Unruly Slaves, Wrenches in the Gears

Quest: Cold One
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Galen Trask
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Krak Flamewhip to receive this quest. He will hand you
a "Warm one". Down one of the paths nearby will be a group of Frost Golems.
These guys will be the friendly green that you're used to seeing by now.
Lead them to a nearby pair of smashers, just keep someone with a res spell
or rebirth, which works better for this. Lead the frost golems under the
smashers. They will drop a piece of ice for each member of your party. Pick
up all the ice that drops. In your inventory, double click each piece of
ice and apply it to the Warm one. It takes five pieces of ice to turn the
warm one into a cold one. Once you have the cold one, return it to Krak
Flamewhip for your reward.
- Reward: 1,500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Fire in the Hole
- Quest difficulty: Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Galen Trask
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Krak Flamewhip to receive this quest. While on the
"gathering" resources quest, you'll start seeing Burnt Corpses. That's
your cue that your on the right path. You'll also start seeing a VERY
large hole. Sooner or later, a Flame Djinn will come out of the hole. Kill
it. I recommend not using enchantments. Once the Flame Djinn is dead,
report back to Krak Flamewhip for your reward.
- Reward: 1,500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Gathering Resources
- Quest difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Krak Flamewhip
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Krak Flamewhip to receive this quest. Locate and talk
to Tharn Stonerift. He will tell you to find 10 Ore Ingots. As you travel
around Sorrow's Furnace, keep your eyes open for ORE BOXES. These will have
ore ingots that everyone in your party will be able to pick up. Once you
have ten, return to Tharn Stonerift. He'll tell you to talk to Krak
Flamewhip. Return and talk to Krak Flamewhip for your reward.
- Reward: 1,500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Unruly Slaves
- Quest difficulty: Very Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Galen Trask
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Krak Flamewhip to receive this quest. He'll tell you
to find and kill Molachev, a Dredge boss. I wish I could give you any
real directions for this, but just keep your eyes open, and sooner or later
you'll come across a group of Dredge's that appear as enemies. Odds are,
Molachev will be among them. Kill him, then report back to Krak Flamewhip
for your reward.
- Reward: 1,500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Wrenches in the Gears
- Quest difficulty: Moderate
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Galen Trask
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Krak Flamewhip to receive this quest. Head down a
short ways from where you are now and kill all the Rebel Spirit Keepers. In
fact, it's probably better just to kill everything that's an enemy down
in that area. Once of them will drop a TOOTHED COG. Pick it up and try it
in the gearboxes there. Sooner or later, one of them will take it. Once
the objectives have been met, return to Krak Flamewhip for your reward.
- Reward: 1,500 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Political Ramifications
- Quest difficulty: Fairly Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Tharn Stonerift
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Note - you cannot be working on a quest from the "To Sorrows
Furnace" or "The Final Assault" set, or you will not be able to take this
quest. A walkthrough for this quest is kind of pointless, so here's
all you have to do - Find and kill five stone summit bosses. Once five
bosses have been killed, return to Tharn for your reward. Contrary to
some popular belief, taking this quest does not reduce the number of
bosses that spawn inside of sorrows furnace. This makes this quest an
easy one to do, especially if you're doing a "quest-less" Sorrows farming
- Reward: 6,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Subversive Ideas
- Quest difficulty: Fairly Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Molachev
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Note - you cannot be working on a quest from the "To Sorrows
Furnace" or "The Final Assault" set, or you will not be able to take this
quest. Talk to Molachev deep in Sorrow's Furnace to receive this quest. He
will hand you five scrolls of rebellious rhetoric. Your job is to hand them
out to friendly dredge slaves. It doesn't matter where they are, as long as
you pass them out. Once you've handed out the five scrolls of rebellious
rhetoric, return to Molachev for your reward.
- Reward: 6,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: Tasca's Reprise
- Quest difficulty: Fairly Hard
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Marshall Whitman
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Note - you cannot be working on a quest from the "To Sorrows
Furnace" or "The Final Assault" set, or you will not be able to take this
quest. What you have to find is Tasca's Axe, Compass, Map, Boots, and Pack.
These are at no specific location, but what will happen is you will fight
certain groups of stone summit. Once every member of the group is dead, a
chest will appear, which will drop one of Tasca's items for each member of
the party. Once you have all five of Tasca's items, return to Marshall
Whitman for your reward.
- Reward: 6,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

Quest: The Forge Heart
- Quest difficulty: Extremely difficult
- Received in: Sorrow's Furnace
- Received from: Ennis Granitestrider
- Classes restrictions: None
- Walkthrough: Talk to Ennis Graniteheart inside Sorrow's Furnace to receive
this quest. You'll now have an NPC following you that will give you dwarf
powder kegs when you need them. Lead your group down into the furnace, in
the direction of the arrow, this will take you fairly deep. Use kegs when
needed to blow open doors. After a ways, you'll see your destination, it's
a GIANT mechanical golem. I'm going to assume that your going to clear out
the patrolling enemies first. First, clear the stone summit near the golem
, then go after the furnace guardians. Watch out for the golems attacks, he
only has two, but they do hurt. First - he'll drop lava on you, and second
- he'll drop a giant metal ball on your party, causing knockdown and dmg.
Anywho, once all the various baddies are dead, EXCEPT for the rage binders,
attack and kill one of the rage binders. Here's where it gets tricky, after
the first one is dead, you'll need to split your party and take out the
other two within 30 seconds or so, because they resurrect. Once all three
Rage Binders are gone, a cinematic will play, and you'll have to fight
three flame djinn. STAY AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE for this fight. The djinn has
a very high dmg attack, but it's divided by the number of people near it.
Anyways, fight one, kill it, then lure another, and repeat process until
all three are dead. Once all three are dead, talk to Ennis Graniteheart for
your reward.
- Reward: 8,000 XP
- Additional quests unlocked: None

9. FAQ's

This section is updated as people send me questions about the game. I will NOT
answer any questions that are already answered in the quest FAQ.

Q - Please help, I have purchased the above game from Game and installed the
software but when I go to play I am given 2 options - 1. is enter some code
numbers which I do not have (I have looked on the disc and manuals but cannot
see anything. 2. Open an account but I am worried about doing this as I
thought there was no fee to pay.

A - There is no fee to play this game. When you purchase the game at a store,
check inside the jewel case. On the inside front cover will be the key code
that you will need to enter to complete your account registration. The opening
of a new account will allow someone on the same computer to have another
account, but I believe it charges you the one time fee for registering an
account. That fee is already paid if you purchased the game at a store.

Q - How are the number of players allowed in a group determined?

A - The amount of players in a group is determined by where you are when youc
form a group. Pre-Searing Ascalon allows a maximum of two players in a group,
Post-Searing Ascalon allows four people in a group. Once you have access to
Yak's Bend, you can have six players, and once you get past King's Tomb, You
should have a maximum party size of eight, though I have not confirmed this.
Please remember that the party size is based on where you FORM the party, not
where you have access to. For example, A party formed in Piken Square to
complete Althea's Ashes will have a maximum of four players, while a party
formed in Yak's Bend, which can complete the same quest, will have a maximum
of six players.

Q - How do I start a guild? What do I need for a cape? How do I get a guild
hall? (etc.)

A - These are asked so often in the game, I felt the need to answer them here.
You can start a guild of your own by talking to the guild Registrar in major
cities. Currently, I know of Guild Registrars in Pre & Post Searing Ascalon,
and in Lion's Arch. There are no Guild Registrars in other cities. Talk to the
Guild registrar and pay them 100 gold. You then have to determine your guild
Name, and the guild initials (which is what everyone will see when their
cursor passes over members of your guild.) Congratulations, you have founded
your own guild. You are now the guild leader and can invite/dismiss members
and or promote them to Officer. You also get access to the guild chat tab,
which allows you to have guild-only chats no matter where your members
actually are.

To get a guild cape, you need to talk to the Guild Emblemer, who is usually
found in the same general area as the registrar. I believe that only the guild
leader is allowed to create a cape. Creating the cape costs 2,000 gold, but
once the cape is paid for and created, everyone who is in your guild will have
one, as well as anyone that joins later. Capes are the easiest way for members
to recognize each other in PvP or in the PvE game world.

To get a guild hall, you need a Celestial Sigil. Sigils are only found in the
Hall of Heroes. Once you have a sigil, head to Lion's Arch and talk to the
captain at the docks. He will take you on a tour of the different islands.
After you pick out the island that is best for you, talk to the ambassador
there to petition for the island.

Q - Will this guide cover Guild Wars: Factions?

A - No. This guide will not cover content that is exclusive to Guild Wars:
Factions. I will be writing a separate guide for GWF. The only content that
regarding factions that will be in this guide are quests that are earned
and/or completed on the continent of Tyria, or what is now called Guild
Wars: Prophecies. Any quests that would cross over will be mentioned in both
guides for completeness. (However, at the time of this update, GWF has not
been released, so this is unconfirmed.)

10. Credits

Contributions to this FAQ are thanks to: Talmor, LaryKered, Marc, Shane Von
Every, Aelia Drakon (Tom McD), Tom vd Bogeart, Andrew Harrower,

Special thanks to the Once Lost [OL] guild for helping with the mission
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Beginners Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Ranger Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Title Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

08.Oktober 2013
Collectors Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Quest Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Terminology Guide
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Monk FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Mesmer Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Skill Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Elite Skills Location Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Bonus Walkthrough
Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Elementalist FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Warrior FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Mesmer FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
24.Juli 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020